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Centre de développement du porc du Québec 魁北克猪改良中心 Ontario Swine (CDPQ)
Improvement Inc. 渥太华猪改良公司 Canadian Centre for (OSI) Swine Improvement 加拿大猪改良中心 (CCSI)

Crossbreeding systems use heterosis and complementarity between sire and dam lines

Indices – SLI & DLI 父系及母系的指数
用来构成市场公猪的品种(例如:杜洛克) 体,饲料效率等

Dam Line : breed used in the makeup of the commercial sows which are the dams of market hogs (ex: Landrace, Yorkshire) – selected sow productivity, growth, feed efficiency, etc.

– – – – – – – Backfat thickness at market wt.上市体重的背膘 Loin eye area 眼肌面积 Lean yield 瘦肉量 Age to market 上市日龄 Feed conversion 料肉比 Loin Muscle depth眼肌深度 Litter size 窝产仔数 0.52 0.47 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.11
HERDS畜群 AI CENTRES Yorkshire大白 Landrarce 长白猪 Duroc 杜洛克猪 Lacombe拉康母 Pietrain Tai Zumu Hampshire
Western Swine Testing Association 西部猪测试协会 (WSTA)
National database 国家数据库
30 years of historical data 三十年的数据 Detailed performance records on 4 million purebred pigs 有四百万头猪的详细 记录 Web-based tools for different purposes, e.g. data transfer, EBV report, selection decision, mating planning etc. 有基于网络的为不同目的服务的工具, 如数据 传输, EBV报告, 选择决策, 配种计划等
The Canadian Swine Improvement Program
Genetic evaluations 遗传评估
Four step to generate EBVs 产生预计育种值的几个步骤 1. Data Collection 数据采集 2. Data Entry 数据输入 3. Data adjustment 数据调整 4. Computer Program Execution 运行计算机程序
LEA 16%
Dam Line Index 母系指数 Age 到达100kg的天数 LEA 眼肌面积 FCR 饲料转化率 LD 眼肌深度 Total Born 窝产子数
Heritability (h2) 遗传
Heritability = proportion of the variation of a trait due to genetics Examples
Growth (Days to market)
Genetic Trends for Age at 100kg
190 185 180 175
About -30 days in the last 30 years
170 165 160 155 150 145

Services to Canada and international clients 为加拿大和海外客户服务
Genetic evaluations 遗传改良 Database and Internet 数据库和网络工具 Research and development 研究和发展 Training 训练课程 Consulting 咨询顾问
The Canadian Swine Improvement Program 加拿大猪育种改良计划
Li Li 李黎 Programmer - Analyst
Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI) 加拿大猪育种改良中心软件分析师
CCSI History 加拿大猪改良中心的历史
Age to market 上市日龄 Backfat thickness at market wt.上市体重的背膘厚 Lean yield 瘦肉量 Loin eye area 眼肌面积 Loin Muscle depth 眼肌深度 Feed conversion 料肉比 Litter size 窝产仔数

Created in 1994 by the Canadian pork industry to provide leadership, coordination and services for swine genetic improvement 1994年由加拿大养猪业创立,以便为猪遗传改良提供指导,合作等服务。 Its member organizations are the regional swine improvement centres in Western Canada, Ontario, Qué bec and Atlantic Canada, the Canadian Pork Council, the Canadian Meat Council, and the Canadian Swine Breeders Association. 它的成员组织主要是一些区域性的猪改良中心,包括西部加拿大,安大略, 魁北克,大西洋区,加拿大猪肉协会,加拿大肉类协会及加拿大种猪协会

Member Organizations 成员组织
加拿大 种猪协会
Atlantic Swine Centre 大西洋区猪中心
加拿大猪改良中心 Canadian Meat Council
The Canadian Swine Improvement Program 加拿大猪改良计划
BLUP Genetic Evaluation BLUP 遗传评估 BLUP = Best Linear Unbiased Prediction 最佳线性无偏预测
• Statistical method used for genetic evaluation of all identified animals. 用于对所有个
• Optimal use of all pedigree and all available performance measurements. 优化应用所有系
• Result= Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and Indices
Yorkshire Landrace 长白猪
F1 sows
Duroc boars
杜洛克 公猪
Market Hogs 商品猪
Objectives of genetic evaluation 遗传评估的目的

Identify the best animals for breeding, by using all information available (data and pedigree) 通过所有可获得的信息去鉴定最优良的 牲畜用于育种(资料和系谱)
(Duroc, Lacombe, Pietrain)
DLI=Dam Line Index, combines EBVs for:母系指数
Days to 100 kg 到达100kg的天数 Loin eye area 眼肌面积 Feed conversion 饲料转化率
Loin Muscle depth 眼肌深度 Total Born 总的出生头数 Used to select dam lines (Landrace, Yorkshire)
SLI=Sire Line Index, combines EBVs for: 父系指数
Days to 100 kg 到达100kg的天数 Loin eye area 眼肌面积 Feed conversion 饲料转化率 Loin Muscle depth 眼肌深度
Used to select sire lines
Atlantic Swine Centre (ASC)大西洋猪 中心
Genetic Improvement遗传改良
Structure of the industry 养猪业的结构
Gene flow 基因传递
核心群 繁育群 生产群
Information flow 信息流程
Common Crossbreeding Systems with three breeds常用的三品种杂交
结果 = 预计育种值系数
EBVs and Indices used in the Canadian Swine Improvement Program 预计育种值及用于加拿大猪改良 计划上的指数
Genetic Evaluations 遗传评估

Hale Waihona Puke Routine evaluations:
– – – – – – –
Genetic evaluation program 遗传评估方案

Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) for genetic evaluation(the national genetic evaluation program for swine) 用最佳线性无偏预测(BLUP)进行遗传评估 Data from about Entire country herds in across-herd evaluations 有来自全国的纯种猪场的杂交群的评估数据 Database, UNIX Computer System 数据库,UNIX 计算机系统 Internet support 互联网支持
Sire and dam lines

F1 sows
Duroc boars
Market Hogs 商品猪
Sire Line:breed used in the makeup of the sires of market hogs (ex: Duroc) – selected on traits such as growth, carcass, feed efficiency, etc.

Data recording, EBVs and continued improvement 数据记录,预计育种值及持续的改良
♀♂ Breeding
Data Recording 数据记录
Selection Genetic of best pigs Evaluation on EBVs 遗传力评估 通过育种值选择最好的猪只
Relative weights of traits in indices
LD 2% FCR 27% Total Born 42%
LD 4%
LEA 27%
FCR 46%
Age 23%
Age 13%
Sire Line Index父系指数 Age 到达100kg的天数 LEA 眼肌面积 FCR 饲料转化率 LD 眼肌深度