

Alcatel 7750 设备配置指南

Alcatel 7750 设备配置指南

Alcatel 7750 SR 设备配置指南1.设备配置命令说明 (2)3.1 S YSTEM基本配置 (2)3.2 L OG配置 (3)3.3 P ORT配置 (3)3.4 ISIS协议配置 (5)3.5 M PLS、LDP协议配置 (6)3.6 S ECURITY 配置 (7)3.7 VPN-BGP配置 (9)3.8 P OLICY配置 (10)3.9 S ERVICE配置 (11)3.10 IES业务配置 (11)3.11 VPLS 业务配置 (13)3.12 VPRN业务配置 (15)2.故障排除方法说明 (17)2.1 光路正常但PORT端口DOWN (17)2.2 PING 不通对端地址 (17)2.3 ISIS邻接关系无法建立 (18)2.4 BGP邻居无法正常建立 (18)2.5 BGP表中有路由,但路由没有被放进VPN路由表中 (18)2.6 VPN中用户CE设备无法访问远端 (18)3.业务运行状态检查命令 (19)3.1 查看S ERVICE业务运行状态 (19)3.2 检查路由器接口运行状态 (19)3.3 查看设备P ORT端口运行状态 (20)3.4 查看设备MAC地址表信息 (21)4.删除SERVICE配置步骤 (22)1.设备配置命令说明3.1 System基本配置1.chassis-mode 要配置为C,以支持新的feature。

2.telnet 的session限制为设置为最大数7。

3.时区自定义为BEIJ 08。

配置示例:systemname "YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01"chassis-mode csnmppacket-size 9216exitlogin-controltelnetinbound-max-sessions 7outbound-max-sessions 7exitno login-bannerexittimesntpshutdownexitzone BEIJ 08exitthresholdsrmonexitexitexit检查命令:show chassis 查看chassis mode是否为C。

7750 SR-Series 路由器基本系统配置指南说明书

7750 SR-Series 路由器基本系统配置指南说明书

PrefaceAbout This GuideThis guide describes system concepts and provides configuration explanations and examplesto configure SR-OS boot option file (BOF), file system and system management functions.This document is organized into functional chapters and provides concepts and descriptions ofthe implementation flow, as well as Command Line Interface (CLI) syntax and commandusage.AudienceThis manual is intended for network administrators who are responsible for configuring the7750 SR-Seriesrouters. It is assumed that the network administrators have an understanding ofnetworking principles and configurations. Protocols, standards, and processes described in thismanual include the following:•CLI concepts•File system concepts•Boot option, configuration, image loading, and initialization procedures•Basic system management functions such as the system name, router location andcoordinates, and CLLI code, time zones, Network Time Protocol (NTP), SimpleNetwork Time Protocol (SNTP), and synchronization properties7750 SR OS Basic System Configuration GuidePrefaceList of Technical PublicationsThe 7750 SR documentation set is composed of the following books:•7750 SR OS Basic System Configuration GuideThis guide describes basic system configurations and operations.•7750 SR OS System Management GuideThis guide describes system security and access configurations as well as event loggingand accounting logs.•7750 SR OS Interface Configuration Guide•7750 SR OS Router Configuration GuideThis guide describes logical IP routing interfaces and associated attributes such as an IPaddress, as well as IP and MAC-based filtering, and VRRP and Cflowd.•7750 SR OS Routing Protocols GuideThis guide provides an overview of routing concepts and provides configuration examplesfor RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, and route policies.•7750 SR OS MPLS GuideThis guide describes how to configure Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and LabelDistribution Protocol (LDP).•7750 SR OS Services GuideThis guide describes how to configure service parameters such as service distributionpoints (SDPs), customer information, and user services.•7750 SR OAM and Diagnostic Guide•This guide describes how to configure features such as service mirroring and Operations, Administration and Management (OAM) tools.•7750 SR OS Triple Play GuideThis guide describes Triple Play services and support provided by the 7750 SR andpresents examples to configure and implement various protocols and services.•7750 SR OS Quality of Service GuideThis guide describes how to configure Quality of Service (QoS) policy management.•OS Multi-Service ISA GuideThis guide describes services provided by integrated service adapters such as ApplicationAssurance, IPSec, ad insertion (ADI) and Network Address Translation (NAT).•7750 SR-OS RADIUS Attributes Reference GuideThis guide describes all supported RADIUS Authentication, Authorization andAccounting attributes.Page 127750 SR OS Basic System Configuration GuidePrefaceTechnical SupportIf you purchased a service agreement for your 7750 SR router and related products from adistributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or resellerfor assistance. If you purchased an Alcatel-Lucent service agreement, contact your welcomecenter:/wps/portal/supportReport documentation errors, omissions and comments to:**************************************Include document name, version, part number and page(s) affected.7750 SR OS Basic System Configuration Guide Page 13PrefacePage 147750 SR OS Basic System Configuration Guide。



7750SR/BRASI护与配置(SR功能篇)1. 设备配置命令说明 (4)1.1. S YSTEM本配置 (4)1.2. L OG!己置 (7)1.3. P ORT®置 (9)1.3.1 上行端口和互联POR㈱口配置 (9)1.3.2下联端口配置 (10)1.4. IGP协议配置 (14)1.4.1 OSPF协议配置 (14)1.4.2 ISIS 协议配置 (17)1.5. MLS LDP协议配置 (19)1.6. 设备安全配置(SECURITY (24)1.6.1 设备访问安全 (24)1.6.2 主CPU保护 (28)1.7. VPN-BGP配置 (35)1.8. P OLIC 丫配置 (38)1.9. 业务配置 (40)1.9.1 IES 业务配置 (41)1.9.2 二层VPN vpls 业务配置 (45)1.9.3三层VPN VPR业务配置 (48)1.10. SNM甫己置 (52)1.11. C FLOW配置 (53)2. 业务运行状态检查命令 (55)2.1查看设备P OR调口运行状态 (55)2.1.1 查看设备所有Port端口运行状态 (55)2.1.2 查看设备单个Port端口运行状态 (57)2.2 查看S ERVICE^务运行状态 (60)2.3检查路由器接口运行状态 (62)2.3.1 查看所有接口状态 (62)2.3.1 查看单个业务的接口状态 (64)2.4查看设备MAC地址表信息 (66)2.4.1 查看所有MA弛址表 (66)2.4.2 查看单个业务的MAC%址表 (69)2.5查看设备路由表信息 (70)2.5.1 查看所有路由表地址表 (70)2.5.2查看某个业务的路由表 (71)3. 故障排除方法说明 (73)3.1 光路正常但PORTED DOWN (73)3.2 PING不通对端地址 (73)3.3 ISIS邻接关系无法建立 (73)3.4 BGP^S居无法正常建立 (73)3.5 BG咪中有路由,但路由没有被放进VPN路由表中 (73)3.6 VPN中用户CE设备无法访问远端 (74)3.7 VPLS故障分析 (74)3.7.1 按照下列配置做mac-filter (74)3.7.2 在VPLS中应用MAC-FILTER (75)3.8.3 通过分析LO俄出问题 (75)4删除SERVICE配置步骤 (76)4.1 删除单个SAP S ERVICE^置步骤 (76)4.2删除多个SAP S ERVICE®己置步骤 (76)1.设备配置命令说明1.1. System基本配置1. chassis-mode 要配置为C,以支持新的feature 。


queue 13 multipoint expedite create
rate 100 cir 20
mbs 100
cbs 30
high-prio-only 10
fc be create
multicast-queue 11
queue 1
lsp-exp-out-profile 4
dot1p-in-profile 4
dot1p-out-profile 4
configure qos
sap-ingress 44 create
description "For h2 Ingress_Policy "
in-remark prec 5
out-remark prec 5
default-priority low
network-queue "nqNetwork" create
description "Network Egress Queue"
lsp-exp 4 fc h2 profile in
lsp-exp 5 fc ef profile in
lsp-exp 6 fc h2 profile in
lsp-exp 7 fc ef profile in
fc be
dscp-in-profile be
queue 3 expedite create
rate 100 cir 20



上海贝尔阿尔卡特7750SR配置标准模板目录一、硬件配置 (5)1.1配置IOM卡 (5)1.1.1 查看已经插入的IOM卡的类型 (5)1.1.2正确配置IOM卡的类型 (5)1.2配置MDA卡 (5)1.2.1查看已经插入的MDA卡的类型 (5)1.2.2正确配置MDA卡的类型 (5)1.3配置MDA端口 (6)1.3.1 POS端口配置 (6)1.3.2 以太口配置 (6)1.3.3 查看port信息 (6)二、设备管理配置 (7)2.1配置路由器名称、LOCATION、CONTACT (7)2.2配置系统时间 (7)2.3配置SNTP (7)2.3.1 打开SNTP(简单网络时间协议) (7)2.3.2 配置SNTP地址 (7)2.4配置SR为TELNET服务器 (7)2.5配置TELNET登陆限制 (8)2.5.1 配置默认动作为允许,因为是所有上主控板的流量。

(8)2.5.2 配置允许IP段的ACL,配置源IP,协议,目的端口 (8)2.5.3 配置一条拒绝的ACL,拒绝其他IP段。

(8)2.6配置用户 (8)2.6.1 配置用户名 (8)2.6.2 配置用户密码 (8)2.6.3 配置用户登陆方式 (9)2.6.4 配置用户所属的组 (9)2.7配置LOG (9)2.7.1 配置log-id (9)2.7.2 配置log信息类型 (9)2.7.3 配置记录log的方式 (9)2.7.4 配置记录log方式的具体配置 (9)2.8配置SNMP (10)2.9配置主备板同步 (10)2.9.1 配置自动同步 (10)2.9.2 手工同步命令 (10)2.10配置空闲时间 (10)2.11配置ANTI-SPOOF (10)三、路由配置 (11)3.1配置路由器系统地址 (11)3.2配置网络接口 (11)3.2.2 配置IP地址 (11)3.2.3 配置关联端口 (11)3.2.4 查看配置的路由器接口 (11)3.3配置静态及OSPF路由协议 (12)3.3.1 配置静态路由 (12)3.3.2 配置OSPF区域 (12)3.3.3 配置ospf接口cost值 (12)3.3.4 配置一个stub区域 (12)3.3.5 配置NSSA区域 (12)3.3.6 配置虚链路 (13)3.3.7 配置认证 (13)3.3.8配置路由聚合 (13)3.3.9 配置静态路由注入到OSPF路由协议 (13)3.3.10 查看运行在ospf协议下的接口 (14)3.3.11 查看ospf邻居建立关系 (14)3.3.12 查看ospf路由表 (14)3.4配置IS-IS (14)3.4.1 配置区域ID (14)3.4.2 配置路由器等级能力 (15)3.4.3 配置IS-IS接口 (15)3.4.4 查看ISIS下的接口 (15)3.4.5 添加已经配置到ISIS的每个网络接口 (15)3.4.6 查看ISIS邻接关系 (15)3.4.7 查看ISIS路由表 (15)3.5BGP配置 (16)3.5.1 创建AS (16)3.5.2 配置路由器 ID5 (16)3.5.3 配置 BGP (16)3.6配置POLICY (16)3.6.1 配置policy名称 (16)3.6.2 配置从静态路由分布到ospf路由协议中的policy (17)3.6.3 配置commit使之生效 (17)3.6.4 应用policy (17)3.7IP F ILTER配置 (17)3.7.1创建ip filter (17)3.7.2 指定默认动作 (17)3. 7.3 创建条目,指定动作、源、目的IP (17)3.7.4 应用ip filter (18)四、 MPLS 配置以及业务配置 (19)4.1MPLS配置 (19)4.1.1 MPLS接口配置 (19)4.1.3 配置 MPLS LSP和主路径 (19)4.1.4 查看命令 (20)4.1.5 改变每个网络接口的最大传输单元(MTU)尺寸 (20)4.2 E P IPE 配置 (20)4.2.1 创建客户并将其与提供的业务相关联 (20)4.2.2 指向客户的接口(在我们的网络中由膝上电脑表示)称为“toCustomer”,必须配置为接入接口。

7750BRAS pppoe配置脚本

7750BRAS pppoe配置脚本

新增端口的pppoe配置:config port 1/1/5端口根据需求更改description "tes" 描述ethernetmode accessno autonegotiateencap-type qinqexitno shutdownexitconfig service ies 3000subscriber-interface "pppoe" 名字根据现网配置为准group-interface "ge-1/1/5" create 端口号根据现场情况变化arp-populatedhcpserver指定本接口使用的DHCP servertrusted 保证在dhcp-request中携带gi地址client-applications pppoe 指定使用DHCP用户业务类型 lease-populate 32767 允许分配的用户数no shutdownexitauthentication-policy "auth-pppoe-1" 调用预设置的验证模板 pppoepppoe-policy "pppoe-policy-1" 调用预设置的PPPoE模板 session-limit 32767 session数量限制开到最大 sap-session-limit 32767 session数量限制开到最大 no shutdownexitexitexitexitconfig servicevpls 2011 customer 1 create 为交换机所在接口创建VPLS sap 1/1/5:*.* capture-sap create 接受本端口所有Q-tag,并捕获PPPoE报文 trigger-packet pppoe 配置何种业务触发端口 pppoe-policy "pppoe-policy-1" 调用PPPOE-policy模板 msap-defaultsgroup-interface "ge-1/1/5" 关联到group-interface policy "msap-pppoe" 调用MSAP-policy模板 service 3000 关联到IES号exitauthentication-policy "auth-pppoe-1"exitno shutdownexit注意:蓝色字体必须更换新增地址池配置:config service ies 3000subscriber-interface "pppoe"address10.1.1.1/24 指定新增网段网关exitexitconfig router policy-optionsbeginprefix-list "toospf"prefix exact 将新增地址池地址导入OSPF exitcommit 策略生效命令exitconfig router dhcplocal-dhcp-server "pppoe"进入本地DHCP配置,名字根据现网配置为准pool "pppoe_1" create 名字根据现网配置为准subnet create 在地址池里添加1个网段 address-range指定可分配的地址范围 exitexitexit注意:蓝色字体必须更换添加网管命令:config port 1/1/6端口根据需求更改description "tes" 描述ethernetmode accessno autonegotiate 根据现场情况修改encap-type dot1qexitno shutdownexitconfig service ies 5000interface "ge-1/1/6:10" createaddress 配置网管地址sap 1/1/6:10 createexitexitexitconfig router policy-optionsbeginprefix-list "toospf"prefix 策略生效命令exit基本查看命令:1,检查IP pool 的地址占用情况show router dhcp local-dhcp-server pppoe summary2、测试7750BRAS与radius互通性命令tools perform security authentication-server-check server-address port 1645 user-name 0515******** password 123456 secret jstx显示结果为成功或者超时3、常用show 命令show subscriber-mgmt authentication "auth-pppoe-1"show subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy "acc-pppoe-1"show service active-subscribers summaryshow service active-subscribers detailshow service active-subscribers subscriber "0515********" detailshow service id 3000 pppoe session (后面可选择mac xxx、ip-address xxx、detail)show service id 3000 subscriber-hostsshow service id 3000 pppoe session interface "ge-1/2/5" statistics4、清除pppoe用户session命令clear service id 3000 pppoe session allclear service id 3000 pppoe session interface ge-1/1/5 (后面可选mac xxx、ip-address xxx)clear service id 3000 pppoe session sap 1/1/5:100.50 (后面可选mac xxx、ip-address xxx)。

7750 SR OS 基本系统配置指南.pdf_1701713446.1597066说明书

7750 SR OS 基本系统配置指南.pdf_1701713446.1597066说明书

Configuration CommandsFile System CommandsshutdownSyntax[no] shutdown [active] [standby][no] shutdown [cflash-id]Context fileDescription This command shuts down (unmounts) the specified CPM(s).Use the no shutdown [active] [standby] command to enable one or both CPM.Use the no shutdown [cflash-id] command to enable a compact flash (cf1:, cf2:, or cf3:) on the SF/CPMcard. The no shutdown command can be issued for a specific slot when no compact flash is present. Whena flash card is installed in the slot, the card will be activated upon detection.In redundant systems, use the no shutdown command on cf3: on both SF/CPMs in order to facilitate syn-chronization. See the synchronize command on page 408.NOTE: The shutdown command must be issued prior to removing a flash card. If no parameters are speci-fied, then the drive referred to by the current working directory will be shut down.LED Status Indicators — The following states are possible for the compact flash:Operational:If a compact flash is present in a drive and operational (no shutdown), the respective LED is lit green.The LED flickers when the compact flash is accessed.NOTE: Do not remove the compact flash during a read/write operation.State:admin = up, operational = up, equippedFlash defective:If a compact flash is defective, the respective LED blinks amber to reflect the error condition and a trapis raised.State:admin = up/down, operational = faulty, equipped = noFlash drive shut down:When the compact flash drive is shut down and a compact flash present, the LED is lit amber. In thisstate, the compact flash can be ejected.State:admin = down, operational = down, equipped = yesNo compact flash present, drive shut down:If no compact flash is present and the drive is shut down the LED is unlit.State:admin = down, operational = down, equipped = noNo compact flash present, drive enabled:If no compact flash is present and the drive is not shut down the LED is unlit.State:admin = up, operational = down, equipped = noEjecting a compact flash:The compact flash drive should be shut down before ejecting a compact flash card. The LED shouldturn to solid (not blinking) amber. This is the only mode to safely remove the flash card.If a compact flash drive is not shut down before a compact flash is ejected, the LED blinks amber forapproximately 5 seconds before shutting off.State:admin = down, operational = down, equipped = yesThe shutdown or no shutdown state is not saved in the configuration file. Following a reboot all compactflash drives are in their default state.Default no shutdown — compact flash device administratively enabledParameters cflash-id — Enter the compact flash slot ID to be shut down or enabled. When a specific cflash-id is speci-fied, then that drive is shutdown. If no cflash-id is specified, the drive referred to by the current workingdirectory is assumed. If a slot number is not specified, then the active CPM is assumed.Default The current compact flash deviceValues cf1:, cf1-A:, cf1-B:, cf2:, cf2-A:, cf2-B:, cf3:, cf3-A:, cf3-B:active — If active is selected, then all drives on the active CPM are shutdown or enabled.standby — If standby is selected, then all drives on the standby CPM are shutdown or enabled.Note: When both active and standby keywords are specified, then all drives on both CPM are shut-down.File CommandsattribSyntax attrib [+r | -r]file-urlattribContext fileDescription This command sets or clears/resets the read-only attribute for a file in the local file system. To list all files and their current attributes enter attrib or attrib x where x is either the filename or a wildcard (*).When an attrib command is entered to list a specific file or all files in a directory, the file’s attributes are dis-played with or without an “R” preceding the filename. The “R” implies that the +r is set and that the file isread-only. Files without the “R” designation implies that the -r is set and that the file is read-write-all. Forexample:ALA-1>file cf3:\ # attribcf3:\bootlog.txtcf3:\bof.cfgcf3:\boot.ldrcf3:\sr1.cfgcf3:\testcf3:\bootlog_prev.txtcf3:\BOF.SAVParameters file-url — The URL for the local file.Values local-url | remote-url:255 chars maxlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url[ftp://login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1:,cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:+r — Sets the read-only attribute on the specified file.-r — Clears/resets the read-only attribute on the specified file.cdSyntax cd [file-url]Context fileDescription This command displays or changes the current working directory in the local file system.Parameters file-url — Syntax: [local-url | remote-url (255 chars max)local-url - [cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url - [{ftp://|tftp://}login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1,cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:<none> — Displays the current working directory... — Signifies the parent directory. This can be used in place of an actual directory name in a directory-url.directory-url — The destination directory.copySyntax copy source-file-url dest-file-url [force]Context fileDescription This command copies a file or all files in a directory from a source URL to a destination URL. At least one of the specified URLs should be a local URL. The optional wildcard (*) can be used to copy multiple filesthat share a common (partial) prefix and/or (partial) suffix.When a file is copied to a destination with the same file name, the original file is overwritten by the new filespecified in the operation. The following prompt appears if the destination file already exists:“Overwrite destination file (y/n)?”For example:To copy a file named srcfile in a directory called test on cf2 in slot B to a filecalled destfile in a directory called production on cf1 in slot A, the syntax is:sr1>file cf2:\ # copy cf2-B/test/srcfile cf1-A/production/destfileTo FTP a file named 121201.cfg in directory mydir stored on cf1 in slot A to a networkFTP server with IP address in a directory called backup with a destinationfile name of 121201.cfg, the FTP syntax is:copy cf1-A/mydir/121201.cfg source-file-url — The location of the source file or directory to be copied.dest-file-url — The destination of the copied file or directory.force — Forces an immediate copy of the specified file(s).file copy force executes the command without displaying a user prompt message.deleteSyntax delete file-url[force]Context fileDescription This command deletes the specified file.The optional wildcard “*” can be used to delete multiple files that share a common (partial) prefix and/or(partial) suffix. When the wildcard is entered, the following prompt displays for each file that matches thewildcard:“Delete file <filename> (y/n)?”file-url — The file name to delete.Values local-url | remote-url:255 chars maxlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url[ftp://login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1:,cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:force — Forces an immediate deletion of the specified file(s).file delete*force deletes all the wildcard matching files without displaying a user prompt message.dirSyntax dir [file-url] [sort-order { d | n | s}] [reverse]Context fileDescription This command displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.Parameters file-url — The path or directory name.Use the file-url with the optional wildcard (*) to reduce the number of files to list.Default Lists all files in the present working directorysort-order { d | n | s — Specifies the sort order.Values d — daten — names — sizereverse — Specifies to reverse the sort order.Sample OutputA:cses-E12>file cf3:\ # dir- dir [<file-url>] [sort-order { d | n | s}] [reverse]<file-url> : <local-url>|<remote-url>local-url - [<cflash-id>/][<file-path>]200 chars max, including cflash-iddirectory length 99 chars max eachremote-url - [ftp://<login>:<pswd>@<remote-locn>/][<file-path>]255 chars maxdirectory length 99 chars max eachremote-locn - [ <hostname> | <ipv4-address> |"["<ipv6-address>"]" ]ipv4-address - a.b.c.dipv6-address - x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x[-interface]x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d[-interface]x - [0..FFFF]Hd - [0..255]Dinterface - 32 chars max, for linklocal addressescflash-id - cf1:|cf1-A:|cf1-B:|cf2:|cf2-A:|cf2-B:|cf3:|cf3-A:|cf3-B:< d | n | s> : Sort order: d - date, n - name, s - size<reverse> : keyword - reverse orderA:cses-E12>file cf3:\ # dirfileSyntax fileContext rootDescription The context to enter and perform file system operations. When entering the file context, the prompt changes to reflect the present working directory. Navigating the file system with the cd.. command results in achanged prompt.The exit all command leaves the file system/file operation context and returns to the <ROOT> CLI context.The state of the present working directory is maintained for the CLI session. Entering the file commandreturns the cursor to the working directory where the exit command was issued.formatSyntax format cflash cflash-id [reliable]Context root>fileDescription This command formats the compact flash. The compact flash must be shutdown before starting the format. Parameters cflash-id — The compact flash type.cf1:, cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:reliable — Enables the reliance file system and dis-ables the default DOS file system. This option is valid only on compact flashes 1 and 2.mdSyntax md file-urlContext fileDescription This command creates a new directory in a file system.Directories can only be created one level at a time.Parameters file-url — The directory name to be created.Values local-url | remote-url:255 chars maxlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url[ftp://login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1:, cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:moveSyntax move old-file-url new-file-url [force]Context fileDescription This command moves a local file, system file, or a directory. If the target already exists, the command fails and an error message displays.The following prompt appears if the destination file already exists:“Overwrite destination file (y/n)?”Parameters old-file-url — The file or directory to be moved.Values local-url | remote-url:255 chars maxlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url[ftp://login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1:, cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:new-file-url — The new destination to place the old-file-url.Values local-url | remote-url:255 chars maxlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url[ftp://login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1:, cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:force — Forces an immediate move of the specified file(s).file move force executes the command without displaying a user prompt message.rdSyntax rd file-url rfrd file-url [force]Context fileDescription The rd command is used to delete a directory.If a directory has files and no sub-directories, the force option must be used to force delete the directory andfiles it contains.If a directory has sub-directories, then the force option will fail and the rf parameter should be used insteadto force delete that directory including the sub-directories.Example:A:nE1>file cf1:\ # rd alcateltestAre you sure (y/n)? yDeleting directory cf1:\alcateltest ..MINOR: CLI Cannot delete cf1:\alcateltest.A:nE1>file cf1:\ # rd alcateltest forceDeleting directory cf1:\alcateltest .MINOR: CLI Cannot delete cf1:\alcateltest.A:nE1>file cf1:\ # rd hussein rfDeleting all subdirectories and files in specified directory. y/n ?yDeleting directory cf1:\hussein\hussein1 ..OKDeleting directory cf1:\alcateltest .OKParameters file-url — The directory to be removed.local-url | remote-url:255 chars maxlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url[ftp://login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cf1:, cf1-A:,cf1-B:,cf2:,cf2-A:,cf2-B:,cf3:,cf3-A:,cf3-B:rf — The parameter forces a recursive delete.force — Forces an immediate deletion of the specified directory.For example, rd file-url force executes the command without displaying a user prompt message.repairSyntax repair [cflash-id]Context fileDescription This command checks a compact flash device for errors and repairs any errors found.Parameters cflash-id — Specify the compact flash slot ID to be shut down or enabled. When a specific cflash-id is spec-ified, then that drive is shutdown. If no cflash-id is specified, the drive referred to by the current work-ing directory is assumed. If a slot number is not specified, then the active SF/CPMCFM is assumed.Default The current compact flash deviceValues cf1:, cf1-A:, cf1-B:, cf2:, cf2-A:, cf2-B:, cf3:, cf3-A:, cf3-B:scpSyntax scp local-file-url destination-file-url [router router-instance] [force]Context fileDescription This command copies a local file to a remote host file system. It uses ssh for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh. The following prompt appears:“Are you sure (y/n)?” The destination must specify a user and a host.Parameters local-file-url — The local source file or directory.Values[cflash-id/][file-path]: Up to 256 characters.destination-file-url — The destination file.Values user@hostname:destination-fileuser — The SSH user.host — The remote host IP address of DNS name.file-path — The destination path.router-instance — Specify the router name or service ID.Values router-name: Base , managementservice-id: 1 — 2147483647Default Baseforce — Forces an immediate copy of the specified file.file scp local-file-url destination-file-url[router] force executes the command without displaying auser prompt message.typeSyntax type file-urlContext fileDescription Displays the contents of a text file.Parameters file-url — The file contents to display.Values file-url<local-url>|<remote-url>local-url [<cflash-id>/][<file-path>]200 chars max, including cflash-iddirectory length 99 chars max eachremote-url[{ftp://|tftp://}<login>:<pswd>@<remote-locn>/][<file-path>] 255 chars maxdirectory length 99 chars max eachremote-locn [ <hostname> | <ipv4-address> |<ipv6-address> ]ipv4-address a.b.c.dipv6-address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x[-interface]x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d[-interface]x - [0..FFFF]Hd - [0..255]Dinterface - 32 chars max, for linklocal addressescflash-id cf1:, cf1-A:, cf1-B:versionSyntax version file-url [check]Context fileDescription This command displays the version of an SR OS *.tim file.Parameters file-url — The file name of the target file.Values local-url | remote-url:255 characters maximumlocal-url:[cflash-id/][file-path]remote-url: [{ftp://|tftp://}login:pswd@remote-locn/][file-path]cflash-id:cf1:, cf1-A:, cf1-B:check — Validates the .tim file.Sample OutputA:Redundancy>filecf3:\#versionftp://test:************.xxx.xx/usr/global/images/6.1/R4/cpm.timTiMOS-C-6.1.R4 for 7750Thu Oct 30 14:21:09 PDT 2008 by builder in /rel6.1/b1/R4/panos/mainA:Redundancy>filecf3:\#versioncheckftp://test:************.xxx.xx/usr/global/images/6.1/R4/cpm.timTiMOS-C-6.1.R4 for 7750Thu Oct 30 14:21:09 PDT 2008 by builder in /rel6.1/b1/R4/panos/mainValidation successfulA:Redundancy>file cf3:\ #viSyntax vi local-urlContext fileDescription Edit files using the vi editor. Refer to VI Editor on page 45.Parameters local-url — Specifies the local source file or directory.Values[cflash-id>/]file-pathcflash-id: cf1:, cf2:, cf3:。



典型配置案例IES业务 (1)VPRN业务 (2)VPLS业务 (3)Epipe业务 (4)BGP配置 (5)OSPF配置 (5)ISIS配置 (6)Policy 配置 (6)QOS配置 (8)SDP配置 (10)LDP配置 (10)Mirror配置 (10)VPRN互通配置 (11)VRRP配置 (13)POS接口配置 (15)LOG配置 (15)基本配置 (16)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IES业务SAP点需要access,Ethernet encap-type:qinq/dot1q/nullshow service service-usingshow service id arpshow service id fdbshow portclear port结合QOS案例有qos在ies下的应用,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,customer 1 createdescription "ChengDu dianxian,shujubu xiaoyang:86502311"exities 10 customer 1 createno shutdowninterface "to-SC" createaddress 1/1/5:0 createexitexitexities 11 customer 1 createsubscriber-interface "to-ASB" createaddress "to-ASB11" createsap 1/1/5:11 createanti-spoof iphost ip ip "to-ASB"qos 10exitexitsap 1/1/6:13 createexitexitgroup-interface "to-ASB21" createsap 1/1/5:12 createingressqos 100exitegressscheduler-policy "to-ASB"qos 10exitexitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■VPRN业务相关配置:LDP、BGP和IGP,不需要sdpshow router bgp sumshow service service-usingshow route <vprnid> ?show route tunnel-tableshow routes <> route-table/show route <> bgp routes svc-ping <ip-address> service <>ping/traceroute router <vprnid>oam vprn-pingoam vprn-traceshow route ldp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,servicecustomer 1 createdescription "Default customer"exitvprn 10 customer 1 createdescription "vpn1"route-distinguisher 100:10auto-bind ldpvrf-target target:100:10interface "vpn1" createaddress shutdownexitvprn 20 customer 1 createdescription "vpn2"route-distinguisher 100:20auto-bind ldpvrf-target target:100:20interface "vpn2" createaddress shutdownexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■VPLS业务需要SDP,可以采用GRE或LDPshow service service-usingshow service lablelsshow service fdboam mac-populateoam mac-pingoam mac-ping service <> destination FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF oam mac-traceoam mac-purge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,servicecustomer 2 createdescription "Alcatel Customer"contact "Joe User"phone "555-1212"exitsdp 3001 mpls createfar-end shutdownexitsdp 3002 mpls createfar-end shutdownexitvpls 100 customer 2 vpn 100 createstpshutdownexitsap 1/1/4:100 createexitmesh-sdp 3001:100 createexitmesh-sdp 3002:100 createexitno shutdownexitvpls 200 customer 2 vpn 200 createstpshutdownexitsap 1/1/4:200 createexitmesh-sdp 3001:200 createexitmesh-sdp 3002:200 createexitno shutdownexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Epipe业务采用spoke-sdpshow serviceoam svc-pingoam mac-* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,servicecustomer 11 createexitepipe 117 customer 1 createshutdownsap 1/1/5:117 createexitspoke-sdp 114:117 createexitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BGP配置需要在全局router下配置AS和routerID show router bgp ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,autonomous-system 100router-idbgprouter-id 100group "BGP"family ipv4 vpn-ipv4neighbor增加RR的配置)group "RR"family ipv4 vpn-ipv4cluster "lp"peer-as 100neighbor■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■OSPF配置在做策略引入的时候,需要asbr指定show router route-table protocol ospfshow router ospf ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,‘configure router ecmp 2ospfarea "system"exitinterface "SR91-SR90"exitinterface "SR91-SR93"authentication-type passwordauthentication-key "f3iz20JnD7g" hashexitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ISIS配置Show router ISIS ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,isisexport "o2i"level-capability level-2level 2wide-metrics-onlyexitarea-id 49.0001exitinterface "to-93"interface-type broadcastlevel 2metric 2000exitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Policy 配置from 多个条件为并列关系,export 多个策略为顺序关系begin 进入编辑状态,commit提交修改执行,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,policy-optionsbeginprefix-list "d_prefix"prefix exactexitpolicy-statement "d_to_o"entry 10fromprefix-list "d_prefix"exittoprotocol ospfexitaction accepttype 1exitexitexitpolicy-statement "i2o"entry 1fromprotocol isisprefix-list "100"exittoprotocol ospfexitaction acceptexitexitexitpolicy-statement "lp"entry 1fromprefix-list "d_prefix"exitaction acceptlocal-preference 200exitexitexitcommitexit协议引入的时候,需要asbr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■QOS配置可以做分层qos,最多3级。

7750 SR高级配置指南.pdf_1701706365.4593518说明书

7750 SR高级配置指南.pdf_1701706365.4593518说明书

ESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/RetailScenarioIn This ChapterThis section describes ESM IPv4 multicast configurations in a wholesale/retail scenario.Topics in this section include:•Applicability on page 2126•Overview on page 2127•Configuration on page 2129•Conclusion on page 21407750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2125ApplicabilityApplicabilityThis configuration example is applicable to the 7750 SR-7/12/12e with IOM3-XP and IMMs, the7450 ESS -7/12 chassis in mixed mode with IOM3-XP and IMMs, and also to the 7750 SR-c4/12platforms, and requires chassis mode C as a minimum. Note that the 7450 will only operate as anL2TP Access Concentrator (LAC) for L2TP services.The configuration was tested on release 11.0.R1 and covers both IPoE and PPPoE subscribers. Page 21267750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail Scenario OverviewAlcatel-Lucent’s Triple Play Service Delivery Architecture (TPSDA) allows operators to integrateHigh Speed Internet (HSI), voice and video services within a single network infrastructure. Thegoal of this configuration example is to provide a walk through of a wholesale/retail multicastsetup.There are two wholesale/retail models in TPSDA. In the first model, the retail service is co-locatedwith the wholesale service whereas in the second model, for PPP services only, the retail service ison a separate BNG. The network topology shown in Figure334 is the first model. It consists oftwo 7750s; BNG-1 is a wholesaler Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) with the retail service co-located and the second is a retailer router. Figure335 shows the second model where the retailservice is a separate router and the connection between the wholesale and retail utilizes L2TP. The7450 in both cases is used as an aggregation switch to aggregate all subscribers.Figure 334: Wholesale/Retail Model 1Figure 335: Wholesale/Retail Model 27750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2127OverviewThe second 7750 is connected directly to the multicast source. On the access side, the BNG isconnected to an aggregation switch aggregating both PPPoE and IPoE subscribers.There are two basic requirements for a subscriber to receive multicast streams. First, the groupinterface for the subscribers must have IGMP enabled. Second, the Enhanced SubscriberManagement (ESM) subscriber must be allowed to receive multicast streams by having IGMPenabled. When both requirements are met, the BNG will process the subscribers’ IGMP messages,otherwise, IGMP messages are dropped. All customer premise device (CPE) originated IGMPmessages are aggregated via the 7450 and passed onto the wholesale BNG. It is always the retailVPRN that processes the IGMP messages. The wholesale VPRN SAPs performs the forwardingof the actual multicast streams.Page 21287750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail Scenario ConfigurationNote that a basic knowledge of multicast and ESM is assumed.ESM Wholesale-Retail MulticastThere are various ways to provide wholesale and retail multicast function.•For the IPoE and PPPoE Layer 3 wholesale/retail model, the wholesale and the retailservices reside on separate VPRNs.•For the PPPoE Layer 2 wholesale/retail model, L2TP is used.ESM Layer 3 Wholesale-Retail MulticastFigure336 depicts a Layer 3 wholesale/retail scenario for both IPoE and PPPoE. The first BNGcontains both the wholesale and retail configuration. There are two options for the retail BNG todeliver the multicast streams to the wholesale BNG:1.MVPN between the BNGsor2.If using a routed interface between the BNGs, multicast routing is required.This example will use the second option for delivery of the multicast streams in order to keep theconfiguration simple.Figure 336: Layer 3 Wholesale/Retail7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2129ESM Layer 3 Wholesale-Retail MulticastStep 1.Below is a configuration extract from the wholesale service on BNG-1 with the group interface added to IGMP. This configuration applies to both IPoE and PPPoE.*A:BNG-1> config>service>vprn>sub-if# info----------------------------------------------unnumbered “system”group-interface "wholesale-sub-int-1" createdhcpclient-applications dhcp pppno shutdownexitauthentication-policy "auth-policy-1"sap 1/1/5:1 createsub-sla-mgmtdef-sub-id use-sap-iddef-sub-profile "multicast-profile-1"def-sla-profile "sla-profile-1"sub-ident-policy "sub-ident-policy-1"multi-sub-sap 10no shutdownexitexitpppoesession-limit 10sap-session-limit 10no shutdownexitexitigmpgroup-interface "wholesale-group-int-1"no shutdownexitno shutdownexitStep 2.Also on BNG-1, a separate VPRN is configured for the retailer. The retail configuration is a little different from the wholesale configuration. Below is a configuration extract fromthe retail VPRN with IGMP enabled. This configuration is applicable to both IPoE andPPPoE. The multicast streams received in the retail VPRN are forwarded to the wholesaleVPRN. Other retail VPRNs can offer multicast streams as well, and the same multicastaddresses can be re-used as long as the address is assigned to a different retail VPRN.*A:BNG-1> config>service>vprn# info----------------------------------------------route-distinguisher 65536:2subscriber-interface "retail-sub-int-1" fwd-service 1fwd-subscriber-interface "wholesale-sub-int-1" createaddress dhcp pppgi-address 10no shutdownPage 21307750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail Scenario exitexitigmpgroup-interface fwd-service 1 "wholesale-group-int-1no shutdownexitexitospf "system"no shutdownexitinterface "retail-sub-int-1"no shutdownexitinterface "int-BNG-1-BNG-2"no shutdownexitexitexitpiminterface "int-BNG-1-BNG-2"exitexitStep 3.Per host replication is mandatory in a wholesale/retail scenario. A single wholesale SAP might be shared among different retailers. A wholesale host that has requested a multicastgroup will always have the multicast delivered directly. Other hosts on the SAPs mightbelong to a different retailer and therefore 1) retailers might not have the same multicastgroup and sources and 2) their bandwidth should not be impacted by other hosts’multicast. Per-host replication is configured in the igmp-policy igmp-policy-1. This ismandatory for both IPoE and PPPoE subscribers.*A:BNG 1> config>subscr-mgmt>igmp-policy# info----------------------------------------------per-host-replicationStep 4.The interfaces are added to OSPF and to PIM on the retail BNG that is connected to the multicast source.*A:BNG-2> config>service>vprn# info----------------------------------------------ospfarea "system"no shutdownexitinterface "int-BNG-2-BNG-1"no shutdownexitinterface “int-multicast-source”no shutdownexitexitexit7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2131ESM Layer 3 Wholesale-Retail Multicastpiminterface "int-BNG-2-BNG-1"exitinterface "int-multicast-source"exitrpstaticaddress the above the configuration, the wholesale/retail setup is ready to process IGMP messages.Now send an IGMPv3 request to the wholesale SAP. The (S,G) is (, andthe subscriber IP address is The output below shows that the (S,G) is not registered in thewholesale VPRN but is in the retail VPRN.*A:BNG-1> show router 1 igmp group===============================================================================IGMP Interface Groups==============================================================================================================================================================IGMP Host Groups==============================================================================================================================================================IGMP SAP Groups===============================================================================No Matching Entries===============================================================================*A:BNG-1> show router 2 igmp group===============================================================================IGMP Interface Groups==============================================================================================================================================================IGMP Host Groups===============================================================================(, List : Up Time : 0d 00:13:01===============================================================================IGMP SAP Groups===============================================================================-------------------------------------------------------------------------------(*,G)/(S,G) Entries : 1===============================================================================Page 21327750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail ScenarioTo view all subscribers’ (S,G) pairs, use the following command.*A:BNG-1> show service active-subscribers igmp detail===============================================================================Active Subscribers Detail===============================================================================Subscriber IGMP-PolicyHostAddr GrpItf NumGroupsGrpAddr Type Up-Time ModeSrcAddr Type Blk/Fwd-------------------------------------------------------------------------------video_user_01 igmp-policy- whole-sale 1239.255.1.1 Dynamic 0d 01:37:55 Include192.168.4.2 Dynamic Fwd-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of Subscribers : 1===============================================================================Only the retail VPRN is responsible for processing the IGMP messages. Therefore to troubleshoota wholesale/retail setup, debug is only relevant on the retail router instance.debugrouter "2"igmpgroup-interface fwd-service "1" "whole-sale"host ""packet mode egr-ingr-and-droppedexitexit7648 2013/05/24 16:59:41.02 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[14]"IGMP[14]: RX-PKT[013 07:56:53.680] IGMP host V3 PDU: -> pduLen20Type: V3 REPORT maxrespCode 0x0 checkSum 0xddf6Num Group Records: 1Group Record 0Type: ALW_NEW_SRCS, AuxDataLen 0, Num Sources 1Mcast Addr: Address List192.168.4.2"7649 2013/05/24 16:59:41.02 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpIfGroupAddAdding to IGMP host database"7650 2013/05/24 16:59:41.02 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpProcessGroupRecProcess group rec ALW_NEW_SRCS received on host for group in mode INCLUDE. Num srcs 1"7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2133ESM Layer 3 Wholesale-Retail Multicast7651 2013/05/24 16:59:41.02 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpIfSrcAddAdding i/f source entry for host (, to IGMP fwdListDatabase, redir if N/A"The same debug command can be used for troubleshooting IGMP leave messages as shownbelow.7652 2013/05/24 16:59:43.90 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[14]"IGMP[14]: RX-PKT[013 07:56:56.560] IGMP host V3 PDU: -> pduLen20Type: V3 REPORT maxrespCode 0x0 checkSum 0xdcf6Num Group Records: 1Group Record 0Type: BLK_OLD_SRCS, AuxDataLen 0, Num Sources 1Mcast Addr: Address List192.168.4.2"7653 2013/05/24 16:59:43.90 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpProcessGroupRecProcess group rec BLK_OLD_SRCS received on host for group in mode INCLUDE. Num srcs 1"7654 2013/05/24 16:59:43.90 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpProcessIfSrcTimerExpSource Timer expired for IGMP host (,"7655 2013/05/24 16:59:43.90 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpIfSrcDelDeleting i/f source entry for host (, from IGMP Database. DeleteFromAvl: 1 !Redir 0"7656 2013/05/24 16:59:43.90 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn2 IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]"IGMP[vprn2 inst 14]: igmpIfGroupDelDeleting from IGMP host database"Page 21347750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail ScenarioESM L2TP Wholesale/Retail MulticastAs previously mentioned, the other option for PPPoE wholesale/retail is to use an L2TPconnection as shown in Figure337. LAC-1 contains the wholesale configuration while LNS-1contains the retail configuration.Figure 337: L2TP Wholesale-Retail MulticastBelow is a configuration extract for the wholesale L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC) in thewholesale service. It is using the local database, under the pppoe user-db configuration, toauthenticate the subscriber. The wholesale LAC does not process any IGMP messages so it passesall messages to the retailer LNS.*A:LAC-1> config>service>vprn>sub-if# info----------------------------------------------description "L2TP"unnumbered “system”group-interface "LAC-sub-int-1" createsap 1/1/11:222 createsub-sla-mgmtdef-sub-id use-sap-iddef-sub-profile "multicast-profile-1def-sla-profile "sla-profile-1"sub-ident-policy "sub-ident-policy-1"multi-sub-sap 10no shutdownexitexitpppoesession-limit 10sap-session-limit 10user-db "ppp-db-1"no shutdownexitexitl2tpgroup "l2tp-group-1" create7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2135ESM L2TP Wholesale/Retail Multicasttunnel "tunnel-1" createauto-establishlocal-name "LAC"peer shutdownexitno shutdownexitno shutdownThe retailer BNG serves as the L2TP Network Server (LNS). Below is a configuration extract forthe LNS. IGMP must be enabled on the ESM group-interface in the retail service.*A:LNS-1> config>service>vprn>sub-if# info----------------------------------------------address "LNS-group-int-1" lns createsap-parameterssub-sla-mgmtdef-sub-id use-sap-iddef-sub-profile "multicast-profile-1def-sla-profile "sla-profile-1"sub-ident-policy "sub-ident-policy-1"multi-sub-sap 10no shutdownexitexitdhcpserver pppgi-address 10no shutdownexitexitl2tpgroup "l2tp-group-1" createtunnel "tunnel-1" createlns-group 1pppauthentication-policy "auth-policy-1"default-group-interface "LNS-group-int-1" service-id 1mtu 1500proxy-authentication alwaysproxy-lcp alwaysexitremote-name "LAC"no shutdownexitno shutdownexitno shutdownigmpgroup-interface "LNS-group-int-1"no shutdownexitno shutdownPage 21367750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail Scenario With the above configuration applied, the wholesale/retail multicast setup can be verified. Firstly,send an IGMP message from the subscriber, the example below uses IGMPv3. The (S,G) sent is(, from the subscriber with IP address The show commandsbelow can be used to verify the multicast group being sent to the subscriber.*A:LNS-1> show service active-subscribers igmp detail===============================================================================Active Subscribers Detail===============================================================================Subscriber IGMP-PolicyHostAddr GrpItf NumGroupsGrpAddr Type Up-Time ModeSrcAddr Type Blk/Fwd-------------------------------------------------------------------------------LNS1-pppoe-sub-01 igmp-policy- LNS 1239.255.1.1 Dynamic 0d 00:04:41 Include192.168.4.2 Dynamic Fwd-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of Subscribers : 1===============================================================================The IGMP group is not seen in the wholesale router instance (as shown by the first output belowon LAC-1), however, it is seen in the retail router instance (as shown by the second output belowon LNS-1).*A:LAC-1> show router 1 igmp group===============================================================================IGMP Interface Groups==============================================================================================================================================================IGMP Host Groups==============================================================================================================================================================IGMP SAP Groups===============================================================================No Matching Entries===============================================================================*A:LNS-1> show router 1 igmp group===============================================================================IGMP Interface Groups==============================================================================================================================================================IGMP Host Groups===============================================================================(, List : Up Time : 0d 00:08:27===============================================================================IGMP SAP Groups===============================================================================-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2137ESM L2TP Wholesale/Retail Multicast(*,G)/(S,G) Entries : 1===============================================================================Only the retail BNG (LNS-1) is responsible for processing the IGMP messages. Therefore totroubleshoot ESM multicast for an L2TP service, the following debug commands are used on theLNS.debugrouter "1"igmpgroup-interface "LNS-01"host ""packet mode egr-ingr-and-droppedexitexit7604 2013/05/24 16:55:49.46 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[8]"IGMP[8]: RX-PKT[013 07:53:02.120] IGMP host V3 PDU: -> 20Type: V3 REPORT maxrespCode 0x0 checkSum 0xddf6Num Group Records: 1Group Record 0Type: ALW_NEW_SRCS, AuxDataLen 0, Num Sources 1Mcast Addr: Address List192.168.4.2"7605 2013/05/24 16:55:49.46 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpIfGroupAddAdding to IGMP host database"7606 2013/05/24 16:55:49.46 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpProcessGroupRecProcess group rec ALW_NEW_SRCS received on host for group in modeINCLUDE. Num srcs 1"7607 2013/05/24 16:55:49.46 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpIfSrcAddAdding i/f source entry for host (, to IGMP fwdList Database, redir if N/A"The IGMP leave messages can also be seen in the debug, as shown below.7615 2013/05/24 16:58:06.38 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[8]"IGMP[8]: RX-PKT[013 07:55:19.040] IGMP host V3 PDU: -> 20Page 21387750 SR Advanced Configuration GuideESM IPv4: Multicast in a Wholesale/Retail Scenario Type: V3 REPORT maxrespCode 0x0 checkSum 0xdcf6Num Group Records: 1Group Record 0Type: BLK_OLD_SRCS, AuxDataLen 0, Num Sources 1Mcast Addr: Address List192.168.4.2"7616 2013/05/24 16:58:06.38 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpProcessGroupRecProcess group rec BLK_OLD_SRCS received on host for group in modeINCLUDE. Num srcs 1"7617 2013/05/24 16:58:06.38 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpProcessIfSrcTimerExpSource Timer expired for IGMP host (,"7618 2013/05/24 16:58:06.38 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpIfSrcDelDeleting i/f source entry for host (, from IGMPDatabase. DeleteFromAvl: 1 !Redir 0"7619 2013/05/24 16:58:06.38 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn1 IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]"IGMP[vprn1 inst 8]: igmpIfGroupDelDeleting from IGMP host database"7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2139ConclusionConclusionMulticast is an essential part of Triple Play Services. The SR/ESS TPSDA solution offering ismuch more than a baseline multicast delivery, it includes individual subscriber awareness andprovides each retailer a separate routing context to manage their own multicast content. Subscriberawareness allows for the fine tuning of each subscriber multicast experience and also fortroubleshooting on a per subscriber basis. This example provides a complete configuration walkthrough for multicast delivery for both IPoE and PPPoE in a wholesale/retail model.Page 21407750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide。



阿尔卡特7750SR路由器快速配置手册上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司7750SR 路由器日常维护手册第 2 页 共 55 页 2 目 录1. 总体概述 (4)2.新增板卡配置 (6)2.1. IOM 模块配置 (7)2.2. MDA 模块配置 (8)3. 新增链路配置 (10)3.1. 物理端口配置 (10)3.1.1. Pos 口配置 (10)3.1.2. Ethernet 口配置 (11)3.2. 逻辑接口配置 (12)3.2.1. 配置逻辑接口 (12)3.2.2. 检查接口状态 (12)3.3. 与Cisco 、Huawei 配置的比较 (13)4. 系统管理配置 (15)4.1基本信息配置 (15)4.1.1 配置系统名称 (15)4.1.2 配置系统时间 (15)4.1.3配置登陆信息 (15)4.2 安全配置 (16)4.2.1 启用服务 (16)4.2.2 创建用户 (16)4.2.3配置对上送系统CPU 报文的控制cpm-filter (16)4.3 Log 配置 (17)5. 路由器基本配置 (18)5.1 配置逻辑接口 (18)5.1.1 系统管理地址 (18)5.1.2 网络接口地址 (18)5.2 配置Router ID (18)5.3 配置自治系统号 (19)5.4 过滤器ip-filter 配置 (19)5.4.1 配置ip-filter (19)5.4.2 将ip-filter 应用到逻辑接口 (19)5.5 用ip-filter 来抓包 (20)6. 路由协议配置 (20)6.1 静态路由 (20)6.2 OSPF 协议 (20)6.2.1 基本配置 (20)6.2.2 配置路由再分配 (21)6.3 ISIS 协议 (22)6.3.1 基本配置 (22)6.3.2 配置路由再分配 (23)6.4 BGP 协议 (23)6.5 MPLS 协议 (24)7750SR 路由器日常维护手册第 3 页 共 55 页 36.6 LDP 协议 (24)6.7 路由策略配置 (25)7. VPN 配置 (26)8. Qos 配置 (27)8.1 QOS 实现模型 (27)8.2 QoS 配置 (28)8.2.1网络口出队列策略 (28)8.2.2网络口出队列QoS 的应用 (29)8.2.3网络口进队列策略 (29)8.2.4网络口进队列QoS 的应用 (31)8.2.5网络口QoS 策略 (31)8.2.6网络口QoS 策略的应用 (33)8.2.7业务口进队列策略和策略应用 (34)8.2.8业务口出队列策略和策略应用 (39)8.2.9业务限速策略 (44)9.设备日常维护 (45)9.1日常维护步骤 (45)9.2 LED 说明 (45)9.3设备主备用引擎状态和配置的检查 (48)9.4检查设备内存和CPU 的利用率 (49)9.5检查设备的环境参数 (51)9.6检查交换结构的冗余状态 (52)9.7设备的日志检查 (53)9.8链路流量及状态的监测 (54)9.9板卡状态的监测 (55)7750SR-12 7750SR-77750SR-17750SR 路由器日常维护手册第 5 页 共 55 页 5本文档针对7750在中国移动IP 承载网中的具体应用,为了使用户尽快熟悉7750设备的配置,能够通过快速的配置达到开通一些常用的业务。

Alcatel 7750技术资料

Alcatel 7750技术资料
All Rights Reserved © 2007, Alcatel-Lucent @@MODULEPARTNUMBER Edition @@MODULEEDITION Section @@SECTION · Module @@MODULE · Page 1
IES--Alcatel-Lucent的专用Internet访问 (Dedicated Internet Access DIA),可以 根据用户要求很容易地提供Internet访问的业务.
使用IES, 运营商通过他自己的路由域为用户提供被路由的(而非基于隧道的) Internet接入。IES提供:
系统可扩展性和高端口密度 大量有效的可配置入口和出口访问控制列表(ACL) 支持数百万的IP地址转发表 支持几个关键的网络路由协议 (BGP4, IS-IS, OSPF) 支持IPv4和IPv6 支持几个用户路由协议(BGP4, IS-IS, OSPF, RIP, 因特网组管理协议[IGMP],
All Rights Reserved © Alcatel-Lucent 2007
可靠性: 7750 SR 的充分的冗余的平台提供了高可靠性的特性,例如:业务在线软件升级 (In-Service Software Upgrade ISSU),不间断的转发和路由,快速收敛和多种 保护机制 (APS, BFD, LAG).
• Qos的提升
Subscriber Network
All Rights Reserved © Alcatel-Lucent 2007

2010年江苏联通7750BRAS配置规范V1 6

2010年江苏联通7750BRAS配置规范V1 6

置配述描口端通普 .3.2
golsyS PI-SAN tnemeganaM PR DI SLPM DIretuoR 串符字
�串符字选可 。串符字文英的义意有为�能功殊特口端metsys该述描�述描能功 。串符字定固 �式格 diretuoR为述描�口metsys个一认默SARB 0577台每况情常正
述描口端回环 .2.2
1-0577KA-SAN-PI/TJ.ZC �为名命 SARB 0577网PI坛金市州常 �如
选必 4≤ 字数 选必 1 符接连 选必 51≤ 符字 号 号序 � 型备设 � 术技络网 � 选必 1 符接连 选必 4≤ 符字 选必 1 符接连 选必 1 母字 识标 型类备设 / 选必 1 符隔分 称 名房机 选必 项选 数符字 号符
7 ................................................................................................ 范规置配本基备设SARB0577 7 ...................................................................................................................口端闲空 .5.2 .4.2 .3.2 .2.2 .1.2 6 ...................................................................................................置配述描口端行下 5 ...................................................................................................置配述描口端通普 5 ...........................................................................................................述描口端回环 5 ...................................................................�则规名命路电及备设见�名命备设



上海贝尔阿尔卡特7750SR配置标准模板目录一、硬件配置 (5)1.1配置IOM卡 (5)1.1.1 查看已经插入的IOM卡的类型 (5)1.1.2 正确配置IOM卡的类型 (5)1.2配置MDA卡 (5)1.2.1 查看已经插入的MDA卡的类型 (5)1.2.2 正确配置MDA卡的类型 (5)1.3配置MDA端口 (6)1.3.1 POS端口配置 (6)1.3.2 以太口配置 (6)1.3.3 查看port信息 (6)二、设备管理配置 (8)2.1配置路由器名称、LOCA TION、CONTACT (8)2.2配置系统时间 (8)2.3配置SNTP (8)2.3.1 打开SNTP (8)2.3.2 配置SNTP地址 (8)2.4配置SR为TELNET服务器 (8)2.5.1 配置默认动作为允许,因为是所有上主控板的流量。

(9)2.5.2 配置允许IP段的ACL,配置源IP,协议,目的端口 (9)2.5.3 配置一条拒绝的ACL,拒绝其他IP段。

(9)2.6配置用户 (9)2.6.1 配置用户名 (9)2.6.2 配置用户密码 (9)2.6.3 配置用户登陆方式 (10)2.6.4 配置用户所属的组 (10)2.7配置LOG (10)2.7.1 配置log-id (10)2.7.2 配置log信息类型 (10)2.7.3 配置记录log的方式 (10)2.7.4 配置记录log方式的具体配置 (10)2.8配置SNMP (11)2.9配置主备板同步 (11)2.9.1 配置自动同步 (11)2.9.2 手工同步命令 (11)2.10配置空闲时间 (11)2.11配置ANTI-SPOOF (11)三、路由配置 (13)3.1配置路由器系统地址 (13)3.2配置网络接口 (13)3.2.1 配置interface名字及描述 (13)3.2.2 配置IP地址 (13)3.2.3 配置关联端口 (13)3.2.4 查看配置的路由器接口 (13)3.3配置静态及OSPF路由协议 (14)3.3.1 配置静态路由 (14)3.3.2 配置OSPF区域 (14)3.3.3 配置ospf接口cost值 (14)3.3.4 配置一个stub区域 (14)3.3.5 配置NSSA区域 (14)3.3.6 配置虚链路 (15)3.3.7 配置认证 (15)3.3.8 配置路由聚合 (15)3.3.9 配置静态路由注入到OSPF路由协议 (15)3.3.10 查看运行在ospf协议下的接口 (16)3.3.11 查看ospf邻居建立关系 (16)3.3.12 查看ospf路由表 (16)3.4配置IS-IS (16)3.4.1 配置区域ID (16)3.4.2 配置路由器等级能力 (17)3.4.4 查看ISIS下的接口 (17)3.4.5 添加已经配置到ISIS的每个网络接口 (17)3.4.6 查看ISIS邻接关系 (17)3.4.7 查看ISIS路由表 (17)3.5BGP配置 (18)3.5.1 创建AS (18)3.5.2 配置路由器 ID5 (18)3.5.3 配置 BGP (18)3.6配置POLICY (18)3.6.1 配置policy名称 (18)3.6.2 配置从静态路由分布到ospf路由协议中的policy (19)3.6.3 配置commit使之生效 (19)3.6.4 应用policy (19)3.7IP F ILTER配置 (19)3.7.1 创建ip filter (19)3.7.2 指定默认动作 (19)3. 7.3创建条目,指定动作、源、目的IP (19)3.7.4 应用ip filter (20)四、 MPLS 配置以及业务配置 (21)4.1MPLS配置 (21)4.1.1 MPLS接口配置 (21)4.1.2 创建已命名的MPLS路径 (21)4.1.3 配置 MPLS LSP和主路径 (21)4.1.4 查看命令 (22)4.1.5 改变每个网络接口的最大传输单元(MTU)尺寸 (22)4.2 E P IPE 配置 (22)4.2.1 创建客户并将其与提供的业务相关联 (22)4.2.2 指向客户的接口(在我们的网络中由膝上电脑表示)称为“toCustomer”,必须配置为接入接口。



江苏移动7750SR业务数据配置规范(集团专线)南通分公司工程维护部2009年10月目录1前言 (3)2业务规则 (3)37750业务结构 (4)4业务配置前的基本配置 (4)4.1 端口设置 (4)4.2 业务(集团专线)基本配置 (4)5IES(专线业务)配置 (5)5.1 配置思路 (5)5.2 Interface配置模式 (5)5.3 subscriber-interface配置模式 (6)6完整业务配置举例 (7)6.1 interface专线开通 (7)6.2 subscriber-interface专线开通 (7)7常用show命令 (9)1 前言本配置规范只涉及7750作为SR时的IES业务,本文所有配置为最基本的配置,也是集团业务开通的必要配置。


2 业务规则关键字用途规则customer ID 每种业务对应的customer ID1、IES 10;2、VPLS 20;3、VPRN 30;4、VLL 40IES ID 区分每个IES业务1、本地唯一,具体规则如下:2、IES ID:10+(cmnet_zx/VoIP),cmnet_zx 编号:100—110 VoIP 编号:200-210描述定义业务/端口描述1、业务描述:配置为业务用途(To_HaiMenChangHai)2、端口描述:To_对端设备名称_对端设备端口序号3、interface描述:以IP_X.X.X.X/mask路由策略控制引入路由的路由策略策略名称:业务导入陆游协议,如ies_bgp,意为将ies的路由导入BGPPrefix-List 路由发布前缀列表名称和策略名称一致policy-statement路由策略编辑采用业务导入协议命名3 7750业务结构7750SR4 业务配置前的基本配置4.1 端口设置配置思路:当7750SR 为下联设备提供业务服务时,用户设备上联到7750的端口称为SAP , 以太口的配置有:端口描述,配置端口模式,配置封装,配置端口协商A:AK7750# configure port x/x/xA:AK7750>config>port# description To_对端设备名称_对端设备端口序号 A:AK7750>config>port# ethernet mode accessA:AK7750>config>port# ethernet encap-type null/dot1q/qinq A:AK7750>config>port# ethernet no autonegotiate A:AK7750>config>port# no shutdown A:AK7750>config>port# exit4.2 业务(集团专线)基本配置配置说明:7750SR 要求每开一个业务要关联customer ,本次业务开通要求为每种业务创一个customer ID 并做描述,规范见<关键字说明>部分。



7750配置模版-中盈优创S R路由器上线配置模板1基本信息与可靠性 (3)1.1配置要求 (3)1.2配置模板 (3)2接口 (3)2.1配置要求 (3)2.2配置模板 (4)3基础路由 (6)3.1配置要求 (6)3.2配置模板 (6)4系统管理和安全 (8)4.1配置要求 (8)4.2配置模板 (9)1基本信息与可靠性1.1配置要求●配置设备命名。





config systemname system-nameexit●配置设备软件系统启动引导。

bofPrimary-image cf3:/ixxxxprimary-config config.cfgsecondary-image cf3:/iyyyysecondary-config yyyy.cfgexitbof save●(如缺省关闭)配置控制卡之间的配置文件和动态数据同步。

config redundancysynchronize configexit●(如缺省关闭)配置控制卡在故障情况下的无缝倒换。

缺省,无需配置2接口2.1配置要求创建loopback0端口:●配置端口描述●配置ip地址GE端口:●关闭GE端口自动协商(因成功率不高)●配置端口描述●配置MTU值为1526●配置ip地址●端口配置为trunk模式GE链路聚合:●按照LACP (802.3ad)在不同厂商设备之间配置多GE链路的聚合POS端口:●打开POS端口Payload扰码。



●POS CRS:32位。







二、IMS-SBC组网及与接入方式IMS-SBC接入IP城域网网络结构说明中兴IMS系统SBC网元分别接入地市IP专用承载网和IP城域网,通过一对数据CE 接入IP专用承载网,通过一对中兴T600路由器接入IP城域网。




防火墙ospf进程2与IP城域网汇聚SR路由器建立公网ospf邻居关系,区域id为100,防火墙可以学习到IP城域网的公网路由及缺省路由,注:IP城域网SR路由器上需要配置area 100与防火墙ospf进程2进行对接。

防火墙通过ospf进程2学习到SR发布过来的缺省路由后,ospf 进程1才会生成一条缺省路由,发布在ospf进程1中(2台防火墙发布的缺省路由的优先级不同,FW01优先级高,是主用);需要将SBC的公网地址发布到ospf进程2中(2台防火墙发布出去的SBC的公网地址的优先级也不同,FW01的优先级高,同样为主用)。


三、改造实施方案1、删除SR上区域0的ospf路由协议(进程号为1),SR上保留区域号为100的ospf路由2、将SR上非强制下发缺省路由,确保SR1(主用)下发的缺省路由优先级高于S R2(备用)3、将SR上OSPF协议(进程1,区域号100)中的SBC相关路由(公网)引入B GP,确保SR1(主用)引入的SBC路由优先级高于SR2(备用)四、参考配置脚本主平面配置脚本:ospf 1default-route-advertise cost 100ospf引入BGP路由可能会导致环路,所以设上现在实现的是不能引入缺省路由和IBGP路由,需要通过OSPF下发缺省路由来实现,主平面cost小,被平面co st大(非强制下发)area 100peer as-number 24445peer connect-interface LoopBack0#ipv4-family unicastundo synchronizationimport-route ospf 1 route-policy IMSpeer enable增加发布网段策略:ip ip-prefix IMS index 10 permit 24 (SBC的公网地址)route-policy IMS permit node 10if-match ip-prefix IMSapply cost 100 (主平面BGP引入ospf路由设置med值小,备平面设置MED值大)备平面配置脚本:ospf 1default-route-advertise cost 200ospf引入BGP路由可能会导致环路,所以设上现在实现的是不能引入缺省路由和IBGP路由,需要通过OSPF下发缺省路由来实现,主平面cost小,被平面co st大(非强制下发)area 100peer as-number 24445peer connect-interface LoopBack0#ipv4-family unicastundo synchronizationimport-route ospf 1 route-policy IMSpeer enable增加发布网段策略:ip ip-prefix IMS index 10 permit 24 (SBC的公网地址)route-policy IMS permit node 10if-match ip-prefix IMSapply cost 200 (主平面BGP引入ospf路由设置med值小,备平面设置MED值大)。



7750典型配置案例(服务、协议、接口) work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR典型配置案例IES业务 (2)VPRN业务 (3)VPLS业务 (4)Epipe业务 (6)BGP配置 (6)OSPF配置 (7)ISIS配置 (8)Policy 配置 (8)QOS配置 (10)SDP配置 (12)LDP配置 (13)Mirror配置 (13)VPRN互通配置 (14)VRRP配置 (16)POS接口配置 (18)LOG配置 (18)基本配置 (19)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IES业务SAP点需要access,Ethernet encap-type:qinq/dot1q/nullshow service service-usingshow service id arpshow service id fdbshow portclear port结合QOS案例有qos在ies下的应用,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,customer 1 createdescription "ChengDu dianxian,shujubu xiaoyang:86502311"exities 10 customer 1 createno shutdowninterface "to-SC" createaddress 1/1/5:0 createexitexitexities 11 customer 1 createsubscriber-interface "to-ASB" createaddress "to-ASB11" createsap 1/1/5:11 createanti-spoof iphost ip ip "to-ASB"qos 10exitexitsap 1/1/6:13 create exitexitgroup-interface "to-ASB21" createsap 1/1/5:12 createingressqos 100exitegressscheduler-policy "to-ASB"qos 10exitexitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■VPRN业务相关配置:LDP、BGP和IGP,不需要sdpshow router bgp sumshow service service-usingshow route <vprnid>show route tunnel-tableshow routes <> route-table/show route <> bgp routessvc-ping <ip-address> service <>ping/traceroute router <vprnid>oam vprn-pingoam vprn-traceshow route ldp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,servicecustomer 1 createdescription "Default customer"exitvprn 10 customer 1 createdescription "vpn1"route-distinguisher 100:10auto-bind ldpvrf-target target:100:10interface "vpn1" createaddress shutdownexitvprn 20 customer 1 createdescription "vpn2"route-distinguisher 100:20auto-bind ldpvrf-target target:100:20interface "vpn2" createaddress shutdownexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■VPLS业务需要SDP,可以采用GRE或LDPshow service service-usingshow service lablelsshow service fdboam mac-populateoam mac-pingoam mac-ping service <> destination FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FFoam mac-traceoam mac-purge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,servicecustomer 2 createdescription "Alcatel Customer"contact "Joe User"phone "555-1212"exitsdp 3001 mpls createfar-end shutdownexitsdp 3002 mpls createfar-end shutdownexitvpls 100 customer 2 vpn 100 createstpshutdownexitsap 1/1/4:100 createexitmesh-sdp 3001:100 createexitmesh-sdp 3002:100 createexitno shutdownexitvpls 200 customer 2 vpn 200 createstpshutdownexitsap 1/1/4:200 createexitmesh-sdp 3001:200 createexitmesh-sdp 3002:200 createexitno shutdownexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Epipe业务采用spoke-sdpshow serviceoam svc-pingoam mac-* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,servicecustomer 11 createexitepipe 117 customer 1 createshutdownsap 1/1/5:117 createexitspoke-sdp 114:117 createexitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BGP配置需要在全局router下配置AS和routerIDshow router bgp,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,autonomous-system 100router-idbgprouter-id 100group "BGP"family ipv4 vpn-ipv4neighbor增加RR的配置)group "RR"family ipv4 vpn-ipv4cluster "lp"peer-as 100neighbor■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■OSPF配置在做策略引入的时候,需要asbr指定show router route-table protocol ospfshow router ospf ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,‘configure router ecmp 2ospfarea "system"exitinterface "SR91-SR90"exitinterface "SR91-SR93"authentication-type passwordauthentication-key "f3iz20JnD7g" hashexitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ISIS配置Show router ISIS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,isisexport "o2i"level-capability level-2level 2wide-metrics-onlyexitarea-id 49.0001exitinterface "to-93"interface-type broadcastlevel 2metric 2000exitexitexit■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Policy 配置from 多个条件为并列关系,export 多个策略为顺序关系begin 进入编辑状态,commit提交修改执行,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,policy-optionsbeginprefix-list "d_prefix"prefix exactexitpolicy-statement "d_to_o"entry 10fromprefix-list "d_prefix"exittoprotocol ospfexitaction accepttype 1exitexitexitpolicy-statement "i2o"entry 1fromprotocol isisprefix-list "100"exittoprotocol ospfexitaction acceptexitexitexitpolicy-statement "lp"entry 1fromprefix-list "d_prefix"exitaction acceptlocal-preference 200exitexitexitcommitexit协议引入的时候,需要asbr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■QOS配置可以做分层qos,最多3级。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

S R路由器上线配置模板1基本信息与可靠性 (3)1.1配置要求 (3)1.2配置模板 (3)2接口 (3)2.1配置要求 (3)2.2配置模板 (4)3基础路由 (6)3.1配置要求 (6)3.2配置模板 (6)4系统管理和安全 (8)4.1配置要求 (8)4.2配置模板 (9)1基本信息与可靠性1.1配置要求●配置设备命名。





config systemname system-nameexit●配置设备软件系统启动引导。

bofPrimary-image cf3:/ixxxxprimary-config config.cfgsecondary-image cf3:/iyyyysecondary-config yyyy.cfgexitbof save●(如缺省关闭)配置控制卡之间的配置文件和动态数据同步。

config redundancysynchronize configexit●(如缺省关闭)配置控制卡在故障情况下的无缝倒换。

缺省,无需配置2接口2.1配置要求创建loopback0端口:●配置端口描述●配置ip地址GE端口:●关闭GE端口自动协商(因成功率不高)●配置端口描述●配置MTU值为1526●配置ip地址●端口配置为trunk模式GE链路聚合:●按照LACP (802.3ad)在不同厂商设备之间配置多GE链路的聚合POS端口:●打开POS端口Payload扰码。



●POS CRS:32位。




●配置端口描述●配置ip地址2.2配置模板创建loopback0端口:interface "system" #固定名称,必须定义,相当于loopback0description description-stringaddress address/maskexitinterface "loopback1" # 配置loopback1description description-stringaddress address/maskloopbackexitGE端口:config card x/xcard-type card-type #定义IOM类型exitconfig mda x/xmda-type mda-type #定义MDA类型exitconfig port x/x/xdescription description-stringethernetencap-type dot1qno autonegotiatemode accessmtu 1526exitconfig routerinterface ip-interface-nameaddress address/maskport x/x/xexitGE链路聚合:#--------------------------------------------------echo "LAG Configuration"#--------------------------------------------------lag 10description "To-JH-YW-BW-SW1-C6509-5/1/1*5/1/2-Gig" mode accessencap-type qinqport 5/1/1port 5/1/2no shutdownexit#--------------------------------------------------interface "ge-5/1/1*5/1/2:189" createdescription "To-JH-YW-BW-SW1-C6509"address lag-10:189 createexitexitno shutdownexit#--------------------------------------------------POS端口:config card x/xcard-type card-type #定义IOM类型exitconfig mda x/xmda-type mda-type #定义MDA类型exit----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------config port x/x/xdescription description-stringsonet-sdhclock-source [loop-timed | node-timed]framing sdhpathcrc 32mode [access | network]# encap-type bcp-null|bcp-dot1q|ipcp| ppp-auto|frame-relay 缺省为PPP封装,无需配置mtu 9182scrambleexitexitno shutdownexit#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------routerinterface ip-interface-nameaddress address/maskport x/x/xexitexit3基础路由3.1配置要求静态路由:OSPF路由协议:●配置OSPF router-id为loopback0地址●在有OSPF邻居的端口上运行OSPF,GE端口类型指定为point-to-point●将loopback 0配置为passtive端口●(如有需要)将直连路由和静态路由策略重分发到OSPF,type 1类型●配置参考带宽值为100003.2配置模板静态路由:config routerstatic-route address/mask next-hop x.x.x.x preference xx tag xxexitOSPF路由协议:config routerrouter-id x.x.x.xospfasbrreference-bandwidth 100000000preference 110external-preference 110export "export-static-to-ospf" "export-direct-to-ospf" area "system"passiveexitinterface "interface1"interface-type point-to-pointexitinterface "interface2"interface-type point-to-pointexitexitpolicy-optionsbeginprefix-list "prefix-direct-to-ospf"prefix address/mask exactexitprefix-list "prefix-static-to-ospf"prefix address/mask exactprefix address/mask exactexitpolicy-statement "export-direct-to-ospf"entry 10fromprotocol directprefix-list "prefix-direct-to-ospf"exittoprotocol ospfexitaction acceptmetric set xxtag xxtype 1exitexitexitpolicy-statement "export-static-to-ospf"entry 10fromprotocol staticexittoprotocol ospfexitaction acceptmetric set xxtag xxtype 1exitexitexit4系统管理和安全4.1配置要求配置NTP服务:●设置ntp的源地址为loopback0●设置ntp认证,采用md5加密●设置上层ntp server地址●指定可信的密钥配置AAA认证服务●在设备上启用AAA服务●使用TACACS+作为管理用户登陆系统的认证(authentication)●管理用户所有命令和配置权限在TACACS+上设置(authorization)●TACACS+认证失败,使用本地认证●对TACACS+执行审计功能(accounting)●指定TACACS+服务器地址●指定可信的密钥配置本地username和密码配置远程telnet服务和SSH服务●对telnet和SSH访问源地址段进行限制●限制telnet和SSH并发连接数●配置telnet 和SSH的timeout时间配置syslog服务●设置设备syslog发送的目的地址,分别定义主备●设备发送warning以上级别的log信息●定义Syslog的源地址为loopback04.2配置模板配置NTP服务:configure system time ntpserver ip-address key-id 1authentication-key 1 key xxxx hash type message-digestexitconfig system securitysource-addressapplication ntp system # 配置ntp使用 system地址作为源地址 exitexit配置本地username和密码:config system securityprofile <privilege-class> #配置本地用户权限组default-action deny-allentry <entry-id>description <description-string>match <permitted-commands>action <action>exitexit/*----local user------------*/user <user-name> #配置本地用户名、口令、权限组password <password>access consoleconsole/*set the user’s class*/member <privilege-class>/* one user may have several classes of privilege*/…exitexitpasswordauthentication-order tacplus local #配置口令认证顺序exit配置AAA认证服务:tacplussingle-connection #配置TACACS+属性authorizationaccountingsource-address <source-address>server <index> address <ip-address> secret <secret-key>exitexitexit配置远程telnet服务和SSH服务:login-controltelnet # 配置Telnet、SSH最大连接数inbound-max-session <inbound-max-session>outbound-max-session <outbound-max-session>idle-timeout 5exitexitsecurity #启用Telnet、SSHtelnet-serverssh-serverexitexit配置syslog服务:config logsyslog <syslog-id>address <nms-ipaddress> //设置发送syslog 的目的地址level warning //设置发送warning 以上的信息exitexitconfig system securitysource-addressapplication syslog system # 配置syslog使用 system地址作为源地址 exitexit。
