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1.The title gives a good indication of what the article is about: the sixstumbling blocks in intercultural communication.
2.The opening paragraph serves as an introduction.
5.On the one hand, stereotypeshelp reduce the threat of the unknown by making the world predictable and in this way stereotypes increase our feeling of security when we are in a foreign country.On the other hand, stereotypesinterfere with objective viewing of stimuli and are therefore a stumbling block in intercultural communication.
4.The example gives the reader an immediate idea of how serious it will be if one fails in the nonverbal channel in intercultural communication.
5.The last paragraph severs as the conclusion part of the article. The quotation in the last paragraph not only wellestablishestheauthor’scredibilityortrustworthiness and authoritywith the reader, but also enhances the author’s own idea of how to be an effective intercultural communicator, and the appropriate use of quotation here also revealsone of the key characteristics ofaneffective writing, particularlyanargumentative writing.
Part II Selected Reading
Text A
Comprehension Check
Understanding subject
1.(3)Nonverbal misinterpretations.
(4)The presence of preconceptions and stereotypes.
3.The worst one isclinging to just one meaning of a word or phrase in the new language,regardless ofconnotation or context.
4.People from different cultures inhabit different sensory realities. They see, hear, feel and smell only that which has some meaning or importance to them. That is, they interpret nonverbal signs and symbols through the frame of reference oftheirown culture and this will most likely lead to misunderstandings.
Reflection Pond
1. This question requires a personal response.
2.Ethnocentrismrefers to the tendency to see your own culture as the center of the universe, the one and only true reality. You use your own group and your own customs as the standard for all judgments.For example, when people who don’teat porkfirst encounter people who grow up in cultures where everyone considerseatingpork normal, the tendency of the former will assume that it is wrong and disgusting to eat pork, rather than to look at it objectively as a custom that is simply different.The communication strategy most appropriate toavoid being ethnocentric isempathy,to see things from the point of view of others so that you can better know and adjust to the other people.
8.This question requires a personal response.
9.This question requires a personal response.
10.This question is intended for discussion.
Examining technique and style
7.When going abroadwe are attacked by verbal, nonverbal, physical and psychological stimuli often very different from the stimuli we are used to. This causes us to have stress and anxiety.
GaoLili Answer Key to Unit One
Part I Reading Guidelines
Reading Practice 1
Reading Practice 2
Reading Practice 3
One of the newly and rapidly developing telecommunication technologies, the Internet, is bringing a new form of communication:intercultural computer-mediated communicationto many people around the world.
3. This question requires a personal response.
4. (1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T (6)F (7)F (8) T
6.This question requires a personal response.
Text B
Comprehension Check
Reading Practice 4
Reading Practice 5
3.The italicized lines atthebeginning of paragraph 2, 8, 9, 11, 14 and 17 function as subheadings, which reveal the theme, the main idea or the message the author is going to convey in the following paragraph or paragraphs.
(5)Tendency to evaluate.
(6)High anxiety (tension/stress).
2.…there are sufficient similarities among peoples of the world to make communication easily and being human and having common requirements of food, shelter and so on makes everyone alike. It’s comforting tobelieve that “people are people” and “deep down we’re all alike.”
Understanding subject
1.In thisessay, George Orwell explains the direct relationship between politics and the use of language in a community.
2.(1)Dying metaphors:worn out clichés that originally were fresh metaphors.
6.We need to be open-minded and examine attitudes and behaviorsfrom the other’s point of view, rather thanapprove or disapprove of the statements and actions of the other person or groupbased on our own culture and way of life.ordy phrases that could be single words.
(3)Pretentious diction:wraps what could be clarified in a hazy vagueness.
(4)Meaningless words:abstractions that are so open to interpretation that they don’t say anything precise anymore, although once they might have.