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附录A 外文文献及其翻译
Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication The 15th Asian Regional
Conference on
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Bearing capacity of hybrid suction foundation on sand with loading direction via centrifuge model test
Jae Hyun Kim i), Surin Kim i), Dong Soo Kim ii), Jun Ung Youn iii), Dong Joon Kim iv) and Sung Hyun Jee v)
i)P h.D Student, Department of Civil Engineering, KAIST, 291 Daehak-Ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon,
305-701, Republic of Korea.
ii)Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAIST, 291 Daehak-Ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of Korea.
iii)D irector, Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd,446-912, Yongin-si, Republic of Korea.
iv)C hief research engineer, Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd,446-912, Yongin-si, Republic of Korea.
v)General manager, Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd,446-912, Yongin-si,
Republic of Korea.
Suction caisson is widely used to support offshore structure. However, this type of foundation may not provide sufficient resisting capacity economically under external loads. Recently, to give an increased capacity on the foundation, hybrid foundation concept was proposed to satisfy engineering needs as well as cost reduction of structures. Hybrid foundation concept is combination of skirted mat and suction caisson (s). Suction caisson (s) is fitted on the mat foundation intended to increase load capacity. This paper investigates the behavior of a hybrid suction foundation installed in sand layer for vertical and lateral loads, respectively. A series of centrifuge test have been conducted to assess the load capacity of the hybrid foundation and compared to those of the conventional single suction caisson. The primary goal of this study is to comprehend the effect of the mat compartment on foundation behavior under loading directions, and corresponding bearing capacity. Finally, feasibility of the hybrid foundation for offshore foundation was confirmed.
Keywords: suction caisson, hybrid foundation, bearing capacity, centrifuge modelling, sand
Suction foundation is used in offshore industry world-wide as it can be installed by suction using differential pressure inside and outside the caisson, enabling the pre-loading in a short time as well as minimizing the need for additional equipment for the installation. As the
demands for offshore development, combined with the continue depletion of natural resources has resulted in offshore development moving beyond the shallow waters into deeper waters and harsh environments. In perspective of these situations, suction induced foundation (or anchor) is being considered to be the most efficient and robust solution for supporting offshore structures.
In offshore, the foundations are usually exposed by the various combinations of loadings. It may come from currents (waves), expansion / contraction of pipe lines linked to the structures due to the thermal changes before and after the operation or loads transferred from mooring lines. Typically, they applied on the structure in the horizontal forces with relatively small vertical load due to a low self-weight of the structure.
Suction caisson are large diameter steel cylinders with open ended at the bottom. In the design perspective, large diameter suction caisson is believed to provide higher holding capacity than small one toresist high external loads. However, manufacturing and transporting costs as well as installation are increased inefficiently. Therefore, new concept of suction caisson to increase the holding capacities while reducing the cost is needed.
Recently, hybrid suction foundation that combination of suction caisson (s) with large mat foundation to increase holding capacity while reducing structural cost has been considered. In some case, mat foundation with multi small suction caissons, called hybrid group suction foundation, can be alternative (Fig.1). Hybrid foundation concept and its benefit are well summarized in Gaudin et al. (2011) and Bienen et al (2011). Many studies related with holding capacity of hybrid foundation under various loading conditions in homogeneous clay have been investigated by using the numerical simulation and to a lesser by the centrifuge model test [Gaudin et al. (2011); Bienen et al. (2011; 2012); Dimmock et al. (2013) and Fu et al. (2014)]. However, the behaviour of the hybrid foundation with loading directions (or combined loadings) in the sand layer is not yet well understood.
In this paper, the behaviour of hybrid suction foundation placed on sand layer under uniaxial vertical and horizontal loadings was investigated using the centrifuge model test. The hybrid suction foundation which is combination of one suction caisson and the hopper over the container, nozzle size and falling height. Total three soil models with relative density, Dr = 60%, were prepared to a depth of 450 mm and performed six model tests in the samples. The resulting soil model conditions are tabulated in Table 2. The prepared soils were saturated at 1g by dribbling the water from the soil surface up to about 30 mm above the sample. The degree of saturation was enhanced by pre-spinning the model up to 70g in the centrifuge before the loading tests.
2.1 Geo-centrifuge
A series of centrifuge model tests were performed using a beam-type geotechnical centrifuge installed at KAIST in Korea with 5 m radius. The maximum capacity of the
centrifuge is 240 g-ton and can be accelerated up to 130g. The detailed description of the facilities can be found in Kim et al. (2013).
2.2 Test apparatus and loading system
The load tests were conducted in the cylindrical container with inner diameter of 700 mm and 900 mm height at 70g-level. In order to apply the vertical and horizontal loads on the foundation, in a uniaxial form, respectively, loading systems were set up. To simulate the vertical load on the foundation, the model was connected to the driving part of linear actuator. Model and actuator were connected in a pin joint type with a pair of male and female, so that t h e m o d e l i s f r e e t o move vertically but restricted in horizontal direction. It makes possible to allow soil settlement while ramping up the centrifuge acceleration. Horizontal load was simulated by adopting the pulleys and wire system. The drive unit was mounted on a container to be moved horizontally and linked to the model foundation using a chain through pulleys fixed at the container wall. Thus, pure horizontal load was applied on the top of foundation by displacing an actuator position with constant rate, drawing the foundation horizontally. The manufactured miniature loadcell was connected between the chain and the caisson with
pin-joint type such that the horizontal load was directly measured at very close the model. Two laser sensors were positioned at the different level. Thus, displacement or rotation of the foundation was monitored of thin and light plate standing on the model. In addition, the images was captured at same interval in front of the model during the test to perform the image analysis. Suction caisson Actuator LVDT Load-cell Pin
Actuator Pulley Wire Load cell Laser sensors Load cell Suction caisson
2.3 Model description
Two types of model were prepared to perform a series of tests; conventional suction caisson and single suction caisson with circular mat. Single suction foundation have caisson outer diameter (D c ) m of 71.4 mm with 3 mm thickness (t c ) m , corresponding to prototype dimension (D c ) p = 5 m and (t c ) p = 210 mm. Caisson length to diameter ratio (L/D c ) is 1. The thickness of the model was over-designed than the typical prototype caisson dimension by concern for structure failure during the tests (typically, t c /D c = 0.3 ~ 0.4% for sand, Tran and Randolph (2008)). Hybrid
foundation have same dimensions with those of the single caisson model and the mat dimension of D m = 142.8 mm, representing a prototype of (D m ) p = 10 m. the dimension of foundation are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Dimensions of the model foundations.
2.4 Soil sample
The clean silica sand material, which is mainly comprised with quartzite, was used in this study. The soil properties of the sand used in this study are; specific gravity G s = 2.65, mean grain size (D 50 ) = 0.237, maximum dry density, γ max = 1.64 and minimum dry density, γ min = 1.24.
Dry sand were prepared by a pluviation method using an automated sand rainer. Homogeneous sand layer was achieved by controlling the travel speed of the hopper over the container, nozzle size and falling height. Total three soil models with relative density, D r = 60%, were prepared to a depth of 450 mm and performed six model tests in the samples. The
resulting soil model conditions are tabulated in Table 2. The prepared soils were saturated at 1g by dribbling the
water from the soil surface up to about 30 mm above the sample. The degree of saturation was enhanced by pre-spinning the model up to 70g in the centrifuge before the loading tests.
2.5 Testing program
Total six tests were performed in the three soil samples. In the Sample 1, two vertical loading tests were conducted on the single and hybrid foundations, respectively (denoted as Test 1 and Test 4). In the sample 3, two horizontal load test were conducted by using the two caissons (Test 3 and Test 6). Here, the tests were carried out in the conditions that the base (or mat) of the caissons is completely contacted to the ground. In the sample 2, the same tests done in sample 3 were conduct except that the mat (or base) is not attached to the ground surface (Test 2 and Test 5). In each sample, the tests for each model foundation in the sample were performed under same boundary condition and the spacing between the models.
All of the model foundations were installed up to predetermined depth by jacking using the vertical actuator at a constant rate of 1 mm/sec at 1g. After installation of the foundation, centrifuge was ramped up to 70g in steps. Then, the model foundation was displaced in the load directions with 0.05 mm/sec, ensuring fully drain condition during the load tests as recommended by Finnie and Randolph (1994).
The results are discussed following the sign and symbol adopted by Butterfield et al. (1997). The reference point is located at the soil surface in this study.
Table 2. Test conditions.
Foundation Loading Loading γd
Test ID type direction rate(kN/m3)Remark4)
Test 11)V14.6Detached
Test 22) Conventional H14.7Detached Test 33)H0.0514.7Attached
Test 41)V mm/sec14.6Detached Test 52) Hybrid H14.7Detached Test 63)H14.7Attached
Note: 1) sample 1; 2) sample 2; 3) sample 3,
4) whether the foundation base (or mat) fully attached to the soil surface or not.
3.1 Ultimate vertical capacity
Vertical holding capacity of suction foundation was investigated. All the results are also discussed in a prototype scale. Figure 3 presents two load -displacement curves observed in the displacement - controlled vertical loading tests. Vertical loads are also
plotted against normalized displacement, d/D c, as well as bearing capacity factor, 2V/Aγ’D c, where A is area of suctions caisson, in a dimensionless form.
The load-displacements observed in vertical loading tests were monotonically increased with penetration without mobilization of peak strength, which reflect the characteristics of punching behavior. In addition, it is evident that the vertical bearing capacity of the hybrid foundation is higher than the conventional caisson due to mat foundation with enlarged area. For Test 4, the load-displacement shape was changed in around d/Dc =
0.07 (denoted as symbol ① in Fig. 3) where the mat is fully attached on the soil surface. Thereafter, load was dramatically increased (denoted as symbol ①).
Ultimate bearing capacity were determined where the tangential intersection of two linear lines parallel to the initial and later parts of the measurement and its corresponding point of the curves (see, red dots in Fig. 3). The determined ultimate bearing capacities show
V ult = 81 MPa (2V/Aγ’Dc =113) at d/Dc = 0.21 for Test 1 and Vult = 155 MPa (2V/Aγ’Dc = 216) at d/Dc = 0.21 for Test 4. The ultimate bearing capacity of hybridfoundation is about 1.91 times larger value than the value of conventional suction foundation.
3.2 Ultimate horizontal capacity
Figure 4 presents the bearing capacity for the horizontal loading for conventional single caisson and hybrid foundation. Horizontal displacement of the caisson at the reference point is calculated from measurements of two laser sensors positioned at different levels.
All the curves reaches a plateau. Results show that the horizontal load capacities of hybrid foundation are much higher than those of the single suction caisson. It may come from the mat foundation which aids the resisting force from the external load by extending the resisting area. The determined ultimate horizontal capacities are summarized in Table 3. It is noteworthy that the load-displacement trend of Test 5 in a condition that the mat foundation is not fully contacted with the ground surface, shows double curvature shape. This trend is contrary to the behavior of Test 6 in a condition of fully contact between the mat and ground. It can be explained by the rotation behavior of the foundation. Firstly, only the part of caisson resisted horizontal load because the mat was detached from the soil surface as
denoted in Fig. 4 (see, symbol ①). As the load increases, the foundation began to rotate, and the protruded mat beyond the caisson initiated to intrude
into the ground surface (Fig. 4, see ①). Finally, the mat was completely penetrated into the ground and full holding capacity of the hybrid foundation was reached. It can actually happen in the field because the soil heaving may occur during the suction installation process so that the caisson can’t penetrate up to the full penetration (Houlsby and Byrne, 2005).
For Test 6, unlike the Test 5, horizontal load continuously increased and reached to the ultimate holding capacity. The different rotation behavior could be confirmed by the captured images with same interval during the tests as shown in the Fig. 5.
Centrifuge test have been conducted to explore the feasibility of hybrid suction foundation for the offshore structure in sand. The ultimate bearing capacities for the vertical and horizontal loadings were assessed by using the model tests. From a series of test, hybrid foundation which is combination of the circular mat and suction caisson, shows the potential as an alternative subsea foundation by providing enhanced holding capacities.
The results also showed different behavior with the attached condition between the mat and soil surface. However, additional analyses would be required to confirm the effect of interaction between the mat and soil on the capacities. Further investigation for the hybrid foundation is currently on-going. With the centrifuge model tests, finite element analysis is conducting in parallel to investigate the bearing capacity with the loading directions and to validate the test results.
This study was supported by a grant from the Future Flagship R&D Program (10042452) of Korea Minis-try of Trade Industry and Energy “Engineering Technology Development for the 3,000m Deepwater Subsea Equipment and URF Installation to advance to Deepwater Offshore Plant Market” project. The authors also thanks to the collaborations of Hyundai Engineering and Construction, Co., Ltd.
1)Bienen, B. et. al. (2011): Numerical study of the combined load capacity of a hybrid foundation, Proc. Int. Symp. Off.and Pol. Eng., ISOPE2011, Maui, Hawai, USA, 556-562.
2)Butterfîeld, R., Houlsby, G. T., and Gottardi, G. (1997): Standardised sign conventions and notation for generally loaded foundations, Géotechnique, 47(4), 1051–1052.
3)Dimmock, P. et al. (2013): Hybrid subsea foundations for sub-sea equipment, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviron-mental Engineering, 139(12), 2182-2192.
4)Finnie, I.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. (1994): Punch-through and liquefaction induced failure of shallow foundations on calcareous sediments, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Behaviour of Off-shore Structures, Boston, USA, 217-230.
5)Fu, D. et al. (2014): Undrained capacity of a hybrid subsea skirted mat with caissons under combined loading, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51, 934-949
6)Gaudin, C. et al. (2011): Centrifuge experiments of a hybrid foundation under combined loading, Proc. Int. symp. Off. and Pol. Eng, ISOPE 2011, Maui, Hawai, USA. 386-392.
7)Houlsby, G. T., and Byrne, B. W. (2005): Design procedures for installation of suction caissons in sand, Proceedings of the ICE-Geotechnical Engineering, 158(3), 135-144.
8)Kim, D.S. et al. (2013): A newly developed state-of-the-art geotechnical centrifuge in Korea, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 17(1), 77-84.
9)Tran, M. N., and Randolph, M. F. (2008): Variation of suction pressure during caisson installation in sand,
Géotechnique, 58(1), 1-11.





















混合基础概念及其好处在Gaudin 等人(2011)和Bienen等(2011)。

许多关于混合基础在均匀粘土中各种负载条件下的保持能力的研究已经通过使用数值模拟进行了研究,并通过离心机模型试验进行了较少研究[Gaudin 等。

(2011); Bienen等人(2011; 2012); Dimmock 等。

(2013)和Fu 等人。









离心机的最大容量为240 g-ton,可加速到130g。

述可以在Kim et al。














图 2.垂直和水平装载的装载系统方案:(a)垂直装载系统(b)水平加载系统

单吸型地基的沉箱外径(D c)m为71.4 mm,厚度为3 mm(t c)m,对
应于原型尺寸(D c)p = 5 m和(t c)p = 210 mm。

考虑到试验期间的结构破坏,模型的厚度超过典型的原型沉箱尺寸(通常,tc / D c = 0.3〜0.4%,对于沙,Tran和Randolph(2008))。

混合基础具有与单一沉箱模型和垫尺寸D m = 142.8mm的尺寸相同的尺寸,代表(D m)p = 10m的原型。



本研究中使用的砂土性质为:比重G s = 2.65,平均粒径(D 50)= 0.237,最大干密度,γmax = 1.64和最小干密度,γmin = 1.24。



D r = 60%的三个土壤模型制备成深度为450mm,并在样品中进行六个模型测试。



通过在负载测试之前在离心机中将模型预旋转至70g 来增强饱和度。







通过使用垂直致动器以1g / sec的恒定速率1mm / sec顶起,将所有模型基础安装到预定深度。


然后,模型基础在负载方向上以0.05mm / sec移位,确保在负载测试期间完全排水条件,如Finnie和Randolph(1994)所推荐的。






图3给出了在位移控制垂直载荷试验中观察到的两个载荷 - 位移曲线。

垂直载荷也以标准化位移d / D c以及承载能力因子2V / Aγ'Dc绘制,其中A是吸力沉箱的面积,以无量纲的形式。



对于试验4,在垫子完全附着在土壤表面上的d / D c = 0.07(在图3中表示为符号①)附近改变载荷 - 位移形状。



对于测试1,d / D c = 0.21时测得的极限承载能力显示V ult = 81MPa(2V /A
γ'Dc = 113),在d /对于试验4,D c = 0.21。








值得注意的是,试验5在垫子基座未与地面完全接触的情况下的载荷 - 位移趋势显示出双曲率形状。












图 5.水平荷载试验的图像捕获:(a)试验6和(b)试验5









1) Bienen, B. et. al. (2011): Numerical study of the combinedload capacity of a hybrid foundation, Proc. Int. Symp. Off.and Pol. Eng., ISOPE2011, Maui, Hawai, USA, 556-562.
2) Butterfîeld, R., Houlsby, G. T., and Gottardi, G. (1997):Standardised sign conventions and notation for generallyloaded foundations, Géotechnique, 47(4), 1051–1052.
3) Dimmock, P. et al. (2013): Hybrid subsea foundations forsub-sea equipment, Journal of Geotechnical andGeoenviron-mental Engineering, 139(12), 2182-2192.
4) Finnie, I.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. (1994): Punch-throughand liquefaction induced failure of shallow foundations oncalcareous sediments, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Behaviour ofOff-shore Structures, Boston, USA, 217-230.
5) Fu, D. et al. (2014): Undrained capacity of a hybrid subseaskirted mat with caissons under combined loading, CanadianGeotechnical Journal, 51, 934-949
6) Gaudin, C. et al. (2011): Centrifuge experiments of a hybrid foundation under combined loading, Proc. Int. symp. Off. andPol. Eng, ISOPE 2011, Maui, Hawai, USA. 386-392.
7) Houlsby, G. T., and Byrne, B. W. (2005): Design proceduresfor installation of suction caissons in sand, Proceedings of the ICE-Geotechnical Engineering, 158(3), 135-144.
8) Kim, D.S. et al. (2013): A newly developed state-of-the-artgeotechnical centrifuge in Korea, KSCE Journal of CivilEngineering, 17(1), 77-84.
9) Tran, M. N., and Randolph, M. F. (2008): Variation ofsuction pressure during caisson installation in sand,Géotechnique, 58(1), 1-11.。
