人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)

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②.recommend vt. 推荐;建议→
n. 推荐;介绍
(信);劝告;建议 ③.comfort n. 舒适;安慰vt.
舒服的→comfortably adv. 舒适地;舒服地
④.requirement n. 需要;要求→ require v. 需要;要求
人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
人教英语选修7Unit5R) PT课件
of a new way of life 1. finding a b__a_la_n_c_e_between study
⑤.acknowledge vt. 承认;确认;答谢→
承⑥认.co;nt认rad同ic;t v致t. 反谢驳;驳斥→contradictioancnk.n反ow驳le;dg矛em盾en;t
对立→contradictoryadj. 互相矛盾的;互相对立的
⑦.apology n. 道歉;谢罪→ apologize v. 道歉
4. What is the main idea of the passage? It talks about a Chinese student Xie Lei’s experience in the UK.
2.Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para.1 No.1 XieLei’s preparation year(一年预科) No.2 Benefits of her preparation course
人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)(精品)
of having a tutor 1. to explain about why you cannot _u_se_
other people’s work without _a_c_k_n_o_w_l_e_d_g_in_g_ it 2. to _e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e you to express your own ideas with reasons
and a _so_c_i_a_l _li_f_e 2. making new _fr_i_e_n_d_s_
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人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Retell the passage and fill in the blanks.
格)for this job. recommended
②It was his tutor that
(推荐)him to the TV Station.
③His mother keeps herself fully occupied(占用)with
housework every day. ④Li Na isacknowledged(认为) as one of the best tennis
the interview. ⑦Don't worry! It's impossible to satisfy everyone's r .
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人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Para.2 No.3 The author’s best wish for Xie Lei Para.3 No.4 Benefits of living with a host family
Para.4 No.5 XieLei now is getting well and is
living an active life.
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人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
at the university 1. learning to read w__id__el_yand
_a_n_a_ly_z_e_ the texts 2. _e_x_p_r_es_s_i_n_g one’s own opinion with
of living with a host family
the new culture
1.to learn more about ______________. 2.to have the family explain things
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Basic vocabulary knowledge test
①q.ualificationn. 资格;资历→ qualify v. 取得资格;达
到标准;使具有资格→qualified adj. 有资格的;合格的;
In order to complete a business ① qualification, Xie Lei ② boarded the plane for London six months ago. And now she is already ③halfwaythrough her
preparation year, which is a must for any student before entering a ④ degreecourse. On arriving at London, Xie Lei found it difficult to ⑤get used tothe whole new way of life as well as study, which ⑥occupied/took upall her ⑦concentrationin the beginning. And she had to learn
Oxford University
Cambridge University
Harvard University
Keep it up, Xie Lei Chinese student fitting in well
Answer the questions.
1. Which country does Xie Lei study in? How long has she been there?
players in the world. ⑤It's a great c omfortto the mother to see the children
growing happily, especially after her husband died. ⑥Obviously, all the applicants have made good preparatiofnosr
almost everything again just like a child.
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人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Thanks to her ⑧
of doing a preparation course
1. to learn how to __g_e_t_u__s_e_d_t_o_ Western _a_c_a_d__e_m_i_c__re__q_u_i_re_m__e. nts 2. to get used to a new __w_a_y__o_f_l_i_f_e.
Money Passport
Make plans
Travel abroad
Apply for a visa
Local conditions and customs
Weather Accommodation
If you can choose a university to stay there for further study, which foreign university will you choose?
encouraged students to think by themselves and
have their own opinions rather than only ⑿ refer
to others.
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Para.6 No.6 Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, came to
study in London
No.7 Xie Lei’s difficulty getting used to a
new way of life
Fill in the blanks.
While studying in London, Xie Lei has some difficulties as well as benefits. Try to find them according to the diagram given.
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
Warming up
You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way.
--- Roman Holiday
When we decide to travel abroad, what should we take into account ?
3. Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs?
Because she thinks it’s important to have a balance between study and a social life, and she wants to make new friends.
Translate the following phrases into Chinese.
①adjust to__适__应__,_调__节 ② be similar to__与__.._.._.._相_似___ ③keep it up_保__持__优_秀__下__去,继续干下去 ④ fit in_相__适__应__,_相_ 融合 ⑤dream of_梦__到__,__梦_见____ ⑥apply for__请_求__,__申__请___ ⑦get/be used to_习__惯__于____ ⑧take up_占__据__,_拿__起__,_从事 ⑨as far as one is concerned 就......而言 ⑩be occupied with 忙着做......, 忙于某事物
She studies in England. She’s been there for six months.
2. Who has helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?
The host family, other college students and her teachers.
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人教英语选修7Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(25页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Filling the blanks according to the meaning.
①Previous teaching experience is a necessaryqualification(资
family, which she felt a
⑨ substitute when she missed her family,
now she has learned more about everyday life and the ⑩customsof the new country.
What impressed Xie Lei deeply was their academic ⑾ requirements. The teachers