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[i:] 发这个音的字母与组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he weevening
ee:sweet bee sheep seethree
ea:meat leaf sea teach eat
ie: piece
ei: receive ceiling
i: police
ey: key
[i] 发这个音的字母与组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village rade orange
i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin
e: begin behind jacket basketball
y: happy heavy busy carrysunny
ey: monkey money
ay:Sunday Saturday Friday
u: busy business
ui: build
[ә:] 发这个音的字母与组合er ir ur ear orour
er: her serve term
ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain
ear:early learn
or: word work world
our: journey
[ә] 发这个音的字母与组合ure er ar or ou re
a e i o u
ure: picture
er:teacher brother dinner father sister
ar: sugar dollar
or:doctor actor
re: metre centre
ou: delicious gracious
a:pandaabout above camerasofaChina
e: open hundred
i: candidate
o: control polite today
u: datum curriculum
[ɔ:] 发这个音的字母与组合a aw al or oor ore au ar ou oar
a: waterwant
aw: draw strawberry
al: ball wall
or: horse corn fork or short
oor: floor door
ore: core tore
au: August daughter
ar: warm
ou: bought ought
oar: board
[ɔ] 发这个音的字母与组合o a au ou ow
o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor
a: watch what
au: Austrilia
ou: cough
ow: knowledge
[u:] 发这个音的字母与组合o oo ui u oe
ou ew
o: do who whose
oo: food moon too
ui: fruit juice
u: ruler rude
oe: canoe
ou: coupon
ew: drew blew
[u] 发这个音的字母与组合o oo u oul
o: woman wolf
oo: look good book foot wood
u: bull bullet
oul: could should
[a:] 发这个音的字母与组合a ar au ear al
a: grass glass class dance fast father ar: car stararm March garden scarf
au: laugh aunt
ear: heart
al: half palm calm
[Λ] 发这个音的字母与组合o u oo ou
o: son e color love money
u: sun nut jump bus brush supper us
ou: touch cousin country
[æ] 发这个音的字母与组合aai
a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flaghand stand rat map
ai: plaid
[e] 发这个音的字母与组合e ea a ai ue ie
e: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfast
a: many any anything
ai: said
ue: guess guest
ie: friend friendly
[ei] 发这个音的字母与组a ai ay ey eaei eigh a: cake make name game snake lazy
ai: rain train wait
ay: day May play today way
ey: they grey
ea: great break
ei: reign veil
eigh: eight weight
[ai] 发这个音的字母与组i y ie uy ei igh eye i: kite bike nice tiger write knife
y: by cry fly my sky try why
ie: tie pie
uy: buy guy
ei: either
(e)igh: high height
eye: eyebrow
[ɔi] 发这个音的字母与组合oi oy
oi: oil boil coin
oy: boy toy
[au] 发这个音的字母与组合ou ow
ou: house mouse mouth trousers
ow: flower cow how now down
[әu] 发这个音的字母与组合o oa ow ou
o: nose rose open over
oa: boat coat soap goat
ow: show window snow bowl
ou: shoulder though
[iә] 发这个音的字母与组合e ear eer ea ier eo e: era
ear: ear hear tear
eer: deer beer
ea: really
ier: pierce
eo: peony
[eә] 发这个音的字母与组合air ear ere areeir air: hair chair pair
ear: pear bear wear
ere: where there
are: dare hare
eir: their
[uә] 发这个音的字母与组合oor our ure u
oor: poor
our: tour
ure: sure pure
u: jury
[p] 发这个音的字母与组合p pp pe
p: piano panda pet ship sheeppig stop pp: apple happy
pe: cope ripe
[b]发这个音的字母与组合b bb be
b: book ball bird boy bag banana
bb: rubber rabbit cabbage
be: robe tube
[t]发这个音的字母和字母组合 t tt te
t: table tea taxi cat rat fatticket tt: butter matter
te: bite cute
[d]发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed dd de
d: duck seeddoor desk day red head ed: smiled opened played
dd: addition buddy
de: ride jade
[k] 发这个音的字母与组合c k ckch qu ke c: cap cookcup car can class
k: cook milkkey desk
ck: clock sock cock neck
ch: school Christmas
que: cheque technique
ke: lake bike
[g] 发这个音的字母与组合g gg gh gu gue
g: glass golf get girl baggoatflag
gg: egg
gh: ghost
gu: guilt guide
gue: dialogue colleague
[s] 发这个音的字母与组合s c ss ce sc se s: star sun snake sea see
c: pencil city cedar ceiling
ss: grass glass class boss
ce: face race rice nice
sc: scene scentist
se: sense dense
[z] 发这个音的字母与组合z s se ze es
z: zero zebra zoo
s: bags photos sisters
se: nose rose
ze: size realize
es: knives wolves
[∫] 发这个音的字母与组合s shch ci si ti s: sugar sure
sh: ship sheep wash cash shopshe
ch: machine chef
ci: species special
si: session passion
ti: patient cautious
[3] 发这个音的字母与组合s ge gi si z
s: usually measure pleasure
ge: massagemirage
gi: regime
si: collision decision television
z: seizure
[t∫] 发这个音的字母与组合ch tcht
ch: teacher peachcherry chair
tch: watch match
t: virtual ritual question
[d3] 发这个音的字母与组合g j ge dge
g: ginger giraffe
j: jump job jam
ge: orange cabbage cage
dge: bridge judge
[f] 发这个音的字母与组合f ff ph ghfe
f: five fan flower fish four leaf
ff: giraffe cuff
ph: phone elephant photo
gh: laugh
fe: knife life
[v] 发这个音的字母与组合v ve
v: video vase vest
ve: five love
[θ] 发这个音的字母与组合th
th: three thin third teeth mouth
th: father mother brother weather
[ts] 发这个音的字母与组合ts tes
ts: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes
[dz] 发这个音的字母与组合ds des
ds: seeds woods friends birds beds
des: rides
[tr] 发这个音的字母与组合tr
tr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick
[dr] 发这个音的字母与组合dr
dr: draw drink driver dragon dry
[h] 发这个音的字母与组合h wh
h: he her head heart hair ham wh: who whose
[r] 发这个音的字母与组合r rr wrrh
r: rice room ride road rose
rr: mirror carrot parrot
wr: write wrong wrap
rh: rhyme rhythm
[l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll
l: look light lock lucky lion tail ll: ball pull doll tell
[m] 发这个音的字母与组合m mb mm mn me
m: mouse milk monkey money mum
mb: climb b thumb
mm: hammer mon yummy
mn: autumn hymn
me: time e
[n] 发这个音的字母与组合n kn gn nn ne
n: nose net nut banana noodles train kn: knee knife knock
gn: sign design
nn: sunny dinner tennis
[η] 发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng
n: ink bank tank
ng: sing hang song king reading
[w] 发这个音的字母与组合 w wh
w: winter window watch water well wh: white where which when why wheel
[j] 发这个音的字母与组合y e
y: yogurt yard yes youyour
e: few beauty
以sp__, st___, sk___开头的单词中,清辅音/p/ /t/ /k/分别要发浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/。
e.g. the man
c.f. the old man
爆破音[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 后面紧跟另一个爆破音时,前面的那个爆破音只在口腔内形成阻碍,而不能完全读出。
e.g. basketball