



2020智慧树,知到《管理信息系统》章节测试完整答案绪论单元测试1、判断题:信息技术和商业活动的深度融合,会催生出一些新型管理模式和商业机会选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】2、判断题:组织只要运用信息技术就会提高业务创新能力选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、判断题:《管理信息系统》是管理类专业的一门重要课程选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、判断题:管理信息系统可以帮助企业获取并保持竞争优势选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】5、判断题:管理变革需要信息技术的支持,同时也会促进信息技术创新选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】6、判断题:传统的组织管理活动在今天越来越离不开信息技术/信息系统的支持选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】7、判断题:信息技术的商业价值正越来越得到经济社会的重视选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】8、判断题:信息技术的发展一定是超前于社会发展阶段的选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:大数据技术的发展与应用使《管理信息系统》的领域得到拓展选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】10、判断题:信息化建设过程中,管理理念的提升非常重要选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】第一章单元测试1、单选题:信息的“事实性”反映的是信息( )维度的特征。

选项:A:空间B:时间C:形式D:内容答案: 【内容】2、单选题:按照系统论的一般原理,系统具有( )。

选项:A:目的性、有效性、相关性、环境适应性等特征B:有效性、整体性、相关性、环境适应性等特征C:目的性、整体性、有效性、环境适应性等特征D:目的性、集合性、相关性、环境适应性等特征答案: 【目的性、集合性、相关性、环境适应性等特征】3、单选题:按决策层次分类,将管理信息分为:战略信息,战术信息和( )。

选项:A:固定信息B:生产信息C:流动信息D:业务信息答案: 【业务信息】4、单选题:按照劳顿夫妇的信息系统分类方法,OA系统属于( )。

选项:A:知识层B:作业层C:管理层D:战略层答案: 【管理层】5、单选题:下面哪项内容不属于业务处理系统(TPS)的内容( )选项:A:支付账款B:记录订单信息C:记出入库帐D:销售分析答案: 【销售分析】6、判断题:显性知识比隐性知识更容易交流、传承选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、判断题:系统论反映了现代社会化大生产的特点和社会生活的复杂性选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】8、判断题:信息技术成本下降必然带来企业利润的提高选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:决策支持系统可以代替管理信息系统来辅助中层管理人员进行管理选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】10、判断题:信息系统根据它所处理的额信息内容和应用领域不同,有不同的内涵选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、多选题:以下( )是信息系统与组织双向关系的中介因素。






1、马云创办的第一个电子商务平台是淘宝A:对B:错答案: 错2、电子商务的市场主体包括买家、卖家、()、物流这四者。

A:沟通平台B:交易平台C:支付平台D:社交平台答案: 交易平台3、电子商务市场中交易的全部为实物商品和服务。

A:对B:错答案: 错4、电子商务具有降低流通成本的天然优势。

A:对B:错答案: 对5、电子商务人才市场中,最急需的是()岗位的人才。

A:ITB:营销C:运营D:美工答案: 运营1、中国的B2B进入了()阶段A:信息服务B:交易服务C:供应链整合D:大数据服务答案: 供应链整合2、电子商务市场中交易规模最大的是()。

A:B2BB:B2CC:C2CD:O2O答案: B2B3、()是现代工业,规模化生产的产物。


A:网上商城B:百货商场C:连锁超市D:专卖店答案: 连锁超市4、淘宝和天猫一样,都属于网络零售。

A:对B:错答案: 对5、让本地生活变得更加高效的是()。

A:B2BC:C2CD:O2O答案: O2O第三章1、移动电子商务就是利用()等无线终端进行的B2B、B2C、C2C或O2O的电子商务。











2020智慧树,知到《供应链管理》章节测试【完整答案】第一章单元测试1、判断题:企业各个部门独立决策只能导致绩效的次优结果选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:实体配送管理包括物料供应过程选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、判断题:相比物流管理,供应链管理包含了组织之间的协同选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、判断题:基于订单的运营模式考虑的重点是交货期选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、判断题:推拉供应链中推动和拉动部分对主要区别在于不确定性的大小选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】6、单选题:Which of the following expressions best describes the integration of the systems concept?选项:A:2+2 always equals 4B:2+2 equals more than 4C:2 plus 2 equals 4D:2+2 equals less than 4答案: 【2+2 equals more than 4】7、单选题:Which of the following benefits is expected whenimplementing collaborative supply chain management?选项:A:Synchronizing supply and demandB:A. Maximizing the performance of the firmC:Reducing the number of competitorsD:Increasing scope of operations答案: 【Synchronizing supply and demand】8、多选题:职能孤岛时代部门之间分离的原因是选项:A:惯例和惰性B:缺乏成本权衡观念C:合作失败D:不同职能目标的冲突答案: 【惯例和惰性;缺乏成本权衡观念;不同职能目标的冲突】 9、多选题:企业的供应链管理部门应该包含的职能是选项:A:营销B:采购C:生产D:物流答案: 【采购;生产;物流】第二章单元测试1、判断题:订货批量的存在与规模经济效应密切相关选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】2、判断题:在其他条件不变时,订货成本与订货量成正比选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、判断题:在其他条件不变时,库存持有成本与订货量成正比选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、单选题:In most supply chains, raising customer service goals haswhich of the following consequences? I. Higher inventory;II. Higher customer service levels levels; III. Lower total costs 选项:A:I onlyB:II and III onlyC:I, II, and IIID:I and II only答案: 【I and II only】5、单选题:A forecast is typically more accurate for选项:A:physical units rather than monetary unitsB:daily rather than monthly periods of timeC:far out in the future rather than nearer time periods D:groups of items rather than for individual items 答案: 【groups of items rather than for individual items】 6、单选题:Which of the following is included in the cost of carrying inventory?选项:A:inventory obsolescenceB:material handlingC:all of the aboveD:Heating and lighting a warehouse答案: 【all of the above】7、单选题:Which of the following costs will increase if a retailer requests the same amount of inventory to be delivered in twice as many shipments?选项:A:carrying costsB:ordering costsC:item costsD:backorder costs答案: 【ordering costs】8、单选题:The concept of postponement strategy选项:A:Seeks to reduce the risk of deliveryB:involves two organizations working together to delay deliveryC:Involves strategic delay of the deliveryD:Seeks to reduce the risk of forecast答案: 【Seeks to reduce the risk of forecast】9、多选题:周期库存越低会导致选项:A:库存持有成本越低B:平均流动时间越短C:服务水平越低D:资本需求越低答案: 【库存持有成本越低;平均流动时间越短;资本需求越低】 10、多选题:库存持有成本的构成要素包括选项:A:过期成本B:机会成本C:维护成本D:税费答案: 【过期成本;机会成本;维护成本;税费】。












A:网络水军B:病毒性营销C:RV营销D:网络广告正确答案:网络水军3、以下哪一种组合不属于RV营销模式( )?A:绿盛牛肉干+“大唐风云”B:公交IC卡+“公交胸照门”C:中粮产品+“中粮生产队”D:康师傅爱鲜大餐+“僵尸侠”正确答案:公交IC卡+“公交胸照门”4、不属于消费者购买心理动机的是()。





2020智慧树,知到《跨文化商务沟通》章节测试[完整答案]智慧树知到《跨文化商务沟通》章节测试答案见面课:冰山之下--商业广告中的文化价值观1、问题:Culture is like an iceberg. Only a small part of culture is visible. For instance, food, dress, paintings are all apparent to eyes. But a great part of culture is hidden under the water, such as _, , and so on.选项:A:viewsB:attitudesC:architectureD:customs答案: 【views;attitudes;customs】2、问题:Originally Geert Hofsted developed a model that identifies four primary cultural dimensions: _, , Individualism versus Collectivism, ___.选项:A:Power DistanceB:Long- versus Short-Term OrientationC:Uncertainty AvoidanceD:Masculinity versus Femininity答案: 【Power Distance;Uncertainty Avoidance;Masculinity versus Femininity】3、问题:Chinese consumers can be ascribed to the values of conformity and“face”.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、问题:It”s better for advertisers to realize and take note of the different cultural values and make corresponding adjustments to their advertising appeals.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、问题:The Americans have the spirit of innovation and risk-taking. They are not willing to cope with uncertainties inherent in life and can tolerate and accept new ideas and strangers.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】见面课:商业宣讲实践1、问题:In the presentation of GTech, the first part is to introduce some basic information about GTech.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、问题:PPT with paragraphs of text significantly decreases the attention of the audience.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、问题:Keeping your hands in your pockets during the presentation shows your confidence.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、问题:Images in PPT can distract people”s attention andmake the message less powerful.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、问题:A subtle nod, smile or placement of your hands can drastically change the meaning of your words.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、问题:What is the most obvious difference among informative presentation, persuasive presentation, and goodwill presentation? ( )选项:A:the audienceB:the informationC:the purposeD:the language答案: 【the purpose】7、问题:GTech is a __ company ( )选项:A:foodB:technicalC:mediaD:consultative答案: 【food】8、问题:Which is NOT the need of Japanese hospitals on robot nurses? ( )选项:A:error-orientedB:integratedC:autonomousD:error-free答案: 【error-oriented】9、问题:Which can NOT help you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation? ( )选项:A: AgeB:AppearanceC:OccupationD:Interest答案: 【Appearance】10、问题:Which can NOT attract audience”s attention? ( )选项:A:Use a rising intonationB:Stress important wordsC:Use short sentences at the start of a pointD:Keep on talking答案: 【Keep on talking】见面课:跨文化商务谈判模拟1、问题:In some Asian cultures, such as in China and Japan, they will adapt the indirect approach.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、问题:To the successful negotiations, the two sides must first understand the cultural differences.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、问题:High-context cultures are relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、问题:Germans make it very clear about the prices, conditions and ways of acting.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、问题:According to the negotiating objectives, goals for negotiations can be included:desired goal, acceptable goal and bottom goal.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、问题:It is appropriate to use your right hand to exchange business cards in Indian cultures.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、问题:Saudis do require as much personal space as most Western cultures.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】8、问题:There should be no more than three colors in business formal attire for men.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】9、问题:In Finland, a gift is not expected on the first visit, but would be expected on a subsequent visit.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】见面课:障碍与沟通--跨文化商务案例分析1、问题:What are the reasons for the Toyota Recall Crisis?选项:A:The failure of the public relationsB:A culture of deferenceC:Employee”s LoyaltyD:Communication across cultures答案: 【The failure of the public relations;A culture of deference;Employee”s Loyalty;Communication across cultures】2、问题:When responding to consumer safety issues, the typical Japanese corporation”s response is __.选项:A:Minimization of the problemB:Reluctance to recall the productC:Criticize the team membersD:too little compassion and concern for customers 答案: 【Minimization of the problem;Reluctance to recall the product;too little compassion and concern for customers】3、问题:There are many ways of examining cultural differences and their impact on international management. Culture can affect ____.选项:A:technology transferB:managerial attitudesC:managerial ideologyD:business-government relations答案: 【technology transfer;managerial attitudes;managerial ideology;business-government relations】4、问题:How can the culture of a society directly affect management approaches?选项:A:centralized versus decentralized decision makingB:safety versus riskC:stability versus innovationD:individual versus organization loyalty答案: 【centralized versus decentralized decision making; safety versus risk;stability versus innovation】5、问题:Which statement in the following French culture is not right?选项:A:Social class is important and social interactions are affected by class stereotypes.B:The French may admire or be fascinated with people who disagree with them.C:The French are very status conscious, and they like to provide signs of their status.D:The French focus on good connections, which can result in lower costs for doing business.答案: 【The French focus on good connections, which can result in lower costs for doing business.】6、问题:Which factor needs to be considered when pursuing business in Brazil?选项:A:Physical contact is acceptable as a form of communication.B:Brazilians tend to trust others, so be sure to form a strong relationship before bringing up business issues.C:Appearance is very important, as it will reflect both you and your company.D:Patience is not important.答案: 【Physical contact is acceptable as a form of communication.;Appearance is very important, as it will reflect both you and your company.】第一章1、The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.culturecommunicationethnocentrismsender答案: ethnocentrism2、The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.intercultural communicationculturebusiness communicationfeedback答案: culture3、A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.ethnocentrismnoisecommunicationhorizontal communication答案: noise4、The communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations.lateral communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationintercultural communication答案: business communication5、The communication at the same level in an organization. horizontal communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationlateral communication答案: horizontal communication6、When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as“ life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning whatcharacterizes the particular way of life of a population.对错答案: 错7、Culture is all men”s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.对错答案: 对8、The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels;a level of norms and values, or an invisible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.对错答案: 错9、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.对错答案: 对10、In the global village, neighbors communicate free oftroubles and difficulties.对错答案: 错11、With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.对错答案: 错第二章1、A good mastery of grammar of one language can guaranteea successful communication.对错答案: 错2、Long before writing was developed,we learned to speak first.对错答案: 对3、There should always be an attachment at the end of abusiness memo.对错答案: 错4、A recommendation report is to recommend something to others.对错答案: 错5、Which is not verbal communication?Chat with your leaders and colleaguesDiscuss an issue in a groupGreeting with a smileLeave a message答案: Greeting with a smile6、____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.NoiseMessageSourceContext答案: Noise7、It is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it __ culture.influenced, reflectsdisplayed, influencesdetermined, reflectsshaped, influences答案: influenced, reflects8、Why should we take notes during a business call?Listen attentivelyServes as a record to take follow-up actionReport on the call to someone elseReflect on the call答案: Listen attentively,Serves as a record to take follow-up action,Report on the call to someone else9、How can you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation?AgeAppearanceInterestOccupation答案: Age,Interest,Occupation10、Before making a business call, what kind of questionscan you reflect?Do you need to report to your boss?Do you need to get information?Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?Do you need to ask for the person”s help or support?答案: Do you need to get information?,Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?,Do you need to ask for the person”s help or support?第三章1、Nonverbal behavior reflects the speaker”s subconciousness.对错答案:A2、Depending on the culture,a smile can indicate joy and amusement, it can also indicate embarrassment.对错答案:A3、Posture is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.对错答案:对4、Intimate distance is most common when friends, old classmates, acquaintances and relativestalk.对错答案:错5、People in __ cultures usually view silence as lack of communication and are generally ____ with it.low context uncomfortablehigh context uncomfortablelow context comfortablehigh context comfortable答案:low context uncomfortable6、Which of the following countries uses high-context language?CanadaGermanyJapanUnited States答案:Japan7、The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying“Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ____.complementingrepeatingcontradictingsubstituting答案:substituting8、Which statements are correct about nonverbalcommunication?Nonverbal behavior is easily controlledA smile sometimes doesn”t mean a sincere smileNonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.答案:9、How does nonverbal behavior control the pace or flow of communication?Be silentGesture of stoppingClap handsRaise voice答案:Be silent Gesture of stopping Clap hands Raise voice 10、Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?ItalyAmericaFranceGreece答案:Italy America France第四章1、Power distance is a conceptual was developed by Hofstede to describethe extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequallythe power of multinational organizationsthe power differential between developed and less developed countriesthe power difference between men and women答案:2、Hofstede”s _ index measures the extent to which the lesspowerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. value orientationcultural dimensionscultural valuespower distance答案:power distance3、These are the most significant studies of cultural values except ___.Hall's High- and Low- Context TheoryKluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five Value Orientations Fons Trompenars”s model of culture with seven dimensions Geert Hofstede's six Cultural Dimensions答案:Fons Trompenars”s model of culture with seven dimensions4、The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is____.a view of hierarchical structure of social relationship a view of group orientation of social relationshipa view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipnone of the above答案:a view of hierarchical structure of social relationship5、Low-context communication is characterized by explicit speaking.对错答案:对6、Chinese culture is high-context in comparison to western culture.对错答案:对7、Cultures with a large power distance are hierarchical cultures.对错答案:对8、At the core of uncertainty avoidance is the idea that the future is predictable.对错答案:错9、Power distance in Hofstede's cultural dimensions is roughly similar to the value Kluckhohn calls hierarchy.对错答案:错10、In a culture emphasizing masculinity, it is more possible for men to play a nurturing role.对错答案:错第五章1、Etiquette is simply showing respect for others.对错答案:错2、Etiquette refers to the guideline for knowing how to behave appropriately in all situations.对错答案:A3、Kiss greeting usually happen between two men in the United States.错答案:错4、It”s OK to write on someone”s business card.对错答案:B5、A handshake should be friendly or respectful gesture, not a show of physical strength. So we should not squeeze other”s hand too hard.对错答案:A6、Before a dish is served, napkins can be placed either on the plate or on the left of forks.对错答案:A7、You”re invited to a business dinner. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?Open it immediately.Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before takingWait for the oldest person at the table to take his or hers. Wait for all the ladies to take theirs before taking yours if you are a gentle man.答案:Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.8、Which of the following behavior is appropriate in a business dinner?Use the napkin to wipe your nose.Cut all the food in your plate into small pieces.Sip from the side of the spoon when eating soup.Use the knife with your right hand.答案:CD9、What are the benefits of humor in the workplace?Humor can reduce stress.Humor can block negative emotions.Humor can help people develop rapport with each other. Humor can help solve problems.答案:ABCD10、In many Asian countries, the way you treat someone”s business card is a reflection of:How serious you are about the outcome of the meeting.How much you respect them as a person.What you think of their country.company and title.答案:ABCD第六章1、In some high-context cultures, public display of emotions is a sign of immaturity and a potential cause of shame to the group.对错答案:A2、Whether an international business negotiation succeeds or not is not only determined by the strategies and skills used in formal negotiation, but also closely related to whether enough careful preparation has been made.对错答案:A3、In the opening phase, the atmosphere is the only factor we should consider.对错答案:错4、Bargaining strength refers to the degree of movement that is possible for each party with respect to individual issues on the agenda.对错答案:错5、In some Asian cultures, they will use communication to encourage harmony, preserve face, and develop ____ relationships.Short-termLong-termMiddle-termShort run答案:Long-term6、The purpose of bargaining is to settle the differences that stand in the way of an agreement. Settling the differences involves____.high-context and low-contextconcession andreappraisaladjustment and compromiseaims and objectives答案:adjustment and compromise7、The proposal should be based on a sound analysis of the buyer”s current situation, taking into account of ____ and ____ within which the transaction takes place.the commercial circumstances, the overall contextthe corporate credit, the bank accounting bookthe manager”s stability, the site selectionthe commercial invoice, the chief negotiator”s ability 答案:the commercial circumstances, the overall context 8、Differences in____, ____, and____ have a profound impact on how successfully the parties are able to negotiate or conduct business transactions.BehavingWays of thinkingManaging conflictHuman resources答案:9、The political system,____, and the counterpart may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation. The legal systemThe business systemThe financial systemInfrastructure and logistics system答案:ABCD10、The specific tasks of the opening phase are concluded: To explain the concrete issueTo create suitable atmosphereTo state proposal in opening phaseTodeclare for our intention答案:ABCD。



2020智慧树,知到《商务英语视听说》章节测试题【完整答案】智慧树知到《商务英语视听说》章节测试答案第1章单元测试1、How many chapters are included in the course?答案:162、This course aims to develop students” proficiency in the use of English knowledge and skills in a wide range of business environments.答案:对3、This course is designated for undergraduate English majors.答案:错第2章单元测试1、What are the basic elements in a resume?答案:one”s personal information, educational background, job intention, relevant skills and qualifications, relevant experiences, achievements and rewards and so on2、Which of the following should NOT be highlighted in your self-introduction?答案:your hobbies3、In the mode of“STAR”, the letter”S” stands for . 答案:Actions4、When you are asked“why do you apply for this post?”in the job interview, the interviewer is actually asking about _. 答案:your career planning5、Which of the following should you do in the job interview?答案:We should know about the company or post applied as much as possible.6、In the mode of“STAR”, the letter“A” stands for ____.答案:Actions7、Which of the following is NOT a frequently-asked question in the job interview?答案:What are your hobbies?8、During the job interview, we can ask the interviewer directly our future salary or promotion since we are really interested in it.答案:错9、Don”t speak with too much facial expression and too many gestures in the job interview.答案:Lord Byron10、Use some secular, free language instead of formal language to introduce yourself.答案:错第3章单元测试1、If the ownership of the companies is not open to the public, we call them closely held companies.答案:对2、Subsidiary refers to a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company, i.e. parent company.答案:对3、A company structure chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company management.答案:对4、A job title is a term that describes in a few words or less the position held by an employee.答案:对5、Financial department is responsible for delivering goods to the customers.答案:错6、Human Resources Managers are responsible for cultivating, training, retaining, and compensating human talent.答案:对7、“2Ls”refer to Language competence and Learningcompetence.答案:对8、“4Cs” refer to Critical thinking competence, Creative competence, Cultural competence and Collaborative competence.答案:对9、The following statements are usually related to cultural competence except______.答案:Discriminates against some individual or group.10、The following statements are usually related to collaborative competence except______.答案:Is not willing to learn from others第4章单元测试1、You can make your business call . 答案:during the working hours2、When answering the phone, you should not say:“__.”答案:Who are you?3、When taking a message in a business call, the caller should leave some basic information except _.答案:04、When making a call, sometimes there will be something wrong with the phone or telephone line. Which of the following expressions is not right when expressing the problems?答案:The phone is in order.5、When asking for someone during the business call, you should not say:“.”答案:6A6、When making a call, sometimes there will be something wrong with the phone or telephone line. At this moment, you can NOT say:答案:Would you like to leave a message?7、You should try to speak as loud as possible on the phone so as to make yourself heard clearly.答案:错8、In business calls if the person you want is not available, try to leave a message as detailed as possible.答案:错9、Usually a business call should not be longer than 3 minutes.答案:对10、During the business call we should stick to the subject and do not allow the conversation to drag out with meaningless chatter.答案:对第5章单元测试1、Contact can be as simple as sending everyone a friendly reminder through office e-mail, phone calls, or a post card reminder through the mail.答案:对2、As a chairperson, before holding a meeting, you should also decide who should attend and what the purpose of the meeting is.答案:对3、It is ok that you begin a meeting five to seven minutes after it was scheduled.答案:错4、It is not necessary to stick to the agenda during the meeting.答案:错5、We should respect different views during the meeting.答案:对6、A well-planned agenda, posted ground rules, and usinga bin can help meeting run effectively.答案:对7、The relaxing atmosphere is not good for the meeting tobe productive.答案:错8、You needn”t use a consistent format when taking minutes.答案:错9、You should list all outcomes in the minute.答案:错10、A well-planned agenda, posted ground rules, using a bin and __ are the four most important keys to running the effective meetings.答案:This old friend of John”s第6章单元测试1、If your business trip is not necessary, it can be replaced by some alternatives.答案:对2、Making a positive and honest declaration can help you free from security check.答案:错3、Every country has specific regulations on the items to be carried in and out of the country.答案:对4、If it”s your first time to enter a country, you”d better know the relevant rules of declaration in advance.答案:对5、The receptionist should introduce the executive to the visitor first.答案:错6、If the meeting cannot be satisfies, the receptionist should always explain the real reason to the visitor.答案:错7、The receptionist should keep a register which includes date, time, name and the firm the visitor comes to.答案:错8、You should start the business talk with your business partner immediately after meeting him.答案:错9、The following can help you plan an efficient business trip except ____.答案:Minimize your itinerary.10、“I”d like to choose a hospitable hotel located in the city center, which should be equipped with business center and swimming pool.” In this requirement for room, which aspect is not mentioned?答案:services第7章单元测试1、A company presentation refers to a prepared speech given on behalf of listener”s own company for marketing and other certain purposes.答案:错2、If the basic elements are covered in a company presentation, it definitely means this presentation is an effective one.答案:错3、In a company presentation, the speaker should make the content well-organized, clearly identify the main points and supporting points.答案:对4、Nonlinguistic techniques mean body language and eye contact.答案:对5、In the main body of a company presentation , company profile, location, key personnel, market application areas should be covered.答案:对6、In a company presentation, some technical supportespecially slides, flip charts, PPTs are very important.答案:对7、The presenter is supposed to deliver the presentation as soon as possible.答案:错8、When company”s performance should be involved, some vivid verbs, the line, bar, pie graphs are the most favorable options.答案:对9、The basic elements of a company presentation contain __.答案:greeting and self-introduction、subject、main body、Q & A session10、What are the preparations before a company presentation?答案:Making a draft、Doing brief notes、Doing oral practice 第8章单元测试1、Product presentation may be given to the investors to attract additional funding.答案:对2、A complete product presentation should include all 6 parts: introduction, outline, body, summary, conclusion, question and answer session.答案:错3、It”s advisable to state the outline at the beginning when giving a product presentation.答案:对4、Using pictures and visual aids can help to attract the audience”s attention when giving a product presentation.答案:对5、You may give a fluent product presentation without practice ahead of time.答案:错6、Body language can help to leave a deep impression on the audience.答案:对7、A good product presentation should be kept short, simple, engaging and real.答案:对8、When using PowerPoint slides, you should try to limit slides to one every minute.答案:对9、Keep your product presentation simple. Here“simple”means __答案:保守秘密10、When giving a product presentation, you can use the following non-verbal communication skills: _.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。



2020智慧树知到《电子产品设计》章节测试题【完整答案】智慧树知到《电子产品设计》章节测试答案第一章1、47KΩ±1%电阻的色环为( )A.黄-紫-橙-金B.黄-紫-黑-橙-棕C.黄-紫-黑-红-棕D.黄-紫-橙-金-棕答案: 黄-紫-黑-红-棕2、image.pngA.光敏二极管B.光敏电阻C.整流二极管D.三极管答案: 光敏电阻3、电容器上面标示为107,容量应该是( )A.10μFB.100μFC.1000μFD.500μF答案: 100μF4、4环色环电阻第四环颜色是银色,对应的误差( )A.5%B.10%C.15%D.20%答案: 10%5、前四环为棕黑黑红的五环电阻标值为( )A.100欧姆B.10K欧姆C.1K欧姆D.100k欧姆答案: 10K欧姆6、电容的单位换算正确的是( )A.1F=1000000μFB.1μF =1000000pFC.以上都是D.都不是答案: 以上都是7、image.pngA.普通电容B.电阻C.有极性电容D.二极管答案: 有极性电容8、电解电容阴影部分为()极A.正B.负C.非正非负D.有正有负答案: 正9、image.pngA.锗管B.硅管C.无法确定是什么管D.二者皆有答案: 硅管10、一色环电阻颜色为:红-黑-黑-橙-棕,其阻值为( )A.200ΩB.20KC.200KD.2K答案: 200K第二章1、互补对称功率放大电路从放大作用来看()A.既有电压放大作用,又有电流放大作用B.只有电流放大作用,没有电压放大作用C.只有电压放大作用,没有电流放大作用D.没有电压放大作用,没有电流放大作用答案: 只有电流放大作用,没有电压放大作用2、输出功率为200W的扩音电路采用甲乙类功放,则应选功放管的PV≥( )A.200WB.100WC.50WD.25W答案: 50W3、同样输出功率的OCL与OTL功放电路的最大区别在于()A.双电源和单电源B.有电容输出耦合C.三极管的要求不同D.电阻要求不同答案: 双电源和单电源4、OTL功放电路输出耦合电容的作用是( )A.隔直耦合B.相当于提供负电源C.对地旁路D.没作用,可以去掉答案: 相当于提供负电源5、在准互补对称功率放大电路所采用的复合管,其上下两对管子前后管型组合形式为( )A.NPN-NPN 和PNP-NPNB.NPN-NPN 和NPN-PNPC.PNP-PNP 和PNP-NPND.PNP-NPN 和PNP-NPN答案: NPN-NPN 和PNP-NPN6、如果LM386的1、8两引脚之间仅接一个大电容,功率放大电路的电压增益约为( )倍A.2B.20C.200D.2000答案: 2007、功放电路中,甲类的效率可最高达到78.5%A.对答案: 错8、只要把两只三极管三个电极分别连接起来就构成了复合管A.对B.错答案: 错9、复合管总的电流放大倍数是单管电流放大倍数的乘积A.对B.错答案: 对10、功率放大电路实际上也是一种能量转换器,把直流能量转换为按照输入信号变化的交流电能。
















选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:我国于2017年全年的货物进出口总额达27.79万亿元人民币,跃居为世界第二大贸易国。

()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、判断题:国际货物买卖合同是降低不确定性,控制风险的有效手段。

() 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:广州普华旗下有贸易公司,物流公司,以及报关公司?选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第一章单元测试1、判断题:通常所说的国际贸易货物额是指世界出口货物总额 () 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:转口贸易又称间接贸易. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、单选题:以国境和关境作为标准,国际贸易可分为( )选项:A:进口贸易和出口贸易B:有形商品贸易和无形商品贸易C:总贸易和专门贸易D:过境贸易和转口贸易答案: 【总贸易和专门贸易】4、单选题:日本某公司向西欧出口货物,在运输过程中由香港转船,这种贸易可称之为( )选项:A:直接贸易B:间接贸易C:转口贸易D:第三国贸易答案: 【直接贸易】5、单选题:商品生产国(出口国)与商品消费国(进口国)通过第三国进行的贸易,对第三国而言是( )。

选项:A:过境贸易B:转口贸易C:直接贸易D:多边贸易答案: 【转口贸易】6、多选题:根据货物或服务的流向,可以将国际贸易划分为( )选项:A:出口贸易B:进口贸易C:过境贸易D:对外贸易答案: 【出口贸易;进口贸易 ;过境贸易】7、多选题:《国际贸易》课程的研究对象,具体包括以下的几个方面( ) 选项:A:国际生产关系B:各国上层建筑C:国际商品流通的一般规律D:国际贸易理论与学说E:国际贸易政策答案: 【国际商品流通的一般规律;国际贸易理论与学说;国际贸易政策】8、判断题:在有关贸易术语的国际贸易惯例中,使用最广的是《1932年华沙--牛津规则》。



2020智慧树知到《电子商务案例分析》章节测试【完整答案】2020智慧树知到《电子商务案例分析》章节测试答案第一章1、电子商务案例分析应从哪些方面展开?A:商业模式B:技术模式C:经营模式D:管理模式E:资本模式正确答案:商业模式,技术模式,经营模式,管理模式,资本模式 2、( )是客户价值实现的载体。

A:战略目标B:产品和服务C:定价方式D:市场营销正确答案:产品和服务3、产品和服务定价时会考虑一系列因素,以下哪些因素更能代表互联网产品和服务的定价特点( )。

A:成本B:边际成本C:利润率D:品牌溢价E:市场占有率正确答案:边际成本,市场占有率4、风险投资机构和创业者的利益是否总是一致?A:对B:错正确答案:错5、免费的本质是让钱在不同的( )之间转移。

A:产品与产品B:人与人C:时间D:产品与服务E:货币市场与非货币市场正确答案:产品与产品,人与人 ,时间,货币市场与非货币市场第二章1、没有实体业态,纯粹在互联网上进行商品零售的交易模式是( )。

A:纯网络型网上商店B:传统零售企业开设的网上商店C:网上开店D:拥有线下实体店铺的网上商店正确答案:纯网络型网上商店2、( )是个人或机构入驻C2C平台、B2C商城等各种网络交易平台,开设品牌或商品专卖店,利用平台积累的人气和服务,开展网络零售业务。




A:对B:错正确答案:对第三章1、社交电商的表现形态主要包括( )。

A:社群电商化B:电子商务社交化C:传统企业社交电商化D:社交内容电商正确答案:ABC2、社交电商的主要模式大体分为( )。



第一章测试1.我国第一部《电子商务法》诞生于哪一年?()A:2019B:2015C:2010D:2020答案:A2.51Talk属于哪种在线教育模式?( )A:B2BB:B2CC:C2CD:C2B答案:B3.广义的电子商务我们一般简写为EB。





()A:错B:对答案:A8.任何一种商务活动都离不开的“四流”是指?()A:信息流B:资金流C:商流D:物流答案:ABCD9.按开展交易的地域范围,电子商务可分为?( )A:省内电子商务B:本地电子商务C:全球电子商务D:国内电子商务答案:BCD10.在线教育主要有哪些模式?( )A:B2CB:C2CC:B2BD:O2O答案:ABCD第二章测试1.电子商务根据服务和产品不同,可让商家的产品或服务覆盖全市、全国甚至全球的消费者。






















A:First 思维B:Focus 思维C:Fans 思维D:Fast 思维答案:ABCD9.移动商务是移动信息服务和电子商务融合的产物。



A:移动B2B 模式B:移动C2C模式C:移动O2O模式D:移动B2C模式答案:B2.移动商务推广的瓶颈是()A:安全问题B:技术问题C:支付问题D:物流问题答案:A3.移动通信商通过与()的合作,定制特定的手机终端。




智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试【完整答案】2020智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试答案第一章1、The decision choosing a career is very easy, you can just do what you like.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You can find a satisfied job by listening to your parents advice.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Your past can provide important clues to your personality and character.A:对B:错正确答案:对4、____jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules.A:PlanningB:SalesC:Technologies and researchD:Finance正确答案:Technologies and research5、___ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation.A:Current job marketB:Economic needsC:Location preferences and family needD:All of the above正确答案:All of the above第二章1、While functional resume places emphasis on career progression, a chronological resume focuses on your abilities and skills.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You”d better not to use a resume template, you need to make it unique.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、The three forms of resume introduction are_______________.A:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profileB:qualifications and award, career profile, and professional profileC:character profile, career objective, and professional introductionD:qualifications introduction, career objective, and character profile正确答案:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profile4、When gather information on the company”s profile and background, you can _.A:visit their website.B:read about them in the pressC:speak to others who either work there or know the company quite well.D:do all the above.正确答案:do all the above.5、The appropriate body language during an interview is _ . A:smileB:make eye contactC:sit or stand up straightD:lean back a little bit to show your interest 正确答案:smile,make eye contact,sit or stand up straight 第三章1、Although employees can choose when to start and when to finish their work in flexitime schedule, they have to put in the total number of hours required by the employer.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、If you work from home, you can do anything you like at anytime.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Under __, the standard work week is compressed into fewer than five days.A:fewer work weekB:flexi work weekC:condensed work weekD:compressed work week正确答案:condensed work week+compressed work week4、The benefits of working from home for employee are ____. A:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well beingB:It can minimize the stress associated with physical commutingC:They can retain trained staff who need flexible arrangementD:They can save money on office space and reduce office overheads正确答案:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well being+It can minimize the stress associated with physical commuting5、_is an office organization system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods.A:FreelanceB:Part time workC:Shift workD:Hot desking正确答案:Hot desking第四章1、Management is to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、Planning is the ability to influence people toward the achievement of goals.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、When a manager decides where he wants the company to be in the future and how to get it there, he is performing the__________ function.A:planningB:organizingC:leadingD:controlling正确答案:planning4、___ control is the heart of any control system andincludes directing, monitoring and fine-tuning activities as they occur.A:FeedforwardB:ConcurrentC:FeedbackD:On-time正确答案:Concurrent5、When a manager handles ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or organization, he is performing the ____ role.A:spokespersonB:figureheadC:decisionalD:entrepreneur正确答案:figurehead第五章1、Organizational structure indicates how all the job responsibilities fit together and the deployment of organizational resources.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、An organizational chart shows the interaction among job positions, but can”t show relative ranks of its parts and positions.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、___ structure is organized around key functions or departments。



智慧树知到《跨境电商实务》章节测试答案第一章1、从进出口方向来看跨境电商可以分为A.跨境B2B和跨境零售B.出口跨境电商和进口跨境电商C.在线交易类和信息服务类D.自营平台和第三方平台答案: 出口跨境电商和进口跨境电商2、下列不属于跨境电商的是A.速卖通B.马可波罗网C.敦煌网D.环球资源网答案: 马可波罗网3、专注于移动端的第三方跨境电商平台是A.敦煌网B.WishC.eBayD.亚马逊答案: Wish4、()俗称“集货模式”。

A.9610B.1210C.1239答案: 96105、跨境电子商务的参与主体有哪些A.跨境电商平台B.外贸综合服务商C.通过第三方平台进行跨境电商经营的企业和个人D.提供国际物流、支付业务等的专业服务机构答案: 跨境电商平台,外贸综合服务商,通过第三方平台进行跨境电商经营的企业和个人,提供国际物流、支付业务等的专业服务机构第二章1、速卖通买家页面网址是A.http://daxue 答案: 2、利用搜索引擎查找资料属于A.直接调研法B.间接调研法答案: 间接调研法3、对于广告投放效果的调研属于A.对消费者的调研B.对产品和竞争对手的调研C.对市场客观环境的调研D.对营运情况的调研答案: 对营运情况的调研4、美国使用最多的搜索引擎有()个A.9B.10C.11D.12答案: 115、PEST分析法模型,包括A.政治法律环境B.经济环境C.技术环境D.社会文化环境答案: 政治法律环境,经济环境,技术环境,社会文化环境第三章1、生意参谋是哪个平台的工具A.网易B.阿里系C.亚马逊D.Ebay答案:B2、通过Waka进行选品,属于哪种选品方法A.“工具”选品B.朋友圈选品C.短视频平台选品D.微博选品答案:C3、toB价格构成中,银行手续费属于A.国内费用B.国外费用答案:A4、亚马逊的佣金比例约为A.1%-5%B.3%-12%C.5%-15%D.10%-20%答案:C5、B2C电商平台卖家的定价策略有哪些A.基于成本的定价B.基于竞争对手的定价C.基于产品价值的定价D.基于平台的定价答案:ABC第四章1、物流是跨境电子商务发展中可有可无的环节,同时也是较为薄弱的环节。

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