
机械英语试题及答案解析一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the term for the process of removing material froma workpiece to create a part?A. MachiningB. WeldingC. CastingD. Forging答案:A2. Which of the following is a type of metal cutting operation?A. DrillingB. SolderingC. BrazingD. Annealing答案:A3. The term "CNC" stands for:A. Computer Numerical ControlB. Closed Network CircuitC. Centralized Network CommunicationD. Continuous Numerical Calculation答案:A4. What is the primary function of a lathe?A. To shape woodB. To cut threads on a workpieceC. To bend metal sheetsD. To forge metal答案:B5. In the context of manufacturing, what does "CAD" refer to?A. Computer Aided DesignB. Computer Aided DraftingC. Computer Aided DevelopmentD. Computer Aided Diagnosis答案:A6. Which of the following is a common material used in the production of machine parts?A. PlasticB. CeramicC. AlloyD. Glass答案:C7. The process of joining two pieces of metal by heating them to their melting point is known as:A. SolderingB. BrazingC. WeldingD. Gluing答案:C8. What is the role of a milling machine in the manufacturing process?A. To cut internal threadsB. To shape the surface of a workpieceC. To drill holesD. To create a smooth finish on a surface答案:B9. The term "tolerance" in mechanical engineering refers to:A. The maximum weight of a partB. The acceptable variation in size or shape of a partC. The minimum strength of a materialD. The standard size of a part答案:B10. What is the purpose of a jig in manufacturing?A. To hold workpieces in place during machiningB. To measure the dimensions of a partC. To cut threads on a workpieceD. To provide power to a machine tool答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The process of shaping metal by applying pressure is known as _______.答案:Forging12. A _______ is a tool that holds a cutting tool and guides it through a specific path.答案:Cutter13. In machining, the term "feed rate" refers to the _______ of the tool relative to the workpiece.答案:Speed14. The _______ is a device that can be used to measure the internal diameter of a hole.答案:Micrometer15. The process of hardening a metal to increase its strength is called _______.答案:Quenching16. A _______ is a machine tool used for shaping a workpiece by removing material.答案:Milling Machine17. The _______ is the process of cutting a workpiece along a straight line.答案:Sawing18. The _______ is a type of machine tool used for cutting internal threads.答案:Tapping Machine19. The _______ is the process of heating and cooling a metalto alter its physical properties.答案:Heat Treatment20. A _______ is a device that holds a workpiece in place during machining.答案:Vise三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)21. Explain the difference between a milling machine and a lathe.答案:A milling machine is used for shaping the surfaceof a workpiece by removing material with a rotating multi-toothed cutter, whereas a lathe is used for shaping a workpiece by rotating it and cutting it with a stationary tool.22. What is the purpose of a jig in the manufacturing process?答案:A jig is a device used in manufacturing to hold a workpiece in a specific position while it is being machined, ensuring accuracy and repeatability in the production process.四、论述题(每题15分,共15分)23. Discuss the importance of precision in mechanical engineering and how it affects the performance of a machine.答案:Precision in mechanical engineering is crucial asit ensures that components fit together correctly andfunction as intended. Inaccurate parts can lead to poor performance, increased wear, and even failure of the machine. Precision is achieved through the use of。

AC=alternative current交流AGV=Automated Guided Vehicle自动导引小车AGVS= Automated Guided Vehicle System自动导引小车系统AMT=advanced manufacturing technology先进制造技术ANSI=American National Standards Institute美国国家标准协会APT=Automatically Programmed Tools自动数控程序BOM=Bill of Material物料清单CAA=Computer Aided Analysis Process计算机辅助分析过程CAD=Computer-Aided Design计算机辅助设计CADD=Computer-Aided Design Drafting计算机辅助设计制图CAE=computer aided engineering计算机辅助工程CAM=Computer-Aided Manufacturing计算机辅助制造CAIT=computer aided testing and inspection计算机辅助实验与检测CAPP=Computer Aided Process Planning计算机辅助工艺设计CHP=chemical Polishing 化学抛光CIM=Computer integrated manufacturing计算机集成制造CBN=Cubic Boron Nitride立方氮化硼CMM=Coordinate Measuring Machine三坐标测量机CNC=computer numerical control电脑数字控制DC=direct current直流DNC=Direct Numerical Control直接数字控制DOF=degrees of freedom自由度DXF=data exchange format数据交换格式ECM=Electrochemical Machining电解加工EBM=Electron beam machining电子束加工EDM=Electrical Discharge Machining电火花加工EGM= enhanced graphics module增强型图形模组FA=factory automation工厂自动化FDM=Fused Deposition Modelling熔融沉积成型FEA=Finite element analysis有限元分析FMC=flexible manufacturing component柔性制造单元FMS=Flexible Manufacturing System柔性制造系统Finite-element有限元Four-bar linkage四连杆机构GNC=graphical numerical control图形数控GT=Grease Trap润滑脂分离器HPM=hard-part machining硬态切削HSS=High-Speed-Steel高速钢IGES=initial graphic exchange specification初始图形交换规则ISO=International Standardization Organization国际标准组织IT=International Tolerance(grade)国际公差JIT=Just in Time准时生产LBM=Laser beam machining激光切削加工LED=light-emitting diode发光二级管LMC=least material condition最小实体状态LOM=Laminated Object Manufacturing叠层实体制造技术MMC=maximum material condition最大实体状态MATL=material材料MC=machining center加工中心NC=Numerical Control数字控制NMP=Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes特种加工技术PCB=printed circuit boards印刷电路板PLC=Programmable Logic Controller PLC控制PKW=parallel kinematics machine并联机床QTY=quantity required需求数量RGV=rail guided vehicle有轨自动导引小车RPM=Rapid Prototype Manufacturing快速成型技术SL= Stereo Lithography光固化成型SLA=Stereo Lithography Apparatus立体印刷技术/光固化立体造型SLS=Selective Laser Sintering选择性激光烧结USM=Ultrasonic Machining超声波加工VNC=voice numerical control声音控制WEDM=Wirecut Electrical Discharge Machining电火花线切割加工WJM/C=water-jet machining/cutting水射流切削3D PRINT 3D打印一、将下列单词译成汉语Mechanism(机械,机构,机构学)configuration(外形,构造,结构)displacement(位移)velocity(速度)acceleration(加速度)gear(齿轮)sprocket(链轮)pulley(带轮)kinematician /dynamics(运动/动力学,力学)kinematician(运动)cam凸轮camshaft凸轮轴accuracy精度dependability可靠性pulley滑轮flywheel飞轮crank曲柄sprocket链轮axle心轴spindle主轴clutche离合器brake制动shaper牛头刨床planer龙门刨pulley皮带轮flywheel飞轮spindle轴clutche离合器crank曲柄sprocket链轮axle车轴brake制动warpage配气机构coolant冷却剂二、将下列词组译成汉语kinematic chain(运动链)skeleton diagram(草图,示意图,简图)Gear system/Cam system(齿轮传动系统/凸轮系统)uniform motion/nonuniform motion(匀速运动/非匀速运动)nonlinear motion(非线性运动)kinematic analysis(运动分析)schematic diagram(运动简图)textile machinery(纺织机械)Kinematic design/ kinematic syntheses(运动设计/运动合成)machinedesign(机械设计)Gear trains/ Cam mechanisms(轮系,齿轮传动链/凸轮机构)dynamic force/inertia force/ static force(动力/惯性力/静力)relative velocity/ absolute velocity(相对速度/绝对速度)angular acceleration/ tangential acceleration/ centripetalacceleration/ velocity vector(角加速度/切向加速度/向心加速度/速度矢量)binary link/ ternary link(二杆组/三杆组)the basecircle(基圆)the pitch curve(啮合曲线)the contact force(接触力)the intermittent motion (间歇运动)the common normal(公法线)the conjugate profiles(共轭齿廓)the cycloidal profiles (摆线齿形)the involute profiles (渐开线齿形)the spurgear(直齿轮)the herringbone gears(双螺旋齿轮)the face gear(端面齿轮)the radial distance (径向距离)the addendumcircle(齿顶圆)The tooth thickness(齿厚)the tooth space(齿间隙)the cap screws(螺钉)the setscrews(固定螺丝钉)theengineering graphics(工程力学)mechanical design(机械设计)the installation techniques(安装技术)the bolted joint(螺栓连接)the hardened washers(强化垫圈)the fatigue resistance(抗疲劳强度)the modulus of elasticity(弹性模量)theantifriction bearing(减摩轴承)the rolling bearing(滚动轴承)the rolling contact (滚动接触)the sliding contact(滑动触电)the corrosion resistance(抗腐蚀性)the machining tolerances(加工公差)the fatigue loading (疲劳载荷)the radial loads(径向负荷)the thrust loads逆负荷the ball bearing球轴承the roller bearing滚子轴承the single-row bearings单沟轴承thedouble-row bearing双沟轴承the needle bearing滚针轴承the bearing life轴承寿命The rating life额定寿命the axis of rotation旋转轴The helix angle螺旋角a right-hand helix 右旋a left-hand helix左旋an involute helicoids螺旋面an involute curve渐开线theshaft centerlines轴中心线worm gear蜗轮the hypoid gear准双曲面齿轮right angle直角worm gearing蜗杆传动the lead angle导角shaftangle轴线角度bending load弯曲载荷tension load张力负荷compression load压缩负载torsional load扭转负荷the bending moment弯矩the bending stress弯曲应力the shot peening喷丸法the actuating force工作力the coefficient of friction摩擦系数Anelectromagnetic coil电磁线圈the magnetic circuit磁路the design specifications中国设计规范the industrial engineering工业工程the machining industry加工行业the machine shops机器商店machine tool机床angular displacements角位移The electric motor电机transmission Linkage传输连接the cutting force切削力the static loads静态负荷the dynamic loads动态载荷the grinding wheel砂轮lubricating oil润滑油the cutting fluids切削液protective guards防护装置the cutting tool刀具the range of feeds进给量enginelathes普通车床turret lathes六角车床the boring machine镗床the drilling machines钻床the milling machines铣床the broachingmachines绞孔机;拉床the sawing machines锯床the cylindrical grinder外圆磨床the centreless grinders无心磨床the surface grinders平面磨床the chemical milling铣削the ultrasonic machining超声波加工a toolholder刀架a compound rest复式刀架the feed screw丝杆the feed rod光杆The feed box进给箱power feed进给the full depth大切削深度thread cutting螺纹切削a chasing dial螺纹指示盘the forward stroke冲程the return stroke回程the clapper box摆动刀架thehydraulic shaper液压牛头刨床the universal machines通用机械universal joints万向节Tracer milling仿形铣the master pattern模型the acceleration of gravity重力加速度conducting material导电材料non-conducting material绝缘材料三、将下列短语译成汉语1.Plane and spatial linkages(平面和空间连杆)2.constrained kinematic chain/unconstrained kinematic chain(约束运动链/非约束运动链)3.closed-loop linkage(闭环运动链)4.four-bar linkage(四连杆机构)5.slider-crank (or crank and slider) mechanism(曲柄滑块机构)6.internal combustion engine(内燃机)7.the kinematic analysis of mechanisms(机构运动分析)8.degree of freedom of the mechanism(机构自由度)9.kinematic analysis process /kinematic synthesis process(运动分析步骤/运动合成步骤)10.input angular velocity(输入角速度)11.input angular acceleration(输入角加速度)12.automatic packaging machinery(自动包装机)13.cam-contour dimensions/cam-follower diameters(凸轮轮廓尺寸/凸轮从动件直径)14.mechanical analog computer(机构模拟计算机)15.dead-center position(死点位置)16.crank-rocker linkage/double-rocker linkage/double-crank (drag-link) linkage(曲柄摇杆机构/双摇杆机构/双曲柄机构)17.maximum force component/ resulting output force or torque(最大的力量组成/输出的最大力或力矩)18.output motion variables/input motion variable(输出运动变量/输入运动变量)19.absolute angular positions(绝对角位置)20.velocity polygon method(速度的多边形的方法)21.instantaneous center method/instant center method(瞬心法/即时瞬心法)22.inertia-force analysis of mechanisms and machines(机构和机器的惯性力分析)23.one and the same coordinate system /inertia frame of reference(惯性参考系)24.systematic design of mechanisms(机械设计的系统)25.cam-contour dimensions/cam-follower diameters(凸轮轮廓尺寸/凸轮从动件直径)26.disk or plate translating (two-dimensional or planar) 盘形传动凸轮(两维的,即平面的)27.cylindrical (three-dimensional or spatial) cams圆柱形凸轮(三维的,即空间的)机构28.a radial (in-line) translating roller follower一个对心直动滚子从动件29.a constant angular velocity ratio旋转角速度的比例30.a constant torque ratio一个恒转矩比31.Nonlinear angular velocity ratios非线性角速度比率32.the parallel helical gear平行斜齿轮33.the crossed helical gear交叉斜齿轮34.the straight bevel gear直锥齿轮35.the spiral bevel gear弧齿锥齿轮36.the skew bevel gear大角度斜交锥齿轮37.the hexagon head screws六角头螺钉38.the fillister head screws槽头螺钉39.the flat head screws 平头螺钉40.the hexagon socket head screws内六角沉头螺钉。

机械专业英语试题及答案精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】学院院长(系主任)(签字)C. degradation…corrosionD. corrosion… degradation12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made fromB. are made up ofC. was produced byD. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed toavoid operationat speeds.A . lowB .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a .A. patternB. modelC. moldD. patent15. The term is used to describe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.A. high pairB. low pairC. surface pairD. rotary pair二、完型填空(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears,sprockets, pulleys, and cams are usually (16) to the shaft by means of pins, keys, splines, snap rings, and other devices. These latter members are among the “associated parts” considered in this text, as are couplings and universaljoint, which serve to (17) the shaft to the source of power or load.考生注意:考试时间 120 分钟试卷总分 100 分共 5 页第 1 页Sometimes members like gears and cams are made (28) with shaft,but more often such members (which also include pulleys,sprockets, etc)are made separately and then(29) shaft. Theportion of the mounted member in contact with the shaft is thehub. Attachment of the hub to the shaft is made in variety ofways. A gear can be gripped (30) between a shoulder on the shaftand a spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key. Thegrooves in the shaft and hub into which the key fits are calledkeyways.16、 A) cement B) attached C) connected D)concrete17、 A) endure B) transmit C) serve D)connect18、 A) support B) meet C) satisfy D) strong19、 A) aims B) idler C) terminal D) tomb20、 A) due to B) weather C) whether D) for21、 A) elasticity B) torsional C) inertia D)acceleration22、 A) subjected B)…connect C) and D) From23、 A) deeply B) strength C) clearly understandD) long time24、 A) identify B) cross C) round D) 订线read as follows.Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is decision making process(often iterative),in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resourcesoptimally to meet a sated objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis,construction ,testing, and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features : development of student creativity, use of open-ended problem statement and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statement and specification, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production process, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system descriptions. Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, andsocial impact.31、what’s the main meaning of message (1)?A) Engineering design is a systematic process B) materials engineer’s mainworkC) mechanical engineer’s has good idea D) electrical engineer’ mainduty32、In the author’s opinion, the design process is very complex and should takeninto account many factors, from the message who should NOT join into the design team _______.A) environmentalists,B) sociologistsC) engineersD) Government officials33、From the message, we can know the meaning of words “ABET”(at line third paragraph) is _____.A) a set of accredits standardB) a kind of design methodC) a department of US government which responsible for engineering designD) A set of law34、It can be concluded from the passage that in the exercise and training of student, which character of the following is NOT included in the curriculum ______.A) creativityB) new materialC) ethicsD) economic factors35、The title of the message is ______.A) the roles of engineers in manufacturingB) the importance of mechanical designC) engineering designD) The process of machine designTEXT 2Working drawings are the complete set of standardized drawings specifying the manufacture and assembly of a product based on its design. The complexity of the design determines the number and types of drawings. Working drawings may be on more than one sheet and may contain written instructions called specifications.Working drawings are blueprints used for manufacturing products. Therefore, the set of drawings must:(a) completely describe the parts, both visually and dimensionally;(b)show the parts in assembly;(3)identify all the parts; and (4)specify standard parts. The graphics and text information must be sufficiently complete and accurate to manufacture and assemble the product without error.共 5 页第 2 页(1) Detail drawings of each nonstandard parts.(2) An assembly or subassembly drawing showing all the standard and nonstandard parts in a single drawing.(3) A bill of materials (BOM).(4) A title block.A detail drawing is a dimensioned, multiview drawing of a single part, describing the part’s shape, size, material, and surface roughness, in sufficient detail for the part to be manufactured based on the drawing alone. Detail drawings are produced from design sketches or extracted from 3-D computer models. They adhere strictly to ANSI standards and the standard for the specific company, for dimensioning, assigning part numbers, notes, tolerances, etc.In an assembly, standard parts such as threaded fasteners and bearings are not drawn as details, but are shown in the assembly view. Standard parts are not drawn as details because they are normally purchased, not manufactured, for assembly.For large assemblies or assembled with large parts, details are drawn on multiple sheets, and a separate sheet is used for the assembly view. If the assembly is simple or the parts are small,detail drawings for each part of an assembly can be placed on a singlesheet.TEXT 3One principle aim of kinematics is to create (design) the desired motions of the subjects’ mechanical parts and then mathematically compute the positions, velocities, and accelerations, which those will create on the parts. Since, for most earthbound mechanical systems, the mass remains essentially constant with time, defining the accelerations as a function of time then also defines the dynamic forces as a function of time. Stresses, in turn, will be a function of both applied and inertial (ma) forces. Since engineering design is charged with creating systems which will not fail during their expected service life, the goal is to keep stresses within acceptable limits for the materials chosen and the environmental conditions encountered. This obviously requires that all system forces be defined and kept within desired limits. In machinery, the largest forces encountered are often those due to the dynamics of the machine itself. These dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration, which brings us back to kinematics, the foundation of mechanical design. Very basic and early decision in the design process involving kinematic principles can be crucial to the success of any mechanical design; a design which has poor kinematics will prove troublesome and perform badly.Any mechanical system can be classified according to the number of degree of freedom (DOF) which it processes. The system’s DOF is equal to the number of independent parameters which are needed to uniquely define its position in space at any instant of time.A rigid body free to move within a reference frame will, in the general case, has complex motion, which is a simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. In three-dimensional space, there may be rotation about any axis and also simultaneous translation which can be resolved into components along three axes. In a plane, or two-dimensional space, complex motion becomes a combination of simultaneous rotation about one axis (perpendicular to the plane) and also translation resolved into components along two axes in the plane41、Kinematics research focus on the following EXCEPT ______..A) accelerations B) forceC) positions, D) velocities42、From the passage that for the design engineer the first and most important is____A) the service life of a machine B) the materials chooseC) the degree of freedom D) kinematic principles43、An mechanical system has uniquely defined position in space at any instant of time that ___.A) It should has one DOFB) It should Has two DOFC) the DOF and the number of independent parameters should equalD) It should has any DOF as want44、 which one of the following is NOT TRUE _______?.A) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may rotation about anyaxisB) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space is a simultaneouscombination of rotation and translationC) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space can be resolved intocomponents along three axesD) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may has complex motion45、The best title for this passage would be _______.A) kinematics B) dynamicsC) kinematics and dynamic D) the important of kinematics共 5 页第3 页1.将下列英语句子译成汉语(共5小题,每小题2分)(1)A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.(2)Foundations should ensure the machine’s stiffness; shock absorption and isolation are secondary considerations.(3)Thus, if a mechanical component such as a spring is subjected to repetitive or cyclical applications of stress levels much lower than the ultimate strength, it will fracture after a large number of repetitions of this stress.(4)Interchangeability means that identical parts must be interchangeable, i.e., able to replace each other, whether during assembly or subsequent maintenance work; without the need for any fitting operations.(5)A gear can be gripped axially between a shoulder on the shaft anda spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key.2、将下段英语翻译成汉语(10分)As we look around us w e see a world full of “things”, machines, devices, tools, things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics, and plastics. We know from experience that some things are better than others; they last longer, cost less, are quieter, or are ease to use. Ideally , however, every such itemhas been designed according to some set of “functional requirements”(5)当一个装置意外地失效后,通常需要进行研究工作,来找出失效的原因和确定可能的改正措施。

机械英语试题及答案详解一、选择题1. The term "mechanical engineering" refers to the application of engineering principles to:A. Chemical processesB. Electrical systemsC. Design and manufacture of machinesD. Software development答案:C2. What is the primary function of a bearing in a mechanical system?A. To convert energyB. To reduce frictionC. To increase efficiencyD. To absorb heat答案:B3. The process of converting a rough workpiece into a finished part is known as:A. MachiningB. WeldingC. CastingD. Forging答案:A二、填空题4. The formula for calculating the force exerted by a springis known as ________.答案:Hooke's Law5. In mechanical design, the term ________ refers to thestudy of the forces and moments acting on a body.答案:Statics6. The unit of pressure in the International System of Units (SI) is ________.答案:Pascal (Pa)三、简答题7. Explain the difference between static and dynamic friction.答案:Static friction is the force that must be overcometo start moving an object at rest, while dynamic friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object that isalready moving.8. Describe the purpose of a gear in a mechanical system.答案:A gear is used to transmit motion and force from one part of a system to another, often changing the speed and/or direction of the motion.四、计算题9. A hydraulic press has a piston with an area of 0.02 m². If the pressure applied to the piston is 5 MPa, calculate the force exerted by the piston.答案:Force = P ressure × Area = 5 × 10⁶ Pa × 0.02 m²= 100,000 N10. A lever is balanced when the product of the effort force and its distance from the fulcrum is equal to the product of the load force and its distance from the fulcrum. If the effort force is 300 N and the load force is 1200 N, and the effort is applied 2 m from the fulcrum, calculate the distance from the fulcrum to the load.答案:Let the distance from the fulcrum to the load be\( x \). According to the principle of levers, \( 300 N\times 2 m = 1200 N \times x \). Solving for \( x \) gives\( x = \frac{300 N \times 2 m}{1200 N} = 0.5 m \).五、论述题11. Discuss the importance of mechanical vibrations in the context of machinery operation and maintenance.答案:Mechanical vibrations are crucial in machinery for several reasons. They can indicate the health of a machine, with abnormal vibrations often signaling a problem such as imbalance, misalignment, or wear. Monitoring vibrations can help in predictive maintenance, preventing breakdowns and extending the life of machinery.12. Explain the concept of stress concentration in mechanical components and its implications.答案:Stress concentration occurs in mechanical components where the stress is higher than the average stress due to geometrical discontinuities or material defects. This can lead to premature failure of the component under load, as the high-stress areas are more susceptible to fatigue and cracking. Designing to minimize stress concentrations and using materials with good fatigue resistance can mitigate these effects.。

《机械专业外语》课程习题集一、短文翻译(英译汉)1. The solution to most design problems does arise from a set of equations, instead it is a compromise to satisfy a number of design requirements and practical limitations such as available tooling and servicing ease. Designs are often revised to introduce new features, but as much as possible of the old design is retained for economic reasons. Producing a revised design is usually not as difficult as producing a new design because the history of the original is available for evaluation.2. When cutting screw threads, power is provided to the gearbox of the apron by the lead screw. In all other turning operations, it is feed rod that drives the carriage. The lead screw goes through a pair of half nuts, which are fixed to the rear of the apron. When actuating a certain lever, the half nuts are clamped together and engage with the rotating lead screw as a single nut, which is feed , together with the carriage along the bed.3.Generally, grinding is considered to be a finishing process that is usually used for obtaining high-dimensional accuracy and better surface finish. Grinding can be performed on flat, cylindrical, or even internal surfaces by employing specialized machine tools, which are referred to as grinding machines. Obviously, grinding machines differ in construction as well as capabilities, and the type to be employed is determined mainly by the geometrical shape and nature of the surface to be ground. -e.g. cylindrical surfaces are ground on cylindrical grinding machines.4. The dielectric serves to concentrate the discharge energy into a channel of very small crosssectional area. It also cools the two electrodes, and flushes away the products of machining from the gap. The electrical resistance of the dielectric influences the discharge spark energy and time of spark initiation .if the resistance is low , an early discharge spark occurs. If it is large the capacitor will attain a higher value charge before the discharge spark occurs.5. As we previously saw, CNC,DNC and computer-assisted part programming are different kinds of preplanned computerized control of machine tools. In all cases, the tool path has to be established beforehand through a program, the person who prepares the programs employs his or her experience in order to bring the processing time to minimum and not to cause any damage or distortion to the workpiece. This is, in many cases, a difficult problem that involves many factors, alternatives, and constraints. Obviously, this is exactly where an expert system is needed.6. Equipment productively is improved because of the better utilization of machines whenCIM is implemented. We can see that factors like program ability of equipment and computerized monitoring and control of the whole manufacturing facility would largely improve the efficiency of machine utilization. Higher labor and equipment productivity would certainly result in lower product cost.7. Where loads are due to contact, a pair of equal and opposite forces occur. One force acts as an external load on one contacting member. This action-reaction force pairing is one of the basic natural laws put to practical use by engineers. Tracing these power transmission forces through connected machine linkages is an extremely useful visualization aid for identifying machine component loads.8. Element design is concerned with the proper sizing of machine elements to perform a given function at some stated life criterion. Mechanical designers must also be familiar with properties of materials and machining processes to achieve optimal design. In addition, designers must always contend with the question of cost. The watchword should be simplicity, since a simple device is usually the least expensive.9. The tailstock assembly consists basically of three parts, its lower base, an intermediate part, and the quill. The lower base is a casting that can slide on the lathe bed along the guideways, and it has a clamping device to enable locking the entire tailstock at any desired location, depending upon the length of the workpiece. The intermediate part is a casting that can be moved transversely to enable alignment of the axis of the tailstock with that of the headstock.10. Internal grinding is employed for grinding relatively short holed. The workpiece is held in a chuck or a special fixture. Both the grinding wheel and the workpiece rotate during the operation and feed is applied in the longitudinal direction. Any desired depth of cut can be obtained by the cross feed of the grinding wheel. A variation from this type is planetary internal grinding, which is recommended for heavy workpieces that cannot be held in chucks. In the case, the grinding wheel not only spins around its own axis but also rotates around the centerline of the hole that is being ground.11. The intelligent robot has always been the dream of manufacturing engineers, in order to make the automated factory of the future attainable. It is artificial intelligence that will make that dream come true. By definition, an intelligent robot is one that is able to think, sense, and effect, so that it can cope with a changing environment and learn from experience. Since thinking is a brain function, it is obvious that it would fall within the domain of artificial intelligence if it is to be performed by a computer. An integration between sensing, reasoning, and effecting would unify artificial intelligence and robots, with the final outcome an intelligent robot.12. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the range of media used to convey information. Initially, communication was limited to simple forms of media such as voice and paper. This century, however, has witnessed the introduction of a greater variety of media types such as the telephone and visual forms of media. In the latter part of the century,this trend has accelerated and there is now a wide range of media types available to convey information.13. It is well known that a hot plate of metal will cool faster when placed in front of a fan than when exposed to still air. We say that the heat is convected away and we call the process convection heat transfer. Convection is a much simpler physical process than conduction since it merely consists of the actual motion of a volume of hot fluid from one place to another.14.Around the turn of the twentieth century the steam turbine came into use. Steam turbines are very efficient. They can utilize almost 40 percent of the energy supplied to them. They are three times as efficient as reciprocating engines. Steam turbines power many of the world's ships and the majority of the world's electricity generating stations.15. Most small i.C.engines in common use has four cylinders, which fire in a definite and regular sequence. A flywheel is fitted to the crankshaft to keep it running smoothly. It is essential for the inlet and exhaust valves to open and close at exactly the appropriate moment in relation to the position of the piston. Therefore they are actuated by a cam-shaft running in phase with the crankshaft.16. The alternative to forming method is machining. In machining, a sharpened tool of suitable shape removes material in the form of chips until the desired shape is produced. The use of computer and punched-tape control of machine tools makes it possible forthe machining tool to follow any complex three-dimensional path.17. Perhaps because more high-strength, hard, tough, and exotic materials are used, there isa tendency to use chipless machining despite the progress just noted. There is a trend to reduce the amount of metal that needs to be removed. Often chipless machining is more expensive, but the reduced loss of material results in a saving. The increased use of metal forming, forging, rolling, die-casting and other processes illustrates this trend.18.For the semi-mechanized forging of small to medium-sized components, forging hammers powered by various means are employed. The feature common to all of them is that, like the hand forging hammer, they utilize the energy of a falling weight to develop the pressure needed for shaping the metal. Larger components are forged by means of forging presses operated by steam or compressed air or by hydraulic or electric power. Largely automatic forging machines are used for the quantity production of engineering parts.19. As we know, these are the main tasks of an engineer: to explore new ways, invent new solutions to problems, and design new devices. In the research stage of a project, the engineer usually has found a new way of doing a job and is analyzing it (using mathematics and computers) to see how feasible the idea is and how well it will work. The development stage then follows. Here the idea is carried out in the laboratory. The processes vary among different projects, but the basic point is the same: Turn the idea into a working reality.20.The fact that steel can possess a wide range of useful mechanical properties is of extreme economic importance. This is clearly illustrated in the railroad industry, forex-ample. To move a train from one place to another, we use a locomotive which has the ability to pull a given total load. This load is composed of the weight of the cars and the weight of the freight being transported. If a freight car is made of high strength steel, the structural members can be relatively small and the car will be lighter as well as stronger. This means that the amount of freight can be increased.21.The simplest method of welding two pieces of metal together is known as pressure welding. The ends of metal are heated to a white heat— for iron, the welding temperature should be about 13000C—in a flame, At this temperature the metal becomes plastic. The ends are then pressed or hammered together, and the joint is smoothed off. Care must be taken to ensure that the surfaces are thoroughly clean first, for dirt will weaken the weld. Moreover, the heating of iron or steel to a high temperature causes oxidation, and a film of oxide is formed on the heated surfaces.22. The design of a machine includes many factors other than those of determining the loads and stresses and selecting the proper materials. Before construction or manufacture can begin, it is necessary to have complete assembly and detail drawings to convey all necessary information to the shop men. The designer frequently is called upon to check the drawings before they are sent to the shop. Much experience and familiarity with manufacturing processes are needed before one can become conversant with all phases of production drawings.23. Flat pulleys and belts. This is the oldest and simplest type of pulley and belt. The pulley may be a single pulley, or it may have three or four different diameters. A one-piece pulley having three or four diameters is called a cone pulley. Actually the pulleys are not flat. They are tapered slightly so that the diameter of the pulley is a little larger at its center. We call this a crowned pulley. The pulley is made larger in diameter at the center because a flat belt will always climb to the highest part of a pulley. The crown ensures that the belt will run in the center of the pulley.24.Of course, materials have always been vital to human civilization. Three of humanity’s earliest eras are called the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age, because the civilization of each was almost entirely dependent on the material after which the era was named. But now, in the twentieth century, materials-not just one, but many-have become a most important factor on which the advance of technology and industry depends. Our progress in space, in electronics, and in atomic energy is directly linked to the solution of crucial materials problems.25.The purpose of the design calculations is of course to attempt to predict the stress or deformation if the part in order that it may safely carry the loads which will be imposed upon it, and that it may last for the expected life of the machine. All calculations are, of course, dependent on the physical properties of the construction materials as determined by laboratory tests. A rational method of design attempts to take the results of relatively simple and fundamental tests and apply them to all the complicated and involved situations encountered in present-day machinery.二、按要求翻译下列句子(略)……答案1.对大多数设计问题的解决并不是来源于一组公式,而是受制于要满足很多设计要求和实际限制诸如可用的工具或使用的舒适性。

机械专业英语期末考试题及答案一.词汇翻译画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith机螺纹thread电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing表面粗糙度surface roughness二.将下列短语译成汉语1.the fatigue loading(疲劳载荷)2.the radial loads(径向负荷)3.the thrust loads逆负荷4.the ball bearing球轴承5.the roller bearing滚子轴承6.the single-row bearings单沟轴承7.the double-row bearing双沟轴承8.the needle bearing滚针轴承9.the bearing life轴承寿命10.The rating life额定寿命11.the axis of rotation旋转轴12.The helix angle螺旋角13.a right-hand helix 右旋14.a left-hand helix左旋15.an involute helicoids螺旋面16.an involute curve渐开线17.the shaft centerlines轴中心线18.worm gear蜗轮19.the hypoid gear准双曲面齿轮20.right angle直角21.worm gearing蜗杆传动22.the lead angle导角23.shaft angle轴线角度24.bending load弯曲载荷25.tension load张力负荷pression load压缩负载27.torsional load扭转负荷28.the bending moment弯矩29.the bending stress弯曲应力30.30.four-bar linkage(四连杆机构)三.翻译下列句子1. The simplest closed-loop linkage is the four-bar linkage, which has three moving links (plus one fixed link) and four pin joints.(最简单的封闭式的连杆机构就是四杆机构,四杆机构有三个运动构件(加上一个固定构件)并且有四个销轴。

一、单词和词组翻译posite 复合材料 2.ferrite 铁素体 3.cavity 型腔 4.upsetting 镦粗 5.amorphous 非晶体 6.abrasive 研磨剂,研磨的the 车床8.drilling 钻孔9.servomechanism 伺服机构10.reaming 铰刀,铰孔11.minicomputer小型计算机12.contour 轮廓,曲面仿形13.modulus 模量14.material 材料15.carburizing 渗碳16.core 型芯17.extruder 挤压机,挤出机18.crystalline 晶体19.elastomer 弹性体、人造橡胶20.microcomputer 微型计算机21.chill冷却22.robotics机器人学23.threading 车螺纹24.coherency 相干性25worm 蜗杆pping 研磨27.fracture toughness 断裂韧性28.quench—hardened steel 淬火硬化钢29.gating system 浇铸系统30.injection molding 注塑成型31.electrical—discharge machining,electro-- discharge machining 电火花加工32.feed screw 丝杆33.numerical control (NC)数字控制34.artificial intelligence (AL)人工智能35.hypereutectold steel 过共析钢36.internal grinding 内圆磨削37.leaf spring 板簧,弹簧片38.CAI ( Computer Aided Inspection) 计算机辅助检验39. clearance fit 间隙配合40.CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) 计算机集成制造41. Surface grinding 平面磨削42.plastic deformation 塑性变形43.solid solution 固溶体44.parting surface 分型面45.machine tool 机床ser beam machining(LBM)激光加工47.machining center加工中心48.concurrent engineering 并行工程49.gear blank 齿轮毛坯50.cylinder liner 气缸衬垫,缸套51.continuous—path system 连续路径系统52.interference fit过盈配合53.vertical turning and boring mills旋转立式车床54.CAD/CAM 计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造55.CADD---computer aided drafting and design计算机辅助制图和设计d steel低碳钢二、填空1、Density is defined as a materia l’s mass divided by its volume . Most metals have relatively High densities , especially compared to polymers . Materials with high densities often contain atoms with high atomic numbers , such as gold or lead . However , some metals such as aluminum or magnesium have low densities ,and are used in applications that require other metallic properties but also require low weight. .2、A ceramic is often broadly defined as any inorganic nonmetallic material .By this definition , ceramic materials would also include glasses ; however ,many materials scientists add the stipulation , that ―ceramics‖ must also be crystalline .3、Heat treatment is the operation of heating and cooling a metal in its solid state to change its physical properties . According to the procedure used , steel can be hardened to resist cutting action and abrasion , or it can be softened to permit machining .4、The key transition described in this diagram is the decomposition of single-phase austenite (γ) to the two-phase ferrite plus carbide structure as temperature drops .5、Sand casting is used to make large parts (typically iron , but also bronze , brass ,aluminum) . Molten metal is poured into a mold cavity formed out of sand (natural or synthetic) .6、In a two-part mold , which is typical of sand casting , the upper half include the top half of the pattern ,flask , and core is called cope and the lower half is called drag . The parting line or the parting surface is line or surface that separates the cope and drag .7、Forging is an important hot-forming process .It is used in producing components of all shapes and sizes , from quite small items to large units weighing several tons .8、A proper lubricant is necessary for making good forgings . The lubricant is useful in preventing sticking of the workpiece to the die , and also acts as a thermal insulator to help reduce die wear .9、It is not impossible to injection-mold all polymers . Some polymers like PTFE(Poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene ) , cannot be made to flow freely enough to make them suitablefor injection molding . In general , polymers which are capable of being brought to a state of fluidity can be injection-molded .10、The vast majority of injection molding is applied to thermoplastic polymers . This class of materials consists of polymers which always remain capable of being softened by heat and of hardening on cooling , even after repeated cycling .11、One important fundamental limitation applies to all the electrical-machining processes ,namely , the requirement that the work material must be an electrical conductor .12、Electrochemical machining (ECM) refers to the process of metal removal in which electrolytic action is utilized to dissolve the workpiece metal . The term ECM is sometimes used also for the electrolytic grinding process .13、A numerical control system consists of the following three basic components :•Program of instructions •Machine control unit•Processing equipment14、The machine control unit(MCU) consists of the electronics and control hardware that read and interpret the program of instruction and convert it into mechanical actions of the machine tool or other processing equipment .15、There are four types of statements in the APT(Automatically programmed tools) language :Geometry statements . There define the geometric elements that comprise the workpart . They are also sometimes called definition statements .Motion statements . There are used to describe the path taken by the cutting tool .Postprocessor statements . There apply to the specific machine tool and control system . They are used to specify feeds and speeds and to actuate other features of the machine .Auxiliary statement . There are miscellaneous statements used to identify the part , tool , tolerance , and so on ,-16、Programming of NC(Numerical control ) machines takes two forms : manual programming and code generation with the support of CAM (Computer –aided manufacturing ) software .17、The workpiece in a machining center is placed on pallet or module that can be moved and swiveled (oriented )in various directions .After a particular cutting operation has been completed , the workpiece does not have to be moved to another machine (as has been done traditionally )for additional operations .18、The maximum dimensions that the cutting tools can reach around a workpiece in a machining center is known as the work envelope; this term was first used in connection with industrial robots .19、Computer-aided design(CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the creation , modification , analysis , or optimization of a design .20、The CAD software consists of the computer programs to implement computer graphics on the system plus application programs to facilitate the engineering functions of the user company .三、翻译1、This is the component in which a product is engineered , designed , tested throughsimulation ,documented through drawings , specifications , and other documentation tools such as part lists and bills of material .在这一部分,产品通过仿真来制作,设计、和测试;并通过图样、标准和其他文档编制工具如零件清单和物料清单来形成有关文件。

1. As is known to air, air is a mixture of gases.大家知道,空气是多种气体的混合物。
2. Mercury is by no means abundant nor widely distributed.水银的贮藏量并不丰富,分布也不广。
3. It is known to all that acids turn blue litmus red.众所周知,酸类能使蓝色石蕊变红。
4. Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do.跟液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。
5. They have fulfilled their work ahead of schedule, so have we.他们提前完成了他们的工作,我们也提前完成了我们的工作。
6. Now, radar is a commonly used technique by which people can see the things beyond their visibility.现今,雷达是一种常用的技术,利用雷达人们可以看到视线以外的东西。
7. There are two approaches to stabilization of the operating currents and voltages.要稳定工作电流和电压有两种方法。
8. The laser is able to amplify light, where necessary, millions of times.激光可以放大光线,必要的时候可以放大数百万倍。
9. The result of the check indicated that actual error probabilities were of the order of one percent. 检查的结果表明,实际的误差概率大约是1%。

机械专业英语复习资料考试题型:时间 90 分钟一阅读理解(15题,共30分)二单词翻译汉译英(10题,共20分)三段落翻译英译汉(4 题,共50分)一单词1 mechanical advantage 机械效益 2) )second acceleration 二阶加速度3)transmission angle 传动角 4)force component 分力5)surface finish 表面光洁度 6) gear ratio 齿轮(速,齿数)比7) bending moment弯曲力矩 8)spur gear 直齿轮 9) linear analog 线性模拟 10) cap screw 有头螺钉11 machine tools 机床 12 sealing system 密封系统 13. tensile strength 抗拉强度 14.rigid coupling 刚性联轴器15. wear resistance 抗磨损性 16 .interference fit 过盈配合17 axial component轴向分力 18. helical gear 斜齿轮 19 cam follower 凸轮从动件 20 prime mover 驱动件 21. graphics terminal 图像终端 22 yield stress 屈服应力二段落翻译1)When a design has frozen, manufacturing can begin. Computers have an important role to play in many aspects of production. Numerically controlled machine tools need a part program to define the components being made; computer techniques exist to assist, and in some cases virtually automate the generation of part programs. Modern shipbuilding fabricates structures from welded steel plates that are cut from a large steel sheet. Computer controlled flame cutters are often used for this task and the computer is used to calculate the optimum layout of the components to minimize waste metal.当设计确定之后,制造才能开始。

一、Place a “T”before sentences that are true and an “F”before those that are false( F )1、The treatments that alter the surfaces including hardening treatments, high-energy processes and special treatments.( F )2、The lathe bed is the main frame, involved a horizontal beam on two vertical supports. It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting.( )3、In spite of that diversity of lathe-type machine tools, they all have common features with respect to construction and principle of operation. ( )4、Nitriding is somewhat similar to ordinary case hardening, but it uses a different material and treatment to create the hard surface constituents.( F )5、The lathe is often called the father of the entire machine family.( F )6、Jigs and fixtures are just the same which is used to lacate and clamp a workpiece.( )7、Milling machine can not be used to produce a hole.( )8、The dividing head is a device used to divide the diameter of a piece of workpiece into any number of equal parts.( F )9、The parts program was now run from the computer’s menmory instead of from a tape that had to be rewound.( F )10、In FMS, the production of part is controlled with the aid of a central computer.( F )11、An HSS tool is usually made in the form of a single piece, contrary to cemented carbides or ceramic, which are made in the form of tips. The latter is brazed or mechanically fastened to steel shanks.( F )12、Cutoff tools, which are sometimes called parting tools, serves to separate the workpiece into parts and/or machine external annular grooves.( )13、Some of the useful properties of ceramics and glasses include high melting temperature, low density, high strength, stiffness, hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance.( )14、Hardening is the process of heating a piece of steel to a temperature within or above its critical range and then cooling it rapidly.( )15、The primary purpose of annealing is to soften hard steel so that it may be machined or cold worked( F )16、The major influence on surface finish are exerted by the feed rate and cutting speed. As the feed decreases, from the above equations, we can see that the roughness index decreases.( )17、The continuous chip is characterized by a general flow of the separated metal along the tool face. There may be some cracking of the chip, but in this case it usually does not extend far enough to cause fracture.( )18、The lathe bed is the main frame, involving a horizontal beam on two vertical supports. It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting.( )19、The carriage can be moved either manually or mechanically by means of the apron and either the feed rod or the lead screw.( F )20、There is a wide variety of milling cutter shapes. Each of them are designed to perform effectively a specific milling operation.二、Translation(1) Translate the following words into English1、平面铣刀: Plain milling cutter2、磨削: Grinding3、主轴箱: Headstock4、自动车床: Automatic lathes5、基轴制: a shaft-basis system6、麻花钻: twist drill7、逆铣: up milling8、螺栓: bolt9、计算机辅助工艺:Computer Aided Process Planning 10、齿轮: gear 11、塑性变形:Plastic deformation 12、纤维加强型复合材料:Fiber-reinforced composites 13、退火:Annealing 14、回火:Tempering 15、前角: Rake angle 16、进给率: Feed rate 17、表面光洁度:Surface Finish 18、成形刀具:Form tools 19、端面车削: Facing 20、锥面车削: Taper turning(2) Translate the following words into Chinese1、Hardening:淬火2、clearance fits:间隙配合3、Taper turning:锥面车削4、twist drill:麻花钻5、Dimensioning:标注尺寸6、Form milling cutter:成形铣刀7、Computer Aided Manufacturing:计算机辅助制造8、Computer Numerical Control:计算机数值控制9、automatic tool changer:自动换刀装置10、index head:分度头11、Carbonitriding:碳氮共渗 12、Clearance angle:后角 13、Discontinuous Chip:间断切屑 14、Down milling:顺铣 15、T-slot cutter: T型槽铣刀 16、Tailstock 尾架 17、Computer Aided Engineering :计算机辅助工程 18、Numercical Control:数字控制 19、Core drills:空心钻20、Thread cutting:螺纹切削三、Translate the following texts into English1、主轴箱:主轴箱固定在车床床身的左侧,它包括轴线平行于导轨的主轴。

一、Place a “T”before sentences that are true and an “F”before those that are false( F )1、The treatments that alter the surfaces including hardening treatments, high-energy processes and special treatments.( F )2、The lathe bed is the main frame, involved a horizontal beam on two vertical supports. It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting.( )3、In spite of that diversity of lathe-type machine tools, they all have common features with respect to construction and principle of operation. ( )4、Nitriding is somewhat similar to ordinary case hardening, but it uses a different material and treatment to create the hard surface constituents.( F )5、The lathe is often called the father of the entire machine family.( F )6、Jigs and fixtures are just the same which is used to lacate and clamp a workpiece.( )7、Milling machine can not be used to produce a hole.( )8、The dividing head is a device used to divide the diameter of a piece of workpiece into any number of equal parts.( F )9、The parts program was now run from the computer’s menmory instead of from a tape that had to be rewound.( F )10、In FMS, the production of part is controlled with the aid of a central computer.( F )11、An HSS tool is usually made in the form of a single piece, contrary to cemented carbides or ceramic, which are made in the form of tips. The latter is brazed or mechanically fastened to steel shanks.( F )12、Cutoff tools, which are sometimes called parting tools, serves to separate the workpiece into parts and/or machine external annular grooves.( )13、Some of the useful properties of ceramics and glasses include high melting temperature, low density, high strength, stiffness, hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance.( )14、Hardening is the process of heating a piece of steel to a temperature within or above its critical range and then cooling it rapidly.( )15、The primary purpose of annealing is to soften hard steel so that it may be machined or cold worked( F )16、The major influence on surface finish are exerted by the feed rate and cutting speed. As the feed decreases, from the above equations, we can see that the roughness index decreases.( )17、The continuous chip is characterized by a general flow of the separated metal along the tool face. There may be some cracking of the chip, but in this case it usually does not extend far enough to cause fracture.( )18、The lathe bed is the main frame, involving a horizontal beam on two vertical supports. It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting.( )19、The carriage can be moved either manually or mechanically by means of the apron and either the feed rod or the lead screw.( F )20、There is a wide variety of milling cutter shapes. Each of them are designed to perform effectively a specific milling operation.二、Translation(1) Translate the following words into English1、平面铣刀: Plain milling cutter2、磨削: Grinding3、主轴箱: Headstock4、自动车床: Automatic lathes5、基轴制: a shaft-basis system6、麻花钻: twist drill7、逆铣: up milling8、螺栓: bolt9、计算机辅助工艺:Computer Aided Process Planning 10、齿轮: gear 11、塑性变形:Plastic deformation 12、纤维加强型复合材料:Fiber-reinforced composites 13、退火:Annealing 14、回火:Tempering 15、前角: Rake angle 16、进给率: Feed rate 17、表面光洁度:Surface Finish 18、成形刀具:Form tools 19、端面车削: Facing 20、锥面车削: Taper turning(2) Translate the following words into Chinese1、Hardening:淬火2、clearance fits:间隙配合3、Taper turning:锥面车削4、twist drill:麻花钻5、Dimensioning:标注尺寸6、Form milling cutter:成形铣刀7、Computer Aided Manufacturing:计算机辅助制造8、Computer Numerical Control:计算机数值控制9、automatic tool changer:自动换刀装置10、index head:分度头11、Carbonitriding:碳氮共渗 12、Clearance angle:后角 13、Discontinuous Chip:间断切屑 14、Down milling:顺铣 15、T-slot cutter: T型槽铣刀 16、Tailstock 尾架 17、Computer Aided Engineering :计算机辅助工程 18、Numercical Control:数字控制 19、Core drills:空心钻20、Thread cutting:螺纹切削三、Translate the following texts into English1、主轴箱:主轴箱固定在车床床身的左侧,它包括轴线平行于导轨的主轴。

机械工程英语试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "mechanical engineering" refers to:A. The study of machinesB. The design of mechanical systemsC. Both A and BD. None of the above2. What is the basic unit of force in the InternationalSystem of Units (SI)?A. NewtonB. KilogramC. JouleD. Pascal3. In mechanical engineering, the term "stress" is defined as:A. Force divided by areaB. Displacement divided by timeC. Velocity divided by accelerationD. Work divided by energy4. The formula for calculating the moment of a force is:A. Force x distanceB. Force / distanceC. Force * distanceD. Force - distance5. What is the primary function of a bearing in a mechanicalsystem?A. To transmit motionB. To support a loadC. To reduce frictionD. All of the above6. The process of converting thermal energy into mechanical energy is known as:A. ElectrificationB. MagnetizationC. Internal combustionD. External combustion7. Which of the following is not a type of mechanical joint?A. Welded jointB. Bolted jointC. Glued jointD. Riveted joint8. The principle of conservation of energy states that:A. Energy can be created or destroyedB. Energy can only be transformed from one form to anotherC. Energy is always lost during transformationD. Energy is always gained during transformation9. A gear ratio is used to describe the relationship between:A. The speed of two gearsB. The torque of two gearsC. The size of two gearsD. The material of two gears10. The efficiency of a machine is calculated by the formula:A. Output power / Input powerB. Input power * Output powerC. Input power - Output powerD. Output power - Input power二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The SI unit for length is the _______.12. The formula for calculating the area of a circle is_______.13. In a lever, the fulcrum is the point around which the lever _______.14. A hydraulic press uses the principle of _______ to amplify force.15. The term "kinematics" in mechanical engineering deals with the motion of objects without considering the _______ causing the motion.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium?17. Explain the concept of a four-bar linkage in mechanical systems.18. Describe the function of a cam and follower in a mechanical system.19. What is the significance of the coefficient of frictionin mechanical engineering?四、计算题(每题10分,共20分)20. A force of 500 N is applied to a lever 2 meters long. If the fulcrum is located 0.5 meters from the point where theforce is applied, calculate the moment of the force.21. Given a pulley system with two pulleys and a mechanical advantage of 4, calculate the force required to lift a 2000 N load.五、论述题(每题15分,共30分)22. Discuss the importance of materials selection in mechanical engineering and provide examples.23. Explain the role of kinematics and dynamics in the design of a robotic arm.答案:一、单选题1. C2. A3. A4. C5. D6. C7. C8. B9. A 10. A二、填空题11. meter 12. πr² 13. rotates 14. Pascal's law 15. forces三、简答题16. Static equilibrium refers to a state where the net force and net torque on an object are zero, while dynamic equilibrium is when an object is moving at a constantvelocity under the action of balanced forces.17. A four-bar linkage is a mechanical system consisting of four bars connected in a loop, with at least one of the connections being a pivot. It is used to convert rotary motion into linear or another form of rotary motion.18. A cam and follower are components in a mechanical system where the cam's shape and rotation cause the follower to move in a specific path, often converting rotary motion intolinear motion.19. The coefficient of friction is a measure of the resistance to motion between two surfaces in contact and is crucial in determining the amount of。

(完整版)机械工程专业英语Lesson11、the branch of scientific analysis, which deals with motions, time, and forces, is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i。
, those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems, which change with time。
静力学对静止系统进行分析,即在其中不考虑时间这个引述,动力学对事件而变化的系统进行分析.2、Any two such forces acting on a body constitute a couple. The arm of the couple is the perpendicular distance between their lines of action, and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action.作用在一个刚体上的两个这样的的里构成一个力偶。
3、Mechanics deal with two kinds of quantities:scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are those with which a magnitude alone is associated。

2010-2011第二学期专业英语试卷A答案l.Translate the following Chinese terms into English ( one point for each,20 points for all)1)汽车与工程机械automobile and construction machinery2)筑路机械road-making machine3)发电机generator4)起动马达self starter5)方向盘steering wheel6)进气门inlet valve7)齿轮泵gear pump8)机油滤清器oil filter9)差速器differential10)摩擦式离合器friction clutch11)蓄电瓶storage battery12)铲土运输机scraper13)塔式起重机tower crane14)叉车fork lift15)商业车辆commercial vehicle16)变速箱transmission box (gear box)17)带式输送机belt conveyer18)步履式挖掘机walking excavator19)颚式砸机jaw crusher20)履带和轮胎track and tire2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese (one point foreach, total 20 points)1)gasoline and diesel2)flywheel and cam3)disk brake4)mechanical vibration5)power steering6)vibratory roller7)hydraulic torque converter8)piston ring9)suspension system10)cab and chassis11)radiator12)fuel-injection system13)air compressor14)lubrication and lubricant汽油和柴油飞轮和凸轮盘式制动器机械振动动力转向振动式压路机液力变矩器活塞环悬挂系统驾驶室与底盘散热器燃油喷射系统空气压缩机润滑与润滑剂15)fine-mesh oil filter 机油细滤器16)pile driver 打桩机17)hydraulic excavator 液压挖掘机18)concrete paver 混凝土摊铺机19)truck mixer 搅拌车20)ignition system 点火系统3.Answer the following questions briefly(5 points for each, 20 pointsfor all)1)Which are included in an internal combustion engineTwo mechanisms:piston connecting rod mechanism and valve timing mechanismFive systems :fuel feed system,lubrication system,cooling system,starting system,and ignition system (only for petrol engine).2)What are included in a working member of a hydrauli excavator?Boom,arm,bucket and cylinder of the boom,cylinder of the arm,cylinder of the bucket.3)What is the function of a differential ?The differentials is a gear assembly in a motor vehicle which allows the propeller shaft or drive shaft to turn the drive wheels at different speed when the vehicle is going around a curve.4)What is the difference between a bulldozer and an angledozer?A bulldozer is mounted with a blade perpendicular to the direction of travel. And an angle dozeris mounted with a blade set an angle with the direction of travel. The former pushes the earth forward, while the latter pushes the earth forward and to one side, some blades may be adjusted their use to bulldozer or angledozer.4.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (40 points)A.Part One (5 points for each , 20 points for all)第一部分1)真正最早上市的内燃机是名叫尼古拉斯•奥格斯特•奥托的德国人发明的。

机械专业英语试题及答案一、词汇题(每题1分,共10分)1. The process of changing a solid object into a liquid by heating is called ________.A. meltingB. evaporationC. condensationD. solidification答案:A2. A device that converts thermal energy into mechanical energy is known as a ________.A. engineB. generatorC. turbineD. pump答案:A3. The study of the forces and motion of objects is called ________.A. physicsB. mechanicsC. thermodynamicsD. fluid dynamics答案:B4. A machine that uses a rotating wheel to lift water is called a ________.A. pumpB. wheelC. turbineD. lever答案:A5. The process of removing heat from a substance is called ________.A. heatingB. coolingC. insulationD. refrigeration答案:D6. The science of measuring the properties of materials is called ________.A. metrologyB. material scienceC. thermodynamicsD. mechanics答案:A7. A machine that uses a pivot point to multiply force is called a ________.A. leverB. pulleyC. wheel and axleD. inclined plane答案:A8. The process of making a solid object by heating a liquidis called ________.A. meltingB. evaporationC. condensationD. solidification答案:D9. A machine that uses a belt and pulley system to transmit motion is called a ________.A. leverB. pulleyC. wheel and axleD. inclined plane答案:B10. The study of the behavior of materials under stress is called ________.A. mechanicsB. material scienceC. thermodynamicsD. fluid dynamics答案:B二、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下段落,并回答问题。

8.Stages of Design设计阶段The design process, as described in the previous section, is a thought module that can be applied over and over again in engineering practice. In the industrial environment, design is frequently accomplished through a progressive series of four operational stages. These stages carry the design through from inception to completion. Each of these stages involves a complete design cycle. The four stages are presented in Fig.1. Each of these stages is connected in series with the next so that the communications output of the first stage will provide a statement of need for the second stage and so on. The diagram also provides for the possibility of returning to a previous stage if the outcome of a particular stage suggests that this is prudent. A close inspection of Fig.1 shows that the stages are: “feasibility stage,” “preliminary stage,” “detail stage” and “revision stage.” The characteristics of each of these stages will now be discussed.设计过程中,在上一节所描述的,是一种思想,可以应用,并且再次在工程实践中的模块。

铣床是一种用途广泛的机床,在铣床上可以加工平面(水平面、垂直面)、沟槽(键槽、T 形槽、燕尾槽等)、分齿零件(齿轮、花键轴、链轮)、螺旋形表面(螺纹、螺旋槽)及各种曲面。
图1 铣床铣床分类按布局形式和适用范围加以区分1.升降台铣床:有万能式、卧式和立式等,主要用于加工中小型零件,应用最广。
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China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons although considered one of the nuclear powers核动力.
尽管中国被看作是核大国之一,但中国决不会首先 使用核武器。
As translators(翻译) in the specialty (专业)of mechanical engineering, you should have the following competences(能力): to have good foundations of English ; to have excellent grounding(基础) in Chinese; to have rich knowledge of specialty of mechanical engineering; to grasp some theories, techniques技 巧 and methods of translation.
能量既不可以产生也不会消失,但可以从一种形式转化为另一种形式 虽然能量不能被创造出来也不能被消灭,但它可以从一种形式转变成另 一种形式。 (译为让步状语)
Analyze the Sentence
Computer-Assisted NC Programming: The computer is being widely used in NC programming preparing. Computers offer operators several advantages over manually preparing programmed instructions指令 for NC machines.
Words Learning
consist of / be composed of: 表明一个物体的主要组
成部分。 (整体由部分构成)(前面是整体后面是部分) The machine is composed of several different parts.
此外,热成型降低了材料强度,从而可以采 用功率合适的机器进行加工,甚至可以使用 该机器来加工较大尺寸的产品。
复习3 课堂小练习_引伸译法
see that the surface is covered with tiny微小的 hills and valleys.
我们看到该表面布满了微小的凸凹不平之 处。
be made up of (整体由部分构成)
Cast-iron is made up of about six different substances.
constitute (部分组成整体) Ferrite and carbon constitute the mild steel.
The door of which you lost the key cannot be opened.
We have to oil the moving parts of machine, the friction of which may be greatly reduced.
Forming Processes 1— Analyze the Sentence
If the working temperature is higher than the recrystallization再结晶 temperature of the material, then the process过程 is called hot forming. Otherwise否则 the process is termed 把..叫做as cold forming. 如果工作温度高于物质的再结晶温度,那么这一过 程被称为热成形。否则,这个过程称为冷C程序设计 计算机正广泛应用于数控程序设计中。相对于 手工准备的程序指令,计算机为程序员提供了其他 一些优势。
Analyze the Sentence
It takes less time to prepare a part program while using a computer to prepare the same program automatically. Because the computer performs进行 执行 any necessary calculations rather than the calculations being performed manually, there are fewer errors in the final program.
例如,摩擦系数在冷成形一般在0.1的范围, 而在热成型可高达0.6。
Analyze the Sentence
hot forming lowers down the material strength强度 so that a machine with a reasonable capacity 功率 can be used even for a product having large dimensions尺寸.
Analyze the Sentence
example, the coefficient系数 of friction摩擦 in cold forming is generally of the order of达到...程度 0.1, wherea然而 that in hot forming can be as high as 0.6.
此外,热成型降低了材料强度,从而可以采 用功率合适的机器进行加工,甚至可以使用 该机器来加工较大尺寸的产品。
The country’s industry has developed quickly in the last decade. 过去十年里,我国工业迅猛发展。 To develop the instrument仪器, many experts were invited. 在研制这种仪器时请了许多专家。 The function of the engine is to develop the necessary power.
准备同样一个零件程序,使用计算机比人工花更少 的时间。 因为是计算机进行所有必需的计算而不是 用手工计算, 因此在最终的程序中出错要少得多。
Analyze the Sentence
forming processes can be grouped把 分组 under two broad大概 的 概括的 categories类别, namely, cold forming, and hot forming.
成形过程可以分为两大类,即冷成形和热成 形。
为显著减少摩擦,我们必须给机器运动部件加油。 (译为目的状语)
Energy that can be neither created nor destroyed can be transformed from one form to another. __译为让步状语
一个物体无论多么小都有重量。 (补译出However small后面省略的a body is)
He All
has no small chance of success. music is alike相似的类似的 to him.
Forming Processes 1— Analyze the Sentence
frictional由摩擦而生的 characteristics特性 of the two forming processes are also entirely 完全 different.
The electric power电力 which is consumed消耗 in an electrical circuit is measured in watts or kilowatts.
The cable钢缆 are composed of thousands of wires, made of high-tensile高强度 steel, which are galvanized 电镀 to resist corrosion生锈. 钢缆由成千根高强度钢拉制的钢丝所组成,这些钢丝经过电 镀,以防生锈。 We have to oil the moving parts of machine, the friction of which may be greatly reduced. 为显著减少摩擦,我们必须给机器运动部件加油。
bodies consist of molecules分子 and these of atoms原子.
(补译出these 后面省略的molecules consist)