





二、性能指标◇测量范围:0~1.6—0~60MPa◇电源电压:16~36VDC◇输出信号:(RL≤250Ω)◇接口螺纹:G1/4◇环境条件:环境温度:-20℃~60℃介质温度::-20℃~80℃存储温度 :-40℃~125℃相对湿度:0~80%耐冲击:≤50g/ms耐振动:≤10g/(0~500HZ)◇输出信号精度:1.0◇过载压力:1.5%倍满量程压力◇最大功耗:≤3W触点容量:24VDC/1.2A(MAX)三、功能根据不同型号,装置可提供下列功能◇三位显示当前压力(正常工作)◇按压力、预设开关点输出开关量◇输出模拟量◇基本设定菜单◇提供四种不同输出模式:◇YSJ341带1路开关量输出(负载最大电流1.2A,无模拟量输出)◇YSJ342带2路开关量输出(负载最大电流1.2A,无模拟量输出)◇YSJ343带1路开关量输出(负载最大电流1.2A)和1路模拟量输出(4~20mA)◇YSJ344带2路开关量输出(负载最大电流1.2A)和1路模拟量输出(4~20mA)四、安装YSJ340可以通过压力管接头(DIN3852内螺纹G1/4),直接装在液压集成快上。





SIKA Type L 压力参考仪用户手册说明书

SIKA Type L 压力参考仪用户手册说明书

Pressure ReferenceType LUSER MANUAL ArrayREF TYPE L has two operating keys.The left key (SELECT) serves to select the functions andthe pressure units.The right key (ENTER) activates the selected function orpressure unit. The right key is also used toswitch between the Max.- and Min.-value.Turn-on:Pressing the SELECT key turns the instrument on. The instrument first displays the software version (year/week) and the fullscale pressure range. The instrument is then ready for use and indicates the actual pressure (top display) and the last measured Max.-value (bottom display).The instrument has the following functions:RESET: Max.-/Min.-value are set to the actual pressureOFF: Turns off the instrumentMANO: Releases the following functions:ZERO SEt: Sets a new Zero referenceZERO rES: Sets the Zero to factory settingCONT on: Deactivates the automatic turn-off functionCONT off: Activates the automatic turn-off function (the instrumentturns off 15 minutes after the last key function)followed by the unit selection: bar, mbar, hPa, kPa, MPa, PSI,kp/cm2, cmH2O, mH2O, inH2O, ftH2O, mmHg, inHgExample: Setting a new pressure unit (mbar):--> Turn on the instrument by shortly pressing the SELECT-key.--> Wait for the instrument’s measuring mode (approx. 3 seconds).--> Press the SELECT-key 3 times: MANO appears.--> Press ENTER: ZERO SEt appears.--> Press SELECT: ZERO rES appears.--> Press SELECT: CONT on or CONT off appears.--> Press SELECT: bar appears.--> Press SELECT: mbar appears.--> Press ENTER: The new pressure unit (mbar) is set.The instrument returns to the measuring mode.Display of the minimum pressure value:When in the measuring mode (Display: Actual Pressure and Max.- value), you may display the Min.-value for 5 seconds by shortly pressing the ENTER-key.Notes:• The functions and units can also be called up by keeping the SELECT-key depressed. Releasing the key enables the displayed function or unit to be activated with the ENTER-key.• If the selected function or unit is not activated within 5 seconds with the ENTER-key,REF TYPE L returns to the measuring mode without changing any settings.• Turning REF TYPE L on and off does not influence any of the previous settings.• If the CONT on function is activated, it is indicated with a flashing sign (cont) on the display.• If a pressure can not be represented on the display, OFL (overflow) or UFL (underflow) appears on the display.• If the actual pressure goes beyond the measuring range, the last valid pressure value starts flashing on the display.Installation:Screw the G1/4 male port of REF TYPE L into the female pressure port and tighten using the lower hexagon of the transducer. Loosen the upper hexagon and rotate the REF TYPE L to the desired position.Restraighten:The face of REF TYPE L can be rotated through 355°. This feature allows the REF TYPE L to be mounted in all possible positions; vertical, horizontal or upside down.Battery Change / Battery Life:When the battery starts weakening, a low battery warning will appear (BAT LOW). Battery change (turn off the instrument before changing the battery!):Open the battery compartment and change the battery (type CR 2430). Make sure that the O-ring remains embedded in the cover. The battery life is 2000 hours in normal measuring mode. Ranges / Calibration:The factory setting of the Zero for the ranges ≤61 bar is at 0 bar absolute. For sealed gauge pressure measurements, activate “ZERO SEt” at ambient pressure.Instruments with ranges >61 bar are calibrated in a sealed gauge mode at ambient pressure.Interface (RS485):The interface converter K103A (RS232) or K104A (USB) can be connected at the back of the manometer, allowing the data transfer to the PC.。




4、同时显示动作点压力值(SV)与当前压力值(PV)二、技术参数·压力范围:0~0.5Kpa…50Mpa·控制精度:±1字·过载能力:1.5倍·动作时间:不超过1ms·使用环境:环境温度 0~50℃相对湿度≤85%RH避免强腐蚀气体·测量精度:0.5%FS ±1字·分 辨 率:1、0.1、0.01字·工作电压:DC24V·功 耗:≤5W·显示方式:-199~999测量值显示-199~999设定值显示·结 构:铝盒密封安装,防水·螺纹接口:M20 x 1.5·控制方式:两路开关量输出,可设置动作点、上/下限动作、回差/带差继电器控制模块(用户可选):0.3A at 220VAC;2A at 30VDC 三极管控制模块(用户可选):1.5A at 30VDC双向可控硅制模块(用户可选):5A at 250VAC·参数设定:面板轻触式按键数字设定,参数设定后永久保存。

参数设定值密码锁定 ·保护方式:继电器输出状态LED指示电源欠压自动复位工作异常自动复位(Watch Dog)三、操作方式1、正确的接线请参照仪表随机接线图(见附录)接妥输入、输出信号线及电源线,并请确认无误。


四、控制参数设定 (一)、仪表面板项 目 功 能PV 显示测量值 显示实时测量值 显示AL1动作值与AL2动作值显 示 器 SV 显示动作点在参数设定状态下,显示参数符号或设定值按压然后抬起按下不放保持5秒 SET 参数设定键1) 在显示模拟量输出值时则进入一级参数设定,显示参数CLK 符号。



















第一章SET220K系列全站仪的使用一)、操作面板主要按键✧[ ON ]键:电源开关✧[ ]键:打开或关闭背光✧[]键:左移光标或选择选项✧[ ]键:右移光标或选择选项正常开机:[ ON ]热启动开机:[ F 4 ] + [ BS] + [ON] (仪器参数初始化)冷启动开机:[ F 1 ] + [ F 3 ] + [ BS] + [ON] (清除内存全部数据,恢复出厂设置)二)、基本模式菜单结构基本模式测量模式测量的各种操作内存模式文件、已知坐标和代码操作设置模式仪器参数设置、键功能定义等操作✧[ESC]键:返回前一菜单✧[SFT]键:键盘输入模式转换✧[BS]键:删除前一字符✧[FUNC]键:菜单翻页✧{F1~F4}:选取软键对应的功能12、线路计算SET130R系列是索佳最近推出的新型免棱镜全站仪系列,该系列全站仪除具有350m高精度远距离免棱镜测程、可见激光指示和红绿光导向等新功能外,线路计算是其强大软件功能特色之一。














七、显示代码说明字符字符定义E--E 表示传感器损坏或电线连接不正确。

E--1 表示控制器在工作状态下,持续3分钟压力未变化,按任意键返回运行状态。

E--2 当前压力超过(上限+0.1MPa),按任意键返回运行状态。

C--L 表示正在清零操作。

E--H 超过压力控制器的最大量程。









智能型数显压力开关Intelligent digital pressure switch智能型数显压力开关是集压力的测量、显示、控制于一体的智能化控制仪表,具有操作简单、价格便宜、抗震动、控制精度高、使用寿命长等特点。




注意:超程距离已在出厂前预先设定,也就是说,为了达到最佳的性能,开关元件组合已精确地在外壳内定 位。通常在现场不必再行调节。如果有必要进行调节,则必须严格地遵循制造厂批准的步骤。任何在现场随
a. 拆除外壳的盖子。 b. 若要提高1号(左侧)开关元件起动时的设定值,则用3/4英寸开口扳手以顺时针方向转动六角调节螺母。 c. 调节时越过调节螺母的顶部观察外壳内壁上的校准刻度,即可达到近似的设定值。可用一1/4% 的外接压力
其压力传感元件是一对力平衡式、活塞驱动的组合 件,通过弹性膜片和静态密封O形环予以密封。此结 构中唯有压力接口、两套膜片和O形环传感组合件是 接触介质的部件。
重要:务必拧紧和固定该工艺接头,使压力开关上所 承受的任何弯曲和扭曲力量均减小到最低限度。切勿 将压力接口从本体上松开, 因为这可能会造成泄漏或
185.7 * 7.31
70.4 * 2.77
高低压双点系列压力开关可用适当的螺栓固定在隔 墙、仪表盘或管架支柱上。当在不规则或不平整表面 上安装压力开关时,先要在外壳和安装面之间的螺栓 上套上橡胶垫圈。
单位= mm
注意:若不在外壳和安装面之间放置橡胶垫圈,就可 能在外壳上产生扭力,从而导致开关的假动作,或使 该开关失效。
251.2 9.89
9.7 .38
直径为9/32 的固定孔
57.2 (通常2个)
114.3 2.25 4.50
V1 全天候密封型
138.9 5.47 69.6
3/4 NPT(F) (制造厂密封














三、[P_1]与[H]的设定值在“HYS”迟滞模式中对压力开关信号输出的影响:若“输出形态设定”为“no”常开,当实际压力> [P_1]设定值时,压力开关输出on 信号;当on信号输出后,测试到的压力值若>{[P_1]- [H]},on信号被保持;随着压力的下降,当实际压力<{[P_1]- [H]}时压力开关输出信号变为off。

WIKA Instruments Italia Srl压力开关说明书

WIKA Instruments Italia Srl压力开关说明书



耐候且本质安全:DW 系列隔爆:DA 系列型号:DW40、DW100和DW160型号:DA40、DA100和DA160A 低压接头B 高压接头C 电缆入口重量6.2 kg (尺寸单位:mm )A 低压接头B 高压接头C 电缆入口重量7.2 kg (尺寸单位:mm )型号:DW10型号:DA10A 低压接头B 高压接头C 电缆入口 重量8.2 kg (尺寸单位:mm ) A 低压接头B高压接头C 电缆入口重量10 kg (尺寸单位:mm )对于表面安装,使用四个M6螺钉。


注意• 在安装、使用或维护仪表之前,有必要阅读并理解随附说明手册中给出的说明。

• 仪表必须由有资质人员进行安装和维护• 只有在检查并确认仪表特性符合工艺和设备要求后,才能进行安装。

• 仪器的功能特点及其防护等级显示在固定在外壳上的标识牌上。

内容:1 一般说明2 工作原理3 型号代码4 标识牌和标记5 设定值调节6 设置点校准7 安装和连接8 仪表管道9 安全完整性等级(SIL )安装要求 10 投入运行 11 目视检查 12 功能验证 13 停止和拆卸 14 处置 15 故障排除在危险环境中使用的安全说明。







Pressure SwitchesFEATURESCompact size316 stainless steel constructionP ressure ranges from vacuum to 15,000 psi F actory set or field adjustable setpoints W ide operating temperature range (–40°C to 100°C)Precision snap-acting micro switch SPDT or DPDT switching UL, CSA listed models CE and ROHS compliantCRN models available (up to 10,000 psi) SIL 3 capableSIL 3 CAPABLELOOK FOR THESE MARKS • High performance • S mall size • S pecial connections• E asily configurable to meet your application requirements • S IL 3 capableN4 1H 012CPressure SwitchesTO INCREASE SET POINT ROTATE RIGHT ––––>TO DECREASE SET POINT .095 OR SMALLER TOOL REQUIRED TO ROTATE NUTSETPOINT ADJUSTMENT. SLIDE COVER UP TO CLOSE AND SEAL ADJUSTMENTDIMENSIONSPressure SwitchesPRESSURE CONNECTIONSAVAILABLE CONNECTIONSELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 MALE NPT 18 AWG WIRE LEADS1/2NPT CONDUIT CONNECTOR WITH 18 AWG WIRE LEADSSPADE TERMINAL 4-0.187 MALE TERMINALS HIRSCHMANN MICRO-DIN CONNECTOR 43650 FORM CDPDT 18 AWG LEADS1/8or 1/4 FEMALE NPT, 7/16-20 SAE FEMALE7/16-20 SAE MALE (OPTIONAL 37° FLARE END)3/4˝, 1.5˝ or 2.0˝ SANITARYVCR or VCO G 1/4 A TYPE-E STUD END 1/2 FEMALE NPT G 1/4 BM20 X 1.5 MALE CONDUIT WITH 18 AWG WIRES1/2NPT MALE CONDUIT AND JACKETED CABLE WITH 18 AWG WIRES M20 X 1.5 MALE CONDUIT ANDJACKETED CABLE WITH 18 AWG WIRESPressure SwitchesCutaway view of switch assemblywith welded SS diaphragmMICRO-SWITCHCIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLYPUSH RODDIAPHRAGMSPRING GUIDEMICRO-SWITCHCIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLYPUSH RODO-RINGSPRING GUIDEBefore selecting a switch the f ollowing should be considered:Actuator:The actuator responds to changes in pressure and operatesthe micro switch element in response to these changes. Theactuator is normally exposed to the process media and must be chemically compatible with it. There are three types of actuators available for the A-Series switches – all welded 316 SS dia-phragm sealed piston; 316 SS piston with Viton O-ring seal; and 316 SS piston with Buna-N O-ring seal. The 316 SS diaphragm is available in ranges from –15/15 psi to 200 psi. The 316 SSpiston is available in ranges from 100 psi to 15,000 psi. Switches offered in 100 psi and 200 psi can be ordered with either thepiston or diaphragm design. The piston design will have a longer mechanical life, while the diaphragm design has a better operat-ing temperature.The piston design is more reliable than a diaphragm designwhen subjected to frequent large pressure excursions, pressure surges and spikes associated with typical hydraulic applications. Piston designs are typically used when the switch is used as low pressure alarm or cutoff where the normal working pressure isabove the nominal range of the switch.The Switching Function:Most applications for alarm, shutdown and interlock are satis-fied by the standardA-Series switches which feature single setpoint fixed deadband. For pump, compressor and other control applications, the dead-band becomes a very important c onsideration and may require increasing the range of the switch to increase the deadband.Please consult your Ashcroft representative for assistance withspecial applications.The Micro Switch Element:The micro switch element must be chosen to meet the electrical load requirement to be switched. The switches are offered as either SPDT (single pole double throw) or DPDT (double pole double throw). The DPDT switch is made up of two SPDT switches which are adjusted to work together by Ashcroft’s patent pendingCircuit Board Rotation Design. DPDT switching is not available on diaphragm designs below 100 psi, withSpade terminals or the Micro DIN connector.Understanding Setpoints and Reset Points:Pressure switches can be set to switch on either increasing (rising) or decreasing pressures. Since theswitches have both Normally Open (NO) contacts and Normally Closed (NC) contacts you can wire the switch to open or close for either an increasing or decreas-ing pressure. To be consistent in setting the switch-es Ashcroft defines the setpoints as follows. For anincreasing setpoint, the pressure is increased from 0 psito the set point and then decreased to the reset point. For a decreasing setpoint, the pressure is increased to full range and then decreased to the setpoint and then increased to the resetpoint.Custom Applications: The A-series switch is designed to allow custom process connections and electrical terminations. Please consult your Ashcroftrepresentative for assistance with custom applications.Cutaway view of switch assembly with SS pistonSELECTION GUIDEPressure SwitchesAccuracy – (See repeatability) Accuracy normally refers to con-formity of an indicated value to an accepted standard value. There is no indication in switch products; thus, instead, the term repeatability is used as the key performance measure. Ashcroft A-Series switch accuracy is 2% of nominal range.Automatic Reset Switch – Switch which returns to normal state when actuating variable Pressure is reduced.Adjustable or Operating Range – That part of the nominal range over which the switch setpoint may be adjusted. Normally about 10% to 100% of the nominal range for A-Series pressure switches.Burst Pressure – The maximum pressure that may be applied to a pressure switch without causing leakage or rupture. This is approximately 16X of nominal range for A-Series switches. Diaphragm switches subjected to pressures above the nominal range can be permanently damaged.Deadband – The difference between the setpoint and the reset-point, normally expressed in units of the actuating variable. Sometimes referred to as differential.Fixed Deadband – The difference between the setpoint and the resetpoint of a pressure switch. It further signifies that this deadband is a fixed function of the pressure switch and not adjustable.National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) – This group has defined several categories of enclosures, usually referred to as “types.” Further, they designate certain features and capabilities each type must include.NEMA 6 – Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to hazardous parts; to provide a degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt); to provide a degree of protection with respect to harmful effects on the equipment due to the ingress of water (hose directed water and the entry of waterduring occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth); and that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.Normal Switch Position – Contact position before actuating pressure (or variable) is applied. Normally closed contacts open when the switch is actuated. Normally open contacts close when the switch is actuated.Normally Closed – Refers to switch contacts that are closed in the normal switch state or position (unactuated). A pressure change opens the contacts.Normally Open Switch – Refers to the contacts that are open in the normal switch state or position (unactuated). A pressure change closes the contacts.Overpressure Rating(s) – A nonspecific term that could refer to either burst or proof pressure, or both.Proof Pressure – The maximum pressure which may be appliedwithout causing damage. This is determined under strict labora-tory conditions including controlled rate of change and tempera-ture: This value is for reference only. Consult factory for appli-cations where switch must operate at pressures above nominal range or reference temperature (70°F).Repeatability (Accuracy) – The closeness of agreement among a number of consecutive measurements of the output setpoint for the same value of the input under the same operating con-ditions, approaching from the same direction, for full-range tra-verses. Ashcroft A-series switch repeatability is 2% of nominal range.Note: It is usually measured as non-repeatability and expressed as repeatability in percent of span or nominal range. It does not include hysteresis or deadband.Resetpoint – The resetpoint is the Pressure value where the electrical switch contacts will return to their original or normal position after the switch has activated.Setpoint – The setpoint is the Pressure value at which the elec-trical circuit of a switch will change state or actuate. It should be specified either on increase or decrease of that variable. Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Switching Element – A SPDT switching element has one normally open, one normally closed, and one common terminal. The switch can be wired with the circuit either normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C). SPDT is standard with A-series switches.Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Switching Element – Two SPDT switching elements both set to actuate or de-actuate at the same set or resetpoint. Each switch one has one normally open, one normally closed, and one common terminal. Theswitches are independent of each other and can be wired to two independent circuits. The two circuits can either normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C).Snap Action – In switch terminology, snap action generally refers to the action of contacts in the switch element. These contacts open and close quickly and snap closed with sufficient pressure to firmly establish an electrical circuit. The term distin-guishes products from mercury bottle types that were subject to vibration problems.ADDITIONAL SWITCH TERMINOLOGYPressure SwitchesWorld HeadquartersAshcroft Inc.250 E. Main StreetStratford, CT 06614-5145 U.S.A.Tel: (203) 378-8281Fax: (203) 385-0408email:***************** International Operations BrazilWilly Instrumentos de Medicao e Controle Ltda.Rua Joao Pessoa, 62009520-000Sao Caetano Do Sul-Sao Paulo-Brazil Tel: 55-11-4224-7402Fax: 55-11-4224-7477email:********************.brChinaAshcroft Instruments (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.1508 Lin-hu AvenueAscendas Lin-hu Industrial Square Wujiang Fenhu Economic Zone Wujiang China, 215211Tel: 011-86-512-6326-9101Fax: 011-86-512-6326-9106 GermanyAshcroft Instruments GmbH Postfach 11 20, D-52490Baesweiler, GermanyMax-Planck-Strasse 1, D-52499 Baesweiler, Germany Tel: 49-2401-8080Fax: 49-2401-808 125email:******************www.ashcroft.euMexicoAshcroft Instruments Mexico, S.A. de C.V.General Mariano Arista No. 54 Nave 8Col. Argentina Poniente Deleg. Miguel Hidelgo 11230 Mexico City, Mexico Tel: 525-550-82-3030Fax: 525-550-82-3027email:**********************.mxSaudi Arabia AARICOP.O. Box 12031Jubail Industrial City 31961 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: 966-3-341-0278Fax: 966-3-341-7624email:***************SingaporeAshcroft Instruments Singapore Pte. Ltd.Block 1004 Toa Payoh North #07-15/17Singapore 318995Tel: 65-6252-6602Fax: 65-6252-6603email:**********************.sg United KingdomAshcroft Instruments LimitedUnit 17 & 18 William James House Cowley RoadCambridge CB4 0WX Tel: 44-0-1223-395500Fax: 44-0-1223-395501email:********************VenezuelaManufacturas Petroleras Venezolanas S.A.KM7 Carretera A El Mojan Calle 18#15B355 ZonaInd. Norte Sector Canchancha Maracaibo Edo Zulia Venezuela Tel: 58-261-757-9070Tel: 58-261-742-4372Fax: 58-261-757-9461email:************************。



目录1 说明§1.1 重要说明§1.2 开关标识2 探测头安装§2.1 压力与真空探测头§2.2 差压探测头§2.3 温度探测头3 封装外壳的安装§3.1 “C”型外壳§3.2 “Z”型外壳§3.3 “V”型和“W”型外壳§3.4 “M”型外壳4 电气安装5 设定点调节6欧共体标准符合说明1 说明§1.1 重要说明* BETA压力开关属于精密仪器请正确放置或搬动。


* 在按照说明书指示正确安装,该开关的设计与结构是完全免维护的。


* 除了更换外壳密封与安装支架外,不要移动或更换本开关的任何部件。

* 避免暴露在超高温、超低温、有侵蚀性环境中,-30~80℃为适宜温度。

* 调节螺丝有自锁性,所以在调节设定点后禁止封死调节螺丝。

* 安装前请详细检查铭牌上数据。

* 所有尺寸均以mm毫米标注。

* 如果您需要帮助请与供应商联系,开关只有在去污清洗后才能进行维护检修。

* 如果您需要额外的膜片O形圈和微动开关,请给出序列号向供应商购买。

* 开关的检修维护请由专业的仪表工程师实施。


* 非厂方检修维护的操作会影响产品本身的质量保证。

* 本章节的指导说明书的步骤也是安装步骤说明。

* 地基与工程环境的强烈振动可能会影响开关的正常功能。

§1.2 开关标识压力开关的铭牌上面标明了规格型号,4到7步可以确定该压力开关的设计组成,后缀的X+数字来表明特殊要求,该特殊要求可参照数据书。



KIP电气阀门说明书 PDF

KIP电气阀门说明书 PDF

7U 240115-0251-24VDC*CoilsAll standard KIP valves are supplied with a Class “B”dry tape wound coil construction with 24"black leads,P/N (01)in the ordering system,unless otherwise specified.When using this chart below note the available housing styles and the series in which coils are available.The following chart shows all coil options readily available,for other options in OEM quantities consult KIP.Non-standard voltages,leadwire lengths,other lead wire types and colors,may require minimum quantities.KIP standard voltages:12VDC,24VDC,24/60,120/60,110/50,220/50,240/60.Lead wire type -AWG 20on Series 1and 2AWG 18on Series 1and 2with free standing molded coil AWG 18on Series 3and 6Coil classification -Class B =130°C or 266°F Class F =155°C or 311°F Class H =180°C or 356°F**For Class H coils change the second digit to a 3.Consult KIP for minimum order quantities.***Full wave rectification7 KIP Part Identification Numbering(PIN)System For ValvesThe KIP part number provides information about every aspect of the product it represents.The first letter is an optional prefix which identifiesUL recognized,oxygen or low wattage.The following numbers identify series,ports,housing style,material,valve function,orifice,seal,coil construction and coil temperature,in that order.The numerical value for each respective category represents one of multiple options.Where possible,the organization of this KIP catalog presents information in the order of the part identification number.You may use the number as a guide to finding information within the catalog.The following chart is the key to understanding the KIP Part Identification Number.UYABCDG7=#10-32UNF8=3/8"NPT(f)1=Grommet2=1/2"NPT Conduit3=Yoke(d)4=Yoke w/bracket(d)7=Grommet w/bracket9=Slotted(e)0=Slotted w/bracket(e)BunaFluorocarbon®Neoprene®Low temperature BunaPolyurethane(2WNC only)Teflon®(2WNC only)Neoprene W®Ethylene Propylene(EPR(Food Grade)be usedmolded coil(e)=Slotted housing(used with31&51spade coiloption),available in Series2,3&ed withmolded coil61in Series2&3,and41in Series1.(f)=Available in Series6,2WNC only.(g)=Available in Series1&2diaphragm only.® Teflon and Neoprene are registered trademarks of E.I. Dupont De Nemours Co.*Available in Series 1, 2 & 3 for 2-Way Normally Closed, 3-Way Normally Closed and 3-Way Multi-Purpose functions.7Series 1*Larger stop orifice available with reduced pressure ratings; consult KIP.**Manifold Mount valve has maximum 400 MOPD rating for UL recognition.Series 1Orifice Diameter Cv Factor MOPD (psi)Standard Valve BodyGrommet Manifold Mount**Valve Body-Grommet LOW WATT SpecificationsCv Factor 1.5 Watt A2.0 Watt B2.5 Watt C3.0 Watt DBodyStop BodyStop SS Brass SS Brass BodyStop2-Way Normally Open 1/320.0353001410201411201610201611203/640.0502001410211411211610211611211/16*0.0951501410221411221610221611222-Way Nomally Closed1/320.0358001410101411101610101611100.0301253005007753/640.0505001410111411111610111611110.050301001753001/160.0953001410121411121610121611120.085-3065955/640.1352001410131411131610131611130.125-1540653/320.1751751410141411141610141611140.170-1025401/80.2451001410151411151610151611150.225---45/320.290501410161411161610161611160.280----3-Way Normally Open1/321/320.0350.0251601410501411501610501611503/643/640.0500.0651251410511411511610511611511/161/16*0.0850.1151001410521411521610521611525/641/16*0.1250.115801410531411531610531611533/321/16*0.1650.115601410541411541610541611541/81/16*0.2400.115401410551411551610551611555/321/16*0.2850.11510141056141156N/A N/A 3-Way Normally Closed(For free vent,change fifth digitfrom 4 to 3)1/321/320.0350.0252001410401411401610401611400.0300.025100-150-3/643/640.0500.0651501410411411411610411611410.0500.060-80120-1/161/16*0.0850.1151001410421411421610421611420.0850.105-45650-5/641/16*0.1250.115801410431411431610431611430.1200.105-25-503/321/16*0.1650.115601410441411441610441611440.1500.105--20351/81/16*0.2400.115401410451411451610451611450.2250.105--10205/321/16*0.2850.115101410461411461610461611460.2700.105-7-103-Way Multi-Purpose1/321/320.0350.0251501410601411601610601611600.0300.025-80-953/643/640.0500.0651001410611411611610611611610.0500.060-2540601/161/16*0.0850.115801410621411621610621611620.0850.105---205/641/16*0.1250.115601410631411631610631611630.1200.105---83/321/16*0.1650.115351410641411641610641611640.1500.105----1/81/16*0.2400.115201410651411651610651611650.2250.105----5/321/16*0.2850.115101410661411661610661611660.2700.105----3-Way Directional Control1/321/320.0350.0252301410701411701610701611703/643/640.0500.0651601410711411711610711611711/161/16*0.0850.1151201410721411721610721611725/641/16*0.1250.115801410731411731610731611733/321/16*0.1650.115601410741411741610741611741/81/16*0.2400.115351410751411751610751611755/321/16*0.2850.11520141076141176N/A1611767Hex MaleValve StandardOperator StandardAB C D E F G H Series 1 1.02(26).52(13)1.32(34)1.67(42).64(16)1.12(29)3/4-32UNEF1/8-27 NPTFAB C D E F H M N P RSeries 1.94(24)Hex .27(7) 2.12(54) 2.47(63).64(16)1.12(29)1.32(33)1/8-27 NPTF 1/8-27 NPTF .44 (11)1/8-27 NPTF1/4-18 NPTF .56 (14)Bracket DimensionsA B C D E F Series 12.13 (54)1.33 (34).20 (5)2.63 (67)1.45 (37)1.93 (49)。



型水平锁紧卡盘LEVEL LOCK CHUCKINSTRUCTION MANUAL使用说明书重要Important本使用说明书以负责产品操作的生产技术人员以及产品维护人员为对象。




This manual is prepared for production engineers and maintenance service men to operate the products. If a beginner operates the products, he should be trained by either a skilled man, the agent you purchased the products from or Kitagawa Technical Department prior to the operation.Carefully read the warning items in this manual and understand them thoroughly prior to the operation.Warranty does not cover any damage or accident caused without following the warning items.本说明书请妥善保管,以备今后随时使用。

Please read this manual thoroughly before saving it carefully.1 衷心感谢您选用“KITAGAWA ”的水平锁紧卡盘。


Parker 7321B 7322B Series水压控制双向阀门说明说明书

Parker 7321B 7322B Series水压控制双向阀门说明说明书

climate control electromechanical filtrationfluid & gas handling hydraulics pneumatics process controlsealing & shieldingParker 7321B/7322B SeriesWater ValvesParker 7321B/7322B 2/2 pilot operated valvesis the best solution anywhere a perfect controlmedia such water, steam, and light oils isrequired.7321B/7322B Series are diaphragm pilot operatedvalves and require a minimum diff erentialpressure to operate.Water is the basic element for human life, and watercontrol makes possible a wide varety of human activitiessuch as irrigation and food production, breeding,water dispensing, energy production, car and toolswashing; water is the basic element in many applicationslike fi re-fi ghting, domotic, plumbing.Basing on solenoid technology, among the featuresthis product provides a high fl ow rate, a fast reactiontime and a superior reliability in a robust and moderndesign.Manual override is available to open andclose the valve without electrical supply,as well as speed control option againstwater hammer eff ect.Our 7321B/7322B Water Valvesrange is usable with the most ofour FCDE coil ranges, includingATEX, low power and IP67electrical parts.The SpeciesEvolution Parker AgeRoman AgeApplicationsBenefi tsTh anks to the best performances in fl ow rate,7321B/7322B Series can be used for many applications with high fl ow rates and media such as water, hot water and steam. Typical applications can be found in: Plumbing mkt, industrial washing machines,car wash installations, cooling of machine tools, hydrocleaners, autoclaves, irrigation systems, etc…Among the most valuable features you can fi nd in this product:● Best performances for minimum and maximumoperating pressure diff erential● Exclusive diaphragm design for a Superior Flow Rate ,higher than the competition valves with the same dimensional specs and fl at diaphragm● One of the Fastest in electrical and hydraulic openingresponse time● Modular concept: a wide range of electrical partsincreases the versatility of this product● Robust design: areas under mechanical stress have beenstudied and oversized● Manual override control option: valve can be easilyactivated also when there’s no energy supply● Stainless steel pilot for superior life endurance withspe c ial sealing● Easy access to internal parts, to permit easy and quickmaintenan c eIntroducing Parker 7321B/7322B Series Water ValvesPlease consult factory in case you need to verify the compatibility of 7321B/7322B Series with alternative ranges of paper FCDE coils not inclused in this catalogue.Please consult also the "How to Order" section at page 22 to select the product confi guration which fi ts your application requirements.Parker 7321B/7322B are diaphragm pilot operated solenoid valves and require a minimum differential pressure to operate.This serie is available in both Normally Closed and Normally Open function: 7321B Serie is a Normally Closed family (closed when de-energised), 7322B Serie is the Normally Open family (Open when de-energised).General DescriptionValve body: CW617N UNI EN 12165:98 Forged Brass Enclosing tube: AISI 304 stainless steel Plunger:AISI 430F St. SteelSpring:AISI 302 St. SteelSeals: NBR (Buna N) - EPDMFKM (Viton)Shading ring: CopperMaterial Specifi cationsThe valves can be mounted in any position. It is however recommended to install them with the coilin vertical position above the body.InstallationThese valves have been developed to achieve the best performances for water, steam, light oils (up to 2°E). Therefore these valves are not usable with gas and air.We recommend to choose NBR versions for plumbing mkt (max. temp. 90°C), FKM version for water/light oils control applications up to 140°C, EPDM version for superheated water and steam (up to 140°C)MediaA wide range of electrical parts are available for 7321B/7322B Series. The complete offer of electrical parts is shown at pages 18 to 21.Electrical PartsAvailable OptionsPlease consult diagrams at page 6 of this catalogue to fi nd details about shut-off response time with speed control option.Parker 7321B Serie (NC version only) can be ordered with Manual control option. A manual control is used to operate the valve without connecting the coil.The control consists in a slotted-head screw for a screwdriver and has two possible positions:Closed: The letter "C" is in the upper position of the screw head (fi g.1,2)Open: The letter "A" is in the upper position of the screw head (fi g.1,2)Standing in its closed position, the valve operates normally when coil is energised/de-energised. Manual and speed control are standard on 2 ½" and 3" versions.Manual ControlParker 7321B Serie (NC version only) can be ordered with Speed control option. The closure time of certain types can be changed by means of the adjusting screw. The latter, by acting as a throttle on the inlet equalisation (pilot) hole of the valve, slows down the closure speed of the valve, thus reducing the water hammer effect.The regulation range is as follows: Screw fully open: Max. closure speed Screw fully closed: Valve always openSpeed Control Option (Anti-Water Hammer Control)OpenClosed Closed Open123456810203040506080100Sec.bar3"123456810203040100Sec.bar3/4" - 1"123456810203040506080100Sec.bar2 1/2"123456810203040100Sec.bar2"123456810203040100Sec.bar1 1/4" - 1 1/2"Diagrams of the Closing Times----- Curve 1: Closing time with adjusting screw open by 1/2 turn - - - Curve 2: Closing time with adjusting screw completely openProduct availability7321B/7322B Pressure VesselA wide range of confi gurations for this solenoid valve family is available: port sizes from 3/8" to 3" in brass, with BSPP port threads or with NPT ports, along with a wide range of seal and disc materials ensures that we have a standard valve to fi t most applications.In the table herebelow you might also fi nd an explanation of the general description system for 7321B/7322B Series water valves family.Please note:- Electrical parts available are not included in the description system hereabove which refers to pressure vessel only. You can fi nd electrical parts available at pages 18 to 21.- Please consult in detail the "How to Order" section at page 22.DescriptionReference7 3 2 1 B A N x x 7 7 000 Operators 3 Pilot Operated Valve 2 Direct Lift Operated Valve 1 Direct Operated Valve 2 2/2 Ways 2 Normally Open 1 Normally Close A Family Name B C… I 3/8" A 1/2" C 3/4" D 1" E 1 1/4" F 1 1/2" G 2" L 2 1/2" M 3" N NBR V KK M H EPD M 0 0 Standard Version 0 1 M anuel Override 0 2 Speed Control + MO 0 6 Speed Control 9 0 NPT 9 1 NPT - Manuel Override (MO)9 2 NPT - Speed Control + MOS x x x Special versions2/2 Normally Closed - BSP threadsNBR Seals(Max. Media Temp. 90°C)Nominal pressure: 25 bar from 1 ¼" to 3" 16 barFKM Seals (Max. Media Temp. 140°C)Nominal pressure:25 barEPDM Seals (Max. Media Temp. 140°C)Nominal pressure: 25 bar - Max press for steam:4 barDimensional Drawing N° 2Dimensional Drawing N° 3A CCA BBG / N P TG / N P TG A B C N TP mm inch mm inch mm inch3/8" 69 2.71 99.5 3.91 40 1.57 1/2" 72 2.83 101.5 3.99 40 1.57G A B C N TP mm inch mm inch mm inch3/4" 100 3.83 107 4.21 65 2.55 1" 104 4.09 112.5 4.42 65 2.552/2 Normally Closed - BSP threadsDimensional Drawing N° 5A CBGG A B Cmm inch mm inch mm inch3/8" 245 - 195 - 184 - 1/2" 250 - 195 - 184 -Dimensional Drawing N° 4G / N P TA CBG A B CN TPmm inch mm inch mm inch 1-1/4" 145 5.70 134 5.27 102 4.011-1/2" 145 5.70 134 5.27 102 4.01 2" 173 6.81 148 5.82 118 4.64NBR Seals (Max. Media Temp. 90°C)Nominal pressure:25 bar from 1 ¼" to 3" 16 barFKM Seals(Max. Media Temp. 140°C)Nominal pressure: 25 bar from 1 ¼" to 2" 16 barEPDM Seals (Max. Media Temp. 140°C)Nominal pressure:25 bar from 1 ¼" to 2" 16 barG / N P TA CBDimensional Drawing N° 6Dimensional Drawing N° 7A CBG / N P TG A B C N TP mm inch mm inch mm inch3/8" 69 2.71 110 4.33 40 1.57 1/2" 72 2.83 112 4.41 40 1.57G A B C N TP mm inch mm inch mm inch3/4" 100 3.83 117.5 4.62 65 2,55 1" 104 4.09 113 4.84 65 2.55A CBG / N P TAll dimensions are in mmDimensional Drawing N° 9A CBGG A B Cmm inch mm inch mm inch3/8" 245 - 195 - 184 - 1/2" 250 - 195 - 184 -Dimensional Drawing N° 8G A B CN TPmm inch mm inch mm inch 1-1/4" 145 5.70 144.4 5.68 102 4.011-1/2" 145 - 134 - 102 - 2" 173 - 148 - 118 -2/2 Normally Closed - NPT threads2/2 Normally Open - NPT threadsNBR Seals (Max. Media Temp. 90°C)Nominal pressure: 25 bar/360 PSI from 1 ¼" to 2" 16 bar/230 PSIPort Orifi ce Flow Factors Minimum Maximum Weight Description Part Dimensional Size mm inch m 3/h gpmP ressure Differential Kg lbs Number DrawingN P T bar P SI bar P SI 3/8" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 20 290 0.55 1.21 7321BIN90 444107W 1 1/2" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 20 290 0.55 1.21 7321BAN90 444108W 1 3/4" 20 0.78 8.4 37.04 0.1 1.45 20 290 1.02 2.24 7321BCN90 444109W 2 1" 25 0.98 9.6 42.34 0.1 1.45 20 290 1.08 2.38 7321BDN90 444110W 211/4"35 1.3725.2111.130.1 1.4510145 3.15 6.937321BEN90444168W 311/2"40 1.5630.0132.300.1 1.4510145 4.309.467321BFN90444169W 3 2"501.9537.2 Seals (Max. Media Temp. 140°C)Nominal pressure: 25 bar/360 PSIPort Orifi ce Flow Factors Minimum Maximum Weight Description Part Dimensional Size mm inch m 3/h gpmP ressure Differential Kg lbs Number DrawingN P T bar P SI bar P SI 3/8" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 10 145 0.55 1.21 7321BIH90 444209W 1 1/2" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 10 145 0.55 1.21 7321BAH90 444210W 1 3/4" 20 0.78 8.4 37.04 0.1 1.45 10 145 1.02 2.24 7321BCH90 444211W 2 1"250.989.642.340.11.45101451.082.387321BDH90444606W2NBR Seals (Max. Media Temp. 90°C)Port Orifi ce Flow Factors Minimum Maximum Weight Description Part Dimensional Size mm inch m 3/h gpmP ressure Differential Kg lbs Number DrawingN P T bar P SI bar P SI 3/8" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 20 290 0.55 1.21 7322BIN90 444234W 6 1/2" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 20 290 0.55 1.21 7322BAN90 444610W 6 3/4" 20 0.78 8.4 37.04 0.1 1.45 20 290 1.02 2.24 7322BCN90 444611W 7 1" 25 0.98 9.6 42.34 0.1 1.45 20 290 1.08 2.38 7322BDN90 444612W 711/4"351,3725,2111,130.1 1.45101453,156,937322BEN90444302W8EPDM Seals (Max. Media Temp. 140°C)Port Orifi ce Flow Factors Minimum Maximum Weight Description Part Dimensional Size mm inch m 3/h gpmP ressure Differential Kg lbs Number DrawingN P T bar P SI bar P SI 3/8" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 10 145 0.55 1.21 7322BIH90 444613W 6 1/2" 13 0.51 3.0 13.23 0.1 1.45 10 145 0.55 1.21 7322BAH90 444614W 6 3/4" 20 0.78 8.4 37.04 0.1 1.45 10 145 1.02 2.24 7322BCH90 444615W 7 1" 25 0.98 9.6 42.34 0.1 1.45 10 145 1.08 2.38 7322BDH90 444616W 711/4"351,3725,2111,130.1 1.45101453,156,937322BEH90444576W8Electrical parts availabilityStandard Coil Mono-Frequency, F classEncapsulated in synthetic material, Connector for 2P + E DIN 43650 A Plug. IP65 rate can be achieved using a DIN Plug connector only.Standard Coil Bi-Frequency, F classEncapsulated in synthetic material, Connector for 2P + E DIN 43650 A Plug. IP65 rate can be achieved using a DIN Plug connector only.UL approved Coil, F classEncapsulated in synthetic material, Connector for 2P + E DIN 43650 A Plug. IP65 rate can be achieved using a DIN Plug connector only.H class Coil(DC, AC 14W) encapsulated in synthetic material. Connection for 2P + E DIN 43650 A Plug. IP65 rate can be achieved usinga DIN Plug connector only.All dimensions are in mmDimensional Drawing N° 1118.837,520322435.519.552325500 ± 5 cable38Dimensional Drawing N° 10Electrical parts availabilityIP67 Coil with two 500 mm fl ying leads, F classEncapsulated in synthetic material. Protection rate IP67 as per DIN 40050.Connection: 2 x 500 mm cablesIP67 coil with two 500 mm fl ying leads, F class, UL approved Encapsulated in synthetic material. Protection rate IP67 as per DIN 40050.Connection: 2 x 500 mm cablesExplosion-proof EEx m II T4 (IP65)Coil with housing integrated. Coil and magnetic circuit encapsulated in synthetic material.The complete housing is supplied with an encapsulated connection cable (3 x 0.75 mm2 section),cable length is 3 000 mm with cable gland PG11. Power consumption: 8W AC, 9W DC.Explosion-proof II 2 G-EEx dm IIC T4Coil/housing assembly encapsulated in synthetic material (H class). Protection degree: IP67.Cable connection through cable gland M20x1.5 (DIN 46320).All dimensions are in mmDimensional Drawing N° 12Dimensional Drawing N° 1377.757,53 00037.532.539.52913596.5152760373851.426.5104AccessoriesConnector 2P + E DIN 43650 AMax.A Cable Nominial Description P art DrawingSection Voltage Number Reference16A 6-10mm2 250-/300 V = PG9/PG11 DIN Connector 600003PLUG 14Drawing Reference N° 141810 A250 V≈4841183M32727.55.3Spare PartsDiaphragm Service KitRebuild Service KitThis kit contains diaphragm only. Basing on port size of the valve and seals material required, please consult the prospect herebelow. Spare part kit is the same for Normally open and Normally closed versions.This kit contains diaphragm, sleeve, plungers and seals. Basing on function, port size and seals material required, please consult the prospect herebelow. Spare part kit is not the same for Normally open and Normally closed versions.Valve Port Size DescriptionPart Diaphragm BSPP or NPTNumberMaterialDiaphragm 7321B/7322B N 3/8"-1/2" 306100SP NBR 3/8" - 1/2"Diaphragm 7321B/7322B V 3/8"-1/2" 306111SP FKM Diaphragm 7321B/7322B H 3/8"-1/2" 306110SP EPDM Diaphragm 7321B/7322B N 3/4"-1" 306120SP NBR 3/4" - 1"Diaphragm 7321B/7322B V 3/4"-1" 306131SP FKM Diaphragm 7321B/7322B H 3/4"-1"306130SP EPDMDiaphragm 7321B/7322B N 1 1/4"-1 1/2" 306133SP NBR 1 1/4" - 1 1/2"Diaphragm 7321B/7322B H 1 1/4"-1 1/2" 306138SP EPDM Diaphragm 7321B/7322B N 2" 306140SP NBR 2" Diaphragm 7321B/7322B H 2"306150SP EPDM2 1/2" - 3"Diaphragm 7321B/7322B N 2 1/2"-3"306156SP NBRValve P ort ValveDescriptionP art Diaphragm Size FonctionNumberMaterialNC Rebuild Kit 7321B N - 3/8", 1/2", NBR 430088W NBR 3/8" - 1/2" NC Rebuild Kit 7321B V - 3/8", 1/2", FKM 430090W FKM NC Rebuild Kit 7321B H - 3/8", 1/2", EPDM 430133W EPDM 3/4" - 1" NC Rebuild Kit 7321B N - 3/4", 1", NBR430089W NBRNC Rebuild Kit 7321B N - 1-1/4", 1-1/2", NBR 430095W NBR 1 1/4" - 1 1/2" NC Rebuild Kit 7321B H - 1-1/4", 1-1/2", EPDM 430135W EPDMNC Rebuild Kit 7321B N - 2", NBR 430096W NBR 2"NC Rebuild Kit 7321B H - 2", EPDM430136W EPDM 3/8" - 1/2" NO Rebuild Kit 7322B N - 3/8", 1/2", NBR 430137W NBR 3/4" - 1" NO Rebuild Kit 7322B N - 3/4", 1", NBR430138W NBR 1 1/4" - 1 1/2" NO Rebuild Kit 7322B N - 1-1/4", 1-1/2", NBR 430139W NBR 2"NORebuild Kit 7322B N - 2", NBR430140W NBHow to OrderStep 1Step 2Step 3Select the pressure vessel catalogue number (description) and/or part number at pages 8 to 19.Select the electrical part catalogue number and/or part number at pages 20 to 23.Select accessories at page 24.Ordering a product or a confi guration not listed in the catalogueWhen an application demands a combination of features not listed in the catalog, use the signifi cant description system indicated at page 7 to specify the exact valve needed. Parker FCDE personnel will assist in determining the applicability, availability and price ofthe new product.AEROSPACEKey Markets• Aircraft engines• Business & general aviation• Commercial transports• Land-based weapons systems• Military aircraft• Missiles & launch vehicles• Regional transports• Unmanned aerial vehiclesKey ProductsFlight control systems& compon ntsFluid conveyance systemsFluid metering delivery& atomization devicesFuel systems & componentsHydraulic systems & componentsInert nitrogen generating systemsPneumatic systems & components• Wheels & brakesCLIMATE CONTROLKey MarketsAgricultureAir conditioningFood, beverage & dairy• Life sciences & medicalPrecision coolingProcessingTransportationKey ProductsCO2 controlsElectronic controllersFilter driersHand shut-off valvesHose & fi ttingsPressure regulating valvesRefrigerant distributorsSafety relief valvesSolenoid valvesThermostatic expansion valvesFILTRATIONKey MarketsFood & beverageIndustrial machineryLife sciencesMarineMobile equipmentOil & gasPower generationProcessTransportationKey ProductsAnalytical gas generatorsCompressed air & gas fi ltersCondition monitoringEngine air, fuel & oil fi ltration& syst msHydraulic, lubrication& coolant fi ltersProcess, chemical, water& microfi ltration fi ltersNitrogen, hydrogen & zeroair g n ratorsELECTROMECHANICALKey MarketsAerospaceFactory automationFood & beverageLife science & medicalMachine tools• Packaging machinery• Paper machinery• Plastics machinery & converting• Primary metalsSemiconductor & electronics• TextileWire & cableKey Products• AC/DC drives & systemsElectric actuatorsGearheadsHuman machine interfacesIndustrial PCs• InvertersLinear motors, slides and stagesPrecision stages• Stepper motorsServo motors, drives & controlsStructural extrusionsPNEUMATICSKey Markets• Aerospace• Conveyor & material handling• Factory automation• Food & beverage• Life science & medical• Machine tools• Packaging machinery• Transportation & automotiveKey ProductsAir preparationCompact cylindersField bus valve systemsGrippersGuided cylindersManifoldsMiniature fl uidicsPneumatic accessoriesPneumatic actuators & grippersPneumatic valves and controlsRodless cylindersRotary actuatorsTie rod cylindersVacuum generators, cups & sensorsFLUID & GAS HANDLINGKey MarketsAerospaceAgricultureBulk chemical handlingConstruction machineryFood & beverageFuel & gas deliveryIndustrial machineryMobileOil & gasTransportationWeldingKey ProductsBrass fi ttings & valvesDiagnostic equipmentFluid conveyance systemsIndustrial hosePTFE & PFA hose, tubing& plastic fi ttingsRubber & thermoplastic hose& couplingsTube fi ttings & adaptersQuick disconnectsHYDRAULICSKey Markets• Aerospace• Aerial lift• Agriculture• Construction machinery• Forestry• Industrial machinery• Mining• Oil & gas• Power generation & energy• Truck hydraulicsKey Products• Diagnostic equipment• Hydraulic cylinders& accumulators• Hydraulic motors & pumps• Hydraulic systems• Hydraulic valves & controls• Power take-offs• Rubber & thermoplastic hose& couplings• Tube fi ttings & adapters• Quick disconnectsPROCESS CONTROLKey MarketsChemical & refi ningFood, beverage & dairyMedical & dentalMicroelectronicsOil & gasPower generationKey ProductsAnalytical sample conditioningproducts & systemsFluoropolymer chemical deliveryfi ttings, valves & pumpsHigh purity gas delivery fi ttings,valves & regulatorsInstrumentation fi ttings, valves& r gulatorsMedium pressure fi ttings & valvesProcess control manifoldsSEALING & SHIELDINGKey MarketsAerospaceChemical processingConsumerEnergy, oil & gasFluid powerGeneral industrialInformation technologyLife sciencesMilitarySemiconductorTelecommunicationsTransportationKey ProductsDynamic sealsElastomeric o-ringsEMI shieldingExtruded & precision-cut,fabricated elastomeric sealsHomogeneous & insertedlastom ric shap sHigh temperature metal sealsMetal & plastic retainedcomposit s alsThermal management Parker’s Motion & Control TechnologiesAt Parker, we’re guidedby a relentless drive to helpour customers become moreproductive and achievehigher levels of profi tabilityby engineering the bestsystems for their require-ments. 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KOGANEI 高金气动压力开关 GS6 系列说明书

KOGANEI 高金气动压力开关 GS6 系列说明书

DIGITAL PRESSURE SWITCHESGS6 SeriesINSTRUCTION MANUAL Ver.4Thank you very much for using KOGANEI pressure switches. Please read this Instruc-tion Manual carefully and thoroughly for the correct and optimum use of the pressureswitch. Kindly keep this manual in a convenient place for quick reference.1PART DESCRIPTIONNotes: 1) In the case of a model that is intended for use outside Japan, attach the unit switch plate corresponds to the setpressure unit.2) The product for use inside Japan can be set only to “MPa” or “kPa”.2PIPING●When connecting a commercial coupler to the pressure port, attach a 12mm spanner to the pressure port’s hexagon section to fix the port, and then tighten with a tightening torque of 9.8N·m or less (M5 female: 1N·m or less). The commercial coupler or pressure port section will be damaged if the tightening torque is excessive.Wrap sealing tape around the coupler when connect-ing to prevent leaks.3MOUNTING●The sensor mounting bracket GS6-B is available as an option. When mounting the sensor onto the sensor mounting bracket, etc., the tightening torque should be 0.5N·m or less.GS6-B ●The part for panel mountingGS6-P (optional) is also available.Panel cut-out size4WIRINGConnection method●Insert the accessory cable with connector into this product’s connection connector section as shown in the right figure.Disconnection method●Pressing the release lever of the cable with connector, pull out the connector.<Recommended product>Contact: SPHD-001T-P0.5Housing: PAP-04V-S [JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.]Note: Do not pull by holding the cable without pressing the release lever, as this can cause cable break or connectorbreak.<Connection connector pin arrangement>Connector pin No.Terminal name1+V2Comparative output 13Standard type: Comparative output 2High-function type: Analogue voltage / current output or external input40V5I/O CIRCUIT DIAGRAMSNPN output typeStandard typeHigh-function typePNP output type Standard typeHigh-function typeNotes: 1) When the analogue current is output, the output load resistance should be 250Ω max. 2) Take care that when the analogue current is output, 5V or more voltage generates. 3) When using the analogue voltage output, be careful to the input impedance of the connected device. Furthermore, note that if the cable is extended, the cable resistance will cause the voltage to drop.6OUTPUT MODE AND OUTPUT OPERATION●The EASY mode, hysteresis mode or window comparator mode can be selected as the output mode for comparative output 1 and comparative output 2.Refer to <Comparative output 1 / 2 output mode setting> in “8MENU SET-TING MODE ” for details.EASY mode●ON / OFF of the comparative output is controlled in this mode.Comparative output H: Hysteresis fixed (Note 1)Notes: 1) Hysteresis can be fixed in 8 steps. Refer to <Hysteresis fixed value selection> in “9PRO MODE ” for setting. 2) “ ” is displayed for comparative output 1 and “” for comparative output 2 on the sub-display.Hysteresis mode●The comparative output ON / OFF state can be controlled with randomly set hyster-esis in this mode.ComparativeoutputH: 1digit or more2 digits or more whenusing psi unitNote: “ ” or “ ” is displayed for comparative output 1 and “ ” or “ ” for comparative output 2 on the sub-display.Window comparator mode●In this mode, the ON or OFF state of the comparative output is controlled with apressure in the set range.H: Hysteresis fixed (Note 1)ComparativeoutputNotes: 1) Hysteresis can be fixed in 8 steps.Refer to <Hysteresis fixed value selection> in “9PRO MODE” for setting.2) “ ” or “ ” is displayed for comparative output 1 and “ ” or “ ” for comparative output 2 on thesub-display.3) Set the interval between the Lo side and Hi side to hysteresis fixed value or more.7RUN MODESetting the threshold value●Refer to <Comparative output 1 / 2 output mode setting>, <Analogue voltage / currentoutput / external input selection> in “8MENU SETTING MODE” for setting conditions.●The Sub display conducts the threshold value. Main display does not changed.Comparative output 1Comparative output 2Comparative output 1Comparative output 2Comparative output 1Comparative output 2EASY mode(Comparative output 2 is OFF)EASY modeHysteresis mode / Windowcomparator mode · Lo sideHysteresis mode / Windowcomparator mode · Hi side(Note 3)Press: Increase threshold value to high pressure side.Press: Decrease threshold value to low pressure side.Notes: 1) If the set pressure range is exceeded, “ ” (exceeds the upper limit) or “ ” (exceeds the lower limit) willappear on the sub display. “ ” will also appear if the Hi side threshold value exceeds the Lo side thresholdvalue when setting the “hysteresis mode / window comparator mode” threshold value.2) Auto-reference value and remote zero-adjustment value are displayed.For details, refer to “11AUTO-REFERENCE FUNCTION” and “12REMOTE ZERO-ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION.”3) In the dash line box is not displayed when not setting “ ” or “ ” in external input switch. For the settingmethod, refer to <Analogue voltage / current output / external input selection> in “8MENU SETTING MODE.”Zero-adjustment function●The zero-adjustment function forcibly sets the pressure value to “zero” when thepressure port is opened.Key lock function●The key lock function prevents key operations so that the conditions set in each set-ting mode are not inadvertently changed.<Key lock set><Key lock released>Peak / bottom hold function●The peak / bottom hold functions display the peak value and bottom value of thefluctuating pressure.●The peak value is displayed on the main display and the bottom value is displayedon the sub-display.●The higher vacuum side indicates the peak value, while the lower vacuum side indi-cates the bottom value.<Peak / bottom hold set><Peak / bottom hold released>8MENU SETTING MODE●The mode will change to RUN mode when the mode selection key is held downduring this setting process. In doing so, changed items before holding down themode selection key have been set.<Comparative output 1 output mode setting>HysteresisWindowcomparator<Response time setting><Display color of the main display selection>Red when ON Green when ON<Unit selection> (Note 2)RUN modeNotes: 1) If the comparative output 2 output mode setting is set to “ ”, the display of N.O. / N.C. selection is the sameas the high-function type.2) In case Japanese, only “MPa” or “kPa” can be set. In the case of a low pressure type for inside of Japan, theunit switch setting item is not displayed.3) This is not displayed on the high pressure type.9PRO MODE●The mode will change to RUN mode when the mode selection key is held downduring this setting process. However, changed items before holding down the modeselection key have been set.<Sub-display selection><Display speed selection><Hysteresis fixed value selection> (1 level: Approx. 1 digit) (When Pa unit is selected.)RUN modeCustom<Eco mode setting><Setting copy mode>Copy sending Copy sending Copy sendingCode table10SETTING COPY FUNCTION●This can copy the settings of the master side sensor to the slave side sensor.●Be sure to use the setting copy function between the identical models.This function cannot be used between different models.●Only one sensor can be connected on slave side with a master side sensor for thesetting copy function.Setting procedure1. Set the setting copy function of the master side sensor to “Copy sending ON” or“Copy sending ON-L”, and then press the mode selection key so that the sensor isin copy ready state. For details, refer to <Setting copy mode> in “9PRO MODE”.2. Turn OFF the master side sensor.3. Connect the master side sensor with the slave side sensor as shown below.Notes: 1) For the high-function type, external input.4. Turn ON the master side sensor and the slave side sensor at the same time.(Note 2) (Note 3)5. Set contents (16-bit coded) are shown in orange on the main display of the masterside sensor and the copying starts.6. The same code explained above is shown in green on the the main display of theslave side sensor, and “ ” is shown on the sub-display (When copying is com-plete.)7. Turn OFF the power of the master side sensor and the slave side sensor and dis-connect the wire.* If copying the setting to another sensor repeatedly, follow steps 3 to 7.Notes: 2) Take care that if the power is not turned on at the same time, the setting contents may not be copied.3) Note that when the power is on, pulse output is output to comparative output 1.To cancel the setting copy mode of master side sensor1. Whilst the slave side sensor is disconnected, turn on the power of the master sidesensor.2. Press the mode selection key for approx. 2 seconds.11AUTO-REFERENCE FUNCTION (ONLY HIGH-FUNCTION TYPE)●The auto-reference functioncorrects the set value using thedetected pressure value duringauto-reference input as the refer-ence pressure.●Using the detected pressure val-ue at auto-reference input P(a)as a reference, the set value 1’is automatically corrected to “setvalue 1+ P(a)”.BeforeAfterSettable range and set pressure range after correction●The set pressure range is wider than the rating pressure range so that the auto-reference function can be handled.If the corrected set value exceeds the set pressure range when auto-reference inputis carried out, the set value will be automatically corrected to within the set pressurerange. Thus, take care not to exceed the set pressure range.Operation chartDuring normal operation(each comparative output set to N.O.)During auto-reference input(each comparative output set to N.O.)• Detected pressure at auto-reference input: 10kPaOutputON0102030405060Displayed value (kPa)121020Set value (kPa)OutputON0102030405060Displayed value (kPa)P(a)1’1020Set value (kPa)2’30Note: The set values shift in the same manner during the EASY mode or the window comparator mode.●The detected pressure value at auto-reference input becomes “zero” when the set-ting of the external input selection function is changed or the power is turned ONagain.●The auto-reference input value can be checked when setting the threshold value inRUN mode. Refer to the threshold value setting in “7RUN MODE” for details.12REMOTE ZERO-ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION (HIGH-FUNCTION TYPE)●The remote zero-adjustment function forcibly sets the pressure value to “zero” whenthe external signal is inputted.The set value is not corrected when remote zero-adjustment is input. Make sure that thepressure and set value during remote zero-adjustment do not exceed the set pressurerange.Operation chartDuring normal operation(each comparative output set to N.O.)During remote zero-adjustment input(each comparative output set to N.O.)• Detected pressure at remote zero-adjustment input: 10kPa•OutputON0102030405060Displayed value (kPa)121020Set value (kPa)OutputONApplied pressure (kPa)010********-10Displayed value (kPa)11020Set value (kPa)2Note: The setting values shift in the same manner during the EASY mode or the window comparator mode.●The remote zero-adjustment value is cleared when the setting of the external inputselection is changed or the power is turned ON again, and normal operation basedon the atmospheric pressure is resumed.●The remote zero-adjustment value can be confirmed when setting the thresholdvalue in RUN mode. Refer to the threshold value setting in “7RUN MODE”.13ERROR INDICATIONWhen other error massage is displayed, contact us.14SPECIFICATIONS●2: High-pressure typeNone: Standard type, A: High-function typeNone: NPN output, R1/8 + M5 female screw, For inside of Japan1W or 2W: NPN output, R1/8 + M5 female screw, For outside of JapanF11: NPN output, NPT1/8 male screw+ M5 female screw, For outside of JapanF11P: PNP output, NPT1/8 male screw+ M5 female screw, For outside of JapanTypeItemStandard type High-function typeLow-pressure type High-pressure type Low-pressure type High-pressure typePressure type Gauge pressureRated pressure range-100 to +100kPa-0.1 to +1.0MPa-100 to +100kPa-0.1 to +1.0MPaSet pressure range-101.0 to +101.0kPa-0.101 to +1.010MPa-101.0 to +101.0kPa-0.101 to +1.010MPaWithstand pressure500kPa 1.5MPa500kPa 1.5MPaApplicable fluid Non-corrosive gasSupply voltage12 to 24V DC ±10%Power consumption (Note 1)Normal operation: 720mW or less (current consumption 30mA or less at 24V supply voltage)ECO mode (STD): 480mW or less (current consumption 20mA or less at 24V supply voltage)ECO mode (FULL): 360mW or less (current consumption 15mA or less at 24V supply voltage)Comparative output<NPN output type>NPN open-collector transistor• Maximum sink current: 100mA• Applied voltage: 30V DC or less(between comparative output and 0V)• Residual voltage: 2V or less(at 100mA sink current )<PNP output type>PNP open-collector transistor• Maximum source current: 100mA• Applied voltage: 30V DC or less(between comparative output and +V)• Residual voltage: 2V or less(at 100mA source current )Output operation Selectable either N.O. or N.C., with key operationHysteresis Min. 1 digit (variable) (however, 2 digits when using psi units)Repeatability±0.1% F.S.± within 2 digits±0.2% F.S.± within 2 digits±0.1% F.S.± within 2 digits±0.2% F.S.± within 2 digitsResponse time 2.5ms, 5ms, 10ms, 25ms, 50ms, 100ms, 250ms, 500ms, 1.000ms or 5,000msselectable with key operationsAnalogue voltage output<High-function, low-pressure type>• Output voltage: 1 to 5V• Zero point: Within 3V ± 5% F.S.• Span: Within 4V ± 5% F.S.• Linearity: Within ± 1% F.S.• Output impedance: Approx. 1kΩ<High-function, high-pressure type>• Output voltage: 0.6 to 5V• Zero point: Within 1V ± 5% F.S.• Span: Within 4.4V ± 5% F.S.• Linearity: Within ± 1% F.S.• Output impedance: Approx. 1kΩAnalogue current output<High-function, low-pressure type>• Output current: 4 to 20mA• Zero point: Within 12mA ± 5% F.S.• Span: Within 16mA ± 5% F.S.• Linearity: Within ± 1% F.S.• Load resistance: 250Ω (max.)<High-function, high-pressure type>• Output current: 2.4 to 20mA• Zero point: Within 4mA ± 5% F.S.• Span: Within 17.6mA ± 5% F.S.• Linearity: Within ± 1% F.S.• Load resistance: 250Ω (max.)External input<High-function NPN output type>• ON voltage: 0.4V DC or less• OFF voltage: 5 to 30V DC or open• Input impedance: Approx. 10kΩ• Input time: 1ms or more<High-function PNP output type>• ON voltage: 5V to +V DC• OFF voltage: 0.6V DC or less or open• Input impedance: Approx. 10kΩ• Input time: 1ms or moreAmbient temperature-10 to +50°C (No dew condensation or icing allowed), Storage: -10 to +60°CAmbient humidity35 to 85% RH, Storage: 35 to 85% RHTemperature characteristics Within ±0.5% F.S.(at +20°C reference)Within ±1% F.S.(at +20°C reference)Within ±0.5% F.S.(at +20°C reference)Within ±1% F.S.(at +20°C reference)MaterialEnclosure: PBT (with glass fiber), LCD display: AcrylicPressure port: Stainless steel (SUS 303)Mounting screw section: Brass (nickel-plated), O-ring: H-NBR, Key part: Silicon rubberWeight Approx. 40g (Main body only)Accessories Cable with a connector (cable length 2m): 1 pc., Unit switching label: 1 pc. (for outside of Japan only)Note: Current consumption does not include the analog current output.15CAUTIONS●This product has been developed / produced for industrial use only.●Use within the rated pressure range.●Do not apply pressure exceeding the pressure withstandability value. The dia-phragm will get damaged and correct operation shall not be maintained.●Make sure that the power supply is off while wiring.●Take care that wrong wiring will damage the sensor.●Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating.●If power is supplied from a commercial switching regulator, ensure that the frameground (F.G.) terminal of the power supply is connected to an actual ground.●In case noise generating equipment (switching regulator, inverter motor, etc.) isused in the vicinity of this sensor, connect the frame ground (F.G.) terminal of theequipment to an actual ground.●Do not use during the initial transient time (0.5 sec.) after the power supply isswitched on.●Extension up to total 100m or less, is possible with more than 0.3mm2 of electricconductor cross-sectional area cable.●In case of using this product as a CE Marking conformity product, the wire con-nected to this product must be within 30m.●Do not run the wires together with high-voltage lines or power lines or put them inthe same raceway. This can cause malfunction due to induction.●The specification may not be satisfied in a strong magnetic field.●Avoid dust, dirt, and steam.●Take care that the sensor does not come in direct contact with water, oil, grease, ororganic solvents, such as, thinner, etc.●Do not insert wires, etc, into the pressure port. The diaphragm will get damagedand correct operation shall not be maintained.●Do not operate the keys with pointed or sharp objects.●Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied directly to the sensorcable joint.16INTENDED PRODUCTS FOR CE MARKING●The models listed under “14SPECIFICATIONS” come with CE Marking.As for all other models, please contact our office.OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT3-11-28, Midori-cho, Koganei City, Tokyo 184-8533, JapanTel: 042-383-7271 Fax: 042-383-7276PRINTED IN JAPAN。

Silent Knight SK-Pull-SA 和 SK-Pull-DA 单动作和双动作拉闸器说明

Silent Knight SK-Pull-SA 和 SK-Pull-DA 单动作和双动作拉闸器说明

DescriptionThe SK-Pull-SA is a single action pull station requiring only one motion to activate the station. The SK-Pull-DA is a dual action pull station requiring two motions to active the station.Both pull stations are designed to work with Silent Knight Intelliknight series fire alarm control panels (FACPs).Features•Installer can open station without causing an alarm condition•Dual-color LED is visible through handle of station blinks green to indicate normal operation and remains steady red in an alarm condition•Key operated test and reset lock using lock plate actuator •Key matches compatible FACP locks•Meets the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) controls and operating mechanisms guidelines (Section 4.1.3[13])•Meets ADA requirement for 5 lbs maximum pull force to active•Shell, door, and handle molded from durable LEXAN ®•Reliable analog communications for trouble-free operation •Braille text on station handle•Handle latches in down position and the word Activated appears, clearly indicating the station has been pulled •Rotary address switches for fast installation•UL Listed, including UL 38, Standard of Manually Actuated Signaling SystemSK-Pull-SA and SK-Pull-DAThe SK-Pull-SA and SK-Pull-DA are a single action or dual action addressable fire alarm pull station for use with Silent Knight's IntelliKnight fire control panel. Extremely easy to operate, the SK-Pull-DA and SK-Pull-SAprovide a fast and practical means of manually initiating a fire alarm signal. The IntelliKnight panel recognizes each manual pull station by its specific address saving precious seconds in determining the location of an alarm. For more information about the IntelliKnight system, or to locate you nearest source, please call 1-800-328-0103.Intelligent Pull StationsINTELLIKNIGHT ACCESSORYCompatibilityThe SK-Pull-SA and SK-Pull-DA are compatible with the following IntelliKnight FACP’s:5600570058085820XLSK-Pull-SASK-Pull-DAINTELLIKNIGHT ACCESSORYModel SK-Pull-DA and SK-Pull-SAEngineering SpecificationsThe contractor shall furnish and install where indicated on the plans, Addressable Pull Stations, Silent Knight model SK-Pull-SA single action pull station or SK-Pull-DA, dual action pull station.SK-Pull-DA or SK-Pull-SA meet the ADAAG controls and operating mechanisms guidelines, and the ADA requirements for a 5 lb. maximum pull force to activate the pull station.MADE IN AMERICAFORM# 350135 Rev A©2009 Honeywell International Inc.This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover allspecific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. SpecificationsPhysicalHeight: 5.5” (14 cm)Width: 4” (10.2 cm)Depth: 5.4 oz. (3.7 cm)Housing Material: LEXAN polycarbonate resin Bi-Colored LED:Blinking Green: Normal Steady Red: AlarmSwitch: Single pole, single throw (SPST) normally open (N/O)switch which closes upon activation of the pull stationElectricalOperating Voltage: 15–32 VDCAverage Operating Current (LED flashing): 300 µA Wire Gauge: Up to 12 AWG (3.1 mm 2)EnvironmentalOperating Temperature 32º – 120ºF (0ºC – 49ºC)Humidity: 10% – 93% non-condensingAccessoriesBG-TR Optional trim ring.SB-I/OSurface backbox。













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