电脑VR游戏推荐沉浸式虚拟现实体验虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR)技术的不断发展已经给人们带来了全新的沉浸式体验。
首先要推荐的是《半衰期:爱莉克斯》(Half-Life: Alyx)。
这是一款由台湾游戏公司Softstar Entertainment Inc.开发的经典RPG游戏的VR版本。
此外,《战争雷霆》(War Thunder)是一款以二战为背景的多人战斗游戏,也有VR版本。
最后要介绍的是《刺客信条:奥德赛 VR Experience》。
四、《精灵宝可梦》扑克牌《精灵宝可梦》是一款由Game Freak开发、任天堂代理发行的角色扮演类游戏。
vr科技体验馆观后感《VR 科技体验馆观后感》前阵子,我去了一家VR 科技体验馆,那可真是一次让我又惊又喜、难以忘怀的奇妙经历。
工作人员帮我戴上VR 头盔,调整好设备,我瞬间就感觉自己像是被传送到了浩瀚的宇宙之中。
体验完“深海探险”,我已经被 VR 技术的神奇深深折服了。
這裡γnk 由 (4) 所定義。 1968 年 R. N. Pederson 與 M. Ozawa 繼續沿用 Grunsky 不等式的方法, 分別獨立地證明了|a6| ≤ 6。 至於|a5| ≤ 5的證明更為困難, 要用到 Grunsky 不等式的推廣形式 GarabedianSchiffer 不等式。 直到 de Branges 證明巴 赫猜想之前, 人們只能證明 |an | ≤ n當n ≤ 6時成立。 在 de Branges 證明巴赫猜想之前, 人 們已知對S 中的一些特殊函數類, 巴赫猜想是 成立的。
≤ −
µ,ν =1
之後,D. Horowitz 在 FitzGerald 工作的 基礎上, 進一步精確化, 他先後得到 |an | <
4 數學傳播 十七卷二期 民 82 年 6 月
( 209 ) 6 n< 1.0691n, 對n = 2, 3, · · · 都成 140 立, 及|an | < 1.0657n, 對n = 2, 3, · · ·都成 立。 FitzGerald 早已指出: 應用這個方法是 不可能最終解決巴赫猜想的。 但這些結果卻 是在 de Branges 證明巴赫猜想之前的最好 結果。
1 它 將D 映 到全 平 面除 去在 負 實 數 軸 上 從− 4
什麼是 Grunsky 不等式呢?
與S 族
到無窮遠點的一條射線, 若 θ 為任意實數, 則 e
相緊密關聯的函數族是 , 它是由單位圓外 △ = {z ∈C |z | > 1}的亞純單葉函數 g (z ) = z + b0 + b1 z −1 + b2 z −2 + · · · (3) 的 全 體 所 組 成 。 若 g (z ) ∈
[策略研究] [7 Wonders]3 人局初玩心得[复制链接]risingdragon电梯直达 1楼 发表于 2011-3-1 16:21:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览本帖最后由 risingdragon 于 2011-3-4 14:07 编辑29 主题8 好友1392 积分LEVEL4 发消息只在 BSW 上玩过,多数是 3 人局。
因为没有实物,不知道卡牌的具体分布,所以没法做数据分析,只从感觉上说说 1.军事 & 科技: 这两个放到一起说。
但是如果有一家要和你走同样的路线, 那么就是鹤蚌相争,渔翁得利。
以前我以为科技流不厉害,结果有一局,2 家一张科技都没拿,第三家仅靠科技一项就得了 50 分。
2.国库: 3 块钱才 1 分,这个不用刻意追求。
3.奇迹: 自己用不了又不想给别人用的卡就拿去修奇迹吧。
4.公众: 得分主力,还有建筑链。
5.商业: 基本上是打酱油,很少有人建,除了可以产生任意一种资源的那几张还不错。
6.公会: 感觉没有波多的大紫色建筑猛,而且能建的时候已经是末期了,该建哪个算算就知道。
空中花园配科协貌似不错 先写这么多,欢迎补充。
游戏板上面一般都有 三到五个印好的卡牌位置(左上角一个资源卡,下面二到四个奇迹阶段卡) ,完全可以看作是预先发给你的几张牌,你可以随时使用。
获得资源的方法是抓牌(别人传递 给你) ,牌可以用来建筑或者卖掉换钱,钱可以用来从邻居那里购买自己缺少的资源。
当然,与前辈作品相比,这个游戏的优点还是不少的,美工漂亮没得说,此外胜利路线比较多样化,工会卡(相当于圣胡安和银河的六分卡)共有 10 张,数量比较多, 而且每次游戏都只会用到其中的一部分,所以有一定随机性(从领土开始大家都来玩这套...) ,再加上左右两侧对手的策略每次不同,你的策略也要相应调整,重玩性还 是不错的。
魔法门6地图及任务[1] 魔法门6天堂之令攻略——地图一. 新索匹格1. 酒馆quest 1, quest 2, quest 4 (Andover Potbello)专家鉴定术 (Sheila Loompus, 500gp)专家洞察术 (Tara D'Cathay, 500gp) 2. 加入海盗之巢 (Hejaz Mawsil,25gp)寻找眼镜蛇蛋 (Hejaz Mawsil, 1000gp) 3. 加入终极利刃 (Harold Hess,25gp) 4. 专家健身术 (Erik Salzburg, 500gp) 5. 专家冥想术 (Victor Hosen, 500gp) 6. 加入自我教派 (Violet Dawson, 100gp)quest 7 (Violet Dawson)7. 加入元素教派 (Buford T. Allman, 100gp)quest 5 (Buford T. Allman)8. 铠甲店9. 终极利刃 (Axe, Spear, Staff, Sword, Leather skills, 375gp)10.炼金术店11.武器店12.马车13.杂货店14.专家肢体魔法 (Abdulai Mahgreb, 1000gp) 15.专家心智魔法 (Virgil Holiday, 1000gp) 16.专家灵魂魔法 (Enoch Highridge, 1000gp) 17.训练大厅(Maximum Level: 15)18.专家土系魔法 (Taro, 1000gp)19.专家火系魔法 (Isao Magistrus, 1000gp) 20.海盗之巢 (Merchant, Identify Item, Perception, Disarm Traps, Dagger, 150gp)屋顶传送到飞龙沙漠21.城镇大厅quest 6, subquest 2 (Frank Fairchild)quest 3, quest 8, subquest 1 (Janice)22.银行专家气系魔法 (Cheryl Duncan, 1000gp) 23.时空之门传送点喷泉 (+5 Hit Points)24.喷泉 (+5 Magic Points)25.喷泉 (+10 Might temporarily) 26.神庙27.初级自我教派 (Mind Magic, Body Magic, Spirit Magic, 750gp, spellbooks 1-4)专家学习术 (Donald Retzer, 2000gp) 28.初级元素教派 (Earth Magic, Air Magic, Water Magic, Fire Magic, 750gp, spellbooks 1-4)29.龙塔 quest 3630.大耳怪前哨31.专家棍棒 (Dorf, 2000gp)32.废庙33.专家古代兵器 (Igor)34.幸运神庙 (7月), ask Seer in Castle Ironfist (#32) 35.专家水系魔法(Douglas Hill, 1000gp) 36.加里克冶炼厂37.方尖碑 #15 for subquest 738.码头39.水井 (+2 Luck permanently)40.菜盆 (释放怪物)41.通过桥释放怪物注:1. 岸边有块石头叫岩石,实际是个箱子。
(完整)Innovation关于创新的英语6级作文InnovationWith the development of social economy, innovation has received more and more attention as to the obbligato role of innovation in social development.Why do so many people think that innovation is important?Later on, I will demonstrate this problem from three aspects. First of all, for individuals, innovative thinking has a significant impact on the future of human beings. People make progress by way of innovation day by day。
Furthermore, for enterprises, innovation is the basis of the survival and development. Innovation can improve production efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises。
Last but not least, for countries, innovation is the soul of national prosperity and nationalprogress。
Without innovation, countries couldn't survive in the world.So how do we promote innovation?As far as I am concerned, both individuals and governments should take an active part. For individuals, we should enhance the innovative thinking and improve the ability of innovation. In addition, we should actively participate in innovation activities。
她和厄瑞玻斯生下了埃忒耳、赫墨拉(见赫西俄德《神谱》),也有神话说赫斯珀里得斯,许普诺斯,塔那托斯,摩伊赖,革剌斯,斯堤克斯,卡戎(说法见Juvenal 3.267; Eustathius on Homer 1666)也是他们所生。
Alfred Tennyson Ulysses
Alfred Tennyson: Ulysses丁尼生:《尤利西斯》译文:何功杰/飞白(根据两者译文,略作调整)It little profits that an idle king, | 这太无谓——当一个闲散的君主By this still hearth, among these barren crags, | 安居家中,在这个嶙峋的岛国.Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole | 我与年老的妻子相匹,颁布着Unequal laws unto a savage race, | 不公的法律,治理野蛮的种族,That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. | 他们吃、睡、收藏,而不理解我。
I cannot rest from travel: I will drink | 我不能停歇我的跋涉:我决心Life to the lees; all times I have enjoy'd | 饮尽生命之杯。
我一生都在Greatly, have suffer'd greatly, both with those | 体验巨大的痛苦、巨大的欢乐,That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when | 有时与爱我的狄伴一起,有时却Thro' scudding drifts the rainy Hyades | 独自一个;不论在岸上或海上,Vext the dim sea: I am become a name; | 当带来雨季的毕宿星团催动,我已经变成这样一个名字For always roaming with a hungry heart | 由于我如饥似渴地漂泊不止,Much have I seen and known; cities of men | 我已见识了许多民族的城And manners, climates, councils, governments, | 及其风气、习俗、枢密院、政府,Myself not least, but honour'd of them all; | 而我在他们之中最负盛名;And drunk delight of battle with my peers, | 我和同僚们共饮战斗的欢欣,Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy, | 在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场,I am a part of all that I have met; | 我自己是我全部经历的一部分;Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' | 而全部经验,也只是一座拱门,Gleams that untravell'd world, whose margin fades | 尚未游历的世界在门外闪光,For ever and for ever when I move. | 而随着我一步一步的前进,它的边界也不断向后退让。
VR设备实战体验评测VR(Virtual Reality,虚拟现实)技术是一种利用计算机生成的虚拟环境,将用户沉浸其中,并与虚拟环境进行交互的技术。
本文将对几款主流的VR设备进行实战体验评测,包括Oculus Rift、HTC Vive以及Sony PlayStation VR。
一、Oculus RiftOculus Rift是一款由Oculus VR公司开发的VR设备,是目前市场上最为知名的VR头盔之一。
在体验Oculus Rift之前,我们首先需要连接设备到电脑,并安装相应的软件。
在体验过程中,我们发现Oculus Rift的头戴式设备非常轻便舒适,佩戴时没有明显的压迫感。
通过Oculus Touch手柄,用户可以与虚拟环境进行自由交互。
二、HTC ViveHTC Vive是由HTC和Valve合作开发的VR设备。
与Oculus Rift相比,HTC Vive提供了更加开放的交互方式。
在使用HTC Vive之前,我们需要搭建一个VR房间,其中包括两个追踪器和一个基站。
在HTC Vive的体验中,我们发现头戴式设备的舒适度和OculusRift相当,显示效果同样出色。
三、Sony PlayStation VRSony PlayStation VR是为PlayStation 4游戏主机而开发的VR设备。
与前两者相比,Sony PlayStation VR的售价更加亲民,适合广大玩家购买。
大家都想把它倒立过来看看,满足大家的好奇心吧,究竟怎么样?其实也可以放一点花花草草。 ---郑重提醒:请不要模仿,否则没有保修了哦。
2)咬咬牙,买个大容量的吧,可是丢了怎么办?放在电脑里吧,想随时随地看,怎么办,电脑天天开机?你以为天天开机,你就可以在外边 用手机看到了吗?
3)好了,有了百*云、36*云了,非常好用,我把东西放到上面去,空间又大又不要钱,还可以随时访问,真好! --真的好吗?隐私信息怎么确保?你的手机、你媳妇的手机和PAD、你爸爸的手机,这些数据到处散落到不同地方,这个真的好管理吗? 还有海量照片,没人帮你整理,怎么理得清?任何时候必须上网才能访问,你的网速和流量有保证吗?
AmazingBOX Lite微服着力解决数字家庭的三个基础性问题:让网络连接更快更稳定,让所有终端(手机也好PAD也罢电脑也行)的数据能 够更集中存储更容易扩展并且随时随地可以访问,让所有智能设备(智能手机也好智能电视也罢智能插座/水壶也行)可以在一起更智能的相 互工作。
AmazingBOX Lite支持中继模式,所以,不用担心,不想让他成为主路由也没有关系。
和其他所有的路由器一样,有不同的信号模式可供选择,包括穿墙、节能、标准等。但AmazingBOX还有一个绝活,就是信号智能调节技术, 它能根据接收端的状况,智能的调节发射功率,听上去是挺神奇的。
主界面很特别,已经获得GUI设计专利的说。只想说,确实是花了功夫的。 --也许第一次使用会不习惯。
Joystick SwitchesQuality, reliability, precision Quality, reliability and precision are the hallmarks of our corporate philosophy.They represent concepts and values to which we feel totally committed. At EUCHNER, quality means that all our employees take personal respon-sibility for the company as a whole and, in particular, for their own field of work. This individual commitment to perfection results in products which are ideally tailored to the customers’needs and the requirements of the market. After all: our customers and their needs are the focus of all our efforts. Through efficient and effective use of resources, the promotion of personal initiative and courage in find-ing unusual solutions to the benefit of our customers, we ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. We familiar-ize ourselves with their needs, require-ments and products and we learn from the experiences of our cus-tomers’ own customers.EUCHNER – More than safety.Quality –made by EUCHNERMore than safety.Around the world –the Swabian specialists in motion sequence control for mechanical and sys-tems engineering.EUCHNER’s history began in 1940 with the establishment of an engineering office by Emil Euchner. Since that time, EUCHNER has been involved in the design and development of switch-gear for controlling a wide variety of motion sequences in mechanical and systems engineering. In 1953, Emil Euchner founded EUCHNER +Co., a milestone in the company’s history. In 1952, he developed the first multiple limit switch –to this day a symbol of the enterprising spirit of this family-owned company.Automation –Safety –ManMachine Today, our products range from electromechanical and electronic components to complex system solu-tions. With this wide range of products we can provide the necessary tech-nologies to offer the right solution for special requirements – regardless of whether these relate to reliable and precise positioning or to components and systems for safety engineering in the automation sector.EUCHNER products are sold through a world-wide sales network of compe-tent partners. With our closeness to the customer and the guarantee of reliable solutions throughout the globe, we enjoy the confidence of cus-tomers all over the world.Emil Euchner, the company’s founder and inventor of the multiple limit switch, circa 1928.ManMachineTable of contents Joystick switchesDesign and function4Advantages/features4Series5Series WK...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D306Series WE...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate8Series KB...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D3010Series KF...Control panel installation at rear12Series KE...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D2214Series KC...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate16Series KP...Analog JoystickControl panel installation at rear or with front plate19Universal Power Supply Unit P1/P2 for series KP joysticks22Housing HBL23Housing HBE24Front plates for housing HBL and HBE25 Technical status 09-03/06ApplicationJoystick switches or joysticks are manually actuated control devices for installation in control and front panels as well as in portable control equipment. They are used wherever motion sequences analogous to the actuation direction are controlled by hand. They are ideal for raising, lowering and triggering movements to the right and left, just to name same few possibilities.EUCHNER joysticks are used in the steel and construction industry, in machine tools, for transport and conveyor systems, in thecertification, the devices are approved for use in the ship-building industry.EUCHNER joysticks are also used for radio and cable controls, building machinery and cranes.Joysticks as control equipment in remote control devicesDesign and functionMicroswitches with a step function response are used as switching elements. Due to the intermittent control, a clear switching function is given for precise control systems. Depending on the respective application, switching elements with a power rating of between 4mA and 16A can be used. These are fixed on the mounting plate for each different series, either individually or in groups. The switching elements are actuated by the joystick being moved out of the intermediate position. The robust levers made of stainless steel are bedded with a hinged ball bearing that is fixed in a front plate.Advantages/featuresDirection of movement: Simplification of the command control station Easy mounting due to the slots in the panel Small space requirement Long service lifeRobust and lasting constructionHigh potection class: IP 65 and beyondRemote cable control for concrete pumpsModelsEUCHNER joystick switches are available in a number of different models:Series WK...(page 6)Series WE...(page 8)Series KB...(page 10)Series KF ...(page 12)Series KE...(page 14)Series KC...(page 16)Series KP...(page 19)Housing kits (from page 22)suitable for series WK, KB, KE and KFActuatingdirectionsPanel cutoutPushbutton D(with protective cap)Interlock VBellows WClamping screws forpanel thickness (1 - 8 mm)Centre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Connection D(the connection is located on the under-side for types with 8 directions)Series WK...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D301 to 8 actuating directions with spring return operation or combinedOne changeover contact with tab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 for each actuating direction Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options Pushbutton D Bellows W InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuationRW KOrdering examples:Joystick switch series WK, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,WK S13 T24 DZV actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, Pushbutton D, centre position switch Z,Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series WK, 8 switching elements as spring return switches, all-round actuation R WK T1-8 R DesignJoystick switch series WK, 4 switching elements, 2 actuating directions on request (2 switching elements per actuating direction)* Diagonal actuation of 4 adjacent switching elements is on request.Control panel installation and actuating directionsFront platePushbutton D(with protective cap)Interlock VBellows WConnection Series WE...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate1 to 8 actuating directions with stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with screw terminal for each actuating direction Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options Pushbutton D Bellows W InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuation R Front plate FW EFront plate FOrdering examples:Joystick switch series WE, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,WE S13 T24 DZV actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, Pushbutton D, centre position switch Z,Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series WE, 8 switching elements as spring return switches, all-round actuation R WE T1-8 R DesignJoystick switch series WE, 4 switching elements, 2 actuating directions on request (2 switching elements per actuating direction)Actuating directionsPanel cutoutInterlock V BellowsSeries KB...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D301 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with tab connector 6.3 x 0.8 IEC 760 for each actuating directionDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options InterlockV All-round actuationR 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KBOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KB, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KB S13 T24 actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch TJoystick switch series KB, actuating directions 1+3 spring return switch T,KB T13 V Interlock V in centre positionSeries KF ...Control panel installation at rear1 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with screw terminal for each actuating direction Centre position switchDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)OptionsCentre position switch Z All-round actuation R 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KFActuating directionsPanel cutoutOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KF, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KF S13 T24 Z actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, centre position switch ZJoystick switch series KF, actuating directions 1-4 spring return switch T,KF T1234 R all-round actuation RActuating directionsPanel cutoutInterlock VBellowsCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KE...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D221 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with tab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 for each actuating direction Centre position switchDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuation R 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KEOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KE S13 T24 Z actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, centre position switch ZJoystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1+3 spring return switch T,KE T13 V Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1-4 Spring return switch T,KE T1234 R all-round actuation RActuating directions Top view of actuating leverCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KC...control panel installation at rear or with front plate1 to 8 actuating directions with 1 or2 switching positions for each actuating direction Switching positions as stayput or spring return operation in various combinationsCentre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimensiondrawingMain actuating directions1, 2, 3 and 4Diagonal actuating directions5, 6, 7 and 8Switching position ISwitching position IID V1)Panel cutout for assembly with bellows WX Germanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering examples: (see type code on page 18)Joystick switch series KC with tab connector, main actuating direction KCA3A5C005C0000V1 1 with 3 switching elements. As spring return switch in switching position I.As stayput switch in switching position II.Main actuating directions 2 and 4 with 2 switching elements each. As stayput switch in switchingpositions I and II. Main actuating direction 3 not used. Option V1 (mech. inter-lock from switching position I to switching position II)Joystick switch series KC with screw terminal, main actuating directions 1-4KCB4E4E4E4E5678DW as stayput switch. S with one switching element each, diagonal actuating directions 5-8,Pushbutton D, bellows W for panel mounting.Ordering codeSeriesConnection typeTab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760A Screw terminalBMain actuating direction 1Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 2Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 3Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 4Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Diagonal actuating direction 5 3)Diagonal actuating direction 6 3)Diagonal actuating direction 7 3)Diagonal actuating direction 8 3)OptionsPushbutton in handleD Bellows for panel mounting W Bellows for surface mounting X Interlock switching position 0V0Interlock switching position I to II V1Centre position switch Z All-round actuationR1) See …Switching behavior “ table. Actuating directions which are not required must be marked with …0“.2) See …Switching functions “ table.3) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.K CSeries KC...Switching behavior 1)G Stayput switch (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch (switching lever returns to initial position)Switching functions 2)1-23G 4G -5G G 6G I II0I II11A2F23311B 2G2311C 2H2331D 2K2331E2331Contact state in switching positionControl versionsCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KP ...Analog Joystickcontrol panel installation at rear or with front plate Analog, proportional output signalsControl variants with 1 and 2 axes or 2 axes simultaneously Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawing3D V1)Panel cutout for assembly with bellows WX Versions 1 = 1 axis Versions 2 = 2 axesVersions 3 = 2 axes simultaneously (only spring return version)Ordering codeSeriesControl variants 1 axis 12 axes22 axes simultaneously 3End position Stayput switchS Spring return switch TOptions PushbuttonD Bellows for panel mounting W Bellows for surface mounting X InterlockV Centre position switchZK PSeries KP ...Analog JoystickPin assignment-X (-Y)+X (+Y)+10V-10VConnection Centre position switchConnection PushbuttonInputOutput Y ± 10 V, 10 mA 0 V 0 V (GND)X± 10 V, 10 mA- V -18 V 0 V 0 V (GND)+ V+18 VOrdering example:Analog Joystick series KP for 2-axis control, limit position spring return switch T ,KP 2 TVWZmechanical interlock, V in zero position, bellows W for panel mounting,centre position switch Z in switching position zeroUniversal Power Suply Unit P1/P2 Order No. 096 645∅DTechnical dataOrdering tablePG 11073 098for heavy gauge cable gland PG 11, 6 screws for front plate attachment, cover frame PG 13.5Housing HBL, with magnetic clamp, hanging clip, fixing nut072 630for heavy gauge cable gland PG 13.5, 6 screws for front plate attachment, cover frameNote2 versions for different cable glandsPG 1119PG 13.520.8Hanging clipView AAMagnetic clampScrew depth max. 6.0 mm (valid for all fixing holes)Dimension drawing∅DTechnical dataOrdering tablePG 11048 429 for heavy gauge cable gland PG 11, 4 screws for front plate attachmentPG 13.5Housing HBE, with magnetic clamp, hanging clip, fixing nut072 626 for heavy gauge cable gland PG 13.5, 4 screws for front plate attachmentDimension drawingNotes2 versions for different cable glands View A AHanging clipMagneticclampPG 1119PG 13.520.8Technical dataOrdering tableFront plate for HBL housing, with seal 055 967Front plate for HBE housing, with seal052 954Front plates for housing HBL and HBE Front plates HBLFront plateFlat sealDimension drawingFront plates HBEFront plateFlat seal。
博拉集团推出Livaeco 纤维新品
在10月7~9日举行的2019台北纺织展期间,美国科慕公司展示了其突破性的持久防泼水剂——Teflon EcoElite 非氟持久防泼水剂,为观众呈现Teflon EcoElite 非氟持久防泼水科技的功能与优势以及专业解决方案,受到了众多专业人士、品牌商与零售商的关注与青睐,引起了巨大的反响。
Teflon EcoElite 防泼水剂采用的原料60%为可再生资源,是美国农业部认证的生物基产品。
它基于的Zelan R3技术,获得了蓝标环保认证。
当水性污渍遇到这款经过Teflon EcoElite 防泼水剂处理过的布料,污渍会即刻凝结成水珠状滚落,布料保持干燥。
经实验室测试,Teflon 其他市场上基于现有技术生产的非氟素的防泼水剂,经过其处理的外套类服饰在经历后仍可保持良好的防泼水性能。
科慕公司在中国、欧洲、美国等市场进行的客户调研结果显示:客户愿意为采用 Teflon EcoElite 水技术的外套支付为可再生原料防泼水产品支付至少尼尔森调查的结果显示,有科技,踏入纺织业已长达40年,一直致力于功能性纤维的研发与创新,将产品着重于三大产业应用,即工业用、医疗保健,以及近几年来备受瞩目的智能领域,并不断在智能生活领域转型与推进。
据了解,豪绅纤维科技这次发布会上推出了iQmax 超智能纺织模块,深入解释了各式高功能纤维、复合性纤维科慕力推非氟持久防泼水剂,致力环保可持续发展博拉集团推出Livaeco 纤维新品日前,在2019yarnexpo 秋冬纱线展上,博拉经纬纤维有限公司发布了Livaeco 纤维新品。
博拉纤维始终关注可持续、生态友好的纤维产品开发,Livaeco 作为博拉纤维生产的环保粘胶纤维品牌,可谓环保事业上的里程碑,在本次发布会正式亮相之前,已于今年1月19日在市场试水投放,当时就吸引了全球40多个品牌并开展了合作。
银河幻影9DVR虚拟现实主题乐园简介一、银河幻影®鹅蛋太空舱---- 体验虚拟现实,探索科技奥秘,9DVR亲民之选二、精敏在业内于2015年3月率先推出鹅蛋太空舱。
Bose 产品使用指南.pdf_1705905620.9668128说明书
Italiano - 3S ommarioCompilare e conservare le seguenti informazioni:I numeri di serie e di modello si trovano sulla confezione originale e sulla scheda della garanzia.Numero di serie ______________________________________________________________________Numero di modello ___________________________________________________________________Data d’acquisto ______________________________________________________________________È consigliabile conservare la ricevuta insieme a questo manuale di istruzioni.Informazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra (4)Caratteristiche .............................................................................................................. 4Disimballaggio ...................................................................................................................... 5Collegamento del dispositivo ............................................................................................ 6Uso delle cuffie con il dispositivo . (6)Controlli delle cuffie .................................................................................................... 6Funzioni di base ............................................................................................................ 7Funzioni di riproduzione multimediale .................................................................... 7Importanza del comfort (8)Inserimento delle cuffie nelle orecchie .................................................................... 8Sostituzione dei puntali .............................................................................................. 9Rimozione delle cuffie ................................................................................................. 9Ulteriori regolazioni per garantire comfort e stabilità .. (10)Uso della clip per abiti ................................................................................................. 10Uso di un auricolare singolo ....................................................................................... 10Risoluzione dei problemi .. (11)iPad, iPhone e iPod sono marchi commerciali di Apple Inc., registrati negli Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi. Il marchio “iPhone” è utilizzato su licenza di Aiphone K.K.“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” e “Made for iPad” significa che un accessorio elettronico è stato progettato per essere collegato specificamente a un iPod, iPhone o iPad rispettivamente ed è coperto dalla certificazione dello sviluppatore che assicura la conformità agli standard prestazionali di Apple. Apple non è responsabile del funzionamento di questo dispositivo o della conformità dello stesso agli standard di sicurezza e normativi. L’uso di questo accessorio con un iPod, iPhone o iPad può influire sulle prestazioni wireless.Utilizzo delle cuffie4 - ItalianoInformazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® UltraLe cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra uniscono prestazioni audio realistiche a un design confortevole, caratteristiche difficili da trovare nella maggior parte delle cuffie tradizionali.Caratteristiche• Goditi la musica e lasciati assorbire completamente da un suono ricco e pulito.• Esclusiva tecnologia TriPort ® per bassi dal timbro naturale, anche a volumi elevati.• Il microfono e telecomando in linea consentono di passare con facilità dalle chiamate alla musica e viceversa su specifici modelli di iPod, iPhone e iPad.• I puntali StayHear ® mantengono in posizione le cuffie in modo confortevole.• Progettate e testate per la massima qualità e durevolezza.• La custodia consente di conservare e proteggere le cuffie.• Disponibili in un’ampia gamma di colori tra cui scegliere quello più adatto al proprio stile.Utilizzo delle cuffieItaliano - 7Funzioni di baseAumentare il volume Premere e rilasciare il pulsante +.Ridurre il volumePremere e rilasciare il pulsante –.Rispondere a una chiamataQuando si riceve una chiamata, premere e rilasciare il tasto Rispondi/Fine per rispondere.Chiudere una chiamata Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Rifiutare una chiamata in arrivoPremere e tenere premuto il pulsanteRispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi rilasciarlo.Passare a una chiamata in attesa mettendo in attesa quella correnteDurante una conversazione, premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine una volta. Premerlo e rilasciarlo di nuovo per tornare alla prima chiamata.Passare a una chiamata in arrivo o in attesa chiudendo quella corrente Durante una conversazione, premere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi o del controllo vocalePremere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Per ulteriori informazioni sul controllo vocale, consultare il manuale di istruzioni del dispositivo.Funzioni di riproduzione multimedialeRiprodurre o mettere in pausa un brano musicale o un video Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Salto in avanti Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione.Avanti rapidoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione, tenendo premuto dopo la seconda pressione.Salto all’indietro Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione.RiavvolgimentoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione,tenendo premuto dopo la terza pressione.。
“先照集体照”这对于我们来说可真是“噩梦” 呀!为什么?因为我们还不能到这个一看就充满科学、童趣于纯真的展馆。
我们下了地下一层,一下映入眼帘的是“拍照”这个拍照可不一样,360度还可以模仿在雪地的,在车站的和在卧室的场景,我们玩的不亦悦乎!再往里走有平台感应装置, 只要一个手势就有小鸟、鳄鱼、蛇等动物。
在这里,愿我们有一个美好的梦,愿我们在梦里得到休息,愿我们好好学习天天向上,做一个对社会, 对人民,对国家有用的人。
由于晕动症的原因,大量玩家对VR游戏望而却步,游戏的舒适度调节(Comfort Levels)设置有4档,从瞬移模式到缩小视角的自由模式,再到取消移动提示的完全自由模式。
ONLY 与ZARAONLY是欧洲著名的国际时装公司丹麦BESTSELLER拥有的四个著名品牌之一。
ONLY拥有许多设计师,他们遍布巴黎、米兰、伦敦和哥本哈根等主要时尚发源地,这使ONLY 永远站在欧洲流行的最前沿。
ONLY1996年来到中国,BESTSELLER 集团成立于1975年。
ONLY女性是20岁左右的女孩,她们乐于拥有独特的个性,ONLY 为她们带来了年轻、活力,有趣的生活方式。
[1] ONLY 女装系列有:LUX系列(luxury奢华),CT系列(city trend 都市),SW系列(street wear街头),每一季每个系列都有紧扣欧美时尚的不同的流行主题。
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