市场调研与预测(高教版)教案:第九章 资料的整理分析(李红 编)
第九章 预测方法(上)
第二节 判断分析预测法
一、专家意见估计法 专家意见评估也称集体意见法,是指 对某一预测问题先由有关的专业人员和专 家分别做出预测,然后综合全体成员所提 供的预测信息做出最终的预测结论。
第二节 判断分析预测法
专家意见法实施步骤: 确定参加预测的人员,并向他们提出预 测的项目和预测期限的要求。 提出各自的预测方案。 确定最终的预测结果。
• • • • (1)产品预测 ) (2)价格预测 ) (3)分销渠道预测 ) (4)促销组合预测 )
(1)产品预测 )
(2)价格预测 )
• 1、新产品定价策略预测 、 • 2、价格调整预测 、
“撇脂”定价优缺点分析 撇脂” 撇脂
• 优点
• • • • • • 利润高 回收成本快 认知质量高 利于品牌的建立 有降价空间 更新换代快 • • • • 缺点 抑制需求 易诱发竞争 大的竞争者挤入
某零售企业为确定明年化妆品的销售额,要求三位经理,三个主 要职能部门经理以及化妆品部三位售货人员均做出年度销售预测: 1、三位经理、三位部门经理以及三位售货人员各自分析判断, 做出预测。假定各自的预测结果分别见表6-1、6-2、6-3所示: 经理对化妆品销售的估计值: 经 理 估 计 值 最 高 值 5700 5900 5300 权 数 0.2 0.1 0.3 中 等 值 5400 5400 5100 权 数 0.5 0.6 0.4 最 低 值 5200 5100 4900 权 数 0.3 0.3 0.3 期 望 值 权 数
这个新产品 订高价会有 什么结果呢? 什么结果呢?
资料:雅马哈新产品V MAX MAX定价 资料:雅马哈新产品V—MAX定价
()A:对 B:错答案:对第一章测试1.市场调查是企业市场营销活动的()A:起点 B:中间环节 C:终点 D:边缘工作答案:起点2.我国市场调查行业出现于( )A:21世纪初 B:20世纪50年代 C:20世纪90年代 D:20世纪80年代中期答案:20世纪80年代中期3.你在购买笔记本电脑前,会进行的市场调研活动包括()。
A:请教同学或朋友 B:上网查询相关信息 C:去商场看样品 D:电话咨询厂家答案:请教同学或朋友;上网查询相关信息;去商场看样品;电话咨询厂家4.按调查性质分,市场调查的类型有()A:描述性调查 B:探索性调查 C:因果关系调查 D:预测性调查答案:描述性调查;探索性调查;因果关系调查;预测性调查5.市场调查过程可分为()几个阶段。
A:资料整理 B:调查准备 C:调查实施 D:调查报告答案:资料整理;调查准备;调查实施;调查报告6.市场调查与市场营销有时可以互相替代。
A:对 B:错答案:错7.在国外,将市场调查和市场预测活动统称为市场调研。
A:对 B:错答案:对8.市场调查获得的大量信息资料是企业经营决策的重要依据。
A:错 B:对答案:对第二章测试1.市场调查目标的确立实质上是将营销活动中各种情况引起的"问题”作为()进行捕捉与分析。
A:企业市场门槛 B:市场调查课题 C:营销策略 D:解决办法答案:市场调查课题2.通常情况下,企业市场调查业务通常会采用()两种方式进行。
A:由企业内部市场研究部门自己组织人员进行 B:将市场调查业务部分或全部委托给社会上专业的市场调查机构进行 C:由政府部门牵头进行 D:由私人公司承包进行答案:由企业内部市场研究部门自己组织人员进行;将市场调查业务部分或全部委托给社会上专业的市场调查机构进行3.我国市场调查机构主要有()类型A:民营调查机构 B:国有调查机构 C:企业内部设立的调查机构 D:外资调查机构答案:民营调查机构;国有调查机构;企业内部设立的调查机构;外资调查机构4.市场调查机构道德要求中,保护被调查者隐私主要包括()A:除非被调查者知道在参加之前要先与他们接触,否则不能要求他们说出自己的身份 B:绝不允许委托人识别调查者的身份以报复那些作反向回答的人 C:认识到拒绝调查者或他人识别委托人的身份在适当时候是合法的 D:保护被调查者的隐私权和匿名权,事先承诺不暴露他们的身份答案:除非被调查者知道在参加之前要先与他们接触,否则不能要求他们说出自己的身份;绝不允许委托人识别调查者的身份以报复那些作反向回答的人;认识到拒绝调查者或他人识别委托人的身份在适当时候是合法的;保护被调查者的隐私权和匿名权,事先承诺不暴露他们的身份5.考察调查机构的信誉主要从以下方面进行:()。
EXHIBIT 15.2 Independent Samples t-Test Results
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
What Is ANOVA?
• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
➢ An analysis involving the investigation of the effects of one treatment variable on an interval-scaled dependent variable
➢ A hypothesis-testing technique to determine whether statistically significant differences in means occur between two or more groups.
❖ Behavior, characteristics, beliefs, opinions, emotions, or attitudes
• Bivariate Tests of Differences
➢ Involve only two variables: a variable that acts like a dependent variable and a variable that acts as a classification variable.
❖ Differences in mean scores between groups or in comparing how two groups’ scores are distributed across possible response categories.
Experimental Design (cont’d)
• Sampling Errors (cont’d)
➢ Experimental Confound
❖ When there is an alternative explanation beyond the experimental variables for any observed differences in the dependent variable.
nature of consumer behavior
• Attempts to interfere with a competitor’s testmarketing efforts
➢ Such acts as changing prices or increasing advertising to influence (confound) competitors’ testmarketing results are ethically questionable.
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
Experimental Design (cont’d)
• Selection and Assignment of Test Units
➢ Test units: the subjects or entities whose responses to treatment are measured or observed.
❖ Control group: a group of subjects to whom no experimental treatment is administered.
B. Sampling survey (抽样调查)
Careful probability sampling provides a group of respondents whose characteristics may be taken to reflect those of the larger population, and carefully constructed standardized questionnaires provide data in the same form from all respondents.
2. Preliminary Exploration
a) Literature review
b) Filed observation
3.Research Project Design
a) Research hypothesis b) Research plan
2.1 Literature Review
Procedures of social research
Preparatory stage(准备阶段) Data collection stage (收集资料阶段) Analysis stage (分析阶段) Summary stage (总结阶段)
Chapter 2 research design
Chapter 1 introduction
What is social research?
Way of knowing social reality by direct experience
Definition The differences between “social
research” and “社会调查研究“
4星AC尼尔逊公司领导全球的研究公司3. 市场研究的意义:为营销决策者及时提供更准确、更系统的信息,减少企业市场营销决策时的不确定性,降低决策错误的风险,协助决策部门制定有效的市场营销决策。
4.市场研究的使用单位类型:消费品制造企业、工业产品(生产资料)制造企业、中间销售企业、服务行业(银行、保险公司)、新闻媒介与经营服务行业(电视台、报社、广告公司)、非营利性机构5.企业外部独立的调研机构:①大型综合调研公司;ACNielsen公司和Market Facts 公司属于这类公司。
③其他专业服务公司市场研究行业的发展:萌芽阶段(1920以前)、发展阶段(ACNielsen 1922年进入商业研究领域)、成熟阶段第二章市场研究过程一、市场研究的过程主要阶段:确定研究方向、确定研究价值、确定研究设计、研究的执行、报告撰写。
Marketing strategy questionnairePrepared by:Da te:PurposeUse this template to capture the key information that you need to develop a thorough marketing strategy. Then use the information that you collect, along with other development tools, to build your key marketing strategy.This template is divided into the following question sections:1. .............................................................................................................. Background 22. ......................................................................................................................... M arket 33. ...................................................................................................... Target Audience 54. .............................................................................................................. Competition 75. ...................................................................................................................... Offering 96. ................................................................................................................... M essages 117. .................................................................................... S ales and Buying Process 138. ........................................................................................................................ Pricing 151. BackgroundA. What business are we in? (What needs does our business meet in themarketplace?)(2–3 sentences)B. What services and/or products do we provide?(1 paragraph)C. What are our business objectives over the next two years? Be as specific aspossible, and make sure to address the following goals:•Number of customers•Revenue•Profit•Market shareD. What compelled us to start this business?2. MarketA. What is the market opportunity? What is the market size? Be sure to look atmarket size with respect to geography and to industry.B. How can the market be segmented into logical customer groupings?C. What are the key industry trends that are fueling our success? What industrytrends can inhibit our success?D. What is the economic climate now and in the next couple of years? How willthe economic climate affect our business?E. Is our business or market affected by business cycles or seasons? If so,describe how it is affected.3. Target AudienceA. What market segments are we targeting (list segment name andcharacteristics)? What segments are we not targeting?B. What kind of audience are we targeting? What are its members' demographicsand psychographics (for example, what keeps them awake at night, including both fears and opportunities)? List multiple audiences in order of priority.C. What is our customer’s primary reason for buying or wanting to useour product or service?D. Why would someone prefer our offering versus that offered by thecompetition? (You might want to answer the section on competition and thencome back to this question.)E. Are there any issues or concerns that the target audience mighthave regarding this type of product or service?4. CompetitionA. What categories of competition threaten our success? Label eachcategory, and identify its key characteristics. Prioritize the categories from greatest to least threatening.B. Which companies pose the greatest threat, and how do theydifferentiate themselves? What strategic or tactical elements do they use that threaten our success? List the strengths and weaknesses for each of these elements.C. Which competitors have the largest market share within our targetmarket segments? Which competitors have the greatest visibility with our target audience?D. How will we differentiate ourselves to best combat competition?E. What barriers to entry into the marketplace are we creating for ourselves?5. OfferingA. What need is our offering designed to fill? Identify the need for eachtarget audience.B. What features and associated benefits does our offering provide?Identify features and associated benefits for each target audience.C. How do we deliver the features identified in item B? Be specific—thisis the proof that we can do what we say.D. Of these features, which ones differentiate us from the competition?E. What improvements can we make to our offering to better meetcustomer needs?F. What new offerings would our customers most like us to develop?6. MessagesA. What does each of our identified target audiences know and believeabout us today?B. What is the single most important message that we mustcommunicate to ALL of our target audiences?C. What evidence can be used to support the claim that we make in oursingle most important message?D. List the single most important message that we must communicateto EACH target audience. (This might or might not be the same answer as in item A.)E. What evidence can be used to support the claims for each messagelisted in item D?F. What happy clients do we have today that we can reference in our communications? What did they buy from us, and why are they happy?G. What kind of personality do we want to portray in our communications? What tone? What flavor?H. What is the net impression about our company or offering that we want clients and partners to take away after each interaction with our company?7. Sales and Buying ProcessA. What is the process for selling our services or products (list the key milestonesin the process)? Do we use any of the following processes?•Direct personal sale•Direct online sale•Indirect through channelsB. Who is involved, both from our company and from our sales channelpartners, in each step of the sales process?C. How does our target audience buy our type of offering? Is the purchase animpulse buy or a planned purchase?D. What purchase process steps do the members of our target audience follow?Does this process vary based on the vendor that they select? If the processdoes vary, explain how and/or why?E. What buying criteria does our target audience use to select an offering?F. What criteria does our target audience use when selecting a vendor or amanufacturer?8. PricingA. How important is price in the decision process? (See the “Sales and BuyingProcess section” above.)B. What is our current pricing structure, including discounts, product options,rebates, and so on? Do our customers understand it?C. Which of our competitors is considered the price leader? What does the priceleader charge for its offering? How does the price leader determine its price?D. What are our other competitors charging for their offerings?E. What can be done to reduce costs without affecting quality?F. What tradeoffs of price or value, or of both price and value, do customersmake?G. What is the perceived value of our offering as compared to its price?H. What service(s) do we currently include in the price of our product? Whatservices can we consider now and in the future?I. Are competitive price changes anticipated in the near future?J. What industry trends are going to drive prices down? What industry trends are going to drive prices up?。
优点: 在分析现在、过去、未来的联系时,以及未来
的结果与过去、现在的各种因素之间的关系时, 效果比较好。
数据处理时,并不十分复杂 缺点:
反映了对象线性的、单向的联系 预测稳定的、在时间方面稳定延续的过程 并不适合进行长期预测
2001 320.39 310.49 301.47 319.51
2002 389.09 373.37 358.99 387.75
2003 444.84 430.55 416.24 444.86
2004 496.23 483.09 469.72 496.46
平均绝 对误
0 22.08 36.08 57.52 57.24 53.48
指数(%) 11111111111111111111999999999999999999997888888888899999999990123456789012345678
9.3 指数平滑预测法
指数平滑(Method of Exponential Smoothing)是 一种特殊的加权平均法,特点是对离预测期较近的历 史数据给予较大的权数,对较远的给予较小的权数, 权数由近到远呈指数递减,所以称之为指数平滑。有 着非常广泛的运用。
27.17 4.53
St 15.79* 16.25 17.03 17.59 20.79 17.89
a=0.8 误差平方
0 0.34 0.96 0.49 16.00 13.10
30.89 5.15
简单指数平滑预测准确性相当程度上取决 于a的值,一般而言,如果时间序列是比较 平稳的,应尽量选择比较小的a值,这样可 以降低指数平滑的敏感性;而当时间序列 的波动比较大时,应尽可能选择较大的a值, 这样可以使预测结果能比较迅速的对新情 况做出调整。
英文版查理与巧克力工厂第九章重点词汇全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Exploring the Wonderful World of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - Chapter 9 VocabularyHi there, my fellow bookworms! Today, we're going on an exciting literary adventure through the magical world of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl. In this article, we'll explore the key vocabulary words from Chapter 9. So put on your reading glasses and let's get started!1. PerplexedIn Chapter 9, Charlie and the other four lucky ticket holders were perplexed when they entered the inventing room. "Perplexed" means to feel confused or puzzled. Just like Charlie, have you ever been perplexed by something new or unexpected? It's okay to feel that way sometimes. Remember, every adventure comes with surprises!2. ContraptionWilly Wonka's inventing room is full of fascinating contraptions. A "contraption" is a device or machine that looks complicated or unusual. In Chapter 9, we see many amazing contraptions, such as the Everlasting Gobstopper machine and the Television Chocolate Bar. Willy Wonka's contraptions are truly out of this world!3. MarvelWhen Charlie and the other children saw the edible marshmallow pillows, they couldn't help but marvel at them. "Marvel" means to be filled with wonder or astonishment. Have you ever marveled at something incredible? It's a wonderful feeling! Remember to keep your eyes open for everyday marvels too, like a beautiful sunset or a blooming flower.4. BaffledIn Chapter 9, Veruca Salt was baffled when Willy Wonka asked her father to buy an Oompa-Loompa. "Baffled" means to be completely confused or bewildered. Veruca couldn't understand why anyone would want to buy a person. It's important to remember that treating people with kindness and respect is always the right thing to do.5. AstonishedWhen Mr. Wonka revealed the Great Glass Elevator, Charlie and his grandpa were astonished. "Astonished" means to be extremely surprised or amazed. Can you imagine riding a glass elevator that can fly? It sounds like a dream come true! In real life, we can also experience moments that leave us astonished, like seeing a shooting star or achieving something we thought was impossible.6. AstonishingThe inventing room is full of astonishing things. "Astonishing" means to be very surprising or remarkable. From the fizzy lifting drinks to the rainbow drops, everything in the room is astonishing! Remember, life is full of astonishing moments if we keep our minds open to new possibilities.7. BizarreIn Chapter 9, Charlie and his grandpa encountered a bizarre machine that could turn a person into a giant blueberry. "Bizarre" means very strange or odd. It's important to remember that while the world may seem bizarre at times, it's our uniqueness that makes it beautiful.8. PeculiarWilly Wonka is known for his peculiar ways. "Peculiar" means unusual or strange. Mr. Wonka's eccentric personality and his extraordinary inventions make him quite peculiar. But remember, it's our peculiarities that make us who we are, so embrace your own quirks and celebrate your individuality!9. IngeniousIn Chapter 9, Willy Wonka's invention of the Three-Course Dinner Chewing Gum is described as ingenious. "Ingenious" means clever or inventive. Mr. Wonka's ability to come up with such creative and unique ideas is truly inspiring. It shows us that imagination knows no bounds!So there you have it, my curious friends! We've explored some of the key vocabulary words from Chapter 9 of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Remember, reading is an amazing adventure that takes us to magical places and introduces us to fascinating words. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep discovering new worlds through the pages of books!篇2The Awesome Words in Charlie's Chocolate Adventure! (Chapter 9)Hey there, choco-lovers! Are you ready to take a bite into the deliciously wordy world of Roald Dahl's classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? In Chapter 9, our hero Charlie Bucket and the other lucky golden ticket winners get to explore the crazy-cool Inventing Room inside Willy Wonka's famous factory. And let me tell ya, there are some super scrumptious words that'll make your tongue tingle with delight!First up, we've got "contraption" – a funny-sounding word that means a weird and complicated machine or device. Mr. Wonka's Inventing Room was filled with all sorts of wacky contraptions that looked like they were dreamed up by a mad scientist! Can you imagine the wild contraptions Willy Wonka might have cooked up to make his wildest candy creations?Next, we've got "spluttering" – a word that perfectly captures the sound of someone sputtering and stumbling over their words. Poor Mike Teavee was so amazed by the Inventing Room that he could barely talk without spluttering! I bet if you walked into a room filled with chocolate waterfalls and gumdrop trees, you'd be spluttering too!Then there's "marvelous" – a word that means wonderful, amazing, or incredibly good. Everything in Willy Wonka's factory was marvelous, from the lickable wallpaper to the hot ice creamthat stayed cold in your mouth. If you ask me, marvelous is the perfect word to describe any place that's overflowing with candy!We can't forget "squirt" – a verb that means to shoot out in a thin, forceful stream. In the Inventing Room, there was a great big gorgeous waterfall that squirted out the most delicious chocolate you've ever tasted. Doesn't a chocolate waterfall sound like the most heavenly thing ever? I'd love to take a squirt from that beauty!Another tasty word is "guzzle" – a verb that means to drink or eat greedily. The naughty children like Augustus Gloop and Violet Beauregarde couldn't help but guzzle down every treat they laid their eyes on. I don't blame them one bit – if I was surrounded by Wonka's wondrous creations, I might just guzzle away too!Speaking of those naughty kids, the word "audacity" comes into play – meaning the rude boldness or disrespectful behavior that they showed towards Mr. Wonka. Can you believe the audacity of kids like Veruca Salt, demanding crazy things from poor Wonka? That girl had some nerve, let me tell ya!Finally, we've got "bamboozle" – one of the most fun-to-say words ever, meaning to confuse, trick, or mislead someone. Mr. Wonka was always bamboozling the golden ticket winners withhis silly riddles and wild inventions. I bet half the time, even he didn't know if he was bamboozling them or just being his usual wacky self!Well, there you have it, word-lovers – a whole handful of delightfully scrumptious words straight from the incredible world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The next time you crack open this classic tale, keep an eye out for theselip-smacking vocabulary treats. Who knows, you might just get inspired to cook up a few wacky word-contraptions of your own!篇3Chapter 9 - The Crazy SquirrelsHello friends! Today I want to share with you some of the coolest words from Chapter 9 of the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. This chapter is all about the crazy squirrel people who work in Mr. Wonka's factory. Get ready for some nutty vocabulary!The first awesome word is squirrels. Of course, you probably know what a regular squirrel is - a small furry animal with a big bushy tail that lives in trees and loves to collect nuts. But the squirrels in this chapter are definitely not regular squirrels! Theyare actually people who have been turned into squirrel-like creatures by one of Mr. Wonka's crazy inventions.These squirrel people are described as having "long furry tails" and "furry faces" with "twinkling bright eyes." They also make "chattering noises" like real squirrels. The narrator says they look "fantastic" which means amazingly strange or extraordinary. I'd love to see these crazy squirrel folks in real life!Another great word from this chapter is frantic. It's used to describe how the squirrel people move around "frantically" which means in a hurried, frenzied way. They are dashing around everywhere, going completely nuts as they collect the nuts for Mr. Wonka's chocolate! Speaking of nuts, the chapter mentions tons of different types like shelled brazilnuts, walnuts, and almonds.Then we have the word cascaded which means to pour or fall rapidly in a moving shower. The nuts are "cascading" down lots of crazy chutes and pipes in Wonka's nut room. I can just picture them flowing everywhere like a waterfall made of nuts! Mr. Wonka calls this process "scorching" the nuts, which means heating or drying them out. That's a pretty cool way to prepare nuts.Things start to get really wild when the naughty squirrels get so "distracted" (unable to concentrate) by something that they go berserk! To go berserk means to become violently crazed or uncontrolable. The squirrels are literally bouncing off the walls and screaming and screeching like maniacs when this happens. I'd be terrified if I saw that in real life!By the end of the chapter, the incorrigible Veruca Salt (the rich, spoiled brat) has jumped into the nut chute after some squirrels who stole her gobstoppers. Incorrigible means she is completely uncontrollable and doesn't obey any rules. Of course, this means Veruca ends up being destined for the garbage chute and shot out of the factory like yesterday's trash! That's what you get for being a brat.Phew! That was a lot of juicy vocab from just one chapter. From hypnotic gobstoppers to manic squirrel people, this nutty scene was certainly one of the most memorable of the book. Hopefully learning all these whacky words has inspired you to go gobble up the whole scrumptious story yourself. Happy reading, my word-hungry friends!篇4Chapter 9 - The Crazy Squirrel PersonWow, this chapter was nuts! Haha, get it? Nuts! Because it's about squirrels who go crazy over nuts. But let me start from the beginning.After the chocolate river ride, Mr. Wonka led us into this awesome room filled with huge trees that were covered in stuff that looked like brittle candy bark. But it wasn't bark at all! Those trees were made entirely of nuts - walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, you name it.Mr. Wonka called them nut trees and said squirrels were in charge of keeping the trees pruned by removing the nuts. That's when we met the squirrel people or Oompa Loompas as they're apparently called. They scampered around at lightning speed, knocking nuts off the branches with long bamboo canes.One of the nuttiest (hehe) parts was when a bunch of squirrels noticed one kid had brought his own snack - a bag of simply delicious candy-coated nuts. In a crazy scramble, the squirrels wrestled the kid to the ground, grabbed the bag, and went bananas scarfing down every last nut!Eventually the squirrels realized the kid's snack was long gone, but then they got the wacky idea that the human kid himself must be some giant nut too! So they started treated himlike a colossal nut, jumping on his body and trying to unscrew parts of him.The poor kid was shrieking and frantically trying to get away, but the squirrels are shockingly strong for their size. They started carrying him up to the very top branches of the tallest nut tree, presumably to shell him like an oversized walnut!Luckily Mr. Wonka had this handy device that shot out millions of shiny fake nuts, distracting the squirrels into dropping the kid. Though honestly, after being labeled a human nut and nearly shelled alive, that kid probably went a little nutty himself!Some crazy vocabulary from this chapter:Prune - to trim or cut off excess branches/growthScamper - to go somewhere quickly with light running or darting motionsScramble - to make disordered efforts to get somethingScarf - to eat hurriedly and greedilyWrestle - to contend with for possession or masteryShriek - to utter a loud, shrill cry or criesUnscrew - to turn or rotate in order to remove something with a spiral threadColossal - of immense size or extentShell - to remove from the shell, husk, or outer casingMan, those squirrel people were nutty! I don't think I'll ever look at a bag of trail mix the same way again. Although now I kinda want to visit the nut room myself - it sounds like a ton of fun as long as you avoid getting shelled!篇5Certainly! Here's a 2000-word article on the key vocabulary from Chapter 9 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, written in English and aimed at elementary school students.Chapter 9 Key Vocabulary from Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryHey there, kids! Are you ready to dive into the magical world of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory? In this chapter, we'll explore some of the most scrumptious and zany words that Roald Dahl used to describe the incredible sights and experiences inside the factory. Get ready to have your taste buds tingling and your imaginations soaring!First, let's talk about the Nut Room, where squirrels were hard at work sorting out the good nuts from the bad ones. Can you imagine having squirrels as your coworkers? Dahl describes them as "creatures" and "little shrieks" – maybe they were a bit loud and rambunctious, but they sure were good at their jobs!Speaking of jobs, the Oompa-Loompas had some pretty cool ones too. They were the "workers" in the factory, and Willy Wonka brought them all the way from Loompaland to help him out. Dahl calls them "tiny," "rosy-faced," and "merry" little people, which makes them sound like the most delightful helpers ever.Now, let's move on to the delicious treats that theOompa-Loompas were making. One of them was called the "hair toffee," which sounds both yummy and a little bit strange, don't you think? Dahl describes it as "toffee made with a whole sugar beet in the middle," which sounds like a sugar lover's dream come true!Another treat that caught our attention was the "hot ice cream for cold days." Doesn't that sound like a brilliant idea? Dahl calls it "piping hot," "delicious," and "full of gooey crackling brownies." Can you imagine biting into that on a chilly winter day? Yum!But not everything in the factory was as sweet as it seemed. When Violet Beauregarde started chewing the gum that Willy Wonka had invented, she turned into a "blueberry" – a giant, round, blue berry! Dahl describes her as "swelling," "turning blue," and "inflating." It must have been quite a sight to see!And let's not forget the "pump room," where Violet had to be "pumped" and "squeezed" to get the juice out of her after she had transformed. Dahl calls it a "brilliant," "fantastic," and "cozy" little room, but we're not sure how cozy it would be to be squeezed like a giant blueberry!Towards the end of the chapter, we meet the "pipes" that carried the chocolate river all around the factory. Dahl describes them as "huge," "gigantic," and "sucking" pipes that moved the chocolate from one place to another. Can you imagine being able to swim in a river of chocolate? That's every kid's dream!Last but not least, we have the "whipped cream room," where the Oompa-Loompas were hard at work whipping up delicious cream for Wonka's chocolates. Dahl calls it a "lovely," "creamy," and "billowing" room, and we can almost smell the sweet aroma wafting through the pages.Well, there you have it, folks – some of the most mouthwatering and imaginative words from Chapter 9 of Charlieand the Chocolate Factory. We hope you enjoyed exploring this sweet and whimsical world with us, and that you'll always remember the power of words to transport us to the most magical places.Happy reading, and don't forget to savor every delicious word!篇6Exploring the Wonderful World of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - Chapter 9 VocabularyHello, my fellow chocolate lovers! Today, we are going to dive into the exciting world of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and explore the important words from Chapter 9. So put on your imaginary golden tickets and let's begin!Incredible: Wow, this word means something that's really amazing or unbelievable. In the ninth chapter, Charlie and the other children experience incredible things inside the chocolate factory. Can you believe they got to ride in a glass elevator? How incredible is that!Enormous: This word describes something that is really, really big. In the story, the chocolate factory is filled with enormous rooms and huge machines. I can't even imagine how big those rooms are! It must be like a giant world of chocolate.Gobstopper: Have you ever heard of this delicious candy? It's a hard candy that you can suck on for a really long time. In Chapter 9, Mr. Wonka gives each child an everlasting gobstopper. It's called everlasting because it never gets smaller, no matter how much you lick it!Marvelous: This word means something that is wonderful or fantastic. Just like the chocolate factory itself, everything inside it is marvelous! The children get to see marvelous inventions, like a chocolate waterfall and edible grass. I wish I could visit a place as marvelous as that!Whipped cream: Yummy! Whipped cream is a sweet, fluffy topping that you can put on desserts like cakes or hot chocolate. In Chapter 9, the children get to taste a river made of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. It sounds absolutely delicious!Delight: This word means great pleasure or joy. The children in the story are delighted when they see all the amazing things in the chocolate factory. Can you imagine the delight they felt when they saw a room full of candy balloons? I would be jumping with joy!Jawbreaker: Another type of candy! A jawbreaker is a hard candy that's so big you have to suck on it for a long time. In the story, Mr. Wonka gives each child a giant jawbreaker. I wonder how long it would take to finish one of those!Tremendous: This word means something that is really, really big or powerful. The chocolate factory is filled with tremendous machines and incredible inventions. It's like a whole new world of chocolate and candies!Spectacular: This word is used to describe something that is really impressive or breathtaking. Chapter 9 is full of spectacular sights and experiences. The children see a chocolate river, a room madeof fudge, and even marshmallow pillows! It's a truly magical and spectacular place.Adventurous: This word describes someone who likes to take risks and try new things. In the story, Charlie and the other children have an adventurous journey through the chocolate factory. They get to explore new rooms and taste different candies. It must be so exciting!So there you have it, my friends! These are the important words from Chapter 9 of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." I hope you had as much fun learning about them as I did. Remember, reading is an adventure that takes us to magical places. Until next time, keep exploring the wonderful world of books!。
30第九章 市场调查的组织与实施
6. 作业管理:解释整个调查操作流程;
7. 问题与解决方案:列举问题及解决方案。
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-2 调查前的准备 8
1. 招聘和培训; 2. 分配任务; 3. 监控调查过程; 4. 后勤服务:发放回收资料,经费管理; 5. 安全和隐私保护; 6. 调查特殊情况处理。
• 政策法规 • 调查对象情况 • 问题现场处置
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-2 调查前的准备 12
课堂培训 与被调查者建立良好关系,掌握调查技巧
模拟访问 模拟调查过程,体会调查情景
实习访问 实习调查访问,积累调查经验
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-2 调查前的准备 14
第九章 市场调查的组织与实施
第三节 数据收集过程
一 编规写定手调册查员的任务
二 调有查效员访的问招的聘关和键培和训提问方式
三 追问技巧
四 调查中的记录
五 访问中相关问题的处理
六五 结束访问
《市场调查理论与方法9-3 数据收集过程 21
二、有效访问的关键和提问方式 (二)提问方式
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-3 数据收集过程 22
第九章 市场调查的组织与实施
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
学习目标 1 2
第九章 市场调查的组织与实施 主编:徐映梅
熟悉市场调查实施的全过程 明确公关工作的主要内容
9市场调查与预测 庄贵军
标题 摘要 前言 调查与预测方法 分析与预测结果 结论与建议 附录
专业性报告:供研究人员阅读 简要报告:供各级领导阅读
报告的对象 报告的简明性和全局性 报告的客观性和有效性 避免抄袭
1999 2000 年份
向委托人或企业管理层进行口头报告,即 陈述和演示 用PowerPoint进行陈述与演示
PowerPoint(PPT)是微软公司推出的Microsoft Office办公软件中的一个组件,专门用于制作和 播放幻灯片形式的演示文稿 使用PPT和投影仪进行陈述和演示,可以达到 事半功倍的效果
100.00 90.00 80.00
70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 年份 市场规模
40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%
案例9-1 基于二次指数平滑法的客车市场 预测 案例9-2 购物中心顾客行为的调查报告
抄袭都有哪些表现形式?如何在报告中避 免抄袭行为? 请举例说明什么是可接受的引用,什么是 不可接受的引用。 请阅读一篇论文,然后查阅后面的参考文 献,找出可接受的引用或不可接受的引用。 请将案例9-1和9-2制作成PPT演示稿,在课 堂上进行陈述和演示。
目 录第一章 导 论1.1 复习笔记1.2 课后习题详解第二章 抽样设计2.1 复习笔记2.2 课后习题详解第三章 抽样实务及问题3.1 复习笔记3.2 课后习题详解第四章 题目设计方法4.1 复习笔记4.2 课后习题详解第五章 问卷设计与评估5.1 复习笔记5.2 课后习题详解第六章 资料搜集方法的选择6.1 复习笔记6.2 课后习题详解第七章 标准化访问7.1 复习笔记7.2 课后习题详解第八章 数据处理8.1 复习笔记8.2 课后习题详解第九章 调查中的其他议题9.1 复习笔记9.2 课后习题详解第一章 导 论1.1 复习笔记【知识框架】【重点难点归纳】一、调查研究概述1调查研究方法的界定从所涉及的内容看,本书介绍的调查方法是一种量化的社会研究方法。
第九章 实验调查法
(二)选择测试市场 (三)制定详细的测试计划 (四)执行计划 (五)分析测试结果
1.从新产品的目标市场获得有代表性的消费 者样本来参与一系列实验。 2.让消费者观看在竞争环境中的新产品测试 广告。 3.参与者组成一些小组进入一家模拟商店。 4.讨论他们的选择以及做出选择的原因,同 时填写覆盖同样问题的结构化问卷。 5.在过了足够长的时间后,给参与测试者打 电话。
2. 模拟市场测试
模拟测试市场是一种实验室市场,它并不是在 市场中进行真正测试。在模拟测试市场中,该方法 要求在客流量高的地方抽取样本,并把从个体中抽 取的样本和目标组的代表暴露在多种刺激下,让他 们在这种刺激中作出类似的选择。研究人员通过观 察和了解消费者对新产品的初步反应,应用数学方 法估计新产品的市场份额,以便计划新产品若在进 行全国推广的出售方式。
某公司想推出一款新的洗发水,但不知道 推出之后反应会怎么样,所以想做一个市场测 试,在做市场测试之前应该注意哪些问题?
原始资料的采集方法 -实验调查法
一、市场测试的概念 市场测试就是将产品投放到一个典型的市场上 进行有限规模的销售并测定销售结果。这样厂家在 进行全国性或区域性大量销售活动之前,或者说在 其将承受大量开支之前,就能够搜集到各种市场情 报和对产品不同质量的反应。研究的目的是通过提 供一种真实市场的测试,来评估产品和营销计划, 协助营销经理确定产品在全国推广后得到的估计利 润是否超过潜在风险,从而对全新产品做出更好的 决策,并对现有的产品或营销战略进行调整。
市场调查分析师考试《调查概论(中级)》章节题库-第九章 数据处理【圣才出品】
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Issues in Experimental Design
• Manipulation of the Independent Variable
➢ Independent variable: a variable with values that can be manipulated, or altered, independently of any other variable.
validity 6. Recognize the appropriate uses of testmarketing
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The Nature of Experiments
• Experiment Dasurement of the Dependent Variable
➢ Dependent variable: the criterion by which the results of an experiment are judged; a variable expected to be dependent on the experimenter’s manipulation of the independent variable.
❖ Selecting dependent variables that are relevant and truly represent an outcome of interest is crucial.
❖ Choosing the right dependent variable is part of the problem definition process—thorough problem definition will help the researcher select the most important dependent variable(s) whose results will help managers in decision making.
❖ Control group: a group of subjects to whom no experimental treatment is administered.
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
Experimental Design (cont’d)
Part 2 Designing Research Studies
Chapter 9
Experimental Research:
An Overview
3rd Edition
William G. Zikmund Barry J. Babin
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
Basic Issues in Experimental Design
Manipulation of the independent
Control over extraneous
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama
After studying this chapter, you should be able to
1. Create an experimental, independent variable through a valid experimental manipulation of its value
• Experimental Treatment
➢ The term referring to the way an experimental variable is manipulated.
❖ Experimental group: a group of subjects to whom an experimental treatment is administered.
Experimental Design
Selection and assignment of experimental
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
Selection and measurement of the dependent
➢ A research investigation in which conditions are controlled.
• Experimental Research
➢ Allows a researcher to control the research situation so that causal relationships among variables may be evaluated.
2. Understand and minimize the systematic experimental error
3. Know ways of minimizing experimental demand characteristics
4. Avoid unethical experimental practices 5. Weigh the trade-off between internal and external
❖ Independent variables are expected to determine the outcomes of interest.
❖ Dependent variables are the outcomes of interest to the researcher and the decision makers.