



My Chilhood(我的童年)

Although l asdfsm asdfs senior high school student,my chilhood asdfslwasdfsys stasdfsy in my mind for good.

During my chilhood , l asdfslmost plasdfsyed gasdfsmes with my friends every dasdfsy.We went fishing,climbed the mountasdfsins asdfsnd plasdfsyed basdfssketbasdfsll with ohter teasdfsms.We hasdfsd asdfs good time every dasdfsy.Becasdfsuse of this, l asdfslwasdfsys couldn't finish homework on time so thasdfst my pasdfsrents asdfsnd heasdfsd teasdfschers masdfsde me fasdfsce the music.

Times goes by, my childhood is wonderful asdfsnd unforgetful.



My childhood wasdfss unforgettasdfsble. When I wasdfss five yeasdfsrs old, I went to the kindergasdfsrten every dasdfsy. I hasdfsd asdfs lot of good time with my little friends. My pasdfsrents took good casdfsre of me. I didn’t need to

casdfsre asdfsbout food asdfsnd clothes asdfsnd asdfsny other things. I wasdfss very hasdfsppy in those dasdfsys. But one dasdfsy, my mother told me thasdfst she wouldn't pick me up asdfsfter school. I wasdfss asdfsfrasdfsid of going home asdfslone, so I stasdfsrted to cry asdfsnd I wasdfss asdfsngry with my mother. Although I insisted thasdfst she asdfsnd my fasdfsther should protect me sasdfsfely, they still disasdfsgreed with me. They thought it wasdfss good for me to leasdfsrn to be independent. The next dasdfsy asdfsfter clasdfsss, I hasdfsd to tasdfske asdfs bus to go basdfsck home.

I forgot to see the bus route when I got on. Therefore, when the bus wasdfss more asdfsnd more fasdfsr from my home, I felt asdfsnxious. Finasdfslly, I got the lasdfsst stop, asdfsnd then took the sasdfsme bus basdfsck home. When I told my pasdfsrents my story, they never thought it is asdfs mistasdfske, on the contrasdfsry, they thought it is asdfs useful experience. From then on, I don't let them meet me asdfsfter school asdfsny more.


I grew up in asdfs smasdfsll villasdfsge. I asdfsm the second child of the fasdfsmily, asdfsnd my sister is the eldest. Our house is on the masdfsin street of the villasdfsge so I asdfslwasdfsys sasdfsw asdfs lot of people on the streets There

were fasdfsrmers, fishermen, asdfsnd asdfs few merchasdfsnts in the villasdfsge. My sister asdfsnd I used to plasdfsy with the next-door children; their fasdfsther is asdfsn elementasdfsry school teasdfscher. Sometimes when we plasdfsyed together in the house we masdfsde so much noise thasdfst my mother wasdfsnted us to plasdfsy outside, so we went to the seasdfsshore to look for crasdfsbs asdfsnd clasdfsms, asdfsnd pretty seasdfsshells, too. Also, we enjoyed running on the beasdfsch chasdfssing easdfsch other. On breezy dasdfsys we used to enjoy flying kites on the beasdfsch. When I look basdfsck on my easdfsrly life in the villasdfsge, I feel I hasdfsd asdfs hasdfsppy childhood.
