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大圣归来box office票房;homegrown本地的; surpass/exceed;positive feedback评价很好;to reach world-class levels达到世界水平;flock to the cinema 涌至电影院;new sensation引起轰动的事务;has a long way to go to ;catch up with the Hollywood赶超好莱坞; edge优势;appeal to吸引;thought-provoking发人省醒;allure to吸引;story-telling cultural icon 文化标志

三体clumsy;insight; what do you make of sth(opinion你认为);in the wake of sth(after) 在之后rip-off(plagiarism)start from a person of no social significance从小人物起家;at the end of the day 最终;intrigue;ongoing process持续的过程;obedient and humble听话谦虚;boost刺激;wipe out消灭;lenient宽松的

外国摄影师在中国bring out;keen on热衷于;adapt to适应;fix the problem解决问题;impressive;perk额外好处;appealing;take charge of负责;expertise专业素养; 个性很强a strong personality;cheerfully开心地;人好了,就脸也好了,花儿也好了then the face and tattoos don't bother me any longer~

中国汉字Are Chinese losing their grip on writing characters? wake up to a startling fact猛然意识到;rely on keyboard means;calligraphy书法;know it is one thing,but write the stroke is quite another一回事,另外一回事;much-needed很需要;redirect our attention to把我们的注意力转向;fall apart;input;aesthetic美学的their mastery on对某事的掌握;touch screen触屏was first broadcast last Friday第一次播出;electronic device电子设备;embedded;镌刻embody体现;ink;prevail到处都是;posture姿势;spent lifetime immersed in一生都投入;spark;mentality思维方式;component

Jack Ma in 2013: FT Person of the Year年度财经人物household name家喻户晓的名字;step down下台;overtake A and B combined 超过了总额record-breaking sales 破记录

的销售量grace-filled moments充满恩典的时刻entrepreneurial innovation企业的创新retain保持

外国播音员在中国the stranded foreigner被困住的外国人present her findings in Chinese用汉语来呈现她的发现live broadcast 现场播报go over检查;work on the project 2015.10.26.文物保护/lm/chinainsight/index.shtml China Insight

I am joined by 今天的嘉宾是am I understood? 你们听懂了吗preserve and restore 修复latch on to the idea that/what you mean 理解rootless无根resurgence of appreciation for the sites/ resurgence in interest 复兴let's take a look看看a counter argument suggest that by make commercial use of 相反的观点illegal occupation of the site for personal gain 非法占用为个人牟利or a creative way of preserving the temple that might otherwise has been left to decay inspect监视continue to operate convert it to a restaurant 改造成trace its origin back to 起源attract diners 用餐者repair and restore 没人修plaque tablet 挂了个牌儿filthy脏乱scatter all over the place 到处都是no body inspect it没人管stumble across the temple 偶然遇到 a mess run-down temple破烂的tour Bj's hu tong游览set eyes on 注意到,看到strange but fascinating奇怪却美妙traditional venue rather than high-class western-style venues 高等的西式会议处he used to live in and has an affection for old building 公用一个宾语step in 介入Restoration修复demolish 拆renovate翻新low-key approach 低调的方法

第一个不行,第二个不行we are not happy with

tear down拆copy the architectural style 仿古age with grace 优雅地老去

dismantle 拆卸historical value历史价值clean up清理干净remove the mud 除灰

烧黑了the ceiling was blackened rafter 椽it was a pleasure to work on it

健康,断食,长寿2015 1028
