面试渣打银行英语考题面试渣打银行英语考题渣打银行面试经验真是病急乱投医啊,一心奔着投行去的,最后还是报了这个商业银行进行面试……其实渣打银行自己之前报过,报的是global banking的,但是没有消息。
Numerical 和verbal就算了,很好过。
采取了吧自己想像成一个非常agrresive,有strong leadership的人。
而且之前看到别人面经说会被问到什么是渣打的footprint.所以去之前想了一下,应该就是渣打的历史啊,怎么变成现在这样一个strongleader in commercial banking。
因为这个banking assocaite最后会变成relationship manager,也就是卖理财产品的,所以觉得应该准备些sales的东西。
然后还问我你觉得渣打怎么能够在新加坡市场胜出呢?之前在渣打的网站上看到他们一个CEO说的话,说渣打想要be more local than a globalbank, more global than a local bank.所以就用这句话跟他说。
汇丰HSBC笔试 集合
第二部分英文理解,12段文字,很短,每段文字下四个叙述,选对、错、或无法判断(true,false,cannot say),25分钟,这个时间还可以,基本能做完并检查检查。
大概就注意这么多吧,别紧张,祝大家好运!!应聘者2感言:HSBC笔试当初报HSBC纯粹是随大流,后来才发现自己报错了,不是大家都选的那个什么banker,而去网站上选了一个International Management。
听同学说这个要GPA 3.4,又没戏了。
可是昨天上午却意外收到了让我去网上参加Numerical Test 和Verbal Test的通知。
注意:我不清楚banker的笔试和我的International Management的网上测试题目类型是否一样,写在这里仅供参考。
Numerical Test21分钟21题,需要用到计算器,每3题一个文章,中间只有一篇文章多读了一会儿,18分钟顺利搞定。
Verbal Test15分钟30题,和DTT的几乎一样,这次没有重蹈覆辙,15分钟刚好全做完。
汇丰银行经典面试案例一笔(全英文)1. numerical35分钟35题。
2. verbal形式和JLL完全一样。
要求判断statement是A: True B: False C: Cannot say我verbal正好完成,numerical最后5题是乱涂的。
可惜numerical 没来得及做。
还是要提高阅读速度和质量!!!一面(25分钟英文,5分钟中文,1v1,hr manager,女)主要考察所谓的soft skills。
比如:你有没碰到过特别不容易相处的人?面试官集中火力考察team spirit和leadership方面的问题,边听边记录。
二笔(全英文)给你一堆files,一本answer book.完成三个task。
背景:一个trade fair,公司在里面要设立一展台。
内容真的很多,一定要抓紧时间!task one:填表,说明你会;task two:回答三个问题。
说明你的一些decisions and reasons;budget方面;task three:写一份报告,要求每个task都有时间限制,不允许调配时间(除非hr没注意)。
task one比较重要,这一部分有40mins,要又快又好的看完资料后面两个task你没有充裕的时间回去找文件来看。
例:A. i am outgoing. B. i am determined to win.C. i like to help others. D. i like to be the focus of attention.选一个最符合你的(M)和一个最不符合你的(L)选项。
汇丰银行笔试题目简介1.越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL 的机构。
SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。
一,numerical test给出一张图或表,需要面试者根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的是考察基本运算,经济学常识,数字敏感度,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力。
numerical test往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。
Question 1What was the population of Ethiopia in the year 2000?a.55mb.65mc.75md.85me.95mQuestion 2How many unemployed people were there in 1999,given that the work force was 60%of the population?a,3,200,000 b.3,300,000 c.3,400,000 d.3,500,000 e.None of theseQuestion3What was the percentage increase in Total GDP1999 over 1998?a.11.2%b.14.8%c. 17.3%d.21.8%e.25.3%Question 4What would the GDP per person in the workforce have been in 1997,given that the workforce was 55%of the population?a.$250b.$500c.$1,000d.$2,000e.Cannot sayAnswers:B E B D二,verbal test给出一段100~200多字的短文,然后让面试者根据文章意思,判断题干信息正确与否,主要考察应聘者的英语阅读能力和逻辑判断能力。
2019渣打SC笔试经验1.我申请的是上海XX年暑期实习financial market部门,首先要求注册及填写基本信息,这个非常简单。
2.进行online test。
分两个部分,第一个是图形逻辑题logical test,第二个是数理题numerical test。
以上就是我的笔试经验,接下来我要完善申请表了,祝大家好运!· subscribers by age and gender· the 75+ age group shows the greatest proportional gender difference in the percentage of subscribers of all the age group listed: true· what percentage of the female subscribers was over 54 years old: 30%· the majority of male subscribers are less than 35 years old: false· there were more male subscribers in the unv er 18 than female subscribers: not possible to say· annual average oil price· on how many occasions did both the annual average prices of oil and gold fall compared with the previous year: 2 · in percentage terms, the annual average price of oil increased more than that of gold between year 9 and 10: false · the ratio of gold to oil annual average prices was at its highest in year2: true· in which year did the annual average price of gold increase while that of oil fall: year6· club membership trends· year 3 to 5 continues, what would be the membership of activate in year 7: 2,000· what percentage did total membership of all four increase over the 5 years: 50%· which club the greatest proportional change from 3 to 4: zone one· river fitness and carter’s showed the same proportional increase between year 1 and 3: false· company market share· company b accounted for total units sold in quarter 2: 35%· how many units did company f sell less in q2 to q1: 13· how many units were sold by c in q1: 357· which company accounted for the greatest market share in terms of units sold in q1: company b· computer games review· how much higher was the total revenue for the ncg platform compared to the bgd platform from year 4 onwards: 47?· by what percentage di d the revenue for the xbx platform drop from year 1 to year 2: 70%· in percentage terms, which platform showed the largest decrease in annual revenue from year 3 to year 4: cba · in percentage terms, pa platform showed a larger decrease in annual revenue from year 1 to year 2 than pd 1 platform: true · customer service calls· what percentage regarding payment last year: 25%· asia-pacific countries increase from last to this year: 300,000 · what percentage of calls last year was from north america:18%· 1/3 of complaints calls last year were from countries in europe: not possible to say· employee company statistics· according to the graph 455804 people work for companies that employ less than fifty people: true· how many percentage of all employees are employed in companies with less than 50 people: 37.9%· how many more employees work in companies that employ over 250 than in companies less than 5: 350,000· how many employees are employed in companies with less than 250 people: 730,000· employee perf ormance ratings· which department has less than 100 employees: sales· how many employees were rated as “good or excellent”: 210· 20% of part-time employees were rated as “good or excellent”: not possible to say· what percentage of employees in sales are full time: 75% · expressions of interest in online financial products or services· what percentage of males under 35 expressed interest in using financialproducts:9%· which group females express most interest in online financial: 25-34· ration of ma les 45-54 to those 18-24: 3:7· import & exports(有问题看一下)· in year 2, the value of exports was greater in region 2 than 1: not possible to say· in region 2 in year 5: exports were three times the value ofimports: not possible to say· in region 1 the value of import was higher in year 5 than in year 2: true· market research survey· tv least useful for receiving detailed product information: false· of four, tv is less likely to influence someone’s decision to purchase: true· how much lower is: 5%· internet is the most useful for discovering new products: false· online retail sales as a percentage of total retail sales· total value of online retail sales for year 2: 56· what was the value of total retail sales for q4 of year 2: 460.79· the steepe st proportion increase was between q3 and q4 of year2: false· the only quarter fell compared to previous was q1 of year2:true· pesticide sales by type√· sales of herbicides to the regional market represent world market: 40%· insecticides of regional ma rket sales to the agriculture sector: 1.599· how much does home sector in the regional market spend on other pesticides: 145· the agriculture sector is responsible what fraction of all regional market expenditure on other pesticides:2/3· population chan ges· population of indonesia in 2025 if it were to rise by 20%from the figure: 264· what is the predicted increase in population of india, pakistan and bangladesh: 867 million· india in 2030 if it were to rise by 10% in each decade: 1423million· the predicted population drop is proportionally greater for japan than russia: true· primary energy fuel consumption· which source of fuel went down over the last 20 years: coal · what was the increase in the percentage of primary energy provided by natural gas over the last 20 years: 16%· how much more about coal than electricity last year: 12.5 million· how much energy delivered than other than petroleum last year: 162.5· profit & loss profit loss account· if gross sales increased at the same rate, with would the year 3 gross sales be: 46.898· the tax rate increased from year 1 to 2: true· how much did depreciation add onto the expenditure on raw and expenses in year2: 4.3%· from year 1 to 2, expenditure on raw increased more, in percentage terms, than income from net sales: true· quality index chart· if the trend for factory 3 from year 1 to 5 continues, what would be the quality index in year7: 75· in which year did the index for all 3 fall compared with previous year: no year· what percentage di d the index in factory 2 increase from year 1 to 5: 20%· factory 1 index showed between year 4 & 5 the same as year 2 & 3: false· sales breakdown by product group· increase to 150 million, what percentage: 10%· the value of sales of building materials and garden equipment for store 2 was less than half of store 5: false · the value of sales of household applications for store 2 was higher than store 3: true· total sales ratio of store 2 to store 4: 4:5· sales costs of raw materials· which raw generat ed the largest profit: iron ore· total sales revenue excluding aluminum: 222.8· how much profit expressed as a percentage of sales revenue: 20%· what proportion of total sales revenue was generated by silver: 15%· gold accounted for more than half of total sales revenues: true· unit production across plants· plant 3 accounted for total year 1: 39%· plant 1 produced the least units in the first quarter of year2: not possible to say· how many units were produced by plant 2 in the fourth quarter of year1: 32,000· plant 1 decreased in the first 3 quarters of year2 compared with the same in year1: 37.5%· vehicles production· in which year were the most vehicles exported: year 3· ration of commercial to passenger in year 5: 1:10· percentage change in commercial in year 5 compared withyear 4: 10% decrease· what percentage of all vehicles produced in year 1 were exported: 50%。
名企笔试题目及答案分享汇丰银行笔试题目1: 1,3,15,( c)A 46B 48C 255D 2562: 5 25 6 12 ( a)A 8B 11C 37D 72理由是:5,先按平方升到25,然后回落到6(5+1),然后倍增到12,然后回落到8(6+2)3: 3 1 9 12 (c )A 5B 8C 14D 204: 8把144 张卡片平均分成若干盒,每盒在10 张到40 张之间,则共有( b)种不同的分法。
A 4 B 5 C 6 D 75.甲、乙、丙、丁、戊5 人各借了一本小说,约定读完后相互交换。
这5本书的厚度和他们的阅读速度都差不多,因此5 人总是同时换书。
数次交换后,5 人每人都读完了这5 本书。
根据以上情况,你能说出丁第二次读的书是谁最先读的吗?( 戊)6.红、蓝、黄、白、紫五种颜色的珠子各一颗,都用纸包着摆在桌上。
第五包是紫的)7.住在某个旅馆的同一房间的四个人A ,B ,C ,D 正在听流行音乐,她们当中有一个人在修指甲,一个人在写信,一个人躺在床上,另一个人在看书。
(1)A 不在修指甲,也不在看书。
(2)B 不躺在床上,也不在修指甲。
(3)如果A 不躺在床上,那么D 不在修指甲。
一、情绪管理1. 当您遇到挫折时,通常会如何应对?A. 悲观失望,长时间无法振作B. 短暂沮丧后迅速调整心态,积极应对C. 寻求他人帮助,共同解决问题D. 忽略挫折,继续前行2. 当您与朋友发生争执时,您更倾向于?A. 立即表达自己的观点,坚决反对对方B. 保持沉默,等待对方先开口C. 试图理解对方观点,寻求共同点D. 逃避问题,避免冲突3. 您在面对压力时,通常会选择?A. 寻找各种方式发泄情绪B. 静心思考,寻求解决问题的方法C. 倾诉给朋友或家人,寻求安慰D. 暂时逃避,待情绪稳定后再处理二、人际关系4. 您在社交场合中,通常表现得?A. 内向害羞,不太主动与人交流B. 热情开朗,善于与人交往C. 适度交际,保持一定的距离D. 难以融入集体,独自行动5. 您认为以下哪种性格类型的人更容易获得朋友?A. 乐观积极,善于倾听B. 严谨认真,一丝不苟C. 聪明机智,善于应对D. 温和友善,乐于助人6. 当朋友遇到困难时,您通常会如何做?A. 立即提供帮助,出谋划策B. 倾听朋友诉说,给予安慰C. 建议朋友寻求专业人士帮助D. 觉得自己能力有限,不便插手三、工作态度7. 您认为以下哪种工作态度最值得提倡?A. 严谨认真,追求卓越B. 乐观积极,勇于创新C. 团队合作,共同进步D. 适应性强,善于变通8. 您在工作中遇到困难时,通常会选择?A. 坚持不懈,努力克服B. 寻求同事或领导帮助C. 适当调整工作方法,寻求新的解决方案D. 放弃任务,寻找其他工作9. 您认为以下哪种工作方式最有利于团队发展?A. 个人主义,独立完成任务B. 善于沟通,协调团队资源C. 强调个人贡献,忽视团队协作D. 追求完美,忽视工作效率四、价值观10. 您认为以下哪种价值观最符合自己的人生追求?A. 成功与地位B. 亲情与友情C. 个人成长与自我实现D. 社会责任与奉献11. 您在金钱与时间面前,更看重?A. 金钱,认为金钱可以带来幸福B. 时间,认为时间是生命的宝贵财富C. 两者都看重,但金钱更重要D. 两者都看重,但时间更重要12. 您认为以下哪种人生观最值得推崇?A. 利己主义,追求个人利益最大化B. 利他主义,关心他人,奉献社会C. 现实主义,顺应时代潮流,追求物质生活D. 唯心主义,相信命运,顺应天意请您根据自己的实际情况,认真作答以上问题。
渣打笔试题目2.通货膨胀指的是:D A.生活本钱上涨 B.就业水平持续提高 C.经济增长 D.没有公认的定义3.股票市场上常常会提到的‘IPO’的意思是:A A.首次公开发行,即公司第一次公募股票 B.公司第一次私募股票C.已有股票的公司再次公募股票D.已有股票的公司再次私募股票4.H股是指:CA.在我国国内发行、供国内投资者用人民币购置的普通股票B.在我国国内发行、以外币买卖的特种普通股票C.我国境内注册的公司在香港发行并在香港联合交易所上市的普通股票D.我国境内注册的公司在新加坡发行并在新加坡股票交易所上市的普通股票5.价外期权:A A.仅具有时间价值 B.仅具有内在价值C.具有内在价值和时间价值D.我国境内注册的公司在新加坡发行并在新加坡股票交易所上市的普通股票6.按照发行人不同,债券可分为:D A.政府债券、金融债券 B.政府债券、公司债券 C.金融债券、公司债券D.政府债券、金融债券、公司债券7.以下关于国债的说法中错误的选项是:C A.国债是中央政府发行的债券 B.国债是风险最低的债券C.国债利率一般高于相同期限的其他债券D.国债可以作为中央银行公开市场操作工具8.以标准普尔公司的债券信用评价为例,以下哪个评级的信用等级最高 B A.AB.AAC.BB9.我国证券市场的主要监管机构是:B A.中国银监会 B.中国证监会 C.中国保监会 D.中国财政部10.根据保险标的不同,保险可以划分为:A A.财产保险和人身保险 B.原保险和再保险C.个人保险和团体保险 D.自愿保险11.当劳动者到达国家规定的退休年龄后,为解决他们的根本生活而建立的社会保险制度:D A.健康保险 B.人寿保险C.人身意外伤害保险 D.养老保险12.社会保险不包括以下哪一项:D A.养老保险 B.失业保险 C.医疗保险 D.人寿保险13. 对其他利率有决定行的影响,当它发生变动时,其他利率也会跟着变动的利率是:C A.活期存款利率 B.定期存款利率 C.基准利率 D.名义利率14.一笔价值为10000元为期2年的投资,利率为10%,利息按复利每年支付一次。
免费领取薪酬报告(已经有1580人领取)[复制链接][收藏本站]奉献一篇新鲜的渣打银行电面面经[只看楼主]楼主作者:hezhi发表于:09-08-28 浏览:4706我申请的是渣打银行的cel,他的网申和ig是同一个,只有在网申全部通过后才会跟你确认申ig还是cel。
成功过了第二关后就是open question,三个oq。
今天下午进行了电面,面试官叫ling~他们的hr 有些像问卷调查,13-15个题目,他问你答。
我建议大家在回答完一个问题后,自己说that's all or thank you. 以免他没意识到你已经答完了而浪费时间。
1. Why to choose CEL?2. Why standard chartered?3. Three strengths that'll lead you succeed?4. How to make a success in a team?5. what makes you feel successful? / what you think about "success"6. Compare to other students, what are your advantage?7. When you get in standardchartered, you will be set a international working enviroment, you may be have to communicate with colleagues from different country, with different culture backgroud, it will be difficult and tough, how do you handle this? /How can you work with people well?8. when you have some tough teammates, how do you work with them?9. Customer services10. When graduate from the IG, how do you define you are successful? How do you define your sucess in a IG program?11. When you, as a freshman, have found out some improvement for your team project, what is your action?12. If you are new on a team, how do you contribute to the team?13. How to make change in a team?14. JOB OBJECTIVE15. Why do you like international graduate programme?16. what do you think bank do?17. What you bring to SCB as a freshman.18. What would you do in a new placement?希望以上信息对正在申请的同学有所帮助,另外渣打银行的网申还没有截止,想申的同学就尽快我是中行的员工(县级代办员),觉得特别累,一天连续上十多个小时的班(早上八点到晚上六点半),比流水线的工人还流水线...惟一有一点休息的时间还是中午吃饭的时候..人多的时候根本连吃饭的时间都没有,每到年初就是500万+的任务要求你二个月之内完成!天天死在柜台里不知道拿什么完成!(平均每天一百六十笔业务++经常办到二百多笔!)!柜面上的还不算任务!把这些派遣制的员工当超人使!吃的是草挤的是奶!不完成就天天发排行天天督促打电话批评强制加班什么的.一个星期要开两次会每次二个小时以上!家里有小孩的根本没办法管.一年的任务说出来要吓死很多人.入行这么多年从来没有享受过年休假.这两年我25岁的人白头发都累出来了!.真的很累,完全无视员工的利益,中国银行是藐视劳动法的单位!特别愤怒!!吧。
【海外人才招聘会】渣打银行珍贵笔试经验分享与求职攻略经过昨天一晚搜各种牛人帖和大家无私奉献的真题练习后,今天早上笔试感觉还算顺利,反倒是Wave work Strengths Assessment那里纠结了很久。
逻辑题感觉还没有官网上给的例题难,我是没有时间翻阅前人的题了,只能靠昨晚对逻辑题一些基本要点的记忆做,最后在判断大小图的时候还是蒙了几个== 感觉一边做一边看笔经有点来不及,建议是把笔经里逻辑要点摸清,实际做的时候基本能涵盖,没啥难度。
第一次三关通过,第二次败在Wave test,经验分享+Nu两天的准备终于通过笔试,话说这是我第一次通过的笔试,之前做过kpmg的笔试被虐。
网申项目-IGP-Consumer Banking1.Abstract test: 我做的时候感觉出了一点新题,因为我准备的时候用的是2013 SC Global Abstract Aptitude Test,大家除了看这个再用“家除了看渣打新逻辑题#打可能会更好一些。
2.Numericalt test: 我下载了"A-Z所有的题目"这个资料,才发现这已经是老题了,也许是我眼神不好,但是建议大家请看这里最新的资料。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错收入的现金,未经整点,不得对外付出 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错出纳业务用印章应妥善保管,营业期间离柜时入箱上锁,营业终了进入库或入柜保管 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错收入现金,当面清点,一笔一清,不得几笔款项混收 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错调入(交接)的钱捆必须卡把、检验封签,核点大数 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错收入现金发现假币时,可由柜面经理一人自行收缴 [判断题] *对错(正确答案)半额残损人民币兑换应当面在残损币上加盖“半额”戳记和经办人名章 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错营业中尾箱经办人不能随便离开岗位,中午休息或如需临时离开,应随即锁箱,如为换人上岗,必须交接尾箱款和重要凭证后方能离岗。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错营业终了应及时清点尾箱现金,换人核点大数,无误后双人装箱,双人双锁,钥匙分管 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错封包票币开箱、拆包,以及款项清点时,必须由二人以上业务人员在监视器下操作。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错出纳人员办理交接时,可以直接由接收人当面点交清楚,本人无需进行清查核对[判断题] *对错(正确答案)出纳柜台与其他部门的票据传递,必须办理登记签收手续。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错营业终了可以直接换人核点大数,本人无需清点尾箱现金。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)口头挂失仅限凭证挂失? [判断题] *对(正确答案)错挂失申请原则上应由存款人办理,存款人因特殊原因无法前往,可以委托他人代理。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错办理个人挂失业务后,账户只收不付 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错基本存款账户是存款人因办理日常转账结算和现金收付需要开立的银行结算账户。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错存款人只能在银行开立一个基本存款账户。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错企业类客户开立基本存款账户,须于开户当日在人行账管系统进行备案,并于当日将开户资料影像通过辅助管理系统报送人行。
SHL试题全分析SHL试题全分析对有志于杀进外企的应届经管类毕业生而言,SHL 公司的试题基木上是一道必须跨越的门槛。
至今为止采用他们的试题用于入门筛选笔试并且大张旗鼓招聘应届生的公司有:KPMG, HSBC,渣打,恒生其中KPMG 的数字测试己经给翻译成了中文,在难度上降低了一级。
诡of 80o(二)准备工作据该公司说,此类能力测试的设计可以让参与者真实反映自身能力,通过模拟训练不会对结果有实质性影响。
第一步当然是熟悉题型,网上资源提示:就请自己在.shldirect. ± 搜索,这里是SHL公司的大本营,主要看的有考题示例和注册后可以参加的模拟考试。
KPMG —的考题示例这里都有,所以就不给出它的链接了;当然那个模拟考试比实际考题难度要低一个以上档次,只可用于熟悉,不能当成真实模拟。
渣打银行历史中英文Standard Chartered Bank was formed in 1969 through the merger of two separate banks, the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.英属南非标准银行(the Standard Bank of British South Africa)和印度、澳大利亚及中国渣打银行(The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China)These banks had capitalised on(获利)the expansion of trade between Europe, Asia and Africa.The Chartered BankThe Chartered Bank was founded by James Wilson(詹姆斯威尔逊)following the grant of a Royal Charter by Queen Victoria in 1853.The bank opened in Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata and Shanghai (孟买,加尔各答和上海)in 1858, followed by Hong Kong and Singapore in 1859.The traditional trade was in cotton from Mumbai, indigo(靛蓝)and tea from Kolkata, rice from Burma, sugar from Java(瓜哇岛), tobacco(烟草)from Sumatra(苏门答腊), hemp(麻)from Manila(马尼拉)and silk from Yokohama(横滨).The bank played a major role in the development of trade with the East following the opening of the Suez Canal(苏伊士运河)in 1869 and the extension(扩展)of the telegraph to China in 1871.In 1957 Chartered Bank bought the Eastern Bank(东方银行), together with the Ionian(爱奥尼亚)Bank's Cyprus(塞浦路斯)Branches and established a presence in the Gulf(海湾).The Standard BankThe Standard Bank was founded(成立)in London in 1862 by John Paterson (约翰帕特森)from the Cape Colony(开普殖民地)in South Africa, and started business in Port Elizabeth(伊丽莎白港)in the following year.The bank was prominent(突出的)in financing the development of the diamond fields of Kimberley(金伯利)from the 1870s. It later extended its network further north to the new town of Johannesburg(约翰内斯堡)when gold was discovered there in 1886.The bank expanded in Southern, Central and Eastern Africa and had 600 offices(办事处)by 1953.In 1965, it merged(合并)with the Bank of West Africa, expanding itsoperations into Cameroon(喀麦隆), Gambia(冈比亚), Ghana(加纳), Nigeria and Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂).In 1987 Standard Chartered Bank sold its stake in the Standard Bank, which now operates as a separate entity.From the early 1990s,Standard Chartered has focused on developing its strong franchises in Asia, Africa and Middle East. It has concentrated on consumer, corporate and institutional banking and on the provision of treasury services---areas in which the Group had particular strength and expertise. Since 2000 the Bank has achieved several milestones (里程碑) with a number of strategic alliances and acquisitions., which have extended the customer and geographic reach and broadened the product range that Standard Chartered offers.China)曾称其为麦加利银行(Macquarie Bank)。
V毕马威、德勒、普华永道、渣打四大资料包试题. Verbal 补充至70篇
43. A superficial consideration (表面上考虑) of biotechnology will commonly present an impression of ethical neutrality(中立). On the contrary, however, it is closely related to the frequently conflicting values and aspirations(强烈的愿望)of society. Genetically modified food(转基因食品)is a particularly good example, presenting the potential to bear more resilient and nutritious crops(弹性有营养的作物), and thus contribute to the fight against world hunger, while simultaneously raising concerns regarding its long-term effects and environmental ethics. It is this ethical and scientific controversy(争论)that ultimately led to the rejection(拒绝)of genetically modified food in Europe.Genetically modified food could help nations to fight starvation.(T)The debate surrounding the ethics of genetically modified food contributed to its rejection in some countries.(T)The risk genetically modified food outweighs the potential benefits.(C)The European population is more concerned with the environmental ethics of genetically modified food than other societies.(C)44、Organisations are encouraged to provide employees with flexible working opportunities through work-life balance strategies, and workers are increasingly attracted to organizations that offer such strategies. For employees, the opportunity to work and family life, workplace stress, and work overload. However, some senior managers are reluctant to fully support these initiatives due to the substantial(实质性)costs involved, which escalate(逐步升高)with staff numbers. Then again, the cost of implementing flexible working strategies can be Compensated(补偿)by a reduction in absenteeism and improvements in organizational commitment and employee motivation.A likely increase in employee motivation would not be a reason for an organization to implement strategies aimed at improving employees’ work-life balance.(F)The cost of implementing flexible working strategies is not dependent on the number of employees.(F)Employees who have flexible working hours will have happier home lives compared to those who do not.(C)45、Horticulturalists(园艺工作者)must take into account many factors when planning the reproduction(繁殖)of plants. Propagation(繁殖)by seed is the most common method employed as it is relatively easy and has a good expected rate of germination(发芽), although this can drop if the seed has been packaged for more than a year. Many seeds can remain viable for up to 5 years if properly stored, as their protective coats prevent sprouting(发芽)until ideal growing conditions exist. External conditions can be manipulated in order to bring seeds out or dormancy(休眠)and hasten(加速)germination. However, even in optimal conditions, some seeds are reluctant to Sprout.The vigilant management of external factors can bring a seed out of its quiescent state.(T)Most horticulturalists are reluctant to plant seeds that have been preserved for more than a year.(C)Reproducing plants by seed is the most common activity for gardeners.(T)All seeds will germinate, given the right environmental conditions.(F)The production of flora involves many aspects for horticulturalists to consider.(T)The rate at which seeds sprout can decline after the first year of being packaged.(T)46、Increasingly psychotherapy(心理疗法)is being shown in relevant studies to be an effective form of treatment for mental disorders(心理失常)in its own right, despite frequent claims that evidence for its effectiveness in number of serious disorders is almost totally lacking. Moreover, studies have suggested that a combination of psychotherapy and appropriate medication may lead, in the case of at least some identifiable mental disorders, to significantly better outcomes compared to those in which medication is applied without the support of psychotherapy.This provides support for mental(心理)health professionals to consider psychotherapy when deciding on the treatment of patients suffering from mental disorders.There are conditions for which the combination of psychotherapy and medication does not improve the outcome in comparison to the use of medication alone.(C)It cannot be concluded that psychotherapy can be as effective as medication in the treatment of every form of mental disorder.(T)Psychotherapy, often combined with medication, is used more and more by mental health professionals.(C)Unless combined with psychotherapy, medication is rarely effective in the treatment of mental disorders.(C)Not supporting psychotherapy with medication always reduces its effectiveness in the treatment of various types of mental disorders (T)47、With the rapid technological advancement today, bridges are becoming increasingly more sophisticated(复杂精致), and are spanning(横跨)significantly greater distances. Earthquakes, however, remain a potential threat to these immense(巨大)structures as they may do irreparable(不能挽回)and costlybio damage to an important bridge. As a bridge’s major vulnerability to earth movement lies in its supportive structures, a promising solution has been found to be a self-anchored(固定)suspension(暂停)bridge. This bridge design is one in which the pull of the cables is opposed(反对)by the push or the deck, thus elimination the supporting anchorages.The elimination of the anchorages has been a proposed solution to the threat of damage caused by seismic activity.(T)The self-anchored suspension bridge is established solution to the threat of earthquake damage(T)Earthquakes inevitably cause costly damage to the bridge’s structure. (C)A possible solution to the risk of earthquake damage is the self-anchored suspension bridge as the forces of cables and the anchorages oppose each other. (F)Modern bridges have different structural features to those built before the technological advancement of today.(C)48 Although there is no scientific support for the contention(争论)that the physical features observed in palm reading(手相)can enable someone to read a person's character, or divine(占卜)their future .the human hand does show evidence of the person's health, cleanliness, occupation and nervous habits. Examples of this include calluses(茧)or nail kiting. Hands are often examined in medical diagnosis and provide clues with which the palm reader may often astound the unsophisticated.Sophisticated people tend not to be very impressed by palm readers.(T)Features of a person's hand may provide clues to hislher job.(T)Hands do not reveal anything about someone's level of hygiene.(F)49. An international protocol(协议)on climate change, ratified(批准)by the EU(欧盟), Japan, Canada, and now Russia, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent(预防)the more serious ramifications(衍生)of global warming. Current attention is focused on the development of technologies that will give us low-cost renewable energy over the short and longer-term. This will provide the economic incentive(刺激)to replace fossil fuels in developed and developing countries, leading to a more pervasively(普遍)low-carbon economy. This is crucial(重要)if we are to slow the rate of climate change which can have devastating(毁灭)effects on the flora(植物)and fauna(动物)of our planet.Before the protocol for climate change was sanctioned, there was less interest in renewable energy sources.(C)The current Focus of the international protocol on climate change is to enhance the development of cheap. carbon-based energy sources.(F)The consequences of global warming are likely to affect developing countries more than developed ones.(C)Climate change is likely to have an equally negative effe 比on plants and animals.(C) Fiscal inducements to use renewable energy sources are not expected to have an impact on the pace of environmental change (F)50. For many years, manufacturing practices remained devoid(缺乏)of innovation. That is, until the mid-1990s, when trends in modern manufacturing created a virtual revolution. This was driven by economic survival, global competition and rapidly changing customer markets. These external forces led to the introduction of production methods such asjust-in-time inventory control, advanced manufacturing technology, and integrated manufacturing systems. These practices meant that manufacturers could remain responsive to market conditions and produce items which met customers'needs .However, these new innovations have not necessarily meant that the quality and durability(耐久性)of products have improved.All manufacturers have introduced new production practices to survive(C)Introducing just-in-time inventory control is the best way to remain responsive to market demands.(C)Manufacturers who do not take up modern manufacturing methods will not automatically produce inferior items.(C)52 , Anxieties about air and water pollution. Desertification(沙漠化)and resource depletion(消耗)are nothing new. It is increasingly accepted that the human impact on the environment is Intensifying(加剧)compounded by population growth. The increasing pace of economic life and the spread of pollutants far beyond their places of origin. New scientific evidence- about global climate change, changes to ozone(臭氧)in the upper atmosphere and the reduction of biodiversity 一contributes to the growing concern. In addition highly publicized(宣传)environmental disasters have led the public to conclude that the very license to operate conferred on stakeholders in business might be infringed (违反)by the environmental impact of corporate activities.New scientific evidence has merely confirmed what was already known.(F)Restricting pollutants to their place of origin makes no difference to the impact of human activity on the environment.(C)Businesses that do not address their adverse impact on the environment run the risk of recrimination.(T)53, lack of water is an ever-worsening global crisis, with over forty percent of the world’s population now suffering from regular and severe(严峻的)water shortage. Increases in population mean that there is less water available per capita. In addition, pollution-related global warming is making some countries, which were already short of water, even hotter and drier(干燥的). Demand for water is doubling every twenty year and there are predictions that, in the future, nations may go to war to fight for its control.Oil shortages, more than a lack of water, are likely to result in war. (C)Neither climate change nor population expansion are exacerbating(恶化) the water shortage problem. (F)Some countries are not affected by global warning.(C)54, Genuine altruism(真实的利他主义), when defined as ‘selfless helping’, has been shown in recent years to be a most elusive(难懂), indeed paradoxical(矛盾), concept. In fact, some people now view it as some kind of ideal that never really existed. How could anybody be entirely selfless and help without any expectation of a reward of some type? According to some people, the pleasure of helping is itself its own reward, whereas others also mention the displeasure that would accompany a refusal to help somebody in need as the motive underlying(背后)altruistic behavior. True believers suggest that altruism,based on the notion of selfless helping, should be something that we all strive(努力)towards.a) We can now say that altruistic behavior, that is selfless helping, used to be better understood in the past.(C)b) There is currently no consensus(一致)surrounding the true motives for perceived(认知)altruistic helping Tc) Helping is never genuinely(真诚)selfless.(C)d) Some people may be unsure about whether their perceived selfless helpingbehavior is really selfless.(T)55, In many organizations, middle manager positions can be difficult, especially periods of significant change. While trying to do their best to implement changes imposed by senior management, they may realize that promoting the interests of the organization often conflicts with their own best interests, and those of their colleagues and subordinates. Such realizations can sometimes result in high levels of additional stress for those managers. No effective solution to this problem has been found and, if the way in which most organizations operate does not change in some relevant way soon, it is likely that we will see increase in absenteeism and turnover amongst middle managers.a) Conflicts of interest are common for middle managers during periods of organizational Change.(T)b) Middle managers who realize that they have to implement changes that are imposed upon them that are not in line with the own best interest, will always experience stress as a result.(F)c) If the way in which most organizations operate changes soon in some relevant way, it is likely that we will see a decrease in absenteeism and turnover among middle managers.(C)d) Some middle managers have to operate in ways that may interfere(干涉)with their own Interests.(T)56, In general, the longer a customer stays with a company, the more that customer is worth.Long term customers buy more whilst costing less to service; they take up less of a company’s time and are less sensitive to price. They are also more likely to bring in other new customers.Senior managers usually gauge company performance on the basis of cash flow and profit. They rarely study the statistic that reflects how much real value the company is creating-customer retention(保留).a) Long-term business success depends mainly on customer retention. Cb) Senior managers pay due attention to customer retention. Fc) Long-term customers purchase fewer goods than newer customers. Fd) Raising prices will tend to affect new clients more than existing ones.T57, The airline industry has always acknowledged first-aid(急救)training to be imperative (必要)for their staff, but with the ever increasing numbers of people to whom air travel is becoming accessible, airline staff will need to be even more alert and better equipped to deal with any medical emergency that may arise. Flight attendants(随员)must be able to identify the details and severity(严重)of the crisis, and administer first-aid calmly and effectively. To ensure that these requirements are met, regular first-aid courses and emergency procedure drills(训练)have become common practive in the majority of airline companies. This on-going training has meant that airline staff can react with even greater lucidity(清醒), composure(镇静)and meticulousness(一丝不苟)than ever before.a) An increasing amount of people need first-aid attention from airline staff. Cb) In the past, to fly was not as viable a means of travel as it is today. Tc) The entire airline industry has adopted the practice of regular first aid training for their staff Fd) The airline industry will benefit a great deal from the additional training of their flight staff. Ce) Regular first-aid training has equipped airline staff to react more quickly.C58, A major concern is that globalisation contributes to poverty(贫困), inequality(不平等)and social Disintegration(瓦解)by reducing the bargaining power of low-skilled labour and decreasing job security.This is because production of manufactured goods can be moved from one country to another with relative ease, but workers are far more restricted in their ability to cross borders. However companies working with natural resources – for examples, mining(矿业), oil and gas, and tree plantations – have to make long-term workforce commitments because of the more immobile nature of their business.a) The relative ease of relocating goods production across countries eases poverty. Fb) Skilled workers are less restricted in their ability to cross borders. Cc) Jobs are more secure in the natural resource sector. Td) Jobs are less secure in the natural resource sector. F59, The Company expect the new factory, its first in Asia, to begin production early next year, and aims to build 18,000 tractors during its first year of operation. Full capacity will be achieved about five years later, by which time annual output will be about 40,000 tractors, making it the company’s largest producer worldwide. The move to open such a large production site(生产现场) stemmed(起源于)from the availability of labour within the region, low production costs, positive inducements(诱因)by the government to encourage foreign investment, good communication and transport links, and increasing demand for tractors(拖拉机) locally.a) The number of tractors required locally is on the decrease.Fb) The company will sent most of the tractors it makes in its new plant locally. Cc) Communication likes were not an important in deciding where to locate the new factory. Fd) Full production capacity will not be achieved after the first year of operation. Te) Currently the company has no production facilities within Asia. T60, Crude(天然)oil from regions around the Dead Sea was used as early as 1000 BC for ancient Egyptian Mummification(木乃伊化), but it wasn’t until 1853 that the process of oil distillation(蒸馏)was discovered and we saw the advent(出现)of the modern history of oil. The first oil mine was constructed the following year.Oil quickly took over from coal (煤)as the world’s principal fuel in the mid-1950s. Oil is now used to run the vast majority of vehicles and is a key ingredient(原料)in many chemicals used in industry. However, concerns have been raised that as oil is a limited resource, its usage as an economically viable energy source will eventually come to an end. There is also worry that using and treating oil has major impacts upon the environment, like the carbon dioxide released when it is burnt and the contribution of this to global warming.a) Oil is the only used as an energy source. Fb) The treatment and use of oil may be bad for the environment. Tc) The process of oil distillation was used in ancient times. F61, Internet shoppers are at an increased risk of both fraud and theft due to a number of factors. Amongst them are both a decreased in a means of reliable identification and an increase in the use of websites for monetary(货币)transaction whether form online reservation(预约), internet banking, or other type of business. This fraud is increasing in severity and frequency in areas such as false business websites, telesales and online shopping and is now a more serious problem than ever before. One solution to this problem would be to limit internet transactions to websites authorised by the banks.a) By restricting internet transaction to only websites authorised by the banks, a decreased in internet fraud might be seen. Tb) The increased risk of fraud and theft to internet shoppers is wholly(全部)due to a decrease in a means of reliable identification and an increase in the used of internet for online banking.F62, A recent study investigating the effects of stress at work argues that stress management programs should be included in all organisational development polices as a key step in helping to fight absenteeism from work and work-related stress. The Confederation(联盟)of Work and Industry states that it is essential to counterwork-related stress to beat higher absenteeism from jobs, and that most work stress arises from poor management. Stress management strategies are currently excluded (排除)from organisational development polices by many businesses, and smaller companiesare unlikely to allow organisational development in the area of stress management.a) Nearly all businesses incorporate stress management strategies in their policy. Fb) Many smaller business will not permit polices for absenteeism from work. C63, An ever- increasing amount of time is spent each year on staff assessment, and the benefits can be numerous. An appraisal(评估)can be informative, shedding light on areas of good performance;it can be constructive in that it can give employees an opportunity to consider areas for development within the job; and it can also be motivating by highlighting those skills, abilities and areas of knowledge that the individual has gained from the job. However, the frequency of appraisals is the focus of criticism by some people, who state that assessments do not take place at appropriate times, i.e. in time for an individual to address performance areas in time for a promotion, and therefore it is likely that half of the time spent on assessment is used Ineffectively.a) The purpose of staff appraisals is purely to inform. Fb) Staff assessment is one of the greatest time consuming aspects of a job. C64, Off-shoring(外包)has been adopted by banks and other financial organisations in the West since the 1989’s, but it is only in recent years that it has become popular in other industry sectors as its financial benefits over more local outsourcing(外包)have become recognised. Evidence indicates that off-shore(离岸的,国外的) workers have a lower incidence(发生率)of failure and cost less to employ than workers based locally.Off-shore workers need less financial rewards and become more competent(有能力)than local workers in a shorter space of time.a) Off-shoring has only been adopted in recent years. Fb) In the west, off-shoring was the main method used for banking organisationsout-sourcing their work in the 1989’s. C65, Since the number of societies actively promoting environmental awareness has escalated(升级)in recent years, the implementation(实现)of campaigns is leading to a corresponding(一致的)increase in involvement. However, survey data demonstrates that only one in twenty interested supporters bothers to(费心去)get involved with the society concerned. The inertia(惯性)typically reflects the belief that their contribution would be inconsequential(不重要), and, to a lesser extent, uncertainty about the appropriate channels to use. The data also suggested that interested followers are likely to discuss their views with other individuals. While this is a valuable means of promoting environmental awareness, it would be more beneficial to get involved with the societies Themselves.a) Uncertainty over the appropriate channels to use is the main reason that supporters donot get involved in the campaigns.Cb) Nowadays, almost all interested supporters get involved in the campaigns.C66, Minimum wage policies, first introduced in the service industry and leading to a reduction in employee exploitation, were the result of numerous studies. The studies confirmed that a national minimum wage is an important parameter(参数)in employee security, and compaigners were rewarded with key backing from worker’s unions. This provided the support required to drive through Employment Relations programmes in many agricultural and industrial(工业)sectors, Culminating(达到顶点)in the creation of the Low pay commission. This has been vital in attracting collaboration from major corporations which have previously resisted the pressure to improve income stability.a) The Low Pay Commission has played an important part in obtaining support from large companies. Cb) Employee exploitation is the key concern of most workers’ unions. Cc) The creation of the Low Pay Commission was the first step in the process of agricultural and industrial minimum wage polices. C67, Until 1995, the use of bicycles has remained virtually(几乎)static for many years. However, in recent years the number of people using bicycles has grown with increasing pressure from environmentalists, transport agencies and health officials. The trend has been to produce more fashionable bicycles in a variety of styles, lighter cycles, and more comfortable cycles. The diversity of models has increased enormously, though their general shape has not changed Radically(从根本上).a) There has been an increasing pressure from transport agencies to use bicycles. Tb) There is now a greater diversity of bicycles available than before 1995. T68, New documentation for unit trust investors is part of a push by regulators(监管者)to provide information and protection similar to that provided to buyers of life insurance and pension plans. They have also established a cooling-off period, during which the purchase of a unit trust can be cancelled without charge. This applies only when advice has been received, typically from an independent financial advisor. Purchases made directly, for example in response to advertising, are not covered.a) The establishment of a cooling-off period is the only new intervention introduced to protect purchasers of unit trusts. Cb) The sole(唯一的) aim of the new documentation is to provide information to purchasers of unit trusts. Fc) The cooling-off period does not apply to sales of pensions. C69 ,Most companies involved in manufacturing and heavy industry have to manage environmental problems created by past activities, either of their own or a predecessors’(前任)making.In some cases, the practices that led to these are no longer acceptable.Much of the industrial Contamination(污染)of soil does not pose an immediate hazard (危害), as long as the property(财产所有权)is left undisturbed. Contamination that is an immediate threat to people and the environment, such as contaminated ground water, has to be cleaned up in most countries as a matter of law, with the company responsible bearing the cost.a) In most countries, litigation(诉讼,起诉)draws a distinction between long and short-term hazards to environment.Cb) Acceptable practices have led to environmental problems.Cc) Contaminated land has to disturbed before it poses an immediate threat to people.F70, globalisation is causing a shift in the roles of government and business. Since the end of the Cold war the rivalry(竞争)between nations has assumed a predominantly 主要的economic form. Foreign policy is increasingly subordinated to(从属于)commercial policy. Yet at the same time the joint interests of national governments and corporations are diverging(不同). As corporations become more independent of their national roots, governments will have to attract foreign business investment to become globally competitive. However, because the population at large is unenthusiastic about globalisation, governments risk gaining business while losing votes.a) Governments and corporations used to have more similar interests. Tb) The general public does not understand the advantages of competing at the global level.Cc) 各国之间的竞争比C。
汇丰银行经典面试案例[一笔(全英文)1. numerical35分钟35题。
2. verbal形式和JLL完全一样。
要求判断statement是A: True B: False C: Cannot say我verbal正好完成,numerical最后5题是乱涂的。
还是要提高阅读速度和质量!!!一面(25分钟英文,5分钟中文,1v1,hr manager,女)主要考察所谓的soft skills。
比如:你有没碰到过特别不容易相处的人?面试官集中火力考察team spirit和leadership方面的问题,边听边记录。
二笔(全英文)给你一堆files,一本answer book.完成三个task。
背景:一个trade fair,公司在里面要设立一展台。
内容真的很多,一定要抓紧时间!task one:填表,说明你会……;task two:回答三个问题。
说明你的一些decisions and reasons;budget方面……;task three:写一份报告,要求……每个task都有时间限制,不允许调配时间(除非hr没注意)。
task one比较重要,这一部分有40mins,要又快又好的看完资料后面两个task你没有充裕的时间回去找文件来看。