24-25Kings of Convenience听了一段时间以后才喜欢上的歌,很喜欢里面的一句歌词:Dreams burn, but in ashes are gold.9 crimesDamien Rice让人莫名痛心的歌,男女声的合唱柔弱却又振聋发聩A thousand milesVanessa Carlton轻松的女声,沁入心田AlisonElvis Costello一听到这首歌心里就无限伤感,心情不好的时候听更加有疗效All about usHe is we & Owl City一听就喜欢上的旋律,在脑海中久久盘旋,有种久违的恋爱感觉AlmostthereDeltaGoodrem真伤感的合唱,澳洲小天后和前Westlife成员高音Brian完美的奉献An angelDeclan Galbraith天籁童声,曾经连续播放几十次AnaesthesiaMaximilian Hecker是一首越听越上瘾的动人歌曲,被誉为“一首柔情的忧郁流行赞美诗”,闭上眼仔细聆听会不自觉的有种喝醉的感觉Back to youMercyMe男声不算是我喜欢的类型,但是旋律动听Bad daysDaniel Powter很有节奏的旋律,不错的歌曲Be strongDelta Goodrem超级爱这首歌曲的歌词,在我最无助的时候帮了我好多次Better in timeLeona Lewis铿锵有力的女声,喜欢高潮部分Big time rushBig Time Rush歌名与乐队同名,看了同名剧集《Big TimeRush》以后喜欢上了这首动感的歌曲,三个精力充沛的小伙子,貌似都是九零后Bohemian RhapsodyQueen这是皇后乐队的经典歌曲,在听歌的过程中,仿佛进入一个异次元,旋转迷幻沉沦,有种Tim Burton的哥特式黑暗版童话的味道…细细回味这个歇斯底里的诉说吧Bootymusic谁还能找到比此歌的歌词还黄还暴力,但同时又这么有节奏的歌曲?BreathlessShayne Ward太好听了!喜欢这种有磁性的男声Bye byeMaria Carey天后的感人力作,有种煽人泪下的魔力California king bedRihanna蕾哈娜的音域宽广,声音特别适合唱略带伤感的情歌,这首歌被她演绎的特别出色Chasing pavementsAdele听听这曼妙的嗓音,能想象这出自一个生于88年的女孩之声吗?非常有韵味的歌曲,在不经意之间就被她一句句铿锵有力的扪心自问感染了CrazySimple Plan这个浮躁的社会,谁来拯救我们正在沦陷的内心!疯了,都疯了Dear in the headlightsOwl City非常给力的伴奏,身体摇晃起来Defying GravityGlee美剧《欢乐合唱团》的翻唱歌曲,很好听Details in the fabricJason Mraz轻轻细语,震撼人心Dick in a boxThe Lonely Island & Justin Timberlake摸着自己的良心,旋律本身还是很不错的,只不过歌词实在是太恶搞了Do you know (The ping pong song)Enrique Iglesias乒乓的伴奏声伴随整首歌,听了好几年都听不厌E.T.Katy Perry凯蒂的歌曲非常有个性,这首当然不例外啦EversleepingXandria德国的一支乐队,高中时听了好久,现在偶尔回味一下还是很有感觉Every moment of my lifeSarah Connor对爱的深沉表白,伴随我好几年Everybody knows I love youLovebugs深情的男声FirefliesOwl City很愉悦的曲调,很好听的男声FireworkKaty Perry凯蒂的另一首个性歌曲又上榜了,动感、动感,还是动感Five daysPatrick Nuo一首“黄黄”的歌曲…不过旋律非常动感Fucking perfectPink这歌词真是够励志的!Pink,唱得好!Goodbye addictMatt Webb整体没有太大特色,但是喜欢高潮部分Gotta have youThe Weepies很少有人这么唱歌的,一听就知道其玄妙之处了,有种跳跃的感觉GravityEmbrace怎么越听越想哭,越来越飘渺的感觉GrenadeBruno Mars好听的旋律,好听的男声HappyendingMika的声音有种说不出来的特色,这首歌在他的演唱下生动起来了HighJames Blunt心情不爽的时候听很有感觉HigherErik Gronwall小伙子是2009年瑞典偶像的冠军,听着有种腾空直上、冲破云霄的快感I just had sexThe Lonely Island歌名…无语中…不过配合MV一起看,真的非常喜感I will always love youConnie Talbot稚嫩的童声将我瞬间秒杀,越听越可爱I’m yoursJason Mraz男巫吟唱着轻快的小调,很舒心If the moon fell downChase Coy很喜欢这种清澈的男声,干净而纯粹In my headJason Deruno一听到这首歌我就要起身摇晃,太动感了InsomniaCraig David 动感的音乐,实在是太动听了!经典Lark in the clear airCara Dillon好空灵的女声,一听就上瘾了Like a roseA1高潮部分很感人Listen to my heartGareth Gates很温柔的歌声LukaOlivia Ong & Suzanne Vega有两个版本,各有千秋,都很轻快MadworldMichaelAndrews电影《死亡幻觉》(DonnieDarko)原声音乐,看了电影再听这首歌那感觉叫一个震撼!喜欢这首歌的歌词和旋律Mr. CuriosityJason Mraz歌词写的很好,有点点伤感One betterAaron Carter后街男孩成员Nick Carter的亲弟弟,15岁之前帅到爆,15岁之后路人甲的Aaron的深情诉说,当时声音挺嫩的One last danceCraig DavidCraig的声音真好听,没有免疫力Out of the blueDelta Goodrem一首励志歌曲,高潮部分很震撼RabbitMatt Duke属于那种越听越喜欢的歌曲,又是一枚拥有清澈嗓音的优质男生Say it isn’t soGareth Gates这首歌绝对的天籁之声,旋律温暖到心灵最深处SaysomethinganywayBellefire非常震撼的女声,伴奏也非常给力,一听到高潮部分我就不自觉地想扭动肥大的身躯SevendaysCraig David这歌词简直就是一个把妹的炫耀史!好黄好暴力啊!哈哈SoloKate Havnevik伤感的歌曲,高潮部分更是令人动容Take a bowGlee欢乐合唱团翻唱了蕾哈娜的原版,本人认为更加技高一筹Teardrops on my guitarTaylor Swift单相思的可怜孩子,喜欢这旋律The lazy songBruno Mars特别轻快的一首歌曲,适合在风和日丽的周末听,心情大爽。
适合学生吉他弹唱的歌学生吉他弹唱的歌曲有很多选择,以下是一些适合学生练习和演唱的歌曲推荐:1. "Let It Be" The Beatles,这首经典的抒情歌曲旋律简单,和弦进程易学,适合初学者练习弹唱。
2. "Wonderwall" Oasis,这是一首流行的英国摇滚歌曲,和弦简单且重复,适合练习和弹唱。
3. "Hallelujah" Leonard Cohen,这首歌的和弦进程相对复杂一些,但是它的旋律和歌词非常美妙,适合进阶学生挑战。
4. "Can't Help Falling in Love" Elvis Presley,这是一首经典的爱情歌曲,和弦简单易学,适合初学者练习。
5. "I'm Yours" Jason Mraz,这首歌的和弦进程相对简单,旋律欢快,歌词积极向上,适合初学者练习和表演。
6. "Hey Jude" The Beatles,这首歌的和弦进程相对简单,旋律动听,歌词简单易记,适合初学者练习和演唱。
7. "Love Yourself" Justin Bieber,这是一首流行的流行歌曲,和弦简单易学,适合初学者练习和弹唱。
8. "Fireflies" Owl City,这首歌的和弦进程相对简单,旋律轻快,适合初学者练习和表演。
9. "Counting Stars" OneRepublic,这是一首流行的摇滚歌曲,和弦进程相对简单,适合进阶学生练习和演唱。
10. "Stay with Me" Sam Smith,这首歌的和弦进程相对简单,旋律动听,适合初学者练习和弹唱。
10.三字经诵经熊猫 (1)
10.三字经诵经熊猫When we're arrive 人之初we're alike 性相近the natures are nice 性本善but grow divided 习相远Tons of gold it may go 千金有, 一日走might as well we have some skills 最好还有一技在手现在孩子的口气(怕吃苦觉得吃苦不能理解,不愿意付出改变命运)'ain't going to mess my hairs on a string from the roof我可不愿意在梁上弄乱发型,(头悬梁)think I’m crazy enough to stab my leg it's not wood也不会疯到锥刺骨,又不是木头fireflies are hard to find the light is no good萤火虫哪去找,光线不好(如囊萤)(用萤火虫做光晚上学习,点不起灯)here's no way you can get me into a groove我不吃默守陈规那一套先把这些事情做好再说吧!Practice manners, behave for the elderscut out selfishness, help with choreshonor your parents, consider of friendsstand on your own feet be responsible to your own deed(习礼仪, 尊长者, 勿自私, 帮自己家里做杂事, 扬名声,显父母, 亲师友自立更身,为自己行为负责这些都是三字经给人的启发)Notes:1.arriveWhat is it: 动词,意思是到达,出生How it works: something/somebody + arriveE.g.1 The Olympic torch arrives in our city this morning. 奥运火炬在早上传到我们的城市。
非常好听的英文歌1.Beautiful soul(Jesse McCartney)出自同名专辑《Beautiful soul》,这是一首可以在你疲惫时让你为之一振的歌,很有节奏感。
2.Because you live(Jesse McCartney)同样一位歌手,曲风完全不同,这一首是完整的抒情风格。
3.Best of Me(Matt Cab)安静而慵懒是这首歌给我的第一感觉。
4.Brave heart 如果你看过一部动漫的,你应该会共鸣。
5.Broken Angel 这首歌忘了是谁的了,值得一提的是歌手有天籁般的嗓音。
6.Call you tonight(Whitney Houston)第一次听了开头我以为是JJ,结果原来是首英文歌,歌手很给力啦,是一首经典。
7.Can’t stop love(Darin)一首抒情歌,有些人可能会讨厌这首歌的慢节奏,不过多听几遍应该感觉不错的。
8.Crush(David Archuleta)出自专辑《The Other Side of Down Asian Tour Edition》,歌手有着很棒的声线,浑厚的嗓音很有磁性。
9.DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love(Usher)推荐的第一首DJ歌曲,节奏感很强,可以用来做舞曲。
10.Down(Jay Sean) 这首歌来自这位英国国籍却又有印度血统歌手的第三张专辑《All OrNothing》,节奏感很强的一首歌,基调很欢快。
11.Everything But The Girl(Darin)这首歌来自这个瑞典男孩的专辑《Break The News》,虽然不是主打歌,但是漂亮的曲调只能说买咖登了···12.Le Papillon法国电影《蝴蝶》的插曲,很有爱的爷孙对话式的歌曲,充满童真。
13.Lights off(Jay Sean)这首歌同样来自Jay Sean的第三张专辑《All Or Nothing》,英伦媒体赞誉这张专辑改变了英式都会灵魂乐种的游戏规则。
路灯下的小姑娘英文版歌词带翻译《路灯下的小姑娘》是由音乐组合Modern Talking演唱的一首歌曲,曾被多种语言翻唱过,今天店铺在这里为大家介绍这首路灯下的小姑娘英文歌词,欢迎大家阅读!路灯下的小姑娘英文版歌词Deep love is a burning fire Stay,深爱是那持续燃烧之火cause then the flames grow higher Babe,越来越高越来越旺don't let him steal your heart 不要任他偷走你的心It's easy, easy 很简单的Girl, this game can't last forever Why,这场游戏不能永远继续,为什么?we cannot live together? try 我们不能生活在一起吗?可以尝试don't let him take your love from me不要任他将你的爱带离我身边You're not good, can't you see你不应该这样,难道没看见吗Brother Louie, Louie, Louie我的兄弟路易I'm in love - set you free我坠入爱河,许你自由Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛只看向我Only love breaks her heart唯爱能轻易击碎她的心理Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟Only love's paradise只有爱是天堂Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛直看向我Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛直看向我Oh, let it Louie放手吧路易She is undercover那是她心底的愿望Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟Oh, doing what he's doing做他该做的So, leave it Louie所以,放手吧路易Cause I'm her lover因为我才是她的爱人Stay, 'cause this boy wants to gamble Stay,坚持,这个男孩想冒险留下love is more than he can handle Girl,爱令他难以自拔oh ,come on, stay by me forever, ever来吧,永远伴随我Why does he go on pretending That为什么他要继续伪装成那样his love is never ending Babe,他的爱无尽don't let him steal your love from meYou're not good, can't you seeBrother Louie, Louie, LouieI'm in love - set you freeOh, she's only looking to meOnly love breaks her heartBrother Louie, Louie, LouieOnly love's paradiseOh, she's only looking to meBrother Louie, Louie, LouieOh, she's only looking to meOh, let it LouieShe is undercoverBrother Louie, Louie, LouieOh, doing what he's doingSo, leave it LouieCause I'm her loverBrother Louie, Louie, LouieOh, she's only looking to meOh, let it LouieShe is undercoverBrother Louie, Louie, LouieOh, doing what he's doingSo, leave it LouieCause I'm her lover[2]好听的英文歌推荐:《Closer》---The Chainsmokers&Halsey 《Closer》是由美国电子音乐组合烟鬼制作、烟鬼组合成员安德鲁·塔格特和女歌手海尔希对唱的歌曲。
歌曲:when a woman loves a man曲名:when a woman loves a man演唱:westlifewhen the stars are in her eyesand the sun is in her smilethe only moment in a lifethat happens the same timeis when a woman loves a manshe'll be a mother and a childsacrifice her days and nightsand no other will exsistshe'll put her life in every kisswhen a woman loves a manand you'll be amazed at when you're stumbling she'll fight for youand won't let you give inshe'll do all that she canwhen a woman loves a mana soothing breeze always blowssomebody understands another soulit's like the planets have alignedevery sentence has a rhymewhen a woman loves a manoh, you'll be amazed how whenyou're needing itshe'll fight for youfrom the begining to the endand she'll do all that she canwhen a woman loves a manit's the greatest gift of allknowing tht unconditionallyshe'll catch you when you fallyeah, yeah, yeah, yeahoooohh, yeahwhen a woman loves a manwhen the stars are in her eyesand the sun is in her smileshe'll be a mother and a childbut all at the same timewhen a woman loves a manshe'll be your air,she'll bring you lifeshe'll make me sacrificewhen a woman loves a man歌名 the bad touchHa-Ha! Well now we call this the act of matingBut there are several other very important differencesBetween human beings and animals that you should know aboutSweat baby sweat baby sex is a Texas droughtMe and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing aboutSo put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you'll feel nutsYes I'm Siskel yes I'm Ebert and you're getting two thumbs upYou've had enough of two-hand touch you want it rough you're out of boundsI want you smothered want you covered like my Waffle House hashbrowns Come quicker than FedEx never reach an apex just like Coca-Cola stock you are inclinedTo make me rise an hour early just like Daylight Savings TimeDo it nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery ChannelDo it again nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery ChannelGettin' horny nowLove the kind you clean up with a mop and bucketLike the lost catacombs of Egypt only God knows where we stuck it Hieroglyphics? Let me be Pacific I wanna be down in your South SeasBut I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means "Small Craft Advisory"So if I capsize on your thighs high tide B-5 you sunk my battleshipPlease turn me on I'm Mister Coffee with an automatic dripSo show me yours I'll show you mine "Tool Time" you'll Lovett just like LyleAnd then we'll do it doggy style so we can both watch "X-Files"Do it nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery ChannelDo it again nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery ChannelGettin' horny nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery ChannelDo it again nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery ChannelDo it nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel Do it again nowYou and me baby ain't nothin' but mammalsSo let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel Gettin' horny now歌曲:take me home country roadsalmost heaven west virginiablue ridge mountains shenandoah riverlife is old there older than the treesyounger than the mountainsgrowin like a breezecountry roads take me hometo the place i belongwest virginia mountain mommatake me home country roadsall my memories gather round herminers lady stranger to blue waterdark and dusty painted on the skymisty taste of moon shinetear drops in my eyescountry roads take me hometo the place i belongwest virginia mountain mommatake me home country roadsi hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me radio reminds me of my home far awaydriving down the road i get a feeling that i should have been home yesterdayyesterdaycountry roads take me hometo the place i belongwest virginia mountain mammatake me home country roadscountry roads take me hometo the place i belongwest virginia mountain mommatake me home country roadstake me home country roadstake me home country roads歌曲:may it beenya - may it be(指环王主题曲)may it be an evening starshines down upon youmay it be when darkness fallsyour heart will be trueyou walk a lonely roadoh! how far you are from homemorni? ut¨ sup2;li?(quenya: darkness has come) believe and you will find your waymorni? alanti?(quenya: darkness has fallen)a promise lives within you nowmay it be the shadow's callwill fly awaymay it be your journey onto light the daywhen the night is overcomeyou may rise to find the sunmorni? ut¨ sup2;li?(quenya: darkness has come) believe and you will find your waymorni? alanti?(quenya: darkness has fallen)a promise lives within you nowa promise lives within you now歌曲:cry on my shoulderif the hero never comes to youif you need someone you're feeling blueif you're away from love and you're aloneif you call your friends and nobody's homeyou can run away but you can't hidethrough a storm and through a lonely night then i show you there's a destinythe best things in lifethey're freebut if you wanna crycry on my shoulderif you need someone who cares for youif you're feeling sad your heart gets colder yes i show you what real love can doif your sky is grey oh let me know there"s a place in heaven where we"ll go if heaven is a million years awayoh just call me and i make your daywhen the nights are getting cold and blue when the days are getting hard for youi will always stay here by your sidei promise you i"ll never hidebut if you wanna crycry on my shoulderif you need someone who cares for youif you're feeling sad your heart gets colder yes i show you what real love can dobut if you wanna crycry on my shoulderif you need someone who cares for youif you're feeling sad your heart gets colder yes i show you what real love can do what real love can dowhat love can dowhat love can dowhat love can do歌曲:earth songwhat about sunrisewhat about rainwhat about all the thingsthat you said we were to gain...what about killing fieldsis there a timewhat about all the thingsthat you said was yours and mine...did you ever stop to noticeall the blood we've shed beforedid you ever stop to noticethe crying earth the weeping shores? aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaahwhat have we done to the worldlook what we've donewhat about all the peacethat you pledge your only son...what about flowering fieldsis there a timewhat about all the dreamsthat you said was yours and mine...did you ever stop to noticeall the children dead from wardid you ever stop to noticethe crying earth the weeping shoresi used to dreami used to glance beyond the starsnow i don't know where we arealthough i know we've drifted farhey, what about yesterday, what about us what about the seas, what about usthe heavens are falling down, what about us i can't even breathe, what about uswhat about the bleeding earth, what about us can't we feel its wounds, what about uswhat about nature's worth, ooo,oooit's our planet's womb, what about uswhat about animals, what about itwe've turned kingdoms to dust, what about us what about elephants, what about ushave we lost their trust, what about uswhat about crying whales, what about uswe're ravaging the seas, what about uswhat about forest trails, ooo, oooburnt despite our pleas, what about uswhat about the holy land, what about ittorn apart by creed, what about uswhat about the common man, what about us can't we set him free, what about uswhat about children dying, what about uscan't you hear them cry, what about us where did we go wrong, ooo, ooosomeone tell me why, what about uswhat about babies, what about itwhat about the days, what about uswhat about all their joy, what about uswhat about the man, what about uswhat about the crying man, what about us what about abraham, what was uswhat about death again, ooo, ooodo we give a damn歌曲:bressanone布列瑟农bressanone布列瑟农歌手:马修·连恩译文:我站在布列瑟侬的星空下而星星也在天的另一边照着布列瑟农请你温柔的放手,因我必须远走虽然火车将带走我的人但我的心却不会片刻相离哦我的心不会片刻相离看着身边白云浮掠日落月升我将星辰抛在身后让他们点亮你的天空here i stand in bressanonewith the stars up in the skyare they shining over brennerand upon the other sideyou would be a sweet surrenderi must go the other wayand my train will carry me onwardthough my heart would surely staywo my heart would surely staynow the clouds are flying by meand the moon is the risei have left stars behind methey were disamondsin your skiesyou would be a sweet surrenderi must go the other wayand my train will carry me onwardthough my heart would surely staywo my heart would surely stay背景简介布列瑟农选自马修·连恩专辑狼1992年加拿大有空地方政府施行了一项名为"驯鹿增量"计划"为达到目的却必须大量捕杀狼群为此30多位音乐泉水淙淙鸟鸣啁啾,野生狼群站在布列瑟农的星空下这曾经是那样桀骜不驯的灵性生命正在无奈地诉说着自己和种群无处栖身的悲伤钢琴民谣吉他和高音萨克斯管控诉着贪婪之人对野生狼群的蓄意谋杀实的音符忠实地记录了人类对自然的摧残面对全部武装的人类狼是弱者是生命无从着落的弱者,是黯然神伤的异族它们此刻在星光月夜里悲情地凝望厮守缠绵过的故园在逡巡的感伤里作别为了生命为了延续选择死亡或者选择离去歌曲:are you the oneare you the one?the traveller in time who has cometo heal my wounds to lead me to the sunto walk this path with me until the end of time are you the one?who sparkles in the night like fireflieseternity of evening skyfacing the morning eye to eyeare you the one?who"d share this life with mewho"d dive into the sea with meare you the one?who"s had enough of painand doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore are you the one?are you the one?who"s love is like a flower that needs rainto wash away the feeling of painwhich sometimes can lead to the chain of fear are you the one?to walk with me in garden of starsthe universe, the galaxies and marsthe supernova of our love is trueI'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me. Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.But sure I wanna join U 4 one day.U seem 2 wanna hurt me.No matter what I do.I'm telling just a couple.But somehow it gets 2 U.But I've learned 2 get revenge.And I swear U'll experience that someday.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me. Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.Just thought I would join U 4 one day.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me. Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.Just thought I would join U 4 one day.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me. Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.Just thought I would join U 4 one day.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me. Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.Just thought I would join U 4 one day.听歌学英语:Sitting down here(坐在这儿)I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me.Ur words cut rather deeply.They're just some other lies.I'm hiding from a distance.I've got 2 pay the price.Defending all against it.I really don't know why.U're obsessed with all my secrets.U always make me cry.U seem 2 wanna hurt me.No matter what I do.I'm telling just a couple.But somehow it gets 2 U.But I've learned 2 get revenge.And I swear U'll experience that someday.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me.Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.Just thought I would join U 4 one day.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me.I'm not trying 2 avoid U.Just don't wanna hear Ur voice.When U call me up so often.I don't really have a choice.U're talking like U know me.And wanna be my friend.But that's really too late now.I won't try it once again.U may think that I'm a loser.That I don't really care.U may think that it's forgotten.But U should be aware.'Cause I've learned 2 get revenge.And I swear U'll experience that someday.I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me. Kinda invisible,U don't sense my stay.Not really hiding,not like a shadow.Just thought I would join U 4 one day.听歌学英语:Baby One More Time(宝贝再来一次) (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!Oh,baby babyHow was I supposed 2 know ?That something wasn't right here.Oh,baby baby !I shouldn't have let U go.And now U're out of sight yeah. Show me how U want it 2 be. Tell me baby.Cause I need 2 know now.Oh,because.My loneliness is killing me.(And I)I must confess.I still believe.(Still believe)When I'm not with U I lose my mind.Give me a sign.Hit me baby one more time ! Oh,baby baby !The reason I breathe is U.Boy U've got me blinded.Oh,pretty baby.There's nothing that I wouldn't do.It's not the way I planned it.Show me how U want it 2 be.Tell me baby.Cause I need 2 know now.Oh,because.My loneliness is killing me.(And I)I must confess.I still believe.(Still believe)When I'm not with U I lose my mind.Give me a sign.Hit me baby one more time ! (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby !How was I supposed 2 know ?Oh,pretty baby.I shouldn't have let U go.I must confess.That my loneliness is killing me now.Don't U know I still believe that U will be here. Give me a sign. Hit me baby one more time !My loneliness is killing me.(And I)I must confess.I still believe.(Still believe)When I'm not with U I lose my mind.Give me a sign.Hit me baby !I must confess.That my loneliness is killing me now.Don't U know I still believe that U will be here.Give me a sign.Hit me baby one more time !听歌学英语:My Happy Ending(我的完美结局)Oh oh, Oh oh, So much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh, So much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh, Oh oh Let's talk this overIt's not like we're deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Don't leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so high on such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could be You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingSo much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh, so much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh You've got your dumb friendsI know what they say(they say)They tell you I'm difficultBut so are they(so are they)But they don't know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you do(all the shit that you do)You were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could be You were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingSo much for my happy endingIt's nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIt's nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were done He was everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingSo much for my happy endingYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingSo much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh, so much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh, so much for my happy endingOh oh, Oh oh, Oh oh, Oh oh听歌学英语:Loud and Clear(响亮而清晰) I hope that you miss mePut me down on historyI feel such a reject nowGet yourself a lifeI hope that you're sorryFor not accepting meFor not adoring meThat's why I'm not your wifePeople are strangerPeople in dangerPeople are strangerPeople deranged orI remember there wasNothing I could ever doNever could impress youEven if I triedTell somebody who caresFill the room with empty staresGo to bed and say my prayersKeep them satisfiedPeople are strangerPeople in dangerPeople are strangerPeople derangedLoud and clear I make my point my dear I hope that you neverGet the things you wanted toNow I cast a spell on youComplicate your lifeHope you get a punctureEverywhere you ever driveHope the sun beats down on you and Skin youself aliveRa la la la la la la la听歌学英语:The Day You Went Away(你离开的那一天)Well I wonder could it beWhen I was dreaming about you babyYou were dreaming of meCall me crazyCall me blindTo still be suffering is stupid after all of this timeDid I lose my love to someone betterAnd does she love you like I doI do, you know I really really doWell heySo much I need to sayBeen lonely since the dayThe day you went away So sad but trueFor me there's only youBeen crying since the dayThe day you went away I remember date and time September twenty secondSunday twenty five after nineIn the doorway with your caseNo longer shouting at each otherThere were tears on our facesAnd we were letting go of something specialSomething we'll never have againI know, I guess I really really knowWell heySo much I need to sayBeen lonely since the dayThe day you went away So sad but trueFor me there's only youBeen crying since the dayThe day you went awayThe day you went awayThe day you went away Did I lose my love to someone better And does she love you like I doI do, you know I really really doWell heySo much I need to sayBeen lonely since the dayThe day you went awaySo sad but trueFor me there's only youBeen crying since the dayThe day you went awayWhy do we never know what we've got till it's goneHow could I carry onThe day you went awayCause I've been missing you so much I have to say Been crying since the dayThe day you went awayThe day you went awayThe day you went away听歌学英语:Don't Cry for Me, Argentina(阿根廷别为我哭泣) It won't be easy, you'll think it strangeWhen I try to explain how I feelThat I still need your love after all that I've doneYou won't believe meAll you will see is a girl you once knewAlthough she's dressed up to the ninesAt sixes and sevens with youI had to let it happen, I had to changeCouldn't stay all my life down at heelLooking out of the window, staying out of the sunSo I chose freedomRunning around trying everything newBut nothing impressed me at allI never expected it toDon't cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existence, I kept my promiseDon't keep your distanceAnd as for fortune, and as for fameI never invited them inThough it seemed to the world they were all I desired They are illusionsThey are not the solutions they promised to beThe answer was here all the timeI love you and hope you love meDon't cry for me ArgentinaDon't cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existence, I kept my promise Don't keep your distanceHave I said too much?There's nothing moreI can think of to say to youBut all you have to dois look at me to knowThat every wordis true听歌学英语:Super Star英文版Chyna GirlLife hold my breathI am drowning in my dreadThe wind is getting strongthe wind is getting strongerThere's no second chancewhen the devils make you danceThe sky is getting darkthe sky is getting dark Can't you see can't you seewe were never meant to beIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girlDon't you know don't you knowthat it's time for me to goIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girl No turning back, no questions left to ask The tide is getting highthe tide is getting higherI'm not afraid, I decided on this fateIt's time to face the stormit's time to face the stormCan't you see can't you seewe were never meant to beIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girl Don't you know don't you know that it's time for me to goIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girlYou live you learnright now my storming that'll burnBut I won't hide the blame was mine Life hold my breathI am drowning in my dreadThe wind is getting strongthe wind is getting strongerThere's no second chancewhen the devils make you danceThe sky is getting darkthe sky is getting dark Can't you see can't you seewe were never meant to beIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girl Don't you know don't you know that it's time for me to goIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girl Can't you see can't you seewe were never meant to beIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girl Don't you know don't you know that it's time for me to goIt's no secret that I'm your chyna girl听歌学英语:Listen to Your Heart(倾听你的心声)I know there's something in the wake of your smile.I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.You've built a love but that love falls apart.Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.They're swept away and nothing is what it seems,the feeling of belonging to your dreams.Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.And there are voices that want to be heard.So much to mention but you can't find the words.The scent of magic, the beauty that's been when love was wilder than the wind.Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.probably been moved on from every place(很可能她居无定所)cause she didn't fit in there(只因为她无处容身)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's another 4 day for you and me in paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's just another day for you in this paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)just think about it(如此而已)just think about it(如此而已)it's another 4 day for you and me in paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的it's just another day for you in this paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)just think about it(如此而已)(这是一首献给全世界无家可归者的名曲.歌曲象一首叙事诗,描写了一个流离失所无处过夜的女子向过路人求救却遭拒绝的一幕,是一首具有很强现实主义的歌曲,通过phill collins 充满感情的歌声,表达了对弱者的同情和对"天堂"社会里阴暗面的思考.菲尔·柯林斯嗓音浑厚,充满激情的演唱,深受歌迷喜爱,荣居排行榜冠军数周,从而奠定了菲尔在西洋流行歌坛"抒情才子"的宝座地位,菲尔于1951年1月30日出生于伦敦,亦被乐界拥戴为世界上最佳摇滚鼓手之一)another day in paradise[by:洪湖渔夫]another day in paradise天堂里的另一天演唱:phill collins(菲尔·柯林斯)歌词编译:洪湖渔夫 qq 16849991she calls out to the man on the street(她对着那个路人叫喊)sir can you help me("先生,能帮帮我么?)it's cold and i've nowhere to sleep(外面好冷,我流离失所)is there somewhere you can tell me(你能告诉我哪里可以容身么?")he walks on doesn't look back(那人继续走着,头也不回)he pretends he can't hear her(装作没听见她的话)starts to whistle(穿过马路时)as he crosses the street(他吹起了口哨)seems embarrassed to be there(好像呆在那里就会很尴尬)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's another 4 day for you and me in paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's just another day for you in this paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的just think about it(如此而已)she calls out to the man on the street(她对着那个路人叫喊)he can see she's been crying(他看到她在哭泣)shen's got blisters(她的脚底)on the soles of her feet(长出了水泡)she can't walk but she's trying(她已无法行走,但仍在坚持)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's another 4 day for you and me in paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's just another day for you in this paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)just think about it(如此而已)oh lord is there nothing more anybody can do(哦!上帝!难道就没人能做点什么吗?)oh lord there must be something you can say(哦!上帝!你一定有什么话要说吧?)you can tell from the lines on her face(你能从她脸上看到泪痕)you can see that she's been there(看她一直在那儿)probably been moved on from every place(很可能她居无定所)cause she didn't fit in there(只因为她无处容身)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's another 4 day for you and me in paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)oh think twice(噢,请三思)it's just another day for you in this paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)just think about it(如此而已)just think about it(如此而已)it's another 4 day for you and me in paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)it's just another day for you in this paradise(这只是你和我在天堂里的又一天)just think about it(如此而已)(这是一首献给全世界无家可归者的名曲.歌曲象一首叙事诗,描写了一个流离失所无处过夜的女子向过路人求救却遭拒绝的一幕,是一首具有很强现实主义的歌曲,通过phill collins 充满感情的歌声,表达了对弱者的同情和对"天堂"社会里阴暗面的思考.菲尔·柯林斯嗓音浑厚,充满激情的演唱,深受歌迷喜爱,荣居排行榜冠军数周,从而奠定了菲尔在西洋流行歌坛"抒情才子"的宝座地位,菲尔于1951年1月30日出生于伦敦,亦被乐界拥戴为世界上最佳摇滚鼓手之一)。
owl city 歌词
FirefliesYou would not believe your eyes睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million firefliesLit up the world as I fell asleep10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open airAnd leave teardrops everywhere因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You'd think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I'd get a thousand hugsFrom ten thousand lightning bugsAs they tried to teach me how to dance萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my headA sockhop beneath my bedA disco ball is just hanging by a threadFoxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniacPlease take me away from here如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I'm far too tired to fall asleep太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies10万只萤火虫的哭泣I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewellBut I'll know where several are充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzareCause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I'd lke To make myself believeThat Planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边To the skyShipwreck in the sea of faces,迷失在茫茫人海There's a dreamy world up there,就在那里有一个梦幻般的世界Dear friends in higher places,亲爱的朋友身在天空高处Carry me away from here,带着我离开这里吧Travel light let the sun eclipse you,轻装前行,让太阳射下你的阴影'Cause your flight is about to leave,你的航班就要起飞了And there's more to this brave adventure,Than you'd ever believe,等着你的还有更多难以置信的勇敢冒险呢Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you, 鸟瞰大地,唤醒你周围的群星Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,睁大眼睛终会照亮黑夜Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,追逐着梦想,记住我,勇敢地说出来Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,因为最后那双翅膀将带你飞向了苍穹So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and, 那么向森林道一声珍重吧,风带你高飞Take to the sky,飞上了蓝天Take to the sky,直到了苍穹On the hills of lore and wonder,在传说和奇迹的山丘上There's a stormy world up there,有一个狂暴的世界You can't whisper above the thunder,电闪雷鸣,你不能切语But you can fly anywhere,但你能自由翱翔Purple burst of paper birds this,紫色的千纸鹤Picture paints a thousand words,绘上万语千言So take a breath of mist and mystery,呼吸着迷和雾And don't look back!别回头Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you, 鸟瞰大地,唤醒你周围的群星Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,睁大眼睛终会照亮黑夜Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,追逐着梦想,记住我,勇敢地说出来Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,因为最后那双翅膀将带你飞向了苍穹So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and, 那么向森林道一声珍重吧,风带你高飞Take to the sky,飞上了蓝天Take to the sky,直到了苍穹There's a realm above the trees,树木王国Where the lost are finally found,在那迷失全被拾起Touch your feathers to the breeze,微风轻抚你的羽翼And leave the ground,带你离开Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you, 鸟瞰大地,唤醒你周围的群星Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,睁大眼睛终会照亮黑夜Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,追逐着梦想,记住我,勇敢地说出来Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,因为最后那双翅膀将带你飞向了苍穹So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and, 那么向森林道一声珍重吧,风带你高飞Take to the sky, 飞上了蓝天Take to the sky, 直到了苍穹。
You would not believe your eyes睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million firefliesLit up the world as I fell asleep10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open airAnd leave teardrops everywhere因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You'd think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I'd get a thousand hugsFrom ten thousand lightning bugsAs they tried to teach me how to dance萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my headA sockhop beneath my bedA disco ball is just hanging by a threadFoxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniacPlease take me away from here如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I'm far too tired to fall asleep太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies10万只萤火虫的哭泣I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewellBut I'll know where several are充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzareCause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I'd lke To make myself believeThat Planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It's hard to say I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边if u seek amy Oh baby, baby, have you seen Amy tonight 喔甜心你今晚见过Amy 没?Is she in the bathroom, is she smokingup outside?她是在洗手间化妆,还是在外面抽烟?Oh, baby, baby, does she take a pieceof lime喔甜心她是不是有吃片酸橙? For the drink that I’m-a buy her, do youknow just what she likes我能出钱给她买点喝的,你晓得她打扮是什么样吗?Oh, oh, tell me have you seen her,'cause I’m so, oh...喔请告诉下我你见到她没? 因为我好..喔I can’t get her off of my brain我实在无法忘记她I just wanna go to the party she gon'go我就想去下她要参加的派对Can’t somebody take me home谁都别想送我回家Ha ha hee hee ha ha ho哈哈呵哈哈呵Love me, hate me, say what you wantabout me爱上我,忌恨我,口口声声说想拥有我!But all of the boys and all of the girlsare begging to但所有的男生女生们都在急切渴望If U seek Amy倘若你找到AmyLove me, hate me, but can’t you seewhat I see爱上我,忌恨我,但你无法瞧见我所目睹的All of the boys and all of the girls arebegging to所有的男生女生们都在热切期盼If U seek Amy倘若你找到AmyAmy told me that she’s gonna meetme upAmy 说了要和我碰头I don’t know where or when and nowthey’re closing up the club我压根不晓得该在哪时哪刻,他们都在酒吧里蠢蠢欲动I’ve seen her once or twice before she knows my face在她懂我前我曾见过她几次面But it’s hard to see with all the people standing in the way但要在拥挤的人群中认出她简直难上加难Oh, say what you want about me 喔口口声声说想拥有我Oh. but can’t you see what I see喔但却无法瞧见我所目睹的Yeah, say what you want about me 耶,口口声声说要拥有我So tell me if you see her请你告诉我如果你见到她了Let me know what she was wearing and what she was like让我知道她到底打扮成什么模样'Cause I’ve been waiting here forever 因为我为她守候一生Let me know if she was going out hermind请告诉我如果她也准备好的话Oh baby, baby, if U seek Amy tonight 喔甜心倘若你今晚见到Amy Oh baby, baby, we’ll do whatever youlike喔甜心我会为你奋不顾身Oh baby, baby, baby, oh baby, baby,baby喔甜心宝贝喔甜心宝贝Superstar嘿.大明星Where you from, how’s it going?你想入非非.过得舒服吗?I know you我晓得了Gotta clue, what you're doing?我看得出来.你到底在打什么坏主意.You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here你可以放肆和新认识的女人们眉来眼去.But I know what you are, what youare, baby省省你那一套.我早就一目了然.宝贝Look at you瞧瞧你那副模样Gettin’ more than just a re-up也不是那种省油的灯Baby, you甜心.你阿Got all the puppets with their stringsup似乎可以把女人玩弄于股掌之间Fakin’ like a good one, but I call ’emlike I see ’em把我奉上女皇般的话.该是时候住嘴了.I know what you are, what you are,baby你一切躲不过我的直觉.我早就一目了然.宝贝Womanizer尤物玩家.Woman-Womanizer围在女人身边的尤物玩家.You’re a womanizer你就是这样的尤物玩家.Oh Womanizer喔.尤物玩家.Oh You’re a Womanizer Baby喔.一个垂涎欲滴的尤物玩家.You, You You Are对.就是你.You, You You Are对.绝对是你Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer(Womanizer)尤物玩家尤物玩家尤物玩家Boy don’t try to front小伙子你操之过急了I (I) know just (just) what you are (areare)我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然Boy don’t try to front小伙子你操之过急了I (I) know just (just) what you are (areare)我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然(You) You Got Me Goin’你.我曾经随波逐流(You) You’re Oh-So Charmin’你.你的确有魅力(You) But I can’t do it但是我不再傻下去了(You) U Womanizer垂涎欲滴的尤物玩家Boy don’t try to front小伙子你操之过急了I (I) know just (just) what you are (areare)我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然Boy don’t try to front小伙子你操之过急了I (I) know just (just) what you are (areare)我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然(You) You Say I’m Crazy你说我已经神魂颠倒(You) I got Your Crazy你也同样无法自拔(You) You’re nothing but a但是你从始至终都是一个(You) Womanizer虚情假意的尤物玩家Daddy-O魅力非凡You got the swagger of a champion就像情场上获胜的英雄般自豪Too bad for you可是那却很糟糕You just can’t find the rightcompanion你根本只是一无所知的"狗熊"I guess when you have one too many,makes it hard我猜你玩弄多次女人们的激情了开始不知所措.It could be easy 你可以放轻松点.Who you are, that’s just who you are, baby你那分虚情假意.我早就一目了然.宝贝Lollipop棒棒糖.Must mistake me as a sucker把你误为真爱爱不释手To think that I我想我该清醒点Would be a victim not another请别再出现下一个牺牲者Say it, play it how you wanna大胆说出来.让我们放荡去做But no way I’m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby但是我却不会掉入陷阱而神魂颠倒.绝对不会.Maybe if we both lived in a different world也许我们的世界根本截然不同.(Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer)尤物玩家.这个尤物玩家.这个贪婪无厌的尤物玩家It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl我是那么出色.本来可以是你的最佳人选But I can’t ’cause we don’t (You)但是我想我们玩完了. Woman izerBitter heartSun rays come down as seen when they hit the ground,Children spinning around till they fall down down down.I wait for you: it’s been two hours now,You’re still somewhere in town,Your dinners getting cold.I rest my case you are always this late,And you know how much I hate waiting around ’round ’round,Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside,Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin’just a little fragile,Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine.And then you come and tell me the same reason as you did yesterday,So tell me whats her name.Doo doo da dum, doo doo da dum, doo doo doo doo doo doo da da dum dum, da da da dadum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum.Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all insideBitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,Bitter heart, my bitter heart is just getting a little fragile,Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine.know that it might sound strangeBut you made my seasons start to changeIt happened so suddenlyLike heaven has waited up for meLost In ParadiseI've just been looking so longKept meeting my Mr.WrongIn every model and every sizeNow my fantasyIs staring at your eyes Sometimes you think I'm beautifulBut I don't knowI'll keep it to myselfYou say it,It feels wonderfulMy smile can showI'm lost in paradiseThe letters you wrote to me Showed me the signs I've never seenI thought every man I'd wantFalls out of a dating magazineBut I konw that with youI was so far from the truth,On every page and every lineNow you're my everythingI guess you know how to read my mind Sometimes you think I'm beautifulBut I don't knowI'll keep it to myselfYou say it,It feels wonderfulMy smile can showI'm lost in paradiseI know I guess that it showsthe message left flows to me make it more worth than make believe Sometimes you think I'm beautifulBut I don't knowI'll keep it to myselfYou say it,It feels wonderfulMy smile can showI'm lost in paradise。
OWL CITY—FirefliesYou would not believe your eyesIf ten million firefliesLit up the world as I fell asleepCause they fill the open airAnd leave teardrops everywhereYou'd think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stareI'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleepCause everything is never as it seems Cause I'd get a thousand hugsFrom ten thousand lightning bugsAs they tried to teach me how to danceA foxtrot above my headA sockhop beneath my bedA disco ball is just hanging by a threadI'd like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleepCause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleepLeave my door open just a crackPlease take me away from hereCause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here∙Why do I tire of counting sheep∙Please take me away from here∙When I'm far too tired to fall asleep∙To ten million fireflies∙I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes∙I got misty eyes as they said farewell∙But I'll know where several are∙If my dreams get real bizzare∙Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar∙I'd lke To make myself believe∙That Planet earth turns slowly∙It's hard to say that I'd rather stay∙Awake when I'm asleep∙Cause everything is never as it seems∙When I fall asleep∙I'd like to make myself believe∙That planet earth turns slowly∙It's hard to say that I'd rather stay∙Awake when I'm asleep∙Cause everything is never as it seems∙When I fall asleep∙I'd like to make myself believe∙That planet earth turns slowly∙It's hard to say I'd rather stay∙Awake when I'm asleep∙Because my dreams are bursting at the sea。
1. "Yesterday" - The Beatles2. "Let It Be" - The Beatles3. "Shape of My Heart" - Backstreet Boys4. "Firework" - Katy Perry5. "Rolling in the Deep" - Adele6. "Hotel California" - Eagles7. "Imagine" - John Lennon8. "Livin' on a Prayer" - Bon Jovi9. "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen10. "Someone Like You" - Adele11. "All of Me" - John Legend12. "Eleanor Rigby" - The Beatles13. "Don't Stop Believin'" - Journey14. "Roar" - Katy Perry15. "Love Yourself" - Justin Bieber16. "Hallelujah" - Leonard Cohen17. "I Will Always Love You" - Whitney Houston18. "Mad World" - Tears for Fears19. "Blackbird" - The Beatles20. "Can't Help Falling in Love" - Elvis Presley21. "Sweet Child o' Mine" - Guns N' Roses22. "Love Story" - Taylor Swift23. "Wonderwall" - Oasis24. "Skyfall" - Adele25. "Billie Jean" - Michael Jackson26. "Sweet Home Alabama" - Lynyrd Skynyrd27. "Lean On Me" - Bill Withers28. "Heal the World" - Michael Jackson29. "Hey Jude" - The Beatles30. "A Thousand Years" - Christina Perri31. "Time After Time" - Cyndi Lauper32. "Titanium" - David Guetta ft. Sia33. "Yesterday Once More" - The Carpenters34. "Every Breath You Take" - The Police35. "Flashlight" - Jessie J36. "Unchained Melody" - The Righteous Brothers37. "Counting Stars" - OneRepublic38. "The Sound of Silence" - Simon & Garfunkel39. "Fix You" - Coldplay40. "My Heart Will Go On" - Celine Dion41. "Yesterday When I Was Young" - Roy Clark42. "I Want to Hold Your Hand" - The Beatles43. "Viva La Vida" - Coldplay44. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day45. "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" - Shakira46. "The Scientist" - Coldplay47. "Everytime" - Britney Spears48. "Zombie" - The Cranberries49. "Apologize" - OneRepublic50. "We Will Rock You" - Queen51. "Stairway to Heaven" - Led Zeppelin52. "I Will Survive" - Gloria Gaynor53. "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" - Aerosmith54. "You Raise Me Up" - Josh Groban55. "Yesterday Once More" - The Carpenters56. "Poker Face" - Lady Gaga57. "My Immortal" - Evanescence58. "Wrecking Ball" - Miley Cyrus59. "You're Beautiful" - James Blunt60. "Fireflies" - Owl City61. "Defying Gravity" - Idina Menzel62. "Tears in Heaven" - Eric Clapton63. "Radioactive" - Imagine Dragons64. "Stand by Me" - Ben E. King65. "All You Need Is Love" - The Beatles66. "Don't Stop Me Now" - Queen67. "Hello" - Adele68. "Count On Me" - Bruno Mars69. "Halo" - Beyoncé70. "Photograph" - Ed Sheeran71. "I Want to Break Free" - Queen72. "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" - Cyndi Lauper73. "Dancing Queen" - ABBA74. "Time to Say Goodbye" - Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman75. "Grenade" - Bruno Mars76. "Yesterday" - Leona Lewis77. "Complicated" - Avril Lavigne78. "We Are the World" - USA for Africa79. "Yesterday" - Ray Charles80. "You've Got a Friend" - Carole King81. "Bad Romance" - Lady Gaga82. "The One That Got Away" - Katy Perry83. "I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz84. "Yesterday" - Guns N' Roses85. "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" - The Police86. "Stay with Me" - Sam Smith87. "Rather Be" - Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne88. "Say Something" - A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera89. "Angels" - Robbie Williams90. "Let Her Go" - Passenger91. "Love Me Like You Do" - Ellie Goulding92. "Believe" - Cher93. "No Woman, No Cry" - Bob Marley94. "Say You Won't Let Go" - James Arthur95. "It's My Life" - Bon Jovi96. "Sweet Dreams" - Eurythmics97. "Losing My Religion" - R.E.M.98. "Budapest" - George Ezra99. "I Gotta Feeling" - The Black Eyed Peas100. "Mamma Mia" - ABBA这是100首中学生必唱的英文歌曲推荐,希望对中学生学习英语有所帮助。
Firework英文歌词Do you ever feel like a plastic bag你可曾感到自己如同空中的塑料袋?Drifting throught the wind随风浪迹天涯Wanting to start again却怀着一份无比绚烂的梦想Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin你又可曾感到自己单薄得如纸般脆弱Like a house of cards如同纸牌搭成的房子One blow from caving in只要轻轻一吹全世界都会崩塌Do you ever feel already buried deep你可曾感到自己被深埋地下Six feet under scream在地狱中撕声呐喊But no one seems to hear a thing却没有人能听到你的声音Do you know that there's still a chance for you但不管如何我想告诉你不要放弃Cause there's a spark in you因为我能感到你的胸口之中已经擦出火花You just gotta ignite the light只要你放手一搏去点燃它And let it shine它就会发出全世界最耀眼的光芒Just own the night把以前黑暗而恐惧的夜空点亮Like the Fourth of July那时所有人都会站出来为你喝彩Cause baby you're a firework我的朋友别忘了你是一支烟火Come on show 'em what your worth来吧给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"来吧现在就点燃自己当你划过夜空绽放绚烂梦想的时候As you shoot across the sky-y-y站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看为你欢呼Baby you're a firework朋友你就是那创造美丽的烟火Come on let your colors burst快来释放你那五彩缤纷的激情Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"你就是全世界的焦点You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own这时你再俯瞰一切你会发现以前的恐惧其实都是那么渺小You don't have to feel like a waste of space我的朋友请你不要妄自菲薄You're original, cannot be replaced你是如此的独一无二没有人能够取代你的价值If you only knew what the future holds阳光总在风雨后After a hurricane comes a rainbow但愿你能忘记昨日的乌云抬头望向明日的彩虹Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed也许事情并不是你所想象的那样绝望So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road 只要你敢就会有扇大门为你打开Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow。
平凡的一天英文版歌曲以下是平凡的一天英文版歌曲的歌词:平凡的一天It was an ordinary dayI woke up on a waveI filled a sailAnd made my way to the shoreI blew through the center of your town Came upon your house through your window And I came through your screen doorI asked youCan you hear me blow?Though you don't knowWhere I'm coming fromOr where I go?It was an ordinary nightI met some firefliesI danced around with themUntil about 9 o'clockHeard your footsteps on the roadI ran to bring you homeAnd I whispered through the leavesUp and down your blockOh I'm a summer breezeI brush across your cheekI have always beenAnd I will always beYou can hear me blowAlthough you don't knowWhere I'm coming fromOr where I goIt's me when you catch the fragrance of spring When tall trees swayIt's me in the cold winter stingIn the alleywayI am the sighWhile all creation groans and waitsYou can hear me speakIf you're listeninI will always beAnd I have always beenYou can hear me blowinAlthough you don't knowWhere I'm coming fromOr where I go La la la。
战斗的萤火虫歌The Battle of the FirefliesIn the tranquility of a warm summer evening, a peculiar battle unfolds. It is not a clash of swords or a roar of cannons, but a silent, luminous struggle of the fireflies. This is the story of the "Battle of the Fireflies," a tale of light, life, and the unseen forces that drive the natural world.As dusk descends, the darkness is pierced by the ethereal glow of fireflies, each one a tiny beacon in the night. They are not merely twinkling stars of the terrestrial firmament, but warriors in an ancient and silent war for survival and reproduction.The males, with their tails aglow, take to the air, their lights flickering in a rhythmic pattern, a coded message designed to attract a mate. They are the sentinels, the scouts, the first line of this luminous battle. Their light is a beacon, a signal to the females, but also a challenge to their rivals.The females, more discreet, hide in the undergrowth, watching and waiting. They assess the signals, choosing the strongest, the most persistent, the one whose light promises the best genes for their offspring. But they are not passive observers; they are the judges of this battle, the deciders of who will continue the lineage.The battle is not without its perils. Predators lurk in the shadows, drawn by the very light that is the fireflies' allure. Birds, bats, and even other insects are on the prowl, seeking to feast on these glowing morsels. The fireflies must balance the need to be seen with the need to survive.Yet, the greatest challenge is within their own kind. The males compete fiercely, their lights growing brighter, their flight more erratic, as they vie for the attention of the females. It is a display of vitality, a testament to their health and vigor. The females, in turn, are not merely passive choosers; they too engage in a subtle dance of selection, moving closer or farther away, showing interest or indifference.This battle is not won with brute force, but with the precision of light and the wisdom of choice. It is a dance of life, a silent symphony played out under the canopy of stars. The fireflies, these tiny warriors, are the embodiment of nature's enduring struggle, a testament to the power of adaptation and the beauty of existence.As the night deepens, the battle continues, the flickering lights a testament to the ongoing war. But it is a war that is not destructive, but creative, a fight for life that ultimately leads to new life. And as dawn approaches, the fireflies' lights fade, the battle subsides, and the winners retreat to the safety of the foliage, ready to begin the cycle anew.The "Battle of the Fireflies" is a reminder of the delicate balance of life, the intricate dance of survival, and the silent, yet powerful, language of nature. It is a story that speaks to us all, a story of light in the darkness, a story of hope and perseverance.。
cause i saved a few and i keep them in a jar
i'd like to make myself believe
that planet earth turns slowly
it's hard to say that i'd rather stay
please ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱake me away from here
cause i feel like such an insomniac
please take me away from here
why do i tire of counting sheep
please take me away from here
a foxtrot above my head
a sockhop beneath my bed
a disco ball is just hanging by a thread
i'd like to make myself believe
that planet earth turns slowly
when i'm far too tired to fall asleep
to ten million fireflies
i'm weird cause i hate goodbyes
i got misty eyes as they said farewell
but i'll know where several are
you'd think me rude but i would just stand and stay
比如,有关光的歌曲可以是Katy Perry的"Firework",这首歌歌词中有很多关于发光和照耀的内容;而有关夜晚的歌曲可以是Owl City的"Fireflies",这首歌歌词中也有关于夜晚和闪烁的描写。
另外,如果你更希望找到与爱情和浪漫有关的英语歌曲,可以考虑选择一些经典的情歌,比如Celine Dion的"My Heart Will Go On"或者Beyoncé的"Halo"等。
百首儿歌童谣-歌词(One hundred Nursery Rhymes - Lyrics)A hundred children's songs, nursery rhymes, lyrics1. Do morning exercisesWell, the air is so good this morning. We all do morning exercises.Stretch your arms, bending, kicking, jumping, daily exercise.2 wash your hands before mealsSmall washbasin, clear water please, children laugh, Yingying, small hand, stretched out,A wash, white and the net, before eating, wash your hands, talk about health, not sick.3, a small handkerchiefLittle handkerchief, square side, every day with me.And then wipe your nose clean, nice.4, moving eggsSmall mice, eggs, eggs too big, what should I do? A mouse lay on the ground,Cling to the big eggs. A mouse pulled its tail and pulled it and pulled it home.5, big CamelCamels are not afraid of ambition, exposed to the weather.Go in the desert, salt transport, zaikuzailei not speaking.6 MantisMantis brother, mantis brother, belly big, eat much. Feifei can catch butterflies,Jump and catch locusts. Two broadsword dance, a pest never let go7, big DragonflyBig dragonfly, green eyes, a pair of eyes sparkling,Flying, stop, flying to catch flies.8, little duckDuckling, yellow, flat mouth, red sole.Quack, sing, shake, and set the pond.9. Clap your handsYou take one, I take one, and I get up early every morning to practice my body.You take two, I take two, and I bring my handkerchief every day.You take three, I take three, change my shirt after taking a bath.You take four, I take four, eliminate flies and mosquitoes. You clap five, I clap five, have phlegmy, don't spit everywhere. You take six, I shot six, don't throw fruit rind.You take seven, I shot seven eat, don't worry.You take eight, I take eight, I cut my nails, and I brush my teeth.You take nine, I take nine, and I wash my hands before eating. You take ten, I shoot ten, dirty things don't eat.10, small crabSmall crabs, really proud body sideways everywhere,It's not polite to scare off fish and run down a shrimp 11, celebrate 61Children's Day is 61, children are really happy.Sing and dance again. Happy Xingqing 61.12, the cat in the mirrorThe cat, meow, wash your face, put the mirror,On the left, right, blame the mirror is dirty, angry Hu Ziqiao.13, the ants move bugsAnt, move a bug, move, move, move two, lift the seam,Three move, move, four, five, six or seven, everybody moves into the hole together.14, little frogLittle frogs, Gua Guagua, swimming in the water, climbing on the shore,Eat pests, protect crops, and everyone must protect it.15, the flowers look good, I do not pickIn the park, the flowers bloom, red, white and white,The flowers look good and I don't pick them. Everyone says I'm a good boy.16, traffic lightsThe wide road was wide and wide, and the police uncle stood in the middle,The red light is on. Stop. The green light is on. Go straight ahead.17, seven fruit1234567,7654321.Seven aunts came to pick the fruit and seven baskets in their hands. Seven fruit set seven.Apple, peach, pomegranate, persimmon, chestnut, pear, plum.18. Take a napThe pillow flat, perianth cover.Little pillow, little flower, take a nap with me to see who goes to sleep first.19, eat water chestnutsWater chestnuts have skins and mud on their skins.Wash the mud off the water chestnut peel, water chestnut outside skin,Water chestnuts without skin and mud, clean, eating water chestnuts.20, Xiao Yun ride to LimerickXiao Yun to ride in Limerick, little friends kick the ball,The ball flew frightened cattle, fell and oil Xiao yun.21, pots and bottlesThe car has a bowl, a bottle bowl, Ping Ping Pong, bang bang,I wonder if it was a jar or a jar.22, small dirty hands, long fingernailsNails long not cut off, and like a kitten, like a leopard,The little hand stretched out to grandma, and the grandmother saw it and jumped.23. Tigers learn to climb treesThe little squirrel taught the tiger. What did he learn? Learn to climb trees.Remember to teach trees and forget to teach them,The tiger cannot bear the tree, and the tree trunk cries loudly.24, red balloon, green balloonRed balloon, green balloon, long tail, round head, like a tadpole only,Follow all the children, children, let go, tadpoles go to the sky.25, bumper cars, carBumper car, car, sitting friends and flat.Drive a car, drive a friend, drive a friend.I do not know is Peng Peng touched flat, or ordinary touch Peng friends.26, Niuniu and NiuniuNiuniu does not love meat, do not love beans, eating worry, more and more thin;Niuniu loves to eat meat, and love beans, eat without worry, as strong as cattle.Are you studying Niu Niu or Niu Niu?27, long pole wide benchLong pole, wide bench, pole tied on the bench, the bench is to be tied to the board28, white stone towerBai Shibai slipped and moved white stone to the white pagoda.Bai Shi takes the white tower, the White Pagoda and the white stone.A white stone, white white and smooth.29, tiger and gray rabbitThere is a big tiger on the slope, and there is a small grey rabbit under the slope;Tiger feels hungry, eat dust bunnies,Tiger chase rabbit, rabbit hide tiger, tiger full slope looking for gray rabbit;A rabbit's nest, a tiger's rabbit, a thorn in his throat, a tiger's bottom.The tiger got angry and broke the rabbit;Hungry tiger belly cluck clucks, nest laughing bad little gray rabbit.30, little mouseThe little mouse, on the lampstand, Touyou eat down,The squeak squeak grandma, grandma would not come tumbling down.31, Xiao Liang drove a flock of sheepXiao Liang herded sheep, wolf mountain to meet,Wolves eat sheep, sheep hide wolves, small quantities save sheep, and wolves run.32. Learning buttonsThe calf learns to buckle, pull hard with the hand;Small Liu Xuekou buckle, pull his hand back and forth;Chick learn buckle, buckle on.Who learned to button up, calf, little willow and Niu Niu?33, a grandfather, his name is GuA grandfather. His surname is gu,Go shopping, buy vinegar and buy cloth.He bought the cloth and beat the vinegar, and then he saw the hawk catching the rabbit.Lay down the cloth, put down the vinegar, and go forward to chasethe eagle and rabbit.Fly eagle, run rabbit, knock vinegar, vinegar wet cloth.34, Maomao and Tao TaoMaomao and Taotao, high jump and race,Maomao jump but Taotao, Taotao ran but maomao.To get up early, teach out running,Taotao get up early, teach Maomao jump.Maomao learned the high jump, and Tao Ran the race.35, gold and silver Guagua Guagua.Gold melon, silver Guagua, village guapeng Guagua junction,I fell down, a small doll.The doll was so anxious that she called her mother, and she was so anxious to hold the baby,Strange doll Guagua Guagua laughing doll.36, woodpeckerWoodpecker, woodpecker, can auscultation, will operate,Cure not money, only insect one.37, snow dollThere is a snow doll at the door, with his mouth open.I took the apple to feed it and asked it not to think of mother.38, light rain spotsLight rain, Shashasha, fall in the river, Frog Happy Gua Guagua;Drizzle, Shashasha, fall on the big tree, big tree happy bud;A little rain falls on the street, Shashasha, Pa Pa Pa sharawadgi sharawadgi shoes......39, little snowmanThe little snowman, white fat, big eyes, a red nose,Wear a crooked hat on one's head, a floral scarf on one's neck,Alas, someone would not, where,Must be a naughty little white rabbit, took one bite and ran away.40, three catsThe three cats played together and kneaded the dough happily.The little sister pinch pinch the duck's egg sister Glutinous Rice Balls.Small spot the most able, pinch a mouse for supper.41, little ostrichThe little ostrich had a strange temper, and grandma called him a deaf ear.The head went into the sand and shouted, "I'm not here."!42, a cow on a high mountainHigh mountain cow, two horns of a head,Four hoof eight points, long tail behind the head.43, lamb smallLambs eat grass, eat grass, and grow wool.Wool, white, wool, wool, sweater.44, goose big brotherGoose goose big brother, big brother, red hat, white collar,Oh, woo, oh, wow, up the hill. I'm going to ask you, what's the song?45, wild gooseWild geese, geese and geese lined up, followed by a little sister.Wild goose elder brother, slowly fly, wild goose sister, chase quickly,Everybody is united, and no one is left behind.46, swallowThe swallow is so smart, with a pair of scissors on it;God cut clouds and cut water waves down the river;Cut a tree root into a pillow, cut a block of mud and build a nest.47, worm songWhat insects buzz? What the worm lantern?What insects love dancing? What insects eat insects?The bees fly buzz, fireflies lantern,The butterfly loves to dance, and the dragonfly loves to eat the worm.48, count toadA toad with one mouth, two eyes and four legs,Jump into the water with a splash.Two toads, two mouths,Four eyes, eight legs, splash flop into the water.49, Shushuji legBig black chicken, two legs, small ox, four legs,Dragonfly six legs, eight legs of the crab, eel, earthworms have no legs.50, shake shakeShake, shake, go to grandma bridge. Grandma called me a good baby,A bag of sugar, a package of fruit, eat less, eat more, eat less flavor.51, the Moon SongFirst day of a line, the first two days visible,Grade 4 like crescent, ten fifty-six round and round.52, under the rain rainRain rain, the crops with laughter,The wheat has grown taller, and the barley fist is big; Ground surface, pull the car, with a big cake chegulu.53, two firefliesTwo fireflies, go out looking for grandpa.Fly west, fly East, and fly into the grass.One said: "I want to have a rest. One said, "I want to sleep.". Two fireflies sleep in the east.Grandpa can not find, hate angry, only blame myself is lazy. 54, turnip cabbageCarrots, Chinese cabbage, red red, white white,Eat radish, eat cabbage, round face is really cute.55, a small basinThe small, round and round, sit on the East Lake, made a string of lotus,Peel the lotus son, do rice, give parents a bowl.56, watermelonSmall children, on the South WA, dig a pit, kind of watermelon.First long leaves, after flowering, watermelon, round and big, happy children laugh.Song12345,Tiger up the hill,Rooster, rooster is really beautiful,Red flower coat crest,Shiny red melon neck,Everybody is seen, everybody praises.Chicken chicken Jiji grumble,Love bugs and millet.The duckling and the duckling quack,Flat mouth, big feet.Little frog, croak,Feed on pests and protect crops.Fat pig, fat toot.Have a full meal and sleep.Little squirrel with big tail,Lightly jump up and down,I help you, you help him,Picking up the cones and sending them home.Little peacock, it's beautiful,Wear a flower dress,The clothes are clean and tidy,We all like you.Comments: small animals are babies favorite, and more about the baby's children's songs, the baby can more accurately understand the animals. These songs are short, about animal image, ten words, the animal features that come out, and when you see the baby animal pictures, when you take the baby to the zoo, and when the baby go to the suburbs to play, see the animal would casually say children's songs, let the baby language andthe corresponding image baby, you can learn a lot of knowledge. When it comes to children's songs, they can also act in concert, and let the baby perform, such as the nursery rhyme of the little rabbit, and let the baby lift his hands up to the top of his head. When the ears speak of jumping, they learn to dance, which is lively and interesting.。
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Y ou would not believe your eyes 你也许不会相信自己的眼睛
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep 当我熟睡时会有一百万只萤火虫出现填满这个世界
Cause they fill the open air它们萦绕在我的梦里
And leave teardrops everywhere留下满地的泪水
You'd think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare你会认为傻站在这里盯着它们看的我很粗俗吧?
I'd like to make myself believe我愿意相信
That planet earth turns slowly那蔚蓝的星球仍在缓缓转动
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep很难说我现在是醒着还是在梦游
Cause everything is never as it seems因为这一切看起来都那么虚幻
Cause I'd get a thousand hugs我从上千只萤火虫里
From ten thousand lightning bugs得到了上千个拥抱
As they tried to teach me how to dance它们仿佛在教我怎样跳舞
A foxtrot above my head我头上的萤火虫正跳着狐步
A sockhop beneath my bed床下的在跳清纯的校园舞蹈
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread 还有仅仅被绳子挂起来的disco ball
I'd like to make myself believe我愿意相信
That planet earth turns slowly那蔚蓝的星球仍在缓缓转动
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep很难说我现在是醒着还是在梦游
Cause everything is never as it seems因为这一切看起来都那么虚幻
When I fall asleep当我熟睡后
Leave my door open just a crack只要噼啪一声我的房门就能被打开
Please take me away from here请你把我带走
Cause I feel like such an insomniac我怀疑自己是个不眠症患者
Please take me away from here请带我走吧
Why do I tire of counting sheep为什么要像白痴一样数绵羊呢
Please take me away from here带我走吧
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep我早就厌倦了强迫自己入睡
To ten million fireflies献给那一百万只萤火虫
I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes我表现得奇怪因为我讨厌离别
I got misty eyes as they said farewell当他们和我作饯别,我满眼的消沉
But I'll know where several are但我知道它们中谁舍不得我离开
If my dreams get real bizzare迟早有一天我那天马行空的梦想会实现
Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar那些被密封压缩的儿时梦想
I'd lke To make myself believe我愿意相信
That Planet earth turns slowly那蔚蓝的星球仍在缓缓转动
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep很难说我现在是醒着还是在梦游
Cause everything is never as it seems因为这一切看起来都那么虚幻
When I fall asleep当我熟睡后
I'd like to make myself believe我愿意相信
That planet earth turns slowly那蔚蓝的星球仍在缓缓转动
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep很难说我现在是醒着还是在梦游
Cause everything is never as it seems因为这一切看起来都那么虚幻When I fall asleep当我熟睡后
I'd like to make myself believe我愿意相信
That planet earth turns slowly那蔚蓝的星球仍在缓缓转动
It's hard to say I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep我的世界似真似幻
Because my dreams are bursting at the sea因为我的梦想将震撼深海汪洋。