



Darwin's work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Many people strongly opposed the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious convictions. Darwin avoided talking about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, but other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar who concerned himself with the feelings and emotions not only of his family, but friends and peers as well. It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed. Shortly after his death, temperance campaigner and evangelist Lady Elizabeth Hope claimed she visited Darwin at his deathbed, and witnessed the renunciation. Her story was printed in a Boston newspaper and subsequently spread. Lady Hope's story was refuted by Darwin's daughter Henrietta who stated, “I was present at his deathbed ... He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier.”





Charles Robert Darwin(1809.2.12-1882.4.19)is a famous British biologist and naturalist, the founder of the Theory of Evolution. In 1859, he published The Origin of Species, and put forward the Theory of Biological Evolution.胡蒂拉(Hutÿra)费兰(伦)茨·胡蒂(吉)拉(1860.?.?-1934.?.?),匈牙利籍世界著名兽医学家,匈牙利皇家兽医学院院长。



Ferenc Hutÿr a(1860.?.?–1934.?.?),A world-famous Hungarian veterinary scientist, rector of the Hungarian Royal College of Veterinary Science, among others a researcher of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, glanders and hog cholera. With J. Marek he was the author of a major handbook on the pathology and therapy of domestic animals translated into 12 languages and used as a textbook by several generations of veterinarians.。



产生背景 在文艺复兴以及思想启蒙之后,现代科学的理性 思维已经建立起来。达尔文的时代是十九世纪中 后期,正是走出蒙昧,提倡科学的前一阶段,在 思想和理性上,为达尔文创立自然选择进化论提 供了思想依据;而青年时的远游,则为他积累了 大量的实据,引发了他关于物种进化的思考并最 终形成一个完整的体系。
《物种起源》(或译为《物种原始》)(全名 《物竞天择,适者生存之物种起源论》) (英文:《On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection》 或 《the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life》), 是达尔文论述生物演化的重要著作,出版于 1859年。该书大概是19世纪最具争议的著作, 其中的观点大多数为当今的科学界普遍接受。
在考察过程中,达尔文根据物种的变化, 整日?他们为什么 会千变万化?彼此之间有什么联系?这些 问题在脑海里越来越深刻,逐渐使他对神 创论和物种不变论产生了怀疑。
后来,达尔文又随船横渡太平洋,经过澳大利亚, 越过印度洋,绕过好望角,于1836年10月回到 英国。在历时五年的环球考察中,达尔文积累了 大量的资料。回国之后,他一面整理这些资料, 一面又深入实践,同时,查阅大量书籍,为他的 生物进化理论寻找根据。1842年,他第一次写出 《物种起源》的简要提纲。1859年11月达尔文 经过20多年研究而写成的科学巨著《物种起源》 终于出版了。在这部书里,达尔文旗帜鲜明地提 出了“进化论”的思想,说明物种是在不断的变 化之中,是由低级到高级、由简单到复杂的演变 过程。
中文名:达尔文 英文名:Charles Robert Darwin 家乡:英国施鲁斯伯里镇 性别:男 国籍:英国 出生年月:1809年2月12日 去世年月:1882年4月19日 职业:科学 博物学家,生物学 家 毕业院校:爱丁堡大学,剑桥 大学成就:英国的博物学家 生物学家呢!进化论的奠基人。 重要事件:1859年 发表《物 种起源》。 名言:1.乐观是希望的明灯, 它指引着你从危险峡谷中步向 坦途,使你得到新的生命新的 希望,支持着你的理想永不泯 灭。 2.寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成 正比。 3.敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间 的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜时 间的全部价值。 代表作品:《物种起源》;《人 类的由来和性选择》;《动物和 植物在家养下的变异》;《人类 和动物的表情》



2009年 2009年2月12日是查尔斯达尔文诞辰200周年纪念日. 12日是查尔斯达尔文诞辰200周年纪念日. 150年前的1859年,达尔文出版了震动当时学术界的《 150年前的1859年,达尔文出版了震动当时学术界的《物种 起源》 起源》,提出了生物进化论学说,从而摧毁了各种唯心的神 造论和物种不变论.除了生物学外,他的理论对人类学,心 理学及哲学的发展都有不容忽视的影响. 达尔文从一名神学学生到进化论奠基人的"进化",是植根 于实践的科学精神在他个人身上的体现和胜利.他提出的对 人类社会产生巨大影响的进化论观点,也一直在不断更新的 科学实践中进化着自身.
1809年 1809年2月12日 查尔斯达尔文出生 12日 查尔斯 在英国施鲁斯伯里镇. 1817年 1817年 妈妈去世. 1817年~1825年 1817年~1825年 在施鲁斯伯里私立 中学就读. 1825年~1827年 1825年~1827年 在苏格兰爱丁堡大 学攻读医学. 1828年~1831年 1828年~1831年 在英国剑桥大学就 读. 1831年~1836年 1831年~1836年 随贝格尔号军舰环 球考察. 1837年 1837年 开始写作第一本物种演变笔 记. 1838年 阅读托马斯马尔萨斯的著作 1838年 阅读托马斯马尔萨斯的著作 《人口论》. 人口论》 1839年 月,与爱玛 1839年1月,与爱玛韦奇伍德结婚; 12月,儿子威廉出生;严重疾病的 12月,儿子威廉出生;严重疾病的 第一阶段. 1839年~1843年 1839年~1843年 编纂五卷本巨著 《贝格尔号航行期内的动物志》. 贝格尔号航行期内的动物志》 1842年 1842年 移居到伦敦郊外的达温宅. 1842~1846年 撰写三卷本著作《 1842~1846年 撰写三卷本著作《贝 格尔号航行期内的地质学》 格尔号航行期内的地质学》. 1844年 1844年 撰写未发表的阐述进化论的 论文. 1846年~1855年 1846年~1855年 就藤壶问题进行研 究写作. 1848年 1848年 父亲去世;健康状况不佳并 持续很长时间.女儿安妮去世. 1855年 开始撰写关于进化论的主要 1855年 开始撰写关于进化论的主要 著作. 1858年 1858年 伦敦林奈学会宣读达尔文和 华莱士合作的关于进化论的论文. 1859年 发表《物种起源》 1859年 发表《物种起源》. 1860年 1860年 英国科学促进会年会在牛津 大学关于进化问题的大辩论. 1863年~1865年 1863年~1865年 病情延续. 1868年 发表《 1868年 发表《家养动物和培育植物 的变异》 的变异》. 19世纪70年代 发表五部关于植物的 19世纪70年代 著作. 1871年 发表《人类起源和性选择》 1871年 发表《人类起源和性选择》. 1872年 发表《 1872年 发表《人类和动物情感的表 达》 1881年 1881年 发表关于蚯蚓的著作. 1882年 1882年 4月19日,达尔文在达温宅 19日,达尔文在达温宅 逝世;厚葬于威斯敏斯特大教堂, 一颗生物学巨星陨落了.

Darwin 达尔文介绍

Darwin  达尔文介绍
达尔文的学说 "亵渎圣灵",触犯"君权神授天理",有失人类尊严。与此相反,
以赫胥黎为代表的进步学者,积极宣传和捍卫达尔文主义。进化论轰开了人 们的思想禁锢,启发和教育人们从宗教迷信的束缚下解放出来。
O 达尔文的生物进化论作为19世纪最伟大的发现之一,为辩证唯物主义自然观 的建立,为马克思主义哲学的产生提供了坚实的自然科学基础。
O 英国植物学家 华生评价 我认为《物种起源》这本书的格调是再好也没有的,它可以感动那些对这个 问题一无所知的人们。至于达尔文的理论,我准备即使赴汤蹈火也要支持。
李卜克内西评价 达尔文在《物种起源》中的主导思想,即"自然选择",一定会被当做科学上 的确定真理而为人们所接受。它有一切伟大的自然科学真理所具有的特征,变 模糊为清晰,化复杂为简单,并且在旧有的知识上添加了很多新的东西。达尔 文是本世纪的、甚至是一切世纪的博物学中最伟大的革命者。
O 达尔文对机能主义的发展有着特殊的影响,他的进化论引导了美国机能主义 学派心理学思想的兴起,从而开启了以美国为中心的心理学新时代。
O 马克思评价 1859年成为划分科学史前后两个"世界"的界限。《物种起源》的出版使生物 学发生了一场革命,这场革命如同马克思主义登上历史舞台一样,意义重大, 影响深远。
发表《人类 起源和性选 择》 1871年
发表 《物种起源》
伦敦林奈学会 宣读达尔文和 华莱士合作的 关于进化论的 论文
1882 年
1831—1836年,他 以博物学家的身份,参 加了英国派遣的环球航 行,做了五年的科学考 察。在动植物和地质方 面进行了大量的观察和 采集,经过综合探讨, 形成了生物进化的概念。 1859年出版了震动当时 学术界的《物种起源》。



Darwin's work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Many people strongly opposed idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious convictions. Darwin avoided talking about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, but other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was a reserved, hard working scholar who concerned himself with the feelings and emotions not only of his family, but friends and peers as well.
He set these theories forth in his book called, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) or “The Origin of Species” for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882.




下面是店铺为你整理的达尔文英语简介,希望对你有用!查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文简介Charles Robert Darwin, February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882), British biologist, founder of evolution. Has been riding the Berger ship for 5 years of global voyage, animal and plant and geological structure, such as a large number of observation and collection. Published the "origin of species", put forward the theory of biological evolution, which destroyed a variety of idealistic gods and species invariance theory. In addition to biology, his theory of anthropology, psychology, philosophy development can not be ignored. Engels ranked "evolutionism" as one of the three discoveries of the natural sciences of the 19th century (the other two are the theories of cytology, conservation of energy) and have an outstanding contribution to mankind.On April 19, 1882, Darwin died at the village of Dawen at 73 years old and was buried in Westminster Abbey.查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文科学影响Species originDarwin was 51 years old, shortly after publication of the "origin of species"Basic InformationEnglish title: On the Origin of SpeciesChinese Title: Origin of the speciesAuthor: DarwinTranslator: Li HuISBN: 9787 3022 75480Pricing: $ 49Published: 2012.6Book Category: Q111.2Selling point introduction1, Darwin's masterpiece On the Origin of Species (1859) first edition of the first Chinese translation. The first edition of the "origin of the species" is the most recognized original version, because it is Darwin has not been questioned and blame before the writings, clear thinking, concise and powerful exposition of the original view of Darwin. Modern Western scholars to do evolutionary research and writings, usually cited is the first edition of "species origin", basically this version has become a "standard". Nearly a century of Chinese translation is based on the sixth edition of the translation.2, the book discusses breeding science, ecology, paleontology, biogeography, animal behavior, morphology, embryology, taxonomy and many other areas of a large number of phenomena, revealing a variety of biological relationship between species, species Is not fixed, but through "with the modified generation of" and change. Darwin studied the variation of biological life in domestic and natural state, put forward the theory of evolution as the core of natural selection theory, that in the "struggle for survival", individuals with favorable variation were chosen to be preserved, the unfavorable individual was eliminated, After a generation of natural environment to choose the role of adaptation to the gradual accumulation of mutations, leading to the emergence of new species, resulting in a wonderful variety of life forms; dwelling in the earth all the creatures, are derived from one or several primitive types of evolution Evolved to cause biodiversity.Translator introductionLi Hu: Hebei Xingtai, Peking University graduate, the State Oceanic Administration Third Marine Research Institute of Science and Technology Information Center engineers. Engaged in marine science, biodiversity and scientific history of the translation work. Translation of "worry days: the history of global warming exploration (2011, Tsinghua University Press)," Evolutionary Legend "(2010, Ocean Press) and other works."The origin of species"November 24, 1859, the British naturalist, evolutionary founder Darwin's "origin of the species" published, laid the theoretical basis of evolution. Evolutionism was called by Engels as one of the three discoveries of the natural sciences of the 19th century.An epoch-making bookWhich marked the profound changes in the views of the vast majority of the learned societies in the nineteenth century on the status of the biology and human beings in the biological world.The classic works that affect the historical processOne of the 10 books that shook the worldA great influence on the human development processThe Classic Translation of Chinese Modern Society1985 American "life" magazine named the best books of human historyIn 1986 the French "reading" magazine recommended ideal bookNovember 24, 1859, in London, England, this is a very extraordinary day. On this day, many people in London flocked to a bookstore, competing to buy a newly published book. The first edition of the book was sold out on the day of publication.This new book is the "origin of the species", it is the founderof the evolution of Darwin's first masterpiece. The advent of this work for the first time on the basis of complete science on the basis of science, with a new idea of biological evolution to overthrow the "creation theory" and "species unchanged" theory.The publication of the "origin of species" has caused a sensation in Europe and the world as a whole. It fought heavily against the foundations of theocracy, from the reactionary church to the feudal philosophers were furious, they group attack, slander Darwin's doctrine "blaspheme the Holy Spirit", violated the "monarchical divine justice", the loss of human dignity. In contrast, progressive scholars, represented by Huxley, actively advocate and defend Darwinism. Evolutionary theory has exploded people's minds, enlightened and educated people to liberate them from the shackles of religious superstition.Darwin's "origin of species" is very meaningful, and this book can be used as a natural scientific basis for historical class struggle. - MarxIn 1859 became the division of science before and after the two "world" boundaries. The publication of the "origin of species" has led to a revolution in biology, which, like Marxism, has a great significance and far-reaching impact on the stage of history. Darwin was away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, and was preparing for a revolution in his quiet manor, and that Marx himself prepared for the center of the clamor of the world, and that the difference was only applied to the other.- LiebknechtDarwin's dominant idea in "the origin of species", that is, "natural choice", will be accepted as a scientifically determined truth. It has all the features of the great natural science truth, blurred for the clear, complex and simple, and adds a lot of newthings to the old knowledge. Darwin is the greatest revolutionist of this century, and even of all the century's natural history.- British botanist WatsonI think the "origin of the species" of this book is no matter how good it is, it can touch those who know nothing about this problem. As for Darwin's theory, I am prepared to support the fire even through fire and water.- British naturalist HuxleyPsychology historian D. Schultz commented in 1981: "In the Darwinian theory, the importance of the psychological factors of species evolution is obvious, and he often cites the human and animal consciousness reaction.As a result of psychology and evolution In the sense of consistency, so psychology has to accept this evolutionary point of view.1809 yearsDarwin's works influenced psychology from four aspects1, it emphasizes the continuity of the psychological function between animals and humans;2, it changes the subject of psychology into the function of consciousness rather than the content of consciousness, changes the goal of psychology to study the adaptation of the organism to its environment;3, which provides reasonable evidence for a variety of alternative surveys and research methods, rather than confinement to experimental introspection;4, it focuses on individual differences between members of the same species.Darwin has a special influence on the development of functionalism. His theory of evolution has led to the rise of the psychology of American opportunism, which has opened a newera of American psychology.查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文主要著作及信件1835-18621835: "Abstracts from letters to Professor Henslow"1836: "Tahiti and New Zealand and other regions of the moral status report" (A LETTER, Containing Remarks on the Moral State of TAHITI, NEW ZEALAND, & c. - BY CAPT. R. FITZROY AND C. DARWIN, ESQ. OF HMS 'Beagle.')1839: "Journal and Remarks" (Journal and Remarks), often referred to as "Beagle trip"."Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle": a total of 5 volumes, respectively, by a number of authors published in 1839 to 1843 years. Two of them were edited and supervised by Charles Darwin, 1840: "Part I. Fossil Mammalia", Richard Owen's works.1839: "Part II. Mammalia", George Robert Waterhouse.1842: "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs"1844: "Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands" (Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands)1846: "Geological Observations on South America" (Geological Observations on South America)1849: "Geology", published in John Friedrich William Herschel, "A Manual of scientific inquiry" (prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy: and Adapted for travellers in general.1851: A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes.1851: "Monroe fossil" A Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain1854: "Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Balanidae (or Sessile Cirripedes); theVerrucidae, etc.1854: "Ceratoides and Aquaculture" A Monograph on the Foss il Balanidæ and Verrucidæ of Great Britain.1858: "discussing the tendency of species to form variants; and on the Tendency of Species to form Varieties and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection" An unpublished book.1958: "autobiography of Charles Darwin", Barlow (Barlow) compiled by the full version. 1859: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life", the complete title is "Based on Natural Selection or Survival in Survival Competition" origin".1862: "The various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects".1868-19031868: "Variation of Plants and Animals Under Domestication" (Variation of Plants and Animals Under Domestication). 1871: "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex", also known as "human origin".1872: "The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals".1875: "Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants".1875: Insectivorous Plants.1876: "The effects of Cross and Self-Fertilation in the Vegetable Kingdom" (The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilation in the Vegetable Kingdom).1877: "The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species". 1879: Preface and a preliminary notice, in Ernst Krause's Erasmus Darwin.1880: "The Power of Movement in Plants".1881: "The formation of humus and the role of earthworms"(The Formation of Vegetable Mold Through the Action of Worms), also known as "earthworms".1887: "Life and Letters of Charles Darwin", written by Francis Darwin.1903: "More Letters of Charles Darwin", compiled by A.C. Seward and Francis Darwin.Often quotes the human and animal consciousness. Because psychology is consistent with the consciousness of evolution, psychology has to accept this evolutionary view. "1809 yearsDarwin's works influenced psychology from four aspects1, it emphasizes the continuity of the psychological function between animals and humans;2, it changes the subject of psychology into the function of consciousness rather than the content of consciousness, changes the goal of psychology to study the adaptation of the organism to its environment;3, which provides reasonable evidence for a variety of alternative surveys and research methods, rather than confinement to experimental introspection;4, it focuses on individual differences between members of the same species.Darwin has a special influence on the development of functionalism. His theory of evolution has led to the rise of the psychology of American opportunism, which has opened a new era of American psychology.。



1. Darwin (1809-1882)

Des îles du Cap-Vert jusqu’aux Açores, en passant par les cô tes sud-amé ricaines, Tahiti, l’Australie et le Cap, la croisière se prolonge jusqu’en octobre 1836. Darwin amasse une somme considé rable d’observations en géologie et en biologie. Il s’intéresse aux diverses formations gé ologiques des îles et des continents et recense une grande variété d’espèces fossiles et vivantes.

A son retour, Darwin poursuit ses recherches ; un hé ritage familial le mettant à l’abri du besoin. Il compare alors ses donné es avec les thé ories qui circulent. Il a observé les variations des espè ces animales, et se convainc que ces dernières peuvent se transformer, à partir des espè ces les plus simples aux plus complexes. L’idée n’était pas nouvelle car déjà Lamarck l’avait formulée (1744-1829). De plus, son explication du « comment» se produit cette transformation s’inspire largement de la thé orie de Malthus (17661834).



Father of Modern Biology: Charles DarwinCharles(查尔斯)Darwin's whole life was changed by one lucky chance. In 1831, before he went on the voyage of the Beagle贝格尔号的航程, he was a very ordinary young man of twenty-two. No one in England—certainly not Darwin himself —had any idea of the future he had before him.His sister Caroline gave him his first lessons. He was both lazy and naughty(nouty顽皮的), and everyone was glad that he went away to school after his mother's death when he was eight.Charles soon became a keen collector. He collected anything that caught his interest: insects(昆虫类), seashells(贝壳), coins and interesting stones. He said later that his collection prepared him for his work as a naturalist.He was not a very clever boy, but Charles was good at doing the things that interested him. He also took pleasure in carrying out experiments. But he could not learn Latin and Greek which in those days was an important part of education. He was a disappointment to his father, who was sure that he would bring nothing but shame to himself and his family.In 1825, when Charles was sixteen, his father sent him to Edinburgh(爱丁堡re)to study medicine, saying :“As you like natural history so much, perhaps we can make a doctor of you.”But Charles found the lectures boring, and the dissections(剥离) frightening. But at Edinburgh ,he was able to go to natural history lectures. In 1826 he read a paper on sea-worms海船蛀虫to the Natural History Society. This paper was his first known work on this subject.Then his father decided to send Charles to Cambridge Univers ity to study to become a priest.(牧师) With hard work, he did quite well. And, in the countryside around Cambridge, he was able to shoot, fish and collect insects.He seemed likely to become a country priest like hundreds of others, sharing his time betwee n his work and his interest in natural history and country life. He had a deep faith in God and a lasting interest in religion. At this time he did not doubt that every word of the Bible (圣经)was true.Then a letter from Captain Robert Fitzroy菲茨罗伊changed his life. Fitzroy was planning to make a voyage around the world on a ship called the Beagle. He wanted a naturalist to join the ship, and Darwin was recommended. That voyage was the start of Charles Darwin's great life work.In those days a great many people believed that every word written in the Bible was true. Darwin hoped that the plants and animals that they found in the course of their voyage would prove the truth of the Bible story of the great Flood.He began to observe everything. When they got to Rio de Janeiro里约热内卢in South America, Charles was overcome with joy to see so many different creatures, so much life and color. His notebooks were full of detailed observations(观察值).Then they reached dry land at Punta Alta. There Darwin discovered his first fossils(fosoo化石). Why, he wondered, were there horse bones at Punta Alta, when there had been no horses in the New World until Cortez科尔特斯brought his from Spain(西班牙sban)They came to Tierra del Fuego火地岛at the tip of South America. It was a strange place, with terrible storms. Its people grew no food, and they slept on the wet ground. Darwin observed their looks and habits.“How can people be so d ifferent, if all are descended(从一个祖先传下来的) from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden伊甸园?” Charles w ondered.A trip into the mountains showed Darwin seashells at a height of 12,000 feet. Lower down were fossil trees.“So those trees once stood by the sea,” thought Darwin. “The sea came up and covered them. Then the sea-bed rose up...” To a man who had been taught that every word in the Bible was true, this was very puzzling(费解的).In Chile(智利, where Darwin saw earthquakes and volcanoes火山wo ka no), he began to see what must have happened. The centre of the earth, he decided, was very hot. The surface of the earth was thinner稀释剂in some places. It was in these places that earthquakes and volcanoes developed.As the Beagle sailed around the world, Darwin began to wonder how life had developed on earth. He saw volcanic islands in the sea, and wondered how living things had got there.But people who believed every word of the Bible thought that God had made all creatures and Man. But, if that was true, why did some of the fossils look like “mistakes” which had failed to change and, for that reason, died out?On went Beagle, to Tahiti塔西提岛, New Zealand and Australia. There, Darwin saw coral 珊瑚(callroll)and coral islands for the first time. How had these islands come about? Soon, he had the answer. Coral was made up of the bodies of millions of tiny creatures, piled (paie )up堆积over millions of years —a million years for each island. Darwin wrote it all down in his notebooks.After five years he was home. He was never again the healthy young man who climbed mountains and carried heavy bags of fossils for miles.He set to work, getting his collection in order. And, in 1839, he married his cousin, Emma Wedgwood. It was a happy marriage with ten children. He could be found working in his study, with a child beside him.His first great work The Zoology动物学of the Beagle was well received, but he was slow to make public his ideas on the origins of life. He was certainly very worried about disagreeing with the accepted views of the Church.Happily, the naturalists at Cambridge persuaded说服(pesiwayde) Darwin that he must make his ideas public. So Darwin and Wallace华莱士, another naturalist who had the same opinions as Darwin, produced a paper together. A year later,Darwin's great book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection appeared. It attracted a storm.People thought that Darwin was saying they were descended from monkeys. What a shameful idea! Although most scientists agreed that Darwin was right and that the story of Adam and Eve was merely a story, the Church was still so strong that Darwin never received any honors for his work.Many years later, he published his other great work, The Descent下降of Man. He gave a lecture at the Royal Institution习俗, when the whole audience stood up and clapped.His health grew worse, but still he worked. “When I have to give up observation, I shall die,” he said. He was still working on 17, April, 1882. He was dead two days later.。



Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England on 12 February 1809. He was the fifth of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier Robert Darwin, and Susannah Darwin (née Wedgwood).Both families were largely Unitarian一神论 一神论派. 一神论 On July, 1817, his mother died. From September 1818, he attended the nearby Anglican英国国教、圣公会 Shrewsbury 英国国教、 英国国教 寄宿生. School as a boarder寄宿生 寄宿生
On 29 January 1839,Darwin and Emma Wedgwood were married in an Anglican ceremony, then immediately went to London. The Darwins had ten children, two died in infancy. Darwin was a devoted father and uncommonly attentive to his children. Whenever they fell ill, he feared that they might have inherited weaknesses from inbreeding近亲交配 due to the 近亲交配 close family ties he shared with his wife and cousin. Despite his fears, most of the surviving children went on to have distinguished careers.



科学家介绍英语作文80词Albert Einstein, a renowned physicist, revolutionized physics with his Theory of Relativity. Born in 1879, he exhibited a keen interest in science from a young age. His curiosity led him to propose the famous equation E=mc², linking energy and matter. His groundbreaking work in quantum theory, photons, and Brownian motion establishedhim as a pioneer of modern science. Einstein's legacy extends beyond his scientific contributions, as he remains an icon of intelligence and curiosity.爱因斯坦,这位享有盛誉的物理学家,以相对论彻底改变了物理学领域。













达尔文简介英文作文英文:Charles Darwin is a well-known English naturalist and biologist who is best known for his theory of evolution. He was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. As a young man, he studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, but he found it boring and left to pursue his passion for natural history.Darwin's most famous work is his book "On the Origin of Species," which he published in 1859. In this book, he proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, which suggests that species change over time through a process of natural selection. This theory caused controversy at the time, but it has since become widely accepted in the scientific community.In addition to his work on evolution, Darwin also made important contributions to the study of geology, botany,and zoology. He was a prolific writer and published many books and articles throughout his career.One of the things I admire most about Darwin is his curiosity and his willingness to challenge conventional thinking. He was not afraid to question the prevailing ideas of his time and to explore new areas of knowledge. This is something that I try to emulate in my own life and work.中文:查尔斯·达尔文是一位著名的英国自然学家和生物学家,以他的进化论理论而闻名。

达尔文(Charles Darwin)英文简介

达尔文(Charles Darwin)英文简介

Darwin's work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Many people strongly opposed the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious convictions. Darwin avoided talking about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, but other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar who concerned himself with the feelings and emotions not only of his family, but friends and peers as well. It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed. Shortly after his death, temperance campaigner and evangelist Lady Elizabeth Hope claimed she visited Darwin at his deathbed, and witnessed the renunciation. Her story was printed in a Boston newspaper and subsequently spread. Lady Hope's story was refuted by Darwin's daughter Henrietta who stated, “I was present at his deathbed ... He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier.”

达尔文简介 英文版

达尔文简介 英文版

Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin's whole life was changed by one lucky chance. In 1831, before he went on the voyage of the Beagle, he was a very ordinary young man of twenty-two. No one in England—certainly not Darwin himself —had any idea of the future he had before him. His sister Caroline gave him his first lessons. He was both lazy and naughty, and everyone was glad that he went away to school after his 2 mother's death when he was eight. Charles soon became a keen collector. He collected anything that caught his interest: insects, seashells, coins and interesting stones. He said later that his collection prepared him for his work as a naturalist4. He was not a very clever boy, but Charles was good at doing the things that interested him. He also took pleasure in carrying out experiments. But he could not learn Latin and Greek which in those days were an important part of education. He was a disappointment to his father, 3 who was sure that he would bring nothing but shame to himself and

达尔文 英文介绍

达尔文  英文介绍

Evolutionary theory
principle of the survival of the forms of plant and animal life best fitted for existing conditions, while related but less fit forms become extinct.
Why, he wondered, were there horse bones at Punta Alta, when there had been no horses in the New World until Cortez brought his from Spain ?
Tierra del Fuego 火地岛
Samuel Wilberforce牛津教区 主教威尔伯福斯
It was a strange place, with terrible storms. Its people grew no food, and they slept on the wet ground. Darwin observed their looks and habits. “How can people be so different, if all are descended12 from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?”
voyage of the Beagle 1831
Captain Robert FitzRoy
purpose: to prove the truth of the Bible story of the great Flood



1809 年 2 月 12 日
生于英国 施鲁斯伯
1817 年~1825年
在施鲁斯伯 里私立中学
在苏格兰爱 丁堡大学攻 读医学
1828 年~1831 年
在英国剑 桥大学就 读神学
1831 年~1836 年
随贝格尔号 军舰环球考 察
厚葬于威斯 敏斯特大教 堂
1882 年
发表《人类 和动物情感 的表达》
学发生了一场革命,这场革命如同马克思主义登上历史舞台一样,意义重大, 影响深远。
O 英国植物学家 华生评价 我认为《物种起源》这本书的格调是再无所知的人们。至于达尔文的理论,我准备即使赴汤蹈火也要支持。
达尔文在《物种起源》中的主导思想,即"自然选择",一定会被当做科学上 的确定真理而为人们所接受。它有一切伟大的自然科学真理所具有的特征,变 模糊为清晰,化复杂为简单,并且在旧有的知识上添加了很多新的东西。达尔 文是本世纪的、甚至是一切世纪的博物学中最伟大的革命者。
Charles·Robert·Darwin 查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文
O 一、达尔文生平 O 二、“进化论”发现之旅 O 三、著作《物种起源》主要内容 O 四、“进化论”的影响 O 五、各名家对达尔文的评价
发表《人类 起源和性选 择》
发表 《物种起源》
伦敦林奈学会 宣读达尔文和 华莱士合作的 关于进化论的



介绍达尔文英语作文有翻译Darwin's Theory of Evolution, proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, revolutionized our understanding of the natural world and our place in it. This theory, which forms the foundation of modern biology, suggests that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inheritedvariations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.At the core of Darwin's theory is the concept of natural selection. This process occurs when organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to their offspring. Over time, this leads to the accumulation of advantageous traits within a population, ultimately resulting in the adaptation of organisms to their environment.One of the key pieces of evidence supporting Darwin's theory is the fossil record. Fossils provide a glimpse intothe history of life on Earth, showing how organisms have changed over millions of years. For example, the fossil record clearly demonstrates the evolution of whales from land-dwelling ancestors to the marine mammals we see today.Another line of evidence comes from comparative anatomy. By comparing the anatomical structures of different species, scientists can uncover similarities that suggest a common ancestry. For instance, the similarity in the skeletal structures of humans, bats, and whales indicates that they share a common ancestor, despite their vastly different lifestyles.Furthermore, molecular biology has provided compelling evidence for evolution. DNA analysis allows scientists to compare the genetic code of different organisms, revealing similarities that reflect their evolutionary relationships. This molecular evidence not only supports the idea of common ancestry but also helps scientists trace the evolutionary history of specific traits.While Darwin's theory has faced criticism andrefinement over the years, it remains the cornerstone of modern biology. Its implications extend far beyond the realm of science, influencing our understanding of ourselves and our place in the natural world. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things and the processes that have shaped life on Earth, we gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world.达尔文的进化论由19世纪的查尔斯·达尔文提出,彻底改变了我们对自然界及其地位的理解。



介绍达尔文英语作文有翻译英文,Darwin's English composition is an importantskill that all students need to develop. It is not only about writing essays or reports, but also about expressing ideas and thoughts effectively in English. In my experience, I have found that practicing different types of writing, such as narrative, descriptive, and argumentative, has helped me improve my English composition skills.For example, when I was asked to write a narrativeessay about a memorable experience, I had to usedescriptive language to create a vivid picture for the reader. This not only improved my vocabulary, but also helped me understand the importance of using specificdetails to engage the reader.In addition, learning how to write an argumentative essay has taught me how to structure my ideas and provide evidence to support my claims. This has been particularly useful in my academic studies, as I am now able to presentmy arguments in a clear and logical manner.中文,达尔文的英语作文是所有学生需要培养的重要技能。



达尔文生平简介查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin,1809.2.12—1882.4.19)是英国博物学家,生物学家,进化论的奠基人。















眼看着儿子一事无成,父亲罗伯特·达尔文(Robert Darwin)非常失望。





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25 Sept. 2014
Charles Darwin
• Summer 1831
• Royal Navy preparing exploration & mapping expedition to South America
John Henslow invited on H.M.S. Beagle as “naturalist”
• 3 years "largely wasted" (Autobiography) • Disliked formal study, but graduated tenth in class Jan. 1831 (22 years old)
Friendship with Rev. John Henslow, Prof. of Botany
• "Henslow's shadow"
25 Sept. 2014
Charles Darwin
• Summer 1831
• Charles home from Cambridge
• Riding, hunting, collecting, • NOT looking for job !!
• Sent to Medical School at Edinburgh, age 16
• became ill seeing surgery, dropped out
25 Sept. 2014
Charles Darwin
• Education
• Sent to Cambridge to study for ministry.
/ GB/home
25 Sept. 2014
Charles Darwin
• Education
• Classical, English “public” school
• Early interest in natural history • Collector of plants, insects, shells, etc.
Charles Robert Darwin
12 Feb. 1809 – 19 April 1882
25 Sept. 2014
Charles Darwin, 1809
• 1809 • Births • Robert Fulton patented • Edgar Allen Poe, Jan. 19 steamboat • Felix Mendelssohn, • James Madison became Feb. 3 President • Cyrus McCormick, • Napoleon defeated Feb. 15 Austria • Deaths • Lamarck published • Franz Josef Haydn Philosophie Zoologique • Thomas Paine • Meriwether Lewis
25 Sept. 2014
• Founder, Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795)
• Father of Susannah Wedgwood • Grandfather to Charles Darwin
• Wedgwood Ltd. Today
25 Sept. 2014
Charles Darwin
• Return to England
Work on collections, specimens sent to British Museum during Beagle voyage Publication of results of research and collections Published Voyage of the Beagle (1839, 1845)
• Henslow: 35 yrs. old, • wife & family said “NO!”
Henslow recommended Darwin.
25 Sept. 2014 Darwin.ppt 8
H.M.S. Beagle
• “Coffin brig” • Lieutenant Robert Fitzroy (1805 – 1865)
Superb seaman & navigator Governor of New Zealand, 1843-1845 1860, established British Meteorological Office
• Inventor of barometers • First to issue storm warnings and weather forecasts
• Marianne Darwin (1798-1858), • Caroline Sarah Darwin (1800-1888)
• married her cousin Josiah Wedgwood III
• • • •
Susan Elizabeth Darwin (1803-1866) Erasmus Alvey Darwin (1804-1881) Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) Emily Catherine Darwin (1810-1866)
25 Sept. 2014 Darwin.ppt 2
Charles Darwin
• physician (1766-1848) mother, Susannah Wedgwood (1765-1817) 1 brother, 4 sisters
Biblical literalist & creationist.
25 Sept. 2014
Voyage of the Beagle
• Beagle sailed 27 Dec. 1831 • Returned to England 2 Oct 1836
• Darwin aged 27