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发展现代服务业是调整经济结构,提高人民生活水平,促进市场经济发展的主要途径,也是衡量一个地区生产社会化和经济现代化程度的重要标志。切实转变发展理念和发展模式,加快发展服务业,推进工业转型升级与生产性服务业联动发展、居民消费结构优化提升与消费性服务业互动发展,构建现代产业体系,已成为新一轮发展的重大战略抉择。本文就“十一五”期间双峰县现代服务业发展的状况与“十二五” 期时现代服务业发展总体思路以及对策建议作些初步探讨。



现代服务业最早是由美国社会学家贝尔提出的,他认为工业社会的服务业主要是交通运输业和零售业,后工业社会的服务业应该是现代服务业。一般认为,现代服务业是指在工业化较发达阶段产生的,主要依托电子信息等高技术和现代管理理念、经营方式和组织形式而发展起来的服务部门。现代服务业有别于诸如:商贸、住宿、餐饮、仓储、交通运输等传统服务业,又称新兴第三产业。其基本特征体现为“高人力资本含量、高技术含量、高附加价值”和“新技术、新业态、新方式”的发展态势。目前的国内现代服务业大致划分为四类:基础服务、生产和市场服务、个人消费服务、公共服务,行业一般包括金融保险业、信息服务业、旅游业、现代物流业、房地产业及社区服务业等。与服务业概念一样,现代服务业至今没有统一定义和范围,依据2002年版国家统计局《国民经济行业分类》Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING

Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic.

(4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the

development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency







