



历年阅读真题翻译1999年6月六级阅读译文Passage One我们有时认为惟有人类易受忧虑伤害,但紧张情绪似乎也影响了低级动物的免疫系统。















Passage T wo破坏自然资源和污染食物的事不断发生,这主要是因为对那些不顾后果肆意破坏环境的人难以追究法律责任。






历年英语六级真题阅读译文汇总1999年1月六级试题译文Passage one译文很多美国人对有关食物的多数危险持极度歪曲、夸张的观点。

















O(∩_∩)O谢谢Passage two译文有些地球现象可以预计,但有的人说磁场是个例外。






Unit 6 艾萨克·阿西莫夫的未来世界:医学艾萨克·阿西莫夫于1991年撰写了这篇文章,文章中的许多预言已经成为现实。






































·文献检索的意义:1. 文献检索是科研工作的重要组成部分;2. 文献检索可缩短科研的过程;3. 文献检索可以减少重复性劳动、少走弯路。


★文献检索的方法:1. 常用法:顺查(由远到近)、倒查(由近到远);2. 追溯法;由点到面,以参考文献为基础3. 综合法:复合交替法、间隔交替法;4. 抽查法。




An Investigation of the Pathology and Pathogens Associated with Porcine Respiratory DiseaseComplex in DenmarkM.S.Hansen *,†,S.E.Pors *,H.E.Jensen *,V .Bille-Hansen †,M.Bisgaard *,E.M.Flachs ‡and O.L.Nielsen **Department of Veterinary Disease Biology,Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE),University of Copenhagen,Ridebanevej 3,DK-1870Frederiksberg C,†Department of Veterinary Diagnostics and Research,The National Veterinary Institute,Technical University of Denmark (DTU),Bu ¨lowsvej 27,DK-1790Copenhagen V and ‡National Institute of PublicHealth,University of Southern Denmark,Oster Farimagsgade 5A,DK-1399Copenhagen K,DenmarkSummaryRespiratory infections are among the most important diseases of growing pigs.In order to elucidate the multifactorial aetiology of porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC)in Denmark,lungs from 148finishing pigs with cranioventral bronchopneumonia (case group)and 60pigs without lung lesions (control group)were collected from abattoirs.The pathogens involved in PRDC and their interactions were identified and linked to the histopathological diagnosis.The lung samples were cultured for bacteria and tested by multiplex polymer-ase chain reaction for presence of swine influenza virus (type A),porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (both European and US type),porcine circovirus type 2(PCV2),porcine respiratory corona-virus,porcine cytomegalovirus,Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Mycoplasma hyorhinis .All cases had cranioventral lobular bronchopneumonia consistent with PRDC.There was a broad range of microscopical lesions and the cases were characterized as acute (n ¼10),subacute (n ¼24)or chronic (n ¼114)bronchopneumonia.Five bacterial species,five viruses and two Mycoplasma spp.were detected in different combinations.PCV2,M.hyopneumoniae ,M.hyorhinis and Pasteurella multocida were detected most frequently among the PRDC affected swine and the diversity and number of pathogens were higher in these animals compared with controls.No clear-cut associations were detected between pathogens and histological lesions or histopathological diagnoses.PRDC occurs more frequently than enzootic pneumonia among Danish finishing pigs and has complex and varied histopathology.Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:bronchopneumonia;histopathology;pig;porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC)IntroductionRespiratory infections constitute some of the most im-portant diseases of growing pigs and result in substan-tial economic losses and reduced welfare (Sørensen et al.,2006).Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC)is a multifactorial disease of finishing pigs from 14to 22weeks of age (Thacker,2001;Kim et al.,2003).Morbidity ranges from 10%to 40%and mortality from 2%to 20%(Harding and Hal-bur,2002;Harms et al.,2002).Lesions are primarily located in the cranioventral parts of the lung,where consolidation,discoloration and failure of the lung tis-sue to collapse may be observed (Harms et al.,2002).Histopathology may vary according to the pathogens involved,but bronchopneumonia,sometimes in com-bination with interstitial pneumonia,is often reported (Harms et al.,2002;Kim et al.,2003).In the USA,the most commonly isolated pathogens are porcine repro-ductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV),swine influenza virus (SIV),porcine circovirus type 2(PCV2),Pasteurella multocida and MycoplasmaCorrespondence to:M.S.Hansen (e-mail:mesi@win.dtu.dk ).0021-9975/$-see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved .doi:10.1016/j.jcpa.2010.01.012p.Path.2010,Vol.143,120e 131Available online at /locate/jcpahyopneumoniae.Other important pathogens associated with PRDC are Streptococcus suis,Actinobacillus pleuro-pneumoniae and[Haemophilus]parasuis(Thacker, 2001;Harms et al.,2002;Choi et al.,2003).A study from1999showed that25%of Danishfinishing pigs had cranioventral bronchopneumonia(CBP)at slaughter(Christensen and Enoe,1999).Concurrent abattoir surveys in Switzerland and Belgium showed a similar prevalence(Grest et al.,1997;Maes et al., 2001),whereas earlier surveys revealed a higher prev-alence,from37%in Canada(Osborne et al.,1981), 45%in Australia(Davies et al.,1992)to78%in an-other Canadian study(Wilson et al.,1986).Abattoir surveys of porcine bronchopneumonia usually focus on the gross pathology and/or the microbiology, whereas the histopathology and microbiology are sel-dom linked.A survey of the pathogens involved in CBP in Danish pigs has not been performed for de-cades and since new respiratory viruses(i.e.PCV2, porcine respiratory coronavirus[PRCV],PRRSV and new strains of SIV)have been identified in recent years,a survey of respiratory pathogens in this species has become relevant.The aims of the present study were to elucidate the complexity of pathogens involved in PRDC and their interactions infinishing pigs,and to associate these findings with the histopathological diagnosis,in order to broaden the understanding of the pathogenesis of porcine pneumonia.Materials and MethodsAnimalsDuring spring2006and winter2007,lungs,including tracheobronchial lymph nodes,from148finishing pigs with CBP(cases)and60pigs without gross lung lesions(controls)were collected from two Danish abattoirs in Zealand and Jutland.Cases of CBP were defined as those with lesions affecting a minimum of three cranioventral lung lobes(i.e.the apical,cardiac and intermediate lobes;Sørensen et al.,2006).The gross lesions were of acute and chronic inflammation and included consolidation,swelling,hyperaemia, failure to collapse and/orfibrosis.The samples were cooled and processed(see below)within5h of sam-pling.Tracheobronchial lymph nodes were not ob-tained from two animals with CBP andfive control animals.Gross PathologyLungs and tracheobronchial lymph nodes were eval-uated macroscopically and the morphological pat-tern,type of exudate and estimated duration of the pulmonary lesions were recorded.A preliminary diagnosis was made based on these observations. The bronchopneumonia was of the lobular type as evidenced by sharp(lobular)delineation between lesional and non-lesional tissue.Acute lesions were oedematous,hyperaemic and swollen.Subacute lesions were those in which swelling and hyperaemia were no longer present,but in these cases there may still have been mild oedema and often marked exuda-tion into the bronchi.Chronic lesions were character-ized by atelectic,fibrotic and grey-red lung tissue with dilation of exudate-filled bronchi.Lymph nodes were scored according to their size as normal(0),moderate enlargement(1)or marked enlargement(2). HistopathologyTissue samples were taken from lung lesions(cases), lung tissue of normal appearance from the dorsal sur-face of the right diaphragmatic lobe(all controls)and from the right apical lobe(20controls).The samples werefixed in10%neutral buffered formalin for24h, embedded in paraffin wax,sectioned(3e5m m)and stained with haematoxylin and eosin(HE).Tissue sections for immunohistochemistry(IHC)were mounted on SuperFrostÒPlus slides(Mensel-gla ser, Braunschweig,Germany).Selected sections were stained by Masson’s trichrome and phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin to detectfibrin and collagen. IHC for cytokeratin(Soerensen et al.,2005)was ap-plied to confirm the presence of epithelial hyperplasia, hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes and atelectasis. Sections were examined systematically by evalua-tion of the following structures in each section:bron-chi,bronchioles and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue(BALT);alveolar ducts and alveoli,including alveolar septa;peribronchial,peribronchiolar and in-terlobular connective tissues;and pleura.BALT hy-perplasia was graded as follows(Ross,1999):(0) absent;(+)mild diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes in the peribronchial,peribronchiolar and perivascu-lar tissues including the lamina propria of the airways; (++)moderate increased diffuse infiltration of lym-phocytes and/or presence of a few lymphoid nodules; (+++)marked number of lymphoid nodules;or (++++)extensive number of lymphoid nodules af-fecting most of the lung section(Fig.1a e d).Alveolar exudates were classified according to Bochsler and Slauson(2002)as suppurative(neutrophils domi-nated),non-suppurative(mononuclear inflammatory cells dominated)or mixed(intermediate grades be-tween suppurative and non-suppurative;Fig.1e e g). Hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes was present when these cells lined more than3%of the alveolar surface area(Plopper and Adams,2006)(Fig.1h). Crowding of type II pneumocytes in close proximityPorcine Respiratory Disease Complex121Fig.1.Porcine lung tissue with different histological lesions found in cases of CBP.(a)Mild BALT hyperplasia (+)showing diffuseinfiltration of lymphocytes (arrows)into the peribronchial,peribronchiolar and perivascular tissues including the lamina propria of the airways.B,bronchiole;V,blood vessel.HE.Bar,250m m.(b)Moderate BALT hyperplasia (++)showing greater diffuse in-filtration of lymphocytes and/or the presence of a few lymphoid nodules (N).B,bronchiole.HE.Bar,250m m.(c)Marked BALT hyperplasia (+++)showing a considerable number of lymphoid nodules (N).B,bronchiole.HE.Bar,250m m.(d)Extensive BALT hyperplasia (++++)showing an extensive number of lymphoid nodules (N)affecting most of the lung section.A com-pressed bronchiole (B)can be seen.HE.Bar,250m m.(e)Suppurative alveolar exudates showing a cellular infiltrate dominated by neutrophils in acute suppurative bronchopneumonia (ASBP).HE.Bar,25m m.(f)Non-suppurative exudates showing a cellular infiltrate dominated by mononuclear inflammatory cells in chronic non-suppurative bronchopneumonia (CNBP).HE.Bar,25m m.122M.S.Hansen et al .to the interlobular connective tissue was not consid-ered a significant lesion.Acute lesions were defined as those with neutrophils as the dominant inflamma-tory cell type,extensive oedema and/orfibrin exuda-tion and absence of chronic signs.Chronic lesions were characterized byfibroplasias,BALT hyperpla-sia(of grade++to++++),hyperplasia of bron-chial or bronchiolar epithelium,presence of bronchiolar polyps and alveolar polyp-like structures with afibrous core,hypertrophy of the smooth muscle layer around bronchioles and alveolar ducts,and cel-lular infiltrates primarily consisting of lymphocytes and plasma cells.Lesions that were not strictly acute or chronic(e.g.cellular infiltration dominated by neutrophils,combined with moderate BALT hyper-plasia as the only chronic lesion)were regarded as subacute.Thus,the extent of acute versus chronic signs determined the duration of the inflammatory re-sponse.The histopathological diagnosis was regarded as the definitive diagnosis.MicrobiologyBacterial Culture.Swabs from lung lesions(cases)and from macroscopically normal lung tissue of the right diaphragmatic lobe(controls)were taken under ster-ile conditions,plated on blood agar plates(blood agar base CM55;Oxoid,Basingstoke,UK;with5%calf blood)and incubated aerobically in a sealed plastic bag at37 C for18e24h.All samples were cross-inoc-ulated with a v-factor producing Acinetobacter calcoaece-ticus.Bacterial isolates were identified using standard methods for phenotypic characterization as previously described(Barrow and Feltham,1993).Growth of P. multocida was evaluated semi-quantitatively according to the number of bacterial colonies on the primary plates:(+)weak growth with1e25colonies,(++) dense growth with25e300colonies or(+++) marked growth with>300colonies.Streptococcus spp. were differentiated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and strains representing different genotypes were identified by sequencing16S rRNA(Chadfield et al., 2004).All v-factor-dependent cultures were also sub-jected to16S rRNA sequencing to obtain afinal iden-tification.Mixed cultures demonstrating less than25 colonies were regarded as contamination. Mycoplasma and Virus Detection by Polymerase Chain Reac-tion.Tissue samples from lung lesions(cases)and macroscopically normal lung tissue(controls)were frozen atÀ20 C and investigated by multiplex poly-merase chain reaction(PCR;PulmotestÒ,Landesla-bor Schleswig-Holstein,Food,Veterinary and Environmental Diagnostic Institute of Schleswig-Holstein,Neumu nster,Germany),according to the method described by Palzer et al.(2007).Pathogens detected by the multiplex PCR were:SIV(influenza A),PRRSV(both European and US type),PCV2, PRCV,porcine cytomegalovirus(PCMV),M.hyop-neumoniae and Mycoplasma hyorhinis.StatisticsData were analyzed statistically by Chi-square test or by Fisher’s exact test when a small sample size necessi-tated this.The analysis of number of pathogens in rela-tion to lesion duration was carried out as a Poisson regression.The degree of association was estimated by Spearman-rho factor.All analyses were done with SAS version9.1(SAS Institute,Inc.,Cary,North Car-olina)with significance of P<0.05.Statistical analysis was not carried out on groups that included less than nine pigs and for this reason the results for PRRSV Eu-ropean and US types were pooled.When looking for as-sociations between pathogens or combination of pathogens and lesion duration,type of exudate or histo-pathological diagnosis,we tested against the remaining cases of CBP,excluding the control animals.ResultsGross PathologyThe gross lesions of all lungs in the case group(n¼148) were consistent with cranioventral,lobular broncho-pneumonia(Fig.2a).Mucopurulent,purulent or seromucous exudates were found in7%(11/148) acute,18%(26/148)subacute and75%(111/148) chronic cases of CBP,respectively.Focal or multifocal fibrotic pleurisy of the diaphragm lobes,without any relation to the pneumonic lesions,was present in 36%(54/148)of these animals.Except for13% (8/60)of the control pigs,which had chronic focal pleurisy,none of the controls had gross lesions.No gross lesions were detected in the lymph nodes in ani-mals from either group.Lymph node scores for the cases of CBP were:score0,3%(4/146);score1,66% (96/146);and score2,32%(46/146)and for the con-trol pigs:score0,62%(34/55);score1,35%(19/55); and score2,4%(2/55).A significant association was present between lymph node enlargement and CBP (P<0.001).When the lymph node scores were compared with the lesion duration(data not shown), no significant association was found(P¼0.16).(g)Mixed exudates showing cellular infiltrate with both neutrophils and mononuclear cells in subacute mixed bronchopneumonia (SMBP).HE.Bar,25m m.(h)Marked hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes.More than50%of the alveolar surface is lined by type II pneumocytes.IHC.Bar,25m m.Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex123Fig.2.Porcine lung tissue with different lesions.(a)Gross appearance of chronic CBP.Inset shows lung tissue with a bronchial pattern ofpulmonary consolidation.(b)Suppurative bronchiolitis and concurrent epithelial hyperplasia (E).HE.Bar,25m m.(c)Oedem-atous flooding of alveoli.HE.Bar,50m m.(d)Thickening of alveolar septa by collagenous (blue)tissue.Masson’s trichrome.Bar,50m m.(e)Alveolar polyp-like structures,P1with a fibrinous core and P2with cellular infiltrate.Both are covered by type I and type II pneumocytes as shown by immunohistochemical labelling for cytokeratin expression.Bar,25m m.(f)Alveolar polyp-like structure (P)with a collagenous core (blue).Masson’s trichrome.Bar,15m m.(g)Focal necrotic encapsulated tissue with central mineralization (M).HE.Bar,100m m.(h)Mild thickening of alveolar septa from a pig in the control group.HE.Bar,50m m.124M.S.Hansen et al .HistopathologyBased on the histopathological examination,the lungs in the case group(n¼148)were divided into acute (7%,10/148),subacute(16%,24/148)or chronic (77%,114/148)cases of bronchopneumonia(BP). The histopathological diagnosis(definitive diagnosis) for all of the acute cases(n¼10)was suppurative BP (ASBP).The subacute cases(n¼24)were subdivided into suppurative BP(SSBP)(67%,16/24),mixed BP (SMBP)(25%,6/24)or non-suppurative BP(SNBP) (8%,2/24),and the chronic cases(n¼114)were sub-divided into suppurative BP(CSBP)(46%,52/114), mixed BP(CMBP)(32%,37/114)or non-suppura-tive BP(CNBP)(22%,25/114).The main histopath-ologicalfindings are summarized in Table1. Microscopical lesions were found in the alveoli of all lungs with CBP.The majority also had lesions af-fecting bronchioles and/or alveolar ducts,often to-gether with lesions in the interlobular connective tissue.Bronchitis and bronchiolitis were mainly sup-purative,with concurrent epithelial hyperplasia in the subacute and chronic cases(Fig.2b).In cases of bronchiolitis,destruction of the epithelial lining in the bronchioles was observed in17%(1/6),50% (4/8)and37%(11/30)of the acute,subacute and chronic cases of CBP,respectively.The mainfinding in the alveoli was infiltration of inflammatory cells (neutrophils,lymphocytes and plasma cells),reflect-ing the duration of the inflammatory response, whereas macrophages were identified at all stages. Oedematousflooding was a commonfinding in the al-veoli in acute,subacute and chronic cases of CBP, with the degree of oedema being more pronounced in acute stages(Fig.2c).Varying degrees of thicken-ing of the alveolar septa,mainly by collagenous tissue, were seen in25%(37/148),of cases of CBP(Fig.2d). Alveolar polyp-like structures were seen in acute, subacute and chronic bronchopneumonia,whereas bronchiolar polyps only occurred in subacute and chronic lesions.Alveolar polyp-like structures with afibrinous core could be observed in both acute and chronic cases,whereas polyps consisting of collagen were not present in acute cases(Fig.2e,f).The major findings in the interlobular connective tissues were oedema,diffuse lymphocyte infiltration and/orfibro-plasia.Otherfindings included hypertrophy of the muscles around bronchioles and alveolar ducts and hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes.Occasionalfind-ings were vasculitis,thrombosis and areas of necrosis with or without mineralization(Fig.2g).Not all combinations of these lesions were seen in the lung sections.The lungs from three animals,diag-nosed as acute(n¼1)or subacute(n¼2)according to gross pathology,were definitely diagnosed as chronic on the basis of histopathology.Microscopical lungTable1Histopathologicalfindings in the lungs from control animals and cases of CBPControl CBP*(n¼60)Acute(n¼10)Subacute(n¼24)Chronic(n¼114)n%n%n%n% Bronchitis123303121412 Bronchiolitis126608333026 Bronchiolar polyps0e0e282118 BALT hyperplasia†04168440281412+15256604172623++470e16675246+++0e0e0e1211++++0e0e28109 Alveolar oedema1288018756759 Fibrin exudation into alveoli0e550729109 Type II pneumocyte hyperplasia353307294035 Thickening of alveolar septa16271108332825 Alveolar polyp-like structures0e2209383026 Smooth-muscle hyperplasia231103133127 Interstitial oedema2377010423430 Interstitialfibroplasia231105213430 Necrotic foci0e0e1487*Cases of CBP were grouped as acute,subacute or chronic based on histological evaluation.†Hyperplasia of the BALT was scored as absent(0),mild(+),moderate(++),marked(+++)or extensive(++++).Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex125lesions were seen in50%(30/60)of the control animals and no difference was observed between the samples from the diaphragmatic and the cranioventral lobes. Thefindings in these animals mainly included focal or multifocal thickening of alveolar septa(Fig.2h) and/or mild BALT hyperplasia(Table1). MicrobiologyA total of12potential pathogens(five bacterial spe-cies,five viruses and two Mycoplasma spp.)were de-tected and these are listed in Table2.In general, the frequencies of the pathogens were higher in the case group compared with controls,except for PCMV,which was more frequent in the controls (though not significant).PRCV was not detected in any of the pigs.Staphylococcus aureus,[H.]parasuis,A.pleuropneumoniae and SIV-A were only detected in one tofive animals.S.aureus,[H.]parasuis,A.pleuro-pneumoniae,PRRSV European and US type were only found in the cases of CBP.When comparing cases and controls according to pathogens(Table 2),all grades of P.multocida(P<0.001e P¼0.004), M.hyopneumoniae(P<0.001)and M.hyorhinis (P<0.001)were found more frequently in the cases of CBP.Furthermore,thefinding of mixed cultures and sterile samples was more frequent in the control group than in the case group(P<0.001).Significant associations were observed between eight pairs of pathogens among the diseased animals and between two pathogens in the control group(Table3).A total of63different combinations of pathogens were present,many of which were only found in a sin-gle animal(n¼34;data not shown).Among the casesTable2Bacterial culture and multiplex PCR for viruses and MycoplasmaPigs with CBP(n¼148)Control animals(n¼60)P value*Acute Subacute ChronicASBP (n¼10)SSBP(n¼16)SMBP(n¼6)SNBP(n¼2)CSBP(n¼52)CMBP(n¼37)CNBP(n¼25)n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n%Bacterial cultureP.multocida†+0e2131170e484116‡240e0.004 ++2205‡313‡5015051025312120.004 +++77085011715031601849104012<0.001 S.suis0x e4252330e713822624610NS S.aureus0e0e0e1500e0e0e0e NS [H.]parasuis0e0e0e0e2425140e NS A.pleuropneumoniae0e0e0e0e120e0e0e NS Mixed culture2200e0e0e0e4110e2745<0.001 Sterile0e0e0e0e510384162542<0.001 Multiplex PCRPCV21010014886100210050963710024965693NS PRRSVEU type1103190e0e2413140e NS US type0e0e0e0e120e0e0e NS PCMV3303191170e15297196242643NS SIV-A0e0e0e0e0e251412NS M.hyopneumoniae10100159461001505198359524962137<0.001 M.hyorhinis9901381610021004179308117682235<0.001Numbers and percentage of positive animals are listed for the148pigs with CBP in relation to diagnosis.ASBP,acute suppurative bronchopneumonia(BP);SSBP,subacute suppurative BP;SMBP,subacute mixed BP;SNBP,subacute non-suppurative BP;CSBP,chronic suppurative BP;CNBP,chronic non-suppurative BP;CMBP,chronic mixed BP.PRRSV(EU type,European type;US type, North American type);SIV-A,swine influenza virus type A;NS,not significant;PCV2,porcine circovirus type2;PCMV,porcine cytomegalo-virus.*P values for differences between cases and controls were calculated by either the Chi-square or Fischer’s exact test as appropriate.†Growth of P.multocida was graded as weak growth(+),dense growth(++)or marked growth(+++).‡The frequency of each pathogen detected in the diagnosis group was tested against the remaining cases of CBP by the Chi-square or Fischer’s exact test.Significant associations are marked by‘‡’.126M.S.Hansen et al.of CBP and the control animals there were51and23 different combinations of pathogens,respectively. The10most frequent combinations are presented in Table4.Some combinations were seen in either dis-eased or healthy animals.The three most frequent combinations,only isolated from cases of CBP,were combinations1,6and10(Table4).Likewise,the two most frequent combinations,only seen among the control animals,were mixed culture and PCV2, and PCV2as a solitary pathogen.Associations between Microbiological and Histopathological FindingsWhen testing associations of selected histological le-sions(bronchiolar polyps,BALT hyperplasia,fibrin exudation into alveoli,hyperplasia of type II pneu-mocytes,thickening of alveolar septa,alveolar polyp-like structures,necrotic foci)within the case group,and subsequently within lesion duration groups,to pathogens,significant results were ob-tained for the following:in chronic cases with bron-chiolar polyps,P.multocida(+++)was isolated more frequently(P¼0.016);BALT hyperplasia (grade++to++++)was associated with PCMV in chronic cases(P<0.001);fibrin exudation into alveoli was associated with the isolation of P.mul-tocida(++)(P¼0.018);thickening of alveolar septa was never seen when P.multocida(+)was isolated (P¼0.013).Furthermore,in78%(7/9)of cases with necrotic foci,P.multocida(+++)was present, although with an association of only borderline signif-icance(P¼0.062).No association between histologi-cal lesions and pathogens was found in the control group.Table2presents the frequencies of single patho-gens,divided according to the diagnosis groups. P.multocida was,as the only pathogen,isolated more frequently from the following groups:P.multocida (++)and SSBP(P¼0.054);P.multocida(++) and SMBP(P¼0.037);and P.multocida(+)and CNBP(P¼0.043).S.suis was not isolated from any case of ASBP(P¼0.021).Significant associations were not seen when comparing single pathogens and type of exudate(suppurative,mixed and non-suppu-rative)or lesion duration(acute,subacute and chronic).In Fig.3the number of pathogens detected in each pig is listed for the lesion duration groups and the con-trol group.At least one pathogen was detected in all lung samples(cases and controls).Detection of a singleTable3Significant associations between pairs of pathogens Associated pathogens P value*Spearman-rho factor Animals with CBP(n¼148)PCV2and P.multocida(+)†0.0170.067 PCV2and S.suis0.0210.088 PCV2and M.hyopneumoniae0.012À0.038 PCV2and PRRSV0.0130.048 PCV2and PCMV0.0250.104P.multocida(++)and M.hyorhinis0.0500.157S.suis and M.hyopneumoniae0.0220.097 PRRSV and M.hyopneumoniae0.0140.052 Control animals(n¼60)PCV2and S.suis0.0320.105*P values were tested by the Fischer’s exact test and the degree of association was calculated by the Spearman-rho factor-test.†Weak growth of P.multocida on the plate(+).Table4The10most frequent combinations of pathogensamong cases of CBP and control animalsCombination number12345678910 Mixed cultureÂP.multocida+ÂP.multocida++ÂP.multocida+++ÂÂÂS.suisÂPCMVÂÂÂPCV2ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂM.hyopneumoniaeÂÂÂÂÂÂÂM.hyorhinisÂÂÂÂÂÂFrequency of combination(n¼)*CBPAcute3e3†1e1e e e e Subacute4133e e e e e1 Chronic3398618e e34 Controls e4118e972eGrowth of P.multocida defined as weak(+),dense(++)or marked (+++).*Number of animals with a given combination of pathogens.†Significantassociation.Fig.3.The frequency of pathogen count detected in controlanimals(n¼60)and in animals with CBP of acute(n¼10),subacute(n¼24)or chronic(n¼114)type. Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex127pathogen(PCV2)occurred in seven animals,all from the control group.The majority of pigs in the control group had a significantly lower number of pathogens, while cases of CBP had increased counts(P<0.001). Between lesion duration groups there was a tendency to a lower count in the chronic cases compared with acute and subacute cases;however,this difference was not significant.When comparing the10most frequent combina-tions of pathogens and lesion duration groups(Table 4)the only significant association was combination number3,which was seen more frequently in the acute cases(30%,3/10)(P¼0.044)than in the sub-acute(13%,3/24)and chronic cases(7%,8/114). There were no significant associations when compar-ing these combinations of pathogens with types of ex-udate or histopathological diagnosis(data not shown).DiscussionPneumonia can be classified as embolic,broncho-pneumonia and interstitial or bronchointerstitial (Caswell and Williams,2007)based on the morpho-logical pattern observed in experimental studies and/or infections with single pathogens.The present study of naturally occurring pneumonia recorded a range of pneumonic lesions,but the predominant pattern was bronchopneumonia associated with thickening of the alveolar septa.In some animals chronic lesions were accompanied by acute lesions, which may represent the healing of acute pneumonic lesions or the presence of two different disease inci-dents.These cases of bronchopneumonia were also characterized microscopically according to the esti-mated duration of the disease process(i.e.as acute, subacute or chronic).Few previous studies have fo-cused on the histopathologicalfindings in porcine lungs with naturally occurring PRDC(Harms et al., 2002),whereas many studies describe naturally oc-curring gross lesions or the histopathology of experi-mental coinfections.The pigs examined by Harms et al.(2002)had clinical signs of respiratory disease and therefore the lesions observed in that study were more severe than in the pigs of the present investigation.The results of the present study show that the histo-pathology of PRDC is complex,as nearly all pulmo-nary reaction patterns can co-exist.Thickened alveolar septa were observed in pigs from both control and case groups,indicating that thisfinding is not en-tirely related to bronchopneumonia.This lesion may therefore be regarded as a pulmonary response to en-vironmental factors associated with swine production (e.g.dust and ammonia).Furthermore,thickening of alveolar septa was not associated with the presence of specific pathogens.Type II pneumocyte hyperplasia occurred more frequently in pigs with CBP compared with controls;however,the lesion did not appear to be associated with the duration of disease,since it was present in all diagnosis groups.In addition to the bronchiolar polyps in the pigs with pneumonic le-sions,there were also structures that resembled alveo-lar polyps,(i.e.they protruded from the epithelial surface in the alveoli and were covered by epithe-lium).Three different forms of alveolar polyp-like structures were identified(fibrinous,cell-infiltratedfi-brinous and collagenous)and these probably repre-sented different stages of the same initial lesion. Alveolar polyp-like structures have not been described previously in pigs and their significance is undetermined.Most authors define PRDC as a multifactorial re-spiratory disease involving several pathogens(Harms et al.,2002;Kim et al.,2003;Opriessnig et al.,2007; Fachinger et al.,2008),whereas Thacker(2006)spec-ifies PRDC as enzootic pneumonia(i.e.infection with Mycoplasma spp.and opportunistic bacteria)aggra-vated by respiratory viruses.Except for14animals, Mycoplasma spp.,bacteria and respiratory viruses were identified in all cases of CBP in the present study. This pathogen profile,combined with the pathologi-calfindings,is in accordance with the diagnosis of PRDC,although it is not possible to determine the or-der of infection.Based on the pathogen combination,‘classical’enzootic pneumonia was only present infive animals with CBP,which indicates that PRDC is more prevalent in Danishfinishing pigs compared with enzootic pneumonia.This probably corresponds to thefindings in other countries,where a mixture of Mycoplasma spp.,bacteria and viruses are identified in the majority of porcine pneumonias(Harms et al., 2002;Kim et al.,2003;Palzer et al.,2007).Twelve different pathogens were obtained from the lungs and the spectrum of pathogens correlated with observations made in other countries(Chiou et al., 2004;Palzer et al.,2008).The following potential pathogens(Thacker,2001;Liljegren et al.,2003) were only present in the case group:S.aureus,[H.]par-asuis,A.pleuropneumonia and PRRSV(European and US type).Therefore,these agents might represent more aggressive pathogens in cases of PRDC,al-though the difference in frequency between cases and controls was not significant.The diversity and number of pathogens were higher among the diseased animals compared with the control group,supporting the definition of PRDC as a multifactorial disease (Harms et al.,2002),which should be considered when diagnosing and treating cases of PRDC and in prophylactic strategies.The observed tendency128M.S.Hansen et al.。



































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6.He read many professional books, which laid a _s_o_li_d_ (坚实的) foundation for his career.
7.My main reason for _s_u_b_s_c_ri_b_i_n_g_ (订阅) to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.
8.Taking adventures to admire nature's r_a_w_ (未经处理的) beauty has always been part of human desire.
9.Children have so far been largely spared from the most _s_e_v_er_e_ (十分严重的) symptoms of the disease.
10.Such a development represents a gradual _s_h_i_ft_ (转换) from the old view of many that face masks were only needed by medical staff and the sick.
Ⅱ.词汇派生 1.The baby had an ear __in_f_e_c_ti_o_n_ (infect). 2.I have times when I feel _f_r_u_s_tr_a_te_d__ (frustrate) and wish I could get away. 3.Fedora, leader of the study, is also excited about these new _f_in_d_i_n_g_s_ (find). 4.I have to say in her __d_e_fe_n_s_e_/d_e_f_e_n_c_e_ (defend) that she knew nothing about it beforehand. 5.The __th_i_n_k_e_r,__who developed stronger critical _t_h_in_k_i_n_g_ skills, refused to accept the idea without a second _t_h_o_u_g_h_t .(think)

SCI 知识(阿牛upload)

SCI 知识(阿牛upload)

SCI知识SCI是美国《科学引文索引》的英文简称,其全称为:Sci ence Citation Index,,创刊于1961年,它是根据现代情报学家加菲尔德(Engene Garfield) 19 5 3年提出的引文思想而创立的。


SCI是由ISI(Institute for Sci entific Information Inc.)美国科学情报所出版。


ISI除了出版SCI外,还有联机型数据库SCI SEARCH。

ISTP (Index to Sci entific &Technical Proceeding)也由其出版。



SCI选择期刊比较科学,它运用引文数据分析和同行评估相结合的方法,充分考虑了期刊的学术价值,在选用的 3 400余种期刊里包含了国际上较为重要的期刊。









sci 引用原句

sci 引用原句

sci 引用原句标题:科学家发现地球上最古老的化石1. 标题:科学家在澳大利亚发现了一种距今约38亿年的古老微生物的化石引用句:The scientists have discovered fossilized microorganisms in Australia that date back approximately 3.8 billion years.2. 标题:科学家在南非发现了一种距今约37亿年的古老微生物的化石引用句:Researchers have found fossilized microorganisms in South Africa that date back approximately 3.7 billion years.3. 标题:地质学家在加拿大发现了一种距今约34亿年的古老藻类化石引用句:Geologists have discovered fossilized algae in Canada that date back approximately 3.4 billion years.4. 标题:古生物学家在中国发现了一种距今约32亿年的古老生物的化石引用句:Paleontologists have found fossilized organisms in China that date back approximately 3.2 billion years.5. 标题:科学家在格陵兰岛发现了一种距今约31亿年的古老微生物的化石引用句:Scientists have discovered fossilized microorganisms on Greenland that date back approximately 3.1 billion years.6. 标题:地质学家在阿拉伯联合酋长国发现了一种距今约29亿年的古老藻类化石引用句:Geologists have discovered fossilized algae in the United Arab Emirates that date back approximately 2.9 billion years.7. 标题:古生物学家在印度发现了一种距今约27亿年的古老生物的化石引用句:Paleontologists have found fossilized organisms in India that date back approximately 2.7 billion years.8. 标题:科学家在俄罗斯发现了一种距今约26亿年的古老微生物的化石引用句:Scientists have discovered fossilized microorganisms in Russia that date back approximately 2.6 billion years.9. 标题:地质学家在美国发现了一种距今约24亿年的古老藻类化石引用句:Geologists have discovered fossilized algae in the United States that date back approximately 2.4 billion years.10. 标题:古生物学家在澳大利亚发现了一种距今约22亿年的古老生物的化石引用句:Paleontologists have found fossilized organisms in Australia that date back approximately 2.2 billion years.。



6月英语六级深度阅读第原文2012年6月英语六级深度阅读第二篇原文For most of the 20th century, Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern, innovatingWest. Now the question must be reversed. What can the West's overly indebted andsluggish(经济滞涨的) nationslearn from a flourishing Asia?Just a few decades ago, Asia's two giants were stagnating(停滞不前) under faulty economicideologies. However, once China began embracing free—market reforms in the 1980s, followedby India in the 1990s, both countries achieved rapid growth. Crucially, as they opened up theirmarkets, they balanced market economy with sensible government direction. As the Indianeconomist Amartya Sen has wisely said, "The invisible hand of the market has often reliedheavily on the visible hand of government.”Contrast this middle path with America and Europe, which have each gone ideologically over—board in their own ways. Since the 1980s, America has been increasingly clinging to theideology of uncontrolled free markets and dismissing the role of government—followingRonald Regan's idea that "government is not the solution to our problem; government is theproblem. "of course, when the markets came crashing down in 2007, it was decisivegovernment intervention that saved the day. Despite this fact, many Americans are stillstrongly opposed to "big government."If Americans could only free themselves from their antigovernment doctrine, they would beginto see that the U.S.'s problems are not insoluble. A few sensible federal measures could putthe country back on the right path. A simple consumption tax of, say, 5 percent would make asignificant dent in the country's huge government deficit without damaging productivity. Asmall gasoline tax would help wean America from its dependence on oil imports and createincentives forgreen energy development. In the same way, a significant reduction of wastefulagricultural subsidies and other earmarks could also lower the deficit. But in order to capitalizeon these common—sense solutions, Americans will have to put aside their own attachment tothe rhetoric of smaller government and less regulation. American politicians will have todevelop the courage to follow what is taught in all American public—policy schools: that thereare good taxes and bad taxes. Asian countries have embraced this wisdom, and have builtsound long—term fiscal policies as a result.Meanwhile, Europe has fallen prey to a differentideological trap: the belief that European governments would always have infinite resourcesand could continue borrowing as if there were no tomorrow. Unlike the Americans, who felt thatthe markets knew best, the Europeans failed to anticipate how the markets would react totheir incessant borrowing. Today, the EU is in firefighting mode to stave off sovereigncollapse. In concert with the IMF, it has created a $580 billion fund to bail out Europe'stroubled economies. This will buy the EU time, but it will not solve the bloc's larger problem.57. What has contributed to the rapid economic growth in China and India?A) Copying western—style economic behaviorB) Heavy reliance on the hand of governmentC) Timely reform of government at all levelsD) Free market plus government intervention58. What does Ronald Reagan mean by saying "government is the problem" (line4,para.3)A) many social evils are caused by wrong government policiesB)many social problems arise from government's inefficiency.C)government action is key to solving economic problemsD)government regulation hinders economic development59. What stopped the American economy from collapsing in 2007?A) self—regulatory repair mechanisms of the free marketB) Cooperation between the government and businessesC) Abandonment of big government by the publicD) Effective measures adopted by the government60. What is the author's suggestion to the American public in face of the public governmentdeficit?A) They urge the government to revise its existing public policiesB) They develop green energy to avoid dependence on oil importC) They give up the idea of smaller government and less regulationD) They put up with the inevitable sharp increase of different taxes61. What's the problem with the European Union?A) Conservative ideologyB) Shrinking marketC) Lack of resourcesD)Excessive borrowing。

Superradiance and Instability of Black Holes

Superradiance and Instability of Black Holes

a rXiv:0711.4184v2[he p-th]18D ec27KEK-Cosmo-1Superradiance and Instability of Black Holes Hideo Kodama ∗)Cosmophysics Group,IPNS,KEK and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies,1-1Oho,Tsukuba 305-0801,Japan Abstract We discuss the relation between the superradiance phenomenon and the insta-bility of rotating black holes in higher dimensions.In particular,we point out that the superradiant instability of a massless scalar field around a simply rotating Kerr-adS black hole implies the gravitational instability of that black hole for tensor-type perturbations.§1.IntroductionThe stability of black holes has a crucial importance when we study their formation and fate in Nature.It also has an intimate relation with the cosmic censorship hypothesis.For these reasons,this problem has been studied for a long time,and uniqueness and perturbative stability were established for most asymptoticallyflat black holes in the four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell system except for the Kerr-Newman black hole.1),2)When we go beyond this classical system,we encounter various new situations.One such extension is to consider systems containing other types of matter.Very interesting examples are the Einstein-Skyrme system and the Einstein-Yang-Mills system.These systems have three families of static asymptoticallyflat spherically symmetric solutions;a soliton family, a hairy black hole family and the vacuum one.These all families of solutions ware shown to be stable numerically for the Einstein-Skyrme system while for the EYM system,the colored black holes and the soliton solutions were shown to be unstable(see Ref.3)for review). Hence,in the latter case,the uniqueness theorem holds practically.Another extension motivated by recent progresses in unified theories is to consider higher-dimensional black holes.In the static AF Einstein-Maxwell system,the uniqueness theorem still holds in higher dimensions.Further,in the vacuum case,the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini solution was shown to be stable4)by using the extension of the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations to higher dimensions,5)although the stability of the charged static black hole was proved only for D=5analytically6)and for6≤D≤11numerically.7)If we consider non-asymptoticallyflat systems,however,the situation changes.The most notorious is the Gregory-Laflamme instability of black string and branes.8)–10)A Gregory-Laflamme type instability is also predicted to occur around the rotation axis of rapidly rotating Myers-Perry black holes11)(cf.Ref.12))Non-vanishing cosmological constant also introduces subtleties.In four dimensions(D= 4),static adS/dS black holes and their charged extensions can be shown to be perturbatively stable.4),6)The perturbative stability can be also proved for static dS black holes in D=5 and6analytically4)and7≤D≤11numerically7)for the neutral case and in D=5 analytically6)and6≤D≤11numerically7)for the charged case.This suggests that the introduction of a positive cosmological constant does not affect the stability property of a black hole.In contrast,the stability property of adS black holes is not certain in D≥5, except for topological black holes with zero or negative mass13)Finally,we encounter surprising new and rich phenomena when we study rotating black holes in higher dimensions.In particular,the discoveries of various black ring solutions14)has revealed the fact that rotating black holes are far from unique infive dimensions and possiblyin other higher dimensions.This fact should,however,be taken with care because only stable solutions will be realised in Nature,at least asfinal states.In fact,many people seem to suspect that black ring solutions would suffer from a Gregory-Laflamme type instability.Unfortunately,however,no exact analysis of perturbative stability has been done for most rotating black objects in higher dimensions so far.One exception is the Kerr-adS black hole.In four andfive dimensions,this black hole were conjectured to be stable for slow rotation|a|ℓ<r2h and unstable for rapid rotation violating this condition,15)where a is the angular momentum parameter,r h is the horizon radius andℓis the curvature radius of the asymptotic adS spacetime.In four dimensions,this conjecture was proved to hold numerical in some limiting cases by Cardoso,Dias and Yoshida.16),17)This instability is understood to be caused by superradiance.As is well-known,the superradiance is the phenomenon that the amplitude of a bosonicfield wave incidental to a Kerr black hole is amplified after reflection for some range of frequencies.18)Press and Teukolsky19)pointed out that this superradiance provokes an instability if a Kerr black hole is surrounded by a reflective mirror wall.20),21)Later on,it was suggested that this superradiance instability would occur even without such a wall if we consider a massive scalarfield,because the barrier of its effective potential plays the role of the mirror,22) although the growth rate of this instability is too small to be effective in the real world except for the black hole of the Planck mass scale.23)–26)This mechanics was used to explain the instability of afive-dimensional spinning black string solution27),28)and to predict the instability of large doubly rotating black rings.29)The most peculiar feature of asymptotically adS spacetimes is its global non-hyperbolicity. This is caused by the fact that the spatial infinity is causally at afinite distance and forms a time-like boundary.Due to this feature,a scalarfield around a rotating black hole in an adS spacetime may suffer from a superradiance instability even thefield is massless.This is the instability pointed as by Hawking and Reall.In this paper,we show that we can utilise this argument on the superradiance instability of a massless scalarfield to study the gravitational stability of Kerr-adS black holes.§2.Superradiance of Asymptotically Flat Black HolesWefirst outline the derivation of the superradiance condition for asymptoticallyflat rotating black holes in a form that does not depend on spacetime dimension or horizon topology.Fig.1.Global structure of DOC of an asymptoticallyflat black hole2.1.Symmetry and Asymptotic Structure of SpacetimeFor an asymptoticallyflat black hole spacetime,the DOC M is simply connected and globally hyperbolic,and its boundary consists of four components corresponding to the future and past infinities and the future and past horizons:30)–32)∂M=H+∪H−∪I+∪I−(see Fig.1).In the present paper,we only consider a stationary rotating black hole with analytic metric.Then,from the rigidity theorem,33)there exist commuting rotational Killing vectors ηi(i=1,···,N)with N≥1in addition to the time translation Killing vectorξ.Let (y p)=(t,ϕi)be coordinates in orbits of(ξp)=(ξ,ηi)such thatξp y q=δq p,and x a be coordinates labeling orbits such thatξp x a=0.Then,the spacetime metric can be writtends2=g pq(x)χpχq+q ab(x)dx a dx b,(2.1) whereχp is a1-form written asχp=dy p+A p a(x)dx a.At infinity,this metric approaches the Minkowski spacetime and has the asymptotic formds2=−f(r)dt2+dr2r D−2 ,(2.2)where D is the spacetime dimension,dΩ2n is the metric of unit Euclidean n-sphere S n,andf(r)is f(r)=1−2M/r D−3.In contrast,the spacetime is largely deformed due to rotation near the horizon.In higherdimensions,the rotation is characterised by the(multi-component)angular velocityΩi h ofthe horizon,which is defined through the expression k=ξ+Ωi hηi for each null geodesicgenerator k of the horizon H+∪H−in terms of the Killing vectors.This angular velocity can be determined from the metric in the following way.First,because k is a null vector,theangular velocity of the horizonΩi h satisfies g tt+2g tiΩi h+g ijΩi hΩjh=0.Since k is the uniquenull direction in the(N+1)-plane spanned byξandηi,this equation must have a singlesolution for(Ωi h)as a vector.Hence,Ωi h can be expressed asΩi h=Ω|i horizon(Ωi:=−g ij g tj), and the horizon location is determined by¯∆:=−g tt+g ij g ti g tj=0.In order to define a regular coordinate system around the horizon,we introduce a new variable˜ϕi that is constant along the null geodesic generators:k˜ϕi=0,ηj˜ϕi=δi j.These conditions determine˜ϕi as˜ϕi=ϕi−Ωi h t,upto a constant independent of t andϕi.By introducing an appropriate function r which is equal to r h on the horizon,we can rewrite the metric near the horizon asΣ2∆ds2=−dr2+q AB(r,z)dz A dz B,(2.3)∆where˜χi=d˜ϕi+A i−Ωi h A t,∆is a function only of r,andΣ2andΓare regular functions around the horizon such that¯∆=Σ2∆/Γand g rr=Σ2/∆.We can show thatΓis equal to a constantΓ0on the horizon from the zeroth-law of black holes because it is related to the∆′(r h).Then,in terms of the coordinates surface gravityκof the black hole by2κ=Γ−1/2(u+,˜ϕ,r,z i)where u+=t+r∗with r∗:= rΓ1/20dr/∆,we can put the metric in a form that is regular around the future horizon.Similarly,if we use u−=t−r∗in place of u+,we obtain a regular coordinate system around the past horizon.2.2.ScalarfieldsLet us consider a massless free scalarfield with charge q that satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation DµDµφ=0with Dµ=∂µ−iqAµ.For any complex solutionsφ1andφ2,the Klein-Gordon product defined byI(φ1,φ2):=−i Σ ¯φ1Dµφ2−(¯Dµ¯φ1)φ2 dΣµ(2.4) is independent of the Cauchy surfaceΣin a global hyperbolic domain of the spacetime. 2.2.1.Asymptotic behavior at infinityFrom the isometry,we can expand the massless scalarfieldφinto eigenmodes with respect toξandηasφ=ˆφ(r,z)e−iωt+im·ϕ,where m·ϕ=m iϕi with m i being a set of integers.The amplitude of each eigenmodeˆφbehaves at infinity asˆφ≈12.2.2.Boundary condition at the horizonNear the future(or past)horizon,the coordinates(u+,˜ϕi,r,z A)are regular.In terms of these coordinates,the eigenmode is writtenφ=ˆφ(r,z)e iω∗r∗e−iω∗u++im·˜ϕ,(2.6)whereω∗=ω−m iΩi h.Here,from the asymptotic behavior of the equation forˆφnear the horizon,ˆφbehaves asˆφ(r,z)≈C(z)e−iω∗r∗+D(z)e+iω∗r∗near the horizon.This becomes purely ingoing at horizon if D=0andˆφ(r,z)≈C(z)e−iω∗r∗.(2.7)2.2.3.SuperradianceLet us consider Cauchy surfacesΣthat extend to spatial infinity and have the common inner boundary at the bifurcating n-manifold H+∩H−.If we take the past limit of such surfaces,they approachesΣ−=H−∪I−.Hence,assuming that there exists no bounded state around the black hole,the KG product in this limit can be simply given by the contribution from I−,I I−=i dv S n dΩn lim r→∞r n(¯φ↔∂vφ)= m dω4πω |Aω,m|2 ,(2.8) where v=t+r∗and |A|2 :=2π S n/S1d n−1z√e−iω(t−r∗)at I+,r n/2(2.9)Ce−iω∗u++im·˜ϕat H+.The contribution from I+to the KG product,I I+,is given by replacing A by B in the above expression forΣ−.To obtain IΣ,we have to add to this the contribution from H++given byI H+=i du+ B d˜ϕd n−1z√ρq|C|2,andΦh is the electric potential of the horizon with respect to infinity.Since the KG product is independent of the choice of a Cauchy surface with thefixed boundary,we obtain I I−=I I++I H+,which generally impliesω |Aω,m|2 =ω |Bω,m|2 +(ω∗−qΦh) |Cω,m|2 B(2.11) Hence,the transmission and reflection coefficients for the free massless scalarfield are givenby1=Tω,m+Rω,m;Tω,m=ω∗−qΦh|Aω,m|2 ,Rω,m=|Bω,m|2perbolic and its boundary consist of the past and future horizons and the spatial infinity:∂M=H+∪H−∪I.Second,although the spacetime can have the same symmetry struc-ture as the asymptoticallyflat black holes,the time translation Killing vectorξis not unique in the asymptotically adS case,in contrast to the AF case.This is because the norm of the static time-like Killing∂t of the exact adS spacetime diverges in proportion to r2at infinity, while the norm ofηi behaves in the same way.Hence,in a rotational spacetime,any linear combinationξ+c iηi has the equal right as the Killing vector to define the time translation. This freedom introduces an ambiguity in the definition of the angular velocity of a black hole given above.Apart from this point,the structure around horizon for an adS black hole is the same as that for an AF black hole.3.2.Superradiance?The features of an asymptotically adS black hole spacetime pointed out above make the argument of superradiance quite delicate.First,if we consider a hypersurfaceΣshown by the dashed line in Fig.2and take the limit such thatΣapproach the boundary of the DOC, theflux conservation law for a scalarfield can be writtenI H++I I=I H−=0.(3.1)In order to estimate I I,we need to know the asymptotic behaviour of thefield.For a massless scalarfield satisfying the KG equation,the leading part of the asymptotic behaviour does not depend on the properties of a black hole at the center and is the same as that in the exact adS spacetime.Forφ∝e−iωt,it is given byφ≈E0+E1/r D−1.Hence,if we require that thefield configuration has afinite energy,we have to select the boundary condition φ∼1/r D−1at r∼∞.For this boundary condition,we haveI I=−i dt d D−2Ωlim r→∞r D−2(1+r2/ℓ2)¯φ↔∂rφ=0.(3.2) Hence,we are left with the funny condition(ω−mΩh−qΦ) |C2ω,m| B/T N=0.(3.3) Clearly,the condition obtained above does not seem to be giving any information on superradiance.In fact,if we repeat the same argument for a rotating black hole inside a mirror box,we would obtain the same result.In this black hole bomb case,however,we know that instability occurs for modes with frequencies satisfying the standard superradiance condition(2.13).21)Since theflux conservation law also holds in this case with instability, what is wrong with the above argument is the neglect of the contribution from the volumeintegral atfinite distances.In the black hole bomb case,the energy extracted from the black hole is deposited in a region between the black hole and the mirror,and the contribution to the KG product from that region grows with instability.In the adS black hole case,a similar phenomenon may happen.3.3.Globally Timelike Killing VectorHawking and Reall pointed out that the freedom in the choice of a timelike Killing vector has a very significant implication to the stability problem of an adS-Kerr black hole and the relevance of superradiance to it.Their argument goes as follows.First,if there is a Killing vectorξthat is timelike everywhere outside the horizon,one can construct the conserved energy integral∂t Σ(t)dΣnµξνTµν=0,(3.4) where nµis the normal vector to the Cauchy surfaceΣ(t).Here,if the matter satisfies the dominant energy condition,andξis timelike everywhere,the integrant nµξνTµνis non-negative everywhere.Hence,any instability of the exponential growth type cannot occur.In a stationary black hole spacetime,any Killing vector is spacelike or null on horizon because all Killing vectors are tangential to the horizon.Hence,a Killing vector that is timelike outside the horizon,if it exists,should be identical to the Killing vector k that is parallel to the null geodesic generator of the horizon.Therefore,the problem is when k is timelike everywhere outside the horizon.For example,the Kerr-adS solution in arbitrary dimensions was recently found by Gib-bons,L¨u,Page and Pope.34)This solution is parametrised by the mass M,the multi-component angular momentum a1,···,a N′and the cosmological constant parameterλ=−1/ℓ2,where N′=[(D+1)/2]−1.It is easy to show that k is timelike at infinity if and only ifℓ2Ωi h2≤1⇔ℓ2a2i≤r4h(i=1,···,N′).(3.5) However,it is in general difficult to see whether k·k<0everywhere outside the horizon under this condition,Some exceptions are the case of thefive-dimensional Kerr-adS solution discussed by Hawking and Reall15)and the case in which the angular momentum components vanishes except for one component,say a1=a,a2=···=a N′=0.At least in these special cases, matterfields satisfying the dominant energy condition are stable if the condition(3.5)holds, from the above argument by Hawking and Reall.Of course,this does not immediately implies that the black hole is gravitationally stable as well.§4.Instability of AdS-Kerr Black HolesA reduction of the Einstein equations for gravitational perturbations to a Teukolsky type equation is possible for an adS-Kerr black hole in four dimensions.35)With the help of this formulation,it was shown that the four-dimensional adS-Kerr black holes are really unstable at least in the limit r h/ℓ≪1for modes satisfying the superradiance condition ω−mΩh<0.17)Although it is not imposed explicitly,the conditionℓΩh>1is practically satisfied under the superradiance condition because the real part of the eigen frequencyωfor unstable modes are discrete and its minimum value is approximately(m+2)/ℓfor m>0.In dimensions greater than4,however,no such reduction is available for gravitational perturbations of adS-Kerr black holes.One exception is the simply rotating black hole with a1=a,a2=···=a N′=0.The metric for such a black hole has U(1)×SO(n+1)symmetry with n=D−4in addition to the time translation invariance and can be written asds2=g ab(x)dx a dx b+S(x)2dΩ2n,(4.1)where dΩ2n is the metric of the Euclidean sphere S n.Hence,we can classify perturbations into scalar,vector and tensor types according to their transformation properties as tensors on S n.36)In particular,for n≥3,i.e.,for D≥7,non-trivial tensor perturbations can exist, and the expansion coefficient H T of their amplitudes with respect to the tensor harmonics satisfies the hyperbolic equation on the four-dimensional spacetime with the metric ds24= g ab(x)dx a dx b,2H T−n S2H T=0,(4.2) where D a is the covariant derivative with respect to the metric ds24,2=D a D a and l is an integer greater than1labeling the tensor harmonics.A very interesting feature of this equation is that it is identical to the equation for spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of a massless scalarfield in the same spacetime. Thus,the stability issue of the black hole for tensor perturbations can be reduced to the same issue for a free massless scalarfield.In particular,from Hawking and Reall’s argument,we can immediately conclude that the black hole is stable for tensor perturbations ifℓ2a2≤r4h.We can directly check this by writing the energy integral explicitly.In the coordinates in which the metric can be writtends2=−∆rCsin2θdφ 2+∆θsin2θC dφ 2+ρ2∆θdθ2+r2cos2θdΩ2n,(4.3)r/r h10020001062x1063x1064x106UFig.3.Plots of the effective potential U for D =7,ℓ2a 2/r 4h=0.9∼26,a 2/ℓ2=0.99,m =2×104,x =−0.99.the following energy integral is conserved:H (H T ):= ∞r h dr 1−1dx∆r r 2+a 2|∂x Φ|2+Fr 2+a 2|Φ|2 ,where x =cos(2θ),H T =r −n/2(r 2+a 2)−1/2(1+x )−(n −1)/4Φ(t,r,x )e im ˜ϕ,and F >0.We can show that both U 0and U 1are positive definite outside the horizon if ℓ2a 2<r 4h .In this case,then,all terms in the energy integral is positive definite,and no exponentialgrowth of Φis possible.In contrast,for ℓ2a 2>r 4h ,U 1becomes negative in some region.Hence,the effective potential U =∆(U 0+m 2U 1)/F becomes negative in the same region for a sufficiently large value of m ,as is illustrated in Fig.3.Since m does not appear inside U 0or U 1or in other places in the energy integral,this negative dip of the potential becomes deeper and deeper without bound as m increases.Hence,it is quite likely that this type ofblack hole is unstable for ℓ2a 2>r 4h as in the four-dimensional case.A similar result was obtained for the special Kerr-adS black hole with a 1=···=a N =a in 2N +1dimensional spacetime by Kunduri,Lucietti and Reall.12)§5.DiscussionIn this paper,we have pointed out that for simply rotating Kerr-adS black holes,its stability for tensor-type perturbations is equivalent to that of a massless scalar field around these black holes.From this it follows that those black holes are stable for tensor perturba-tions for slow rotation ℓ2a 2≤r 4h .Further,it also strongly suggests that they are unstable dueto superradiance for rapidly rotating case.It will be interesting to check this by numericalcalculations utilising the fact that the scalarfield equation is separable in these background. It will be also interesting to calculate the instability growth time and see whether it blows up in the vanishing cosmological constant limit.AcknowledgementsThe author thanks Akihiro Ishibashi for useful discussions.This work is partly supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from JSPS(No.18540265).References1)Heusler,M.:Black Hole Uniqueness Theorems(Cambridge Univ.Press,1996).2)Kodama,H.:J.Korean Phys.Soc.45,S68–76(2004).3)Volkov,M.S.and Gal’tsov,D.V.:Phys.Reports319,1–83(1999).4)Ishibashi,A.and Kodama,H.:Prog.Theor.Phys.110,901–919(2003).5)Kodama,H.and Ishibashi,A.:Prog.Theor.Phys.110,701–722(2003).6)Kodama,H.and Ishibashi,A.:Prog.Theor.Phys.111,29–73(2003).7)Konoplya,R.and Zhidenko,A.:Nucl.Phys.B777,182–202(2007).8)Gregory,R.and Laflamme,R.:Phys.Rev.Lett.70,2837–2840(1993).9)Seahra,S.,Clarkson,C.and Maartens,R.:Phys.Rev.Lett.94,121302(2005).10)Kudoh,H.:Phys.Rev.D73,104034(2006).11)Emparan,R.and Myers,R.C.:JHEP0309,025(2003).12)Kunduri,H.,Lucietti,J.and Reall,H.:Phys.Rev.D74,084021(2006).13)Birmingham,D.and Mokhtari,S.:hep-th/07092388(2007).14)Emparan,R.and Reall,H.:Class.Quantum Grav.23,R169(2006).15)Hawking,S.and Reall,H.:Phys.Rev.D61,024014(1999).16)Cardoso,V.and Dias,O.:Phys.Rev.D70,084011(2004).17)Cardoso,V.,Dias,O.and Yoshida,S.:Phys.Rev.D74,044008(2006).18)Chandrasekhar,S.(Clarendon Press,1983).19)Press,W.and Teukolsky,S.:Nature238,211(1972).20)Zel’dovich,Y.:Sov.Phys.JETP Lett.14,180(1971).21)Cardoso,V.,Dias,O.,Lemos,J.and Yoshida,S.:Phys.Rev.D70,044039(2004).22)Damour,T.,Deruelle,N.and Ruffini,R.:Nuovo Cimento Lett.15,257(1976).23)Zouros,T.and Eardley,D.:Ann.Phys.118,139(1979).24)Detweiler,S.:Phys.Rev.D22,2323(1980).25)Furuhashi,H.and Nambu,Y.:Prog.Theor.Phys.112,983–95(2004).26)Dolan,S.:gr-qc/07052880(2007).27)Marolf,D.and Palmer,B.:Phys.Rev.D70,084045(2004).28)Cardoso,V.and Yoshida,S.:JHEP0507,009(2005).29)Dias,O.:Phys.Rev.D73,124035(2006).30)Hawking,S.and Ellis,G.:The Large Scale Structure of Space-time(Cambridge Univ.Press,1973).31)Chru´s ciel,P.T.and Wald,R.M.:Class.Quantum Grav.11,L147–152(1994).32)Galloway,G.J.:Class.Quantum Grav.12,L99–L101(1995).33)Holland,S.,Ishibashi,A.and Wald,R.:Comm.Math.Phys.271,699–722(2007).34)Gibbons,G.W.,L¨u,H.,Page,D.N.and Pope,C.N.:J.Geom.Phys.53,49–73(2005).35)Giammatteo,M.and Moss,I.:Class.Quantum Grav.22,1803–24(2005).36)Kodama,H.,Ishibashi,A.and Seto,O.:Phys.Rev.D62,064022(2000).。



The locust genome provides insight into swarmformation and long-distance flight蝗虫的基因组对集群和长途飞行提供了见解Locusts are one of the world’s most destructive agricultur al pests and represent a useful model system in entomology. Here we present a draft 6.5 Gb genome sequence of Locusta migratoria, which is the largest animal genome sequenced so far. Our findings indicate that the large genome size of L. migratoriais likely to be because of transposable element proliferation combined with slow rates of loss for these elements. Methylome and transcriptome analyses reveal complex regulatory mechanisms involved in microtubule dynamic-mediated synapse plasticity during phase change. We find significant expansion of gene families associated with energy consumption and detoxification, consistent with long-distance flight capacity and phytophagy. We report hundreds of potential insecticide target genes, including cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels, G-protein-coupled receptors and lethal genes. The L. migratoria genome sequence offers new insights into the biology and sustainable management of this pest species, and will promote its wide use as a model system.蝗虫是一个世界上最具破坏性的农业害虫,并且在昆虫学中代表一个有用的模式系统。



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贝克在2006年与切塞尔合著的《美国科学家》(American Scientist)文章中指出,该区域“实际上已成为一个保护区”,穆萨和穆勒的“令人难以置信的结论只得到了间接证据的支持”。


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New Form of Psychotherapy Found Effective for Grief A new form of treating grief following the death of a loved one has been found to be more successful than conventional psychotherapy in some patients.
Two years ago, Heather Chatterjee's, daughter, Renee, was killed in an automobile accident.
Heather Chatterjee: There's no sadness or any emotion that you can feel that describes the agony. It becomes physical pain. It becomes debilitating. It's the yearning and the longing.
Ms. Chatterjee suffers from "complicated grief," a condition that afflicts an estimated 10 to 20 percent of bereaved individuals following the loss of a loved one.
Complicated grief includes intense feelings that last six months or longer, according to psychiatrist Katherine Shear of the University of Pittsburgh.
Katherine Shear: It's characterized by symptoms of intense separation distress, yearning and longing for the person who died, and traumatic distress which is recurrent, intrusive images of the person who died.
Experts say people suffering from complicated grief do not respond well to traditional psychotherapy.
So, Dr. Shear and colleagues developed a new form of treatment designed to get those with complicated grief to both accept their loss and focus on their personal life goals.
The therapy includes "revisiting" - tape recording the patient telling the story of the loved one's death - and having the patient listen to the story daily, to help them lessen the intensity of emotion. The patient also tells the loved one things they didn't get to hear in life.
In a study comparing the two types of therapy, 51 percent of people with complicated grief were helped compared to 28 percent of people receiving traditional psychotherapy.
Dr. Shear was heartened by the results.
Dr. Shear: People who got complicated grief treatment were much more likely to tell us that the treatment made a very dramatic difference in their symptoms. And sometimes they said the treatment even changed their lives.
Among them is Heather Chatterjee, who has come to accept the death of her daughter.
Heather Chatterjee: It's something that will be with me for the rest of my life. But it's ok. I can go on now.
The study on complicated grief therapy was published in Journal of the American Medical Association.
Jessica Berman, VOA news, Washington.。
