第三章 EM78447单片机硬件结构概要
ELAN EM78F811N 8位微控制器 产品规格书说明书
产品规格书版本1.5义隆电子股份有限公司2021.07商标告之:IBM 为一个注册商标,PS/2是IBM 的商标之一。
Windows 是微软公司的商标。
ELAN 和ELAN 标志是义隆电子股份有限公司的商标。
版权所有 © 2021义隆电子股份有限公司所有权利保留台湾印制本规格书内容如有变动恕不另作通知。
义隆电子股份有限公司 总公司:地址: 30076新竹科学工业园区创新一路12号电话: +886 3 563-9977 传真: +886 3 563-9966 *****************.tw http :// 香港分公司:义隆电子(香港)股份有限公司 地址:九龙观塘巧明街95号世达 中心19楼A 室电话: +852 2723-3376 传真: +852 2723-7780美国:Elan InformationTechnology Group (U.S.A.) 地址: 10268 Bandley Drive Suite 101 , Cupertino , CA 95014,USA 电话: +1 408 366-8225 传真: +1 408 366-8225深圳分公司:义隆电子(深圳)有限公司地址:518057深圳市南山区高新技术产业园南区高新南六道迈科龙大厦8A电话: +86 755 2601-0565 传真: +86 755 2601-0500 ******************.cn上海分公司:义隆电子(上海)有限公司地址:上海市浦东新区盛荣路88弄3号703室(盛大天地源创谷内)电话:+86 21 5080-3866 ******************.cn目录目录1 综述 (1)2 特性 (1)3 引脚配置 (2)3.1 10-Pin MSOP (2)3.2 16-Pin DIP/SOP (2)3.3 14-Pin SOP (2)4 引脚描述 (3)5 系统概述 (5)5.1 内存图 (5)5.2 模块图 (6)6 功能描述 (7)6.1 操作寄存器 (7)6.1.1 R0:IAR (间接寻址寄存器) (7)6.1.2 R1 :TCC(定时器时钟) (7)6.1.3 R2:PC (程序计数器和堆栈) (7)6.1.4 R3 :SR(状态寄存器) (10)6.1.5 R4 :RSR(RAM选择寄存器) (10)6.1.6 Bank 0 R5 ~ R6, R8 (Port 5 ~ Port 6, Port 8) (10)6.1.7 Bank 0 R9:TBLP (指令TBRD表指针寄存器) (11)6.1.8 Bank 0 RA:WUPC (唤醒控制寄存器) (11)6.1.9 Bank 0 RB:EECR (EEPROM控制寄存器) (12)6.1.10 Bank 0 RC: EEPA (128 字节 EEPROM 地址) (12)6.1.11 Bank 0 RD: EEPD (128字节EEPROM 数据) (12)6.1.12 Bank 0 RE: OMCR (模式选择寄存器) (12)6.1.13 Bank 0 RF: ISR1 (中断状态寄存器 1) (15)6.1.14 R10 ~ R3F (15)6.1.15 Bank 1 R5~R7 (16)6.1.16 Bank 1 R8 (IRC 选择寄存器) (16)6.1.17 Bank 1 R9: TM1CR1 (定时器/计数器 1控制寄存器1) (16)6.1.18 Bank 1 RA: TM1CR2(定时器/计数器 1控制寄存器 2) (17)6.1.19 Bank 1 RB: TM1DAH (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲A高字节) (18)6.1.20 Bank 1 RC: TM1DAL (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲A低字节) (18)6.1.21 Bank 1 RD: TM1DBH (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲B高字节) (18)6.1.22 Bank 1 RE: TM1DBL (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲B低字节) (18)6.1.23 Bank 1 RF: ISR2 (中断状态寄存器 2) (19)6.1.24 Bank 2 R5:AISR (ADC输入选择寄存器) (19)6.1.25 Bank 2 R6: ADCON (A/D控制寄存器) (20)6.1.26 Bank 2 R7: ADCON2 (A/D控制寄存器2) (21)6.1.27 Bank 2 R8 : ADDH (AD高 8位数据缓存) (22)6.1.28 Bank 2 R9 : ADDL (AD低4位数据缓存) (22)6.1.29 Bank 2 RA: URCR (UART控制寄存器) (22)6.1.30 Bank 2 RB: URS (UART 状态寄存器) (23)6.1.31 Bank 2 RC: URTD (UART 发送数据缓冲寄存器) (24)6.1.32 Bank 2 RD: URRDL (UART 接收数据低位缓冲寄存器) (24)目录6.1.33 Bank 2 RE: URRDH (UART 接收数据高位缓冲寄存器) (24)6.1.34 Bank 2 RF (24)6.1.35 Bank 3 R5 (24)6.1.36 Bank 3 R6 : TBHP(指令TBRD的表指针寄存器) (24)6.1.37 Bank 3 R7: CMP2CON(比较器2控制寄存器) (25)6.1.38 Bank 3 R8 ~ RC (25)6.1.39 Bank 3 RD :TC3CR (定时器3控制) (25)6.1.40 Bank 3 RE :TC3D (定时器 3 数据缓存) (27)6.1.41 Bank 3 RF (27)6.2 特殊功能寄存器 (28)6.2.1 A (累加器) (28)6.2.2 CONT (控制寄存器) (28)6.2.3 IOC5 ~ IOC6, IOC8 (I/O端口控制寄存器) (28)6.2.4 IOC7, IOC9 (28)6.2.5 IOCA:WDTCR (WDT 控制寄存器) (29)6.2.6 IOCB: P6PDCR (下拉控制寄存器2) (29)6.2.7 IOCC: P6ODCR (漏极开路控制寄存器) (30)6.2.8 IOCD: P9PHCR (上拉控制寄存器2) (30)6.2.9 IOCE:IMR2 (中断屏蔽寄存器2) (31)6.2.10 IOCF: IMR1(中断屏蔽寄存器1) (31)6.3 TCC/WDT 与预分频器 (33)6.4 I/O 端口 (34)6.4.1 使用端口6输入状态改变唤醒/中断功能 (36)6.5 复位和唤醒 (37)6.5.1 复位 (37)6.5.2 总结唤醒和中断模式操作 (39)6.5.3 寄存器初始值的总结 (42)6.5.4 状态寄存器的T和P状态 (49)6.6 中断 (50)6.7 数据EEPROM (52)6.7.1 数据EEPROM控制寄存器 (52)6.7.2 编程步骤 / 举例示范 (52)6.8 模拟数字转换器(ADC) (53)6.8.1 A/D 取样时间 (53)6.8.2 A/D 转换时间 (54)6.8.3 睡眠期间的A/D转换 (54)6.8.4 编程步骤/注意事项 (55)6.9 定时器/计数器1 (TM1) (58)6.9.1 定时器/计数器模式 (58)6.9.2 窗口模式 (59)6.9.3 捕捉模式 (60)6.9.4 可编程分频输出模式和脉冲宽度调制模式 (62)6.9.5 蜂鸣器 (63)6.10 定时器/计数器3 (63)6.11 UART (65)6.11.1 UART 模式 (66)6.11.2 发送 (67)目录6.11.3 接收 (67)6.11.4 波特率发生器 (68)6.11 .5 UART 时序 (68)6.12 比较器 (69)6.12.1 外部参考信号 (69)6.12.2 内部参考电压 (70)6.12.3 比较器输出 (70)6.12.4 中断 (70)6.12.5 从睡眠至唤醒 (70)6.12.6 比较器初始化步骤 (71)6.13 振荡器 (71)6.13.1 振荡模式 (71)6.13.2 晶振 / 陶瓷谐振器(晶体) (72)6.13.3 外部RC振荡模式 (73)6.13.4 内部 RC 振荡模式 (74)6.14 代码选项寄存器 (75)6.14.1 代码选项寄存器 (Word 0) (75)6.14.2 代码选项寄存器(Word 1) (77)6.14.3 客户ID寄存器(Word 2) (78)6.15 上电注意事项 (79)6.16 外部上电复位电路 (79)6.17 残留电压保护 (80)6.18 指令集 (81)7片上调试系统(OCDS) (84)7.1 片上调试的限制 (84)8 时序图 (85)9 绝对最大额定参数 (86)10 DC电气特性 (87)11 AC电气特性 (92)A 编码与制造信息 (93)B 封装类型 (94)C 封装结构 (95)C.1 EM78F811NMS10 (95)C.2 EM78F811NSO14 (96)C.3 EM78F811NAD16 (97)C.4 EM78F811NASO16A (98)D 品质保证和可靠性 (99)D.1 地址缺陷检测 (99)目录规格修订历史目录用户应用注意事项(使用此IC前,应注意如下描述的注意事项,它包含重要信息)1. 如果IRC频率从A频率变为B频率,MCU需要等待一些时间才可以工作。
2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
PC (Page,k) A R + 1 skip if zero R R + 1 skip if zero A K A R R A R R
EM78447S 指令集
ROM 13bit
RAM 8bit
I/O Pins
3 (1/2) 3 (1/2) 2 (1/1) 3 (1/2) 3 (1/2) 6 (1/5)
SPI 一 AD 一
Timer 8-bit
Pin No
Special Functio n
WDT 一 Watch Dog Timer OTP 一 One Time Programming. PWM 一 Pulse Width Modulation
Serial Peripheral Interface. Analog to Digit Converter.
PAGE 1-5
1 1 1 1 1 1
R,b k
R(b) 0
第一章 EM78系列单片机简介台湾义隆公司推出的八位EM78系列单片机已有多年,并广泛应用在家用电器、工业控制、仪器等方面,其优良的单片机结构和性能为用户所认同,但与AT89系列、PIC系列、Z86系列、GMS97系列等单片机比较而言,EM78系列单片机进入内地市场稍晚一些,所以一般人并不太了解。
第二章二、优越的数据处理性能EM78系列单片机采用RISC结构设计、单周期、单字节及流水线指令、五级堆栈、RAM 数量从32~157个,最短指令周期100ns,程序页面为1K(多至4页),与其它一些单片机相比,EM78系列单片机具有更高、更快的运行处理速度。
④④低功耗设计:正常工作电流2mA、休眠状态电流1μA⑤⑤多功能I/O口:可程序设置为I/O上拉、下拉、开路等方式⑥⑥I/O唤醒功能:通过I/O变化唤醒处于休眠状态的单片机⑦⑦内置看门狗定时器:提高单片机抗干扰能力第四章四、灵活的功能选择设计通过软件分别设置:①①指令周期的时钟周期数(2/4)②②特殊指令的指令周期数(1/2)③③振荡方式(内部RC、外部RC 、XTAL低频、XTAL高频等)④④R-OPTION功能开/关⑤⑤WDT开/关第五章五、通俗易懂的指令系统EM78系列单片机指令系统采用与大家熟知的MCS-51指令风格设计,共计58条指令,大家通过较短的时间便能掌握运用。
EM78P447S单片机入门与实作系列讲座——第8讲 SIM447的系统命令(上)
应 用 举 例 :将 卜 进 制 数 0 H转 换 六 F
成 二 进制 数 00 1I 0 01 1B。
>B0F O ( ) Hl l F:X 0D l l
应 用举 例 :下 面 第 1 命 令 将 使 模 条
拟 器执 行 0 R M单 元 中 的一 条指 令后 号 O
时 ,均 町以 用标 号 代替 地址
动 时 , 会 在 命 令 会 话 则 区 看 到提 示 信 息 :
s o e e a d us c p D l y A j t
F3 F3
o I SH I P TC H 1-3
行被 打 断之 处 继 续 连续 执 行 ; 果命 令 中 如 给 出 两 个 分别 作 为起 始点 和 停 止 点 的 地
命令 格 式 :T【 址 】 地
功 能 说 明 :单 步 执 行 。 当程 序 执 行 过 程 中遇 到 指令 C L 时 ,会进 入子 程 序 AL 仍 然 以单 步方 式 继 续 执 行 ,其 余 同于 P 命 令 :SM 4 I 47系统 为该 命 令 定 义 了一 个
快 捷 键 {7 。 F )
6D Y . S M— — 符号 查 错功 能 关 闭命令
暂停;第 2 条命令将执行 5 号单元中的
命令 格 式 :D Y SM 功能 说 明 :在 调 试 过 程 中关 闭符 号
化调 试 功 能 。与 命 令 E Y 的 功 能 恰 好 SM
9M . —— 特 定 寄存 器修 改命 令
2G . —— 连 续执 行命 令
键 被按 动 一 次或 两次 时 , 会在 命令 会 话 则 区 看 到 提 示 信 息 : N = >H G 或 IT IH
第二章 EM78系列单片机硬件结构EM78系列单片机是采用低功耗、高速CMOS工艺制造的8位单片机,本章将以EM78X56(包括EM78156、EM78256、EM78456)为例来讲述EM78系列单片机的内部结构、存贮器、中断、I/O、看门狗、振荡器和电压检测器等特点。
2.1. 主要功能特点·采用8位数据总线和13位指令总线独立分离的Harvard结构设计。
·两种工作模式:正常工作模式 2mA/5V休眠模式 1μA/5V(可由I/O唤醒)·具有R-OPTION功能,即用电阻的上拉、下拉来选择内部程序的执行。
·工作电压:2.5~5.5V 工作频率DC~36MHZ、工作温度0℃~70℃。
2.2. EM78X56型号分类、命名方法及管脚功能说明2.2.1. 型号分类(表2.1):2.2.2. 命名方法:EM 78 P 156 A P封装形式P-DIP M-SOIC S-SSOP内置电压检测功能 A-有 B-无类型名P:OTP;没有“P”为MASK版本单片机系列号EMC公司字头2.2.3. EM78X56管脚功能描述图2.1 EM78156管脚图(EM78256和EM78456管脚同上)2.3. EM78内部结构框图EM78X56在片内集成了一个8位算术运算单元ALU和工作寄存器ACC、1K~4KROM、56个RAM、12个I/O口,8位预置器(Prescaler)及8位计数器(TCC)、振荡器、看门狗、五级堆栈、中断控制器、指令寄存器、译码器和其它一些寄存器等。
2.2.1. 型号分类(表 2.1):
型号 EM78156 EM78256 EM78456
2.2.2. 命名方法:
EM 78 P 156 A P
最短指令周期 111ns 111ns 111ns
封装形式 P-DIP M-SOIC 内置电压检测功能 A-有 类型名
第二章 EM78 系列单片机硬件结构
武汉威帆 (027)87644346
第二章 EM78 系列单片机硬件结构
EM78 系列单片机是采用低功耗、高速 CMOS 工艺制造的 8 位单片机,本章将以 EM78X56 (包括 EM78156、EM78256、EM78456)为例来讲述 EM78 系列单片机的内部结构、存贮器、 中断、I/O、看门狗、振荡器和电压检测器等特点。
2.1. 主要功能特点
·采用 8 位数据总线和 13 位指令总线独立分离的 Harvard 结构设计。
·采用 RISC 指令集,共有 57 条单字节指令,其中 99%为单周期指令(对程序计数器
PC 指针 进行写操作除外)。
·1K~4KX13 的程序存贮器(有 OTP 和掩膜二个版本)。
·48 个通用数据寄存器可直接寻址使用。
P:OTP; 没有“P”为 MASK 版本 单片机系列号
EMC 公司字头
第二章 EM78 系列单片机硬件结构
武汉威帆 (027)87644346
2.2.3. EM78X56 管脚功能描述
图 2.1 EM78156 管脚图(EM78256 和 EM78456 管脚同上)
2. AND 与
编码0 0010 10rr rrrr
您现在的位置: 中国单片机在线网 >> 文章中心 >> 单 片 机 >> EMC >> 正文 用户登录 新用户注册
MOV A,@0X01
ADD A,@0X01
INC 0X04
MOV A, 0X04
JBS 0X03, 2
2.4. 位寻址
ADD Reg_B, A ; add Reg_B with A, and
; save in Reg_B
... 等等。
(3)位操作型指令( bit oriented ): 如
EM78指令说明 【字体:小 大】
作者:程序匠人 文章来源:不详 点击数:1156 更新时间:2004-11-26
OTP ROMEM78P447S8-BIT MICRO-CONTROLLERVersion 1.2OTP ROMSpecification Revision HistoryVersion Content1.0 Initialversion1.1 Change Power on reset content 06/25/20031.2 Add the device characteristic at section 6.3 5/11/2004 Application NoteAN-001: Seven-segment and I/O PortAN-002: Keystroke Times Displayed by Seven-segmentAN-003: Jumping out of DELAY Subroutine Loop by External KeystrokeAN-004: LED with Controlled Rotating DirectionAN-005: Sing a Song "Draw" of EM78447AN-006: Stepping MotorAN-007: EM78P447S v.s. EM78P447 on the DC characteristics and program timingAN-008: About EM78P447S Sleep2 mode settingEM78P447S is an 8-bit microprocessor with low-power and high-speed CMOS technology. It is equipped with 4K*13-bits Electrical One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (OTP-ROM). It provides a PROTECTION bit to prevent user’s code in the OTP memory from being intruded. Seven OPTION bits are also available to meet user’s requirements.With its OTP-ROM feature, the EM78P447S is able to offer a convenient way of developing and verifying user’s programs. Moreover, user can take advantage of ELAN Writer to easily program his developmentcode.OTP ROM 2. FEATURES• Operating voltage range: 2.3V~5.5V.• Operating temperature range: 0°C~70°C.• Operating frequency range( base on 2 clocks)* Crystal mode: DC~20MHz at 5V, DC~8MHz at 3V, DC~4MHz at 2.3V.* RC mode: DC~4MHz at 5V, DC~4MHz at 3V, DC~4MHz at 2.3V.• Low power consumption:* Less then 2.2 mA at 5V/4MHz* Typically 30 µA, at 3V/32KHz* Typically 1 µA, during sleep mode• 4K × 13 bits on chip ROM• One security register to prevent intrusion of OTP memory codes• One configuration register to accommodate user’s requirements• 148× 8 bits on chip registers(SRAM, general purpose register)• 3 bi-directional I/O ports• 5 level stacks for subroutine nesting• 8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with selective signal sources, trigger edges, and overflow interrupt• Two clocks per instruction cycle• Power down (SLEEP) mode• Two available interruptions* TCC overflow interrupt* External interrupt• Programmable free running watchdog timer• 10 programmable pull-high pins• 2 programmable open-drain pins• 2 programmable R-option pins• Package types:* 28 pin DIP 600 mil : EM78P447SAP* 28 pin SOP (SOIC) 300 mil : EM78P447SAM* 28 pin SSOP 209 mil : EM78P447SAS* 32 pin DIP 600 mil : EM78P447SBP* 32 pin SOP (SOIC) 450 mil : EM78P447SBWM• The transient point of system frequency between HXT and LXT is around 400KHzOTP ROM3. PIN ASSIGNMENTTCC VDD NC Vss /INT P50P51P53P60P61P62P63P64P52/RESET OSCI OSCO P77P76P75P74P72P71P70P67P66P65P73P55P54P56P57TCC VDD NC Vss /INT P50P51P53P60P61P62P63P64P52/RESET OSCI OSCO P77P76P75P74P72P71P70P67P66P65P73TCC VDD Vss /INT P50P51P53P60P61P62P63P64P52/RESET OSCI OSCO P77P76P75P74P72P71P70P67P66P65P73VssFig. 1 Pin AssignmentTable 1 EM78P447SAP and EM78P447SAM Pin DescriptionSymbol Pin No. TypeFunctionVDD 2-* Power supply.OSCI 27 I* XTAL type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin.* RC type: RC oscillator input pin.OSCO 26 I/O * XTAL type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin.* RC type: Instruction clock output.* External clock signal input.TCC 1 I* The real time clock/counter (with Schmitt trigger input pin) must be tied toVDD or VSS if not in use./RESET 28 I* Input pin with Schmitt trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controllerwill also remain in reset condition.P50~P53 6~9 I/O * P50~P53 are bi-directional I/O pins.P60~P67 10~17 I/O* P60~P67 are bi-directional I/O pins. These can be pulled-high internallyby software control.P70~P77 18~25 I/O* P70~P77 are bi-directional I/O pins.* P74~P75 can be pulled-high internally by software control.* P76~P77 can have open-drain output by software control. * P70 and P71 can also be defined as the R-option pins./INT 5 I * External interrupt pin triggered by falling edge. VSS 4 - * Ground. NC 3 - * No connection.OTP ROMTable 2 EM78P447SAS Pin DescriptionSymbol Pin No. TypeFunctionVDD 3-* Power supply.OSCI 27 I* XTAL type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin.* RC type: RC oscillator input pin.OSCO 26 I/O * XTAL type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin.* RC type: Instruction clock output.* External clock signal input.TCC 2 I* The real time clock/counter (with Schmitt trigger input pin) must be tied toVDD or VSS if not in use./RESET 28 I* Input pin with Schmitt trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controllerwill also remain in reset condition.P50~P53 5~8 I/O * P50~P53 are bi-directional I/O pins.P60~P679~13,15~17I/O * P60~P67 are bi-directional I/O pins. These can be pulled -high internally by software control. P70~P77 18~25 I/O* P70~P77 are bi-directional I/O pins.* P74~P75 can be pulled -high internally by software control.* P76~P77 can have open-drain output by software control. * P70 and P71 can also be defined as the R-option pins./INT 4 I * External interrupt pin triggered by falling edge. VSS 1,14 - * Ground.Table 3 EM78P447SBP and EM78P447SBWM Pin DescriptionSymbol Pin No.Type FunctionVDD4 -* Power supply.OSCI 29 I* XTAL type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin.* RC type: RC oscillator input pin.OSCO 28 I/O* XTAL type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin.* RC type: Instruction clock output. * External clock signal input.TCC 3 I* The real time clock/counter (with Schmitt trigger input pin), must be tiedto VDD or VSS if not in use./RESET 30 I* Input pin with Schmitt trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controllerwill keep in reset condition.P50~P57 8~11,2~1,32~31I/O * P50~P57 are bi-directional I/O pins.P60~P67 12~19 I/O* P60~P67 are bi-directional I/O pins. These can be pulled -high internallyby software control.P70~P77 20~27 I/O* P70~P77 are bi-directional I/O pins.* P74~P75 can be pulled-high internally by software control.* P76~P77 can have open-drain output by software control. * P70 and P71 can also be defined as the R-option pins./INT 7 I * External interrupt pin triggered by falling edge. VSS 6 - * Ground. NC 5 - * No connection.OTP ROM4. FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONP 50P 51P 52P 53P 54P 55P 56P 57P 60P 61P 62P 63P 64P 65P 66P 67P 70P 71P 72P 73P 74P 75P 76P 77Fig. 2 Functional Block Diagram4.1 Operational Registers1. R0 (Indirect Addressing Register)R0 is not a physically implemented register. Its major function is to act as an indirect addressing pointer. Any instruction using R0 as a pointer actually accesses data pointed by the RAM Select Register (R4).2. R1 (Time Clock /Counter)• Increased by an external signal edge, which is defined by TE bit (CONT-4) through the TCC pin, or by the instruction cycle clock.• Writable and readable as any other registers. • Defined by resetting PAB (CONT-3).• The prescaler is assigned to TCC, if the PAB bit (CONT-3) is reset.• The contents of the prescaler counter will be cleared only when TCC register is written a value.OTP ROM3. R2 (Program Counter) & Stack• Depending on the device type, R2 and hardware stack are 10-bit wide. The structure is depicted in Fig.3.• Generating 1024×13 bits on-chip OTP ROM addresses to the relative programming instruction codes. One program page is 1024 words long.• R2 is set as all "0"s when under RESET condition.• "JMP" instruction allows direct loading of the lower 10 program counter bits. Thus, "JMP" allows PC to go to any location within a page.• "CALL" instruction loads the lower 10 bits of the PC, and then PC+1 is pushed into the stack. Thus, the subroutine entry address can be located anywhere within a page.• "RET" ("RETL k", "RETI") instruction loads the program counter with the contents of the top-level stack.• "ADD R2,A" allows the contents of ‘A’ to be added to the current PC, and the ninth and tenth bits of the PC are cleared.• "MOV R2,A" allows to load an address from the "A" register to the lower 8 bits of the PC, and the ninth and tenth bits of the PC are cleared.• Any instruction that writes to R2 (e.g. "ADD R2,A", "MOV R2,A", "BC R2,6",⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅) will cause the ninth and tenth bits (A8~A9) of the PC to be cleared. Thus, the computed jump is limited to the first 256 locations of a page.• All instruction are single instruction cycle (fclk/2 or fclk/4) except for the instruction that would change the contents of R2. Such instruction will need one more instruction cycle.000H FFFH001H User Memory 002HFig. 3 Program Counter OrganizationOTP ROMFig. 4 Data Memory ConfigurationOTP ROM4. R3 (Status Register)7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0GP PS1 PS0 T P Z DC C • Bit 7 (GP) General read/write bit.• Bits 6 (PS1) ~ 5 (PS0) Page select bits. PS1~PS0 are used to pre-select a program memory page.When executing a "JMP", "CALL", or other instructions which causes the program counter to change(e.g. MOV R2, A), PS1~PS0 are loaded into the 11th and 12th bits of the program counter and selectone of the available program memory pages. Note that RET (RETL, RETI) instruction does not change the PS0~PS1 bits. That is, the return will always be to the page from where the subroutine was called, regardless of the PS1~PS0 bits current setting.PS1 PS0 Program memory page [Address]0 0 Page 0 [000-3FF]0 1 Page 1 [400-7FF]1 0 Page2 [800-BFF]1 1 Page 3 [C00-FFF]• Bit 4 (T) Time-out bit. Set to 1 with the "SLEP" and "WDTC" commands, or during power up, and reset to 0 with the WDT time-out.• Bit 3 (P) Power down bit. Set to 1 during power on or by a "WDTC" command and reset to 0 by a "SLEP" command.• Bit 2 (Z) Zero flag. Set to "1" if the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero.• Bit 1 (DC) Auxiliary carry flag.• Bit 0 (C) Carry flag5. R4 (RAM Select Register)• Bits 7~6 determine which bank is activated among the 4 banks.• Bits 5~0 are used to select the registers (address: 00~3F) in the indirect addressing mode.• If no indirect addressing is used, the RSR can be used as an 8-bit general-purpose read/writer register.• See the configuration of the data memory in Fig. 4.6. R5~R7 (Port 5 ~ Port7)• R5, R6 and R7 are I/O registers7. R8~R1F and R20~R3E (General Purpose Register)• R8~R1F, and R20~R3E (including Banks 0~3) are general-purpose registers.OTP ROM8. R3F (Interrupt Status Register)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0- - - - EXIF - - TCIF • Bit 3 (EXIF) External interrupt flag. Set by falling edge on /INT pin, flag cleared by software• Bit 0 (TCIF) the TCC overflow interrupt flag. Set as TCC overflows; flag cleared by software.• Bits 1, 2, 4~7 are not used and read are as “0”.• "1" means interrupt request, "0" means non-interrupt.• R3F can be cleared by instruction, but cannot be set by instruction.• IOCF is the interrupt mask register.• Note that reading R3F will obtain the result of the R3F "logic AND" and IOCF.4.2 Special Purpose Registers1. A (Accumulator)• Internal data transfer, or instruction operand holding.• It cannot be addressed.2. CONT (Control Register)7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0/PHEN /INT TS TE PAB PSR2 PSR1 PSR0 • Bit 7 (/PHEN) Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P60~P67, P74 and P75 pins0: Enable internal pull-high.1: Disable internal pull-high.• CONT register is both readable and writable.• Bit 6 (/INT) Interrupt enable flag0: masked by DISI or hardware interrupt1: enabled by ENI/RETI instructions• Bit 5 (TS) TCC signal source0: internal instruction cycle clock1: transition on TCC pin• Bit 4 (TE) TCC signal edge0: increment if the transition from low to high takes place on TCC pin1: increment if the transition from high to low takes place on TCC pin• Bit 3 (PAB) Prescaler assignment bit.OTP ROM0: TCC1: WDT•Bit 2 (PSR2) ~ Bit 0 (PSR0)TCC/WDT prescaler bits.PSR2 PSR1PSR0 TCC Rate WDT Rate0 0 0 1:2 1:10 0 1 1:4 1:20 1 0 1:8 1:40 1 1 1:16 1:81 0 0 1:32 1:161 0 1 1:64 1:321 1 0 1:128 1:641 1 1 1:256 1:1283. IOC5 ~ IOC7 (I/O Port Control Register)• "1" put the relative I/O pin into high impedance, while "0" defines the relative I/O pin as output.• IOC5 and IOC7 registers are both readable and writable.4. IOCB (Wake-up Control Register for Port6)7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0/WUE7 /WUE6 /WUE5 /WUE4 /WUE3 /WUE2 /WUE1 /WUE0 • Bit 7 (/WUE7) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P67 pin.• Bit 6 (/WUE6) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P66 pin.• Bit 5 (/WUE5) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P65 pin.• Bit 4 (/WUE4) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P64 pin.• Bit 3 (/WUE3) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P63 pin.• Bit 2 (/WUE2) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P62 pin.• Bit 1 (/WUE1) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P61 pin.• Bit 0 (/WUE0) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P60 pin.0: Enable internal wake-up.1: Disable internal wake-up.• IOCB Register is both readable and writable.5. IOCE (WDT Control Register)7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0SLPCROC - - /WUEWDTE- ODE• Bit 6 (ODE) Control bit is used to enable the open-drain of P76 and P77 pins0: Disable open-drain output.OTP ROM1: Enable open-drain output.The ODE bit can be read and written.• Bit 5 (WDTE) Control bit used to enable Watchdog timer.The WDTE bit is useful only when ENWDT, the CODE Option bit, is "0". It is only when the ENWDT bit is "0" that WDTE bit. is able to disabled/enabled the WDT.0: Disable WDT.1: Enable WDT.The WDTE bit is not used if ENWDT, the CODE Option bit ENWDT, is "1". That is, if the ENWDT bit is "1", WDT is always disabled no matter what the WDTE bit status is.The WDTE bit can be read and written.• Bit 4 (SLPC) This bit is set by hardware at the low level trigger of wake-up signal and is cleared by software. SLPC is used to control the oscillator operation. The oscillator is disabled (oscillator is stopped, and the controller enters into SLEEP2 mode) on the high-to-low transition and is enabled (controller is awakened from SLEEP2 mode) on low-to-high transition. In order to ensure the stable output of the oscillator, once the oscillator is enabled again, there is a delay for approximately 18ms1 (oscillator start-up timer, OST) before the next instruction of the program is executed. The OST is always activated by a wake-up event from sleep mode regardless of the Code Option bit ENWDT status is "0" or otherwise. After waking up, the WDT is enabled if the Code Option ENWDT is "1". The block diagram of SLEEP2 mode and wake-up invoked by an input trigger is depicted in Fig. 5. The SLPC bit can be read and written.• Bit 3 (ROC) ROC is used for the R-option. Setting ROC to "1" will enable the status of R-option pins (P70, P71) for the controller to read. Clearing ROC will disable the R-option function. Otherwise, the R-option function is introduced. Users must connect the P71 pin or/and P70 pin to VSS with a 430KΩ external resistor (Rex). If Rex is connected/disconnected with VDD, the status of P70 (P71) will be read as "0"/"1" (refer to Fig. 7(b)). The ROC bit can be read and written.• Bit 0 (/WUE) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P74 and P75.0: Enable the wake-up function.1: Disable the wake-up function.The /WUE bit can be read and written.• Bits 1~2, and 7 Not used.1 <Note>: Vdd = 5V, set up time period = 16.2ms ± 30%Vdd = 3V, set up time period = 19.6ms ± 30%OTP ROM6. IOCF (Interrupt Mask Register)7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - EXIE - -TCIE • Bit 3 (EXIE) EXIF interrupt enable bit. 0: disable EXIF interrupt 1: enable EXIF interrupt• Bit 0 (TCIE) TCIF interrupt enable bit. 0: disable TCIF interrupt 1: enable TCIF interrupt • Bits 1, 2 and 4~7 Not used.• Individual interrupt is enabled by setting its associated control bit in the IOCF to "1".• Global interrupt is enabled by the ENI instruction and is disabled by the DISI instruction (refer to Fig. 9).• IOCF register is both readable and writable.Fig. 5 Sleep Mode and Wake-Up Circuits on I/O Ports Block DiagramOTP ROM4.3 TCC/WDT & PrescalerAn 8-bit counter is available as prescaler for the TCC or WDT. The prescaler is available for either the TCC or WDT only at any given time, and the PAB bit of the CONT register is used to determine the prescaler assignment. The PSR0~PSR2 bits determine the ratio. The prescaler is cleared each time the instruction is written to TCC under TCC mode. The WDT and prescaler, when assigned to WDT mode, are cleared by the “WDTC” or “SLEP” instructions.Fig. 6 depicts the circuit diagram of TCC/WDT.• R1 (TCC) is an 8-bit timer/counter. The clock source of TCC can be internal or external clock input (edge selectable from TCC pin). If TCC signal source is from internal clock, TCC will increase by 1 at every instruction cycle (without prescaler). Referring to Fig. 6, CLK=Fosc/2 or CLK=Fosc/4 selection is determined by the CODE Option bit CLK status. CLK=Fosc/2 is used if CLK bit is "0", and CLK=Fosc/4 is used if CLK bit is "1". If TCC signal source comes from external clock input, TCC is increased by 1 at every falling edge or rising edge of TCC pin.• The watchdog timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator. The WDT will keep on running even after the oscillator driver has been turned off (i.e. in sleep mode). During normal operation or sleep mode, a WDT time-out (if enabled) will cause the device to reset. The WDT can be enabled or disabled any time during normal mode by software programming. Refer to WDTE bit of IOCE register. Without prescaler, the WDT time-out period is approximately 18 ms1 (default).Fig. 6 TCC and WDT Block Diagram1 <Note>: Vdd = 5V, set up time period = 16.2ms ± 30%Vdd = 3V, set up time period = 19.6ms ± 30%OTP ROM4.4 I/O PortsThe I/O registers, Port 5, Port 6, and Port 7, are bi-directional tri-state I/O ports. The functions of Pull-high, R-option, and Open-drain can be performed internally by CONT and IOCE respectively. There is input status change wake-up function on Port 6, P74, and P75. Each I/O pin can be defined as "input" or "output" pin by the I/O control register (IOC5 ~ IOC7). The I/O registers and I/O control registers are both readable and writable. The I/O interface circuits for Port 5, Port 6, and Port 7 are shown in Figures. 7(a) and (b) respectively.Fig. 7 (a) The I/O Port and I/O Control Register CircuitFig.7(b) The I/O Port with R-Option (P70, P71) CircuitOTP ROM4.5 RESET and Wake-up1. RESETA RESET is initiated by one of the following events-(1) Power on reset, or(2) /RESET pin input “low”, or(3) WDT timeout. (if enabled)The device is kept in a RESET condition for a period of approx. 18ms1 (one oscillator start-up timer period) after the reset is detected. Once the RESET occurs, the following functions are performed (refer to Fig.8).• The oscillator starts or is running• The Program Counter (R2) is set to all "1".• When power is switched on, bits 5~6 of R3 and the upper 2 bits of R4 are cleared.• All I/O port pins are configured as input mode (high-impedance state).• The Watchdog timer and prescaler are cleared.• Upon power on, the bits 5~6 of R3 are cleared.• Upon power on, the upper 2 bits of R4 are cleared.• The bits of CONT register are set to all "1" except bit 6 (INT flag).• IOCB register is set to ”1” (disable P60 ~ P67 wake-up function).• Bits 3 and 6 of IOCE register are cleared, and Bits 0, 4, and 5 are set to "1".• Bits 0 and 3 of R3F register and Bits 0 and 3 of IOCF registers are cleared.The sleep (power down) mode is asserted by executing the “SLEP” instruction. While entering sleep mode, WDT (if enabled) is cleared but keeps on running. The controller can be awakened by-(1) External reset input on /RESET pin;(2) WDT time-out (if enabled)The above two cases will cause the controller EM78P447S to reset. The T and P flags of R3 can be used to determine the source of the reset (wake-up).In addition to the basic SLEEP1 MODE, EM78P447S has another sleep mode (designated as SLEEP2 MODE and is invoked by clearing the IOCE register “SLPC” bit). In the SLEEP2 MODE, the controller can be awakened by-1 NOTE: Vdd = 5V, set up time period = 16.2ms ± 30%Vdd = 3V, set up time period = 19.6ms ± 30%OTP ROM(A) Any of the wake-up pins is “0” as illustrated in Figure. 5. Upon waking, the controller will continueto execute the succeeding address. Under this case, before entering SLEEP2 MODE, thewake-up function of the trigger sources (P60~P67 and P74~P75) should be selected (e.g., inputpin) and enabled (e.g., pull-high, wake-up control). It should be noted that after waking up, theWDT is enabled if the Code Option bit ENWDT is “0”. The WDT operation (to be enabled ordisabled) should be appropriately controlled by software after waking up.(B) WDT time-out (if enabled) or external reset input on /RESET pin will trigger a controller reset.Table 4 Usage of Sleep1 and Sleep2 ModeUsage of Sleep1 and Sleep2 ModeSLEEP2 SLEEP1(a) Before SLEEP (a) Before SLEEP1. Set Port6 or P74 or P75 Input 1. Execute SLEP instruction2. Enable Pull-High and set WDT prescaler over1:1 (Set CONT.7 and CONT.3 ~ CONT.0)3. Enable Wake-up (Set IOCB or IOCE.0)4. Execute Seep2 (Set IOCE.4)(b) After Wake-up (b) After Wake-up1. Next instruction 1. Reset2. Disable Wake-up3. Disable WDT (Set IOCE.5)If Port6 Input Status Changed Wake-up is used to wake-up the EM78P447S (Case [a] above), the following instructions must be executed before entering SLEEP2 mode:MOV A, @11111111b; Set Port6 inputIOW R6MOV A, @0xxx1010b ; Set Port6 pull-high, WDT prescaler, prescaler must set over 1:1CONTWMOV A, @00000000b; Enable Port6 wake-up functionIOW RBMOV A, @xx00xxx1b ; Enable SLEEP2IOW REAfter Wake-upNOPMOV A, @11111111b; Disable Port6 wake-up functionIOW RBMOV A, @ xx01xxx1b; Disable WDTIOW RENote:After waking up from the SLEEP2 mode, WDT is automatically enabled. The WDT enabled/disabledoperation after waking up from SLEEP2 mode should be appropriately defined in the software.To avoid reset from occurring when the port6 status changed interrupt enters into interrupt vector oris used to wake-up the MCU, the WDT prescaler must be set above 1:1 ratio.OTP ROMTable 5 The Summary of the Initialized Register ValuesAddress Name Reset Type Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1Bit 0Name C57C56C55C54C53 C52 C51C50BitType A B A B A B A B- - - - N/A IOC5 Power-On 01010101 1 1 1 1andWDT 01010101 1 1 1 1 /RESETWake-Up from Pin Change0P0P0P0P P P P PName C67C66C65C64C63 C62 C61C60BitN/A IOC6 Power-On 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESETWDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1andChange P P P P P P P PPinWake-UpfromName C77C76C75C74C73 C72 C71C70BitN/A IOC7 Power-On 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1and/RESETChange P P P P P P P PPinWake-UpfromName /PHEN/INT TS TE PAB PSR2 PSR1PSR0BitN/A CONT Power-On 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1andWDT 1 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESETChange P P P P P P P PPinWake-UpfromName - - - - - - - -BitR0(IAR) Power-On U U U U U U U U 0x00WDT P P P P P P P Pand/RESETChange P P P P P P P PPinWake-UpfromName - - - - - - - -BitR1(TCC) Power-On 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x01WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0and/RESETChange P P P P P P P PPinfromWake-UpName - - - - - - - -BitR2(PC) Power-On 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0x02WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESETandWake-Up from Pin Change**0/P**0/P**0/P**0/P**0/P **0/P **0/P**0/PName GP PS1PS0T P Z DC CBit0x03R3(SR) Power-On 0 0 0 1 1 U U U /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 t t P P P Wake-Up from Pin Change P P P t t P P PName RSR.1RSR.0- - - - - -BitR4(RSR) Power-On 0 0 U U U U U U 0x04WDT 0 0 P P P P P P /RESETandPinChange P P P P P P P PfromWake-UpBit Name P57P56P55P54P53 P52 P51P50 0x05 R5(P5) Power-On U U U U U U U U/RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-Up from Pin Change P P P P P P P PName P67P66P65P64P63 P62 P61P60Bit0x06 R6(P6) Power-On U U U U U U U UWDT P P P P P P P Pand/RESETPinChange P P P P P P P PfromWake-UpName P77P76P75P74P73 P72 P71P70Bit0x07 R7(P7) Power-On U U U U U U U U /RESETWDT P P P P P P P PandChange P P P P P P P PPinWake-UpfromName X X X X EXIF X X TCIFBitR3F(ISR) Power-On U U U U 0 U U 0 0x3F/RESET and WDT U U U U 0 U U 0OTP ROMWake-Up from Pin Change U U U U P U U PName /WUE7/WUE6/WUE5/WUE4/WUE3 /WUE2 /WUE1/WUE0Bit0x0B IOCB Power-On 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESETandChange P P P P P P P PPinfromWake-UpName X ODE WDTE SLPC ROC X X /WUEBit0x0E IOCE Power-On U 0 1 1 0 U U 1 /RESET and WDT U 0 1 1 0 U U 1 Wake-Up from Pin Change U P 1 1 P U U PBitName X X X X EXIE X X TCIE 0x0F IOCF Power-On U U U U 0 U U 0 /RESET and WDT U U U U 0 U U 0 Wake-Up from Pin Change U U U U P U U PName - - - - - - - -Bit0x08 R8 Power-On 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0and/RESETPinChange P P P P P P P P Wake-UpfromName - - - - - - - -Bit0x09~R9~R3E Power-On U U U U U U U U 0x3EWDT P P P P P P P P /RESETandChange P P P P P P P PPinfromWake-Up** To execute next instruction after the ”SLPC” bit status of IOCE register being on high-to-low transition.X: Not used. U: Unknown or don’t care. -: not defined. P: Previous value before reset. t: Check Table 62. The Status of RST, T, and P of STATUS RegisterA RESET condition is initiated by one of the following events:1. A power-on condition,2. A high-low-high pulse on /RESET pin, and3. Watchdog timer time-out.The values of T and P (listed in Table 5 below) are used to verify the event that triggered the processor to wake up.Table 6 shows the events that may affect the status of T and P.Table 6 The Values of RST, T and P after RESETReset Type T PPower on 1 1/RESET during Operating mode *P *P/RESET wake-up during SLEEP1 mode 1 0/RESET wake-up during SLEEP2 mode *P *PWDT during Operating mode 0 *PWDT wake-up during SLEEP1 mode 0 0WDT wake-up during SLEEP2 mode 0 *PWake-Up on pin change during SLEEP2 mode *P *P*P: Previous status before reset。
深圳市瑞丰汇 EM78 系列单片机仿真系统说明书
一. 仿真系统硬件----仿真板包括底板(控制电路、SRAM等)和上板(CPU板)组成。
其系统结构框图如下:----更换不同的上板(CPU板)即可仿真不同型号的单片机,以下列出部分上板型号:----1. EM153上板(153CPU板):仿真EM78P153S----2. EM456上板(456CPU板):仿真EM78P156EL----3. EM447上板(447CPU板):仿真EM78P447SA/SB----4. EM451上板(451CPU板):仿真EM78P451----5. EM458上板(458CPU板):仿真EM78P458A/459A二. 仿真系统软件WICE----WICE是一套运行于WINDOWS环境的义隆8位单片机仿真软件,它将编辑,汇编,仿真功能集成在同一开发环境中,极大地方便了用户的操作。
1. 汇编语言格式----WICE要求源代码语句格式为:[标号[:]] [操作码] [操作数] [,操作数] [;注释]其中括号的内容为选,且各单元中的字符不区分大小写,如“MOV”和“mov”是完全一样的。
本文详细介绍该智能晾衣架的硬件电路(雨滴传感器、光照传感器、单片机硬件电路、电机驱动电路)的电路原理及其软件设计.关键词:EM78447A 智能晾衣架设计Abstract:How solve the problem that the clothes being dried in the sun are soaked by rain when you are absent? In order to do that, The author designed a kind of intelligent clothesrack which can distinguish sunny days from rainy days automatically by using righteousness prosperous monolithic integrated circuit EM78447A chip , the intelligence serves for us. In this article the hardware electric circuit (raindrop sensor, illumination sensor, monolithic integrated circuit hardware electric circuit, motor—driven electric circuit)principles of the intelligent clothesrack and its software designing are detailedKey word: The EM78447A, intelligent clothesrack, design0.引言每当下雨的时候,又恰好无人在家,然而你的衣服却晾在阳台上,你就会想我该怎么办呢?基于这个问题,我们设想:假如有一台智能型的晾衣架,它能够自动识别晴天和雨天,智能地为我们服务,多好啊!下面就给大家介绍我们的作品——晴雨智能晾衣架。
XT2 32kHz
(3)高速内置时钟 78K0内置8MHz时钟,如无特殊要求,可利用内置时钟。
①主时钟 通过执行STOP指令或设置主OSC控制寄存器(MOC)和处理器时钟控制寄存器 (PCC),可停止振荡。
②子时钟 通过设置处理器时钟控制寄存器(PCC)和时钟工作模式选择寄存器(OSCCTL)可 停止振荡。
➢第一代:七十年代后期, 4 位逻辑控制器件发展到 8 位。 NMOS 工艺(速度低,功耗大、集成度低)。代表产品: MC6800 和 Intel 8048
➢第二代:八十年代初, CMOS 工艺,并逐渐被高速低功耗 的 HMOS 工艺代替。代表产品: MC146805 和 Intel 8051
数字量检 测
模拟量检 测
开关量检 测
开关量控 制
D/A转换 I/O接口 显示器
伺服驱动 输出
1 实验仪外观、布局和图纸
CAN总线 包含SJA1000和 CTM1050T芯片
③高速内置时钟 通过执行STOP指令或设置内置振荡器模式寄存器(RCM),可停止振荡。
✓ 主时钟/子时钟/高速内置时钟3者只能选择其一工作,其余2个要停止。
④低速内置时钟(看门狗定时器(WDT)所用的240kHz时钟信号) RESET释放后,低速内置振荡器开始工作。若Option byte中设定了“低速内置 振荡器可以使用软件停止”,那么可以通过设置内置振荡器模式寄存器(RCM)来 停止振荡。
堆栈 (5级)
10H R10 11H (16×8通用寄存器)
31×8位 31×8位 31×8位 31×8位
体寄存器 体寄存器 体寄存器 体寄存器
图 1 EM78系列单片机RAM结构图
图 3 中,Page0 存放的主要是比较常用的子程序,如
系统初始化程序、键盘扫描、液晶显示等;P a g e 1 存放
的是一些数据处理程序, 如不同 B a n k 的数据拷贝,十
六进制转为二进制压缩 B C D 码 等程序;Page2 存放的加密算法 程序, 这是笔者项目开发中最 重要的部分, 所以单独的放在 一个 Page 内;Page3 主要是对 IC
00H R0 01H R1(TCC) 02H R2 03H R3(Status) 04H R4(RSR) 05H R5(Port5) 06H R6(Port6) 07H R7(Port7) 08H R8 09H R9 0AH RA 0BH RB 0CH RC 0DH RD 0EH RE 0FH RF
; 到Bank0
MOV A,@0B00000000
MOV Lcd_address,A
如上面程序所示, 在调用 L C D _ C L E A R 之前访问了
对源程序汇编后会产生如下文件:*.dt:源程序*.std:提供给程序设计者参考的标准文件*.cds:即一般所谓的目标文件(object文件).ice:提供给仿真器(E8-ICE)显示使用*.lin 及*.adr:提供给仿真器(E8-ICE)的数据库使用注:*.ice 及*.std为可读的文本文件,其余为不可读。
(1)键入格式本编译器並不对字之大写或小写作区別,如 "MOV", "Mov", "mOV",和 "MoV" 在解释上是不做区別的。
2. EM78 指令概述
EM78 系列单片机共有的 47 条(EM78P447 和 451、458 有 48 条) 指令,其寬度为 13 位。每一个指令码可分割成两部份,第一部分为标示指令功能的运算码( OPCODE ) ,第二 部份則指出运算時所需之參数,亦即运算码( OPERAND ) 。而指令的类型大致可分为下列四 种:
EM78 指令系统
EM78 指令系统.................................................................................................................................. 1 1. 程序基本格式..................................................................................................................... 2 2. EM78 指令概述..................................................................................................................3 3. EM78 指令寻址方式..........................................................................................................4 3.1. 立即数寻址.........................................................................................................4 3.2. 直接寻址.............................................................................................................4 3.3. 间接寻址.............................................................................................................4 3.4. 位寻址.................................................................................................................5 4. EM78 基本指令说明..........................................................................................................5 5. EM78 扩展指令说明........................................................................................................18 6. 指 令 速 查 表...............................................................................................................21
单片机霓虹灯设计作者:来源:本站原创点击数:3605 更新时间:2007年06月12日【摘要】介绍了基于EM78P447SB单片机、自制光电耦合器制作的低成本高性能霓虹灯控制器的线路、工作原理、编程方法和使用经验。
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PIC16C55/57 对应管脚名
表 3.1 EM447 管脚功能描述
第 26 页
第三章 EM78447 单片机硬件结构
深圳市世鹏电子科技有限公司 0755-83987638(10 线)
3.3. EM78447 内部结构框图
3.2. EM78447 型号分类、命名方法及管脚功能说明
3.2.1 型号分类(表 3.1)
型号 EM7447A EM7447B
3.2.2 命名方法:
EM 78 P 447 A P
最短指令周期 100ns 100ns
封装形式 P-DIP 区分 28/32 引线 类型名
第三章 EM78447 单片机硬件结构
深圳市世鹏电子科技有限公司 0755-83987638(10 线)
第三章 EM78447 单片机硬件结构
EM78447 单片机是在 EM78X56 基础上发展而来,分 EM78447A(28PIN)和 EM78447B(32PIN) 两种,采用低功耗、高速 CMOS 工艺制造的 8 位单片机,本章将讲述 EM78447A/B 单片机的内 部结构、存贮器、中断、I/O、看门狗、振荡器和电压检测器等特点。
I/O I/0 I/O I/O I/O
I I —— —— ——
图 3.1 EM78447 管脚图
P50~P53 为低 4 位双向 I/O 口,在 EM78447A 中口5只使用这低4位脚 P50~P57 为高4位双向 I/O 口,在 EM78447B 中口 5 为 8 位双向 I/O 口 P60~P67 为双向 I/O 口,可通过软件设置为 内部上拉 P70~P77 为双向 I/O 口.P74、P75 可通过 软件设为上拉.P76、P77 可设为开路输出, P70、P71 具有 R-option 的功能。 外部中断输入脚,下降沿触发中断 XTAL 型 :晶体振荡器或外部时钟输 入脚 RC 型:RC 振荡器输入脚 XTAL 型:晶体振荡器输出脚或外部时钟输入 脚。 RC 型:输出一个指令周期的时钟信号 施密特触发输入脚,当该脚保持低电平时, 单片机复位 实时时钟/计数器输入脚,施密特触发,当 该脚不用时,必须接地或 VCC 电源 地 未使用
P:OTP; 没有“P”为 MASK 版本 单片机系列号
EMC 公司字头
第 25 页
第三章 EM78447 单片机硬件结构
深圳市世鹏电子科技有限公司 0755-83987638(10 线)
EM78447 管脚功能描述
管脚名称 P50~P53 P54~P57 P60~P67
3.1. EM78447A/B 主要功能特点
·采用 8 位数据总线和 13 位指令总线独立分离的 Harvard 结构设计。
·采用 RISC 指令集,共有 58 条单字节指令,其中 99.9%为单周期指令(对程序计数
器 PC 指针进行写操作除外)
·4K×13 的程序存贮器(有 OTP 和掩膜二个版本)
EM78447 在片内集成了一个 8 位算术运算单元 ALU 和工作寄存器 ACC、4KROM、148 个 RAM、 20~24 个 I/O 口,8 位预置器(PRESCALER)及 8 位计数器(TCC)、振荡器、看门狗、五级 堆栈、中断控制器、指令寄存器、译码器和其它一些寄存器等。内部框图如 3.2 所示:
图 3.2 EM78447 内部功能框图
3.4. 程序存储器和堆栈
第 27 页
第三章 EM78447 单片机硬件结构
深圳市世鹏电子科技有限公司 0755-83987638(10 线)
EM78447 内部程序存储器和堆栈示意图如下:
PC A11 A10
EM78447 EM78447
0 页[000-3FF]
1 页[400-7FF]
2 页[800-BFF]
3 页[C00-FFF]
EM78447 可在同一页面内直接跳转(JMP)和调用子程序(CALL),即 JMP 时装入目标地 址至 PC 的低 10 位,CALL 时装入目标地址至 PC 的低 10 位,且 PC+1 压线,调用同 1K 页面内 的任何程序。
C00 page3
图3.3 程序存储器结构框图
PC 指针(寄存器 R2)和堆栈的位数是 12 位,即寻址空间分别为 4K,一个程序页面为 1K。
页面选择通过设定状态寄存器 R3 的 Bit6(PS1)、Bit5 (PS0)来完成,内容下表(表 3.3)所
PSO(R3.5) 程序页面地址
在 EM447 中,当需要跳转或调用不同页面的子程序时,则须在调用前将修改 R3 的 PS0/PS1、PS0,执行 JMP 或 CALL 会将状态寄存器 R3 的 PS0/PS1、PS0 载入 PC 的 A10/A11、 A10。
A9 A8 A7~A0
000 pageo
堆栈 1 CALL、RET 堆栈 2
RETL 堆栈 3 RETI 堆栈 4
椎栈 5
000:硬件中断和量地址 001:软件中断向量地址 FFF:复位地址
MOV R2,A A9=A8=0 ADD R2,A A9=A8 =0
400 page1
800 page2
·148 个通用数据寄存器可直接寻址使用。
·9 个特殊功能寄存器
·三个双向三态 I/O 口(EM78447A: 20 个 I/O.EM78447B: 24 个 I/O), 可分别设置为
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
·两种工作模式:正常工作模式 2mA/5V
1μA/5V(可由 I/O 唤醒)
·具有 R-OPTION 功能,即用电阻的上拉、下拉来选择内部程序的执行。
·一个带 8 位预置器的 8 位定时/计数器,一个看门狗定时器(WDT)。
·工作电压:2.5~5.5V 工作频率 DC~20MHZ、工作温度 0℃~70℃