



IDC:国内入侵防御市场第一品牌 微软MAPP项目合作团队开发和支持 国内首获入侵防御类产品EAL3级证书 国内独家荣获国际权威机构Frost&Sullivan颁发的市场领导者奖项
异常检测 ➢DDoS攻击 ➢协议比例异常 ➢蠕虫事件 ➢流量分布超常 ➢流量超常 ➢网络误用
中国漏洞扫描产品第一品牌 全面、准确、高效 开放漏洞管理工作流程 集成Web应用扫描模块 分布式部署、分权管理 直观掌握风险变化趋势
漏洞管理系统Vulnerability Management System 漏洞评估系统Vulnerability Assessment System 漏洞扫描产品Vulnerability Scanner
SAS 200A
SAS 2000A
绿盟远程安全评估系统 绿盟安全配置核查系统 绿盟安全审计系统 绿盟内网安全管理系统
评价 响应 监控 保护 检测 预防
准备Biblioteka 配置核查 合规评估流量分析
入侵保护 内容过滤 流量控制 行为管理 访问控制 流量控制
路由分析 ➢前缀数量的长度分布 ➢BGP路由稳定性 ➢路由数量 ➢BGP包数分析 ➢路由震荡分析
独有的基线生成算法有效减少误报和漏报告警 框架和插件式检测引擎确保高效的分析性能 丰富的报表和半自动的管理配置提高运维效率



详细参数请查询我公司网站: 品牌:TH型号:ZP5A/400V•材料:硅引用常用整流二极管型号大全极管型号:4148安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号:SA5.0A/CA-SA170A/CA安装方式:直插二极管型号:IN4007/IN4001安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:低频二极管型号:70HF80安装方式:螺丝型功率特性:大功率频率特性:高频二极管型号:MRA4003T3G安装方式:贴片二极管型号:1SS355安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号6A10安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率;型号:2DHG型安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率二极管型号B5G090L安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:超高频型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型IN4001 50 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4002 100 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4003 300 110 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4004 400 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4005 600 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4006 800 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4007 1000 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN5391 50 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5392 100 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5393 200 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5394 300 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5395 400 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5396 500 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5397 600 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5398 800 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5399 1000 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL151 50 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL152 100 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL153 200 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL154 400 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL155 600 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL156 800 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL157 1000 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15普通整流二极管参数(二)型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型RL201 50 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL202 100 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL203 200 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL204 400 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL205 600 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL206 800 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL207 1000 2 70 5 1 DO--15 2a01 50 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a02 100 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a03 200 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a04 400 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a05 600 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a06 800 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a07 1000 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 RY251 200 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY252 400 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY253 600 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY254 800 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY255 1300 3 150 5 3 DO--27 普通整流二极管参数(三)IN5401 50 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5402 100 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5403 150 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5404 200 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5405 400 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5406 600 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5407 800 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5408 1000 3 200 5 1 DO--27 6a05 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a1 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a2 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a4 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a6 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a8 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a10 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600a 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600B 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600D 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600G 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600J 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600K 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600M 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6ZP型普通整流管(平板型)适用范围:适用于机车电传,电解,充电,电机励磁,电机调速领域的变流装置。

M1A3P600-PQ144PP中文资料(Actel)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

M1A3P600-PQ144PP中文资料(Actel)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

•I / O寄存器输入,输出,并启用路径 •支持热插拔,冷饶让I / O •可编程输出摆率
‡ † 和驱动强度
•弱上拉/ -Down
•IEEE 1149.1(JTAG)边界扫描测试
1.0 1.45
FG256 17 × 17
1.0 1.60
FG484 23 × 23
1.0 2.23
A3P1000 _ 1
空白=商业(0°C至+ 70°C环境温度下)
A3P600 = 60万系统门 A3P1000 = 1,000,000个系统门
ProASIC3器件与 ARM7
M7A3P1000 = 1,000,000个系统门
ProASIC3器件具有 Cortex-M1
M1A3P250 = 250000系统门
M1A3P400 = 400000系统门 M1A3P600 = 600000个系统门 M1A3P1000 = 百万个系统门
* 为-F速度等级目标DC和开关特性只是基于模拟. 规定-F速度等级特点是主题建立FPGA规格后更改.一些限制可能会增加,并会反映在该文档后续版本.该-F速度等 级只在商用温度范围内支持.

上海 北京LC600A高效液相色谱仪

上海 北京LC600A高效液相色谱仪

LC600A高效液相色谱仪LC600A高效液相色谱仪(等度配置)P600高压恒流泵1台UV600紫外检测器1台7725i六通进样阀1只进口C18柱 150x4.6 5u 1根WS600色谱工作站1套LC-P600型高压恒流泵LC-P600高压恒流泵是微处理器智能控制的往复式双柱塞并联泵,具有工作压力高、脉动小、稳定可靠、操作方便等特点。




LC-P600高压恒流泵在压力为0~42Mpa 的范围内,流量可以从0.001mL/min开始到9.999mL/min。










技术指标:流量范围:0.001~9.999ml/min以0.001ml/min步长调节流量流量精确度:RSD≤0.15% (1ml/min)流量准确度:Ss≤2% (1ml/min水,5~10MPa室温)最高工作压力:42MPa (0.001~9.999ml/min)压力线性和准确度:显示压力误差≤0.5MPa (0~42MPa)压力脉动:≤0.2MPa (流量1ml/min,压力5~10MPa)泵的密封性:压力为42MPa,时间为10min,压力降≤0.5MPa外型尺寸:450mm×300mm×160mm(长×宽×高)LC-UV600型紫外检测器LC-UV600紫外检测器采用了平行的双锥孔流通池,样品池和参照池完全处于对等的条件。



序号 Item
1 2
图号 cpn
99240186 99270on
1 行走机构 Running gear 6 螺栓 Screw M16×40
序号 Item
3 4
图号 cpn
99270985 99271017
数量 Qty.
名称 Description
Refer to the catalogue and find out the section.
Turn to the section and refer to the table of contents to locate the desired illustrations.
The model number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Data Plate.
The serial number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Data Plate.
The part number, description and quantity needed exactly
此零件手册供用户向本公司订购零件 和了解本公司之移动式 VHP400SCU 和 P600SCU 机组产品时作参考。 如何购买本公司生产的移动式螺杆压 缩机零部件,请参照本手册的说明, 同本公司售后服务部接洽联系。 随着我公司生产技术的发展,本零件 手册的内容将逐步修改和补充,恕不 另行通知。


Mains supply:充电器接口RS232:RS232接口Display:显示
4-20mA&pulse:4-20mA和脉冲输出接口Sensor cables:传感器电缆
Red cable indicates +ve flow if upstream:当有回流时,红的接正向
Fast Track Set up Procedure快速启动模式



FG144, FG256, FG144, FG256, FG144, FG256,
1. Refer to the CoreMP7 datasheet for more information. 2. AES is not available for ARM-enabled ProASIC3 devices. 3. Six chip (main) and three quadrant global networks are available for A3P060 and above. 4. For higher densities and support of additional features, refer to the ProASIC3E Flash FPGAs datasheet. 5. The M7A3P250 device does not support this package.
May 2007 © 2007 Actel Corporation
1 See the Actel website for the latest version of the datasheet.
ProASIC3 Flash Family FPGAs
I/Os Per Package1
Operation up to 350 MHz
Soft ARM7™ Core Support in M7 ProASIC3 Devices
• CoreMP7Sd (with debug) and CoreMP7S (without debug)
Table 1 • ProASIC3 Product Family

常用二极管型号 大全

常用二极管型号 大全

常用整流二极管型号大全lzg极管型号:4148安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号:SA5.0A/CA-SA170A/CA安装方式:直插二极管型号:IN4007/IN4001安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:低频二极管型号:70HF80安装方式:螺丝型功率特性:大功率频率特性:高频二极管型号:MRA4003T3G安装方式:贴片二极管型号:1SS355安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号6A10安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率;型号:2DHG型安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率二极管型号B5G090L安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:超高频型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型IN4001 50 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4002 100 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4003 300 110 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4004 400 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4005 600 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4006 800 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4007 1000 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN5391 50 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5392 100 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5393 200 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5394 300 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5395 400 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5396 500 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5397 600 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5398 800 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5399 1000 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL151 50 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL152 100 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL153 200 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL154 400 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL155 600 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL156 800 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL157 1000 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15普通整流二极管参数(二)型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型RL201 50 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL202 100 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL203 200 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL204 400 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL205 600 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL206 800 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL207 1000 2 70 5 1 DO--15 2a01 50 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a02 100 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a03 200 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a04 400 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a05 600 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a06 800 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a07 1000 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 RY251 200 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY252 400 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY253 600 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY254 800 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY255 1300 3 150 5 3 DO--27普通整流二极管参数(三)IN5401 50 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5402 100 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5403 150 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5404 200 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5405 400 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5406 600 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5407 800 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5408 1000 3 200 5 1 DO--276a05 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a1 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a2 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a4 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a6 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a8 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a10 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600a 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600B 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600D 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600G 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600J 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600K 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600M 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6常用的国产稳压二极管型号有2CW系列和2DW系列,见表4-16和表4-17。

整流二极管型号 整流二极管型号大全

整流二极管型号 整流二极管型号大全

整流二极管型号整流二极管型号大全05Z6.2Y 硅稳压二极管Vz=6~6.35V,Pzm=500mW,05Z7.5Y 硅稳压二极管Vz=7.34~7.70V,Pzm=500mW,05Z13X硅稳压二极管Vz=12.4~13.1V,Pzm=500mW,05Z15Y硅稳压二极管Vz=14.4~15.15V,Pzm=500mW,05Z18Y硅稳压二极管Vz=17.55~18.45V,Pzm=500mW,1N4001硅整流二极管50V, 1A,(Ir=5uA,Vf=1V,Ifs=50A)1N4002硅整流二极管100V, 1A,1N4003硅整流二极管200V, 1A,1N4004硅整流二极管400V, 1A,1N4005硅整流二极管600V, 1A,1N4006硅整流二极管800V, 1A,1N4007硅整流二极管1000V, 1A,1N4148二极管75V, 4PF,Ir=25nA,Vf=1V,1N5391硅整流二极管50V, 1.5A,(Ir=10uA,Vf=1.4V,Ifs=50A) 1N5392硅整流二极管100V,1.5A,1N5393硅整流二极管200V,1.5A,1N5394硅整流二极管300V,1.5A,1N5395硅整流二极管400V,1.5A,1N5396硅整流二极管500V,1.5A,1N5397硅整流二极管600V,1.5A,1N5398硅整流二极管800V,1.5A,1N5399硅整流二极管1000V,1.5A,1N5400硅整流二极管50V, 3A,(Ir=5uA,Vf=1V,Ifs=150A) 1N5401硅整流二极管100V,3A, 1N5402硅整流二极管200V,3A,1N5403硅整流二极管300V,3A,1N5404硅整流二极管400V,3A,1N5405硅整流二极管500V,3A,1N5406硅整流二极管600V,3A,1N5407硅整流二极管800V,3A,1N5408硅整流二极管1000V,3A常用整流二极管型号大全极管型号:4148 安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号:SA5.0A/CA-SA170A/CA 安装方式:直插二极管型号:IN4007/IN4001 安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:低频二极管型号:70HF80 安装方式:螺丝型功率特性:大功率频率特性:高频二极管型号:MRA4003T3G 安装方式:贴片二极管型号:1SS355 安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号6A10安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率;型号:2DHG型安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率二极管型号B5G090L安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:超高频整流二极管型号大全型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型IN4001 50 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4002 100 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4003 200 110 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4004 400 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4005 600 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4006 800 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4007 1000 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN5391 50 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5392 100 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5393 200 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5394 300 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5395 400 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5396 500 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5397 600 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5398 800 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5399 1000 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL151 50 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL152 100 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL153 200 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL154 400 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL155 600 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL156 800 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL157 1000 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15普通整流二极管参数(二)型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型RL201 50 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL202 100 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL203 200 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL204 400 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL205 600 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL206 800 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL207 1000 2 70 5 1 DO--152a01 50 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a02 100 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a03 200 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a04 400 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a05 600 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a06 800 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a07 1000 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15RY251 200 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY252 400 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY253 600 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY254 800 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY255 1300 3 150 5 3 DO--27普通整流二极管参数(三)IN5401 50 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5402 100 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5403 150 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5404 200 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5405 400 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5406 600 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5407 800 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5408 1000 3 200 5 1 DO--276a05 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a1 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a2 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a4 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a6 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a8 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a10 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600a 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600B 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600D 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600G 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600J 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600K 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600M 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6。






















Document Number: 88745For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following:Fast Switching Plastic RectifierSRP600A thru SRP600KVishay General SemiconductorFEATURES•Fast switching for high efficiency •Low forward voltage drop •Low leakage current•High forward current operation •High forward surge capability•Solder dip 275 °C max. 10 s, per JESD 22-B106•Compliant to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC and in accordance to WEEE 2002/96/ECTYPICAL APPLICATIONSFor use in fast switching rectification of power supply,inverters, converters and freewheeling diodes for consumer and telecommunication.Note•These devices are not AEC-Q101 qualified.MECHANICAL DATACase: P600, void-free molded epoxy bodyMolding compound meets UL 94 V-0 flammability rating Base P/N-E3 - RoHS compliant, commercial grade Terminals: Matte tin plated leads, solderable per J-STD-002 and JESD 22-B102E3 suffix meets JESD 201 class 1A whisker test Polarity: Color band denotes cathode endPRIMARY CHARACTERISTICSI F(AV) 6.0 A V RRM 50 V to 800 VI FSM 300 At rr 100 ns, 150 ns, 200 nsV F 1.3 V I R 10 μA T J max.125 °CP600MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERSYMBOL SRP600ASRP600B SRP600D SRP600G SRP600J SRP600K UNIT Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 50100200400600800V Maximum RMS voltage V RMS 3570140280420560V Maximum DC blocking voltageV DC 50100200400600800V Maximum average forward rectified current 0.375" (9.5 mm) lead length at T A = 55 °C I F(AV) 6.0A Peak forward surge current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load I FSM 300A Operating junction temperature range T J - 50 to + 125°C Storage temperature rangeT STG- 50 to + 150°C For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following:Document Number: 88745SRP600A thru SRP600KVishay General SemiconductorNote(1)Thermal resistance from junction to ambient at 0.375" (9.5 mm) lead length with both leads equally heat sinkRATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES(T A = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)Fig. 1 - Forward Current Derating Curves Fig. 2 - Forward Current Derating CurveELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOLSRP600A SRP600B SRP600D SRP600GSRP600JSRP600K UNITMaximum instantaneous forward voltage 6.0 AV F1.3V Maximum DC reverse current at rated DC blocking voltage T A = 25 °C I R 10μA T A = 100 °C1.0mA Maximum reverse recovery timeI F = 0.5 A, I R = 1.0 A,I rr = 0.25 At rr100150200nsTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERSYMBOL SRP600A SRP600B SRP600D SRP600GSRP600JSRP600K UNITTypical thermal resistanceR θJA (1)10°C/WORDERING INFORMATION (Example)PREFERRED P/N UNIT WEIGHT (g)PREFERRED PACKAGE CODEBASE QUANTITYDELIVERY MODESRP600J-E3/54 2.15480013" diameter paper tape and reelSRP600J-E3/732.173300Ammo pack packagingDocument Number: 88745For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following:SRP600A thru SRP600KVishay General SemiconductorFig. 3 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current Fig. 4 - Typical Instantaneous Forward Characteristics Fig. 5 - Typical Reverse CharacteristicsFig. 6 - Typical Thermal ResistancePACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONSLegal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify and hold Vishay and its distributors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses and damages arising or resulting in connection with such use or sale, including attorneys fees, even if such claim alleges that Vishay or its distributor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.Material Category PolicyVishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereb y certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant.Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU.Revision: 12-Mar-121Document Number: 91000分销商库存信息:VISHAY-GENERAL-SEMICONDUCTORSRP600J-E3/73SRP600K-E3/73SRP600A-E3/54 SRP600B-E3/54SRP600D-E3/54SRP600G-E3/54 SRP600J-E3/54SRP600K-E3/54。



常用整流二极管参数普通整流二极管参数(一)型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型IN4001 50 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN4002 100 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN4003 200 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN4004 400 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN4005 600 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN4006 800 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN4007 1000 1。

0 30 5。

0 1。

0 DO--41IN5391 50 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5392 100 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5393 200 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5394 300 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5395 400 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5396 500 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5397 600 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5398 800 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15IN5399 1000 1。

5 50 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL151 50 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL152 100 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL153 200 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL154 400 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL155 600 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL156 800 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15RL157 1000 1。

5 60 5。

0 1。

5 DO--15普通整流二极管参数(二)型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型RL201 50 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL202 100 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL203 200 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL204 400 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL205 600 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL206 800 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL207 1000 2 70 5 1 DO--152a01 50 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a02 100 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a03 200 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a04 400 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a05 600 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a06 800 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a07 1000 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15RY251 200 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY252 400 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY253 600 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY254 800 3 150 5 3 DO--27RY255 1300 3 150 5 3 DO--27普通整流二极管参数(三)IN5401 50 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5402 100 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5403 150 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5404 200 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5405 400 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5406 600 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5407 800 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5408 1000 3 200 5 1 DO--276a05 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a1 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a2 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a4 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a6 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a8 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a10 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600a 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600B 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600D 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600G 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600J 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600K 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600M 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6回答者:老瓢虫 - 护国法师十四级 9-1 22:34 整流二极管rectifier diode一种将交流电能转变为直流电能的半导体器件。


DO-பைடு நூலகம்15



型号参数代换反向峰值电压(V) 额定整流电流(A) 反向电流(μA) 浪涌电流(A) 反向恢复时间(μS)1S1835 600 1.5 10 1.5 GG10HE1S1886 200 1.5 SN10C、2N10E1S1887 400 1.51S1642 200 0.53JH61 800 3.0 0.5 GG15HB3JV61 600 3.0 0.5BA157 400 1.0BA159 1000 1.0 ES1AZ、CFR08-04BV206 300 2.0BV407 600 2.0EH1Z 200 0.6 2CZ40、PR1003、2CZ321C、CH06CEM01Z 250 1.0 2C285E、TZ1EM1A 650 1.0 EH1AES-1 450 0.8 10 30 1.5 CN08E、CG08G、TQ15、BSV-09ES1A 650 0.8 10 40 1.5RU01Z 200 1.0 10 45EU-1 450 0.5 10 15 0.4 2CZ34H、SG05EEU01A 600 0.35 10 15 0.4EU2 450 1.0 10 40 0.4 TZ3、TG17、PR1004EU-3A 650 1.0 10 40 0.4EK-04 40 1.0 5.0 40ERA156 600 2.0ERA15-06 600 1.5GU-3B 800 1.0 0.5RC2 2000 0.2 10 20 0.8RC-2 2000 0.2 10 20 0.8RU2 650 1.0 10 20 0.4 2CZ317C、CFR10-06 RU-3A 650 1.0 10 20 0.4RM2 400 1.2RM2C 1000 1.2 100 20RGP10D 200 1.0 5 30 150nsRGP10J 600 1.0 5 30 250ns GG10HARU-4B 850 3.0 10 0.4 BA159、GG30KB RB156 650 1.5 RM156R02A 800 1.5 10 80 2CZ37、CZ12HRH1Z 200 0.6 4 2CZ321C、2CZ40RH1S 850 0.6 1.5 CN061、2CZ36RH1A 600 0.6 2CZ318G、PR1005 RH-DX0220-CEZZ 600 2.0RH-DX0224-CEZZ 800 1.0RH-DX0226-CEZZ 1000 1.0RMZC 1000 1.2 10 100 20S5295G 400 1.0 1.5S5295J 600 1.0 1.5SLB01-02 200 2.0SS2J4 400 2.0 2.0 100SS3J4 400 3.0 5.0 200TVR-2D 200 1.0TVR-4J 600 1.0 10 100 20 2CZ313BTVR4X 1000 1.2 10 100 20 GZ12NTVSRU2 600 1 2CZ321TVSRC2 2000 0.2 CFR10-06、RU2、2CZ317G TVSRM1ZM 400 1.5 5 50 RC2、BSRC2、TG19 CFR02-02D TVSRM-15RC 50 2U05C 200 2.5 3 30 DH15R、CB20-10RU05E 400 2.5 3 40U05G 600 2.5 3 40U05J 800 2.5 5 50V06C 500 2.5 50 6.0V09C 300 2.5 10 5 0.4 2CZ201、BSV06C、BHV06CV11N 1500 0.5 1.0 DHV09C、TG1V09E-4 500 0.8 2 25 0.4 GC06QD、2CZ2349AV19E-4 500 0.8 10 30 0.2 CG10FD、TG8、 CG09E-4MI15RC 1100 2.0 GG10FB、TG9、CC10EMI15SC 1100 2.5W06A-4 50 0.75 50 20 3W06A 100 0.75 50 20 3 CDR08-01JVR2D 200 1.0 CN08A、SN10AJVR4J 600 1.2常用整流二极管参数:普通整流二极管参数(一)型号最高反向峰值电压(v) 平均整流电流(a) 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua) 正向压降(V) 外型IN4001 50 1。


单相双向功率/电能 IC
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 电能数据线性度:在1000 :1 动态范围内线性度 为 ±0.1% 片内功能:可以测量电能(有功),I *V,IRMS 和 VRMS ,具有电能-脉冲转换功能 可以从串行EEPROM 智能“自引导”,不需要微 控制器 AC 或DC 系统校准 具有机械计度器/步进电机驱动器 符合IEC687/1036 ,JIS 工业标准 功耗<12mW 优化的分流器接口 V对I的相位补偿 单电源地参考信号 片内2.5V 参考电压(最大温漂60ppm/℃) 简单的三线数字串行接口 看门狗定时器 内带电源监视器 电源配置 VA+ = +5 V; VA- = 0V; VD+ = +3.3V~+5 V
CS5460A 是一个包含两个ΔΣ模 - 数转换 器(ADC)、高速电能计算功能和一个串行接 口的高度集成的ΔΣ 模-数转换器。 它可以精确 测量和计算有功电能、 瞬时功率、 IRMS 和VRMS , 用于研制开发单相2 线或3 线电表。CS5460A 可以使用低成本的分流器或互感器测量电流, 使 用分压电阻或电压互感器测量电压。CS5460A 具有与微控制器通讯的双向串口, 芯片的脉冲输 出频率与有功能量成正比。CS5460A 具有方便 的片上AC/DC 系统校准功能。 “自引导”的特点使 CS5460A 能独自工 作, 在系统上电后自动初始化。 在自引导模式中, CS5460A 从一个外部EEPROM 中读取校准数 据和启动指令。使用该模式时,CS5460A 工作 时不需要外加微控制器, 因此当电表用于大批量 住宅电能测量时,可降低电表的成本。 订货信息: CS5460A-BS -40℃~+85℃ 24 引脚 SSOP



常用整流二极管型号大全 lzg极管型号:4148安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号:SA5.0A/CA-SA170A/CA安装方式:直插二极管型号:IN4007/IN4001安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:低频二极管型号:70HF80安装方式:螺丝型功率特性:大功率频率特性:高频二极管型号:MRA4003T3G安装方式:贴片二极管型号:1SS355安装方式:贴片功率特性:大功率二极管型号6A10安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率;型号:2DHG型安装方式:直插功率特性:大功率二极管型号B5G090L安装方式:直插功率特性:小功率频率特性:超高频型号最高反向峰值电压(v 平均整流电流(a 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua 正向压降(V 外型IN4001 50 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4002 100 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4003 300 110 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4004 400 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4005 600 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4006 800 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN4007 1000 1.0 30 5.0 1.0 DO--41IN5391 50 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5392 100 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5393 200 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5394 300 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5395 400 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5396 500 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5397 600 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5398 800 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15IN5399 1000 1.5 50 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL151 50 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL152 100 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL153 200 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL154 400 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL155 600 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL156 800 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15RL157 1000 1.5 60 5.0 1.5 DO--15普通整流二极管参数(二型号最高反向峰值电压(v 平均整流电流(a 最大峰值浪涌电流(a 最大反向漏电流(Ua 正向压降(V 外型RL201 50 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL202 100 2 70 5 1 DO--15RL203 200 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL204 400 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL205 600 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL206 800 2 70 5 1 DO--15 RL207 1000 2 70 5 1 DO--15 2a01 50 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a02 100 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a03 200 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a04 400 2 70 5 1.1 DO--152a05 600 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a06 800 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 2a07 1000 2 70 5 1.1 DO--15 RY251 200 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY252 400 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY253 600 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY254 800 3 150 5 3 DO--27 RY255 1300 3 150 5 3 DO--27普通整流二极管参数(三IN5401 50 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5402 100 3 200 5 1 DO--27IN5403 150 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5404 200 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5405 400 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5406 600 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5407 800 3 200 5 1 DO--27 IN5408 1000 3 200 5 1 DO--276a05 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a1 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a2 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--66a4 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a6 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a8 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 6a10 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600a 50 6 400 10 0.95 R--6P600B 100 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600D 200 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600G 400 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600J 600 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600K 800 6 400 10 0.95 R--6 P600M 1000 6 400 10 0.95 R--6。

Aputure Nova P600c 产品手册说明书

Aputure Nova P600c 产品手册说明书

Nova P600c Product ManualThank You!Thank you for purchasing Aputure® Nova series products. Nova P600c is a high-power RGBWW light . The high-power output easily meets the illumination requirements of the studio. The high CRI can perfectly restore the skin color of the characters. The high -quality structure does not fear the heavy work of the studio. It supports multiple control protocols.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using this unit, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:Read and understand all instructions before using.Close supervision is necessary when any fixture is used by or near children. Do not leave the fixture unattended while in use.Care must be taken as burns can occur from touching hot surfaces.Do not operate the fixture if a cord is damaged, or if the fixture has beendropped or damaged, until it has been examined by qualified service personnel.Position any power cables such that they will not be tripped over, pulled, or put into contact with hot surfaces.If an extension cord is necessary, a cord with an amperage rating at least equal to that of the fixture should be used. Cords rated for less amperage than the fixture may overheat.Always unplug the lighting fixture from the electrical outlet before cleaning and servicing, or when not in use. Never yank the cord to remove the plug from the outlet.Let the lighting fixture cool completely before storing. Unplug the power cable from lighting fixture before storing and store the cable at assigned space of the carrying case.To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not immerse this fixture in water or any other liquids.To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not disassemble this fixture. **************************************fixturetoqualifiedservicepersonnel when service or repair is required. Incorrect reassembly may cause electric shock when the lighting fixture is in use.The use of any accessory attachment not recommended by the manufacturer may increase the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to any persons operating the fixture.Please power this fixture by connecting it to a grounded outlet.Please do not place the LED lighting fixture near any flammable object.Only use a dry microfiber cloth to clean the product.Please do not use the light fixture in wet condition on account of electric shock may be caused.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. P600c brings efficient and convenient lighting operation experience to professional film and television producers, and helps film and television producers to freely capture the vivid details of the shooting scene. have the product checked by an authorized service personnel agent if theproduct has a problem. Any malfunctions caused by unauthorized disassembly are not covered by the warranty. The user may pay for maintenance.We recommend only using the original Aputure cable accessories. Please notethat any malfunctions caused by using unauthorized accessories are not covered by the warranty. The user may pay for maintenance.This product is certified by RoHS, CE, KC, PSE, and FCC. Please operate the productin full compliance with relevant country's standards. Any malfunctions caused by incorrect use are not covered by warranty. The user may pay for maintenance.The instructions and information in this manual are based on thorough, controlledcompany testing procedures. Further notice will not be given if the design or specifications change.FCC Compliance StatementSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:RF Warning StatementThis device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirements.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment to an outlet on a different circuit than the receiver is connected to.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Components ListPlease make sure all accessories listed below are completed before using. If not, please contact with your sellers immediately.Nova P600c Lamp Head(1 pc)Control Box(1 pc)Lighting Clamp(1 pc)Nova P600c Custom Hard Shell(1 pc)(Available in Kit/Sold Separately)5-Pin Male-to-FemaleXLR Head Cable (3m)(1 pc)AC Power Cable (6m)(1 pc)Product Card(1pc)Product Details5-Pin Female XLR1. Lamp Head2. Controller BoxHUE Wheel(3-Pin Male XLR)Carrying HandleFixed DiffusionAccessoryInstallations1. Setting Up the Lamp HeadPut the support column of the lamp head into the hole of the lamp stand, and use the fastening knob of the lamp holder to lock it. The angle of the lamp head can beThere is a quick-release plate (with Electrical contacts) on the back of the control box, which can be quickly installed on the lamp head or the Lighting Clamp on the lamp stand; the lamp head has a Pogo pin in the quick-installation part slot, and the control box does not need to be connected after being installed on the lamp head cable, can directly control the lamp head through the contact transmission signal.Weight* The Lightning Clamp can clamp onto square or round pipe with a diameter between 2-5cm or 0.79-1.97in.Sizes(L*W*H)Lightning Clamp Specifications 670g / 1.48lbs10.35x8.74x12.5cm / 4.07x3.44x4.92inPogo PinDirectly control the lamp head by connecting the electrical contactsthrough the Pogo pinController Box3. Connect the Lamp Head to the Control Box3.1 Connect the lamp head and control through the contacts3.2 Connect the lamp head and control through the head cableElectrical contacts4.2 Powering by DC4. Power Solution4.1 Powering by ACNeutrik® power CON * To disconnect the Neutrik® power Con cable, pull back on the release tab on the cable connector, and rotate the connector counter clockwise. Do not pull directly.Connect 48V 15A DC power supply equipment to supply power through the XLRinterface to maintain the operation of the lamp.2. Manual Control2.1 Rotate the Intensity (INT) wheel to adjust the intensity of the light from 0-100%.Rotate the CCT / HUE wheel to adjust the CCT or HUE Output of the light fixture.Operations1. Turn the Light OnWhen the lamp body is connected to the power source, connect it to the contact of the control box through the connecting cable or the Pogo pin of the lamp head, and short press the power button on the side of the control box to turn on/off the lamp body.Rotate the Green-Magenta / Saturation (G/M / SAT) Control Knob to adjust the Green-Magenta Shift or Saturation output of the light fixture.* The speed at which you rotate the knob will result in different rates of change.2.2 Press the Light Mode button to enter the Menu interface.2.2.1 Short press INT wheel to select CCT mode to adjust color temperature (2000K~10000K).2.2.2 Press the INT wheel to select HSI mode to adjust the change of the HUE from 1°~360°.2.2.3 Short press the INT wheel to select FX mode, then rotate the INT wheel to toggle between Club Lights, Paparazzi, Lightning, TV, Candle, Fire, Strobe, Explosion, Fault Bulb, Pulsing, Welding, Cop Car, Color Chase, Party Lights, Fireworks, Color Fade, Color cycle, Color Gradient, One Color Chase.1. Club Lights2. Paparazzi3. Lightning4. TV5. Candle6. Fire7. Strobe8. Explosion9. Fault Bulb10. Pulsing11. Welding12. Cop Car13. Color Chase14. Party Lights2.24 Short press the INT wheel to enter or exit the light effect cycle, the icon is( ) in the cycle state, and the icon is ( ) when the light effect is stopped; in the Explosion mode, short press the INT wheel to perform a single trigger function. Loop function ( ); in Lightning mode, short press the INT wheel to perform the single trigger function, and long press the INT wheel to perform the loop function ( ).15. Fireworks 16. Color Fade 17. Color cycle 18. Color Gradient 19. One Color Chase2.2.5 Short press the INT wheel to select RGB mode to adjust the brightness via change the scale of each of R/G/B.2.2.6 Short press the INT wheel to select X, Y color coordinate mode, press or rotate the HUE wheel to change the figure of X and press the SAT wheel to change thefigure of Y.2.2.7 Short press the INT wheel to select SOURCE mode, then rotate the INT wheel to select appropriate source.2.2.8 Short press the INT wheel to select GEL mode, then rotate the INT wheel to adjust the brightness, rotate the INT wheel to choose 3200K/5600K and press G/M wheel to enter the interface of GEL, rotate the G/M wheel to select the GEL.2.3 Short press the MENU button to enter the system of menu interface, as shownbelow.2.3.1 Output Mode2.3.2 DMX ModePress the MENU Button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel and short press to enter the Output Mode. In the output mode interface, you can choose Constant Output Mode and Max Output Mode. Constant out put mode can maintain the brightness output during the process of changing the color temperature. Max Output Mode can make Nova P600c perform the current maximum power output.Press the MENU Button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel and short press to enter the DMX mode, rotate the INT wheel to select DMX Address/DMX Profiles /DMX Loss Behavior, and then short press the INT wheel to confirm the selection.DMX Address :Rotate the INT wheel to change the DMX channel (001-512).DMX Profiles: Rotate the INT wheel to select 1: CCT&RGB, select 2: CCT&HSI..., a total of 20 built-in DMX models.DMX Loss Behavior :Rotate the INT knob to select Black out /fade to Black /Hold last setting/ Hold 2 min& fade Out.1)Black out -when the DMX signal is lost, it will be Black out.2)Fade to Black -after DMX signal is lost, it will fade to Black in 60 seconds.3)Hold last setting -After DMX signal is lost, remember the last control setting.4)Hold 2 min& Fade Out -After the DMX signal is lost, keep the last control setting for two minutes, and then Fade to Black within 60 seconds.* The fade-out time decreases as the percentage of brightness decreases. When the brightness output is 100%, the fade-out time is 60 seconds, which decreases in sequence * If the signal is reconnected, the DMX console will continue to maintain the signal output as same as before.2.3.3 Fan ModePress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel and press to enter the Fan Mode. Turn the INT wheel to choose from smart/ high/ medium/ silent mode, and then press the INT wheel to confirm the selection.2.3.4 Dimming CurvesPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select Dimming Curve, and press the INT wheel to enter the Dimming Curve selection menu. Using the INT wheel to choose from exponential (Exp), logarithmic (Log),S-Curve, or linear dimming curves, and press the INT wheel to confirm the selection.2.3.6 Frequency SelectionPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter Frequency Selection interface. Rotate the INT wheel to adjust the light frequency by 100Hz every turn.2.3.7 Wireless DMXPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter Wireless DMX interface, Rotate the INT wheel to select Lumen Radio status/pairing/exit.LumenRadio status: Short press the INT wheel to turn on or off the LumenRadio module.Pairing: Connect with the LumenRadio transmitter module when the LumenRadio module is turned on.Exit: Short press to Exit return to the main menu.2.3.5 Studio ModePress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter Studio Mode interface. Then, rotate the INT wheel to turn the Studio Mode on or off.When the studio mode is turned on (ON), the lamp can be turned on directly, when the studio mode is turned off (OFF), you need to press the power switch to turn on the lamp.2.3.8 BluetoothPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter Bluetooth mode, short press the INT wheel to enter the Bluetooth mode interface, and turn the INT wheel to select BT status/BT reset/ Fixture Serial No./exit.BT Status: Short press the INT wheel to turn on or off the Bluetooth module.BT Reset: Short press the INT wheel to reset or cancel the Bluetooth module. Fixture Serial No.: Display the Bluetooth serial number.Exit: Short press to Exit return to the main menu.2.3.9 Update FirmwarePress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select andpress to enter Update Firmware interface, rotate the INT wheel to select "YES" or "NO". 2.3.10 Firmware VersionPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter Firmware Version Interface, you can see the Firmware Version ofthe lamp head and control box.2.3.11 Language Press the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter the Language interface. You can rotate the INT wheel to select English or Chinese, and then press the INT wheel to confirm the selection.If a USB flash drive containing a firmware update is mounted in the USB port, thescreen will display an update progress; If you choose “NO”, then it will return the menu interface.2.3.12 Factory ResetPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter the Factory Reset interface.The factory settings are: fan is in smart mode, light effect brightness value is 50%, light effect mode color temperature value is 5600K, normal mode brightness is 50%, normal light mode color temperature is 5600K, Bluetooth mode is turned on, studio mode is turned off, dimming curve-linear, DMX channel number 001, English,fireworks light effect, frequency Fixture Serial NoPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter the Fixture Serial No. interface, you can see Fixture Serial No. of your lamp.2.3.14 Custom FXPress the MENU button to enter the menu interface, rotate the INT wheel to select and press to enter the Custom FX. You can choose to enter Picker FX, Music FX, or Touchbar FX interface. Each type can save 10 custom FXs. In the name of each FX, "NO FX" means unsaved FX, and "Untitled" means saved FX.2.4 Fixture PresetsThere are 4 preset buttons under the control box. After setting the light to the desired output mode, long press any one of the four buttons 1, 2, 3, 4 to start the process of saving the preset, and use the INT knob to select "Yes/No". Then, you can use these preset buttons in any mode to activate the mode and content previously saved to the preset.3. Connecting to DMX3.1 Connect a standard DMX controller3.2 Channel SelectionIn DMX mode, match the channel of your DMX controller with the light, and then adjust accordingly.* The default DMX channel is "001". * The range of DMX channels is 1 to 512.4. Controlling Device Via DMXThe DMX controller is connected to the control box, as shown in the figure below:* The DMX interface schematic is shown in the pictures below:Data Link)Data Link)The Nova P600c offers a variety of DMX modes.Please find a detailed overview of all DMX modes in the document,NOVA P600c DMX Chart is available for free download on the Aputure official website https://Using the Sidus Link APPYou can download the Sidus Link app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store for enhancing the functionality of the light. Please visit Sidus.link/app/ help for more details regarding how to use the app to control your Aputure lights.SpecificationsOperating Temperature Operating Voltage Operating CurrentPower InputPower OutputCCTCRITLCICQSSSI(D55)SSI(D32)Control MethodDC Operating Voltage / Current Cooling Method -20~45℃100V~240V8A≤720W≤600W2000K ~10000K≥95≥95≥95≥74≥84Sidus Link®App, DMX512(5-Pin), LumenRadio, and Control Box48V 15AActive coolingSidus.link/app/helpWeight Dimensions (L*W*H)Light HeadController BoxLight HeadController Box13.74kg / 30.29lbs0.43kg / 0.947lbs80.20*48.15*17.96cm / 31.57*18.95*7.07in15.75*9.66*4.58cm / 6.20*3.80*1.80inPhotometrics* This data is based on average brightness measurements, there will be slight variations between lights.Nova P600c 2700K3200K4300K5600K6500K1m / 3.3ft 14,586 Lux 1,356 fc15,240 Lux 1,416 fc 15,533 Lux 1,444 fc 17,520 Lux 1,628 fc 18,346 Lux 1,705 fc3m / 9.8ft 1,850 Lux 172 fc 1,936 Lux 180 fc 1,945 Lux 181 fc 2,167 Lux 201 fc 2,298 Lux 214 fc5m / 16.4ft 725 Lux 67 fc 746 Lux 69 fc 758 Lux 70 fc 847 Lux 79 fc 867 Lux 81 fc。















冲洗完成后,关闭KC4、KC9、HV12,将T601B 升压到0.12Mpa时关闭阀KC8,做好吸附操作准备。

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