

BDCOM S8500系列交换机安装手册

BDCOM S8500系列交换机安装手册

BDCOM S8500系列交换机安装手册目录第1章产品概述 (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 S8500产品的技术特性 (1)1.3 S8500外观 (2)1.4 ROHS说明 (5)1.5 S8500硬件组成 (5)1.5.1 机柜 (6)1.5.2 机框 (6)1.5.3 单板插框说明 (9)1.5.4 电源分布 (11)1.6 S8500通风散热系统 (12)1.7 S8500单板简介 (13)1.7.1 主控板(LS85-MSU I) (16)1.7.2 主控板(LS85-MSU II) (18)1.7.3 主控板(LS85-MSU III) (20)1.7.4 主控板(LS85-MSU IV) (21)1.7.5 48口百兆电接口板(LS85-48FE-TX) (23)1.7.6 48口百兆电接口卡(LS85-48FE-TXB) (24)1.7.7 24口百兆SFP光+2口千兆接口板(LS85-24FESFP-2GE) (25)1.7.8 24口百兆SFP光+4口千兆接口板(LS85-24FESFP-4GE) (26)1.7.9 24口百兆SFP光接口卡(LS85-24FE-SFPE) (27)1.7.10 12口千兆光电合一接口板(LS85-12GE-TX/SFP) (27)1.7.11 12口千兆光电合一接口板(LS85-12GE-TX/SFP B) (28)1.7.12 12口千兆光电合一接口板(LS85-12GE-TX/SFPE) (29)1.7.13 12口千兆光电合一接口板(LS85-12GE-TX/SFP-MPLS-E) (30)1.7.14 12口千兆光电合一多核多功能接口板(LS85-MFMC-12GE-TX/SFP) (31)1.7.15 24口千兆电接口板(LS85-24GE-TX) (32)1.7.16 24口千兆SFP光接口板(LS85-24GE-SFP) (33)1.7.17 24口千兆SFP光接口板(LS85-24GE-SFPE) (33)1.7.18 24口千兆电接口板(LS85-24GE-TXE) (34)1.7.19 48口千兆电接口板(LS85-48GE-TX) (35)1.7.20 1口万兆XFP光接口板(LS85-1TE-XFP) (36)1.7.21 2口万兆XFP光接口板(LS85-2TE-XFP) (37)1.7.22 4口万兆XFP光接口板(LS85-4TE-XFP) (38)1.7.23 8口万兆XFP光接口板(LS85-8TE-XFP) (38)1.7.24 4口万兆XFP光接口增强型板(LS85-4TE-XFP-MPLS-E) (39)1.7.25 48口千兆光接口增强型板(LS85-48GE-SFP-MPLS-E) (40)1.7.26 48口百兆电接口板(LS85-48FE-TX-MPLS-E) (41)1.7.27 48口百兆光接口增强型板(LS85-48FE-SFP-MPLS-E) (42)1.7.28 48口千兆电接口板(LS85-48GE-TX-MPLS-E) (42)1.7.29 4口万兆光以太网MPLS接口模块(LS85-4TE-XFP-MPLS-L) (43)第2章安装前准备 (45)2.1 安全性建议 (45)2.1.1 安装系统的安全 (45)2.1.2 搬移的安全 (45)2.1.3 电气安全性 (46)2.1.4 防静电放电破坏 (46)2.1.5 激光安全性 (47)2.2 安装场地的要求 (47)2.2.1 机架式安装要求 (47)2.2.2 通风要求 (47)2.2.3 温度和湿度要求 (48)2.2.4 洁净度要求 (49)2.2.5 电源要求 (49)2.3 系统接地要求 (50)2.3.1 安全接地 (50)2.3.2 雷电接地 (50)2.3.3 电磁兼容接地 (50)2.3.4 EMI考虑 (51)2.3.5 光纤联机注意事项 (52)2.4 安装工具要求 (52)2.5 开箱验货检查要求 (52)2.5.1 货物清点 (52)2.5.2 现场日志的记录 (53)第3章产品的安装 (54)3.1 安装流程 (54)3.2 安装确认 (55)3.3 安装机柜 (55)3.3.1 注意事项 (55)3.3.2 安装简要步骤 (56)3.4 在机柜上安装S8500 (56)3.4.1 注意事项 (56)3.4.2 安装简要步骤 (56)3.5 连接系统接地 (56)3.5.1 注意事项 (56)3.5.2 接地的简要步骤 (57)3.5.3 连接直流电源至电源模块 (57)3.5.4 注意事项 (57)3.5.5 连接的简要步骤 (57)3.6 连接交流电源至电源模块 (58)3.6.1 注意事项 (58)3.6.2 连接的简要步骤 (58)3.7 连接主控板的线缆 (59)3.7.1 连接的简要步骤 (59)3.8 从S8500移走单板 (59)3.8.1 移走单板的主要步骤 (59)3.9 在S8500上重新安装单板 (60)3.9.1 重新安装的简要步骤 (60)3.10 连接对外接口线缆 (60)3.10.1 注意事项 (60)3.10.2 连接的简要步骤 (60)3.11 捆扎电缆 (60)3.11.1 注意事项 (60)3.11.2 捆扎的简要步骤 (61)3.12 安装后检查 (61)3.12.1 机柜检查 (61)3.12.2 电缆连接检查 (61)3.12.3 电源检查 (61)第4章安装中的常见故障处理 (62)4.1 安装故障排查通用流程 (62)4.2 硬件安装故障的处理 (63)4.2.1 电源模块故障处理 (63)4.2.2 单板安装故障 (63)第5章附录 (65)5.1 S8500产品的标志、包装、运输、贮存 (65)5.1.1 产品上的标志 (65)5.1.2 外包装上的标志 (65)5.1.3 产品产地 (65)5.1.4 产品种类 (65)5.1.5 包装 (65)5.1.6 产品包装的基本要求 (65)5.1.7 包装材料 (65)5.1.8 运输 (66)5.1.9 贮存 (66)5.2 开箱和装箱工具 (67)5.3 其它 (67)5.3.1 随机文件 (67)5.3.2 随机线缆 (67)第1章产品概述为了描述的方便,下文将BDCOM S8500系列交换机简称为S8500。

SIMATIC NET 工业以太网交换机 SCALANCE XC-200 操作说明说明书

SIMATIC NET 工业以太网交换机 SCALANCE XC-200 操作说明说明书

SIMATIC NET工业以太网交换机SCALANCE XC-200操作说明02/2023法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。












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Siemens AGDigital Industries Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG C79000-G8952-C442-14Ⓟ 02/2023 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2016 - 2023.保留所有权利目录1简介 (7)2安全须知 (15)3安全建议 (17)4设备描述 (25)4.1产品总览 (25)4.2设备视图 (31)4.2.1SCALANCE XC206-2 (ST/BFOC) (31)4.2.2SCALANCE XC206-2 (SC) (32)4.2.3SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE (33)4.2.4SCALANCE XC206-2SFP (34)4.2.5SCALANCE XC208 (35)4.2.6SCALANCE XC208G PoE (36)4.2.7SCALANCE XC216 (37)4.2.8SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE (38)4.2.9SCALANCE XC216-4C (38)4.2.10SCALANCE XC224 (40)4.2.11SCALANCE XC224-4C (41)4.3附件 (41)4.4SELECT/SET 按钮 (47)4.5LED 指示灯 (49)4.5.1总览 (49)4.5.2“RM”LED (50)4.5.3“SB”LED (50)4.5.4“F”LED (50)4.5.5LED“DM1”和“DM2” (51)4.5.6LED“L1”和“L2” (51)4.5.7端口 LED (52)4.6C-PLUG (54)4.6.1C-PLUG 的功能 (54)4.6.2更换 C-PLUG (56)4.7组合端口 (57)4.8以太网供电 (PoE) (58)4.8.1符合标准的电源和电压范围 (58)4.8.2设备的 PoE 属性 (59)4.8.3电源传输和引脚分配 (30 W) (61)SCALANCE XC-200目录4.8.4电源传输和引脚分配 (60 W) (62)4.8.5组态 (62)5组装和拆卸 (63)5.1安装的安全注意事项 (63)5.2关于 SFP 收发器的一般说明 (66)5.3安装类型 (66)5.4在 DIN 导轨上安装 (67)5.4.1基于固定板的凹顶导轨安装 (67)5.4.2无固定板时的凹顶导轨安装 (69)5.5在标准 S7-300 导轨上安装 (70)5.5.1在带有固定板的标准导轨 S7-300 上安装 (70)5.5.2在不带固定板的标准导轨 S7-300 上安装 (71)5.6在标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (72)5.6.1在带有固定板的标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (72)5.6.2在不带固定板的标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (74)5.7基于固定板的墙式安装 (75)5.8更改固定销的位置 (76)5.9拆卸 (77)6连接 (79)6.1不使用 PoE 的设备的安全注意事项 (79)6.2PoE 设备的安全注意事项 (80)6.3有关在危险场所使用的安全注意事项 (82)6.4附加说明 (85)6.5接线规则 (86)6.624 V DC 电源 (87)6.754 V DC 电源 (88)6.8信号触点 (90)6.9功能性接地 (91)6.10串口 (92)6.11工业以太网 (94)6.11.1电气 (94)6.11.2光纤 (95)SCALANCE XC-200目录7维护和清洁 (97)8故障排除 (99)8.1使用 TFTP 下载新固件(无需 WBM 和 CLI) (99)8.2恢复出厂设置 (100)9技术规范 (101)9.1SCALANCE XC206-2 (ST/BFOC) 的技术规范 (101)9.2SCALANCE XC206-2 (SC) 的技术规范 (104)9.3SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE 的技术规范 (107)9.4SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (110)9.5SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE EEC (54 V) 的技术规范 (113)9.6SCALANCE XC206-2SFP 的技术规范 (116)9.7SCALANCE XC206-2SFP G 的技术规范 (119)9.8SCALANCE XC206-2SFP EEC 的技术规范 (122)9.9SCALANCE XC206-2SFP G EEC 的技术规范 (125)9.10SCALANCE XC208 的技术规范 (128)9.11SCALANCE XC208G 的技术规范 (130)9.12SCALANCE XC208G PoE 的技术规范 (132)9.13SCALANCE XC208G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (134)9.14SCALANCE XC208EEC 的技术规范 (136)9.15SCALANCE XC208G EEC 的技术规范 (138)9.16SCALANCE XC216 的技术规范 (140)9.17SCALANCE XC216EEC 的技术规范 (142)9.18SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE 的技术规范 (144)9.19SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (146)9.20SCALANCE XC216-4C 的技术规范 (150)9.21SCALANCE XC216-4C G 的技术规范 (153)9.22SCALANCE XC216-4C G EEC 的技术规范 (156)9.23SCALANCE XC224 的技术规范 (159)9.24SCALANCE XC224-4C G 的技术规范 (161)9.25SCALANCE XC224-4C G EEC 的技术规范 (164)9.26机械稳定性(运行时) (167)SCALANCE XC-200目录9.27射频辐射符合 NAMUR NE21 标准 (167)9.28电缆长度 (167)9.29交换特性 (168)10尺寸图 (171)11证书和认证 (179)索引 (189)SCALANCE XC-200简介1操作说明的用途这些操作说明适用于 SCALANCE XC-200 系列产品的安装和连接。



Confidential BMediaTek Roadmap UpdateDecember/27/2013Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Confidential BAgenda▪ WiFi Market Update ▪ WiFi Networking Roadmap ▪ Beyond WiFiCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27-2-Confidential BWiFi Market UpdateCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Smart Phone Say Hello to 802.11acConfidential BHTC New OneSamsung S4Sony Xperia Z Ultra C6802MediaTek13’Feb13’Mar13’Jun14’Q1Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27-4-11n vs. 11ac Transition100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2013 2014 20152013/12/27 5Confidential BN300 takes entry level positionAC750/AC1200 replace N600 and get growth momentumAC-4SS (DBC) AC-3SS (DBC) AC-2SS (DBC) AC-2SS (FE, DBC) AC-1SS (DBC) 3SS (DBC) 2SS (DBC) 3SS 2SS 1SS20162017Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Source: ABI, In-Stat, Mediatek IntelligenceMarket Dynamic▪ Router SKU Transition– – – – – –Confidential BN300 replaced N150 as 11n entry level router 11ac DBC router replaced 11n DBC router (AC1200 $79) LTE Smart Phone drive 11ac and NFC demand Normal power router + repeater to extend coverage Router 2.0 - Internet router (public cloud) + home router (personal cloud) Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) becomes mandatory function in mid-/high-end router▪ Next Generation Hotspot (Passpoint R2) moves Wi-Fi to the heart of the carrier network ▪ Home Security & Automation– – – – – Cloud & App, +touch panel for control Surveillance: WiFi Cloud IPC Security: BT Door Lock Home Automation: +Zigbee/Sub-1G for sensor network Healthcare: +BTLE2013/12/27 -6-Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Confidential BWiFi Networking RoadmapCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Confidential BAgenda▪ Chip Roadmap ▪ MT7620 Highlights ▪ MT7620 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7621 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7612 11ac SolutionsCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27-8-11n Router RoadmapN600(GbE) N750(GbE) N900(GbE)RT6856 RT3593 RT3593 MT7530 • MIPS34KEc (700 MHz) • DDRI/DDRII, NAND/SPI • FE SW, 802.3az • USB2.0 (2), rGMII, PCIe (2) • IPSec Engine (140Mbps) • AES256-CBC • Storage AcceleratorCPUMPConfidential BMT7620ART3593 MT7530MT7620ART5592 MT7530• MT7530 GbE SW • 5p+2 rGMII • 802.3az EEE • Jumbo FrameN600MT7620ART5592MT7620AMT7530N300MT7620AMT7620N• • • • • • • • • •2x2 802.11n (300 Mbps) MIPS24KEc (580/600 MHz) SDR/DDRI/DDRII, NAND/SPI/SD-XC/eMMC FE SW, 802.3az USB, rGMII(2), PCIe 2Gbps HWNAT (IPv6) Storage Accelerator Lowest Power Consumption Best IOT w/ Intel6300 eCos IPv6 logo ready turnkey (2/8)MT762x• • • • • • • • • •2x2 802.11n (300 Mbps) MIPS24KEc (580 MHz) DDRI/DDRII, SPI/SD-XC/eMMC FE SW, 802.3az USB, PCIe AES128/256-CBC Calibration Free 5V/0.6A power adapter DRAM embedded ULC rBOM, PCBN300GMPQ1’14Q2’14Q3’14Q4’14Q1’15Q2’1511ac Router Roadmap• MIPS1004K dual-core (880MHz) • 256KB L2 • DDRII/DDRIII, NAND/SPI/SD-XC • GbE SW, 802.3az EEE • USB 3.0, USB 2.0, rGMII, PCIe (3) • IPSec Engine (> 400Mbps) • HWNAT(IPv6)+BW Control • Storage Accelerator • NFC: MT6605 • SATAIII(2): 3rd PCIeCPUMPConfidential BAC1750(GbE)MT7621AMT7605E MT7615EAC1200(GbE)MT7621AMT7612E MT7602EMT7602E • LDPC, Beamforming • 256QAMMT7621AMT7612E MT7603EAC1200MT7603E • ULC • MCC • Airtime Fairness • 802.11v, 802.11j • Samples: Q1 2014• 4x4/4SS, 11ac stage2 • LDPC, Beamforming, MU-MIMO • 802.11v, 802.11j • CPU offload • Samples: Q4 2014MT7620AMT7612E• iPA • LDPC, Beamforming • Calibration FreeAC750MT7620AMT7610E• BeamformeeMPQ1’14Q2’14Q3’14Q4’14Q1’15Q2’15Dongle RoadmapAC1300CPUMPConfidential BAC866MT7612U • USB 3.0 • LDPC, Beamforming • Calibration Free, iPAMT7662U • USB 3.0 • BT 4.0+HS, LDPC, Beamforming • Calibration Free, iPA • Linux, Android MT7650U • USB 2.0 • BT 4.0+HS • Beamformee • Linux, AndroidAC433MT7610U • USB 2.0 • BeamformeeN450RT3573N300RT5572 RT5372 • USB 2.0 • Calibration Free, SoftAP mode • QFN40-5x5 (Smallest) MT7670U • USB 2.0 • High Power MT7603U • USB 2.0 • Calibration Free • ULCN150MT7601U RT3070MPQ1’14Q2’14Q3’14Q4’14Q1’15Q2’15PCIe Roadmap>AC1300CPUMPConfidential BMT7615E • 4x4/4SS, 11ac stage2 • LDPC, Beamforming, MU-MIMOAC866MT7612E • LDPC, Beamforming • Calibration Free, iPAAC433MT7610E • BeamformeeN450RT3593 • Calibration Free • LDPC, Beamforming • 256QAM • Calibration Free • 802.11j, 802.11v • 64QAMN300RT5592/EP RT5392MT7602E • USB 2.0 • Calibration Free, SoftAP mode • QFN40-5x5 (Smallest)MT7603EN150MT7601U RT3070MPQ1’14Q2’14Q3’14Q4’14Q1’15Q2’15MT7621 VPN Performance (>400Mbps)Confidential BVPN TunnelLAN: on DES 3DES AES-128 AES-192 AES-256 3DES AES-128 AES-192 AES-256 Authentication SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 SHA-1 MD5 DH Group DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH2 DH5 DH5 DH5 DH5 DH5 DH5 DH5 DH5NetScreen第一次 第二次 第三次503.963 415.579 450.942 552.657 597.048 546.626 507.185 588.509 422.110 380.032 457.272 455.986 444.925 332.600 448.310 422.465 423.996 505.989 507.322 504.105 421.491 549.283 399.405 395.676 382.091 510.567 398.124 381.551 540.925 508.904 360.313 562.598 420.892 473.680 420.030 472.003 510.725 476.088 517.963 512.740 380.029 502.125 454.674 420.783 557.360 478.124 421.747 552.370TCPTCPTCP平均449.617 465.0827 459.4313 509.5883 509.7547 523.999 474.851 498.975 394.7433 464.2413 436.69 419.44 514.4033 439.876 410.1233 512.4777Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 13 -MediaTek Technology RoadmapConfidential B20152014 {BBP} 1. BW 5/10 2. Airtime Fairness {MAC} 1. MCC 2. WiFi Positioning {SoC} KGD2013 {RF} DPD, 11ac iPA {BBP} LDPC, TxBF {MAC} STA-Proxy {SoC} HNAT+HQoS, VPN, Storage AcceleratorCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.{RF} 1. DPA 2. 4x4/4ss, 3. 11ac stage2 {BBP} 1. Smart Antenna v3 2. MU-MIMO2013/12/27- 14 -Software RoadmapReadyOpenWRT trunkOpenWRT (MT7620, 3.x)Confidential B2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q12014 Q2 Q3 Q42015 Q1 Q2●● OpenWRT(MT7620, 2.6.36)(RT5350, 3.x)● OpenWRT● OpenWRT(MT7621, 3.x)Linux SDK● SDK 4.1(MT7620, 2.6.36)● SDK 4.2(MT7621, 2.6.36)● SDK 5.0(Kernel 3.x)eCos OpenBSD● MT7620N/ ● MT7620NMT5350 SDK (2/8M)● AC750 SDK2.4.3.0 (2/16M)● AC750 SDK2.4.5.0 (2/8M)eCos –IPv6 FreeBSD● MT7620N ● AC750 SDK3.0.3.0 (2/8M) - 15 2013/12/27IPv6 SDK (2/16M)IPv6 SDK (2/8M)● AC1200 SDK3.0.4.0 (2/8M)Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Confidential BSDK 4.2 vs. 4.1 ComparisonSDK 4.1Kernel Chip 2.6.21 2.6.36 (RT6856, MT7620) RT3050, RT3052 RT3883, RT3662 RT3352, RT5350 RT6856, MT7620 GCC 3.4.2SDK 2.6.36 (RT6856, MT7620, MT7621) RT3050, RT3052 RT3883, RT3662 RT3352, RT5350 RT6856, MT7620 MT7621 GCC 4.6.3 (MT7621 default) (MT7620 option) uClibc (MT7621 default) (MT7620 option) Fast path (MT7620, MT7621) Fast path (MT7620, MT7621) lighthttpd web server (BSD license) Linux 2.6.36 support 2.6.38 MT7620+MT7530 RT3883+MT7530 WM8960 YES (MT7621) 400Mbps (MT7621) YES xHCI (MT7621) Win8- 16 -DescriptionGccUser LibraryuClibc 0.9.28PPTP L2TP HTTP Server Layer7 QoS Openswan Gigabit Switch Audio DAC HQoS VPN SPDIF USB Windows certificationn/a n/a Go-ahead Linux 2.6.21 only 2.6.22 RT3883+Vitesse WM8750 n/a 150Mbps (RT6856) n/a EHCI (RT6856/MT7620) Vista/Win7MT720 performance gain ~120% MT7620 performance gain ~100% /QDMACopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27Value Added SoftwareDPI +iQoS DPI +iQoS (Broadweb) CAPWAP user kernel driverConfidential BSamba, Airplay, Airprint, DLNA DMSVPN NTFS (Paragon) (MediaTek)NTFS (Paragon)Remote USBUSB Printer Audio StorageIPv6 HNAT HQoS (MediaTek)Storage Accelerator (MediaTek)VoW (MediaTek)Mesh (TerraNet)IP cam H.264 (AIT/Sonix) Audio DAC (WM8960)Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 17 -Confidential BAgendaChip Roadmap ▪ MT7620 Highlights ▪ MT7620 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7621 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7612 11ac SolutionsCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 18 -Confidential BMT7620A Functional Block3.3V 20/40MHz Crystal PMU 2.5/1.0V Clock/Timer/Reset/PLL DRAM Controller NAND/SD-XC/eMMC SPI RF FEM RF FEM MAC BBP UART Full+ UART Lite USB 2.0 Host/Device CTRL/PHY I2C PPE w/ IPv6 I2S PCM 2 3 4 External Interface TransformerSDRAM(512Mbits) DDR1(1Gbits) DDR2(2Gbits) NAND Flash(8Gbits) SPI Flash/Codec UART Interface USB 2.0 Interface EEPROM/Control Audio Interface Codec GPIO/LEDMIPS 24KEc (580/600 MHz) 64K I-Cache 32K D-Cache5G WiFi 2x2 11n: RT5592 2x2 11n: RT5592EP (HP) 3x3 11n: RT3593 1x1 11ac: MT7610ERGMIIPCIe Storage Accelerator Ethernet SwitchRGMII01Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 19 -MT7620 Highlights• Best DBC TP w/ Intel 6300 • Best TP w/ mutiSTAs • No. 1 HNAT in smallnetbuilder • First IPv6 HNATConfidential BBest DBC Throughput w/ Intel63002Gbps IPv6 HNATMT7620Lowest Power Consumption• Lowest power consumption • Thermal PK w/ E900USB 2.0 Samba Performance• Perform same performance w/ EA3500 and E4200v2Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 20 -HNAT (Chariot) Benchmarkipv6 HNATConfidential B2Gbps HNATOutperform in iPv6 benchmarkCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 21 -Confidential BPower Consumption BenchmarkD-LINK DIR-605L RTL8196C+ RTL8192CE 2.31 2.64 1.42 1.38 1.37MT7620NSDRTenda W308R BCM5357TP-LINK TL-WR841N AR9341Uplink Downlink STA associated STA unassociated Radio off1.80 2.18 1.03 0.83 0.613.42 4.41 2.88 2.79 2.072.632 3.290 2.444 2.350 2.068Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 22 -Confidential BDBC TP Benchmark (vs. Intel6300)Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 23 -Peak Throughput Benchmark APto1STA or APto2STAsConfidential BCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 24 -N300/600, AC750/1200(GbE) Solution▪ MT7620A (580MHz)– – – – – 2x2 11n 2.4GHz GbE LAN(4)+WAN USB 2.0, SD-XC, I2S DDR2, SPI Flash PCIe: 802.11 a/n/acMT7620AConfidential B1x1/2x2 11ac▪ MT7530– 5p GbE SwitchMT7530▪ 4L PCB, double sides▪ OS– Linux SDKCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 25 -Outdoor AP Solution (Industry Spec.)▪ MT7620A (580MHz)– – – – – 2x2 11n 2.4GHz GbE(2) USB 2.0, PoE DDR1, NAND Flash PCIe• •Confidential BrGMII iNIC802.11 a/n/ac 802.11ac iNICMT7620A– rGMIIPCIe 1x1/2x2 11ac▪ HW Spec.– 4L PCB, double sides – -40~85 degrees (Industry Spec.) – Tx PowerMCS0: 26.8dbm per chain • Over temperature: +- 1dbm•PoE▪ OS– Linux SDKCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 26 -Confidential BAgendaChip Roadmap MT7620 Highlights ▪ MT7620 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7621 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7612 11ac SolutionsCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 27 -AC750 Products▪ Chip: MT7620A+7610EConfidential B▪ MT7620A HNAT, DPD, STA-Proxy, USB performance outperform among all 2x2 11n SoC ▪ eCos IPv6 turnkey for small memory footprint ▪ Shipping AC750 modelsD-Link (DIR-810)Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.IO-Data (WN-AC733GR)2013/12/27 - 28 -PCI (MZK-750DHP)AC750 Solution▪ MT7620A (580MHz)– – – – 2x2 11n 2.4GHz FE LAN(4)+WAN USB 2.0, SD-XC, I2S DDR2, SPI FlashMT7620AConfidential BMT7610E▪ MT7610E– 1x1 11ac (ePA)▪ 4L PCB, double sides▪ Power Consumption– 3.13w (power optimized) – 3.96w (rBOM optimized)▪ OS– Linux SDK – eCos turnkey (2/16)Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 29 -AC750 vs. HTC New One TP140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 UplinkCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.Confidential BMbps119.288.890.311ac TPDnlink2013/12/27 - 30 -Bi-directionAC1200(FE) Solution▪ Chip: MT7620A+7612EConfidential B▪ HNAT, DPD, STA-Proxy, USB performance outperform among all 2x2 11n SoC ▪ enable 11ac iPA w/ industry lowest rBOM ▪ support ePA for better coverage ▪ eCos IPv6 turnkey for small memory footprintCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 31 -AC1200 Solution▪ MT7620A (580MHz)– – – – 2x2 11n 2.4GHz FE LAN(4)+WAN USB 2.0, SD-XC, I2S DDR2, SPI FlashConfidential BMT7612E▪ MT7612E– 2x2 11ac (iPA/ePA)MT7620A▪ 4L PCB, double sides ▪ Power Consumption– 3.13w (power optimized) – 3.96w (rBOM optimized)▪ OS– Linux SDKCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 32 -Confidential BAC1200 iPA Benchmark▪ Tx Power BenchmarkTX output (dBm) MT7612EBelkin AC1000 RTL8197D+ RTL8192ER+ RTL8812AR5GRF HW OFDM HT20 HT40 VHT20 VHT40 VHT80 6M 54M MCS0 MCS7 MCS0 MCS7 MCS0 MCS8 MCS0 MCS9 MCS0 MCS92x2 ac iPA 19 16.5 19 15.5 18.5 15.5 19 15 18.5 15 17.5 152x2 ac ePA 16 14DIR-860 AC1200 (BCM) 2x2 ac ePA 18 16 18 16 18 161218 14Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 33 -*TX Pout is single chain data at antenna port which includes 1.5dB loss (transmission line+diplexer+IPEX connector)Confidential BAgendaChip Roadmap MT7620 Highlights MT7620 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7621 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7612 11ac SolutionsCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 34 -Confidential BMT7621A Function Block20/25/40MHz Crystal DRAM Controller Clock/Timer/Reset/PLL NAND/SD-XC/eMMC SPI (2)DDR2(2Gbits, 1066) DDR3(4Gbits, 1200) NAND Flash(8Gbits) SPI Flash/Codec UART Interface USB 3.0 Interface USB 2.0 Interface SATA SATAIII (2) Audio Interface NFC MT6605 GPIO/LED11n WiFiPCIeMIPS 1004KEc (880 MHz) 32K I-Cache 32K D-Cache L2-Cache 256KB Storage AcceleratorMIPS 1004KEc (880 MHz) 32K I-Cache 32K D-Cache Cache Coherency Port HNAT+ BW CTRLUART Lite (3) USB 3.0 Host11ac WiFiPCIeUSB 2.0 Host PCIe I2S, PCM, S/PDIFCryptoGigabit SwitchRGMII01234I2C External InterfaceTransformerCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 35 -MT7621 ApplicationConfidential BEthernet USB dongle SPDIFeMMC SDXC USB/SATAUSBUSB (printer)Airplay WiFi MT7662 BT Sink play I2C MT6605 PCM (VoIP)I2S I2SSPITouch panelCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 36 -MT7621N/AMT7621A Package GbE Power Consumption PCB Heat Sink Application TFBGA 11.7x13.6 GbE(5)+rGMII 2.4W 2/4L Yes AC1200G-Router MT7621N TFBGA 11.7x13.6 rGMII 1.2W 2/4L NoConfidential BAC1200-Repeater NAS+GbE(1) AC1200-FE Internet RouterCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 37 -Confidential BMT7621 Introduction▪ Platform based network processor for 2x2/3x3 11ac, LTE cat4/5 with rich extensions– Rich I/O sets: 5p GbE switch, rGMII, PCIe(3), USB3, USB2, SD-XC, I2S, PCM, S/PDIF▪ HNAT+BW CTRL can work seamlessly– HNAT w/ 2Gbps wired speed IPv6 routing – HW bandwidth control to replace software scheduler▪ Upgradable L7 QoS database for “Auto QoS” ▪ Storage accelerator – GSO/GRO, fast DMA for write offload ▪ >400 Mbps VPN crypto engine ▪ NFC for WPS replacement ▪ Industry lowest power consumption ▪ World’s first 2x2 11ac iPA to save rBOM ▪ World’s first 2x2 11ac DBC 2L design to save rBOMCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 38 -AC1200AC1200 -GbE 4L RFB▪ 4L, double side ▪ DDR3 1200/NAND Flash ▪ On board dual band concurrent WIFI– 7612E: 2x2 11ac iPA/iLNA – 7602E: 2x2 11n iPA/iLNAGbE 5p GbEConfidential BU3U2 MT6605 (NFC)IC+ GbE PhyNAND Flash MT7621 A DDR3 (1200)▪ Co-crystal design ▪ External high power module– 7612E: 2x2 11ac – 7602E: 2x2 11n (256QAM) – 7603E: 2x2 11n (64QAM)SD-XCSATA3.0ASM1061 MT7602E (2.4GHz) MT7612E (11ac) S/PDIF▪ USB 3.0/2.0/SATA3.0Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 39 -*Note: PCB cost estimation by vendor “Newheart”AC1200AC1200 -GbE 2L RFB▪ PCB cost down 40%– Dimension: 168mm x 115mm x 1.6mm – Single side – FR4 PCB: 100pcs estimation – 4Layer:NTD 175 – 2Layer: NTD 105*U 2Confidential B5p GbESD-XC DDR2 (1066)▪ DDR2 800/1066, SPI flash ▪ Co-crystal design ▪ On board dual band concurrent WIFI– 7612E: 2x2 11ac iPA/iLNA – 7602E: 2x2 11ac iPA/iLNAMT7602E (2.4GHz)MT7621ASPI FlashMT7612E (11ac)▪ USB 2.0 HS host supportCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 40 -MT7621A HDK V31*Note: PCB cost estimation by vendor “Newheart”Benchmark with Dlink DIRDIR-860LBetter computing power Integrated RF front-endConfidential BBenchmark Chip Set AC1200-GbE MT7621A+ MT7612E+MT7602E iPA/iLNA Dual Core 880MHz TX:iPA performance better than competitor ePADlink DIR-860L BCM47081A0+ BCM4352+BCM43217 ePA/eLNA Single Core 800MHz Front-end module:RFMD RFFM4501CPU WIFI 5GMTK AC1200-GbERX:Low rate worst than competitor eLNA 0.5dB High rate better than competitorBetter RF performanceWIFI 2.4GTX:iPA performance better than competitor iPATX:iPARX: Dlink DIR-860L Excellent power consumption Lower thermal risk Cost advantage Power Consumption Thermal r-BOMiLNA better than competitor iLNARX: iLNAUplink: 7.21W Downlink: 7.45W Less heat sink, thermal pad and shielding case USD: 3.8638 Co-clock supportUplink: 9.03W Downlink: 10.98W More thermal strategy USD: 6.5361 w/ RF front-end USD: 5.3967 w/o RF front-endNote: rBOM cost is not including thermal strategy, and shielding case Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 41 -Benchmark with Netgear R6200v2Confidential BBenchmark Chip Set AC1200-GbE MT7621A+ MT7612E+MT7602E ePA/eLNA Dual Core 880MHz TX:ePA: SKYWORKS SKY85402-11Netgear R6200v2 BCM47081A0+ BCM4352+BCM43217 ePA/eLNA Single Core 800MHz Front-end module:RFMD RFFM4501Better computing power Better RF performance MTK AC1200-GbECPU WIFI 5GRX:eLNASKYWORKS SKY85601-11Better RF performanceWIFI 2.4GFront-end module:RFMD RFFM4203TX:ePA: SKYWORKS SE2528RX: Netgear R6200-V2 Power Consumption Lower thermal risk Cost advantage Thermal r-BOM Less heat sink, thermal pad and shielding case USD:3.8638* Co-clock support USD: 3.9684*eLNA: Richwave RTC6602Uplink: 9.55W Downlink: 12.48W*Note: rBOM cost is not including external RF front-end, thermal strategy, and shielding case Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved. 2013/12/27 - 42 -Media Security Gateway (MT7621+STB+ZigBee)Confidential B11n WiFiDDR3 NAND11ac WiFiUSB 2.0 USB 3.0STB SoC (Slave )ASM 1060ZigBeeMT7621 (Host)PCIeHDDSLICUART rGMII Transformer (1000Mps)R J 1 1R J 1 1R J 4 5R J 4 5R J 4 5R J 4 5MocaCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 43 -MT762xA + 2.8”(240x320 Dots) TFT +Touch Panel (Resistive (Resistive) )Confidential BCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 44 -What’s QoS?▪ End to End ▪ Big Pipe to Small Pie ▪ QoS Components1 Classifier 2 Queue/BW Mgmt 3 Scheduler/ShaperConfidential BCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 45 -HWHW-BWBW-CTRL - UpstreamConfidential B1 2 3 4 3 2 1Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 46 -HWHW-BWBW-CTRL - DnstreamConfidential B1 2 3 4 3 2 1Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 47 -HWHW-BWBW-CTRL – Dnstream (2)1Confidential B2Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 48 -USB 3.0 Samba BenchmarkConfidential BAP Linksys EA6400 Buffalo AC1750 D-Link DIR-860L MT7621AFormatHDD Model NameRead (MByte/sec) 13.75Write (MByte/sec) 11.67 15.77test tool InterfaceFAT32Buffalo HD-LB131.45 37.93 72.30IOMETER USB3.0 16.55 29.50Copyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 49 -Confidential BAgendaChip Roadmap MT7620 Highlights MT7620 11ac Solutions MT7621 11ac Solutions ▪ MT7612 11ac SolutionsCopyright © MediaTek Inc. All rights reserved.2013/12/27- 50 -。

IC+最新85NM工艺的PHY IP101G_DS_R01_20121224

IC+最新85NM工艺的PHY IP101G_DS_R01_20121224

Single Port 10/100 MII/RMII/TP/FiberFast Ethernet Transceiver(85nm/Extreme Low PW, PWMT ® and EMIMT ®)Features General DescriptionIP1IP1IP1IP1z 10/100Mbps IEEE 802.3/802.3u compliant Fast Ethernet transceiverz Supports 100Base-TX/FX Media Interface z Supports MII/ RMII Interfacez Supports Auto MDI/MDIX function z Power Management Tool- APS, auto power saving while Link-off - 802.3az, protocol based power saving - WOL+, light traffic power saving - PWD, force-off power saving- Supports MII with LPI for RX and TX - Supports RMII with LPI for RXz Supports Base Line Wander compensation z Supports Interrupt functionz Built in synchronization FIFO to support jumbo frame size up to 12KB in MII mode (10KB in RMII 100Mbps mode)z Supports MDC and MDIO to communicate with the MACz EMI Management Tool - F/W based control- 4 levels for mapping the difference layoutlength on the PCBz Single 3.3V power supply z Built-in Vcore regulatorz DSP-based PHY Transceiver technology z System Debug Assistant Tool - 16 bit RX counter- 9 bit RXError/CRC counter - Isolate MII/RMII - RX to TX Loopback - Loopback MII/RMIIz Using either 25MHz crystal/oscillator or 50MHz oscillator REF_CLK as clock sourcez Built-in 49.9ohm resistors for simplifying BOMz Flexible LED display z Process: 85nmz Package and operation temperature 01G: dice, 0~70℃01GA: 48LQFP , 0~70℃ 01GR: 32QFN, 0~70℃ 01GRI: 32QFN, -40~85℃IP101G is an IEEE 802.3/802.3u compliant single-port Fast Ethernet Transceiver for both 100Mbps and 10Mbps operations. It supports Auto MDI/MDIX function to simplify the network installation and reduce the system maintenance cost. To improve the system performance, IP101G provides a hardware interrupt pin to indicate the link, speed and duplex status change. IP101G provides Media Independent Interface (MII) or Reduced Media Independent Interface (RMII) to connect with different types of 10/100Mbps Media Access Controller (MAC). IP101G is designed to use category 5 unshielded twisted-pair cable or Fiber-Optic cables connecting to other LAN devices. A PECL interface is supported to connect with an external 100Base-FX fiber optical transceiver. Except good performance, reliability, rich power saving method and extreme low operating current, IP101G provides a serial tool for system designers to complete their projects easily. They are System Debug Assistant Tool and EMI Management Tool.IP101G is fabricated with advanced CMOS (85nm) technology and design is based onIC Plus’s 5th Ethernet-PHY architecture, this feature makes IP101G consumes very low power. Such as in the full load operation (100Mbps_FDX), it only takes below 0.15W. IP101GA / IP101GR&IP101GRI are available in 48LQFP/32QFN, lead-free package.* EMIMT: Patent under apply.Application■ NAS■ Network Printers and Servers ■ IP Set-Top Box ■IP/Smart TV■ Game console■ IP and Video Phone ■ PoE■Telecom Fiber deviceTable Of ContentsTable Of Contents (2)List of Figures (4)List of Tables (5)Revision History (6)Features comparison between IP101G and IP101A/IP101AH (7)Transmit and Receive Data Path Block Diagram (8)1Pin diagram (9)2Dice pad information (11)3Pin description (12)3.1IP101GA pin description (12)3.2IP101GR/GRI pin description (16)4Register Descriptions (19)4.1Register Page mode Control Register (20)4.2MII Registers (20)4.3MMD Control Register (30)4.4MMD Data Register (31)4.5RX Counter Register (34)4.6LED Mode Control Register (35)4.7WOL+ Control Register (35)4.8UTP PHY Specific Control Register (38)4.9Digital IO Pin Control Register (39)5Function Description (41)5.1Major Functional Block Description (41)5.1.1Transmission Description (41)5.1.2MII and Management Control Interface (42)5.1.3RMII Interface (43)5.1.4Flexible Clock Source (45)5.1.5Auto-Negotiation and Related Information (45)5.1.6Auto-MDIX function (46)5.2PHY Address Configuration (46)5.3Power Management Tool (47)5.3.1Auto Power Saving Mode (47)5.3.2IEEE802.3az EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) (48)5.3.3Force power down (48)5.3.4WOL+ operation mode (48)5.4LED Mode Configuration (52)5.5LED Blink Timing (52)5.6Repeater Mode (52)5.7Interrupt (52)5.8Miscellaneous (52)5.9Serial Management Interface (53)5.10Fiber Mode Setting (54)5.11Jumbo Frame (54)6Layout Guideline (55)6.1General Layout Guideline (55)6.2Twisted Pair recommendation (55)7Electrical Characteristics (56)7.1Absolute Maximum Rating (56)7.2DC Characteristics (56)7.3Crystal Specifications (57)7.4AC Timing (58)7.4.1Reset, Pin Latched-in, Clock and Power Source (58)7.4.2MII Timing (59)7.4.3RMII Timing (60)7.4.4SMI Timing (61)7.5Thermal Data (61)8Order Information (62)9Physical Dimensions (63)9.148-PIN LQFP (63)9.232-PIN QFN (64)List of FiguresFigure 1 Flow chart of IP101G (8)Figure 2 IP101GA 48 Pin Diagram (9)Figure 3 IP101GR/GRI 32 Pin Diagram (10)Figure 4 IP101G dice pad information (11)Figure 5 LPI transition (43)Figure 6 IP101G/GA/GR/GRI MII Mode with LPI transition Block Diagram (43)Figure 7 IP101G/GA/GR/GRI MII Mode without LPI transition Block Diagram (43)Figure 8 IP101G RMII Mode with internal clock Block Diagram (44)Figure 9 IP101G RMII Mode with external clock Block Diagram (44)Figure 10 IP101G RMII Clock Application Circuit (45)Figure 11 IP101G link speed and EEE ability programming guide (46)Figure 12 PHY Address Configuration (47)Figure 13 Magic Packet Format (49)Figure 14 Sleep or wake up automatically programming guide (50)Figure 15 MAC control sleep or wake up programming guide (51)Figure 16 MDC/MDIO Format (53)Figure 17 IP101G Fiber Mode Setting (54)Figure 18 Reset, Pin Latched-In, Clock and Power Source Timing Requirements (58)Figure 19 MII Transmit Timing Requirements (59)Figure 20 MII Receive Timing Specifications (59)Figure 21 RMII Transmit Timing Requirements (60)Figure 22 RMII Receive Timing Specifications (60)Figure 23 SMI Timing Requirements (61)Figure 24 48-PIN LQFP Dimension (63)Figure 25 32-PIN QFN Dimension (64)List of TablesTable 1 Features comparison between IP101G and IP101A/IP101AH (7)Table 2 Register Map (19)Table 3 Flexible Clock Source Setting (45)Table 4 PHY Address Configuration (47)Table 5 WOL+ operation mode (49)Table 6 LED Mode 1 Function (52)Table 7 LED Mode 2 Function (52)Table 8 LED Blink Timing (52)Table 9 SMI Format (53)Table 10 DC Characteristics (56)Table 11 I/O Electrical Characteristics (56)Table 12 Pin Latched-in Configuration Resistor (57)Table 13 Crystal Specifications (57)Table 14 Reset, Pin Latched-in, Clock and Power Source Timing Requirements (58)Table 15 MII Transmit Timing Requirements (59)Table 16 MII Receive Timing Specifications (59)Table 17 RMII Transmit Timing Requirements (60)Table 18 RMII Receive Timing Specifications (60)Table 19 SMI Timing Requirements (61)Table 20 Thermal Data (61)Table 21 Part Number and Package (62)Revision HistoryRevision # Change DescriptionIP101G-DS-R01 Initial release.IP101G-DS-R01-20120522 1) Correct the typo of Digital IO Pin Control Register.2) Modify the operation voltage REGOUT and DVDD_REGIN of DCCharacteristics.IP101G-DS-R01-20120611 1) Correct the typo of Linear Regulator Output Control Register.2) Correct the typo of pin description for pin type PD and PU.3) Modify the register description for RMII_V12 and RMII_V10.4) Correct the typo of register default values.5) Modify the operation voltage DVDD33_IO of DC Characteristics.IP101G-DS-R01-20120622 Add 30 seconds into the definition for register WOL_PLUS_TIMER_SEL.IP101G-DS-R01-20120629 Add the symbol SC (Self Clear) for PHY MII register 0.15 Reset and 0.9Restart Auto-Negotiation.IP101G-DS-R01-20120709 1) Add LED mode 2 in the pin description and function description.2) Correct the table of LED Blink Timing.3) Add more description of PHY Address Configuration and IEEE 802.3az.4) Add ESD reliability of Absolute Maximum Rating.5) Correct the typo of function description for Auto Power Saving Mode.6) Change register P16R16[10] description from HEART_BEAT_EN toReserved.IP101G-DS-R01-20120719 Correct the table of Register Map for page selection.IP101G-DS-R01-20120726 1) Add more description of Register RX2TX_LPBK P1R23[13] for Rx to Txloopback test.2) Add more description on Fiber Mode Setting and latched-in pin signalson AC Timing.3) Add IP101AH into the table of features comparison.IP101G-DS-R01-20120808 1) Correct the I/O type of IP101GA pin description to O(Ouput) for pin24RXER.2) Change the pin name from DVDD33_IO to VDDIO.IP101G-DS-R01-20120821 1) Change the default value of register P16R27 from 0x0022 to 0x0012.2) Remove I/O Slew Rate Control Register.3) Change the register location RMII_WITH_ER from P16R29[0] toP16R29[7].IP101G-DS-R01-20120927 1) Add more description of low power idle (LPI) state in MII and RMIImodes.2) Correct the typo of Physical Dimensions.IP101G-DS-R01-20121101 Change the LED blink timing from “On 80ms -> Off (20~40)ms” to “On 26ms-> Off 78ms”.IP101G-DS-R01-20121113 Add more function description to support Jumbo Frame.IP101G-DS-R01-20121127 Change the LED mode function as same as IP101A.IP101G-DS-R01-20121224 Add the notice that does not let these PHY address pins floating for thelatched-in settings after the power is ready.DisclaimerThis document probably contains the inaccurate data or typographic error. In order to keep this document correct, IC Plus reserves the right to change or improve the content of this document.Features comparison between IP101G and IP101A/IP101AHTable 1 Features comparison between IP101G and IP101A/IP101AHProduct Name IP101GR IP101G IP101GA IP101A IP101AH Package Type 32pin QFN Dice 48pin LQFP48pin LQFPREGOUT(1) Output Voltage and location 1.0V, pin28 1.0V, pad5and pad111.0V, pin82.5V, pin32REGIN Input Voltage and location NA(2) 1.0V, pad23and pad26NA 2.5V, pin8RMII mode setting Pin4 Pad18 Pin1 Pin1 and pin44Fiber mode setting: Fiber FXSD signal: Pin19Pin1Pad39Pad13Pin22Pin43NA Pin24 and pin48Pin37Number of LED 2 4 4 5LED mode 1 and 2 1 and 2LED Blink Timing On 26ms -> Off 78ms On 26ms -> Off 78msPHY address number(3) Single: 0 ~ 1Multi: 2 ~ 31Single: 0 ~ 7Multi: 8 ~ 31Single: 0 ~ 31Center-tap of transformer Do not connect to any power 2.5V input power Built-in 49.9ohm resistors Yes No Power consumption ~150mW ~480mW Process 85nm 0.25μm IEEE 802.3az Yes No10Base TX amplitude ~1.75V (10Base-Te) ~2.5V (10Base-T) WOL+ (Wake On LAN Plus) Yes NoAnalog OFF Yes No16 bit RX counter Yes No9 bit RXER/CRC counter Yes NoRX to TX Loopback Yes No Loopback MII/RMII Yes YesSNI mode No Yes Note 1: Regulator voltage output is for internal use only. Do not supply to any other device.Note 2: Not available for this function. The 1.0V is supplied by the regulator that built-in the chip.Note 3: Do not let these PHY address pins floating for the latched-in settings after the power is ready.Transmit and Receive Data Path Block DiagramFigure 1 Flow chart of IP101G1Pin diagramRXER CRS/LEDMODRXDV/CRS_DV/FX_HEN X1X2RXD2RXD3RXCLK/50M_CLKO DGNDRXD0NCRESET_N IP101GA (LQFP-48)242322212019181716NC NC TXER/FXSDNC Note:Those pins in "blue "are different from IP101A.NC RXD1INTRNC DGNDNC LED3/PHY_AD3VDDIOFigure 2 IP101GA 48 Pin DiagramIP101GR/GRI(VQFN-32)(GND on bottom of chip)RXD3TXCLK/50M_CLKI RXCLK/50M_CLKO LED0/PHY_AD0LED3/PHY_AD3161514131211109RESET_NISET REGOUT MDI_TN MDI_TP MDI_RP MDI_RN RXD2AVDD33Figure 3 IP101GR/GRI 32 Pin Diagram2Dice pad informationIC LogoPad 1Pad 44Pad 11Pad 45Pad 24Pad 31Pad 12Pad 22Pad 23REGINPHYAD_LED028PHYAD_LED129VSS30PHYAD_LED231PHYAD_LED332VDDIO 33RX_CLK REGOUT 34VSSIO RESET_N 35RXD[3]TXER_FXSD 36RXD[2]VSSIO 37RXD[1]15X138RXD[0]16X239RXDV_FIBMOD 17INTR40CRS18COL_RMII 41RXER_INTR 19TX_EN 4220TXD[3]21TXD[2]22TXD[1]23REGINFigure 4 IP101G dice pad information3 Pin descriptionType Description Type DescriptionLI Latched Input in power up or reset PD Internal Pull-Down 250KΩI/O Bi-directional input and output PU Internal Pull-Up 250KΩI Input Hi-Z High impedanceO Output P PowerOD Open Drain3.1 IP101GA pin descriptionIP101GAPin no. Label Type ResetStateDescriptionSerial Management Interface Pins25 MDC I Hi-Z Management Data Interface Clock: This pin provides aclock reference to MDIO. The clock rate can be up to2.5MHz.26 MDIO I/O(PU)I(PU)Management Data interface Input/Output:Thefunction of this pin is to transfer management informationbetween PHY and MAC.MII/RMII Pins2 TXEN I(PD)I(PD)Transmit Enable or Signal Detect.43 TXER/FXSD I(PD)I(PD)Transmit Error or FXSD:This is a dual-function pin which is determined by themedia type selection. If RXDV/CRS_DV/FX_HEN islatched as “0 (default)” upon reset, the TP interface isselected and its function as TXER. If the fiber interface isselected, this pin’s function as FXSD.FXSD:0: Fiber link down; 1: Fiber link upTransmit Enable:TXEN TXER Description1 1 Transmission errorpropagation.0 1 Combine TXD[3:0] that equalto 0001 for request PHY toenter LPI mode.1 00 0Normal operationThis pin TXER must be either floating or connecting toGND in RMII mode.7 TXCLK/50M_CLKI I/O Hi-Z Transmit Clock output or 50M clock input:In MII mode,this pin provides a continuous 25MHz clockat 100Base-TX and 2.5MHz at 10Base-T.In RMII mode, a 50Mhz clock should input to this pin forthe timing reference of the internal circuit.3,4,5,6 TXD[3:0] I Hi-Z Transmit Data Input:IP101GAPin no.LabelType ResetDescriptionStateIn MII mode, TXD[3:0] is synchronous to TXCLK.In RMII mode, TXD[1:0] is synchronous to 50M_CLKI.22 RXDV/CRS_DV/ FX_HEN O/LI (PD) I (PD)Receive Data Valid or Media Type Selection:FX_HENThe input state is latched upon reset to determine whether TP or fiber interface is selected. If it is at logic “0” (default) state upon reset, the TP interface is selected; otherwise the fiber interface is selected. RXDV/CRS_DVIn MII mode, this pin indicates the Receive Data Valid function.In RMII mode, this pin indicates the Carrier Sense and Receive Data Valid function.16 RXCLK/ 50M_CLKO O Hi-Z Receive Clock:In MII mode, this pin provides 25MHz for 100BT or2.5MHz for 10BT.In RMII mode, this pin output a 50 MHz clock for the timing reference of MAC side.18,19, 20,21 RXD[3:0] O Hi-Z Receive Data: In MII mode, RXD[3:0] is synchronous to RXCLK.In RMII mode, RXD[1:0] is synchronous to 50M_CLKI.24 RXER O Hi-Z Receive error:RXDV RXER Description1 1 Decoding error of thereceived signal0 1 Combine RXD[3:0] equal to0001 indicates PHY isreceiving LPI.1 0Normal operation This pin RXER is an optional input for MAC/CPU device.1 COL/RMII O/LI (PD) I (PD)Collision Detected:During the normal operation, thispin outputs a high status signal it means collision isdetected.RMII Mode Selection: During the power on reset, thispin status is latched to determine what kind MAC interface will be used. Logic “1” is for RMII mode and logic “0” is for MII mode.23 CRS/LEDMOD O/LI (PD) I (PD)Carrier Sense: When signal output from this pin is highindicates the transmission or reception is in process andat low status means the line is in idle state.LEDMOD: During power on reset, this pin status is latched to determine which either LED mode 1 or 2is selected, please refer to the LED pins description.Cable Transmission Interface 34,33 MDI_TP MDI_TN I/O I/O Hi-Z Transmit Output Pair: Differential pair shared by100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes. When configured as100Base-TX, output is an MLT-3 encoded waveform. When configured as 10Base-T , the output is ManchesterIP101GAPin no. Label Type Reset DescriptionStatecode.31,30 MDI_RPMDI_RN I/OI/OHi-Z Receive Input Pair: Differential pair shared by 100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes.Clock and Miscellaneous Pins47 X2 O O25MHz Crystal Output: Connects to crystal to providethe 25MHz output. It must be left open when X1 is drivenwith an external 25MHz oscillator.46 X1 I I 25MHz Crystal Input: Connects to crystal to provide the25MHz crystal input. If a 25MHz oscillator is used,connect X1 to the oscillator’s output. If a 50MHz clock isapplied to pin7 TXCLK/50M_CLKI, X1 must beconnected to GND or AGND33.42 RESET_N I I(PU)RESET_N: Enable a low status signal will reset the chip. For a complete reset function. 25MHz clock (x1) must be active for a minimum of 10 clock cycles before the rising edge of RESET_N. Chip will be able to operate after 2.5ms delay of the rising edge of RESET_N. The 2.5ms extension is to ensure the stability of system power.28 ISET I I Bandgap Circuit Resistor: This pin should beconnected to GND via a 6.19KΩ (1%) resistor to definethe standard current of the internal circuit.48 INTR OD Hi-Z Interrupt: Programmable Interrupt Output, this is anopen drain output, and an external pulled-up resistor isneeded for normal mode operation. Another operationmode is Rx to Tx loopback debugging test (reflect onRegister P1R23[13] RX2TX_LPBK) when connect INTRpin to GND.9 LED0/PHY_AD0 O/LI Hi-Z LED 0 and PHY Address [0]LED 0LED mode1 2LED0Link Link /ACT(blinking)10 LED1/PHY_AD1 O/LI Hi-Z LED 1 and PHY Address [1]LED1LED mode1 2LED1Duplex Duplex /COL (blinking)12 LED2/PHY_AD2 O/LI Hi-Z LED 2 and PHY Address [2]LED2LED mode1 2LED210M Link /ACT10M Link13 LED3/PHY_AD3 O/LI(PD) Hi-Z LED 3 and PHY Address [3]LED3LED mode1 2LED3100M Link /ACT 100M Link27 TEST_ON I I Test Enable: Set this pin to high to enable Test mode.IP101GAPin no. Label Type Reset DescriptionState(PD) (PD)For normal operation, this pin doesn’t need to beconnected.Power and Ground32 NC -- -- It’s a NC pin.8 REGOUT P P Regulator Power Output: This is a regulator poweroutput. A 10uF and 0.1uF should be connected to this pinto filter the power noise.14 VDDIO P P Digital Power input:Either 3.3V or 2.5V for I/O power supply.36 AVDD33 P P 3.3V Analog power input: This is a 3.3V power supplyfor analog circuitry, and it should be decoupled carefully.35 AGND33 P P Ground.29 AGND1V P P Ground45,11,17 DGND P P Ground.3.2 IP101GR/GRI pin descriptionIP101GR/GRIPin no. Label Type ResetStateDescriptionSerial Management Interface Pins22 MDC I Hi-Z Management Data Interface Clock: This pin provides aclock reference to MDIO. The clock rate can be up to2.5MHz.23 MDIO I/O(PU)I(PU)Management Data interface Input/Output:Thefunction of this pin is to transfer management informationbetween PHY and MAC.MII/RMII Pins5 TXEN I(PD)I(PD)Transmit Enable or Signal Detect.1 TXER/FXSD I(PD)I(PD)Transmit Error or FXSD:This is a dual-function pin which is determined by themedia type selection. If RXDV/CRS_DV/FX_HEN islatched as “0 (default)” upon reset, the TP interface isselected and its function as TXER. If the fiber interface isselected, this pin’s function as FXSD.FXSD:0: Fiber link down; 1: Fiber link upTransmit Enable:TXEN TXER Description1 1 Transmission errorpropagation.0 1 Combine TXD[3:0] that equalto 0001 for request PHY toenter LPI mode.1 00 0Normal operationThis pin TXER must be either floating or connecting toGND in RMII mode.10 TXCLK/50M_CLKI I/O Hi-Z Transmit Clock output or 50M clock input:In MII mode,this pin provides a continuous 25MHz clockat 100Base-TX and 2.5MHz at 10Base-T.In RMII mode, a 50Mhz clock should input to this pin forthe timing reference of the internal circuit.6,7,8,9 TXD[3:0] I Hi-Z Transmit Data Input:In MII mode, TXD[3:0] is synchronous to TXCLK.In RMII mode, TXD[1:0] is synchronous to 50M_CLKI.19 RXDV/CRS_DV/FX_HEN O/LI(PD)I(PD)Receive Data Valid or Media Type Selection:FX_HENThe input state is latched upon reset to determinewhether TP or fiber interface is selected. If it is at logic“0” (default) state upon reset, the TP interface isselected; otherwise the fiber interface is selected.RXDV/CRS_DVIn MII mode, this pin indicates the Receive Data ValidIP101GR/GRIPin no.LabelType ResetDescriptionStatefunction.In RMII mode,this pin indicates the Carrier Sense and Receive Data Valid function.14 RXCLK/ 50M_CLKO O Hi-Z Receive Clock:In MII mode, this pin provides 25MHz for 100BT or2.5MHz for 10BT.In RMII mode, this pin output a 50 MHz clock for the timing reference of MAC side.15,16, 17,18 RXD[3:0] O Hi-Z Receive Data: In MII mode, RXD[3:0] is synchronous to RXCLK.In RMII mode, RXD[1:0] is synchronous to 50M_CLKI.21 RXER/INTR_32 O/ODHi-Z The multiplex function of this pin is set by the registerSEL_INTR32, page 16, 29[2]. The default function is RXER.Receive error:RXDV RXER Description 1 1 Decoding error of thereceived signal0 1 Combine RXD[3:0] equal to0001 indicates PHY is receiving LPI. 1 0Normal operationThis pin RXER is an optional input for MAC/CPU device.Interrupt: Programmable Interrupt Output, this is an open drain output, and an external pulled-up resistor is needed.4 COL/RMII O/LI (PD) I (PD)Collision Detected:During the normal operation, thispin outputs a high status signal it means collision isdetected.RMII Mode Selection: During the power on reset, thispin status is latched to determine what kind MAC interface will be used. Logic “1” is for RMII mode and logic “0” is for MII mode.20 CRS/LEDMOD O/LI (PD) I (PD)Carrier Sense:When signal output from this pin is highindicates the transmission or reception is in process andat low status means the line is in idle state.LEDMOD: During power on reset, this pin status is latched to determine which either LED mode 1 or 2is selected, please refer to the LED pins description.Cable Transmission Interface 30,29 MDI_TP MDI_TN I/O I/O Hi-Z Transmit Output Pair: Differential pair shared by100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes. When configured as100Base-TX, output is an MLT-3 encoded waveform. When configured as 10Base-T , the output is Manchester code.27,26 MDI_RP MDI_RN I/O I/O Hi-Z Receive Input Pair: Differential pair shared by100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes.Clock and Miscellaneous PinsIP101GR/GRIPin no. Label Type Reset DescriptionState3 X2 O O25MHz Crystal Output: Connects to crystal to providethe 25MHz output. It must be left open when X1 is drivenwith an external 25MHz oscillator.2 X1 I I 25MHz Crystal Input: Connects to crystal to provide the25MHz crystal input. If a 25MHz oscillator is used,connect X1 to the oscillator’s output. If a 50MHz clock isapplied to pin10 TXCLK/50M_CLKI, X1 must beconnected to GND.32 RESET_N I I(PU)RESET_N: Enable a low status signal will reset the chip. For a complete reset function. 25MHz clock (x1) must be active for a minimum of 10 clock cycles before the rising edge of RESET_N. Chip will be able to operate after 2.5ms delay of the rising edge of RESET_N. The 2.5ms extension is to ensure the stability of system power.25 ISET I I Bandgap Circuit Resistor: This pin should beconnected to GND via a 6.19KΩ (1%) resistor to definethe standard current of the internal circuit.11 LED0/PHY_AD0 O/LI Hi-Z LED 0 and PHY Address [0]LED 0LED mode1 2LED0Link Link /ACT(blinking)12 LED3/PHY_AD3 O/LI(PD) Hi-Z LED 3 and PHY Address [3]LED3LED mode1 2LED3100M Link /ACT 100M Link24 TEST_ON I(PD)I(PD)Test Enable: Set this pin to high to enable Test mode.For normal operation, this pin doesn’t need to beconnected.Power and Ground28 REGOUT P P Regulator Power Output: This is a regulator poweroutput. A 10uF and 0.1uF should be connected to this pinto filter the power noise.13 VDDIO P P Digital Power input:IP101GR: Either 3.3V or 2.5V for I/O power supply.IP101GRI: 3.3V for I/O power supply.31 AVDD33 P P 3.3V Analog power input: This is a 3.3V power supplyfor analog circuitry, and it should be decoupled carefully. BottomPADGND P P Ground.4 Register DescriptionsTable 2 Register MapPage Register Description Default NoteX 20 Page Control Register 0x0010-- 0 Control Register 0x3100-- 1 Status Register 0x7849-- 2 PHY Identifier 1 Register 0x0243-- 3 PHY Identifier 2 Register 0x0C54-- 4 Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register 0x01E1-- 5 Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register 0x0000-- 6 Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register 0x0004-- 7 Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register 0x2001-- 8 Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register 0x0000-- 13 MMD Access Control Register 0x0000-- 14 MMD Access Address Data Register 0x000016 16 PHY Specific Control Register 0x000216 17 PHY Interrupt Ctrl/Status Register 0x0F0016 18 PHY Status Monitoring Register 0x020816 26 Digital IO Pin Driving Control Register 0x124916 27 Digital IO Pin Driving Control Register 0x001216 29 Digital I/O Specific Control Register 0x008216 30 PHY MDI/MDIX Control and Specific Status Register 0x0000-- MMD 3.0 PCS Control 1 Register 0x0000-- MMD 3.1 PCS Status 1 Register 0x0000-- MMD 3.20 EEE Capability Register 0x0002-- MMD 3.22 EEE Wake Error Count Register 0x0000-- MMD 7.60 EEE Advertisement Register 0x0002-- MMD 7.61 EEE Link Partner Ability Register 0x00001 17 PHY Specific Control Register 0x00001 18 RX CRC Error Counter Register 0x00001 22 Linear Regulator Output Control Register 0x20201 23 UTP PHY Specific Control Register 0x80002 18 RX Packet Counter Register 0x00003 16 LED Control Register 0x00004 16 WOL+ Control Register 0x5F404 22 Digital IO Pin Driving Control Register 0x40005 16 PHY WOL+ MAC Address Register 0x00008 17 RX Counter Control Register 0x700011 18 UTP PHY Interrupt Control/Status Register 0x0000Page Register DescriptionDefault Note 17 17 PHY WOL+ Status Register0x0000 1817RX Counter Interrupt Control/Status Register0x0000Register descriptionsR/W = Read/Write, SC = Self-Clearing, RO = Read Only, LL = Latching Low, LH = Latching High (TP): for twisted pair operation. (FX): for fiber operation. (e-fuse): only available for IP101G (dice).4.1 Register Page mode Control RegisterMII register 20 PHYMIIROMR/WDescriptionDefaultPage Control Register -- 20[4:0] -- R/W Reg16~31_Page_Sel[4:0] Register Page Select0x10The other Registers are reserved registers. User is inhibited to access to these registers. It may introduce abnormal function to write these registers.4.2 MII RegistersBitNameDescription/UsageDefault value (h): 3100Register 0 : Control Register 15 ResetWhen set, this action will bring both status and control registers of the PHY to default state. This bit is self-clearing. 1 = Software reset 0 = Normal operation0, RW/SC 14 LoopbackThis bit enables loopback of transmit data to the receive data path, i.e., TXD to RXD. 1 = enable loopback 0 = normal operation0, RW 13 Speed SelectionThis bit sets the speed of transmission. 1 = 100Mbps 0 = 10MbpsAfter completing auto-negotiation, this bit will reflect the speed status.(1: 100Mbps, 0: 10Mbps)1, RW 12 Auto-Negotiation Enable This bit determines the auto-negotiation function. 1 = enable auto-negotiation; bits 13 and 8 will be ignored. 0 = disable auto-negotiation; bits 13 and 8 will determine the link speed and the data transfer mode, under this condition.1, RW (TP) 0, RO (FX) 11 Power DownThis bit will turn down the power of the PHY chip and the internal crystal oscillator circuit if this bit is enabled. The MDC and MDIO are still activated for accessing to the MAC. 1 = power down0 = normal operation0, RW 10 Isolate1=electrically Isolate PHY from MII but not isolate MDC and MDIO0,RW。

SCALANCE X101-1 商品说明书

SCALANCE X101-1 商品说明书

24 V
6GK5101-1BB00-2AA3 Page 1/4
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
● at DC / maximum
Supply voltage, current consumption, power loss Supply voltage ● external ● external Type of voltage / of the supply voltage Product component / fusing at power supply input Fuse protection type / at input for supply voltage Consumed current ● maximum Power loss [W] ● at DC / at 24 V
Compact 40 mm 125 mm 124 mm 0.55 kg
Yes Yes Yes
No No
FM3611: Class 1, Divison 2, Group A, B, C, D / T.., Class 1, Zone 2, Group IIC, T.. EN 600079-15 II 3 G EEx nA II T.. KEMA 06 ATEX 0021 X
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 134 y
/simatic-net https:// /industry/infocenter /bilddb /cax https://
Security information
UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1 UL 1604 and UL 2279-15 (Hazardous Location), Class 1 / Division 2 / Group A, B, C, D / T.., Class 1 / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T.. EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-4:2001 EN 61000-6-2:2001, EN 61000-6-4:2001 Yes Yes Yes

毛斯(Moxa)UC-8200系列双核ARM Cortex-A7 1GHz IIoT网关产品说明书

毛斯(Moxa)UC-8200系列双核ARM Cortex-A7 1GHz IIoT网关产品说明书

UC-8200SeriesArm Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz IIoT gateways with built-in LTE Cat.4,1mini PCIe expansion slot for a Wi-Fi module,1CAN port,4DIs,4DOsFeatures and Benefits•Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz•ISASecure IEC62443-4-2Security Level2certified with Moxa IndustrialLinux3Secure•Moxa Industrial Linux with10-year superior long-term support•LTE-ready computer with Verizon/AT&T certification and industrial-grade CE/FCC/UL certifications•Dual-SIM slots•2auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports•Integrated LTE Cat.4module with US/EU/APAC band support•1CAN port supports CAN2.0A/B•microSD socket for storage expansion•-40to85°C wide temperature range and-40to70°C with LTE enabledCertificationsIntroductionThe UC-8200computing platform is designed for embedded data acquisition applications.The computer comes with dual RS-232/422/485serial ports,dual10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports,and one CAN port as well as dual Mini PCIe socket to support Wi-Fi/cellular modules.These versatile capabilities let users efficiently adapt the UC-8200to a variety of complex communications solutions.The UC-8200is built around a Cortex-A7dual core processor that has been optimized for use in energy monitoring systems,but is widely applicable to a variety of industrial solutions.With flexible interfacing options,this tiny embedded computer is a reliable and secure gateway for data acquisition and processing at field sites as well as a useful communications platform for many other large-scale deployments.Wide temperature LTE-enabled models are available for extended temperature applications.All units are thoroughly tested in a testing chamber, guaranteeing that the LTE-enabled computing platforms are suitable for wide-temperature applications.AppearanceUC-8210UC-8220SpecificationsComputerCPU Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHzDRAM2GB DDR3LSupported OS Moxa Industrial Linux1(Debian9,kernel4.4),2027EOLMoxa Industrial Linux31(Debian11,kernel5.10),2031EOLSee /MILStorage Pre-installed8GB eMMCExpansion Slots MicroSD(SD3.0)socket x13OS is selectable via Moxa Computer Configuration System(CCS)for CTO models.For the model names,see the Ordering Information section of thedatasheet PDF file.Computer InterfaceEthernet Ports Auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps ports(RJ45connector)x2 Serial Ports RS-232/422/485ports x2,software selectable(DB9male) CAN Ports CAN2.0A/B x1(DB9male)Digital Input DIs x4Digital Output DOs x4USB2.0USB2.0hosts x1,type-A connectorsWi-Fi Antenna Connector UC-8220Models:RP-SMA x2Cellular Antenna Connector UC-8220Models:SMA x2GPS Antenna Connector UC-8220Models:SMA x1Expansion Slots UC-8220-T-LX:mPCIe slot x2UC-8220-T-LX US/EU/AP Models:mPCIe slot x1SIM Format UC-8220Models:NanoNumber of SIMs UC-8220Models:2Buttons Programmable buttonTPM TPM v2.0Ethernet InterfaceMagnetic Isolation Protection 1.5kV(built-in)Security FunctionsHardware-based Security TPM2.0Hardware Root of Trust Secure BootIntrusion Detection Host-based Intrusion DetectionSecurity Tools Security Diagnostic ToolSecurity Event AuditingSecure UpdateDisk Protection LUKS Disk EncryptionRecovery One-step recovery to the last known secure stateDual-system design with automatic failbackReliability Network Keep AliveNetwork Failover and FailbackSerial InterfaceBaudrate300bps to921.6kbpsData Bits7,8Stop Bits1,2Parity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkFlow Control RTS/CTS,XON/XOFFADDC(automatic data direction control)for RS-485RTS Toggle(RS-232only)Console Port1x4-pin header to DB9console portRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDCAN InterfaceNo.of Ports1Connector DB9maleBaudrate10to1000kbpsIndustrial Protocols CAN2.0ACAN2.0BIsolation2kV(built-in)Signals CAN_H,CAN_L,CAN_GND,CAN_SHLD,CAN_V+,GNDDigital InputsConnector Screw-fastened Euroblock terminalDry Contact Off:openOn:short to GNDIsolation3K VDCSensor Type Wet contact(NPN)Dry contactWet Contact(DI to COM)On:10to30VDCOff:0to3VDCDigital OutputsConnector Screw-fastened Euroblock terminalCurrent Rating200mA per channelI/O Type SinkVoltage24VDC nominal,open collector to30VDCCellular InterfaceCellular Standards LTE Cat.4Band Options US Models:LTE Band2(1900MHz)/LTE Band4(1700MHz)/LTE Band5(850MHz)/LTE Band13(700MHz)/LTE Band17(700MHz)UMTS/HSPA850MHz/1900MHzCarrier Approval:Verizon,AT&TEU Models:LTE Band1(2100MHz)/LTE Band3(1800MHz)/LTE Band5(850MHz)/LTE Band7(2600MHz)/LTE Band8(900MHz)/LTE Band20(800MHz)UMTS/HSPA850MHz/900MHz/1900MHz/2100MHzAP Models:LTE Band1(2100MHz)/LTE Band3(1800MHz)/LTE Band5(850MHz)/LTE Band7(2600MHz)/LTE Band8(900MHz)/LTE Band28(700MHz)UMTS/HSPA850MHz/900MHz/1900MHz/2100MHzReceiver Types GPS/GLONASS/GalileoState-of-the-art GNSS solutionAccuracy Position:2.0m@CEP50Acquisition Hot starts:1.1secCold starts:29.94secSensitivity Cold starts:-145dBmTracking:-160dBmTime Pulse0.25Hz to10MHzLED IndicatorsSystem Power x2Programmable x1SIM card indicator x1Wireless Signal Strength Cellular/Wi-Fi x6Power ParametersNo.of Power Inputs Redundant dual inputsInput Voltage12to48VDCPower Consumption10WInput Current0.8A@12VDCReliabilityAlert Tools External RTC(real-time clock)Automatic Reboot Trigger External WDT(watchdog timer)Physical CharacteristicsDimensions UC-8220Models:141.5x120x39mm(5.7x4.72x1.54in)UC-8210Models:141.5x120x27mm(5.7x4.72x1.06in)141.5x120x27mm(5.7x4.72x1.06in)Weight UC-8210Models:560g(1.23lb)UC-8220Models:750g(1.65lb)Housing SECCMetalIP Rating IP30Installation DIN-rail mountingWall mounting(with optional kit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature-40to70°C(-40to158°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Shock IEC60068-2-27Vibration2Grms@IEC60068-2-64,random wave,5-500Hz,1hr per axis(without USB devicesattached)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/35EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:0.5kV;Signal:1kV Industrial Cybersecurity IEC62443-4-1IEC62443-4-2Hazardous Locations Class I Division2ATEXIECExCarrier Approvals VerizonAT&TSafety UL62368-1EN62368-1Green Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime UC-8210-T-LX-S:708,581hrsUC-8220-T-LX:650,836hrsUC-8220-T-LX-US-S/EU-S/AP-S:528,574hrs Standards Telcordia(Bellcore)Standard TR/SRWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x UC-8200Series computerDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardInstallation Kit1x DIN-rail kit(preinstalled)1x power jack6x M2.5mounting screws for the cellular module Cable1x console cableDimensions UC-8210UC-8220Ordering Information12UC-8210-T-LX-SDefault:MIL1(-Debian9),2027EOLOrder WithModel UC-8210-T-LX-S(CTO):MIL3(Debian11)Secure/Standard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt in––-40to85°CUC-8220-T-LXDefault:MIL1(-Debian9),2027EOLOrder WithModel UC-8220-T-LX(CTO):MIL3(Debian11)Secure/Standard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt in Reserved Reserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-US-SDefault:MIL1(-Debian9),2027EOLOrder WithModel UC-8220-T-LX-US-S(CTO):MIL3(Debian11)Secure/Standard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt inUS region LTEmodulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-EU-SDefault:MIL1(-Debian9),2027EOLOrder WithModel UC-8220-T-LX-EU-S(CTO):MIL3(Debian11)Secure/Standard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt inEurope regionLTE modulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-AP-SDefault:MIL1(-Debian9),2027EOLOrder WithModel UC-8220-T-LX-AP-S(CTO):MIL3(Debian11)Secure/Standard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt inAPAC regionLTE modulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CUC-8210-T-LX-S(CTO)MIL3(Debian11)Secure orStandard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt in––-40to85°CUC-8220-T-LX(CTO)MIL3(Debian11)Secure orStandard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual Core–Reserved Reserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-US-S (CTO)MIL3(Debian11)Secure orStandard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt inUS region LTEmodulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°C12UC-8220-T-LX-EU-S (CTO)MIL3(Debian11)Secure orStandard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt inEurope regionLTE modulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-AP-S (CTO)MIL3(Debian11)Secure orStandard,2031EOLWith MIL3Secure1GHzDual CoreBuilt inAPAC regionLTE modulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CAccessories(sold separately)Power AdaptersPWR-12150-EU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,EU plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-UK-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,UK plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-USJP-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC1.5A,100to240VAC,US/JP plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-AU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,AU plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-CN-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,CN plug,-40to75°C operating temperature Power WiringCBL-PJTB-10Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cableCablesCBL-F9DPF1x4-BK-100Console cable with4-pin connector,1mWi-Fi Wireless ModulesUC-8200-WLAN22-AC Wireless package for UC-8200V2.0or later with Wi-Fi module,2screws,2spacers,1heat sink,1pad AntennasANT-LTEUS-ASM-01GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/LTE,1dBi,omnidirectional rubber-duck antennaANT-LTE-ASM-04BK704to960/1710to2620MHz,LTE omnidirectional stick antenna,4.5dBiANT-LTE-OSM-03-3m BK700-2700MHz,multiband antenna,specifically designed for2G,3G,and4G applications,3m cable ANT-LTE-ASM-05BK704-960/1710-2620MHz,LTE stick antenna,5dBiANT-LTE-OSM-06-3m BK MIMO Multiband antenna with screw-fastened mounting option for700-2700/2400-2500/5150-5850MHzfrequenciesANT-WDB-ARM-02022dBi at2.4GHz or2dBi at5GHz,RP-SMA(male),dual-band,omnidirectional antennaDIN-Rail Mounting KitsUC-8210DIN-rail Mounting Kit DIN-rail mounting kit for UC-8210with4M3screwsUC-8220DIN-rail Mounting Kit DIN-rail mounting kit for UC-8220with4M3screwsWall-Mounting KitsUC-8200Wall-mounting Kit Wall-mounting kit for UC-8200with4M3screws©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Jul18,2023.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。



第一部分光纤收发器FT-100A 快速以太网光纤收发器系列FT-101A快速以太网光纤收发器系列FT-200A千兆以太网光纤收发器系列FT-200千兆以太网光纤收发器系列FT-120A双电口光纤收发器系列FT-150A四电口光纤收发器系列FTC-8光纤收发器机箱FTC-14光纤收发器机架FTC-16光纤收发器机架FT-100A 快速以太网光纤收发器系列概述:OpOne FT-100A为10/100Mbps自适应快速以太网光纤收发器(亦称光电介质转换器),可将10Base-T和100Base-TX双绞线电信号同100Base-FX光信号进行相互转换。





产品图片:FT-100A(双纤单/多模外置电源) FT-100APS(单纤单模内置电源) FT-100AC(双纤单纤单模块卡)参数规格接入方式10/100Mbps标准IEEE802.3 10Base-T Ethernet,IEEE802.3u,100Base-TX/FX Fast Ethernet, IEEE802.3x Flow control,IEEE802.1q VLAN,IEEE802.1p QoS,IEEE802.1d Spanning Tree波长850nm/1310nm/1550nm传输距离双纤多模:2Km,双纤单模:25/40/60/80/100/120Km,单纤单模:25/40/60/80/100Km五类双绞线:100m端口1个RJ45口:连接STP/UTP五类双绞线1个光纤口:多模—SC或ST(光纤尺寸50、62.5/125μm)订购信息:FT-101A快速以太网光纤收发器系列概述:OpOne FT-101A为10/100M自适应快速以太网光纤收发器(亦称光电介质转换器),可将10Base-T和100Base-TX双绞线电信号同100Base-FX光信号进行相互转换。



BCM-8000嵌入式WiFi设备服务器Data SheetVer 1.0地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街甲6号铸诚大厦B305电话:+86-10-51663110传真:+86-10-51581150本文档由北京博讯有限公司提供,本公司尽力严谨处理本文档所载资料。








注意: BCM8000 包含RF射频发射接收器件,请按照当地法律规定和商业规则使用本模块, 并于安全手册中包含对此部分说明,BOCCN不承担违规使用本模块所产生的任何后果负责。

iChip, IP Communication Controller, SerialNET, AT+i 和 Connect One 是 Connect One公司的注册商标。

BCM8000 和 BOCCN 是北京博讯科技有限公司的注册商标。

Copyright © 2010, Beijing Boccn Tech. Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.BOCCN Revision History版本信息版本 日期 描述1.0 JUNE 2010 初始版本BOCCN Contents目录1简介................................................................................................................................................................1-11.1概述.......................................................................................................................................................1-11.2硬件.......................................................................................................................................................1-11.3规格........................................................................................................................................................1-12特点................................................................................................................................................................2-12.1加密........................................................................................................................................................2-12.2协议........................................................................................................................................................2-12.3其他功能..............................................................................................................................................2-13典型应用......................................................................................................................................................3-14引脚说明......................................................................................................................................................4-14.1引脚图...................................................................................................................................................4-14.2引脚功能.............................................................................................................................................4-25接口说明......................................................................................................................................................5-15.1UART接口..........................................................................................................................................5-15.2SPI 接口.............................................................................................................................................5-15.3USB 接口...........................................................................................................................................5-15.4RMII 接口..........................................................................................................................................5-26电气规格......................................................................................................................................................6-16.1额定范围.............................................................................................................................................6-16.2DC 规格..............................................................................................................................................6-16.3AC 规格...............................................................................................................................................6-26.4Tx 规格................................................................................................................................................6-26.5Rx 规格................................................................................................................................................6-27机械尺寸.......................................................................................................................................................7-18开发板............................................................................................................................................................8-19订货信息.......................................................................................................................................................9-110协议规范.......................................................................................................................................................10-1BOCCN Figures图表Figure 3-4-1: BCM8000管脚封装...........................................................................................................4-1Figure 6-1: SPI 接口时序图.......................................................................................................................6-2Figure 5-7-1: 机械尺寸图.............................................................................................................................7-1BOCCN Tables表格Table 3-1: 接口信号描述................................................................................................................4-2Table 4-1: 额定范围.........................................................................................................................6-1Table 4-2: DC 规格........................................................................................................................6-1Table 4-3: Tx 规格.........................................................................................................................6-2Table 4-4: Rx 规格........................................................................................................................6-2Table 8-1: 协议规范.........................................................................................................................10-111.1概述BCM8000 是加密无线局域网模块,它是已有设备和网络之间的纽带。


通过操作开关启动 (I/O 控制 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 通过现场总线启动 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 设置和诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 停止 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 缺相 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 设置和诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 控制图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 控制器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 直流电压控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 设置和诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 无功功率控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 设置和诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 降容运行功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 拆除损坏的整流模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RMIO 板连接图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

伊顿 YHQ70系列 防爆网络高清球型摄像机 数据表

伊顿 YHQ70系列 防爆网络高清球型摄像机 数据表



支持360º 连续水平旋转及-90º ~+90º 垂直旋转,对周围环境一览无余。

0.1°/S 至300°/S可调节水平旋转速率,快速捕捉目标。



产品特性• CNEx 认证• IP68 (1.2m/45min)• 网络高清• 可变焦距• 遵循ONVIF协议• 支持360º 连续水平旋转,90º垂直旋转• 可调节水平转动速率 0.1°/S ~ 300°/S• 支持电压110~240VAC,或24VAC, 或24VDC, 或 POE • 标准以太网连接• 支持壁装或吊装安装方式YHQ70系列防爆网络高清球型摄像机气体粉尘防爆双认证EatonNo.189, Liuyanghe road Xinbei district Changzhou Jiangsu, China********************© 2022 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in UKPublicationNo.DSYH0042/June 2022Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.表面处理精密车加工, 或喷塑, 或抛光认证温度范围-40ºC ~ +60ºC大气压强80~110KPa湿度≤95%RH (+25ºC)防护等级IP68(1.2m / 45min)净重10KG毛重13KG输入电压110AVC~240VAC(±10%), 或24VAC(±10%), 50/60Hz, 或24VDC, 或POE 802.3b电流< 1A(110~240VAC) 或< 2A(24VAC) 或< 2A(24VDC)功率< 50W水平转动360°连续水平转动速率0.1°/S ~ 300°/S垂直转动范围+90° ~ -90°垂直转动速率0.1°/S ~ 240°/S预置位128预置位精确度≤0.1°线缆连接3芯电源和8芯网络自动加热-5ºC自动启动引出线长度标准长度3米,其他长度可按需定制摄像机选项 U22倍三百万像素图像传感器逐行扫描 CMOS 1/2.8"分辨率2304x1296 30fps镜头22倍光学变焦5.2-114.4mm F1.5-F3.8最小照度0.002lux(F1.5,AGC ON,彩色) 0.001lux(F1.5,AGC ON,黑白)视频流H.265、H.264、MJPEG特性BLC, AGS, AWB, WDR, DNR, OSD, 日夜自动/彩色/黑白 (IR-Cut filter removeable)协议标准TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP, UPnP, SNMP, FTP, 802.1x, QoS, HTTPS, IPv6智能功能移动侦测, 越界侦测, 区域入侵侦测, 离开区域侦测摄像机选项 V33倍三百万像素图像传感器逐行扫描 CMOS 1/2.8"分辨率2304x1296 30fps镜头33倍光学变焦4.5-148mm F1.5-F4.0最小照度0.002lux(F1.5,AGC ON,彩色) 0.001lux(F1.5,AGC ON,黑白)视频流H.265、H.264、MJPEG特性BLC, AGS, AWB, WDR, DNR, OSD, 日夜自动/彩色/黑白 (IR-Cut filter removeable)协议标准TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP, UPnP, SNMP, FTP, 802.1x, QoS, HTTPS, IPv6智能功能移动侦测, 越界侦测, 区域入侵侦测, 离开区域侦测摄像机选项 W22倍五百万像素图像传感器逐行扫描CMOS 1/2.7”分辨率2880x1620 30fps镜头22倍光学变焦5.2-114.4mm F1.5-F3.8最小照度0.003lux(F1.5,AGC ON,彩色) 0.001lux(F1.5,AGC ON,黑白)视频流H.265、H.264、MJPEG特性BLC, AGS, AWB, WDR, DNR, OSD, 日夜自动/彩色/黑白 (IR-Cut filter removeable)协议标准TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP, UPnP, SNMP, FTP, 802.1x, QoS, HTTPS, IPv6智能功能移动侦测, 越界侦测, 区域入侵侦测, 离开区域侦测壁装吊装摄像机高清网络编码I护罩类型光学摄像机护罩编码V热成像镜头无编码N 热成像摄像机机芯无编码N雨刮无雨刮编码N摄像机系统网络高清编码I认证CNEx非防爆编码XN温度-40˚C ~ +60˚C编码2YHQ70 A A V N I U N N I 2 1 D X 2 0 1材质类型不锈钢304不锈钢316L 编码AB引出线长度3米非铠装7米非铠装10米非铠装3米铠装7米铠装10米铠装编码1231A2A3A输入电压24VAC ±10%110~240VAC ±10%24VDCPOE编码1245摄像机旋转连续旋转编码1传输方式标准版编码订购详情如下编码能帮助您找到合适的型号。

1732 ArmorBlock 诊断16点I O模块系列A用户指南说明书

1732 ArmorBlock 诊断16点I O模块系列A用户指南说明书

Wiring Diagrams Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series ACatalog Numbers 1732D-8X81212D, -8X81212HD,-8I8O1212D, -IB161212D, -IBDPM12MND, -8X8M12D Package ContentsYour package contains one 1732 ArmorBlock module and these wiring instructions.For complete installation instructions, refer to the Module Publication Number table and visit .Module Publication NumberModule PublicationNumber1732D-IN009 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input Auxiliary-powered8-output Module, Series A (cat. no. 1732-8X81212D)1732D-IN010 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input/8-output Module,Series A (cat. no. 1732-8I8O1212D)1732D-IN011 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input Auxiliary-powered8-output Module, Series A (cat. no. 1732-8X81212DH)1732D-IN012 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 16-input Module, Series A(cat. no. 1732-IB161212D)1732D-IN007 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network Powered 16-Input Module, Series A(cat. no. 1732D-IBDPM12MND)1732D-IN004 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input Auxiliary-powered8-output Module, Series A (cat. no. 1732D-8X8M12D)Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 20092 Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009DeviceNet ConnectorsI/O Connectors1732 DeviceNet Micro-style(view into connector)Pin 1DrainPin 2V+Pin 3 V-Pin 4CAN_HPin 5CAN_L (view into connector)Pin 1DrainPin 2V+Pin 3V-Pin 4CAN_HPin 5CAN_LNetwork-in Male Connector Network-out Female Connector1732 DeviceNet Mini-styleNetwork-in Male Connector(view into connector)Pin 1 Sensor Source VoltagePin 2 Input BPin 3 ReturnPin 4 Input APin 5 PE 5-pin Female Input Micro-stylePinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A 3Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009Auxiliary Power Connector ATTENTION Two sets of mounting holes are used to mount the module directly to a panel or machine. Mounting holes accommodate #6 (M3) pan head screws. The torquespecification is 0.64 Nm (6 in-lb).ATTENTION This equipment is considered Group 1, Class A industrial equipment accordingto IEC/CISPR Publication 11. Without appropriate precautions, there may bepotential difficulties ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in otherenvironments due to conducted as well as radiated disturbance.(view into connector)Pin 1 Not UsedPin 2 Output BPin 3 ReturnPin 4 Output APin 5 PE5-pin Female Output Micro-style(view into connector)Pin 1Sensor Source VoltagePin 2 OutputPin 3 ReturnPin 4 InputPin 5 PE5-pin Female Combination Micro-style(view into connector)Pin 1Output Power+Pin 2No ConnectionPin 3No ConnectionPin 4Output Power-4-pin Mini-style4 Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009SpecificationsEnvironmental Specifications AttributeValue Temperature, operating-20…60 °C (-4…140 °F)Ambient temperaturerating (UL)60 °C (140 °F)Operating voltage11…30V DC Output current 1732D-8I8O1212D - 0.5A per output1732D-8X81212D - 0.5A per output1732D-8X81212HD - 1.4A per output1732D-8X8M12D - 0.5A per outputEnclosure type ratingMeets IP65/66/67/69K (when marked), and NEMA 4X/6P withreceptacle dust caps or cable termination.CertificationsCertifications (whenproduct is marked)(1)(1)See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Value c-UL-usUL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E322657CE European Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial RequirementsEN 61000-6-2; Industrial ImmunityEN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act,compliant with: AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsDeviceNetODVA conformance tested to DeviceNet specificationsPinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A 5 Notes:Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 20096 Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A Notes:Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A 7 Notes:Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009PN-51088Supersedes Publication 1732-WD003B-EN-P - January 2008Copyright © 2009 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Singapore.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At , you can find technicalmanuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect Support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem with a hardware module within the first 24 hours ofinstallation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your module up and running:New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned:Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, TechConnect, and ArmorBlock are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.United States1.440.646.3434 Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm EST Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (see phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor in order to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for returnprocedure.。


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EN Owner’s Manual Supplement D9000, G & GV2 SeriesContents1.0Introduction (3)2.0Two-Man Rule (3)2.1Description (3)2.2Using the Two-Man Rule (3)3.0Early Ambush (4)3.1Description (4)3.2Using Early Ambush (4)4.0Easy Exit Control (5)4.1Description (5)4.2Using Easy Exit Control (5)5.0 Passcode Follows Scope (6)5.1Description (6)5.2Using Passcode Follows Scope (6)6.0Passcode-Controlled Menu (7)6.1Description (7)6.2Using Passcode Controlled Menus (7)7.0Invisible Walk Test (8)7.1Description (8)7.2Using Invisible Walk Test: (8)8.0 Door Activated Custom Function (10)8.1Description (10)8.2Using Door Activated Custom Functions: (10)9.0Access Level Control (10)10.0Door Control (12)10.2Using Door Control? (12)10.3Cycle Door? (13)10.4Unlock Door? (14)11.0Delete User [COMMAND 53] (15)12.0Add/Change User - [COMMAND 56] (17)12.1Description (17)2 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267FBosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F31.0 IntroductionThis document supplements the Security System Owner’s Manual(P/N: 71-06633-000) with the Function List features for the D9000 Series. The instructions for the commands listed in this document replace those commands in the Security System Owner’s Manual . Refer to the Owner’s Manual for the operation of your new security system and its other basic Function List features.2.0 Two-Man Rule2.1 DescriptionThe Two-Man Rule adds an extra step to the disarm process by requiring two unique pass codes to disarm an area from the same keypad. Configure this feature according to the guidelines specified in theD9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide (P/N: F01U003636).I have this feature.I do not have this feature.2.2Using the Two-Man Rule 1.Ensure the keypad shows idle armed text. 2.Enter a valid pass code with the authority to Passcode Disarm by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the [ENTER] key. 3.The keypad shows a request for the SECOND CODE: 4. Enter a second valid pass code with the authority to PasscodeDisarm by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the[ENTER] key. The second pass code must be different from thefirst pass code.The area is disarmed and ready for entry.3.0 Early Ambush3.1 DescriptionEarly Ambush adds an extra step to the disarm process by requiring an additional pass code to be entered to confirm the area is secure. The second pass code can be same as the first or a different one, depending on the configuration. The first entry disarms the area and the second entry stops an automatic timer from sending a duress event. Configured this feature according to the guidelines specified in the D9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide (P/N: F01U003636).I have this feature.I do not have this feature.3.2 Using Early Ambush1. Ensure the keypad shows idle armed text.2. Enter a valid pass code with the authority to Passcode Disarm bypressing the [passcode digits] followed by the [ENTER] key.3. Ensure the keypad shows idle disarmed text.4. The user can now search the area; however, the user must returnbefore the preset Early Ambush Time expires.5. Enter a second valid pass code with the authority to PasscodeDisarm by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the[ENTER] key.6. The keypad shows confirmation that the second passcode wasaccepted and that the Early Ambush Window was canceled byshowing CODE 2 VALIDATED.The area is disarmed and ready for entry.4 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F4.0 Easy ExitControl4.1 DescriptionThe D9412GV2 / D7412GV2 Control Panels change from one armed state to another armed state without disarming. The Easy Exit Control feature reduces the number of keystrokes and simplifies system operation. This feature is available by default and is always on.4.2 Using Easy Exit ControlSwitching armed states from Master to Perimeter:1. Ensure the keypad shows idle master armed text.the[COMMAND] key. The keypad shows SYSTEM2. PressCOMMAND.3. Press [3] to Perimeter Arm.4. The keypad display shows the Exit Delay count down.5. Enter or exit the premises.Switching armed states from Perimeter to Master:1. Ensure the keypad shows idle perimeter armed text.2. Press the [COMMAND] key. The keypad shows SYSTEMCOMMAND.3. Press [1] to Master Arm.4. The keypad shows the Exit Delay count down.5. Enter or exit the premises.Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 55.0 PasscodeFollows Scope5.1 DescriptionThe Passcode Follows Scope feature is an optional arming and disarming restriction that can be enabled on keypads with access to multiple areas. When this feature is set to No, the keypad restricts Passcode Arming and Passcode Disarming to the home area of the keypad. When set to Yes, this feature allows users to arm or disarm all the areas that they and the keypad have access to. This feature causes no restrictions to the keypad scope as it pertains to any other command or arming method other than Passcode Arming or Passcode Disarming.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.5.2 Using Passcode Follows ScopeArming from a keypad with Panel Wide scope and Passcode Follows Scope enabled:1. Ensure the keypad shows idle disarmed text.2. Ensure you have a valid pass code with the authority to PasscodeArm in all areas.3. Enter your code by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the[ENTER] key.4. The keypad shows ARMING: 12345678, to indicate which areasare about to enter exit delay and arm.5. The keypad shows the exit delay count down.6. Exit the premises.6 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267FArming from a keypad with Panel Wide scope and Passcode Follows Scope disabled (default):1. Ensure the keypad shows idle disarmed text.2. Ensure you have a valid pass code with the authority to PasscodeArm in all areas.3. Enter your code by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the[ENTER] key.4. The keypad shows the exit delay count down.5. Exit the premises.6.0 Passcode-Controlled Menu6.1 DescriptionWhen enabled, the system prompts users to enter a passcode before viewing the keypad function list menu. The system shows the user the menu options allowed according to their authority level; thereby, providing users only the commands and functions pertinent to them. Configure this feature according to the guidelines specified in theD9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide (P/N: F01U003636).I have this feature.I do not have this feature.6.2 Using Passcode Controlled MenusOn a D1255 keypad with the Passcode Controlled Menu enabled:1. Press the [ESC] key. The keypad responds with the ENTERPASSCODE display.2. Enter your code by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the[ENT] key. The first menu item that you have authority to useappears.Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 7On a D1260 keypad with the Passcode Controlled Menu enabled:1. Press the [Menu>] soft key in the lower right corner. The keypadresponds with the Enter passcode: then press [ENTER] display. 2. Enter your code by pressing the [passcode digits] followed by the[ENTER] key.The first and second menu items that you have authority to use appear. 7.0 Invisible WalkTest7.1 DescriptionThe D9412GV2 / D7412GV2 has a function list menu item that allows the user to test invisible interior or perimeter controlled points that are within the scope of the keypad without sending a report to the central station. This is identical to the Service Walk Test except that it is restricted to invisible points.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.7.2 Using Invisible Walk Test:On a D1255 keypad with the Passcode Controlled Menu enabled:1. Press the [ESC] key.2. Press the [NEXT] key until INVISIBLE TEST?appears.3. Press the [ENT] key to activate the Invisible Walk Test function.The keypad shows the number of invisible points within the scopeof the keypad:### PTS TO TEST4. Press the [NEXT] key to see VIEW UNTESTED?.5. Press the [ENT] key to view the untested points. The keypadshows the total number of untested invisible points within thekeypad scope:### PTS UNTESTED.6. Press the [NEXT] key to view the first point’s name.8 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F7. Press the [ENT] key to view the point’s hardware state:1PT### NORMAL HW if it is normal1PT### OPEN HW if it is opened1PT### SHORT HW if it is shorted1PT### MISSNG HW if it is missing 8. Activate the point’s sensor and observe the appropriate statechange.9. Press the [NEXT] key to advance to the next invisible pointwithin the scope of the keypad.10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 until all points are tested.On a D1260 keypad with the Passcode Controlled Menu enabled:the[Menu>]soft key in the lower right corner.1. Press2. Press the [Next>] soft key until the Invisible Walk Test?appears.3. Press the corresponding soft key to activate the InvisibleWalk Test function. The keypad shows the number of invisiblepoints within the scope of the keypad:### points remain to betested.5. Press the [View untested pts>] soft key to see 6 pts untested.6. Press the [Next Pt>] soft key to view the first or next untestedpoint:[Point Text]Area #, Pt #[Point State] HW Next PT><Exit Prev PT>7. Where [Point State] can be NORMAL,OPEN,SHORT, or MISSNG.8. Activate the point’s sensor and observe the appropriate statechange.9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 until all points are tested.Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 98.0 Door ActivatedCustom Function8.1 DescriptionThe D9412GV2 / D7412GV2 allow a custom function to be activated when user credentials are presented to a D9210B Door Controller Reader. The custom function executes as if the user performed a function at the keypad that is associated with the door controller.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.8.2 Using Door Activated Custom Functions:Executing the door’s custom function by a user that has authority to do so when disarming the area:1. Ensure the area you are about to enter is armed.2. Present your user credentials to the D9210B Door ControllerReader. The area disarms and the custom function executes.The area is now safe to enter.9.0 Access LevelControl9.1 DescriptionUse this function to manually enable or disable access authority levels assigned to users. This function can be used to temporarily disable a user’s access level instead of deleting and adding the user.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.10 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F9.2 UsingACCESS LEVEL CTL?1. Ensure the display shows idle disarmed text.2. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Function List, then press[NEXT] repeatedly until you reach the CHANGE LEVELCTL?prompt. Press [ENT].3. ACCESS LEVEL CTL appears indicating that you are affectingthe authority levels of cards or tokens and not passcodes. Press[ENT].4. ENTER LEVEL:appears. Enter the access authority level numberand press [ENT].5. If the access level is currently disabled, LEVEL # ENABLE?appears. If the access level is currently enabled, LEVEL #DISABLE?appears. Press [ENT] to accept the choice. ENTERLEVEL:appears again. Press [ESC].Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 1110.0 Door Control10.1 DescriptionThere are three sub-functions within the door control function. They are CYCLE DOOR?, UNLOCK DOOR? and SECURE DOOR?.CYCLE DOOR? momentarily unlocks a door to allow a person into an area. UNLOCK DOOR? unlocks a door to allow free access.SECURE DOOR? unlocks a door and prohibits access regardless of a user’s authority level.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.10.2 Using Door Control?1. Ensure the display shows idle disarmed text.2. Press the [COMMAND] key. The display shows SYSTEMCOMMAND.4. The first sub-function that appears is CYCLE DOOR?You cancycle through the three sub-functions by pressing [PREV] and[NEXT].12 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F10.3 Cycle Door?1. To momentarily unlock an access door and allow a person into anarea, press [ENT] at the Cycle Door? prompt.The display shows CYCLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8if all doors are ina normal state and available. If a door is not in a normal state, thenumber of the door is replaced with one of the symbols indicatedin Table 1.Table 1: Key to SymbolsSymbol Description---Door is not active, not in scope, or user doesnot have access level authorityC Door is timed door sequenceU Strike and shunt are latched active (held open)X Strike and shunt are deactivated (secured)P There is a problem with the door; call yoursecurity company2. Enter the number of the door to cycle then press [ENT]. Thisdoor cycles and the display changes to reflect the new status ofthe doors. For example, to cycle Door 3, at the following prompt:CYCLE DOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8press [3], then [ENT]. The display shows:CYCLE DOOR 1 2 C 4 5 6 7 8Thisindicates that all doors are in a normal state, except for Door 3, which is cycled.[ESC]to leave this subfunction, or enter another door3. Pressnumber to cycle.Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 1310.4 Unlock Door?1. To unlock a door to allow free access, at the CYCLE DOOR?prompt, press [NEXT] to enter the UNLOCK DOOR?subfunction.The display shows UNLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8if all doors arein a normal state and available. If a door is not in a normal state,the number of the door is replaced with a symbol indicated inTable 1.2. Enter the number of the door to unlock then press [ENT]. Thisdoor unlocks and the display changes to reflect the new status ofthe doors.For example, if you wanted to unlock Door 4, at the followingprompt:UNLOCK DOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8press [4]then [ENT]. The display shows:UNLOCK DOOR 1 2 3 U 5 6 7 8This indicates that all doors are in a normal state, except for Door4, which is unlocked.4. Press [ESC] to leave this subfunction, or enter another doornumber to unlock.10.5 Secure Door?1. To secure a door to prohibit access to users regardless of theiraccess authority level, at the CYCLE DOOR?prompt, press[PREV] to enter the SECURE DOOR?subfunction.The display shows SECURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8if all doors arein a normal state and available. If a door is not in a normal state,the number of the door is replaced with a symbol indicated inTable 1 on page 12.2. Enter the number of the door to secure then press [ENT]. Thisdoor secures, and the display changes to reflect the new status ofthe doors.For example, to secure Door 5, at the following prompt:SECURE DOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Press [5] then [ENT]. The display shows:SECURE DOOR 1 2 3 4 X 6 7 814 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267FBosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F15This indicates that all doors are in a normal state, except for Door 5, which is secured. Press [ESC] to leave this subfunction, or enter another door11.0 Delete User[COMMAND 53] 11.1 DescriptionUse this function to delete a personal passcode from your system without assistance from your security company. You must know the user number for the passcode you want to delete.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.11.2 Using DEL USER ?1.Ensure the display shows idle disarmed text. 2.Press the [COMMAND] bar. The display shows SYSTEM COMMAND . 3. Press [5] and [3].4. The display shows DEL USER #. Enter the user number and press[ENT].5. USER ##(or user text, such as the name of the user, if this featurewas programmed into your system by your security company)appears allowing for confirmation. Press [ENT].If this is not theuser you wish to delete, press the [NEXT] or [PREV] key until thecorrect user name appears, then press [ENT].6. The display shows DELETE USER ##? Press [ENT] to delete user,and USER DELETED appears. If the user number is not in thesystem, NOT IN USE appears. If you made an error and do notwish to delete this user, press [ESC].16 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F12.0 Add/ChangeUser - [COMMAND 56]12.1 DescriptionUse this function to add or change a passcode or card without assistance from your security company. Before adding or changing a passcode orcard, you must know which user numbers are available, the authority level you want to assign to the new user, and the areas in which the passcode or card are valid.I have this feature.I do not have this feature.12.2 Using Add User ?1. Ensure the display shows idle disarmed text.2. Press the [COMMAND] bar. The display shows SYSTEMCOMMAND.3. Press [5] and [6].4. The display shows ENTER USER #. Enter the user number andpress [ENT].5. The display shows USER # (or user text, such as the name of theuser, if this feature was programmed into your system by yoursecurity company) to allow for confirmation. Press [ENT] if thecorrect user number (or user name) appears. Press [ESC] if not.6.ADD PASSCODE?appears (If the user number already exists,CHANGE PASSCODE?appears). Press [ENT].ENTER NEW CODEBosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 17appears. Enter the new passcode followed by [ENT].ENTERAGAIN appears. Enter the new passcode a second time forconfirmation. Press [ENT]. The display shows PASSCODE ADDED(or PASSCODE CHANGED if the user number was already in theSystems With Access Control...7. ADD LEVEL?(CHANGE LEVEL?If the user number alreadyexists) appears. Press [ENT].8. VALID AREA 1? appears. If you wish this user number to bevalid in Area 1, press [ENT]. If not, press [NEXT].9. AUTH LEVEL appears. Assign the authority level you wish theuser number to have for this area and press [ENT]. Record thisinformation.10. VALID AREA 2? appears. Enter the information necessary forthe areas in the scope of the keypad by following steps 8 and 9 foreach area (up to 8 areas). LEVEL ADDED(or LEVEL CHANGED)appears when all area assignments are made. Press [ENT].18 Bosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267FBosch Security Systems | 5/05 | 33267F 19。

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OPTICAL MODULENETWORK CABLESRECOMMENDED OPTIONSWIRELESS BRIDGEAGGREGATION & CORE ETHERNET SWITCHINDUSTRIAL POE ETHERNET SWITCH≤ 100-ch IPCTypeModel Aggregation switchDS-3E0524TFAccess switch DS-3E01(3)xxP-E(B)Access switchDS-3E01(3)xxP-E/M(B)Access switch DS-3E05xxP-E Access switch DS-3E05xx-EOptical moduleHK-SFP-1.25G-1310-DF-MM100-ch < IPC ≤ 300-chTypeModel Aggregation switch DS-3E2528Access switch DS-3E13xxP-E Access switch DS-3E01(3)xxP-E(B)Access switch DS-3E05xxP-E Access switch DS-3E05xx-E Optical moduleHK-SFP-1.25G-20-1310HK-SFP-1.25G-20-1550300-ch < IPC ≤ 500-chType Model Core switch DS-3E3756TF Core switch DS-3E3740Aggregation switchDS-3E2528Access switch DS-3E23xxP-E Access switch DS-3E05xxP-E Access switch DS-3E01(3)xxP-E(B)Optical moduleHK-SFP-1.25G-20-1310HK-SFP-1.25G-20-1550ModelImageDescriptionHK-SFP-1.25G-20-1310TX 1310 nm/1.25G, RX 1550 nm/1.25G, LC, single mode and single fiber, 20 km, 0~70°C, SFPHK-SFP-1.25G-20-1550TX 1550 nm/1.25G, RX 1310 nm/1.25G, LC, single mode and single fiber, 20 km, 0~70°C, SFPHK-SFP-1.25G-1310-DF-MMTX 1310 nm/1.25G, RX 1310 nm/1.25G, LC, Multi mode and duplex fiber, 1 km, 0~70°C, SFPHK-SFP-1.25G-20-1310-DF TX 1310 nm/1.25G, RX 1310 nm/1.25G, LC, Single mode and duplex fiber, 20 km, 0~70°C, SFPHK-SFP+-10G-20-1270TX 1270 nm/10G, RX 1330 nm/10G, LC, single mode and single fiber, 20 km, 0~70°C, SFP+HK-SFP+-10G-20-1330TX 1330 nm/10G, RX 1270 nm/10G, LC, single mode and single fiber, 20 km, 0~70°C, SFP+Outdoor wireless bridgeElevator wireless bridgeModelDS-3WF01C-2N/ODS-3WF02C-5N/ODS-3WF03CDS-3WF0AC-2NTDS-3WF01C-2NDescriptionSupports point-to-point &point-to-multipoint;Range up to 3 km; 802.11 b/g/n, Built-in 12 dBiantenna up to 150 Mbps; Output power 27 dBm; Angle Horizontal: 60° Vertical: 30°; IP65;Supports point-to-point & point-to-multipoint; Range up to 5 km; 802.11 a/n, Built-in 10 dBi 2×2 MIMO antenna up to 300 Mbps; Output power 24 dBm; Angle Horizontal: 60° Vertical: 16°; IP65;Supports point-to-point & point-to-multipoint; Range up to 15 km; 802.11a/n, Built-in 15dBi 2×2 MIMO antenna with 300 Mbps; Output power 27 dBm; Angle Horizontal: 40° Vertical: 15°; IP65;Supports point-to-point, distance 100 m; IEEE 802.11b/g/n, Built-in 8dBi antenna; Output power 20 dBm; Angle Horizontal: 60° Vertical: 30°; Working temperature: -30 ~65°C; Plug and play, no initial setting;Supports point-to-point, distance 500 m; IEEE 802.11b/g/n, Built-in 6dBi antenna; Output power 27 dBm; Angle Horizontal: 65° Vertical: 60°; Working temperature: -30 ~65°C;Plug and play, no initial setting;ModelDS-1LN5E-SDS-1LN6-UUDS-1LN5E-E/EDS-1LN6-UE-WDescriptionUTP CAT 5E, 305 meters Core diameter: 0.5 mm Solid copper,CM,grayUTP CAT 6, 305 meters Core diameter: 0.565 mm Solid copper, CM, orangeUTP CAT 5E, 305 meters Core diameter: 0.45 mm Solid copper, CMX,grayUTP CAT 6, 305 meters, Core diameter: 0.53 mm Solid copper, CM,whiteModelDS-3E0524TFDS-3E2528DS-3E3740DS-3E3756TFManagement Unmanaged Full-managed Full-managed Full-managed Ports12 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 12 × Gigabit SFP ports24 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 4 × Gigabit SFP ports32 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 8 × 10G SFP+ ports24 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 24 × Gigabit SFP ports 8 × 10G SFP+ portsPacket Forwarding Rate 35.7 Mpps 42 Mpps 136 Mpps 136 Mpps Switching Capacity 48 Gbps 56 Gbps 224 Gbps 256 GbpsMAC Address Table 16 K 8 K64 K64 KManagement Mode -Console, Telnet, SSH2.0, Web, SNMP v1/v2/v3, TFTP, RMONOther Software Features-STP, VLAN, Mirroring, IGMP Snoopingand IGMP v1/v2, L2/L3/L4 ACL, LACP,EAPS, ERPSSTP, VLAN, Mirroring, IGMP Snooping and IGMP v1/v2, L2/L3/L4 ACL, LACP, EAPS,Operating Temperature -5°C~50°C0°C~45°C0°C~45°C0°C~45°C Dimension (440 × 186.5 × 44.5) mm (440 × 230 × 45) mm (442.5 × 315 × 44) mm (442.5 × 350 × 44) mmPower SupplyModelELG-150-48AImageOutput Voltage 48 VRated Current 3.13 ARated Power 150 WOperating Temperature-40~90°CIP Rating IP65AccessoryOptional accessory for industrial PoEswitchIndustrial switchModelDS-3T0306PDS-3T0310PManagement UnmanagedUnmanagedPorts 4 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports2 × Gigabit uplink SFP ports 8 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit uplink SFP ports PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atPoE Budget≤ 120 W ≤ 240 W Packet Forwarding Rate 3.6 Mpps 4.2 Mpps Switching Capacity 8.8 Gbps 8.8 Gbps MAC Address Table 4 K 4 K Surge Protection 2 KV 2 KV Operating Temperature -40°C~75°C -40°C~75°C Dimension(155 × 130 × 42) mm(170 × 156 × 42) mmUNMANAGED NON-POE ETHERNET SWITCHUNMANAGED POE ETHERNET SWITCHMANAGED POE ETHERNET SWITCHUNMANAGED SWITCHIEEE 802.3bt Standard Hi-PoE, Max. 90 W for One PortIEEE 802.3bt standard Hi-PoE port provides max. 90 W power supply for high power devices such as domes.Up to 300 m Long Range PoE TransmissionBased on all series of camera tests with Hikvisionnetwork cables, up to 300 m long range PoE transmission is provided.Intelligent PoE ManagementWhen the power supply exceeds the limit, PoE ports intelligently manage the power supply, which extends the switch lifetime.4/8-Core Adaptive Power Supply with Less Power Loss8-core power supply reduces the power loss on cables.6KV Surge Protection to Improve Reliability in Harsh EnvironmentThe built-in surge protection device protects the switch from the sudden lightning surge in harsh environment.Design for Video TransmissionVIP port ensures important data transmission when network congestion occurs.Hi-PoE SwitchesModelDS-3E0106HP-EDS-3E0310HP-EPorts1 × 10/100 Mbps Hi-PoE port 3 × 10/100 Mbps PoE ports2 × 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 1 × 10/100 Mbps Hi-PoE port 7 × 10/100 Mbps PoE ports 2 × Gigabit RJ45 ports PoE Standards Port 1: IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at, IEEE802.3btPorts 2 to 4: IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3atPort 1: IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at, IEEE802.3btPorts 2 to 8: IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3atPoE Budget 60 W 110 W Max. port PoE power Port 1: 60 W Ports 2 to 4: 30 W Port 1: 90 W Ports 2 to 8: 30 W PoE Extend Mode Max. 300 m, Port 1-4Max. 300 m, Port 1-8Packet Forwarding Rate 0.893 Mpps 4.166 Mpps Switching Capacity 1.2 Gbps 5.6 Gbps MAC Address Table 2 K 16 K Surge Protection 6 KV 6 KV Operating Temperature-10°C~55°C -10°C~55°CDimension(145 × 25.6 × 68.45) mm(217.6 × 27.8 × 103.35) mm10/100 Mbps SwitchesModelDS-3E0105P-E/M(B)DS-3E0109P-E/M(B)DS-3E0318P-E/M(B)DS-3E0326P-E/M(B)DS-3E0105P-E(B)DS-3E0109P-E(C)DS-3E0318P-E(B)DS-3E0326P-E(B)Ports4 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 1 × 10/100 Mbps uplink RJ45 port8 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 1 × 10/100 Mbps uplink RJ45 port16 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 1 × Gigabit uplink RJ45 port 1 × Gigabit uplink SFP port 24 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports1 × Gigabit uplink RJ45 port1 × Gigabit uplink SFP port4 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports1 × 10/100 Mbps uplink RJ45 port8 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports1 × 10/100 Mbps uplink RJ45 port16 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45 Ports and 2 SFP Ports)24 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45Ports and 2 SFP Ports)PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atPoE Budget35 W60 W130 W230 W60 W115 W 230 W370 WPoE Extend Mode Max.300 m, Port 1-4Max. 300 m, Port 1-8Max. 300 m, Port 9-16Max. 300 m, Port 17-24Max 300 m, Port 1-4Max 300 m, Port 1-8Max. 300 m, Port 9-16Max. 300 m, Port 17-24Packet Forwarding Rate0.744 Mpps 1.34 Mpps 5.36 Mpps 6.55 Mpps 0.74 Mpps 1.34 Mpps 5.36 Mpps 6.55 Mpps Switching Capacity1 Gbps 1.8 Gbps 7.2 Gbps 8.8 Gbps 1 Gbps 1.8 Gbps 7.2 Gbps 8.8 Gbps MAC Address Table 1 K 2 K 4 K 4 K 1 K 2 K 4 K 4 K Surge Protection 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV Operating Temperature-10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C Dimension(105 × 27.6 × 83.1)mm(170 × 27.6 × 93.1) mm(266 × 44.5 × 220.8) mm(335 × 44.5 × 226) mm(105 × 27.6 × 83.1) mm(170 × 27.6 × 93.1) mm(440 × 44 × 220.8) mm(440 × 44 × 220.8) mmGigabit SwitchesModel DS-3E0505P-EDS-3E0510P-EDS-3E0518P-EDS-3E0526P-EPorts4 × Gigabit PoE RJ45 ports1 × Gigabit RJ45 port 8 × Gigabit PoE RJ45 ports 1 × Gigabit RJ45 port 1 × Gigabit SFP port 16 × Gigabit PoE RJ45 ports 1 × Gigabit RJ45 port 1 × Gigabit SFP port 24 × Gigabit PoE RJ45 ports 1 × Gigabit RJ45 port 1 × Gigabit SFP port PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atPoE Budget60 W 110 W 230 W 370 W Packet Forwarding Rate 7.44 Mpps 14.88 Mpps 26.784 Mpps 38.688 Mpps Switching Capacity 10 Gbps 20 Gbps 36 Gbps 52 Gbps MAC Address Table 2 K 4 K 8 K 8 K Surge Protection6 KV 6 KV 6 KV 6 KV Operating Temperature-10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C-10°C~55°C -10°C~55°C Dimension(105 × 27.6 × 83.1) mm(217.6 × 27.8 × 108.55) mm(440 × 44 × 220.8) mm(440 × 44 × 220.8) mmModel DS-3E0105D-EDS-3E0108D-EDS-3E0505D-EDS-3E0508D-EDS-3E0508-EDS-3E0516-EDS-3E0524-EPorts 5 × 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 8 × 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 5 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 8 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 8 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 16 × Gigabit RJ45 ports 24 × Gigabit RJ45 portsSwitching Capacity 1 Gbps 1.6 Gbps 10 Gbps 16 Gbps 16 Gbps 32 Gbps 48 GbpsPacket Forwarding Rate 0.744 Mpps 1.1904 Mpps 7.44 Mpps 11.904 Mpps 11.9 Mpps 23.8 Mpps 35.7 MppsMAC Address Table 1 K 1 K 2 K 4 K 4 K 8 K 8 KSurge Protection ---- 4 KV 4 KV 4 KVOperating Temperature 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°CDimension (82 × 52 × 22.4) mm (124 × 59 × 23.2) mm (92.8 × 65.8 × 22.8) mm (142 × 90 × 23) mm (186.7 × 106.7 × 33.3) mm (440 × 178.8 × 44) mm (440 × 178.8 × 44) mmModel DS-3E1310P-EDS-3E1318P-EDS-3E1326P-EDS-3E2310PDS-3E2318PDS-3E2326PDS-3E2510PDS-3E2528PManagement Web-managed Web-managed Web-managed Full-managed Full-managed Full-managed Full-managed Full-managed Ports 8 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45 Ports and 2 SFP Ports)16 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45 Ports and 2 SFP Ports)24 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45 Ports and 2 SFP Ports)8 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45 Ports and 2 SFP Ports)16 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45 Ports and 2 SFP Ports)24 × 10/100 Mbps PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit comb ports (2 RJ45Ports and 2 SFP Ports)8 × Gigabit PoE RJ45 ports 2 × Gigabit SFP ports 24 × Gigabit PoE RJ45 ports 4 × Gigabit SFP ports PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atIEEE 802.3af, IEEE802.3atPoE Budget 123 W 230 W370 W125 W 300 W 380 W 125 W 380 W PoE Extend Mode Max. 250 m, Port 1-8Max. 250 m, Port 1-16Max. 250 m, Port 1-24-----Packet Forwarding Rate 1.34 Mpps 5.36 Mpps 6.55 Mpps 5.6 Mpps 8.4 Mpps 9.6 Mpps 15 Mpps 42 Mpps Switching Capacity5.4 Gbps 7.2 Gbps 8.8 Gbps 10 Gbps 21.2 Gbps 22.8 Gbps 20 Gbps 56 Gbps MAC Address Table 4 K4 K4 K8 K8 K8 K8 K8 KManagement Mode SNMP v1/v2, WEB managementConsole, Telnet, SSH2.0, Web, SNMP v1/v2/v3, TFTP, RMONOther Software Features STP, VLAN, Mirroring, IGMP Snooping and IGMP v1/v2STP, VLAN, Mirroring, IGMP Snooping and IGMP v1/v2, L2/L3/L4 ACL, LACP, EAPS, ERPSSurge Protection 4 KV 4 KV 4 KV 4 KV 4 KV 4 KV 4 KV 4 KV Operating Temperature 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~40°C 0°C~45°C 0°C~45°C Dimension(294 × 165.8 × 44) mm(440 × 285 × 43) mm(440 × 285 × 43) mm(280 × 179 × 45) mm(440 × 232 × 44) mm(440 × 232 × 44) mm(280 × 179 × 45) mm(440 × 232 × 45) mm。



移动联通网络知识考试:诺西BTS设备基维护知识1、多选射频单元主要由如下硬件组成:()A、TSxx:载频射频单元B、M2/6xA:接收多路耦合器单元C、WCxA:宽带合路器单元D、DVxA:双工滤波(江南博哥)器单元E、RTC:远程调谐合路单元正确答案:A, B, C, D, E2、单选诺西UltraSite基站中的1个BB2x单元可为()个TSxx单元提供服务?A、1B、2C、3D、4正确答案:B3、多选诺西Pico基站的远程载频单元—“代理”的组成部分有:()A、一个带合成器,低功率放大器和发射滤波器,低噪声放大器和接收滤波器的模拟接收和发射部分B、信号处理单元C、电源D、CCLink转换器正确答案:A, B, C, D4、单选诺西PicoBTS的每个服务器都必须安装机柜COBA。


A、6B、8C、10D、12正确答案:B5、多选诺西Pico基站服务器和代理之间的最大距离取决于:()A、电线的直径B、接口的类型C、使用电线的数目D、电压的范围正确答案:A, C6、填空题诺西的FlexiEDGEBTS中,双工滤波功能可由()模块或()模块实现。

正确答案:ERxA;ECxA7、多选诺西UltraSite基站的TSxx单元后面板上可提供以下接口:()A、X1B、X6C、X7D、X100正确答案:B, C, D8、多选FlexiEDGEBTS包含以下哪些高度单元的模块?()A、1HUB、2HUC、3HUD、4HU正确答案:A, B, C, D9、单选诺西PicoBTS的一块CCINT的故障会导致与之相连接的几个代理无法正常运行?()A、2B、3C、4D、5正确答案:C10、多选对于诺西Pico基站,为了减少外置天馈线的数目,有以下合路器可以使用:()A、放置于代理后面板上的双工器B、放置于代理前面板上的双工器C、为单个载频而设的远程外置工分器D、为一起使用内置双工器的两个载频而设的远程外置工分器正确答案:B, D11、单选诺西FlexiEDGEBTS的7606是一个()告警。

Moxa INJ-24 Series PoE 一体化插件指南说明书

Moxa INJ-24 Series PoE 一体化插件指南说明书

P/N: 1802000240013 *1802000240013*INJ-24 SeriesQuick Installation GuideMoxa PoE InjectorEdition 4.0, February 2017Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: 1-714-528-6777 Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific:Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-10452017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe Moxa PoE Injector INJ-24 Series is a 1-port PoE injector that delivers both data and electrical power to Ethernet-enabled devices using a single Ethernet cable. The INJ-24 can supply up to 30 watts of power through the Ethernet port, and can power IEEE 802.3af/at compliant powered devices (PD), such as wireless access points or IP cameras, eliminating the need for additional wiring. The INJ-24 supports Gigabit communication, which is vital for high-speed and low-latency applications. The INJ-24 also offers a wide operating temperature range of -40 to 75°C, and is designed to withstand a high degree of vibration and shock. A rugged hardware design makes the INJ-24 perfect for ensuring that your Ethernet equipment can operate in critical industrial environments, such as in hazardous locations, and complies with FCC and CE standards. Wiring RequirementsYou should also pay attention to the following items:•Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.NOTE: Do not run signal or communications wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.•You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can bebundled together.•Keep input wiring and output wiring separated.•It is strongly advised that you label wiring to all devices in the system when necessary.Package ChecklistThe Moxa INJ-24 Series is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact a Moxa customer service representative for assistance.•Moxa PoE Injector INJ-24•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty cardFeaturesHigh Performance Network Switching Technology•10/100/1000BaseT(X)•Provides up to 30 watts per PoE port•Active circuit protection•Auto disconnection for over voltage or under voltage•Power consumption detection and classification•Industrial-grade reliabilityRugged Design•Operating temperature range from 0 to 60°C, or extended operating temperature from -40 to 75°C for “T” models•IP30, rugged high-strength case•DIN-Rail or panel mounting abilityPanel Layout1.Heat dissipation orifices2.Terminal block for power input and grounding3.Moxa Logo4.Power LED5.Data input port6.PoE LED7.PoE output port8.DIN-RailMounting Dimensions (unit = mm)DIN-Rail MountingThe plastic DIN-Rail attachment plate should already be fixed to the back panel of INJ-24 when you take it out of the box. If you need to reattach the DIN-Rail attachment plate, make sure the stiff metal spring is situated towards the top, as shown in the figures below.STEP 1: Insert the top of the DIN-Rail into the slot. STEP 2:The DIN-Rail attachment unit will snap into place as shown below.To remove the INJ-24 from the DIN-Rail, insert a flat-blade screw driver horizontally into the DIN-Rail kit under the INJ-24, and then pull it upwards and release INJ-24 towards you away from the DIN-Rail.You may also take the following steps to remove the INJ-24 from the DIN-Rail.Step 1: Press the middle of the flat side of the mounting kit as indicated. Pull the INJ-24 downwards.Step 2:Release it towards you and away from the DIN-Rail.Grounding the INJ-24Grounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due to electromagneticinterference (EMI). Run the right most contact of the 3-contact terminal block to the grounding surface prior to connecting devices.Wiring the INJ-24’s Power OutputsThe two left-most contacts of the 3-contact terminal block connector on the INJ-24’s top panel are used for 24 VDC output. Top and front views of one of the terminal block connectors are shown here.STEP 1: Array Insert the negative/positive DC wires into the V-/V+terminals.STEP 2:To keep the DC wires from pulling loose, use a smallflat-blade screwdriver to tighten the wire-clampscrews on the front of the terminal block connector.STEP 3:Insert the plastic terminal block connector prongsinto the terminal block receptor, which is located onINJ-24’s top panel.LED IndicatorsSeveral LED indicators are located on the ING-24’s front panel. Thefunction of each LED is described in the table below.SpecificationsPatent /doc/operations/Moxa_Patent_Marking.pdf。

宝ensch安防系统 MIC IP 9000i 和 MIC IP 7100i 摄像头模块安装指南说明

宝ensch安防系统 MIC IP 9000i 和 MIC IP 7100i 摄像头模块安装指南说明

Washer Interface Kit
Alarm/Washer Interface box
IP67 Weatherproof KIT for MIC Pigtail Wires
MIC IP 7100i White
MIC IP 7100i Grey
MIC IP 7100i Black
MIC IP 9000i White
Software License for IP Cameras
Mid-Span Power Injectors
Washer Interface Kit
Alarm/Washer Interface box
MIC IP 7100i White
MIC IP 7100i Gray
MIC IP 7100i Black
Software License for IP Cameras
MIC IP 7100i White
MIC IP 7100i Gray
MIC IP 7100i Black
MIC IP 9000i White
MIC IP 9000i Gray
MIC IP 9000i Black
MIC IP 9000i White
MIC IP 9000i Gray
MIC IP 9000i Black
Deep Conduit Adapter
(General application)
Wall mount
(Wires-through-wall application)
MIC IP 9000i Black

使用vfbox网关采集AB plc设备数据-转-modbus使用说明1.1 (1)

使用vfbox网关采集AB plc设备数据-转-modbus使用说明1.1 (1)

目录1文档说明 (1)2准备工作 (1)3网关采集AB PLC数据 (1)4用MODBUS协议转发数据 (3)1文档说明1.设置网关采集AB PLC数据2.把采集的数据转成Modbus协议转发给其他系统。


支持采集AB PLC数据,Modbus协议转发。




3网关采集AB PLC数据1.安装VFBOXStudio软件。



网关支持3大类的AB PLC,可根据对接的PLC类型选择。







15.16.4用Modbus协议转发数据1.点击菜单“服务”-“Modbus Slave”,把modbus TCP中的启用设置成Yes2.3.把要转发的数据添加到对应的寄存器下。



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■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Outstanding Features
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Байду номын сангаас
Improves audio quality for low-performance speakers System-level BOM savings Stereo operation I2C controlled 24-bit accuracy Audio algorithms — — —
System Block Diagram
MP3 Player FM Radio Controller SPDIF Rx or TV Chipset
Analog Audio Analog Analog Audio I2C (Optional)
Power Amplifiers
Audio input — One I2S or Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) input — Up to two stereo analog inputs: typical SNR of 90 dB; typical THD of 75 dB Audio output — One I2S or SSI output — Two analog outputs: typical SNR of 96 dB; typical THD of 86 dB Several General-Purpose digital signals available to the application (GPIOs) Typical operational power target of less than 0.15W Power-down target of less than 0.5 mW 3.3V operation

Audio Algorithms
■ ■
Loadable algorithms for new functions or ROM code patching
Sample frequency of 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz supported MaxxBass — Patented Waves MaxxBass psycho-acoustic bass extension delivers a more natural sound than traditional bass boost technologies, which use EQ and can overpower your system. MaxxBass analyzes low frequencies to create harmonics that are perceived as lower, deeper tones. MaxxEQ — MaxxEQ provides the ability to design EQ curves and shape sound with surgical precision, using up to 10 programmable filters with bell, shelf, low pass, and high pass, plus adjustable frequency, gain, and Q parameters. MaxxEQ’s intuitive Graphic User Interface makes click-and-drag filter design fast and easy.

Input Clocks — SSI / I2S clock: 64 x sample frequency — Optional crystal oscillator or input clock Power Supply — 3.3V supply operation Power-Save Modes — Clock switch to a lower frequency — WAIT state (clock stopped) — PLL power-down Package — 5 x 5 mm, 32-pin Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) package
2x Analog inputs M12
One I2S output
-18dB .. 34dB
-96dB .. 30dB
M5 Bypass
Nuvoton Confidential
GAIN -126dB .. 0dB
Analog Audio Headphones
© 2012 Nuvoton Technology Corporation

Nuvoton Confidential
Bus Interfaces
■ ■
Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) — Compatible with I2S — Master and slave timing support I2C Interface — Compliant with I2C-BUS Specification Revision 1.0, 1992 — Master or slave interface — Supports 7-bit address mode
Note: All paths in the diagram are stereo
Figure 1. Device Block Diagram

MaxxVolume — MaxxVolume is an all-in-one volume control, with High-Level Compression to increase RMS levels, Low-Level Compression to increase the clarity of soft sounds, Noise Gating to eliminate signal and system noise, and Leveling to smooth out volume levels.

High-performance, 24-bit audio enhancing engine preprogrammed with Waves MaxxAudio-3 Lite algorithms ■ Optional Audio ADC ■ Optional Audio DAC ■ Digital I/O and other features for high-performance audio systems The MaxxAudio Graphical User Interface (GUI) enables sound engineers to easily tune the device and customize presettings for different audio products.
Nuvoton Confidential
NPCA110B Audio Enhancing Engine and CODEC
February 2012 Revision 1.1
NPCA110B Audio Enhancing Engine and CODEC
General Description
The Nuvoton NPCA110B device is a member of Nuvoton’s Sound Enhancing family optimized for low cost TV, portable devices such as docking stations for MP3-players and mobile phones, Multi-Media speakers, PC monitor speakers and Boom boxes. The NPCA110B integrates Waves MaxxAudio-3 Lite sound enhancement algorithms. These are proprietary, patented, psychoacoustic algorithms that compensate for the acoustic limitations of small CE devices. MaxxAudio-3 Lite algorithms enable reproduction of rich content, with a wide dynamic range and a full frequency range, on a limited audio system. For low-frequency reproduction, MaxxBass uses a patented psychoacoustic technique to create a perceived low bass, which can be extended up to 1.5 octaves lower than the original. This technique reproduces full and rich sounding bass tones. Power handling is done by MaxxVolume, which utilizes the power amplifiers and speakers to their full extent yet avoids clipping and distortion. The MaxxAudio-3 Lite software suite provides an additional algorithm to design a resonance-free audio system: MaxxEQ provides a flexible equalizer with 10 bands. The NPCA110B enables digital control over the volume and bass, replacing traditional analog potentiometers. The Maxx family of devices includes: