ECE R13H 第1版
}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/50517 January 2008AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONSFOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS / (Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 12H: Regulation No. 13-HRevision 1Incorporating all valid text up to:Corrigendum 1 to the original version of the Regulation, subject of Depositary NotificationC.N.708.1999.TREATIES-1 dated 6 August 1999Corrigendum 2 to the original version of the Regulation, subject of Depositary NotificationC.N.897.2000.TREATIES-1 dated 27 September 2000Corrigendum 3 to the original version of the Regulation, subject of Depositary NotificationC.N.784.2002.TREATIES-1 dated 1 August 2002Corrigendum 4 to the original version of the Regulation, subject of Depositary NotificationC.N.364.2003.TREATIES-1 dated 8 May 2003Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 27 December 2000 Supplement 2 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 20 February 2002 Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 2 to the original version of the Regulation, subject of Depositary NotificationC.N.440.2004.TREATIES-1 dated 13 May 2004Supplement 3 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 4 April 2005Supplement 4 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 11 June 2007Supplement 5 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 10 November 2007 UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF PASSENGER CARSWITH REGARD TO BRAKING_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.08-}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 3Regulation No. 13-HUNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF PASSENGER CARSWITH REGARD TO BRAKINGCONTENTSREGULATION Page1. Scope (5)2. Definitions (5)3. Application for approval (9)4. Approval (9)5. Specifications (11)6. Tests (26)7. Modification of vehicle type or braking systemand extension of approval (26)8. Conformity of production (26)9. Penalties for non-conformity of production (27)10. Production definitely discontinued (27)11. Names and addresses of Technical Servicesresponsible for conducting approval tests,and of Administrative Departments (27)12. Transitional provisions (27)ANNEXESAnnex 1 - Communication concerning the approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of a vehicle type with regard tobraking pursuant to Regulation No. 13-HAnnex 2 - Arrangements of approval marksE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 4CONTENTS (continued)Annex 3 - Braking tests and performance of braking systemsAppendix - Procedure for monitoring the state of battery changeAnnex 4 - Provisions relating to energy sources and energy storage devices (energy accumulators)Annex 5 - Distribution of braking among the axles of vehiclesAppendix 1 - Wheel-lock sequence test procedureAppendix 2 - Torque wheel test procedureAnnex 6 - Test requirements for vehicles fitted with anti-lock systemsAppendix 1 - Symbols and definitionsAppendix 2 - Utilisation of adhesionAppendix 3 - Performance on differing adhesion surfacesAppendix 4 - Method of selection of the low adhesion surfaceAnnex 7 - Inertia dynamometer test method for brake liningsAnnex 8 - Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of complex electronic vehicle control systems}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 51. SCOPE1.1. This Regulation applies to the braking of vehicles of categories M1 and N1 1/.1.2 This Regulation does not cover:1.2.1. vehicles with a design speed not exceeding 25 km/h;1.2.2. vehicles fitted for invalid drivers.2. DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Regulation,2.1. "Approval of a vehicle" means the approval of a vehicle type with regard tobraking.2.2. "Vehicle type" means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such essentialrespects as:2.2.1. the maximum mass, as defined in paragraph 2.11. below;2.2.2. the distribution of mass among the axles;2.2.3. the maximum design speed;2.2.4. a different type of braking equipment, with more particular reference to thepresence or otherwise of equipment for braking a trailer or any presence ofelectric braking system;2.2.5. the engine type;2.2.6. the number and ratios of gears;2.2.7. the final drive ratios;2.2.8. the tyre dimensions.1/ This Regulation offers an alternative set of requirements for category N1 vehicles to those contained in Regulation No. 13. Contracting Parties that apply both Regulation No. 13 and this Regulation recognize approvals to either Regulation as equally valid. M1 and N1 categories of vehicles are defined in Annex 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2, as last amended by Amend.4).E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 62.3. "Braking equipment" means the combination of parts whose function isprogressively to reduce the speed of a moving vehicle or bring it to a halt, or tokeep it stationary if it is already halted; these functions are specified inparagraph 5.1.2. below. The equipment consists of the control, the transmission,and the brake proper.2.4. "Control" means the part actuated directly by the driver to furnish to thetransmission the energy required for braking or controlling it. This energy may bethe muscular energy of the driver, or energy from another source controlled by thedriver, or a combination of these various kinds of energy.2.5. "Transmission" means the combination of components comprised between thecontrol and the brake and linking them functionally. The transmission may bemechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric or mixed. Where the braking power isderived from or assisted by a source of energy independent of the driver, thereserve of energy in the system is likewise part of the transmission.The transmission is divided into two independent functions: the controltransmission and the energy transmission. Whenever the term "transmission" isused alone in this Regulation, it means both the "control transmission" and the"energy transmission":2.5.1. "Control transmission" means the combination of the components of thetransmission which control the operation of the brakes, including the controlfunction and the necessary reserve(s) of energy;2.5.2. "Energy transmission" means the combination of the components which supply tothe brakes the necessary energy for their function, including the reserve(s) ofenergy necessary for the operation of the brakes.2.6. "Brake" means the part in which the forces opposing the movement of the vehicledevelop. It may be a friction brake (when the forces are generated by frictionbetween two parts of the vehicle moving relatively to one another); an electricalbrake (when the forces are generated by electro-magnetic action between twoparts of the vehicle moving relatively to but not in contact with one another); afluid brake (when the forces are generated by the action of a fluid situatedbetween two parts of the vehicle moving relatively to one another); or an enginebrake (when the forces are derived from an artificial increase in the brakingaction, transmitted to the wheels, of the engine).2.7. "Different types of braking equipment" means equipment which differ in suchessential respects as:2.7.1. components having different characteristics;}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 72.7.2. a component made of materials having different characteristics, or a componentdiffering in shape or size;2.7.3. a different assembly of the components.2.8. "Component of the braking equipment" means one of the individual parts which,when assembled, constitutes the braking equipment.2.9. "Progressive and graduated braking" means braking during which, within thenormal operating range of the device, and during actuation of the brakes (seeparagraph 2.16. below):2.9.1. the driver can at any moment increase or decrease the braking force by acting onthe control;2.9.2. the braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (monotonicfunction);2.9.3. the braking force can be easily regulated with sufficient precision.2.10. "Laden vehicle" means, except where otherwise stated, a vehicle so laden as toattain its "maximum mass".2.11. "Maximum mass" means the maximum mass stated by the vehicle manufacturerto be technically permissible (this mass may be higher than the "permissiblemaximum mass" laid down by the national administration).2.12. "The distribution of mass among the axles" means the distribution of the effect ofthe gravity on the mass of the vehicle and/or its contents among the axles.2.13. "Wheel/axle load" means the vertical static reaction (force) of the road surface inthe contact area on the wheel/wheels of the axle.2.14. "Maximum stationary wheel/axle load" means the stationary wheel/axle loadachieved under the condition of the laden vehicle.2.15. "Hydraulic braking equipment with stored energy" means a braking equipmentwhere energy is supplied by a hydraulic fluid under pressure, stored in one ormore accumulator(s) fed from one or more pressure pump(s), each fitted with ameans of limiting the pressure to a maximum value. This value shall be specifiedby the manufacturer.2.16. "Actuation" means both application and release of the control.E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 82.17. "Electric regenerative braking" means a braking system which, duringdeceleration, provides for the conversion of vehicle kinetic energy into electricalenergy.2.17.1. "Electric regenerative braking control" means a device which modulates theaction of the electric regenerative braking system;2.17.2. "Electric regenerative braking system of category A" means an electricregenerative braking system which is not part of the service braking system;2.17.3. "Electric regenerative braking system of category B" means an electricregenerative braking system which is part of the service braking system;2.17.4. "Electric state of charge" means the instantaneous ratio of electric quantity ofenergy stored in the traction battery relative to the maximum quantity of electricenergy which could be stored in this battery;2.17.5. "Traction battery" means an assembly of accumulators constituting the storage ofenergy used for powering the traction motor(s) of the vehicle.2.18. "Phased braking" is a means which may be used where two or more sources ofbraking are operated from a common control, whereby one source may be givenpriority by phasing back the other source(s) so as to make increased controlmovement necessary before they begin to be brought into operation.2.19. "Nominal value" definitions for braking reference performance are required to puta value on the transfer function of the braking system, relating output to input forvehicles individually.2.19.1. "Nominal value" is defined as the characteristic which can be demonstrated attype approval and which relates the braking rate of the vehicle on its own to thelevel of the braking input variable.2.20. "Automatically commanded braking" means a function within a complexelectronic control system where actuation of the braking system(s) or brakes ofcertain axles is made for the purpose of generating vehicle retardation with orwithout a direct action of the driver, resulting from the automatic evaluation ofon-board initiated information.2.21. "Selective braking" means a function within a complex electronic control systemwhere actuation of individual brakes is made by automatic means in whichvehicle retardation is secondary to vehicle behaviour modification.2.22. "Braking signal": logic signal indicating brake activation as specified inparagraph 5.2.22.}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 92.23. "Emergency braking signal": logic signal indicating emergency braking asspecified in paragraph APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to braking shall besubmitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.3.2. It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate and bythe following particulars:3.2.1. a description of the vehicle type with regard to the items specified inparagraph 2.2. above. The numbers and/or symbols identifying the vehicle typeand the engine type shall be specified;3.2.2. a list of the components, duly identified, constituting the braking equipment;3.2.3. a diagram of assembled braking equipment and an indication of the position of itscomponents on the vehicle;3.2.4. detailed drawings of each component to enable it to be easily located andidentified.3.3. A vehicle, representative of the vehicle type to be approved, shall be submitted tothe Technical Service conducting the approval tests.4. APPROVAL4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets therequirements of paragraphs 5. and 6. below, approval of that vehicle type shall begranted.4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved, its first two digitsshall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent majortechnical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval.The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to the same vehicletype equipped with another type of braking equipment, or to another vehicle type.4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a vehicle type pursuant to thisRegulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement which applythis Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to thisRegulation and of a summary of the information contained in the documentsreferred to in paragraphs 3.2.1. to 3.2.4. above, the drawings supplied by theE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 10applicant for approval being in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm), orfolded to that format, and on an appropriate scale.4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specifiedon the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approvedunder this Regulation, an international approval mark consisting of:4.4.1. a circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of thecountry which has granted approval 2/, and of4.4.2. the number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approvalnumber to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more otherRegulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has grantedapproval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above,need not be repeated; in such a case, the Regulation and approval numbers and theadditional symbols of all the regulations under which approval has been grantedin the country which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed invertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.4.8. Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval marks.2/ 1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for Malta, 51 for the Republic of Korea, 52 for Malaysia, 53 for Thailand, 54 and 55 (vacant) and 56 for Montenegro. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.page 115. SPECIFICATIONS5.1. General5.1.1. Braking equipment5.1.1.1. The braking equipment shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to enablethe vehicle in normal use, despite the vibration to which it may be subjected, tocomply with the provisions of this Regulation. In particular, the braking equipment shall be so designed, constructed and fitted asto be able to resist the corroding and ageing phenomena to which it is exposed. Brake linings shall not contain asbestos. The effectiveness of the braking equipment shall not be adversely affected bymagnetic or electrical fields. (This shall be demonstrated by compliance withRegulation No. 10, 02 series of amendments.) A failure detection signal may interrupt momentarily (< 10 ms) the demand signalin the control transmission, provided that the braking performance is thereby notreduced.5.1.2. Functions of the braking equipmentThe braking equipment defined in paragraph 2.3. must fulfil the followingfunctions: Service braking systemThe service braking system must make it possible to control the movement of thevehicle and to halt it safely, speedily and effectively, whatever its speed and load,on any up or down gradient. It must be possible to graduate this braking action.The driver must be able to achieve this braking action from his driving seatwithout removing his hands from the steering control. Secondary braking systemThe secondary braking system must make it possible by application of the servicebrake control to halt the vehicle within a reasonable distance in the event offailure of the service braking system. It must be possible to graduate this brakingaction. The driver must be able to obtain this braking action from his driving seatwithout removing his hands from the steering control. For the purposes of thesepage 12provisions it is assumed that not more than one failure of the service brakingsystem can occur at one time. Parking braking systemThe parking braking system must make it possible to hold the vehicle stationaryon an up or down gradient even in the absence of the driver, the working partsbeing then held in the locked position by a purely mechanical device. The drivermust be able to achieve this braking action from his driving seat.5.1.3. The requirements of Annex 8 shall be applied to the safety aspects of all complexelectronic vehicle control systems which provide or form part of the controltransmission of the braking function included those which utilize the brakingsystem(s) for automatically commanded braking or selective braking.However, systems or functions, which use the braking system as the means ofachieving a higher level objective, are subject to Annex 8 only insofar as theyhave a direct effect on the braking system. If such systems are provided, theymust not be deactivated during type approval testing of the braking system.5.1.4. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection of braking systems5.1.4.1. It shall be possible to assess the wear condition of the components of the servicebrake that are subject to wear e.g. friction linings and drums/discs (in the case ofdrums or discs, wear assessment may not necessarily be carried out at the time ofperiodic technical inspection). The method by which this may be realized isdefined in paragraphs of this Regulation. It shall be possible to verify, in a simple way, the correct operational status ofthose complex electronic systems which have control over braking. If specialinformation is needed, this shall be made freely available. At the time of type approval, the means implemented to protect against simpleunauthorized modification of the operation to the verification means chosen bythe manufacturer (e.g. warning signal) shall be confidentially outlined.Alternatively, this protection requirement is fulfilled when a secondary means ofchecking the correct operational status is available. It shall be possible to generate maximum braking forces under static conditions ona rolling road or roller brake tester.5.2. Characteristics of braking systems5.2.1. The set of braking systems with which a vehicle is equipped must satisfy therequirements laid down for service, secondary and parking braking systems.page 135.2.2. The systems providing service, secondary and parking braking may have commoncomponents so long as they fulfil the following conditions: there must be at least two controls, independent of each other and readilyaccessible to the driver from his normal driving position. Every brake controlshall be designed such that it returns to the fully off position when released. Thisrequirement shall not apply to a parking brake control when it is mechanicallylocked in an applied position; the control of the service braking system must be independent of the control of theparking braking system; the effectiveness of the linkage between the control of the service braking systemand the different components of the transmission systems must not be liable todiminish after a certain period of use; the parking braking system must be so designed that it can be actuated when thevehicle is in motion. This requirement may be met by the actuation of thevehicle's service braking system, even partially, by means of an auxiliary control; without prejudice to the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation, theservice braking system and the parking braking system may use commoncomponents in their transmission(s), provided that in the event of a failure in anypart of the transmission(s) the requirements for secondary braking are stillensured; in the event of breakage of any component other than the brakes (as defined inparagraph 2.6. above) and the components referred to in paragraph, or of any other failure of the service braking system (malfunction, partialor total exhaustion of an energy reserve), that part of the service braking systemwhich is not affected by the failure, must be able to bring the vehicle to a halt inthe conditions prescribed for secondary braking; if service braking is ensured by the action of the driver's muscular energy assistedby one or more energy reserves, secondary braking must, in the event of failure ofthat assistance, be capable of being ensured by the driver's muscular energyassisted by the energy reserves, if any, which are unaffected by the failure, theforce applied to the service brake control not exceeding the prescribed maximum; if the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on the use,controlled by the driver, of an energy reserve, there must be at least twocompletely independent energy reserves, each provided with its own transmission,likewise independent; each of them may act on the brakes of only two or morewheels so selected as to be capable of ensuring by themselves the prescribedpage 14degree of secondary braking without endangering the stability of the vehicleduring braking; in addition, each of the aforesaid energy reserves must beequipped with a warning device as defined in paragraph 5.2.14. below; if the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on the use of anenergy reserve, one energy reserve for the transmission is deemed to be sufficient,provided that the prescribed secondary braking is ensured by the action of thedriver's muscular energy acting on the service brake control and the requirementsof paragraph 5.2.5. are met; certain parts, such as the pedal and its bearing, the master cylinder and its pistonor pistons, the control valve, the linkage between the pedal and the mastercylinder or the control valve, the brake cylinders and their pistons, and the lever-and-cam assemblies of brakes, shall not be regarded as liable to breakage if theyare amply dimensioned, are readily accessible for maintenance, and exhibit safetyfeatures at least equal to those prescribed for other essential components (such asthe steering linkage) of the vehicle. Any such part as aforesaid whose failurewould make it impossible to brake the vehicle with a degree of effectiveness atleast equal to that prescribed for secondary braking must be made of metal or of amaterial with equivalent characteristics and must not undergo notable distortion innormal operation of the braking systems.5.2.3. The failure of a part of a hydraulic transmission system shall be signalled to thedriver by a device comprising a red tell-tale signal lighting up before or uponapplication of a differential pressure of not more than 15.5 bar between the activeand failed brake equipment, measured at the master cylinder outlet and remaininglit as long as the failure persists and the ignition (start) switch is in the "on" (run)position. However, a device comprising a red tell-tale signal lighting up when thefluid in the reservoir is below a certain level specified by the manufacturer ispermitted. The tell-tale signal must be visible even by daylight; the satisfactorycondition of the signal must be easily verifiable by the driver from the driver'sseat. The failure of a component of the device must not entail total loss of thebraking equipment's effectiveness. Application of the parking brake must also beindicated to the driver. The same tell-tale signal may be used.5.2.4. Where use is made of energy other than the muscular energy of the driver, thereneed not be more than one source of such energy (hydraulic pump, aircompressor, etc.), but the means by which the device constituting that source isdriven must be as safe as practicable. In the event of failure in any part of the transmission of a braking system, the feedto the part not affected by the failure must continue to be ensured if required forthe purpose of halting the vehicle with the degree of effectiveness prescribed forsecondary braking. This condition must be met by means of devices which caneasily be actuated when the vehicle is stationary, or by automatic means.。
PCR 基础知识
175/70R13 185/70R13 155/80R13 165/80R13
常见车型: 五菱之光-165/70r13 捷达-185/60R14 大众高尔夫-195/65R15 帕萨特-215/60R16 奥迪A4—225/55R16
BEA Confidential. | 10
BEA Confidential. | 17
越野花纹的共同特点是花纹沟槽宽而深,花纹 块接地面积比较小(约40%~60%)。在泥泞路上, 同一车型的车辆使用越野花纹的牵引力可达普 通花纹的1.5倍。 应用:越野花纹是专门为适应干、湿、崎岖山 路和泥泞、沙路而设计的花纹。越野车使用的 最佳轮胎。 【缺点】: 由于花纹的接触压力大,滚动阻力 大,所以不适合在良好硬路面上长时间行驶, 否则,将加重轮胎磨损,增加燃油消耗,汽车 行驶振动也比较厉害
BEA Confidential. | 4
1.断面宽-section width(mm) 2.轮辋直径—rim diameter (inch) 3.轮胎外直径—overall diameter(mm) 4.扁平比—aspect ratio =断面高/断面宽*100% 扁平率越低,代表轮胎着地面 积越大,操控性越好,比如高 性能轮胎 275/40r20跑车专用 5.载重指数—load index 6.最高时速-max speed
SUV车型轮胎尺寸大多在16寸到20寸之间,相比UHP轮胎来说 ,扁平率较高一般大于55. 大众途锐-255/60R17 帕杰罗-265/70R16
另外,最近这两年4*4轮胎比较畅销,型号表示前面常带LT,花 纹比较夸张,例如LT31*10.5R15,LT235/75R15, LT235/85R16,LT245/75R16,属于纯粹越野型轮胎,速度级别 相对较低,载重高。
Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#
发布时间:2015/04/07 来源:中国两化融合咨询服务联盟作者:秘书处
RODEO INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD.21D,RENHENG PLAZA BUILDING,86 MAOXING ROAD,PUDONG,SHANGHAI,CHINA?TEL: 0086-21-, FAX:轮胎基本知识培训一.轮胎结构:1. 斜交:NYLON/BIAS2. 子午线:RADIAL轮胎断面图图图1..1-1轮胎构成的基本部件及其基本作用胎面(Tyre Tread):轮胎与路面接触的厚厚的橡胶层,要求有良好的耐磨性能和耐冲击性能。
胎肩 (Tyre Shoulder):胎面端部与胎侧上端之间的部分,具有保护胎体和发散行驶时产生热量的作用胎侧(Tyre sidewall):胎肩下端和胎圈之间的橡胶层,有保护胎体的作用缓冲层(Breaker):胎面和胎体之间的单层或多层覆胶帘线部分,起粘合胎面和胎体、缓冲外胎所受应力的作用。
胎体(Carcass):构成轮胎骨架的单层或多层覆胶帘线部分,要求有良好的耐冲击性能和耐屈挠性能胎圈(Bead):胎体帘线缠绕其上,与轮辋结合的部位,由胎圈钢丝及橡胶等构成气密层(Inner Liner):轮胎的内衬层,要求有良好的气密性能二.轮胎型号:( 1 ) 16PR, 16PR为轮胎断面宽,表示轮胎断面宽为9英寸(INCH)20 为轮辋直径,表示轮辋直径为20英寸(INCH)16 PR 为轮胎层级,表示轮胎强度为16层棉线所能达到的强度。
R 为轮胎结构标志,表示子午线(RADIAL)轮胎。
(斜交轮胎用D表示,一般用“-”代替)( 2 ) 175/70R13, 175/70SR13, 175/70TR13S/T/H表示轮胎速度级别S表示轮胎最高时速为180公里T表示轮胎最高时速为190公里H表示轮胎最高时速为210公里( 3 )P215/65R15 89HP表示乘用车轮胎(PASSENGER)215为轮胎断面宽,表示轮胎断面宽为215毫米(MM)65 为轮胎断面名义高宽比(65%),又叫轮胎扁平率,衡量轮胎的扁平化程度。
pcr轮胎调研报告PCR轮胎调研报告1. 引言PCR(Passenger Car Radial Tire)轮胎是一种广泛应用于乘用车的轮胎,具有重要的经济和安全性能。
2. 市场现状PCR轮胎市场需求量稳定增长,主要受到乘用车销量增长的推动。
3. 发展趋势(1)绿色环保:在当前环保意识的推动下,PCR轮胎制造商正越来越重视绿色环保的发展。
4. 相关技术(1)材料技术:PCR轮胎的材料包括橡胶、纤维、钢丝等。
5. 结论通过对PCR轮胎市场的调研和分析,我们可以得出以下结论:(1)PCR轮胎市场需求稳定增长,受到乘用车销量增长的推动。
风神轮胎PCR系列AEOLUS _ AG02产品特征专为经济型轿车设计的具备灵活、安全品质的节油经济型产品,很好的满足了大众化小轿车的经济、安全和易操控的需求,是经济型轿车的最佳选择。
技术参数AEOLUS _ AG01产品特征为出租车及经济型轿车设计的超长里程和舒适性集于一身的产品,既具有超长里程的品质又具有舒适和静音的品质,是经济又超值的理想选择。
技术参数AEOLUS _ AH01产品特征专为中高级轿车专门设计的舒适性和操控性完美结合的优秀产品。
家用轿车轮胎常见使用问题说明 韩泰轮胎
PCR常见使用问题说明韩泰轮胎技术服务部2011年10月24日PCR 轮胎结构轮胎断面立体图胎侧钢圈胎面钢丝带束层气密层胎体帘布线判定依据判定依据:国家橡胶轮胎质量监督检验中心颁发的《汽车轮胎使用及理赔案例》病象:胎面爆破特征:胎体带束层完全折断,胎面橡胶撕裂,撞击痕迹明显。
—轮胎位置互换时机不确切病象:胎面异常磨损内侧磨损外侧磨损特征:轮胎内侧或外侧单侧偏磨发生原因:—四轮定位不当(TOE、CAMBER )—未进行定期轮胎换位—前轮轴承松动可能—车轴负荷过大可能胎面异常磨损案例对照病象:撞击鼓包撞击鼓包原因分析发生原因:轿车轮胎中该事故多发,属车辆行驶中遇路面凹陷或障碍物后,未予减速或避让不及时,产生瞬间极强冲击力,使胎体极度变形,被轮辋凸缘切伤断纱,充气后表现为鼓包。
28×9-15 14PR叉车轮胎的设计
第 5 期贺李萍等.28×9-15 14PR叉车轮胎的设计279 28×9-15 14PR叉车轮胎的设计贺李萍,司飞飞,周 康(风神轮胎股份有限公司,河南焦作454003)摘要:介绍28×9-15 14PR叉车轮胎的设计。
结构设计:外直径 690 mm,断面宽 228 mm,行驶面宽度 210 mm,行驶面弧度高 0,胎圈着合直径 387 mm,胎圈着合宽度 178 mm,断面水平轴位置(H1/H2) 0.942 3,花纹深度 18 mm,花纹周节数 24,花纹饱和度 77%。
关键词:叉车轮胎;结构设计;施工设计中图分类号:U463.341 文章编号:1006-8171(2019)05-0279-03文献标志码:A DOI:10.12135/j.issn.1006-8171.2019.05.0279随着我国工业现代化进程的不断推进,电动叉车被广泛使用于工业生产中,叉车轮胎作为承受载荷、传递动力的重要部件,其结构与性能尤为重要。
为满足市场需要,扩充轮胎品牌的规格及花纹型号,我公司特开发了28×9-15 14PR AIND11叉车轮胎,现将轮胎设计情况简介如下。
1 技术要求根据GB/T 2982—2014《工业车辆充气轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷》,确定28×9-15 14PR叉车轮胎主要技术参数为:标准轮辋 7.0,充气外直径(D′) 710(700~733) mm,充气断面宽(B′) 220(213~236) mm,标准充气压力 970 kPa,速度 25 km·h-1,最大负荷 3 050 kg,气门嘴型号 DG07C。
CFMOTO 250CL-X 使用说明书
目录电子说明书 (8)前言 (9)11重要的注意事项 ........................................................................................................... (11)序列号 (13) (13)13车架号 .........................................................................................................................13发动机号...................................................................................................................... (13)参数 (14)驾驶员安全 (17)17 (17)总体安全预警..............................................................................................................18 (18)设备改装......................................................................................................................21 (21)用户职责......................................................................................................................22防护装备...................................................................................................................... (22)避免危险驾驶行为 (25)车辆视图 (29)29左后视图...................................................................................................................... (29) (30)30右前视图......................................................................................................................操作部件 .. (31)31离合手柄...................................................................................................................... (31)制动手柄 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3131左手把开关 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................3232右手把开关 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................3333油门手把 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3333锁具 ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................3434换挡杆 ......................................................................................................................... . (3535)制动踏杆 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3636边撑 ............................................................................................................................. .. (3636)乘员扶手及脚踏装置................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................3737仪表 ............................................................................................................38仪表指示灯 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................3838仪表显示区 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................4040仪表调节 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4242如何驾驶本车 ..............................................................................................44磨合期 ......................................................................................................................... . (4444)日常安全检查 (4545)启动车辆 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4747车辆起步 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4848换挡,行驶 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................4848制动 ............................................................................................................................. .. (4949)停放 .............................................................................................................................50 (50)安全驾驶 (51)51 (51)安全驾驶技巧..............................................................................................................52 (52)高速驾驶特别注意事项 ................................................................................................维修保养 .. (53)53恶劣使用定义.............................................................................................................. (53)54 (54)推荐润滑......................................................................................................................55磨合期内保养表 ........................................................................................................... (55)58磨合期后保养表 ........................................................................................................... (58)离合手柄自由行程 (64)随车工具 (65)燃油系统 (66)66燃油箱 ......................................................................................................................... (66)67燃油要求...................................................................................................................... (67)67辛烷值等级 .................................................................................................................. (67)发动机总成 (68)机油油位检查..............................................................................................................68 (68) (69)69更换机油及机滤 ........................................................................................................... (70)70发动机机油容量 ...........................................................................................................71火花塞 ......................................................................................................................... (71)怠速 ............................................................................................................................. .. (7171)进排气系统 (72)排放油气监测系统 ....................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................7272进气门 ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................7272气门间隙 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7272空滤器 ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................7373节气门体 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7373冷却系统 .. (74)散热器及散热风扇 ....................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................7474散热器管路 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................7474冷却液 ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................7575冷却液检查 .................................................................................................................. (7676)冷却液添加 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7676轮胎及链条..................................................................................................77轮胎规格 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7777轮胎载荷 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7878轮胎磨损 . (7979)驱动链条检查 (8080)驱动链条松紧度调整................................................................................................... . (8181)制动系统 (83)前制动手柄检查 ........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................8383后制动踏杆检查 ........................................................................................................... .. (8383)制动油位检查.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................8484制动液补充 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................8585制动盘检查 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................8787制动卡钳检查.. (8787)ABS ABS ............................................................................................................................. .. (88)88减震器 .........................................................................................................89减震器检查 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................8989后减震调节 .................................................................................................................. (8989)电气及光信号 ..............................................................................................90蓄电池 ......................................................................................................................... . (9090)蓄电池拆卸 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9191蓄电池安装 .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................9393灯光 ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................9494保险丝 ......................................................................................................................... . (9595)催化器 (96)燃油蒸发系统 (96)车辆清洁及储存 (97)一般预防措施 (9797)洗车 .............................................................................................................................98 (98) (99)99装饰表面......................................................................................................................99 (99)挡风玻璃和其它的塑料件............................................................................................铬合金和铝 ..................................................................................................................99 (99)储存前的准备工作 .....................................................................................................100 (100)从存储处取出车辆 .....................................................................................................101 (101)摩托车常见故障及原因 (102)整车通用扭矩表 (104)整车关键件扭矩表 (104)电子说明书本使用说明书包含印刷前最新的生产信息。
简介.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 卤化丁基橡胶含量和轮胎性能...................................................................................................................5
商业上,丁基弹性体衍生物的氯化丁基橡胶(CIIR)和溴化丁基橡胶(BIIR)尤其显得重要。 在图 1 中展示了在溴化丁基橡胶中所存在的几种含溴基团的结构 2,3。大多数异戊二烯基单元在反 式结构中。II 号结构是溴化丁基橡胶中的主要结构,占 50%-60%,其次是 I 号结构占 30%-40 %。III 号结构占大约 5%-15% IV 号结构通常仅仅占 1%-3%。
图 1 溴化丁基橡胶内异戊二烯基单元的结构
摘要 在轮胎中使用卤化丁基橡胶气密层,能显著改善轮胎保气性,进而会提高轮胎的耐久性能。在 气密层中使用较高含量的卤化丁基橡胶的轮胎往往表现出较好的耐久性能。卤化丁基弹性体例如氯 化丁基橡胶和溴化丁基橡胶,代表了在加工该材料时需要特殊方法和预防措施的特种用途弹性体。 这些预防措施包括比较低的密炼机排胶温度、特殊的压延和挤出条件,并且小心避免轮胎硫化后在 气密层内形成气泡。与含有通用弹性体例如天然橡胶、聚丁二烯橡胶和丁苯橡胶相比,卤化丁基橡 胶气密层胶料对收缩更敏感。不良的加工条件还可能导致轮胎气密层部件粘性和附着性的劣化。 本文提供混炼和加工卤化丁基混炼胶的信息,以用于生产轮胎气密层。此外还提供一些基本原 理,这些基本原理是关于如何防止形成气密层气泡、保持合适的部件粘性以便轮胎成型及达到混炼 胶的机械性能。
☞ 1 Edge, 2 Edge, 1 Full Cap 1Full + 1 Edge, 2 Full Cap
☞ 提高胎面刚度
Steel Belt
Steel Belt
#1 Belt
Steel Belt功能
位于冠带层与胎体之间,保护胎体, 减缓外部震动,使胎体免受直接挤压, 提高胎面刚性,是主要的受力部件。
3.4 商标及花纹代号/产品名
商标 : 将我司的 HOUSE Brand, ASSOCIATED Brand, PRIVATE Brand等模刻在两侧 Sidewall上. 花纹代号 : 用于区分产品花纹的公司内部代号. 产品名 : 是产品的固有名,原则上在两侧Sidewall上都要标记,但不标记也可以.
载重卡车子午胎(Truck&Bus Radial tire)
轻卡胎(Light Truck tire)
轻卡子午胎(Light Truck Radial tire)
微型车胎(Ultra Light Truck Tire) 轿车胎(Passenger Car Tire) 轿车子午胎(Passenger Car Radial Tire) 工业用轮胎(Industrial Tire) 工程机械胎(Off the Road Tire) 摩托车胎(Motor Cycle Tire) 农业用胎(Agricultural Tire)
带束层边胶 Belt Cushion
补强冠带层 Cap ply
Belt Cushion功能
位于带束层边端,介于两层带束层 之间的胶片,减少肩部生热.
雪天如何选择轮胎 雪地胎品牌及型号介绍
在原有发泡橡胶技术的基础上,BLIZZAK WS60发泡橡胶中的部分小气泡连通在一起,形成的气泡室能吸收更多水分,从而让轮胎与冰面更紧密地贴合,同时在气泡室内侧还加入了一种超强抓地粒子,为轮胎提供了更强的抓地力;另一方面,WS60的细缝花纹总长度更长,并且设计成立体结构,有效提高了花纹块的刚性,同时也起到增大接地面积和提高摩擦力的作用。
米其林推荐型号:X-ICE米其林X-ICE 冬季轮胎是一款专门为冬季寒冷天气和恶劣路面环境而设计的轮胎,胎面储水孔特殊设计使胎面花块设计同时包含Z 字型细小沟纹以及储水孔,清除冰面的水膜,确保更短冰面制动距离。
数据显示新一代X-ICE2比上一代产品X-ICE 制动距离缩短至少10%。
马牌推荐型号:ContiVikingContact 5马牌拥有众多型号的雪地及特殊路况轮胎,其中新型ContiVikingContact 5为恶劣路况而精心打造,高密度抓地刀槽和凸起的沟槽实现完美结合,提高潮湿路况上的接触面积,从而缩短在潮湿路况上的刹车距离。
而ContiWinterContact TS830专门针对电子稳定控制系统(ESC )设计,可以和电子稳定控制系统(ESC 或ESP )实现完美的协同工作。
TS830在驾驶方向上分布了最大数量的花纹块和侧向刀槽边缘,从而得以优化轮胎的制动效果和ESC 效果,也是冬季不错的选择。
OTR 轮胎,或成为下一个“蓝海”
综述在乘用胎(PCR )和卡客车轮胎(TBR )成为市场竞争“红海”、销售日趋惨烈的形势下,随着基础设施建设力度的加大、工矿业的快速发展和农业机械化的普及,轮胎行业对OTR 轮胎市场需求普遍看好,视为下一个“蓝海”市场。
从全球市场来看,跨国轮胎企业不断在非公路轮胎(OTR )产品方面作文章。
早在2016年,横滨橡胶以11.79亿美元收购了ATG 集团,藉此增加了农业和林业机械用轮胎产品系列。
2022年3月,横滨橡胶又以21亿欧元收购特瑞堡车轮系统业务,使其一跃成为OTR 领域的全球领导者之一。
2018年7月,米其林以14.5亿美元收购加拿大Camso (卡摩速),米其林将受益于卡摩速在OTR 轮胎领域的优势。
无论是轮胎企业的海外基地,还是国内扩建项目,OTR 项目不再作为PCR 、TBR 项目的陪衬,从可有可无的角色,转而晋升到重要的地位,而且产能规模大、投资额不菲,期待抓住市场机遇,为企业的蓬勃发展和壮大,注入新的活力。
OTR 会成为新的“风口”,给投资企业带来预想的收益?一、OTR 轮胎有关行业政策和市场需求非公路轮胎种类繁多,应用环境和使用路况复杂,包括工程机械轮胎(含巨型工程子午胎)、工业轮胎、农用轮胎、林业轮胎、OTR轮胎,或成为下一个“蓝海”作者 郝章程港口码头轮胎和实心胎等产品。
由于采矿业市场壮大的需求,促使工程胎需求量不断增大,更优性价比的产品成为了终端用户的刚需,米其林、普利司通、固特异等三家轮胎巨头独霸工程胎市场的状况也正在慢慢发生转变,国外其他品牌如日本横滨、印度BKT 等及国内品牌的产品在市场上都处于供不应求的状况。
《高等轮胎力学》阅读笔记目录一、内容简述 (2)1.1 轮胎力学的重要性 (2)1.2 高等轮胎力学的定义和研究范围 (4)二、轮胎的基本特性 (5)2.1 轮胎的结构和材料 (6)2.2 轮胎的静态特性 (7)2.3 轮胎的动态特性 (8)三、轮胎与路面的相互作用 (10)3.1 线性轮胎模型 (11)3.2 非线性轮胎模型 (12)3.3 路面不平度对轮胎的影响 (13)3.4 轮胎-路面相互作用的研究方法 (14)四、轮胎力学性能分析 (16)4.1 轮胎的承载能力 (17)4.2 轮胎的制动性能 (18)4.3 轮胎的行驶稳定性和安全性 (20)4.4 轮胎的节能性能 (21)五、轮胎设计理论 (22)5.1 轮胎的基本尺寸和形状设计 (23)5.2 轮胎的载荷分布和优化设计 (24)5.3 轮胎的性能预测和仿真分析 (26)六、轮胎试验与评价 (27)6.1 轮胎的基本性能测试 (28)6.2 轮胎的疲劳性能测试 (30)6.3 轮胎的安全性能测试 (31)6.4 轮胎的环保性能测试 (32)七、高等轮胎力学的发展趋势 (33)7.1 新型轮胎材料的研发和应用 (34)7.2 高性能轮胎的设计和制造技术 (36)7.3 智能化轮胎监控和管理系统 (37)7.4 未来轮胎力学研究的方向和挑战 (39)八、结论 (40)8.1 高等轮胎力学的重要性和应用价值 (41)8.2 对未来轮胎力学研究的展望 (43)一、内容简述《高等轮胎力学》一书深入探讨了轮胎在各种行驶条件下的力学行为,为轮胎设计、制造和应用提供了科学的理论支持。
1. 炼胶工艺流程:天然橡胶和丁基橡胶塑炼前必须进行烘胶到塑炼工艺要求的温度以保护设备和炼胶的质量,一般的烘胶时间约24小时,烘胶后进行切胶,将其切成符合塑炼工艺流程的小块胶料。
2. 炼胶的六大体系①橡胶体系:橡胶体系常用的是生胶,应节能环、环保的要求,再生胶也成为轮胎厂所使用的原料之一。
风神轮胎质检报告1. 引言本质检报告旨在对风神轮胎进行质量评估和分析。
2. 质检方法在本次质检中,我们采用了以下方法:•外观检查:检查轮胎是否存在胎面磨损、龟裂、气泡等问题;•材料成分分析:对轮胎材料进行成分分析,了解其材料质量;•功能测试:对轮胎进行功能性能测试,包括抗滑性、稳定性等方面;•耐久性测试:通过模拟不同路况条件下的行驶来测试轮胎的耐久性。
3. 外观检查结果在外观检查中,我们没有发现风神轮胎存在胎面磨损、龟裂、气泡等问题。
4. 材料成分分析结果通过对风神轮胎的材料成分进行分析,我们得出如下结果:•胎面材料:采用优质橡胶材料,成分合理,具有良好的抗磨损性和抓地力;•纤维加强层:纤维加强层采用高强度纤维材料,提供了较好的轮胎强度和耐冲击性;•侧壁材料:侧壁材料采用柔软的橡胶材料,提供了较好的防滑和抗振性能。
5. 功能性能测试结果在功能性能测试中,我们对风神轮胎进行了抗滑性和稳定性测试。
6. 耐久性测试结果在耐久性测试中,我们以模拟不同路况条件下的行驶来测试风神轮胎的耐久性。
7. 结论根据我们的质检结果,风神轮胎在外观、材料成分、功能性能和耐久性等方面均表现出色。
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85.5 84.5
风神AH01 86
240 280 240 240 280 240 240 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 210
615 615 492 492 492 369 369 615 615 615 492 492 492 369 369 369
溶聚丁苯胶支链少, 滚阻小
优秀的缓冲性能:采用优化的轮廓及胎侧设计,改善轮胎的缓冲 能力,提高车辆的驾驶舒适性 低噪音轮胎:通过电脑模拟设计胎面花纹,降低胎噪
轮胎厂家 试验序号
风神AH01 风神AU01 米其林 风神AH01 风神AU01 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
充气压力 (kPa) 300 300 350 300 300 350 300
截止到今年6月份,风神卉钢子午线轮胎已实际 开发规格34个(可在国内销售规格)
出租车花纹 经济型花纹 舒适型花纹 UHPT花纹 轻卡花纹 城市SUV花纹 越野SUV花纹 四季胎花纹 雪地胎花纹
AG01(11) AG02 (12) AH01 (36) AU01 (32) AL01 (20) AS02 (33) AS01 (16) AA01 (15) AW01 (10) 规格总数:273个 AW02 (20) AU02 (16)
272.69 218.9249 87.3658 333.62 235.3980 102.6760 278.76 217.0017 83.2132 350.75 209.6432 99.4145
使用 低滚阻材料
炭黑与橡胶物理结合, 滚动阻力高 白炭黑与橡胶化学结合, 滚动阻力低
乳聚丁苯胶支链较多, 滚阻大
压延 压出
FΦ610×1800 挤出机Φ200/Φ250/Φ200 SCM-G 4000-5H 钢丝圈缠绕机 1324 三角胶贴合机 SA1424 HF-PLT2 ASTEC Plus FDB-6142
87.5 93.8 93.2 83.9 83.9 84.4 94.7 92.4 93.6 85.6 87.5 87.4 82.2 82.9 82.7
85.8 89.7 89.6 82.2 81.5 82.2 92.7 90.3 91.7 84.7 84.4 84.5 79.6 79.3 79.7
83.5 86.5
83.5 94.8 95.4 97.2 90.1 94.1 98.8 97.7 98.6 87.7
80.6 90.8 91.5 93.1
77.5 88.4 85.5 87.1
83.1 93.5 92.1 92.3
85.5 94.9 95 95.5
Green Manufacturing
2011年7月9日,风神绿卡行动暨风神绿色轮胎全 球上市发布会的召开,标志着风神轮胎打响了中国 轮胎行业绿色制造的第一枪。
在卉钢子午胎(PCR)项目筹备之初,风神就毅然 决定延续绿色制造的生产理念,为地球的明天、人 类的未来贡献力量!
环保 舒适 经济 安全
禁用 材料
Aromates芳烃油 橡胶软化剂
Quality Control
依托于AWCM(Aeolus World Class Manufacture,风神世界级制
80 80 120 120 120 80 80 80 120 120 120 80 80 80 60 60 60
21 21 20 21 21 20 21 21 米其林 20 21 21 20 21 21 20 21 21
37 37 35 37 37 35 37 37 35 37 37 35 37 37 35 37 37
汽车20%的油耗用于克服 轮胎自身滚动阻力; 滚动阻力每降10%,就可 节油2-3%!
2011年12月份,送胎至江苏大学进行轮 胎滚动阻力等方面的测试。
滚动阻力 测试机
测试结果表明,在相同气压、载荷及速度 的情况下,风神轮胎的滚动阻力要小于同 类多数产品,油耗更低、更节能。
硫化促进剂NOBS :
禁用 材料
面积:430亩(相当于40个标准足球场大小) 投资:9.7亿RMB 设计产能:1期 500万套 2期 800万套(合计1300万套) 操作人员:1期 600名 2期 900名(合计1500名)
Part.01 Part.02 Part.03 Part.04
绿色制造 品质控制
20%↑ 30%↑
2011年11月—12月份,由专业测试公 司在浙江对风神半钢轮胎进行了累计3万 公里的实车道路测试。 测试结果表明,风神轮胎在各种复杂路 面行驶中未发现任何质量问题,且磨耗 性能优于米其林等国际巨头的同类产品。 里程更长,更耐磨。
风神01 83.9 87
风神02 89
89.7 94.8 94 95.3 87 85.5 86.7 95.6 95.9 95.8 88.8 90.1 88.9 85.9 85.9 84.2
91.1米其林 88.22
94 90.3 615kg-80km/h
米其林 风神01 7
280 风神02 369
负荷 (kg) 615 615 615 492 492 492 492
速度 环境温度 表面温度 (km/h) (℃) (℃) 80 80 80 80 80 80 60 20 21 21 20 21 21 20 35 37 37 35 37 37 35
0° 88.9 88.9 92 45° 85.6 90° 83.9 135° 89.2 180° 91 平均值 87.72
滚动阻力 (N) 气压240kpa 载荷3500N
风神 AH01 风神 AU01
风神 AH01 风神2胎 AU01 91.0464
速度(km/h) 米其林
80 90 100 110 120
197.0956 96.0173 319.47 201.3354
287.63 188.3731 96.3347 339.13 206.2801 101.3884 282.39 217.0304 87.8414 335.92 230.9600 96.6172
86.1 83.1 300kpa-80km/h 88.3 86.6 83.3 87.7 84.5 85.1 85.8 81 83.5 81.9 83.7 79 88.1 86.2 86.9 84.4
90.4 87.36 载荷615kg 91.5 88.22 载荷492kg 90.2 88.6 89.9 86.6 86.94 85.84 87.4 82.96
1 1 2 1 2 5 4 2
裸胎圈缠绕 完成胎圈 一次法成型 均一性检查 动平衡检查
入库检查 Excellent AEOLUS TIRE 制造过程检查
成品 定期法规检查
AU03 (30)
导向性花纹 2013.1月上市
禁用非环保材料:禁用促进剂NOBS、硫化剂DTDM、 多环芳烃油,等等; 低能耗:低温一次法连续混炼;氮气硫化;余热利用等
密闭式炼胶及自动控制系统、自动称量系统; 炭黑湿法造粒、化学药品胶母粒; 低温硫化、低挥发/升半材料的应用;
88.5 88.4
87.488 90.7 87.5 83.887
2011年11月份,风神送胎进行轮胎 室内噪音测试。
米其林 风神AH01
3 4 4
350 300 350
492 369 369 369
60 120 120 120
20 21 21
35 37 37
RODOLFO COMERIO S.n.c. (意大利) Troester GmbH & Co., KG (德国) Karl Eugen Fischer GmbH, Maschinenfabrik (德国) SAEHWA IMC CO.,LTD. (韩国) The Steelastic Company LLC (美国) Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH (德国) Micro- Poise Measurement Systems, LLC (美国) Kokusai Co., Ltd. (日本)