Glial Glycine Transporter 1 Function Is Essential for







受体信号转导的笛子模型描述了介导受体内吞,并为设计基于GPCR 的药物提供指导。


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水 通 道 蛋 白 1 卵巢 癌组 织 中 的表 达 在
王艳 丽 , 朱继红 , 高永梅 , 张利群
( 吉林 大学第一 医院 妇产科 , 吉林 长春 112 ) 30 1 3
摘要 : 目的 明确水通道蛋 白 1A upr , Q 1在卵巢浆液性肿瘤组织 中的表达并探讨 与腹水形 成的关系 。方 ( q aoi A P ) n

每周只需注射一次,3个月即可轻松减掉10斤肥肉能让你管住嘴的减肥神药真的来了 临床大发现

每周只需注射一次,3个月即可轻松减掉10斤肥肉能让你管住嘴的减肥神药真的来了  临床大发现






不光有效,还很安全!这项研究的通讯作者,来自英国利兹大学的John Blundell 教授表示,“索马鲁肽的作用是非常令人惊讶的,我们在12周内就观察到了其他减肥药物需要6个月才能达到的效果。


”[2] John Blundell教授索马鲁肽(Semaglutide)本身是一款针对2型糖尿病的降糖药,主要成分为胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)类似物。









KEGG.Theapoptosisrateandcellcycleweredetectedbytheflowcytometry,andthekeyproteinsofMAPKsignalingpathwayandthelevelsofapoptosisrelatedproteinsweremeasuredbyWesternblot.Results TheresultsshowedthatDysosmaversipellissignificantlyin hibitedthecellviabilityandmigrationabilityofOS RC 2cells,andup regulatedthelevelofROS.Net workpharmacologyanalysisshowedatotalof165com montargetsbetweenDysosmaversipellisandROS.KEGGanalysisofthecommontargetsrevealedthatthereweresignificantchangesintheMAPKsignalingpathway.TheresultsofWesternblotshowedthataftertreatedwithDysosmaversipellis,theproteinlevelofJNKandtheratioofp ERK/ERKweredown regula ted.Besides,theproteinlevelofcaspase 9andBcl 2declined,whilethelevelsofcleavedcaspase 9andBaxwerepromoted.TheflowcytometryresultsshowedthatDysosmaversipelliscouldsignificantlypromotetheap optosisrate,down regulatethecellsinG1 phase,whileup regulatethecellsinG2/M phase.Theresultsoftherescueexperimentshowedthatco administrationofNACandDysosmaversipelliscouldsignificantlyreversethecellviabilityandapoptosisrate,thelevelofapop toticrelatedproteins,aswellastheproteinlevelsofMAPKpathway,whencomparedtotreatedwithDysos maversipellisaloneinOS RC 2.Conclusion Insum mary,DysosmaversipellismayinhibittheMAPKsigna lingpathwayviathechangesinROS,furtherpromotingapoptosisrateanddeclinecellproliferationinOS RC 2cellline.Keywords:Dysosmaversipellis;renalcarcinoma;OS RC 2;ROS;MAPKsignalingpathway;apoptosis网络出版时间:2023-12-0117:07:50 网络出版地址:◇抗炎免疫药理学◇黄芩苷调节let 7i 3p/PI3K/Akt/NF κB信号轴减轻类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜细胞NLRP3炎性小体活化张 炜1,王 莉2,杨雨欣3,马 锐1,王 丽1,黄 菱1,万巧凤1(1.宁夏医科大学基础医学院病原生物学与医学免疫学系,宁夏银川 750004;2.宁夏医科大学总医院风湿科,宁夏银川 750003;3.宁夏医科大学临床医学院,宁夏银川 750004)doi:10.12360/CPB202307057文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-1978(2023)12-2313-07中国图书分类号:R284 1;R342 2;R364 5;R593 22;R977 3摘要:目的 研究黄芩苷减轻类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜细胞(humanfibroblastlikesynoviocytesofrheumatoidarthritis,HFLS RA)NLRP3炎性小体活化的作用及机制。



在血浆脂蛋白代谢过程中,有许多脂酶起着很重要的作用,包括LPL、肝脏甘油三酯脂酶(HTGL)或简称肝脂酶(HL)和LCAT.LPL 由几乎所有的实质性组织(如肾、骨骼肌、心肌和脂肪组织等);细胞所合成和分泌,定位于全身毛细血管内皮细胞表面的LPL受体上。


LPL可催化CM 和VLDL中的甘油三酯水解,使这些大颗粒脂蛋白逐渐变为分子量较小的残骸颗粒。


此外,肿瘤坏死因子和APO E也影响LPL的活性。


目前认为HL 有两种功能,其一,是继续LPL的工作,进一步催化水解VLDL残骸颗粒中的甘油三酯,其二,参与IDL向LDL转化的过程。

LCAT 由肝脏合成并分泌人血液循环,吸附在HDL分子上,与APO AⅠ和胆固醇酯转运蛋白(CETP)一起组成复合物,存在于循环血液中。

复合物中的APO AⅠ是LACT的辅助因子,或可看作游离胆固醇的接受器,而CETP则能将酶反应后的产物胆固醇酯很快地转移到其他脂蛋白。




glut1高表达的条件 -回复

glut1高表达的条件 -回复

glut1高表达的条件-回复Glucose is an essential source of energy for our bodies. It is a simple sugar that fuels various metabolic processes to maintain our cellular functions and overall health. However, glucose needs to be transported across cell membranes to reach its destination, and this is where the Glucose Transporter 1 (GLUT1) protein plays a significant role.GLUT1 is a transmembrane protein that facilitates the transport of glucose molecules into cells. It is found in various tissues and organs throughout the body, including the brain, red blood cells, and placenta. The expression level of GLUT1 is tightly regulated, ensuring an adequate supply of glucose to meet cellular energy needs under different physiological conditions. In this article, we will explore the conditions that lead to high GLUT1 expression.1. Hypoxia:One of the primary stimuli for increased GLUT1 expression is hypoxia, a condition characterized by reduced oxygen supply to tissues. During hypoxia, cells switch to anaerobic metabolism, where glucose metabolism becomes their primary source of energy. To meet the energy demands under low oxygen conditions, cells increase their expression of GLUT1 to enhance glucose uptake and utilization. This adaptation allows cells to maintain their essentialmetabolic processes, even in the absence of sufficient oxygen supply.2. Tumorogenesis:Many cancer cells rely on elevated glucose uptake to support their rapid proliferation and survival. GLUT1 plays a crucial role in facilitating the increased glucose demand of tumor cells. Tumor microenvironments often contain hypoxic regions due to poor blood supply. Consequently, cancer cells adapt by upregulating GLUT1 expression to sustain their growth and survival. High GLUT1 expression levels have been observed in several cancer types, making it an attractive target for anti-cancer therapies.3. Developmental stages:During embryonic development, glucose is a vital energy source for rapidly dividing cells. GLUT1 expression is particularly high in the developing brain and placenta, as both organs require significant energy for growth and function. The increased expression of GLUT1 in these tissues allows for efficient glucose transport and supports the metabolic demands during critical periods of development.4. Genetic disorders:Certain genetic disorders can lead to GLUT1 deficiency, resulting in impaired glucose transportation across cell membranes.GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome (GLUT1-DS) is one such disorder caused by mutations in the facilitated glucose transporter gene (SLC2A1). Patients with GLUT1-DS often exhibit neurological symptoms such as seizures, developmental delay, and movement disorders. In these conditions, GLUT1 expression is low, leading to decreased glucose availability to the brain and other tissues.In conclusion, GLUT1 expression is regulated by various physiological and pathological conditions. From hypoxia to cancer development, embryonic growth, and genetic disorders, GLUT1 plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular functions and energy homeostasis. Understanding the factors that contribute to elevated GLUT1 expression can pave the way for targeted therapies and improve our understanding of glucose metabolism in health and disease. Further research is warranted to explore the intricate regulatory mechanisms behind GLUT1 expression and its implications in various cellular processes.。



03 两者异同
细胞摄取细胞外液中葡萄糖 细胞摄取细胞外液中LDL-胆固 醇
运输方式 小分子物质穿膜运输(蛋白质转 (le mode de 运体)被动运输 (le transport transport) passif(trans-membranaux) des
LDLR 为跨膜蛋白, 广泛分布于肝脏、动脉壁平滑肌、血管内皮细胞 和白细胞, 基因位于第19号染色体短臂。
04 受体介导的LDL-胆固醇胞吞的先天缺陷 如何导致家族性高胆固醇血症
由于LDLR 对于胆固醇代谢 至关重要, 以致该基因任何 部位出现突变均可致病。
04 受体介导的LDL-胆固醇胞吞的先天缺陷 如何导致家族性高胆固醇血症
1 型突变为不表达等位基因, 包括启动子序列突变、 无义突变、移码突变、剪接突变, 这类突变导致细 胞不表达LDLR。
04 受体介导的LDL-胆固醇胞吞的先天缺陷 如何导致家族性高胆固醇血症
2 型突变为转运缺陷型等位基因, 主要发生在配体 结合域和表皮生长因子前体结构域, 虽然能合成受 体, 但从内质网向高尔基体的转运障碍, 堆积在内 质网中最终被降解。
04 受体介导的LDL-胆固醇胞吞的先天缺陷 如何导致家族性高胆固醇血症
3 型突变为结合缺陷型等位基因, 本型较常见, 特 点为突变基因编码的异常受体蛋白可以到达细胞 表面, 但丧失了结合LDL 的功能, 这类突变同样发 生在配体结合域和表皮生长因子前体结构域。
总之,各种各样的原因造成了大量LDL-C不能正常地被机体消化, 浓度升高,将沉积于心脑等部位血管的动脉壁内,逐渐形成动脉 粥样硬化性斑块,阻塞相应的血管,最后可以引起冠心病、脑卒 中和外周动脉病等致死致残的严重性疾病。














此外,GLI1还通过调控一系列与肿瘤发生相关的信号通路(如Sonic Hedgehog信号通路)参与横纹肌肉瘤的发生和发展过程。












cAMP 作为细胞内的重要第二信使,在单细胞生物中发挥着关键作用。

例如在某些细菌中,当外界环境中的营养物质缺乏时,细胞会通过一系列反应产生 cAMP。

cAMP 与特定的受体蛋白结合,从而改变这些受体蛋白的活性,进而调控相关基因的表达,使细胞能够适应营养匮乏的环境。



比如在一些原生动物中,外界的刺激可能导致细胞内储存的 Ca²⁺释放,从而引起细胞的收缩、运动或者分泌等反应。



尽管单细胞生物的 RTK 结构和功能可能与多细胞生物有所不同,但它们同样能够通过受体的酪氨酸磷酸化来启动下游的信号级联反应。



MAPK 通路可以将细胞表面受体接收到的信号传递到细胞核内,从而调节基因的表达。



在单细胞生物中,磷脂酶 C 可以将磷脂酰肌醇二磷酸(PIP₂)水解为肌醇三磷酸(IP₃)和二酰甘油(DAG)。

IP₃可以促使细胞内钙库释放 Ca²⁺,而 DAG 则可以激活蛋白激酶 C,从而引发一系列的细胞反应。




水通道蛋白1和3在腰椎间盘退变组织中的表达李绍波;张永涛;杨开舜【摘要】10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2012.48.020% 背景:腰椎间盘退变由多种因素引起,水通道蛋白变化规律在腰椎间盘退变中的作用研究较少.目的:比较正常腰椎间盘组织及退变腰椎间盘组织中水通道蛋白1、水通道蛋白3的表达.方法:收集大理学院附属医院骨科手术切除腰椎爆裂骨折患者腰椎间盘组织15份,退变椎间盘组织15份,应用苏木精-伊红染色、免疫组织化学染色方法观察水通道蛋白1、水通道蛋白3的表达,测量平均吸光度值.结果与结论:苏木精-伊红染色结果显示对照组椎间盘组织结构清晰,胶原纤维走形清楚,组织轻微水肿无黏液样变,病例组组织结构模糊紊乱,胶原纤维增生粗大、走行紊乱,组织炎性水肿严重、坏死黏液样变.免疫组织化学方法显示病例组水通道蛋白1、水通道蛋白3平均吸光度值明显低于对照组(P <0.01),提示水通道蛋白1、水通道蛋白3减少可能是腰椎间盘退变因素之一.【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2012(000)048【总页数】5页(P9034-9038)【关键词】腰椎间盘;退变;免疫组织化学;水通道蛋白1;水通道蛋白3;医学植入体【作者】李绍波;张永涛;杨开舜【作者单位】大理学院附属医院骨科,云南省大理白族自治州671000;大理学院附属医院骨科,云南省大理白族自治州671000;大理学院附属医院骨科,云南省大理白族自治州671000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R3180 引言腰椎间盘退变引发的腰腿痛在临床十分常见,每年因腰背痛所致的经济与人力资源的损失巨大。





HIF-1α和GLUT-1在卵巢癌中的表达及临床意义俞晶;黄云超;张丽娟;卢玉波【期刊名称】《临床肿瘤学杂志》【年(卷),期】2009(014)003【摘要】目的:探讨缺氧诱导因子.-1a(hypoxia-inducible factor-Ialpha,HIF-la)和葡萄糖转运蛋白l(glucose transporter-1,GLUT-1)在卵巢癌中的表达及其与临床病理特征间的相互关系和lI缶床意义.方法:用免疫组化法检测卵巢上皮性癌30例、卵巢上皮性交界性肿瘤10例、卵巢上皮性良性肿瘤10例中HIF-la和GLUT-1的表达.结果:HIF-la和GLUT-1在卵巢上皮性良性肿瘤中均呈阴性表达,在交界性及癌组织中均有表达,三者比较有显著性差异(均为P<0.05);HIF-lot和GLUT一1的表达在卵巢癌各临床分期、患者年龄间比较,差异均无显著性(P>0.05),而在病理分级间有显著性差异(P<0.05),其表达强度随病理分级的增高而加强;HIF.1d蛋白的表达在不同组织类型的卵巢癌中有显著性差异(P<0.05),而GLUT-1蛋白的表达差异无显著性(P>0.05).HIF.1a蛋白与GLUT-1的表达呈正相关.结论:HIF-la和GLUT-1在卵巢肿瘤中的不同表达,提示二者在卵巢癌的进展中可能起着重要作用,且二者的过度表达可能与卵巢癌的发生和发展有关.【总页数】5页(P207-211)【作者】俞晶;黄云超;张丽娟;卢玉波【作者单位】650118,昆明,昆明医学院第三附属医院妇瘤科;650118,昆明医学院第三附属医院心胸血管外科;650118,昆明医学院第三附属医院病理科;650118,昆明,昆明医学院第三附属医院妇瘤科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R737.3L【相关文献】1.HIF-1α、Glut-1在乳腺癌中的表达及其临床意义 [J], 马兆生;周士福;蔡凤林;吴玉玉;金琳芳;高玮红2.HIF-1α和GLUT-1在鼻咽癌中的表达及其临床意义 [J], 龚龙;李先明;李子煌;吴事海;周亚燕;徐钢3.Glut-1、HIF-1α及P53在卵巢癌中的表达及意义 [J], 申彦;张新莹;师宜荃;王颖;郭东辉4.MIF及HIF-1α在上皮性卵巢癌中的表达及其临床意义 [J], 张博;张颖;牛力春;尚铁燕;雷红5.缺氧标记物HIF-1α、GLUT-1在食管鳞癌中的表达及其临床意义 [J], 许洁;操寄望因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



糖胺聚糖(Heparan Sulfate,HS)是一种多糖类分子,其中的侧链在不同细胞和组织中具有多种生物学功能。











GPER1相对分子质量为42247.59 Da,理论等电点为8.63,分子式为C_(1938)H_(3018)N_(510)O_(509)S_(20),不稳定系数为48.12,脂肪系数为110.51,亲水性平均值为0.449。








该途径有有三个第二信使:IP3、DG、Ca2+。产 生过程包括磷脂酶C的激活、IP3/DG的生成、 Ca2+的释放。 磷脂酶C的激活 磷脂酶C相当于cAMP系统中的腺苷酸环化 酶,也是膜整合蛋白,它的活性受Gq蛋白调节。 当信号分子识别并同受体结合后,激活Gq蛋白 的亚基。激活的Gq-α亚基通过扩散与磷脂酶C 接触,并将磷脂酶C激活。 ● 第二信使IP3/DAG的生成 被激活的磷脂酶C水解质膜上的4,5-二磷酸 磷脂酰肌醇(PIP2), 产生三磷酸肌醇(IP3)和二 酰甘油(DAG) 。
到质膜内表面,被 DG 活化, PKC 属蛋白丝氨酸 / 苏氨酸
IP4 。Ca2+被质膜上的钙泵和Na+- Ca2+交换器抽出细 胞,或被内质网膜上的钙泵抽回内质网。
DAG通过两种途径终止其信使作用: -----被DG激酶磷酸化成为磷脂酸,进入 磷脂酰肌醇循环; -----被DG酯酶水解成单酯酰甘油。 DAG代谢周期很短,不能长期维持 PKC活性,而细胞增殖或分化行为的变化又 要求PKC长期活性所产生的效应。现发现另 一种DG生成途径,即由磷脂酶催化质膜上的 磷脂酰胆碱断裂产生的DG,用来维持PKC的 长期效应。
IP3与内质网上的IP3配体门钙通道结合,开启钙 通道,使胞内Ca2+浓度升高,激活各类依赖钙离 子的蛋白。 DG结合于质膜上,可活化与质膜结合的蛋白激酶 C(Protein Kinase C,PKC)。PKC以非活性形 式分布于细胞溶质中,当细胞接受刺激,产生 IP3 ,使Ca2+浓度升高,PKC便转位到质膜内表 面,被DG活化,PKC可以使蛋白质的丝氨酸/苏 氨酸残基磷酸化是不同的细胞产生不同的反应, 如细胞分泌、肌肉收缩、细胞增殖和分化等。
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Glial Glycine Transporter1Function Is Essential for Early Postnatal Survival but Dispensable in Adult MiceVOLKER EULENBURG,1*MARINA RETIOUNSKAIA,1THEOFILOS PAPADOPOULOS,1JES US GOMEZA,2AND HEINRICH BETZ11Department for Neurochemistry,Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research,Deutschordenstrasse46,60529Frankfurt,Germany 2Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology,University of Bonn,Nussallee6,53115Bonn,GermanyKEY WORDSglycine transporter1;glia;inhibitory neurotransmission; brain stem;spinal cord;synapse functionABSTRACTThe glycine transporter1(GlyT1)is expressed in astrocytes and selected neurons of the mammalian CNS.In newborn mice,GlyT1is crucial for efficient termination of glycine-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission.Furthermore,GlyT1 has been implicated in the regulation of excitatory N-methyl-D-asparate(NMDA)receptors.To evaluate whether glial and neuronal GlyT1have distinct roles at inhibitory synapses, we inactivated the GlyT1gene cell type-specifically using mice carryingfloxed GlyT1alleles GlyT1(1)/1).GlyT1(1)/(1) mice expressing Cre recombinase in glial cells developed severe neuromotor deficits during thefirst postnatal week, which mimicked the phenotype of conventional GlyT1knock-out mice and are consistent with glycinergic over-inhibition. In contrast,Cre-mediated inactivation of the GlyT1gene in neuronal cells did not result in detectable motor impairment. Notably,some animals deficient for glial GlyT1survived the first postnatal week and did not develop neuromotor deficits throughout adulthood,although GlyT1expression was effi-ciently reduced.Thus,glial GlyT1is critical for the regula-tion of glycine levels at inhibitory synapses only during early postnatal life.V C2010Wiley-Liss,Inc.INTRODUCTIONIn caudal regions of the central nervous system (CNS),the amino acid glycine serves as a major inhibi-tory neurotransmitter by activating strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors(GlyR;see Betz et al.,2000).In addi-tion,glycine is an essential co-agonist of excitatory N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA)receptors(Johnson and Ascher,1987).At glycinergic synapses,presynaptically released glycine is rapidly removed by two Na1/Cl2-de-pendent glycine transporters,GlyT1and GlyT2,thus allowing neurotransmission to proceed with high tempo-ral and spatial resolution(Gomeza et al.,2006).GlyT2is localized in glycinergic nerve terminals,whereas GlyT1 is predominantly expressed by astrocytes(Zafra et al., 1995a,b).In addition,GlyT1immunoreactivity has been found in retinal,forebrain,and also spinal cord neurons (Cubelos et al.,2005;Pow and Hendrickson,1999). Gene inactivation studies in mice have shown that both GlyTs are essential for glycinergic inhibition in the early postnatal CNS.In GlyT1knock-out(KO)mice,accumula-tion of glycine in the synaptic cleft results in over-activa-tion of postsynaptic GlyRs and death of the newborn ani-mals due to respiratory and feeding problems(Gomeza et al.,2003a).In contrast,inactivation of both GlyT2alleles leads to a reduction of presynaptic glycine release and consequently disinhibition of postsynaptic cells,with le-thal convulsions developing during the second postnatal week(Gomeza et al.,2003b).Hence,both GlyTs are thought to contribute to glycinergic synapse function in complementary fashions:GlyT2driven glycine uptake provides for efficient refilling of synaptic vesicles,whereas GlyT1removes released glycine from the synaptic cleft, thereby accelerating the termination of inhibitory neuro-transmission(Gomeza et al.,2003a,b).The consequences of GlyT1deletion described above have been attributed to a loss of glial glycine uptake. However,whether neuronal GlyT1also contributes to in-hibitory neurotransmission has not been established.At excitatory synapses in forebrain,conditional inactivation of the GlyT1gene in neurons(Singer et al.,2007;Yee et al.,2006)has been found to result in increased NMDA receptor currents and significant behavioral changes consistent with altered glutamatergic neurotransmis-sion.Here,we addressed the functions of GlyT1in neu-rons and astrocytes by a conditional approach using the Cre/LoxP system and mouse lines expressing Cre recom-binase exclusively in either glial or neuronal cells within caudal regions of the rodent CNS.Our data indicate that neuronal GlyT1does not detectably contribute to the modulation of glycinergic neurotransmission, whereas glial GlyT1expression is vital during early postnatal development but appears to be dispensable in the adult organism.Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.Volker Eulenburg is currently at:Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Med-icine,Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-N€u rnberg,Fahrstrasse17,91054 Erlangen,GermanyGrant sponsor:Fond der chemischen Industrie;Grant sponsor:?Max-Planck Gesellschaft,Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft;Grant numbers:?EU110/1-1,3, BE718/15-2.*Correspondence to:V.Eulenburg,Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine,Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-N€u rnberg,Fahrstrasse17, 91054Erlangen, Received4December2009;Accepted23February2009DOI10.1002/glia.20987Published online29March2010in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.).GLIA58:1066–1073(2010) V C2010Wiley-Liss,Inc.MATERIALS AND METHODSGeneration of Conditional GlyT1Deficient Mice Genomic fragments of the mouse GlyT1gene were obtained from a BAC clone containing the first five exons of the GlyT1gene.These genomic fragments were used to generate a replacement targeting vector in pEasyFlox (kindly provided by Dr.K.Rajewsky,University of Cologne,Germany),in which a 5kB fragment that contained exons 1C and 2derived from a BamH1digest of the BAC DNA was used as a long arm,and a 1.5kB BamH1XbaI frag-ment 50of exon 4as a short arm,respectively .The neomy-cine resistance cassette as well as exons 3and 4were flanked by three LoxP sites (see Fig.1A).This targeting vector was linearized by a unique Not I site and introduced into Sv129Ola mouse embryonic stem cells (E14.1)by elec-troporation.Successfully targeted embryonic stem cell clones were identified by double selection with G418and 20deoxy-20fluoro-b -D -arabinofuranosyl-5-iodouracil (FIAU).Totally ,400surviving clones were isolated and screened by PCR and Southern blot analysis using a 50external probe to demonstrate proper integration.Five clones were identified that contained a properly targeted GlyT1allele (data not shown).Two of these clones were transiently transfected with a plasmid encoding Cre recombinase (kindly provided by Dr.K.Rajewsky).After 48h,the cells were seeded at low density ,and individual clones were isolated six days later.Clones that had lost the neomycine selection cassette but contained the floxed exons 3and 4were identified by PCR and Southern blotting (data not shown).Two of these clones were selected,expanded,and used for blastocyte injection.[3H]Glycine Uptake AssaysCrude P2membrane fractions were prepared from different CNS regions as described previously (Gomeza et al.,2003a).20l l aliquots of the membranefractionsFig.1.Generation of mice with a floxed GlyT1allel.A :Schematic representation of the targeting strategy showing the wt GlyT1gene,the targeting vector,the targeted locus and the recombined allele.Exons are indicated as black boxes,and the neomycin resistance cassette (Neo)and the Herpes simplex thymidine kinase cassette (HSV-TK)as white boxes.The hybridization sites of the probe used for Southern blot analysis and of the primers used for genotyping (arrows P1-4)as well as BamH1restriction sites (B )are shown.B:Southern blot analysis of BamH1-digested tail DNA from GlyT11/1,GlyT11/(1),and GlyT1(1)/(1)mice.The 2.6kB and 4.0kB bands correspond to the wt and floxed GlyT1alleles,respectively.C :PCR-based genotyping of tail DNA from mice of the indi-cated genotypes.Amplicons of 622bp or 658bp correspond to the wt and 665bp or 730to the floxed allele for the primer combination P1/P2or P3/P4,respectively.D :[3H]Glycine uptake into P2membrane prepara-tions from cortex (Cx),brain stem (BS),and spinal cord (SC)of adult GlyT11/1and GlyT1(1)/(1)mice in the absence (total)or presence of the GlyT1inhibitor ALX5407(ALX5407).E :Western blot analysis of crude membrane preparations derived from spinal cord using a GlyT1-specific antibody .Note that GlyT1protein expression in homozygous GlyT1(1)/(1)mice is similar to that seen in heterozygous and GlyT11/1animals.1067GLIAL AND NEURONAL GLYT1GLIA(30–50l g total protein)were mixed with80l l pre-warmed Krebs-Henseleit buffer(KHB;in mM:125 NaCl; 2.7CaCl2; 1.3MgCl2,25HEPES/Tris,pH7.4) containing either12.5l M of the GlyT1inhibitor ALX5407dissolved in DMSO,or DMSO alone(final con-centration<0.1%),and incubated for4min at37°C. Then100l L uptake solution containing4l M glycine and100nM[3H]glycine with or without10l M ALX5407were added.After1min,uptake was stopped by the addition of5mL ice-cold KHB,and membranes were separated by rapidfiltration onto cellulose acetate filters(0.45l M,Whatman)followed by two washes with 5mL ice-cold KHB,each.[3H]Glycine radioactivity was determined in a liquid scintillation counter(Beckmann Coulter).GlyT1-specific uptake corresponded to the ALX5407-sensitive fraction,and non-GlyT1mediated uptake to the ALX5407-resistant fraction,of total uptake.Data represent means6SD.Statistical signifi-cance was evaluated with the Student’s t-test(*P< 0.01;**P<0.001).ImmunohistochemistryFor immunohistochemical analysis,mice were killed by cervical dislocation;the brains were removed quickly andfixed overnight in4%(w/v)paraformalde-hyde in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS;in mM:138 NaCl, 2.7KCl, 1.5KH2PO4;8NaH2PO4).Then the tissue was cryoprotected in PBS containing30%(w/v) sucrose.Cryosections(12l M)were brieflyfixed with 4%(w/v)paraformaldehyde in PBS,followed by incu-bation with blocking solution(2%(v/v)normal goat se-rum,2%(w/v)bovine serum albumine,0.3%(w/v)Tri-ton X-100in PBS).The sections were incubated over-night with the indicated antibodies(rabbit anti-EGFP, 1:500,Invitrogen;mouse anti-S100b,1:2,000,Sigma; mouse anti-GFAP,1:2,000,and mouse anti-NeuN, 1:1,000,both Millipore;all diluted in blocking solu-tion).After washing,bound antibodies were visualized by incubation withfluorescently conjugated secondary antibodies(goat anti-rabbit Alexa-488and goat anti-mouse Alexa-546,Invitrogen).Images were obtained using an AxioImager microscope equipped with an apotome(Zeiss,Goettingen,Germany)by collecting op-tical sections.Western Blot AnalysisP2membrane fractions(35l g protein/lane)were ana-lyzed by SDS-PAGE on8%gels followed by Western blotting using antibodies against GlyT2(rabbit1:2,000, Gomeza et al.,2003a),vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter(VIAAT,rabbit1:2,000,Synaptic Systems), the a subunits of the GlyR(GlyR a;mouse,mAb4,1:200, Synaptic Systems)and a newly generated antibody raised against a fusion protein of GST and the intracel-lular C-terminal domain of mouse GlyT1(rabbit 1:2,000).Behavioural AnalysisMotor behavior in the openfield and rota-rod para-digms was examined as described previously(Papado-poulos et al.,2007).RESULTSGeneration of a Conditional GlyT1Mouse Line To generate a mouse line allowing for conditional inacti-vation of the GlyT1gene,we constructed the targeting vec-tor shown in Fig.1A(for details see Material and Meth-ods).This vector was designed to enable Cre recombinase-mediated inactivation of the GlyT1gene through deletion of exons3and4,which encode the second and third trans-membrane domains as well as the N-terminal region of the large second extracellular loop of the GlyT1protein.Two independent ES cell clones that carried a cor-rectly targeted GlyT1allele as revealed by PCR and Southern blot analysis(data not shown)were selected for blastocyte injection.Resulting male chimeras were mated with wild-type(wt)C57BL6J mice to establish germline transmission of the modified gene.F1animals heterozygous for the conditional allele(GlyT11/(1))were subsequently mated to obtain homozygous mice.Correct modification of the GlyT1locus was confirmed by South-ern blot analysis of genomic DNA isolated from tail biop-sies(Fig.1B)and by PCR-based genotyping using pri-mersflanking each of the LoxP sites(Fig.1C).Mice homozygous for the modified allele(GlyT1(1)/(1))were born at the expected Mendelian ratio,displayed normal body weights and lifespans,were fertile and did not show any motor deficits in the RotaRod and openfield tests(data not shown).To assess whether the engineered GlyT1locus was fully functional,GlyT1activity was analyzed by deter-mining[3H]glycine uptake in membrane fractions that were prepared from spinal cord,brain stem and cortex of both adult GlyT1(1)/(1)animals and their wt(GlyT11/1) littermates.GlyT1-specific uptake as well as the total [3H]glycine uptake measured in membrane preparations from adult GlyT1(1)/(1)mice were indistinguishable from those obtained with membranes from GlyT11/1animals (Fig.1D).Additionally,Western blot analysis of the brain stem and spinal cord membrane preparations with a GlyT1-specific antibody revealed no differences in GlyT1 protein expression between GlyT1(1)/(1)mice and their wt littermates(Fig.1E).These data indicate that the floxed GlyT1allele was fully functional.To show that thefloxed GlyT1allel is accessible to Cre-mediated inactivation,GlyT1(1)/1mice were mated with mice carrying a EIIa-Cre transgene allowing ubiq-uitous Cre recombination(Lakso et al.,1996).This resulted in efficient recombination of the modified GlyT1 gene(data not shown).After intercrossing of these mice, animals carrying the inactivated allele homozygously (GlyT1(1)/(1)/EIIa-Cre)were obtained that displayed all hallmarks of the phenotype seen in conventional GlyT1 KO mice and died within8h after birth(see .1068EULENBURG ET AL. GLIAFig.1A).PCR-based analysis of DNA derived from tail biopsies of these mice revealed that in GlyT1(1)/(1)/EIIa-Cre mice only the inactivated GlyT1allele but not the floxed gene was present (.Fig.1B).Thus,the LoxP sites introduced into the GlyT1gene were accessi-ble for Cre recombinase,thereby allowing efficient GlyT1gene inactivation in vivo .Neuronal GlyT1Does Not Contribute to thePhenotype of GlyT1-Deficient Mice To examine whether neuronal expression of GlyT1may contribute to the phenotype seen in GlyT1deficient mice,we used transgenic mice expressing Cre recombi-nase under the control of the synapsin 1promoter,which has been reported to be neuron-specific (Zhu et al.,2001).On mating Synapsin-Cre (Syn-Cre)mice with ZEG reporter mice (Novak et al.,2000),the resulting double transgenic animals displayed neuronal GFP expression as monitored by colocalization of GFP and NeuN immunoreactivity in the majority of forebrain,brainstem and spinal cord neurons (data not shown,and Fig 2A;GFP in >60%of all NeuN-positive cells).This confirmed that in Syn-Cre mice recombinase expression is restricted to neurons.Next,GlyT11/(1)mice were mated with Synapsin-Cre mice to obtain animals positive for the GlyT1floxed al-lele and Cre expression (GlyT11/(1)/Syn-Cre).Upon mat-ing GlyT11/(1)/Syn-Cre with GlyT1(1)/(1)mice,animals with neuronally inactivated GlyT1alleles (GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre)were obtained at the expected Mendelian ratio.GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice survived,were fertile and did not show any of the behavioural symptoms characteris-tic of GlyT1deficient animals,such as hypotonia (Gomeza et al.,2003a).Also,no motor deficits were found in the open field and RotaRod tests (data not shown).[3H]glycine uptake activities measured in mem-brane preparations from brain stem and spinal cord ofGlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice were indistinguishable from those obtained with membranes from GlyT11/1animals.Both the GlyT1-specific fraction of [3H]glycine uptake and the ALX5407-resistent fraction,which largely repre-sents GlyT2-mediated uptake,were not altered (Fig 2B).In contrast,GlyT1-specific uptake was reduced by more than 50%in membrane preparation derived from hippo-campus from GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice,as compared to samples from wt littermates.These data demonstrate that in neurons from GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre the GlyT1gene was efficiently inactivated.In Western blots of P2membrane fractions prepared from spinal cord of GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice,the intensity of the major GlyT1immunoreactive band was not altered.Notably,however,a second band recognized by the GlyT1anti-body displaying an apparent molecular weight slightly higher than that of the major GlyT1immunoreactive band was strongly decreased (Fig.2C )In parallel immu-noblot experiments with antibodies against VIAAT,GlyT2,and GlyR a ,we found no upregulation of other components of glycinergic neurotransmission (Fig.2C).We also analyzed membrane preparations from the hip-pocampus of these mice.In wild-type samples from this brain region,three distinct GlyT1immunreactive bands were observed that were not seen when analyzing sam-ples from GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice (V .E.unpublished data).This indicates that the expression of this fraction of GlyT1protein was efficiently abolished upon neuron-specific GlyT1gene inactivation.Taken together,these data indicate that in caudal regions of the CNS neuronal GlyT1does not contribute significantly to the regulation of inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission.Glial GlyT1Is Important for Early PostnatalSurvival To interfere with the function of glially expressed GlyT1,we crossed GlyT11/(1)mice with GFAP-Cremice,Fig.2.Inactivation of the GlyT1gene in neurons.A :Immunohisto-chemical analysis of brain stem and spinal cord sections derived from of Syn-Cre/ZEG double transgenic mice using GFP (green)and NeuN (red)specific antibodies.Note that only NeuN positive cells are labeled by the GFP antibody.Scale bar,40l m.B :GlyT1-specific and GlyT1-independ-ent [3H]glycine uptake in P2membrane fractions prepared from spinalcord and hippocampus of GlyT11/1(),GlyT11/(1)/Syn-Cre (),and GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre ()mice.Data represent mean 6SD (n 6per geno-type).C :Western blot analysis of P2membrane fractions prepared from spinal cords or hippocampus of GlyT11/1,GlyT1(1)/1/Syn-Cre and GlyT1(+)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice using the indicated antibodies.Note lack of dif-ference between genotypes in (B)and (C).1069GLIAL AND NEURONAL GLYT1GLIAwhich express Cre recombinase under the control of the mouse glialfibrillary acidic protein(GFAP)promoter (Marino et al.,2000).Again,wefirst examined the expression pattern of Cre recombinase in GFAP-Cre/ ZEG double transgenic mice.Co-labelling of GFP with the pan-neuronal marker NeuN revealed that in brain stem and spinal cord of GFAP-Cre/ZEG mice,most of the neurons(>95%)were clearly devoid of EGFP immu-noreactivity.The numerous GFP-positive cells found were identified as astrocytes by immunostaining with the astrocytic markers GFAP and S100b(Fig.3A),con-sistent with glial expression of Cre recombinase in brain stem and spinal cord.Mice carrying afloxed GlyT1allele and the GFAP-Cre transgene(GlyT1(1)/1/GFAP-Cre)were viable and did not show any motor impairment.After crossing these animals with GlyT1(1)/(1)mice,80%of the resulting GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre progeny developed a strong hypo-tonic phenotype,whichfinally resulted in premature death(Fig.3B).Notably,the onset of the phenotype var-ied between earliest thefirst postnatal day(P1)and lat-est P10,with lethality showing a peak around P3 (Fig.3C).[3H]Glycine uptake assays revealed a>60–70% reduction in GlyT1-specific uptake activity in membrane fractions prepared from brain stem and spinal cord of affected animals(Fig.3D,P<0.001).In unaffected GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre animals,the reduction of GlyT1-specific uptake activity was less pronounced as compared with GlyT11/1animals,although still statistically signif-icant(Fig.3D,P<0.01).In contrast,the GlyT1-inde-pendent fraction of[3H]glycine uptake was not altered in all animals analyzed(data not shown).In conclusion,our data obtained with GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice,together with those from the GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre animals,sup-port the view that it is solely the loss of glial GlyT1 which causes the phenotype previously observed in con-ventional GlyT1KO mice(Gomeza et al.,2003a).Glial GlyT1Expression Is Dispensablein Adult MiceInterestingly,about20%of the GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice developed no detectable phenotype and exhibited a normal lifespan(>P100;Fig.3C).However,[3H]glycineFig.3.Inactivation of GlyT1in glial cells.A:Immunohistochemicalanalysis of brain stem and spinal cord sections derived from GFAP-Cre/ZEG double transgenic mice using GFP(green)and GFAP,S100b orNeuN(all red)specific antibodies.In both regions,GFP immunofluores-cence was only detected in cells positive for the glial markers GFAP(upper panels)and S100b(middle panels)but not in cells positive forthe neuronal marker NeuN(lower panels).B:Phenotype of mice carry-ing different GlyT1alleles.In contrast to the GlyT11/1and GlyT1(1)/1/GFAP-Cre animals,the majority of the newborn GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Crelittermates displayed a marked lethargic phenotype after birth as dis-cernible by limb position and lack of milk in their belly,and diedbetween P1and P10.C:Lethality of GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice.Post-natal death of GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice was preceded by hypotoniafor at least3h.Animals older than P11survived to adulthood andnever developed a detectable neuromotor phenotype.D:GlyT1-specific[3H]glycine uptake in P2membrane fractions prepared from brain stem(BS)and spinal cord(SC)from GlyT11/1(),GlyT11/(1)/GFAP-Cre(),unaffected GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre ()and hypotonic GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre ()mice.Data represent means6SD(n 5per genotype).*P<0.01;**P<0.001(Student’s t-test).1070EULENBURG ET AL.GLIAuptake assays on membrane preparations derived from brain stem and spinal cord of such adult GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice showed a marked reduction (>80%,P <0.001)of GlyT1-specific uptake activity as compared with membranes prepared from wt littermates,whereas the GlyT1-independent fraction of [3H]glycine uptake was not altered (Fig.4A).To clarify whether this reduction in GlyT1uptake activity was due to reduced GlyT1expres-sion,we subjected aliquots of these membrane prepara-tions to Western blot analysis.This revealed a >80%reduction in GlyT1immunoreactive protein in samples from the adult GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre animals as compared to wt animals,whereas membranes from adult heterozy-gous mice contained intermediate GlyT1levels (Fig.4B).Notably,again no compensatory changes in other glyciner-gic proteins were observed.VIAAT,GlyT2and GlyR a all were expressed at levels comparable with those seen in wt animals (Fig.4B).We attribute the lack of hypotonic symp-toms observed in these surviving GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre animals to a delayed inactivation of the GlyT1gene.Appa-rently GlyT1function is dispensable in adult animals.DISCUSSIONHere,we report a genetic analysis of the in vivo func-tions of GlyT1in caudal regions of the mature and immature rodent CNS by generating a mouse line that allows Cre-mediated inactivation of the GlyT1gene.The conditional GlyT1(1)allele created here was found to function normally,as deduced from Western blot analy-sis and [3H]glycine uptake assays with membrane prep-arations derived from various CNS regions.Further-more,ubiquitous expression of Cre recombinase in GlyT1(1)/(1)mice resulted in an efficient removal of the floxed exons,as demonstrated by both genetic analysis and the lethal phenotype of the resulting GlyT1(1)/(1)/EIIA-Cre animals.The contribution to CNS function of glial vs.neuronal GlyT1was then analysed by mating GlyT11/(1)animals with mice expressing Cre recombinase under either the control of the neuronal synapsin 1or the glial GFAP pro-moter,respectively.Neuronal inactivation of the GlyT1gene in GlyT1(1)/(1)/Syn-Cre mice did not result in the de-velopment of neuromotor symptoms,such as hypotonia,nor in a significant reduction of GlyT1-mediated [3H]gly-cine uptake into brain stem and spinal cord membranes.In forebrain regions like the hippocampus,however,a strong reduction in GlyT1uptake activity was observed.Moreover,the behavioral analysis of these animals revealed deficits in forebrain-associated learning and memory (M.R.and V .E.,unpublished data)that are con-sistent with changes in the function of glutamatergic syn-apses.Our findings are in agreement with previous in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemical data show-ing that GlyT1is predominantly expressed in glial cells in brain stem and spinal cord (Zafra et al.,1995a,b).This contrasts findings from forebrain regions,including the hippocampus,where a major fraction (>50%)of GlyT1protein and GlyT1driven [3H]glycine uptake is provided by neuronally expressed transporters (V .E and M.R.unpublished data;see also Yee et al.,2006and Fig.2B).The majority of the mice carrying a glia-specific dis-ruption of the GlyT1gene displayed the strong hypo-tonic phenotype previously seen in GlyT12/2mice (Gomeza et al.,2003a).However,the onset of disease symptoms was more variable in GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice than in GlyT12/2animals.These variations most likely reflect differences in the rates of recombina-tion of the modified GlyT1allele caused byinteranimalFig.4.GlyT1protein expression and GlyT1-mediated glycine uptake in membrane fractions prepared from adult GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice.A :GlyT1-specific and GlyT1-independent [3H]glycine uptake into P2mem-brane fractions prepared from brain stem (BS)and spinal cord (SC)of adult GlyT11/1(),GlyT1(1)/1/GFAP-Cre (),and GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre ()mice.Data represent means 6SD (n 8per genotype).*P <0.01;**P <0.001(Student’s t -test).B :Western blot analysis of spinal cord (SC)mem-brane fractions for the antigens indicated.Note that although GlyT1pro-tein was hardly detectable in GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice,the expression of none of the other synaptic proteins analyzed was significantly altered.1071GLIAL AND NEURONAL GLYT1GLIAdifferences.Consistent with this interpretation,animals displaying the hypotonic phenotype showed large reduc-tions in GlyT1-specific uptake activity(V. E.unpub-lished data;and see also Fig.3D).The lack of glial GlyT1in young GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice should result in an increase in extracellular glycine concentra-tions causing prolonged activation of GlyRs,as reported for conventional GlyT12/2mice(Gomeza et al.,2003a). The hypotonic phenotype seen in GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice can thus be attributed to over-inhibition in caudal regions of the CNS.Importantly,the phenotype seen in GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice did not show full penetrance.About20%of these animals survived until adulthood without detectable symptoms.This might in part reflect incomplete recombi-nation in glial cells of brain stem and spinal cord.In the majority of the adult GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre mice ana-lyzed(17/20),however,the GlyT1gene was efficiently inactivated,as deduced from both the reduction of GlyT1-specific uptake and Western blot analysis.GlyT1protein expression was reduced by>80%,and in some animals (n56)even below detection limits.In contrast to young animals,where a>60–70%decrease in GlyT1-specific uptake was accompanied by symptoms of hypotonia,this reduction did not result in a detectable phenotype in the older animals.Ourfindings differ from previous studies, in which acute pharmacological inhibition of GlyT1func-tion by ALX5407or LY2365109produced respiratory distress in adult rats and mice(Perry et al.,2008).This difference might reflect a relatively slow decline in GlyT1 activity after genetic inactivation as compared with rapid pharmacological inhibition,which might not allow adapt-ive compensation to occur.By Western blot analyses,we found similar expression levels of the GlyR a subunit, VIAAT and GlyT2in GlyT1(1)/(1)/GFAP-Cre and GlyT11/1 mice,suggesting that inactivation of the GlyT1gene does not alter synaptic protein accumulation at glycinergic synapses.Although we cannot exclude that residual GlyT1protein,which displays activity too low to be detected by the assays used here,may be sufficient to maintain low synaptic glycine levels,the simplest expla-nation of our data is that the development of an over-inhi-bition phenotype is prevented by the increase in GlyT2 expression occurring after birth(Friauf et al.,1999).This implies that at later postnatal stages the activity of GlyT2,or of other nonselective uptake systems such as system A(Mackenzie et al.,2003),would be sufficient to remove released glycine from glycinergic synapses.This interpretation is consistent with pharmacological studies, which indicate a significant role of GlyT2in controlling synaptic glycine levels.In spinal cord slice preparations, inhibition of GlyT2resulted in increased GlyR-dependent membrane current noise and prolonged decay kinetics of glycinergic mIPSCs(Bradaia et al.,2004).Furthermore, in adult animals,spinal application of GlyT2-specific antagonists leads to respiratory depression(Hermanns et al.,2008).Bothfindings are consistent with high levels of glycine accumulating at postsynaptic GlyRs in the absense of GlyT2function.In addition,adaptive changes such as alterations in the agonist sensitivity of the GlyRs (Meier et al.,2005)or in glycinergic vs.GABAergic inhibi-tion ratio(Aubrey et al.,2007)may contribute to pheno-typic compensation.In conclusion,our data show that the loss of glial GlyT1expression causes the lethal phenotype previously found in newborn GlyT12/2mice.Furthermore,upon maturation of the CNS,there is a clear reduction in the dependence on glial GlyT1for regulating synaptic gly-cine concentrations.Most likely the increased expression of GlyT2occuring after birth compensates for the loss of the glial transporter at later developmental stages. Clearly further experiments are needed to understand how glial and neuronal glycine uptakes cooperate in the regulation of glycinergic neurotransmission in caudal regions of the adult CNS.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank Dr.Ulrike M€u ller for129/Ola ES cells and Dr.Klaus Rajewsky for providing the pEasy-Flox vector.The technical assistance of Maren Krause is gratefully acknowledged.REFERENCESAubrey KR,Rossi FM,Ruivo R,Alboni S,Bellenchi GC,Le Goff A,Gas-nier B,Supplisson S.2007.The transporters GlyT2and VIAAT coop-erate to determine the vesicular glycinergic phenotype.J Neurosci 27:6273–6281.Betz H,Harvey RJ,Schloss P.2000.Structures,diversity and pharma-cology of glycine receptors and transporters.In:M€o hler H,editor. 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