K1A* 22TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C1462 C1742 C1942 CK44A CJK53B CJK53B2 CJK56B2K1B* 23TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32C1861 C1862 C1863 C1941 C2143 C2145 C2161CK56B2K1C TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2162 C2163 C2263K1D* 24TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C1865 C1865Y C2165 C2165Y C2168 C2169 C2185K1G TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2164 C2166 C2167 C2168K1H TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2165P C2165TK1L* 31TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2165P C2165T C2169F C5602K1M* 25TC9012F-0110-49 C2165A C2165E C2166 C2169K1Q* 31TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-3888(CH01003)1-90 P2119 P2219 2169A 2169KVTF9012FCH01001(TMP47C433AN-3877)0-99 C2160A C2169FTF9012FCH01001(TMP47C433AN-3878)0-99 C2169FK2A M50560-001PM50431-101SP0-29CK40 CK47A CK47A1 CK49A CK51A CK51B1CK53A CK56A CK56B2 C1842K2B M50462PM50436-560SP1-30 C1842 C2124 C2141 C2142K3A SAA3010T0-89K3B* 35SAA3010TPCA84C640 0-89C2191 C2191A C2191C C2191D C2192 C2192AC2192AV C2193 C2193A C2193AV D2115 D2188C2591 C2591A C2591V C2591AZ C2591AVC2592AV C2592P C2595 C2991K3D* 33 SAA3010TCH05001(PCA84C841P/177)0-89C2115 C2192 C2591A V2591V C2591AV C2591AZC2592A C2592AE C2593 C2594 D2521 D2522 D2523D2525 D2526 C2939AE C2963 C2991EC2992 C2992AE C2993 C2995 C2966 D2962AD2963A D2965 D2965AK3E* 35SAA3010TCH05002 0-89 C2962 C2965 C2966 D2115A D2117AK3H* 35SAA3010TCH05002 0-89C2526A K2521 K2525 D2521A D2523A D2962AD2963A D2965AK4A* 28TC9028P-012TMP47C1238ANU068(CH01002)0-99C2188 C2588 C2588A C2588V C2588K C2588PC2588PI C2588PKC2919 C2939KE C2939KS C2939KV C2988 C2988PC2988V C3419K4BK4B TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU3530-39(0-99)C2518 C2919P C2919PS C2919PK C2919PI C2920PNC2939KV C2939KS C2919KE C2939AEC3418P C3418PS C3418PN C3418PS C3418PBC3418PK C3418PSI C3419PNK4C* 35TC9028P-012TMP47C1238ANV068Z0-99 C2166 C2589P C2919P1 C2988 C2988VK4D* 34TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AN-U3810-99C2588P C2589F C2919F C2919P C2919FKC2919PB C2919PK C2919PN C2919PS C2919PVC2920PN C2939KS C2988P C3418PS C3418PK C3418PN 画中画K4PK4J TC9028P-012CH01002(TMP47C433AN-3878)0-99 C3418PD C3419PDK4K5 0TC9028P-012CH01002(47C433AN-3884)0-39(0-99)C2588PV画中画K4NK5B* 31LC7462M34300N4-628SP0-32 C2151 C2151A C2153K5C* 30LC7461MCH04001-5553(M34300N4-624SP)0-39 C2151C C2151Z(CH04001-5B46)0-39 C1851 C1951 C2152K5D* 28LC7461-8103CH04001-5B41(LC864012V)1-90B1818 B1918 B2111 B2112 B2113 B2115 B2116C1851K C1951KV(CH04001-5C25)1-90 C2151KV C2152KV C2153 C2155 C2156K6C*28LC7461 0-99 P2119K6C-1*28LC7461 0-99K6C-3*280-99 P2119BK6D*31LC7461 0-99K6EK6F*26K6G*25CHT0405 0-99 R2115AEK6I*24CHT0405 R2518AEK6LCHT0405-5J77R2119B R2132FB K7A*39C2966 画中画K7BK8A*30K8B*0-99 R2519N28K8D*28K9C*24K9D*29K10B*259012GO 0-99K10G 31CHR120 1K10F *28K11B *39TC9028F-022TMP87CM38N-1A22CHT08080-99R2112T R2113T 25B16 2521FD 2526FD 2527FD2528FD D2598A G2573 G2585 R2586D 2931FD2936FD 2938D 2939FD D2983 D2986 D2983S G29D66G2978 G2983 G2983A G2985 G2988 R2983DR2986D PF29D18 PF29D9 PF34D8 G3480 G3478G3488 R3418TK11G *37TMP87CM38NCHT08180-2352526FD G2573 T2981 R2938D 2988 G29D9 G29D1829D82M 29D85 29SD81 34D18K11F*280-99K12A *29CHT0406( LC863316)21K13 21K17 21K18 21K23 21K31 21K32K12D *29K12FY-1 TC9012F-011 C1842 C1843 C1844 CJK51B1 CJK51B2 CJK47A1 CJK51A CJK51B CJK53B2 CJK56B2 Y-2Y-3 TC9012F-011 CJK53B2 CJK56B2Kk1 Kk2 Vk1 Vk4M50560 M50431-101SP 0-29 CJK44A29键*1-3027键*0-43K4B CH02002(TMP47C1238AN-U377)0-99 C2588KCH04T1218 H29K60CH04001-5B411-90B1818 B1918 B2111 B2112 B2113 B2115 B2116 C1851K C1951KV CH04001-5B46 C1851 C1951 C2152CH04001-5B53C2151C C2151ZCH04001-5C25 1-90 C2151KV C2152KV C2153 C2155 C2156CH06001(MN1871274) *42N2516 N2918 R2118N R2518NCHT0403 0-99 A2528BCHT0403-5H60-59 A2116 A2119 R2117AE R2118AE1LC864512VCHT0405-5J7R2119B R2131FB7CHT0406( LC80-254 21K13 21K17 21K18 21K23 21K31 21K32 63316)CHT0410-5P7G2136K G2501 G2911B8CHT0503 R2918DCHT0504 R2918DCHT0601(MN1N2516 N2918 R2118N R2518N 871274)*42CHT0605(MN1N2516 N2918 R2118N R2518N 29N18 871274)*42CHT0606 PF29E18CHT0608 PF25E8 PF29E8CHT08030-99 G2966 43P18 51P18TMP87CP38NCHT08070-99 R2113T R2117T 25B16 G2521TMP87CP38NCHT0808(CHT0818)0-99 G2966TMP87CP38NCHT0818TMP87CN38N0-235 G29D9 29SD83 CHT0819TMP87CH38N0-99 2131FPCHT0827TMP87CM38N-3592CHT1201 (KS88C8324) G2573 43PT18 43PT28A 51PT18 51PT18A 51PT28ACHT1202(KS88C8324N)0-99 G29D8AK11G*CHT0818 0-235 21 2510B 29E6 G29D9 PF29D9P87C66 DT2000 51PDT18TMP87CM36 C2920PNTMP87CS38N 51PT28A彩电机型遥控器型号频道号发射CPU备注21K3225K18 CHT0405 LA76810A 51PT28AA2528B CHT0403D2522A CH0502DP2988DP2998DP4388DP4888DP5188DT2000DT2000AC2119C2160A TMP47C433AN-3878 C2162C2165F CH01001C2166C2168A 1-32 TMP47C433AN-3849 C2169F K1L 1-32 CH01001C2169KV CH01003C2170 0-49 TMP47C837NC2588A K4A 0-39 TMP47C1238ANU068 C2588K K4B 0-99 CH02002C2588P TMP47C1238ANU068 C2588PV K4KC2588PZ TMP47C1238ANU068 C2589C2919PC2919PKC2991E K3D 0-89 SAA3010T PCA84C841P/177 TDA1521A OM8361 BSC69PCK53ACJK53B TMP47C433AN-3844D2962A 0-89 SAA3010T CHT05002 D2963A 0-89 SAA3010T CHT05002G29E6G2911G2911BG2966G2988N2516 MN1871274 N2918 MN1871274PF29DT18PF29DT18BPF29E8PF34DT18R2513D CHT0503R2918NR2918D CHT0504T2981dnq2008-12-24 20:24:42遥控器型号整机型号遥控器型号整机型号遥控器型号整机型号K1A C1462 C1742 C1942 C2145 C1402CK44A CJKJ53B2CJKJ56B2 CTV130K1B C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C1861 C1862 C1863 C1941 C2143 C2163K1C C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C2161 C2162 C2163K1D C2165 C2165A C2165AY C2165C C2165E C2167 C2168A V2169AK1E C1462-21K1F C1462-01K1I C2165PIK1J C1462-02K1G C2164K1H C2165PKDT6E CHD29166KDT6H CHD34166K1L C1742A C2165F C2166 C2166A C2166C C2166K C2166KV C2167FC2168F C2169FK1M C2170K1P C1942A C2145AK1Q C2165K C2165KV C2167K C2167KF C2167KV C2169T C2169K C2169KV P2116 P2119 K2B C2141 C2142K3B C2192A C2192AV C2192MK3D C2191 C2191C C2191D C2191E C2191M C2193A C2193AV C2193M D2111K3D C2595 D2521 D2991D2522 D2523 D2526D2592 D2598 C2991C2991E C2992C2993C2993A C2995 D2963 D2965 D2965MAD2111A D2115 D2116 D2117 D2118C2591 C2592 C2592A C2592AE C2592AV C2593K3E C296XA (X=1,2,3,5,6) D2960 D2961 D2966K3H D2115A D2116A D2117A D2118A C2192 D2598AC2193 D2521A D2522AD2523AD2526AK4A C2188 C2588A C2588IC2588K C2588V C2588ZC2589 C2589V C2589ZC2988K4B C2518K4C C2588P C2588PZC2988P C3418PKK4D C2918PN C2918PS C2919PC2919PS C2919PN C2919PIC2919I C2939A/AE/KE/KS/KVG2958 C3418/KV C2919PV/PKC3418PB/PS/PN G2958A/AEK4P C2588PK C2588PV C2588PIK4N C3419PD/D C2919PD C2920PDC2920PN C2939DG2958A C3419PN/PBK4N-1 C3419MEK5B C2151 C2151AK5C C1851 C1951 C2151C C2151Z C2152K5D B1818 B1819 B2111 B2112 C1951B2113 B2115 B2116 B2117 C2161C1851K C1853 C18J3 C1951KK5D C2151K C1918 C2151KV C2152K/KV C2153 C2155K6C A2116 A2117AV C2191AVP2119AVK6C-1 A2117 P2119A C2191AP2119B P2119MA P2119K6C-3 P2119BK6D A2528 A2528BK6D-1 A2528AVK6D-2 A2528MEK6E A2118 A2118MEK6F A2116B A2117B A2120BP2119BC P2119BD P2111AR2112A R2112AE R2113AR2113AE R2117A/AE R2118A/AER2118MA 2117FA 2118FAK6G A2112B A2113B A2115BA2118B A2118BD A2121BA2122B R2115A/AER2116A/AE/MA2116FA R2121A R2122R2122A R2123AK6I R2518A/AE R2918A/AE A2528AA2528B R2517MA R2916AR2916AEK6K 29A18K7A G2966 G2966A G2966BG2966C PF29G88A G2967G2967A/C G2967B G2967CR2916G R2917G R2918GR2919G G3898 G3898A/CPF29G88 G3898MA G3899G3899A R3816G R3817GR3818G R3819GK7A-1 G2966ME PF29G88EAK7A-2 G2966BK7B C3419PT T3418/A/C 29ST81R2919TK8A N2918 N2516 N2519NR2519MA N2918AMK8A-AU N2516AU N2519ME N2918AUN2918MEK8B C2588D C2588E R2516N/FNR2518N/FN/MA 2516FN2518FN N2918A 2916FN2918FN R2916N/FNR2918N/FNK8C R2116N R2118 R2118N2116FN 2118FNK8D 25N16 25N18 29N1629N18K8G 43PT28A 51PT28AK9A D2965BTK9B C2995AK9C D2521B D2522B D2523BD2526B D2598A D2598BR2512D R2513D R2515DR2516DR2517DK9D D2961B D2962B D2963BD2965B D2966B R2912DR2913D R2916D R2917DR2918DR3418DK9E 29DT18 PF29DT18 51PDT1843PDT18 DP2998 DP3488DP3498 DP4888 DP4898K10A DVB-S1000K10A-1 DVB-C1000K10B R2112T R2113T R2115TR2117T 2126FB 2132FB21B26 25B15 2515FB29B38 2938FB 2131FB21B27 2127FB 21B282128FB T2115B T2116BT2117B T2118BK10C PF29E18QUOTE:K10F G2929/B G2521 G2510(B)G2935/B G2938 G2939/BG2526/B G2538 G2528/BG2928 G2933 G2529PF25B8 G2532 G2539G1430 G2130 PF21B8G2923/B G2936/BG2925/BG2136 G21K58(B) G2138G21K60(B) G21K6(B) G21K55(B)G21K59(B)G21K65(B) G21K68(B)G21K69(B) G25K66(B) G29K96(B)G25D19(B) G2132G2129G2521 PF21B50 G2125G2128 G2129 G2929 G2510(B)K10G PF29E18A PF25E8 G29E6G29E8 PF29E8K10L PF29B8 G2932 G2989(B)银珠G21K56(B) G29K60(B) SF2591EK11B C2588D 34D18 25D81A2939FD 2936FD 2931FD29SD81 29SD82 34SD8129D82M2526FD 29D852938FD R2518AE(D) 2528FD29ST82 29SD82 29D82M 29SD81 29D81 K11F G2573 G3478 G2988G2978 G2585 PF29D18G29D3 G2975 G25D19A G29D8A CV3478 PF29DIRK11G G3488 G3480 PF29D9 G2989 G2983A G29D9PF25D19 G29D8 PF3498(D)PF34G8(D) PF25D19 G25D19 G34SE G29D9K11LK11N G29S86(D) G25S86(D) G29S96(D)G/H29D80 G/H34D80 PF29D9(A)HPF3489DH/PF2919D H25S86DPF2589D H29S86 H/PF2519DK12A 21K16 21K15 21K18K12A 21K17 21K13 21K1221K31 21K32 21K2121K16 21K18K12D G2110 G2112 G2516 H2135W 25K18 G2501A G2101 H2123KG2911 G2908 G2913 H2119(KB)G2919 G2113 G2109 H2135KG2915 G2508 G2918 H2122KG2916 G2509G2112G2512 G2510 G2103G2111 G2102/A G2101/AG2902/AG2132(K) G2536(K)H25K66 G2136K G2156(K)G2138(K) G21K66 G21K55G21K59G21K68 G21K69G25K66 G29D8(K) G2932(K)G29K96 H2121K H2159WH2183KH2199KB(A) H2551KG2132(K) G2105K12F G1410G/H14K8 H14K8H1418K PF1518K H1498KK12G G2936(K) G29K36 H2159WPF29B8(K) H2123K G2536KH2199KB(A) G2136(K)G29K36H2535K H2599KB(A)H2583K H2598K H2135W(A)H2186W H2151KK12I G29K60新品G21K60 H2599KBG25K60 G21K60 H2599KBG/H25K60 G/H21K56G/H2K65H21K60 G/H29K60 G/H21K58PF21B50(K) PF2198KB H2999KBK12P PF2599K. PF2583K. PF2992. H2598KK15A PF29B50(F) PF29F50K16C G25S86 G/H29S86 H29S60G25S86 G/H29S96 SF2515(A)PF2115(A) PF3415SF3498ESF2598 SF2951F SF2599K16D PF2198 SF2198 SF2199 SF2151 PF2115 SF2115 SF2186 PF21B50SSF2119 SF2136 K16E SF2983 PF2983 PF2583SF2583K16F PF2183 SF2183K16G PF2139、SF2139 SF2539 SF2939 PF2539/2939 SF2539(A)K16H SF2139 PF2139K16J SF2998 SF2951F PF2598 PF2998PF2598(A) SF2598 SF3498 PF2115PF2515 SF2515 PF2986 SF2515(A)PF2915 SF2915 PF3415 SF3415SF2551 SF2951FK16K SF2939 PF2588 PF2539 SF2539 SF2539(A) PF2939 SF2939(A)SF2588 SF3488 SF3498 PF2998(A)PF2598(A) SF2598(A) PF2 986(A)SF3498 SF3411 SF3411F SF2911/FK16P SF2983 PF2983 SF2583 PF2992 PF2983AK16N SF2198 SF2198G PF2155K16Z SF2983 PF2983 PF2583 SF2583K18A N2918 B2516 R2519NR2519MA N2918AM KED1AY1 C1842-01 C1842-21 C1842-22M50560-001P C1842 C1843C1844 CK51ACJKJ51B1CK51B/B2Y-1 CJK51A CJK51B2 C1842-01C1842-21 C1842-22KT2A PF29C50 PF29C50(W) DP29C50/WDP29C88 DP29M88KT3A DP29H86KT5A DP29M88 DP2915 DP3415DP2998M DP3498MKT8A DP29R8 DP29R90KT8B DP2983KDT2A DP4366KDT5A CHD2998 CHD3498 CHD2983CHD2992 CHD2919 CHD2915CHD3415 CHD2918 CHD3418 CHD2988 CHD3488K18A-AU N2516AU 2519ME N2918AUN2918MEK18B PF2191E SF2191E SF1498ESF2170E PF2999 H2999KB SF1498EK18C PF2191E SF2191E R2118N2116FN 2118FN SF2115SF2198 PF2198 SF2151K18D 25N16 25N18 29N1629N18 PF3418E PF2918ESF2591E PF2518E SF2518EPF2991E SF2991E SF2918EPF2593E PF2591EK18E PF2118E PF2191E SF2118ESF2191E SF1498E(A) SF2191EK18K SF2191E(G)K18L SF2591E(G)K18G 43PT28A 51PT28A SF2191SK18I PF2193E PF2993E PF3493EPF2593EK18Z PF2191EK12R H2188K H2999KB(A) H2111KPF2123K PF2188KK12S PF2583K H2523K H2511K H2912KK16T PF3495 PF2995 PF2595PF29008 SF3495 SF2995K16Q PF2139 SF2139 PF2195K18H PF2518E PF2918E PF3418EPF2118EK18J PF2955E SF2566E SF2966ESF3466EKEX1A 21C32EUKH1A DH1020KTD1 PF1517D/DV PF2117D/DV PF2917D/DVKDT6A CHD3215 CHD3615 CHD2990CHD3490 CHD2990(A)KDT6B CHD2995 CHD3495KDT5B CHD2998(A) CHD3498(A) CHD3418CHD2983 CHD2918 CHD2992(A)dnq2009-2-08 19:19:15型号编码ICCPU(机芯)适用机型K Y 1M50560-001M50431(M11)C1842/3/4,CJK47A1/51A/51B,CJKJ51B1/51B2K Y 3TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(M11)CJK53B2,CJK56B2KI M5M504CK49A,CK53A,C2141/2C0462AP 36-56 0SP( M11)K 1 A TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C1462,C1742,C1942,CJK44A,CJK53B2,CJK56B2K 1 B TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C1861/2/3,C1941,C2141,C2143,C2161,C2262,C2162/3,C2166,C2169K 1 C TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C2162/3,C2263K 1 D TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C1865/Y,C2165/Y,C2168,C2169,C2185L1 L TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C2165P/T/E/Y,C2166,C2169/F,C2167FK 1 Q TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)P2219,P2169AK 1 M TC9012-011TMP47C837(TA)K 1 H TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)K 2M5056M50431(MCK40A,CK51A,CK53A,CK49AA0-00111)K 2 B M50462APM50436-560SP(M11)C2141,C2142K 3 D SAA3010TCH05001(TDA)C2115,C2191/A/C/D,C2192,C2521,C2588Z,C2591/A/V/AE/AV/AZ,C2593,C2592AE/AV,C2991/AE,C2992,C2993,C2995,C2966,C2594,C2595,C2963/A,D2965,C2939AE,D2522,D2962A,D2965AK 3E SAA3010TCH05002(TDA)D2122A,D2115A,D2116A,D2117A,D2118A,D2521A,D2522A,D2523A,D2526A,D2598A,D2961/A,D2962/A,D2963/A,D2965/A,D2966,D2968A,R2918DK 3 H SAA3010TCH05001(TDA)C2526/A,D2525,D2521,D2533A,D2192A,D2512AK 4 A TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C2188,C2588/A/K/V/Z,C2589,C2919,C2939KE/KS/KV,C2988/P,C3419K 4 B TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU353(NC-2)C2518,C3418P/PS/PSI/PNK 4 C TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C2588P/Z/PV,C2589P,C2919P1,C2988/vK 4 D TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU353(NC-2)C2588P,C2589P,C2919F/P/PB/PK/PN/PS/PV,C2920PN,C2939KS/KV/AE/KE,C2988P,C3418PK/PS/PN/KV,G2958K 4 K/ K TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C2588PV/K,C2589P,C2919P14PK 4L TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU353(NC-2)C2919PN,K 4 N/ K 4J TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C3419D/PD,C2920PN/PD,C2919PD,G2939D,C3419PN/PB,K 5 B LC7461M34300N4-628(A3)C2151,C2152,C2153K 5 C LC7461M34300N4-628(A3)C2151Z,K 5 D LC7461M34300N4-628(A3)B2111,B2112,B2113,B2117,C1951K,B2115,2151KV,2152KVK 6 C LC7461LC864512(A6)P2119,A2119,A2116K 6 C-1LC7461LC864512(A6)A2117,A2118,C2191A,C2119A,P2119A,K 6 C-3TC9028,D6122-001CH0402-5H01,LC864525(A6)P2119BK LC LC86A2116,A2117,A2118,R2112A,R2113A/AE,R2115A,A2528B,R2518A6 D 74614512(A6)/AE,R2916A/AE,R2918A/AEK 6E LC7461CHT0405(A6)R2116A/AE,R2117A/AE,R2118A/AE,R2120AE,R2112AE,R2113AE/FA,R2115AE,K 6F LC7461CH0403(A6)2113FA,2116FA,2117FA,2118FA,2120FA,2121FA,21A12,21A21,K 6 G LC7461CH0401(A6)2116AE/FA/FE,2120FA,2110FA,R2115AE,R2116AEK 6I LC7461CH0408(A6)2918FA,29A18,R2518A/AE,R2918AEK 7 A D6125GTMP87CP38N(NC-6)G2965/C,G2967/A/B/C,G2966/A/B/C,G3898,G3899,PF29G88/A,PE2988A,PF34G8K 7 B D6122GCHT0810,CHT0813(NC-6)T2981/A/C,T2982/A/C,T2981S,C2919PT,R3418T,34ST18,34T88K 8 A TC9012CHT0605(CN-5)R2918NK 8 B TC9012CH06001(CN-5)N2516A,N2518,N2916,N2918,R2516N,R2518N,R2519N,R2916N,2516FN,2518FN,2519FN,2916FN,2918FN,25N16,25N18,25N19,29N18,29N19K 8 D TC9012CHT0605(CN-5)25N16,25N18,29N16,2518N,2918NK 8 G TA9028A-023TMP87PS38N(CH-10)43PT18,43PT28/A,51PT18,51PT28/AK SA CHT0R2512D,R2513D,R2913D,D2598A/B,R2515D,R2516D,R2517D,D259 C A3010503(TDA)22B,D2521B,K 9 D SAA3010CHT0504(TDA)K 9E SAA3010P87C766(PDT-6)43PDT18,51PDT18,65PDT18,K 9F SAA3010P87C766(PDT-6)DP4388,DP4388(01),DP4388A,DP4389,DP4888,DP5188,DP5188(01),DP5188A,DP5189,DP6188K 10 B TC9012-011CHT0807,CHT0819(NC-9)R2122T,R2113T,R2115T,R2117T,R2127/T,R2120BF,2128FB,2126FB,2127FB,2131FB,2132FB,R2526FB,21B26,21B36,21B27,2938FB,2118FB,T2115B,T2116B,T2117B,T2118B,21B28,25B15,2108PF,29B38,K 10 F TC9012-011CHT0819,CHT0827(NC-9)G1430,G2101,G2108/PF,G2122,G2125,G2127,G2128,G2129,G2130,G2136,G2501,G2502,G2510(B),G2521,G2523,G2526,G2529,G2532,G2536,G2538,G2539,G2911,G25D19(B),G29D3(B),G2923,G2926(B),G2925,G2929,G2936(B),G2938(B),G2939(B),G2985(B),G2585(B),G21K59(B),PF21B8,PF21B50,H21K68(B),PF25B8K10 C/ K 10 G TC9012-011CHT0608(CN-11)PF25E8,PF29E8,PF29E18,PF29E18,PF29E6,G29E6,G29E8K 10 L TC9012-011CHT0827NC-9)H25K60(B),G2989(B),PF29B8,G2989(B),G21K56(B),G29K60(B),G2932K 11 B TC9028-023CHT0808(CH-10)D2983,D2986,R2583,R2586/D,R2938D/FD,R2983D,R2986D,2132FD,2521FD,2526FD,2527FD,2528FD,2931FD,2935FD,2936FD,2938FD,2939FD,29D82M,29D85,29SD83,2983/SD,34D18,29ST85,29D18A,29SD81,29SD82,34SD81,R2518AE(D),K 11TC902CHT1202(CC2018,PF29D18,G3478,G2975,G29D3,G2988,G29D8A,G25D19A,G2585,G2573,G2985,G2578,G2983,G2978F8-012H-10)K 11 G TC9028-012CHT1201(CH-10)G3488,G3480,G2989,G2983(A),G29D9,G29D8,PF29D9,PF29D19(A),PF25D19,G25D19K11PPF2918DK 11 N TC9028-012CH12T1004(CH-10)H34D80,H3489D,PF29D18A,PF2919D,H25S86(D),PF3489D,PF2989D,PF29D9A,PF2589D,H29S86D,H2919D,PF2999D,H29D80K 12 A PT1222CHT0406(CN-12)21K12,25K18,21K32,21K38,21K31,21K23,21K21,25K19,29K19,21K15K 12 B TC9028-023TMP87PS38N(CN-12)21K17,21K13,21K12,21K31,21K32,21K21K 12 D PT1222CHT0410-5P78(CN-12)G2105,G2501A,G2536(K),G2110,G2132(K),G2102,G2108,G2109,H21K66,G2165K,H2165(K),H21K68,H2135K,H21K69,G2138(K),H21K55,G1410,H2551K,G29D8(K),G2911/B,G2916,29D9(K)K 12 G PT1222CHT0416(CN-12)G29K369,G2936(K),G2136(K),H2135W,H2535K,H2599KB(A),H2151K,H2186W,H2583K,H2598K,K 12 I PT1222CH04T1220-50G2(CN-12)H29K60,H25K60,H21K60,H2599KB,H2119KB,H2199KB,H2999KB,G29K60,G21K60,K 12 S CHR1502CH04T1229(CN-12)PF2583K,H2532K,K2912K,H2511K,H2912K,H2523KK CH CH04PF2599K,12 P R1502T1219(CN-12)K 12 R CHR1502CH04T1219(CN-12)H2111K,H2999KBA,PF2188K,H2111K,H2188KK13ASF2166KK 15 A CHR0203CHT0831(NC-15)PF29F50K 16 C SAA3010CH05T1602(CH-16)PF2998,PF2915,PF2515,SF2598,H25S86,SF2515(A),PF2986,SF3498F,SF2998,PF3415,SF2915,PF2598,SF3415,SF2551,SF2951F,SF2599,H29S86K 16 D SAA3010CH05T1604(CH-16)SF2198,SF2115,SF2199,SF2151,S2119,PF2198,PF2115,SF2186,SF2136K 16 E SAA3010CH05T1607(CH-16)PF2983,SF2983,SF2583K 16 F SAA3010CH05T1609(CH-16)PF2183,SF2183K 16 G SAA3010CH05T1601(CH-16)SF2939,SF2539K 16 H SAA3010CH05T1603(CH-16)SF2139,PF2139,SF2151,SF2186,SF2199,SF2119K 16 J 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8,CHD29200KT2ADP29C50KT5ADP2998/M,DP29M88,DP29M86,DP3498M,DP3415Y K 1电子鱼缸YG2900KT D 1卧室之星PF1517DV,PF2117DV,PF2917DVKLC3BCHD-170B3dnq2009-2-18 21:58:37长虹遥控器与整机型号对照表遥控器型号整机型号K1A C1462 C1742 C1942 C2145 C1402CK44A CJKJ53B2CJKJ56B2 CTV130K1B C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C1861 C1862 C1863 C1941 C2143 C2163K1C C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C2161 C2162 C2163K1D C2165 C2165A C2165AY C2165C C2165E C2167 C2168A V2169AK1E C1462-21K1F C1462-01K1IC2165PIK1JC1462-02K1GC2164K1HC2165PK1LC1742A C2165F C2166 C2166A C2166C C2166K C2166KV C2167FC2168F C2169FK1MC2170K1PC1942A C2145AK1QC2165K C2165KV C2167K C2167KF C2167KV C2169T C2169K C2169KV P2116 P2119K2BC2141 C2142K3BC2192A C2192AV C2192MK3DC2191 C2191C C2191D C2191E C2191M C2193A C2193AV C2193M D2111K3D C2595 D2521 D2991D2522 D2523 D2526D2592 D2598 C2991C2991E C2992 C2993C2993A C2995 D2963 D2965 D2965MAD2111A D2115 D2116 D2117 D2118 C2591 C2592 C2592A C2592AE C2592AV C2593K3E C296XA (X=1,2,3,5,6) D2960 D2961 D2966D2115A D2116A D2117AD2118A C2192 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A2528AA2528B R2517MA R2916AR2916AEK6K29A18K7AG2966 G2966A G2966BG2966C PF29G88A G2967G2967A/C G2967B G2967CR2916G R2917GR2918GR2919G G3898 G3898A/CPF29G88 G3898MA G3899G3899A R3816G R3817GR3818G R3819GK7A-1 G2966ME PF29G88EAK7A-2G2966BK7BC3419PT T3418/A/C 29ST81R2919TK8AN2918 N2516 N2519NR2519MA N2918AMK8A-AUN2516AU N2519ME N2918AUN2918MEC2588D C2588E R2516N/FNR2518N/FN/MA 2516FN2518FN N2918A 2916FN2918FNR2916N/FNR2918N/FNK8CR2116N R2118 R2118N2116FN 2118FNK8D25N16 25N18 29N1629N18K8G43PT28A 51PT28AK9AD2965BTK9BC2995AK9CD2521B D2522B D2523BD2526B D2598A D2598BR2512D R2513D R2515DR2516D R2517DK9DD2961B D2962B D2963BD2965B D2966B R2912DR2913D R2916D R2917DR2918D R3418DK9E29DT18 PF29DT18 51PDT1843PDT18 DP2998 DP3488DP3498 DP4888 DP4898K10ADVB-S1000K10A-1DVB-C1000K10BR2112T R2113T R2115TR2117T 2126FB 2132FB21B26 25B15 2515FB29B38 2938FB 2131FB21B27 2127FB 21B282128FB T2115B T2116BT2117B T2118BK10CPF29E18K10FG2929/B G2521 G2510(B)G2935/B G2938 G2939/BG2526/B G2538 G2528/BG2928 G2933 G2529PF25B8 G2532 G2539G1430 G2130 PF21B8G2923/B G2936/B G2925/BG2136 G21K58(B) G2138G21K60(B) G21K6(B) G21K55(B)G21K59(B) G21K65(B) G21K68(B)G21K69(B) G25K66(B) G29K96(B)G25D19(B) G2132 G2129G2521 PF21B50 G2125G2128 G2129 G2929 G2510(B)PF29E18A PF25E8 G29E6G29E8 PF29E8K10LPF29B8 G2932 G2989(B)银珠G21K56(B) G29K60(B) SF2591EK11BC2588D 34D18 25D81A2939FD 2936FD 2931FD29SD81 29SD82 34SD8129D82M 2526FD 29D852938FD R2518AE(D) 2528FD29ST82 29SD82 29D82M 29SD81 29D81K11FG2573 G3478 G2988G2978 G2585 PF29D18G29D3 G2975 G25D19A G29D8A CV3478 PF29DIRK11GG3488 G3480 PF29D9 G2989 G2983A G29D9PF25D19 G29D8 PF3498(D)PF34G8(D) PF25D19 G25D19 G34SE G29D9K11L鱼八景(新)K11NG29S86(D) G25S86(D) G29S96(D)G/H29D80 G/H34D80 PF29D9(A)HPF3489D H/PF2919DH25S86DPF2589D H29S86 H/PF2519DK12A21K16 21K15 21K18K12A21K17 21K13 21K1221K31 21K32 21K2121K16 21K18K12DG2110 G2112 G2516 H2135W 25K18 G2501A G2101 H2123KG2911 G2908 G2913 H2119(KB)G2919 G2113 G2109 H2135KG2915 G2508 G2918 H2122KG2916 G2509 G2112G2512 G2510 G2103G2111 G2102/A G2101/AG2902/A G2132(K) G2536(K)H25K66 G2136K G2156(K)G2138(K) G21K66 G21K55G21K59 G21K68 G21K69G25K66 G29D8(K) G2932(K)G29K96 H2121K H2159WH2183K H2199KB(A)H2551KG2132(K) G2105K12FG1410G/H14K8 H14K8H1418K PF1518K H1498KK12GG2936(K) G29K36 H2159WPF29B8(K) H2123K G2536KH2199KB(A) G2136(K) G29K36H2535KH2599KB(A)H2583K H2598K H2135W(A)H2186W H2151K。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特1.5KE24CA94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特1.5KE24CA255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特1.5KE24CA。
FeaturesMechanical DataTerminals: solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 Polarity: Color band denotes positive end( cathode) exceptBi-directional types.Standard packaging: 16mm tape per ( EIA 481). Weight: 0.007 ounce, 0.21 gramMaximum Ratings @ 25o C Unless Otherwise SpecifiedPeak Pulse Current on 10/1000uswaveform(Note1, Fig3)I PPM See Table 1Amps Peak Pulse Power Disspation on 10/1000us waveform(Note1,2,Fig1)P PPMMinimum 5000Watts Peak forward surge current (JEDEC Method) (Note 2,3)I FSM)300.0Amps Operation And Storage Temperature Range T J ,T STG -55o C to +150o CNOTES:1.Non-repetitive current pulse per Fig.3 and derated above TA=25oC per Fig.2.2.Mounted on 8.0mm 2copper pads to each terminal.3.8.3ms, single half sine-wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle=4 pulses per. Minutes maximum.For surface mount application in order to optimize board space Low inductance Low profile package Built-in strain relief Glass passivated junction Excellent clamping capability Repetition Rate( duty cycle): 0.01%Fast response time: typical less than 1ps from 0V to BV min Typical I D less than 1uA above 10VHigh temperature soldering: 250oC/10 seconds at terminals Plastic package has Underwrites Laboratory FlammabilityClassification 94V-Oomp onents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth! "# $ % ! "#Revision: 1 2006/10/18 UL Recognized File # E222849TMMicro Commercial ComponentsCase Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0www.mccsemi .com1 of 4MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE REVERSE LEAKAGE @Ipp @V RWM Vc(V)I D (µA)5.0SMLJ 11A 1112.213.51018.22758005PEN 5.0SMLJ 12A 1213.314.71019.92528005PEP 5.0SMLJ 13A 1314.415.91021.52335005PEQ 5.0SMLJ 14A 1415.617.21023.22162005PER 5.0SMLJ 15A 1516.718.5124.42051005PES 5.0SMLJ 16A 1617.819.7126193505PET 5.0SMLJ 17A 1718.920.9127.6181205PEU 5.0SMLJ 18A 182022.1129.2172105PEV 5.0SMLJ 20A 2022.224.5132.415555PEW 5.0SMLJ 22A 2224.426.9135.514155PEX 5.0SMLJ 24A 2426.729.5138.912955PEZ 5.0SMLJ 26A 2628.931.9142.111955PFE 5.0SMLJ 28A 2831.134.4145.411055PFG 5.0SMLJ 30A 3033.336.8148.410355PFK 5.0SMLJ 33A 3336.740.6153.393.955PFM 5.0SMLJ 36A 364044.2158.186.155PFP 5.0SMLJ 40A 4044.449.1164.577.655PFR 5.0SMLJ 43A 4347.852.8169.472.155PFT 5.0SMLJ 45A 455055.3172.768.855PFV 5.0SMLJ 48A 4853.358.9177.464.755PFX 5.0SMLJ 51A 5156.762.7182.460.755PFZ 5.0SMLJ 54A 546066.3187.157.555RGE 5.0SMLJ 58A 5864.471.2193.653.555PGG 5.0SMLJ 60A 6066.773.7196.851.755PGK 5.0SMLJ 64A 6471.178.6110348.655PGM 5.0SMLJ 70A 7077.886111344.355PGP 5.0SMLJ 75A 7583.392.1112141.455PGR 5.0SMLJ 78A 7886.795.8112639.755PGT 5.0SMLJ 85A 8594.4104113736.555PGV 5.0SMLJ 90A 90100111114634.355PGX 5.0SMLJ 100A 100111123116230.955PGZ 5.0SMLJ 110A 110122135117728.355PHE 5.0SMLJ 120A 12013314711932655PHG 5.0SMLJ 130A 13014415912092455PHK 5.0SMLJ 150A 150167185124320.655PHM 5.0SMLJ 160A 160178197125919.355PHP 5.0SMLJ 170A170189209127518.255PHRDEVICE MARKING CODE PART NUMBERPEAK PULSE CURRENT Ipp (A)TEST CURRENT I T (mA)BREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V BR (V)MAX.@ITBREAKDOWN VOLTAGEV BR (V)MIN.@IT REVERSE STAND- OFF VOLTAGE V RWM (V)TMMicro Commercial Components5.0SMLJ11A~5.0SMLJ170Awww.mccsemi .com2 of 4Revision: 1 2006/10/18MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE REVERSE LEAKAGE @Ipp @V RWM Vc(V)I D (µA)5.0SMLJ 11CA 1112.213.51018.22758005BEN 5.0SMLJ 12CA 1213.314.71019.92528005BEP 5.0SMLJ 13CA 1314.415.91021.52335005BEQ 5.0SMLJ 14CA 1415.617.21023.22162005BER 5.0SMLJ 15CA 1516.718.5124.42051005BES 5.0SMLJ 16CA 1617.819.7126193505BET 5.0SMLJ 17CA 1718.920.9127.6181205BEU 5.0SMLJ 18CA 182022.1129.2172105BEV 5.0SMLJ 20CA 2022.224.5132.415555BEW 5.0SMLJ 22CA 2224.426.9135.514155BEX 5.0SMLJ 24CA 2426.729.5138.912955BEZ 5.0SMLJ 26CA 2628.931.9142.111955BFE 5.0SMLJ 28CA 2831.134.4145.411055BFG 5.0SMLJ 30CA 3033.336.8148.410355BFK 5.0SMLJ 33CA 3336.740.6153.393.955BFM 5.0SMLJ 36CA 364044.2158.186.155BFP 5.0SMLJ 40CA 4044.449.1164.577.655BFR 5.0SMLJ 43CA 4347.852.8169.472.155BFT 5.0SMLJ 45CA455055.3172.768.855BFVPART NUMBERREVERSE STAND- OFF VOLTAGE V RWM (V)BREAKDOWN VOLTAGEV BR (V)MIN.@IT BREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V BR (V)MAX.@ITTEST CURRENT I T (mA)PEAK PULSE CURRENT Ipp (A)DEVICE MARKING CODE TMMicro Commercial Components5.0SMLJ11C A~5.0SMLJ 45C AFor Bidirectional type having Vrwm of 20 volts and less,the Ir limit is double.www.mccsemi .com3 of 4Revision: 1 2006/10/18Revision: 12006/10/18Micro Commercial Componentswww.mccsemi .com4 of 4products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.***APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER******IMPORTANT NOTICE***Aerospace or Military Applications.Products offer by Micro Commercial Components Corp .are not intended for use in Medical,Micro Commercial Components Corp .reserve s the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein to make corrections, modifications , enhancements , improvements , or other changes .Micro Commercial Components Corp .does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights ,nor the rights of others . The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Micro Commercial Components Corp .and all the companies whose。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特1.5KE6.8CA94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A 1.5KE36A1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特1.5KE6.8CA255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
AIP大尺寸触摸通用型温控器 调节器产品说明书
AIP -516/516P/519/526/526P 大尺寸触摸通用型温控器/调节器产品说明书AIP□-516/516P/519/526/526P系列一体屏目录1、产品概述 (1)2、主要技术指标 (2)2.2、显示功能 (2)2.3、存储功能 (2)2.4、仪表输入 (2)2.5、仪表输出 (3)2.6、通讯功能 (3)2.7、控制功能 (3)2.8、综合参数 (3)3、仪表型号定义及模块使用 (4)3.1、型号定义 (4)3.2、模块使用 (5)4、仪表安装 (7)4.1、尺寸图 (7)4.2、安装示意 (7)4.3、挂钩安装示意图 (7)5、仪表接线 (8)5.1、AIP5系列接口形式 (8)5.2、AIP7/AIP9系列接口形式 (8)5.3、AIP5系列接线 (9)5.4、AIP7/AIP9系列接线 (9)6、操作说明 (11)6.1、首次操作说明 (11)6.2、显示画面界面操作说明 (12)6.3、操作画面界面操作说明 (13)6.4、历史趋势界面操作说明 (16)6.5、数据报表界面操作说明 (17)6.6、报警信息界面操作说明 (18)6.7、系统设置界面操作说明 (19)7、扩展应用 (21)7.1、扩展说明 (21)8、附录 (22)8.1、系统参数说明 (22)8.2、特殊功能补充说明 (40)8.3、程序控制(仅适用AI-516P/526P系列) (40)8.4、自整定操作 (43)8.5、以太网访问(拥有以太网功能的屏具备此功能) (44)●在使用本产品前,请仔细阅读此说明书,正确使用,并妥善保管,以便随时参考。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
1.5KE6.8CA Series1500 Watt Mosorb™ Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors Bidirectional*Mosorb devices are designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high–energy transients. They haveexcellent clamping capability, high surge capability, low zener impedance and fast response time. These devices are ON Semiconductor’s exclusive, cost-effective, highly reliable Surmetic axial leaded package and are ideally-suited for use in communication systems, numerical controls, process controls, medical equipment, business machines, power supplies and many other industrial/ consumer applications, to protect CMOS, MOS and Bipolar integrated circuits.Specification Features:•Working Peak Reverse V oltage Range – 5.8 V to 214 V •Peak Power – 1500 Watts @ 1 ms•ESD Rating of Class 3 (>16 KV) per Human Body Model •Maximum Clamp V oltage @ Peak Pulse Current•Low Leakage < 5 µA above 10 V•UL 497B for Isolated Loop Circuit Protection•Response Time is typically < 1 nsMechanical Characteristics:CASE:V oid-free, transfer-molded, thermosetting plasticFINISH:All external surfaces are corrosion resistant and leads are readily solderableMAXIMUM LEAD TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 230°C, 1/16″ from the case for 10 secondsPOLARITY:Cathode band does not imply polarityMOUNTING POSITION:AnyMAXIMUM RATINGSA Figure 2.*Please see 1N6267A to 1N6306A (1.5KE6.8A – 1.5KE250A)for Unidirectional DevicesDevice Packaging ShippingORDERING INFORMATION1.5KExxCA Axial Lead500 Units/Box 1.5KExxCARL4Axial Lead1500/T ape & ReelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T= 25°C unless otherwise noted)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)RWM greater than the dc or continuous peak operating voltage level.2.V BR measured at pulse test current I T at an ambient temperature of 25°C.3.Surge current waveform per Figure 4 and derate per Figures 1 and 2.Figure 1. Pulse Rating Curve1008060402000255075100125150175200P E A K P U L S E D E R A T I N G I N % O F P E A K P O W E R O R C U R R E N T @ T A = 25C T A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (_C)Figure 2. Pulse Derating Curve255075100125150175200P D , S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )T L , LEAD TEMPERATURE (_C)Figure 3. Steady State Power Derating 0t, TIME (ms)Figure 4. Pulse Waveform1µs 10µs 100µs 1 ms 10 ms100101t P , PULSE WIDTHP P K , P E A K P O W E R (k W )0.1µs_1N6373, ICTE-5, MPTE-5,through1N6389, ICTE-45,C, MPTE-45,C1.5KE6.8CA through 1.5KE200CAFigure 5. Dynamic Impedance10005002001000.30.50.712357102030∆V BR , INSTANTANEOUS INCREASE IN V BRABOVE V BR(NOM) (VOLTS)∆V BR , INSTANTANEOUS INCREASE IN V BRABOVE V BR(NOM) (VOLTS)I T , T E S T C U R R E N T (A M P S )Figure 6. Typical Derating Factor for Duty CycleD E R A T I N G F A C T O R10., DUTY CYCLE (%)APPLICATION NOTESRESPONSE TIMEIn most applications, the transient suppressor device is placed in parallel with the equipment or component to be protected. In this situation, there is a time delay associated with the capacitance of the device and an overshoot condition associated with the inductance of the device and the inductance of the connection method. The capacitance effect is of minor importance in the parallel protection scheme because it only produces a time delay in the transition from the operating voltage to the clamp voltage as shown in Figure 7.The inductive effects in the device are due to actual turn-on time (time required for the device to go from zero current to full current) and lead inductance. This inductive effect produces an overshoot in the voltage across the equipment or component being protected as shown in Figure 8. Minimizing this overshoot is very important in the application, since the main purpose for adding a transient suppressor is to clamp voltage spikes. These devices have excellent response time, typically in the picosecond range and negligible inductance. However, external inductive effects could produce unacceptable overshoot. Propercircuit layout, minimum lead lengths and placing the suppressor device as close as possible to the equipment or components to be protected will minimize this overshoot.Some input impedance represented by Z in is essential to prevent overstress of the protection device. This impedance should be as high as possible, without restricting the circuit operation.DUTY CYCLE DERATINGThe data of Figure 1 applies for non-repetitive conditions and at a lead temperature of 25°C. If the duty cycle increases,the peak power must be reduced as indicated by the curves of Figure 6. Average power must be derated as the lead or ambient temperature rises above 25°C. The average power derating curve normally given on data sheets may be normalized and used for this purpose.At first glance the derating curves of Figure 6 appear to be in error as the 10 ms pulse has a higher derating factor than the 10 µs pulse. However, when the derating factor for a given pulse of Figure 6 is multiplied by the peak power value of Figure 1 for the same pulse, the results follow the expected trend.TYPICAL PROTECTION CIRCUITVFigure 7. Figure 8.UL RECOGNITION*The entire series has Underwriters Laboratory Recognition for the classification of protectors (QVGV2) under the UL standard for safety 497B and File #116110. Many competitors only have one or two devices recognized or have recognition in a non-protective category. Some competitors have no recognition at all. With the UL497B recognition, our parts successfully passed several tests including Strike V oltage Breakdown test, Endurance Conditioning, Temperature test, Dielectric V oltage-Withstand test, Discharge test and several more. Whereas, some competitors have only passed a flammability test for the package material, we have been recognized for much more to be included in their Protector category.*Applies to 1.5KE6.8CA – 1.5KE250CACLIPPER BIDIRECTIONAL DEVICES1.Clipper-bidirectional devices are available in the1.5KEXXA series and are designated with a “CA”suffix; for example, 1.5KE18CA. Contact your nearest ON Semiconductor representative.2.Clipper-bidirectional part numbers are tested in bothdirections to electrical parameters in preceeding table (except for V F which does not apply).3.The 1N6267A through 1N6303A series are JEDECregistered devices and the registration does not includea “CA” suffix. To order clipper-bidirectional devicesone must add CA to the 1.5KE device title.OUTLINE DIMENSIONS1500 Watt Mosorb tTransient Voltage Suppressors – Axial LeadedMOSORB CASE 41A–04ISSUE DDIMA MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERS0.3350.3748.509.50INCHES B 0.1890.209 4.80 5.30D 0.0380.0420.96 1.06K 1.000---25.40---P---0.050--- 1.27NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.LEAD FINISH AND DIAMETER UNCONTROLLED IN DIMENSION P.4.041A-01 THRU 041A-03 OBSOLETE, NEW STANDARD 041A-04.Mosorb is a trademark of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC.ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONJAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shinagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan 141–0031Phone: 81–3–5740–2700Email: r14525@。
5KE6V8(C)A - 1V5KE440(C)AV 8(C)A - 1 V5KE440(C)AV 8(C)A - 1 V5KE440(C)ADISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY , FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORTDEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices orsystems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant intothe body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whosefailure to perform when properly used in accordancewith instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationPreliminaryNo Identification Needed Obsolete This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.This datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.Formative or In Design First ProductionFull ProductionNot In ProductionMICROWIRE OPTOLOGIC OPTOPLANAR PACMAN POPPower247 PowerTrench QFET QSQT Optoelectronics Quiet SeriesFAST FASTr FRFETGlobalOptoisolator GTO HiSeC I 2CISOPLANAR LittleFET MicroFET MicroPakRev. H5âACExBottomless CoolFETCROSSVOLT DenseTrench DOMEEcoSPARK E 2CMOS TM EnSigna TM FACTFACT Quiet SeriesSILENT SWITCHER SMART START SPM STAR*POWER StealthSuperSOT -3SuperSOT -6SuperSOT -8SyncFET TinyLogic TruTranslationâââSTAR*POWER is used under licenseUHC UltraFET VCX â。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
©1998 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
1.5KE6.8(C)A - 1.5KE440(C)A
Transient Voltage Supressors
Electrical Characteristics
5 10 20 50 NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60Hz
5.80 6.40 7.02 7.78 8.55 9.40 10.2 11.1 12.8 13.6 15.3 17.1 18.8 20.5 23.1 25.6 28.2 30.8 33.3 36.8 40.2 43.6 47.8 53.0 58.1 64.1 70.1 77.8 85.5 94.0 102.0 111.0 128.0 136.0 145.0 154.0 171.0 185.0 214.0 256.0 300.0 342.0 376.0
Uni-directional Bi-directional (C) Device Reverse Stand-off Voltage VRWM (V)
TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted
Breakdown Voltage VBR (V) min max
Test Current IT(mA)
T A = T A max 8.3ms Single Half Sine-Wave JEDEC Method3.75
1.5KE220CA(WILLAS ELECTRONIC)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet」
反 向 电 压 6.8至 600伏
峰 值 脉 冲 功 率 1500瓦
1.5KE6.8 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5 1.5KE7.5 1.5KE8.2 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33 1.5KE33A 1.5KE36 1.5KE36A 1.5KE39 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56 1.5KE56A 1.5KE62 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100 1.5KE100A
Peak Forward Surge Current, (A) 40
0 25 50 75 100 125 150t Temperature ,Ta (℃)
10 Number of Cyclesat 60 Hz
图. 1 - 脉冲降额曲线
图. 2 - 最大非重复性
1.5KE6.8(C)A - 1.5KE440(C)A
Discrete POWER & Signal Technologies
1.5KE6.8(C)A - 1.5KE440(C)A
Features • • • • •
Glass passivated junction. 1500W Peak Pulse Power capability at 1.0 ms. Excellent clamping capability. Low incremental surge resistance. Fast response time; typically less than 1.0 ps from 0 volts to BV for unidirectional and 5.0 ns for bidirectional. Typical IR less than 1.0 µA above 10V.
Uni-directional Bi-directional (C) Device Reverse Stand-off Voltage VRWM (V)
TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted
Breakdown Voltage VBR (V) min max
Test Current IT(mA)
Max Clamping Voltage @IPPM VC(V)
Max Peak Pulse Surge Current IPPM (A)
Max Reverse Leakage VRWM IR (uA)*
1.5KE6.8(C)A 1.5KE7.5(C)A 1.5KE8.2(C)A 1.5KE9.1(C)A 1.5KE10(C)A 1.5KE11(C)A 1.5KE12(C)A 1.5KE13(C)A 1.5KE15(C)A 1.5KE16(C)A 1.5KE18(C)A 1.5KE20(C)A 1.5KE22(C)A 1.5KE24(C)A 1.5KE27(C)A 1.5KE30(C)A 1.5KE33(C)A 1.5KE36(C)A 1.5KE39(C)A 1.5KE43(C)A 1.5KE47(C)A 1.5KE51(C)A 1.5KE56(C)A 1.5KE62(C)A 1.5KE68(C)A 1.5KE75(C)A 1.5KE82(C)A 1.5KE91(C)A 1.5KE100(C)A 1.5KE110(C)A 1.5KE120(C)A 1.5KE130(C)A 1.5KE150(C)A 1.5KE160(C)A 1.5KE170(C)A 1.5KE180(C)A 1.5KE200(C)A 1.5KE220(C)A 1.5KE250(C)A 1.5KE300(C)A 1.5KE350(C)A 1.5KE400(C)A 1.5KE440(C)A
1.5KE20CA-TP,1.5KE20CA-TP,1.5KE20CA-TP,1.5KE39CA-TP,1.5KE39CA-TP, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
Features • & and Quick Response • ' ( ) * + + ) + , • • Maximum Ratings 2 , 3 0 0 1 +5 3 0 1 8 9:!0 / / * + ; < + = ) + ;0< + > 4 + 4 8 , "00 : 75 $ + , 4 7 4APPLICATION 8 2 , 4 . 0 . > + 4 + , 5( + > > + ' 4 ' ( + 4 . , , , , , ' + +, A, $ + / 4 / B 2 ' A, 0 ' % , + 5 $ ) + 5 ' 4 / . 8 3 2 4 , + ,( + $ ( "+, ( 1.5KE6.8(C )(A) THRU 1.5KE550(C)(A)omp onents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth ! "# $ % ! "# 8.3ms single half sine-wave6.8V to 550 Volts1500Watts Peak Power Dissipation use C or CA Suffix for types 1.5KE6.8 thru types 1.5KE 550 (e.g. 1.5KE6.8C ,1.5KE 550CA)10 Volts and under, TM Micro Commercial Components Excellent Clamping CapabilityUnidirectional - Type Number and Cathode Band Bidirectional - Type Number Only Marking:• Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant(Note 1) ("P" Suffix designates RoHS Compliant. See ordering information) • UL Recognized File#E 331408Notes:1.High Temperature Solder Exemption Applied, see EU Directive Annex 7.• Epoxy meets UL 94 V-0 flammability rating • Moisture Sensitivity Level 1A1/0B 1B= 21A1 /)A0>/0 A )>%-&@) >)A0)>- % )1@ >) ()A A1/0B A )- 3 >) =)A1/0B A )- 6 >) (1 ) A$- /C 0 1 < B /0 B 1 1 0/1B )- & >/)1=C >/1/) ()A =)A1/0B A ) - 4 $1F0$ $ B B A) )/0/0 ) )1@ A(1A= > A ) AA)B/ B0=0A) /0 B1TMMicro Commercial ComponentsUNI- POLAR BI-POLAR 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE6.8CA 5.80 6.457.141010.5144.810001.5KE7.5A 1.5KE7.5CA 6.407.137.881011.3134.55001.5KE8.2A 1.5KE8.2CA 7.027.798.611012.1125.62001.5KE9.1A 1.5KE9.1CA 7.788.659.50113.4113.4501.5KE10A 1.5KE10CA 8.559.5010.50114.5104.8101.5KE11A 1.5KE11CA 9.4010.5011.60115.697.451.5KE12A 1.5KE12CA 10.2011.4012.60116.791.051.5KE13A 1.5KE13CA 11.1012.4013.70118.283.551.5KE15A 1.5KE15CA 12.8014.3015.80121.271.751.5KE16A 1.5KE16CA 13.60 15.20 16.80 1 22.5 67.6 51.5KE18A 1.5KE18CA 15.3017.1018.90125.260.351.5KE20A 1.5KE20CA 17.1019.0021.00127.754.951.5KE22A 1.5KE22CA 18.8020.9023.10130.649.751.5KE24A 1.5KE24CA 20.5022.8025.20133.245.851.5KE27A 1.5KE27CA 23.1025.7028.40137.540.551.5KE30A 1.5KE30CA 25.6028.5031.50141.436.751.5KE33A 1.5KE33CA 28.2031.4034.70145.733.351.5KE36A 1.5KE36CA 30.8034.2037.80149.930.551.5KE39A 1.5KE39CA 33.3037.1041.00153.928.251.5KE43A 1.5KE43CA 36.8040.9045.20159.325.651.5KE47A 1.5KE47CA 40.2044.7049.40164.823.551.5KE51A 1.5KE51CA 43.6048.5053.60170.121.751.5KE56A 1.5KE56CA 47.8053.2058.80177.019.751.5KE62A 1.5KE62CA 53.0058.9065.10185.017.951.5KE68A 1.5KE68CA 58.1064.6071.40192.016.551.5KE75A 1.5KE75CA 64.1071.3078.801103.014.851.5KE82A 1.5KE82CA 70.1077.9086.101113.013.551.5KE91A 1.5KE91CA 77.8086.5095.501125.012.251.5KE100A 1.5KE100CA 85.50 95.00 105.00 1 137.0 11.1 51.5KE110A 1.5KE110CA 94.00105.00116.001152.010.051.5KE120A 1.5KE120CA 102.00114.00126.001165.09.251.5KE130A 1.5KE130CA 111.00124.00137.001179.08.551.5KE150A 1.5KE150CA 128.00143.00158.001207.07.351.5KE160A 1.5KE160CA 136.00152.00168.001219.0 6.951.5KE170A 1.5KE170CA 145.00162.00179.001234.0 6.551.5KE180A 1.5KE180CA 154.00171.00189.001246.0 6.251.5KE200A 1.5KE200CA 171.00190.00210.001274.0 5.551.5KE220A 1.5KE220CA 185.00209.00231.001328.0 4.651.5KE250A 1.5KE250CA 214.00237.00263.001344.0 4.451.5KE300A 1.5KE300CA 256.00285.00315.001414.0 3.751.5KE350A 1.5KE350CA 300.00332.00368.001482.03.251.5KE400A 1.5KE400CA 342.00380.00420.001548.0 2.851.5KE440A 1.5KE440CA 376.00418.00462.001602.0 2.551.5KE480A 1.5KE480CA 408.00456.00504.001658.02.351.5KE510A 1.5KE510CA 434.00485.00535.001698.02.151.5KE530A 1.5KE530CA 450.00503.50556.501725.02.151.5KE540A 1.5KE540CA 459.00513.00567.001740.02.051.5KE550A 1.5KE550CA 467.00522.50577.501760.0 2.05For bidirectional type having Vrwm of 10 volts and less, the IR limit is double.For parts without A , the VBR is ± 10%BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE V BR (V)MAX.@I T TEST CURRENT I T (mA)REVERSE STAND- OFF VOLTAGE V RWM (V)MCCPART NUMBERMAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE @Ipp Vc(V)PEAK PULSE CURRENT Ipp (A)REVERSE LEAKAGE @V RWM I R (µA)BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE V BR (V)MIN.@I T TM Micro Commercial Components 1.5KE6.8(C )(A)~1.5KE550(C)(A)Micro Commercial ComponentsOrdering Information :Device PackingPart Number-TP Tape&Reel: 1.2Kpcs/ReelPart Number-AP Ammo Packing: 1.2Kpcs/Ammo BoxPart Number-BP Bulk: 12Kpcs/Carton***IMPORTANT NOTICE***Micro Commercial Components Corp. reserve s the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein to make corrections, modifications , enhancements , improvements , or other changes . Micro Commercial Components Corp . does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights ,nor the rights of others . The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Micro Commercial Components Corp . and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.***LIFE SUPPORT***MCC's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of Micro Commercial Components Corporation.***CUSTOMER AWARENESS***Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. Micro Commercial Components (MCC) is taking strong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. MCC strongly encourages customers to purchase MCC parts either directly from MCC or from Authorized MCC Distributors who are listed by country on our web page cited below. Products customers buy either from MCC directly or from Authorized MCC Distributors are genuine parts, have full traceability, meet MCC's quality standards for handling and storage. MCC will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. MCC is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors.。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
POWER: 1500Wa t VOLTAGE RANGE: 6.8 - 440 VAXIAL LEADED TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESS DIODE1.5KE6.8A(CA) - 1.5KE440A(CA)6.8V – 440V Standoff VoltageCase: JEDEC DO-201AD Molded Plastic FeaturesGlass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response TimePlastic Case Material has UL FlammabilityMechanical DataTerminals: Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch Marking:Unidirectional – Device Code and Cathode Band Bidirectional – Device Code OnlyMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A =25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at T A = 25°C (Note 1, 2, 5) Figure 3P PPM 1500 MinimumW Peak Forward Surge Current (Note 3)I FSM 200A Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 1I PPM See Table 1A Steady State Power Dissipation (Note 2, 4)P M(AV) 5.0W Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +175°CNote: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Figure 1 and derated above T A = 25°C per Figure 4.2. Mounted on 40mm 2 copper pad.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. Lead temperature at 75°C = T L .5. Peak pulse power waveform is 10/1000µS.!!!!!!!Weight: 1.20 grams (approx.)!森美特94.085.57.0211.4510.513.4 1.5KE440CA1.5KE400CA 1.5KE350A 1.5KE220CA 1.5KE170CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE82CA (uA)R RMW RMW@V leakage Reverse CurrentPulse Peak (A)Vc(V)(mA)BR MAX CurrentMax.BR MIN @I Min.Volgtage Breakdown (V)(BI)(Uni)Voltage Stand-Off Reverse Maximum Clamping V T PP(V)V @I Volgtage Breakdown Test (V)V T Volgtage @I PP 1.5KE62CA 1.5KE56CA 1.5KE51CA 1.5KE47CA 1.5KE43CA 1.5KE39CA 1.5KE36CA 1.5KE33CA 1.5KE30CA 1.5KE27CA 1.5KE24CA 1.5KE22CA 1.5KE20CA 1.5KE18CA 1.5KE16CA 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE9.1CA 1.5KE8.2CA 1.5KE7.5CA 1.5KE6.8CA 1.5KE6.8A 1.5KE7.5A 1.5KE8.2A 1.5KE9.1A 1.5KE10A 1.5KE11A 1.5KE12A 1.5KE13A 1.5KE15A 1.5KE16A 1.5KE18A 1.5KE20A 1.5KE22A 1.5KE24A 1.5KE27A 1.5KE30A 1.5KE33A1.5KE36A 1.5KE39A 1.5KE43A 1.5KE47A 1.5KE51A 1.5KE56A 1.5KE300CA 1.5KE250CA 1.5KE200CA 1.5KE180CA 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE91CA 1.5KE75CA 1.5KE68CA 1.5KE62A 1.5KE68A 1.5KE75A 1.5KE82A 1.5KE91A 1.5KE100A 1.5KE110A 1.5KE120A 1.5KE130A 1.5KE160A 1.5KE170A 1.5KE180A 1.5KE200A 1.5KE220A 1.5KE250A 1.5KE300A 1.5KE400A 1.5KE440A1.5KE350CA 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 144.8 1000.06.407.13 7.88 10 11.3 134.5 500.0 7.79 8.61 10 12.1 125.6 200.0 7.78 8.65 9.55 1.0 113.4 50.0 8.55 9.50 10.5 1.0 14.5 104.8 10.0 9.40 10.11.6 1.0 15.6 97.4 5.0 10.212.6 1.0 16.7 91.0 5.011.1 12.4 13.7 1.0 18.2 83.5 5.0 12.8 14.3 15.8 1.0 21.2 16.8 1.0 22.5 67.6 5.0 15.3 17.1 18.9 1.0 25.2 60.3 5.0 17.1 19.0 21.0 1.0 27.7 54.9 5.0 18.820.923.1 1.0 30.6 49.7 5.020.5 22.8 25.2 1.0 33.2 45.8 5.023.1 25.7 28.4 1.0 37.5 40.5 5.0 25.6 28.5 31.5 1.0 41.4 36.7 5.0 28.2 31.4 34.7 1.0 45.7 33.3 5.030.8 34.2 37.8 1.0 49.9 30.5 5.033.3 37.1 41.0 1.0 53.9 28.2 5.0 36.8 40.9 45.2 1.0 59.3 25.6 5.0 40.2 44.7 49.4 1.0 64.8 23.5 5.0 43.648.553.6 1.0 70.1 21.7 5.047.8 53.2 58.8 1.0 77.0 19.7 5.053.0 58.9 65.1 1.0 85.0 17.9 5.058.1 64.6 71.4 1.0 92.0 16.5 5.0 64.1 71.3 78.8 1.0 103 14.8 5.0 70.1 77.9 86.1 1.0 113 13.5 5.0 77.8 86.5 95.5 1.0 125 12.2 5.095.0 105 1.0 137 11.1 5.0105 116 1.0 152 10.0 5.0102 114 126 1.0 165 9.2 5.0 111 124 137 1.0 179 8.5 5.0128 143 158 1.0 207 7.3 5.0136 152 168 1.0 219 6.9 5.0 145 162 179 1.0 234 6.5 5.0 154 171 189 1.0 246 6.2 5.0 171 190 210 1.0 274 5.5 5.0 185 209 231 1.0 328 4.6 5.0 214 237 263 1.0 344 4.4 5.0256 285 315 1.0 414 3.7 5.0300 333 368 1.0 482 3.2 5.0 342 380 420 1.0 548 2.8 5.0 376 418 462 1.0 600 2.5 5.0TYPE森美特255075100125150175200100755025T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.4Pulse Derating CurveA P K P U L S E D E R A T I N G (%P K P W R O R C U R R E N T )25507510012515017520002.55.0T ,LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.5,Steady State Power DeratingLP ,S T E A D Y S T A T E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )d 0.11.0T ,PULSE WIDTH (µs)Fig.3Pulse Rating Curvep 0.1101001.010100100010000P ,P E A K P U L S E P O W E R (k W )P0123I ,P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)P p pt,TIME (ms)Fig.1Pulse Waveform110100100010100100010,000V ,REVERSE STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Junction CapacitanceRWM C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j 森美特。
宁波德业全直流变频空调控制器功能规格书(版本:V1.0)宁波德业变频技术有限公司2012年10月目录1.室内机功能 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.室外机功能 (4)2.1.室外传感器功能 (4)2.2.室外风机功能 (4)2.3.四通阀功能 (4)2.4.电子膨胀阀功能 (5)3.压缩机温差频率控制 (8)3.1.制冷/制热模式压缩机温差频率控制 (8)3.2.除湿模式压缩机温差频率控制 (10)4.系统保护功能 (11)4.1.压缩机运行保护功能 (11)4.2.室外环境温度限频功能 (12)4.3.温度保护功能 (13)4.4.除霜功能 (14)4.5.输入电流保护功能 (15)4.6.压缩机预热功能 (16)5.测试功能 (17)5.1.系统能力测试功能 (17)5.2.室内应急按钮功能 (18)5.3.室内机短时功能 (18)5.4.收氟功能 (19)5.5.室内控制板自检功能 (19)5.6.室外机生产线测试(MCT)功能 (19)6.故障诊断与显示 (20)6.1.故障诊断 (20)6.2.故障显示 (27)1.室外机功能1.1.室外传感器功能1.2.室外风机功能●室外风机可根据需求选择单档交流风机、双档风速交流风机或者直流风机;●压缩机启动时,室外风机开启;压缩机停机时,室外风机延时30秒关闭;●室外风机选择双档风速交流风机或者直流风机时,档位控制方式如下:⏹制冷/除湿模式时,系统根据室外盘管温度(T4)设定室外风机的档位,如下图所示:⏹制热模式时,系统根据室外环境温度(T3)设定室外风机的档位,如下图所示:●制热模式除霜时,室外风机按照除霜动作要求运行。
在家庭自动化方面,1路5v 继电器可以用于控制灯光、电器等设备的开关,从而实现智能化控制。
Flame Test UL Flame Test:
UL1685 UL Loading
Plenum (Y/N):
Reference (Overall)
Previous Part Number:
22208250, 22208253, 22208226, 22208228
General Description:
CAT5 (100MHz), 1-Pair, U/UTP-Unshielded, Premise Cross-Connect Cable, 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors, PVC insulation
Usage (Overall)
Revision Number: 2 Revision Date: 06-19-2014
© 2017 Belden, Inc All Rights Reserved.
Although Belden makes every reasonable effort to ensure their accuracy at the time of this publication, information and specifications described herein are subject to error or omission and to change without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability. Belden provides the information and specifications herein on an "AS IS" basis, with no representations or warranties, whether express, statutory or implied. In no event will Belden be liable for any damages (including consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages) whatsoever, even if Belden has been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information or specifications described herein. All sales of Belden products are subject to Belden's standard terms and conditions of sale. Belden believes this product to be in compliance with EU RoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC, 27-Jan-2003). Material manufactured prior to the compliance date may be in stock at Belden facilities and in our Distributor’s inventory. The information provided in this Product Disclosure, and the identification of materials listed as reportable or restricted within the Product Disclosure, is correct to the best of Belden’s knowledge, information, and belief at the date of its publication. The information provided in this Product Disclosure is designed only as a general guide for the safe handling, storage, and any other operation of the product itself or the one that it becomes a part of. This Product Disclosure is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. Regulatory information is for guidance purposes only. Product users are responsible for determining the applicability of legislation and regulations based on their individual usage of the product.
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8(C)A - 1
V 8(C)A - 1 V
V 8(C)A - 1 V
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1. Life support devices or systems are devices or
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into
the body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose
failure to perform when properly used in accordance
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.
2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status Definition
Advance Information
No Identification Needed Obsolete This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.
This datasheet contains preliminary data, and
supplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.
This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.
Formative or In Design First Production
Full Production
Not In Production
Power247 PowerTrench QFET QS
QT Optoelectronics Quiet Series
GlobalOptoisolator GTO HiSeC I 2C
Rev. H5
Bottomless CoolFET
FACT Quiet Series
SuperSOT -3SuperSOT -6SuperSOT -8SyncFET TinyLogic TruTranslation
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