

USB 同步采样多功能数据采集设备 (U2500A)

USB 同步采样多功能数据采集设备 (U2500A)

Keysight U2500A 系列 USB 同步采样多功能数据采集设备用户指南声明版权声明© Keysight Technologies 2007 - 2017根据美国和国际版权法,未经 Keysight Technologies 事先允许和书面同意,不 得以任何形式(包括电子存储和检索或翻译为其他国家或地区语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。

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usb数据采集卡V52_32使⽤说明书USB 数据采集卡V5.2_32使⽤⼿册新郑市恒凯电⼦科技有限公司2016/3USB2.0总线AD 采集模块 32路同步单端输⼊16位 20KHz AD,192K FIFO 缓冲 2路12位0—10V 量程DA 输出16路单向输⼊⼝/16路单向输出⼝在开始使⽤前请仔细阅读下⾯说明检查打开包装请查验如下:USB数据采集卡V52_32⼀块配套电源及USB数据线安装将数据采集卡插⼊主机的任何⼀个USB2.0插槽中并将外部的输⼊、输出线连好。






(如有刊误,敬请批评指正!)⽬录⽬录 (2)⼀、USB数据采集卡V52_32说明 (4)USB数据采集卡V52_32板简介 (4)特点: (4)主要特点、性能: (5)AD部分: (5)DA输出 (5)开关量输⼊输出 (5)软件⽀持: (6)其他特性 (6)⼆、原理说明 (7)2-1:模拟输⼊输出接⼝ (7)AD数据排列 (7)AD数据转换 (7)内部定时器时钟与外部时钟 (7)触发开始采样 (8)过采样及相关说明 (8)2-2:开关量部分的原理: (10)2-3:模拟输出DA (10)三、安装与连接 (11)3-1:安装 (11)关于USB (11)USB延长线 (11)3-2:信号连接注意事项 (11)3-3:连接器插座定义 (12)16 DIN定义: (12)16 DOUT定义: (13)3-4:配套端⼦板 (13)四、软件 (15)4-1:软件安装与说明 (15)软件说明 (15)驱动安装 (16)测试软件安装 (19)4-2:接⼝函数说明 (22)设备操作函数 (22)AD操作函数 (23)DA操作函数 (25)单向开关量输⼊操作函数 (25)单向开关量输出操作函数 (26)4-3:VC程序编程说明 (28)4-4 Labview程序编程说明 (29)⼀、USB数据采集卡V52_32说明USB数据采集卡V52_32板简介USB数据采集卡V5.2_32是⼀款基于USB总线的⾼性能多功能数据采集卡,具有32路单端16位⾼速同步模拟信号采集(最⾼同步采样速率50KSPS,同步采样即每通道都是50KSPS)、2路12位模拟信号输出(只有单次低速输出模式)、16路数字信号单向输⼊/16路数字信号单向输出。



USB数据采集卡 V5.0使用说明书USB2.0 总线,与计算机隔离8路输入通道同步采集,可实时采集传输8路单端模拟量采集,2路DA模拟量输出2路PWM可编程频率占空比输出1路PWM频率脉宽测量,1路32位计数器端口8 路单向输入口/8 路单向输出口,采用光耦隔离新郑市恒凯电子科技有限公司2015/10在开始使用前请仔细阅读下面说明检查打开包装请查验如下:¾USB数据采集卡 V5.0一块;¾高屏蔽USB数据传输电缆一根;保修本产品自售出之日起一年内,用户遵守储存、运输和使用要求,而产品质量不合要求,凭保修单免费维修。




目录一、 USB 数据采集卡V5.0 说明 (1)1.1 板卡简介 (1)1.2 软件支持 (2)1.3 应用领域 (2)1.4 售后服务 (2)二、性能指标 (3)2.1 USB总线性能 (3)2.2 模拟信号输入 (3)2.3 模拟信号输出 (3)2.4 数字信号输入/输出 (3)2.5 PWM测量输入 (4)2.6 计数器 (4)2.7 PWM输出 (4)2.8、工作温度 (4)三、安装与连接 (5)3.1 安装 (5)3.1.1 关于USB (5)3.1.2 USB延长线 (5)3.2 信号连接注意事项 (5)3.4 端子定义及排序说明 (6)3.4 板子尺寸 (7)3.5 各类信号链接方式 (7)四、软件的安装与使用 (10)4.1 驱动的安装与软件的使用 (10)4.1.1 驱动的安装 (10)4.1.2 软件的使用 (12)4.2 接口函数说明 (16)4.2.1 设备操作函数 (16)4.2.2 AD操作函数概况 (17)4.2.3 其它输入输出操作函数 (20)4.2.4 多板卡同时使用相关函数 (23)4.2.5 过采样及相关说明 (24)五、客户程序使用采集卡教程 (28)5.1 VC编程教程 (28)5.2 编程教程 (28)5.3 LABVIEW编程教程 (29)5.4 Labwidows/CVI (32)一、 USB 数据采集卡V5.0 说明恒凯电子-USB数据采集卡采用USB2.0高速总线接口,总线极具易用性,即插即用,是便携式系统用户的最佳选择,可以完全取代以往的PCI卡。



物联网数据采集控制仪使用说明书Operating Instructions物联网数据采集控制仪使用说明书Operating Instructions仪器的商标(4)状态显示灯可以显示仪器工作状态,从左至右依次是: GPRS、充电、保护、过冲、浮充、放电、断电。

(5)电源开关( POWER)备用电池开关,当按钮被按下时,启用备用电池;当按钮弹起时,切断备用电池。

后面板说明物联网数据采集控制仪背面板如图1-2 所示。

图 1-2背面板(1)电源接口及开关仪器电源线接口以及开关,插上电源线,当开关处于位置“I”,接通仪器电源;当开关处于位置“O”,断开仪器电源。

(2)SIM 卡插槽可插 3G SIM 卡,用于 GPRS 模块进行无线数据传输。

(3)串口扩展外围接口仪器串口扩展模块的外围接口,可扩展 4 路串口。

(4)I/O 模块外围接口仪器的 I/O 扩展模块外围接口,可用于采集8 路模拟量与 12 路数字量。

(5)扩展板外部接口未使用,可插( 3)或( 4)模块,用于扩展串口或I/O 。

(6)扩展板外部接口未使用,可插( 3)或( 4)模块,用于扩展串口或I/O 。

(7)开关选择从 NOR 启动或者 NAND 启动,当开关拨到左端,选择从NAND 启动,当开关拨到右端,选择从NOR 启动。

(8)RS485 接口用于 485 通讯。

(9)CAN 接口CAN 总线通讯接口,可进行数据传输。


(11)MICRO USB 接口用于给仪器烧写程序。

(12)SD 卡槽可插 SD 卡,用于扩展存储。

(13)USB 接口双USB 接口。

(14)RJ45 网口及 USB 接口上端是 RJ45 网口,可以连接网线,用于与主机通讯;下端是双 USB 接口。

(15)串行及视频接口上端为串行通讯接口,下端为VGA 视频接口。

装箱清单1台主机箱1条电源线1本说明书1条串口线1个合格证1包螺丝1个名牌1本故障手册安装说明安装环境:温度 5℃~40℃之间;相对湿度在90%以下;大气压力在86~106kPa。

Agilent U2300A Series USB模块多功能数据采集设备数据表说明书

Agilent U2300A Series USB模块多功能数据采集设备数据表说明书

AgilentU2300A Series USB Modular Multifunction Data Acquisition DevicesData SheetFeatures• Up to 3 MSa/s sampling rate for a single channel • Functions as astandalone or modular unit• Easy to use—plug-and- play and hot-swappable with Hi-Speed USB 2.0• Up to 384 channels when incorporated into U2781A Agilent modular instrument chassis• Easy-to-use bundledsoftware for quick setupand data logging to PC • 12-bit or 16-bit A/Dresolution• 24-bit programmabledigital input/output• Self-calibrationcapability• Compatible with a widerange of ApplicationDevelopmentEnvironments• USBTMC 488.2 standards IntroductionAgilent U2300A Series USB modularmultifunction data acquisition (DAQ)devices are a high performance PCdata acquisition solution. The U2300ASeries DAQ devices consist of twofamilies—basic multifunction DAQand high density multifunction DAQ.The basic multifunction DAQ familycomes in four models while the highdensity multifunction DAQ family ismade up of three models.The U2300A Series DAQ devicesapplications extend across industrialand education environments. TheDAQ device is well suited for researchand development, manufacturing anddesign validation engineers, whorequire measurement devices with fastsampling rate.High Sampling RateThe U2300A Series DAQ devices havesampling rate of up to 3 MSa/s for asingle channel. When multiplechannels are confi gured, it cansample data up to 1 MSa/s. This fastsampling capability allows users toperform intermittent detection easily.This also makes it ideal when dealingwith high density analog input/outputsignals, especially with different inputranges and sampling requirements.Flexible Standalone orModular CapabilityThe U2300A Series DAQ devices areuniquely designed for the fl exibilityof functioning as a standalone ormodular unit. When used with theU2781A modular instrument chassis,the number of channels can reach upto 384 channels.Ease of UseThe U2300A Series DAQ devices areequipped with Hi-Speed USB 2.0interface for easy setup, plug-and-play,and hot swappable connectivity. Itsease-of-use makes it ideal for theeducation environment. Simplifyingthis further is the AgilentMeasurement Manager software thatoffers a simple interface for quicksetup, confi guration and measurementcontrol.Flexible System andControl OptionsPolling and continuous modeThe U2300A Series DAQ devices pro-vide two modes, the polling mode andthe continuous mode. The continuousmode has the ability to acquire datacontinuously once the trigger signal isreceived.Trigger sourcesU2300 Series offers immediate trigger (none), analog/external digital trigger, System Synchronous Interface (SSI)/star trigger and master/slave trigger sources. All these triggeroptions give you the capability to confi gure trigger sources during A/D and D/A operations. Master/slave trigger and SSI/star trigger are rec-ommended when USB modules are slotted into the Agilent U2781A USB modular instrument chassis.Predefi ned function generatorThe two analog output channelsoffered does not only provide DC voltage but also are capable of generating common and predefi ned waveforms such as sinusoid wave, square wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave and noise wave.Arbitrary WaveformU2300A Series supports arbitrary waveform, which allows user to generate arbitrary waveform via Agilent Measurement Manager application software or SCPI command.Burst modeBurst mode is an enhancement feature of U2300 Series DAQ that enable the DAQ to simulate in simultaneous mode for analog input acquisition. This enable users to perform sampling measurement up to the highest speedof the DAQ capability.Figure 1. Agilent Measurement Manager application software user interface Compatible with wide range of Application Development EnvironmentsThe Agilent U2300A DAQ devices are compatible with a wide range ofApplication Development Environments. This minimizes all the time taken by R&D and manufacturing engineers to use the devices in different software environments as they can program directly using SCPI commands.Listed below are the popular development environments and tools that the DAQ device is compatible with:• Agilent VEE and Agilent T&M Toolkit• Microsoft Visual , C/C++ and Visual Basic 6• LabVIEW• MATLAB® (Agilent U2300A Adaptor is available at /fi nd/U2300A) For more information, please visit /fi nd/U2300A.Product Characteristics and General Specifi cations REMOTE INTERFACE• Hi-Speed USB 2.0• USBTMC class devicePOWER REQUIREMENT• +12 VDC (TYPICAL)• 2 A (MAX) input rated currentPOWER CONSUMPTION+12 VDC, 550 mA maximumOPERATING ENVIRONMENT• Operating temperature from 0 °C to +55 °C• Relative humidity at 15% to 85% RH (non-condensing)• Altitude up to 2000 meters• Pollution Degree 2• For indoor use onlySTORAGE COMPLIANCE–20 °C to 70 °CSAFETY COMPLIANCECertifi ed with:• IEC 61010-1:2001/EN 61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition)• USA: UL61010-1: 2004• Canada: CSA C22.2 No.61010-1:2004EMC COMPLIANCE• IEC/EN 61326-1 1998• CISPR 11: 1990/EN55011:1991, Class A, Group 1• CANADA: ICES-001: 1998• Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS 2064.1SHOCK AND VIBRATIONTested to IEC/EN 60068-2IO CONNECTOR68-pin female VHDCI TypeDIMENSION (WxDxH)• 120.00 mm x 182.40 mm x 44.00 mm (with plastic casing)• 105.00 mm x 174.54 mm x 25.00 mm (without plastic casing)WEIGHT• 565 g (with plastic casing)• 400 g (without plastic casing)WARRANTYThree yearsSystem RequirementsPROCESSOR1.6 GHz Pentium IV or higherOPERATING SYSTEMOne of the following Microsoft® Windows® versions:• Windows XP Professional or Home Edition (Service Pack 1 or later)• Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4 or later)BROWSERMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higherAVAILABLE RAM512 MB or higher recommendedHARD DISK SPACE1 GBPREREQUISITES• Agilent IO Libraries Suite 14.2[1] or higher• Agilent T&M Toolkit 2.1 Runtime version[2]• Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.0 and 2.0[2][1] Available in Agilent Automation-Ready CD[2] Bundled with Agilent Measurement Manager software application installer Product Outlook and Dimension Front ViewRear ViewStandard Shipped Items• AC/DC Power Adapter• Power Cord• USB Extension Cable• L-Mount Kit (used with modularinstrument chassis)• Agilent U2300A Series DataAcquisition Devices and AgilentMeasurement Manager Quick Start Guide• Agilent USB Modular InstrumentU2300A & U2700A Series ProductReference CD-ROM• Agilent Automation-Ready CD (containsthe Agilent IO Libraries Suite)• Certifi cate of CalibrationOptional Accessories• U2901A Terminal block and SCSI-II 68-pinconnector with 1-meter cable• U2902A Terminal block and SCSI-II 68-pinconnector with 2-meter cable• U2718A 6-slot USB modular instrumentchassisElectrical Specifi cations[1] System Scynchronous Interface (SSI) and star trigger commands are used when the modular device is incorporated into the chassis.[2] Maximum external reference voltage for analog output channels (AO_EXT_REF) is ±10 V.[3] 20 minutes warm-up time is recommended.[1] System Synchronous Interface (SSI) and star trigger commands are used when the modular device is incorporated into the chassis.[2] Maximum external reference voltage for analog output channels (AO_EXT_REF) is ±10 V.[3] 20 minutes warm-up time is recommended.Electrical Measurement Specifi cations[1] Specifi cations are for 20 minutes of warm-up time, calibration temperature at 23 °C and input range of ±10 V.[2] Specifi cations are based on the following test conditions.Dynamic Range Test Model Number Test Conditions (DUT setting at ±10 V bipolar)• –3 dB small signal bandwidth • 1% THD large signal bandwidth U2351AU2352ASampling Rate:Input voltage:• –3 dB small signal bandwidth• 1% THD large signal bandwidth250 kSa/s10% FSRFSR –1 dB FS U2353AU2354ASampling Rate:Input voltage:• –3 dB small signal bandwidth• 1% THD large signal bandwidth500 kSa/s10% FSRFSR –1 dB FS[3] Specifi cations are based on the following test conditions.Dynamic Range Test Model Number Test Conditions (DUT setting at ±10 V bipolar)SFDR, THD, SINAD, SNR, ENOB U2351AU2352ASampling Rate:Fundamental Frequency:Number of points:Fundamental input voltage:250 kSa/s2.4109 kHz8192FSR –1 dB FS U2353AU2354ASampling Rate:Fundamental Frequency:Number of points:Fundamental input voltage:500 kSa/s4.974 kHz16384FSR –1 dB FS[1] Specifi cations are for 20 minutes of warm-up time, calibration temperature at 23 °C and input range of ±10 V.[2] Specifi cations are based on the following test conditions.Dynamic Range Test Model Number Test Conditions (DUT setting at ±10 V bipolar)• –3 dB small signal bandwidth • 1% THD large signal bandwidth U2355A Sampling Rate:Input voltage:• –3 dB small signal bandwidth• 1% THD large signal bandwidth250 kSa/s10% FSRFSR –1 dB FS U2356A Sampling Rate:Input voltage:• –3 dB small signal bandwidth• 1% THD large signal bandwidth500 kSa/s10% FSRFSR –1 dB FS U2331A Sampling Rate:Input voltage:• –3 dB small signal bandwidth• 1% THD large signal bandwidth3 MSa/s10% FSRFSR –1 dB FS[3] Specifi cations are based on the following test conditions.Dynamic Range Test Model Number Test Conditions (DUT setting at ±10 V bipolar)• –3 dB small signal bandwidth • 1% THD large signal bandwidth U2355A Sampling Rate:Fundamental Frequency:Number of points:Fundamental input voltage:250 kSa/s2.4109 kHz8192FSR –1 dB FS U2356A Sampling Rate:Fundamental Frequency:Number of points:Fundamental input voltage:500 kSa/s4.974 kHz16384FSR –1 dB FS U2331A Sampling Rate:Fundamental Frequency:Number of points:Fundamental input voltage:3 MSa/s29.892 kHz65536FSR –1 dB FSDC CharacteristicsAccuracy Specifi cationsAnalog Input1. The above specifi cations are typical for 23°C.2. Specifi cations are for 20 minutes warm-up and self calibration.3. The measurements are calculated with 100 points averaging of data.[1] Offset error is measured at midscale of full scale range.[2] Accuracy = +/– [% of |(Gain Error / (Measured value – Midscale of FSR))| + Offset Error]1. The above specifi cations are typical for 23°C.2. Specifi cations are for 20 minutes warm-up and self calibration.3. The measurements are calculated with 100 points averaging of data.[1] Offset error is measured at midscale of full scale range.[2] Accuracy = +/– [% of |(Gain Error / (Measured value – Midscale of FSR))| + Offset Error] Analog Output1. The above specifi cations are typical for 23°C.2. Specifi cations are for 20 minutes warm-up and self calibration.[1] Offset error is measured at 0 V.[2] Accuracy = +/– [% of |Gain Error/Output value| + offset voltage]Product specifi cations and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006, 2007Printed in USA, April 30, 20075989-5626EN。





2.LINUX基本命令的使用:ps, netstat, kill, ls, vi, df, ping, vi, tip, ifconfig, gunzip.第一部分数采仪基本说明一.外形介绍及功能说明1.外形请参看图2-1:2.功能:采集“环保数据采集装置”采集好的数据,将它们送给上端软件。



















主机扩展串口(Com)及控制台接口(Console),串口(Com)用于连接外接串口设备,如外置无线MODEM等,接制台接口(Console)即调试口,用于主机显示信息输出、终端连接、调试等;接口定义如下表所示COM ConsoleRJ45接口RJ45接口针号功能说明针号功能说明1 GND 1 GND2 —— 2 ——3 CTS 3 CTS4 RXD 4 RXD5 RTS 5 RTS6 TXD 6 TXD7 —— 7 —— 8VCC8VCC表2-13.相连着的一组串口(共2排,每排有4个)。



数据采集传输仪⽤户使⽤⼿册(V1[1].2)⽬录1.术语和定义 (3)2.按键及显⽰说明 (3)2.1.数码管 (3)2.2.LED灯 (3)2.3.按键 (4)2.4.遥控器(选配) (4)2.5.菜单说明 (5)2.5.1.菜单使⽤框图 (5)2.5.2.菜单结构 (6)2.5.3.说明 (8)3.主板指⽰灯及接⼝说明 (9)3.1.电源指⽰灯说明 (10)3.2.BDM接⼝说明 (10)3.3.跳线接⼝说明 (10)3.4.内置⽆线模块说明 (11)3.5.⽹络接⼝说明 (11)3.6.外部⽆线模块接⼝说明 (11)3.7.反控接⼝说明 (11)3.8.接线端⼦说明 (11)4.安装和操作注意事项 (13)5.常见故障及处理 (13)5.1.数采仪⾯板不能正确显⽰下位数据 (13)5.2.数采仪不能上报数据 (14)6.技术⽀持 (15)7.附录 (15)7.1.下位协议编码与含义对照表 (15)7.2.常⽤系统编码表 (17)7.3.常⽤污染因⼦编码表 (17)7.4.⼏种上报数据举例: (18)版本修订历史版本号修改⼈修改时间备注⽆⾼涛创建V1.1 ⾼涛2009-08-09V1.2 王照峰2009-12-231.术语和定义●数据采集传输仪:在以下⽂档中简称为“数采仪”。










1.概述1.1 引言该数据采集器采用当代微电子技术,对电力设备运行中的数据进行记录、存储、显示。





1.2 系统组成该数据采集器主要有五部分组成:电源单元、交流采样单元、处理单元、U盘存储单元、显示单元,框图如下图1所示。

图1 数据采集器框图1.3 功能介绍1.3.1 电力数据采集数据采集器能采集、存储、显示电力设备运行中的实时三相电压、三相电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因素、U盘读取之后的电能累计值。


1.3.2 数码显示该数据采集器面板采用数码管分别进行功能和数值显示。






1.3.3 数据管理和存储数据采集器每隔15分钟将电力运行数据存储在处理单元的控制芯片内部flash里面。





Part No. 第一版Company. 南京长距科技有限公司中国印刷2009 年3 月Hauley-U系列环保监控数据采集仪用户手册版权信息随附本产品发行的文件为2009年南京长距科技有限公司版权所有,并保留相关权利。





认可声明Intel®、Pentium® 和Celeron® 是Intel Corporation 的注册商标。

Microsoft® Windows 和MS-DOS 是Microsoft® Corp 的商标。



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8路(可扩展16路),12位A/D,0~20mA /4~20mA或0~5V
Operating Instructions



数采仪说明书-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1数采仪使用说明书目录1 前言................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。




2 安装和接线说明............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。





目录第一章功能及特点 (1)1.1 山珍II 型数据采集仪的原理 (1)1.2 山珍II 型数据采集仪的特点 (1)第二章技术指标 (3)2.1 技术指标 (3)2.2 工作环境指标 (4)第三章接口与按键 (6)3.1 硬件接口 (6)第四章操作说明 (7)4.1 显示 (7)4.2 设置菜单操作 (7)第五章安装说明 (11)5.1 SIM卡的安装 (11)5.2 信号电缆的连接 (11)第六章常见问题及处理 (14)6.1注意事项 (14)6.2常见故障 (14)6.3技术支持 (15)6.4免责申明 (15)附录 (16)附录一:常用因子编码表 (15)附录二:目前嵌入的协议内容及编码 (18)附录三:安装结构尺寸 (20)附录四:代码定义 (21)1第一章功能及特点1.1 山珍II 型数据采集仪的原理山珍II 型数据采集仪,与现场监测仪表连接,采集监测结果(如COD、PH等水污染物,二氧化硫、烟尘等气污染物,流量计等),并进行数据的处理和储存,并将各项数据如瞬时值、平均值、最小值、最大值以及环保实施设备的运行监测等,以(如GPRS/ CDMA、以太网等)方式通过网络传输层实时传送到控制室的通讯服务器,从而监控中心可以进行远距离监控、监测。

1.2 山珍II 型数据采集仪的特点●全智能。




GPRS /CDMA、以太网等,所有通讯方式可以同时使用,具有极高的通讯可靠性。


● 备用电源系统。











迷你USB数据采集卡使用说明书USB2.0 总线AD 采集模块12路单端模拟量采集,2路DA模拟量输出2路PWM可编程频率占空比输出1路PWM频率脉宽测量,1路32位计数器端口8 路单向输入口/8 路单向输出口新郑市恒凯电子科技有限公司2015/10在开始使用前请仔细阅读下面说明检查打开包装请查验如下:¾迷你USB数据采集卡 V2.0一块;¾高屏蔽USB数据传输电缆一根;保修本产品自售出之日起一年内,用户遵守储存、运输和使用要求,而产品质量不合要求,凭保修单免费维修。




目录一、 USB 数据采集卡V2.0 说明 (1)1.1 板卡简介 (1)1.2 软件支持 (2)二、性能指标 (3)2.1 USB总线性能 (3)2.2 模拟信号输入 (3)2.3 模拟信号输出 (3)2.4 数字信号输入/输出 (3)2.5 PWM测量输入 (4)2.6 计数器 (4)2.7 PWM输出 (4)2.8、工作温度 (4)三、安装与连接 (5)3.1 安装 (5)3.1.1 关于USB (5)3.1.2 USB延长线 (5)3.2 信号连接注意事项 (5)3.3 端子定义及排序说明 (6)3.4各类信号连接方式 (7)3.4.1 模拟量信号连接方式 (8)3.4.2 数字量信号的连接方式 (8)四、软件的安装与使用 (9)4.1 驱动的安装与软件的使用 (9)4.1.1 驱动的安装 (9)4.1.3 软件的安装 (11)4.1.4 软件的使用 (12)4.2 接口函数说明 (15)4.2.1 设备操作函数 (15)4.2.2 AD操作函数 (16)4.2.3 其它输入输出操作函数 (17)4.2.4 多板卡同时使用相关函数 (20)五、客户程序使用采集卡教程 (21)5.1 VC编程教程 (21)5.2 编程教程 (21)5.3 LABVIEW编程教程 (22)5.4 Labwidows/CVI (25)一、 USB 数据采集卡V2.0 说明恒凯电子-USB数据采集卡采用USB2.0高速总线接口,总线极具易用性,即插即用,是便携式系统用户的最佳选择,可以完全取代以往的PCI卡。

Agilent U1230系列手持数字多功能仪器数据手册说明书

Agilent U1230系列手持数字多功能仪器数据手册说明书

Agilent U1230 SeriesHandheld Digital Multimeter (DMM)Data SheetWhether it is dark, noisy or evendangerous, the U1230 Series handheld digital multimeter keeps you equipped with features that anticipate worst-case scenarios. The ergonomic shaped handheld allows you to single-handedly illuminate the test area with a built-in flashlight while selecting measurement functions using the rotary dial. Vsense performs non-contact voltage detection while continuity detection is made easy with the audible beeper alert and flashing backlight display. With the U1230 Series, you work better in the conditions you are in.• Built-in LED flashlight to illuminate test area • Flashing backlight as additional visual alert during continuity tests in noisy environments • Vsense to perform non-contact voltage detection • Data logging capability (stores up to 10 readings)• IR-to-USB connectivity to transfer data to PC for recordErgonomically shaped with a built-in flashlightBuilt for handheld users working in a poorly lit environment, the U1230 Series allows you to single-handedly illuminate your test area while making measurements with its easily activated built-in flashlight. Its ergonomicshape fits your hand, while the easily accessible rotary dial allows selection of measurement functions.Flashing backlight and beeping alert for continuity detectionThe U1230 Series is built for con-tinuity detection in dark and noisy environments. Its audible beep and flashing backlight display provides increased visual and audio alert to indicate continuity.Non-contact voltage detection with VsenseThe Vsense, a unique feature found in the U1233 Series performs non-contact voltage detection. It delivers more safety while making measurements in dangerous working environments by avoiding any contact with hot or live wires. Upon detection of voltage, it produces a unique combination of beeping alert and blinking LED light to make measure-ments more efficiently – especially in a dark or noisy environment.FeaturesTake a Closer LookLow input impedance to eliminate ghost voltagemeasurement Anti-slip rotary dial for easy measurementfunction selectionFlashing light and audible beep during presence of voltage 1Bar graph indication and frequency measurement pathVsense performs non-contact voltage detection 1Ease viewing with display backlight or built-in flashlightFigure 1. U1230 Series front viewFreezes and stores currentmeasurement value Allows flexibility to changemeasurement rangeFigure 2. The built-in flashlight as illustratedNotes:1. Only applicable for the U1233 SeriesDC specificationsNotes for DC voltage specifications:1. The accuracy of the 600 mV range is specified after the Null function is used to subtract the thermal effect (by shorting the test leads).2. For VZ(low input impedance) measurements, auto-ranging is disabled and the multimeter’s range is set to 600 V in the manual ranging mode.LOWNotes for resistance specifications:1. Overload protection: 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.2. Maximum open voltage is < +3 V.3. Built-in buzzer beeps when the resistance measured is less than 23 Ω ± 10 Ω. The multimeter can capture intermittent measurements longer than 1 ms.4. The accuracy of the 600 Ω to 6 kΩ range is specified after the Null function is used to subtract the test lead resistance and thermal effect (by shortingthe test leads).5. For the ranges of 6 MΩ and 60 MΩ, the RH is specified for < 60%.Notes for diode specifications:1. Overload protection: 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.2. Built-in buzzer beeps continuously when the voltage measured is less than 50 mV and beeps once for forward-biased diode or semiconductorjunctions measured between 0.3 V and 0.8 V (0.3 V ≤ reading ≤ 0.8 V).3. Open voltage for diode: < +3 V DC.4. The maximum display for diode measurements is 2100 counts.Notes for DC current specifications:1. Overload protection for 60 μA to 600 μA range: 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.2. Overload protection for 6 A to 10 A range: 11 A/1000 V; 10 × 38 mm fast-acting fuse.3. Specification for 10 A range: 10 A continuous. Add 0.3% to the specified accuracy when measuring signals > 10 A to 20 A for 30 seconds maximum. Aftermeasuring currents > 10 A, cool down the multimeter for twice the duration of the measured time before proceeding with low current measurements.4. Only applicable for the U1232/U1233 SeriesAC specificationsVoltage600 mV0.1 mV 1.0% + 3 2.0% + 3NA6 V0.001 V 1.0% + 3 2.0% + 3NA60 V0.01 V 1.0% + 3 2.0% + 3NA600 V0.1 V 1.0% + 3 2.0% + 3NA)30.1 V 2.0% + 3 4.0% + 3NA600 (VZLOWCurrent160 μA20.01 μA 1.5% + 3NA< 2.5 V/1 kΩ600 μA20.1 μA 1.5% + 3NA< 2.5 V/1 kΩ6 A30.001 A 1.5% + 3NA< 0.2 V/0.005 Ω10 A3, 40.01 A 1.5% + 3NA< 0.4 V/0.005 ΩNotes for true rms ac voltage specifications:1. Overload protection: 600 Vrms. For millivolt measurements, 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.2. Input impedance: 10 MΩ (nominal) in parallel with < 100 pF.3. VZinput impedance: 3 kΩ (nominal).LOWNotes for ac current specifications:1. AC current measurement not available for U1231A model.2. Overload protection for 60 μA to 600 μA range: 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.3. Overload protection for 6 A to 10 A range: 11 A/1000 V; 10 × 38 mm fast-acting fuse.4. Specification for 10 A range: 10 A continuous. Add 0.3% to the specified accuracy when measuring signals > 10 A to 20 A for 30 seconds maximum.After measuring currents > 10 A, cool down the multimeter for twice the duration of the measured time before proceeding with low current measurements.Capacitance specifications1000 nF 1 nF 1.9% + 2 4 times/second10 μF0.01 μF 1.9% + 2 4 times/second100 μF0.1 μF 1.9% + 2 4 times/second1000 μF 1 μF 1.9% + 2 1 time/second10 mF0.01 mF 1.9% + 20.1 time/secondNotes :1. Overload protection: 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.2. The accuracy of for all ranges is specified based on a film capacitor or better, and after the Null function is used to subtract the test lead resistanceand thermal effect (by shorting the test leads).3. The maximum display is 1200 counts.Temperature specificationsK–40 °C to 1372 °C 0.1 °C 1% + 1 °C –40 °F to 2502 °F0.1 °F1% + 1.8 °FNotes:1. The specification above is specified after 60 minutes of warm up time. If the unit is exposed during storage in high humidity (condensing) environment, 120 minutes of operating time is required instead.2. The accuracy does not include the tolerance of the thermocouple probe.3. Do not allow the temperature sensor to contact a surface that is energized above 30 Vrms or 60 V DC. Such voltages poses a shock hazard.4. Ensure that the ambient temperature is stable within ±1 ºC and that the Null function is used to reduce the test lead’s thermal effect and temperature offset. Before using Null function, set the multimeter to measure temperature without ambient compensation (°C) and keep the thermocouple probe as close as possible to the multimeter (avoid contact with any surface that has a different temperature from the ambient temperature).5. When measuring temperature with respect to any temperature calibrator, try to set both the calibrator and multimeter with an external reference (without internal ambient compensation). If both the calibrator and multimeter are set with internal reference (with internal ambient compensation), some deviations may show between the readings of the calibrator and multimeter, This difference is caused from the calibrator and multimeters’s ambient compensation. The deviation can be reduced by keeping the multimeter close to the output terminal of calibrator.6. The temperature calculation is specified according to the safety standards of EN/IEC-60548-1and NIST175.7. The approximate ambient temperature (cold-junction compensation) is shown on the display when you have an open thermocouple. The open thermocouple message may be due to broken (open) probe or because no probe is installed into the input jacks of the multimeter.Frequency specifications99.99 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.1% + 2 5 Hz999.9 Hz 0.1 Hz 0.1% + 29.999 kHz 1 Hz 0.1% + 299.99 kHz10 Hz0.1% + 2Notes:1. Overload protection: 600 V; input signal is < 20,000,000 V × Hz (product of voltage and frequency).Frequency sensitivity specifications600 mV in Scale mode50 mV50 mV50 mV 600 mV120 mV120 mV120 mV 6 V0.6 V0.6 V0.6 V 60 V 5.0 V 5.0 V 5.0 V 600 V50 V50 V50 VNotes:1. Maximum input for specified accuracy, refer to “AC specifications” on page 106 of the User Guide.60 μA30 μA30 μA600 μA30 μA30 μA6 A0.5 A0.5 A10 A0.5 A0.5 ANotes:1. Maximum input for specified accuracy, refer to “AC specifications” on page 106 of the User Guide.Scale transfer (mV)DC 600 mV0.1 mV0.5% + 22AC 600 mV0.1 mV 1.0 % + 3 @ 45 Hz to 500 Hz2.0 % + 3 @ 500 Hz to 1 kHzNotes:1. Overload protection: 600 Vrms for short circuits with < 0.3 A current.2. The accuracy of the DC 600 mV range is specified after the Null function is used to subtract the thermal effect (by shorting the test leads).3. Input impedance: 10 MΩ (typical).Display update rate (approximate)AC V (V or mV)55DC V (V or mV)55)11AC V/DC V (VZLOWScale transfer (mV)55Ω55Diode55 Capacitance 4 (< 100 μF) 4 (< 100 μF) DC A (μA, mA, or A)NA5AC A (μA, mA, or A)NA5 Frequency 1 (> 10 Hz) 1 (> 10 Hz)Power supplyBattery type • 4 × 1.5 V AAA Alkaline battery (ANSI/NEDA 24A or IEC LR03), or • 4 × 1.5 V AAA Zinc Chloride battery (ANSI/NEDA 24D or IEC R03)Battery life• 500 hours typical (based on new Alkaline batteries) with backlight and flashlight disabled Low battery indication• Low battery indicator will flash when the battery voltage drops below approximately 4.4 VPower consumption 450 mVA maximum (with backlight and flashlight enabled)Fuse 10 × 38 mm 11 A/1000 V fast-acting fuseDisplayLiquid crystal display (LCD) (with maximum reading of 6600 counts)Operating environment• Operating temperature from –10 °C to 55 °C, 0% to 80% RH• Full accuracy up to 80% RH for temperatures up to 30 °C, decreasing linearly to 50% RH at 55 °C • Altitude up to 2000 meters •Pollution degree IIStorage compliance –40 °C to 60 °C, 0% to 80% RH without batteriesSafety compliance EN/IEC 61010-1:2001, ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004, and CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04Measurement category CAT III 600 VElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Commercial limits compliance with EN61326-1Temperature coefficient 0.1 × (specified accuracy) / °C (from –10 °C to 18 °C, or 28 °C to 55 °C)Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)> 100 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz (1 kΩ unbalanced)Normal Model Rejection Ration (NMRR)> 60 dB at 50/60 Hz Dimensions (H x W x D)169 mm × 86 mm × 52 mmWeight U1232A and U1233A: 371 grams (with batteries and holster)U1231A: 365 grams (with batteries and holster)Warranty • Three years for product 1• Three months for product’s accessories Calibration cycleOne yearNotes:1. Please take note that for the product, the warranty does not cover: • Damage from contamination• Normal wear and tear of mechanical components • Manuals, fuses, and batteriesSpecification assumptions• Accuracy is given as ±(% of reading + counts of least significant digit) at 23 °C ± 5 °C, with relative humidity less than 80% RH.• AC V and AC A specifications are AC coupled, true RMS and are valid from 5% of range to 100% of range.• The crest factor may be up to 3.0 at full- scale (4000 counts)• For non- sinusoidal waveforms, add (2% reading + 2% full scale) typical.• After VZ LOW (low input impedance) voltage measurements, wait at least 20 minutes for thermal impact to cool before proceeding with any other measurement.Ordering InformationStandard U1231A, U1232A and U1233A include:• Quick Start Guide• Certificate of Calibration (CoC)• U1167A 4 mm Tips probes test leads• 4 x 1.5 V batteriesU1174A Soft carrying caseU1168A Standard test lead kitU1173A IR-to-USB cableU1171A Magnetic hanging kit/find/dmmAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience. AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA ® for general purpose and semiconductor test. Agilent is a founding member of the AXIe consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Agilent Advantage Services is com-mitted to your success throughout your equipment’s lifetime. We share measurement and service expertise to help you create the products that change our world. To keep you com-petitive, we continually invest in tools and processes that speed up calibra-tion and repair, reduce your cost of ownership, and move us ahead of your development curve./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3500Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 70 13 15 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201For other unlisted Countries:/find/contactusRevised: October 14, 2010Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011Printed in USA, May 6, 20115990-7550ENAgilent U1177AIR-to-Bluetooth Adapter Data SheetLow battery indication: Red LED flashingBluetooth ® disconnected: Green LED flashingBluetooth ® connected: Green solid LEDBluetooth ® power off: LED offON/OFF/Setup slide switchFigure 2. The U1177A as illustratedTake a closer lookAgilent Mobile Meter is a free Android application software that allows an Android device to connect, control and perform up to 3 multimeter measure-ments. Without the need to be physically present at various points, users can now extend their reach to two or three places. This solution allows you to make measurements from a safe distance, eliminates the need to walk back-and-forth between measure target and control points, and monitors multiple measure-ments simultaneously. Achieve higher work productivity when you use the U1177A with your Agilent handheld digital multimeters.Perform up to three multimeter measurements at the same timewith Agilent Mobile Meter Figure 4. Up to three multimeters measurements with the Agilent Mobile Meter Figure 5. Make measurements with the Agilent Mobile Meter via an Android smart phoneData logging is an important function for industrial users to capture data streams or plotting trending graphs. These data and graphs are used for analysis to identify intermittent behavior or detect drifts. Agilent Mobile Logger is the free Android application software that logs data and provides trending graphs from Agilent handheld digital multimeters. Agilent Mobile Logger offers an array of extended functions such as sending e-mail or Short Message Service (SMS) automatically, and pan and zoom function via the Android device’s touch screen. Alternatively, data logging and monitoring activities can also be performed at the comfort of one’s Personal Computer (PC) via a downloadable Agilent GUI data logger software.Perform data logging with multimeters – wirelessly!Notes: 1. Agilent Mobile Meter and Agilent Mobile Logger can be downloaded from /find/hh-Android or from Android Market (https:///)2. Agilent GUI Data Logger Software can be /find/hh-logger Figure 3. Data logging with AgilentMobile Logger software.• Antenna Power: 1 mW or less• Number of Channels: 79Specifications• Modulation: GFSK / PSKOperating environment Operating temperature from –20 to 55 °CStorage environment Storage temperature from –40 to 70 °CRelative humidity (R.H.)Relative humidity up to 95% at 40 °C (non-condensing)Power consumption Maximum 130 mVA for two 1.5 V AAA batteriesBattery life30 hours typical (based on continuous data transfer)Battery type Alkaline 24 A (ANSI/NEDA) and LR03 (IEC), or Zinc Chloride 24 D (ANSI/NEDA)and R03 (IEC)Dimension (W x H x L)39.0 × 71.0 × 37.0 mmWeight60 g with batteriesWarranty Three monthsBluetooth"Bluetooth" Version 2.1 + EDR compliant, SPP profile, Class 2 device(with 10 metres connection range)Safety The U1177A complies with the requirements of the following safety and regulationstandards:• FCC Part15C (Certification) (15.209, 15.247) FCC ID: ZKMAGILENT-U1177A• FCC Part15B (DoC) (15.109)• RSS–210 Issue 8:2010 IC: 6310A–U1177A• ICES–003 Issue 4:2004• EN 300 328 V1.7.1:2008• EN 301 489–1V1.8.1:2008/–17 V2.11:2009• EN 55022:2006+A1:2007/EN55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003• EN 50371:2002• EN 60950–1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010• Complies with IDA Standards (DB 102425)• India Equipment Type Approval (ETA) Certificate No: 1424/2011/WRLO• COFETEL Certificate No: RCPAGU111-1066, registered under Agilent TechnologiesMexico S de RL de CV"This telecommunication equipment conforms NTC technical requirement"Standard shipped items:• Two 1.5 V AAA batteries• Operating instructionsFor more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204I srael 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries: /find/contactus Revised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, February 2, 20125990-9531EN /find/U1177A Agilent Advantage Services is committed to your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive, we continually invest in tools and processes that speed up calibration and repair and reduce your cost of ownership. You can also use Infoline Web Services to manage equipment and services more effectively. By sharing our measurement and service expertise, we help you create the products that change our /quality /find/advantageservices Agilent Email Updates /find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. LAN eXtensions for Instruments putsthe power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA for general purpose and semiconductor test. Agilent is a founding member of the AXIe consortium. PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.。



文件编号:LDKX-YF—38—04状态:利达科信环境安全技术文件名称:数采仪维护使用手册产品名称:污染源在线自动监控(监测)数据采集传输仪产品型号:KSJK-802(A)版号:共32页目录一、产品介绍---------------------------------------------------------1二、产品特点---------------------------------------------------------1三、功能简介------------------------------------------------------1~3四、技术参数------------------------------------------------------3~7五、使用说明------------------------------------------------------7~9六、调试说明-----------------------------------------------------9~28七、日常维护----------------------------------------------------28 ~30八、故障处理-------------------------------------------------- -30~31一、产品介绍KSJK-802(A)数据采集仪是我公司专门针对环境保护部门发布的《污染源在线自动监控(监测)系统数据传输标准》开发的新一代无线数据采集通讯终端。


瑞博华 RBH8275 12 位 32 通道 AD USB 总线高速微型采集器使用说明书

瑞博华 RBH8275 12 位 32 通道 AD USB 总线高速微型采集器使用说明书

USB总线高速微型采集器1000Ksps采集速度12位32通道AD8通道数字入/8通道数字出5路脉冲采集RBH8275使用说明书北京瑞博华控制技术有限公司 二0一0年二月1000Ksps采集速度16位32通道AD8通道数字入/8通道数字出5路脉冲采集RBH8275使用说明书一、性能特点:本板采用USB2.0总线接口的同步采集器。












Agilent U1240 Series手持数字多功能仪说明书

Agilent U1240 Series手持数字多功能仪说明书

The Agilent U1240 Series handheld digital multimeters enable you to check more with wider measurement ranges. They feature true RMS readings on their 10,000-count displays. The adjustable backlighting allows you to complete your jobs even in subdued lighting conditions, or to simply prolong battery life. Your maintenance tasks are greatly simplified due to the built-in switch counter, harmonic ratio, dual and differential temperature capabilities, with just a press of the button. The meters have a high safety rating with CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 V protection and are certified to CE and CSA standards. On top of that, the U1240 Series comes with a certificate of calibration and test report – at no extra cost.The latest multimeters in this series; the U1241B and U1242B, now come in vivid orange cases, offering capabilities and functions equivalent to the U1240A Series.Functions and ranges at a glanceKey FeaturesCheck more, fix more• 10,000-count display• 0.09% basic DCV accuracy• True RMS AC measurement• Basic functions — ACV, DCV,ACI, DCI, resistance, frequency,diode, continuity tests• Advanced functions —Capacitance, temperature,MINMAX recordingEase of use• Adjustable backlighting— 2 intensity levels• Manual data logging(U1242A/U1242B only)• Built-in switch counter, harmonicratio (U1242A/U1242B only),dual/differential temperaturecapabilities (U1242A/U1242B only)Built to last• Overmold body casing• CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 Vsafety protection• Certified to CE and CSA standards• Operating temperature:–10 o C to 55 °CAgilent U1240 Series HandheldDigital MultimetersHelping You Check and Fix More Installation andMaintenance BugsData Sheet[1] Input impedance: 10 M W (nominal).[2] Current can be measured up to 440 mA continuously. An additional 0.2% needs to be added to the specified accuracy if the signal measured is in the range of440 mA to 1100 mA for 30 seconds maximum. After measuring a current of > 440 mA, leave the meter to cool down for twice the measuring time used beforeapplying a low current measurement.[3] Current can be measured up to 10 A continuously with a maximum operating temperature of 50 °C. An additional 0.3% needs to be added to the specified accuracy if the signal measured is in the range of 10 A to 19.999 A for 15 seconds maximum. After measuring a current of > 10 A, leave the meter to cool down for 60 seconds before applying a low current measurement.[4] The maximum open voltage is < 2.8 V. For instant continuity, the built-in buzzer sounds when resistance is < 10.0 W.[5] The accuracy of 1 k W and 10 k W is specified after Null function, which is used to substrate the test lead resistance and the thermal effect.[6] For the range of 100 M W, the R.H. is specified for < 60%. The temperature coefficient will be 0.15 times of specified accuracy as > 50 M W.[7] Overload protection: 1000 V RMS for circuits < 0.3 A short circuit current. The built-in buzzer sounds when reading is approximately below 50 mV and audible single tone for normal forward biased diode or semiconductor junction as 0.3 V ≤ Reading ≤ 0.8 V.[8] Input impedance: 10 M W (nominal) in parallel with <100 pF, with overload protection of 1000 V RMS[9] Crest factor ≤ 3. For non-sinusoidal waveforms with crest factor up to 3, add 2% reading + 2% full scale typical.[10] Current can be measured from 50 mA to 440 mA continuously. An additional 0.2% needs to be added to the specified accuracy if the signal measured is in the range of 440 mA to 1100 mA for 30 seconds maximum. After measuring a current of > 440 mA, leave the meter to cool down for twice the measuring time used beforeapplication of low current measurement.[11] Current can be measured from 0.5 A up to 10 A continuously with a maximum operating temperature of 50 °C. An additional 0.3% needs to be added to thespecified accuracy if the signal measured is in the range of 10 A to 19.999 A for 15 seconds maximum. After measuring a current of >10 A, leave the meter to cool down for 60 seconds before applying a low current measurement.[12] AC voltage and AC current specifications are AC coupled. True R.M.S. Measurement is valid from 5 % of range to 100 % of range.TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONSCAPACITANCE SPECIFICATIONSHARMONIC RATIO SPECIFICATIONSSWITCH COUNTER DEFINITION[1] Effective frequency measurement of up to 200 kH; refer to frequency sensitivity table below for details.FREQUENCY SENSITIVITY DURING VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTFREQUENCY SENSITIVITY DURING CURRENT MEASUREMENTMEASURING RATESTANDARD SHIPPED ITEMS• Four 1.5 V AAA Alkaline Batteries • Certificate of Calibration (CoC)• Test Probe Leads (19-mm and 4-mm tips)• Quick Start GuideOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESORDERING INFORMATIONMEASURING ACCESSORIES (NON-TEMPERATURE)U1160A Standard test lead kitIncludes two test leads (red and black), alligator clips,fine-tip test probes, SMT grabbers and mini grabber(black).• Test leads: CAT III 1000 V, 15 A• Alligator clips: CAT III 1000 V, 10 A• Fine-tip test probes: CAT II 300 V, 3 A• SMT grabbers: CAT II 300 V, 3 A• Mini grabber: CAT II 300 V, 3 AU1163A SMT grabbers• One pair of SMT grabbers (red and black).Recommended for use with Agilent standard testleads.• Rated CAT II 300 V, 3 A.U1161A Extended test lead kitIncludes two test leads (red and black), two test probes,medium-sized alligator clips and 4-mm banana plugs.• Test leads: CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V, 15 A• Test probes: CAT III 1000 V, 15 A• Medium-sized alligator clips: CAT III 600 V, 10 A• 4-mm banana plugs: CAT II 600 V, 10 AU1164A Fine-tip test probes• One pair of fine-tip test probes (red and black).Recommended for use with Agilent standardtest leads.• Rated CAT II 300 V, 3 A.U1162A Alligator clips• One pair of insulated alligator clips (red and black).Recommended for use with Agilent standard testleads.• Rated CAT III 1000 V, 10 A.U1165A Test probe leads• Rated CAT III 1000 V, 15 AU1583B AC current clamp• Dual range: 40 A and 400 A• Rated CAT III 600 V• BNC-to-banana-plug adapter provided foruse with DMMsU1169A Test probe leadsIncludes two test leads (red and black), and a pair eachof 19-mm and 4-mm test probes.• Test leads: CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V, 15 A• Test probes (19-mm tip): CAT III 1000 V, CATIV 600 V, 15 A• Test probes (4-mm tip): CAT III 1000 V, CATIV 600 V, 15 A (highly recommended for CAT IVenvironment)U1168A Standard test lead kitIncludes two test leads (red and black), 19-mm and4-mm test probes, alligator clips, fine-tip test probes,SMT grabbers and mini grabber (black).• Test leads: CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V, 15 A• Test probes (19-mm tip): CAT III 1000 V, CATIV 600 V, 15 A• Test probes (4-mm tip): CAT III 1000 V, CATIV 600 V, 15 A (highly recommended for CAT IVenvironment)• Alligator clips: CAT III 1000 V, 10 A• Fine-tip test probes: CAT II 300 V, 3 A• SMT grabber: CAT II 300 V, 3 A• Mini grabber: CAT II 300 V, 3 AU1241A U1242AU1241B U1242BHANGING KITCARRYING CASE U1171A Magnetic hanging kitFor fastening of DMM to a steel surface so both hands are free.U1172A Transit case (aluminium-clad)The robust casing to transport your DMM and accessories• Aluminum-clad, black panel construction • Dimension: 18” (H) x 13” (W) x 6“ (D)• Weight: 4 kgU1174A Soft carrying caseThe convenient way to carry your DMM and essential accessories•Dimension: 9” (H) x 5” (W) x 3” (D)MEASURING ACCESSORIES (TEMPERATURE)U1180A Thermocouple adapter+lead kit, J and K typesIncludes thermocouple adapter, thermocouple bead J-type and thermocouple bead K-type.• T/C adapter J/K-type• T/C bead J-type: –20 °C to 200 °C • T/C bead K-type: –20 °C to 200 °CU1183A Air temperature probe• Type-K T/C for use in air and non-caustic gas • Measurement range: –50 ºC to 800 ºC• Includes adapter U1184A for connection to DMMU1186A K-type thermocouple and adapter• T/C adapter J/K-type• T/C bead J-type: –20 °C to 200 °CU1181A Immersion temperature probe• Type-K T/C for use in oil and other liquids • Measurement range: –50 °C to 700 ºC• Includes adapter U1184A for connectionto DMMU1184A Temperature probe adapter • Mini-connector-to-banana-plug adapter for use with DMM U1182A Industrial surface temperature probe• Type-K T/C for use on still surfaces • Measurement range: –50 ºC to 400 ºC• Includes adapter U1184A for connection to DMMU1185A J-type thermocouple and adapter• T/C adapter J/K-type • T/C bead J-type: –20 °C to 200 °CAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LXI is the LAN-based successor to GPIB, providing faster, more efficient connectivity. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partners/find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.AmericasCanada (877) 894 4414Latin America 305 269 7500United States (800) 829 4444 Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Thailand 1 800 226 008 Europe & Middle East Austria 43(0)136****1571Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 70 13 15 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55Switzerland 0800 80 53 53United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201Other European Countries: /find/contactusRevised: October 1, 2009/find/handhelddmmFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009Printed in USA, November 30, 20095989-7040ENProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.Remove all doubtOur repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you,performing like new, when promised. You will get full value outof your Agilent equipment through-out its lifetime. Your equipmentwill be serviced by Agilent-trained technicians using the latest factorycalibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. Youwill always have the utmost confidencein your measurements. For informa-tion regarding self maintenance of thisproduct, please contact your Agilentoffice.Agilent offers a wide range of additionalexpert test and measurement servicesfor your equipment, including initial start-up assistance, onsite educationand training, as well as design, system integration, and project management. For more information on repair and calibration services, go to:/find/removealldoubtAgilent U1177AIR-to-Bluetooth Adapter Data SheetLow battery indication:Red LED flashingBluetooth ® disconnected:Green LED flashing Bluetooth ® connected:Green solid LED Bluetooth ® power off:LED offON/OFF/Setup slide switchFigure 2. The U1177A as illustratedTake a closer lookAgilent Mobile Meter is a free Android application software that allows an Android device to connect, control and perform up to 3 multimeter measure-ments. Without the need to be physically present at various points, users can now extend their reach to two or three places. This solution allows you to make measurements from a safe distance, eliminates the need to walk back-and-forth between measure target and control points, and monitors multiple measure-ments simultaneously. Achieve higher work productivity when you use the U1177A with your Agilent handheld digital multimeters.Perform up to three multimeter measurements at the same timewith Agilent Mobile Meter Figure 4. Up to three multimeters measurements with the Agilent Mobile Meter Figure 5. Make measurements with the Agilent Mobile Meter via an Android smart phoneData logging is an important function for industrial users to capture data streams or plotting trending graphs. These data and graphs are used for analysis to identify intermittent behavior or detect drifts. Agilent Mobile Logger is the free Android application software that logs data and provides trending graphs from Agilent handheld digital multimeters. Agilent Mobile Logger offers an array of extended functions such as sending e-mail or Short Message Service (SMS) automatically, and pan and zoom function via the Android device’s touch screen. Alternatively, data logging and monitoring activities can also be performed at the comfort of one’s Personal Computer (PC) via a downloadable Agilent GUI data logger software.Perform data logging with multimeters – wirelessly!Notes: 1. Agilent Mobile Meter and Agilent Mobile Logger can be downloaded from /find/hh-Android or from Android Market (https:///)2. Agilent GUI Data Logger Software can be /find/hh-logger Figure 3. Data logging with AgilentMobile Logger software.• Antenna Power: 1 mW or less• Number of Channels: 79Specifications• Modulation: GFSK / PSKOperating environment Operating temperature from –20 to 55 °CStorage environment Storage temperature from –40 to 70 °CRelative humidity (R.H.)Relative humidity up to 95% at 40 °C (non-condensing)Power consumption Maximum 130 mVA for two 1.5 V AAA batteriesBattery life30 hours typical (based on continuous data transfer)Battery type Alkaline 24 A (ANSI/NEDA) and LR03 (IEC), or Zinc Chloride 24 D (ANSI/NEDA)and R03 (IEC)Dimension (W x H x L)39.0 × 71.0 × 37.0 mmWeight60 g with batteriesWarranty Three monthsBluetooth"Bluetooth" Version 2.1 + EDR compliant, SPP profile, Class 2 device(with 10 metres connection range)Safety The U1177A complies with the requirements of the following safety and regulationstandards:• FCC Part15C (Certification) (15.209, 15.247) FCC ID: ZKMAGILENT-U1177A• FCC Part15B (DoC) (15.109)• RSS–210 Issue 8:2010 IC: 6310A–U1177A• ICES–003 Issue 4:2004• EN 300 328 V1.7.1:2008• EN 301 489–1V1.8.1:2008/–17 V2.11:2009• EN 55022:2006+A1:2007/EN55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003• EN 50371:2002• EN 60950–1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010• Complies with IDA Standards (DB 102425)• India Equipment Type Approval (ETA) Certificate No: 1424/2011/WRLO• COFETEL Certificate No: RCPAGU111-1066, registered under Agilent TechnologiesMexico S de RL de CV"This telecommunication equipment conforms NTC technical requirement"Standard shipped items:• Two 1.5 V AAA batteries• Operating instructionsFor more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204I srael 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries: /find/contactus Revised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, February 2, 20125990-9531EN /find/U1177A Agilent Advantage Services is committed to your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive, we continually invest in tools and processes that speed up calibration and repair and reduce your cost of ownership. You can also use Infoline Web Services to manage equipment and services more effectively. By sharing our measurement and service expertise, we help you create the products that change our /quality /find/advantageservices Agilent Email Updates /find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. LAN eXtensions for Instruments putsthe power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA for general purpose and semiconductor test. Agilent is a founding member of the AXIe consortium. PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.。

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5. 请不要在潮湿环境中打开设备。

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7. 请不要把设备放置在超出我们建议的环境范围,即温度不要高过55°C (131°F),这有可能会损坏设备。

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13. 如遇下列情况,请由专业人员来维修:a. 电源线或者插头损坏;b. 设备内部有液体流入;c. 设备曾暴露在过于潮湿或长期处于腐蚀性气体的环境中使用;d. 设备无法正常工作,或您无法通过用户手册来使其正常工作;e. 设备跌落或者损坏;f. 设备有明显的外观破损。

14. 注意:数采仪配置了由电池供电的电路,如果电池放置不正确,将有爆炸的危险。


15. 本品符合FCC条例第15款限制。

16. 本产品使用AC220V电源,随机附电源线。

















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