Analytical and experimental study of a skew bridge model
84 (2014) 41–49.
SCI 1区
Analytical study of impact of the wick’s fractal parameters to the heat transfer capacity of a novel micro-channel loop heat pipe
2014.9- 2018.12
Applied Energy
178 (2016) 484-495
SCI 1区
Clear-days operational performance of a hybrid experimental space heating system employing the novel mini-channel solar thermal & PV/T panels and a heat pump
JACS所有25位副主编列表:/page/jacsat/editors.htmlEric V. Anslyn: Supramolecular Analytical Chemistry, small molecule therapeutics/research/sm.htmlStephen J. Lippard: bioinorganic chemistry. The core activities include both structural and mechanistic studies of macromolecules as well as synthetic inorganic chemistry. The focus is on the synthesis, reactions, physical and structural properties of metal complexes as models for the active sites of metalloproteins and as anti-cancer drugs. Also included is extensive structural and mechanistic work on the natural systems themselves. A program in metalloneurochemistry is also in place./lippardlab/Weston Thatcher Borden: Computational Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry; Application of quantitative electronic structure calculations and qualitative molecular orbital theory to the understanding and prediction of the structures and reactivities of organic and organometallic compounds./people-node/weston-t-bordenThomas E. Mallouk: Chemistry of Nanoscale Inorganic Materials: Solar Photochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry; Nanowires; Functional Inorganic Layered Materials; In-Situ Remediation of Contaminants in Soil and Groundwater Using Nanoscale Reagents/mallouk/Benjamin F. Cravatt: Chemical Strategies for the Global Analysis of Enzyme Function; Technology Development: Activity-Based Protein Profiling (ABPP); Biological applications of ABPP - profiling enzyme activities in human cancer.; Advancing the ABPP technology; Technology Development: Protease Substrate Identification; Basic Discovery: The Enzymatic Regulation of Chemical Signaling /cravatt/research.htmlChad A. Mirkin: He is a chemist and a world renowned nanoscience expert, who is known for his development of nanoparticle-based biodetection schemes, the invention of Dip-Pen Nanolithography, and contributions to supramolecular chemistry. Our research focuses on developing strategic and surface nano-optical methods for controlling the architecture of molecules and materials on a 1-100 nm scale. Our researchers, with backgrounds ranging from medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and material science, are working together in solvingfundamental and applied problems of modern nanoscience. Research in the Mirkin laboratories is divided into the five areas listed below: Anisotropic Nanostructures; On-Wire Lithography (OWL); Dip-Pen Nanolithography; Organometallic Chemistry; Spherical Nucleic Acids/mirkin-group/research/Paul Cremer: works at the crossroads of biological interfaces, metamaterials, spectroscopy, and microfluidics. Biophysical and analytical studies are tied together through the employment of novel lab-on-a-chip platforms which enable high throughput/low sample volume analysis to be performed with unprecedented signal-to-noise. From neurodegenerative diseases to artificial hip implants, a huge variety of processes occur at biological interfaces. Our laboratory uses a wide variety of surface specific spectroscopy and microfluidic technologies to probe mechanisms of disease, build new biosensors against pathogens, and understand the molecular-level details of the water layer hugging a cell membrane. Research projects in the Cremer Group are divided into the five areas listed below. Click on your area(s) of interest to learn more. SFG of Water and Ions at Interfaces; Hofmeister Effects in Protein Solutions; Bioinorganic Chemistry and Biomaterial Properties of Lipid Bilayers; pH Modulation Sensing at Biomembranes; Metamaterialshttps:///cremer/Jeffrey S. Moore:Our research involves the synthesis and study of large organic molecules and the discovery of new polymeric materials. Most projects relate to one of three areas: new macromolecular architectures and their supramolecular organization; responsive polymers including self-healing materials; mechanochemical transduction. In general, our group uses the tools of synthetic and physical organic chemistry to address problems at the interface of chemistry and materials science. More in-depth information about our research can be found on our research page./Lyndon Emsley: NMR Müllen: The group pursues a broad program of experimental research in macromolecular chemistry and material science. It has a wide range of research interests: from new polymer-forming reactions including methods of organometallic chemistry, multi-dimensional polymers with complex shape-persistent architectures, molecular materials with liquid crystalline properties for electronic and optoelectronic devices to the chemistry and physics of single molecules, nanocomposites or biosynthetic hybrids. M. J. Fréchet:Our research is largely concerned with functional polymers, from fundamental studies to applications. The research is highly multidisciplinary at the interface of several fields including organic, polymer, biological, and materials chemistry. Chemical Engineering is also well represented with our research in energy-related materials and microfluidics./Eiichi Nakamura: Fascination to learn about the nature of the elements and molecules and to control their behavior goes back to ancient times. The research programs in our laboratories focus on the development of new and efficient synthetic reactions, new reactive molecules, and new chemical principles that will exert impact on the future of chemical, biological and material sciences. Under the specific projects listed below, we seek for the new paradigm of chemical synthesis and functional molecules. Discovery based on logical reasoning and imagination is the key term of our research and educational programs. C. Fu: Transition Metal Catalysis; Nucleophilic Catalysis/research.htmlWilliam R. Roush:Our research centers around themes of total synthesis, reaction development and medicinal chemistry. Over 25 structurally complex, biologically active natural products have been synthesized in the Roush lab. These serve both as testing grounds for new methods and as inspiration for potential therapeutics.Our total synthesis projects are often attempted in parallel with reaction design. Synthetic applications of intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions and acyclic diastereoselective syntheses involving allylmetal compounds are of especial interest.Total synthesis and methods development interact synergistically toward the development of medicinally relevant compounds. Current targets of interest include chemotherapeutics built upon the exploitation of tumor cell metabolism, cystein protease inhibitors for treatment of parasitic diseases and diagnostic probes for the Scripps Molecular Screening Center./roush/Research.htmlMiguel García-Garibay:Our group is currently investigating the photochemical decarbonylation of crystalline ketones. Because the reactions take place in the solid state, they exhibit high selectivites that are not possible by the analogous solution reaction. From our experience, the solution photolysis yields many products, while there is often only one product in the solid. In order for the decarbonylation reaction to proceed in crystals, there are a few requirements forthe decarbonylation precursor: (1) The compound must be a crystalline solid. (2) There must be suitable radical stabilizing substituents present at both alpha centers./dept/Faculty/mgghome/Alanna Schepartz: The Schepartz laboratory develops chemical tools to study and manipulate protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions inside the cell. Our approach centers on the design of molecules that Nature chose not to synthesize--miniature proteins, ß-peptide foldamers, polyproline hairpins, and proto-fluorescent ligands--and the use of these molecules to answer biological questions that would otherwise be nearly impossible to address. Current topics include the use of miniature proteins to identify the functional role of discrete protein-protein interactions and rewire cellular circuits, the use of cell permeable molecules to image misfolded proteins or protein interactions in live cells, and the design of protein-like assemblies of ß-peptides that are entirely devoid of -amino acids./research/index.htmlMartin Gruebele:The Gruebele Group is engaged in experiments and computational modeling to study a broad range of fundamental problems in chemical and biological physics. A common theme in the experiments is the development of new instruments to interrogate and manipulate complex molecular systems. We coupled experiments with quantum or classical simulations as well as simple models. The results of these efforts are contributing to a deeper understanding of RNA and proteins folding in vitro and in vivo, of how vibrational energy flows around within molecules, of single molecule absorption spectroscopy, and of the dynamics of glasses./mgweb/Matthew S. Sigman: Our program is focused on the discovery of new practical catalytic reactions with broad substrate scope, excellent chemoselectivity, and high stereoselectivity to access novel medicinally relevant architectures. We believe the best strategy for developing new classes of catalysts and reactions applicable to organic synthesis is using mechanistic insight to guide the discovery process. This allows us to design new reaction motifs or catalysts in which unique bond constructions can be implemented furthering new approaches to molecule construction. An underlying theme to these methodologies is to convert relatively simple substrates into much more complex compounds allowing for access to known and novel pharmacaphores in a modular manner. This provides us the ability to readily synthesis analogs enabling us to understand the important structural features responsibility for a phenotypic response in a given biological assay. We are currently engaged in several collaborative projects to evaluate our compound collections for various cancer types at the Huntsman Cancer Institute atthe University of Utah and are engaged in follow-up investigations to identify improved compounds as well as understanding the mechanism of action. The group is engaged in the following diverse projects:/faculty/sigman/research.htmlSidney M. Hecht: Sidney M. Hecht, PhD, is the co-director for the Center for Bioenergetics in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University. He researches diseases caused by defects in the body's energy production processes. Energy production is similar mechanistically to other molecular processes that he has studied extensively. Hecht played a key role in the development of Hycamtin, a drug used to treat ovarian and lung cancer, as well as the study of the mechanism of the anti-tumor agent bleomycin./people/sidney-hechtDonald G. Truhlar: Theoretical and Computational ChemistryWe are carrying out research in several areas of dynamics and electronic structure, with a special emphasis on applying quantum mechanics to the treatment of large and complex systems. Dynamical calculations are being carried out for combustion (with a special emphasis on biofuel mechanisms) and atmospheric reactions in the gas phase and catalytic reactions in the condensed phase. Both thermal and photochemical reactions are under consideration. New orbital-dependent density functionals are being developed to provide an efficient route to the potential energy surfaces for these studies. New methods are also being developed for representing the potentials and for combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical methods, with a special emphasis in the latter case on improving the electrostatics. New techniques for modeling vibrational anharmonicity and for Feynman path integral calculations are also under development./truhlar/Joseph T. Hupp: Most research projects revolve around a theme of studying materials for alternative energy applications and other environmental issues. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of our research, we have many joint students with other researchers both at Northwestern and at other institutions./hupp/research.htmlHenry S. White: My colleagues and I are engaged in both experimental and theoretical aspects of electrochemistry, with diverse connections to analytical, biological, physical, and materials chemistry. Much of our current research is focused on electrochemistry in microscale and nanoscale domains./faculty/white/white.htmlTaeghwan Hyeon: The main theme of our research is synthesis, assembly, and applications of uniformly sized nanoparticles. Yang: The Yang research group is interested in the synthesis of new classes of materials and nanostructures, with an emphasis on developing new synthetic approaches and understanding the fundamental issues of structural assembly and growth that will enable the rational control of material composition, micro/nano-structure, property and functionality. We are interested in the fundamental problems of electron, photon, and phonon confinement as well as spin manipulation within 1D nanostructures./index.php/research/interests/William D. Jones:Our research group has an interest in examining the reactions of homogeneous transition metal complexes with organic substrates with an emphasis on bond activation processes that are of potential interest to the chemical industry. We also are doing theoretical DFT modeling of this chemistry on our CCLab cluster/~wdjgrp/wdj_home.html#research下面是一些网友对部分副主编(部分已经不是了)的评价,没有罗列网友的ID了,一并表示感谢。
文献检索报告项目名称:强动载作用下复合材料加筋板的冲击动力屈曲特性研究XXX,学号:2012302xxxxx一、检索总体情况表1 检索情况汇总表二、相关的重要文献1、中文文献(1)彭英. 冲击载荷下加筋板结构的非线性动力响应及屈曲研究[D]. 博士学位论文, 武汉: 武汉理工大学, 2007.摘要: 加筋板结构既能保证结构的可靠性和耐用性,又能减轻结构重量,提高结构效率和经济性,因而在航空航天、桥梁和船舶等工程领域中得到广泛应用。
Lesson 1Lesson 2英文中文A comparison between Chinese and Western MedicineModern medical science is highly analytical and by reducing the body to its component parts, it devises appropriate therapy based on experimental studies of中西医区别现代医学科学是高度分析和减少身体的组成部分,它有效的治疗是建立在细菌学、5-15课part B 答案Lesson 51 2 3 4 5A C C DLesson 151 2 3 4 5A B C D C?Lesson 1中国医药学Traditional Chinese medicine中医基础理论basic TCM theory临床经验clinical experience辩证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases 中药学science of Chinese material medica 四气五味four properties and five flavors 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion中国古代哲学ancient Chinese philosophy病因学etiology方剂prescription医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principle 寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature 滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire 瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stasis1.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结TCM has a history of thousand of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases.2.中医学有完整独立的理论体系。
浮筒辅助系泊系统主要参数对码头船舶荷载影响研究曹煜1,万宝进2(1.中交第一航务工程勘察设计院有限公司,天津 300220;2.山东港口烟台港集团有限公司建设管理中心分公司,山东烟台 265505)摘要:开敞式码头通常面临较差的风浪流条件,为了增强系泊系统对外部环境载荷的适应性,一种解决方案是在海侧增设浮筒辅助系泊。
关键词:浮筒辅助系泊;开敞式码头;关键参数;敏感性分析中图分类号:U656.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2097-3519(2024)02-0025-06DOI: 10.16403/ki.ggjs20240206Impact on Shiploads by key parameters Adopted by Buoy-Assisted MooringSystemCao Yu1, Wan Baojin2( CC First Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300220, China; 2. Branch of Construction Management Center of Yantai Port Group Co., Ltd., Yantai Shandong 265505, China )Abstract: An open-type wharf is usually subject to poor conditions of wind, wave, and current. To make the mooring system adapt to external loads, a buoy-assisted system is proposed to be set at the seaside. By now, a few related design cases and standard are available in China and abroad. Based on an ore dock in South America, the numerical simulation is used to analyze the impact on wharf ’s mooring force and the reaction force against fenders by key parameters adopted by buoy-assisted mooring system, investigate the design essentials of the above system, which will provide a reference for similar projects.Key words: buoy-assisted mooring; open-type wharf; key parameters; sensitivity analysis引言在港口工程中,对于开敞式码头,当原有码头系缆不能满足船舶泊稳要求时,可增设浮筒系泊设施,保障码头作业安全。
水文水利类相关SCI、EI期刊汇总(2012-03-21 17:02:26)国内:水利学报、水科学进展、水力发电学报、水动力学研究与进展(A辑中文版EI收录,B辑英文版SCI收录)International Journal of Sediment Research(《International Journal of Sedi ment Re search》(译名《国际泥沙研究》)是国际泥沙研究培训中心主办的纯英文版科技期刊,为季刊。
)国外主要期刊有:主要期刊有:Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCEJournal of Hydraulic Research, IAHRJournal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCEJournal of Fluid Mechanics, CambridgeWater Resources Research, AGUWater Management, ICE UKAdvances in Water Resources, ElsevierEarth Surface Processes and Landforms, WileyRiver Research and Applications, Wiley (formerly Regulated Rivers: Research & Mana gement)相关机构有:IAHR: International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and ResearchIAHS: International Association of Hydrological ScienceIWA: International Water AssociationIWRA: International Water Resources AssociationAWRA: American Water Resources AssociationICOLD: International Commission on Large DamsASCE: American Society of Civil EngineersAGU: American Geophysical UnionUSGS: United States Geological SurveyICE: Institution of Civil Engineers, UKWASER: World Association of Sedimentation and Erosion ResearchCHES: Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society相关期刊详细介绍:1 Journal of HydrologyISSN: 0022-1694IF=2.305网址:/wps/find ... ription#descriptionThe Journal of Hydrology publishes original research papers and comprehensive revi ews in all the subfields of the hydrological sciences including water based managem ent and policy issues that impact on economics and society. These comprise, but ar e not limited to the physical, chemical, biogeochemical, stochastic and systems aspe cts of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydrometeorology and hydrogeology. Rele vant topics incorporating the insights and methodologies of disciplines such as climat ology, water resource systems, hydraulics, agrohydrology, geomorphology, soil scienc e, instrumentation and remote sensing, civil and environmental engineering are inclu ded. Social science perspectives on hydrological problems such as resource and ecol ogical economics, environmental sociology, psychology and behavioural science, man agement and policy analysis are also invited. Multi-and interdisciplinary analyses of h ydrological problems are within scope.期刊简介:期刊发表有关水文科学领域的原创研究论文和全面性的综述,包括水管理和水政策对社会经济的影响,涉及内容包括地表和地下水水文、水文气象和水文地质的物理、化学、生物学、随机性和系统方面,但不仅限于此,相关主题包含各学科(气候学、水资源系统、水力学、农业水文学、地形地貌学、土壤科学、仪器仪表、遥感、土木和环境工程)的方法论和前瞻性研究。
中国机械工程学会网址https:// 联系方式:中国机械工程学会特种加工分会秘书处 电话:0512-68321541,67274551 E-员注册专用码
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1-扫描右侧会员注册专用码; 2.根据本人条件选择会员类别:学生会员、普通会员或高级会员; 3-填写个人信息,提交注册申请; 4.补充完善信息,确认注册,并关注会员中心公众号(cmes1936); 5-审核通过后,交纳会费,取得正式会员资格; 6.登录学会官网可生成电子版会员证%
(2) 在表面粗糙度值小#轴向平均切削力小的 要求下,可选取主轴转速为2000 r/min#切削深度为 0.6 mm,而切削宽度和每齿进给量可适当选择%
(3) 运用旋转超声振动铳削Cr12MoV模具钢, 可获得较好的加工质量%
因此,采用旋转超声振动辅助铳削方式加工 Cr12MoV模具钢时必须合理地选择加工参数,才能 在切 削 过程中 实现小的轴向 切削力 和良好的加工 表面质量%
[4] O'TOOLE L,KANG C W,FANG F 乙 Advances in rotary ultrasonic-assisteG machining 卩].Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2020,3 (2): 1-25.
[5] ELHAMI S, RAZFAR M R, FARAHNAKIAN M. Analytical, numerical and experimental study of cutting
[1] 彭颖.铸造冷作模具钢切削加工性的研究[D].长春:吉 林大学,2015.
附件:《建筑钢结构进展》近两年文章列表(中英文参考文献格式)2018年王元清,廖小伟,贾单锋,石永久. 钢结构的低温疲劳性能研究进展综述[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):1-11. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.001.WANG Y uanqing, LIAO Xiaowei, JIA Danfeng, SHI Yongjiu. Overview of research progress for the low-temperature fatigue performance of steel structures[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1): 1-11. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2017.01.001. (in Chinese)池沛,董军,彭洋. 自复位耗能结构的概念、分类及研究进展[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):12-22,38. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.002.CHI Pei, DONG Jun, PENG Yang. Concept, classification and development of self-centering energy-dissipative structures[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):12-22, 38.DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.002. (in Chinese)罗小奇,陈麟,吴珊瑚. 自复位钢板剪力墙结构性能分析[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):23-31.DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.003.LUO Xiaoqi, CHEN Lin, WU Shanhu. Behavior analysis of self-centering steel plate shear wall structures [J].Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1): 23-31. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.003. (in Chinese)蔡鑫,邹昀,郑黎君,李天祺,丁杰,赵桃干,张祖雪. 基于损伤可控的梁柱节点受力性能的试验研究[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):32-38. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.004.CAI Xin, ZOU Yun, ZHENG Lijun, LI Tianqi, DING Jie, ZHAO Taogan, ZHANG Zuxue. Experimental study on mechanical performance of beam-column joint based on damage control theory[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018,20(1):32-38. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.004. (in Chinese)张有振,杨璐,赵梦晗,卫璇,周宇航. 奥氏体型S30408不锈钢角焊缝连接承载性能有限元分析[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):39-47,72. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.005.ZHANG Youzhen, Y ANG Lu, ZHAO Menghan, WEI Xuan, ZHOU Yuhang. Finite element analysis of loading capacity of fillet weld connections fabricated using austenitic grade S30408 stainless steel[J].Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018,20(1):39-47,72. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.005.(in Chinese)张浩,杜咏,盛红梅,王惠蕾. 局部火灾下基于数值方法的张弦梁力学特征参数分析[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):48-57, 112. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.006.ZHANG Hao, DU Yong, SHENG Hongmei, W ANG Huilei. Parametric analysis on the mechanical response of beam string structures under localized fire based on numerical simulation[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):48-57, 112. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.006. (in Chinese)张晓亮,王培军,肖邵文. 火灾下防屈曲支撑最小填充层厚度简化计算方法[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):58-63,99. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.007.ZHANG Xiaoliang, W ANG Peijun, XIAO Shaowen. Simplified calculation method for minimum infill layer thickness of buckling-restrained braces exposed to fire[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):58-63,99. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.007. (in Chinese)黄宏,朱彦奇, 郭晓宇,陈梦成. 不同材料内管的圆中空夹层钢管混凝土构件轴压性能研究[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):64-72. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.008.HUANG Hong, ZHU Yanqi, GUO Xiaoyu, CHEN Mengcheng. Study of circular concrete-filled double skin steel tubes with different materials of inner tube under axial compression[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):64-72. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.008.(in Chinese)陈梦成,林博洋,黄宏. 锈蚀圆钢管混凝土短柱轴压承载力研究[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):73-81. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.009.CHEN Mengcheng, LIN Boyang, HUANG Hong. Research on the bearing capacity of corroded circular concrete filled steel tubular short columns[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):73-81.DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.009. (in Chinese)林彦,周学军. 方钢管混凝土柱与外包钢-混凝土组合梁外伸内隔板式节点抗震性能试验研究[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):82-89. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.0010.LIN Yan, ZHOU Xuejun. Experimental study on the seismic behavior of the joint of concrete-filled square steel tubular column to steel-encased concrete composite beam[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):82-89. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.0010. (in Chinese)贾斌,张其林,赖伟,余少乐. 铝合金耗能支撑对大跨钢拱桥减震加固性能研究[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):90-99. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.011.JIA Bin, ZHANG Qilin, LAI Wei1, YU Shaole. Research on seismic retrofit of large-span steel arch bridge with aluminum alloy energy dissipation braces[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):90-99.DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.011. (in Chinese)姜玉挺,陈志华,韩宁,林昊. 滨海图书馆整体结构抗连续倒塌分析[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):100-105. DOI:10. 13969/31-1893.2018.01.012.JIANG Yuting,CHEN Zhihua,HAN Ning,LIN Hao. Integral structural analysis on resisting progressive collapse of the Binhai Library [J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):100-105. DOI:10.13969/31-1893.2018.01.012. (in Chinese)李媛媛,汪蔚,曹平周. 江苏大剧院综艺厅钢外壳施工方案对比分析[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):106-112. DOI:10. 13969/31-1893.2018.01.013.LI Yuanyuan,WANG Wei,CAO Pingzhou. Comparison on construction schemes of the steel shell in the variety hall of Jiangsu Grand Theater[J]. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2018, 20(1):106-112.DOI:10. 13969/31-1893.2018.01.013. (in Chinese)吕昊,万馨. 体育场罩棚索桁架结构施工方法及监测[J]. 建筑钢结构进展,2018,20(1):113-118. 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Cr12MoV模具钢具有硬度高、耐磨性和淬透性 好等优点,在汽车制造、轮船制造、航空、机电产品 制造及家用电器等行业中占有重要地位叫常被用 于制造形状较大、承受较大工作负载的各种工具和 模具叫 然而,由于Cr12MoV模具钢切削加工困难,
收稿日期:2021-01-01 第一作者简介:安强,男,1997年生,硕士研究生。
减小,当切削宽度大于2 mm时,切削力增大,但仍 低于切削宽度为1-5 mm时的切削力。
0.659 0.471 0.478 1.366 1.495 0.552 0.472 1.13 1.297 0.491 0.466 0.687 0.453 0.461 0.547 0.62 0.538 0.544 0.787 0.338 0.433 0.452 0.417 0.586 0.471
旋转超声振动铳削Crl2MoV轴向 切削力与表面粗糙度研究
(1.兰州理工大学机电工程学院,甘肃兰州730050; 2.中国铁建重工集团股份有限公司,湖南长沙410100 )
摘要:为研究切削参数对切削效果的影响,将旋转超声振动铣削引入Cr12MoV模具钢铣削过 程中;通过正交试验设计开展切削试验,从轴向平均切削力和表面粗糙度两方面研究了旋转超声 振动铣削参数选择对Cr12MoV模具钢加工的影响#结果表明:在旋转超声振动辅助铣削Cr12MoV 模具钢的过程中,主轴转速和切削深度对轴向平均切削力和表面粗糙度影响最大;在主轴转速 2000 r/min%切削深度0.6 mm时,可获得较小的轴向平均切削力和较好的表面粗糙度;将旋转超声 振动应用到Cr12MoV模具钢铣削过程中,能获得较好的加工效果#
1.()翻译如下短语和论文标题:1)…短语‟热解与着火的动力学行为kinetic behavior of pyrolysis and ignition2)…短语‟城市火灾的危害性预测与风险评估hazard prediction and risk assessment of urban fires3)…短语‟腔室建筑中的机械排烟系统smoke extracting system in the compartment buildings4)…短语‟野火三角中燃料、地形和天气之间的相互作用interactions among the fuel, terrain and weather in a wild fire triangle5)…短语‟坡度和风对火灾发展的影响influence of the slope and wind on the fire growth6)…标题‟细水雾对油池火影响机制的实验与数值研究experimental and simulating study of the suppression mechanism of water mist on pool fire7)…标题‟过去20年中国建筑火灾的统计分析statistical analysis of Chinese building fires in the past 20 years8)…标题‟高层建筑中的人员疏散与火灾安全设计:理论模拟pedestrian evacuation and fire safety design in high buildings: theoretical simulation9)…标题‟火诱导的温度场和速度场的机理分析mechanism analysis of the temperature field and velocity field induced by fire 10)…标题‟火灾信号特征在研制火灾探测器方面的应用application of the characteristics of fire signals in the development of fire detectors 11)…短语‟火灾安全科学与消防工程fire safety science and fire protection engineering12)…短语‟利用多信号报警的火灾探测系统Fire detection system using multi-signals alarm13)…短语‟有焰和无焰燃烧的动力学行为kinetics behavior of flame and flameless combustion14)…短语‟热量释放速率和火蔓延速度Heat release rate and fire spreading velocity15)…短语‟火诱导的温度场和速度场temperature field and velocity field induced by fire16)…标题‟火灾人员疏散的理论与实验研究Theoretical and experimental study of the human evacuation in fires17)…标题‟火灾抑制和扑救技术的发展:回顾与展望development of fire suppression and fighting technology: review and prospect18)…标题‟野火中垂直火旋风的理论分析与数值模拟Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of the vertical fire whirl in the wild fires 19)…标题‟中国建筑火灾中轰燃和回燃的统计调查Statistical survey of the flashover and backdraft of building fires in China20)…标题‟野火三角中燃料、地形和天气三因子之间相互作用的机理分析Mechanism analysis of the interactions among the fuel, terrain and weather in a wild fire triangle21)燃料类型对自发着火动力学行为的影响:实验研究Influence of fuel type on the spontaneous ignition dynamical behavior: Experimental Study 22)大尺度池火诱导的速度场和温度场理论分析theoretical analysis of velocity field and temperature field induced by Large-scale pool fire23)坡度和风速对地表火蔓延中火焰高度和长度所起的作用:理论分析与测量The role of slope and wind velocity on the flame height and length in the ground fire : theoretical analysis and measurement24)野火中垂直火旋风的热释放速率和燃烧速率heat release rate and burning rate of the vertical fire whirl in the wild fires25)易燃和可燃材料着火温度的特征分析characteristics analysis of the ignition temperature of the flammable and Combustible marterial26)建筑腔室火灾中的轰燃与回燃动力学:非线性数值模拟Dynamic of flashover and backdraft in Building compartment fire:non-linear numerical simulation27)自动火灾探测与报警系统对人员疏散的作用的统计性分析statistical analysis of the role of automatic fire alarm system in personnel evacuation 28)关于炭化和非炭化材料热解化学反应动力学的综述Overview about the decomposition Chemical reaction dynamics of the charring and non-charring material29)火的燃烧与其诱导流动之间的相互作用机理mechanism analysis of the interaction between the fire combustion and induced flow30)分区模拟方法在建筑火灾烟气运动研究中的应用application of zone modeling in the study of the smoke movement of building fires1、The importance of flashover results from the fact that it is of great danger when a compartmentfire occurs. 翻译成中文,并且用表达因果关系的两种不同方式改写。
关于做实验题材的作文英语Title: The Fascination of Experimental Exploration。
In the realm of scientific inquiry, the pursuit of knowledge through experimentation is a cornerstone. From unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos to understanding the intricacies of the microscopic world, experiments serve as the bedrock upon which our understanding of the universe is built. In this essay, we delve into the allure and significance of experimental exploration, examining itsrole in shaping our understanding of the world around us.First and foremost, experiments offer a practical avenue for testing hypotheses and theories. They provide a controlled environment in which variables can be manipulated and outcomes observed, allowing researchers to draw conclusions based on empirical evidence. Through meticulously designed experiments, scientists can validate or refute existing theories, paving the way for the advancement of knowledge.Moreover, experimentation fosters innovation and discovery. The process of trial and error inherent in experimentation often leads to unexpected outcomes and serendipitous discoveries. As researchers navigate through uncharted territory, they may stumble upon phenomena that challenge existing paradigms or open new avenues of inquiry. These breakthroughs not only expand the boundaries of human knowledge but also have the potential to revolutionizeentire fields of study.Furthermore, experiments play a crucial role in the development of practical applications and technologies. Whether it be the discovery of new materials with unique properties or the optimization of industrial processes, experimental research drives progress across various sectors. By translating theoretical concepts into tangible outcomes, experiments bridge the gap between pure science and real-world applications, driving innovation and economic growth.Additionally, experimentation fosters critical thinkingand problem-solving skills. The iterative process of designing, conducting, and analyzing experiments encourages researchers to think analytically and creatively. They must carefully consider factors such as experimental design, data interpretation, and potential sources of error, honing their ability to think critically and approach problems methodically.Moreover, experiments promote collaboration and interdisciplinary exchange. In many cases, solving complex scientific problems requires expertise from multiple disciplines. Collaborative research endeavors bring together scientists with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, fostering cross-pollination of ideas and catalyzing innovation. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, researchers can tackle multifaceted challenges that transcend the boundaries of individual fields.Furthermore, experiments serve as a means of engaging and inspiring future generations of scientists. Hands-on experimentation allows students to experience the thrill ofdiscovery firsthand, sparking curiosity and fostering a passion for inquiry. By providing opportunities for practical exploration, educators can instill in students a deep appreciation for the scientific method and its role in advancing human understanding.In conclusion, experimental exploration lies at the heart of scientific inquiry, driving discovery, innovation, and progress. Through meticulous observation, systematic experimentation, and analytical reasoning, researchers unlock the mysteries of the universe and push the boundaries of human knowledge. As we continue to explore the frontiers of science, experimentation will remain an indispensable tool for unraveling the complexities of the natural world and shaping the future of humanity.。
1.承担项目情况:1)国家自然基金项目,“辊弯成形全流程动态模拟技术研究”,编号:50375095, 经费:24万元,起止年月:2004.1~2006.12,负责人。
2)国家自然基金重点项目,“材料智能化近终成形加工技术的若干基础问题”,编号:50634010, 经费:180万元,起止年月:2007.01~2010.12,主要参加人。
6)上海市重大基础研究项目“成形制造中材料微观结构与应力场控制”,编号:06dj14005, 经费:500万元,起止年月:2007.01~2010.12,主要参加人。
10)美国福特汽车公司University Research Project (URP)项目“Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Methodology Development forAlloy Design & Defects Control for Al & Mg Extrusions”, 经费:12万美元,起止年月:2007.1~2009.12,负责人。
Firstly, collect the waste ternary lithium battery positive electrode materials.2.然后将收集到的废旧材料进行分类和清洗。
Then classify and clean the collected waste materials.3.接下来进行材料的破碎和粉碎处理。
Next, the materials are crushed and pulverized.4.将粉碎后的材料进行酸洗和浸取过程。
The pulverized materials are then subjected to acid washing and leaching process.5.通过化学反应,使材料中的有价金属得以溶解。
The valuable metals in the materials are dissolved through chemical reactions.6.随后,对溶液进行过滤和沉淀处理。
Subsequently, the solution is filtered and precipitated.7.得到的物质经过干燥处理后,形成了回收后的三元锂电池正级材料。
The resulting substance, after drying treatment, formsthe recovered ternary lithium battery positive electrode materials.8.最后对回收的材料进行再生利用,以减少对自然资源的开采和浪费。
Finally, the recycled materials are reused to reduce the exploitation and waste of natural resources.9.整个工艺化学流程要符合环保标准,确保不会对环境造成污染。
冲击耐受电流 英语
冲击耐受电流英语Electrical current is a fundamental concept in the field of physics and engineering, and understanding its behavior is crucial for the design and operation of various electrical systems. One important aspect of electrical current is its ability to withstand sudden surges or spikes, known as the "shock resistance" or "impulse current" of a system.The shock resistance of an electrical system refers to its capacity to withstand high-intensity, short-duration electrical pulses or surges without sustaining damage or compromising its functionality. These surges can be caused by various factors, such as lightning strikes, power grid disturbances, or the switching of inductive loads. The ability of a system to withstand these transient events is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical equipment and preventing costly damages.The concept of impulse current is closely related to shock resistance. Impulse current refers to the rapid and intense flow of electric charge that occurs during a short-duration event, such as a lightning strike or a switching transient. The magnitude and duration of the impulse current can have significant implications for the design and performance of electrical systems.In the context of electrical systems, the shock resistance or impulse current rating is a measure of the system's ability to withstand these high-intensity, short-duration electrical events without experiencing failure or malfunction. This rating is typically expressed in terms of the maximum current that the system can safely withstand for a specific duration, often in the range of microseconds or milliseconds.The importance of understanding and designing for shock resistance and impulse current cannot be overstated. Electrical systems that are not adequately protected against these transient events can suffer from a range of problems, including equipment damage, system downtime, and potential safety hazards. As such, electrical engineers and designers must carefully consider the shock resistance and impulse current requirements of their systems during the design and development process.To achieve the desired level of shock resistance and impulse current protection, various strategies and technologies can be employed. These may include the use of surge protective devices, such as surge arrestors or transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSS), which are designed to divert or absorb high-energy surges before they can reach sensitive equipment. Additionally, the selection of appropriate insulation materials, the proper grounding of the system, and the implementation of effective circuit breakers or fuses can allcontribute to the overall shock resistance and impulse current protection of an electrical system.In the design and analysis of electrical systems, the assessment of shock resistance and impulse current is often a critical step. Engineers may use simulation tools, analytical models, and experimental testing to evaluate the performance of their designs under various transient conditions. This allows them to identify potential vulnerabilities, optimize the system's protection mechanisms, and ensure the overall reliability and safety of the electrical infrastructure.Furthermore, the study of shock resistance and impulse current has implications beyond the realm of electrical engineering. In fields such as power systems, telecommunications, and automotive electronics, the ability to withstand high-intensity electrical events is essential for the proper functioning and longevity of the equipment. As such, the understanding and application of these principles are crucial for the development of robust and resilient electrical systems that can withstand the challenges of the modern technological landscape.In conclusion, the concept of shock resistance and impulse current is a fundamental aspect of electrical engineering that plays a critical role in the design, operation, and safety of electrical systems. By carefully considering these factors and implementing appropriatemitigation strategies, engineers can ensure the reliable and secure performance of electrical infrastructure, ultimately contributing to the advancement of technology and the betterment of society.。
随着计算机技术和计算流体力学的发展,数值模拟已成为低成本研究膛口流场及膛口装置的重要手段,例如:张焕好等、代淑兰等利用数值模拟方法,对不同类型炮口制退器的膛口流场波系、膛口激波及二次焰特征进行了详细研究,得到了制退器装置效率;Lei等、 Chaturvedi 等通过将流场仿真与流固耦合相结合,实现了炮口制退器结构应力与变形响应研究及性能评价。
沥青面层施工碾压阶段排放来源分析栗豪展玉华董舒静路少坤王毓晨党万涛赵瑜隆发布时间:2023-07-02T09:54:25.224Z 来源:《中国建设信息化》2023年8期作者:栗豪展玉华董舒静路少坤王毓晨党万涛赵瑜隆[导读] 为了确保路基工程的高品质,每一个施工的环节都必须经过周密而严密的把控。
山东交通学院交通土建工程学院山东济南 250357摘要:为了确保路基工程的高品质,每一个施工的环节都必须经过周密而严密的把控。
关键词:沥青面层;碾压;能源消耗和废气排放量;节约能源和减少废气排放量0 引言全球气候变暖已经对人类的生产、生活产生了重要的影响,控制和减少温室气体的排放成为当前亟需解决的问题。
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0141-0296/$ - see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2004.03.013
J. Meng et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1127–1142
Received 2 January 2003; received in revised form 1 November 2003; accepted 16 March 2004
Abstract This paper describes an experimental study of a skew bridge model conducted at the Federal Highway Administration TurnerFairbank Highway Research Center. The objectives of the experiment are: (1) to perform a pilot study on the design, construction, instrumentation, testing and data processing of a skew bridge model, (2) to provide experimental data to validate a 3D finite element model developed for the skew bridge, and (3) to confirm the applicability of a simplified bridge model (the dual-beam stick model) developed for the dynamic analysis of skew bridges. Details of the design, construction, instrumentation, testing and data processing of the model bridge are described. Results for static displacements, natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping of the model bridge will be presented. A comparison of the results obtained from these tests with those obtained numerically from a finite element analysis and analytically from the dual stick bridge model shows that good correlation is obtained. # 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
frequencies, mode shapes and damping that were required in a dynamic analysis. In what follows, the design, construction, instrumentation, testing and data processing of the bridge model are discussed. 2. Design and construction of the bridge model Generally, a dynamic experiment involves three constituent phases: test preparation, dynamic response measurements and modal parameter identification. Test preparation may include model selection, model design, model construction, instrumentation and data acquisition system setup. Details of the test preparation will be discussed in this section. 2.1. Model selection Skew bridges are often used for overpasses. Modern overpasses are typically continuous over two or three spans and designed for two to four lanes of traffic. Including medians, shoulders and guard rails, the width of a typical skew bridge often lies in the range of 36 ft (11 m) to 60 ft (22 m), and the length of each span is in the range of 40 ft (12 m) to 100 ft (30.5 m) [3]. Ideally, a full-scale model should be used for the tests. However, due to limitations on experimental expenses and other lab conditions, a scaled model was used instead. The size of the scaled model was determined primarily by the size of the NDE laboratory in the Federal Highway Administration’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, Virginia. Based on the feasibility of setting up the largest possible size skew bridge model in the given lab space and proper considerations given to similitude [17–20], a two-span continuous bridge with a span length and deck width of 12 ft (3.6 m) and 7 ft (2 m), respectively, was designed. This represented a scale factor of
Bryant Associates, Syracuse, NY 13202, USA Federal Highway Administration, 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101-2296, USA Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University, 220 Hinds Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244-1190, USA
Keywords: Skew bridge; Dynamic analysis; Experimental study
1. Introduction The experimental study of the vibration characteristics of structural systems is an important element in our efforts to understand and control the many vibration phenomena encountered in design. Very often, tests are performed on a complex structure with the objective of obtaining an empirical description of its dynamic behavior, or providing verification for an analytiel. To quantify the dynamic response of a given structure, the determination of its intrinsic dynamic properties such as natural frequencies, vibration modes and damping, etc., is of particular importance. These structural characteristics can be determined using a modal test [6,8]. Performing a modal test on a structure allows an analyst to validate results generated using a finite element (or other analytical or numerical) model, and so more confidence can be placed on the structural model to provide meaningful analysis results.
à Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-315-443-2311; fax: +1-315-4431243. E-mail address: emlui@ (E.M. Lui).