
第一章测试题1【单选题】 (1分)表示接电话的短语是__D__upA.pickB.getC.takeD.Make2【单选题】 (1分)QR code指的是(A)A.二维码B.质量保证C.问题代码D.档案密码3【单选题】 (1分)Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思(B)A.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。
4【单选题】 (1分)表示挂电话的短语是__A__up。
A.makeB.pickC.hangD.hold5【单选题】 (1分)on cloud nine这个短语的意思是__C___。
A.将要下雨B.阴雨密布C.心情舒畅D.飞得很高第二章测试题1【单选题】 (1分)Espresso是指(D)A.美式咖啡B.曼巴咖啡C.哥伦比亚咖啡D.意式浓缩咖啡2【单选题】 (1分)下图是什么样的奶(C)A.纯牛奶B.酸奶C.脱脂奶D.全脂奶3在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒?(D)A.RumB.GinC.WhiskeyD.Liqueur4【单选题】 (1分)图中的运动对应下面的____B_。
A.sit-upB.push-upC.squatD.stretch5【单选题】 (1分)图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达__A___。
A.credit cardB.WeChat transferC.cashD.WeChat red envelop第三章测试题1图中的红烧肉可以用下面哪个来表达__A___。
A.Braised Pork in Brown SauceB.Soy Sauce ChickenC.Twice MeatD.Sweet and Sour Fish2【单选题】 (1分)这款甜点对应的英语是___D__。

金脩烘U又金累散犍猱般€斓嘤璇彝璇叮璋煽€嬬珷罐俗被璇噱腹妗?绗蹲绮?1金百\ eacher趺槌Pet means the pet which a teacher keeps.A:瀵?B:H?姝g'绛诉锛永技2金百画趺搬 a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight. I often.A:hunt an owl at nightB:stay up姝g'绛诉锛糜tay up3金百北 it the books means to beat the books hard.A:瀵?B:M?姝g'绛诉锛永技4金百^ e 趺梯 e going to dine out to celebrate this evening, because my roommate passed CET-6 with flying.A:flagsB:colours姝g'绛诉锛默olours5金百北e has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat in the City. So he 趺槌 a bit of a high-flyer. So he is.A:successfulB: on airplane a lot姝g ‘绛诉锛糜uccessful6金百^ hen we say somebody only goes to the library once in a blue moon, we imply that he seldom goes to the library.A:瀵?B:M?姝g'绛诉锛氮7金百万 hoose the best translation of 趺济 ive him an A for effort M?.A:缁爵曾浠柳蹲涓狝B:锲狄负鳄姐缁爵曾浠柳蹲涓狝C:输佸笆嫁胯浠柳负姝^陶蝮哄姬鳄?D:缁爵曾浠柳蹲涓狝浠m岁榧擞始姝g'绛诉锛氤€佸笆嫁胯浠柳负姝^陶蝮哄姬鳄?8金百井 he M槌 _ the moon about her progress. She really wasM槌 expecting to get an A on her paper.A:onB:inC:overD:above姝g'绛诉锛解ver9金百画 f something is a M诽 rag M? that means it is unpleasing or depressing.A:瀵?B:M?姝g'绛诉锛氮10金百虬 is about work and means to have a lot or too many duties to perform,or too much work to do at one time.A:To have a lot in one M^ mouthB:To have a lot in oneM槌 bagC:To have a lot on oneM槌 plateD:To have a lot on ones leg姝 g'绛诉锛歌 o have a lot on oneM槌 plate绗翳绮?1金百万 hoose the best translation of M湍 ou have really left me high and dryM?A:浣史渭^勤释金官或蹲绉嚷€滴壬网^封€滞现^熻金百?B:浣史渭^励金官戡绮嫖棤^翠曾金百?C:浣史渭^^婀金官哉^^乂幺散鎏堂壬网鎏蜩共金^^湴^逛曾金百?D:浣史渭^^婀楂^€阡共^m现涓滆夕金掌横释金息或曾金百?姝g'绛诉锛量绛金虞嬉现璁+垛瀛上珛^狗在浜瞎€?2金百\ o land a job means to get a new job.A:瀵?B:R?姝g'绛诉锛氮3金百、,oll one M槌 sleeves up implicates .A:to expose the armsB:to turn one M槌 sleeves upwardC:to prepare to get to workD:to be ready to take action姝 g ‘绛诉锛旗 o prepare to get to work,to be ready to take action4金百^ hich of the followings means a large sum of money锛?A:penny-anteB:penny wiseC:penny pincherD:pretty penny姝g‘绛诉锛婕retty penny5金百^ hich of the following phrases can be translated into 趺滋敏娲诲瘟瑁嚅€佽 ^寰卞禹女苗^诉皱趺?锛?A:live high off the hogB:get on one M^ high hogC:on a high horseD:get off one M槌 high horse姝 g'绛诉锛峙 ive high off the hog6金百C ou paid only one hundred dollars per month trent that apartment ? Thatwas bang for your buckA:moreB:reallyC:the mostD:true姝 g'绛诉锛选 ore,really,the most,true7金百 U ow-paying jobs are but itM槌 hard to find a good one.A:a dime a dozenB: a dime and dozenC:a dime and dozensD:dimes and dozens姝g ‘绛诉锛歙dime a dozen8金百\ he car was so expensive! I can趺槌 afford it, and I don趺槌 want to break the _.A:bankB:bandC:cardD:road姝g'绛诉锛歌ank9金百\ he phrase M^ urn a hole in on瞅槌 pocket 趺?is usually applied to money, suggesting that the person with the money feels the need to spend it quickly.A:瀵?B:H?姝g'绛诉锛氮10金百画 tM槌 time to roll up your and get the job done.A:collarB:sleevesC:carpetD:tablecloth姝g'绛诉锛糜leeves 绗唯绮?1金百丢 irly girl is a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl.A:瀵?B:M?姝g'绛诉锛政2金百画guess I don M® have much of a . Every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn in my backyard but all I ever get is a lot of weeds.A:greenhornB:green thumbC:green handD:green power姝g'绛诉锛歆3金百^ hen you are in a situation where you make a plan as you go, youM梯 e M? M?A:playing it by earB:playing it by scoreC:playing by the bookD:playing it safe姝g'绛诉锛政B4金百利 ary resented always to her older sister.A:playing second fiddleB:playing first fiddleC:playing hardD:playing ball 姝g ‘绛诉锛政5金百井 he says he led her astray, but it .A:takes two to tangoB:takes two to make a quarrelC:takes two to cooperateD: takes two to talk姝g'绛诉锛政B6金百井 tubbornness is what made it impossible for Paul and Barnabas to concerning their relationship with John Mark.A:work out fineB:work out the problemC:work things outD: work out a compromise姝g’绛诉锛欺7金百,unt Sally is a traditional English game usually played in pub and fairgrounds in the 17th Century. We can use this idiom to express the meaning that someone becomes the target of public criticism.A:瀵?B:M?姝g’绛诉锛政8金百^ hen someone says they have to趺渴 ace the music,趺?it means they are going to a musical performance or concert.A:瀵?B:M?姝g ‘绛诉锛欲9金百北 e must learn to his medicine.B:takeC:make upD:buy姝g'绛诉锛欲10余百^ hen you hear good news, or just news that makes you happy, you say something is M?M?A:music to your earsB:talking my ear offC:all eyes and earsD:in one ear and out the other姝g’绛诉锛政绗洓绮?1金百 U ike many of you, I get an idea, and either, or not.A:go to itB:go on with itC:go for it姝g’绛诉锛欹2金百,s a politician, he must be on the ball in the election. Therefore, he is.A:cautiousB:carelessC:clever姝g ‘绛诉锛政3金百 U ife can sure throw a good ball when you least expect it. Yet I 趺橄 e had this new start and I 趺搬 enjoying every minute of it.A:straightB:curve姝g'绛诉锛欲4金百画 t is a whole new ball game for freshmen to go to college.A:a completely different situationB:a completely different game姝g’绛诉锛政5金百利 y friend 趺槌 father is nearly 90, but he 趺槌 as fit as a.A:pianoB:fiddle姝g'绛诉锛欲6金百丐 on 趺槌 worry about it. No sweat.A:no perspirationB:no problem姝g'绛诉锛欲7金百T eer is a smash in China and is surprisingly consumed more than the traditional liquor.A:strikeB:hit姝g ‘绛诉锛欲8金百丏 eveloping and maintaining friendship involves give and .A:goB:take姝g'绛诉锛欲9金百葬 ut moreinto it! We will finish it soon.A:powderB:water姝g’绛诉锛政10余百画 f no one believes in you, anything you do is a positive. So you can say, ,A:just do itB:just say it姝g’绛诉锛政绗薜绮?1 金百名€淏 lack tea 趺?means that —.A:绾㈣尪B:榛戣尪姝g’绛诉锛政2金百^ hen someone says that his father is a beefeater, he means that __. A:His father is a Yeoman Warder.B:His father guards at the Tower of London.C:His father likes eating beef.D:His father only eats beef.姝g'绛诉锛政B3金百画 f you want to take the leftovers home, you can say __.A:Wrap it up, pleaseB:I 趺檎 like to take the rest.C:Can I have a doggy bag, waiter?D:Never mind.姝g'绛诉锛政BC4金百名€涝2皿 one M^ salt 趺?means —.A:support oneselfB:buy some salt姝g'绛诉锛政5金百名€滤 orth one M槌 salt M?means —.A:competent or capableB:salt is essential for life姝g'绛诉锛政6金百名€淏 anana skin M?refers to something that could cause difficulty or embarrassment.A:瀵?B:M?姝g ‘绛诉锛政7金百?The meaning of 趺滂 hew the fat 趺?is __.A:having a long, casual, friendly chat with someone.B:eating the fatC:chewing the ragD:having greasy food姝g’绛诉锛欹8金百\ he member of a family who earns the money to support the others is __. A:breadwinnerB:host姝g’绛诉锛政9金百^ hat M^ the meaning of M^ have other fish to fry M?A:I have something else to doB:I have other fish that has been prepared by frying姝g’绛诉锛政10金百名€^om re ally drank like a fish at the party on SaturdaM?means that Tom drank alcohol excessively.A:瀵?B:M?姝g’绛诉锛政绗叚绮?1金百丰 ever mind what you ought to be doing M?the work will get done sometime. Relax! It was , remember?A:care killed the catB:curiosity killed the catC:anger killed the catD:joy killed the cat姝g'绛诉锛政2金百画 f you refer to a businessman or politician as a , you are indicating that you disapprove of the way they use their wealth and power.A:fat catB:copycatC:grumpy catD:black cat姝g'绛诉锛政3金百克 ohn is a , he just won 100 dollors on a bet.A:top dogB:lazy dogC:lucky dogD:hot dog姝g'绛诉锛欹4金百 U inda came to the party dressed up like in a punk outfit and with her hair dyed pink.A:the dog M^ hairB:a dog M槌 dinnerC:a dog M^ earD:the dog M 槌 tail姝g'绛诉锛歆5金百虬 means to turn somthing inferior into something of top quality. A:To make a silk purse out of a sowM 槌B:To make a pig of oneselfC:To make a pigM 槌 ear of somethingD:pig in the middle姝g'绛诉锛政6 金百? I donM 槌 think I deserve to bemadeA:the black sheepB:the black goatC:the scapegoatD:the mild lamb 姝g'绛诉锛欹7 金百, refers to a chatterer.A:sparrowB:duckC:magpieD:peacock姝g'绛诉锛欹8 金百\he dog days are the hottest, most uncomfortable part of the Southern Hemispheresummer. earfor a couple of bad results.A:瀵?B:H?姝g ‘绛诉锛欲9金百画 f a person or organization is the top dog, they are the most successful or powerful one in a particular group.A:瀵?B:H?姝g’绛诉锛政10金百虬 means a mess or muddle.A:the dog M^ hairB:a dog M槌 dinnerC:a dog M槌 breakfastD:the dog M槌 tail姝g'绛诉锛欲C绗赣绮?1金百^ hich idiom means to tell someone to leave, or to tell someone to leave you alone?A:take a rain checkB:joy rideC:take a hikeD:keep one M槌 shirt on姝g’绛诉锛欹2金百^ hich idiom means to do similar thingswhat others are doing or to follow the trend?A:jump on the cartB:jump on the bandwagonC: jump into the carD:jump on the bus姝g'绛诉锛歆3金百?Many girls have __ and are wearing black to be fashionable.A:jumped on the bandwagonB:jumped to conclusionC:jumped the gunD:jumped on the cart姝g'绛诉锛政4金百?Man: Can you come over for dinner tonight?Woman: I 趺搬 up to my ears in work, so I MM l have to take a rain check.Question: What does the woman mean?A:She wants to check the weather before deciding.B:She has a problem with her hearing.C:SheM檎 enjoy coming to dinner another time.D:She wants the man to help her with some work.姝g'绛诉锛欹5金百画 got into a car accident, lost my job and my dog ran away, all in the same week. _.A:When it rains it pours.B:ThatM槌 water under the bridge.C:No need to panic.D:That is wishful thinking.姝g ‘绛诉锛政6金百C ou should save some money for _.A:a rainy dayB:a sunny dayC:a snowy dayD:a windy day姝g’绛诉锛政7金百^ hich of the following are optimists likely to say?A:An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.B:We hope for the best and prepare for the worst.C:Don趺槌 cross the bridge until you come to it.D:Every cloud has a silver lining.姝g’绛诉锛欹8金百,t this point, that problem is just . It 趺槌 not important any more. A:water under the bridgeB:hit the roadC:go up in smokeD:spill the beans姝g’绛诉锛政9金百出 ailing to meet a deadline once could _ with a client forever.A:pull stringsB:jump the gunC:jump to conclusionD:burn your bridges 姝g ‘绛诉锛欺10余百^ hen the steel plant shutdown, the town趺槌 people were all _. The workers had no jobs, and the shops had no business. It was really tough all around.A:in a boatB:in the boatC:in the same boatD:on the same boat。
智慧树知到答案 语言、文化与交际章节测试答案

第一章单元测试1、单选题:We know whether people are interested, bored or scared by reading their_____ 选项:A:artificial languageB:postureC:interaction答案: 【posture】2、单选题:Chimpanzees and bonobos can use the followings expect ______ to communicate. 选项:A:gestures and facial expressionsB:vocalizationsC:sign language答案: 【sign language】3、单选题:When a judge says “I sentence you to ten years’ imprisonment”, what purpose of human language does it reflect?选项:A:To communicate about the world as it is.B:To talk about things that far away in space and time.C:To bring into new social realities and social obligations.答案: 【To bring into new social realities and social obligations.】4、多选题:Language might be _____.选项:A:written languageB:gesture and postureC:spoken languageD:sign language答案: 【written language;spoken language;sign language】5、多选题:Culture is made up of ways of ______.选项:A:imagingB:actingC:speakingD:thinking and seeing the world答案: 【acting;speaking;thinking and seeing the world】6、判断题:People can communicate only in way of using language.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】7、判断题:Humans can communicate with animals.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】8、判断题:Animals, like birds and chimpanzees, cannot remember where they hided food or tools.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】9、判断题:Not only human beings have symbolic culture.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】10、判断题:Vervet monkeys use vocal alarm calls to warn each other about the presence of predators.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、单选题:The foreign accent is random?选项:A:No, it largely reflects the phonetic features and intonation characteristics of the first language.B:Yes, everyone can get a different accent.答案: 【No, it largely reflects the phonetic features and intonation characteristics of the first language.】2、单选题:Which culture’s perception of politeness emphasizes “being reserved”?选项:A:RussianB:EnglishC:Greek答案: 【Russian】3、单选题:“You must be hungry, it’s a long time since breakfast. How about some lunch?”This is an example of which positive politeness strategy?选项:A:Expressing admirationB:Seeking agreement and avoiding disagreementC:Showing interest in a person’s well being答案: 【Showing interest in a person’s well being】4、多选题:In the English language, what are the aspects that are most likely to interfere with communication?选项:A:stressB:rhythmC:pitch答案: 【stress;rhythm】5、多选题:What are the examples of face threatening acts?选项:A:criticsB:ordersC:mistakes revealingD:requests答案: 【critics;orders;mistakes revealing;requests】6、判断题:Language is a sound system.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、判断题:When it comes to acquire a new sound system, much evidence suggests “the earlier, the better”.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、判断题:Negative face refers to unhappy face.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:Doing a FTA off record means that you don’t say it explicitly but you imply it in your words.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】10、判断题:Social distance means how well you know the person you are talking to.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第三章单元测试1、单选题:According to Albert Mehrabian, in a successful communication, body language conveys ____ of the meaning.选项:A:93%B:7%C:55%D:38%答案: 【55%】2、单选题:Gesture emerges in ordinary young children ___ speech.选项:A:beforeB:later thanC:afterD:with答案: 【before】3、单选题:Doing gestures can _______ memories more than seeing gestures.选项:A:hinderB:eraseC:reduceD:consolidate答案: 【consolidate】4、多选题:Humans are good at using olfactory cues present in body odor to assess____. 选项:A:sexB:ageC:personalityD:health condition答案: 【sex;age;personality;health condition】5、多选题:___ are not gestures but self-adaptors.A:lifting the eyeglassesB:scratching the noseC:moving the hands upwards while saying "increase"D:touching the hair答案: 【lifting the eyeglasses;scratching the nose;touching the hair】6、多选题:The main three relationships between gesture and speech are ____.选项:A:complementB:redundantC:illustrationD:elaboration答案: 【complement;illustration;elaboration】7、判断题:Tactile interaction is somewhat universal.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】8、判断题:Sign languages are not language but gestures.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:More modalities involved in L2 learning may lead to better learning outcomes. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】10、判断题:The conversational partners may multimodally co-construct an utterance.选项:A:错答案: 【对】第四章单元测试1、单选题:Communication between people who belong to different cultures is called ____. 选项:A:narrativesB:globalized worldC:intercultural communication答案: 【intercultural communication】2、单选题:______ is the study of the USES of language, the conventions that govern language use, and how meaning is created in everyday interaction.选项:A:Cultural linguisticsB:Cognitive semanticsC:Pragmatics答案: 【Pragmatics】3、单选题:______ is a way of conceptualizing some aspect of the physical, social or spiritual world that is shared by the members of the culture.选项:A:A cultural modelB:A cultural metaphorC:A world view答案: 【A cultural model】4、多选题:Ways of Thinking about Intercultural Communication are ______.选项:A:the funtional approachB:the intersubjective approachC:the international pragmatic approach答案: 【the funtional approach;the intersubjective approach】5、多选题:Language is central to identity, because ______.选项:A:we talk about things in different places and timeB:we think of our own personal identities as being life storiesC:we express our identity in language答案: 【we think of our own personal identities as being life stories;we express our identity in language】6、判断题:Songline is related to directness and indirectness.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】7、判断题:Evaluatives and cultural patterns of nonverbal behaviour are two issues that can lead to misunderstanding.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、判断题:Not all the cultural models that make up a World View are implicit and unconscious. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】9、判断题:Relational cultures see the self as independent and autonomous from others.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】10、判断题:Identities are people choose for themselves.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第五章单元测试1、单选题:The statement of ‘Men talk like books, women lose themselves in details’ is used in ___.选项:A:ChinaB:EgyptC:EnglandD:Japan答案: 【China】2、单选题:______ concerns the ways in which women and men use language reflect power and inequality at the social level?选项:A:Deficit theoryB:Social theoryC:Differences theoryD:Dominance theory答案: 【Dominance theory】3、单选题:_________ is a category that refers “to the socially imposed dichotomy of masculine and feminine roles and character traits” (Kramarae & Treichler 1985: 173).选项:A:Biological genderB:Natural genderC:Social genderD:Cultural gender答案: 【Social gender】4、多选题:In terms of Gender and Language, ____ and ____ are two important figures in the research on language and gender.选项:A:Dale SpenderB:Robin LakoffC:Jennifer CoatesD:Mary Crawford答案: 【Dale Spender;Robin Lakoff】5、多选题:______ lacks noun classification completely that can resort to a variety of linguistic means to construct gender-related messages.选项:A:TurkishB:EnglishC:GermanD:Finnish答案: 【Turkish;English;Finnish】6、判断题:Women gossip more than men.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】7、判断题:Men speak more comfortably in public than women. 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】8、判断题:Women curse more than men.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】9、判断题:To solve a problem, men look for companionship.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】10、判断题:Women use tag questions more frequently than men. 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】第六章单元测试1、单选题:There are at least ___ languages spoken in the world and many more spoken in the past.选项:A:7000B:3000C:2000D:5000答案: 【7000】2、单选题:In the 1970s and 1980s in cognitive science, it became a ____ to think about how language might shape the way we think.选项:A:a trendB:a mistakeC:a challengeD:a taboo答案: 【a taboo】3、单选题:Kuuk Thaayoore people from aboriginal community in Australia lay everything out in ____.选项:A:left and rightB:absolute directionC:front and behind答案: 【absolute direction】4、多选题:Russian speakers use different ____ to continue talking about things with different genders.选项:A:adjective endingB:verb endingsC:pronounsD:possessives答案: 【adjective ending;verb endings;pronouns;possessives】5、多选题:Kids who learn ___ as their first language will assign voices to animated figures that are appropriate to the grammatical gender in that language.A:ChineseB:SpanishC:FrenchD:Japanese答案: 【Chinese;Spanish;French;Japanese】6、判断题:Evidential information refers to the way you get to know the information such as by seeing or hearing from others.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、判断题:Navajo is a language spoken by a group of Nativr Americans and has different verb stems for different modes of consumption.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、判断题:Language differs from each other in terms of how it removes boundaries between categories.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:In all European languages, all nouns are of particular grammatical gender.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】10、判断题:English speakers don’t strongly distinguish between things that are accident and things that are intentional.选项:B:错答案: 【对】第七章单元测试1、单选题:By age of ____, kids talk pretty much like adults because all essential parts of language will be in place.选项:A:7 to 8B:10 or aboveC:3 to 4D:5 to 6答案: 【5 to 6】2、单选题:According to ___, children extract generalizations from language they hear.选项:A:Nativist viewB:ChomskyC:Usage-based viewD:Behaviorism答案: 【Usage-based view】3、单选题:According to Universal Grammar, your language capacity is ___ across all human languages.选项:A:unknownB:sameC:differentD:unpredictable答案: 【same】4、多选题:The things that linguists consider as possibly being innate in language learning include ____.选项:A:learning mechanismsB:linguistic categoriesC:linguistic structuresD:structure of syntax答案: 【learning mechanisms;linguistic categories;linguistic structures;structure of syntax】5、多选题:We use ___ to measure language development in children.选项:A:MLU答案: 【MLU】6、判断题:The language development among human beings as linguistic citizens of the world to culture-bound listeners happens very late in life.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】7、判断题:According to Usage-based view, the process of language acquisition is simliar to how learning proceeds in other cognitive domains.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、判断题:Behaviorism aims to make psychology observsalbe and scientific.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】9、判断题:Accoding to UG, the structure of language is dependent of use like Usage-based view. 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】10、判断题:Most of children can only engage in dyadic joint attention till they are 1 year of age. 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】。

英语口语智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下哈尔滨理工大学哈尔滨理工大学第一章测试1.Chinese celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of . ()答案:the fifth lunar month2.The Mongolian people usually treat their guests with . ()。
答案:milk tea and lamb3.Broad bean chilli paste is _____. ()答案:an important seasoning in Sichuan cuisine4.Brewing techniques of liquor are _____. ()答案:methods to make jiu5. A lazy Susan is _____. ()答案:a circular rotating tray placed at the centre of a table6.The appearance of the traditional sticky rice dumpling is of a pyramid shape.()答案:对7.Generally speaking, there are three essential factors by which Chinesecooking is judged, namely “shallow frying, steaming and roasting”. ( )答案:错8.Shandong cuisine is famous for its wide selection of materials and use ofdiverse cooking methods. ( )答案:对9.Jiu was once regarded as a sacred liquid in ancient China and was used onlyin sacrificial ceremonies.()答案:对10.According to Chinese dining etiquette, if the dishes come out one at a time,they are typically served to the oldest person first.()答案:错第二章测试1.What does obesity mean?()答案:Being extremely fat.2.What do track events include? ()。

奏响美食文化交流新乐章1.Which side does the waiter serve dishes?A:rightB:left答案:B2.Which side do ladies to get seated from?A:rightB:left答案:B3.Guest must wait for the hostess to put her napkin on the lap.A:对B:错答案:A4.The most important table manners is to “do as romans do”A:错B:对答案:B英语词源解密1.Audi-词根的含义是_______A:旋转B:传奇C:声音D:奥迪答案:C2.Spring一词不可以用作下列哪种词性?A:名词B:副词C:动词D:形容词答案:B3._______ 被称为”诸神之王”.A:波塞冬B:克洛诺斯C:宙斯D:哈德斯答案:C4.下列哪个词的来历与天后赫拉有关?A:doveB:donateC:disasterD:mint答案:D5.下列前缀可以表示“再一次,重新”的是 _________.A:curB:domC:reD:lev答案:C语言因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富1.用英语发送商务邮件的五大原则中,“2C”是指什么?A:Concrete and conciseB:Clear and the companyC:Clear and conciseD:Clean and comfortable答案:C2.英语发送邮件的附件,不能用下面哪个英语_______A:enclosedB:attachedC:add答案:C3.Will you carry the ball this time? Alex did it last time. 该句中的 carry the ball的意思是_______。

英语口语趣谈智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下牡丹江大学牡丹江大学第一章测试1.Teacher’s Pet means the pet which a teacher keeps.答案:错2.I'm a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight. I often____.答案:stay up3.Hit the books means to beat the books hard.答案:错4.We're going to dine out to celebrate this evening, because my roommatepassed CET-6 with flying____.答案:colours5.He has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat inthe City. So he's a bit of a high-flyer. So he is____.答案:successful6.When we say somebody only goes to the library once in a blue moon, weimply that he seldom goes to the library.答案:对7.Choose the best translation of “give him an A for effort” .答案:老师承认他为此付出努力8.She’s _________ the moon about her progress. She really wasn’t expecting to getan A on her paper.答案:over9.If something is a "drag", that means it is unpleasing or depressing.答案:对10.________ is about work and means to have a lot or too many duties to perform,or too much work to do at one time.答案:To have a lot on one’s plate第二章测试1.Choose the best translation of “You have really left me high and dry.”答案:你真的让我孤立无援了。

第一章测试1.Watching English film is useless in learning English.A:FalseB:True答案:A2.What basic skills should we master at college?A:professional knowledge and skillsB:PresentationC:TeamworkD:Time management答案:ABCD3.What kind of topics can you talk when you start a conversation with others?A:The others’ ageB:The others’ incomeC:The EconomyD:Current News Stories答案:CD4.Sometimes things don’t________ the way we think they’re going to.A:turn inB:turn outC:turn off答案:B5.How to write an address correctly?A:英语对地址的习惯表达方式是“从大到小”,而中文习惯表达式“从小到大”。
答案:B第二章测试1.As a young man, he has a strong __________ for success.A:churchB:honorC:desireD:secret答案:C2.My classmates all laughed when I __________ our teacher.A:infectedB:spreadC:imitatedD:developed答案:C3.It took us __________ two hours to get there.A:roughB:prettyC:nearlyD:approximate答案:C4.It suddenly __________ me that I should have left a message on his desk.A:came toB:take toC:cause toD:lead to答案:A5.The students are planning a big party __________ their retiring teacher.A:take care ofB:made out ofC:in honor ofD:make up of答案:C第三章测试1.She doesn’t mind being______ because she never feels______.A:lonely;aloneB:alone; lonely答案:B2.The agency was heavily criticized for its _____ response to the hurricane.A:tardyB:late答案:A3.“But, while, however, although, first, nevertheless, otherwise, yet, on thecontrary, instead” are the signal words of transition relation. (True or False question.)A:FalseB:True答案:A4. A Thank-you letter should firstly express your apology for others. (True orFalse question.)A:FalseB:True答案:A5.What is the meaning of “shall “in the sentence of “Every competitor shallwear a number.”?A:mustB:need答案:A第四章测试1.It began to ___ dark.A:growB:become答案:A2.The longer she waited, _______ she became.A: the more impatientB: the most impatient答案:A3.When is the right time of running?A:4 to 6 p.m.B:7 to 9 p.m.答案:A4. When we are out for work, what must we bring?A:business cardB:business card holder答案:A5.There ____ some bread in the refrigerator.A:areB:is答案:B第五章测试1.(),this job will require a lot of hard work.A: AfterwardsB: To be sureC:Without any delay答案:B2.We looked on in () as she showed us how to skate.A:admirationB: requestC:delight答案:A3.How could he () the best apples for himself and leave the rest to hisparents?A: pick upB: pick outC: pick on答案:B4.The gallery()a number of the artist’s earl y worksA:requiresB:requestsC:possesses答案:C5.Can I have another piece of the cake? It’ s simply().A:deliciousB:roughC: terrible答案:A第六章测试1.Miss Green isn’t in the office. She_______ to the library.A:will goB:has beenC:wentD:has gone答案:B2.My parents ______ Shandong for ten years.A:have been inB:have beenC:have been toD:have gone to答案:B3.The students have cleaned the classroom, ____?A:so theyB:haven’t theyC:have theyD:don’t they答案:B4._______ has Mr. White been a member of Greener China since he _______ toChina?A:How long, cameB:How soon, comesC:How often, gotD:How far, arrived答案:A5.His uncle _______ for more than 9 years.A:has come hereB:has left the universityC:has started to workD:has lived there答案:D第七章测试1.He loves the old songs, which ____ everyone of his age.A:are familiar withB: are similar toC: are familiar toD:are similar with答案:C2.Write your name and address on your bag ________ you lose it.A: in caseB:in no caseC:in that caseD: in any case答案:A3.He operates the new computer as if he special training in it.A:receivedB:had receivedC: has receivedD:would received答案:B4. She said she would go and she ________ go.A:reallyB:wouldC:didn’tD:did答案:D5.It was not until 1936___baseball became a regular part of Olympic Games.A:thatB:whichC:whenD:then答案:A。

智慧树知到《英语口语趣谈》章节测试答案第一章1、Teacher’s Pet means the pet which a teacher keeps.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、I’m a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight. I often____.A:hunt an owl at nightB:stay up正确答案:stay up3、Hit the books means to beat the books hard.A:对B:错正确答案:错4、We’re going to dine out to celebrate this evening, because my roommate passed CET-6 with flying____.A:flagsB:colours正确答案:colours5、He has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat in the City. So he’s a bit of a high-flyer. So he is____.A:successfulB: on airplane a lot正确答案:successful6、When we say somebody only goes to the library once in a blue moon, we imply that he seldom goes to the library.A:对B:错正确答案:对7、Choose the best translation of “give him an A for effort” .A:给了他一个AB:因为努力给了他一个AC:老师承认他为此付出努力D:给了他一个A以示鼓励正确答案:老师承认他为此付出努力8、She’s _ the moon about her progress. She really wasn’t expecting to get an A on her paper.A:onB:inC:overD:above正确答案:over9、If something is a “drag”, that means it is unpleasing or depressing.A:对B:错正确答案:对10、____ is about work and means to have a lot or too many duties to perform, or too much work to do at one time.A:To have a lot in one’s mouthB:To have a lot in one’s bagC:To have a lot on one’s plateD:To have a lot on ones leg正确答案:To have a lot on one’s plate第二章1、Choose the best translation of “You have really left me high and dry.”A:你真的给我一种“高冷”的感觉。

第一章测试1【听力训练】 (2.5分)【1】请根据听力材料回答问题1(请点击题干中图标听问题1)【2.5分】A.When he boarded a flight to the US.B.When he graduated from the film school.C.When he applied to study film at the University of Illinois.D.When he competed for available roles on Broadway.错误本题的得分0分本题总得分0分2【听力训练】 (2.5分)【1】请根据听力材料回答问题2(请点击题干中图标听问题2)【2.5分】A.Struggling through six years of annoying hopeless uncertainty.B.Working as editor’s assistant at the beginning of his career.C.Being refused repeatedly by production companies when shopping a scre enplay.D.Helping film crew with the equipment at the beginning of his career.错误本题的得分0分本题总得分0分3【听力训练】 (2.5分)【1】请根据听力材料回答问题3(请点击题干中图标听问题3)【2.5分】A.Because he thought it would help with moviemaking.B.Because he was interested in computer.C.Because he wanted to lean some skills to be employed.D.Because his wife encouraged him to do so.错误本题的得分0分本题总得分0分4【听力训练】 (2.5分)【1】请根据听力材料回答问题4(请点击题干中图标听问题4)【2.5分】A.He would sooner or later win a golden statue.B.He has a talent in making films.C.He would obtain funding for his screenplay sooner or later.D.He is very persistent and can also sacrifice for his family.错误本题的得分0分本题总得分0分5【判断题】 (1分)请根据听力材料回答问题5(请点击题干中图标听问题5)The man is going to take another appointment.A.对B.错错误本题总得分0分6【判断题】 (1分)请根据听力材料回答问题6(请点击题干中图标听问题6)The woman will give the man a calculator for a coffee.A.错B.对错误本题总得分0分7【判断题】 (1分)请根据听力材料回答问题7(请点击题干中图标听问题7)The woman advises the man to pursue something abstract.A.对B.错错误本题总得分0分第二章测试1【听力训练】 (8分)【1】Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.【2分】A.You will develop your own style of doing things.B.You will become less flexible.C.You will experience more stress.D.You will become narrow-minded.错误本题的得分0分【2】Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.【2分】A.By doing merely the manageable part of the project.B.By dividing them into smaller parts to finish one after another.C.By tackling the most difficult part first.D.By imaging a positive sense of accomplishment.错误本题的得分0分【3】Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.【2分】A.It can give you a sense of confidence.B.It can make it easier for you to fall asleep.C.It can facilitate your learning.D.It can make you feel positive.错误本题的得分0分【4】Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.【2分】A.Suggestions to reduce your stress to manageable levels.B.Tips to get a good result in a fierce competition.C.Tips to help you enjoy life.D.Suggestions to deal with stress at school.错误本题的得分0分本题总得分0分2【判断题】 (1分)听材料,判断对错。

智慧树知到《英语⼝语趣谈》章节测试答案智慧树知到《英语⼝语趣谈》章节测试答案第⼀章1、Teacher’s Pet means the pet which a teacher keeps.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、I’m a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight. I often____.A:hunt an owl at nightB:stay up正确答案:stay up3、Hit the books means to beat the books hard.A:对B:错正确答案:错4、We’re going to dine out to celebrate this evening, because my roommate passed CET-6 with flying____.A:flagsB:colours正确答案:colours5、He has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat in the City. So he’s a bit of a high-flyer. So he is____.A:successfulB: on airplane a lot正确答案:successful6、When we say somebody only goes to the library once in a blue moon, we imply that he seldom goes to the library. A:对B:错正确答案:对7、Choose the best translation of “give him an A for effort” .A:给了他⼀个AB:因为努⼒给了他⼀个AC:⽼师承认他为此付出努⼒D:给了他⼀个A以⽰⿎励正确答案:⽼师承认他为此付出努⼒8、She’s _ the moon about her progress. She really wasn’t expecting to get an A on her paper.A:onB:inC:overD:above正确答案:over9、If something is a “drag”, that means it is unpleasing or depressing.A:对B:错正确答案:对10、____ is about work and means to have a lot or too many duties to perform, or too much work to do at one time. A:To have a lot in one’s mouthB:To have a lot in one’s bagC:To have a lot on one’s plateD:To have a lot on ones leg正确答案:To have a lot on one’s plate第⼆章1、Choose the best translation of “You have really left me high and dry.”A:你真的给我⼀种“⾼冷”的感觉。

答:√问:“酒好不怕巷子深”反映的是( )答:产品观念问:下列关于中国革命道德说法错误的是()。
智慧树知到答案 口译入门章节测试答案

第一章单元测试1、判断题:《后汉书・南蛮传》记载: “交趾之南有越裳国。
” 这句话里的”象”,指的是翻译官。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】2、判断题:在中国,口译实践的日益活跃以及对口译人员需求的增加以1971年我国重返联合国为起始标志。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、判断题:按照口译活动的性质和正式程度,口译还可分为会议口译和联络口译两大类。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、多选题:学校邀请了一位美国教授给同学们做学术讲座,因为疫情的原因,这位教授来不了中国,只能进行视频会议,这次活动的口译属于哪种类型呢?()。
选项:A:会议口译B:远程口译C:联络口译D:交替传译答案: 【会议口译;远程口译;交替传译】5、多选题:根据本小节课程讲解,口译和笔译的区别主要体现在哪些方面?()。
选项:A:两者的翻译标准不同B:两者对译员素质的要求不同C:两者的工作方式不同答案: 【两者的翻译标准不同;两者对译员素质的要求不同;两者的工作方式不同】第二章单元测试1、判断题:专业的译员之所以能提高他们短时记忆的容量,就是通过练习将每个记忆的“组块”尽可能地扩展。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】2、判断题:译员的工作是头脑“解码器”,来实现源语和目的语两种语言符号之间的直接转换。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、判断题:数字口译是难点,是因为英、汉两种语言在数字的表达上存在较大的差别,最主要表现在它们有不同的分段方式。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、单选题:学习口译技巧应遵循先单项再,先简单再,反复操练,以形成习惯。
()选项:A:复杂,综合B:综合,复杂C:多项,综合D:多项,复杂答案: 【综合,复杂】5、多选题:口译的过程可以分为如下哪三个主要环节?选项:A:目的语理解B:信息的记忆C:目的语表达D:源语的理解答案: 【信息的记忆;目的语表达;源语的理解】第三章单元测试1、判断题:汉语意合特征明显,显性的语法比重较大,很少使用隐形的连接手段和连接词。
2021知到答案 即兴口语表达 最新智慧树满分章节测试答案

选项:A:文本内容B:听众反馈C:表达环境D:媒介意志答案: 【媒介意志】2、单选题:从表达内容上看,规范口语是有严格的()要求,而日常口语则不需要。
选项:A:真实性B:情景性C:逻辑性D:规定性答案: 【规定性】3、单选题:语速的合理程度是即兴口语中至关重要的问题。
选项:A:440B:340C:140D:240答案: 【240】4、多选题:“边想边说”是即兴口语的典型状态,即兴口语要求口语表达主体,在有限的时间里,同时达到两种要求:()。
选项:A:表达要有逻辑性B:表达过程中语态要求亲切自然C:尽可能多地增加语言信息量D:传达信息的语言要具有高度的准确性答案: 【尽可能多地增加语言信息量;传达信息的语言要具有高度的准确性】5、多选题:即兴口语表达的生成性来划分,即兴口语基本上包含两大类:()。
选项:A:日常口语B:次生口语C:原生口语D:规范口语答案: 【次生口语;原生口语】6、判断题:《即兴口语表达》是一门突出技能特色、注重实际训练的课程。
选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】7、判断题:从狭义上说,即兴口语指的是较严肃场合中,带着一定目的而使用的,是没有经过加工提炼的边想边说的口头语言,以此区别于纯生存空间中的口语。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】8、判断题:从范围上界定,规范口语针对的是大众传播的言语行为,而日常口语针对的是人际交往的言语行为。
选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】9、判断题:从表达对象上看,规范口语是选择性,而日常口语是具有公众性。
选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】10、判断题:从语体上看,规范口语有时带有书面语色彩,而日常口语是不带有书面语色彩的。
选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、单选题:任何事物的创造都离不开想象,想象是()的先锋。
选项:A:行动B:思维C:创造D:表达答案: 【创造】2、单选题:丰富的想象力与生活积累分不开,同时与()也分不开。
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1. 表示接电话的短语是 pick up
2. QR code 指的是: 二维码
3. Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思: 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫
4. 表示挂电话的短语是 hang up
5. on cloud nine 这个短语的意思是: 心情舒畅
①短语 slip my mind 的意思是: 忘了
②表示接电话的短语是 pick up
③和 You would have a ball 表达相近意思的句子是: You will have
a great time
④在句子I’m your rock 中,rock 的意思是: 坚实的支持
1. Espresso 是指: 意式浓缩咖啡
2. 下图是什么样的奶: 脱脂奶
3. 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈酒,下面哪一种不是六大基酒( D )
A. Gin
B. Rum
C. Whiskey
D. Liqueur
4. 图中的运动对应下面的: Push-up
5. 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达: Credit Card
①有的咖啡在上面会有一层全脂奶打出来的泡沫,奶泡对应的英语单词是: Foam
②百加得朗姆酒瓶身的图案是哪一种动物: 蝙蝠
③图中的运动对应下面的: Barbell
④图中表示的意思是: 打75折
⑤图中的 DFS 指的是: 免税店
1. 图中的红烧肉可以用下面哪个来表达: Braised Pork in Brown Sauce
2. 这款甜点对应的英语是: Waffle
3. 3~4熟的牛排对应的英语是: Medium rare
4. 意大利面分为红酱面、青酱面、白酱面和黑酱面,其中白酱面指的是: 奶油面
5. 吃西餐时如图摆放刀叉,代表的意思是: 用餐完毕
①麻婆豆腐是哪一菜系的代表: 川菜
②提拉米苏(Tiramisu)在意大利语的意思是: 带我走
③意大利面分为红酱面、青酱面、白酱面和黑酱面,其中红酱面指的是: 番茄面
④形容一道菜是咸的,用哪个词: Salty
1. 大一新生对应的英语是: Freshman
2. On which day is Thanksgiving Day? Thanksgiving falls on the: fourth Thursday of November
3. 短语 cupboard love 形容的爱情是: 有所企图的爱
4. love in cottage 形容的爱情是: 糟糠夫妻的爱
5. tie the knot 形容的关系是: 我们结婚了
①Elective Course 对应的汉语是: 选修课
②毕业证书,学位证书对应的英语是: Diploma
③Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you. 这句话的意识是: 己所不欲勿施于人
④古罗马人把那种花当做沉默或严守秘密的象征,并在日常生活中相尚成风: 玫瑰
⑤下列是 hungry 的同义词的有: starving/famished/growling
⑥短语 index finger 指的是五个手指中的: 食指
⑦Leo 指的是什么星座: 狮子
1. 护照对应的英语是: Passport
2. 图中的标志牌显示此处是: 行李认领处
3. 在宾馆的房间类型中,deluxe suite 对应的英语是: 豪华套房
4. 在宾馆英语中,deposit 对应的汉语是: 押金
5.短语 split a cab 对应的汉语是: 拼车
①单词 passport 对应的汉语是: 护照
②图中的标志牌显示此处是: 行李认领处
③The room’s insulation is too bad. 这句话的意思是: 房间的隔音设备太差了
④手机里的 SIM 卡指的是: 用户身份识别模块
⑤位于美国费城的常青藤盟校中,University of Pennsylvania指的是: 宾夕法尼亚大学
1. 短语 personal resume 对应的汉语是: 个人简历
2. 个人简历中的 marital status 对应的汉语是: 婚姻状况
3. 英文个人简历中的 Gender 一栏,如果是男性,应选填: Male
4. I am someone who can adapt to any situation. 这句话对应的汉语是: 我是一个可以适应任何环境的人
5. 表示请假的英语短语可以是: ask for a leave/take off
①不属于面试进行自我介绍的谈吐3P原则指的是: 健谈
游戏是three-dimensional chess,指的是: 三维国际象棋
③人力资源的英文简称是: HR
④首席执行官的英文缩写是: CEO
这是以下哪一位的励志名言: 丘吉尔。