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电信工程技术与标准化年第期Power Saving Mechanism of TD-L TE T erminal Based on Virtual MIMO
Li Fa ngwei Peng Yuwei
(Key Laboratory of Mobile Communication,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065)Abstr act Th is paper introduces the virtual MIMO of uplin k in management of the wireless resou rce.An d
th en ,an al yzes t he b en efits an d drawbacks of s ev eral common us er pairing s ch eme.Finally it
analyzes the possib ility of usi ng the virtual MIMO tech nology to increase t he effectiveness of
energy in th e T D-LTE system,and propo ses the concept of po wer sav ing mechan ism of the TD
LT E terminal which based on virtual MIMO.
Keywor ds LTE,virtual MIMO,user pairing,power saving mechanism
3G P P,7th -11th N o vem b er,2005
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