



控制盐、糖、油的 摄入
合理搭配食物,摄入适 量的蛋白质、碳水化合 物、脂肪、维生素、矿 物质和膳食纤维。
避免摄入过多的热量, 以维持健康的体重和体 脂水平。
蔬菜水果富含维生素、 矿物质和膳食纤维,应 每天食用。
减少盐、糖、油的摄入 ,以预防高血压、糖尿 病、心血管疾病等慢性 病。
以苏州、扬州、南京等地 的菜品为代表,以清淡、 甜鲜、细腻而著称。
以广州、潮州、汕头等地的菜品 为代表,讲究烹调技巧和食材的
以福州、厦门、泉州等地的菜品为 代表,以汤菜和海鲜为主要特色。
以长沙、衡阳、邵阳等地的菜品为 代表,以辣味和烟熏味为特点。
以杭州、宁波、绍兴等地的菜品 为代表,以清淡、鲜美、滑嫩而 著称。
《舌尖上的中国》是由中国中央电视台 拍摄的美食纪录片,以中国各地的美食 文化为主题,展现了中国美食的多样性 和独特性。
这部纪录片通过讲述美食背后的故事和历 史,让观众深入了解中国美食文化的魅力 和内涵。同时,该片也展示了中国不同地 区、不同民族、不同风味的特色美食,对 于想要了解中国美食文化的观众来说,是 一部非常值得观看的纪录片。
构成人体组织的基本物质,维持 生命活动,促进生长发育。
提供能量,构成细胞和组织,维 持脑部功能。



4、新媒体的助力,央视的纪录片频道总监刘文接受采访时坦言: “舌尖”的成功,网络推动作用力很大,很多人在微博上的传 播起了很大的作用。制片人陈晓卿在新浪微博的粉丝数超过16 万,其中更有许多名人粉丝,经过口口相传,一条节目预告的 转发率和评论率就相当可观。配合纪录片每天一集,每集一个 主题的讨论,更是形成了持续效应。 。
一 纪录片热播
1.《舌尖上的中国》:5月14~18日、21~22日7天,在央视综合频道 《魅力纪录》晚间10点30分播出,次日晚6点在综合频道重播;央视 1套播完后,又开始在央视9套进行第2轮播出。
2 . 开播以来,平均收视率0.5%,最高0.55%,击败同时段电视剧。
5月14日,《舌尖上的中国》CCTV-1开播,首集收视率为 0.012,第二、三集就分别飙到0.191和0.201,均值比最近几 大卫视的后宫热播剧《甄嬛传》以及家庭剧《夫妻那些事》 还高不止一点半点。(可谓秒杀热剧) • 3.《舌尖上的中国》在豆瓣网站由17902人参与评价的分值高 达9.5,而《阿凡达》的这个数字是8.7,《泰坦尼克号》是8.9。
吃货们都是相信自己动手丰衣足食的。该网站显示:烹饪套 装在过去5天内的搜索次数环比涨144%,各种锅、壶类也增长 22%, 其中用于传统烹饪的蒸锅、砂锅、石锅等成交量涨幅最大, 分别达到70.86%和33.4%;而云南特产汽锅鸡中所需用到的汽锅 成交量也增近20%。从私房菜食材的成交额来看,占有一半成交 额的四川、上海和江西人民尤其勤劳。
《舌尖上的中国》火爆绝对是好事,如果 电视荧屏充斥的只有婆婆妈妈卿卿我我,而缺 乏有人文厚度的作品,说明这个国度还很浅薄, 用胡紫薇的话说:“输出不了价值观”。出现 更多类似《舌尖上的中国》这样的作品,说明 大家欣赏水准在悄悄发生变化,老百姓更注重 生活品质而非仅仅是贪图热闹



一、美食中英对照烤松茸:roasted matsutake油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rib soup酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root炸藕夹:deep-fried lotus root sandwich鱼头泡饼:bread soaked in fish head soup香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili二、中英文台本第一集《自然的馈赠》Episode 1 Gift of Nature中国拥有世界上最富戏剧性的自然景观,高原,山林,湖泊,海岸线。




China have the world's most strange natural landscapes, plateaus,mountains and forests, lakes and rivers, coastline. Such kind of geographical span is very good for the growth and reserve of species, which any of other countries don't have a lotof potential raw of food like China. To get the gift of nature, people collect, pick, dig, catch all year round. This episode will show the story about man and nature behind the delicious.香格里拉,松树和栎树自然杂交林中,卓玛寻找着一种精灵般的食物——松茸。




以下是《舌尖上的中国》的英文台本:[场景:开篇]Narrator: Welcome to "A Bite of China," a journey through the flavors and traditions of Chinese cuisine. Join us as we explore the diverse culinary landscape of this vast country.[场景:四川火锅]Narrator: Our first stop takes us to Sichuan province, known for its fiery flavors and mouth-numbing spices. Sichuan hot pot, or "huoguo," is a communal dining experience where friends and family gather around a simmering pot of broth filled with a variety of ingredients.[镜头:锅底翻炒]Narrator: The base of the hot pot is carefully prepared, with a combination of aromatic spices, chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns. The ingredients arestir-fried to release their flavors before the broth is added.[镜头:食材入锅]Narrator: Once the broth is boiling, an array of fresh ingredients is added, from thinly sliced meat and vegetables to tofu and mushrooms. Each ingredient cooks quickly, allowing diners to enjoy a variety of flavors and textures.[场景:广东点心]Narrator: In Guangdong province, dim sum is a beloved culinary tradition. These bite-sized delicacies are meticulously crafted and steamed to perfection.[镜头:点心制作]Narrator: Skilled chefs carefully fold and shape the dumplings, ensuring that each one is a work of art. From shrimp dumplings to barbecue pork buns, dim sum offers a tantalizing array of flavors.[场景:云南过桥米线]Narrator: Traveling to Yunnan province, we discover "guoqiao mixian," or crossing the bridge noodles. This iconic dish features a rich broth, rice noodles, and an assortment of fresh toppings.[镜头:撒入葱花]Narrator: As the noodles are added to the hot broth, the aroma fills the air. Toppings such as thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and herbs are added, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.[场景:新疆烤全羊]Narrator: In Xinjiang province, the tradition of roasting a whole lamb is a sight to behold. The lamb is marinated with a mixture of spices and herbs, then slow-roasted over an open fire.[镜头:烤制过程]Narrator: The lamb slowly cooks, its skin turning golden and crispy, while the meat remains tender and juicy. This communal feast brings people together to celebrate and savor the flavors of Xinjiang.[场景:福建闽菜]Narrator: Finally, we arrive in Fujian province, known for its delicate and flavorful Min cuisine. From seafood to soups, Min cuisine showcases the natural flavors of the ingredients.[镜头:炒菜快炒]Narrator: Stir-frying is a common cooking technique in Min cuisine, allowing the ingredients to retain their freshness and texture. The dishes are often light and subtly seasoned, highlighting the natural sweetness and umami of the ingredients.[场景:结尾]Narrator: From the fiery spices of Sichuan to the delicate flavors of Fujian, the culinary journey through China is a testament to the country's rich food culture. Join us next time as we continue to explore the fascinating world of Chinese cuisine.这是一个简要的《舌尖上的中国》英文台本,希望能为你提供一个多角度的全面回答。


舌 尖上的
壹 自然的馈赠秘密 陆 五味的调和 柒 我们的田野
作为一个美食家,食物的美妙味感固 然值得玩味,但是食物是从哪里来的? 毫无疑问,我们从大自然中获得所有 的食物,在我们走进厨房,走向餐桌 之前,先让我们回归自然,看看她给 我们的最初的馈赠。
圣武和茂荣是兄弟俩,每年9月, 他们都会来到湖北的嘉鱼县,来采 挖一种自然的美味。
烤松茸 油焖春笋
椒盐藕夹 酸辣藕丁
腊味飘香腌笃鲜 排骨莲藕汤
煎焗马鲛鱼 酸菜鱼
松鼠桂鱼 侉炖鱼
今天当我们有权远 离自然,享受美食 的时候,最应该感 谢的是这些通过劳 动和智慧成就餐桌 美味的人们。
黑 白 纵 横经 三天 千纬 里地
一 点 通
九月下旬,乌珠穆沁草原已经褪去了 绿色。孟克和家人抓紧时间,赶在严冬 之前进行最后的出场放牧。奶茶是早餐 中永远的主角。砖茶、黄油、炒米,以 及鲜奶是一锅奶茶的重要内容。
一直向南,几千公里外的云南,几 乎是同样的情形。白族人家用相似的手 法转化这里的牛奶。乳扇被晾到院敞里 风干,像是挂起了巨大的风铃。
们为 采了 集得 ,到 穿捡这 越拾份 四,自 季挖然 。掘的 ,馈 捕赠 捞, 。人
香格里拉,松树和栎树自然杂交林 中,卓玛寻找着一种精灵般的食 物——松茸。
老包是浙江人,他的毛竹林里,长 出过遂昌最大的一个冬笋。
在云南大理北部山区,醒目的红色 砂岩中间,散布着不少天然的盐井, 这些盐成就了云南山里人特殊的美 味。老黄和他的儿子树江小溪边搭 建一个炉灶,土灶每年冬天的工作 就是熬盐。
中国人的烹调手艺与众不同,从最平凡的一锅米饭,一个 馒头,到变化万千的精致主食,都是中国人辛勤劳动,经 验积累的结晶。然而,不管吃下了多少酒食菜肴,主食, 永远都是中国人餐桌上最后的主角。



《舌尖上的中国》美食英文名词大汇集话题:春笋莲藕教育学习”A Bite of China II” includes eight episodes covering thestories of more than 150 people and over 300 types of food.《舌尖上的中国》第二季一共8集,涵盖了150多个人的故事和300多种食物。

第一集 Footsteps 《脚步》中出现的美食:Honey shortening酥油蜂蜜Honey-glazed eel蜂蜜鳗鱼Spicy sausage麻辣香肠Lantian ‘belt’ noodles蓝田裤带面Stewed mudskippers清炖跳跳鱼Pancake roll stuffed with scallions煎饼卷大葱Leishan fish sauce雷山鱼酱Chaozhou spring roll潮州春卷Quanzhou radish rice roll泉州萝卜饭往期美食回顾:烤松茸:roasted matsutake油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rip soup酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root炸藕夹:deep-fried lotus root sandwich鱼头泡饼:bread soaked in fish head soup香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili莲藕排骨汤: lotus root and rip soup鱼头泡饼: bread soaked in fish head soup炸藕夹: deep-fried lotus root sandwich腌笃鲜:bamboo shootsoup with fresh and pickled streaky pork烤松茸:roasted matsutake油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root葱油椒盐花卷:steamed twisted rolls with scallion and spicy salt馒头:steamed bread干炒牛河:stir-fried rice noodles with beef腊汁肉夹馍:Chinese hamburger 羊肉泡馍:pita bread soaked in lamb soup兰州拉面:Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles岐山臊子面:Qishan minced noodles端午粽子:zongzi青菜炒年糕:rice cake stir-fried with vegetables毛蟹炒年糕:rice cake stir-fried with crabs扁豆焖面:braised noodles with lentil山西焖面:Shanxi braised noodles清明团子:sweet green rice ball鲜虾云吞面:won ton noodle with shrimps大煮干丝:raised shredded chicken with ham and dried tofu豆腐脑:tofu curd香炸奶豆腐:fried dried milk cake蒙古奶茶:Mongolia milky tea炸乳扇:fried dairy fan烤羊排:baked lamp chop红烧毛豆腐:stinky tofu braised in soy sauce绍兴醉鸡:Shouxing chicken in wine酸菜白肉:pickled Chinese cabbage with plain boiled pork酸菜饺子:dumpling of pickled Chinese cabbage-采编自网络-。



Boat pastry 船点
Eel Clay Pot
Fried rice crust
Red date paste cake
Three-nested Duck
Fried beef dumpling
Pig ears dressed with sause
Bone-free fish 脱骨鱼
• On Thursday, the president said the U.S. would honor a defense treaty with Japan if China seizes a disputed group of islands. The islands are known as Senkaku in Ja pan and as Diaoyu in China. Mr.Obama spoke after talks with Japanese Pri me Minister Shinzo Abe. “The treaty between the United States and Japan preceded my birt h, so obviously this isn't a redline that I'm drawing. It is the standard interpretation over multiple administrations of the terms of the alliance, which is that territories under the administration of Japan are covered under the treaty. There's no shift in position. There's no red line that's been drawn. We're simply applying the treaty.” But in Beijing, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman noted that nothing has chan ged. The official said, “the Diaoyu Islands are China’s inherent territory” and the country would protect its “sovereignty and maritime rights.”



舌尖上的中国英文台本摘要:一、节目《舌尖上的中国》简介1.节目背景2.节目内容3.节目特点二、英文台本的意义与挑战1.意义2.挑战三、英文台本的具体表现1.词汇与表达2.文化元素的翻译3.语言风格的处理四、英文台本对于对外传播中华美食文化的贡献1.提高国际知名度2.促进文化交流3.丰富外国观众的视野正文:《舌尖上的中国》是一部脍炙人口的美食类纪录片,自2012 年起在我国热播,引发了全国观众对美食和传统文化的热议。













Tasting clean, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually has fowl and other meats that produce its unique dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sha-die, deepfrying, braising, stewing and steaming. Steaming and stir-fr ying are most frequently used to preserve the ingredients' natural flavors.
Huangshan Braised Pigeon (黄山红烧石歧项鸽)
Hunan Cuisine
Hunan cuisine consists of local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau areas. It is characterized by thick and pungent flavors. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessities in this variation.

Zhejiang Cuisine
Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine is not greasy. It wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, and smoothness of its dishes with their mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one of the there.




【片中菜名的英文翻译】莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rip soup鱼头泡饼:bread soaked in fish head soup炸藕夹:deep-fried lotus root sandwich腌笃鲜:bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork烤松茸:roasted matsutake油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root葱油椒盐花卷:steamed twisted rolls with scallion and spicy salt馒头:steamed bread干炒牛河:stir-fried rice noodles with beef腊汁肉夹馍:Chinese hamburger羊肉泡馍:pita bread soaked in lamb soup兰州拉面:Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles岐山臊子面:Qishan minced noodles端午粽子:zongzi青菜炒年糕:rice cake stir-fried with vegetables毛蟹炒年糕:rice cake stir-fried with crabs扁豆焖面:braised noodles with lentil山西焖面:Shanxi braised noodles清明团子:sweet green rice ball鲜虾云吞面:won ton noodle with shrimps大煮干丝:raised shredded chicken with ham and dried tofu豆腐脑:tofu curd香炸奶豆腐:fried dried milk cake蒙古奶茶:Mongolia milky tea炸乳扇:fried dairy fan烤羊排:baked lamp chop红烧毛豆腐:stinky tofu braised in soy sauce绍兴醉鸡:Shaoxing chicken in wine酸菜白肉:pickled Chinese cabbage with plain boiled pork酸菜饺子:dumpling of pickled Chinese cabbage。



The public is sincerely touched by it. Maybe raising "loving the food" to the level of "loving the country" is a little improper, but it is a simple and sincere expression of the public. In addition to this documentary, there is also another "A Bite of China." Examining the two kinds of "A Bite of China" rationally may help us understand why this documentary is so popular.
Thanks for you watching
A Bite of China captures social transformations while presenting food cultures, such as showing the dispersion of extended families that leave the elderly in their hometowns while other members work outside cases in which food serves as reminders of happy times and centerpieces of reunions.
Maybe neither of them can correctly reflect the true "food China." The daily life of the common Chinese people is not as beautiful and attractive as the fairyland-like documentary, and of course, is not as dirty and intolerable as the food scandals reported in the news either. The practical daily life in China is much more complex and various than the two kinds of "A Bite of China."



A Culinary Journey Through China: A Reviewof "A Bite of China"In the heart of every culture, lies its cuisine. This is especially true for China, a vast country with a rich and diverse gastronomic heritage. "A Bite of China," a documentary series produced by the Chinese Central Television (CCTV), offers a delicious and captivating exploration of this rich culinary landscape. Through the lens of food, the series takes viewers on a journey through China, introducing them to the diverse flavors, techniques, and stories behind the country's most celebrated dishes.The series begins by highlighting the intricate relationship between food and the natural environment. China, with its diverse climates and vast landscapes, boasts a bounty of ingredients that are unique to its soil and climate. From the fertile plains of the Yangtze River to the snow-capped mountains of the Tibet Plateau, each region offers its own unique flavors and ingredients. The documentary showcases how these ingredients are harvested, prepared, and transformed into delicious dishes that are as much a part of the region's identity as its people.Beyond the ingredients, "A Bite of China" also delves into the history and traditions behind Chinese cuisine. The series explores how food has been a medium for cultural exchange, telling stories of how dishes have traveled along trade routes and been adopted by different communities, evolving into new flavors and recipes. It also highlights the role of food in Chinese festivals and celebrations, showing how specific dishes are associated with particular occasions and how they are prepared with love and care.One of the most compelling aspects of the series is its focus on the people behind the food. The documentary introduces us to chefs, farmers, and families who have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft and preserving their cultural heritage through food. Their stories, often interwoven with the history and traditions of their regions, add a personal and emotional touch to the series, making it more than just a cooking show; it's a celebration of Chinese culture and identity.The cinematography and production values of "A Bite of China" are also noteworthy. The series is shot in stunning high-definition, capturing the beauty of China's landscapesand the details of food preparation in breathtaking detail. The music and narration are also carefully crafted, creating an emotional and immersive experience for the viewer.Overall, "A Bite of China" is a must-watch for anyone interested in Chinese culture, cuisine, or simply the art of food preparation. It's a journey through China's rich culinary heritage, offering insights into the country's diverse flavors, traditions, and people. Through the lens of food, the series presents a vivid and captivating portrait of China, inviting viewers to taste, smell, and experience the beauty of its culture firsthand.**《舌尖上的中国》节目介绍**食物是文化的灵魂,这一点在中国尤为明显。

舌尖上的中国[英文版]中国美食介绍 PPT课件

舌尖上的中国[英文版]中国美食介绍 PPT课件
Confucius Dishes has a long history, which can even parallel the ancient royal cuisines. Most of the Confucius dishes have refined names related with historical stories, and the exquisite cutting technique and delicate style make Confucius Dishes one of the most expensive even luxurious dishes nowadays.
Su Cuisine
Su Cuisine
Various Chinese Dishes
Thank You!
What a good food Lynn
The Most Famous Dishes:
different sorts of sea food Wowo Tou (a kind of snack made from maize powder) Peeled Shrimp in Cucumber Rings Bird’s Nest Cooked in 4 Ways
Su Cuisine
From Jiangsu Province and Shanghai. Ingredients are supposed to be as fresh as possible in this
cuisine. Because of the delicate life style around this region, people would like to process ingredients in a exquisite way. Thus the servings are always little smaller but much more refined. Sweet is the main flavor of Su Cuisine, and food are always cooked thoroughly into very soft, which can utterly digest the sweet and delicious sauce.


Gift of Nature
成员:郭延生 吴佳辉 金依婷 李婉榕 雷庭杰

• China have the world's most strange natural landscapes, plateaus,mountains and forests, lakes and rivers, coastline. Such kind of geographical span is very good for the growth and reserve of species, which any of other countries don't have a lot of potential raw of food like China. To get the gift of nature, people collect, pick, dig, catch all year round. This episode will show the story about man and nature behind the delicious. • 中国拥有世界上最富戏剧性的自然景观,高原,山林,湖 泊,海岸线。这种地理跨度有助于物种的形成和保存,任 何一个国家都没有这样多潜在的食物原材料。为了得到这 份自然的馈赠,人们采集,捡拾,挖掘,捕捞,穿越四季。 本集将展现美味背后人和自然的故事。
• 老包是浙江人,他的毛竹林里,长出过遂昌最大的一个冬 笋。冬笋藏在土层的下面,从竹林的表面上看,什么也没 有,老包只需要看一下竹梢的叶子颜色,就能知道笋的准 确位置,这完全有赖于他丰富的经验。



讲稿A:Hello, everyone. My name is XXXB:I'm XXXC:I’m XXXX and my English name is Laila.A:OK ,today,the topic of our discussion today is Chinese food. Our group title is A Bite of China .The three of us will start from our hometown and introduce our hometown food to you in turn.大家好,我们今天讨论的主题是中国美食。


Chinese cuisine is very famous. For a long time, due to the influence of geographical environment, climate, products, cultural tradition and national customs, it is a famous local flavor school loved by some people, which is called cuisine. Among them, Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Hunan cuisine and Anhui cuisine are known as the "eight major cuisines".中国美食非常有名,长期以来在某一地区由于地理环境、气候物产、文化传统以及民族习俗等因素的影响,并为部分群众喜爱的地方风味著名流派称作菜系。

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