高中英语 Unit 17 Period 4 My Favourite Comedy课件 北师大版选修6
2019北师大版高中英语选择性必修二单词默写表UNIT 4 HUMOUR 默写2 默写1 Topic Talk1n.喜剧.喜剧.2phr.相.3ⅵ..vt.假装.装作4adj.幽默的.诙谐的5n.(书、电影、戏剧的)情.6n.口.7vt.模仿*8adj.面部的.脸上.9vi.交流.交往.相互作用10n.焦虑.不安.担心11n.舒适.健康.幸.12adj.重要的.重大的13vt.增强.改进.提.14n.裁判(员..15adj.极度惊恐的*16adj.头晕目眩.17adj.不平衡的18 n.挥动.挥舞.秋千.vi..vt.(使)摆动.(使)转动.朝……打去.荡秋千19adj.难堪的.尴尬.20vt.消耗.吃.消.21adj.困惑.22n.潜力.潜能.adj.潜在的.可能的23Lesson 1 WHAT’S SO FUNNY?n.杯托24n.门口.出入口25n.古董.adj.古时制造的26adv.漫不经心地.非正式地.27adv.装作若无其事地.无辜.28n.胃口.食.29adj.忠诚.30vt.推论.推断.31n.天文.32n.星.33adv.可能地.潜在.34n.土星*35n.狮子.3637 adj.科学(上).38n.大气(层).气氛.氛围.环.39vt.预测.预.40adj.中年的41n.诊所.外科手术42vi.流血.出血43ⅵ..n.打喷嚏44vi.尖声大叫.n.尖叫.45n.就诊.咨询46n.危难时刻.危.47vt.检.48vt.宣布.宣.49adv.随后.后来50n.马戏.51n.小丑*52vt.应得.应受到53Lesson 2 WHY DO WE NEED HUMOUR?n.紧张.焦虑.焦.54n.肌.5556 adj.身体的.肉体的.phr.血管.57adj.心理的.精神的58n.心情.情绪59adj.影响深远.60vt.使充满活力.使增强决心61adj.有免疫力.62n.细.63n.感染.传.64vt.把……并入.包含.65vi..vt.悄声说.低语.耳.66vi.脸红.67n.窘迫.尴.68adv.偶然地.意外.69n.费用.花费70phr.嘲笑某人71Lesson 3 MY FAVOURITE COMEDIANn.喜剧演.72n.国.73n.名誉.名.7475 vt.遇到vt.使开心.逗笑76ⅵ.依赖77phr.依赖.信赖78adv.完全地.纯粹地.仅.79adj.广泛适用的.共同的.普遍.80n.一.81adj.吃惊的.惊讶.82n.牛.83adj.生的84vi..vt.咀嚼85n.花瓶86n.女用手提包.女式钱.87adj.当代.88n.影视剧本作家.编剧89adv.主要地.大部分90adj.笨拙的.不灵活的*91adj.好笑的.有趣.92n.创造物.作品93n.正相反.恰恰相.94adj.学术.95n.奖学金96phr.寄宿学.97vt.得到.获.98vt.获得.得到99phr.电力(电气)工程学100n.结巴.口吃*101n.天资.天賦.才.102n.镜子103n.制作人.制片.104adv.很少.难得105n.天才.天赋.天才人.106adj.确信的.信服.107Writing Workshop A FUNNY STORYadj.不幸的.倒霉的.108n.代理人.109vt.要求110Reading Club 1adv.不严谨.111vi..vt.批评.指责112Reading Club 2n.大木头.原木.(事件的)正式记.113n.成.114n.政治家115n.浴室.ⅵ.洗澡116UNIT 5 EDUCATION 默写2 默写1 Topic Talkn.重要性.意.1vt.促进.增.2vt.促进.使便.3adj.一贯的.一致.4vt.培养.养成(技能、态度或素质)*5n.同情.同情.6phr.人.7vt.分析.剖.8n.哲学.9n.教育工作者10vt.坚称.坚持主.11vt.评估.评价12Lesson 1 ENLIGHTENING A MINDvt.启迪.指导.教.13adv.极其.非常14adj.很严重.15n.限制.规定.约.16adj.难以忍受的.承受不住.17adj.引起麻烦的.令人烦恼的18adj.固执的.执拗的.倔强.19n.倾向20adj.极好的.卓越.21n.视力22vi.理解.相联.23n.技巧.手.24adj.简单的.易懂的.诚实的.坦率.25n.玩偶.26adv.起.27n.兴奋.激.28n.模仿.仿效29n.水流30n.液.31adj.宝贵的32vt.理解.领会3334 adj.逐渐的.逐步.adj.令人痛苦的.困难的.疼痛.35adj.热心的.热衷.36n.词汇.37vi..vt.(使)扩大.增.38adj.复杂的.难以理解.39n.紫罗兰*40adv.轻柔地.温和地.平缓地41vt.使困惑.使迷惑.42adj.显而易见的.明白的43n.(太阳或月亮的)光.44adj.失望的.沮丧.45adj.抽象.46n.概念.想.47n.突破.重大进.48n.项链*49n.额.前额50adj.生动的.逼真.51Lesson 2 THE OBJECTIVES OF EDUCATIONn.目的.目标.adj.客观的5253 vt.获得.赢得.取得.受益adj.多面的.全面.54vt.追求55adj.批评的.批判.56n.认识.认知.57adj.核心的58n.洞察力.顿悟59adj.文明的.有礼貌的.公民的60n.正直.诚实.完.61n.拉丁语*62vt.教育.教导.指.63adj.道德(上).64n.获得.习.65ⅵ..vt.奉献.捐献66n.金融.财.67n.经济学68ⅵ.使接触.使体验.使暴露.揭露69adj.四周的.附近.70adv.无鉴别力地.不加批评.71n.判断力.意见.评价.判.72adv.不管.不.73vi.表现74n.境况.状况.情况.情.75n.公民.市.76n.结.77phr.最.78n.定义.释.79adv.各自.80n.责.81n.优先处理的事.优先权82vt.刺激.促使.促.83n.主动.84adj.自主的.自治的85adj.聪颖的.才华横溢.86vt.展示.说明87vt.评价88Lesson 3 UNDERSTANDINGadj.显然的.明显的.易理解的89n.分.90n.等级91adj.皇家的.王室.92adj.效率低.93adj.有价值的.值得尊敬的94n.教会.教.95n.宇.96adj.原始.97phr.公元.98vt.赞成.赞许.批准99vt.强烈要求.敦.100n.监.101vt.放弃.抛弃102n.假定.假.103adj.受尊敬的,受敬重.104n.智慧105vt.有……是由于.把……归功于106n.阴.107adj.守旧的.传统.108n.王.109n.文明110111 adj.极其重要的.必不可少.adj.有利的.有帮助.112n.人类113Writing Workshop A PICTURE DESCRIPTIONn.围裙114vt.名为…….使有权.115vt.意味着……116n.惯例.常规.例行公.117n.运.118adj.全部.119n.时间表.日程表.时刻.120adj.全神贯注的121Reading Club 1n.设施.设备122n.思想体系.哲学123vt.约束.限.124vt.排列.布置125UNIT 6 THE MEDIA 默写2 默写1 Topic Talkn.用微博分享、传播信息1adv.因此.由此.所以2n.广播节目;电视节目.vi..vt.广播.播.3prep.通过(某人、某机器等)传送4adj.经济(上)的5adj.政治的.政府的6adj.各种各样的7n.选.8n.(政治、商业或社会性)运动.ⅵ.发起运动.参加活. 9n.候选人.考生10n.新闻报道.覆盖范围11n..vi..vt.讨论.辩论12adj.可获得的.可用的.有空的13vt.解释.vi..vt.口译14vt.承.15vt.否定16adj.包含最新信息的.新式的.时髦的17vt.概述.n.纲要.外形18n.混合19adv.确实如此;精确地20vt.查阅.vi..vt.咨询.商.21adj.难懂的.复杂的2223 adj.可替代的.另外的.n.可供选择的事.n.锦标.24vt.购买.n.购买(物)25Lesson 1 FROM PAGE TO SCREENn.期待.预期.预.26adj.悲观.27adj.经典的.n.名著.经典作.28n.(长篇)小说29n.连环漫画.adj.滑稽的30n.非小说类文学作.31n.传记.3233 n.自传*phr.代笔.34n.改编版.适应35n.评论家.批评家36n.(电影、电视的)收视率榜.等级.程.37adj.恰当的.合适的38n.自由.自由权39n.演员阵容.全体演员.vt.投射(光或影.40vt.设想.想象41adj.清楚的.明确.42adj.技术上.43vt.产生.创.44n.版本45n.类别.种类.范.46n.证明47Lesson 2 QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDIAvi..vt.为……做广.48n.录制品49adj.高清晰度的50ⅵ..vt.(使)上载.上传.n.上载(上传)的信息51n.大型公司.企业集.52adj.互动的.交互的.合作的53vt.亲身经历.目击.n.目击者.证.54n.地.55n.广告(业)56Lesson 3 THE ADVERTISING GAMEn.广.57n.自.58adj.根本的.基本的.基础.59n.代理.6061 adj.商业的.商务.adj.技术的.科技的.工艺.62vt.创始.创造63ⅵ..vt.缝.缝纫.缝制.缝补64vt.位于65adj.合适的.适宜.66vt.吸引67phr.由……构.68n.广告商69n.预算.vi..vt.把……编入预算70adj.视觉的.视力的71n.增长.vt.促进.推动72adj.竞争性强的.有竞争力.73vi..vt.(使)结合.(使)组合74adv.真正地75vt.把……系起来.n.联系.关.76vt.预期.预料77n.利润.收益.盈利78n.幸福.健康.福.79vi.参加.参.80n.社区.住宅小区.街坊81vt.赞助.资助.为……担保.n.赞助商.资助.82Writing Workshop A FILM REVIEWn.美人.美丽.美.83n.野兽*84n.仙子.小精灵*85n.故事.传说86phr.童话.神话87n.王子.亲.88n.仆人.佣.89n.城堡.堡.90adj.不正常.91n.生物.动.92n.犯人.囚犯93vt.困住.使陷入危险.94n.主.95n.外表.外观.出.96vt.使转化.使改.97adj.令人害怕的.吓人的98n.缺点.缺陷.责任.过错99adj.极好的.壮丽.100vt.表达.传达*101Reading Club 2n.脱瘾(过程).取消.取款102。
2024年人教版新教材七年级英语上Unit 4 My favourite subject(写作提升)
Unit 4 My Favourite Subject (写作提升)谈论对学科的喜好【典例导引】本单元以“学校科目”为话题。
本单元相关话题写作素材有:(1)My favourite subject is...我最喜欢的学科是······(2)My favourite subject is...because it's...我最喜欢的学科是······因为它······(3)I like all the subjects, but my favourite is...我喜欢所有的学科,但是我最喜欢的是······(4)Can you help me with...?你能帮我······吗?(5)She likes to listen to music and...她喜欢听音乐和······(6)He is good at English,...他擅长英语······(7)I want to be a(n)...in the future.我将来想成为一名······(8)I like it because...We learn how to...我喜欢它,因为······我们学习如何······【典例】假如你是Tom,请你选择最喜欢的一门学科,给好友Frank写一封信,说说你喜欢这门学科的原因。
She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 她脱下旧连衣裙,穿上一件新的。 The workers on the construction site should put on their safety helmets
B.make up of
C.make out
D.make of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
3.Can you think of a comedian who really turns you off? 你能想出一个让你反感的喜剧演员吗? 考点 turn sb.off 令人讨厌 The play turned the audience off. 这出戏让观众很倒胃口。 What you say will turn others off if your mouth is full of food. 如果你满嘴含着饭说话会令人讨厌。
These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. 现在,我们在很大程度上都依赖电脑来安排工作。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
(金戈铁骑 整理制作)
一 二 三 四五
2. 3.喜剧
4. 5. 补偿,赔偿
答案:1.convince 2.很少,难得 edy 4.使惊讶
pensate 6.得到,获得
人教版(2024)Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 课件(英语人教版七年级上册
1 It's interesting to learn about the past.(P45)
adj. 有趣的
It is interesting to do sth. 表示做某事真有趣
(1)这本书真有趣!This book _is_s_o__in_t_e_r_e_st_i_n_g__! (2)在公园放风筝是有趣的。
v. 帮助
help sb. with sth.=help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事
你可以叫老师帮我学习英语吗? Can you ask the teacher to h__el_p__m_e__w_i_th__E_n_g_l_is_h_/_h_e_lp__m__e _s_tu_d_y__E_n_g_l_is_h____?
Is English Tom's _f_a_v_o_u_r_it_e__ _su__b_je_c_t_?
4. 爷爷周二早上在公园散步。 Grandpa walks in the park _o_n_ _T_u_e_s_d_a_y__ m__o_r_n_i_n_g_s.
5. 每天都吃同样的早餐让人厌倦。 It _is__ _b_o_r_in_g___ _to__ have the same breakfast every day.
Peter is Ella's classmate. He has Chinese and maths first today. He 4. _li_k_e_s_(like) Chinese. He thinks it's fun. But he doesn't like maths. Maths is boring to 5. _h_im___(he). But every subject is important. He should study hard. He also has IT and PE today. PE is his favourite subject. He thinks it's exciting.
PeriodFour Lesson3 MyFavouriteComedyⅠ.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共6小题;每小题3分,满分18分)1.universal adj.通用的,普遍的;全世界的2.seal vt.封,密封3.saucer n.茶托,茶杯碟4.raw adj.生的,未煮过的5.desperate adj.不顾一切的6.obtain vt.得到,获得Ⅱ.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共8小题;每小题4分,满分32分)1.喜剧edy→喜剧演员edian2.完全地,仅仅adv.purely→纯的adj.pure3.使惊讶,使惊骇vt.astonish→惊讶的adj.astonished→令人惊讶的adj.astonishing4.厌恶的adj.disgusting→使厌恶vt.厌恶n.disgust5.部分地adv.partly→部分n.part6.补偿,赔偿pensate7.使相信vt.convince→令人信服的adj.convincing→确信的adj.convinced8.很少,难得adv.rarely→很少的adj.rareⅢ.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)1.假装puton2.陷入困境getintotrouble3.声称;把……说成;理解,明白makeout4.令某人讨厌turnsb.off5.不管,不顾regardlessof6.beinfor即将经历,即将遭受7.dueto由于8.beinvolvedin参与,参加9.playaround四处游戏10.pullfaces做鬼脸Ⅳ.完成句子(共4小题;每小题5分,满分20分)1.Heconstantlygetsintoawkwardandabsurdsituations,whichgreatlyamusesaudiencesregardlessoftheirnationalityorculture.他常常陷入笨拙和可笑的情景之中;观众的民族和文化背景尽管各异,却都会被逗得开怀大笑。
人教版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 单元教案
Unit 4 My Favourite Subject本单元是人教版七年级第四单元,标题为:My Favourite Subject,话题为:Talk about school subjects,语言功能为:name your favourite subject,explain why and what can you learn from different subjects,语法为:conjunctions(and,but,because)。
单元主题大观念单元语言大观念语言能力及技能语言能力:1.掌握与学科相关的词汇和常用表达,如:magic,useful,fun,important,subjects,difficult,easy,Chinese,history,maths,English,music,PE,geography,biology,IT,art,learn about the past,help me with my maths,work out maths problemsKey sentences:①—What's your favourite subject?—My favourite subject is…②—Why do you like…?—Because it's…③I'm good with numbers.④I'm not good at science.2.掌握双元音/e/,/a/,//,/əu/,/au/,/ə/,/eə/,/uə/的字母组合发音和单词连读。
人教版(2024)七年级上册Unit 4My Favourite Subject总结+单词默写
2024秋新人教版英语七上Unit 4总结单词默写Unit 4(英译汉)1.biology n.2.IT abbr.( =information technology)3.geography n.4.history n.5.boring adj.eful adj.7.exciting adj.8.past n. adj. prep.9.good with10.number n.11.help sb with12.reason n.14.good at15.remember v.16.as prep. conj.17.AM( =a.m.)18.PM( =p.m.)19.French n. adj.20.Excellent adj.21.Instrument n.22.singer n.23.future n.24.in the future25.term n.26.work out27.problem n.29.magic n. adj.30.life n.31.scientist n.32.Baker33.Mike34.Davis35.CanadaUnit 4(汉译英)1. n.生物学2. abbr.( =information technology)信息技术3. n.地理(学)4. n. 历史;历史课5. adj.乏味的;令人生厌的6. adj.有用的;有益的7. adj. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的8. n.过去;过去的事情adj.过去的prep.在……之后9.灵巧的;善于应付……的10. n.数字;号码11.帮助某人做(某事)12. n.原因;理由13.听;倾听14.擅长15. v.记住;记起16. prep.如同;作为conj.当……时;由于17. ( =a.m.) 上午18. ( =p.m.) 下午;午后19. n.法语adj.法国的;法国人的20. adj.优秀的;极好的21. n.器械;工具22. n.歌手23. n.将来;未来24.将来;未来25. n.学期26.计算出;解决27. n.难题;困难28.课堂上29. n.魔法;魔力; adj.有魔力的;有神奇力量的30. n.生活;生命31. n.科学家32.贝克33.迈克34.戴维斯35.加拿大重点短语SECTION A Why do you like this subject?1. good with 灵巧的;善于应付……的2. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事3. listen to 听;倾听4. good at 擅长5. next class 下一节课6. learn about the past 了解过去7. work hard 努力工作8. make the class interesting 使课堂有趣9. plants and animals 动植物10. feel special 感觉不一般11. wake up 唤醒12. get up 起床13. look at 看14. think of 认为15. be late for 迟到SECTION B What can you learn from different subjects?1. in the future 将来;未来2. work out 计算出;解决3. in class 课堂上4. a lot of new songs 许多新歌5. all kinds of 各种各样的6. maths problem 数学题7. feel like 感觉像8. be from 来自9. this term 这学期重点句型SECTION A Why do you like this subject?1. Ella doesn’t like history because it’s hard. 埃拉不喜欢历史,因为它很难。
Unit 17 Lesson 3 My favourite Comedy
comedy put on
turn sb. off regardless of
purely universal
假装 令人讨厌
不管,不顾 adv.完全地,仅仅 adj.全世界的,普遍的,
通用的 vt. 封,密封
compensate deliberately
convince play around
pull faces rarely
vt. 补偿,赔偿 adv. 不慌不忙地 vt. 使相信 四处游戏 做鬼脸
adv. 很少,难得
astonish saucer raw
disgusting desperate
obtain partly
vt.使惊讶,使惊骇 n.茶托,茶杯碟 adj.生的,未煮过的 adj.令人厌恶的 adj.不顾一切的
Read Text 1 and answer the questions.
1. Why has Mr. Bean gone to a fancy restaurant on this particular day? Mr. Bean is in a fancy restaurant because it’s his birthday. We know because he has bought a birthday card with him that he signs and gives to himself.
2024版人教版英语初一上UNIT 4 My Favourite Subject单词表
AM (=a. m. )
PM (=p. m. )
in the future
work out
in class
v.使用;利用. /juːs/n.使用;用途
人教版七年上册Unit4My Favourite Subject知识点总结(含短语句型精讲作文)
新人教版七年级上册英语Unit 4知识点总结(含短语+句型+精讲+作文)Unit 4 My Favourite Subject一、短语归纳1. the importance of ……..的重要性2. favourite subject 最喜欢的学科3. wake up 醒来4. be late for 迟到5. come on 快点6. next class 下一节课7. learn about 了解;学习;知道8. be good with 灵巧的;善于应付…的9. help sb with 帮助某人做(某事)10. look at sth 看某物11. let sb do sth 让:果人做某事12. listen to 听;倾听13. be good at 擅长14. walk to school 步行去卜:学15. work hard 努力工作16. make sb /sth+adj. 计果人/物17. make sb do sth 让某人做果事18. on that day 在那天19. the same as 与……一样20. all kinds of 各种各样的21. want to be 想要成为22. in the future 将来;未来23. work out 计算出;解决24. in class 课堂上25. feel like 感觉像26. in one's life 在某人的生活中二、必背重点句型1. 谈论最喜欢的学科:——What's your favourite subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么?——My favourite subject is English.我最喜欢的学科是英语。
2. 询问原因并给出理由:-——Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?——It's interesting to learn about the past. 了解过去是有趣的。
高中英语人教版(2019)必修1 Welcome Unit Period 4
Learning style: by reading and asking questions
Hobbies: Reading books and watching English
Future plans and dreams: To be a great professor
at a famous university in English major
Thinking and Writing
1. Which profile do you like better? Who would you like to make friends with? Why?
2. What aspects will be included when writing a profile?
By reading books and playing
Playing computer games
To start his own IT computer
Complete the outline and use it to draft your student profile.
5.What is Thando’s dream? To start his own IT computer 6.What kind of person is Thando? He is healthy, hardworking, and smart.
7. What does “you will never see me without a book or a pen” mean?
either in the library or in the computer lab.
(人教版2024新版)Unit 4 My Favourite 七年级上册基础知识过关(含答案)
人教版(2024)英语七年级上册基础知识过关+语法讲解Unit 4 My Favourite SubjectSection A Why do you like this subject?单词1.n.生物学2.信息技术3.n.地理(学)4.n.历史;历史课5.adj.乏味的;令人生厌的6.adj.有用的;有益的7.adj.令人激动的;使人兴奋的8.n.过去;过去的事情adj.过去的prep.在……之后9.n.数字;号码10.n.原因;理由11.v.记住;记起12.prep.如同;作为conj.当……时;由于短语13.灵巧的;善于应付……的14.帮助某人做(某事)15.听;倾听16.擅长17.上艺术课句型18.你最喜欢什么科目?19.你为什么喜欢它?20.我最喜欢的科目是英语。
Section A 答案【词句聚焦】 1.biology 2.IT/information technology 3.geography 4.history 5.boring eful7.exciting8.past9.number10.reason11.remember12.as13.(be) good with14.help sb. with15.listen to 16.(be) good at17.have art18.What's your favourite subject?19.Why do you like it?20.My favourite subject is English.Section B What can you learn from different subjects?单词1.上午2.下午;午后3.n.法语adj.法国的;法国人的;法语的4.adj.优秀的;极好的5.n.乐器;器械;工具6.n.歌手7.n.将来;未来8.n.学期9.n.难题;困难10.n.魔法;魔力;魔术adj.有魔力的;有神奇力量的11.n.生活;生命12.n.科学家短语13.将来;未来14.计算出;解决15.课堂上句16.我未来想成为一名歌手。
2024年秋人教七年级英语上册Unit 4 My Favourite Subject(教案)
Unit 4My Favourite SubjectPeriod 4Section B(1a-2b)本单元教材以“学校科目”为中心话题,围绕着“你为什么喜欢这门学科?”和“我们能从不同的学科中学到什么?”进行学习。
Section A主要学习不同的科目以及谈论最喜欢某学科的原因;学生应掌握连词and,but,because的用法;Section B的重点是要求学生能够谈论自己最喜爱的学科并能从中学到什么,并且安排了读写任务,教师在教学中可以合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。
第一课时Section A(1a-1d)—Pronunciation(1-2)Teaching Objects【教学目标】1.Be able to name school subjects.2.Get detailed information about Ella and Peter from the two conversations.3.Talk about your favourite subject and explain the reasons.4.Pronounce /eI/,/aI/,/ɔI/,/əʊ/,/aʊ/,/Iə/,/eə/ and /ʊə/ correctly,and remember the letters andletter combinations that represent them.5.Know the linking skills in the sentences.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】Listening and speaking★Step 1Leading in【情景导入】1.Ask the Ss to look at the picture on Page 43,and then share:(1)What class are the students having in the photo?(2)What do you think of this subject?(3)What is your favourite subject?2.Let some students share their answers with the class.★Step 2Pretask【准备任务】Page 44,1a1.Show the pictures on Page 44 to the Ss,and then ask them to answer the question:What are these?2.Let the Ss match the school subjects in the box with the pictures.Some subjects are extra.3.Check the answers with the class.★Step 3Whiletask【过程任务】Page 44,1b1.Ask the Ss to listen to the conversations and tick the subjects Ella and Peter talk about.2.Let some students share their answers,and then check the answers with the class.Page 44,1c1.Ask the Ss to listen again.Then circle the coloured words they hear.(1)Ella doesn't like history/geography because it's hard/boring.(2)Ella's favourite subject is art/maths because it's fun/important.(3)Peter doesn't like maths/IT because it's boring/difficult.(4)Peter's favourite subject is Chinese/PE because it's useful/exciting.2.Check the answers with the class.★Step 4Posttask【后续任务】Page 44,1d1.Ask the Ss to talk about their favourite subject at school.Let them say why they like it.2.The teacher can show the following sentence patterns to the Ss.(1)—What's your favourite subject?—My favourite subject is...(2)—Why do you like...?—Because it's...3.Ask some students to roleplay the conversation.Pronunciation★Step 5Pretask【准备任务】Page 45,11.Let the Ss read the words.Then ask them to answer the question:Which pronunciation does each group of words contain?2.Lead the Ss to read the diphthongs.★Step 6Whiletask【过程任务】Page 45,11.Explain the essentials of the pronunciation of /eI/,/aI/,/ɔI/,/əʊ/,/aʊ/,/Iə/,/eə/ and /ʊə/ to the Ss.2.Ask the Ss to read the words again together.Page 45,21.Ask the Ss to read,listen and repeat.Notice how the words link together.2.Tell the linking skills in the sentences to the Ss.★Step 7Posttask【后续任务】If possible,the T can provide more target language materials for students to practise.★Step 8Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students' selfassessment form to check what they have learned in this★Step 9Homework【家庭作业】1.Read and recite the new words and phrases.2.Do the exercises in students' book.Board Design【板书设计】Unit 4My Favourite SubjectPeriod 1Section A(1a-1d)—Pronunciation(1-2)1.V ocabulary:biology,geography,history,boring,useful,exciting2.Target language:(1)—What's your favourite subject?—My favourite subject is...(2)—Why do you like...?—Because it's...Teaching reflection【教学反思】The topic of this unit is “My Favourite Subject”.After learning,the students can talk about their favourite subject at school and explain the reasons.This is the first period.We can use some pictures or activities to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.And the new words can be taught by using pictures in PPT.While listening,the students should master some strategies such as taking notes.第二课时Section A(2a-2f)Teaching Objects【教学目标】1.Understand and complete exercises related to a conversation which talks about one's favourite subject and reasons.2.Be able to use adjectives to describe subjects.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】★Step 1Leading in【情景导入】1.Ask the Ss to answer the question:What's your favourite subject and why?2.Ask some students to share their views.Then make appropriate comments.★Step 2Pretask【准备任务】Page 45,2a1.Show the picture of P45 on PPT to the Ss,and then ask them to answer the following questions.(1)Who are the three people?(2)Where are they?(3)What's their relationship?2.Let some students share their answers,and then check the answers with the class.Possible answers:(1)They are Binbin,Emma and Meimei.(2)They are in the hallway in a school.(3)They are classmates.★Step 3Whiletask【过程任务】Page 45,2a1.Ask the Ss to listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.2.Check the answers with the class.Page 46,2bLet the Ss look through the table first,and then ask them to read the conversation and complete the table.Page 46,2c1.Let the Ss listen to the conversation again and pay attention to the words that link together.2.Ask the students to work in groups to roleplay the conversation.★Step 4Posttask【后续任务】Page 46,2d1.Show some adjectives on Page 46 to the Ss,and then ask the Ss to add more adjectives.2.Ask the Ss to answer the question:What do you think of your school subjects?3.Let the Ss put the subjects in different groups.Page 46,2eLet the Ss interview two classmates by asking the following questions and take notes.(1)What's your favourite subject?(2)Why do you like it?(3)What other subjects do you like?Page 46,2f1.Ask the Ss to give a report on the e their notes in 2e.2.Show the structure to the Ss:...'s favourite subject is...He/She likes it because it's...He/She also likes...★Step 5Language points【语言要点】1.“It is+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.”句型该句型表示“(对某人来说)做某事是......的”。
Unit 4 My Favourite (课件)2024-2025学年人教七年级英语上册
Design a weekly class timetable
Learning Objectives
In this lesson you will: 1. know the factors you need to consider when designing a
Vote for the Best Timetable
The speaker speaks clearly. The timetable is well-planned. The speaker gives good reasons. The timetable is student-friendly.
How well can you do these things? 1. I can design a class timetable. 2. I can introduce my timetable and
explain why I make it that way.
Very well OK Needs work
3. After lunch we have (subject) because we have some time to relax.
4. We put (subject) at (time) becuase we think we can do something we like at the end of the day.
which should be in the afternoon? ➢ Are there any subjects that need more time than others?
Binbin: Sure!
Meimei: Hey, look at the time. Let’s go to class!
2c Listen to the conversation again and pay attention to the words that link together.
Binbin: What’s our next class, Emma? Emma: History. It’s my favorite subject. Binbin: Why do you like it? Emma: It’s interesting to learn about the past. Binbin: What’s your favorite subject, Meimei?
辨析 (be) good with (be) good at (be) good for (be) good to
意思 灵巧的;善于应付...的 擅长... 对...有好处 对...好
1. 她的手很巧. She is good with her hands. 2. 李老师对孩子很有一套. Miss Li is very good with the children. 3. 我擅长打篮球. I’m good at playing basketball. 4. 做体操对你有好处. Doing exercises is good for you. 5. 我们的老师对我们很好. Our teachers are good to us.
They’re classmates / schoolmates / friends.
Where are they going? Maybe they’re going to their classrooms / teachers’ office.
U4 My favourite subject (2)教学设计-人教版英语七年级上册(2024)
Unit 4 My Favourite Subject (Period 2)Section A (2a-2f)教学目标学完这一课,学生能够掌握:1.词汇:sure、easy等;2.能力:从听力中提取关键信息;3.交际功能:(1)It’s useful, and my English teacher is really nice.(2)I like all the subjects, but my favourite is maths.教学重点1.重点词汇:对学科喜爱的原因的词汇,如past、reason等;描述自己所擅长的事情的词汇,如number、good with等;形容学科特点的形容词,如interesting、useful、difficult 等;特殊疑问词,如what和why;连词,如but、and、because;表示“帮助某人做(某事)”的词汇,如help sb with。
新知探究Step 1: New words and expressions教师要求学生在课前预习第二节课的内容,可抽出适当的时间进行检测,确保学生掌握本节课生词和重点句型,为新课学习作准备。
Step 2: Pre-listening注意在听前、听中、听后三个阶段进行指导,并着重训练学生捕捉关键信息的能力。
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• Ⅲ.句型搜索 • 1.He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations,which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture. • [信息提取]regardless of “不管,不顾”。 • [例句仿写]我们要不惜一切代价救他。 save him regardless of cost • We shall ____________________________________.
• 2.The humour is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language,which is universal. • [信息提取]which在此引导非限制性定语从句。 • [例句仿写]他没通过考试,这让他父亲很失望。 which made his father disappointed • He failed the exam, ___________________________be best known for 1._______________ 因„„而最出名 anything like 2.____________ 类似,像 compensate sb for sth 3.__________________ 因„„而补偿某人 pull faces 4.____________ get into trouble 扮鬼脸 5.______________ 陷于麻烦中
• 4.For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair,who was two years older than him. • [信息提取]sb be two years older than...是英语 句型中有关倍数的一种常见句型。 • [例句仿写]这个房间比那个大两倍。 twice larger than • This room is ________________ that one.
• Period Four Lesson 3
• Ⅰ.单词识记 comedy • 1.________ n. branch of drama that deals with humorous events purely • 2.________ adv. entirely; completely;merely universal • 3.________ adj. belonging to all, done by all seal • 4.________ vt. fasten or close tightly astonish • 5.________ vt. surprise greatly raw • 6.________ adj. uncooked
• Ⅳ.预读理解 • 1.Fast Reading(Lesson 3,text 1) • Read the text quickly and choose the best answer. • (1)Mr.Bean amuses the audience by________. • A.his humorous words • B.his words and actions • C.body language
disgusting adj. strong feeling of dislike • 7.________ desperate adj. filled with despair and ready • 8.________ to do anything regardless of changes obtain • 9.________ vt. to get sth partly • 10.________ adv. in some degree compensate • 11.__________ vt. make a suitable payment, give something to make up convince • 12.________ vt. make sb feel certain rarely • 13.________ adv. seldom
• (2)Mr.Bean went into a restaurant because________. • A.it was his birthday that day • B.he was having a party • C.he often ate there
• (3)He put the birthday card on the table for everyone to see because he wanted people to think________. • A.he himself wrote the card • B.someone else sent him the card • C.he gave the card to one of his friends
• 3.He cannot hide his feelings,except when the waiters ask if everything is all right. • [信息提取]except...“除„„之外”,后可接 名词、代词或从句。 • [例句仿写]除了他我们都按时来了。 on time except him • We all came here __________________.
• • • • •
遭受 (愉快或不愉快的经历) 6.be in for _________________________ 由于 7.due to ____________ 当着某人的面 8.in the presence of sb ____________ 不管,不顾 9.regardless of ____________ 参与,参加 10.be involved in ____________