

参考答案 国际贸易 最新版 习题课后答案

参考答案 国际贸易 最新版 习题课后答案

《国际贸易》习题参考答案第一章导论参考答案一、单项选择题1、B2、C3、B4、A5、B6、C7、D8、D9、D 10、D二、多项选择题1、ABCD2、AB3、AD4、ABCD5、CDE三、名词解释1、国际分工:是国与国之间在可交易性货物与服务的生产与提供方面的劳动分工。
















Chapter 03Why Everybody Trades: Comparative AdvantageOverviewThis chapter extends the analysis of international trade to consider trade in a multiple-product economy. An economy composed of two products is useful to bring out insights about international trade. This general equilibrium approach explicitly shows the effects of resource reallocations between industries. The chapter culminates in showing the importance of comparative advantage for understanding why countries trade.The story begins with Adam Smith and absolute advantage. (A box on mercantilism summarizes the view that Smith opposed and shows how mercantilist thinking continues today.) The analysis focuses on the productivity of labor (output per hour) in producing each of two products (wheat and cloth) in two countries (the United States and the rest of the world). Smith examined the case of absolute advantage, in which labor productivity in producing one product is higher in one country and labor productivity in producing the other product is higher in the other country. With no trade each country must produce both products to meet national demands. The discussion of the Smith case focuses on the increase in global production efficiency achieved by shifting production in each country toward the product in which it has the higher labor productivity. National demands can be met by international trade—apparently excess supplies can be exported and apparently excess demands can be met by imports. The increase in total world production is the evidence of gains from international trade.Smith's approach does not indicate what would happen if the same country has absolute advantage in both products. Ricardo took up this case and demonstrated the principle of comparative advantage—a country will export products that it can produce at low opportunity cost and import products that it would otherwise produce at high opportunity cost. The Ricardian example is developed in more detail. The ratio of resource costs (or labor hour input-output coefficients, the inverse of labor productivities) indicates the opportunity costs or relative prices of the products in each country with no trade. The difference in prices with no trade sets up the opportunity for arbitrage, with each good being exported from the initially low-price country and imported by the initially high-price country. The shift to a free trade equilibrium results in an equilibrium international price. Without information on demand, we cannot say exactly what this price will be, but we do know that it is in the range bordered by the two no-trade price ratios.The chapter uses the Ricardian example to introduce a key analytical device—the production possibility curve, which shows all combinations of outputs of different goods that an economy can produce with full employment of resources and maximum productivity. The resource costs of producing each product in the country and the total amount of labor hours available in the country are used to graph the country's production possibility curve, a straight line whose slope equals the (negative of the) extra (or marginal) cost of additional cloth. The straight line indicates that the marginal or opportunity cost of each good in each country is constant, following Ricardo's assumptions. The slope of this line also indicates the relative price of cloth (the good on the x-axis) with no trade.If free trade results in an equilibrium international price ratio that is strictly between the two no-trade price ratios (because both countries are "large countries"), then each country specializes completely in producing only the good in which it has the comparative advantage. Each trades at the equilibrium international price ratio (along a trade line or price line) to reach its consumption point. Both countries gain from trade. Each is able to consume more of both goods than it consumed with no trade.TipsThis chapter begins the full sweep of the development of thinking about comparative advantage as an explanation of the pattern of trade, starting with absolute advantage, and continuing with comparative advantage according to Ricardo. Most instructors will want to emphasize the continuity of thinking by tying this chapter closely to Chapter 4, which presents Heckscher and Ohlin's insight that comparative advantage can be based on differences in factor proportions and factor endowments. We have divided the discussion of comparative advantage into these two chapters (3 and 4), because students (especially students who find this conceptual material challenging to master) are likely to appreciate that the reading comes in more manageable sizes. This chapter has the first of a series of boxes that “Focus on Labor.” Issues of wages and work conditions are prominent in criticisms of globalization. These boxes should be of major interest to many students, as they take up these issues. The box in this chapter examines the link between (real) wages and productivity. It argues that wages in developing countries are low because labor productivity is low. This is not caused by international trade or foreign exploitation—wages will be low with or without trade. The key to raising wages and living standards is raising productivity, perhaps through education, better health, and better government policies toward labor markets. Problem 9 at the end of the chapter focuses on the calculation of real wages in a Ricardian example.Suggested answers to questions and problems(in the textbook)2. Agree. Imports permit the country to consume more (or do more capital investment usingimported capital goods). Anything that is exported is not available for domesticconsumption (or capital investment). Although this loss is bad, exports are like anecessary evil because exports are how the country pays for the imports that it wants.4. If the countries trade with each other at the relative price of 1 W/C, then shifting only halfway to complete specialization in production would be worse for each country thanshifting to complete specialization. If the United States shifted only half way, then itsnew “trade line” would be parallel to the trade l ine shown in Figure 3.1, and it would start from the point on the ppc that is half way between S0 and S1. While this new trade line would allow the United States to consume at a point that had more consumption than atthe initial S0, the United States could do even better by shifting production all the way to points S1 and consuming along the trade line shown in Figure 3.1. Consuming at a point like C would have even more consumption than consumin g at a point on the new “half-way” trade line. Essentially the same reasoning can be used for the rest of the world, fora new trade line that is parallel to the rest of the world’s trade line shown in Figure 3.1,but that begins at a point on the rest of the world’s ppc that is half way between S0 and S1.6. Using the information on the number of labor hours to make a unit of each product ineach country, you can determine the relative price of cloth in each country with no trade.With no trade, the relative price of cloth is 2 W/C (= 4/2) in the United States, and it is0.4 W/C (= 1/2.5) in the rest of the world. With free trade the equilibrium world priceof cloth must be in the range bounded by these two no-trade prices. So, yes, it ispossible that the free-trade equilibrium relative price of cloth is 1.5 W/C (1.5 is greaterthan 0.4, and less than 2).8. a. M oonited Republic has an absolute advantage in wine—it takes fewer labor hours toproduce a bottle (10<15). Moonited Republic also has an absolute advantage in producing cheese—it takes fewer labor hours to produce a kilo (4<10).b. Moonited Republic has a comparative advantage in cheese. The opportunity cost ofproducing a kilogram of cheese is 0.4 (= 4/10) bottles of wine in Moonited Republic,while the opportunity of a kilo of cheese in Vintland is 0.67 (= 10/15) bottles. Vintlandhas a comparative advantage in wine. The opportunity cost of a bottle of wine is 1.5 kilos of cheese in Vintland, while it is 2.5 kilos in Moonited Republic.c. 1.5312WineVintland N VCheese Wine 20.835N M Cheese Moonited Republicd. When trade is opened, Moonited Republic exports cheese and Vintland exports wine.If the equilibrium free trade price ratio is 1/2 bottle per kilo, Moonited Republic willspecialize completely in producing cheese, and Vintland will specialize completely inproducing wine.e. With free trade Moonited Republic produces 5 (=20/4) million kilos of cheese. If itexports 2 million kilos, then it consumes 3 million kilos. It consumes the 1 million bottles of wine that it imports. With free trade Vintland produces 2 (=30/15) million bottles of wine. If it exports 1 million bottles, then it consumes 1 million bottles. It consumes the 2 million kilos of cheese that it imports.2Wine Cheese Wine2Cheesef. Each country gains from trade. Each is able to consume combined quantities of wine andcheese that are beyond its ability to produce domestically. The free trade consumptionpoint is outside of the production possibility curve.10. If the number of labor hours to make a bushel of wheat is reduced by half to 1 hour, thisreinforces the U.S. comparative advantage in wheat. (In fact, the United States then hasan absolute advantage in wheat.) The United States is still predicted to export wheat and import cloth. If, instead, the number of hours to make a yard of cloth is reduced by half to2 hours, this reduces the U.S. absolute disadvantage in cloth, but it does not change thepattern of comparative advantage. The relative price of cloth is now 1 (=2/2) bushel peryard in the United States with no trade, but this is still higher than the price of 0.67 bushel per yard in the rest of the world. The United States still has a comparative advantage inwheat, so the United States is still predicted to export wheat and import cloth.。




2、国内生产总值(gross domestic product—GDP)——全部最终产品和服务的市场价值之和。



4、国际贸易的引力模型是指,在其他条件不变的情况下,两国间的贸易规模和两国的GDP 成正比,与两国间的距离成反比。

其方程式为:T ij=A*Y i*(Y j/D ij) 其中,A是常量,T ij是i国与j国间的贸易额,Y i是i国的国内生产总值,Y j是j国的国内生产总值,D ij是两国间的距离。









8、在各国GDP和距离给定的情况下,有效贸易协定(trade agreement)比无效的贸易协定更能显著增加成员国的贸易量。



9、服务外包(service outsourcing),亦称为离岸服务,是指曾经必须在一国国内实现的服务现在可以在国外实现。



课后计算题参考答案第三章复习思考题4:表1 分工前两国劳动生产率(1)本国黄油的生产率较高,外国布的生产率较高,所以本国绝对优势产品是黄油,外国是布,本国应专门生产黄油,外国生产布。

表2 分工后两国的劳动投入和产出表3 贸易后两国的国内消费量(假设交换比例为1:1)(2)两国的贸易利益为本国多得0.67单位黄油;外国多得1.4单位布。



第三章复习思考题5:表1 分工前两国劳动生产率(1)生产可能性方程为:L=a Lx x+a LY Y,其中L代表总劳动力,a Lx代表X商品的生产成本,x代表X商品的产量,a LY代表Y商品的生产成本,Y代表Y商品的产量。


(另一种简洁算法为:画出几何图形,生产可能性曲线与横轴的交点为投入所有劳动生产X的产量,与纵轴的交点为投入所有劳动生产Y的产量,则生产可能性方程为Y=纵轴Y的产量-斜率乘以X)(2)无贸易时的生产组合意味着求生产可能性曲线与社会无差异曲线的交点,即:生产可能性方程与效用函数的交点,在这一交点上,生产可能性方程与效用函数的斜率相等,由(1)可知本国生产可能性方程的斜率为2.5,外国生产可能性方程的斜率为1.5,而两国的效用函数均为U=XY2,效用函数的斜率为效用函数分别对X和Y求导后的比率,即:U X’/U Y’= Y2/2XY,则本国:Y2/2XY=2.5,即:Y=5X,外国:Y2/2XY=1.5,即:Y=3X,把Y=5X与本国的生产可能性方程Y=0.5-2.5X联立,解出X=1/15,Y=1/3,所以本国无贸易时的国内生产组合为(1/15,1/3);把Y=3X与外国的生产可能性方程Y=0.6-1.5X联立,解出X=2/15,Y=2/5,所以外国无贸易时的国内生产组合为(2/15,2/5)。




A.世界出口货物总额 B. 世界进口货物总额C.世界进出口货物总额 D. 世界贸易量2.一般情况下,随着一国参与国际分工的程度加深,其对外贸易依存度将会()。

A.提高 B. 下降C.不变 D. 变化方向不确定3.一国的进出口贸易收支状况用()来反映。

A.对外贸易额 B. 贸易差额C.对外贸易量 D. 国际贸易量4.转口贸易又称()A.直接贸易 B. 间接贸易C.过境贸易 D. 中转贸易5.能指明一国出口货物和服务的去向与进口货物和服务的来源,并能反映出一国与其他国家或国家集团之间经济贸易联系程度的指标是()。

A.对外贸易地理方向 B. 国际贸易地理方向C.对外贸易商品结构 D. 国际贸易商品结构参考答案:1. A、2. A、3. B、4. D、5. A课堂讨论1-1;1994-2002年我国贸易条件系数为何持续下降?(P5)参考答案:(1)国内市场对进口商品的需求增长;(2)外商投资企业的“转移价格”效应;(3)出口企业恶性价格竞争。



A.亚当.斯密 B. 大卫.李嘉图C.赫克歇尔 D. 俄林2.在李嘉图的比较成本学说中,国际贸易产生的原因是由于两国的()。



国际贸易课后答案第三章1、答:a、1200=3×Q a+2×Q bb、用香蕉来表示苹果的机会成本是3/2,c、苹果对香蕉的相对价格是3/2Q a4002000 600 Q b2、a、800=5×Q*a+Q*bQ*a1600 800 Q*bb、P a/P b51.50.5 (Q a+Q*b)/(Q b+Q*b)3、a、P a/P b5 RS1.50 (Q a+Q*a)/(Q b+Q*b)b、苹果的均衡相对价格是2c、本国专业化生产苹果,外国专业化生产香蕉,1单位苹果=2单位香蕉进行交换d、贸易所得:本国:专业化生产苹果可得400单位,换成800单位香蕉;而自己生产香蕉只能得到600单位,贸易所得200单位香蕉。


(或者:封闭经济下,外国放弃5单位香蕉才能得到一个苹果,而通过贸易放弃2单位香蕉就可以得到一单位苹果)4.数量的增加了工人在家里变化相对供应表这样的角球点是在(1,3/2)和(1、5)代替(1 / 2,3/2)和(1 / 2,第5章)。

交叉的相对需求的供给曲线是现在相对较低的水平段,在点(2 / 3,3/2)。


第四章2 a. 又因为L=LC+LF=600 且T=TC+TF=60.所以LC=400, TC=20, LF=200 and TF=40.b. 不会c.在生产要素价格不变的情况下,一些劳工将不会被使用,因此生产要素价格将会改变,或者会出现失业。













答:由题意可列出生产函数5x+4y=20000所以生产可能性边界为y=5000-5/4x 6.根据上一题的条件,再加上以下几个条件,试确定该图的出口量,并在图中画出贸易三角。











课堂讨论4-3:保税区和出口加工区共有的主要功能是:(P63)A.仓储运输 B.商品展示 C.加工贸易 D.转口贸易解析:根据国际对保税区和出口加工区的管理规定,出口加工区的功能主要是保税加工,没有转口和展示功能,不能经营单纯的仓储业务;而保税区具有保税加工、转口贸易、商品展示、仓储运输等多种功能,既有保税加工的功能,又有保税物流的功能,二者共同的功能就是保税加工,也就是加工贸易。




















国际贸易课后答案一、选择题1. B2. A3. C4. D5. B6. A7. D8. C9. B10. D二、判断题1. 错误2. 正确3. 正确4. 错误5. 正确6. 错误三、填空题1. 贸易壁垒2. 进口3. 关税4. 出口5. 贸易逆差四、问答题1. 请简要解释自由贸易的概念。




2. 请列举国际贸易中常见的贸易壁垒。





3. 请说明贸易逆差的原因及其对经济的影响。





4. 请简述自由贸易区和关税同盟的区别。

































国际贸易课后习题参考答案以下是国际贸易课后习题的参考答案:第一章:概述1. 国际贸易的定义是什么?其目的有哪些?国际贸易是指不同国家之间进行的商品、服务和资本的跨境流动。


2. 国际贸易有哪些优势?国际贸易的优势包括:可以帮助各国充分利用自身优势,拓展市场空间,降低成本,提高效率,促进技术进步,增加就业机会等。

第二章:贸易政策3. 自由贸易与保护主义的区别是什么?自由贸易是指各国之间不设任何贸易壁垒的贸易形式,而保护主义则是采取各种手段限制进口,保护本国产业不受外国竞争的决策。

4. 贸易壁垒有哪些种类?贸易壁垒的种类包括关税、配额、非关税壁垒(如技术壁垒、安全壁垒、健康壁垒等)。

第三章:国际交易支付5. 请简要介绍国际清算和支付的方式。


6. 请说明银行承兑汇票的原理和流程。



第四章:全球货币体系7. 全球货币体系的发展历程是怎样的?全球货币体系的发展历程主要经历了黄金标准、布雷顿森林体系和自由浮动汇率三个阶段。

8. 国际货币基金组织的主要职责是什么?国际货币基金组织的主要职责包括:促进国际货币制度的稳定;促进国际贸易和投资;促进经济增长和就业;提供援助和金融支持等。

第五章:外汇市场9. 请简要介绍外汇市场的基本特点。


10. 外汇交易有哪些交易类型?外汇交易的交易类型包括即期交易、远期交易、期权交易和货币互换交易等。








































P3007.假定一国某种商品的需求曲线为D=40-2P,供给曲线为S=10+3P,自由贸易时的市场价格为2,请用数字和图形回答以下问题:自由贸易下该国的进口量是多少?当该国对该种商品征收50%的从价税时,试问该国的进口量是多少?关税的保护成本或净损失的价值是多少?自由贸易时:S=10+3P=10+3×2=16 D=40-2P=20-2×2=36进口量=D-S=36-16=20征收关税后:P=2×(1+50%)=3 S=10+3P=10+3×3=19 D=40-2P=40-2×3=34进口量=D-S=34-19=15A国生产衣服所用的布料为进口品,在自由贸易下做一件衣服的布料成本为50美元,成衣的价格为80美元。

国贸课后练习答案全 周瑞琪

国贸课后练习答案全 周瑞琪

acceptance 承兑actual total loss 实际全损ad valorem 从价运费additional 附属费advanced B/L 预签提单air transportation 空运air waybill 空运单ante-dated B/L 倒签提单anticipatory credit 预支信用证back-to-back credit 背对背信用证basic freight 基本运费beneficiary 受益人bill of exchange 汇票charter party 租船契约charter transportation 租船运输charter(tramp) 不定期货船check 支票claimant 索赔人clean B/L 清洁提单clean bill 光票clean collection 光票托收clean credit 光票信用证combined certificate 联合凭证confirmed L/C 保兑信用证constructive total loss 推定全损containerization 集装箱运输contribution 分摊deferred payment 延期付款demurrage 滞期费discount 折扣,贴现documentary bill 跟单汇票documentary letter of credit 跟单信用证endorsement 背书exclusions 除外责任external risks 外来风险extraneous risks 外来风险factoring 保理业务forfeiting 包买票据fortuitous accidents 意外事故franchise 免赔率freight rates 运费率freight ton 运费吨general average 共同海损general risks 一般外来风险indemnity 赔偿insurable interest 可保利益insurance certificate 保险凭证insurance claim 保险索赔insurance cover(age) 保险险别insurance policy 保险单insurance premium 保险费insurance rate 保险费率irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证lay day 装卸天数liner/gross terms 班轮条件liners transportation 班轮运输measurement ton 尺码吨natural calamity 自然灾害open policy 预约保单optional port 选择港order B/L 指示提单partial loss 部分损失partial shipments 分批装运particular average 单独海损paying instrument 支付工具payment by installments 分期付款payment in advance 预付payment term 支付方式perils of the sea 海上风险port of destination 目的港port of shipment 装运港presentation 提示presenting bank 代收行promissory note 本票proximate cause 近因原则rail(way) transportation 铁路运输reciprocal credit 对开信用证red clause credit 红条款信用证remittance 汇付revocable L/C 可撤销信用证revolving credit 循环信用证road transportation 公路运输sea transportation 海运sea waybill 海运单sight draft 即期汇票sight L/C即期信用证special risks 特殊外来风险stale B/L 过期提单standby L/C 备用信用证straight B/L 记名提单subject matter 保险标的subrogation 代位求偿权sum insured 保险金额surcharge 附加费tenor 汇票期限the insured/insurant 被保险人the insurer 承保人,保险公司time charter 期租船time of delivery 交货期time/usance draft 远期汇票total loss 全部损失transferable L/C 可转让信用证transshipment 转船underwriter 承保人unexpected accidents 意外事故utmost good faith 最大诚信原则voyage charter 程租船weight ton 重量吨CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站CIC (China Insurance Clauses) 中国保险条例CP (Charter Party) 租船契约CY (Container Yard) 集装箱堆场D/A (documents against acceptance) 承兑交单D/D (demand draft) 即期汇票D/P (documents against payment) 付款交单DR to DR (Door to Door) 门到门运输F. I. (Free In) 船方管卸不管装F. I. O. (Free In and Out) 船方不管装卸F. I. O. S. T. (Free In and Out, Stowed & Trimmed) 船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱F. O. (Free Out) 船方管装不管卸FCI (Factors Chain International) 国际保理联合会FCL (Full Container Load) 整装箱FPA (Free from Particular Average) 平安险GA (General Contribution) 共同分摊ICC (Institute Cargo Clause) 协会货物运输保险条款IMT (International Multimodal Transportation) 国际多式联运L/C (letter of credit) 信用证L/G (letter of guarantee) 保函LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼装箱M (Measurement) 尺码M/T (mail transfer) 信汇MTO (Multimodal Transportation Operator) 多式联运经营人PICC (the People’s Insurance Company of China) 中国人民保险公司SRCC (strikes, riots and civil commotions) 罢工,暴动,民变脸T/T (telegraphic transfer) 电汇TPND (theft, pilferage and non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险UCP 600 (Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit 600) 跟单信用证统一惯例 600URC 522 (Uniform Rules for Collection 522) 托收统一规则W (Weight) 重量W/W Clause (Warehouse to Warehouse Clause) 仓至仓条款WPA (With Particular Average) 水渍险Chapter 51. In international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is D. order bill oflading.2. In DES contracts, a reasonable order for time of shipment and time of delivery is B. June 1 andJuly 1.3. A bill of lading is C. ante-dated B/L when its date of shipment is indicated earlier than the actualtime of shipment.4. A (An) D. bill of lading represents title to the cargo.5. In the import and export business, B. an ocean B/L can be made out to negotiable document.6. The bill of lading presented to the consignee or buyer or his bank after the stipulated expiry dateof presentation or after the goods are due at the port of destination is a A. stale B/L.7. A “freight to be collected” B/L is acceptable to the buyer when the contract is based on A. FOB.8. A C. conference liner normally has regular scheduled departures, specified routes andcomparatively fixed freight rates.9. An order B/L with blank endorsement is a B/L showing B. neither the name of consignee northe name of transferee.10. A(n) A. straight B/L refers to one that is made out to a designated consignee.Chapter 61. The main document adopted by the insured to make claims against the insurer is D. insurancedocument.2. Perils of the sea, such as vessel being stranded or grounded covered in an insurance policy areone kind of B. fortuitous accidents.3. According to “Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People’s Insurance Company of China”, thecoverage which cannot be effected independently is C. War Risk.4. Company A exported 5 metric tons of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea waterin the ship’s hold led to the deterioration in the quality of part of the tea exported. This kind of loss is D. particular average.5. The insurance document that is acceptable mostly in Hong Kong of China, Singapore andMalaysia is C. combined certificate.6.7. Risks such as “failure to delivery risk” or “rejection risk” fall within the category of B. specialextraneous risks.8. According to “Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People’s Insurance Company of China”, thebasic coverage that is the least extensive is A. FPA.9. In the case of air freight, if the subject matter insured failed to reach the warehouse at destinationstipulated in the insurance policy, the expiration of the insurance is B. 30 days after completion of discharge overside from the overseas vessel at the final port of discharge.10. Under C. ICC(C) coverage of London Institute Cargo Clause, only major casualties are covered,but not natural calamities.1. If there is no specific provision, the draft under a letter of credit should draw on the B. issuingbank.2. The draft used in collection is D. a commercial draft, based on commercial credit.3. A standby credit B. is a special clean credit.4. Under collection once the importer refuses to pay, the C. principal will be responsible for thecargo release, customs clearance, warehousing, and reselling in the importing country.5. The bill of exchange used in D/A must be a D. usance bill.6. If a bank other than the issuing bank guarantees the payment under an L/C, this L/C is A. aconfirmed credit.7. A C. reciprocal credit is normally used in processing trade.8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about remittance? A. It provides highest securityto the buyer but not the seller.9. B. packing loan is a L/C based financing which will provide the exporter funds before the goodsare produced.10. If the exporter finds out mistakes on a received L/C, he should contact the B. importer at the firstplace.Chapter 5T 1 .Liner freight has covered the loading and unloading fee.F 2. When the ship-owner speeds up his ship and arrives at the destination at an earlier date than stipulated, he can obtain dispatch money from the charterer.T 3. When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship owner.F 4. Ocean bills of lading, air waybills and rail waybills are property documents presenting title to cargoes, so they are all negotiable.T 5. Bills of lading are usually made out in a full set including several originals and copies.F 6. Since straight B/L bears higher risk than the open B/L , it is rarely used in international transportation.F 7. A clean B/L is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in apparent goods condition.F 8. In international trade practice, the time of shipment is actually the time of delivery.T 9. Sometimes when the buyer cannot determine a specific port of discharge during negotiation, he may require two or three ports to be written on the contract as optional ports.T 10. UCP 600 stipulates that partial shipment and transshipment are allowed unless it is stipulated otherwise.Chapter 6F 1. In marine cargo insurance, general average is to be borne by the carrier, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss, recover the loss from the insurance underwriter.F 2. In Chinese insurance practice, open policy is the same as the insurance certificate.T 3. Special additional coverages such as war risks, strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA, WPA or ALL Risks.F 4. In ocean marine insurance, natural calamities include heavy weather, earthquake, tsunami, flood, collision, etc.T 5. The coverage of Land Transportation Risk and Air Transportation Risk are almost equivalent to WPA in marine cargo insurance.F 6. Subrogation Principle states that in the event of loss of or damage to the subject matter insured resulting from an insured peril, the insured is placed in the same position that he enjoyed immediately before the loss occurred.T 7. The 10% markup rate of the commercial invoice value in an insurance policy is to cover an anticipated profit as well as other additional costs involved.T 8. Under a deductible franchise, where the loss or damage exceeds the percentage allowed, the insurance company needs merely indemnify the exceeding part to the insured.F 9. Ocean marine insurance covers ships and their cargo only on the high seas and not on inland waterways.F 10. The claimant is the party who suffers loss of or damage to the subject matter insured byChapter 7F 1. If the remittance is m ade by a banker’s demand draft, this payment is based on bank credit.T 2. For a confirmed credit, the confirming bank holds the same liability as the issuing bank.T 3. A letter of credit which does not indicate whether it is revocable or not is regarded as irrevocable.F 4. A letter of credit not mentioning ti is non-transferable will be seen as transferable.F 5. Using a third currency in collecting payment is the best protection against currency risk for the seller.T 6. Since under L/C the seller gets payment from a party independent of the buyer, it is the safest mode for him.T 7. Open account and payment in advance indicate the minimum and maximum risk for the importer.F 8. Dishonor only refers to the rejection to the presentation for payment, but not rejection to the presentation for acceptance.T 9. Under collection though the seller collects payment through banks, it is not guaranteed that he will receive the money as collection is still based on commercial credit.F 10. In international trade clean collection is more frequently used than documentary collection. Chapter 51. Under what circumstances does the time of shipment equal to the time of delivery?Time of shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board the vessel at the port of shipment while time of delivery refers to the time limit during which the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer at the agreed place.For all shipment contracts, time of shipment equals to time of delivery, and according to Incoterms 2010, contracts concluded on the basis terms like FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT, CIP are shipment contracts. Under the shipment contract, the seller fulfills his obligation of delivery when the goods are shipped on board the vessel or delivered to the carrier and the seller only bears all risks prior to shipment.2. What are the functions of a bill of a lading?A cargo receipt, evidence of a contract of carriage, a document of title to the goods.3. What are the main types of bills of lading?·According to whether the goods have been loaded on board the carrying vessel: Shipped B/L and received for shipment B/L·According to the apparent condition of the received cargo: Clean B/L and Unclean B/L,·According to the address of the consignee: Straight B/L, Order B/L and Bear B/L,·According to whether transshipment is involved in transit: Direct B/L and Transshipment B/L, ·According to the perplexity or simplicity of the bill content: Long term B/L and Short term B/L, ·According to the payment condition of freight: Freight prepaid B/L and Freight to be Collected B/L ·According to the validity: Original B/L and Copy B/L·Other forms of bill of lading also exist according to different circumstances: Stale B/L, Ante-dated B/L, Advanced B/L, On-deck B/L.4. What are the ways of dividing charges of loading and unloading in a charter party?·Liner Terms/ Gross Terms or In and out: The ship-owner bears loading and unloading cost.·Free in: The ship-owner is only responsible for unloading cost.·Free out: The ship-owner is only responsible for loading cost.·Free in and out: The ship-owner does not bear loading and unloading cost. OR F. I. O. S. T.: The ship-owner does not bear loading and unloading cost, not even bear the expenses of stowing and trimming.Time of delivery(time of shipment), port (place) of shipment and port (place) of destination, partial shipment, transshipment, or lay days, demurrage and dispatch money.Chapter 61. What are the differences between general average and particular average?Although both general average and particular average belong to the category of partial loss, there is still some differences between them:·Causes: Particular average is a kind of cargo loss usually caused directly by sea perils, while general average is caused by intentional measures taken to save the common interest. ·Indemnification: Particular average is often borne by the party whose cargo is damaged, while general average should be proportionally contributed among all parties benefited from the intentional measures.2. What are the conditions for general average?·The danger that threatens the common safety of cargo and/or vessel shall be materially existent and is not foreseen.·The measures taken by the master shall be aimed to remove the common danger of both vessel and cargo and shall be undertaken deliberately and reasonably for common safety.·The sacrifice shall be specialized and not caused by perils directly and the expense incurred shall be additional expense which is not within the operation budget.·The actions of the ship’s master shall be successful in saving the voyage3. What are the differences between the scope of ICC(B) and ICC(C)?The scope of ICC(C) covers loss of damage to the cargo attributable to fire or explosion, vessel of craft being stranded, grounded, sunk or capsized, overturning or derailment of land conveyance, collision or contract of vessel, craft or conveyance with any external object other than water, or discharge of cargo at a port of distress, general average sacrifice, or jettison.Apart from those covered under ICC(C), the scope of ICC(B) also covers loss of or damage to the subject matter insured attributable to earthquake, volcanic eruption or conveyance, container, liftvan or place of storage, or total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading onto or unloading form, vessel or craft.4. What are the risks that are known as general additional coverage1)T.P.N.D(Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery), 2)Fresh Water Rain Damage, 3)Risk of Shortage,4)Risk of Inter Mixture and Contamination, 5)Risk of Leakage, 6)Risk of Clash and Breakage,7)Risk of Odor, 8)Heating and Sweating Risk, 9)Hook Damage, 10)Risk of Rust, 11)Breakage ofPacking Damage5. What are the main expenses involved in ocean marine insurance? How to define them?Marine cargo insurance also covers the expenses incurred to avoid or reduce the damage to or loss of the subject matter insured. There are mainly two types of expenses. One is Sue and labor expense, the other is salvage charges.Sue and labor expense are extraordinary expenses made in a time of peril by the insured to act to avert, or minimize any loss of or damage to the subject matter insured. Salvage charges are expenses resulting from measures properly taken by a third party other than the insured, his agent, or any person employed by them to preserve maritime property from peril at sea.6. What documents are needed when an insurance claim is made?·Original bill of lading or other transport document·Commercial invoice·Packing list·Certificate of Loss(Survey)·The landing account or weight notes(notes on weight) at destination·Any correspondence with the carrier or any other party who could be responsible for the loss or damage·Master’s protest.Chapter 71. After Bank X advised exporter Y of the L/C, the shipment was made. When the cargo was onthe way, the importer filed for bankruptcy. Is Y out luck of collecting the payment? Can the opening bank refuse to make reimbursement to the negotiating bank? Why or why not?No, exporter Y does not need to worry about the payment. Because the payment is by L/C, the issuing bank is responsible for making payment regardless of the importer’s situation. But the condition is that exporter Y can fulfill all the requirements listed on the L/C. According to UCP600,a credit constitutes a definite undertaking of the opening bank to pay or to pay at maturity in caseof acceptance. Therefore once the stipulated documents are presented to the opening bank and the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with, the opening bank cannot refuse to make reimbursement to the negotiating bank.2. An L/C does not indicate whether it is revocable or not. Is it revocable? Can a revocablecredit be transferable?According to UCP600, if an L/C does not indicate whether it is irrevocable or not, it will beconsidered as irrevocable. And a transferable L/C must be irrevocable.3. After a gullible importer paid Bank C against the seemingly correct shipping documents, hewent to take the delivery, but found out that the goods were inferior counterfeits. Is Bank C liable under UCP600? Can the importer do anything in order to recover the loss?Bank C is not liable in this case because UCP600 stipulates that in credit operations all parties concerned deal with documents, and not with goods, services and/or other performances to which the documents may relate. In order to recover the loss, the importer should rely on the sales contract and seek for solution.4. An exporter, Wu Co., received an L/C issued by Bank B and confirmed by Bank K. After Wushipped the goods, Bank B declared bankruptcy. Will Wu have sleepless nights?No, Wu Co. Does not need to worry about the payment. When the L/C is confirmed, the confirming bank holds the same definite undertaking as the issuing bank to pay or to pay at maturity in case of acceptance.5. Does a payment credit differ from a sight credit?A payment credit could be settled by sight payment or deferred payment. In both cases, a draftdrawn on the issuing bank may not be necessary. While when a sight credit is used, payment would be made immediately against a sight draft and required commercial documents.6. Are the following credits transferable? (A)This L/C assignable; (B)This L/C is transmissible;(C)This L/C is fractionable; (D)This L/C is divisible.According to UCP600, a credit can be transferred only if it is expressly designated as“transferable” by the issuing bank. Terms such as “divisible”, “fractionable”, “assignable”, and “transmissible” do not render the Credit transferable.7. Under an anticipatory credit, the exporter made an advance, but disappeared withoutpresenting the documents as required. Who is liable for repayment of the advance?The special clause is required by the applicant, as a result he has to make repayment of the advances if the beneficiary fails to present documents for settlement.8. Why a back-to-back credit is needed? Give an example.A back-to-back credit is normally used by middleperson for the protection of his interest. Forexample, agent A received a documentary credit from the end buyer B, A can use this credit as a backup to apply for the opening of a new credit in favor of the end supplier C. By doing so A can be sure that neither B nor C would know each other, therefore well protecting A’s businessconfidentiality.9. What is the difference between a back-to-back credit and a transferable credit?When a back-to-back credit is used, there actually involve two credits. When a transferable credit is used, operation is based on only one credit.Chapter 51. The price quoted by an exporter was “USD38 per case FOB Liverpool”. The importerrequested a revised CFR Liverpool price. If the size of each case was 50cm*40cm*30cm, gross weight per case was 40kg, freight basis was W/M and the quotation for London is USD100 per ton of carriage, plus 20% bunker adjustment factor (BAF) and 10% currency adjustment factor (CAF), what would be the CFR price?W=40kg=0.04M/T M=50cm*40cm*30cm=0.5*0.4*0.3=0.06cm3 M>WM will be used as freight basis for freight calculation.Freight per case=M*basic freight*(1+BAF rate)=0.06*100*(1+20%)=USD 7.2Total freight per case=7.2*(1+10%)=USD 7.92CFR=FOB+Freight=38+7.92=USD 45.92The CFR price would be USD 45.92 per case CFR Liverpool2. There is one consignment of 10 cartons of leather shoes, measurement of each carton is50*50*50cm, gross weight of each is 15KG. The air freight are quoted for the flight required is USD1.3KG. How much air freight should be paid to the carrier?W=15kg M= (50*50*50)/6000=20.83kg M>WFreight=USD 1.3/kg*20.83*10 cartons=USD 270.79The air freight is USD 270.793. Suppose: Company A exports 1000 cases of Commodity Y to London. The volume per caseis 40cm x 30cm x 20cm, and the gross weight is 30kg per case. For Commodity Y, the freight rate basis is W/M, and the Freight Tariff (China —London) is USD230, with a 10% port surcharge. How much is the total freight?Total weight: 0.03 M/T*1000 cases=30M/T Total measurement: 0.4x0.3x0.2*1000cases=24M3W > M, “W” is the freight basisTotal Freight=Total weight× Basic Freight Rate×(1+ Surcharge)=30×230×(1+10%)= USD 7590 The total freight cost is USD7590.4. Company A wants to send one consignment to Sydney, Australia. The goods are packed in50 cartons, each weighing 15kgs, with measurement as 50 x 40 x 30cm. The air freight rateis quoted at USD2.00/KG (W/M). How much would the total air freight cost?W: 15 kg M: (50x40x30)/6000=10kg W> M, so W will be adopted for the calculation of air freightAir freight=Total Quantity× Basic Freight Rate=50 cartons×15kg×USD2.00/kg =USD 15005. Suppose the working period at Port X is 8 hours a day and 7 days in a week. If there are four rainy hours unable for loading and unloading in a week, how many standard days are there under the above three methods of stipulation for lay time respectively?Days or Running Days or Consecutive Days=7 days Weather Working Days of 24 Hours=8*7- 4(rainy hours)=52 hours=2 61 days Weather Working Days of 24 Consecutive Hours=7*24-4=164 hours=6 65 days Chapter 611. A Chinese company offered to a British counterpart at USD500 per case FOB Shanghai. The British importer asked the exporter to offer a CIF price. Suppose the freight is USD 50 per case and premium rate is 0.6%, what would the new offer be?CIF=(FOB+F)/(1-110%*R)=(500+50)/(1-110%*0.5%)=USD 533The new offer is USD 533 per case CIF Shanghai.12. Company A transacted with Company B, exporting frozen food under CIF. The total amount of the invoice value was USD 10 000. The premium rate was 0.4% and the goods were insured for FPA with a markup of 10%. Please calculate the insurance amount and insurance premium respectively?Insurance amount=CIF*(1+markup rate)=10 000*110%=USD 1100Insurance premium=CIF insurance amount*insurance rate=1100*0.4%=USD 44The insurance amount and insurance premium are USD 1100 and USD 44 respectively.13. Our exporting company offered light industrial products to a British importer at GBP10 000 per metric ton CIF London (insurance for All Risks with 10% markup and 1% premium rate). However, the importer intended to effect insurance by himself, as a result, he count-offered CFR price. What is the CFR price? How much premium should the exporter need to deduct from the CIF price?CFR=CIF*(1-110%*R)=10 000*(1-110%*1%)=GBP 9890Insurance premium=CIF-CFR=10 000-9890=GBP 110The CFR price is GBP 9890 per metric ton CFR London and the exporter need to deduct GBP 110 from the CIF price as the premium.14. Suppose a cargo vessel loaded with cargo of Party A and Party B stranded in transit. To save the vessel as well as the goods on it, the master ordered to throw 1000 cases of goods to the sea. The value of the goods thrown overboard for Party A is 20% of his goods (the total value of his goods is CNY20000) and that for Party B is 10% of his goods (the total value of his goods is CNY60000). Extra wages for the seamen to perform the act amounted to CNY5000. The value of the vessel is about CNY5000000. Based on the information above what is the G.A. contribution for each party involved?Total GA loss=20000x20%+60000x10%+5000=CNY 15000Total GA contributory value=20 000x 80%+ 60 000x90%+5 000 000+15 000= CNY 5 080 000 GA percentage = (Total GA loss / GA Total Benefit) x 100%=(15 000/5 080 000)x100%=0.295% GA Contribution by Party A=20 000 x 0.295% = CNY 59GA Contribution by Party B=60 000 x 0.295% = CNY 177GA Contribution by the Carrier=5 000 000x0.295% =CNY 1475015. Suppose the CIF invoice value is USD50 000 and goods are insured against All Risks and War Risks with premium rate to be 0.5% and 0.05% respectively. If markup rate is 10%, the insurance premium will be:Insurance Premium (I)=50 000*(1+10%)*(0.5%+0.05%)=55 000*0.0055=USD 302.5Chapter 51. ABC Co. signed a contract to export 200 M/T of beans. The letter of credit stipulated, “Partial shipment not allowed”. When the shipment was being made, the exporter loaded 100 M/T each on board the same vessel for the same voyage at the port of Shanghai and the port of Dalian. The shipment document was clearly marked with the ports of shipment and the dates of shipment. Did the exporter violate the terms of the L/C?析:No, 卖方没有违反信用证“不允许装船” 的规定。








国贸课后习题答案 doc

国贸课后习题答案 doc

国贸课后习题答案d oc国际贸易理论与实务(教材)习题答案第一章绪论【试一试】单项选择题(P2)1.通常所说的国际贸易货物额是指()。

A.世界出口货物总额 B. 世界进口货物总额 C.世界进出口货物总额 D. 世界贸易量2.一般情况下,随着一国参与国际分工的程度加深,其对外贸易依存度将会()。

A.提高 B. 下降C.不变 D. 变化方向不确定 3.一国的进出口贸易收支状况用()来反映。

A.对外贸易额 B. 贸易差额 C.对外贸易量 D. 国际贸易量 4.转口贸易又称()A.直接贸易 B. 间接贸易 C.过境贸易 D. 中转贸易5.能指明一国出口货物和服务的去向与进口货物和服务的来源,并能反映出一国与其他国家或国家集团之间经济贸易联系程度的指标是()。

A.对外贸易地理方向 B. 国际贸易地理方向 C.对外贸易商品结构D. 国际贸易商品结构参考答案:1. A、2. A、3. B、4. D、5. A课堂讨论1-1;1994-2002年我国贸易条件系数为何持续下降?(P5)参考答案:(1)国内市场对进口商品的需求增长;(2)外商投资企业的“转移价格”效应;(3)出口企业恶性价格竞争。



A.亚当.斯密 B. 大卫.李嘉图 C.赫克歇尔 D. 俄林2.在李嘉图的比较成本学说中,国际贸易产生的原因是由于两国的()。

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思路:贸易中的“双赢理论”说的是自由贸易对贸易双方都有利,这本是个可证实的经济理论,决不是个强权理论,只要按照比较优势进行贸易,专业化生产,充分有效地利用资源,穷国也可以得到好处,这不仅可以从Sachs 和Warner对78个发展中国家贸易与经济发展的关系研究中的得到证实,单从中国改革开放的实践就可以得到说明。












中国的福利水平从U 01上升到U 11,加拿大的福利水平从U 02上升到U 12,整个世界的福利水平上升了。

1. 假设在自给自足条件下,中国的汽车价格是20万/辆,需求量为100万辆。



从图中可以看出,消费者剩余增加了ABDE ,生产者剩余减少了ABCE ,总福利增加了CED 。

2. 在H -O 模型中,假设在没有贸易的情况下,中国大米的国内市场价格是每吨100美元,而国际市场上的大米价格是每吨120美元。


如果中国以国际市场价格出口1000吨大米的话,中国的消费者会由于价格上升损失a 部分的面积的利益;而生产者将由于提价得到a+b 部分面积的收益,整个经济的纯收益为b,面积为1/2*(120-100)*1000=10000。

3. 设中国是汽车进口的小国,对汽车的需求和供给分别为:Dc = 2000 - 0.02P Sc = 1200 + 0.02P并设国际市场上汽车的价格为10000,请用数字和图形说明下列问题:(1) 贸易前,中国汽车的产量和价格;(2) 自由贸易下,中国汽车的产量及进口或出口量;(3) 自由贸易对国内消费者、厂商和整个社会的福利影响1000 价格思路:(1) 令Dc =Sc ,得贸易前中国汽车价格为20000,产量为1600。

(2) 自由贸易下中国进口汽车,由于假设中国为汽车进口小国,则国内汽车价格等于国际市场价格10000,汽车的需求为1800,生产为1400,进口量为400。

(3)消费者福利增加a+b=1/2*(1800+1600)*10000=1.7*107 生产者利润减少a=1/2*(1400+1600)*10000=1.5*107 社会福利增加b=(a+b)-a=2*106 4. 假设A 、B 两国生产技术相同且在短期内不变:生产一单位衣服需要的资本为1,需要的劳动为3;生产一单位食品需要的资本为2,需要的劳动为2。

A 国拥有160单位劳动和100单位资本;B 国拥有120单位劳动和80单位资本。

则(1) 哪个国家为资本充裕的国家?(2) 哪种产品为劳动密集型产品?(3) 假设所有要素都充分利用,计算各国各自最多能生产多少服装或多少食品?(4) 假设两国偏好相同,两国间进行贸易,哪个国家会出口服装?哪个国家出口食品?思路:(1) 由于B 国的资本劳动比例高于A 国,所以B 国为资本充裕的国家。

(2) 由于衣服的劳动资本比例高于食品,所以衣服为劳动密集型产品。

(3) A 国最多能生产160/3单位的衣服和50单位的食品;B 国最多能生产40单位的衣服和40单位的食品。

(4) 根据H-O 模型的结论,服装是劳动密集型的产品应由劳动充裕的国定即A 国出口,食品为资本为密集型的产品应由资本充裕的国家即B 国出口。

5. 设越南(V 国)和马来西亚(M 国)两国大米市场的需求曲线分别为:PV = 1.5 – QDV, PM = 2.2 - 2QDM供给曲线分别为:PV = 0.1 + QSV, PM = 0.6 + 2QSM请计算:(1) 两国自给自足时大米市场均衡时的产量和价格。

(2) 自由贸易时国际市场大米的价格和各国的进口量或出口量。

(3) 自由贸易带来的消费者和生产者的福利收益或损失,以及两国的净福利收益或损失。

思路:价格数量(1) 自给自足时V 国大米价格为0.8,产量为0.7,M 国大米价格为1.4,产量为0.4。

(2) 两国总需求为QWD=QDV+QDM=(1.5-P)+(1.1-0.5P)=2.6-1.5P两国总供给为QWS=QSV+QSM=(P-0.1)+(0.5P-0.3)=1.5P-0.4令QWD=QSW,得P=1, QDV=0.5, QSV=0.9,所以V 国出口量QSV- QDV=0.4,也等于M国的进口量。

(3)V 国:消费者剩余变化=-1/2*[0.7+(0.7-1/2*0.4)]*(1.0-0.8)= -0.12生产者剩余变化=1/2*[0.7+(0.7+1/2*0.4)]*(1.0-0.8)= -0.16净收益=阴影部分面积=1/2*0.2*0.4=0.04M 国:消费者剩余变化=1/2*[0.4+(0.4+1/2*0.4)]*(1.4-1.0)= 0.20生产者剩余变化=-1/2*[0.4+(0.4-1/2*0.4)]*(1.4-1.0)= -0.12净收益=阴影部分面积=1/2*0.4*0.4=0.08世界总收益= V 国净收益+M 国净收益=0.04+0.08=0.12。

1. “中国加入世贸组织会造成工人工资下降,失业增加。



因为中国加入世贸组织会使中国的贸易量扩大,中国会扩大对自己具有比较优势的 产品——劳动密集型产品的出口,根据斯托尔珀-萨缪尔森定理 ,这种产品中密集使用的要素——劳动力的收益是增加的,对这种要素的需求也会增加,所以失业应该不会增加。

2. 假设A 国是个劳动力充裕的国家,以劳动力和土地两种要素生产服装和玉米。


给定A 国作为一个小国参加自由贸易。

(1) A 国会出口什么产品?(2) A 国国内服装和玉米的价格会发生什么变化?(3) 假设突然有大批移民进入A 国,对该国的生产、贸易量和福利有什么影响?请简要说明。

(4) 如果A 国是个大国,上述3题的结论还会一样吗?思路:(1) A 国会出口服装。

(2) A 国作为一个小国参加自由贸易后会出口服装进口玉米,从而导致服装价格上升,玉米价格下降。

(A )V 国大米市场 (B )国际大米市场 (C )M 国大米市场 P 量Q(3)由罗勃津斯基定理,大量移民的涌入会使该国密集使用劳动的产品——服装的生产增加,同时使另一种产品——玉米的生产下降,贸易量扩大,社会总体的福利也会扩大。



5 美国国会在2000年就是否给与中国永久正常贸易地位一案进行投票表决。




6 “自由贸易使穷国受损富国受益。



1.设中国是汽车进口的小国,对汽车的需求和供给分别为:Dc = 2000 - 0.02 P Sc = 1200 + 0.03 P并设国际市场上汽车的价格为10000美元,请用数字和图形说明下列问题:(1)自由贸易下,中国汽车的产量及进出口量, 自由贸易对国内消费及厂商的福利影响。



