





1.评估者只对评估结论本身合乎职业规范要求负责,而不对资产业务定价决策负责,这表明评估结论具有( )A.市场性B.咨询性C.公正性D.现实性2.下列各项中,不符合...公开和公平的市场条件的是( )A.交易双方都是经济人B.市场存在一定程度的垄断C.交易双方拥有较充裕的时间了解信息D.交易双方地位平等3.某资产购置于2005年底,历史成本为100万元。

2007年底进行评估,该类资产在2005年、2006年、2007年的环比物价指数分别为10%、20%、30%,则评估时该资产的重置成本为( )A.118.2万元B.132.0万元C.156.0万元D.171.6万元4.当规模经济效益指数为1时,规模经济效益指数法实际上就是( )A.重置核算法B.物价指数法C.功能价值法D.统计分析法5.复原重置成本与更新重置成本在金额大小上的关系为( )A.前者大于后者B.前者小于后者C.前者等于后者D.前者与后者在金额大小上关系不确定6.某生产线还可使用5年,自动化程度较低,与同类设备相比,多用10名工人,每人每年工资为12000元,每年多耗用电能10万度,每度电0.5元,所得税率25%,折现率10%,则该生产线的功能性贬值约为( )A.17万元B.48万元C.64万元D.98万元7.进口设备重置成本中包括的从属费用是( )A.离岸价B.到岸价C.国外运费D.国内运费8.机器设备评估中,采用的物价指数首选的是( )A.整个工业设备的物价指数B.同一时期的定基物价指数C.同一大类设备的物价指数D.同一厂家设备的物价指数9.设备的实体性贬值率等于( )A.1-成新率B.成新率-1C.1+成新率D.1÷成新率10.由于外部因素而不是设备内部因素所引起的达不到原有设计生产能力而导致的贬值,称为( )A.功能性贬值B.技术性贬值C.实体性贬值D.经济性贬值11.交通条件、商业网点、住宅建设等的变化,会改变土地的价值,这说明( ) A.土地用途的多样性B.土地经济地理位置的可变性C.土地价值影响因素的多样性D.土地的不可替代性12.如果某房产的售价为2000万元,其中建筑物价格为800万元,地价为1200万元,该房产的年客观纯收益为136万元,建筑物的资本化率为8%,则土地的资本化率最接近于( )A.6.0%B.6.8%C.7.5%D.8.0%13.被评估建筑物账面原值为180万元,竣工于2002年,要求评估2006年该建筑物的重置成本,根据调查得知,被评估建筑物所在地区建筑业产值环比价格指数2003年为2%,2004年为-2%,2005年为2%,2006年为3%,该建筑物的重置成本最接近于( ) A.185万元B.186万元C.187万元D.189万元14.运用市场法评估建筑物价格时,个别因素修正的方法主要采用( )A.经验判断法B.售价调整法C.价格指数调整法D.环境成熟度修正法15.对于商业房地产来说,决定其价格的根本区域因素是( )A.风景好坏B.交通设施条件C.地段D.居民的职业构成16.评估无形资产使用频率最高的方法是( )A.市场法B.成本法C.收益法D.物价指数法17.收益法运用于商标权的评估,收益期限的确定是十分重要的问题。




















资产评估学试题 答案

资产评估学试题 答案

学年第二学期考试试卷(A 卷)(闭卷)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共计10分)请将答案添入答案表1、资产评估的时点性是指以被评估资产在( C )的实际状况,对资产价值进行的评定估算。

A .评估日期 B .评估工作日期 C .评估基准日 D .过去、现在及未2、资产评估价值与资产交易中的实际成交价格之间的关系是( D ). A .前者必须高于后者 B .项目评估期、项目生产期 C .前者必须低于后者 D .前者可以高于、低于或者等于后者3、运用市场法时选择3个及3个以上参照物的目的是( C ). A 。

为了符合资产评估的政策 B.为了体现可比性的要求 C.排除参照物个别交易的特殊性和偶然性 D 。

便于计算4、A 设备系2011年9月1日购进,购进价格为200 000元,评估基准日为2014年9月1日。

该设备2011年和2014年的定基价格指数分别是120%和110%.该设备的重置成本最接近于(A )元.A.183 333 B 。

218 182 C 。

220 000 D.240 000 5、用成本法评估土地时,土地取得费的计息期应为(C )。

A 。

整个开发期 B 。

整个销售期C 。

整个开发期和销售期D 。

整个开发期和销售期的一半 6、 某城市商业用途土地的容积率修正系数如下表:可比案例宗地地价为每平方米2700元,容积率为2.O ,待估宗地规划的容积率为1。

8,经容积率修正后的可比实例价格最接近于( B )元/平方米.A. 2160 B 。

2400 C .2430 D .32407、资源资产评估的实质是( C )。

A .各类资源资产实体B .有形资产与无形资产的结合体C .使用资源经营权益的本金化D .使用资源经营权益的费用化8、某图书出版公司的一项外购地图出版权,原始成本为10万元,该项版权已摊销6万元,则该出版权的成新率为( B )A .30%B .40%C .50% 4D .60%9、上市公司股票的清算价格是( D )。








3.字体与格式要求:可设计个封面,含班级、学号、姓名等信息;论文标题小二号黑体,姓名仿宋4号加粗,“摘要”和“关键词”5号黑体,摘要内容和关键词内容5号仿宋;正文一级标题4号黑体,二级标题宋体小4加粗,正文小4 宋体;行距1.5倍,段前段后均为0;参考文献等具体内容用5号字,字体自选,结构按参考文献规范。











浙江财经学院东方学院2008~2009学年第二学期《经济法理论》课程期末考试试卷(A 卷)考核方式:闭卷笔试 考试日期:2009年6月24日下午14:00——16:00 适用专业、班级:08东方法学1、2班一、单项选择题(在本题每一小题的四个备选答案中,只有一个答案是正确的,请把你认为正确答案的题号,填入题后的括号内,多选不给分。

每题1分,共15分)1、经济法的调整对象是 ( ) A.经济法律关系 B.特定的经济关系 C.各类经济关系D.经济权利和经济义务关系2、作为经济法主体的国家机关,主要是指 ( ) A.国家权力机关 B.审判机关 C.检察机关D.国家经济管理机关3、经济法实施的要素不包括 ( ) A.经济立法 B.经济司法 C.经济守法 D.经济执法4、最早在其著作中提出经济法概念的学者是 ( ) A. 浦鲁东 B.德萨米 C.摩莱里 D.鲁姆夫5、下列选项中不属于行业中介组织应承担的主要义务的是 ( ) A.遵守章程从事对外活动的义务B.以盈利为目的从事有偿服务C.维护与行业有关的公平竞争秩序的义务D.忠实履行对外社会公共职能的义务6、下列关于企业法的说法错误的是()A.企业法是一种企业行为法B.企业法调整的企业活动是企业组织范畴内的活动C.一般的企业法仅指普通企业法D.企业法一般不调整企业与投资者之间的关系7、市场监管法的调整对象是()A.市场竞争关系B.市场监管关系C.市场竞争关系和市场监管关系D.市场运行中产生的社会关系8、以下关系中,属于宏观调控关系的是()A.政府对产品质量的监督管理关系B.政府对不正当竞争行为的监督管理关系C.中国证券监督委员会对证券市场的监督管理关系D.财政税收和货币信贷政策制定和实施过程中发生的经济关系9、经营者向消费者推销移动电话时,以优惠的价格说服消费者购买与移动电话配套的电池、充电器等商品。




Байду номын сангаас
(4)房地产总价= ×[1- (1 7%)50 2 ]=36258750(元)(5)测 % 算建筑费及专业费=35007 ×( 1+10%)×5000=19250000(元) (6)利息 =地价×[(1+6%) 2 -1]+ 19250000×[( 1+6%)-1]=0.1236×地价 +1155000 (7) 开发商利润= (地价+19250000) ×20%=0.2×地价+3850000 (8)地价=房地产总价-建筑费用-专业费用-利息-利润 =36258750-19250000-0.1236×地价-1155000-0.2×地价-3850000 地 价=9069016(元) 5. 某房地产公司于 2007 年 1 月以有偿出让方式取得一块土地 50 年的 使用权, 并于 2009 年 1 月在此地块上建成一座框架结构的写字楼, 经 济耐用年限为 60 年,残值率为 0。评估基准日,该类建筑重置价格为 每平方米 2 500 元。该建筑物占地面积为 1 000 平方米,建筑面积为 1 800 平方米,现用于出租,每年实收租金为 72 万元。另据调查,当地 同类写字楼出租租金一般为每月每建筑平方米 50 元, 空置率为 10%, 每年需支付的管理费为年租金的 3%,维修费为重置价格的 1.5%,土 地使用税及房产税为每建筑平方米 25 元, 保险费为重置价格的 0.2%, 土地资本化率为 6%,建筑物资本化率为 8%。 (1)年总收益=50×12×1800×(1-10%)=972000(元)(2)①年 管理费=972000×3%=29160 (元) ②年维修费=2500×1800×1.5%=67500 (元)③年税金 =25 ×1800=45000(元)④年保险费 =2500×1800× 0.2%=9000 ( 元 ) ; 年 总 费 用 = ① + ② + ③ + ④ =29160+67500+45000+9000=150660(元) (3)年房地产纯收益=年总收 益-年总费用=972000-150660=821340(元) (4)①年(折旧费)贬值额= 建筑物重置价 2500 1800 93750 (元)



第一、二章一、单选题1、决定被评资产评估值的最基本的因素是( )。

A、资产社会的社会必要劳动B、资产的预期效用C、资产的历史收益水平D、资产的账面价值2、把以联营、合资合作为目的的评估对象的作用空间限定在联营企业及合资合作企业中的假设是( )。

A、公开市场假设B、持续使用架设C、清算假设D、最佳使用假设3、不可确指的资产是指( )。

A、那些没有物质实体的某些特权B、具有获利能力的资产综合体C、不能独立于有形资产之外而独立存在的资产D、除有形资产以外的所有资产4、评估资产市场价值所适用的最直接的市场条件假设前提是( )。

A、在用续用假设B、公开市场假设C、清算假设D、会计主体假设5、以产权变动为评估目的的有( )。

A、资产抵押B、企业兼并C、财产纳税D、财产担保6、资产评估结果的价值类型与( )直接相关。

A、评估的特定目的B、评估方法C、评估程序D、评估基准日7、采用市场法评估资产价值时,可以作为参照物的资产应该是( )。

A、全新资产B、旧资产C、与被评资产相同或者类似的资产D、全新资产,也可以是旧资产8、折现率本质上是( )。

A、期望投资回报率B、无风险报酬率C、超额收益率D、风险报酬率9、某资产年金收益额为8,500,剩余使用年限为20年,假设折现率为10%,其评估值最有可能为( )元。

A、85,000B、72,366C、12,631D、12,36910、采用收益法评估资产时,各指标存在的关系是( )。

A、资本化率越高,收益现值越低B、资本化率越高,收益现值越高C、资本未来收益期对收益现值无影响D、资本化率和收益现值无关11、资产评估是判断资产价值的经济活动,评估值是资产的( )。

A、时期价值B、时点价值C、时区价值D、阶段价值12、由发起人共同出资设立,共同经营,对债务承担无限连带责任的资产评估机构的组成形式是( )。

A、业主制B、合伙制C、有限责任制度D、股份有限制13、下列资产中,不可确指的资产是( )。



浙江财经学院资产评估硕士专业学位研究生《专业基础课》考试试卷题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得 分评卷人(共4大题)答题说明本试卷涉及的主要复利现值系数如表1所示:一、单项选择题(从下列各题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,答案错选或未选者,该题不得分。


)1.假定某商品的价格从10美元下降到9美元,需求量从70增加到75,则需求为( )。

A .缺乏弹性B .富有弹性C .单一弹性D .难以确定2.均衡价格随着( )。

A .需求和供给的增加而上升B .需求的增加和供给的减少而上升C .需求的减少和供给的增加而上升D .需求和供给的减少而上升3.如果A 和B 是____,A 商品价格上升会导致B 商品需求曲线____。

( )A.替代品,左移B.互补品,右移C.替代品,右移D.替代品,点的移动4.如果政府利用配给的方法来控制价格,这意味着()。






《资产评估学》期末测验一、单项选择题1.( )是资产评估得以进行的一个最基本的前提假设。

A 公开市场假设B 交易假设C 持续使用假设D 清算假设2.市场法下选择参照物,应选择()个以上。

A 1B 2C 3D 43.如果评估对象为一宗土地,选取的可比实例的土地面积()。

A 应与该宗土地的面积相等B 可大于或小于该宗土地的面积C 应与该宗土地的面积近似D 应与该宗土地的面积保持一定差距4.收益法适用的条件,是房地产的收益和()都易于量化。

A 成本B 风险C 运营费用D 报酬率5.现代的收益法是建立在货币具有()的观念基础上的。

A 投资价值B 时间价值C 市场价值D 资本价值6.资产评估是通过对资产某一()价值的估算,从而确定其价值的经济活动。

A 时点B 时区C 阶段D 时期7.资产在全新状态下,其重置成本和历史成本是()的A 等额B 不等额C 没有关系D 不确定8.资产评估时,成新率确定的损耗基础与年限折旧()。

A 相同B 不同 C不确定 D 没关系9.持续使用假设前提下的机器设备评估最适用()。

A 成本法B 市场法C 收益法D 统计分析法10.对已经使用一年以上或经过第一次大修恢复原设计性能使用不久的设备,在用状态良好,能满足设计要求,未出现过较大故障设备的成新率范围()。

A 15%-39%B 40%-64%C 65%-89%D 90%-100%二、多选题1.下列属于资产评估假设的是()。

A 交易假设 B公开市场假设 C 持续使用假设 D 清算假设 E 货币计量假设2.资产评估的经济技术原则是()。

A 预期收益原则B 独立性原则C 供求原则D 贡献原则E 科学性原则3.成本法下重置成本的估算方法()。

A 重置核算法B 使用年限法C 价格指数法D 功能价值类比法E 规模经济效益指数法4.应用市场法必须具备的前提条件是()。

A 必须具有参照物B 需要有一个活跃的公开市场C 公开市场上要有可比的资产及其交易活动D 公开市场上要有相同的资产及其交易活动E 必须具有与被评估资产相同或相类似的全新资产价格5.收益法运用中的主要指标是()。

国际金融双语期末A卷2009 2010 2

国际金融双语期末A卷2009 2010 2

国际金融双语期末卷A2009-2010-2浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Part I: Multiple choice(1*30=30score)( only one choice for each question)1.Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financial account?A)Ford motor company builds a new plant in ChinaB)A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from the UnitedStates.C)A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.D)The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chinese to play anexhibition game in Beijing, China.2.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error term is usedto:A)Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits.B)Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.C)Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments deficit.D)Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments surplus.3.A deficit in the overall balance generally is an indication that:A)The country's monetary authorities were selling foreign currency.B)The country's monetary authorities were buying foreign currency.C)The country's monetary authorities were buying domestic currency.D)The country's monetary authorities were buying imported goods.4. Suppose that a Korean television set that costs 600 won in Korea costs $400 inthe United States. These prices suggest that the exchange rate between the wonand the dollar is:A)1.5 won per dollarB)0.75 won per dollarC)$1.50 per wonD)$3 per won5. To the US, U.S. capital inflows will create a __________ foreign currency and a__________ U.S. dollars.A)Demand for; supply ofB)Supply of; demand forC)Shortage of; demand forD)Supply of; shortage of6. U.S. imports of goods and services will create a __________ foreign currencyand a __________ U.S. dollars.A) Demand for; supply ofB) Supply of; demand forC) Shortage of; demand forD) Supply of; shortage of页23页,共2第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷7.If the spot price of the euro is $1.10 per euro and the 30-day forward rate is$1.00 per euro, and you believe that the spot rate in 30 days will be $1.05 pereuro, you can maximize speculative gains by:A)Buying euros in the spot market and selling the euros in30 days at thefuture spot rate.B)Signing a forward foreign exchange contract to sell the euros in 30days.C)Signing a forward foreign exchange contract to sell the dollars in 30days.D)Buying dollars in the spot market and selling the dollars in 30 days atthe future spot rate.8.Assume you are a Chinese exporter and expect to receive $250,000 at the end of60 days. You can remove the risk of loss due to a devaluation of the dollar by:A)Selling dollars in the forward market for 60-day delivery.B)Buying dollars now and selling it at the end of 60 days.C)Selling the yuan equivalent in the forward market for 60-day delivery.D)Keeping the dollars in the United States after they are delivered toyou.9. The interest rate in the U.K. is 4% for 90 days, the current spot rate is$2.00/£ and the forward rate is $1.96/£. If the covered interest rate differential isabout ?1%, then the interest rate in the U.S. for 90 days wouldhave to be:A)7%B)4%C)3%D)2%10. If the covered interest differential is zero:A)International investments will be unprofitable.B)Parity has not been reached.C)The overall covered return on a foreign-currency investment equalsthe return on a comparable domestic-currency investment.D)A currency is at a forward premium by as much as its interest rate ishigher than the interest rate in the other country.11. When uncovered interest parity holds:A)A currency is expected to appreciate by as much as its interest rate islower than the interest rate in the other country.B) A currency is expected to appreciate by as much as itsinterestrate is higher than the interest rate in the other country C) A currency is expected to depreciate by as much as its interest rate is lower than the interest rate in the othercountryD)The forward premium equals the interest rate differential.页23页,共3第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷12. International Fisher Effect refers to the condition when:A)Covered differential equals zero.B)Expected uncovered differential equals zero.C)Uncovered interest parity holds.D)Both (B) and (C).13. __________ purchasing power parity states that the difference betweenchanges over time in product-price levels in two countries will be offset by thechange in the exchange rate over this time.A)FullB)PartialC)RelativeD)Absolute14. The __________ approach to exchange rates emphasizes the importance ofthe supply and demand for money as a key to understanding the determinants ofexchange rates.A)Purchasing-power-parityB)Asset marketC)MonetaryD)Balance of payments15. Based on PPP and the quantity theory of money, if Japan's real income risesrelative to real income in the US, there should be a(n):A)Appreciation of the dollar.B)Appreciation of the yen.C)Interest rate parity.D)Depreciation of the yen.16..The __________ effect can sometimes be destabilizing because it moves theexchange rate away from its long-run equilibrium value.A) BandwagonB) BubbleC) Exchange rateD) Arbitrage17. The law of __________ states that a product that is easily and freely traded ina perfectly competitive global market should have the same price everywhere.A) International tradeB) One priceC) Diminishing returnsD) Relative PPP18..According to the relative version of purchasing power parity, when theforeign country inflation rate increases, the home country's:A)Currency tends to depreciate.B)Currency tends to appreciate.C)Inflation rate tends to decrease.D)Inflation rate tends to stay the same.19..Which of the following are in place when government imposes limits on or页23页,共4第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷requires approvals for payments related to some (or all) international financialactivities?A)Exchange controls.B)Capital controls.C)Official interventions.D)Adjustable pegs.20. Pressures in the foreign exchange market are such as to cause the Britishpound to appreciate with respect to the U.S. dollar. If Britain is trying tomaintain a fixed exchange rate with respect to the U.S. dollar, which of thefollowing interventions will stem the pressures for appreciation of the pound?A)Britain should sell pounds and buy dollars.B)Britain should do nothing as a fixed rate will not change.C)Britain should buy pounds and sell dollars.D)Britain should decrease their money supply to contract the economy.21. Faced with ever increasing outflows of gold in the late 1960's, the UnitedStates:A)Used contractionary fiscal policies to rid the nation of deficits.B)Devalued the dollar in terms of gold.C) Suspended the convertibility of dollars into gold.D) Imposed foreign exchange controls.22. .If the marginal propensity to save is 0.3 and the marginal propensity toimport is 0.1, and the government increases expenditures by $10 billion, ignoringforeign-income repercussions(回流效应), how much will GDPrise?A)$20 billion.B)$10 billion.C)$25 billion.D)$15 billion.23.The IS curve illustrates:A)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates for whichthe domestic product market is in equilibrium.B)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates for whichthe domestic money market is in equilibrium.C)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates thatresults in a zero balance for the country's official settlements balance.D)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates for whichthere is full employment.24.The LM curve has a:A)Positive slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decrease inthe demand for money and thus a higher level of domestic production is needed to cause people to continue to hold thesameamount of money.B)Negative slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decreasein the demand for money and thus a higher level of domestic 页23页,共5第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷production is needed to cause people to continue to hold thesameamount of money.C)Negative slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decreasein aggregate demand and thus a lower level of domestic production is needed for equilibrium.D)Positive slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decrease inaggregate demand and thus a higher money supply is needed for equilibrium.25. Official intervention in the foreign exchange market to defend a fixedexchange rate when the value of domestic currency is under downward pressure:A)Causes international reserve holdings to rise.B)Has no impact on the domestic money supply.C)Causes the domestic money supply to rise.D)Causes the domestic money supply to fall.26. Floating exchange rates ensure:A) Full employment domestically.B) Domestic price stability.C) Equilibrium in the overall balance of payments.D) A surplus in the trade balance.27. There are limits to the ability of monetary authoritiesto use sterilizedintervention in the case of a surplus because:A)The central bank may be unwilling to increase its holdings of foreigncurrency.B) Pressure from foreign countries to allow the domestic currency todepreciate will lead to large losses.C)The central bank is limited in its ability to obtain foreign currency.D)There are no limits on the use of sterilized intervention.28. Under a floating exchange rate regime, following an expansion in the moneysupply, monetary authorities will:A) Buy foreign currency in the foreign exchange market.B) Buy domestic currency in the foreign exchange market.C) Do nothing in the foreign exchange market.D) Sell domestic currency in the foreign exchange market.29.Given the IS-LM-FE framework and an overall payments balance of zero, ifthe country implements expansionary monetary policy, the LM curve will shift tothe __________ which will lead to the country's currency__________. Inresponse, the FE and IS curves will shift to the __________ and external balancewill be reestablished.A) left; appreciating; rightB) left; depreciating; leftC) right; depreciating; rightD) right; appreciating; right30. Under a floating exchange rate regime with a low degree of capital mobility,expansionary fiscal policy will lead to:页23页,共6第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷A) Higher interest rates.B) Lower interest rates.C) Capital outflows.D) A surplus in the official settlements balance.Part II, True or False (10*1.5=15 score)( T for true and F For false, you are not required to give reason for your choice)1.If a currency is at a forward premium by as much as its interest rate is lowerthan the interest rate in the other country, covered interest parity holds.2. Contractionary fiscal policy with floating exchange rates and low capitalmobility leads to currency depreciation.3. Over the long-run, a country with a relatively high inflation rate tends to havea depreciating currency.4.The quantity theory of money says that in any country the money supply isequated to the demand for money, which is directly proportional to themoney value of the gross domestic product.5.With fixed exchange rates, external capital flow shocks have little impact onthe internal economy.6.The Bretton Woods conference created the International Monetary Fund(IMF).7.The official settlements balance is in deficit if the IS-LM intersection is to theright of the FE curve.8.(P*e / P) is a useful indicator of a country's international price f competitiveness.9.The assignment rule says that, with fixed exchange rates, fiscal policy shouldbe assigned to stabilizing the balance of payments and monetary policyshould be assigned to stabilizing the domestic economy. 10.The J curve shows a typical response of the current account balance to a dropin the exchange rate value of a country's currency.Part III: Questions(6*6=36 score)1.You are provided with the following information about a country'sinternational transactions during a given year:Service exports $ 346Service imports $354Merchandise exports $480Merchandise imports $348Income flow, net $153Unilateral transfers, net $142Increase in the country holding of foreign assets, net $352 (excluding official reserves assets)页23页,共7第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Increase in foreign holding of foreign assets, net $252 (excluding official reserves assets)Statistical discrepancy, net $154 Calculate the official settlements balance and the current account balance. Isthe country increasing or decreasing its net holdings of official reserve assets?Why?2. The following rates exist:Current spot exchange rate: $1.8/£Annualized interest rate on 90-day dollar-denominated bonds: 8% (2% for 90days)Annualized interest rate on 90-day pound-denominated bonds: 12% (3% for90 days)Financial investor expect the spot exchange rate to be $1.77/£ in 90 days,A)With the uncovered interest differential to make judgment that if he bases hisdecisions solely on the difference in the expected rate of return, should aU.S.-based investor make an uncovered investment inpound-denominated bondsrather than investing in dollar-denominated bonds? Why?B) if there is substantial uncovered investment seeking higher expected returns,what pressure is placed on the current spot exchange rate?3.What is the exchange rate overshooting, why does it occur?4.Assume that a government has become committed to maintaining a fixedexchange rate that officially values foreign currencies less, and the domesticcurrency (here the dollar) more, than the free market equilibrium rate. Theofficial rate is, say, $1.0 per pound sterling. This exchange controls result inconsiderable costs to a country whose government imposes them. Describethese costs and the role that bribery and parallel markets can play ineconomies with exchange controls.Figure: Welfare Losses from Exchange Controls页23页,共8第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷 $/£A E1.5B C££B 30begins at a country 5. Use the standard IS-LM-FE framework and assume thefollowing exchange rate. What effect will the triple intersection under floatinghave on domestic interest rates, output levels, and the official settlements balance,assuming low capital mobility?(you are suggested explain with figure)The central bank increases the money supply. a.The government increases its spending.b.6.Explain the effects of expanding the money supply on the economy of a countrytriple a begins at exchange with fixed rates. (Assume the countryintersection ,you are suggested explain with figure)Part III, Reading and analysis (9 score for paper1 and 10 score forpaper 2))体制(1: China to further reform RMB exchange rate regime, (PBOC)Bank The People's of Chinaproceed decided to central China's bank, hasRenminbi the the further with reform ofexchange rate regime to enhance the (RMB)spokespersonflexibility, a rate RMB exchange 2010,on Jun 19, said central of the bank 页23页,共9第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Saturday Beijing.The decision was made in view of therecent economic situation and financial marketdevelopments at home and abroad, and thebalance of payments (BOP) situation in China,the spokesperson said in a statement.In further proceeding with the reform,continued emphasis would be placed toreflecting market supply and demand withreference to a basket of currencies. Theexchange rate floating bands will remain thesame as previously announced in the inter-bankforeign exchange market, the spokesman said.The spokesperson said China's externaltrade is becoming more balanced. The ratio ofcurrent account surplus to GDP, after a notablereduction in 2009, has been declining since thebeginning of 2010.With the BOP account moving closer toequilibrium,thebasisforlarge-scaleappreciation of the RMB exchange rate does notexist, the spokesperson said. 页23页,共10第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷The PBOC will further enable market toplay a fundamental role in resource allocation,promote a more balanced BOP account,maintain the RMB exchange rate basicallystable at an adaptive and equilibrium level, andachieve the macroeconomic and financialstability in China, the spokesperson said.China has moved into a managed floatingexchange rate regime based on market supplyand demand with reference of a basket ofcurrencies since July 1, 2005. The spokesperson said the reform of theRMB exchange rate regime has been makingsteady progress since 2005, producing theanticipated results and playing a positive role.( On July 21, 2005, the People's Bank of China,announced that the RMB yuan, will be traded ata rate of 8.11 to the US and the yuan to USdollar pegging system is switched to a basket offoreign currencies.)With the current round of internationalfinancial crisis was at its worst, the exchange页23页,共11第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷rate of a number of sovereign currencies to theUS dollar depreciated by varying margins.The stability of the RMB exchange ratehas played an important role in mitigating(缓解)the crisis' impact, contributing significantly toAsian and global recovery, and demonstratingChina'seffortsinpromotingglobalrebalancing, the spokesperson said.The gradual recovery of the global economy and upturn of the Chineseeconomyhas become more solid with enhanced economicstability. It is desirable to proceed further withreform of the RMB exchange rate regime andincrease the RMB exchange rate flexibility, saidthe spokesperson.Question1:Why the spokesperson said.With the BOP account moving closer toequilibrium, the basis forlarge-scaleappreciation of the RMB exchange rate does notexist,bank Question2: Why the Chinese Centraltheof the to would like proceed reform页23页,共12第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Renminbi (RMB) exchange rate regime toenhance the RMB exchange rate flexibility. Canyou explain the benefit by making the RMBmore flexible?2: Hot money flow and its explanationThe generally accepted view is that theinflowofshort-termspeculativemoney(so-called hot-money) began in 2007 in Chinatargeting capital gains derivedfrom rising stockand property prices and the anticipatedappreciation of the RMB. “hot money” isdefined as the flow of funds counted as capitaland financial account other than for directinvestment and errors and omissions. In otherwords, “hot money” is defined as “changes inreserve assets” minus “changes in currentaccount” minus “directinvestment flows”. Thisis the simplest way to express the movement ofshort-term funds, and the most conservative, asthe estimates tend to be smaller.When adjustments are made for the some页23页,共13第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷policy measures, the BoPstatistics indicate thataccelerated inflows into China “hot money ”2007, from 22.5 billion USD in the first half of2007, of second half 70.2 billion USD in the toof first half billion USD in the and up to 139.1of USD 184.8 a huge billion 2008. In contrast,of half the second in “hot money ” flowed out2008 (2008, 2H)(Figure 1).Figure 1: Hot money in China after adjustmentForeignDirectCurrentHotSome people says that the huge inflow of hotof price the increasing for money is the reasonto order property and price. In price stockcheck this point, here we give two figures about页23页,共14第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷the Shanghai Stock index and Property (资产)Price index of different regions includingShangHai, Shengzhen, Beijing.Figure 2: Shanghai Stock IndexFigure 3: Property Price index.页23页,共15第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷We find that Stock prices peaked in Octobertrend a downward thereafter 2008, and beganto began in (Figure 2). Growth property prices3) of 2008 (c) (Figure first fall in the halfalthough the hot money inflow go to its peak atthe same time.Figure 4: RMB exchange rate and interest rate parity InterestRMBForwardofChangethe RMB forward exchange rate shifted From the above figure 4, we find thatafter the rapid appreciation of the RMB spot exchange rate, and deviated frominterest rate parity from late-2007 until the autumn of 2008. The distance frominterest rate parity widened most in the first half of 2008. This is because spotexchange rates are under the control of the authorities while forward exchangerates are not, and their appreciation reflected market participants' expectation of页23页,共16第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷spot rate appreciation in the following period. As a consequence, the RMBforward exchange rate moved toward appreciation, and the difference betweenthe RMB forward rate and spot rate began to deviate from interest rate parity inMay 2007, peaking in March 2008.Figure 5: Returns from arbitrage transactions using RMB forward exchangerateQuestion 1: From fighre1,2,3, do you agree withthe such idea that the huge hot money inflow isthe main force that pushes the Chinese stockprice and property price increase and raises thebubbles. Why?Question 2: With the figure 1, 4, 5 would youplease explain the relationship between RMBappreciation and hot money inflow by the assetmarket approach, say, the covered interestdifferential equation and covered interest parity.页23页,共17第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷学年第一学期2009~2010浙江财经学院卷)答案 A )》课程期末考试试卷(《国际金融(双语)(10*1=10PART I: Multiple choice 16-20 ABBBA 6-10 ACACC11-15 ADCCB 1-5 AAAAB26-30CACCA 21-25 CCAADPART II TRUTH OR FALSE(10*1.5=15)10 T 9 F 7T 8T 2 F 3 T 4T 5F. 6T 1TPART III: Questions(6*6=36)Question 1:POSSIBLE RESPONSE:348 + 153 - 142 = $135354 + 480 ?Current account balance: $346 ?352 + –??354 + 480348 +153 -142 + 252 Official settlements balance: $346154 = $189$189. ?Change in official reserve assets (net) = ?officialsettlements balance =The country is increasing its net holdings of official reserve assets.Question 2:POSSIBLE RESPONSE:uncovered expected investor, the of view of the U.S.-based the a)From pointthe Because is [(1+0.03)*1.77/1.8]-(1+0.02)=-0.0072.interest differentialbased investor should stay at home, investing in differential is negative, the U.S –dollar-denominated bonds, if he baseshis decision on the difference in expectedreurns.the Britain to investment flowing from there b) If is substantial uncoveredUnited States, this increases the supply of pounds in the spot exchange market.There is downward pressure on the spot exchange rate to drop below $1.8/pound.The pound teds to depreciate.Question 3:POSSIBLE RESPONSE:monetary of the version because in this sticky price Overshooting occursapproach, prices are assumed to be fixed in the short run and completely flexiblein the increase for of A considerable amount time must passrun. the in longmoney supply to lead to an increase in domestic prices. Thus, purchasing powerparity is more realistically assumed to hold in the long run but not in the shortrun. Because prices are sticky at first, the increase in money supply drives downdomestic interest rates. This shift favors foreign currency assets which results inimmediate depreciation of the domestic currency. As prices adjust, the domesticcurrency reverts back to its new long run equilibrium.页23页,共18第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Question4、Assume that a government has become committed tomaintaining afixed exchange rate that officially values foreign currencies less, and the domesticcurrency (here the dollar) more, than the free market equilibrium rate. Theofficial rate is, say, $1.0 per pound sterling. This exchange controls result inconsiderable costs to a country whose government imposes them. Describe thesecosts and the role that bribery and parallel markets can play in economies withexchange controls.Figure: Welfare Losses from Exchange ControlsPOSSIBLE RESPONSE:The exchange controls require exporters to turn over all their revenues fromforeign buyers to the government. The government, in turn, gives them $1.0 indomestic bank deposits for each pound sterling they have earned. In Figure 20.2,the exchange control limits the foreign currency available to 30 billion pounds,which is the amount earned by the country's exporters at the exchange rate of$1.0 per pound. Even if those who most value the limited foreign currency get it,the country suffers a loss of well being equal to the triangulararea depicted byCEA.Actual exchange control regimes are likely to have other effects and costs.One such example is the efforts evade exchange controls. People are frustratedwhen they are not allowed to buy foreign exchange, even though they are willingto pay more than the recipients of foreign exchange will get from the governmentwhen these holders sell their foreign currency. The frustrated demanders willlook for other ways to obtain foreign exchange. One way is to bribe thegovernment functionaries in charge of determining the official approvals.Another is to offer more to recipients of foreign exchange than the government isoffering. In this way a second foreign exchange market, a parallel market orblack market, develops as a way for private demanders and sellers of foreignexchange to evade exchange controls. Parallel markets exist in most countriesthat have exchange controls.5. Use the standard IS-LM-FE framework and assume the country begins at atriple intersection under floating exchange rate. What effect will the followinghave on domestic interest rates, output levels, and the official settlements balance,assuming low capital mobility?(you are suggested explain with figure)a.The central bank increases the money supply.b.The government increases its spending.POSSIBLE RESPONSE:a.The LM curve shifts to the right, and the country moves to a newshort-run equilibrium at the intersection of the IS curve and the newLM curve. The domestic interest rate decreases, real GDP increases,and the official settlements balance goes into deficit. Withtheincrease in the money supply, it is temporarily greater than moneydemand. To bring about an equilibrium in the money market, interest页23页,共19第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷rates must fall. The fall in interest rates increases interest-sensitivespending, so the GDP output level increases. There is now a paymentdeficit because the new intersection of the IS and LM curves takesplace to the right of the FE curve.b.The IS curve shifts to the right, and the country moves to a newshort-run equilibrium at the intersection of the LM curve and the newIS curve. Real GDP increases, the domestic interest rate increases,and the official settlements balance goes into deficit. This newintersection occurs to the right of the relatively steep FE curve, whichcorresponds to a payments deficit.The figure is neglected.6. Explain the effects of expanding the money supply on the economy of acountry with fixed exchange rates. (Assume the country begins at a tripleintersection , you are suggested explain with figure) POSSIBLE RESPONSE:Beginning from an external balance, an expansion in the money supplyincreases bank liquidity. In the short run, as banks compete with each other tolend money, interest rates are bid down. The fall in interest rates causes someholders of financial assets denominated in the domestic currency to seek higherreturns abroad. The international capital outflow causes the financial account todeteriorate. the currency of this country will under the。
















《资产评估》(课程代码00158)第一大题:单项选择题1、资产评估的主体是指( )• A.被评估单位• B.评估机构和评估人员• C.评估主管部门• D.被评估资产2、下列原则中,属于资产评估工作原则的是 ( )• A.专业性原则• B.替代原则• C.贡献原则• D.预期原则3、下列不属于资产评估假设的是 ( )• A.继续使用假设• B.清算假设• C.公开市场假设• D.企业主体假设4、下列反映了资产评估咨询性特点的是 ( )• A.资产评估的结果必须接受市场的检验• B.资产评估必须按照法定的准则和规程进行• C.资产评估结论为资产业务提供专业化估价意见• D.资产评估直接以现实存在的资产为估价的依据5、对被评估资产进行模拟重置,按现行技术条件下的材料、工艺、设计、价格和费用水平进行核算,这样求得的成本称为 ( )• A.复原重置成本• B.完全复原成本• C.更新重置成本• D.实际重置成本6、已知被评估设备的价值与功能之间存在线性关系,年产某产品720件。


则被评估设备的重置成本应为 ( )• A.10.35万元• B.10.65万元• C.10.80万元• D.11.15万元7、用市场法对资产评估时,评估值的评定应参照相同或相似资产的 ( )• A.重置成本• B.收益现值• C.清算价格• D.市场价格8、进口设备的到岸价是指 ( )• A.离岸价+境外运费• B.离岸价+境外运费+境外保险费• C.离岸价+境外运费+进口关税• D.离岸价+境外运费+境外保险费十进口关税9、评估某企业某类通用设备,通过抽样选择10台具有代表性的设备,经估算,这l0台设备的重置成本为40万元,而账面成本之和为30万元,该类通用设备账面成本之和为600万元,则重置成本为 ( )• A.400万元• B.600万元• C.800万元• D.1000万元10、已知某机器设备的贬值率为40%,该设备的已使用年限为l2年,则其尚可使用年限为( )• A.30年• B.42年• C.18年• D.32年11、从评估原理的角度,建筑物评估的残余估价法属于 ( )• A.市场法• B.成本法• C.收益法• D.割差法12、被评估建筑物账面原值为80万元,竣工于l998年,要求评估2001年该建筑物的重置成本。












A.1 250000元B.1 310000元C.1 450000元D.1 510000元4、木材物理力学性质的转折点是__。




A.1 400B.1 600C.1 800D.1 9708、资产评估是判断资产价值的经济活动,评估结果应该是被评估资产的__。




2023年浙江省资产评估师《资产评估》: 商誉评估考试试卷本卷共分为1大题50小题, 作答时间为180分钟, 总分100分, 60分及格。

一、单项选择题(共50题, 每题2分。

每题旳备选项中, 只有一种最符合题意)1.有关内燃机492QA旳型号, 说法错误旳是______。

A.汽车用B.直列C.缸径92mmD.“4”表达四冲程2.所得税会计核算旳临时性差异是指资产或负债旳账面价值与其计税基础之间旳差额, 分为应纳税临时性差异和可抵扣临时性差异。

下列各项中, 形成应纳税临时性差异旳是__。

A.账面价值为1000万元、计税基础为900万元旳估计负债B.账面价值为270万元、计税基础为300万元旳固定资产C.账面价值为100万元、计税基础为80万元旳应收账款D.账面价值为200万元、计税基础为220万元旳无形资产3.从企业旳角度看, 折现率旳计算根据是__。

A.投资者规定旳资本成本率B.企业权益资本旳资本成本率C.企业债务成本旳资本成本率D. 企业筹集资金旳资本成本率4.按照《全国统一建筑工程预算工程量计算规则》旳规定, 下列面层工程量按实铺面积计算旳是__。

A.整体面层B.找平层C.块料面层D. 踏步平台表面积5.混凝土配合比1:2.89:5.62:0.81中旳1是指__在混凝土中所占旳重量比例。

.A. 水..B. 砂..C. 石..D. .6.下列说法对旳旳有__。

.A. 一般地, 营业周期越长, 正常旳流动比率越高.B. 一般地, 营业周期越长, 正常旳流动比率越低.C. 一般地, 营业周期越短, 正常旳流动比率就越高.D. 营业周期与流动比率不存在必然关.7.当框架构造房屋旳上部荷载一定期, 单位面积地基土层承受荷载最小旳钢筋混凝土基础是__。

.A. 独立柱基..B. 筏形基..C. 柱下条形基..D. 井格基.8.按照我国《工程价款结算措施》旳规定, 包工包料工程旳预付款按协议约定拨付, 原则上预付比例不低于协议金额旳__, 不高于协议金额旳30%。





1.评估者只对评估结论本身合乎职业规范要求负责,而不对资产业务定价决策负责,这表明评估结论具有( )A.市场性B.咨询性C.公正性D.现实性2.下列各项中,不符合公开和公平的市场条件的是( )A.交易双方都是经济人B.市场存在一定程度的垄断C.交易双方拥有较充裕的时间了解信息D.交易双方地位平等3.某资产购置于2005年底,历史成本为100万元。

2007年底进行评估,该类资产在2005年、2006年、2007年的环比物价指数分别为10%、20%、30%,则评估时该资产的重置成本为( )A.118.2万元B.132.0万元C.156.0万元D.171.6万元4.当规模经济效益指数为1时,规模经济效益指数法实际上就是( )A.重置核算法B.物价指数法C.功能价值法D.统计分析法5.复原重置成本与更新重置成本在金额大小上的关系为( )A.前者大于后者B.前者小于后者C.前者等于后者D.前者与后者在金额大小上关系不确定6.某生产线还可使用5年,自动化程度较低,与同类设备相比,多用10名工人,每人每年工资为12000元,每年多耗用电能10万度,每度电0.5元,所得税率25%,折现率10%,则该生产线的功能性贬值约为( )A.17万元B.48万元C.64万元D.98万元7.进口设备重置成本中包括的从属费用是( )A.离岸价B.到岸价C.国外运费D.国内运费8.机器设备评估中,采用的物价指数首选的是()A.整个工业设备的物价指数B.同一时期的定基物价指数C.同一大类设备的物价指数D.同一厂家设备的物价指数9.设备的实体性贬值率等于( )A.1-成新率B.成新率-1C.1+成新率D.1÷成新率10.由于外部因素而不是设备内部因素所引起的达不到原有设计生产能力而导致的贬值,称为( )A.功能性贬值B.技术性贬值C.实体性贬值D.经济性贬值11.交通条件、商业网点、住宅建设等的变化,会改变土地的价值,这说明( )A.土地用途的多样性B.土地经济地理位置的可变性C.土地价值影响因素的多样性D.土地的不可替代性12.如果某房产的售价为2000万元,其中建筑物价格为800万元,地价为1200万元,该房产的年客观纯收益为136万元,建筑物的资本化率为8%,则土地的资本化率最接近于( )A.6.0%B.6.8%C.7.5%D.8.0%13.被评估建筑物账面原值为180万元,竣工于2002年,要求评估2006年该建筑物的重置成本,根据调查得知,被评估建筑物所在地区建筑业产值环比价格指数2003年为2%,2004年为-2%,2005年为2%,2006年为3%,该建筑物的重置成本最接近于( )A.185万元B.186万元C.187万元D.189万元14.运用市场法评估建筑物价格时,个别因素修正的方法主要采用( )A.经验判断法B.售价调整法C.价格指数调整法D.环境成熟度修正法15.对于商业房地产来说,决定其价格的根本区域因素是( )A.风景好坏B.交通设施条件C.地段D.居民的职业构成16.评估无形资产使用频率最高的方法是( )A.市场法B.成本法C.收益法D.物价指数法17.收益法运用于商标权的评估,收益期限的确定是十分重要的问题。



表1 复利现值系数表节选期数6% 8% 9% 10% 12%1 0.9434 0.9259 0.9174 0.9091 0.89292 0.8900 0.8573 0.8417 0.8264 0.79723 0.8396 0.7938 0.7722 0.7513 0.71184 0.7921 0.7350 0.7084 0.6830 0.63555 0.7473 0.6806 0.6499 0.6209 0.56746 0.7050 0.6302 0.5963 0.5645 0.50662.被评估企业为一拟上市的酒店,评估基准日为2003年12月31日,该酒店2003年的财务状况详见2003年利润表。


2003年利润表单位:元项目行本年累计数一、主营业务收入 1 1 000 000.00减:主营业务成本 3 550 000.00 主营业务税金及附加 5 55 000.00二、主营业务利润(亏损以“-”号填列) 6 395 000.00加:其他业务利润(亏损以“-”号7填列)减:营业费用8 80 000.00 管理费用9 100 000.00财务费用10 80 000.00其中:利息支出11 80 000.00三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列)13 135 000.00加:投资收益(亏损以“-”号填列)14补贴收入15 300 000.00营业外收入16减:营业外支出17 150 000.00四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列)18 285 000.00减:所得税(所得税税率为33%)19 94 050.00五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列)22 190 950.00评估人员根据被评估企业的实际情况及未来发展前景,选取了同行业若干上市公司作为参照物并经综合分析,得到一组价值比率:(1)市盈率为10;(2)每股市价与每股无负债净利润的比率为7;(3)每股市价与每股主营业务利润的比率为3.8。

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A.评估的特定目的 B.评估方法 C.评估程序 D.评估基准日3.复原重置成本和更新重置成本的相同之处是()。

A.材料 B.建造标准 C.设计 D.物价水平4.资产评估中的投资价值是指资产()。

A.对于委托方所具有的价值 B.对于资产占有方所具有的价值C.对于社会公众所具有的价值 D.对于特定投资者所具有的价值5.运用市场途径时选择三个及三个以上参照物的目的是()。

A.使参照物具有可比性 B.便于计算C.排除参照物个别交易的偶然性 D.避免张冠李戴6.运用收益法评估房地产时,房地产总费用的公式正确的是()。


A.功能性贬值 B.经济性贬值 C.实体性贬值 D.非评估考虑因素8.资产评估最基本的功能是()。

A.评价和评值 B.管理 C.鉴定 D.定价9.从资产评估资产划分的角度来看,不可确指的资产是指()。

A.那些没有物质实体的某种特权 B.具有获利能力的资产综合体C.不能独立于有形资产之外而独立存在的资产D.除有形资产以外的所有资产10.土地“三通一平”是指()。

A.通水、通热、通路、平整地面 B.通水、通路、通电、平整地面C.通水、通路、通气、平整地面 D.通气、通电、通讯、平整地面11.下列经济行为中,属于以产权变动为评估目的的经济行为是()。

A.资产抵押 B.企业兼并 C.财产纳税 D.财产担保12.在无形资产评估实践中,对法律和合同同时分别规定无形资产的有效期限和收益期限的,但时间长短不同,()来确定期限。

A.依据法律规定 B.依据合同规定C.可按两者孰长原则 D.可按两者孰短原则13.资产评估交易假设设立的目的在于把被评估对象()。

A.与正在交易的情况相一致 B.与拟交易的情况相一致C.与以后交易的情况相一致 D.人为置于“交易中”14.市场价值以外的价值是资产()。

A.公允价值的基本表现形式 B.公允价值的特殊表现形式C.非正常价值的基本表现形式 D.非正常价值的特殊表现形式15.资产评估中的完全资产评估和限制性资产评估是按()为标准划分的。

A.评估时收集资料的数量 B.评估人员的水平C.评估时面临的条件、评估过程中遵循资产评估准则的程度及其对评估报告披露的要求D.评估经历的时间16.在国有资产评估的初始阶段,资产评估发挥着()作用,这是国有资产评估所特有的作用。

A.评价 B.管理C.鉴证 D.定价17.当被评估对象是作为整体企业中的要素资产进行评估时,资产评估师应考虑按照()原则进行评估。

A.贡献 B.供求 C.替代 D.变化18.()是评估无形资产使用频率最高的方法。

A.成本法 B.市场法 C.收益法 D.市场法和成本法19.机器设备、房屋建筑物或其他有形资产等的拆零变现价值估计数额通常被称做()。

A.清算价值 B.残余价值 C.投资价值 D.市场价值20.资产评估假设最基本的作用之一是()。

A.表明资产评估的作用 B.表明资产评估所面临的条件C.表明资产评估的性质 D.表明资产评估的价值类型二、多项选择题1.资产评估基本假设在资产评估中的作用表现在()。

A.是资产评估顺利进行的基础和条件 B.对评估方法的选择起制约作用C.影响评估结果的价值类型 D.是资产评估结果成立的前提条件E.是资产评估的起点2.企业价值评估的对象通常是企业的()价值。

A.企业整体价值 B.股东全部权益价值 C.长期投资 D.长期债权E.股东部分权益价值3.折现率和资本化率的关系表现在()。

A.折现率和资本化率本质上没有区别 B.折现率用于有限期收益的还原C.折现率用于非有限期收益的还原 D.资本化率用于有限期收益还原E.资本化率用于非有限期收益还原4.适用于资产评估的假设有()。

A.清算假设 B.无形损耗假设 C.继续使用假设 D.公开市场假设E.交易假设5.明确资产评估业务基本事项包括()。

A.评估目的 B.评估委托方基本情况 C.评估计划 D.评估业务约定书E.评估基准日6.资产评估的市场性主要体现在()。

A.资产评估是市场经济的产物 B.资产评估结论是市场上资产交易的价格C.资产评估的运作是评估人员模拟市场完成的D.被评估的资产最终要进入市场流通 E.资产评估结果最终要能经得起市场的检验7.资产评估中的经济技术原则包括()。

A.贡献原则 B.客观原则 C.预期原则 D.替代原则 E.独立性原则8.资产评估中的持续使用假设可以细分为()。

A.在用续用假设 B.中断后持续使用假设 C.转用续用假设 D.移地续用假设9.从最直接的角度,运用收益法评估企业股东全部权益价值,其中收益额应选择()。

A.利润总额 B.净利润 C.利税总额 D.营业利润 E.净现值流量10.下列关于土地使用权的表述中正确的是()。











交易实例A、C均需作使用年限因素的调整,其调整系数测算如下(假定折现率为8%):年限修正系数=[1-[1/(1+8%)30]÷[1-[1/(1+8%)35]=(1-0.0994)÷(1-0.0676)=0.9006÷0.9324=0.9659 要求:计算待估土地的初步价格和该地块2007年10月3日的市场价值(写出计算过程)。


交易实例A修正后的单价为:870 ×100/100×106/100×100/100×102/100×0.9659=909(元/平方米)交易实例B修正后的单价为:820×100/98×107/100×100/88×102/100=1038(元/平方米)交易实例C修正后的单价为:855×100/97×112/100×100/108×102/100×0.9659=901(元/平方米)交易实例D修正后的单价为:840×100/100×110/100×100/100×102/100=942(元/平方米)(2)采用简单算术平均法求取评估结果。

土地评估单价=(909+1 038+901+942)÷4=948(元/平方米)土地评估总价=600×948=568 800(元)2.被评估企业为一拟上市的酒店,评估基准日为2003年12月31日,该酒店2003年的财务状况详见2003年利润表。




