Symmetricom芯片级原子钟,SA.45s功耗低至 <115 mW,其体积只有<16 cc,提供超低功耗工作模式的设置。
此模式下,其物理封装通常是关闭状态,器件工作于类似TCXO自由振荡的状态,当物理封装定期启动后,重新驯服TCXO(不超过120s),这种模式下的平均功耗不超过50 mW。
2)同步的1 PPS输入/输出;
a)超低功耗节电模式,<100 mW;
45系列轴向柱塞泵45系列开式轴向柱塞泵产品样本45系列开式轴向柱塞泵产品样本版本信息修订历史修订记录表日期 2012年10月 2012年9月 2012年9月 2012年8月 2012年7月 2012年6月 2012年3月 2012年1月 2011年12月 2011年10月页码多页多页多页 14-15, 62 多页 17,23,44,72,92 110 多页 75 多页多页 56 108 多页 45, 50 45 多页 22, 27, 31, 41, 43, 47 34, 28 多页多页 62, 65 58-62 78, 93, 94, 95 32, 74, 75, 92 76 52, 53 27, 50, 72, 89 76 4 多页多页 50 多页 51, 52, 53 修改项目增加电控根据原中文版本及英文版本GO大幅修改多处修正增加补油泵回路,增加S5轴输入轴及辅助安装法兰O型圈尺寸变更删除各排量泵的轴承寿命表删除工作盖板尺寸图添加系统稳定性,20页,型号代码多处更改修改 A2 轴描述多处改变及修改技术规格校订,选型代码校订示意图修改花键啮合尺寸修改通篇多处修改060B最高速度3120,安装法兰修改添加065C, 075C轴承寿命参数多处校订及改变-主要修改多处小修改,添加EJ, EA控制器尺寸去掉L和K型中T2轴选项修改对LS的X口接头深度的警告添加对LS的X口接头深度的警告添加 SAE-C 2螺栓壳体 J型尺寸修改多处小修改,去掉E型S5轴选项示意图修改S2花键宽度修改(仅英制尺寸)示意图修改添加RP 和BP控制的LS设定值必须为20bar 对S2轴-6级,长37.91mm的修改 TOC的修改针对每一型号添加了LS设定范围重新布置F和E型章节,添加排量限制器信息修改负载敏感设定值-增量 bar 去掉G型,添加F型,多处修改修改示意图信息去掉H型,添加J型添加E型添加H型和G型第一次印刷版本 GP GO GN GM GL GK GJ GI GHGG GF GE GD GC GB GA FO FN FM FL FK FJ FI FH FG FG FF FF FE FD FC FB FA E D C B A A45系列开式轴向柱塞泵2011年6月 2011年5月 2011年4月 2011年3月 2011年1月 2010年11月 2010年10月 2009年10月 2009年7月 2009年5月 2009年3月 2008年10月 2008年9月 2008年6月 2008年5月 2008年4月 2008年4月 2008年4月 2008年4月 2008年3月2008年2月2007年11月2007年11月2007年9月2006年11月 2005年8月 2003年4月 2001年5月 1999年5月2012 萨澳-丹佛斯版权所有萨澳-丹佛斯对于其产品样本,手册和其它出版物中可能出现的错误不负任何责任。
主要特征: 最常用中碳调质钢,综合力学性能良好,淬透性低,水淬时易生裂纹。
应用举例: 主要用于制造强度高的运动件,如透平机叶轮、压缩机活塞。
主要特征: 具有高的塑性、韧性和焊接性能、冷冲压性能,以及一定的强度、好的冷弯性能。
应用举例: 广泛用于一般要求的零件和焊接结构。
主要特征: 经调质处理后,具有良好的综合力学性能、低温冲击韧度及低的缺口敏感性,淬透性良好,油冷时可得到较高的疲劳强度,水冷时复杂形状的零件易产生裂纹,冷弯塑性中等,回火或调质后切削加工性好,但焊接性不好,易产生裂纹,焊前应预热到100~150℃,一般在调质状态下使用,还可以进行碳氮共渗和高频表面淬火处理。
HT150——灰铸铁应用举例:齿轮箱体,机床床身,箱体,液压缸,泵体,阀体,飞轮,气缸盖,带轮,轴承盖等35——各种标准件、紧固件的常用材料主要特征: 强度适当,塑性较好,冷塑性高,焊接性尚可。
淬透性低,正火或调质后使用应用举例: 适于制造小截面零件,可承受较大载荷的零件:如曲轴、杠杆、连杆、钩环等,各种标准件、紧固件65Mn——常用的弹簧钢应用举例:小尺寸各种扁、圆弹簧、座垫弹簧、弹簧发条,也可制做弹簧环、气门簧、离合器簧片、刹车弹簧、冷卷螺旋弹簧,卡簧等。
热处理推荐热处理温度:正火850,淬火840,回火600.45号钢为优质碳素结构用钢 ,硬度不高易切削加工,模具中常用来做45号钢管模板,梢子,导柱等,但须热处理。
1. 45号钢淬火后没有回火之前,硬度大于HRC55(最高可达HRC62)为合格。
2. 45号钢不要采用渗碳淬火的热处理工艺。
老张听得津津有味,我就继续说,这计算公式啊,是这么来的:承受重量 = 屈服强度× 面积× 安全系数。
45号中厚壁钢管-45号钢管机械性能表GB/T8162-2008, ISO2937, ASTM A53 ,ASTM A106,JIS G 3441,BS EN 10210-1用途使用范围包括用于一般结构和机械结构,大量用于建筑、机械、交通、航空、石油开采等行业的各种结构管尺寸公差标准外径公差厚壁公差`GB/T 8162 D<50 ±0.50mm S<4mm ±12.5%D≥50±1%4-20mm +15/-12.5%S≥20mm±12.5%DIN1629D50 ±0.50mm S2Sn +15/-10% D48.3D48.3 ±1%2SnS4Sn +12.5/-10%S4Sn ±9%ASTM A53D<48.3 ±0.4/-0.79mm±12.5% D≥48.3±1%ASTM A106D<48.3 ±0.4/-0.79mm±12.5% D48.3-114.3 ±0.79mmD≥114.3±1.59/-0.79mm力学性能标准钢级抗拉强度(MPa)屈服强度(MPa)延伸率<16mm 16-30mmGB/T 8162 10 335 205 195 24 20 390 245 235 2035 510 305 295 17 45 590 335 325 14 16Mn 490 325 315 21DIN 1629<16mm >16mmST35 345-460 235 225 25 ST45 440-550 255 245 21 ST55 540-645 295 285 17 ST52 490-630 355 345 22 ST45 590-730 335 325 14ASTM A53 A 330 205B 415 240ASTM A106 A 330 205B 415 240C 485 275化学成分 (%)标准牌号 C Si Mn P≤S≤Cu≤Ni≤Cr≤Mo≤V≤GB/T 816210 0.07-0.14 0.17-0.37 0.35-0.65 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.15 / / 20 0.17-0.24 0.17-0.37 0.35-0.65 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / / 35 0.32-0.39 0.17-0.37 0.50-0.80 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / / 45 0.42-0.50 0.17-0.37 0.50-0.80 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.30 0.25 / / 16Mn 0.12-0.20 0.20-0.55 1.20-1.60 0.045 0.045 0.25 0.25 0.25 / /DIN 1629 St35 ≤0.180.15-0.35 0.35-0.65 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / / St45 ≤0.250.15-0.35 0.50-0.80 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / / St55 0.33-0.41 0.15-0.35 0.50-0.80 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / / St52 ≤0.20≤0.55≤1.500.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / /ASTM A53 CK45 0.42-0.50 0.17-0.37 0.50-0.80 0.035 0.035 0.25 0.25 0.25 / /ASTM A106 A ≤0.25/ ≤0.95 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08B ≤0.30/ ≤1.200.05 0.06 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08A ≤0.25≥0.100.27-0.93 0.035 0.035 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08B ≤0.30≥0.100.29-1.06 0.035 0.035 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08C ≤0.35≥0.100.29-1.06 0.035 0.035 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.082、流体输送用管系列标准GB/T8163-2008,ASTM A53,ASTM A106,DIN 1629,JIS G 3458用途输送一般流体用大量用于石油天然气远程输送以及其他液体输送化学成分,机械性能GB/T8163-2008Chemical composition(%) 化学成分Mechanical properties 机械性能C Si MnP SMo Cr CuYieldstrengthTensilestrengthElongation屈服强度抗拉强度伸长率MPa MPa δ(%)≤For T inmm≥T≤16T>1610 0.07-0.14 0.17-0.37 0.35-0.65 0.035 0.035 ≤0.30≤0.15≤0.25205 195 335-475 24 20 0.17-0.24 0.17-0.37 0.35-0.65 0.035 0.035 ≤0.30≤0.25≤0.25245 235 410-550 2016Mn 0.12-0.20 0.20-0.55 1.20-1.60 0.035 0.035 ≤0.25≤0.25≤0.25325 315 490-665 21ASTM A106Chemical composition(%) 化学成分Mechanical properties 机械性能C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Cu Mo VYieldstrengthTensilestrengthElongation屈服强度抗拉强度伸长率MPa MPa δ(%)Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min See ASTM A53查 ASTM A53A 0.25 / 0.95 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08 205 330B 0.30 / 1.20 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08 240 4153.国家钢管标准分类目录77.140.75特殊用管钢标准编号标准名称实施日期GB/T 5312-1999 船舶用碳钢和碳锰钢无缝钢管2000-8-1 GB/T 12770-2002 机械机构用不锈钢焊接钢管2003-2-1 GB/T 14975-2002 结构用不锈钢无缝钢管2003-2-1 GB/T 14976-2002 流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管2003-2-1 GB/T 17395-1998 无缝钢管尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差1998-1-2 GB/T 17396-1998 液压支柱用热轧无缝钢管1998-12-1 GB/T 18704-2002 不锈钢复合管2002-10-1 GB/T 18705-2002 装饰用焊接不锈钢管2002-10-1 GB/T 18984-2003 低温管道用无缝钢管2003-8-1 GB 18248-2000 气瓶用无缝钢管2001-9-1 GB/T 3090-2000 不锈钢小直径无缝钢管2001-9-1 GB/T 3093-2002 柴油机用高压无缝钢管2003-2-1 GB/T 3094-2000 冷拔异型钢管2001-9-1 GB/T 3639-2000 冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管2001-9-1 GB 6479-2000 高压化肥设备用无缝钢管2001-9-1 GB/T 8162-1999 结构用无缝钢管2000-8-1 GB/T 8163-1999 输送流体用无缝钢管2008-8-1 YB 4102-2000 低中压锅炉用电焊钢管2008-6-1 YB 4103-2000 换热器用焊接钢管2000-6-1 YB/T 171-2000 复杂断面异型钢管2000-12-1 YB/T 4112-2002 结构用高强度耐候焊接钢管2003-3-1 YB/T 4028-2005 深井水泵用电焊钢管2005-12-1 QB/T 2558-2002 爆炸胀接不锈钢复合钢管2002-12-1 YB/T 5035-1996 汽车半轴套管用无缝钢管1996-10-1 YB/T 5209-2000 传动轴用电焊钢管2000-6-1 GB/T 19830-2005 石油天然气工业油气井套管或油管用钢管2006-1-1 JG/T 178-2005 建筑结构用冷弯矩形钢管2005-12-1 GB/T 14291-2006 矿山流体输送用电焊钢管2006-8-1 YB/T 176-2000 陶瓷内衬复合钢管2000-12-1 GB/T 20409-2006 高压锅炉用内螺纹无缝钢管2007-1-1 SY/T 6194-2003 石油天然气工业油气井套管或油管用钢管2003-8-1 YB/T 5363-2006 装饰用焊接不锈钢管2006-10-11 GB 13296-2007 锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝钢管2007-10-1 YB/T 4164-2007 双层铜焊钢管2007-11-1 YB/T 4173-2008 高温用锻造镗孔厚壁无缝钢管2008-9-1 YB/T 4181-2008 双焊缝冷弯方形及矩形钢管2008-9-1 YB/T 5305-2008 碳素结构钢电线套管2008-9-1GB/T 3089-2008 不锈钢极薄壁无缝钢管2008-11-1 GB/T 13793-2008 直缝电焊钢管2008-11-1 GB/T 3091-2008 低压流体输送用焊接钢管2008-11-1 GB/T 21833-2008 奥氏体铁素体型双相不锈钢无缝钢管2008-11-1 SY/T 6719-2008 含缺陷钻杆适用性评价方法2008-12-1。
SPECIFICATION FOR BOLTING MATERIALS,HIGH-TEMPERATURE,50TO120ksi[345TO827MPa] YIELD STRENGTH WITH EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS COMPARABLE TO AUSTENITICSTEELSSA-453/SA-453M(Identical with ASTM Specification A453/A453M-94.)1.Scope1.1This specification covers four grades of boltingmaterials with nine classes of yield strength rangingfrom50to120ksi[345to827MPa]for use in high-temperature service such as fasteners for pressure vesseland valveflanges.The material requires special pro-cessing and is not intended for general purpose applica-tions.The term“bolting material,”as used in thisspecification,covers rolled,forged,or hot-extruded bars;bolts,nuts,screws,washers,studs,and stud bolts.Headed bolts and rolled threads may be supplied.NOTE1—Other bolting materials are covered by SpecificationA193/A193M and Specification A437/A437M.1.2Supplementary Requirement S1of an optionalnature is provided.This shall apply only when specifiedby the purchaser in the order.1.3This specification is expressed in both inch-pound units and in SI units.However,unless the orderspecifies the applicable“M”specification designation(SI units),the material shall be furnished to inch-pound units.1.4The values stated in either inch-pound units orSI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.Thevalues stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independently of821the bining values from the two systems mayresult in nonconformance with the specification.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:A193/A193M Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stain-less Steel Bolting Materials for High-TemperatureServiceA370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-ing of Steel ProductsA437/A437M Specification for Alloy-Steel Turbine-Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Treated for High-Temperature ServiceE30Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Steel,CastIron,Open-Hearth Iron,and Wrought IronE59Practice for Sampling Steel and Iron for Determina-tion of Chemical CompositionE139Practice for Conducting Creep,Creep-Rupture,and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials2.2ANSI Standards:ANSI B1.1Unified Screw ThreadsANSI B18.2.1Square and Hex Bolts and Screws Includ-ing Hex Cap Screws and Lag ScrewsANSI B18.2.2Square and Hex NutsANSI B18.3Hexagon Socket and Spline Socket Screws98SA-453/SA-453M1998SECTION II3.Terminology3.1Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1bolting material—this covers rolled,forged,or hot-extruded bars;bolts,nuts,screws,washers,studs, and stud bolts;and also includes those manufacturedby upset heading or roll threading techniques.3.1.2heat-treatment charge—one heat of material heat treated in one batch.If a continuous operation is used,the weight processed as a heat-treatment charge shall not exceed the weights in Table1.3.1.3lot—a lot shall consist of the quantities shown in Table2.4.Ordering Information4.1The inquiry and order shall indicate the following:4.1.1Quantity(weight or number of pieces),4.1.2Type of material(bars,bolts,nuts,etc.),4.1.3Grade and class,4.1.4Method offinishing(see5.2),4.1.5Type of thread desired(see5.2.2),4.1.6Alternative test method option(see7.2.4.3),4.1.7Bolt shape option,if any(see8.2),4.1.8Thread option,if any(see8.3),4.1.9Test method for surface quality,if any(see Section10),4.1.10Test location option,if any(Section11),4.1.11Rejection option,if any(see12.1),and4.1.12If stress-rupture testing is not required(see 7.2.1).5.Materials and Manufacture5.1Melting Process:5.1.1The material shall be made by one or moreof the following processes:electric-furnace,induction furnace,or consumable-electrode practice.5.1.2Vacuum,protective atmospheres,or protec-tive slags may be used during melting or pouring ofthe heat.8225.2Finishing Process:5.2.1The product shall be hotfinished or cold finished(ground,rough turned or cold drawn)as speci-fied on the purchase order.5.2.2Threads may be formed by machining or rolling.For Type1bolting,threading shall be performed after precipitation heat treatment.For Type2bolting, threading shall be performed after solution treatment but prior to precipitation heat treatment.5.3Heat Treatment—Each grade and class shall be heat treated as prescribed in Table3.6.Chemical Composition6.1Heat Analysis—An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentages of the elements specified in Table4. This analysis shall be made from a test sample taken during the pouring of the heat.The chemical composi-tion thus determined shall be reported to the purchaser or his representative and shall conform to the requirements specified in Table4.6.1.1Steels with added lead shall not be used.6.2Product Analysis:6.2.1A product analysis may be made by the purchaser from tension samples representing the bolting material.6.2.2Samples for chemical analysis,except for spectro-chemical analysis,shall be taken in accordance with Practice E59.The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the requirements for prod-uct analysis variation as specified in Table4.6.2.3A product analysis shall be made by the manufacturer of bar stock made from vacuum-arc re-melted steel.6.3Methods of Analysis—For referee purposes, Test Methods E30shall be used.7.Mechanical Properties7.1Tension Test:7.1.1Requirements—The material shall conform to the room-temperature tensile in each heat-treatment charge(Section3).PART A—FERROUS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-453/SA-453M7.1.2Number of Specimens: Bars—When not more than two sizes of bars are heat treated in the same load,one tension test shall be made from each sizein each heat of material in the heat-treatment charge (see3.2).When more than two sizes of bars are treatedin the same charge,one tension test shall be made from one bar of each of the two largest diameters from each heat of material in the heat-treating charge. Parts—One tension test shallbe made if the lot consists of parts of the same nominal diameter.If the lot consists of parts of more than one nominal diameter,one tension test shall be made from each nominal diameter of each heat involved in thelot(Section3). diameter range shall be in incrementsof1⁄2in.[12.5mm]. tests are not required onfinished parts that are fabricated from heat-treated bars furnishedin accordance with the requirements of this specification and tested in accordance with7.1.2.1,provided theyare not given a subsequent heat treatment.7.1.3Test Location and Orientation—Specimens shall be taken in accordance with Test Methods andDefinitions A370,Annex A1,from the bar stock usedto make the product.7.1.4Test Methods: tension test specimen shall be ma-chined to the form and dimensions prescribed in the latest issue of Test Methods and Definitions A370. yield strength shall be determinedby the offset method as described in the latest issueof Test Methods and Definitions A370.7.2Stress-Rupture Test:7.2.1Requirements—The material shall conformto the stress-rupture requirements prescribed in Table5for design temperatures above800°F[427°C].Materialnot stress-rupture tested shall be permanently stamped NR.7.2.2The number of specimens shall be the sameas the required number of tension test specimens.7.2.3The test location and orientation shall bethe same as that required for the tension test specimens.8237.2.4Test Method: rupture test shall be performed in accordance with Practice E139. combination smooth and notched test specimen,machined to the dimensions prescribed in Fig.1and Table6,shall be tested in accordance with the stress-rupture requirements prescribed in Table5. The test shall be continued to rupture.The rupture shall occur in the smooth section of the bar. an alternative procedure and,when specifically approved by the purchaser,separate smooth and notched test specimens,machined from adjacent sections of the same piece,with gage sections conform-ing to the respective dimensions of Table6,may be tested under the above conditions.The notched specimen need not be tested to rupture but shall not rupture in less time than the companion smooth specimen. the minimum specified time to rupture in Table5has been achieved,incremental loading may be used to accelerate the time to rupture. At intervals of8to16h,preferably8to10h,the stress shall be increased in increments of5000psi [34.5MPa].Rupture location,and elongation require-ments shall be as prescribed in Table5,,and Test:7.3.1Requirements—The material shall conform to the room temperature hardness requirements pre-scribed in Table7.7.3.2Number of Tests:[50mm]and Over—One test on each mill-treated length. under2in.[50mm]—One test per bar on at least10%of the bars.7.3.3Test Locations—The hardness test shall be made at the center of the cross section for bars up to1in.[25mm]in diameter,and at the midradius on bars1in.[25mm]and larger in diameter.7.3.4Test Method—The test shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370.8.Dimensions and Permissible Variations8.1Standard permissible variations in sizes of bars shall be as set forth in Table8for hot-rolled bars and in Table9for cold-finished bars.SA-453/SA-453M1998SECTION II8.2Headed bolts shall be semi-finished,hexagonalin shape,and in accordance with the dimensions of ANSI B18.2.1.Nuts shall be hexagonal in shape,andin accordance with the dimensions of ANSI B18.2.2. Unless otherwise specified,the ANSI Standard heavy bolt and nut series shall be used.If socket head fastenersare required,the dimensions shall be in accordance with ANSI B18.3,as specified by the purchaser.8.3All bolts,stud bolts,and accompanying nuts, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,shall be threaded in accordance with ANSI B1.1,Class2A to2Bfit,or British Whitworth threads when specified.8.4Bolts,screws,studs and stud bolts shall be pointed.Points shall beflat and chamfered or roundedat option of the manufacturer.Length of point on studs and stud bolts shall be one to two complete threadsas measured from the extreme end parallel to the axis. Length of studs and stud bolts shall be the threaded length and shall be measured fromfirst thread tofirst thread.9.Workmanship,Finish and Appearance9.1Finished parts shall have a workmanlikefinish, maximum63in.[1.6m]AA on the threads,body underheadfillet,and bearing area.10.Workmanship and Quality LevelRequirements10.1The material shall be uniform in quality and free of defects that would be detrimental to the intended service.Such defects may be determined by conven-tional test methods,as specified on the purchase order. 11.Inspection11.1The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with the specifil inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s operations.All tests and inspections shall be made atthe place of manufacture,unless otherwise agreed to.12.Rejection and Rehearing12.1Rejection—Unless otherwise specified,any rejection based on tests made in accordance with this824specification shall be reported to the manufacturer within 60days from the receipt of the material by the purchaser. Material that shows injurious defects subsequent to its acceptance at the manufacturer’s work will be rejected and the manufacturer shall be notified.12.2Rehearing—Specimens tested in accordance with this specification that represent rejected material shall be preserved for2months from the date of the test report.In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test,the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time.13.Certification13.1The producer’s certification that the material was manufactured and tested in accordance with this specification together with a report of the test results shall be furnished at the time of shipment.The specifi-cation designation included on test reports shall include year of issue and revision letter,if any.14.Product Marking14.1Bars—Each lift,bundle,or box shall be properly tagged with durable tags(metal,plastic,or equivalent),showing the heat number,type,condition, specification designation(A453/A453M),and size. The specification number marked on the material need not include specification year of issue and revision letter.14.2Bolts,Nuts,Screws,Studs,and Steel Bolts—Grade and manufacturer’s identification symbols shall be applied to one end of studs3⁄8in.[10mm]in diameter and larger and to the heads of bolts1⁄4in. [6mm]in diameter and larger.(If the available area is inadequate,the grade symbol may be marked on one end and the manufacturer’s identification symbol marked on the other end.)In addition to the identification symbols(grade and class)shown in Table2,the type designation2shall also appear on all roll-threaded bolting material so processed.Absence of the type designation number indicates Type1processed material or machine-cut threads.14.3For purposes of identification marking,the manufacturer is considered the organization that certifies the fastener was manufactured,sampled,tested,and inspected in accordance with the specification and the results have been determined to meet the requirements of this specification.PART A—FERROUS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-453/SA-453M 9814.4Bar Coding—In addition to the requirementsin14.1,14.2,and14.3,bar coding is acceptable as asupplementary identification method.Bar coding shouldbe consistent with AIAG Standard B-502.00.If usedon small items,the bar code may be applied to thebox or a substantially applied tag.15.Keywords15.1marking;revision letter;year dateFIG.1COMBINATION SMOOTH-NOTCH STRESS-RUPTURE TEST SPECIMEN(See Table5)TABLE1CONTINUOUS HEAT-TREATMENT CHARGE SIZESDiameter,in.[mm]Weight,lb[kg]To13⁄4[44]3000[1400]Over13⁄4[44]to21⁄2[63]6000[2700]Over21⁄2[63]12000[5400]TABLE2LOT SIZESDiameter,in.[mm]Maximum Lot Size,lb[kg]11⁄2[38]and under200[90]Over11⁄2[38]to13⁄4[44],incl300[140]Over13⁄4[44]to21⁄2[63],incl600[270]Over21⁄2[63]20pieces825SA-453/SA-453M1998SECTION IITABLE3HEAT TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS AGrade Class Solution Treatment Hardening Treatment660A1650Ϯ25°F[900Ϯ14°C],hold2h,min,and liquid quench1325Ϯ25°F[720Ϯ14°C],hold16h,air cool B1800Ϯ25°F[980Ϯ14°C],hold1h,min,and liquid quench1325Ϯ25°F[720Ϯ14°C],hold16h,air coolC1800Ϯ25°F[980Ϯ14°C],hold1h,min,and oil quench1425Ϯ25°F[775Ϯ14°C],hold16h,air cool1200Ϯ25°F[650Ϯ14°C],hold16h,air cool651A hot-cold worked at1200°F[650°C]min with15%min reductionin cross-sectional area,stress-relief anneal at1200°F[650°C]min or4h,minB hot-cold worked at1200°F[650°C]min with15%min reductionof cross-sectional area,stress-relief anneal at1350°F[730°C]min for4h,min662A1800Ϯ25°F[980Ϯ14°C],hold2h,liquid quench1350to1400°F[730to760°C],hold20h,furnace cool to1200Ϯ25°F[650Ϯ14°C],hold20h,air cool B1950Ϯ25°F[1065Ϯ14°C],hold2h,liquid quench1350to1400°F[730to760°C],hold20h,furnace cool to1200Ϯ25°F[650Ϯ14°C],hold20h,air cool665A1800Ϯ25°F[980Ϯ14°C],hold3h,liquid quench1350to1400°F[730to760°C],hold20h,furnace cool to1200Ϯ25°F[650Ϯ14°C],hold20h,air cool B2000Ϯ25°F[1095Ϯ14°C],hold3h,liquid quench1350to1400°F[730to760°C],hold20h,furnace cool to1200Ϯ25°F[650Ϯ14°C],hold20h,air coolA Times refer to the minimum time material is required to be at temperature.826PART A—FERROUS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-453/SA-453MTABLE4CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTSGrade660Grade651Product Analysis Variation,Product Analysis Variation, Content,%Over or Under,%Content,%Over or Under,%Carbon0.08max0.01over0.28–0.350.02Manganese 2.00max0.040.75–1.500.04Phosphorus0.040max0.005over0.040max0.005overSulfur0.030max0.005over0.030max0.005overSilicon 1.00max0.050.30–0.800.05Nickel24.0––11.00.15Chromium13.5–16.00.2018.0–21.00.25Molybdenum 1.00–1.500.05 1.00–1.750.05 Tungsten...... 1.00–1.750.05Titanium 1.90–2.350.050.10–0.350.05overColumbium A......0.25–0.600.05Aluminum0.35max0.05over......Vanadium0.10–0.500.03......Boron0.001–0.0100.0004under to......0.001overCopper......0.50max0.03overGrade662Grade665Product Analysis Variation,Product Analysis Variation, Content,%Over or Under,%Content,%Over or Under,%Carbon0.08max0.01over0.08max0.01over Manganese0.40–1.000.03 1.25–2.000.04Phosphorus0.040max0.005over0.040max0.005overSulfur0.030max0.005over0.030max0.005overSilicon0.40––0.800.05Nickel24.0–28.00.2024.0–28.00.20Chromium12.0–15.00.1512.0–15.00.15Molybdenum 2.0–3.50.10 1.25–2.250.10Titanium 1.80–2.100.05 2.70–3.30.05Aluminum0.35max0.05over0.25max0.05overCopper0.50max0.03over0.25max0.03overBoron0.001–0.0100.0004under to0.01–0.070.0050.001overA Or columbium plus tantalum.827SA-453/SA-453M1998SECTION IITABLE5STRESS RUPTURE REQUIREMENTSStress,Test Time to Elonga-minTemperature,Rupture,tion,Grade Class°F[°C]ksi MPa min.h A min.%660A,B,and C1200[650]563851005651A and B1200[650]402751005662A and B1200[650]553801005665A1200[650]755151003B1200[650]704851005A The combination bar specimen shown in Fig.1shall be testedcontinuously at the temperature and at the minimum stress specifiedor at a greater stress and shall rupture in a time not less than thatspecified.TABLE6TEST SPECIMEN DIMENSIONSNOTE1—Surfaces marked8,finish to8in.[0.2m]rmsor better.NOTE2—The difference between dimensions F and D shall notexceed0.0005in.[0.01mm]for specimens1or2.The differenceshall not exceed0.001in.[0.02mm]for specimens3,4,5,or6.NOTE3—Taper the gage length G to the center so that thediameter D at the ends of the gage length exceeds the diameter atthe center of the gage length by not less than0.0005in.[0.01mm]nor more than0.0015in.[0.04mm].NOTE4—All sections shall be concentric about the specimenaxis within0.001in.[0.02mm].NOTE5—Thread size T shall be equal to or greater than diame-ter H.NOTE6—Dimensions A and B are not specified.NOTE7—Length of shoulder C—1⁄8+1⁄32−0in.[3.2+0.8mm].NOTE8—Length of shoulder E—3⁄8+1⁄32−0in.[10.0+0.8mm].Mid-lengthGage Dia D Gage Shoulder Notch-Specimen and Notch-Length,Diameter,RootType Root Dia F G H RadiusInches10.1250.50.1770.00520.1600.650.2260.00530.1780.750.2500.00540.252 1.00.3750.00750.357 1.50.5000.01060.505 2.00.7500.015ToleranceϮ0.001Ϯ0.05Ϯ0.003Ϯ0.0005Millimetres7 3.1712.0 4.50.138 4.0617.0 5.50.139 4.5220.0 6.50.1310 6.4025.09.50.18119.0740.012.00.251212.850.019.00.38ToleranceϮ0.025Ϯ1.3Ϯ0.1Ϯ0.01828PART A—FERROUS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-453/SA-453MTABLE7MECHANICAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTSYieldTensile Strength Approximate RockwellStrength,(0.2%Hardness,Elongation in4Reduction of Brinellmin Offset),min B and C×Diam A,Area,min,HardnessGrade Class ksi MPa ksi MPa min,%%Number min max 660A,B,and C130895855851518248–34199HRB D37HRC 651A10069070B4851835217–27795HRB29HRC60C415B9565560B4151835212–26993HRB28HRC E50C345662A130895855851518255–321100HRB D35HRC E B125860805501518248–32199HRB35HRC 665A17011701208301215311–38832HRC41HRC B15510701208301215311–38832HRC41HRCA See Fig.6of Test Methods and Definitions A370.B Material sizes3in.[76mm]and under in diameter.C Material sizes over3in.[76mm]in diameter.D Conversion numbers taken from Test Methods and Definitions A370,Table3D.E Conversion numbers taken from Specification A193/A193M,Table2(austenitic steels);others by interpolation.829SA-453/SA-453M1998SECTION IITABLE8PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN SIZE OFHOT-ROLLED BARSPermissibleVariations fromSpecified SizeOut of Specified Size Over Under Round5⁄16and under0.0050.0050.008Over5⁄16to7⁄16,incl0.0060.0060.009Over7⁄16to5⁄8,incl0.0070.0070.010Over5⁄8to7⁄8,incl0.0080.0080.012Over7⁄8to1,incl0.0090.0090.013Over1to11⁄8,incl0.0100.0100.015Over11⁄8to11⁄4,incl0.0110.0110.016Over11⁄4to13⁄8,incl0.0120.0120.018Over13⁄8to11⁄2,incl0.0140.0140.021Over11⁄2to2,incl1⁄641⁄640.023Over2to21⁄2,incl1⁄3200.023Over21⁄2to31⁄2,incl3⁄6400.035Over31⁄2to41⁄4,incl1⁄1600.046Over41⁄2to51⁄2,incl5⁄6400.058Over51⁄2to61⁄2,incl1⁄800.070Over61⁄2to71⁄2,incl5⁄3200.085Millimetres8.0and under0.130.130.20Over8.0to11.0,incl0.150.150.23Over11.0to16.0,incl0.180.180.25Over16.0to22.0,incl0.200.200.30Over22.0to25.0,incl0.230.230.33Over25.0to29.0incl0.250.250.38Over29.0to32.0,incl0.280.280.41Over32.0to35.0,incl0.300.300.46Over35.0to38.0,incl0.350.350.53Over38.0to51,0,incl0.400.400.58Over51.0to63.0,incl0.8000.58Over63.0to89.0,incl 1.200.89Over89.0to114,incl 1.60 1.2Over114to140,incl 2.00 1.5Over140to165,incl 3.20 1.8Over165to191,incl 4.00 2.2830TABLE9PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN SIZE OFCOLD-FINISHED BARSPermissible Variations fromSpecified Size,in.[mm]A Specified Size,in.[mm]Over Under Over1⁄2to1[13to25],excl0.002[0.05]0.002[0.05] 1to11⁄2[25to38],excl0.0025[0.06]0.0025[0.06] 11⁄2to4[38to100],incl B0.003[0.08]0.003[0.08] A When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after cold finishing,because of special hardness or mechanical property requirements,the permissible variations are generally double those shown in the table.B For size tolerances of sizes over4in.[100mm],the manufacturer should be consulted.PART A—FERROUS METAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-453/SA-453MSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTThe following supplementary requirement shall apply only when specified by thepurchaser in the inquiry,contract,and order.S1.MarkingS1.1Grade and manufacturer’s identification symbolsshall be applied to one end of studs and to the headsof bolts of all sizes.(If the available area is inadequate,the grade symbol may be marked on one end and themanufacturer’s identification symbol marked on theother end.)For bolts and studs smaller than1⁄4in.[6mm]in diameter and for1⁄4in.[6mm]studs requiringmore than a total of three symbols,the marking shallbe a matter of agreement between the purchaser andthe manufacturer.831。
钢得分类方法多种多样,其主要方法有如下七种: 1、按品质分类(1) 普通钢(P≤0、045%,S≤0、050%) (2) 优质钢(P、S均≤0、035%) (3) 高级优质钢(P≤0、035%,S≤0、030%) 2、、按化学成份分类(1) 碳素钢:a、低碳钢(C≤0、25%);b、中碳钢(C≤0、25~0、60%);c、高碳钢(C≤0、60%)。
3、按成形方法分类:(1) 锻钢;(2) 铸钢;(3) 热轧钢;(4) 冷拉钢。
4、按金相组织分类(1) 退火状态得a、亚共析钢(铁素体+珠光体)b、共析钢(珠光体)c、过共析钢(珠光体+渗碳体)d、莱氏体钢(珠光体+渗体)。
(2) 正火状态得:a、珠光体钢;b、贝氏体钢;c、马氏体钢;d、奥氏体钢。
(3) 无相变或部分发生相变得5、按用途分类(1) 建筑及工程用钢:a、普通碳素结构钢;b、低合金结构钢;c、钢筋钢。
(2) 结构钢a、机械制造用钢:(a)调质结构钢;(b)表面硬化结构钢:包括渗碳钢、氨钢、表面淬火用钢;(c)易切结构钢;(d) 冷塑性成形用钢:包括冷冲压用钢、冷镦用钢。
b、弹簧钢c、轴承钢(3) 工具钢:a、碳素工具钢;b、合金工具钢;c、高速工具钢。
焊接弯头的分类方法,按它的曲Fra bibliotek 半径来分,45度弯头 45度弯头 可分为长半径弯头和短半径弯头。 长半径弯头指它的曲率半径等于1.5 倍的管子外径,即R=1.5D.短半径 弯头指它的曲率半径等于管子外径, 即R=D。公式中的D为弯头直径,R 为曲率半径。最常用的是为1.5D的 弯头,如果在合同中没有注明是1D 或者1.5D,那么是要优化选用1.5D 的。我国最常用的执行标准有 GB/T12459-2005,GB/134012005,GB/T10752-1995.
若按压力等级来分,大约有十七种,和 美国的管子标准是相同的,有:Sch5s、 Sch10s、Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、 Sch40s、STD、Sch40、Sch60、 Sch80s、XS;Sch
180°焊接弯头 180°焊接弯头 80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、 Sch160、XXS,其中最常用的是STD和 XS两种。按弯头的角度分,有45°弯头, 有90°弯头和180°弯头。这样一来弯头 的种类是很多的,定货时定单常采取如 下表示方法:如"LR STD 90° 8", 表示长半径,压力等级为STD,90°的 8"弯头;又如,"SR XS 45° 4"表 示短半径,压力等级为XS,45°的4"弯 头。
焊接弯头即为“虾米弯”,它可 在管道上或钢板上切割下料后焊 制而成,其规格可为很大。弯的 节数与弯曲半径由制作者自由确 定。焊接弯不很圆顺,两者的弯 曲半径均不大,一般为管道直径 的1倍左右。
中文名焊接弯头 外文名The welding elbow 即 为即为“虾 米弯” 分 类Sch5s、Sch10s
半精加工中,由于进给量小,背吃刀量小,要保证工件 质量,所以切削热应小,震动应小,刃口应锋利,所以 选择较大前角,切削中应减小刀具与工件间摩擦,减小 刀具磨损,所以选较大后角和副后角。加工中要保证工 件表面光滑,同时保证刀具耐用度,减小振动,所以选 择大的主偏角和较小的副偏角。加工时最应避免切削流 向加工表面,所以λs应取一个适当正值,是切削流流向 未加工表面,但为减小震动,所以λs应取较小正值。
进给量f=0.18 (mm/r)
背吃刀量ap=1 (mm) 将工件轴由φ25加工至φ19,第一轮ap1=1mm,
第二轮ap2=1 mm, 第三轮ap3=1 mm
将工件由φ19加工至φ16,只需一轮ap1=1mm, 第二轮ap2=0.5 mm
切削速度v=140 (m/min)
进给量f=0.14 (mm/r)
背吃刀量ap=4 (mm) 将工件轴由φ25加工至
φ19,第一轮ap1=3 mm 将工件由φ19加工至φ16,
只需一轮ap2=1.5 mm
45号属于钢为优质碳素结构钢,硬度不 高,易切削加工。
45号钢广泛用于机械制造,这种钢的机 械性能很好。但是,这是一种中碳钢,淬 火性能并不好,45号钢的可以从淬硬至 HRC 42~46。45号钢没有回火前,实际 应用的最高硬度为HRC 55。经调质处理 后零件具有较好的总和机械性能,广泛应 用于各种重要的结构零件,但表面硬度较 低,不耐磨,但可用调质使表面淬火提高 零件表面硬度。用45号钢渗碳处理,淬 火后蕊部出现硬脆的马氏体,失去渗碳处
有关45号钢的知识2009-05-18 10:55牌号: 45化学成分质量分数%|C: 0.42~0.50化学成分质量分数%|Si: 0.17~0.37化学成分质量分数%|Mn: 0.50~0.80化学成分质量分数%|Cr≤: 0.25化学成分质量分数%|Ni≤: 0.30化学成分质量分数%|Cu≤: 0.25试样毛坯尺寸/mm: 25推荐热处理/℃|正火: 850推荐热处理/℃|淬火: 840推荐热处理/℃|回火: 600力学性能|σb/MPa≥: 600力学性能|σs/MPa≥: 355力学性能|δ5(%)≥: 16力学性能|ψ(%)≥: 40力学性能|AKU/J≥: 39钢材交货状态硬度HBS10/3000,≤|未热处理钢: 229钢材交货状态硬度HBS10/3000,≤|退火钢: 197主要特征: 最常用中碳调质钢,综合力学性能良好,淬透性低,水淬时易生裂纹。
小型件宜采用调质处理,大型件宜采用正火处理应用举例: 主要用于制造强度高的运动件,如透平机叶轮、压缩机活塞。
深冷处理(cryogenic treatment)工件淬火后继续在液氮或液氮蒸气中冷却的工艺。
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SA5.0thruSA170AFEATURES:• ECONOMICAL SERIES• AVAILABLE IN BOTH UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BI-DIRECTIONAL CONSTRUCTION • 5.0 TO 170 STAND-OFF VOLTAGE AVAILABLE • 500 WATTS PEAK PULSE POWER DISSIPATION •QUICK RESPONSEDESCRIPTION:This Transient Voltage Suppressor is an economical, molded, commercial product used to protect voltage sensitive components from destruction or partial degradation.The response time of their clamping action is virtually instantaneous (1 x 10-12seconds) and they have a peak pulse power rating of 500 watts for 1 ms as depicted in Figure 1 and 2. Microsemi also offers a great variety of other Transient Voltage Suppressor's to meet higher and lower power demands and special applications.MAXIMUM RATINGS:Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at 25°C: 500 WattsSteady State Power Dissipation: 2.5 Watts at T L = +75°C3/8" Lead Lengtht clamping (0 volts to BV Min.):Unidirectional <1x10-12 Seconds: Bi-directional <5x10-9Seconds.Operating and Storage Temperature: -55° to +175°C8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85252Phone: (480) 941-6300Fax: (480) 947-15035.0 thru 170 volts500 Watts Transient Voltage Suppressors2 x ∅.032 ± .002[.81 ± .05]∅ .107[2.72]max.POLARITYMark {cathode}.205[5.21]MAX.NOTE: DIMENSIONS IN [ ] =MILLIMETERSP E A K P U L S E P O W E R (P p p ) O R C O N T I N U O U S P O W E R I N P E R C E N T O F 25°C R A T I N GFIGURE 1DERATING CURVE50100150175255075100TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVEST L LEAD TEMPERATURE °CPulse Time Duration (tp) is Defined as that point where Ip decaysto 50% of I surgePeak Value Ipp 100501234TIME (t) IN MILLISECONDSFIGURE 2PULSE WAVEFORM FOR EXPONENTIAL SURGEP U L S E C U R R E N T I N P E R C E N T O F I p pMECHANICALCHARACTERISTICSCASE: Void free transfer molded thermosetting plastic.FINISH: Readily solderable.POLARITY: Band denotes cathode. Bi-directional not marked.WEIGHT: 0.7 gram (Appx.).MOUNTING POSITION: AnyDO-412 X1.10[27.94]MIN.thruSA170A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°CPART NUMBERBREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V(BR)MIN.MAXTESTCURRENTI TRATEDSTANDOFFVOLTAGEV WMMAX. REVERSESTANDBYCURRENTI D @V WMMAX.PEAKREVERSEVOLTAGEV C MAX.@ I PPMAX. PEAKPULSECURRENTI PP(Figure 2)MAX.TEMP.COEFFICIENTOF V(BR)-55°C TO175°CαV(BR) VOLTS VOLTS mA VOLTSµ ADC VOLTS AMP% / °CSA5.0 6.407.3010 5.06009.652.057 SA5.0A 6.407.0010 5.06009.254.3.057 SA6.0 6.678.1510 6.060011.443.9.059 SA6.0A 6.677.3710 6.060010.348.5.059 SA6.57.228.8210 6.540012.340.7.061 SA6.5A7.227.9810 6.540011.244.7.061 SA7.07.789.51107.015013.337.8.065 SA7.0A7.788.60107.015012.041.7.065 SA7.58.3310.217.55014.335.0.067 SA7.5A8.339.2117.55012.938.8.067 SA8.08.8910.918.02515.033.3.070 SA8.0A8.899.8318.02513.636.7.070 SA8.59.4411.518.5515.931.4.073 SA8.5A9.4410.418.5514.434.7.073 SA9. SA9.0A10.011.119.0115.432.5.076 SA1011.113.6110118.826.6.078 SA10A11.112.3110117.029.4.078 SA1112.214.9111120.124.9.081 SA11A12.213.5111118.227.4.081 SA1213.316.3112122.022.7.082 SA12A13.314.7112119.925.1.082 SA1314.417.6113123.821.0.084 SA13A14.415.9113121.523.2.084 SA1415.619.1114125.819.4.086 SA14A15.617.2114123.221.5.086 SA1516.720.4115126.918.8.087 SA15A16.718.5115124.420.6.087 SA1617.821.8116128.817.6.088 SA6A17.819.7116126.019.2.088 SA1718.923.1117130.516.4.090 SA17A18.920.9117127.618.1.090 SA1820.024.4118132.215.5.092 SA18A20.022.1118129.217.2.092 SA2022.227.1120135.813.9.093 SA20A22.224.5120132.415.4.093thruSA170A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°CPART NUMBERBREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V(BR)MIN.MAXTESTCURRENTI TRATEDSTANDOFFVOLTAGEV WMMAX. REVERSESTANDBYCURRENTI D @V WMMAX.PEAKREVERSEVOLTAGEV C MAX.@ I PPMAX. PEAKPULSECURRENTI PP(Figure 2)MAX.TEMP.COEFFICIENTOF V(BR)-55°C TO175°CαV(BR) VOLTS VOLTS mA VOLTSµ ADC VOLTS AMP% / °CSA2224.429.8122139.412.7.094 SA22A24.426.9122135.514.1.094 SA2426.732.6124143.011.6.096 SA24A26.729.5124138.912.8.096 SA2628.935.3126146.610.7.097 SA26A28.931.9126142.111.9.097 SA2831.138.0128150.09.9.098 SA28A31.134.4128145.411.0.098 SA3033.340.7130153.59.3.099 SA30A33.336.8130148.410.3.099 SA3336.744.9133159.08.5.100 SA33A36.740.6133153.39.4.100 SA3640.048.9136164.37.8.101 SA36A40.044.2136158.18.6.101 SA4044.454.3140171.47.0.101 SA40A44.449.1140164.57.8.101 SA4347.858.4143176.7 6.5.102 SA43A47.852.8143169.47.2.102 SA4550.061.1145180.3 6.2.102 SA45A50.055.3145172.7 6.9.102 SA4853.365.1148185.5 5.8.103 SA48A53.358.9148177.4 6.5.103 SA5156.769.3151191.1 5.5.103 SA51A56.762.7151182.4 6.1.103 SA5460.073.3154196.3 5.2.104 SA54A60.066.3154187.1 5.7.104 SA5864.478.71581103.0 4.9.104 SA58A64.471.2158193.6 5.3.104 SA6066.781.51601107.0 4.7.104 SA60A66.773.7160196.8 5.2.104 SA6471.186.91641114.0 4.4.105 SA64A71.178.61641103.0 4.9.105 SA7077.895.11701125.0 4.0.105 SA70A77.886.01701113.0 4.4.105 SA7583.3102.01751134.0 3.7.105 SA75A83.392.11751121.0 4.1.105thruSA170A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°CPART NUMBERBREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V(BR)MIN.MAXTESTCURRENTI TRATEDSTANDOFFVOLTAGEV WMMAX. REVERSESTANDBYCURRENTI D @V WMMAX.PEAKREVERSEVOLTAGEV C MAX.@ I PPMAX. PEAKPULSECURRENTI PP(Figure 2)MAX.TEMP.COEFFICIENTOF V(BR)-55°C TO175°CαV(BR) VOLTS VOLTS mA VOLTSµ ADC VOLTS AMP% / °CSA7886.7106.01781139.0 3.6.106 SA78A86.795.81781126.0 4.0.106 SA8594.4115.01851151.0 3.3.106 SA85A94.4104.01851137.0 3.6.106 SA90100.0122.01901160.0 3.1.107 SA90A100.0111.01901146.0 3.4.107 SA100111.0136.011001179.0 2.8.107 SA100A111.0123.011001162.0 3.1.107 SA110122.0149.011101196.0 2.6.107 SA110A122.0135.011101177.0 2.8.107 SA120133.0163.011201214.0 2.3.107 SA120A133.0147.011201193.0 2.0.107 SA130144.0176.011301231.0 2.2.108 SA130A144.0159.011301209.0 2.4.108 SA150167.0204.011501268.0 1.9.108 SA150A167.0185.011501243.0 2.1.108 SA160178.0218.011601287.0 1.7.108 SA160A178.0197.011601259.0 1.9.108 SA170189.0231.011701304.0 1.6.108 SA170A189.0209.011701275.0 1.8.108 Note: For Bi-directional construction, indicate a C or CA suffix after the part number, i.e. SA5.0CAthru SA170A10000100010010C -C A P A C I T A N C E - P I C O F A R AD S1001001000V (BR)- BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE - VOLTSFIGURE 3TYPICAL CAPACITANCE VS BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE107.********0.20.5 2.0 5.020*********tw - Pulse Width µsFIGURE 4PEAK PULSE POWER VS. PULSE TIME(P P P ) - P e a k P u l s e P o w e r , (k W )20305070。