QRM - Copulas and Dependence




胰岛素受体与胰岛素样生长因子受体1在阿尔茨海默病中的作用机制王文;滕燕;章梦琦;万莉红【期刊名称】《四川生理科学杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(035)003【摘要】近年来,越来越多的研究显示阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)与2型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)相关,进一步研究表明,胰岛素受体(Insulin receptor,IR)和胰岛素样生长因子受体1(Insulin-like growth factor I receptor,IGF-1R)在AD的发生发展中占有很重要的地位.本文通过对IR和IGF-1R在阿尔茨海默病中的作用机制进行综述,为阿尔茨海默病的研究和治疗提供新的方向.【总页数】4页(P112-115)【作者】王文;滕燕;章梦琦;万莉红【作者单位】四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院09级基础医学基地班,四川成都610041;四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院09级基础医学基地班,四川成都610041;四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院09级基础医学基地班,四川成都610041;四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院药理教研室,四川成都 610041【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.胰岛素和胰岛素样生长因子-1及其受体在阿尔茨海默病发病中的作用 [J], 刘琴;晏勇2.胰岛素样生长因子-2、血管内皮生长因子受体-2、血小板源生长因子受体和类肝素酶-1在肾上腺皮质癌中的表达及其意义 [J], 祝宇;计骏;孙福康;周文龙;谢欣;沈周俊;金晓龙;徐云泽;吴瑜璇;何竑超;赵菊平;尉青;马贵;芮文斌;盛佳雁3.人胰岛素样生长因子受体-1基因突变与儿童矮小症发病的相关性及作用机制分析 [J], 冼雄辉;张龙江;杨俏文;尹晓蕾;麦丽文4.1型胰岛素样生长因子受体和表皮生长因子受体在子宫内膜癌中的临床价值 [J], 马丽娜; 孙笑; 王丽华5.胰岛素样生长因子-1、胰岛素样生长因子受体-1和胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-3在非小细胞肺癌患者血清中的表达及其临床意义 [J], 高志强;储天晴;赵怡卓;韩宝惠因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



114Univ. Chem. 2023, 38 (12), 114–119收稿:2023-06-27;录用:2023-08-01;网络发表:2023-08-11*通讯作者,Email:*****************.cn基金资助:2021年基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0研究课题(20211014);天津市首批虚拟教研室试点建设项目(化学类交叉人才培养课程建设虚拟教研室)•专题• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202306051 当表面活性剂遇到大环分子阮文娟,李悦,耿文超,郭东升*南开大学化学学院,天津 300071摘要:近年来,表面和胶体化学与大环化学的结合引起了科学家的普遍关注。




关键词:表面活性剂;胶束;大环结构;大环两亲分子;超两亲分子中图分类号:G64;O6Encountering of Surfactants with Macrocyclic MoleculesWen-Juan Ruan, Yue Li, Wen-Chao Geng, Dong-Sheng Guo *College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China.Abstract: In recent years, the combination of surface and colloid chemistry with macrocyclic chemistry has garnered widespread attention among scientists. The integration of diverse macrocyclic structures into surfactant molecules not only greatly enriches the diversity of surfactants, but also imparts them with the host-guest recognition functionality of macrocycles. Macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles, developed from this approach, have demonstrated high potential in applications such as bioimaging and drug delivery. The evolution from traditional surfactants to macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles underscores the importance of interdisciplinary integration in advancing scientific research.Key Words: Surfactants; Micelles; Macrocycles; Macrocyclic amphiphiles; Supra-amphiphiles表面活性剂及其所构筑的胶束是表面和胶体化学中所涉及的一类非常重要的体系。



高三现代科技前沿探索英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the field of healthcare. In recent years, AI has made significant progress in various aspects of medical care, bringing new opportunities and challenges.One of the major applications of AI in healthcare is in disease diagnosis. AI-powered systems can analyze large amounts of medical data, such as medical images and patient records, to detect diseases at an early stage. For example, deep learning algorithms can accurately identify tumors in medical images, helping doctors make more accurate diagnoses.Another area where AI is making a big impact is in drug discovery. By analyzing vast amounts of biological data, AI can help researchers identify potential drug targets and design new drugs more efficiently. This can significantly shorten the time and cost of drug development.AI also has the potential to improve patient care by providing personalized treatment plans. Based on a patient's genetic information, medical history, and other factors, AI can recommend the most appropriate treatment options.However, the application of AI in healthcare also faces some challenges. One of the main concerns is data privacy and security. Medicaldata is highly sensitive, and ensuring its protection is crucial. Another challenge is the lack of transparency in AI algorithms. Doctors and patients need to understand how AI makes decisions in order to trust its recommendations.In conclusion, while AI holds great promise for improving healthcare, it also poses significant challenges that need to be addressed.1. What is one of the major applications of AI in healthcare?A. Disease prevention.B. Disease diagnosis.C. Health maintenance.D. Medical education.答案:B。



英语考研2024真题答案### English Postgraduate Entrance Examination 2024: Sample Answers#### Part I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Passage 1: The Impact of Technology on EducationThe article discusses the profound influence of technology on modern education. It highlights how digital tools have revolutionized teaching methods, making learning more interactive and personalized. The integration of AI in classrooms has allowed for the creation of adaptive learning environments that cater to the needs of individual students. Moreover, the use of online platforms has expanded access to education, breaking down geographical barriers and providing opportunities for lifelong learning.Questions:1. What is the primary focus of the article?- The primary focus is the impact of technology on the field of education.2. How has AI been utilized in classrooms?- AI has been used to create adaptive learning environments tailored to individual students' needs.3. What benefits does online education offer?- Online education offers expanded access, overcoming geographical limitations and promoting lifelong learningopportunities.Passage 2: Climate Change and Its Effects on BiodiversityThis passage examines the alarming effects of climate change on global biodiversity. It underscores the rapid loss of species due to habitat destruction and altered ecosystems. The text also discusses the potential for climate change to exacerbate existing threats to biodiversity, such as overfishing and deforestation. The urgency for global action to mitigate these effects is emphasized, with the need for sustainable practices and conservation efforts.Questions:1. What is the main concern of the passage?- The main concern is the impact of climate change on biodiversity and the rapid loss of species.2. Which factors contribute to the threats to biodiversity mentioned in the passage?- Factors include habitat destruction, altered ecosystems, overfishing, and deforestation.3. What solutions does the passage suggest?- The passage suggests global action, sustainable practices, and conservation efforts as solutions.#### Part II: Cloze Test (20 points)In the cloze test section, candidates are required to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the given options to ensure the passage makes sense both contextually and grammatically. This section tests the ability tounderstand context and the correct usage of vocabulary.#### Part III: Translation (20 points)English to Chinese:Translate the following sentence into Chinese, ensuring accuracy and fluency.- "The rapid development of urbanization has led to a series of environmental issues."Chinese to English:Translate the following sentence into English, maintaining the original meaning and ensuring natural language flow.- "随着科技的不断进步,我们的生活变得越来越便利。



26(3)241-247 中国生物防治 Chinese Journal of Biological C ontrol 2010年8月群体感应淬灭———防治植物细菌病害的新策略张力群13,田 涛2,梅桂英1(11中国农业大学植物病理系,北京100193;21天津市植物保护研究所,天津300112)摘要:群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)是细菌的一种调控机制,指细菌通过感应特定信号分子的浓度来感知周围环境中自身或其它细菌的数量,并调整相关基因的表达以适应环境的变化。


对细菌QS调控机制的干扰和破坏称为群体感应淬灭(quorum quenching)。


关 键 词:植物病原细菌;生物防治;群体感应;群体感应淬灭中图分类号:S476;Q93 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100529261(2010)0320241207 Q uorum Q uenching,a N e w Strategy for Controlling Plant B acterial DiseasesZH ANGLi2qun13,TI AN T ao2,MEI G ui2ying1(11Department of Plant Pathology,China Agricultural University,Beijing100193;21Institute of Plant Protection,T ianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,T ianjin300112,China)Abstract:Quorum sensing(QS)enables bacteria to m onitor their own population density by means of small,diffusible signals and to coordinate the expression of specialized genes with cell density.Many phytopathogenic bacteria em ploy the QS system to regulate the expression of their virulent factors.This makes QS a very attractive target for the development of novel disease2suppressive strategies.The ability to disrupt QS is known as quorum quenching.This review provides an overview on the relationship be2 tween QS and pathogenicity of phytopathogenic bacteria,and on the progress of the development of the quorum2quenching strategy in plant diseases control during the last decade.K ey w ords:bacterial phytopathogens;biocontrol;quorum sensing;quorum quenching1 细菌的群体感应早在20世纪60年代,研究人员就发现作为单细胞生物的细菌有个体间交流的能力,并能表现出一些多细胞生物的性状,这种细菌间的信号交流方式称作群体感应(quorum sensing, QS)。



A FL P A n a lys is o f C y top la sm ic M a le 2s te rile L in e a n d Its M a i n ta i n e r L i n e o f P ep p e rLUO Xia ng 2d o n g1,2,DA I L ia n g 2fa n g1,2,CH EN J i n 2fen g23,WAN G S h u 2b i n31.C o ll ege o f Ho rti cu l tu re,N an ji ng Ag ri cu lt u ra lU n i vers it y,N an ji ng 210095;2.Co ll eg e o fL i fe Sc i ence s,J i an gxi No r m al Un i ve rs i ty,N ancha ng 330022;3.Vege tab l e R es ea rch I n s ti tu t e ,J i an gs u Academ y o f Ag ricu lt u ra l Sc i ence s ,N an j ing 210014Ab s t ra ct [O bject i ve]The a i m o f t h is study wa s t o ana l yze the cyt o p l a s m i c m a l e s teri le l i n e 21A and its m ainta i ne r li n e 21B o f p ep pe rs by AF L P,an d l ay t he fo unda ti on fo r further s tudies o n m o l ecu l a r m echan is m o f t he cyt op l a sm i c m ale s te ril ity i n p epp ers .[M ethod ]C yt op l a sm i c m a l e s teril it y (CMS)li ne 21A and its m a i n t a i ne r li ne 21B w ere a nalyzed by AFLP t o o bta i n the s p ecific am p li fied fra gm en ts o f cyt op lasm i c m a l e s teri le li ne 21A,wh i le the sp ecifi c amp li fi ed fragm en ts w ere recove red o r sequ enced,and ana l yzed by BLAS Tn and TBLASTX i n GenB a nk o f NCB I .[Result ]A sp eci fi c fragm en t AA /CAG 169w as ob tained from cytop l am i c m al e ste rili ty (C M S )li ne 21A.Pa rti a l DNA s equen ce of AA /CAG 169w as t he se ries repe ated s equen ce i n AFLP m a rker seq uence related t o the sex and grow t h tra i t s o f Pen aeu s m ono do n.The re su l ts o f BLASTX and TBLASTX showed t ha t the tran s l a ti o n p r o duct s o f t h is sp eci fi c fragm ent had a hi g he r si m il a rity to So l anum dem is sum pu t a ti ve gag 2po l p ro tei n ,So l anum dem i s sum p u t a ti ve retro tra nspo so n p r o te i n and So l a num d em is sum p uta ti ve re tro tran spo so n gag p ro t e i n re s p ec ti vel y.[C on clu si on]The functi o n o f this spec i fic fragem ent AA /CAG 169is mo re li ke l y t o be cl o s el y rel a ted t o re tr o transp o son,wh i ch i nd i cate s tha t the sp eci a l fragm en t is po ss i b l y re l a t e d t o the s te ril ity trait .Key w o rds Pep pe r;cy t op l a s m i c m ale 2s t e ri lti y (C M S);AFLP ana l y sisR e ce i ve d:J a nua ry 11,2010 Accep t e d:Fe b rua ry 23,2010Suppo rted by Na ti o nal 863Prog ram i n t h e 11th Five 2ye a r P l an ni n g Pe ri o d (2006AA1001082322);Na ti ona l Na tural Science Fo unda ti o n (36;3);S T y j f x O ff f (G 5);Y G F f x N U y (3)32jf @j A s one of vege tab l e c rop s with the l a rge s t cu lti va ti on a re ai n C hi na ,p epp e r (Ca ps i cum a nnuu m L .)is a wo rl d w ide ki nd of vege ta bl e s and p roc e ssing condi m e nts .Acco rdi ng t o the sta tis ti c s,a nnua l c ultiva ti o n a rea of peppe rs i n C hi na ha s re ac he d abo ve 1400tho usa nd h m 2,whi ch m a ke s gre a t con 2tri buti o n to annua l a ve ra ge ba lance supply of vege ta bl e s inChina [1].W ith obvi o us adva nta ge s in p re 2m a turity,hi gh yi e ld a nd fru itw e i ght,peppe r hybri d s a re pop ul a r w it h m any fa r m 2e rs .It is expe nsive t o bree d hyb ri d see ds by a rti fic i a l em a scula ti on a nd po lli na ti on .I t is l a bou r 2sa vi ng t o ob t a i n hy 2bri d se ed s F 1by cytop l a sm i c m a le ste ril e li ne of peppe rs,which ca n e nsure the p urity o f se e ds and p ro t e c t the ri ghts of bree de rs,a nd is a lso the m o st e ffi c ient wa y t o re duce se e dco st a t p re se nt [2]o r the m a j o r direc ti o n fo r curre nt p epp e r bree ding .Thus,be side s e nha ncem en t o f the i de nti f i ca ti o n a nd b re ed i ng of c yt opl a s m i c m a l e ste ril e li ne o f peppe rs,stud 2i e s shoul d be ca rried out a t di ffe ren t l eve ls from b i o l ogy,which w ill p r o vi de a theo re tica l ba sis f o r furthe r effi c i e nt o r w i de u tili za ti on .R ul e s of inhe ritance in m o r p hol ogy,cyt o l ogy,POD isozy m e a nd m a l e 2ste ril e cha ra c t e rs ha ve be en a lrea dy dis 2cu ssed t ho roughl y i n studi e s o n t he m e cha nis m of cyt op l a sm i cm a le ste ril e li ne of peppe rs [3-4].Howe ve r,the re is little report on the m o l e cul a r m e chan is m of ste rility i n pe ppe rs,e spe c i a ll y se que nce fra g m e nts re la ted to cyt op l a s m ic m a l e s te ril ity of peppe rs .The re fo re ,ge nom ic DNA fr om c ytop l a s m i c m a le ste ril e l ine 21A a nd its m a i n ta i ne r l ine 21B o f peppe rwa s com 2pa ra ti ve l y ana lyze d by AFLP t o ob ta i n t he spe cifi c am p l ifi e d fragm en ts re l a ted to CM S i n this s tudy,wh i ch l a id a fo unda 2ti on fo r fu rthe r studi e s on mo l e cula r m e cha nis m of the cyt o 2pla sm ic m a l e ste rilit y in p epp e rs,a nd pro vide d a refe re nce fo r be tte r utili za ti o n of cyt op l a s m ic m a le ste rility i n peppe rs .M a te ria ls a n d M e th o d sMa te ria l sThe cyt op l a s m ic m a l e ste ril e line 21A w ith comp l e t e l y s ta 2ble ste rility tra its a nd its m a inta i ne r l ine 21B of peppe rs we re from Ve ge table Re se a rch I ns titute ,J i a ng su Aca dem y of Agri 2c ult u ra l Sc i e nce s .S ee dli ngs of 21A a nd 21B we re bred on the coo l ing bed i n e a rl y J a nua ry,w hil e i n l a te Ma rch,100p l a nts of 21A a nd 21B we re re spe c tive l y p l a nte d with conve nti ona l fie l d m a na gem e nt i n p l a s ti c gre e nho use s of Ve ge tab l e R e 2sea rch I ns titute ,J i a ng su Aca dem y of Ag ri cultura l S c i e nc e s .Me thod sA FL P R e fe rence d by Vo s [5]a nd LOU Q un 2feng [6],re stri c 2ti on fragm e nts a nd do uble 2stra nd DNA we re j o i nte d t oge the r w ith T 4li ga se through EcoR I and M se I doubl e di ge sti o n,w hil e re stri c ti o n e ndo nuc l e a se a nd T 4l iga se w e re a ll p urc ha se d from S ha ngha i S angon B i o l ogi c a l Engi ne e ri ng Te chno l o gy &S e rvi ce s Co .,Ltd .5μl d i ge sti o n p roduc t wa s used a s the tem p l a te f o r p re 2am p li fi ca ti on,w hil e the p ri m e rs of p re 2am p li fi 2c a ti on we re E +1a nd M +1.5μl p roduct of p re 2am p l ifi ca ti on wa s a na l yzed by 1%aga ro se ge l e l e c tropho re sis to e sti m a te the e ffi c iency of p re 2amp li fi c a ti on .Acco rding t o the te sti ng fo r p r o duc ts o f p re 2am p li fi c a ti on,the pro duc ts w e re dil ute d 10-30fo l d,a nd t he n u se d a s the tem pla te fo r se l e cti ve amp li fi c a 2ti on .F i na ll y,p roducts o f se lec tive amp li fica ti o n w e re sepa ra 2ted by 6%dena tured po l ya c ryl am i de ge l e lec tr opho re sis a nd dye d by s i lve r sta i ni ng .Re c yc ling o r c lon ing a nd se que nc e a na lys is of sp ec i f ic b and s D i ffe ren ti a l ba nds of cyt op l a sm i c m a le ste ril e li ne a nd its m a i nta ine r li ne we re re co ve re d a nd cut off a ccura te l y by the z f μ22S f 5f f 5μ2f 2Ag ri cu lt u ra l Science &Techno l o gy,2010,11(2):69-71C op yri gh t κ2010,I n f o r m a ti on Ins titute of HAAS.A l l right s re s erved.Agricultura lB i o techno l o gy0801200900781cience and e ch no l o g P ro ec t rom J i a ng i P ro vi nc i a l i ce o Educa ti on J J 0819o un g r ow thu nd o J i ang i o r m o l n i ve rs it 298.C o rre spo n di n g au tho r .E m ail :chen n au.e ste rili e d sca l pe l t o p ut i nto c en tri uga l tube s w ith 200l re d is till e d w a t e r .am p l e s w e re p l a ce d i n t o bo ili ng w a te r o r 1m i n a nd then cen tri uge d o r 10m i n w ith 12000rpm.l supe rna tan tw a s use d a s the temp l a t e o r com bina ti on t o the correspo nd i ng pri m e rs aga i n w it h the sam e am plifi ca ti o n .Afte r the m olec ul a r we i ght o f amp li fied p r o duc ts wa s ve ri fi e d,and t he n li ga ted t o pGE M Tea sy ve ctor .Com pe te nt E .co li JM 109wa s transfe rre d by the li ga ted p roduc ts fo r b l ue 2wh i te se l e c ti on.S ing l e 2co l ony p l a sm i d wa s e xtrac te d f o r e ndo nuc l e a se re a c 2ti on,and the n se nt to S ha ngha i I nvi troge n B i ote chno l o gy Co .,Ltd fo r DNA se que nc ing .The who l e sequence of j o i nts we re rem oved a fte r c l oning a nd se que nc i ng,a nd then subm i tted t o NCB I da ta ba se fo r BLAS T .R e s u lts a n d A n a lys isA FL P sp ec if i c f ra gm e n t s c ree n ing of g enom e from cyto 2p lasm ic m a le s te rile line 21A a nd its m a in ta in e r li n e 21BGenom ic DNA from cyt op l a sm ic m a l e ste ril e li ne 21A a nd its m a i nta ine r line 21B w e re am plifi e d w it h 32pa i rs o f AFLP pri m e r com bi na ti ons,a nd the re sults showe d tha t bands in AFLP m ap we re ri c h w ith 60bands i n ea ch l a ne.O nl y amp li 2fi e d p roduc ts from o ne pa i r of pri m e r had di ffe rence be t w e e n cyt op l a s m i c m a l e s te ri le li ne and its m a inta i ne r li ne i n 32p a irs of AFLP p ri m e rs,wh i ch indica te d tha t the re wa s l ittl e diffe r 2e nc e in ge nom i c DNA be t we en c yt op l a s m i c m a l e ste ril e li ne 21A a nd its m a i n ta i ne r li ne 21B.Genom ic DNA from cyt op l a sm ic m a l e ste ril e li ne 21A a nd its m a inta i ne r l ine 21B we re am p li fi e d a ga i n w ith p ri m e r com bi 2na ti on EcoR 2AA /M se I 2CAG scree ned by poly mo rphic pri m e r pa irs .The re wa s one spe c i fi c band w ith 200bp in cyt op l a sm i c m a le ste ril e li ne 21A (F ig .1),w hil e no ba nd wa s f o und i n its m a inta i ne r li ne 21B.Aft e r the repe a te d te st,the fra g m e ntswe re demo nstra te d to be sta bl e ,re li a bl e and a sp ec i fic fra g 2m e nt re la ted t o m a l e 2ste rile c ha rac ters.A:Am p li fi cati o n p rodu cts o f p ri m e r EAA /M C AG,and the arr ow show s the d i ffe ren ti a l fragm e nts;B :S i ng l e c l o ne i d entifi ca ti on o f d i ffere ntial fragm e nts .F i g.1 Am p l i fi ca ti o n of AFLP d i ffe ren ti a l fragm e nts o f ge nom i cDNA from s t e ril e l ine 21A and its m ai n tai n er l ine 21BRe c yc ling o r c lon ing a nd se qu enc i n g of A FL P d i ffe re n ti a l f ra gm e ntsF rom F i g .1-B ,re com bi nan tp la s m id PCR p roduc ts we re i den ti c a lw ith the si z e of ta rge t fra g m ents,which show ed tha t ta rge t fra g m e nts ha d a lre ady be en succ e ssfu l ly T 2A cl one d .Afte r ve cto r se que nce a nd AFLP p ri m e r com bi na ti o n AA /CAG sequence we re rem ove d,the se que nc i ng sequence w a s 169bp i n ful l length (F i g .2).Thu s,the spe c i fi c f ragm e nt i n c ytop la s m i c m a l e ste ril e li ne 21A wa s m a rked a s AA /CAG 169t o ana l yze co nvenientl y.The und erli ned pa rt s are AA /CAG se quence s of AFLP p ri m e r com b i na ti o n ,wh il e the do uble 2u nde rli ned pa rts are AF LP j o i nt s .F i g.2 Sp eci fi c fragm en t sequ ences o f s teri le li ne 21ABLA S Tn a na lys is of AA /CAG 169s equ en ce in sp ec ific f ra g 2m en tsAcco rdi ng t o BL AS T re sults,pa rti a l sequence s of AA /CAG 169(l oc a ted in 122-158bp ,AGA ATTGGT A C G 2CAGTC T AT G ATG AGT CC T G AGT A AC ,w ith 37bp i n tota l)had a h i ghe r si m il a ri ty t o seve ra l sequence s o f t he re l a te d AFLP m a rke r se que nc e s with the sex and grow th tra its in P ena eu s mo nodon (AFE549M 27.1).Furthe r ana l ys is re 2ve a led tha t 37bp se que nce s we re four se ri e s re pea ted se 2que nce s of t he re l a te d AFLP m a rke r se que nc e s w it h the se x a nd grow th tra its in Pe nae us m ono don (F i g .3),so the spe 2c i fi c fra g m ent AA /CAG 169w a s cl o se l y re l a te d t o its ste rilit y .BLA S TX a na lys is of AA /CAG 169s equ en ce in sp ec ific f ra g 2m en tsA A /CAG 169se que nc e wa s subm itt e d to GeneB a nk,a nd a na l yze d by BLASTX o f NCB I a nd p rote in da ta ba se s fo r ho 2mo l ogy sea rching .The re sults sugge sted tha t am ino a c i d se 2que nce deduce d by this fra g m ent had a hi ghe r s i m ila rit y t o pa rtia l se que nce s of So l a nu m dem i s sum p uta tive ga g 2po lp ro 2t e i n a nd So l a num dem issu m puta ti ve re tr o tra nsposon p r o te in re sp ec ti ve ly (F i g .4).T BL AS TX a na l ysis i ndica te d tha t am i no a c i d se que nce deduce d by this fragm en t ha d a lso a hi ghe r y q f S 2,S S ,2F i g.3 A li gnm en t of t he pa rti al seque nce s of AA /C AG 169andthe re l a t e d AFLP m arke r se quence s with the s ex andgrow th t raits i n Penaeu s m o no done nco de d by gag (g roup 2sp ec ifi c a ntige n )ge ne i n the struc 2tura l ce n t e r of p lan t re tr o tra nspo so n,a nd the n be cam e se v 2e ra l kind s of l e ukocyte p ro te i n s a fte r pos t 2tre a t m e nt .Gag 2po l p r o te i n wa s e ncoded by po l 2ga g i n com m on,a nd the n be 2,f 2z y T f ,f f f f 2G 6y y 07Ag ri cultura l Sc i ence &Tech no l o gy Vo l .11,No.2,2010si m il a rit t o pa rti a l se uence s o o l anum dem is sum pu t a ti ve gag po l p rote i n o lanu m dem issum puta ti ve re tro tra nspo so n pro te i n a nd o l a num dem issu m puta ti ve re tr o tra nsposon ga g pro te i n .Howe ve r gag p ro te i n wa s a m ulti p r o te in p re curso rc am e re ve rse tra nsc ri p t a se inte gra se a nd pro te a se a te r en m e di ge sti on.he re ore the unc ti o n o this spe c i ic ra ge m e n t AA /CA 19wa s m o re like l to be c l o se l re la te d t o re tro tra nspo son .F ig.4 B LASTX a nalys i s o f t he w ho le sequ ence o f C M S 21A 169D is c u s s io n sM e chanism of m a l e s te ril ity ge ne s ha s bee n w i de l y stud 2i ed a t hom e a nd a broa d,a nd it is ge ne ra lly conside red tha t the o ccu rrence of plant CMS i s c l ose ly re l a te d t o the struc ture a nd exp re s si o n of m i tocho ndria l ge nom e ,whil e the frequent re com bi na ti on o f intra 2m o l e cul a r a nd i nte r 2mo l e cula r m i tochon 2dri a l genom e is m o l e cul a r ba sis f o r the occu rre nce o f C M S.F rom a l a rge amo un t of m it o chondri a l DNA fragm e nts i n the i denti fi e d CM S ,the y a re a ll gene ra ll y ch i m e ri c ge ne s from pa rtia l sequence s o f se ve ra l i den ti fi e d ge ne s afte r m ulti 2re 2com bi na ti on a nd the un i de nti fi e d re a di ng fram e (urf),such a ska l e nap us [7],m a ize [8]a nd ri ce [9].The t o ta l ge nom i c DNA e xtrac te d by C T AB i s cons titute d by nuc lea r DNA,m t D NA a nd cpDNA,so the spec ifi c fra g m ent AA /CAG 169of ste ril e li ne 21A po ssibl y com e s fr om nuc l e a r DNA,and is a lso p rop e rl y from m t DNA o r cpDNA.The ope n re ad i ng fram e of the sp ec i fic fra g m e nt A A /CAG 169se que nce is found w ith the on l ine t oo l of O RF F i nde r in NCB I .Com bi ne d w it h BLAS T X and T BLASTX a na l ysis,the op en rea di ng fram e of the sp ec i fic fra g m e nt AA /CAG 169se que nce is pri m a ril y i denti fi e d to be -1encodi ng f ram e fo r 53am i no a c i ds.W he re a s,the true i de nti f i ca ti o n of t h i s re a di ng fram e is still unknown,a nd its re l a ti onshi p w i th ste ril e chi m e ri c ge ne s nee ds furthe r studi e s .BL AS Tn in this study re ve a ls tha t the spe c i fi c fra g m e nt AA /CAG 169is li ke l y t o be c l o se l y re l a te d t o ste rili ty .Howe ve r,BLAS T X and T BL AS T X a ll show tha t AA /CAG 169sequence is po ssibl y re l a te d t o re tro tra nspo son,which i ndica te s tha t c yt op l a s m i c m a l e ste rility o f peppe rs m a y be c l o se l y re l a te d t o re tr o tra nspo son .The si m il a r re sults a rea lso repo rted i n cyt op l a s m ic m a le ste rilit y of ca rro ts [10],whi c hl a ys a founda ti on fo r furthe r s t udie s on m o l ec ul a r m e cha nis mof cyt opla s m ic m a l e ste rilit y in peppe rs .R e fe re n c e s[1]F ANG R (方荣),CHEN XJ (陈学军),M I A O NS (缪南生),et a l.Adva nce s i n gene ti c r e sou rces and mo l ecular breed i ng o f pepp er (Cap s i cum spp.)(辣椒(Cap s i cum spp.)遗传资源与分子育种进展)[J ].Acta Ag ri cult u rae J i angxi (江西农业学报),2004,16(3):55-61.[2]WANG SB (王述彬),ZHAO HL (赵华仑),L I U J B (刘金兵),et a l.He t e r o s is util i za ti o n o f C MS li ne s i n ho t (swee 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App l Gene t ,1999,99:837-843.R es p o n s i b le ed ito r:C H EN Xiu 2c h en R es p o n s i b le t ra n s la to r:L I J in g 2w e i R es p o n s i b le p ro o fread er:W U Xiao 2y an辣椒细胞质雄性不育系及其保持系的AFL P 分析(摘要)罗向东1,2,戴亮芳1,2,陈劲枫23,王述彬3 (1.南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京210095;2.江西师范大学生命科学学院,江西南昌330022;3.江苏省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,江苏南京210014)[目的]对辣椒细胞质雄性不育系及其保持系进行AFLP 分析,为进一步深入研究辣椒细胞质雄性不育的分子机制奠定基础。



Mushrooms,a fascinating part of the natural world,are neither plants nor animals but belong to the kingdom of fungi.They come in various shapes,sizes,and colors,and some are even luminescent,like the glowinthedark mushrooms found in certain tropical regions.Characteristics of Mushrooms:Mushrooms are composed of a network of threadlike structures called mycelium,which grows underground or on decaying organic matter.The part we commonly see,the mushroom cap,is just the fruiting body of the fungus,emerging when conditions are right for reproduction.Types of Mushrooms:There are thousands of mushroom species,ranging from the common button mushroom to the exotic morel.Some are edible and highly prized in cuisine,like truffles and chanterelles,while others,like the deadly Amanita phalloides,are extremely toxic.Growth Conditions:Mushrooms thrive in damp,dark environments and require a source of organic material to grow.They play a crucial role in ecosystems by decomposing dead plant and animal matter,thus recycling nutrients back into the soil.Edible Mushrooms:Edible mushrooms are a delicacy in many cultures.They are low in calories and high in nutrients,making them a healthy addition to any diet.Cooking methods vary,from sautéing in butter to using them in soups and stews.Cultivation:Mushroom cultivation is an ancient practice,with some species being farmed for thousands of years.Modern techniques allow for the controlled growth of mushrooms in various substrates,including straw,wood chips,and compost.Conservation and Foraging:While foraging for wild mushrooms can be a rewarding activity,it is essential to be knowledgeable about the species to avoid consuming toxic varieties.Additionally,some mushroom species are endangered and require protection to prevent overharvesting. Medicinal Uses:Mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.Some,like the reishi and shiitake,are believed to have immuneboosting and antiinflammatory properties.Culinary Delights:In cooking,mushrooms can be the star of the dish or a flavorful addition to enhance other ingredients.They can be used in a variety of dishes,from pizzas to pasta,and even as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan diets.Mythology and Culture:Mushrooms have also captured the human imagination,featuring in myths and legends across cultures.They are often associated with mystery and the supernatural,reflecting their unique place in the natural world.In conclusion,mushrooms are a diverse and intriguing group of organisms that offer both practical and cultural significance.Whether foraging in the wild,cultivating at home,or enjoying in a meal,there is much to appreciate and learn about these fascinating fungi.。


乳 糖致 自由基增 高脑 老 化小 鼠模 型 、高胆 固醇 血症 致 Ap 增 高 大 鼠模 型 、慢性 脑缺 血 致 痴呆 模 型 大 鼠)上 发现 ,TS G灌 胃给药 能 够 明显 改 善 模 型 动物 的学 习 记忆 功能 ,其作 用 机 制 包 括 : ( 1 )
降低海马区神经元 A P P和 [ } _ 分泌酶表达 ,减少皮层和海马 A p 含量 ,减少颞 叶皮层淀粉样斑块
家药监局新药 临床研究批件 ,目前正在进行治疗轻中度 A D的 2 期临床试验 。 此外 ,我们还发现 T S G在体外试验和体 内试 验 中均具有抑制 a - s y n u c l e i n过表达和聚集 的 作用 ,而且在 自然衰老小 鼠中发现 T S G能够改善学 习记忆功能和运动功能 ,可作用在多个脑
2 0 1 3 年 第 三 十卷 第 二
二苯 乙烯苷对 多种 老年性痴呆动物模型 的影 响及 其作用机制
李林 张兰 张如意 王蓉 孙芳玲 张丽药物研 究 室 ,神经 变性 病教 育部 重点 实验 室
阿尔茨海默病 ( A D )是一种多因素相关的复杂性疾病 , 仅针对单靶点或单致病途径的药物 不易取得好的疗效 。而且通常干预时机太晚 ,当诊 断出痴呆 时患者脑 内已有 大量 神经元死亡 。 因此 ,应 当针对多靶点、多途径治疗 ,同时将治疗时机提前到痴呆发生前 ,才有可能在 A D的药
区 ,包括 抑 制 海 马 、大脑 皮 层 及 纹 状 体  ̄ - s y n u c l e i n过 表 达 和 聚 集 ,增 加 海 马 、纹 状 体 的 突 触
连接区域数量 ,并使线粒体超微结构维持正常 ;增强海马 、纹状体 的 C a MK I I 磷酸化活性 ,增
强突触素和 P S I ) - 9 5 表达 ,提高 s y n a p s i n I 磷 酸化活性 ,从而有效提 高突触 可塑性 。这些结果 提示 ,T S G除 了治疗 A D以外 ,还具有治疗帕金森病痴呆 、路易体痴呆 的前景 。



《短花针茅的分子谱系地理学研究》篇一一、引言短花针茅(Pueraria phyllostachys)是一种常见的植物种类,其广泛分布于我国的南方及西南地区。



二、研究方法本研究采用分子谱系地理学的研究方法,以短花针茅的DNA 序列为研究对象,通过PCR扩增、测序等技术获取相关序列信息。




三、研究结果1. 遗传多样性分析通过对短花针茅的DNA序列进行比对和分析,我们发现短花针茅具有较高的遗传多样性。


2. 谱系结构分析根据DNA序列信息,我们构建了短花针茅的分子谱系。



3. 遗传多样性与地理分布的关系结合地理信息,我们发现短花针茅的遗传多样性与地理分布密切相关。































The genomics of probiotic intestinal microorganismsSeppo Salminen1 , Jussi Nurmi2 and Miguel Gueimonde1(1) Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland(2) Department of Biotechnology, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, FinlandSeppo SalminenEmail: *********************Published online: 29 June 2005AbstractAn intestinal population of beneficial commensal microorganisms helps maintain human health, and some of these bacteria have been found to significantly reduce the risk of gut-associated disease and to alleviate disease symptoms. The genomic characterization of probiotic bacteria and other commensal intestinal bacteria that is now under way will help to deepen our understanding of their beneficial effects.While the sequencing of the human genome [1, 2] has increased ourunderstanding of the role of genetic factors in health and disease, each human being harbors many more genes than those in their own genome. These belong to our commensal and symbiotic intestinal microorganisms - our intestinal 'microbiome' - which play an important role in maintaining human health and well-being. A more appropriate image of ourselves would be drawn if the genomes of our intestinal microbiota were taken into account. The microbiome may contain more than 100 times the number of genes in the human genome [3] and provides many functions that humans have thus not needed to develop themselves. The indigenous intestinal microbiota provides a barrier against pathogenic bacteria and other harmful food components [4–6]. It has also been shown to have a direct impact on the morphology of the gut [7], and many intestinal diseases can be linked to disturbances in the intestinal microbial population [8].The indigenous microbiota of an infant's gastrointestinal tract is originally created through contact with the diverse microbiota of the parents and the immediate environment. During breast feeding, initial microbial colonization is enhanced by galacto-oligosaccharides in breast milk and contact with the skin microbiota of the mother. This early colonization process directs the microbial succession until weaning and forms the basis for a healthy microbiota. The viable microbes in the adultintestine outnumber the cells in the human body tenfold, and the composition of this microbial population throughout life is unique to each human being. During adulthood and aging the composition and diversity of the microbiota can vary as a result of disease and the genetic background of the individual.Current research into the intestinal microbiome is focused on obtaining genomic data from important intestinal commensals and from probiotics, microorganisms that appear to actively promote health. This genomic information indicates that gut commensals not only derive food and other growth factors from the intestinal contents but also influence their human hosts by providing maturational signals for the developing infant and child, as well as providing signals that can lead to an alteration in the barrier mechanisms of the gut. It has been reported that colonization by particular bacteria has a major role in rapidly providing humans with energy from their food [9]. For example, the intestinal commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron has been shown to have a major role in this process, and whole-genome transcriptional profiling of the bacterium has shown that specific diets can be associated with selective upregulation of bacterial genes that facilitate delivery of products of carbohydrate breakdown to the host's energy metabolism [10, 11]. Key microbial groups in the intestinal microbiota are highly flexible in adapting to changes in diet, and thus detailed prediction of their actions and effects may be difficult. Although genomic studies have revealed important details about the impact of the intestinal microbiota on specific processes [3, 11–14], the effects of species composition and microbial diversity and their potential compensatory functions are still not understood.Probiotics and healthA probiotic has been defined by a working group of the International Life Sciences Institute Europe (ILSI Europe) as "a viable microbial food supplement which beneficially influences the health of the host" [15]. Probiotics are usually members of the healthy gut microbiota and their addition can assist in returning a disturbed microbiota to its normal beneficial composition. The ILSI definition implies that safety and efficacy must be scientifically demonstrated for each new probiotic strain and product. Criteria for selecting probiotics that are specific for a desired target have been developed, but general criteria that must be satisfied include the ability to adhere to intestinal mucosa and tolerance of acid and bile. Such criteria have proved useful but cumbersome in current selection processes, as there are several adherence mechanisms and they influence gene upregulation differently in the host. Therefore, two different adhesion studies need to be conducted on each strain and theirpredictive value for specific functions is not always good or optimal. Demonstration of the effects of probiotics on health includes research on mechanisms and clinical intervention studies with human subjects belonging to target groups.The revelation of the human genome sequence has increased our understanding of the genetic deviations that lead to or predispose to gastrointestinal disease as well as to diseases associated with the gut, such as food allergies. In 1995, the first genome of a free-living organism, the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, was sequenced [16]. Since then, over 200 bacterial genome sequences, mainly of pathogenic microorganisms, have been completed. The first genome of a mammalian lactic-acid bacterium, that of Lactococcus lactis, a microorganism of great industrial interest, was completed in 2001 [17]. More recently, the genomes of numerous other lactic-acid bacteria [18], bifidobacteria [12] and other intestinal microorganisms [13, 19, 20] have been sequenced, and others are under way [21]. Table 1lists the probiotic bacteria that have been sequenced. These great breakthroughs have demonstrated that evolution has adapted both microbes and humans to their current state of cohabitation, or even symbiosis, which is beneficial to both parties and facilitates a healthy and relatively stable but adaptable gut environment.Table 1Lessons from genomesLactic-acid bacteria and bifidobacteria can act as biomarkers of gut health by giving early warning of aberrations that represent a risk of specific gut diseases. Only a few members of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, two genera that provide many probiotics, have been completely sequenced. The key issue for the microbiota, for probiotics, and for their human hosts is the flexibility of the microorganisms in coping with a changeable local environment and microenvironments.This flexibility is emphasized in the completed genomes of intestinal and probiotic microorganisms. The complete genome sequence of the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM has recently been published by Altermann et al. [22]. The genome is relatively small and the bacterium appears to be unable to synthesize several amino acids, vitamins and cofactors. Italso encodes a number of permeases, glycolases and peptidases for rapid uptake and utilization of sugars and amino acids from the human intestine, especially the upper gastrointestinal tract. The authors also report a number of cell-surface proteins, such as mucus- and fibronectin-binding proteins, that enable this strain to adhere to the intestinal epithelium and to exchange signals with the intestinal immune system. Flexibility is guaranteed by a number of regulatory systems, including several transcriptional regulators, six PurR-type repressors and ninetwo-component systems, and by a variety of sugar transporters. The genome of another probiotic, Lactobacillus johnsonii [23], also lacks some genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids, purine nucleotides and numerous cofactors, but contains numerous peptidases, amino-acid permeases and other transporters, indicating a strong dependence on the host.The presence of bile-salt hydrolases and transporters in these bacteria indicates an adaptation to the upper gastrointestinal tract [23], enabling the bacteria to survive the acidic and bile-rich environments of the stomach and small intestine. In this regard, bile-salt hydrolases have been found in most of the sequenced genomes of bifidobacteria and lactic-acid bacteria [24], and these enzymes can have a significant impact on bacterial survival. Another lactic-acid bacterium, Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, also contains a large number of genes related to carbohydrate transport and utilization, and has genes for the production of exopolysaccharides and antimicrobial agents [18], indicating a good adaptation to a variety of environments, including the human small intestine [14]. In general, flexibility and adaptability are reflected by a large number of regulatory and transport functions.Microorganisms that inhabit the human colon, such as B. thetaiotaomicron and Bifidobacterium longum [12], have a great number of genes devoted to oligosaccharide transport and metabolism, indicating adaptation to life in the large intestine and differentiating them from, for example, L. johnsonii [23]. Genomic research has also provided initial information on the relationship between components of the diet and intestinal microorganisms. The genome of B. longum [12] suggests the ability to scan for nutrient availability in the lower gastrointestinal tract in human infants. This strain is adapted to utilizing the oligosaccharides in human milk along with intestinal mucins that are available in the colon of breast-fed infants. On the other hand, the genome of L. acidophilus has a gene cluster related to the metabolism of fructo-oligosaccharides, carbohydrates that are commonly used as prebiotics, or substrates to肠道微生物益生菌的基因组学塞波萨米宁,尤西鲁米和米格尔哥尔摩得(1)功能性食品论坛,图尔库大学,FIN-20014芬兰图尔库(2)土尔库大学生物技术系,FIN-20014芬兰图尔库塞波萨米宁电子邮件:seppo.salminen utu.fi线上发表于2005年6月29日摘要肠道有益的共生微生物有助于维护人体健康,一些这些细菌被发现显着降低肠道疾病的风险和减轻疾病的症状。



刘慧,穆同娜,林立,等. 新兴食品安全潜在风险因子生物碱成分的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(8):485−494. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070090LIU Hui, MU Tongna, LIN Li, et al. Research Progress on Alkaloids as Emerging Potential Risk Factors for Food Safety[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(8): 485−494. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070090· 专题综述 ·新兴食品安全潜在风险因子生物碱成分的研究进展刘 慧,穆同娜,林 立,耿健强,姜 洁*(北京市食品检验研究院(北京市食品安全监控和风险评估中心),国家市场监管重点实验室(食品安全重大综合保障关键技术),北京 100094)摘 要:生物碱(alkaloids )是植物中较大的一类次级代谢产物,具有显著的药理活性,是许多中草药的有效成分,在临床用药上有很大的应用价值。



关键词:食品,安全,生物碱,潜在风险,危害性本文网刊:中图分类号:TS207.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002−0306(2023)08−0485−10DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070090Research Progress on Alkaloids as Emerging Potential Risk Factorsfor Food SafetyLIU Hui ,MU Tongna ,LIN Li ,GENG Jianqiang ,JIANG Jie *(Beijing Institute of Food Inspection (Beijing Municipal Center for Food Safety Monitoring and Risk Assessment), Key Laboratory of Key Technologies of Major Comprehensive Guarantee of Food Safety for State Market Regulation,Beijing 100094, China )Abstract :Alkaloids are a large class of secondary metabolites in plants with significant pharmacological activity. As the active ingredients of many Chinese herbal medicines, they have great application value in clinical medicine. However, most alkaloids have obvious toxic effects and can be transmitted into the human body through the food chain, becoming an emerging potential risk factor for public health. This article reviews the types, sources and analytical methods of high-risk toxic and harmful alkaloids in food, aiming to provide warnings and reference for the detection and research of toxic and harmful alkaloids and the policy formulation of relevant regulatory authorities.Key words :food ;safty ;alkaloids ;potential risk ;harmfulness生物碱(alkaloids )是主要存在于植物中的一类含氮碱性有机化合物,约占植物次生代谢产物的20%,广泛分布于毛茛科、防己科、罂粟科、木兰科、芸香科、紫草科、菊科、豆科、樟科等植物中。















可再分散的槲皮素纳米晶自稳定Pickering乳液冻干粉的制备王哲;车智慧;胡菲;沈成英;戴博;申宝德;袁海龙【期刊名称】《解放军药学学报》【年(卷),期】2022(35)2【摘要】目的以槲皮素(QT)为模型药,制备一种可再分散的槲皮素纳米晶自稳定Pickering乳液冻干粉(quercetin nanocrystals self-stabilized Pickering emulsion lyophilized powder,QT-NSSPE-LP)。










1.四氯化锡诱导的Prins环化法高选择性地合成四氢吡喃衍生物合成四氢吡喃衍生物 [J], 温梅姣;常卫星;李靖
2.白细胞介素-1β诱导牛脑微血管平滑肌细胞增殖及药物的拮抗作用 [J], 嵇扬;曾国钱
3.白细胞介素1诱导牛脑微血管平滑肌细胞增殖及甘糖酯的拮抗作用 [J], 张岫美;孙晓红
4.白细胞介素-1α诱导牛脑微血管平滑肌细胞增殖及药物的拮抗作用 [J], 嵇扬;曾国钱;孙笃新;林爱友;芮耀诚
5.以淀粉溶液为催化剂一锅三组分法合成四氢苯并[b]吡喃和3,4-二氢吡喃并[c]苯并吡喃衍生物(英文) [J], Nourallah Hazeri;Malek Taher
Maghsoodlou;Fatemeh Mir;Mehrnoosh Kangani;Hamideh
Saravani;Ebrahim Molashahi











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VaR of Portfolio Z at probability level ?
VaRα ( Z ) ≡ FZ−1 (α ) = inf{z | z ∈ R : FZ ( z ) ≥ α } VaRα ( X ) ≡ FZ−1 (α ) = inf{x | x ∈ R n : Fx ( x ) ≥ α }
Gap between Risk Model and the World
Traditional Gaussian Hypothesis on the distribution of logarithm returns or the complete market Typical Model –Markowitz Mean-variace portfolio, optimized, the variance corresponds to the risk measure but it implies the world is Gaussian Two difficulties •Gaussian Assumption •Joint Distribution Modelling One of the main issues of risk management is the aggregation of individual risks.
the dependence structure
•Linear correlation •Rank Dependence •Tail Dependence •… … … … ..
Chapter 2 Copulas
Def. Let S1,S2,… ,Sn be nonempty subsets of R, and let H be an n-place real function such that Dom H=S1×S2×… ×Sn. Let B=[a,b] be an n-box all of whose vertices are in Dom H. Then the H-volume of B is given by where the sum is taken over all vertices c of B, and sgn is given by Equivalently, the H-Volume of an n-box B=[a,b] is the n’ th order difference of H on B
Copulas and VaR
Let X be random multivariate with distribution function Fi and Ui be standard-uniformly distributed at [0,1] Probability-integral
See www.math.ethz.ch/~embrechts
Modelling by use of Copulas
Modelling by use of Copulas
•Identification of the marginal distributions •Selection/Definition/Construction of appropriate copula to
Potential Copula Applications
Insurance • Life (multi-life products) • Non-life (multi-line covers) • Integrated risk management (Solvency 2/偿付能力) • Dynamic Financial analysis (assets and liabilities Model, ALM) Finance • Stress testing (Credit) • Risk aggregation • Pricing/Hedging basket derivatives • Risk measure estimation under incomplete information Other Fields • Reliability, Survival analysis • Environmental science, Genetics
Functions of Copulas
n Ø
Relationship between a multi-dimensional probability distribution function and its lower dimensional margins Functions of Copula Link multivariate distributions to their on-dimensional margins D.X. Li (1998, 2000) On default correlation: A copula function approach. Working paper 99-07, RiskMetrics Group. /picsresources/dlc.pdf P.Embrechts, A.Mcneil and D.Straumann, Correlation and dependence in risk management: properties and pitfalls. In: M.A.H.Dempster(Ed.),Value at risk and beyond, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1999,pp.176-223.
Fi ( xi ) ~ U [0,1]; Fi −1 (U i ) ~ Fi n
Quantile Function
Fi −1 (α ) ≡ inf{xi | Fi ( x ) ≥ α } F −1 (α ) ≡ inf{x | F ( x ) ≥ α }
Joint Distribution
F ( x1 , x2 , L , xn ) = ψ ( F1 ( x1 ), F2 ( x 2 ), L , Fn ( x n ))
Joint Probability Distribution Function is of dependence structure of multivariate To Analyze the dependence structure of multivariate distributions without studying marginal distributions
n n
n n
Consider a portfolio of financial risks {X1,..,Xn} •a portfolio of traded financial assets e.g. equities; •a credit portfolio of loans to various counter-parties; •a portfolio of potential insurance losses in various lines of business or geographical areas. Sampling –i.i.d. Suppose that the distribution of pay-off n-dimensional f(X1, . ,Xn) representing the risk of the portfolio or some contract written on the portfolio. It’ s VERY difficulty to estimate joint distribution f(… )!! How incorporate the marginal distribution of {Xi} to describe the dependence structure of multivariate {X1,..,Xn}?
f ( x, y ) =
Nearly Half-century of Copulas
1959, M.Fré chet and A.Sklar introduced the concepts of copulas Fré chet,M.,1951, Sur Les tableaux de corré lation dont les marges sont donné es,Ann.Univ. Lyon 9,Sec.A,53-57 Fré chet,M.,1957,Les tableaux de corré lation et les programmes lineaires, Revue Inst. Int. Statist. 25,23-40 Sklar,A.,1959, Fontions de repartition a n dimensions et leurs marges, Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris 8, 229-231 Sklar,A.,1973, Random variables,joint distribution functions and copulas, Kybernetika 9, 449-460