Cost Reduction




成本会计英文术语第一篇:成本会计英文术语成本会计中英文术语非正常毁损Abnormal spoilage 生产成本法Absorption costing 账户分析法Account analysis method 会计回报率Accounting rate of return 权责发生制下会计回报率Accrual accounting rate of return 作业Activity 作业基础的预算管理Activity-based budgeting 作业成本法Activity-based costing 作业管理Activity-based management 实际成本Actual cost 实际成本法Actual costing 调整分配率途径Adjusted allocation-rate approach 允许的成本Allowable cost 鉴定成本Appraisal costs 拟构成本Artificial costs 注意力导向Attention directing 自治Autonomy平均成本Average cost平均等候时间Average waiting time 反冲成本法Backflush costing平衡记分卡Balanced scorecard 批次级成本Batch-level costs 观念系统Belief systems 标杆管理Benchmarking 账面价值Book value 瓶颈Bottleneck 边界系统Boundary systems 盈亏平衡点Breakeven point 预算Budget 预算成本Budgeted cost 预算松弛Budgetary slack 预算间接成本分配率Budgeted indirect-cost rate 捆绑产品Bundled product 业务功能成本Business function costs 副产品Byproducts 资本预算Capital budgeting 储囤成本Carrying costs 现金预算Cash budget因果图Cause-and-effect diagram 财务管理认证Certified in financial management注册管理会计师Certified management accountant财务总监Chief financial officer决定系数Coefficient of determination 共谋定价Collusive pricing 共同成本Common cost完整往复成本Complete reciprocated costs 合成单位Composite unit 商讨会法Conference method 遵循质量Conformance quality 常数Constant固定毛利率NRV法Constant gross-margin percentage NRV method 约束条件Constraint滚动预算Continuous budget, rolling budget 贡献收益表Contribution income statement 边际贡献Contribution margin 单位边际贡献Contribution margin per unit 边际贡献率Contribution margin percentage 边际贡献比例Contribution margin ratio 控制Control控制图Control chart 可控性Controllability可控成本Controllable cost 主计长Controller加工成本Conversion costs 成本Cost成本会计Cost accounting成本会计标准委员会Cost accounting standards board成本汇集Cost accumulation 成本分配Cost allocation成本分配基础Cost-allocation base 成本分配基础Cost-application base 成本归集Cost assignment成本-收益权衡Cost-benefit approach 成本中心Cost center 成本动因Cost driver 成本估计Cost estimation 成本函数Cost function 成本层级Cost hierarchy 成本流入Cost incurrence 成本领先Cost leadership 成本管理Cost management 成本对象Cost object 资本成本Cost of capital 产品制造成本Cost of goods manufactured 成本库Cost pool 成本预测Cost predictions 成本追溯Cost tracing 质量成本Costs of quality, quality costs 本量利分析Cost-volume-profit(CVP)analysis 累计平均时间学习模型Cumulative average-time learning model 当前成本Current cost 客户成本层级Customer cost hierarchy 客户生命周期成本Customer life-cycle costs 客户盈利分析Customer-profitability analysis 客户回应时间Customer-response time 客户服务Customer service 分权Decentralization 决策模型Decision model 决策表Decision table 经营杠杆水平Degree of operating leverage 分母水平Denominatorlevel 生产数量差异Denominator-level variance, Output-level overhead variance, Production-volume variance 因变量Dependent variable 产品或服务设计Design of products, services, or processes 设计质量Design quality 设计锁定成本Designed-in costs, locked-in costs 诊断控制系统Diagnostic control systems 差异成本Differential cost 差异收入Differential revenue 直接分配法Direct allocation method 直接成本法Direct costing 成本对象的直接成本Direct costs of a cost object 直接生产人工成本Direct manufacturing labor costs 直接材料成本Direct material costs 直接材料存货Direct material inventory 直接材料混合差异Direct material mix variance直接材料产量差异Direct material yield variance直接法Direct method 折现率Discount rate现金流量折现法Discounted cash flow(DCF)methods酌量性成本Discretionary costs 发送Distribution 减少规模Downsizing向下需求旋转Downward demand spiral 双重定价Dual pricing 双成本分配率法Dual-rate cost-allocation method, dual-rate method 倾销Dumping次优化决策制定Dysfunctional decision making, Incongruent decision making, suboptimal decision making经济订单数量Economic order quantity(EOQ)经济增加值Economic value added 有效性Effectiveness 效率Efficiency效率差异Efficiency variance, usage variance 努力Effort技术成本Engineered costs 约当产量Equivalent units 事项Event预期货币价值Expected monetary value, expected value经验曲线Experience curve外部失败成本External failure cost 设施支持成本Facility-sustaining costs 工厂间接费用Factory overhead costs 有利差异Favorable variance 反馈Feedback财务主管Finance director 财务会计Financial accounting 财务预算Financial budget财务计划模型Financial planning models 产成品存货Finished goods inventory 先进先出分步法First-in, first-out(FIFO)process-costing method 固定成本Fixed cost 固定间接费用弹性预算差异Fixed overhead flexible-budget variance 固定间接费用耗费差异Fixed overhead spending variance 弹性预算Flexible budget 弹性预算差异Flexible-budget variance 产品全部成本Full costs of the product 目标一致性Goal congruence 毛利率Gross margin percentage 增长构成Growth component 高低法High-low method 同质的成本库Homogenous cost pool 基本报酬率Hurdle rate 混合成本核算系统Hybrid costing system 空置时间Idle time 假设成本Imputed costs 增量成本Incremental cost 增量成本分配法Incremental cost-allocation method 增量收入Incremental revenue 增量收入分配法Incremental revenue-allocation method 增量单位时间学习模型Incremental unit-time learning model 自变量Independent variable 成本对象的间接成本Indirect costs of a cost object 间接成本分配率Indirect-cost rate 间接制造成本Indirect manufacturing costs 工业工程法Industrial engineering method, Work-measurement method 通货膨胀Inflation 价格差异Input-price variance, price variance, rate variance 内制Insourcing 检验点Inspection point 管理会计师协会Institute of Management Accountants 交互式控制系统Interactive control systems 截距项Intercept 中间产品Intermediate product 内部失败成本Internal failure costs内含报酬率法Internal rate-of-return(IRR)method产品存货成本Inventoriable costs 存货管理Inventory management 投资Investment投资中心Investment center 批次Job分批成本记录Job-cost record, job-cost sheet 分批法Job-costing system 联合成本Joint costs 联产品Joint products 即时制生产Just-in-time(JIT)production, lean production即时制采购Just-in-time(JIT)purchasing 改进法预算Kaizen budgeting 人工时间记录Labor-time record 学习曲线Learning curve生命周期预算Life-cycle budgeting 生命周期成本法Life-cycle costing 业务管理Line management线形成本函数Linear cost function 线性规划Linear programming 主产品Main product自产/外购决策Make-or-buy decisions 管理会计Management accounting 例外管理Management by exception管理控制系统Management control system 制造单元Manufacturing cells生产周期时间Manufacturing cycle time, Manufacturing lead time分配的制造费用Manufacturing overhead allocated, Manufacturing overhead applied 制造类企业Manufacturing-sector companies 安全边际Margin of safety市场营销Marketing市场分额差异Market-share variance 市场规模差异Market-size variance 全面预算Master budget全面预算生产能力利用Master-budget capacity utilization材料需求规划Materials requirements planning用料单Materials-requisition record商业类企业Merchandising-sector companies 混合成本Mixed cost, semivariable cost 道德风险Moral hazard 动机Motivation 多重共线性Multicollinearity 多变量回归Multiple regression 净利润Net income 净现值法Net present value(NPV)method 净可实现值法Net realizable value(NPV)method 名义回报率Nominal rate of return 非线性成本函数Nonlinear cost function 非价值增加成本Nonvalue-added cost 正常生产能力利用Normal capacity utilization 正常成本法Normal costing 正常毁损Normal spoilage 目标函数Objective function 准时表现On-time performance 一次性特殊订单One-time-only special order 经营预算Operating budget 营业部门Operating department 营业利润Operating income 经营杠杆Operating leverage 经营Operation 经营成本核算系统Operation-costing system 机会成本Opportunity cost 资本机会成本Opportunity cost of capital 采购订单成本Ordering costs 组织架构Organization structure 结果Outcomes 产出单位成本Output unit-level costs 外部采购Outsourcing 分配过多的间接成本Overabsorbed indirect costs, Overapplied indirect costs, overallocated indirect costs 加班奖金Overtime premium 帕累托图Pareto Diagram 局部生产力Partial productivity 回收期法Payback method 最大负荷定价Peak-load pricing 完全竞争市场Perfectly competitive market 期间成本Period costs 实物计量法Physical measure method 计划Planning现实的生产能力Practical capacity 掠夺性定价Predatory pricing 预防成本Prevention costs转入成本Previous department costs, transferred-in costs价格折扣Price discount区别定价Price discrimination价格恢复构成Price-recovery component 主要成本Prime costs 预测报表Pro forma statements 概率Probability概率分布Probability distribution问题解决Problem solving分步成本核算系统Process-costing system 产品Product产品成本Product cost 产品成本互补Product-cost cross-subsidization产品差异化Product differentiation 产品生命周期Product life cycle 产品组合决策Product mix decisions 成本高计的产品Product overcosting 产品支持成本Product-sustaining costs 成本少计的产品Product undercosting 生产Production生产部门Production department生产量水平Production-denominator level 生产力Productivity 生产力构成Productivity component 利润中心Profit center按比例分配Proration采购订单提前量Purchasing-order lead time 采购成本Purchasing costs PV图PV graph定性因素Qualitative factors 质量Quality定量因素Quantitative factors真实回报率Real rate of return交互分配法Reciprocal allocation method, reciprocal method 业务流程再造Reengineering精练化成本系统Refined costing system 回归分析Regression analysis 相关成本Relevant costs 相关范围Relevant range 相关收入Relevant revenues 再订购点Reorder point 要求的回报率Required rate of return 研发Research and development 剩余收益Residual income 剩余项Residual term 责任会计Responsibility accounting 责任中心Responsibility center 投资报酬率Return on investment 收入分配Revenue allocation 收入中心Revenue center 收入动因Revenue driver 收入对象Revenue object 收入Revenues 返工Rework 合适规模Rightsizing 安全库存Safety stock 销售组合Sales mix 销售组合差异Sales mix variance 销售数量差异Sales-quantity variance 分离点销售价值法Sales value at splitoff method 销售数额差异Sales-volume variance 业务记录Scorekeeping 废料Scrap 销售价格差异Selling-price variance 敏感性分析Sensitivity analysis 可分离成本Separable costs 阶梯法Sequential allocation method, step-down allocation method, step-down method 顺序追溯Sequential tracing 服务部门Service department, supporting department 服务类企业Service-sector companies 服务支持成本Service-sustaining costs 单变量回归Simple regression 单一成本分配率法single-rate cost-allocation method, single-rate method 斜率系数Slope coefficient 原始凭证Source document 设定分析Specification analysis 分离点Splitoff point毁损Spoilage人事管理Staff management单一个体成本分配法Stand-alone cost-allocation method单一个体收入分配法Stand-alone revenue-allocation method 标准Standard标准成本Standard cost标准成本法Standard costing 估计系数标准差Standard error of the estimation coefficient 标准投入Standard input 标准价格Standard price 静态预算Static budget静态预算差异Static budget variance 阶梯式成本函数Step cost function 脱销成本Stockout costs战略成本管理Strategic cost management 战略Strategy沉没成本Sunk costs超级变动成本法Super-variable costing, throughput costing 供应链Supply chain单位目标成本Target cost per unit单位目标营业利润T arget operating income per unit目标价格Target price目标投资回报率Target rate of return on investment理论生产能力Theoretical capacity 约束理论Theory of constraints 物料贡献Throughput contribution 时间动因Time driver货币时间价值Time value of money 全要素生产力T otal factor productivity(TFP)全部间接费用差异T otal-overhead variance 转移价格Transfer price 触发点Trigger point 不确定性Uncertainty 分配不足的间接成本underabsorbed indirect costs, underapplied indirect costs, underallocated indirect costs 不利差异Unfavorable variance 单位成本Unit cost 未用生产能力Unused capacity 价值增加成本Value-added cost 价值链Value chain 价值工程Value engineering 变动成本Variable cost 变动成本法Variable costing 变动间接费用效率差异Variable overhead efficiency variance 变动间接费用弹性预算差异Variable overhead flexible-budget variance 变动间接费用耗费差异Variable overhead spending variance 差异Variance 加权平均的分步法Weighted-average process-costing method 在产品存货Work-in-process inventory在产品Work-in-process第二篇:药剂学英文术语生物药剂学英文汉译英要求Biopharmaceutics生物药剂学 Absorption吸收Distribution分布Metabolism代谢Excretion排泄Transport转运Disposition处置Elimination消除Transcellular pathway细胞通道转运 Paracellular pathway细胞旁路通道转运 Passive transport被动转运 Pore transport膜孔转运Carrier-mediated transport载体媒介转运 Facilitated diffusion 易化扩散、促进扩散 Active transport主动转运Membrane mobile transport膜动转运Pinocytosis胞饮作用Phagocytosis吞噬作用First pass effect首过效应pH-partition hypothesis pH-分配假说 Dissolution溶出Parenteral drug delivery注射给药Oral cavity mucosa drug delivery口腔粘膜给药Transdermal drug delivery皮肤给药Nasal mucosa drug delivery鼻粘膜给药Pulmonary drug delivery肺部给药 Rectal drug delivery直肠给药Ophthalmic drug delivery眼部给药 Distribution分布Accumulation蓄积Apparent volume of distribution表观分布容积Metabolize, metabolism代谢Biotransformation生物转化Inhibition酶抑制作用Inhibitor酶抑制剂Induction酶诱导作用Inducer酶诱导剂英译汉要求Membrane transport膜转运Fluid mosaic model生物膜液态镶嵌模型Extrinsic proteins外在蛋白Intrinsic proteins内在蛋白Fluidity流动性Asymmetry不对称性Semipermeability半透性P-glycoprotein P糖蛋白Vesicle小泡Endocytosis入胞作用Exocytosis出胞作用Kerckring环状褶壁Villi绒毛Epithelium cell上皮细胞Microvilli微绒毛Apical membrane顶侧膜Brush border membrane刷状缘膜Basal membrane基底膜Lateral membrane侧细胞膜Tight junction紧密结合Solvent drag effect溶媒牵引效应Gastric emptying rate胃空速率Liver first pass effect肝首过效应Lymphatic circulation淋巴循环Ionization解离度Lipophilicity脂溶性Dissolution rate溶出速率Molecular weight分子量Oil-water partition coefficient油水分配系数Sink condition漏槽条件Critical particle size, CPS临界粒径Polymorphism多晶型Absorption number, An吸收指数Dose number, Do剂量指数Dissolution number, Dn溶出指数Permeation enhancer透过促进剂或Absorption enhancer吸收促进剂Solid dispersion tech固体分散技术Dispersible tablet分散片Effervescent tablet泡腾片Sustained-release preparation缓释制剂Controlled-release preparation控释制剂Stability稳定性Day/night rhythm昼夜节律Site-specific drug delivery system定位释药系统Oral delayed-release preparation口服迟释制剂Stomach-specific preparation口服胃滞留制剂Floating漂浮型Swelling膨胀型Sticking粘附型Intestine-specific preparation小肠迟释制剂Oral colon-specific drug delivery system, OCDDS口服结肠定位给药系统 In vitro experimental model离体实验模型Tissue flux chambers组织流动室法Mucosa粘膜Secosa浆膜Everted gut sac外翻肠囊法Everted rings外翻环法In situ experimental model原位实验模型Intestine perfusion method肠道灌流法In vivo experimental model体内法Intravenous injection静脉注射Intramuscular injection肌内注射Hypodermic injection皮下注射Intradermic injection皮内注射Solid particle precipitation固体粒子析出Masticatory mucosa咀嚼粘膜Lining mucosa内衬粘膜Specialized mucosa特性粘膜Buccal mucosa颊粘膜Sublingual mucosa舌下粘膜Transdermal drug delivery system, TDDS/Transdermal therapeutic system经皮给药系统Physiologic factors生理因素Iontophoresis离子导入技术Cilia movement纤毛运动Surfactant表面活性剂Eyelid眼睑Eye adjunct眼附属器Cornea角膜Drug-protein binding药物-蛋白结合Albumin白蛋白Alpha acid glycoprotein, AAG α1-酸性糖蛋白Lipoprotein脂蛋白Binding constant结合常数Blood-brain barrier血-脑脊液屏障Inter-membrane transfer膜间转运Contact release接触释放Adsorption吸附Fusion融合Endocytosis内吞Pinocytosis胞饮Long-circulating DDS长循环微粒给药系统Target drug delivery system靶向给药系统Intracellular target of biomacromolecule生物技术药物的细胞内靶向Liver microsome enzymes微粒体药物代谢酶系Live microsome mixed function monooxygenase肝微粒体混合功能氧化酶或单加氧酶Glucuronyl transferase葡萄糖醛酸转移酶The first phase reaction第一相反应Combination reaction结合反应Optical isomerism光学异构Cortex皮质Medulla髓质Nephron肾单位Glomerular filtration肾小球滤过Active tubular secretion肾小管分泌Tubular reabsorption肾小管重吸收Inulin菊粉Biliary excretion胆汁排泄Renal clearance肾清除率Enterohepatic cycle肠肝循环Compartment model隔室模型Single compartment mode一室模型Two compartment model二室模型Multicompartment model多室模型First order processes一级速度过程Zero order processes零级速度过程Nonlinear processes非线性速度过程Pharmacokinetics, PK药物动力学Population pharmacokinetics, PPK群体药物动力学Clinical pharmacokinetics临床药物动力学Therapeutic drug monitoring, TDM治疗药物监测Chronopharmacokinetics时辰药物动力学Physiological pharmacokinetic model生理药物动力学模型Biological half life生物半衰期Sigma-minus method亏量法,又称总和-减量法Steady-state drug concentration稳态血药浓度Loading dose负荷剂量Lag time滞后时间Extravascular delivery血管外给药Plateau level坪浓度Fluctuation percentage, FI波动百分数Degree of fluctuation, DF波动度Product inhibition产物抑制Plasma drug concentration change percentage血药浓度变化率 Capacity-limited process容量限制过程Design of dosage regimen临床给药方案设计Individualization of drug dosage regimes给药方案个体化Bioavailability生物利用度Extent of bioavailability, EBA生物利用程度Rate of bioavailability, RBA生物利用速度Absolute bioavailability, Fabs绝对生物利用度Relative bioavailability, Frel相对生物利用度Pharmaceutical equivalence药剂等效性Bioequivalence生物等效性第三篇:口腔科常用英文术语口腔科常用英文术语1.My tooth is aching again.(我的牙又疼了。



国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编一、基础词汇access 交通agreement 同意、协议allocation 分配、配置approval 同意、批准arbitration 仲裁Asia Development Bank 亚洲开发银行assistant 助理、助手authorize(delegate)授权、委托Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表civil works 土建工程claim 索赔comment 评论、意见commercial manager 商务经理conditions of contract 合同条件general conditions 通用条件conditions of particular application 专用条件special conditions of contract 特别条件Conditions of contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件construction management 施工管理consultant 顾问contract agreement 合同协议Contractor 承包商cooperation 合作coordination 协作cost 费用cost control 成本控制counterclaim 反索赔demobilization 退场department 部门Designer 设计者drawing 图纸shop drawing 车间图design drawing 设计图as-built drawing 竣工图blue drawing 蓝图transparent drawing 透明图construction drawing 施工图electric works 电气工程Employer(Client/Owner) 业主Engineer 工程师Engineer's representative 工程师代表engineering project 工程项目international project 国际工程overseas project 海外工程domestic project 国工程equipment 设备expatriate 外籍职员expert 专家export 出口Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土木工程承包商联合会formal 正式的hydromechanical works 金结工程import 进口in charge of 负责、主管informal 非正式的Institution of CivilEngineers(ICE) 土木工程师协会instrument 仪器、器械insurance 保险labour 劳务layout 布置leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司liability(responsibility/obligation) 责任、义务lump sump 总包machinery 机械manpower(human resource) 人力资源Manufacturer 制造商material 材料measure 办法、措施take effective measures 采取有效措施measurement 测量、计量memorandum 备忘录mobilization 进场objection 反对payment 支付plant 设备point of view(opinion) 观点、意见prequalification 资格预审procurement 采购profit 利润progress control 进度控制project manager 项目经理quality control 质量控制request(application) 申请、请求review 审查risk 风险river closure 截流river diversion 导流safety 安全第1/39页signature 签名site 工地、现场site engineer 现场工程师specification 规格、规staff 职员Subcontractor 分包商submission 提交supervise 监督、监视Supplier 供货商the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会unit price 单价variation(change) 变更World Bank 世界银行二、工程施工类(一)工程施工-土建类◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support) 明挖(Open Excavation ) bench excavation 台阶开挖concrete excavation 砼开挖fault excavation 断层开挖foundation excavation 基础开挖local excavation 局部开挖mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖protective layer excavation 保护层开挖rock excavation 岩开挖slope excavation 边坡开挖soft ground excavation 软基开挖soil excavation 土开挖structural excavation 结构开挖tooth excavation 齿槽开挖unclassified material excavation 不分类料开挖coefficient of nonuniformity 开挖不均匀系数cutoff trench 截水槽dewatering(drainage) 排水excavation pit 开挖基坑intensity of excavation 开挖强度overexcavate ( overbreak ) 超挖pump sump 水泵坑Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 欠挖underbreak treatment 欠挖处理洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation)a round of excavation 一个开挖循环adit 支洞advance 进尺advances depth 进尺深度breaking hole 崩落cushion hole 缓冲drift 掏槽bottom drift 底部掏槽center drift 中心掏槽side drift 边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽drilling 钻driving(progress) rate 进尺率easer 掏槽erecting supports for the roof and side wall 对顶拱及边墙进行支护full face excavation 全断面开挖heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开挖loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 装拉渣loading (charging) 装药perimeter hole 边pilot tunnel 导洞removing dust 除尘removing ground water 清除地面积水shooting the explosive (blasting) 放炮top heading excavation 上导洞开挖ventilation 通风钻爆破(Drilling and Blasting) abandoned hole 废average hole depth 平均深average quantity used in unit volume blasted 平均单耗blasting result 爆破结果blockness 块度controlled perimeter blasting 边控制爆破data of explosive filled 装药参数data of holes drilled 钻参数delayed blasting 延时爆破exploratory hole 探explosive quantity 药量explosive quantity in a sound 单响药量handling misfire 处理哑炮light charge 少量装药loosening blasting 松动爆破pattern 布式distance between holes 距distance between rows 排距post shearing blasting 微差爆破prespliting blasting 预裂爆破第2/39页quantity of holes 数smooth blasting 光面爆破延时支护(rock support) expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式拉锚杆feature rock anchor 随机锚索feature rock bolt 随机拉锚杆feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆feature rock reinforcement 随机加固lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁pattern cement grouted rock dowel 系统水泥浆锚杆pattern resin grouted rock dowel 系统树脂浆锚杆pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆pattern rock reinforcement 系统加固permanent rock support 永久支护post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor 后拉水泥浆锚索rebound material 回弹料return rock bolt 回头拉锚杆return rock reinforcement 回头加固shotcrete anchorage 喷锚shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼steel rib 钢拱架temporary rock support 临时支护tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂拉锚杆◆土料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence)backfill 回填blend 混合compact 碾压controlled sprinkling 控制洒水cut the slope 削坡dump 卸料exploit 开采level 整平load 装料moisture condition 水分调节place and spread 摊铺remove 清除replace 重新回填retreat (do the work again) 返工scarify 翻松、刨毛screen and wash 筛分和冲洗take a sample 取样test 测试transport 运输treat 处理trim 修整缺陷(Defects)calcium particlescontaminated material 受污染料declination of the boundary 料界偏差dry 干燥lack of compaction 漏压lump sump 结块muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料pocket 囊穴seepage 渗流separation 分离shear area 剪力区lens 透镜体其它(Others)bonding surface 结合面byproduct 副产品controlling parameter 控制参数fill placement record 填筑记录frog area 蛙夯区required embankment 必要填subzone 分区◆混凝土(Concrete )air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 加气砼asphalt concrete 沥青砼blinding concrete 垫层砼cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼plastic concrete 塑料砼fibrous concrete 纤维砼first stage concrete 一期砼foamed concrete 泡沫砼high-performance concrete 高性能砼high-strength concrete 高强砼intrusion concrete 压浆砼lean concrete (poor concrete) 贫砼lightweight aggregate concrete 轻骨料砼mass concrete 大体积砼non-fines concrete 无砂砼non-plastic concrete 干硬性砼non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼normal concrete 常态砼plain concrete 素砼第3/39页porous concrete 多砼prestressed concrete 预应力砼pump concrete 泵送砼reinforced concrete 钢筋砼roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼second stage concrete 二期砼作业(Activity)clearance(clearing) 清理concretepouring(placement/casting) 砼浇筑curing 养护Membrance curing 薄膜养护moist curing 湿润养护normal curing 标准养护steam curing 蒸汽养护repairing 修理Scabbling (chiping/roughening) 凿毛greencutting 冲毛surface finishing 收面vibrating 振捣缺陷(Defects)bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面cavity 狗洞cold joint 冷缝crack 裂缝deformation 变形depression 坑洼fire-damaged concrete 火损砼formwork shifting(moving) 跑模grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘)honeycomb 蜂窝incomplete vibration 不完全振捣、漏振irregularity 不规则segregation(bleeding) 离析stair(staggered joint) 错台tie rod hole 拉杆water leakage 漏水water seepage 渗水外加剂(Admixture)accelerator 速凝剂air-entraining agent 引气剂bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 膨胀剂coring admixture 着色剂early-strength admixture 早强剂gas-forming admixture 发气剂(起泡剂)fluidizer 塑化剂retarding agent 缓凝剂set-controlling admixture 调凝剂super-plasticizer 增塑剂、高效减水剂surface-active agent 表面活性剂water-reducing agent 减水剂accelerating water reducer 速凝型减水剂retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂waterproof agent 防水剂指标(Indexes)compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压应力concrete class 砼等级final strength 终凝强度graduation 级配graduation curve 级配曲线impermeability 抗渗性initial setting strength 初凝强度mix design 配比设计resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性shear strength 抗剪强度slump 坍落度specific weight/gravity 比重stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性strain 应变surface finish 表面平整度tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力thermal stress 温度应力water-cement ratio 水灰比working stress 工作应力其他(Others)acceptance 验收age 龄期aggregate 骨料fine aggregate 细骨料coarse aggregate 粗骨料air pocket 气囊airtightness 气密性alternative 替代物、替换法apply 应用、施加bending moment 弯矩block 仓号binding strength 黏结强度calibration 标定cement anchor 锚固卷concrete plug 砼塞concrete precast element 砼预制件concrete release sheet 发料单第4/39页上面已看!construction joint 施工缝contamination /pollution 污染conversion(reconstruction) 改建coverage 覆盖围curing agent 养护剂delivery sheet 运料单direct discharge 直接入仓elevation 高程、正视图epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面existing 现有(存)的expansion joint 伸缩缝facilitate 使容易(便利)gabion 纤丝笼humidity 湿度identity 识别、标记ingredient 成分、配料inspection 检查、验收preliminary inspection 初验final inspection 终验appearance inspection 外观检查intact 完整的、未被触动的inter-tower joint 塔间缝introduce into 将……穿入isolate 隔离laitance 浮浆皮layer(lift)height 层高meet design requirement 满足设计要求moment of inertia 惯性距Pocket (box out/preset hole) 预留post-cooling 后冷却post tensioning 后拉pre-cooling 预冷却pre-stressing 预应力pre-tensioning 先拉pull-off test 扒拉试验reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层remark 备注section area 截面面积shearkey 抗剪键key groove 键槽shotcrete dry-mix process 干喷砼生产shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产simplify 简化simultaneously 同时地spacer 水泥垫块spacing 间距stress concentration 应力集中symmetry 对称technical data 技术参数temperature control 温度控制temperature difference 温差temperature rise(gain) 温度升高theoretical elongation 理论延长量unloading 卸载water stop 止水PVC water stop PVC止水rubber water stop 橡皮止水copper water stop 铜止水watertightness 闭水性winter protection 冬季保温◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆模bond breaker 脱模剂climbing cone 爬升锥dam bracket 大坝支架distance piece 横支撑double-curvature formwork 双曲模板flat formwork 平面模板formwork oil 模板油pigtail anchor 猪尾筋retractable formwork 进退式模板shearkey box 键槽盒sliding formwork 滑模steel form carrier 钢模台车steel formwork 钢模steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑stopend 堵头、封堵模板temporary formwork 临时模板tie rod(form tie) 拉杆tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板wood formwork 木模◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar)distribution bar 分布筋dowel 插筋horizontal bar 水平筋lap length 搭接长度main stress bar 主应力筋overlap 搭接shear bar 剪力筋splice welding 绑条焊接starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦stirrup 箍筋support bar 架立筋vertical bar 竖直筋◆灌浆(Grouting)backfill grouting 回填灌浆consolidation grouting 固结灌浆contact grouting 接触灌浆curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆gap grouting 接缝灌浆gravity grouting 自重灌浆jet grouting 旋喷灌浆multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆pressure grouting 压力灌浆ring grouting 环行灌浆single-stage grouting 一次灌浆工艺过程(Activity)air test 通风试验backfilling of hole 封flushing test 通水试验joint washing 洗缝seal 密封soak 浸泡water pressure test 压水试验管路及组件(Circuit and Elements)air supply 风包arising pipe 升降管circuit 回路clamp 卡子cock 旋塞coil 蛇形管cylinder 缸套double nipple 对丝连接套expansion coupling 伸缩节female-quick coupling 丝快接头fixed clamp 死卡flow rate meter 测量计galvanized elbow 镀锌弯头grout cap 灌浆帽grout cell 出浆盒grout stop plate 止浆片grout valve 灌浆阀inlet pipe 进浆管large radius elbow 大弧弯头main pipe 总管male-quick coupling 外丝快接头outlet pipe 出浆管packer 灌浆塞piston 活塞plug 堵头reducer socket 变径管套return pipe 回浆管tee piece 三通管reduce tee piece 变径三通管swivel-clamp 转卡U-bend U弯头union 活接头ventilation pipe 排气管water supply 水包参数及指标(Parameter and Indexes)consistency 稠度fineness 细度grout take 吃浆量high take 吃浆量大grouting pressure 灌浆压力leakage rate 漏水率Lugeon 容mix proportion 浆比pumping rate 泵浆率refusal criteria 排浆标准refusal time 抽浆时间water aborptin 吸水率仪器设备(Plant and Instrument)agitator 搅拌站automatic recorder 自动记录仪chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站displancement point 位移点electronic grout flow meter 电子流量计extensometer 变位计flow transmitter 流量传感器foundation displacement indicator 基础位移指示器grout pump 灌浆泵hydrometer 比重计joint meter 测缝计mixing plant 制浆站monitor 监测器osmometer 渗压计pendulum 钟摆portable instrument 便携式仪器pressure gauge 压力表pressure sensor 压力传感器第6/39页reinforcement meter 钢筋计steel basin 搅拌槽strain meter 应变计temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal station 集线站reference point 参考点second order triangulation 二等三角测量set out 放线、放样stake-line 测桩线state plane coordinate system 平面坐标其他(Others)check hole 检查compartment 灌区dense mix 浓浆foundation uplift 基础隆起grout hole 灌浆instrument hole 仪器primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes 一序、二序、三序灌浆spilt spacing 加密灌浆距waste mix 弃浆◆测量(Survey)测量法及术语(Methods and Terms)adjust 校正、调整adjustment 平差allowance 容误差backsight point 后视点basic point 基础点bench mark 水准点compass 罗盘chainage(station number) 桩号chain of triangulation 三角锁check 校核、对照control point 控制点coordinate point 坐标点datum 基础面datum point 基准点deviation 偏差easily identifiable point 容易识别点error 误差first order triangulation 一等三角测量geodetic 大地测量学的geodetic surveying 大地测量joint survey 联合测量known point 已知点level surface 水准面local triangulation networks 局部三角网national coordination system 坐标网observe 观测、监视point to be located 待定点position 定位、位置reconnaissance 选点、踏勘系survey point 测点theoretical point 理论点traverse(polygon) 导线(测量)、横断error of traverse 导线闭合差lattice traverse 网格状导线long side traverse 长导线open traverse 非闭合导线short side traverse短导线traverse closure 导线闭合traverse station 导线点traverse survey 导线测量triangulation 三角测量triangulation network 三角网triangulation of high order 高等级三角网triangulation point 三角点trilateration 三边测量vertical-control net 高程控制网wood pile 木桩角度测量(Angular Measure)azimuth 位角bearing 位、象限角buddle 气泡、水准器circle 度盘、圆盘circular bubble 圆水准器collimation axis 视准轴cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝depression angle 俯角elevation angle 仰角eyepiece(ocular) 目镜field pole(staff) 标杆foot-screw 脚螺栓horizontal angle 水平角mark 标志(明)objective lens 物镜plumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线sight 瞄准、观测target 目标、瞄准theodolite 经纬仪tranverse axis 横轴tripod 三脚架vertical angle 竖直角第7/39页vertical axis 竖轴望远镜(Telescope)centering 对中face left 盘左face right 盘右focus 集中、焦点focusing 调焦index error 指标误差inverted position of telescope(reverse telescope)倒镜、盘右normal position of telescope(direct telescope)正镜、盘右optical plummet 光学垂准器round 测回set 套、组station 测站距离测量(Distance Measure)barometer 气压计base line(basic line/datum line) 基线battery 电池EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) 电磁波测距filter 滤光片、滤波器laser alignment system 激光准直系统laser beam 激光束prism 棱镜range 测程、距离long range 远程medium range 中程short range 短程range finder 测距仪signal 信号spring balance 弹簧称tape 卷尺invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺高程测量(Height Measurement)altitude/elevation 高程、海拔approximate leveling 近似置平、粗平automatic level 自动定平水准仪difference in altitude(difference of elevation ,height difference) 高差error of closure in leveling 水准闭合差exact leveling 精平、确置平level 水准仪(测点)level circuit 水准闭合环level shoe 水准尺垫line of level 水准线路national geodetic vertical datum 大地高程基准面reduced level 归化高差run back 返测run out 往测three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量地形测量(T opographic Survey)boundary 边界、界线construction stake 施工标桩contour 等高线contour interval 等高距contouring 绘等高线contour-length method 等高线延长法contour line 等高线control network 控制网detail 细部、详图draw 绘图field 外业fix 固定、确定form line 地形图grid 格网information 注记、资料、情报marginal information 轮廓注记large-scale 大比例尺的latitude 纬度、围latitude circle 纬圈latitude line 纬线legend 图例location 定线、定位longitude 经度longitude line 经线map 地图、制图mapping 制图、测图、地质素描match line 拼接线monument 标、柱object 地物、目标plan 平面图、略图plot 绘图profile 断面(图)、纵剖图record 记录、资料setup 定置仪器site location 定位stake out 放样、定线、立桩symbol 符号、记号topographic detail 地形细部topographic map 地形图◆原形观测观测仪器和设施{Instrumentation第8/39页and Facilities)附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts)air-entraining meter 掺气剂Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计concrete strain meter 砼应变计convergent point 收敛测点direct plumb line 正垂线earth pressure cell 土压力盒embankment piezometer 坝体渗压计embankment strain meter 堤应变计extended wire 引线foundation piezometer 基础渗压计horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪hydraulicinstrument 水力学仪器hydrophone 水听器inclinometer casing 测斜管interface joint meter 界面变位计inverted plumb line 倒垂线micro piezometer 微压计multiple position extensometer 多点位移计observation point 观测标点observation well 观测井optical alignment line 视准线plate strain meter 钢板计pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压计pressure fluctuation meter 脉动压力计prestressed tendon anchorage dynamometer 预应力锚索测力计rock bolt extensometer 锚杆测力计single point extensometer 单点位移计spiral sensor 测扭仪standpipe 测压管strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪surface monument 表面标点temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal house 终端房terminal station 终端站tilt meter 倾角计time average pressure cell 时均压力计total pressure cell 总压力盒velometer 流速计vertical inclinometer 垂直测斜仪vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压计vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降仪weir with micro piezometer 带微压计的量水堰working base point 工作基点zero stress-strain meter 砼无应力计coil 盘绕component 零部件coordinator 坐标仪damping box 阻尼角differential resistance 差动电阻double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护forced centering plate 强制对中盘instrument lead 仪器电缆invar wire 铟瓦丝metal ring 金属环plumb coordinate meter 垂线坐标仪pulley 滑轮regulator 调节器riser 立管sensor 传感器spool 绕轴steel socket 钢底座tablet 药片tensioning weight 拉重锤thermistor 热敏电阻tip 测头安装过程(Procession of Installation)assemble 组装couple 连接embed 埋设install 安装insulate 绝缘maintenance 维护monitor 监测protection of instrumentation 仪器保护reduce 归纳seal 密封splice 拼接supply 提供test 测试资料(Information)assemble schematic 装配简图certificate 合格证书description 使用说明书maintenace guideline 维护指南manual 说明书operating principle 工作原理operating restraint 操作围procedure 程序trouble shooting procedure 鼓掌分析程序其他(Others)第9/39页annular space 环行空间data acquisition 数据采集data recording 数据记录leasdrilling hole 引线permanent record 永久记录material)age 龄期cement mark(strength of cement /cement grade) 水泥标号consumptive use of water normal consistance readout device 读数设备saturated 饱和的seepage isolation dike 截渗堤trapezoidal 梯形◆水工常规试验砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material of Concrete)骨料(Aggregate)abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler 洛杉机磨耗量accumulated retained percentage 累计筛余百分率acicular and flaky grain in aggregate 针状与片状颗粒含量alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反应apparent density 视密度bulk density (unity weight) 容重clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate 黏土块及易碎颗粒含量coefficient of softening 软化系数crush index 压碎指标dry state 干燥状态exceeding and inferior grain in aggregate 超逊径颗粒含量fineness modulus 细度模数gaping place rate 空隙率grader retained percentage 分计筛余百分率grain composition 颗粒级配grain size 粒径lightweight matter in aggregate 轻物质含量mica content 云母含量moisture content(water rate) 含水率mud content 含泥量organic content 有机质含量potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性saturation 饱和的sieving curve 筛分曲线soft grain in aggregate 软弱骨料含量soundness 坚固性surface moisture content 表面含水率water-soluble sulphide 水溶性硫化物水硬性胶凝材料(Hydraulicity cementitious标准稠度用水量degree of mobilization 流动性dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热final set 终凝flexural strength 抗弯强度flyash 粉煤灰hydration heat 水化热initial set 初凝loss on ignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量setting time 凝结时间silica fume 硅粉soundness 水泥的安定性specific surface area 比表面积specific heat 比热water demand ratio 吸水量比外加剂(Admixture)bubble stability 泡沫稳定性bubbling ability 起泡能力chloride content 氯化物含量compressive strength rate 抗压强度比contract with dry rate 干缩率dispersing coefficient 分散系数dispersing ability of water-reducing agent 减水剂分散能力loss of slump 塌落度损失sulphate content 硫酸盐含量solid content 固体含量surface tension 表面力water-reducing rate 减水率水(Water)alkalinity 碱度calcion 钙离子carbonic acid 钙酸chlorion 氯离子equivalent concentration 当量浓度oxygen consumption 耗氧量normal solution(standard solution) 标准溶液PH value PH值water analysis 水值分析砼(Concrete)砼拌和物(Mixture)assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度bleeding rate 泌水率cement-sand ration 灰砂比design strength of concrete 砼设计标号flowability of concrete 砼的流动性mix proportion (proportion of mixture) 砼配合比mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法probability of ensuring strength of concrete 砼强度保证率sand rate 砂率unit consumption of water 单位用水量water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性water-cement ratio 水灰比硬化砼(Hardened concrete)axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数cooling rate 冷却率core of concrete 砼芯样creep deformation (time deformation ) 变变形form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号heat property of concrete 砼热学性能height-diameter ration 高径比linear expansion coefficient 线膨胀系数loss of weight 重量损失natural frequency 自振频率permeate 渗透permeated height 渗透高度permeated-resisting mark 抗渗标号relative coefficient of permeability 相对渗透系数resonance frequency 共振频率sample 试件self-grown volume deformation(砼)自生体积变形splitting tensile strength 劈裂抗拉强度static compressive modulus of elasticity 静力抗压弹数temperature conductivity 导温系数tensile modulus of elasticity 抗拉弹性模量thermal insulation warming 绝热温升ultimate tensile strain 极限拉应变ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度wear rate 磨损率wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度砂浆(Cement)cement lime mortar 水泥灰砂浆cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement-clay mortar 水泥黏土砂浆epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆lime mortar 灰砂浆plastering mortar 抹面砂浆pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆土(Soil)accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计曲线activity index 活性指标angle of friction 摩擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit) 阿太堡界限(界限含水量)California bearing ratio 载重比coarse-grained soil 粗粒土coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of cubicalcompressibility 体积压缩系数coefficient of curvature 曲率系数compression 压缩compression index 压缩指数compression modulus 压缩模数consolidated-undrained (quick) shear test 固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验consolidated-drained (slow) shear test 固结不排水剪(慢剪)试验consolidation 固结consolidation coefficient 固结系数consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation stress 固结应力continuous grading/gradation 连接级配contraction test(shrinkage test) 收缩试验core cutter method 环刀法creep curve 蠕变曲线critical slope 逸出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy's law 达西定律degree of consolidation 固结度degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率direct shear test 直接剪切试验direct shear test of reiteration 反复直剪强度试验distribution curve 分布曲线drift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 流土第11/39页effective angle of inner friction 有效摩擦角effective strength envelope 有效强度包线强度unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水expansion force 膨胀力expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流fine-grained soil 细粒土flow net(drift net) 流网hydraulic slope 水力坡降hydrometer method 比重计法hydrostatic head method 常水头法limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态liquefaction 液化liquid limit 液限liquidity index 液化指标maximum dry density 最大干密度method of sieving 筛分法Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆Mohr-coulomb failure criteria 莫尔-库伦破坏准则normal stress 法向应力(正应力)oedometer curve 压缩曲线optimum moisture content 最优含水量piping 管涌plastic limit 塑限plasticity index 塑性指标pore water pressure 空隙水压力porosity 空隙率principal stress 主应力Proctor compaction test 普氏击实试验relative density 相对密度sand replacement method 灌砂法saturability (saturation degree/percent saturation) 饱和度saturated unit weight 饱和容重seepage deformation 渗透变形seepage force(seepage pressure) 渗透力seepage line 渗透线seepage speed 渗透速度shear stress 切向应力(剪应力)shrinkage limit 缩限skip(gap/jump) grading 间断级配specific gravity of soil particle 土粒比重steady seepage field 稳定渗流场stress path 应力路径total strength envelope 总强度包线triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压剪(快剪)试验variable head method 变水头法void(pore) ratio 隙比water replacement method 灌水法wet density 湿密度其它建筑材料钢筋(steel )bending and unbending 反复弯曲cold bending test 冷弯试验elongation test 拉伸试验nominal diameter 公称直径ratio of elongation 伸长率relaxation test 松弛试验steel strand 钢绞线tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度木材(Wood)curshing strength paralled to the grain 顺纹抗压强度tensile strength paralled to the grain 顺纹抗拉强度crushing strength across th e grain 横纹抗压强度tensile strength across to the grain 横纹抗拉强度沥青(Asphalt)brittle temperature test 脆化点试验expansion test 延伸度试验penetration test 针入式试验softening point test 软化点试验test of aging 老化试验viscosity test 粘滞性试验质量管理(Quality Management)average 平均值deviation standard(error of mean squares) 均差deviation coefficient(dispersion coefficient) 离差系数index of correlation 相关系数management limit 管理界限mathematic statistics 数理统计maximum 最大值minimum 最小值normal distribution 正态分布quality assurance 质量保证第12/39页quality examination 质量检测regression curve 回归曲线relative dampness 相对湿度sample capacity 样本容量sampling frequency 取样频率specimen 样品statistical analysis 统计分析technical specification 技术规technical standard 技术标准testing circumstance 试验环境testing error 试验误差testing regulation 试验规程variance analysis 差分析◆地质(Geology)地质年代(Geochronology of Geologic Ages)Archaeozoic era (erathem) 太古代(界)Proterozoic era (erathem) 元古代(界)Palaeozoic era (erathem) 古生代(界)Mesozoic era (erathem) 中生代(界)Cenozoic era (erathem) 新生代(界)Sinian period (system) 震旦纪(系)Cambrian period (system) 寒武纪(系)Ordovician period (system) 奥纪(系)Silurian period (system) 志留纪(系)Devonian period (system) 泥盘纪(系)Carboniferous period (system) 碳纪(系)Permian period (system) 二叠纪(系)Triassic period (system) 三叠纪(系)Jurassic period (system) 侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period (system) 白垩纪(系)Tertiary period (system) 第三纪(系)Quaternary period (system) 第四纪(系)地质构造(Geologic Structural)fault 断层normal fault 正断层reversed fault 逆断层parallel fault 平移断层gouge 断层泥stria 擦痕joint 节理primary joint 原生节理secondary joint 次生节理tension joint 节理unloading joint 卸荷节理schistosity 片理bedding 层理foliation 板理(叶理)ripple mark 波痕mud crack 泥痕rain print 雨痕orientation of bedrock 岩层产状strike 走向dip 倾向angle of dip (dip angle ) 倾角fold 褶皱anticline 背斜syncline 向斜Monocline (homocline) 单斜dome 穹隆soft stratum 软弱岩层zone of fracture(broken zone ) 破碎带affected zone 影响带platy structure 板状构造cleavage 解理fracture(rupture) 断裂fissure(crack/fracture) 裂隙岩类型(Rock type)petrology 岩学igneous rock 火成岩magmatic rock 岩浆岩lava(vocanic rock) 火山岩intrusive (invade) rock 侵入岩effusive rock 深成岩pypabussal rock 浅成岩acid rock 酸性岩inter-mediate rock 中性岩basic rock 基性岩ultrabasic rock 超基性岩granite 花岗岩porphyry 斑岩rhyolite 玢岩syenite 流纹岩trachyte 粗面岩diorite 闪长岩andesite 安山岩gabbro 辉长岩basalt 玄武岩aplite 细晶岩pegmatite 伟晶岩lamprophyre 煌斑岩diabase 辉绿岩dunite 橄榄岩pumice 浮岩第13/39页sedimentary rock 沉积岩clastic rock 碎屑岩clay rock 黏土岩chemical rock 化学岩biolith 生物岩conglomerate 砾岩siltstone 粉砂岩mudstone 泥岩shale 页岩saline rock 盐岩limestone 灰岩dolomite 白云岩marl 泥灰岩volcanic breccia 火山角砾岩volcanic agglomerate 火山块集岩tuff 凝灰岩metamorphic rock 变质岩slate 板岩phyllite 千枚岩schist 片岩gneiss 片麻岩quartzite 英岩marble 岩mylonite 糜棱岩migmatite 混合岩cataclasite 碎裂岩sediment(deposit) 沉积物(层)boulder 漂、顽cobble 卵gravel 砾sand 砂siltstone 粉土clay 黏土sandy clay 砂质黏土clayey sand 粘质砂土sandy loam 壤土、亚黏土regolith ( topsoil ) 浮土、表土loess 黄土laterite 红土peat 泥炭ooze 软泥、海泥造岩矿物(Rock-forming Minerals)talc 滑gypsum 膏calcite 解fluorite 萤apatite 磷灰feldspar 长quartz 英topaz 黄玉corundum 刚玉diamand 金刚orthoclase 正长plagloclase 斜长biotite 黑云母muscovite 白云母amphibole 角闪phroxene 辉olivine 橄榄dolomite 白云kaolinite 高岭montmorillonite 蒙脱bentonite 斑脱、膨润土illite 伊力garnet 榴子chlorite 绿泥serpentine 蛇纹pyrite 黄铁矿hematite 赤铁矿magnetite 磁铁矿limonite 褐铁矿工程地质(Engineering Geology)Geotechnics ( geotechnique) 土工学(土工技术、岩工程)rock mechanics 岩力学soil mechanics 土力学geomechanics 地质力学、岩力学engineering geological conditons 工程地质条件engineering geological problem 工程地质问题rock mass structure 岩体结构geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形地貌条件geophysical phenomenon 物理地质现象hydrogeological conditions 水文地质条件natural materials 天然材料reservoir 水库settlement 沉降displacement 位移deformation 变形tectonic stress 构造应力residual stress 残余应力angle of internal friction 摩擦角第14/39页cohesion 聚力(粘聚力、凝聚力)pressure tunnel 压力隧洞underground cavern/cavity 地下洞室overburden 覆盖物bed rock(base rock/foundation rock) 基岩firm/sound rock 坚硬岩weak/soft rock 软弱岩interbed 夹层zone of fracture (broken zones ) 破碎带homogeneity 均质性nonhomogeneity/heterogeneity 非均质性vein dyke 岩脉sediment(deposit) 沉积物(层)alluvium 冲积物(层)proluvium(diluvium) 洪积物(层)deluvium 坡积物(层)eluvium 残积物(层)eolian deposit 风积物(层)lake deposit 湖积物(层)marine deposit 海积物(层)glacial (drift) deposit 冰川沉积物(层)colluvial deposit (colluvium) 崩积物(层)isotropy 各向同性anisotropy 各向异性矿物质的物理性质(Physical Character of Minerals)hardness 硬度luster 光泽color 颜色transparencey/pellucidity 透明度streak 条痕rent/fracture 断口crystal form 晶形岩学(Petrology) classification 分类structure 构造应力texture 结构fabric 组构mineral composition 矿物组成crystalline 结晶质amorphous substance 非晶质fossil 化degree of rounding 磨圆度degree of grains 粒度地层地貌(Stratum andPhysiognomy) basin 盆地river valley 河谷river bed 河床topography 地形terrain 地势attitude 产状rock base ( batholite) 岩基rock stock 岩株rock flow 岩流rock loccolith 岩盖rock lopolith 岩盆rock dike 岩墙rock sill 岩床cross-bedding 交错层geologic structure 地质构造geotectonics 大地构造学graben 地堑horst 地垒cordance(conformity) 整合discordance(unconformity) 非整合deceptive cordance /conformity 假整合地质作用(Physical Geology Action) weathering 风化erosion 侵蚀transportation 搬运deposition/sediment 沉积denudation 剥蚀corrasion 磨蚀corrosion 腐蚀dissolution 溶蚀landslide 滑坡collapse(rock fall) 崩塌mud flow 泥流earthquake 地震intensity 烈度magnitude 震级◆水文(Hydrology)ground water(subsurface water) 地下水surface water 地表水atmospheric water 大气水runoff 径流fresh /plain /sweet water 淡水river flow/discharge 河水流量peak flood flow 洪峰流量flood out flow 洪水下泄流量dry season 枯水季wet season 丰水季flood (raining) season 汛期non-flood season 非汛期。


• MIS Management Information System 資迅管理系統 • IS: Information System 資迅系統 • IT: Information Technology 系統技術 • MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求計劃
• MTF: Modulation Transfer Function 調整轉換功能 • CAT: Carriage Alignment Tool 載器調整具 • ID: Industrial Design 工業設計(外觀設計) • PCBA: Printed Circuit Board Assembly 電路板組裝 • F/T: Function Test 功能測試
• VQC: Vendor Quality Control 售貨質量控制 • IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程質量控制 • OQC: Out going Quality Control 出貨質量控制 • QE: Quality Engineer 質量工程
• I2:Information Integration System 資迅整合系統 • SAP: System Application Programming 系統申請項目 •
ERP: Enterprise Resource Programming 企業資源項目 • HR Human Resource 人力資源 • PR: Public relation 公共關係 • T/O: Turn Over Rate=Monthly T/O Total People*12


The Golden Rule
Nothing changes unless something changes.
In other words, if you keep doing things exactly as you are, you will continue to get the exact same results.
At Custom Molding Company, there is a 3% profit after all expenses. For each sales dollar, the profit is only 3 cents. (3% X $1 = $.03) If they increase sales by $1, then they increase profit by 3 cents. If Custom Molding Company reduces their cost by $1, then their profit increases by $1. Every dollar saved moves directly to profit.
Action Examples
Establish a position or department that has the specific task of cost reduction. Hire a cost reduction consultant or consulting firm that can provide you with a fresh perspective. Provide employee’s with cash incentives to reduce cost. Offer commission payments to independent cost reduction consultants for implementing savings programs. Set cost reduction goals and reward managers for their achievement. Model cost conscious behaviorEliminate spending that leads employees to think that management is spending irresponsibly. Communicate the fact that cost reduction is equally important to sales.



TTO Tool Try-Out 工装设备试运行(J1) Job 1 整车投产DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析设计DVP Design Verification Plan 设计验证计划DVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report 设计验证计划和结果FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析FPDS Ford Product Development System 福特产品开发系统GYR Green-Yellow-Red 绿-黄-红MRD Material Required Date 物料要求到厂日OTT OK-TO-TOOL 可以开模TKO Tooling-Kick-Off 工装启动OEM original Equipment Manufacturer 设备最初制造厂FtF/F2F Face To Face 面对面会议PV Production Validation 产品验证OTS Off-Tooling-Sample 完全工装样件QOS Quality Operating System 质量运作体系TS-16949 Technical Specification – 16949 技术规范-16949APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品质量计划IPD In Plant Date 进厂日PPM Parts per Million (applied to defective Supplier parts) 零件的百万分比率(适用于供应商不合格零件)PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序Pre-PV Pre -Production Validation 产品预先验证1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksCertified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts orderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams 跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。


Case study instances are presented that illustrate how product development teams have applied the model, strategies and frameworks that reduced the total warranty costs by 35% are discussed.
warranty event are explicit. • Estimating warranty costs is relatively quick and easy to
do, especially when evaluating design alternatives.
This paper develops a service process based warranty cost model for warranty events that is grounded in both the customer’s problem and the support process used to resolve it. It will identify the primary ‘meta-processes’ used by most computer and high-tech businesses to service warranty events. Typical standard costs for each of these will be discussed. We will demonstrate that these process based cost models are particularly useful for the computer and other high technology businesses for both the commercial or consumer market spaces. They are less useful for the Automotive,



降低成本指南小哈里的英文版英文回答:Guide to Cost Reduction by Little Harry.Introduction.In today's competitive business environment, it is imperative for organizations to seek ways to reduce costs while maintaining or even improving their quality of service. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of effective cost reduction strategies, focusing on practical steps that can be implemented by organizations of all sizes.Phase 1: Assess Current Costs.The first step in cost reduction is to gain a clear understanding of your current cost structure. This involves identifying all major categories of expenses, such asoperating costs, overhead costs, and staffing costs. It is essential to collect accurate data and analyze it thoroughly to identify areas where savings can be made.Phase 2: Identify Cost Reduction Opportunities.Once the current cost structure has been assessed, the next step is to identify potential opportunities for cost reduction. This can be done through a variety of methods, including:Value analysis: Examining the functions and costs of products or services to identify areas where value can be improved or costs can be reduced.Process improvement: Streamlining business processes to eliminate waste and inefficiencies.Vendor management: Negotiating better terms with suppliers and exploring opportunities for consolidation or outsourcing.Technology optimization: Utilizing technology to improve efficiency and automate tasks.Workforce optimization: Optimizing staffing levels, training, and employee productivity.Phase 3: Implement Cost Reduction Measures.After identifying potential cost reduction opportunities, the next step is to implement them effectively. This may involve:Implementing process improvements to streamline operations and reduce waste.Negotiating with suppliers to secure better pricing and terms.Outsourcing non-core functions to specialized providers to save on costs.Investing in technology to automate tasks and improveefficiency.Managing staffing levels and employee productivity to optimize labor costs.Phase 4: Monitor and Evaluate Results.Once cost reduction measures have been implemented, it is crucial to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness. This involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and making adjustments as needed. Regular monitoring helps to ensure that cost savings are being realized and that the organization is on track to achieve its cost reduction goals.Conclusion.By following the steps outlined in this guide, organizations can effectively reduce costs while maintaining or improving their quality of service. It is important to approach cost reduction as a continuous process, constantly seeking new opportunities to improveefficiency and reduce expenses. By embracing a proactive and data-driven approach, organizations can maximize their cost savings and gain a competitive advantage in today's challenging business environment.中文回答:小哈里降低成本指南。








日产日产的流程是分为从Phase1~Phase5,初看让人觉得日系的项目很简单,其实只是化繁为简,可以看看图二,每个阶段中有小的任务和里程碑,只有将所有任务验证完成并且合格,才能进入到下一个大阶段,其中一些关键字:1、VC lot代表试装样件,主机厂试验和实车试装;2、PT1预批量生产,需要完成量产流程和产品尺寸过程能力验证;3、PT2预批量生产,需要完成制造过程能力审核;日系这种地图指导式的项目开发流程,让人觉得非常可靠,一环扣一环的感觉。




reduction在英语发音中的意思Reduction, in English pronunciation, refers to the act or process of making something smaller or less in size, amount, or degree. It is a concept that finds application in various fields, from mathematics and science to economics and linguistics.In mathematics, reduction is often employed in the context of simplifying expressions or equations. This process involves transforming complex mathematical expressions into simpler forms, typically by applying specific rules or operations. For example, reducing fractions involves dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor to obtain an equivalent fraction in its simplest form. Similarly, in algebraic equations, reduction techniques such as factoring or combining like terms are used to simplify expressions and solve equations more efficiently.In the realm of science, reduction plays a fundamental role in scientific inquiry and problem-solving. Scientists often seek to reduce complex phenomena or systems into simpler components or models to gain a better understanding of underlying principles or mechanisms. This reductionist approach allows researchers to isolate variables, identify causal relationships, and formulate more precise theories or hypotheses. For instance, in physics, complex systems can be reduced to simpler mathematical models or principles, enabling physicists to make predictions and test hypotheses about the behavior of physical systems.Moreover, reduction is a key concept in economics, particularly in the context of cost reduction or optimization strategies. Businesses and organizations employ various techniques to reduce costs and increase efficiency, such as streamlining production processes, outsourcing non-core activities, or implementing technology solutions. By reducing expenses and improving operational efficiency, companies can enhance their competitiveness, increase profitability, and achieve sustainable growth in the long term.In linguistics, reduction refers to the process of shortening or simplifying speech sounds or syllables. It is commonly observed in casual or informal speech, where certain sounds or syllables are pronounced with less emphasis or omitted altogether. For example,in rapid speech, words like "gonna" (going to) or "wanna" (want to) are frequently used, where the original sounds are reduced or elided for the sake of efficiency and fluidity of communication. Similarly, in connected speech, vowel sounds may be reduced or modified to accommodate the rhythm and flow of spoken language.Furthermore, reduction can also be observed in environmental contexts, where it pertains to the decrease or depletion of natural resources, biodiversity, or ecosystem services. Human activities such as deforestation, overfishing, and pollution contribute to the reduction of natural habitats and the degradation of ecological systems, posing significant challenges to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development efforts.In conclusion, reduction encompasses a diverse range of meanings and applications across various disciplines. Whether it's simplifying mathematical expressions, analyzing complex systems, optimizing business operations, or understanding speech patterns, the concept of reduction plays a crucial role in facilitating understanding, efficiency, and progress in both academic and practical domains.。

6 Sigma saving calculation

6 Sigma saving calculation

Description of calculate method
Estimate Saving
Real Saving
Entity or Group saving
Cost of Sales
采购成本的降低Saving 材料成本节约Reduction
项目投资investment made 相关其他费用other expense related 顾问指导费用consultant coaching
of base labor
Prodcution development and advanced manufactureing
Gains Section
Type of Benefit
Description of Cost Saving
Checklist for 6 Sigma Project Saving Calculation 项目组长
Project Leader:
Project Name:
Gains Section
Description of Cost Saving



Aadmittance导纳shunt admittance并联导纳angle角度,角internal angle ( of an alternator)(交流发电机)内角Bbus母线balancing bus平衡母线infinite bus无穷大母线load bus负荷母线passive bus无源母线slack bus松驰结点voltage controlled bus电压控制母线busbar节点,母线reference busbar参考节点Ccalculation计算load flow calculation负荷潮流计算network calculation网络计算power-flow calculation潮流计算short-circuit calculation短路计算capability能力short-circuit current withstandcapability短路电流耐受能力capacity容量available capacity可用容量capacity of synchronous condenser 调相容量installed capacity装机容量transmission capacity of a tie(line)联络线的输送容量center中心oscillating center振荡中心characteristic特性,特征power-frequency characteristic功率-频率调节特性steady-state load characteristic 稳态负荷特性transient load characteristic暂态负荷特性closing合闸compensation补偿,校正over compensation过补偿reactive power compensation无功功率补偿series compensation串联补偿shunt compensation并联补偿under compensation欠补偿control控制controlling power range控制功率范围power frequency control功率频率控制voltage control电压控制continuity连续性,持续性continuity criteria连续性指标continuity of supply供电连续性conversion变换network conversion网络变换star-polygon conversion星形-多角形变换star-triangle conversion星形-三角形变换cost价格,费用cost of attendance运行费用cost of construction制造成本cost of electric energy电能成本cost of fuel燃料费用cost of maintenance维护费cost of operation运行费cost of power production电力生产成本cost of power station电站造价cost of upkeep维修费cost of per kilowatt每千瓦造价,单位造价cost per kWh lost每度电停电损失outage cost 停电费用current电流current in the fault故障点电流fault current故障电流short-circuit current(through anelement) (通过元件的)短路电流surge current冲击电流curve曲线load curve负荷曲线load duration curve负荷持续时间曲线s tability curve稳定特性曲线swing curve振荡曲线Ddeviation偏差,偏移deviation of synchronous time同步时间偏差frequency deviation频率偏差voltage deviation电压偏差diagram图,图表topological diagram of a network网络拓扑图droop下垂,衰减droop of a system系统静特性droop of a unit机组的静特性duration(持续)时间,工作时间(annual) equivalent interruption duration (年度)等效停电时间(monthly) equivalent interruption duration (月度)等效停电时间switching duration切换时间Eenergy能,电量energy shortfall电量短缺regulation energy of a system系统的调节能量estimation估计state estimation状态估计Ffactor因数,系数power factor 功率因数redundancy factor冗余系数fault故障,错误fault analysis故障分析fault clearance故障切除fault clearing time故障时间fault location故障位置forecast预测forecast of electric demand电力需求预测load forecast负荷预测frequency频率,周波frequency drift频率漂移frequency reduction频率下降reference frequency基准频率Ggeneration发电,发生annual generating energy年发电量gross generation总发电量grid电网,网,高压输电网transmission grid输电网Iimpedance阻抗fault impedance故障阻抗longitudinal impedance纵向阻抗series impedance串联阻抗surge impedance波阻抗interconnection (of a power system)电力系统的互联Llink联接,环节asynchronous link异步联络线link in a system系统联络线limit极限,极限值,范围limit capacity极限容量limit voltage极限电压limit of power功率极限,功率范围limit of self-extinguishingcurrent自熄弧电流的极限值load负荷(载)controllable load可控负荷full load满负荷(载)generation load发电负荷gross load总负荷interruptable load可断负荷load center负荷中心load density负荷密度load flow潮流load in a system系统负荷load recovery负荷恢复load reduction 减负荷load shedding卸负荷load transfer负荷转移loss of load失负荷natural load of a line线路自然负荷non-load空载负荷peak load 尖峰负荷transferable load 可调负荷system load control 系统的负荷控制loss 损耗active loss 有功损耗active-power loss 有功(功率)损耗allowable voltage loss容许电压损耗reactive-power loss 无功(功率)损耗Mmanagement管理generation forecast management发电预测管理matrix 矩阵bus admittance matrix母线导纳矩阵bus impedance matrix母线阻抗矩阵incidence matrix 关联矩阵mesh impedance matrix网络阻抗矩阵sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵Y bus matrix Y母线矩阵Z bus matrix Z母线矩阵meter(测量仪)表,(测量)计flicker meter 闪变仪mode方式maximum operational mode最大运行方式minimum operational mode最小运行方式normal operational mode正常运行方式Nnetwork网active equivalent network有源等效网络electrical power network电力网equivalent network等效网络network splitting电网解列passive equivalent network无源等效网络Ooperation运行asymmetric operation不对称运行asynchronous operation of asynchronous machine 同步电机的异步运行incomplete phase operation 非全相运行interconnected operation 互联运行isolated operation 孤立运行out of step operation失步运行parallel operation并联运行radial operation 幅射运行ring operation环式运行separate network operation电网分列运行unwanted operation异常运行synchronous operation of a system 系统的同步运行synchronous operation of machine 电机的同步运行oscillations振荡subsynchronous oscillations次同步振荡overload过负荷Pplan 计划,设计,方案planning of power network 电网规划planning of power sources电源规划power system planning电力系统规划power 功率active power 有功hydro waiting power 水电空闲容量obstructed power受阻容量power demand from a system 系统的功率需量power flow潮流, 电力潮流power-flow distribution 潮流分布power line 电力线power shortfall功率短缺rated power 额定功率reactive power 无功reference power 基准功率reserve power 备用容量reserve power of a system 系统的备用容量short-circuit power短路容量working power工作容量Qquality质量quality of supply电能质量Rreactance 电抗system reactance系统电抗reclosure重合闸successful reclosure 重合闸成功unsuccessful reclosure重合闸不成功reserve备用spinnig reserve旋转备用static reserve静止备用resonance 谐振hyposynchronous resonance次同步谐振subsynchronous resonance次同步谐振ring环,圈ring closing闭环ring opening开环Sschedule计划generation schedule 发电计划stability稳定conditional stability有条件的稳定frequency stability 频率稳定性inherent stability固有稳定load stability负荷稳定性power system stability 电力系统稳定stability diagram稳定图stability disruption 稳定破坏stability limit 稳定极限stability margin稳定裕度stability range稳定范围stability zone稳定区steady state stability 静态稳定transient stability 暂态稳定voltage stability 电压稳定性supply供给,电源duplicate supply双电源single supply单电源stand-by supply备用电源surplus or deficit of thermal power 火电盈亏system 系统electrical power system电力系统interconnected systems 互联诸系统isolated system孤立系统power system电力系统mesh of a system单网系统meshed system多网系统overhead system架空系统radial system放射系统system configuration 系统结构图system constants系统常数system pattern 系统模式system parameters系统参数tree system链式系统underground system地下系统Ttransformer变压器main transformer主变压器transmission传输,输送transmission line输电线路transmission network输电网transmission system 输电系统transmission voltage 输电电压transmission wire 输电线tripping跳闸final tripping最终跳闸Vvoltage电压equivalent voltage flicker等值电压闪变equivalent voltage fluctuation等值电压波动highest voltage of a system系统的最高电压line voltage drop线路电压降lowest voltage of a system系统的最低电压nominal voltage of a system 系统的标称电压operating voltage in a system系统的运行电压reference voltage 基准电压voltage dips 电压骤降voltage flicker 电压闪变voltage fluctuation电压波动voltage recovery 电压恢复B备用reserve备用电源stand-by supply备用容量reserve power闭环ring closing变压器transformer变换conversion并联运行parallel operation并联导纳shunt admittance并联补偿shunt compensation波阻抗surge impedance不对称运行asymmetric operation补偿compensationC参考节点reference busbar潮流load flow潮流power flow潮流计算power-flow calculation潮流分布power-flow distribution重合闸reclosure重合闸成功successful reclosure重合闸不成功unsuccessful reclosure冲击电流surge current串联阻抗series impedance串联补偿series compensation次同步谐振hyposynchronous resonance 次同步谐振subsynchronous resonance 次同步振荡subsynchronous oscillationsD单电源single supply单网系统mesh of a system导纳admittance等效网络equivalent network等值电压波动equivalent voltagefluctuation等值电压闪变equivalent voltage flicker (年度)等效停电时间(annual) equivalent interruption duration(月度)等效停电时间(monthly)equivalent interruption duration 电机的同步运行synchronous operation of machine电抗reactance电量energy电量短缺energy shortfall电流current电能成本cost of electric energy电能质量quality of supply电力网electrical power network电力线power line电力系统power system电力系统electrical power system电力系统的互联interconnection (of a power system)电力系统规划power system planning电力系统稳定power system stability电力需求预测forecast of electric demand 电力生产成本cost of power production 电压voltage电压波动voltage fluctuation电压闪变voltage flicker电压控制voltage control电压控制母线voltage controlled bus电压骤降voltage dips电压稳定性voltage stability电压恢复voltage recovery电压偏差voltage deviation电源supply电源规划planning of power sources电网grid电网规划planning of power network电网解列network splitting电网分列运行separate network operation 电站造价cost of power station多网系统meshed system短路容量short-circuit power短路计算short-circuit calculation(通过元件的)短路电流short-circuit current(through an element)短路电流耐受能力short-circuit current withstand capability地下系统underground systemE额定功率rated powerF发电generation发电负荷generation load发电计划generation schedule发电预测管理generation forecast management范围limit方案plan方式mode放射系统radial system费用cost非全相运行incomplete phase operation 负荷(载) load负荷潮流计算load flow calculation负荷持续时间曲线load duration curve 负荷恢复load recovery负荷密度load density负荷母线load bus负荷曲线load curve负荷中心load center负荷转移load transfer负荷稳定性load stability负荷预测load forecast幅射运行radial operationG功率power功率因数power factor功率极限limit of power功率范围limit of power功率短缺power shortfall功率-频率调节特性power-frequency characteristic功率频率控制power frequency control 工作容量working power供电连续性continuity of supply过补偿over compensation过负荷overload故障fault 故障分析fault analysis故障切除fault clearance故障时间fault clearing time故障位置fault location故障电流fault current故障点电流current in the fault故障阻抗fault impedance孤立系统isolated system孤立运行isolated operation固有稳定inherent stability估计estimation管理management关联矩阵incidence matrixH合闸closing火电盈亏surplus or deficit of thermal power互联诸系统interconnected systems 互联运行interconnected operation环式运行ring operation环,圈ringJ计划plan计划schedule计算calculation基准电压reference voltage基准频率reference frequency基准功率reference power极限limit极限值limit极限容量limit capacity极限电压limit voltage机组的静特性droop of a unit架空系统overhead system价格cost尖峰负荷peak load减负荷load reduction角度angle节点busbar静止备用static reserve静态稳定steady state stability矩阵matrixK开环ring opening可断负荷interruptable load可控负荷controllable load可调负荷transferable load可用容量available capacity控制control控制功率范围controlling power range空载负荷non-loadL联接link联络线的输送容量transmission capacity of a tie (line)链式系统tree system连续性continuity连续性指标continuity criteriaM满负荷(载) full load每千瓦造价,单位造价cost of per kilowatt 每度电停电损失cost per kWh lost母线bus母线busbar母线导纳矩阵bus admittance matrix母线阻抗矩阵bus impedance matrixN能energy能力capability(交流发电机)内角internal angle ( of an alternator)年发电量annual generating energyP偏差deviation偏移deviation频率frequency频率偏差frequency deviation频率漂移frequency drift频率下降frequency reduction 频率稳定性frequency stability平衡母线balancing busQ欠补偿under compensation切换时间switching duration曲线curveR燃料费用cost of fuel容量capacity冗余系数redundancy factor容许电压损耗allowable voltage lossS闪变仪flicker meter输送transmission输电线路transmission line输电网transmission network输电网transmission grid输电线transmission wire输电系统transmission system输电电压transmission voltage失步运行out of step operation失负荷loss of load双电源duplicate supply受阻容量obstructed power水电空闲容量hydro waiting power松驰结点slack bus损耗lossT特性characteristic特征characteristic同步电机的异步运行asynchronous operation of a synchronous machine 同步时间偏差deviation of synchronous time跳闸tripping调相容量capacity of synchronous condenser停电费用outage cost图,图表diagramW网network网络变换network conversion网络计算network calculation网络拓扑图topological diagram of a network网络阻抗矩阵mesh impedance matrix稳定stability稳定范围stability range稳定图stability diagram稳定区stability zone稳定破坏stability disruption稳定极限stability limit稳定裕度stability margin稳定特性曲线stability curve稳态负荷特性steady-state loadcharacteristic维护费cost of maintenance维修费cost of upkeep无功reactive power无功(功率)损耗reactive-power loss无功功率补偿reactive powercompensation无源等效网络passive equivalent network 无源母线passive bus无穷大母线infinite busX系数factor系统system系统电抗system reactance系统参数system parameters系统常数system constants系统模式system pattern系统结构图system configuration系统联络线link in a system系统静特性droop of a system系统负荷load in a system系统的负荷控制system load control系统的同步运行synchronous operation ofa system系统的运行电压operating voltage in asystem系统的最高电压highest voltage of a system系统的最低电压lowest voltage of a system系统的标称电压nominal voltage of a system系统的备用容量reserve power of a system系统的调节能量regulation energy of a system系统的功率需量power demand from a system下垂,衰减droop稀疏矩阵sparse matrix线路电压降line voltage drop线路自然负荷natural load of a line谐振resonance卸负荷load shedding星形-多角形变换star-polygon conversion 星形-三角形变换star-triangle conversion 旋转备用spinnig reserveYY母线矩阵Y bus matrix异常运行unwanted operation异步联络线asynchronous link因数factor有功active power有功损耗active loss有功(功率)损耗active-power loss有条件的稳定conditional stability有源等效网络active equivalent network预测forecast运行operation运行费cost of operation运行费用cost of attendanceZZ母线矩阵Z bus matrix暂态负荷特性transient load characteristic 暂态稳定transient stability振荡oscillations振荡中心oscillating center振荡曲线swing curve正常运行方式normal operational mode周波frequency中心center主变压器main transformer质量quality制造成本cost of construction状态估计state estimation装机容量installed capacity总发电量gross generation总负荷gross load最终跳闸final tripping阻抗impedance纵向阻抗longitudinal impedance自熄弧电流的极限值limit of self- extinguishing current最大运行方式maximum operational mode 最小运行方式minimum operational mode。








请看下面的例句:1、The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。

2、Costs have been cut by 30 to 50 per cent...成本降低了30%到50%。

3、Customers who arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of £5.透支的客户每月要缴纳5英镑的费用。

4、We can arrange this for a small charge.我们收取少量的费用就可以安排这事5、He's bought a big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly.他花了很多钱买了台大电视,这样人人都可以看清楚了。

6、Her airfare and hotel expenses were paid by the committee.她乘飞机及住酒店的费用由该委员会支付了。

7、They expected house prices to rise.他们预期房价会上涨。

8、The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.油价会在1992年剩下的时间里保持稳定。


第 Fra bibliotek 页,共 76 页
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​After Tax Return On Sales ​After Theft Stolen Vehicle Recovery ​Corrective Maintenance ​Asset under construction ​Audio Module ​Audio Module ​AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture ​Accessory USB Unit ​Analyze and verification responsible ​ Analyze and verification needs. ​All Wheel Drive ​1. Automated Vehicle Sequencing 2. Automated Vehicle Scheduling ​Analytical Warranty System ​Active Yaw Control ​Almost Zero Emission Vehicle ​Base, Key and Key+ ​Business-To-Business ​Business-To-Customer ​Business to Employee ​1.Business Area 2. Business Analyst N/A ​Business Application Manager ​Business Application Owner ​Business Application Programming Interface ​Badge Access Request System ​1.Business Audit System 2.Budget Analys System ​Bench Aging Time ​Basic Tutorial Manual ​Black Belt ​Best Business Partner Survey ​1.Battery Backed-up Sounder 2.Blue Box Storage ​BOM-CAD alignment ​1: Brake Control Module 2: Body Control Module ​Business Continuity Plan ​Body Component Standards ​BreakDown Maintenance ​Business Demand and Strategy ​Business Environment Analysis ​Beeld Element Communication Organisation Method ​Business Executive Group ​Bridgend Engine Plant ​Battery Electric Vehicle ​Basic Equipment Wellness ​1.Business Intelligence 2. Business Insight ​Business Impact Analysis ​Best In Class ​Business Improvement Office ​Body In White ​Business Leadership Initiative ​Blind spot Information System ​Brake Light Switch ​Business Leadership Steering Team ​Bench Marking & Development Concept ​Basic Manufacturing Division ​1. Business Manufacturing Meeting 2. Business Managers Meeting



英语写作必背英文词汇:对抗雾霾英语写作必背英文词汇:对抗雾霾自产绿色食品 100-foot diet自产绿色食品(100-foot diet),指餐桌上的食物大部分或者全部来自于自家花园产出的作物。

它强调通过在家门口种植食材来减少碳足迹(reduce one's carbon footprint),从种植食材的花园(garden)到餐桌(dinner table)的距离(distance)一般不超过100英尺(within 100 feet)。

垃圾按量收费 pay as you throwPay as you throw(垃圾按量收费,缩写为PAYT)制度指每个家庭(household)都要为不可回收垃圾(non-recyclable rubbish)的处理支付费用,而费用的多少则根据垃圾的数量(quantity)和重量(weight)来计算。

在该制度内,可回收垃圾(recycled waste)的处理是免费的,也就是说该制度遵循的是“多循环,少交费(the more you recycle, the less you pay)”原则。

生态补偿机制 ecological compensation mechanisms生态补偿机制(ecological compensation mechanisms),是以保护生态环境(ecology environment)、促进人与自然和谐为目的,根据生态系统服务价值(values of ecological system service)、生态保护成本(the cost of ecology protection)、发展机会成本(the cost of development chance),综合运用行政和市场手段(administrative means and marketing means),调整生态环境保护(ecology environment protection)和建设(construction)相关各方之间利益关系的环境经济政策(environmental economy policy)。



制造企业降本激励机制英文回答:Incentivizing Cost Reduction in Manufacturing.1. Performance-Based Bonuses:Reward employees for meeting or exceeding costreduction targets.Set realistic targets based on historical performance and industry benchmarks.Offer bonuses as a percentage of cost savings achieved.2. Profit Sharing:Share a portion of the profits with employees if cost reduction initiatives lead to increased profitability.Create a sense of ownership and accountability among employees.Use a formula to determine employee profit sharing based on their contribution to cost reduction.3. Recognition and Awards:Publicly recognize and reward employees for innovative ideas and successful cost reduction projects.Award trophies, plaques, or gift cards to incentivize ongoing involvement.Establish a recognition program that highlights employee achievements.4. Innovation Incentives:Encourage employees to submit ideas for cost-saving initiatives.Provide monetary rewards or recognition for ideas that are implemented and achieve significant cost savings.Offer training and resources to support employee innovation.5. Continuous Improvement Programs:Implement a formal process for continuous improvement that involves all employees.Provide training on lean manufacturing principles and process optimization techniques.Create a suggestion box or online platform for employees to submit ideas for cost reduction.6. Cross-Functional Collaboration:Foster collaboration between different departments and functions within the manufacturing plant.Establish cross-functional teams to identify and address areas of cost inefficiencies.Encourage knowledge sharing and best practice implementation across departments.7. Technology Adoption:Invest in technology solutions that support cost reduction efforts, such as automated processes, data analytics, and inventory management systems.Provide training and support to employees in using these technologies effectively.Explore partnerships with technology providers to leverage their expertise and solutions.中文回答:制造企业降本激励机制。



化验室降本增效新闻稿英文回答:Lab Cost Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement Press Release.Introduction:I am pleased to announce the successful implementation of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement measures in our laboratory. These initiatives have not only reduced our expenses but also improved the overall productivity and effectiveness of our operations.Cost Reduction Measures:To achieve cost reduction, we have implemented several strategies. Firstly, we have optimized our inventory management system, ensuring that we maintain adequate stock levels without excessive holding. This has resulted insignificant savings by minimizing wastage and reducing storage costs.Furthermore, we have renegotiated contracts with our suppliers, leveraging our buying power to secure better pricing and terms. By consolidating our purchases and negotiating volume discounts, we have achieved substantial cost savings without compromising on the quality of the supplies.Efficiency Enhancement Measures:In addition to cost reduction, we have focused on enhancing efficiency in our laboratory processes. One major improvement has been the implementation of automation technologies. For example, we have introduced robotic systems to perform repetitive tasks, such as sample handling and pipetting. This has not only reduced the risk of human error but also freed up our staff to focus on more complex and critical tasks.Moreover, we have revamped our workflow by streamliningprocesses and eliminating unnecessary steps. By conducting a thorough analysis of our operations, we identified bottlenecks and inefficiencies, which we addressed through process reengineering. As a result, we have achieved faster turnaround times and improved overall productivity.Impact and Benefits:The implementation of these cost reduction and efficiency enhancement measures has yielded significant benefits for our laboratory. Firstly, we have realized substantial cost savings, allowing us to allocate resources to other critical areas. This has strengthened ourfinancial position and enabled us to invest in new technologies and equipment.Secondly, the improved efficiency has translated into faster and more accurate results for our clients. This has enhanced our reputation as a reliable and efficient laboratory, attracting new customers and increasing customer satisfaction. Additionally, our staff morale has improved as they are now able to focus on more challengingand intellectually stimulating tasks, leading to increased job satisfaction and retention.Conclusion:In conclusion, our laboratory has successfully implemented cost reduction and efficiency enhancement measures, resulting in substantial benefits for our organization. Through optimized inventory management, renegotiated contracts, automation technologies, and streamlined processes, we have achieved significant cost savings and improved overall productivity. We are confident that these initiatives will continue to drive our success in the future.中文回答:化验室降本增效新闻稿。



降本目标分解计划Reducing costs is a common goal for businesses of all sizes. In order to achieve this objective, a cost reduction target decomposition plan is essential. This plan involves breaking down the overall cost reduction goal into smaller, more manageable targets that can be easily tracked and achieved.降低成本是各种规模企业的共同目标。



One approach to cost reduction target decomposition is to analyze the different cost drivers within the organization. By identifying the key factors that contribute to overall costs, businesses can develop targeted strategies to address each driver individually. This can range from reducing overhead costs to optimizing supply chain processes to negotiating better pricing with vendors.一种降低成本目标的分解方法是分析组织内部的不同成本驱动因素。




costdown实施方案英文Costdown Implementation PlanIntroductionIn today's competitive business environment, cost management is crucial for the success of any organization. Implementing a costdown strategy can help businesses reduce expenses, improve efficiency, and increase profitability. This document outlines the costdown implementation plan, providing a step-by-step guide for organizations to follow in order to achieve cost savings and operational excellence.Assessment of Current CostsThe first step in implementing a costdown strategy is to conduct a thorough assessment of current costs. This includes analyzing expenses across all areas of the business, such as raw materials, labor, overhead, and operational costs. By understanding where the money is being spent, organizations can identify areas for potential cost savings and develop targeted strategies to address them.Identification of Cost Reduction OpportunitiesOnce the current costs have been assessed, the next step is toidentify specific cost reduction opportunities. This may involve renegotiating contracts with suppliers, streamlining production processes, optimizing inventory management, or implementing energy-saving initiatives. By pinpointing areas where costs can be reduced, organizations can develop a focused approach to achieving savings without sacrificing quality or customer satisfaction.Development of Costdown Action PlanWith cost reduction opportunities identified, the next step is to develop a comprehensive costdown action plan. This plan should outline specific initiatives, timelines, responsible parties, and expected cost savings. It is important to set clear and achievable targets for each cost reduction initiative, as well as to establish key performance indicators to track progress and measure success.Implementation of Costdown InitiativesOnce the costdown action plan has been developed, it is time to put the initiatives into action. This may involve working closely with suppliers to negotiate better pricing, reengineering production processes to eliminate waste, or investing in technology to improve operational efficiency. It is important to communicate the costdown initiatives to all relevant stakeholders and provide the necessaryresources and support to ensure successful implementation.Monitoring and EvaluationThroughout the implementation of costdown initiatives, it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate progress. This involves tracking actual cost savings against targets, identifying any barriers or challenges, and making adjustments as needed. Regular reviews and updates to the costdown action plan will help ensure that the organization stays on track and maximizes the impact of cost reduction efforts.Continuous ImprovementCostdown is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Organizations should strive to embed a culture of cost consciousness and efficiency throughout the business, encouraging employees at all levels to contribute ideas for cost savings and operational improvements. By continuously seeking out opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency, organizations can maintain a competitive edge and drive long-term success.ConclusionImplementing a costdown strategy is essential for organizationslooking to improve their financial performance and remain competitive in the market. By conducting a thorough assessment of current costs, identifying cost reduction opportunities, developing a comprehensive action plan, and continuously monitoring progress, organizations can achieve significant cost savings and operational excellence. With a commitment to continuous improvement, costdown can become a key driver of success for any business.。

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15% 3295 14821 9% 9%
13858 9%
2906 8%
5382 5% 3%
1005 3%
5813 4%
0% 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
A Typical Module
Initial Pm: 56.1W Stabilized Pm:49.4W Stabilized Efficiency: 7.1%(active area) 6.8%(aperture area)
Module Initial Power
in Year 2009 (~160,000 modules, blue) and 2010 (~36,000 modules, red)
35% 10909 31% 30% 8493 24% 7706 22%
34208 3Leabharlann 258 22% 22% 26442 24111 15% 17%
Q3 Q4 Q1
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
Q2 Q3 Q4
a-Si 非晶 G3.5 (0.79 M2) - 44W - 46W - 48W a-Si 非晶 G5 (1.4 M2) c (微晶薄膜) 硅-锗 a-Si/Ge
Direct Manufacturing Cost
12% 6%
Materials Depreciation Utility Labor Yield
10% 68%
Materials Cost
16% 49%
Module Power/Efficiency
System Integration -> Solar business investments
策略联盟: 设备 ->工艺->生产->系统集成->光伏事业投资
Technology Roadmap 普乐新能源长远规划 普乐新能源长远规划 和技术的更新
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
Analysis of Module Cost Improvement of Module Power/Efficiency Increase of Module Yield Keep Line Time up Increase of Gas Utilization Polar's Potential in PV Industry Technology Roadmap Conclusions
Production Line Yield
100% 80%
60% 93% 94%
0% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
Brokage Back End
0.7% 5.0% 0.8% 4.7% 2.5% 0.6% 2.7% 1.1% 0.3% 2.1% 2.1% 1.9% 2.4% 1.1% 2.0% 0.8% 0.7% 1.4% 0.8% 0.0%
Cost Reduction
in Massive a-Si Solar Module Production at Polar PV
Polar Photovoltaics, Inc. 268 Tanghe Rd. Bengbu, Anhui 233030
May 8th, 2010
Average Module Stabilized Power 46W at 95% yield As a result, a sub-unit capacity > 8 MW
Gas Utilization
Most used gas: SiH4 Most expensive gas: TMB
Gas utilization ~5% in Showerhead mode ~25% in parallel batch mode
Polar' Polar's Potential in PV Industry 普乐在光伏产业的优势 普乐在光伏产业 光伏产业的优势
A best value added thin film PV module manufacturer 生产最佳性价比薄膜太阳能模组 Integration technology 系统集成技术 Application technology 应用技术 Strategic partnership: Equipment -> Process ->Production ->
Thank you all !

Increase of Gas Utilization
SiH4 reduction: ~ 40% TMB reduction: ~ 60% SiH4 Utilization: ~ 40% Without suffering Module power loss A-Si recipe time Other advantages * Save handling * Save cleaning * Save exhausting
A-Si recipe optimization
Better matching between TCO and P layer Reduction of optical loss in dead layer More suitable buffer layer
Dead Area reduction by installing real-time laser scribing monitors Optical enhancement
Modules cost per watt at Polar-PV beats what at First Solar. One of the lowest in the world Polar-PV passed
IEC 61646, 61730 UL1703 CEC application
Power Measured at an Authorized Institution in China
ID Condition Voc Isc Vm Im Pm Eff. (active area) Eff. (aperture area) 9242-21-5-10 Initial 79.8 V 1.00 A 65.8 V 0.92 A 60.5 W 8.64 % 8.3 % 9237-21-2-48 Stabilized 78.9 V 1.01 A 61.4 V 0.85 A 52.4 W 7.5 % 7.2%
4.2% 3.6%
0% 6 7 8 9 10 11
Line up Time
Production Line is running at 7/24 Daily Production in a sub-unit ~ 600 Modules Yearly down days: 14 + 12 + 12