

Amptek C系列窗翻译

Amptek C系列窗翻译





应用C1:实验室,台式,手持式(不透光-正常室温光可用)C2:真空,SEM(硅电子倍增or扫描电子显微镜?)(透光,必须在黑暗环境下使用)图1.Amptek 低能C系列X 射线窗. 标准铍窗的的传导与新C系列作比较。

低Z元素传导钠比较光谱图:C1 VS. 0.5 mil(密耳)铍窗图2. 在真空条件下用一个C1和0.5mil(密耳)铍窗,得出钠光谱图图3.在真空条件下用一个C2窗得出碳光谱图Amptek C系列窗常见问答C系列窗的优势是什么?对于低于1.5千电子伏特(即在铝以下的元素)的X射线能量来说,C系列窗比标准铍窗的衰减更少(即固有效率更高)。

对于钠Ka X射线(在1.04千电子伏特),C窗中两个因素中的一个因素都比最薄的铍窗(8um)效率高。





对于钠Ka X射线在1.04千电子伏特时,在空气中的衰减长度只有2.2毫米,2.2毫米的air path (波长or 气道)衰减的X射线与铍窗一样多。

这不仅减少了钠的敏感性,而且air path(波长or 气道)变化也变得很重要:额外0.2mm的空气把钠Ka强度改变了10%,这使得很难精确分析。






16-, 14-, 12-Bit, 6通道同步采样模数转换器ADS8556/7/8系列包括6个16-, 14-和12-bit模数转换器(ADCs),各自基于连续逼近寄存器原理。





器件支持单端,差分模拟输入信号,范围可以是±4VREF或者±2VREF ,最大输入电压可以达到±12V。


ADS8556/7/8同样提供一个可选择的并行或串行接口,可以用在硬件模式或软件模式中模拟部分本节讲述模拟输入电路,ADC以及控制信号,以及器件的参考设计模拟输入输入和转换器可以是单端或差分类型,绝对电压范围可以通过使用RANGE引脚进行配置(硬件模式)或控制寄存器(CR)中的RANGE_x位设置为±4V REF或±2V REF。

当使用的参考电压为2.5V时(CR bit C18 = 0),输入电压范围可以是±10V或±5V;当使用的参考电压为3V (CR bit C18 = 1),输入电压范围可以是±12V或±6V。

RANGE引脚在BUSY(如果CR bit C20 = 0)的下降沿锁存。


实质上,模拟输入端的电流仅在采样周期(t ACQ)为内部的电容阵列进行充电。

在最大速率下(280ns),模拟输入电压的源必须能够为10pF的输入电容(±4V REF)或20pF(±2V REF)的输入电容充电。




1、 BGA (ball grid array )球形触点陈列,表面贴装型封装之一。

在印刷基板的背面按陈列方式制作出球形凸点用以代替 引脚,在印刷基板的正面装配LSI 芯片,然后用模压树脂或灌封方法进行密封。

也称为 凸点陈 列载体(PAC ) o 引脚可超过200,是多引脚LSI 用的一种封装。

封装本体也可做得比QFP (四侧引脚扁平封装)小。

例如,引脚中心距为 为的360引脚BGA 仅31mm 见方;而引脚中心距为 的304弓I 脚QFP 为40mm 见方。

而且 样的引脚BGA 不用担心QFP 那变形问题。

该封装是美国Motorola 公司开发的,首先在便携式电话等设备中被采用,今后在美国有可能在个人计算机中普及。

最初, BGA 的引脚(凸点)中心距为,引脚数为225。

现在也有一些 LSI 厂家正在开发500引脚的BGABGA 的问题是回流焊后的外观检查。



美国Motorola 公司把用模压树脂密封的封装称为0MPAC 而把灌封方法密封的封装称为GPAC 见 0MPAC 和 GPAC )2^ BQFP(quad flat package with bumper)带缓冲垫的四侧引脚扁平封装。

QFP 封装之一,在封装本体的四个角设置突起 (缓冲垫)以美国半导体厂家主要在微处理器和 ASIC 等电路屮采3、碰焊 PGA (butt joint pin gridarray )表面贴装型PGA 的别称(见表面贴装型P GAo4、 C ——(ceramic)表示陶瓷封装的记号。

例如, CDIP 表示的是陶瓷DIPo 是在实际中经常使用的记号。

5、 C erdip用玻璃密封的陶瓷双列直插式封装,用于 ECL RAM DSP (数字信号处理器)等电路。





Lexium 26 基础培训教材~220V 含义R 单相或三相220VAC驱动器主电源输入STL1 单相220VAC驱动器控制电源输入L2Motor 含义PE 电机地线U 电机U相V 电机V相W 电机W相Resistor 含义PBe 制动电阻公共端PBi 内部制动电阻PA/+ 外部制动电阻CN2 含义E 电机编码器CN3 含义Modbus 调试及Modbus接口CN1 含义I/O 各数字量/模拟量/脉冲信号输入输出接口CN1 信号含义Mode35 PULL HI_S 开集电极方向信号正P36 /SIGN 线驱动方向信号正P37 SIGN 方向信号负P39 PULL HI_P 开集电极脉冲信号正P43 /PULSE 线驱动脉冲信号正P41 PULSE 脉冲信号负P46 HSIGN 高速脉冲方向信号正P40 /HSIGN 高速脉冲方向信号负P38 HPULSE 高速脉冲脉冲信号正P29 /HPULSE 高速脉冲脉冲信号负P42 V_REF 速度参考模拟电压Vz44 GND 速度参考模拟电压地Vz18 T_REF 扭矩参考模拟电压Tz19 GND 扭矩参考模拟电压地Tz CN1 信号含义Mode 17 VDD 内部24V电源24V+ ALL 45/47/49 COM- 内部24V电源0V ALL 11 COM+ 输入信号公共端ALL09 DI1- 数字输入1 ALL10 DI2- 数字输入2 ALL 34 DI3- 数字输入3 ALL 08 DI4- 数字输入4 ALL 33 DI5- 数字输入5 ALL 32 DI6- 数字输入6 ALL 31 DI7- 数字输入7 ALL 30 DI8- 数字输入8 ALLCN1 信号含义Mode 07 DO1+ 数字输出1正ALL 06 DO1- 数字输出1负ALL 05 DO2+ 数字输出2正ALL 04 DO2- 数字输出2负ALL 03 DO3+ 数字输出3正ALL 02 DO3- 数字输出3负ALL 01 DO4+ 数字输出4正ALL 26 DO4- 数字输出4负ALL 28 DO5+ 数字输出5正ALL 27 DO5- 数字输出5负ALL CN1 信号含义Mode21 OA 模拟编码器输出A ALL22 /OA 模拟编码器输出/A ALL 25 OB 模拟编码器输出B ALL 23 /OB 模拟编码器输出/B ALL 50 OZ 模拟编码器输出Z ALL 24 /OZ 模拟编码器输出/Z ALL2.1PT 模式PT (Pulse Train) Mode -- 脉冲串控制模式(P1-01最后两位设为00): 在PT运行模式中,驱动器与一组主输入端输入的脉冲串同步。



–0.6 0.50 25.0 1.50 0.40 –18 Typical 1.439 0.046 0.050 Typical 140 34 1.89
–0.4 0.65 30.0 1.65
Maximum 1.569 0.052 0.057 Maximum 240
Comments 4.5x4.5µm
© IMP, Inc.
Process C1227
Physical Characteristics
Diffusion & Thin Films Symbol Starting Material p<100> ρN-well(f) Well(field)Sheet Resistance ρN+ N+ Sheet Resistance N+ Junction Depth xjN+ ρP+ P+ Sheet Resistance P+ Junction Depth xjP+ Base Resistance RSHB_RB High-Voltage Gate Oxide HTGOX Gate Oxide Thickness TGOX Interpoly Oxide Thickness IPOX ρPOLY1 Gate Poly Sheet Resistance Poly2 Resistivity RSH_PL P ρM1 Metal-1 Sheet Resistance ρM2 Metal-2 Sheet Resistance Passivation Thickness TPASS Minimum 1.5 20.0 50.0 1.33 Typical 2.1 35.0 0.4 75.0 0.4 1.66 22 22 42 22.0 2 45.0 25.0 200+900 Maximum 2.7 50.0 100.0 2.00 Unit KΩ/ Ω/ µm Ω/ µm KΩ/sq nm nm nm Ω/ kΩ/ mΩ/ mΩ/ nm Comments n-well



“C”字头代码(SMDMarkingCode)“C”字头代码(SMD Marking Code)代码规格型号生产商封装备注CA1 SMV1141-001 SOT 23 SINGLECB3 SMV1200-999 SOT 23 CATHODE(TWIN) CC3 SMV1232-004 SOT 23 CATHODE(TWIN) CTS SMV1202-89 SOT 23 SINGLE CU1 SMV1204-79 SOT 23 SINGLEC BB565 Sie SCD80 uhf varicap 2-20pFC white BAT165 Sie - 40V 750mA sw Schottky C KV1832E Tok URD uhf varicap 4-17pfC0 HSMS-2820 HP SOT23 HP2835 schottkyC0 HSMS-282B HP SOT323 HP2835 schottkyC1 HSMS-2821 HP SOT23 HP2835 schottkyC1 BCW29 Phi SOT23 BC178AC1p BCW29 Phi SOT23 BC178AC1t BCW29 Phi SOT23 BC178AC1 BFQ51C Phi SOT173 pnp BFR90A complement C2 BCW30 Phi SOT23 BC178BC2p BCW30 Phi SOT23 BC178BC2t BCW30 Phi SOT23 BC178BC2 BFQ32C Phi SOT173 pnp 4.5GHz 15V 100mAC2 HSMS-2822 HP SOT23 dual HP2835 schottkyC2 HSMS-282C HP SOT323 dual HP2835 schottkyC2 SST112 Tem SOT23 J112 analog sw n-ch jfetC2A ZDC833A Zet SOT23 dual cc 28V varicap 15pF @2VC3 HSMS-2823 HP SOT23 dual HP2835 schottky C3 BFQ23C Phi SOT173 pnp complement BFP91AC3 SMBT4126 Sie - 2N4126C3 SST113 Tem SOT23 J113 analog sw jfetC4 BCW29R Phi SOT23R BC178AC4 HSMS-2824 HP SOT23 dual HP2835 schottkyC5 MMBA811C5 Mot - 2N5086 pnp hfe 135-270 C5 BCW30R Phi SOT23R BC178BC5 HSMS-2825 HP SOT143 dual HP2835 schottkyC5A ZDC834A Zet SOT23 dual cc 28V varicap 47pF @2VC6 MMBA811C6 Mot - 2N5086 pnp hfe 200-400 C7 MMBA811C7 Mot - 2N5086 pnp hfe 300-600 C7 HSMS-2827 HP SOT143 HP2835 ring quadC8 HSMS-2828 HP SOT143 HP2835 bridge quadC8 BCF30 SGS SOT23 BC559BC8 MMBA811C8 Mot - 2N5086 pnp hfe 450-900 C11 SST111 Sil SOT23 J111 n-ch fetC12 SST112 Sil SOT23 J112 n-ch fetC13 SST113 Sil SOT23 J113 n-ch fetC38 SST5638 Sil SOT23 2N5638C39 SST5639 Sil SOT23 2N5639C40 SST5640 Sil SOT23 2N5640C41 SST4091 Sil SOT23 2N4091C42 SST4092 Sil SOT23 2N4092C43 SST4093 Sil SOT23 2N4093C56 SST4856 Sil SOT23 2N4856C57 SST4857 Sil SOT23 2N4857C58 SST4858 Sil SOT23 2N4858C59 SST4859 Sil SOT23 2N4859C60 SST4860 Sil SOT23 2N4860C61 SST4861 Sil SOT23 2N4861C91 SST4391 Sil SOT23 2N4391C92 SST4392 Sil SOT23 2N4392C93 SST4393 Sil SOT23 2N4393CA BCW61AR Phi SOT23R BCY78-vii CA BCP68 Mot SOT223 20V 1A npnCA ZMV829B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperab 28V 8.2pF@2VCB BCX68-10 Sie SOT89 npn AF 20V 2A hfe 100 CB BCW61BR Phi SOT23R BCY78-viiiCB ZMV830B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 10pF@2VCC BCW61CR Phi SOT23R BCY78-ixCC BCX68-16 Sie SOT89 npn AF 20V 2A hfe 160CC ZMV831B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 15pF@2VCC ZMDC831B Zet SOT323 dual cc ZMV831B (above) CD BCW61DR Phi SOT23R BCY78-xCD BCX68-25 Sie SOT89 npn AF 20V 2A hfe 250CD ZMV832B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 22pF@2VCD ZMDC832B Zet SOT323 dual cc ZMV832B (above) CDs BSS81B Sie SOT23 npn sw 35V 0.8ACE BCP69 Mot SOT223 20V 1A pnpCE ZMV833B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 33pF@2V CEs BSS79B Sie SOT23 npn 40V 0.8A hfe 40-120 CF BSS79C Sie SOT23 npn 40V 0.8A hfe 100 minCF BCX69-10 Sie SOT89 pnp AF 20V 2A hfe 100CF ZMV834B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 47pF@2V CG BCX71GR Phi SOT23R BCY79-viiCG BCX69-16 Sie SOT89 pnp AF 20V 2A hfe 160CG ZMV835B Zet SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 68pF@2VCGs BSS81C Sie SOT23 npn sw 35V 1ACHs BSS80B Sie SOT23 pnp 40V 0.8A hfe 40-120 CH BSS82BL Mot SOT23 pnp 60VCH BCX69-25 Sie SOT89 pnp AF 20V 2A hfe 250 CJs BSS80C Sie SOT23 pnp 40V 0.8A hfe 100 min CK BCX71JR Phi SOT23R BCY79-viiiCLs BSS82B Sie SOT23 pnp 60V 0.8A hfe 40-120 CMs BSS82C Sie SOT23 pnp 60V 0.8A hfe 100 min CQ 2SC2411K Roh - npn darlingtonCQ MSD710Q Mot SOT346 pnp gp 25V 150mACR MSD701R Mot SOT346 pnp gp 25V 150mA。

Tyco Electronlcs PolySwitch自复式元件 表面贴装元件 说明书

Tyco Electronlcs PolySwitch自复式元件 表面贴装元件 说明书

8763 (3425) 11550 (4420) 15VDC/0.25Ω 33VDC/0.23Ω 16VDC/0.15Ω 33VDC/0.165Ω 16VDC/0.08Ω 15VDC/0.125Ω 15VDC/0.85Ω -
表 S2 温度折减 [环境温度(℃)下的保持电流(A)]
最大环境温度 元件型号
SMD250F nanoSMDC150F nanoSMDC050F nanoSMDC110F microSMD005F 6V 12V DDC 设备机架系统 乙太网/Lan 风扇 HDMI IEEE 802.3af IEEE-1394 VOIP 电源提供 alt. power provider 自带电源 LCD转换器 LCD显示器电源 LNB(低噪声模块) 马达 PS/2鼠标/键盘 信号-数据通信 6V 13.2V 30V SCSI 智能卡读卡器 电信-调制解调器 电信-PBX 温度传感器 USB 数字线路 OC OV 用户端 CPU 独立端口 2端口组 3端口组 OC 6V 13.2V DB12, DB20 DB32 nanoSMDC075F miniSMDC075F nanoSMDC075F miniSMDC200F miniSMDC260F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 microSMD035F picoSMD035F decaSMDC050F/60 SMD100F/33 SMD185F SMD185F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 nanoSMDC050F/13.2 SMD075F nanoSMDC110F miniSMDC075F nanoSMDC075F nanoSMDC075F miniSMDC050F SMD030F-2018 nanoSMDC110F microSMD010F miniSMDC014F TVBxxx(N/M/R)SC-L* miniSMDC014F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 nanoSMDC075F nanoSMDC150F miniSMDC200F SMD250F miniSMDC260F miniSMDC110F/16 nanoSMDC150F nanoSMDC150F miniSMDC110F/16 nanoSMDC110F miniSMDC260F SMD300F miniSMDC110F/16 microSMD050F picoSMD035F decaSMDC050F/60 SMD185F SMD185F SMD185F miniSMDC110F/16 nanoSMDC050F/13.2 SMD075F nanoSMDC150F miniSMDC110F/16 nanoSMDC110F nanoSMDC075F miniSMDC075F SMD075F nanoSMDC150F microSMD035F miniSMDC014F TVBxxx(N/M/R)SC-L* miniSMDC014F nanoSMDC075F nanoSMDC110F miniSMDC150F miniSMDC200F SMD200F miniSMDE190F nanoSMDC075F nanoSMDC075F microSMD005F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 miniSMDC075F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 miniSMDC200F miniSMDC200F nanoSMDC075F microSMD035F picoSMD035F decaSMDC050F/60 SMD100F/33 SMD150F/33 SMD150F/33 nanoSMDC075F microSMD035F SMD050F microSMD075F miniSMDC075F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 nanoSMDC075F miniSMDC020F SMD050F nanoSMDC075F microSMD005F miniSMDC014F TVBxxx(N/M/R)SC-L* miniSMDC014F nanoSMDC050F/13.2 nanoSMDC050F/13.2 miniSMDC125F miniSMDC200F

C-Flex 072 熟性塑料合成吸引器管说明书

C-Flex 072 熟性塑料合成吸引器管说明书

Typical physical properties of C-Flex®Property ASTM MethodFormulations Value or Rating 374 082072Appearance–TranslucentTranslucentOpaque Durometer, Shore A D2240606060T ensile Strength, psi D412119011061196Elongation, %D412915874862T ensile Modulus, @100%/300%, psi D412244/385256/400247/389T ensile Set @ 300% StretchD412242926Compression Set Constant Defl., "B" (22hrs @ 70°C), %D395838986Brittle Point, °CD746-66-67-68Chemical resistance Acids, Dilute/WeakAcceptable Acids, Strong/Concentrated Acceptable Bases, Dilute/WeakAcceptable Bases, Strong/Concentrated Acceptable SaltsAcceptable High-purity Water Acceptable AlcoholNot recommended*Oil/Water Emulsion T est before using Organic SolventNot recommendedComparative opaque TPE peristaltic pump tubing lifeThe table below shows average hours until rupture of 1/4" ID x 3/8" OD (6.4 mm x 9.5 mm) tubing having undergone gamma irradiation. Samples were pumped using a 3-roller pump head operating at 300 rpm with 10 psi back pressure, at room temperature.The performance of tubing in peristaltic pumping applications is affected by the conditions of use and equipmen utilized, along with size and all thickness of the tubing tested. The data above is presented forinformation only and should not be utilized for specification purposes.Unless otherwise noted, all tests were conducted at room temperature (73°F). Values shown were determined on 0.075" thick molded ASTM plaques.*Brief or intermittent contact is acceptable.NOTE: It is the users responsibility to insure the suitability and safety of C-Flex® for all intended uses/applications.One-piece overmolded C-Flex® manifold maintains innerbore diameters with superior reliability and product integrity.C-Flex® comes in a wide variety of sizes and formulations.NOTE: C-Flex® tubing will deteriorate with repeated autoclaving. Radiation is the recommended method of sterilization for all C-Flex® thermoplastic materials.CharacteristicsThe manufacturing process is carefully controlled from raw material compounding through finished production. Inspection and lot traceability information is readily accessible as batch numbers are assigned. All packages are identified by external labeling on both the bag and the crush-proof box.Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics' manufacturing facilities have the ability to create a variety of sizes or coil lengths for your particular application needs. Contact us for a quote to meet your specific requirements.FLS-5067O-0320-BPS©2020 Saint-Gobain Life SciencesSterilization MethodsAutoclavable one time 30 minute cycle at 121°C Gamma Irradiationone time up to 40kGyFLS-5067O-0320-BPS ©2020 Saint-Gobain Life SciencesContact us today for:Consultations • Samples • Quotes • Orders • Technical Service C-Flex® tubing standard size(1) FORMULAS: (xxx)072 - Opaque 082 - Translucent 374 - TranslucentFor registered access to Saint-Gobain Product Validation Summaries,CLICK HEREWorking pressures are calculated at a 3:1 ratio relative to burst pressure using ASTM D1599 and ISO 7751The values values listed for working and burst pressures are derived from tests conducted in laboratory conditions on unsterilized tubing. Many factors will reduce the tubing's ability to withstand pressure, including sterilization method, temperature, chemical compatibility, stress, pulsation and the attachment to fi ttings. It is imperative that the user conduct tests simulating the conditions of the application prior to specifying the tubing for use.IMPORTANT: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the suitability and safety of Saint-Gobain Life Sciences products for all intended uses and that the materials to be used comply with all applicable medical regulatory requirements. Saint-Gobain Life Sciences assumes no responsibility for any product failures that occur due to misuse of the materials it provides arising out of the design, fabrication or application of the products into which the materials are incorporated.WARRANTY: For a period of 12 months from the date of first sale, Saint-Gobain Life Sciences warrants this product to be free of defects in materials and workmanship. Our only obligation will be to replace any portion proving defective, or at our option, to refund the purchase price there of.SAINT-GOBAIN LIFE SCIENCES DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Uncontrolled Document - for the controlled version of this document please visit Saint-Gobain Life Sciences 4451 110th Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33762Tel: (727) 531-4191Fax: (727 530-5603Saint-Gobain Life Sciences La Mothe-aux-Aulnais F-89120 Charny, France Tel: (33) 3-86-63-78-78Fax: (33) 。



Ratings (at TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified)
Collector Capacitance at f = 1MHz IE = Ie = 0; VCB = 10V
Transition Frequency at f = 100MHz IC = 10mA; VCE = 5V
Symbol VCES VCEO ICM Ptot Tj
Dimensions : Millimetres
BC847C 50 45 200 250 150
mA mW °C
Page 1
09/05/08 V1.1
General Purpose SMD NPN Transistors
Ptot (mW)
Device Marking
Part Number BC847C
Unit pF MHz dB
Page 3
09/05/08 V1.1
General Purpose SMD NPN Transistors
International Sales Offices:
Package Outline Details
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Collector-Emitter Voltage (VBE = 0) Collector-Emitter Voltage (Open Base) Collector Current (Peak Value) Total Power Dissipation up to Tamb = 25°C Junction Temperature



贴片三极管上的印字(与真实名称的对照表)(3)(2011-03-17 09:03:07)转载标签:杂谈3FR BC857BR Phi R SOT23R BC557B3Fs BC857B Sie N SOT23 BC557B3Ft BC857B Phi N SOT23 BC557B3Ft BC857BW Phi N SOT323 BC557B3Ft BC857BS Phi N SOT363 BC557B3G BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3G BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3G MMBTH11 NS N SOT23 -3G MGSF3454X Mot DK TSOP6 n-ch enh tmosfet 1.75A3G- BC857CW Phi N SOT323 BC557C3Gp BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3GR BC857CR Phi R SOT23R BC557CR3Gs BC857C Sie N SOT23 BC557C3Gt BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3Gt BC857CW Phi N SOT323 BC557C3H MMBTH30 NS N SOT23 -3H- BC857CW Phi N SOT323 BC5573Hp BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC5573Ht BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC5573Ht BC857CW Phi N SOT323 BC5573J MMBTH69 Mot N SOT23 pnp UHF fT 2GHz3J BC858A Phi N SOT23 BC558A3Jp BCV62A Phi VQ SOT143 pnp current mirror hFe 1803JR BC858AR Phi R SOT23R BC558A3Js BC858A Sie N SOT23 BC558A3Js BCV62A Sie VQ SOT143 pnp current mirror hFe 1803K BC858B Phi N SOT23 BC558B3Kp BCV62B Phi VQ SOT143 npn current mirror hFe 2903KR BC858BR Phi R SOT23R BC558B3Ks BCV62B Sie VQ SOT143 npn current mirror hFe 2903L BC858C Phi N SOT23 BC558C3Lp BCV62C Phi VQ SOT143 pnp current mirror hFe 5203LR BC858CR Phi R SOT23R BC558C3Ls BCV62C Sie VQ SOT143 pnp current mirror hFe 5203M BC858 Phi N SOT23 BC5583M FMMT5087R Zet R SOT23R 2N5087 BC3223Mp BCV62 Phi VQ SOT143 pnp current mirror3Ms BCV62 Sie VQ SOT143 pnp current mirror3N MMBT4402 Nat N SOT23 2N4402 pnp3P FMT2222AR Zet R SOT23R 2N2222A3R MMBT5571 Nat N SOT23 pnp sw 850MHz3S MMBT5551 Nat N SOT23 npn 160V3T HT3 Zet N SOT23 npn 80V 100mA3V0 PZM3.0NB Phi C SOT346 3.0V 300mW Zener3V3 PZM3.3NB Phi C SOT346 3.3V 300mW Zener3V6 PZM3.6NB Phi C SOT346 3.6V 300mW Zener3V9 PZM3.9NB Phi C SOT346 3.9V 300mW Zener3W FMMT-A12 Zet N - MPSA123Y3 BZV49-C3V3 Phi O SOT89 3.3V 1W zener3Y6 BZV49-C3V6 Phi O SOT89 3.6V 1W zener3Y9 BZV49-C3V9 Phi O SOT89 3.9V 1W zener4 (red) BB57-03W Sie I SOD323 Varicap4 (white) BAS140W Sie I SOD323 40V 120mA sw schottky 4 (yellow) BB644 Sie I SOD323 Varicap 42-2.5pF41A FMMT491A Zet N SOT23 npn 40v 1A max41D BAT14-115D Sie CY SOT173 40GHz schottky dual42D BAT14-025D Sie CY SOT173 4GHz schottky dual43V PZM43NB Phi C SOT346 43V 0.3W zener43Y BZV49-C43 Phi O SOT89 43V 1W zener45D BAT14-055D Sie CY SOT173 8GHz schottky dual47V PZM47NB Phi C SOT346 47V 0.3W zener47Y BZV49-C47 Phi O SOT89 47V 1W zener49D BAT14-095D Sie CY SOT173 18GHz schottky dual4A MMBV109 Mot C SOT23 MV209 varicap4A FMMV109 Zet C SOT23 MV209 varicap4A HD3A Zet C - 75V 100mA sw diode4A BC859A ITT N SOT23 BC559A4A3 PZM4.3NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 4.3V Zener4A7 PZM4.7NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 4.7V Zener4Ap BC859A Phi N SOT23 BC559A4AR BC859AR Phi R SOT23R BC559A4As BC859AW Sie N SOT323 BC559A4As BC859A Sie N SOT23 BC559A4B MMBV432 Mot B - dual cc varicap 1.5-45pF4B BC859B ITT N SOT23 BC559B4B- BC859BW Phi N SOT323 BC559B4Bp BC859B Phi N SOT23 BC559B4BR BC859BR Phi R SOT23R BC559B4Bs BC859B Sie N SOT23 BC559B4Bs BC859BW Sie N SOT323 BC559B4Bt BC859B Phi N SOT23 BC559B4Bt BC859BW Phi N SOT323 BC559B4C BC859C ITT N SOT23 BC559C4C MMVB3102 Mot C SOT23 varicap 6-35pF4C BC859C Phi N SOT23 BC559C4C- BC859CW Phi N SOT323 BC559C4Cp BC859C Phi N SOT23 BC559C4CR BC859CR Phi R SOT23R BC559C4Cs BC859C Sie N SOT23 BC559C4Cs BC859CW Sie N SOT323 BC559C4Ct BC859C Phi N SOT23 BC559C4Ct BC859CW Phi N SOT323 BC559C4D BC859B Phi N SOT23 BC559B4D MMBV3401 Mot C SOT23 VHF pin diode4D HD3A Zet C SOT23 sw diode 75V 100mA4D- BC859W Phi N SOT323 BC559B4Dt BC859W Phi N SOT323 BC559B4E BC860A Phi N SOT23 BC560A4E FMMT-A92 Zet N SOT23 MPSA924E MMBV105G Mot C SOT23 MV105 varicap4ER BC860AR Phi R SOT23R BC560A4F MMBD353 Mot Z SOT23 dual MBD1014F BC860B Phi N SOT23 BC560B4F Gali-4F MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 15 dBm o/p 4F- BC860BW Phi N SOT323 BC560B4Fp BC860B Phi N SOT23 BC560B4FR BC860BR Phi R SOT23 BC560B4Fs BC860B Sie N SOT23 BC560B4Fs BC860BW Sie N SOT323 BC560B4Ft BC860B Phi N SOT23 BC560B4Ft BC860BW Phi N SOT323 BC560B4G MMBV2101 Mot C SOT23 MV2101 varicap4G BC860C Phi N SOT23 BC560C4G- BC860CW Phi N SOT323 BC560C4Gp BC860C Phi N SOT23 BC560C4GR BC860CR Phi R SOT23 BC560CR4Gs BC860C Sie N SOT23 BC560C4Gs BC860CW Sie N SOT323 BC560C4Gt BC860C Phi N SOT23 BC560C4Gt BC860CW Phi N SOT323 BC560C4H MMBV2103 Mot C SOT23 MV2103 varicap4H- BC860W Phi N SOT323 BC5604Hp BC860 Phi N SOT23 BC5604Ht BC860W Phi N SOT323 BC5604J FMMT38A Zet N SOT23 BCX38A4J MMBV2109 Mot C SOT23 MV2109 varicap4K BAP64-04 Phi D - dual series 3GHz pin diode4K MMSB3000 Mot I SOD123 Si diode 30V 0.2A4L BAP50-04 Phi D - dual series GP RF pin diode4M MMBD101 Mot C SOT23 MBD101 schottky diode4Ms BAT240A Sie EQ SOT143 dual schottky 250V 0.4A 4R MMBV3700 Mot C SOT23 200V vhf pin diode4S MMBD201 Mot C SOT23 MBD2014T MMBD301 Mot C SOT23 MBD301 UHF schottky diode 4U MMBV2105 Mot C SOT23 MV2105 varicap4V MMBV2106 Mot C SOT23 MV2106 varicap4V BCW65AR Zet R SOT23R npn 32V 0.8A4V3 PZM4.3NB Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener4V7 PZM4.7NB Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener4W MMBV2107 Mot C SOT23 MV2107 varicap4W BCW67AR Zet R SOT23R pnp 32V 0.8A4X MMBV2108 Mot C SOT23 MV2108 varicap4Y MMBV2102 Mot C SOT23 MV2102 varicap4Y3 BZV49-C4V3 Phi O SOT89 4.3V 1W zener4Y7 BZV49-C4V7 Phi O SOT89 4.7V 1W zener4Z MMBV2104 Mot C SOT23 MV2104 varicap5 (red) BBY57-03W Sie I SOD323 varicap5 (white) BAT60B Sie I 10V 3A sw Schottky51D BAT15-115D Sie CY SOT173 40GHz schottky dual 51V PZM51NB Phi C SOT346 51V 0.3W zener51Y BZV49-C51 Phi O SOT89 51V 1W zener52D BAT15-025D Sie CY SOT173 4GHz schottky dual 53s BAT17 Sie C SOT23 schottky diode 4V 100mA54s BAT17-04 Sie D SOT23 dual series BAT1754s BAT17-04W Sie D SOT323 dual series BAT1755D BAT15-055D Sie CY SOT173 8GHz schottky dual 55s BAT17-05 Sie A SOT23 dual ca BAT1755s BAT17-05W Sie A SOT323 dual ca BAT1756s BAT17-06 Sie B SOT23 dual cc BAT1756s BAT17-06W Sie B SOT323 dual cc BAT1756V PZM56NB Phi C SOT346 56V 0.3W zener56Y BZV49-C56 Phi O SOT89 56V 1W zener57s BAT17-07 Sie S SOT143 dual BAT1759D BAT15-095D Sie CY SOT173 18GHz schottky dual 5A BC807-16 Phi N SOT23 BC327-165A BSS123 Mot M SOT23 n-ch tmosfet Vds 100V5A MMBD6050 Mot C SOT23 sw diode 70V 0.2A5A FMMD6050 Zet C SOT23 sw diode 70V 100mA5A1 PZM5.1NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 5.1V 0.3W zener 5A6 PZM5.6NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 5.6V 0.3W zener 5Ap BC807-16 Phi N SOT23 BC327-165AR BC807-16R Phi R SOT23R BC327-165As BC807-16 Sie N SOT23 BC327-165As BC807-16W Sie N SOT323 BC327-165At BC807-16 Phi N SOT23 BC327-165At BC807-16W Phi N SOT323 BC327-165B MMBT4123 Mot N SOT23 2N41235B BC807-25 SGS N SOT23 BC327-255B MMBD6100 Mot B SOT23 cc dual diode 70V 0.2A5B FMMD6100 Zet B SOT23 cc dual diode 70V 0.2A5B- BC807-25W Phi N SOT323 BC327-255BM MMBD6100 Mot B SOT23 cc dual diode 70V 0.2A5Bp BC807-25 Phi N SOT23 BC327-255BR BC807-25R Phi R SOT23R BC327-255Bs BC807-25 Sie N SOT23 BC327-255Bs BC807-25W Sie N SOT323 BC327-255Bs BC807-25U Sie N SC74 BC327-255Bt BC807-25 Phi N SOT23 BC327-255Bt BC807-25W Phi N SOT323 BC327-255C BC807-40 SGS N SOT23 BC327-405C MMBD7000 Mot D SOT23 2 ser diodes 100V 0.2A5C FMMD7000 Zet D SOT23 2 ser diodes 70V 200mA5C- BC807-40W Phi N SOT323 BC327-405Cp BC807-40 Phi N SOT23 BC327-405CR BC807-40R Phi R SOT23E BC327-405Cs BC807-40 Sie N SOT23 BC327-405Cs BC807-40W Sie N SOT323 BC327-405Ct BC807-40 Phi N SOT23 BC327-405Ct BC807-40W Phi N SOT323 BC327-405D FMMD914 Zet C SOT23 1N9145D MMBD914 Mot C SOT23 1N9145D MMSD914 Mot I SOD123 1N9145D HD2A Zet B dual cc HD2 75V 100mA5D- BC807W Phi N SOT323 BC3275Dp BC807 Phi N SOT23 BC3275Dt BC807 Phi N SOT23 BC3275Dt BC807W Phi N SOT323 BC3275E BC808-16 Phi N SOT23 BC328-165E FMMT-A43R Zet R SOT23R MPSA435E BC808-16 Phi N SOT23 BC328-165ER BC808-16R Phi R SOT23R BC328-165Es BC808-16W Sie N SOT323 BC328-165F BC808-25 Phi N SOT23 BC328-255F MMBD501 Mot C SOT23 MBD501 hot carrier diode5F Gali-5F MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 20 dB gain 5FR BC808-25R Phi R SOT23R BC328-255Fs BC808-25 Sie N SOT23 BC328-255Fs BC808-25W Sie N SOT323 BC328-255G BC808-40 Phi N SOT23 BC328-405G MMBD353 Mot D dual series MBD1015GR BC808-40R Phi R SOT23R BC328-405Gs BC808-40 Sie N SOT23 BC328-405Gs BC808-40W Sie N SOT323 BC328-405H MMBD701 Mot C SOT23 MBD701 UHF schottky diode 5H MMBD4148 Nat C SOT23 1N41485Hp BC808 Phi N SOT23 BC3285HZ BC808 Zet N SOT23 BC3285I MMSD4148 Mot C 1N41485J FMMT38B Zet N BCX38B5K MMBV809 Mot C SOT23 Hyperabrupt varicap5Kp BAP64-05 Phi B dual cc 3GHz RF pin diode5L MMBV609 Mot B SOT23 dual cc Hyperabrupt varicap 5N MMBD452L Mot D SOT23 series UHF schottky diodes 5P FMMT2907AR Zet R SOT23R 2N2907A5T BCW66GR Sie R SOT23R npn 45V 0.8A 350mW5V BCW65BR Zet R SOT23R npn 32V 0.8A5V1 PZM5.1NB Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener5V6 PZM5.6NB Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener5W BCW67BR Zet R SOT23R pnp 32V 0.8A5Y1 BZV49-C5V1 Phi O SOT89 5.1V 1W zener5Y6 BZV49-C5V6 Phi O SOT89 5.6V 1W zener6 (red) BBY56-03W Sie I SOD323 varicap60s BAR60 Sie QQ SOT143 3 pin diodes61A MMBF4117 Nat F - n-ch jfet ultra low i/p Ig61A MMBF4119 Nat F - n-ch jfet ultra low i/p Ig61C MMBF4118 Nat F - n-ch jfet ultra low i/p Ig61J MMBF4091 Nat F - n-ch jfet sw/chopper61K MMBF4092 Nat F - n-ch jfet sw/chopper61L MMBF4093 Nat F - n-ch jfet sw/chopper61M MMBF4859 Nat F - n-ch jfet sw/chopper61N MMBF5514 Nat F - p-ch jfet sw/chopper61P MMBF5115 Nat F - p-ch jfet sw/chopper61Q MMBF5516 Nat F - p-ch jfet sw/chopper61s BAR61 Sie PQ SOT143 3 pin diodes pi atten61S MMBF5458 Nat F - n-ch jfet gp 2N545861T MMBF5459 Nat F - n-ch jfet gp 2N545961U MMBF5461 Nat F - p-ch jfet gp 2N546161V MMBF5462 Nat F - p-ch jfet gp 2N546262P MMBFJ201 Nat F - n-ch jfet gp J20162Q MMBFJ202 Nat F - n-ch jfet gp J20262R MMBFJ203 Nat F - n-ch jfet gp J20362S MMBFJ270 Nat F - p-ch jfet gp J27062T MMBFJ271 Nat F - p-ch jfet gp J27162V PZM62NB1 Phi C SOT346 62V 0.3W zener62Y BZV49-C62 Phi O SOT89 62V 1W zener63Q MMBFJ304 Nat F - n-ch jfet vhf J30463s BAT64 Sie C SOT23 Schottky 40V 250mA gp63s BAT64W Sie C SOT323 Schottky 40V 250mA gp64s BAT64-04 Sie D SOT23 dual ser gp Schottky 40V 250mA 64s BAT64-04W Sie D SOT323 dual ser gp Schottky 40V 250mA 65s BAT64-05 Sie B SOT23 dual cc gp Schottky 40V 250mA65s BAT64-05W Sie B SOT323 dual cc gp Schottky 40V 250mA 66s BAT64-06 Sie A SOT23 dual ca gp Schottky 40V 250mA66s BAT64-06W Sie A SOT323 dual ca gp Schottky 40V 250mA 67R BFP67R Tfk WQ - npn Rf fT 7.5GHz 10V 50mA67s BAT64-07 Sie S SOT143 dual gp Schottky 40V 250mA67s BAT64-07W Sie S SOT343 dual gp Schottky 40V 250mA68V PZM68NB1 Phi C SOT346 68V 0.3W zener68Y BZV49-C68 Phi O SOT89 68V 1W zener6A MMBF4416 Mot F SOT23 2N4416 n-ch vhf jfet6A MUN2111 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr with 10k+10k6A MUN5111 Mot N SOT323 pnp dtr with 10k+10k6A BC817-16 Phi N SOT23 BC337-166A- BC817-16W Phi N SOT323 BC337-166A2 PZM6.2NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 6.2V 0.3W zener6A8 PZM6.8NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 6.8V 0.3W zener6Ap BC817-16W Phi N SOT23 BC337-166AR BC817-16R Phi R SOT23 BC337-166As BC817-16 Sie N SOT23 BC337-166As BC817-16 Sie N SOT323 BC337-166At BC817-16 Phi N SOT23 BC337-166At BC817-16W Phi N SOT323 BC337-166AZ BC817-16 Zet N SOT23 BC337-166B MMBF5484 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet 2N54846B BC817-25 Phi N SOT23 BC337-256B MUN2112 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 22k+22k6B MUN5112 Mot N SOT323 MUN21126B- BC817-25W Phi N SOT323 BC337-256BR BC817-25R Phi R SOT23R BC337-256Bs BC817-25 Sie N SOT23 BC337-256Bs BC817-25W Sie N SOT323 BC337-256Bt BC817-25 Phi N SOT23 BC337-256Bt BC817-25W Phi N SOT323 BC337-256BZ BC817-25 Zet N SOT23 BC337-256C BC817-40 Phi N SOT23 BC337-406C MMBFU310 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet U3106C MUN2113 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 47k+47k6C MUN5113 Mot N SOT323 MUN21136C- BC817-40W Phi N SOT323 BC337-406Cp BC817-40 Phi N SOT23 BC337-406CR BC817-40R Phi R SOT23R BC337-406Cs BC817-40 Sie N SOT23 BC337-406Cs BC817-40W Sie N SOT323 BC337-406Ct BC817-40 Phi N SOT23 BC337-406Ct BC817-40W Phi N SOT323 BC337-406CZ BC817-40 Zet N SOT23 BC337-406D MMBF5457 Mot F SOT23 2N5457 n-ch jfet6D MUN2114 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 10k+47k6D MUN5114 Mot N SOT323 MUN211416D- BC817W Phi N SOT323 BC3376Dp BC817 Phi N SOT23 BC3376Dt BC817 Phi N SOT23 BC3376Dt BC817W Phi N SOT323 BC3376DZ BC817 Zet N SOT23 BC3376E FMMT-A93R Zet R SOT23R MPSA936E MMBF5460 Mot F SOT23 p-ch jfet 2N54606E BC818-16 Phi N SOT23 BC338-166E MUN2115 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 10k6E MUN5115 Mot N SOT323 MUN21156ER BC818-16R Phi R SOT23 BC338-166Es BC818-16 Sie N SOT23 BC338-166Es BC818-16W Sie N SOT323 BC338-166EZ BC818-16 Zet N SOT23 BC338-166F MMBF4860 Mot F SOT23 2N4860 n-ch jfet6F BC818-25 Phi N SOT23 BC338-256F MUN2116 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 4k76F MUN5116 Mot N SOT323 MUN21166F Gali-6F MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 12 dB gain 6FR BC818-25R Phi R SOT23R BC338-256Fs BC818-25 Sie N SOT23 BC338-256Fs BC818-25W Sie N SOT323 BC338-256G BC818-40 Phi N SOT23 BC338-406G MMBF4393 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet 2N43936G MUN2130 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 1k0+1k06G MUN5130 Mot N SOT323 "ial"">MUN2130 "6GR BC818-40R Phi R SOT23 BC338-406Gs BC818-40 Sie N SOT23 BC338-406Gs BC818-40W Sie N SOT323 BC338-406GZ BC818-40 Zet N SOT23 BC338-406H MMBF5486 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet 2N54866H MUN2131 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 2k2 +2k26H MUN5131 Mot N SOT323 MUN21216Hp BC818 Phi N SOT23 BC3386HZ BC818 Zet N SOT23 BC3386J MMBF4391 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet 2N43916J MUN2132 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+ 4k76J MUN5132 Mot N SOT323 MUN21326K MMBF4932 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet 2N49326K MUN2133 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+ 47k6K MUN5133 Mot N SOT323 MUN21336L MMBF5459 Mot F SOT23 n-ch jfet 2N54596L MUN2134 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 22k+47k6L MUN5134 Mot N SOT323 MUN21346M MMBF5485 Nat F SOT23 n-ch jfet vhf 2N5485 6N MMBF4861 Nat F SOT23 n-ch jfet sw/chopper 6P MMBFJ111 Nat F - J111 n-ch jfet6P BCX71HR Phi R SOT23R BCX796P MMBFJ113 Nat F - J113 n-ch jfet6Q MMBFJ305 Nat F - n-chjfet vhf J3056R MMBFJ112 Nat F - J112 n-chjfet6S MMBFJ176 Nat F - J176 n-ch jfet6S MMSD71 Mot C - gp Si diode6T BCW68GR Sie R - pnp 45V 0.8A 350mW6T MMBFJ310 Mot F SOT23 uhf n-ch jfet J3106U MMBFJ309 Nat F SOT23 uhf n-ch jfet J3096V BCW65CR Zet R SOT23R npn 32V 0.8A6V MMBFJ174 Nat F - J174 p-ch jfet sw/chopper 6V2 PZM6.2NB Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener6V8 PZM6.8NB Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener6W BCW67CR Zet R SOT23R pnp32V 0.8A6W MMBFJ175 Mot F SOT23 J175 p-ch jfet6X MMBFJ174 Nat F - J174 p-ch jfet sw/chopper 6Y MMBFJ177 Mot F SOT23 J177 p-ch jfet6Y2 BZV49-C6V2 Phi O SOT89 6.2V 1W zener6Y8 BZV49-C6V8 Phi O SOT89 6.8V 1W zener6Z MMBF170 Mot M SOT23 tmosfet n-ch Vds 60V7 (white) BBY55-02W Sie I SCD80 UHF Varicap73- BAS70W Phi C SOT323 schottky diode 70V 50mA 73p BAS70 Phi C SOT23 schottky diode 70V 50mA73s BAS70 Sie C SOT23 schottky diode 70V 50mA73S BFQ73S Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.3GHz 15V 100mA 73t BAS70 Phi C SOT23 schottky diode 70V 50mA73t BAS70W Phi C SOT323 schottky diode 70V 50mA 74p BAS70-04 Phi D SOT23 dual series BAS7074s BAS70-04 Sie D SOT23 dual series BAS7074t BAS70-04 Phi D SOT23 dual series BAS7074t BAS70-04W Phi D SOT323 dual series BAS7074t BAS70-04W Phi D SOT323 dual series BAS7075- BAS70-05W Phi B SOT323 dual cc BAS7075p BAS70-05 Phi B SOT23 dual cc BAS7075s BAS70-05 Sie B SOT23 dual cc BAS70。

NEW DFB rule中文版

NEW DFB rule中文版

Stamp hole
1.The width of stamp holes should be greater than 3mm. 郵票孔尺寸寬度應大於3mm 2.The definite space of stamp holes is 50mm 郵票孔間距每50mm 1個 3.Near the every corner must have stamp hole 每個角落必須設置郵票孔 4.Between the dip component must have stamp hole 在兩個dip零件之間必須有郵票孔
Multi-plate(小板聯 板)
C8 C9 C10 C11
Silk-Screen Silk-Screen Silk-Screen Silk-Screen
1.Unify the specification in the factory, increase the machine to the distinguishing rate of Fiducial, improve the accuracy of component mounting. 統一廠內規格,增加機器對Fiducial的辨識率,提高 PCB板零件置件的準確性. 2.Increase the accuracy of the localization 增加定位的準確度 3.Increase the accuracy of the localization and mounting 增加定位及置件準確度 4.Accord with the production request and increase localization accuracy 符合生產要求並增加定位準確度,避免Fiducial 旁 邊有類似形狀的PAD出現而產生誤判情形 5.avoid fiducial mark be covered and make machine cannot recognized 避免Fiducial Mark位置被覆蓋到而造成機器無法 辨識 6.make the program man can get right coordinate of the component correct and fast and avoid mistaking the program. 讓程式員能夠正確快速的的取得零件的正確座標 1.The planned Multi-plate size in maximum: 330*250mm. 1.Prevent the PCB from warping which can caused the unsteady quality Multi-plate規劃最大尺寸:330*250mm 2.As the multi-plate and big-small-joint-plate designed, the Gerber should 防止板彎板翹造成品質不穩定 be offered correspondingly 2.Prevent the Vendor of PCB and PCBA fixture from being mistakes, convenient to make 設計多連板或大小板拼板時,Gerber必須出聯板或拼板Gerber. program and promote the accuracy of mounting. 預防PCB板廠以及PCBA治具廠出錯,便利程式製 作及提高置件準確度 PCB must have silk-screen to show model,version,A.D.date,parts Avoid using wrong model and version by mistake, number,AOI label on Top&Bottom side. AOI Lable position with the board and let the operator distinguish easily while the distance is greater than 25 mm 避免用錯機種及版本,讓一般作業人員容易分辨 PCB的絲印層必須顯示機種,版本,料號,AOI label位置,AOI label位置距離 板邊要大於25mm Referance Designator(component characters description)has to be avoid mistake, program person can’t see the marked out without repeating. Location indication has to be entirely given. question when edit. Referance Designator(零件文字面)必須標示,不可重複. 避免錯件,程式人員編輯產生找不到位置問題 標示之Location,不可標示不全(如文字被鑽孔鑽掉,致文字不全) Every parts must have silk-screen location mark,and can not on solder avoid the covered portion to cause joint quality pad. badly Connector must have silk-screen mark for Pin1 Easy to confirm the direction of component 連接器必須標示出第一pin 容易辨別零件位置方向 The polarized components should be marked ‘’+’’,indication symbol,or increase the component recognize rate and avoid lead location for easy identification. opposite ,make people can’t recognized. 凡有正負極及極性等之零件,均須標示”+”,或辨識符號或腳位,以便於識別 增加零件的辦識率及避免反向人員無法確認 Connector outline on PCB must be match connector's shape if could not Easy to confirm the direction of component identify connector polarity on PCBA. 容易辨別零件位置方向 連接器的絲印框必須與零件的外形匹配,是否可以識別出連接器的極性 For all type component . the silk-screen size fit to component body size . For Placement If 2nd source body size different with main source , the silk-screen size 便于置件 should be combine both component . 所有類型的零件絲印框尺寸應該與零件本體尺寸吻合,如果代用料和主料 不一致,則絲印框尺寸將要結合兩種零件.



fl oodlight flashlight 照明灯Energy saving light 节能灯surface mounted d evice(SMD) 贴片Hybrid optical 混合光warm white 暖白natural white 自然白col d white 冷白constant current 恒定电流lumen 流明power supply, driver 驱动电源transformer 变压器panel light, flat light, slim light, d own light 平板灯encl osure, case, incrustation 外壳防爆灯 explosion-proof lamp/light室内灯 residential lamp台灯 table /desk lamp/light壁灯 wall lamp/light落地灯 floor lamp/light吸顶灯 ceiling lamp/light镜前灯 mirror front lamp/light户外灯 outdoor lamp路灯 street lamp/light庭院灯 garden lamp/light草坪灯 lawn lamp/light防水灯 waterproof /under water lamp应急灯 emergency light工具灯 utility light浴室灯 bathroom light灯饰附件 lighting accessories灯饰配件 light fittings灯泡 bulb白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs开关 switch光源 light source节能灯 energy saving lamp荧光灯 fluorescent light/lamp荧光灯管 linear fluorescent light tube环形荧光灯fluorescent circular lamp三极管 audion/dynatron灯杯 lamp cup灯罩 lamp shade/cover灯头/灯座 lamp holder灯头/灯座 lamp base灯头型号base’s type灯盘 lamp house灯盘 lamp plate/metal pan灯柱 lamp poleLED=light emitting diode 发光二极管shell material character 外壳材料Light source 光源fluorescent light 荧光灯Type 型号ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射Lamp luminous flux 流明量connector 接头Color temperature CCT 色温reactive loss 有功损耗Lamp body material / housing 外壳材料active loss 无功损耗Place of origin 原产地AC=alternating current 交流电C=direct current 直流电Product name 产品名称Beam angle 照射角度socket 插座LED brand LED 品牌transformer 变压器Input voltage 输入电压dimmer 调光器Lamp luminous efficiency 光效spectrum 光谱Working temperature /operating temperature 工作温度optical lens 光学透镜Certification 认证LED type LED类型high voltage 高压Lifespan / lifetime 使用寿命low voltage 低压Lamp power 功率strobe 频闪CRI color rendering index 显色指数hazardous material 有害物质Base type/ lamp base/socker type 底座spotlight 射灯PF power factor 功率因数mercury 汞CCT=correlated color temperature 色温lead 铅Halogen 卤素灯instant start 迅速启动Lamp cover / lamp shade灯罩solid state 固态的Epistar 台湾晶元简称ESshockproof 放震的Dimmable 可调光heat dissipation 散热Frosted PC 雾罩dimension 尺寸Incandescent 白炽灯ultra bright 超亮的IP rating / protection class 防尘防水指数flame retardant 阻燃剂Warn color 暖色heat sink 散热器Cold color 冷色emit 放射,发出SMD 贴片fault 故障DIP 直插quantity 灯珠颗数COB=chip on board 板上芯片soft light 柔光Warranty 保质期closed to natural light 接近自然光Application 应用范围excellent luminous output 高光效CE 产品认证concise and fashion appearance 样式精简流行ROHS 限制在电子电器产品中使用有害物质的指令high energy conservation 高节能Conductive plastic/plastic that conduct heat 导热塑胶parameter 参数Led driver LED 驱动Stable current control driver恒流控制驱动程序Power supply / switch开关电源super heat dissipation:散热性好Light tube support 灯管支架Electric wire 电线Lamp holder 灯头solid mercury 固态汞CFL=compact fluorescent light:紧凑型节能灯mixed/blended powder:混合粉tri-phosphor powder: 三基色粉aluminum: 铝diameter of whole tube:灯管直径frosted glass: 雾镜T2 lamp:T2灯flame retarded PBT case: 防阻燃PBT材质Super-power lamp:大功率灯spotlight: 聚光灯Floriated lamp/lotus lamp:莲花灯bulb lamp: 球泡灯Half spiral lamp:半螺灯corn lamp: 玉米灯Full spiral lamp:全螺灯mushroom lamp: 蘑菇灯Tubular lamp:U型灯guarantee period: 保质期Illumination intensity:光照强度mixed powder: 混合粉Compact structure:结构紧凑chip: 芯片No flickering/strobe:无闪烁Len: 透镜High light: 高光效angle: 角度Ideal replacement of incandescent: 完美的取代白炽灯colored bulb: 彩泡Optional wattage: 可选瓦数reflector: 反光杯Length of lamp: 整灯长度heat dissipation index: 导热系数Turns of tube: 灯管圈数heat radiation index: 热辐射系数high voltage resisted: 耐高压loading port: 装货港creepage resisted: 抗漏电MOQ: minimum order quantity 最小起订量static resisted: 抗静电sample: 样品catalogue: 样本copper :铜name card: 名片rare earth 稀土元素delivery time: 交货期halogen powder 卤粉payment:付款方式pipe / tube diameter 灯管直径Optical attenuation: 光衰减Power dissipation: 功耗Viewing angle: 视角Color rendering index: 显色指数Color temperature: 色温Operating temperature: 工作温度Storage temperature: 储存温度Place of origin: 原产地Diameter: 直径Emitting angle 发光角度Forward current: 正向电流Drive voltage: 驱动电压Lumen range 流明范围Light decay: 光衰Lowest thermal resistance: 最低的热阻Aniti UV 抗紫外线。



Ultra Fast Avalanche Sinterglass DiodeBYV26A, BYV26B, BYV26C, BYV26D, BYV26EVishay SemiconductorsDocument Number: 86040For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following:MECHANICAL DATACase: SOD-57Terminals: plated axial leads, solderable per MIL-STD-750,method 2026Polarity: color band denotes cathode end Mounting position: any Weight: approx. 369 mgFEATURES•Glass passivated junction •Hermetically sealed package •Very low switching losses •Low reverse current •High reverse voltage•Compliant to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC and in accordance to WEEE 2002/96/EC•Halogen-free according to IEC 61249-2-21 definitionAPPLICATIONS•Switched mode power supplies •High-frequency inverter circuits949539PARTS TABLEPART TYPE DIFFERENTIATION PACKAGE BYV26A V R = 200 V; I FAV = 1 A SOD-57BYV26B V R = 400 V; I FAV = 1 A SOD-57BYV26C V R = 600 V; I FAV = 1 A SOD-57BYV26D V R = 800 V; I FAV = 1 A SOD-57BYV26EV R = 1000 V; I FAV = 1 ASOD-57ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONPART SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Reverse voltage = repetitive peak reverse voltageSee electrical characteristicsBYV26AV R = V RRM 200V BYV26BV R = V RRM 400V BYV26C V R = V RRM 600V BYV26D V R = V RRM 800V BYV26EV R = V RRM1000V Peak forward surge current t p = 10 ms, half sine waveI FSM 30A Average forward currentI FAV 1A Non repetitive reverse avalanche energyI (BR)R = 1 A, inductive load E R 10mJ Junction and storage temperature rangeT j = T stg- 55 to + 175°CMAXIMUM THERMAL RESISTANCE (T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Junction ambientl = 10 mm, T L = constantR thJA45K/WBYV26A, BYV26B, BYV26C, BYV26D, BYV26EVishay SemiconductorsUltra Fast Avalanche SinterglassDiode For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following:Document Number: 86040TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)Fig. 1 - Max. Reverse Power Dissipation vs. Junction Temperature Fig. 2 - Max. Reverse Current vs. Junction Temperature Fig. 3 - Max. Average Forward Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFig. 4 - Max. Reverse Current vs. Junction TemperatureELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONPARTSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltage I F = 1 A V F -- 2.5V I F = 1 A, T j = 175 °CV F -- 1.3V Reverse currentV R = V RRMI R --5μA V R = V RRM , T j = 150°CI R --100μA Reverse breakdown voltageI R = 100 μABYV26A V (BR)R 300--V BYV26BV (BR)R 500--V BYV26C V (BR)R 700--V BYV26D V (BR)R 900--V BYV26E V (BR)R 1100--V Reverse recovery timeI F = 0.5 A, I R = 1 A, i R = 0.25 ABYV26A t rr --30ns BYV26Bt rr --30ns BYV26C t rr --30ns BYV26D t rr --75ns BYV26E t rr--75nsBYV26A, BYV26B, BYV26C, BYV26D, BYV26EUltra Fast Avalanche SinterglassDiodeVishay SemiconductorsDocument Number: 86040For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following:Fig. 5 - Diode Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage Fig. 6 - Diode Capacitance vs. Reverse VoltagePACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters (inches): SOD-57Legal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify and hold Vishay and its distributors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses and damages arising or resulting in connection with such use or sale, including attorneys fees, even if such claim alleges that Vishay or its distributor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.Material Category PolicyVishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereb y certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant.Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU.Revision: 12-Mar-121Document Number: 91000分销商库存信息: VISHAYBYV26C-TR。



Fig.1 Simplified outline (SOD57) and symbol.
LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).
1996 May 30
Philips Semiconductors
Fast soft-recovery controlled avalanche rectifiers
handbook, halfpage
I F(AV) (A)
20 15 10 lead length (mm)
and fatigue free as coefficients of
Rugged glass SOD57 package, using expansion of all used parts are
a high temperature alloyed
2/3 pagek(Datasheet)
handbook, h1alfpage I F(AV) (A)
Tamb (oC)
BYV26A to E a = 1.42; VR = VRRMmax; δ = 0.5. Device mounted as shown in Fig.19. Switched mode application.

3.2 x 2.8 mm PLCC2 SMD LED 商品说明书

3.2 x 2.8 mm PLCC2 SMD LED 商品说明书

Part Number Emitting Color Emitting MaterialLens-colorWavelength CIE127-2007*nm λPViewing Angle 2θ 1/2Luminous Intensity CIE127-2007* (I F =20mA) mcd *Luminous intensity value and wavelength are in accordance with CIE127-2007 standards.A Relative Humidity between 40% and 60% is recommended inESD-protected work areas to reduce static build up during assembly process (Reference JEDEC/JESD625-A and JEDEC/J-STD-033)Features● Ideal for indication light on hand held products ● Long life and robust package ● Standard Package: 2000pcs/ Reel ● MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level): 3 ● Halogen-free ● RoHS compliantATTENTIONOBSERVE PRECAUTIONSFOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICESLED is recommended for reflow soldering and soldering profile is shown below.Forward Current Derating CurveThe device has a single mounting surface. The device must be mounted according to the specifications.Reel Dimension (Units : mm)Recommended Soldering Pattern (Units : mm; Tolerance: ± 0.1)Tape Specification (Units : mm)Remarks:If special sorting is required (e.g. binning based on forward voltage, Luminous intensity / luminous flux, or wavelength), the typical accuracy of the sorting process is as follows: 1. Wavelength: +/-1nm2. Luminous intensity / luminous flux: +/-15%3. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1VNote: Accuracy may depend on the sorting parameters.TERMS OF USE1. Data presented in this document reflect statistical figures and should be treated as technical reference only.2. Contents within this document are subject to improvement and enhancement changes without notice.3. The product(s) in this document are designed to be operated within the electrical and environmental specifications indicated on the datasheet. User accepts full risk and responsibility when operating the product(s) beyond their intended specifications.4. The product(s) described in this document are intended for electronic applications in which a person’s life is not reliant upon the LED. Please consult with a SunLED representative for special applications where the LED may have a direct impact on a person’s life.5. The contents within this document may not be altered without prior consent by SunLED.6. Additional technical notes are available at https:///TechnicalNotes.aspPACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONS。

PC817C SMD-4P封装C档光耦中文数据书册

PC817C SMD-4P封装C档光耦中文数据书册

REV 1.0 2021 JAN PAGE:1/7
● 最大绝对额定值 (常温=25℃) Max Absolute rated Value (Normal Temperature=25℃)
参数 Parameter
符号 Symbol
额定值 Rated Value
顺向电流 Forward Current
40~60%R.H. 5×1010 1×1011 ---
Transforming Characteristics
电容量 capacotance
V=0, f=1MHz --- 0.6 1 pF
转换频率 Transforming Frequency
--- 80 --- kHz
REV 1.0 2021 JAN PAGE:6/7
Outline Dimensions 外形尺寸
4-pin DIP 4-pin DIP (M Type) 4-pin SMD
Unit: mm (inch)
REV 1.0 2021 JAN PAGE:7/7
150 200 5,000 6,000 630
工作温度 Working Temperature 存贮温度 Deposit Temperature *2 焊锡温度 Soldering Temperature
-55 to + 110
-55 to + 125
集极电流 Collector Current

G-mouse SIRF ST-26数据

G-mouse SIRF ST-26数据

ST-26产品亮点:行业标准的25*25*4MM 高灵敏度GPS 天线UART / TTL,接口,预留BOOT 开关,支持更新程序采用KDS 0.5PPM 高精度TCXO内建RTC 晶体及皮法电容更快的热启动内置Flash ,自由丰富的SIRF 程序更新内建LNA,低噪声信号放大器正常工作条件:参数最小标准最大单位电源电压 3.355V工作温度-40--+85℃工作电流4050mA极端工作条件:参数最小标准最大单位电源电压-0.3--5V 输出电压-0.3-- 3.6V 工作温度-40--85℃存储温度-55--100℃RTC电源具备条件[RTC电源在模块中自备,续航时间约2.5Hour] 参数最小标准最大单位RTC 电源电压 1.8 2.86V 消耗电流(工作)--150--uA 消耗电流(休眠)--30--uA 数字接口电平条件:参数最小标准最大单位输入高电平 2.0 2.83V输入低电平----0.8V 输出高电平 2.4 2.83V 输出低电平----0.4V 参数表:名称主要参数芯片组SIRF3灵敏度-159dBm功耗捕获时:50mA 定位时:40mA外观尺寸57*47*16mm 重量150克操作溫度-40℃~85℃储存溫度-55℃~100℃输入电压 3.3V~5V卫星通道20定位资料更新1Hz定位时间(平均值)热启动1秒温启动37秒冷启动39秒定位精度位置:<10米速度:0.1m/s 时间:1us使用范围海拔高度:18000米速度:<500m/s输出电平TTL.RS232可选数据输出(nmea0183)NMEA0183地球坐标系WGS-84传输速率9600bps(默认) [ 可选:4800 ,38400 ,57600 ]天线连接方式配有无源天线备用电池3V锂电池模块连接方式PS/2 DB-9 USB 航空接头 AV接头等等可选广州鑫图科技有限公司。

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