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第32卷第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀超㊀硬㊀材㊀料㊀工㊀程V o l.32 2020年10月S U P E R HA R D MA T E R I A LE N G I N E E R I N G O c t.2020ʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ硬质合金圆锯片基体扩孔用珩磨条配方设计与试验曹彩婷,刘一波,徐燕军,尹㊀翔,刘㊀伟,李凤娟(北京安泰钢研超硬材料制品有限责任公司,北京㊀102200)摘㊀要:针对65M n㊁S K5㊁S A E1074等材质的硬质合金圆锯片基体扩孔用c B N珩磨条进行配方设计和性能验证,为解决珩磨条寿命短的问题,结合前期基础性试验,选择胎体主成分为C u S n㊁C u S n C o和磨料粒径为170/200㊁140/170镀钛c B N的3种配方制备成珩磨条样品进行性能测试,3种配方分别命名为A H1㊁A H3㊁A H5㊂经过测试3种配方珩磨条试样密度㊁硬度以及以65M n材质硬质合金圆锯片为例,锯片中孔29.7mm左右,珩磨扩孔加工量约0.2mm,珩磨加工中一次使用4根珩磨条,单次珩磨每组20片锯片㊂结果发现:A H1平均密度8.34g/c m3㊁平均硬度H R B104㊁测试寿命1003片锯片;A H3平均密度8.15g/c m3㊁平均硬度H R B98㊁测试寿命1400片锯片;A H5平均密度8.25g/c m3㊁平均硬度H R B112㊁测试寿命2990片锯片,3种配方珩磨条测试中效率相当,试验范围内可认为A H5配方最佳㊂关键词:硬质合金圆锯片基体;扩孔;珩磨条;c B N制品中图分类号:T Q164㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1673-1433(2020)05-0007-06F o r m u l aD e s i g n i n g a n dP e r f o r m a c eT e s t i n g o fH o n i n g S t o n e sf o rR e a m i ng C a r b i d eC i r c u l a r S a wB l a d eB a s e sC A O C a i t i n g,L I U Y i b o,X U Y a n j u n,Y I N X i a n g,L I U W e i,L IF e n g j u a n(B e i j i n g G a n g Y a nD i a m o n dP r o d u c t sC o m p a n y,B e i j i n g102200,C h i n a)A b s t r a c t:T h e f o r m u l ad e s i g na n d p e r f o r m a n c e v e r i f i c a t i o no f cB Nh o n i n g b a r,w h i c hw a sa p p l i e d f o r r e a m i n g t h e m a t r i xo fc a rb i d ec i r c u l a rs a w b l ade s m a d eo f65M n,S K5a n ds a e1074,w e r e c a r r i e do u t.I no r d e r t os o l v e t h e p r o b l e m o f s h o r t l i f e,a f t e r p r e l i m i n a r yb a s ic e x p e r i m e n t s,T h eh o n i n g s t o n e s a m p l e sw e r e p r e p a r e dw i t ht h e t h r e e f o r m u l a t i o n sr e s p e c t i v e l y n a m e dA H1,A H3,a n dA H5,w h i c hw e r ed e s i g n e dw i t ht h em a t r i xc o m p o-n e n t o fC u S n,C u S n C o,p a r t i c l e s i z e s o f170/200a n d140/170,a n d t h e a b r a s i v eo f t i t a n-i z e d c B N,a n d t h e n t h e p e r f o r m a n c eo f s a m p l e sw a s t e s t e d.T h ed e n s i t y a n dh a r d n e s so fh o n i n g s t o n e s a m p l e s A H1,A H3,a n dA H5w e r em e a s u r e d,a n d t h e h o n i n g s t o n e s a m p l e sw e r e a p p l i e d t o p r o c e s s65M n c a r b i d e c i r c u l a r s a wb l a d eb a s e a n d r e a mt h em i d d l eh o l eo ft h e s a wb l a d eb a s e f r o m29.7mmt o29.9mm.D u r i n g t h eh o n i n gp r o c e s s,4h o n i n g s t o n es a m p l e sw e r e i n s t a l l e d a n d20c a r b i d e c i r c u l a r s a wb l a d eb a s e sw e r e r e a m e da t o n e t i m e.T h e r e s u l t s s h o w e d t h a t t h e a v e r a g e d e n s i t y o fA H1s a m p l e sw a s8.34g/c m3,t h e a v e r-收稿日期:2020-07-24基金项目:北京安泰钢研超硬材料制品有限责任公司研发项目 精密磨削金刚石砂轮开发 (2020Z L05P C Y)作者简介:曹彩婷(1990-),女,硕士㊂研究方向:金属基超硬磨具㊂E-m a i l:c a o c a i t i n g@g a n g y a n-d i a m o n d.c o m㊂通讯作者:徐燕军(1971-),男,博士,正高级工程师,主要研究方向为超硬材料制品㊂E-m a i l:x u y a n j u n@g a n g y a n-d i a m o n d.c o m㊂引文格式:曹彩婷,刘一波,徐燕军,等.硬质合金圆锯片基体扩孔用珩磨条配方设计与试验[J].超硬材料工程,2020,32(5):7-12.a g e h a r d n e s sH R B104,a n d t h e s e r v i c e l i f e1003c a rb i d ec i r c u l a r s a wb l ade b a s e s.T h e a v-e r a g e d e n s i t y o fA H3s a m p l e sw a s8.15g/c m3,t h ea v e r a g eh a r d n e s sH R B98,a n dt h e s e r v i c e l if e1400c a r b i d e c i r c u l a r s a wb l a d eb a s e s.T h e a v e r ag ed e n s i t y o f A H5s a m p l e w a s8.25g/c m3,t h e a v e r a g e h a r d n e s sH R B112,a n d t h e s e r v i c e l i f e2990c a r b i d e c i r c u l a r s a wb l a d e b a s e s.T h e e f f ic i e n c y o f t h e t h r e e f o r m u l a s a m p l e sw a s e q u i v a l e n t,b u t t h e p e r f o r m-a n c e o fA H5f o r m u l a c o u l db e c o n s ide r e d a s t h eb e s t i n t h e t e s t r a n g e.K e y w o r d s:C a r b i d e c i r c u l a r s a wb l a d eb a s e;r e a m i n g;h o n i n g s t o n e1㊀引言硬质合金圆锯片是一种效率很高的切割刀具[1],因其切割锯路窄㊁效率高和切割面质量好而常被用于木材㊁塑料㊁铝型材㊁有机玻璃和家具等加工行业,是人们居家生活中不可或缺的一部分[2]㊂硬质合金圆锯片加工过程中,中孔冲完后公差和精度一般不能满足使用要求,这就需要珩磨加工㊂珩磨常用于孔的光整加工,珩磨切削力是周向力和轴向力的合成,珩磨头承受的扭矩是周向切削力的度量,珩磨作为一种磨削加工的特殊形式,是提高工件的尺寸㊁几何形状精度和表面质量的有效加工方法[3]㊂珩磨加工具有如下特点:(1)应用范围广,几乎所有的工件材料都可以珩磨加工;(2)加工工件表面质量好,由于珩磨速度是一般磨削速度的几十分之一,磨削力和热很小,工件表面不产生烧伤㊁裂纹等;(3)加工精度高,采用珩磨加工内孔时,表面粗糙度值R a可达0.05μm;(4)对机床精度要求低,珩磨加工除采用专用的珩磨机床外,在车床㊁镗床和钻床上也可进行[4]㊂从结合剂种类划分,珩磨条有树脂㊁陶瓷㊁金属等分类,磨料主要有金刚石㊁c B N超硬磨料和刚玉㊁S i C 等普通磨料,随着对加工工具性价比要求的提高,超硬磨料的珩磨条应用越来越广泛[5]㊂本文为解决胎体对c B N磨料的把持力㊁提高珩磨条使用寿命的问题,在控制成本的前提下实现寿命2500片以上的目标㊂结合前期基础试验,设计3种配方分别编号A H1㊁A H3㊁A H5,验证3种配方的密度㊁硬度和使用寿命等效果,确定试验范围内的最佳方案㊂2㊀配方设计思路㊁实验原材料与方法2.1㊀配方设计思路本文目标主要是解决珩磨条使用寿命短的问题,设计思路从影响寿命的三个方面入手:调整磨料的浓度或粒度㊁磨料表面镀覆处理提高胎体对磨料的把持力㊁胎体中添加耐磨性元素提高胎体耐磨性㊂经过前期基础试验积累及对客户样品分析后,确定A H1配方磨料c B N170/200~230,体积浓度35%,测试使用寿命1003片,未能达到寿命目标2500片;根据前期A H1的试验结果,在保证珩磨条锋利度以及珩磨的圆锯片表面精度满足要求的前提下,进行如下配方设计:(1)胎体和磨料粒度不变,提高磨料c B N体积浓度至60%,且c B N磨粒表面镀钛处理;(2)通过添加C o元素适度提高胎体耐磨性,调整磨料c B N体积浓度为45%㊁粒度为140/170,且c B N磨粒表面镀钛处理㊂通过以上试验对比,进一步了解磨料浓度㊁粒度变化和胎体成分变化对产品使用寿命的影响㊂2.2㊀实验原材料A H1主要成分及含量见表1,底粉为C u,磨料采用cB N170/200~230,粒径尺寸75~95μm,其颗粒形貌如图1所示:表1㊀A H1主要成分及含量T a b l e1㊀A H1m a i n c o m p o s i t i o na n d c o n t e n t编号C u S n其他c B N含量A H173.7%22.5%3.8%35%图1㊀A H1磨料颗粒表面形貌图F i g.1㊀T h e s u r f a c e t o p o g r a p h y o f a b r a s i v e p a r t i c l e sA H18超硬材料工程㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2020年10月㊀㊀A H 3主要成分及含量见表2,底粉为C u ,磨料采用表面镀钛c B N 170/200~230T ,粒径尺寸75~95μm ,其颗粒形貌如图2所示:表2㊀A H 3主要成分及含量T a b l e 2㊀A H 3m a i n c o m po s i t i o na n d c o n t e n t 编号C u S n 其他c B N 含量A H 374.3%19.7%6%60%图2㊀A H 3磨料颗粒表面形貌图F i g .2㊀T h e s u r f a c e t o p o g r a p h y of a b r a s i v e p a r t i c l e sA H 3㊀㊀A H 5主要成分及含量见表3,底粉为C u ,磨料采用表面镀钛c B N 140/170~230T ,粒径尺寸90~106μm ,其颗粒形貌如图3所示:表3㊀A H 5主要成分及含量T a b l e 3㊀A H 5m a i n c o m po s i t i o na n d c o n t e n t 编号C u S n C o 其他c B N 含量A H 573%17.3%5.7%4%45%图3㊀A H 5磨料颗粒形貌图F i g .3㊀T h e s u r f a c e t o p o g r a p h y of a b r a s i v e p a r t i c l e sA H 52.3㊀实验方法将配方成分按比例配制好后,用三维混料机均匀混合1h ,加入c B N 磨料后再混合1h ㊂将混合好的粉末装入石墨模具进行热压烧结,制备50L-4W-2.8X-3.0T mm 3的试样,每组石墨模具中装有18个试样,三种配方的热压烧结工艺分别如图4~图6所示:图4㊀A H 1热压烧结工艺曲线图F i g .4㊀A H 1H o t p r e s s i n g s i n t e r i n gpr o c e s s c u r v e 9第32卷㊀第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀曹彩婷等:硬质合金圆锯片基体扩孔用珩磨条配方设计与试验图5㊀A H 3热压烧结工艺曲线图F i g .5㊀A H 3H o t p r e s s i n g s i n t e r i n gpr o c e s s c u r ve 图6㊀A H 5热压烧结工艺曲线图F i g .6㊀A H 5H o t p r e s s i n g s i n t e r i n gpr o c e s s c u r v e 3㊀实验结果与分析采用阿基米德排水法测量试样密度,每种配方选10个测量取平均值作为测试结果;利用H R-150A 型洛氏硬度计测量试样的硬度值,每种配方选5个试样每个测4个点,取平均值作为测量结果㊂三种配方试样密度和硬度测试结果见表4,对比柱形见图7㊂表4㊀三种配方试样密度和硬度测试结果T a b l e 4㊀T h e r e l u l t s o f d e n s i t y an dh a r d n e s s o f t h r e e s a m pl e s 配方编号密度(g/c m 3)硬度(H R B )A H 18.34104A H 38.1598A H 58.251121超硬材料工程㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2020年10月图7㊀三种配方试样密度和硬度柱形图F i g.7㊀C o l u m n a r d i a g r a m s o f d e n s i t y a n dh a r d n e s s o f t h r e e f o r m u l a t i o n s㊀㊀珩磨验证时利用银焊片将试样(图8所示)焊接到基体(图9所示)上,以65M n材质锯片为例,锯片中孔29.7mm左右,珩磨扩孔加工量约0.2mm,珩磨加工中一次使用4根珩磨条,单次珩磨每组20片锯片㊂结果发现,珩磨过程中效率基本相当,A H1配方可加工1003片㊁A H3配方可加工1400片,A H5配方可加工2990片㊂图8㊀珩磨条试样图例F i g.8㊀T h eh o n i n g s t o n e s a m p l e f i g u re图9㊀珩磨条基体图例F i g.9㊀T h eh o n i n g s t o n e s u b s t r a t e f i g u r eF i g.10㊀T h e f r a c t u r em o r p h o l o g y o f s a m p l eA H 1F i g.11㊀T h e f r a c t u r em o r p h o l o g y o f s a m p l eA H311第32卷㊀第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀曹彩婷等:硬质合金圆锯片基体扩孔用珩磨条配方设计与试验F i g.12㊀T h e f r a c t u r em o r p h o l o g y o f s a m p l eA H5㊀㊀对于测试结果结合配方成分和磨料分析,发现A H3配方较A H1配方的主要差异是磨料c B N170/ 200~230体积浓度35%调整为镀钛c B N170/200~ 230T体积浓度60%,磨料体积浓度提高25%及磨料表面镀覆钛使珩磨条寿命提高约39%;A H5配方较A H3配方的主要差异是胎体中添加C o元素,以及磨料c B N粒度170/200~230T体积浓度60%调整为镀钛c B N粒度140/170~230T体积浓度45%,胎体配方增加耐磨性元素及磨料粒度调粗使珩磨条寿命实现翻倍增长,使用寿命完成2500片的目标㊂结合胎体断口形貌分析,从图10(a)断口显微照片中可以看出,A H1试样胎体对c B N有润湿性,胎体和c B N结合较好无缝隙,但图10(b)中显示胎体断裂为脆性断裂,断口无明显韧窝;从图11(a)可以看出,AH3试样胎体对c B N粘结不好,胎体对c B N润湿性不好,造成胎体和c B N间有较大缝隙,在使用中会造成c B N提前脱落,所以即使c B N体积浓度较高,试样表现出的寿命可能不会有很大提高,图11 (b)中显示胎体断裂为韧性断裂,韧窝状断口比较明显;从图12(a)中可以看出,胎体和c B N连结比较紧密,使用中胎体对c B N的把持力较好,图12(b)中显示胎体断裂为韧性断裂,断口表面有明显韧窝,该胎体配方比较合理㊂断口的理论推断效果与实际试验测试结果基本吻合,整体来看寿命测试结果与设计思路也基本一致㊂综合性能来看,试验范围内A H5配方使用效果最佳,可作为珩磨扩孔65M n等硬质合金圆锯片的最优方案㊂参考文献:[1]㊀刘勇.硬质合金木工圆锯片的C A D设计方法探究[J].现代制造技术与装备,2017(8):58-60.[2]㊀周富强.超薄硬质合金圆锯片在木材加工中的应用[J].南方农机,2015(5):35-36.[3]㊀谢国如.砂带内孔珩磨工艺研究及应用[J].工艺与装备,2005(1):105-106.[4]㊀孟璐,郑文虎.珩磨加工[J].金属加工(冷加工),2019(9):37-40.[5]㊀丁艳红,姚新改.淬火钢用c B N珩磨条的研制[J].制造技术与机床,2007(4):91-92.21超硬材料工程㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2020年10月。
二十六 核心期刊发表的论文.doc4


2015 IM2C Problem Movie SchedulingTeam 2015004Team # 20150042 / 44SummaryArranging a movie’s shooting schedule can mean a lot of hard work. Different actors and actresses have their own schedules, various resources need to be booked, and special restrictions of some scenes must be considered. In order to offer a satisfactory solution, we have developed a model capable of finding possible schedules and selecting several better schedules based on our clients’ preferences. We have also provided solutions that help our clients adjust their plan if an accident happens, as well as helping them identify the most important constraints that would most greatly affect their schedule if varied.In the first part of our model, we search the possible shooting schedules according to the information that our clients provided, which may include the available time periods of each actor, specific sites and special resources. We sort out the various available dates by scenes, and using a 0-1 matrix to represent the availability of each scene on each of possible shooting dates. We then use the backtracking method, which is commonly used in solving constraint satisfaction problems and combinatorial search, to find arrangements that satisfy each scene’s availability dates. Moreover, in order to further shorten the running time of our program, we pre-arranged the order of scenes, so that the scenes with the strictest restrictions would be considered first, enabling the program using the backtracking method to find more results more quickly.In the second part of our model, we consider other special restrictions requested (for example, the required order of some scenes) and the general preference of our clients. We filter the solutions drawn from the previous part (which could be up to 10000 solutions), by first deleting the deficient solutions based on special restrictions, and then arraying the remaining solutions from the best to the worst. Our model can calculate the total shooting schedule length, the frequency of location changes, and required number of studios in a solution. And along with the average cost to rent a studio, the intended frequency of flexible day, the total budget, and traffic budget of our clients, we can assess the general appropriateness1and some characteristics of a schedule, based on which we array the solutions and provide 11 top schedules to our clients. The solutions include 5 overall best solutions, 2 solutions with least number of location changes, 2 solutions with least number of studios2, and 2 solutions with least number of shooting days.Extending our model, we provide ways to adjust an original schedule to various accidents. When our clients provide us with information of the original schedule they selected, accidents occurred and new restrictions, we can return a new schedule with feasible adjustments. These adjustments are achieved by running the program with the new data while leaving intact the scenes that have already happened or that are not expected to change. In this way, the computational complexity would be greatly reduced and the new schedule would involve as few changes as possible. Lastly, we can also evaluate the most important constraints for our clients by calculating the differences in average characteristic value of top solutions before and after a constraint is changed. Having access to such information, our clients would be able to pay more attention to those important constraints and prevent major delays of their original shooting schedule.1We use the characteristic value to evaluate the appropriateness of a solution. For further explanation, please see 2.2, where we explain in detail how we calculate the characteristic value of a solution.2 Different settings cannot be constructed or shooting simultaneously at the same studio, so more than one studio may be required.Content1. Problem interpretation (4)1.1 Problem restatement (4)1.2 Assumptions and Justifications (4)1.3 The goal of modeling (5)2 Model (5)2.1 Overview of the model (5)2.2 Definition of variables (5)2.3 Relations between variables (8)2.4 Algorithm of finding all possible schedules (9)2.5 Algorithm of finding the best schedule (10)2.6 Adjustment for accidents (11)3 Programming Approach (11)3.1 Overview of the program (11)3.2 Introduction of the program (12)3.2.1 Inputs (12)3.2.2 Algorithm of finding (12)3.2.3 Algorithm of filtering (12)3.2.4 Outputs (13)4. Case Analysis (13)4.1 Overview of the case (13)4.1.1 Roles and the available times of their actors (13)4.1.2 Scenes (14)4.1.3 Available time of sites (15)4.1.4 Preparation time of settings (15)4.1.5 Restriction of specific orders (15)4.1.6 Other constraints (16)4.1.7 Other settings (16)4.2 Case solving (16)4.2.1 The optimal schedule (16)4.2.2 Schedule analysis (17)4.3 Adjustment for accidents (17)4.3.1 Assumed accidents (17)4.3.2 Adjustment realization (17)4.3.3 Results (18)5 The way of finding the most important constraints (19)5.1 Overview of the algorithm (19)5.2 Description of the algorithm (19)6 Reviews and Prospect (20)7 Reference Material (21)8 Appendix (22)1. Problem interpretation1.1 Problem restatementAs one of the major types of popular entertainment, motion picture has become a fast-growing industry. The constant demand for new excellent films makes effective filmmaking an important job. Therefore, it is necessary for every producer to develop a good filming schedule within certain constraints, such as the availability dates of stars and specific resources. We hope to use mathematical models to come up with this optimal schedule.1.2 Assumptions and Justifications1) The filming schedule has a limited time span whose starting point and ending point are both reachable.2) The filming schedule must conform to the following restrictions, which are inflexible and cannot be violated:i.The availability dates of some stars.ii.The availability dates of specific sites.iii.The availability dates for specific resources.iv.The time required to construct and film on a list of sets.v.Some scenes cannot be shot until after certain computer generated content is defined and other physical items are constructed.vi.Some scenes cannot be shot until other scenes are finished. For example, if a set is finally destroyed, all other scenes related to this set are supposed to be shot beforeit happens.vii.Extra time is needed for redoing some shots if they turn out to be inadequate after editing and review.viii.Extra time is needed for making up some delay or changes.ix.During the filming process, the director might decide to add some new scenes, which will influence the schedule.3) The schedule breaks down time into days for further allocation.‐Filming schedules always choose “Day” as their unit, which is pretty reasonable.First, it is small enough, because most scenes require one or several days to be shot.Second, it is still flexible, because in every single day small delays can becompensated by working overtime, and night shoots can be compensated by morerests in the daytime.4) Several scenes cannot be shot at the same time.‐Every time a scene is shot, the director must be present.5) The construction of sets does not interfere with the filming process.‐Workers can build the sets themselves without being monitored by the director.6) If multiple schedules are available, the studio will consider the continuity of locations.‐ Since the crews do not wish to move frequently, a small number of changes infilming locations is preferred.7) Since we can rent several filming studios, it is possible to build different settings at the same time. However, renting more filming studios will increase the cost, so we hope that these constructions do not conflict with each other.8) Although the crew may not work every day, we should pay for them as long as the shoot is not finished. Therefore, the whole time span is not likely to be too long.9) To deal with problems of delays and reshoots, the filming crews usually have a “flexible day” for every two weeks. On this “flexible day”, they can shoot the scenes that were not completely finished before. Each day without a shooting plan can be seen as a flexible day.1.3 The goal of modelingAccording to the assumptions given above, the optimal schedule derived from our model is an arrangement that:‐ satisfies all the inflexible restrictions in 2nd assumption;‐ promises relatively less changes in locations;‐ has relatively less conflicts in construction of different settings;‐ has an appropriate time span;‐ has enough flexible day for problems of delays and reshoots.In this model, we attempt to find a schedule that can excel in all these criteria.2 Model2.1 Overview of the modelThe whole model consists of two parts: “finding” solutions and “filtering” solutions. For each specific situation, our model first figures out all possible schedules, and then picks up the best ones among them. The model can also adjust previous schedules to deal with new accidents, such as delays in some aspects or changes in the availability of some assets.2.2 Definition of variablesIn order to build a reasonable model, we first introduced some variables:max T : The maximum time length of filming schedule, which is the difference between the latestdate and the earliest date appearing in the input sheets. A movie cannot be finished if the span of shooting schedule is longer than max T .min T : The minimum time length of filming schedule, which is the actual shooting time. k A : The personal schedule of actor k , which is a 0-1 array within the spread of max T . A ‘0’ as the n th element means that the actor cannot work on the n th day. Similarly, ‘1’ means the actor can join shooting on that day.l B : The availability dates of site l . We can simply regard a site as an actor, because toaccomplish a shooting task, we need both the actors and the sites available at the same time. If one element is unavailable, the shooting cannot be accomplished. Thus we describel B in the same way as that of k A ; that is, a 0-1 array with the length of max T . Additionally, we define B as the number of sites.m C : The availability dates of setting m . Similar to sites, a setting can be treated just like an actor. We define C as the number of the settings.n D : The availability dates of special resource n , such as a helicopter or a tank, which is only available at certain time intervals. Since resources also can be treated as actors, we use k A to record n D to simplify the model. We define A as the total number of actors and specialresources. (The reason why we do not combinel B and m C with k A is that information about sites and settings are required for other calculations in the “filtering” process.)o N : A set that records the time required (a.k.a. time length) to film scene o and the elements (e.g. actors, special resources, and a site or a setting) involved. o N cannot be an empty set; it has to contain at least one actor and one site or setting. Generally, its time length cannot be changed, which already contains a little flexible time for preparation and transportation. Moreover, we consider a scene the smallest part of shooting, which means that a scene cannot be divided. When all scenes are finished, the shooting task is done. We defineo N as the time length of this scene,which is an element of the set. i Q : A sequence showing a specific arrangement of all o N s. i Q is a time plan for all scenes. o N t : The number of possible ways to arrange scene o , regardless of arrangements of all otherscenes.i x : The actual shooting time length of i Q .*k A : An “Invisible actor” that has the same character as a real actor. We can use this idea to fulfill the special requirements, such as a specific scene that can be shot in several particular time intervals. This variable depends on requirements of the clients.p E : A special restriction p that i Q must conform to. For example, the restriction that 1Nmust be shot before2N are accomplished. This variable depends on requirements of the clients. P : A value between 0 and 1 that measures the ability of a schedule to deal with delays and reshoots. We define that in every 1P days, one flexible day is used to compensate delays and reshoots. Small delays or quick reshoots, which need only a few hours, can be adjusted on the very day it occurs, so that the whole schedule will not be affected. If delays or reshoots cost a longer time, we can resort remaining scenes into a new schedule. So that only when delays and reshoots need one day or several days, the flexible day in the 1P days is needed. P is an average value, which satisfies 01P £<. This variable depends on requirements of the clients.i K : The number of changes in sites or settings (a.k.a. location changes) that occur in an arrangement i Q .0K : The least possible number of location changes.i L : The number of required filming studios.i y : The extra number of i Q ’s location changes. Since we want to avoid unnecessary location changes, the smaller i y is, the better i Q is.i z : The extra number of filming studios that are required. We say that the more filming studios are used, the more money is spent, and the less efficient the schedule is.budget M : Total budget of the movie, which is given by our client.totaltraffic M : Total traffic budget of the movie, which is also decided by our client.itrafficpertime M : The average cost of a location change, which is the money spent on travelling andtransportation.studio M : The average cost of one studio, including the construction cost and art design cost. It is decided by client. h : The budget per day. This variable builds a connection between time and money, so that we can find the equivalent of a certain amount of money in some measure of time. However, it is just an estimation variable, time is always invaluable.i q : Penalty coefficient of i y (illustrated below).a : Penalty coefficient of i z (illustrated below).2.3 Relations between variables According to the definitions of these variables, we can come up with some basic relationships:min =o T N å (2.3-1)min max i T x T ££ (2.3-2)0=1K B C +- (2.3-3)0i i y K K =- (2.3-4)when 0i L ¹,1i i z L =-; when 0i L =, 0i z = (2.3-5)=i totaltraffic trafficpertime i M M K (2.3-6) min budgetM T h = (2.3-7)We believe that a large number of changes in locations are “bad” for a shooting schedule; too many filming studios are “bad”, too. In order to describe the how bad they are, we can transform their financial cost into time of equal value. So we have=itrafficperday i M q h(2.3-8) =studio M a h (2.3-9)Moreover, when the constraints are too loose, most of possible solutions will be far from optimal. To prevent this condition, we add another limit:max min 21T T P êú£êúêú+ëû(2.3-10) This means that max T cannot be too long. max T should be longer than min T by a period of time no more than min 2PT , or there will be too much idle time. Since too much idle time causes the increase of possible solutions, if the case holds false to the formula, we know that there are too many i Q s.2.4 Algorithm of finding all possible schedulesFinding possible schedules is a process of trial and error, which is meant to include both successes and failures. However, in order to reduce the mass of calculation, we hope to obtain all solutions with the least number of failures. To achieve this, we can determine the relatively inflexible times first, and leave the flexible ones for permutations later.Since o N t , the number of possible ways to arrange scene o (regardless of all other scenes), is anindication of o N ’s flexibility in time, we can arrange all o N s by ascending order of o N t{}*****1231,,,......,,q q N N N N N -This arrangement enables us to settle these scenes in an efficient order.Then we use backtracking algorithm to find all of i Q .In fact, the finding process is like finding all**1q N N path -s in a directed graph:First, we choose one *o N . Then we pick oneof the available choices of *1o N +. If wecannot find a *1o N +, which means that thechosen *o N is unfeasible, we will go backto the last order and find another *o N . Wewill continual to repeat this procedure untilwe get a complete **1q N N path -. Everytime we obtain a path, we record it and go back to the last order.Even though the crotches of tree are numerous and unknown, we have promised the least number of crotches by arranging o N by o N t . After reducing a large amount of computations, the newlyderived *o N is suitable for finding i Q .2.5 Algorithm of finding the best scheduleAfter all possible schedules are found, we need to evaluate each of them to find the top solutions. First, we have to follow the restrictions in E . If i Q does not accord with p E , it should be eliminated from our consideration.Second, we need to assess how good i Q is. In an optimal situation, we can assume a numerical relationship among several variables:min min i i i i x T y z T P q a ---» (2.5-1)i x is the whole time span of i Q , while min T is the real shooting time, and i q and a are the time spent on transportations and constructions. Therefore, the left side of the equation stands for the actual flexible time ready to deal with delays and reshoots, which is expected to be min PT Based on formula (11), we introduce a new index ()i S Q :min min min ()()=ln i i i i i T P x T y z S Q T Pq a ----() (2.5-2) The function ()i S Q , a characteristic value, indicates the superiority of each i Q . The less ()i S Q is, the more orderly i Q is, and the better the schedule is.In the best solution whose free time is just appropriate, min min ()=0i i i i T P x T y z q a ----, and ()-i S Q ®¥.If free time is too little, and flexible days are just enough to cover the penalty time (time spent on transportations and constructions) but not enough to compensate for delays and reshoots, we will have min ()0i i i i x T y z q a ---=, and ()0i S Q =.If free time is too much, and the time for delays and reshoots are twice as much as needed, we will have min min ()2T i i i i x T y z P q a ---=, the characteristic value ()i S Q also equals to 0. Eventhough the two cases above are different, they are both considered as mediocre choices, and their()i S Q values are the same.2.6 Adjustment for accidentsIf the clients encounter an accident that cannot be solved by existing flexible days (for example, significant delays in one aspect or the availability of some asset changes) during the filming process, we can provide a model for them to rearrange the future plan. The rearrangement can be achieved through a similar program, so they could quickly obtain the new schedule after changing some basic information and running the program.This adjustment is based on information in several aspects:1) The change in constraints (if any). For example, if the delay is caused by change in availability of an actor, a site or a resource, the new available time must be known.2) The present achievements. Since some tasks are already finished, the schedule before the present day cannot change anymore.3) The future dates that are hard to change. Some appointments with actors and specific resources (such as a helicopter) cannot be cancelled or changed, so the related scenes have to stay at the same date.After these information are entered, the program will add new constraints {}****123,,,......,r A A A A and the unchangeable scenes {}''''123,,,......,r N N N N (unchangeable scenes will be considered as “Invisible actors”, and the detailed procedure is discussed in 2.2) and give solution based on the new circumstances. Therefore, if these information are known, the program can provide an optimal future schedule for the clients when an accident happens.3 Programming Approach3.1 Overview of the programBased on our model, we developed a computer program that is capable of generating possible schedules as well as determining the priority of each schedules according to their characteristic values and sorting them by the priority in descending order.3.2 Introduction of the program3.2.1 InputsOur program contains a function that can read an Excel file so that it is very convenient for clients to input data. The Excel has 6 sheets which contain the information of actors, places, sets, scenes and two kinds of restrictions.The input function named ‘Read’ works by transferring information in Excel into four variables (Data form: double) named Ifm_Actors, Ifm_Places, Ifm_Sets, Ifm_Scenes and Cmd_Time.3.2.2 Algorithm of finding3.2.2.1 Preliminary filteringFirst of all, the program will check whether a possible solution exists. If there’s obviously no possible solution3, it will display an error and terminates the program. Estimation and tipsUse the formula (10) to determine whether the restrictions are too loose so that the quantity of possible schedules might be too large. If the case holds false to the formula, the program would display a warning. Searching for possible schedulesThe program generates 0-1 matrixes Ifm_Actors, Ifm_Places, Ifm_Sets and Ifm_Scenes with 1 representing available days and 0 representing occupied days. In this way we can figure out the intersection of available time by multiplying the correspondent row.Then, by rearranging the 0-1 matrix in order of the method that was mentioned in 2.4, the computational complicity is significantly reduced.Finally, we use the backtracking method to search for all possible schedules within the 0-1 matrix. Solutions are saved in variable All_Solutions (data form: cell).During the searching, if the number of solutions is too large, the program simply stops searching when 1000 solutions are recorded.3.2.3 Algorithm of filteringAfter generating all solutions, our program will follow time restrictions to delete those solutions that don’t fit in. Then, the program determines the changing times of places and sets, and calculates the characteristic values with function (12) to judge whether a solution is practical enough. The solutions are rearranged according to their characteristic values.3 For example, if the schedules of two actors who cooperate in a specific scene do not have intersection, the scene obviously cannot be shot.3.2.4 OutputsFinally, the output function of the program creates an Excel file and writes 11 possible scheduleswith the top priority in four different criteria. They include 5 overall best schedules, 2 scheduleswith least number of location changes, 2 schedules with least number of studios, and 2 scheduleswith least number of shooting days. In each schedule, scenes are arranged chronologically.4. Case Analysis4.1 Overview of the caseFor most movies, the detailed information about the preparing process are not open to public,which makes it hard to find a realistic case to test our model. However, we gathered some basicfacts about film shooting from internet and libraries, and used them to create a mostly reliable caseto test our model.This movie tells the stories of a group of physicists. It contains 18 roles, 9 sites, 11 settings, and 29 scenes. The studio wants the whole filming to be finished within 60 days. They also give some constraints, which are all displayed as below.4.1.1 Roles and the available times of their actorsThe following chart displays all the roles included in the film and the available dates of theiractors:Role Available dates of actorRydberg 13-14 Thomson 26-2824-25,29-30 Rutherford 1-5,29-30 Chadwick 4-5,Planck 11-12, 16-17, 23, 29-30Bohr 1-3,7,9,26-28, 34-35, 51-54Landau 21 Fermi 41-50 Oppenheimer 22, 41-47, 51-52Feynman 44-4734-35 Schrödinger 18-20,34-35 Compton 24-25,De Broglie 34-35, 40-60Einstein 6, 8, 16, 17, 21, 34-40Heisenberg 7-9, 23, 31-36, 53-60Dirac 31-35,51-52 Pauli 10,34-35 Born 10,19-20,34-35 4.1.2 ScenesThe following chart displays all the scenes in the film, the locations of and roles in them, and thetime needed to shoot them. There are two types of locations, sites and settings, which will bespecifically discussed in following paragraphs.Scene Location Roles Time(day)Solvay Conference Brussels Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Dirac,Born, Pauli, Schrödinger,Compton, De Broglie, Heisenberg2Experiment 1 Lab 1 Rydberg, Bohr 2 Experiment 2 The University of Manchester Rutherford, Bohr 3 Experiment 3 The University of Cambridge Thomson, Chadwick 3 Story 1 The University of Manchester Rutherford, Chadwick 2 Story 2 The University of Cambridge Rutherford, Einstein 2 Story 3 Humboldt University of Berlin Planck, Einstein 2 Story 4 Auditorium 1 Landau 1 Story 5 The University of Chicago Fermi, Oppenheimer, Feynman 4 Story 6 The University of Cambridge Dirac, Heisenberg 2 Story 7 Humboldt University of Berlin Schrödinger 1 Story 8 House 1 Einstein, Heisenberg 1 Story 9 House 2 Planck, Heisenberg 1 Story 10 Auditorium 2 Einstein 1 Story 11 Meeting room 1 Einstein 1 Experiment 4 University of Copenhagen Dirac, Bohr, Oppenheimer 2 Experiment 5 Lab 2 Compton, Rutherford 2 Story 12 Auditorium 2 Heisenberg, Bohr 1 Story 13 University of Copenhagen Heisenberg, Bohr 2 Story 14 University of Göttingen Pauli, Born 1 Experiment 6 Lab 3 Planck 2 Story 15 Meeting room 2 Heisenberg, Bohr 1 Story 16 Princeton University Einstein 2 Story 17 House 1 Einstein 2 Story 18 Humboldt University of Berlin Schrödinger, Born 2 Story 19 House 3 Oppenheimer 1 Story 20 Lab 4 Oppenheimer, Fermi 2 Story 21 National Library Fermi 3 Story 22 University of Copenhagen Heisenberg 24.1.3 Available time of sitesFor some specific reasons, a few sites cannot be shot all the time. The following chart displays theavailable dates of each site:date Place Available University of Copenhagen 50-60Humboldt University of Berlin 15-20Brussels 1-60 The University of Manchester 1-7The University of Cambridge 25-33The University of Chicago 44-60University of Göttingen 1-57Princeton University 1-42National Library 48-604.1.4 Preparation time of settingsThe time of preparation for settings is a determinant of the number of filming studios. Thefollowing chart displays this preparation time:time(day) Set PreparationHouse 1 4House 2 3House 3 6Meeting room 1 0Meeting room 2 0Lab 1 0Lab 2 0Lab 3 0Lab 4 0Auditorium 1 0Auditorium 2 0We assume in this way because compared to filming in meeting rooms, labs and auditoriums, it isharder to film in a realistic house (For example, a high filming position cannot be reached).Therefore, we must build some “houses” in the filming studio, which requires several days toprepare.4.1.5 Restriction of specific ordersThe studio also requires some specific orders of scenes to be shot:“Story 20” must go after “Experiment 1”.“Story 13” must go after “Experiment 5”, and “Experiment 5” must go after “Experiment 2”.。

利福平引起高热2 5例临床分析

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1. 文献题目:《现象学途径于意义与存在的探究》(Exploring Meaning and Existence through a Phenomenological Approach)出版年份:2024
2. 文献题目:《存在的时间和空间:现象学研究的视角》(Time and Space of Existence: Perspectives from Phenomenological Research)
3. 文献题目:《情感体验的现象学分析》(Phenomenological Analysis of Emotional Experience)
4. 文献题目:《现象学研究对于艺术创作的启示》(Insights from Phenomenological Research for Artistic Creation)

第37卷第4期黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 学 报V o l .37N o .42023年8月J o u r n a l o fH e i l o n g j i a n g I n s t i t u t e o fT e c h n o l o g yA u g.2023D O I :10.19352/j.c n k i .i s s n 1671-4679.2023.04.005基于灰色近优的城市公共交通发展评价方法朱路明(安徽省道路运输管理服务中心,合肥230000)摘 要:为了提高城市公共交通的规划和管理水平,需要科学评估城市公共交通的发展现状。
关键词:公共交通;灰色近优法;评价模型;交通管理;公交评价中图分类号:U 49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4679(2023)04-0025-09E v a l u a t i o nm e t h o do f u r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t d e v e l o pm e n t b a s e do n g r e y n e a r o pt i m i z a t i o n Z HU L u m i n g(A n h u i R o a dT r a n s p o r tM a n a ge m e n t S e r v i c eC e n t e r ,H ef e i 230000,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :I no r d e r t o i m p r o v e t h e p l a n n i ng a n dm a n a g e m e n t o f u r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t ,i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o s c i e n t i f i c a l l y as s e s s t h e c u r r e n t s i t u a t i o no f u r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t d e v e l o p m e n t .I n t h i s s t u d y ,w e c o l l e c t e d ,t h r o u gh f i e l d r e s e a r c h a n d q u e s t i o n n a i r e s ,t h e d e c l a r a t i o nm a t e r i a l s a n d r e l e v a n t a c c e p t a n c em a t e r i a l s o f t h e “M o d e l C i t i e s f o rP r i o r i t y D e v e l o p m e n t o fP u b l i cT r a n s p o r t ”c a m p a i g n i nA n h u i P r o v i n c e d u r i n g t h e 13t hF i v e -Y e a rP l a n p e r i o d ,i n c l u d i n g d a t ao n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t i n p r o v i n c i a l c i t i e s a n d c o u n t y -l e v e l c i t i e s .O n t h e b a s i s o f t h e r e s e a r c h a n d s o r t i n g o u t o f n o r m s a n d e v a l u a t i o n s y s t e m s r e l a t e d t o c o n v e n t i o n a l p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t i no t h e r c i t i e s i nC h i n a ,an e we v a l u a t i o n i n d e xs y s t e mf o ru r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t s ys t e m sh a sb e e nc o n s t r u c t e dt o a d d r e s s t h e p r o b l e m t h a ti ti sd i f f i c u l tt o a c h i e v eo b j e c t i v i t y ,c o m p r e h e n s i v e n e s sa n d a c c u r a c y int h ee v a l u a t i o n o ft h e d e v e l o p m e n t l e v e lo fu r b a n p u b l i ct r a n s p o r t ,i n c l u d i n g f o u ra s p e c t so f p r o t e c t i o ni n d i c a t o r s ,s e r v i c ei n d i c a t o r s ,i n t e l l i ge n t i n d i c a t o r s a n d s af e t y i n d i c a t o r s ,w i t ha t o t a l o f 14i n d i c a t o r s .T h ee v a l u a t i o no fu r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t i sb a s e do nt h eg r e y n e a r -o p t i m a l c o m p r eh e n si v e e v a l u a t i o nm e t h o d ,a n d t h e s c o r e s b e f o r e a n d a f t e r t h e c r e a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s a r e c o m p a r e d .A c c o r d i n gt o t h e a n a l y s i so f t h ec o m p r e h e n s i v ee v a l u a t i o nr e s u l t s ,i t i sc o n c l u d e dt h a t t h ec o m p l e t i o no f t h ec r e a t i o ni n d i c a t o r s i nt h e p r o v i n c i a l c i t i e s a n dc o u n t y -l e v e l c i t i e sa f t e r t h ec r e a t i o ni sb e t t e rt h a nt h a tb e f o r et h ec r e a t i o n ,a n dt h ec o m pl e t i o no f t h e c r e a t i o n i n d i c a t o r s i n t h e p r o v i n c i a l c i t i e s a f t e r t h e c r e a t i o n p e r i o dh a s i n c r e a s e db y 35.14%i n g e n e r a l ;t h e c o m p l e t i o no f t h e c r e a t i o n i n d i c a t o r s i n t h e c o u n t y -l e v e l c i t i e s a f t e r t h e c r e a t i o n p e r i o dh a s i n c r e a s e db y 44.93%i n g e n e r a l .K e y w o r d s :p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ;g r e y n e a r -o p t i m a lm e t h o d ;e v a l u a t i o nm o d e l ;t r a f f i c c o n t r o l ;p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t e v a l u a t i o n 收稿日期:2023-02-01基金项目:安徽省省政府采购项目(2019F W C N 4002)作者简介:朱路明(1970-),男,高级经济师,研究方向:交通运输管理.城市公共交通是为社会公众提供基本出行服务的社会公益性事业和重大民生工程[1]。

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邓广铭 倪其心 田余庆 王永兴 王永兴 萧永清 萧永清 张传玺 张传玺 张广达 张国华、饶鑫贤 冯钟芸 何九盈 何九盈 楼宇烈 宿白 王永兴 王永兴 萧永清、蒲坚 张传玺 张国华、饶鑫贤 张荣起 赵匡华 祝总斌 祝总斌 陈哲夫 邓广铭 冯钟芸 葛路 郭锡良 侯仁之、徐兆奎 蒲坚 宿白 孙钦善 唐作藩 王永兴 王永兴 叶朗 阴法鲁 张少康 白化文 陈玉龙 陈哲夫
田余庆 田余庆、祝总斌 王永兴 吴宗国 谢庆奎 谢庆奎 许抗生 许抗生 许渊冲 杨通方 余大钧 赵靖
陈玉龙 冯钟芸 倪其心 倪其心 宿白 孙钦善 王永兴 王永兴、刘俊文 吴宗国 许抗生 许渊冲 叶奕良 余大钧 余大钧 张广达、吴宗国 张广达、吴宗国 张传玺 赵靖、石世奇 赵靖、石世奇
原載杜文玉主編:《中國唐史學會會刊》第二十八期,2009 年 12 月,第 66-99 頁。
论题 西夏文正字研究 宋代市舶司研究 论北朝后期区域文化趋同及比较——东魏北齐与西魏北周之比较 《宋会要辑稿·刑法》的整理与研究 大夏国史 唐代家礼研究 唐代的外来香药研究 唐代政治文化研究论稿——以史籍及墓志史料考察为中心 《突厥语大词典》中的医学及相关词汇 唐代服饰专题研究——以胡汉服饰文化交融为中心 南宋军事领导体制研究 论朱熹对张载思想的继承和发展——以朱熹对《正蒙》的诠释为中心 晚唐五代秦岐割据政权研究 清人整理唐代文献考述——兼论清代的唐史研究及成就 《四库全书存目丛书》宋代杂史研究——兼论史部杂史类目的演变 《福乐智慧》健康史料探索——十一世纪维吾尔民族的健康思想及实践 方法 四至八世纪吐鲁番的多民族问题探索 中国古代北方民族体育史论考 宋代晋江曾氏家族研究 宋代正规军军事训练初探 南汉国研究 范祖禹生平与史着研究 战国秦汉简帛文献所见巫术研究 唐代宗室管理制度研究 唐代中原藩镇研究 宋代民间信仰丛论 唐代诉讼制度研究 宋代文化消费研究

Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10141–10147Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Power Sourcesjo ur nal homep age: www . elsevier . com/locate/jpowsourCapacity-fading prediction of lithium-ion batteries based on discharge curves analysisKohei Honkura a,∗, Ko Takahashi a, Tatsuo Horiba ba Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi Research Laboratory, 1-1, Omika-cho 7-chome, Hitachi, Ibaraki 319-1292, Japanb Shin-KobeElectric Machinery Co., Ltd., 2200, Fukaya, Saitama 369-0297, Japana r t i c l e i n fo ab s t r ac tArticle history: Received 20 May 2011We have developed a new technology to predict capacity fading of lithium-ion cells using the analysisof their discharge curves. A cell capacity is deduced from the cell voltage window and the cell discharge curve, which was obtained by superimposing discharge curves of the positive and negative electrodes. This new technology consists of three steps: first, to analyze cell discharge curves measured during the calendar life test in order to evaluate deterioration indicators such as the positive and negative usable capacities and the irreversible capacities caused by the side reactions; secondly, to formulate these indicators as the functions of the test time; lastly, to produce the cell discharge curves by using these functions and deduce corresponding cell capacity, over storage days for prediction.Received in revised form 3 August 2011Accepted 4 August 2011Available online 10 August 2011Keywords:Lithium ion batteriesDischarge curve analysis Capacity fading Prediction of the faded capacities of the cells after a 960 day calendar life test was attempted with the data up to 360 days using the technology described above and the conventional method by extrapolating capacity-fading data in accordance with square-root time rule. Consequently, the proposed technology predicted the faded capacities more precisely than the conventional method, particularly under severe conditions.Life prediction© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1. Introduction fading of the lithium-ion cells into the rate capability loss, the active material lossand the lithium-ion loss through disassembling theThe emerging introduction of large-sized lithium-ion batteries into various applications makes the technology that can predict their lifetime much more important than before. The battery life deteriorated lithium-ion cells [5]. Though this method enabled us to decide active material losses directly, we could not observe thecontinuous deterioration of active material losses.Bloom et al. developed non-destructive “differential voltage is usually evaluated by extrapolating the capacity-fading data ofcalendar life tests or cycle life tests. The extrapolation method isanalysis” using the relation between capacity (Q) and differentialvoltage (dV/dQ) [6]. The “differential voltage analysis” has the based on the assumption that the capacity fading is proportional to the square rootof time, which is called t1/2 rule [1–4].potential to precisely separate the discharge curves of the cells into the dischargecurves of the positive and negative electrodes, thoughThe t1/2 rule was proposed by Peled as a mathematical model for the formation and growth of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) [1]. SEI is formed by the side reactions between intercalated lithium Bloom et al. have not made use of it.Zhang and White analyzed the discharge curves of lithium-ionions and the electrolyte at the negative electrode surface and consumes available lithium ions. Therefore, SEI growth is directly cells through single particle model simulation and evaluate the usable positive and negative active materials [7]. Recently, Smithrelated to the capacity fading, and the t1/2rule has been applied to the capacity fading of batteries. However, capacity-fading pre-et al. have shown the “differential capacity analysis”, wh ich studies discharge curves of dQ/dV vs. V [8]. Both groups analyzed dis-dictions made by using the t1/2rule were not always consistent with actual data, especially in long term or severe tests.charge curves of the cells and proposed two kinds of deterioration indicators: the positive and negative active material masses andThe inconsistency between the predicted and actual capacity fading seemed to be derived from the assumption that capacity fading was simply caused by SEI formation, neglecting the effects their electrode potentials. But both groups have not determined the quantitative relationship between these indicators. Thus, theirof other factors. Ramadass et al. proposed to divide the capacity analysis results have not been applied to the capacity fading predictions by now.∗We have developed a mathematically arranged “differential voltage analysis” technology wit h which we can separate visually the discharge curves of lithium-ion cells into those of the positiveCorresponding author. Tel.: +81 294 52 5111; fax: +81 294 52 7636. E-mail address: kohei.honkura.tt@ (K. Honkura).and negative electrodes. In the process of separation, two kinds0378-7753/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.08.02010142K. Honkura et al. / Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10141–10147of deterioration indicators, already proposed in previous works as5shown above [7,8], were quantitatively evaluated. Furthermore, we m wp pderived the irreversible lithium-ion loss consumed in SEI growthfrom the results of curve analysis [9]. We treated three basic dete-4rioration indicators, irreversible capacity, and the usable positive™pand negative active material losses, assuming to be independent each other. Since this analysis is non-destructive, we can trace the Pos i tive3W cellV Cellchanges of these indicators during the calendar life or cycle life tests. In thiswork, we applied this analysis to the calendar life test/V2results of lithium-ion cells and predicted the discharge curves and capacities of the cells.™nm w1n n2. ExperimentalNegative2.1. Calendar life testsQ / AhWe fabricated 0.7 Ah class 18,650-type cylindrical cells and used them to measure discharge curves during calendar life tests. The active materials of the cellswere a manganese-based layered-Fig. 1. Relationship among discharge curves and related parameters.structure oxide for the positive electrode and a hard carbon for the negative electrode. The positive electrode contained 7.13 g of marizing their precise definitions at the end of this paper when necessary.active materials, while the negative contained 3.22 g. The positive and negative electrodes were formed on the both side of aluminum The cell voltage V cell(V) is the difference between the positive electrode potential V p(V) and the negative electrode potential V n (V). Since V cell depends on the discharged capacity Q (Ah), the dis-and copper foils by ordinary slurry coating process. Both of the finished electrodeswere wound together with separators and sealedinto a cylindrical can with the electrolyte of 1 mol L−1 lithium hex- afluorophosphate in a mixture of organic carbonates.charge curves of Q–V cell, Q–V p, andQ–V n will be the functions ofV cell(Q), V p(Q), and V n(Q), respectively. Note that Q is not full capac-The initial discharge curve and initial discharge capacities for the cells were measured between 4.1 and 2.7 V at 24 mA, which was regarded as small current enough to obtain sufficient capacity of the ity of cell W cell(Ah), but is discharged quantity of electricity and can be obtained by just multiplying discharge current by dischargetime. Supposing discharge current is small enough, we can neglect the voltage dropdue to the internal resistance of the cell, and thecell, after initial conditioning. The average initial capacity of them was 0.70 Ah and it was used as the rated capacity by which C rateV cell(Q) will be represented as follows:was defined during the whole span of the calendar life test. Then the cells were charged up to 3.63 V which is the midpoint of theV cell(Q ) = V p(Q )−V n(Q ).(1) cell discharge curve, and then stored at 25◦C or 60◦C. After 30 days of storage, they were discharged, charged, and discharged at less V p(Q) and V n(Q) were transformed into the specific discharge curves of the positive and negative electrodes denoted as V sp,p(q p) and V sp,n(q n), where q (Ah g−1) was the discharged capacity per unitthan C/25 at 25◦C to measure the discharge curves and capacities (charge–discharge test). They were then charged up to 3.63 V at 1 C mass of the active material and V sp (V) denoted the electrode potential. The relationship of q p and q n to Q is represented in Eq. (2) withrate in CC/CV mode and stored again at each specific temperature. The test interval was changed from 30 days at the initialstage to 60the help of other parameters:days after 450 days. This procedure was repeated until 960 days of storage so as to prove the validity of our capacity-fading prediction Q = m p q p−ıp= m n q n−ın,(2)technology.where m p and m n (g) are the usable masses of positive and negative active materials defined as the masses involved in the discharge2.2. Half-cell test reactions and contributing to the discharge capacity. ıp and ın (Ah) can be regarded as constant if the following two conditions areWe measured half-cell discharge curves of the positive and negative electrodes at fresh state to use them for reproducing the discharge curves of the single cells. These half cells consisted of a satisfied during discharging to measure V cell(Q): (1) m p and m n do not change, and (2) q p and q n are varied not by irreversible sidereactions that cause m p_q p and m n_q n to differ, but by reversible charge–dischargereactions in which m p_q p are equal to m n_q n.pristine positive or negative electrode of 1.8 cm2, which were small pieces of the electrodes with the same specifications for 18,650Fig. 1 illustrates the relationship among discharge curves andtest cells, as the working electrode, a separator, an electrolyte, and a lithium foil as the counter and reference electrodes. They were related parameters described above. W cell is the full capacity of the cell defined in accordance with its own charge–discharge con-assembled in an argon glove box at room temperature. Then we charged and discharged them at 0.1 mA (about C/50 rate) between ditions. w pand w n represent the full capacities per unit mass of the positive and negative active materials, which are defined in3.0 and4.3 V for the positive half cell and between 0.005 and 1.5 V for the negative half cell.accordance with the capacities observed for the potential ranges mentioned in Section 2.2. They are not variables but constants, dif-Battery testing system, TOSCAT-3000, Toyo System Co., was used for charge–discharge tests of 18,650 cells and half cells.fering from q p and q n. Thus, m p w p and m n w n are full capacities of the positive and the negative electrodes in the cell. ıp and ın arethe marginal capacities, which remain uncharged even after thelithium-ion cell are charged to the upper limit of the cell voltage.3. State analysis We can also regard them as the capacities that are still discharged even if the cell is in fully charged state, Q = 0.3.1. Discharge curve fitting Applying Eq. (2) to Eq. (1) transforms V p(Q) and V n(Q) intoV sp,p(q p) and V sp,n(q n). Then, Eq. (1) will beThe following sentences contain many alphabetical symbols with and without suffixes. Please consult the “List of symbols” sum-V cell(Q ) = V sp,p(q p)−V sp,n(q n).(3)K. Honkura et al. / Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10141–1014710143 510the positive active material is m p(dq p/dt). m n(dq n/dt) is equal tom p(dq p/dt) in reversible reactions, while m n(dq n/dt) is larger thanPositivem p(dq p/dt) in irreversible reactions due to the trapped lithium ions 4Negative8|in SEI. Since we assumed m p(dq p/dt) as the reversible self dischargedV rate, [m n(dq n/dt)−m p(dq p/dt)] corresponds to the irreversible selfspV/36/dq discharge rate. Consequently, the irreversible lithium-ion loss during storage from t1 to t2, _Li loss (Ah), will besp|/V V t224g Ah_Li loss=m n dq n dt−m p dq p dt dt.(5)-121t1000. the integral is difficult to do in actual cases because of the unknownfunctions m(t) and q(t), we can calculate it if the decrease rate of m is low. When this is the case, replacing theq / Ah g-1function m(t) with the intermediate value [m(t1) + m(t2)]/2 barely affects the result.Hence we evaluated the increment of irreversibleFig. 2. Specific discharge curves of positive and negative electrodes and their dif-ferential forms measured with half cells.lithium loss_Li loss from t1 to t2 by_Li loss∼ =m n(t1) + m n(t2) 2[q n(t2)−q n(t1)]Supposing V sp,p(q p) and V sp,n(q n) are specified, measured dischargecurves of the cells V cell(Q) can be reproduced using Eqs. (2)and (3) by adjusting m p, m n, ıp, and ın as free parameters. Fig. 2−m p(t1) + m p(t2) 2[q p(t2)−q p(t1)].(6)shows examples of V sp,p(q p) and V sp,n(q n) and their differential form dV sp,p(q p)/dq pand dV sp,n(q n)/dq n measured with a half cell.The reason why V sp(q) are transformed into the differential form is as follows. Fitting of m p, m n, ıp, and ın in Eqs. (2) and (3) sometimes resulted in plural candidates that were equally accurate.The usable masses of active materials just before and after storage, m(t1) and m(t2), were evaluated by fitting dV cell(Q)/dQ measured at t1 and t2. The discharged capacities per unit mass of activematerial at t1 and t2, q(t1) and q(t2), were evaluated in accordance with thefollowing five steps: (1) record the open circuit voltagesQ–V discharge curves of the cells have flexibility and uncertaintyto be fitted well with wrong parameters due to their simple and(OCVs) of the cell at t1 and t2; (2) reproduce dV cell(Q)/dQ measured at t1and t2by fitting; (3) transform the fitting result of Q–dV/dQmonotonous shapes. If we differentiate both sides of Eq. (3) with respect to Q andthen replace dQ with m p dq p and m n dq n on the basisof Eq. (2), the differential discharge curves dV cell(Q)/dQ will be discharge curves, i.e. dV cell(Q)/dQ, dV p(Q)/dQ, dV n(Q)/dQ, into Q–V discharge curves, i.e. V cell(Q), V p(Q), and V n(Q); (4) estimate V p anddV cell(Q ) dQ=dV p(Q ) dQ−dV n(Q ) dQ V n corresponding to OCVs using the transformed fitting results;and (5) derive q p and q n corresponding to V p and V n from the specificcurves for V = V sp(q).= 1 m p dV sp,p(q p) dq p− 1 m n dV sp,n(q n) dq n.(4) 4.Results and discussionWhen the differential specific discharge curves of the positive and the negative electrodes, dV sp,p(q p)/dq p and dV sp,n(q n)/dq n, are specified, the measured differential discharge curves of the4.1. Half cell test and calendar life test resultscells, dV cell(Q)/dQ, can be reproduced by Eqs. (2) and (4), like the case of Q–V discharge curves shown as Eq. (3). dV sp,p(q p)/dq p and The specific discharge curves and specific differential discharge curves such as those shown in Fig. 2 were measured by a half-cell test. Capacity changes in lithium-ion cells during the calendar lifedV sp,n(q n)/dq n have the shapes with amplified variation, peaks, and shoulders as shown in Fig. 2; the values of differential cell voltage test are shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal axis is the square root of the storage days at the specific temperatures. As shown in Fig. 3, thedV cell/dQ amplify as m p and m n decrease in accordance with Eq. (4). These featuresprovide us with the clues to distinguish the mostreliable fitting result among some candidates. Therefore, we can fit dV cell(Q)/dQ with suitable m p, m n, ıp, and ın properly.0.725o C3.2. Deriving the irreversible lithium-ion loss (Li loss)AhThe capacity of irreversible lithium-ion loss caused by the side reactions, Li loss, was estimated using the reproduced dischargecurves of the cells. The lithium-ion cells were usually stored at/Capacity0.660o Cspecific temperatures and periodically cycled at 25◦C during the calendar life test.We supposed that the side reactions consuminglithium ions to form SEI were caused not by the charge–discharge test but by theself discharge during storage.When self discharge happens, some lithium ions come out of the negative active material while some other lithium ions in the electrolyte go intothe positive active material. The flow rate of0.50102030Storage time / day1/2lithium ions from the negative electrode is m n(dq n/dt) (Ah day−1), where t is thedays for which the lithium-ion cells was stored ata specific temperature. Similarly the flow rate of lithium ions into Fig. 3. Capacity changes of lithium-ion cells in calendar life test at 25◦C or 60◦C at3.63 V.10144K. Honkura et al. / Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10141–101474 1.0(a)Cel l meas.0.9Pos. 25o C 3Cel l calc.1-Ah V Positive calc. Negative calc.m/00.8Pos. 60o C2)/t(|dV/dQ|m0.7Neg. 25o C0.61Neg. 60o C0.502004006008001000 0Storage time / day00.5 1.0Q / Ah Fig. 5. Utilization ratios of active materials in positive and negative electrodes.4(b)which decreased to 5.77 g and 1.86 g after 720 day storage. As m p and m ndecreased, differential potential of the positive and nega-3tive electrodes, dV p/dQ and dV n/dQ, increased as shown in Eq. (4). Hence, positive and negative discharge curves also shifted upward.1-Ah The horizontal position of dV p(Q)/dQ against dV n(Q)/dQ changed, e.g. ıp > ın at the initial, while ın > ıp after 720 days. This changeV/2Cell meas. Cell calc.is presumed to be caused by the side reactions at the surface of the negative active material [6]. When a side reaction occurs at the|dV/dQ|negative electrode during storage, the intercalated lithium ions are consumed and the potential of the negative electrode rises, whilePositiv ecalc. Negative1calc.the potential of the positive electrode remains unchanged. It also results inincrease of the horizontal gap between dV p(Q)/dQ anddV n(Q)/dQ. All the measured dV cell(Q)/dQ in the calendar life tests were wellfitted in the same way as shown in Fig. 4. During the 0fitting, every dV cell(Q)/dQ was consequently resolved into the four parameters, m p, m n, ıp, and ın, which enabled us to reproduce the00.5 1.0Q / Ahoriginal dV cell(Q)/dQ.Fig. 5 plots the calculated utilization ratios of active materialsFig. 4. Fitting results of differential discharge curves of lithium-ion cells: (a) in initial state, and (b) stored at 60◦C for 720 days.m(t)/m0, which are the ratios of the mass of usable active materi- als to the mounted. The utilization ratios of both the positive andnegative electrodes decreased exponentially over the test time. The respectivedotted lines are the fitting curves formulated as followschange in the capacity at 25◦C followed the t1/2rule represented by the dotted line,while that at 60◦C gradually deviated from them(t) m0=˛−ˇ(1−e−t/_ )(7) t1/2rule.We applied the state analysis we developed to elucidate thereason for this difference. Fig. 4 shows the fitting results of the differential discharge curves of the cell, dV cell(Q)/dQ along withwhere m(t) is usable mass of the active material as a function of the storage time t, m0 is the mounted mass of the active material on thedV p(Q)/dQ and dV n(Q)/dQ, measured at 25◦C: Fig. 4a before storage and Fig. 4b after storage at 60◦C for 720 days. Both differential dis-positive or negative electrode, ˛ is the initial utilization ratio, ˇ is the coefficient of extent of the decreasing utilization ratio, and _ ischarge curves of the cell were fitted to the measured data very well.the time constant of the fading process. The calculated values of the fitting constants in Eq. (7) are shown in Table 1. ˇ at 60◦C was largerFig. 4a contains the effect of irreversible capacities caused by sidereactions in the very first charge, which is reflected to the large horizontal gap between the end of the discharge curve of the positive than that at 25◦C, and _ at 60◦C was smaller than that at 25◦C. This implies that the usable active materials fade rapidly at highand negative electrode. When a side reaction occurs at the negative electrode and consumes lithium ions coming from the positive elec-temperatures. The difference of positive electrode ˇbetween at 60◦C and at 25◦C is small, while _ at 60◦C is around one tenth of thattrode during the first charge, the potential of the negative electrode remains unchanged, while the potential of the positive electrode at 25◦C. This is consistent with the quick decrease of m(t)/m0 with time at higher temperatures, for smaller _ corresponds to quickrises. Hence, the potential difference between the positive and negative electrode changes, which slides dV p(Q)/dQ and dV n(Q)/dQ in decrease of m(t)/m0. ˇ fornegative electrode at 25◦C is a negative value, which means that m(t)/m0 did not decrease but increased asopposite direction horizontally to make the gap between them larger. Comparing dV cell(Q)/dQ after 720 days in Fig. 4(b) with that Table 1 Parameters for usable masses decreasing in positive and negative electrodes.before storage in Fig. 4(a), the whole dV cell(Q)/dQ shifted upward while the horizontal width shrunk, i.e. the differential voltage dV/dQ Electrode m0/gT/◦C˛ˇ_/dayvalues increased as the cell capacity decreased from 0.69 Ah to 0.52 Ah. The upward shift is caused mainly by decrease of the usablePositive 7.132560 0.89410.91470.07730.1036633.861.1masses of the positive and negative active materials, m p and m n. The evaluated m p and m n were 6.45 g and 2.02 g in the initial state,Negative 3.22250.6170−0.00139.08×10560 0.61550.07451163.5K. Honkura et al. / Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10141–10147101450.20Neg. 60o C0.20.0251 + 0.00527 t1/20.15Pos. 25o CAh60o C/n Ah0.10/,p Pos. 60o C loss0.1Li0.050.00173 t1/2Neg. 25o C25o C 00200 400600 8001000002004006008001000 Storage time / d ay Storage time / dayFig. 6. Marginal capacities of the positive and negative electrode.Fig. 8. Accumulated irreversible capacity losses by side reactions.time passed. Therefore, the curve fitting for the negative electrode at 25◦C contained some errors caused by the unchanged values and q n(t). q p and q n of “residual” corresponded to the cell voltage, which were measured just after storage of prescribed days, lowered to lessmeasurement errors. As for the negative electrode, _ at 25◦C is one thousand times as large as that at 60◦C. This result is consistent than 3.63 V by self discharge during storage. The horizontal axis for “residual” q p or q n shows the days when the previous storageswith almost unchanged m(t)/m0 for the negative electrode at 25◦C.ended and the cell voltages were measured. On the other hand, q p and q n of “recovered” meant that they corresponded to 3.63 V ofFig. 6 plots the calculated marginal capacities of the positiveand negative electrode, ıp and ın. All dotted lines were the results of regression by power functions. As shown in Fig. 6, ın increased the cell voltage set for the following storage. The horizontal axis for “recovered” q p or q n shows the days on which the cells were chargedsteeply, while ıp, decreased moderately. To evaluate _Li loss in accordance with Eq. (6), q p(t) and q n(t) must be evaluated as to 3.63 V and the following storages started. In accordance with the definition, “residual” and “recovered” discharged capacities do notdescribed in the last part of Section 3.2. Fig. 7a shows q p(t) change stored at 3.63 V under 25◦C or 60◦C, and Fig. 7b shows that for mean the quantity of the cell capacities to be discharged, but they are a kind of q p or q n defined in Fig. 2. That is to say, they showthe distance from the origin of horizontal axis in Fig. 2. Therefore, “residual”included both of reversible and irreversible self discharge0.08(a)capacity, while “recovered” did not include the reversible. This is the reason why“residual” was larger than “recovered”.Fig. 8 shows Li loss(t) calculated in accordance with Eq. (6) using0.071-g m p(t), m n(t), q p(t), and q n(t) shown in Figs. 5 and 7, which is the accumulated irreversible capacity loss until certain storage time t.Ah/0.06The dotted lines are fitting curves based on the t1/2 rule. Good fitting of the curves in the almost all area in Fig. 8 indicates that Li loss(t)p25o C, Residual 60o C, Residuaq corresponds to the mass of lithium in the SEI film formed during the calendar life tests, because the t1/2 rule was proposed by Peled0.05l 25o C, Recovered 60o C, Recover assuming formation and growth of SEI [1]. The non-zero intersect appearing in Fig.8 at 60◦C may imply that the SEI growth duringedthe first storage term at 60◦C was exceptionally fast.0.0402004006008001000Storage time / day 4.2. Capacity-fading prediction0.2625o C, Residu al 60o C, Residu(b)All the results and discussion on the analysis ofdV cell(Q)/dQ described above suggest that three indicators for the capacity fading of lithium-ion cells, m p, m n, and Li loss, were the functions of the 1-0.24al 25o C, Recovered 60o C, Recovered storage time. Therefore, dV cell(Q)/dQ at any storage time t can be reproduced in reverse from m p(t), m n(t), and Li loss(t). The capacitiesg Ah0.22at any storage time t can also be calculated with V cell(Q)transformed from the reproduced dV cell(Q)/dQ./q n0.20We demonstrated this idea by the following steps: (1) measure dV cell(Q)/dQ up to 360 days and analyze them into the functions of m p(t), m n(t), and Li loss(t); (2) construct dV cell(Q)/dQ up to 960days from the functions; and (3) calculate capacities of the cells, W cell(t), up to 960days and compare the calculated and measured0.180200 400600 8001000capacities.Examples of the first step have already been shown above: m p(t)Storage time / day and m n(t) decreased exponentially in accordance with Eq. (7), andLi loss(t) increased in accordance with the t1/2 rule as shown in Fig. 8.In the second step, dV cell(Q)/dQ were constructed with Eqs. (2) andFig. 7. Change of residual and recovered discharged capacities: (a) positive elec-trodes, and (b) negative electrodes.(4), which contains m p, m n, ıp, and ın. Eq. (2) is transformed as10146K. Honkura et al. / Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10141–10147follows Base data termPredicted termdd) =0.7dt (ın −ıpdt(m n q n −m p q p )dq n dq p dm n dm p = m n−m p+q n−q pAhdtdtdtdt25o C/=dLi loss dt +q n dm n dt −q p dm p dt .(8)Capacity 0.6 60o CThe integral of Eq. (8) from t 1 to t 2, supposing fixed q p and q n as _q p _ and _q n _, will be 0.5 Our analysist 1/2 rule_(ın −ıp )∼= Li loss (t 2)−Li loss (t 1) + _q n _(m n (t 2)−m n (t 1))0 200400 600 800 1000−_q p _(m p (t 2)−m p (t 1)),(9)Storage time / daywhere Li loss (0) was assumed to be zero as the starting point.The value of (ın −ıp ) at a certain storage time is the sum ofFig. 10. Measured capacities (symbols) and the predicted by our analysis and by t 1/2 rule; capacitiesafter 360 days were calculated on basis of test data before 360 days._(ın −ıp ) until the time and the initial value of (ın −ıp ) deter- minedby fitting the initial dV cell (Q)/dQ. In constructing dV cell (Q)/dQ,ıp was temporarily regarded as zero. The initial dV cell (Q)/dQ was constructed with m p (0), m n (0), and the initial value of (ın −ıp ) in ting results of the positive electrodes seemed to accompany greater error.accordance with Eqs. (2) and (4). Then, the discharge curve of the cells after 30 days was constructed as follows. First, _q p _ and _q n _ In the third step, the cellcapacities were calculated using the predicted discharge curves of the cells and the cell voltage window prescribed as 4.09 V to 2.72 V for 25◦C and as 4.08 V to 2.73 Vin Eq. (9) corresponding to the specific voltage of the cell from 0to 30 days were derived from the constructed initial dV cell (Q)/dQ in for 60◦C. Fig. 10 shows the predicted capacity curves with ouranalysis, that with the conventional t 1/2rule, and the measuredthe way described in Section 3.2. Secondly, (ın −ıp ) after 30 days were calculated by adding _(ın −ıp ) in Eq. (9) to the initial value capacities. Solid lines are predicted capacities based on our analysis, while dotted lines are the predicted capacities based on the of (ın −ıp ). Lastly, the discharge curve of the cells after 30 days was constructed with m p (30), m n (30), and (ın −ıp ) after 30 days. Dis- t 1/2rule. Empty symbols are the capacities measured and used for the analysis, and the black ones are the capacities measured but charge curves of the cells beyond 30 days were constructed in the same way. not used for the analysis. All predicted capacities are calculated on the basis of the calendar life test data up to 360 days. As for theFig. 9 compares the predicted and the measured differential discharge data stored for 960 days at 60◦C. The predicted differential discharge curves after 960 days were constructed withresults for 25◦C, both the solid and dotted lines fit the symbols up to 960 days, which is consistent with the almost constant m nthe calendar-life test data up to 360 days in the way explained above. On the other hand, the fitted ones were directly calcu- shown in Fig. 5. Although m p moderately decreased in this case as shown in Fig. 5, its effect on the cell capacities is limited becauselated with the measured dV cell (Q)/dQ after 960 day storage in the way shown in Section 3.1. Although the predicted and fitted pos- of the small potential change in the positive electrode. Therefore, the decreases in the cell capacities in this case mainly depend on itive discharge curves differed somewhat, the predicted discharge curve of the cell fitted the measured values very well. The differ- increases in Li loss expressed by the t 1/2rule. On the other hand, for 60◦C, the dotted line based on the t 1/2rule deviates from the sym-ence between the predicted and the fitted came from the rather low accuracy of the usable mass of the positive active materials. bols gradually after 300 days, while the solid line fits the symbols well on the whole. In this case, the decreases in m p and m n are Since the potential changes in positive electrodes were smaller than those in negative electrodes within the cell voltage window, the fit- large enough to be taken into account as shown in Fig. 5. Hence the cell capacities are determined by the complex interaction among decreasing m p , decreasing m n , and increasing Li loss . Therefore, the conventional t 1/2rule is too simple to cope with this complicated4 situation.The new prediction method based on the discharge curve 60o C analysis was more accurate than the t 1/2rule method when the predictions were based on the data from zero to 360 days. Whether31-Cell Negativethis tendency stays the same even if the range of data used for theprediction is shortened or extended is a significant question. TheAh V 2 answer is shown in Fig. 11. The horizontal axis shows the days during which thedata for the analysis were measured. The vertical axis/ | dV/dQ Measured Fittedis the deviation ratio (%) to the measuredcapacity after 960 days, which is [W pred (t)−W meas ]/W meas , where W pred (t) is the predicted Predicted|1capacity after 960 days based on the data up to t days, and W meas is the measuredcapacity after 960 days. As far as the 25◦C data arePositiveconcerned, both our analysis and the t 1/2rule could precisely predict the cellcapacity measured after 960 days if they were based on 0 the measured data up to 200 days or more. However, as for 60◦C, the t 1/2rule could not predict the cell capacity well after 960 days。

王志红一、近五年来发表的论文1、《当前中国人学视域中对马克思实践观的多元阐述》王志红载于《学术界》2002年第一期、CN34-1004|C该文被《中国社会科学文摘》2002年第4期论点转摘2、《中国传统和谐理念的现代阐释和绿色转换》黄志斌、王志红《学术界》2002年第五期3、《走向交往的思想政治教育》第二作者《华中师范大学学报》专辑2003年4、《人性假设与制度伦理的正义诉求》王志红《河北学刊》2004第四期该文被《中国社会科学文摘》2004年第五期论点转摘5、《人的存在与马克思“改变世界”哲学的价值诉求》王志红《安徽大学学报》2004年第五期6、《中西启蒙运动比较初探》骆辉、王志红《太原理工大学学报》2004年第三期7、《马克思主义中国化的现代性启蒙与祛魅》王志红《马克思主义与现实》2004年第六期8、《西方以“以恶抑恶”的制度伦理及其正义价取向》王志红《中共中央党校学报》2005年第四期该文被〈中国社会科学文摘〉2005年第6期论著精华栏目转摘被《2005年中国学术年鉴》收录9、《启蒙现代性的理性精神及其后现代反思》骆徽王志红《河北理工学院学报》2004年第4期10、《秩序与正义的统一》骆辉王志红刘雪飞《五邑大学学报》2005年第1期CN44-1470/C11、《中国新型工业化道路的历史选择》夏琼王志红《山东理工大学学报》2005年第1期CN37-1400/C12、《人本化情结与交往共识的价值原则》王志红《河北学科》2005年第3期13、《马克思主义时代转化与交往共识的价值原则》独撰发表于《中国化马克思主义哲学新形态——马克思哲学论坛文丛第五卷》赵剑英孙正聿主编社会科学文献出版社 2006年8月版第251页14、《邓小平理论的公正观》刘义堂、王志红发表于《长春市委党校学报》2007年第1期15、《西方反思理性的“他者”与马克思实践哲学》独撰发表于《中国化马克思主义哲学新形态——马克思哲学论坛文丛第六卷》社会科学文献出版社 2007年8月16、《诚信、做人与高校德育教育——哈佛考官择人之道对我国高等教育的启示》《合肥工业大学学报》2007年第2期王志红吴丽兵17、《走向共识:东西方文化对社会和谐的诉求》《安徽大学学报》2007年第4期独撰二、教材(参加编写)和著作1、《马克思主义哲学原理》(第三次修订)安大出版社2003年第三章社会基本结构与文明进步 3万字2005年7月第三版2、《中国社会主义社会形态论》(国家社科基金成果文库)《学习出版社》2006年版许俊达、任暟、王志红等本人承担第八章、第九章、第十章共9万字(该著作被评为国家社会科学基金研究项目优秀成果。

sp究竟该往何处去? 2006年寒冬能否很快过去,2007年的春天又能不能给这个行业带来些温暖呢?争议话题:sp究竟是持续萎缩,行业陷入整体困境;还是纵向上面向3g开发手机电视等新业务,横向上兼并收购,大sp开始培育规模和品牌;还是向上下游延伸,转做软件商或内容商……综述:2006年3月,信息产业部宣布启动“阳光绿色工程”,围绕“治理违法不良信息,倡导绿色手机文化”主题开展5项具体活动:手机短信息治理、移动信息服务治理、倡导“绿色手机”文化、统一通信网络短消息服务提供商(sp)代码以及电话业务用户实名制管理工作,其目标直指1.7万家增值服务提供商中专门爱打“擦边球”的sp们。
sp“二次确认”经过一段时间的实施,各大sp的无线增值业务收入都受到了极大影响,有的业绩下滑了70%,众多公司开始转型、裁员, sp行业一片风声鹤唳。

论文分类号 I206.7 单位代码 10183密级公开研究生学号2004122100吉林大学硕士学位论文20世纪90年代以来反腐文学模式研究The study on Anti-corruption literature mode since the 1990’s作者姓名:宋昕专业:中国现当代文学及职称:学位类别:文学硕士论文起止年月: 2006年3月至2007年4月吉林大学硕士学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的硕士学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。
学位论文作者签名:日期: 2007年4月15日《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》投稿声明研究生院:本人同意《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》出版章程的内容,愿意将本人的学位论文委托研究生院向中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社的《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》投稿,希望《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》给予出版,并同意在《中国博硕士学位论文评价数据库》和CNKI系列数据库中使用,同意按章程规定享受相关权益。
论文级别:□硕士□博士学科专业:中国现当代文学论文题目:20世纪90年代以来反腐文学模式研究作者签名:指导教师签名:2007年4月15日作者联系地址(邮编):吉林大学文学院(130012)作者联系电话:136****1311作者姓名宋昕论文分类号 I206.7 保密级别公开研究生学号 2004122100学位类别文学硕士授予学位单位吉林大学专业名称中国现当代文学培养单位(院、所、中心)文学院研究方向中国当代文学学习时间2004年9月至2007年7月论文中文题目20世纪90年代以来反腐文学模式研究论文英文题目The study on Anti-corruption literature mode since the 1990’s关键词(3-8个)90年代以来反腐文学模式化人物脸谱化模式单一化姓名靳丛林职称教授导师情况学历学位博士工作单位文学院论文提交日期2007年4月14日答辩日期2007年月日是否基金资助项目否基金类别及编号如已经出版,请填写以下内容出版地(城市名、省名)出版者(机构)名称出版日期出版者地址(包括邮编)内容提要我国自改革开放以来,经济和社会生活发生了巨大变化,由此腐败问题越来越凸显出来,文学界逐步涌现出了以反腐败为题材或以揭发反腐为题材的大量传达时代精神的现实主义文学作品。

教育实践与研究Educational Practice and Research 2016年第6期/B (2)>>>学校管理策略石家庄市第十三中学(以下简称“十三中”)地处城乡结合部,学生多来自外来务工及城郊家庭,城乡结合部家庭给予的家庭教育支持相对薄弱,一些家庭在一定程度上认为教育只是学校单方面的任务,导致学生在学习动力、学习能力及学习习惯养成等方面都较为薄弱。

第32卷第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀超㊀硬㊀材㊀料㊀工㊀程V o l.32 2020年12月S U P E R HA R D MA T E R I A LE N G I N E E R I N G D e c.2020ʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ组锯机左右立柱伺服控制系统郭庆祥(桂林特邦新材料有限公司,广西桂林㊀541004)摘㊀要:伺服控制系统又称随动系统,是用来精确地跟随或复现某个过程的反馈控制系统㊂跟随系统使物体的位置㊁方向㊁状态等输出被控制量能够跟随输入目标(或给定值)的任意变化的自动控制系统㊂根据伺服系统的特点和控制方法,设计出一套双伺服系统控制组锯机右左立柱升降的系统,保证右左立柱上升或下降同步,能精确控制升降高度㊂关键词:伺服系统;反馈控制;同步控制;位置;方向;状态;组锯机中图分类号:T Q164㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1673-1433(2020)06-0045-05T h e S e r v oC o n t r o l S y s t e mo fG r o u p S a w M a c h i n eR i g h t a n dL e f t P i l l a r sG U O Q i n g x i a n g(G u i l i nT e b o nS u p e r h a r d M a t e r i a lC o.L t d,G u i l i n,G u a n g x i,C h i a n541004)A b s t r a c t:S e r v o m e c h a n i s m i s c a l l e d a s t h e s e r v o s y s t e m,w h i c h i s a p p l i e d t o p r e c i s e l y f o l l o wo r r e p r o d u c e a p r o c e s s.T h eS e r v o m e c h a n i s m m a k e s t h e o u t p u t o f a no b j e c t s'l o c a t i o n,d i-r e c t i o n,a n d s t a t u s c h a n g ea c c o r d i n g t ot h er a n d o ms e t i n p u tv a l u e(o r t h e g i v e nv a l u e).A c c o r d i n g t o t h ec h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d c o n t r o lm e t h o d so f t h es e r v os y s t e m,as e to fd o u b l es e r v o s y s t e m w a s d e s i g n e d t o c o n t r o l t h e l i f t i n g a n d l o w e r i n g o f t h e r i g h t a n d l e f t p i l l a r so f t h e g r o u p s a w m a c h i n e t oe n s u r e t h es y n c h r o n o u s r i s eo r f a l l o f t h e r i g h t a n d l e f t p i l-l a r s,a n d a c c u r a t e l y c o n t r o l t h e l i f t i n g h e i g h t.K e y w o r d s:s e r v o m e c h a n i s m;f e e d b a c k c o n t r o l;s y n c h r o n o u s c o n t r o l;l o c a t i o n;d i r e c t i o n;s t a t u s;g r o u p s a w m a c h i n e㊀㊀伺服控制系统的主要任务是按控制命令的要求,对功率进行放大㊁变换和调控等处理,使驱动装置输出的力矩㊁速度和位置控制灵活方便㊂组锯机是一种新型的石材加工设备,主要用于花岗岩㊁大理石㊁人造石的大板加工㊂自主研发的有56条组锯机㊁64条组锯机㊁72条组锯机,工作效率高,一次可加工出多片大板㊂1㊀伺服系统(1)主要作用伺服系统的主要作用有以下3点[1]:(1)以小功率指令信号去控制大功率负载;(2)在没有机械连接的情况下,由输入轴控制位于远处的输出轴,实现远距同步传动;(3)使输出机械位移精确地跟踪电信号,收稿日期:2020-09-18基金项目:广西科技重大专项:组合绳锯及组锯机技术开发及产业化(合同编号:桂科A A18118007)作者简介:郭庆祥(1976-),男,助理工程师,广西工学院自动化专业毕业,主要从事石材机械㊁矿山机械等设备的电气设计及自动化控制系统开发和项目管理工作㊂通讯作者:E-m a i l:86435725@q q.c o m引文格式:郭庆祥.组锯机左右立柱伺服控制系统[J].超硬材料工程,2020,32(6):45-49.实现同步控制㊂(2)主要分类从系统组成元件的性质来分,有电气伺服系统㊁液压伺服系统和电气-液压伺服系统㊂从系统中所包含的元件特性和信号作用特点来看,有模拟伺服系统和数字伺服系统㊂伺服系统主要由三部分组成:控制器,功率驱动装置,反馈装置和电机㊂(3)控制系统分开环伺服控制系统和闭环伺服控制系统[2].开环系统主要由驱动电路㊁执行元件和机械装置3大部分组成㊂常用的执行元件是步进电机,驱动电路的主要任务是将指令脉冲转化为驱动执行元件所需的信号㊂闭环系统主要由执行元件㊁检测单元㊁比较环节㊁驱动电路和机械装置5部分组成[4]㊂在闭环系统中,检测元件将移动部件的实际位置检测出来并转换成电信号反馈给比较环节㊂常见的检测元件有旋转编码器㊁感应同步器㊁光栅㊁磁栅等㊂比较环节的作用是将指令信号和反馈信号进行比较,两者的差值作为伺服系统的跟随误差,经驱动电路,控制执行元件带动机械装置继续移动,直到跟随误差为零㊂由于比较环节的输出信号比较微弱,不足以驱动执行元件,故需对其进行放大,驱动电路正是由此设置的㊂执行元件的作用是根据控制信号,即来自比较环节的跟随误差信号,将表示位移的电信号转化为机械位移㊂常用的执行元件是伺服电机㊂(4)伺服性能特点对伺服系统的基本要求是具备稳定性㊁精度和快速响应性㊂稳定性好[5]:作用在系统上的扰动消失后,系统能够恢复到原来的稳定状态下运行或者在输入指令信号作用下,系统能够达到新的稳定运行状态的能力,在给定输入或外界干扰作用下,能在短暂的调节过程后到达新的或者回复到原来的平衡状态㊂精度高:伺服系统的精度是指输出量能跟随输入量的精确程度㊂允许的偏差只有0.01~0.001mm 之间㊂快速响应性要好[3]:有两方面的含义,一是指动态响应过程中,输出量随输入指令信号变化的迅速程度㊂快速响应性是伺服系统动态品质的标志之一,即要求跟踪指令信号的响应要快,一方面要求过渡过程时间短,一般在20m s以内,甚至小于几十毫秒;另一方面为满足超调要求,要求过渡过程的前沿陡,即上升率要大㊂2㊀组锯机系统组锯机主要由以下部分组成:主从传动系统,张紧系统,左右立柱升降系统,料车行走系统,喷淋系统,润滑系统等㊂核心控制是左右立柱升降系统的同步控制和精度要求㊂同步功能的重要性,重点控制左右立柱移动平台等速移动,若两立柱间的移动有太大差异量,会造成机台损坏,这是组锯机最重要的环节,同步功能是设计的首要任务,目的是用双伺服控制系统来实现同步功能㊂2.1㊀左右立柱工作要求两立柱电机与丝杆连接,丝杆带动滑块移动,滑块与工作台连接带动工作平台升降等速移动,工作行程2400mm,若两轴间的移动有太大的差异量,会造成机构的损坏,必须保证两轴间的移动同步,才能使工作台正常使用,结构如图(1)所示㊂图1㊀工作原理图F i g.1㊀P r i n c i p l e o fW o r k2.2㊀左右立柱的电气控制系统根据立柱的工作要求和伺服系统控制相结合,采用两套伺服系统,闭环同步控制方法,两套伺服系统中的任一台伺服驱动器通过比较其所控制的伺服电机和另外一台伺服电机位置关系,两套伺服相互接收其反馈信号,输出信号与反馈信号比较,在偏差范围64超硬材料工程㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2020年12月内正常工作,超出偏差范围,两伺服驱动器自动停止工作,实现两伺机电机的同步,保证左右立柱丝杆带动工作台升降移动㊂硬件配置本系统采用两套伺服系统,一套P L C控制器,上位机采用触摸屏㊂台达4.5k W伺服驱动器:A S D-A2-4543-M(2台)台达4.5k W伺服电机:E C M A-L11845S S(2台)台达P L C控制器:D V P-28S V11T2(1台)台达15寸触摸屏:D O P-W157B(1台) 2.3㊀电气原理图如图2所示㊂图2㊀电气原理图F i g.2㊀P r i n c i p l e o fE l e c t r i c2.4㊀同步控制过程两台伺服驱动器由控制器P L C Y0和Y1控制,采用脉冲+方向控制模式,Y0是发脉冲,Y1改变方向㊂P L CY0与伺服驱动器脉冲信号P L U S E连接, Y1与伺服驱动器方向信号S I G N连接,用同一路脉冲Y0同时对两台服驱动器发指令,保证两台伺服驱动器接收的指令脉冲数相同,驱动伺服电机运行,左右立柆工作台等速上下移动㊂左伺服驱动器接收电机的编码器脉冲C N1端子O A,/O A,O B,/O B信号输出给右伺服驱动器反馈给C N5端子O A,/O A, O B,/O B,与右伺服驱动器电机的编码器脉冲数比较,如不相同,说明有偏差,在偏差范围内正常工作,超出偏差范围,右伺服驱动器报警停止工作,P L C接收到报警信号后,停止发脉冲信号,左伺服驱动器也停止工作㊂同样,右伺服驱动器接收电机的编码器脉冲C N1端子O A,/O A,O B,/O B信号输出给右伺服驱动器反馈给C N5端子O A,/O A,O B,/O B,与左伺服驱动器电机的编码器脉冲数比较,如不相同,说明有偏差,在偏差范围内正常工作,超出偏差范围,左伺服驱动器报警停止工作,P L C接收到报警信号后,停止发脉冲信号,右伺服驱动器也停止工作㊂通过两伺服的互相反馈和P L C控制,保证左右立柱升降同步,如此方能切割效率高,切割出来的石材板面光洁平整㊂74第32卷㊀第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀郭庆祥:组锯机左右立柱伺服控制系统2.5㊀伺服驱动器参数设置图3㊀参数设置一F i g .3㊀P a r a m e t e r S e t t i n g one 图4㊀参数设置二F i g .4㊀P a r a m e t e r S e t t i n g tw o 2.6㊀伺服电子齿轮比的计算丝杆的螺距是D ,减速机减速比是K ʒ1,伺服电机编码器分辨率是P m ,固有脉冲当是δ0,量脉冲当量是δ㊂固有脉冲当量计算δ0=D/P m ㊃k ,电子齿轮比公式:C MX /CD V =δ/δ0(其中δ为脉冲当量)立柱丝杆的螺距是10mm ,减速机减速比是500ʒ1,伺服电机编码器分辨率是8192,要求量脉冲当量为1μm /p l s ,按上述公式计算:δ0=D/P m .K =10ˑ1000/500ˑ㊀㊀8192=0.00244μm /p l s C MX /C D V =δ/δ0=1/0.00244=100000/244伺服驱动器电子齿轮分子P 1-44=100000;电子齿轮分母P 1-45=244㊂通过设置伺服电子齿轮比,丝杆的精度为1μm ,通过P L C 控制发脉冲的数量,准确控制立柱上下移动的距离㊂84超硬材料工程㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2020年12月2.7㊀触摸屏显示的界面如下图5㊀显示界面F i g .5㊀T h eD i s p l a y In t e r f a c e ㊀㊀通过人机界面可视化操作㊂3㊀结束语本论文根据伺服系统的特点和控制方法,设计出一套双伺服系统控制组锯机右左立柱升降的系统,保证右左立柱上升或下降同步,精确控制升降高度㊂机器经过长时间运行,左右立柱上升下降平稳,达到了设计要求㊂参考文献:[1]㊀敖荣庆.伺服系统[M ].北京:航空工业出版社,2006.[2]㊀钱平.伺服系统[M ].北京:机械工业出版社,2005.[3]㊀张莉松.伺服系统原理和设计[M ].北京:北京理工大学出版社,2008.[4]㊀田江,李攀.现代伺服系统综述[J ].理论广角,2014(3):300.[5]㊀舒志兵,等.交流伺服运动控制系统[M ].北京:清华大学出版社,2006.ʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ基于金刚石的新技术有助于降解微塑料一项使用金刚石和钛的新技术可以在塑料微纤维进入环境之前将其分解成自然形成的分子,从而帮助清除它们㊂科学家解释道: 向海洋环境释放微塑料被认为是一个与水污染有关的重要问题㊂研究表明,在水生环境中,这些微塑料能够吸附有毒物质,并可被水生生物摄取㊂然后,它们在食物链中积累,最终到达人类体内㊂实际上,塑料流入环境的方式有很多,从塑料包装到汽车轮胎,但直到最近,人们才发现最大的来源之一:是我们衣服上的微纤维,可它一直却被忽视㊂其实,这也是时尚界最愿意保守的秘密 我们大多数合成服装都是用塑料做的,它们造成了一个大问题,将微塑料纤维排放到我们的废水中㊂电氧化法利用电极,产生羟基自由基(㊃OH )来攻击微塑料,而且整个过程对环境十分友好,因为它能将微塑料分解成二氧化碳和水分子,对生态系统无毒㊂当研究人员在掺有26m 大小的聚苯乙烯微珠的人工污染的水中,使用掺硼的金刚石和钛电极进行实验时,他们发现仅仅6小时的时间里,有89%的塑料就被降解了㊂毫无疑问,使用金刚石是非常昂贵的,但该研发团队解释说,这些组件可以重复使用数年㊂另一方面,研究人员还需要用实际废水进行实验,以确定当存在其他污染物时,这一过程是否同样有效㊂到目前为止,该团队只测试了聚苯乙烯塑料㊂目前,世界上80%的废水在返回环境之前根本没有得到处理,所以在这个领域还有很多工作可以做㊂㊀(百度新闻)94第32卷㊀第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀郭庆祥:组锯机左右立柱伺服控制系统。
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1999尚小明刘桂生清代学人的幕府生涯及学术活动北京大学夏明方李文海灾害、环境与民国乡村社会中国人民大学宝音德力根亦邻真才十五世纪前后蒙古政局、部落诸问题研究内蒙古大学邢文李学勤帛书《周易》与古代学术中国社会科学院研究生院2000年达力扎布王锺翰漠南蒙古历史初探中央民族大学戴鞍钢邹逸麟港口、城市、腹地—上海与长江流域经济关系的历史考察(1843-1913) 复旦大学彭南生章开沅中间经济:传统与现代之间的中国近代手工业(1840-1936) 华中师范大学2001邹振环周振鹤晚清西方地理学在中国的传播与影响——以1815至1911年西方地理学译著为中心复旦大学臧运祜杨天石九一八至七七事变时期的日本对华政策——以华北政策为中心中国社会科学院研究生院吴义雄陈胜粦基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究(1807—1851)中山大学2002余新忠冯尔康清代江南的瘟疫与社会南开大学关晓红桑兵晚清学部研究中山大学2003杨天宏罗志田口岸开放与社会变革:近代中国自开商埠研究四川大学陈苏镇祝总斌《春秋》学对汉代政治变迁的影响北京大学2004冯胜君吴振武二十世纪古文献新证研究吉林大学陈谦平张宪文抗战前后中英关于西藏问题交涉之研究(1935-1947)南京大学2005戚学民朱育和严复《政治讲义》研究:文本渊源、言说对象及理论意清华大学高蒙河葛剑雄长江下游考古时代的环境研究--文明化进程中的生态系统和人地关系复旦大学张先清陈支平官府、宗族与天主教:明清时期闽东福安的乡村教会发展厦门大学2006李玉偿葛剑雄环境与人:江南传染病史研究(1820-1953)复旦大学韩小忙李范文西夏文正字研究陕西师大2007倪玉平徐凯清代漕粮海运与社会变迁研究北京大学孙大权陈廷湘中国经济学社研究(1923-1953)四川大学张萍朱士光明清陕西商业地理研究陕西师大冯培红郑炳林敦煌归义军职官制度——唐五代藩镇官制个案研究兰州大学2008游自勇郝春文天道人妖:中古《五行志》的怪异世界首都师大郭培贵南炳文《明史•选举志》与明代选举制度考论南开大学张杨于群冷战与美国的外层空间政策(1945-1969)东北师大2009余欣荣新江唐宋之际敦煌民生宗教社会史研究北京大学严志斌刘一曼商代青铜器铭文研究中国社科院研究生院2010年陈志坚刘新成情与理的交锋--英国财产继承研究1200-1800 首都师范大学杨煜达邹逸麟清代云南(1711-1911年)的季风气候与天气灾害复旦大学2011王青晁福林上博简《曹沫之陈》研究北京师范大学杨培娜陈春声濒海生计与王朝秩序——明清闽粤沿海地方社会变迁研究中山大学2012吕鹏袁靖广西邕江流域贝丘遗址的动物考古学研究中国社会科学院研究生院陈侃理陈苏镇儒学、数术与政治——中国古代灾异政治文化研究北京大学2013马孟龙葛剑雄西汉侯国地理复旦大学肖灿朱汉民岳麓书院藏秦简《数》研究湖南大学。

论文编号:251011S020669六十年代初期河南省救灾渡荒工作初探[公开] by 赵绍益[硕士]论文编号:251010S041116民国时期扶植自耕农运动探究[公开] by 石攀峰[硕士]论文编号:251010B020214西南军政委员会与建国初期西南区的政权接管[公开] by 杨世宁[博士]论文编号:251010S041132四联总处第三次改组前后国民政府国家银行监管制度研究[公开] by 张乃中[硕士]论文编号:251010S041153公共汽车:近代城市交通演变的一个标尺——以1929到1931年的汉口为例[公开艾智科[ 论文编号:251010S041157四川药材贸易研究——以1891年至1949年为主的考察[公开] by 陈镜颖[硕士]论文编号:251010S041156近代视角下的田园城市理论研究[公开] by 何刚[硕士] 论文编号:251010S041155二十世纪三四十年代成都市人力车夫研究[公开] by 张致森[硕士] 论文编号:251010S041139抗战时期四川煤矿业研究[公开] by 庄廷江[硕士]论文编号:251010S041126抗战时期国民政府直接税征收述论——以西康省为中心[公开] by 高峰[硕士]论文编号:251010S041148川陕苏区农业生产问题研究[公开] by 张强[硕士]论文编号:251010S041142抗战时期我国兵险业研究[公开] by 刘风才[硕士]论文编号:251010S041146平原省废立始末[公开] by 肖东辉[硕士]论文编号:251010S041145川陕苏区的土地改革与基层政权构建-20世纪三十年代乡村社会革命的个案分析张林[ 论文编号:251010S041130试论清末政府的尚武教育改革——以体操教育为主进行考察[公开] by 刘建兵[硕士]论文编号:251010S041135“打通一条血路”:国立四川大学农学院的建设与发展(1935—1945)[公开] by 张永汀论文编号:251010S041158抗战时期的儿童保育研究——以四川和重庆为中心的考察[公开] by 范蕾蕾[硕士]论文编号:251010S0411381934年南京国民政府纪念孔子诞辰活动的历史考察[公开] by 徐国磊[硕士]论文编号:251010S04116320世纪20-40年代成都的赌博研究[公开] by 张娟[硕士]论文编号:251010S041154 清末民初重庆民间慈善事业研究[公开] by 肖斌[硕士]论文编号:251010S041144 民国时期四川酿酒业研究[公开] by 李琳[硕士]论文编号:251010S041115 抗战胜利前后中间势力建国方案研究[公开] by 张盈盈[硕士]论文编号:251010S04114120世纪30-40年代成都电影院研究[公开] by 冯传珍[硕士]论文编号:251010S041162晚清到民国年间(1902-1949)政府对四川地区戏曲表演活动的介入与控制[公开] by 马睿论文编号:251010S041151抗战时期的高校学生救济[公开] by 王朝辉[硕士]论文编号:251010S041143论四川川汉铁路总公司的抽租之股[公开] by 翟树峰[硕士]论文编号:251010S041161救亡与救穷的双重使命:广西普及国民基础教育运动(1933-1940)[公开] by 黄文华[硕论文编号:251010S041127抗战时期成都市防空建设述略[公开] by 吴毅强[硕士] 论文编号:251010S041149抗战时期的四川社会教育[公开] by 后开亮[硕士]论文编号:251010S041134“体育救国”:二十世纪三十年代的体育思想及其论争[公开] by 曹景满[硕士论文编号:251010S041129四川的烟馆行业及其在“六年禁烟计划”中的生存状况初探[公开] by 郑小晶[硕士]论文编号:251010S041119民初《申报》图书广告之研究(1912——1917)[公开] by 黄佑志[硕士]论文编号:251010S041150 抗战时期西川邮政研究[公开] by 李致远[硕士]论文编号:251010B040273抗日战争时期四川省的社会教育---以成都市立民众教育馆为中心的研究[公开] by 张研[博士]论文编号:251010S041136抗战时期大后方的征兵工作——以四川省温江县为中心的考察[公开] by 廉健[硕士]论文编号:251010S041125抗战时期四川省农业改进所研究[公开] by 李俊[硕士]论文编号:251010S041123 厕所改造与城市文明——以近代成都为例[公开] by 银尧[硕士] 论文编号:251010S041124 民国时期四川的商标(1937年——1949年)[公开] by 李丹萍[硕士] 论文编号:251010S041128抗战时期的四川电力工业[公开] by 孙志爽[硕士]论文编号:251010s041117抗战时期四川垦殖运动初探[公开] by 周云容[硕士]论文编号:251010S041137一九三二年上海邮政工人罢工事件研究[公开] by 荣宏亮[硕士]论文编号:251010S041118转型时期地方教育经费筹措与管理中出现的矛盾与困境——以巴县小学堂为个案研究[公开] by 黄晶晶[硕士]论文编号:251010S041131 通奸罪与民国社会[公开] by 诸华军[硕士]论文编号:251010S041120 抗战时期东北大学内迁三台研究[公开] by 程丕来[硕士]论文编号:251010S051109 成渝铁路建筑分析[公开] by 向秀兰[硕士]论文编号:251010S041147抗战时期四川报业研究[公开] by 李鹏涛[硕士]论文编号:251010b01150 南京国民政府时期四川基层司法审判的现代转型吴燕[博士]论文编号:251010B040269抗日战争时期四川省办驿运研究[公开] by 肖雄[博士]论文编号:251010S041133政府控制与四川农会组织的发展---1927-1949年程秀梅[硕士] 论文编号:251010s041122 南京国民政府时期的婚姻法研究[公开] by 何新丽[硕士]论文编号:251010s041159 20世纪50年代至70年代初中日民间艺术交流初探曹开菊[硕士] 论文编号:251010B030259 国家与社会:清代城市管理机构与法律制度变迁研究周执前[博士]论文编号:251010B040274 清末民国四川猪鬃产业开发与经营[公开] by 陈岗[博士]论文编号:251010B030252 近代中国的商事制定法与商事习惯、习惯法王雪梅[博士]论文编号:251010S051127新都实验县县政建设研究[公开] by 孟跃[硕士]论文编号:251010S051123 晚清西式军乐的传入与发展[公开] by 蒋姗姗[硕士]论文编号:251010S051115成都启明电气股份有限公司的历史轨迹与制度演进(1909--1949)[公开] by 蒋之亮[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051134二十世纪三十年代《时代公论》对中国政治的观察[公开] by 李锋[硕士]论文编号:251010s051122从生物体到符号象征:“大熊猫”语汇的历史考察(1869-1949)[公开] by 李建艳[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051142“国术救国”的思想与实践初探(1928~1937年)[公开] by 庄小红[硕士]论文编号:251010S051118京官曾国藩研究[公开] by 武春霞[硕士]论文编号:251010S051102《申报》“职业介绍”呈现的求职状况研究(1932—1935年)[公开] by 梁翠祥[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051104 略论清末民初的法政教育[公开] by 倪一[硕士]论文编号:251010s051137抗战时期四川棉纺织工业研究[公开] by 李国政[硕士]论文编号:251010s051129建国前四川的兽疫防治研究[公开] by 王亚斌[硕士]论文编号:251010S051110民国时期四川柑橘研究[公开] by 卓刚[硕士]论文编号:251010s051148清末巴塘质变之变探析[公开] by 尚吉[硕士]论文编号:251010S051111近代市政改革视野下的成都“新村”建设[公开] by 雷达[硕士]论文编号:251010S051144民国大学训导制度研究——以四川大学为中心的考察(1931—1940)[公开] 陈龙[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051114民国时期西康医疗卫生初探[公开] by 廖雪[硕士]论文编号:251010S051151清末十年四川地区民变研究[公开] by 郑宇[硕士]论文编号:251010S0511311928-1937年山东民众教育思潮及实施内容研究[公开] by 郭士礼[硕士]论文编号:251010s051125传统农业经营与现代公司制的整合:[公开] by 李勇[硕士]论文编号:251010S051126民国时期安徽学田研究[公开] by 董天宝[硕士]论文编号:251010S051130二十世纪三四十年代的集团结婚——以上海为中心的考察[公开] by 田凤仙[硕士]论文编号:251010S051113近代成都城市公园的管理与抗战——以少城、中山公园为中心[公开] by 蒋德勇[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051145争夺与重构—厘金、海关与晚清咸同时期财权新秩序(1853—1874)[公开] 谢二平[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051103《民国四川的西药与社会(1927-1943)[公开] by 李龙[硕士]论文编号:251010S051143 自行车与近代成都社会[公开] by 黄丹[硕士]论文编号:251010S051121 震灾与秩序重建:1933年叠溪大地震探悉[公开] by 高松[硕士]论文编号:251010S051136抗战时期知识青年从军运动研究[公开] by 唐亚松[硕士]论文编号:251010S051117民国早期中小学生作文的文体变迁[公开] by 宋伟琼[硕士]论文编号:251010S051141盛宣怀与企业—从汉阳铁厂到汉冶萍公司(1896-1911)[公开] by 李承亮[硕士]论文编号:251010S051146抗战时期四川钢铁工业发展研究[公开] by 曾令发[硕士]论文编号:251010S051108论清末藏事政策之变化(1876-1912)[公开] by 刘财富[硕士]论文编号:251010S051112 清末民初的辫子政治[公开] by 李勤[硕士]论文编号:251010S051101 二十世纪四十年代四川外役监狱述评[公开] by 周柏林[硕士]论文编号:251010S051120 民国时期中国童子军教育(1926-1949)[公开] by 杨立英[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051128抗战时期四川机械工业研究[公开] by 陈令坤[硕士]论文编号:251010S051133 四川省普通中小学科学教育(1937-1949)by 王新培[硕士] 论文编号:251010S051147二十世纪四十年代的公立职业介绍事业——以国民政府行政院社会部的职业介绍为中心[公开] by 唐雪梅[硕士]论文编号:251010S051100民国时期的什邡烟草业[公开] by 江虹颖[硕士]论文编号:251010S051107丁宝桢经营四川研究[公开] by 贾佑忍[硕士]论文编号:251010S051116抗战时期四川的女子中等教育[公开] by 林海波[硕士]论文编号:251010S051139抗战时期的成都话剧运动[公开] by 王娜[硕士]论文编号:251010B050254抗战时期中国红十字会救护总队研究[公开] by 戴斌武[博士]论文编号:251010S051105国民政府时期的地方经济统制:以1937--1949年地四川蚕桑丝绸业为例[公开] 马天卓论文编号:251010S051124民国时期的成都市立图书馆研究(1927-1949)[公开] by 刘健[硕士]论文编号:251010s0511061951年至1954年雅安地区救灾渡荒工作初探[公开] by 辜超平[硕士]论文编号:251010S051135<二十世纪三四十年代成都市公共卫生宣传教育研究>[公开] by 李艳梅[硕士]论文编号:251010B040278国家整合与边疆政治——以西康建省为考察中心(1906—1949)[公开] by 黄天华[博士] 论文编号:251010J2004029中国近代文物保护[公开] by 鲜乔蓥[硕士]论文编号:251010B040271滇越铁路与近代云南经济变迁[公开] by 车辚[博士]论文编号:251010B01152四川保甲制度与基层政治(1935—1949)[公开] by 冉绵惠[博士]论文编号:251010S051140清末四川女学研究[公开] by 李瑞广[硕士]论文编号:251010B01149抗战时期四川地籍整理研究[公开] by 刘一民[博士] from 四川大学.历史文化学院.中国论文编号:251010S051149“培修”与“盗砖”:成都城墙研究(1933-1936)[公开] by 王光[硕士]论文编号:251010B050259法律文本与司法实践:《中华民国民法•亲属编》研究[公开] by 李刚[博士] from 四川大学.历史文化学院.中国近现代政制研究论文编号:251010B050253南京国民政府时期成都社会治安研究(1932-1949)[公开] by 高远[博士]论文编号:251010S051132互动与博弈:晚清赈灾与社会变迁[公开] by 张大海[硕士]论文编号:251010S030911抗战时期的“伤兵之友”运动[公开] by 苟兴朝[硕士]论文编号:251010s03091220世纪三十年代四川舆论对摩登女的认知及官方干预其装束的努力[公开] by 袁家菊[硕士] 论文编号:251010S030905二十世纪五六十年代四川茶叶生产与发展研究[公开] by 郑洲[硕士]论文编号:251010B030260 清代资源型城市研究[公开] by 刘吕红[博士]论文编号:251010B030256隔离下的融合:清代新疆城市发展与社会变迁(1759-1911)[公开] by 黄达远[博士] 论文编号:251010B01147刘咸炘文化思想研究[公开] by 周鼎[博士]论文编号:251010S030913民国时期的四川桐油贸易——以重庆、万县为例[公开] by 刘利容[硕士]论文编号:251010S030901二十世纪二十年代成都汽车客运业研究[公开] by 杜乐秀[硕士]论文编号:251010S030916 陶行知的新教育思想及现代价值[公开] by 廖瑜[硕士]论文编号:251010S030906 抗战时期国民政府的福利事业研究[公开] by 李瑞[硕士]论文编号:251010S030908 抗战时期四川路政研究[公开] by 赖伟[硕士]论文编号:251010S030900 近代成都劝业会研究[公开] by 孙跃中[硕士]论文编号:251010S030895通向学术之路:蔡元培与北大法科的学术化进程(1916-1927)[公开] by 杨瑞[硕士] 论文编号:251010B020209 《新新新闻》报史研究[公开] by 王伊洛[博士]论文编号:251010S030914 晚清外交体制研究(1861-1901年)[公开] by 吉正芬[硕士]论文编号:251010S030896二十世纪三四十年代四川瘟疫研究[公开] by 柏家文[硕士]论文编号:251010S030897抗战时期国民政府对成都民众献金运动的指导工作[公开] by 付文武[硕士]论文编号:251010S030910南京国民政府时期成都律师业研究[公开] by 任耘[硕士]论文编号:251010S030902民国时期四川特殊教育研究[公开] by 陈建华[硕士]论文编号:251010S030904川陕苏区医疗卫生初探[公开] by 朱麓蓉[硕士]论文编号:251010S030909民国时期西康边茶初探[公开] by 董春美[硕士]论文编号:251010S030915红军长征在雪山草地的粮食问题研究[公开] by 李星[硕士]论文编号:251010S030907近代四川官方改良私塾的努力及其成效[公开] by 朱艳林[硕士]论文编号:251010B030258保守政党与民初政制:进步党的政治参与及其与国民党的互动[公开] by 别琳[博士]论文编号:251010S030898清代州县差役研究[公开] by 王友良[硕士]论文编号:251010S030899近代中国征婚广告探析——以《大公报》为例(1900-1937)[公开] by 赵良坤[硕士] 论文编号:251010S030903民国四川“二五减租”运动研究(1946-1949)[公开] by 李牧凌[硕士]论文编号:251010S041121民国植树造林初探-以四川为例[公开] by 马杰华[硕士]论文编号:251010B020212中国共产党早期政权思想研究(1920——1927)[公开] by 赵崇华[博士]论文编号:251010S051150定婚法律制度:清代和民国的比较研究[公开] by 张玉良[硕士]论文编号:251010B030250二战后期美国马特霍恩计划研究[公开] by 胡越英[博士]论文编号:251010B020211国民革命到早期苏维埃运动——1921-1932年四川地区的共产主义运动[公开] by 钟小敏[博士]论文编号:251010B030257传统金融业的近代命运——以民国时期四川典当业为例[公开] by 张琼[博士]论文编号:251010B040266留日法政学生与清末法制改革[公开] by 邝良锋[博士]论文编号:251010S061051民国时期四川夏布业探究[公开] by 刘正才[硕士]论文编号:251010S0610661926年英庚款代表团来华与英庚款之退还[公开] by 李文文[硕士]论文编号:251010S061043近代成都自来水事业的现代化进程——成都自来水公司的创建[公开] by 韩庆龙[硕士] 论文编号:251010s061070川陕苏区工业研究[公开] by 吴元斌[硕士]论文编号:251010S061073从军事重镇到贸易枢纽:清代城市的转型—以归绥和张家口为例[公开] by 任晓华[硕士] 论文编号:251010S061063民国时期成都卫生管理初探[公开] by 李兆田[硕士]论文编号:251010S061041抗战时期四川农田水利事业探究[公开] by 郝旭[硕士]论文编号:251010B030249抗战时期重庆公共卫生研究[公开] by 黄虹[博士]论文编号:251010S061067清代吉林城市发展与社会变迁[公开] by 陈荣燕[硕士]论文编号:251010S0610391935-1946年成都商用度量衡划一研究[公开] by 孙彩云[硕士]论文编号:251010S061044抗战前川军的国家化历程[公开] by 袁军[硕士]论文编号:251010S061038二十世纪三四十年代的成都旅店业研究[公开] by 许国蕊[硕士]计划与现实—民国时期彭县铜矿筹备处兴衰之研究(1936-1943)[公开] by 田长飞[硕士] from 四川大学.历史文化学院.中国近代史论文编号:251010S061036清末四川的兵工业(1877—1909)——以四川机器局为中心[公开] by 阴家强[硕士]论文编号:251010S061040民国成都饮食业研究(1911-1939)[公开] by 陈秀[硕士]论文编号:251010S061084二十世纪三四十年代成都旧货市场研究[公开] by 匡志林[硕士]论文编号:251010S061035抗战时期成都儿童福利研究[公开] by 尚清卫[硕士]论文编号:251010S061071抗战时期成都的地位和作用研究[公开] by 张金军[硕士]论文编号:251010S061077民国时期官办商品检验事业(1929-1949)——以上海和重庆为中心[公开] by 唐莉娟[硕士] 论文编号:251010S061068民国时期四川保安团队研究(1919-1941年)[公开] by 李志英[硕士]论文编号:251010B040276论徐继畬的新世界观念及其实践[公开] by 曾燕[博士] from 四川大学.历史文化学院.中国近现代思想与学术论文编号:251010s061065抗战时期四川电话业[公开] by 赵博[硕士] from 四川大学.历史文化学院.中国近现代论文编号:251010s061075远东运动会与中国(1913-1934)[公开] by 陈玲[硕士]论文编号:251010S061034清代晋中城市的发展—以平遥、祁县、太谷为例[公开] by 万雪梅[硕士]论文编号:251010S061046成都娼妓研究(1934—1937)[公开] by 李常宝[硕士]论文编号:251010S061061民国时期四川营业税的实施与社会反应——以1936-1941年税率问题为中心的考察[公开] by 柯伟明[硕士]论文编号:251010S061081四川地质事业研究:1936-1945[公开] by 廖传伟[硕士]论文编号:251010S061082抗战时期成都信托业研究(1937-1945)以互利信托公司和中央信托局为中心[公开] by 邵立国[硕士]论文编号:251010B030251中华苏维埃共和国法律体系—以中央苏区为主的研究[公开] by 赵明[博士]论文编号:251010S061048新旧之间:近代中国反纳妾思想及其社会实践[公开] by 邓萍[硕士]论文编号:251010S06107820世纪40年代四川省新县制下的民众组训[公开] by 王霞[硕士]论文编号:251010S061053建国初期成都市的儿童保育研究(1949-1956年)[公开] by 柳小菊[硕士]谢持与西山会议研究[公开] by 苏舟[硕士]论文编号:251010S061037民国前期四川邮政的发展(1912——1937年)[公开] by 李丽[硕士]论文编号:251010S061079康门师徒的海外经济活动[公开] by 张超[硕士]论文编号:251010S061058民国时期成都房屋租赁研究----以二十世纪三四十年代为中心[公开] by 陈宇[硕士]论文编号:251010B030253民国时期四川医政研究[公开] by 王友平[博士]论文编号:251010S061074《<申报>对中日济南事件的反应》[公开] by 冯兵[硕士]论文编号:251010S061059抗战时期成都报业广告研究——以《新新新闻》为例[公开] by 贺巧娟[硕士]论文编号:251010S061069以成都为中心城市群的游民研究(1900—1936年)[公开] by 吴宪[硕士]论文编号:251010S061076民国时期四川地区遗产税研究[公开] by 余科[硕士] from论文编号:251010S061056抗战时期日军对成都的战略轰炸[公开] by 谢春燕[硕士]论文编号:251010s061050抗战时期同济大学内迁李庄研究[公开] by 刘贵辉[硕士]论文编号:251010S061064民国时期药业研究[公开] by 袁庆[硕士]论文编号:251010B060275中国民生教育学会研究(1936-1949)[公开] by 雷志松[博士]论文编号:251010S061055中央与地方的博弈:抗战初期的四川省政研究(1938-1940)[公开] by 王华[硕士]论文编号:251010S061054成都《新新新闻》日报之“离婚启事”研究(1932-1949年)[公开] by 陈舒慧[硕士] 论文编号:251010S06108620世纪30年代四川农学院国立化进程研究[公开] by 刘恒[硕士]论文编号:251010S051119抗战时期“工合”运动评述[公开] by 赵永丽[硕士]论文编号:251010S061060从传统到现代:艰难的起步--重庆轮渡股份有限公司的初期研究(1937年-1939年)[公开] by 张勇[硕士]论文编号:251010S061085清末第二次宪政考察探析--以达寿、李家驹为中心[公开] by 张卫根[硕士]论文编号:251010S061052戊戌政变前后荣禄事迹考述[公开] by 王刚[硕士]论文编号:251010S061045抗日战争时期四川物价变动研究[公开] by 冉倩[硕士]论文编号:251010S061083一场夭折的启蒙——新文化运动困境研究[公开] by 江超民[硕士]论文编号:251010B030262近代广西检察制度研究(1906-1949)[公开] by 庞昭[博士]论文编号:251010B060268二十世纪三十年代重庆地区的旱灾救治研究[公开] by 杜俊华[博士]论文编号:251010B070234新中国成立初期的城市公共卫生研究(1949~1957)——以环境卫生与疾疫防治为中心[公开] by 艾智科[博士]论文编号:251010S071047清代中国城市空间格局的演变[公开] by 雷雯佳[硕士]论文编号:251010S061087建国初期成都的失业救济研究(1950-1957)[公开] by 谭彩霞[硕士]论文编号:251010S071028《申报》医药广告研究(1927-1937)[公开] by 李春园[硕士]论文编号:251010B060274民国时期重庆市自来水股份有限公司的建立与经营管理[公开] by 刘洪彪[博士]论文编号:251010B070227国民政府主黔时期贵州盐政研究(1935—1949)[公开] by 李浩[博士]论文编号:251010B070225抗战前后四川消费合作社研究(1935—1949)[公开] by 熊斌[博士]论文编号:251010B070232成都银行公会研究(1934—1949)[公开] by 张强[博士]论文编号:251010S071044从中日甲午战后至民国二十年代“贤妻良母”观的变迁(1898—1930年)[公开] by 屈玉星[硕士]论文编号:251010S071029抗战时期西南大后方的婚姻变动研究—以四川为中心的考察[公开] by 杨陆萍[硕士]论文编号:251010B070233南京国民政府统治时期警管区制研究(1934-1949)[公开] by 汪勇[博士]论文编号:251010S071042建都抑还都:抗战胜利前后国都问题大辩论[公开] by 高云昌[硕士]论文编号:251010B040267抗战时期重庆人寿保险业研究(1937—1945年)[公开] by 吴静[博士]论文编号:251010S0710411949-1950年中共对成都市的接管-----以成都市军事管制委员会为中心的考察[公开] by 闫厚国[硕士]论文编号:251010S071040民国时期成都市政府公务员考绩——侧重南京国民政府执政时段的考察[孙晓艳[硕士]论文编号:251010S071038中国民用航空业研究(1945-1949)——以民航业与国民政府和外国势力的关系为中心鞠惠霞论文编号:251010S071043 抗战时期成都市土地行政研究[公开] by 韩宏伟[硕士]论文编号:251010S071031近代华北市镇与江南市镇的比较研究[公开] by 肖国祥[硕士]论文编号:251010S071027《清代中国城市管理中的官民互动》[公开] by 亓强[硕士]论文编号:251010S071033义务劳动与地方建设:成都市国民义务劳动(1946—1949)[公开] by 王海波[硕士]论文编号:251010S081126 重庆广播事业研究(1937——1949)[公开] by 朱叶[硕士]论文编号:251010S071034 建国初期成都市的爱国卫生运动——1952--1960年[公开] 刘敏论文编号:251010s071055四川地区汉传佛教庙产纠纷问题研究(1928—1949)何吉美论文编号:251010S071052清代中前期泉州城市空间研究(1644-1840)by 郑明治[硕士]论文编号:251010S071051 一九三六年成都事件的再研究[公开] by 杨岳峰[硕士]论文编号:251010S071037四川省麻风病防治研究(1956-1966)[公开] by 舒冬云[硕士] 论文编号:251010S071032 抗战时期四川地区抵制仇货运动研究(1931—1942)唐虎[硕士] 论文编号:251010B040277民国四川县政改良研究——以县长人事的整顿为例(1935-1949)[公开] by 王玉娟[博士] 论文编号:251010S071035读书不忘救国:学生军训的开展与施行(1929-1945)——以四川地区学生军训为例易鑫论文编号:251010S071050 成都市参议会研究(1945—1949)[公开] by 韩东风[硕士]论文编号:251010S071030庙会与传统城市公共空间的早期现代化演进——以青羊宫花会为例[公开] by 朱红良[硕士] 论文编号:251010S071048 抗战时期四川飞机场建设[公开] by 唐治锌[硕士]论文编号:251010S071053 融合与互补:清末民初乡村社会中的团保制[公开] 齐有明[硕士] 论文编号:251010B060264 广元地区苏维埃政权研究[公开] by 唐琼[博士]论文编号:251010B070250资源型城市转型背景下旅游发展研究[公开] by 任宣羽[博士] 论文编号:251010S071049大学中的小社会----1937至1949成都地区高校宿舍生活研究余小龙论文编号:251010s071046四川省优抚工作述论(1950-1965)[公开] by 杨勇玲[硕士] 论文编号:251010S071036民国时期成都儿童节研究(1934——1949)[公开] by 张亮[硕士] 论文编号:251010s0710451950-1960年成都市职工扫盲运动研究[公开] by 叶艳辉[硕士]论文编号:251010S071039南京国民政府时期成都疫病防治研究[公开] by 郭京湖[硕士]。
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论文合集1(16-19年)鲍志坤:2016. 英汉情感表达的隐喻溯源[J] 《中国教育学刊》2016 (2): 77-792019. 评叶君健翻译观[J] 《海外英语》2019 (20): 28-302019. 评宋兆霖翻译风格与策略[J] 《英语广场》2019 (8): 23-252019. 运用Tmxmall提高信息型文本翻译效率的实践——以《2018年全球可再生能源现状报告》为例[J] 《海外英语》2019 (12): 24-252019. 运用用户图像理论优化个人短视频自媒体的研究——以Papi酱为例《大众文艺》2019(10):174-1752019. 运用思维导图优化中学生英语复习环节的实践[J] 《海外英语》2019 (13): 40-41 2019. 《宠儿》象征主义分析[J] 《英语广场》2019 (12): 6-8陈红梅:2017,《犹太民族与城市空间》[J].《世界民族》(CSSCI).(3):9-15.2017,《自我、身份及其他:菲利普·罗斯的情欲书写》[C].《英美文学研究论丛》(CSSCI)春季刊,304-313.陈丽屏:2018,《伊甸之东》的叙事空间解读 [J]《名作欣赏》(9):66-69,[139]。
2018.约翰·斯坦贝克经典小说的生态研究[J] 《疯狂英语》(理论版)(4):191-192 。
韩启群:2017:西方文论关键词:物转向. 外国文学.2017(6): 88-99.2018:21世纪以来美国生态文学在中国的译介,安徽文学,(11):43-46.2018:我国生态文学翻译现况初探. 安徽文学,(12):111-113.2019:“物的文学生命”:重读福克纳笔下的生意人弗莱姆·斯诺普斯. 外国语文,2019(1):41-47.黄雯怡:2016,我国大学英语教育困境的生态解析与对策思考[J],《外语研究》(3):53-57。
2017:Huang Wen Yi.2017.Similarities and Differences of Chinese Translation Theories and Western Translation Theories[J],《海外英语》2017:Analysis of the Features of Children’s Picture Book and Discussing the Possible Strategies of Translating Children’s Picture Story Book from English to Chinese,《海外英语》2018,加拿大写实动物小说中的伦理思想探析[J],《外语研究》(1):94-97。
居方:2018:目的论视角下政府法规规章翻译策略研究江苏外语教学研究2018 (3) 78-81 2018:我国地方性法规规章翻译规范化初探[J]. 海外英语2018(10)120-1222018:法律翻译中“显化”现象研究[J]. 海外英语2018(11)22-24李擎:2018,后慕课时代中国文化话语权的重建[J],《学术探索》2018(11):147-151。
2019,《一小时的故事》金莉与秦亚青译本文体风格剖析》.英语广场,2019(1):42-43. 2019,翻译“理想”与“艺术”实践—评罗新璋翻译观[J],《英语广场》2019(2):57-59。
缺PDF 2018,中西方文化差异在翻译中的体现[J],《疯狂英语》2018(4):148 -150。
2019,论翻译中的归化与异化---以《红楼梦》为例[J],《海外英语》2019(1):113 -114。
2019,生态翻译学的研究焦点[J],《海外英语》(2):35 -36。
2019. 英汉请求语的差异及原因探究[J].大众文艺,2019(8):159-161.论文合集2(16-19年)王富银:2018,口译记忆机制与记忆策略训练[J],《江苏外语教学研究》2018(3):66-69.2018,云南省迪庆州藏族语言使用现状调查研究[J],《现代语文》2018(9):168-174. 2018,远行的韩山----加里∙斯奈德译本的译介模式研究[J],《海外英语》2018(9):120-122.2018,克里希穆那提作品译介模式研究[J],《疯狂英语(理论版)》2018(3):154-155.王涛:2016. 谁是叛徒?—评拉明作品中的斯莱姆先生[J]. 安徽文学,2016(02):55-56. 2016. 后殖民语境下成长的烦恼—评《在我皮肤的城堡里》[J]. 名作欣赏,2016(8):39-44. 2016. 后殖民语境下成长的烦恼—《冒险季节》主题初探[J]. 名作欣赏,2016(9):37-44. 2018. 《在我皮肤的城堡中》的权利与空间演绎[J]. 海外英语,2019(02):206-213.王旭霞:2019 On the Modernistic Themes in Katherine Mansfie ld’s At the Bay.海外英语,2019(07):238-2402019,王旭霞.《海上无路标》的艺术特色剖析. 英语广场,2019(01): 05-07.吴雪峰:2018,英语写作评分标准模型的建构及其效度研究[J],《外国语文》(5):137-146。
(北大核心、SCD)2019,美剧《我们这一天》间接拒绝用语的顺应性研究[J],《海外英语》(17):238-240肖飞:2019. The Clipper两个译本的文体分析[J].《英语广场》, 2019(4):39-40.2019. 对比单语语料库和双语平行语料库—以“锦鲤”的翻译为例[J]. 《海外英语》, 2019(12):109-110.2019. 英汉人称代词对比研究—以《傲慢与偏见》为例[J]. 《海外英语》, 2019(14):123-125.2019. 基于文学文体学分析的The Daffodils两译本对比[J]. 《海外英语》, 2019 (15):140-141.2019. “一带一路”视域下外宣网站编译研究—以5家江苏县级市政府外宣网站为例[J].《江苏外语教学研究》, 2019(3):79-82.2019. 功能语言学中及物性的不适用性[J]. 《海外英语》, 2019(19):236-238.严静:2018,The Observation of Trends and Impacts of States Funding on Higher Education in America[J],2018《海外英语》(11):236-238.2018,Educational Leader’s Personality Style Inventory in K12 and Higher Educ ation Levels [J], 《海外英语》2018(12):262-264.杨喜刚:2018,生态语言学视域下中式英语探究[J],《安徽文学(下半月)》2018(12):69-171,1752019,基于创新人才培养目标的大学外语实践教学体系的研究——以南京林业大学为例[J],2019《英语广场》(12):59-612019,外国人名翻译用字的性别特征[J],《海外英语》2019(6)54-56袁家丽:2017,The Gazed Other: The Representations of the Father in Edward Albee’s Plays[J],《海外英语》2017(9):155-157;2019,新世纪生态文学:研究与教学——南京林大生态文学研究工作坊第三期综述[J],《南林学报(社科版)》(2):84-88;2019,”权力的游戏":《谁害怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫?》中的性别政治与文化协商[J],《戏剧艺术》(2):123-132。