Roland Berger_Strategic Brand Management
罗兰贝格整合营销内部培训介绍罗兰贝格(Roland Berger)是一家全球领先的战略咨询公司,致力于帮助企业实现商业目标和提升竞争力。
内容罗兰贝格整合营销内部培训的内容丰富多样,包括以下几个方面:1. 整合营销基础•理解整合营销的概念和原理•掌握整合营销的主要组成部分和关键要素2. 整合营销策略制定•学习如何制定与企业目标一致的整合营销策略•掌握制定整合营销计划的方法和步骤3. 整合营销执行•了解整合营销活动的各种渠道和工具•学习如何协调不同渠道和工具的运作,实现整合营销活动的无缝衔接4. 整合营销效果评估•掌握评估整合营销活动效果的方法和指标•学习如何收集和分析数据,提升整合营销策略的效果形式罗兰贝格整合营销内部培训采用多种形式,旨在提供丰富的学习体验和互动机会:1. 培训课程•由行业专家和罗兰贝格高级顾问担任讲师•课程内容结合理论知识和实践案例,以提升学员的实际操作能力2. 小组讨论和案例分析•学员分为小组进行讨论和案例分析,加深对整合营销理论和方法的理解和应用能力•案例涉及各行各业的实际问题,以提供更具代表性的学习材料3. 角色扮演和模拟练习•学员参与角色扮演和模拟练习,锻炼解决实际问题的能力和团队合作意识•通过实践演练,学员能够更好地应用整合营销策略和技巧4. 在线学习平台•提供在线学习平台,学员可以随时随地学习课程内容和资料•在线学习平台还提供交流互动的机会,学员可以与其他学员和讲师进行讨论和分享预期效果罗兰贝格整合营销内部培训的预期效果如下:•提高员工在整合营销方面的理论水平和实践能力•增强员工的团队合作和沟通能力•提升整合营销策略的制定和实施效果•改善整合营销活动评估和数据分析能力•培养员工对市场变化的敏感性和应变能力结论罗兰贝格整合营销内部培训为企业员工提供了全面系统的整合营销培训,旨在提升员工在整合营销方面的能力和知识。
罗兰贝格 - 战略分析内容与工具
分析内容 人口 经济 对本行业造成 影响的因素分析 生态环境 文化 政策/法律 技术 行业协会 电子工业部 剪报 Internet
– 中国资讯网() – 专业网站(家电网等) – 国研网 专业调查报告 … …
市场 份额
- 13 -
市场分析(3): 市场分析 :地区结构变化
市场 份额 市场 份额 市场 份额 市场 份额
1998 1999 2000
地区结构变化主要描述各地区市场的份额变化 一般而言,成长中的市场蕴含机会,而衰退中的市场蕴 藏威胁 地区划分可以采用下述标准 – 大区
– 省
地区2 地区1
- 14 -
市场分析(4): 市场分析 :消费群结构变化
环保政策 本产业技术变化 竞争产业技术变化 向产业技术变化
, 具体的分析应逐步掌握并发展二维因素的分析方法, 具体的分析应逐步掌握并发展二维因素的分析方法,并应尽可能地进行量化
降低进口整机价格, 提高其竞争力
降低国内整机进入 国际市场壁垒
年均 10%
年份 - 12 -
市场分析(2): 市场分析 :产品结构变化
市场 份额
产品结构变化主要描述各产品细分市场的结构性变化 一般而言,成长中的细分市场蕴含机会,而衰退中的细 分市场蕴藏威胁 产品划分可以采用下述标准 – 尺寸 – 彩管
优秀的员工创造卓越罗兰贝格的工作方式立足于每位咨询顾问的企业家精神和行业专长——我们深信“个性 创造 影响力”。
罗兰贝格战略引言罗兰贝格战略(Roland Berger Strategy Consultants)是全球领先的战略咨询公司之一,总部位于德国慕尼黑。
背景罗兰贝格战略由Roland Berger于1967年在德国慕尼黑创立。
战略品牌管理英文版《Strategic Brand Management》Introduction:In today's highly competitive business landscape, companies must invest in building and managing their brands strategically. Strategic brand management is the process of creating, developing, and maintaining a brand's positioning and identity to achieve long-term success and a competitive advantage in the market. This article explores the key components of strategic brand management and the importance of implementing effective strategies to drive business growth.1. Brand Positioning:Brand positioning is a crucial aspect of strategic brand management. It involves defining and communicating a brand's unique value proposition to target customers. A well-positioned brand resonates with its target market and differentiates itself from competitors. It is essential to conduct thorough market research and understand consumer needs and preferences to establish a strong brand positioning strategy.2. Brand Identity:Brand identity refers to the visual representation and perception of a brand. It encompasses the brand's logo, tagline, colors, and overall visual aesthetics. Consistency is key when establishing brand identity. Through cohesive branding across all touchpoints, including packaging, advertising, and online presence, companies can create a strong, recognizable brand that builds trust and loyalty among consumers.3. Brand Equity:Brand equity is the value that a brand possesses beyond its tangible assets. It is the culmination of a brand's reputation, customer loyalty, and perceived value. Building brand equity requires continuous efforts to enhance brand awareness, create positive associations, and deliver superior customer experiences. Companies can measure brand equity through metrics such as brand recognition, brand preference, and customer loyalty.4. Brand Extension:Brand extension is a strategic approach to leverage the existing brand equity and enter new product categories. It involves extending the brand's name and values to new offerings. Successful brand extensions can unlock new growth opportunities and drive revenue by capitalizing on existing brand loyalty. However, careful analysis and consumer research are necessary to ensure the extension aligns with the brand's core essence and meets consumer expectations.5. Brand Communication:Effective brand communication is essential for building a strong brand image and connecting with consumers. Companies must develop integrated marketing communication strategies that convey their brand positioning consistently across various channels, including advertising, public relations, social media, and content marketing. Engaging and relevant brand communication can help create emotional connections with consumers, fostering long-term brand loyalty.6. Monitoring and Adaptation:Strategic brand management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. Companies should regularly assess market dynamics, consumer preferences, and competitor activities to ensure their brand strategies remain relevant. Flexibility and adaptability are essential to evolving consumer needs and staying ahead of the competition. Regular performance measurement and analysis enable companies to make informed decisions and adjust their brand management strategies as needed. Conclusion:Strategic brand management plays a crucial role in shaping a brand's success in today's competitive market. By carefully crafting brand positioning, establishing a strong brand identity, building brand equity, extending the brand strategically, and implementing effective brand communication, companies can establish a strong and enduring brand presence. The continuous monitoring and adaptation of brand strategies ensure sustained success and a competitive edge in an ever-changing business environment.。
罗兰贝格咨询方法及预计结果罗兰贝格咨询(Roland Berger)是一家全球著名的战略管理咨询公司,成立于1967年,总部位于德国慕尼黑。
一、罗兰贝格咨询的方法1.1 战略咨询作为一家专业的战略管理咨询公司,罗兰贝格咨询重视为客户制定长期战略规划。
1.2 业务优化咨询除了战略咨询,罗兰贝格咨询还致力于帮助企业优化业务流程和提升运营效率。
1.3 创新咨询罗兰贝格咨询鼓励客户进行创新,通过市场研究和技术分析等方法,为客户提供创新的想法和战略。
二、罗兰贝格咨询的预计结果2.1 提供专业建议罗兰贝格咨询凭借其丰富的经验和专业知识,为客户提供准确和切实可行的建议。
2.2 提高盈利能力通过罗兰贝格咨询提供的战略和业务优化方案,企业能够实现盈利能力的提高。
2.3 开拓新市场罗兰贝格咨询的创新咨询服务帮助客户发现新的市场机会,并制定相应的战略。
2.4 增强企业竞争力罗兰贝格咨询的综合咨询服务有助于客户增强企业的竞争力。
罗兰贝格战略采购优化企业采购管理简介本文将介绍罗兰贝格战略采购(Roland Berger Strategic Procurement)如何优化企业采购管理。
1. 什么是罗兰贝格战略采购罗兰贝格战略采购是罗兰贝格(Roland Berger)战略咨询公司提供的一项专业服务。
2. 为什么需要优化企业采购管理优化企业采购管理的重要性不言而喻。
3. 罗兰贝格战略采购优化企业采购管理的方法罗兰贝格战略采购通过以下方法来优化企业采购管理:3.1 采购策略优化罗兰贝格战略采购帮助企业优化采购策略,包括供应商选择、供应商合作方式、采购合同管理等。
3.2 采购流程改进罗兰贝格战略采购通过优化采购流程来提高采购效率。
3.3 供应商管理优化罗兰贝格战略采购着重优化供应商管理,帮助企业建立健康的供应商关系。
战略品牌管理(Strategic Brand Management)战略品牌管理概述“战略品牌管理”是营销学者凯文·凯勒的观点。
他认为所谓“品牌资产”就是基于顾客的品牌资产(customer-based brand equity),而不是由企业财务会计所决定和由企业营销业绩所决定的量化观点。
”⼤规模的展览展⽰和试驾活动对主题的贡献让⼈直观地感受到只有如此强劲的动⼒才能带来如此美妙的超越专业测试的结论有⼒地⽀持了宝来动⼒性能上佳的卖点,各种荣誉也印证了宝来的价值围绕⾜球的系列活动彰显了宝来动⼒强劲、驾驭⾃如的特性;车主团队活动也增强了品牌忠实度⼴⼤宝来车迷能够亲⾝体验到开宝来的激情品牌主题:“驾驶者之车”资料来源:罗兰?贝格C. 产品设计改型对品牌定位的⽀持围绕品牌定位的产品属性要求是营销部门和产品设计部门的联系界⾯品牌形象消费者需求产品特性技术系统从消费者需求到产品属性要求(举例)不同阶段必须回答的问题消费者⼼理需求是什么?品牌如何定位?品牌定位如何转化为产品特性?对于⽬标消费者什么产品特性是最重要的?(即能最有⼒地⽀持品牌定位,同时是消费者认为最重要的?)使⽤何种技术可以实现该产品特性?如何将该技术整合到汽车系统设计中?消费者产品设计界⾯运动型驾驶性能:强⼤的牵引⼒电动机械/液压悬挂控制悬挂系统产品属性分为三个层次:产品特性、关键项⽬、产品组件(⽰意)驾驶动⼒(21%1))产品特性售后服务(20%)舒适(10%)外观(9%)内饰(9%)驾驶性能(14%)驾驶感受(7%)刹车性能加速性能转弯性能加速,转弯操纵体验路⾯感受维修服务(12%)质保(8%)服务质量服务时间维修⽹络质保质保范围紧急⽀持乘坐舒适性通信娱乐(0.5%)静⾳效果座椅设计(乘客)座椅设计(驾驶员)通信功能娱乐功能空调效果避振效果乘坐体验⾳响效果外观设计(6%)外观质量(3%)外观造型外观颜⾊外观细节设计外观制造质量喷漆质量车型内部空间设计(5%)内饰质量乘坐位空间(2.7%)驾驶位空间(1%)后备箱容量(0.7%)内饰材料质量(2%)座位数量(1%)内饰设计内饰制造质量(0.3%)内饰细节设计(1%)材质搭配(0.7%)颜⾊搭配(0.5%)通过两维矩阵的分析,即重要程度和对品牌定位的⽀持程度,得出产品属性要求对品牌定位的⽀持程度汽车属性对消费者的重要程度如:外型设计等如:操控便利性,油耗,维修成本等弱弱强234如:驾驶性能,维修服务,乘坐舒适性1注:对品牌定位的⽀持程度:通过各汽车属性与雪佛兰品牌定位⼼理需求点的联系强度进⾏衡量强如:内部空间设计,主动安全,被动安全等1234评价标准次重要最重要(消费者感知到的最重要的产品属性,罗兰贝格建议不超过3个)次重要⼀般重要(由于这部分属性对品牌定位贡献度低,消费者认为相对不重要,因此该属性⼤到平均⽔平即可,不属于⼯作重点)由此可以结合定位得出对不同产品的属性要求产品特性驾驶动⼒售后服务驾驶性能驾驶感受维修服务质保舒适外观乘坐舒适性通信娱乐外观设计外观质量内饰经济性安全油耗操控性环保内部空间设计内饰质量内饰设计维修成本价格被动安全主动安全油耗操控便利性使⽤的灵活性环保关键项⽬(第⼆层次)关键项⽬⼀般重要次重要最重要原型2原型3在此基础上,还可结合消费者调研反馈对核⼼价值需求进⾏细化描述0%100%⾼低关联强度开车时很舒服,长时间坐在那⾥不会累;舒适;安静,开车⽐较舒⼼;坐车时不会感到疲劳⼼情舒畅,让⼈感觉很舒服;开车是享受;驾驶轻松,操作⾃如<举例:⽆忧⽆虑>在⾥⾯能让我精神,⾝体放松,不会感到疲劳;伸展⽅便;操作⽅便;开车顺⼿,快乐让⼈感觉很舒服;放⼼,省⼼;感觉悠闲在开车时,⼼情会很舒畅;不会压抑;不容易造成疲劳驾驶;⼼情愉快,开车不累;正在享受⽣活;舒服;轻松驾驶⾃如;⽐较省⼼,开的车满意放⼼;让我在驾驶时有快感⽐较开⼼,安全不紧张;⽆后顾之忧;⼀种舒适的感受;⽐较放⼼,随意操作⽅便;开车时能容易控制各种设置,不易分⼼感觉悠闲,⼼情会很放松;⽐较轻松愉快;痛快驾驶感受14%内部空间设计14%乘坐舒适性18%驾驶性能9%操控便利性9%能够准备及时地查明原因;及时修好;不会把好的换成坏的;修后能保证质量;随叫随到,⽅便及时让我放⼼交给他们维修没有后顾之忧;感觉⾃⼰象皇帝⼀样,随叫随到;⼼⾥感觉踏实;⽆牵⽆挂;维修服务6%开的⽐较稳;长时间开不会累很舒服;在⾥⾯能让我精神,⾝体放松,不会感到疲劳汽车特性联系强度消费者利益/⽤途(消费者描述)⼼理需求/价值(消费者描述)对产品特性的具体要求<⽆忧⽆虑>(1/3)乘坐舒适性座椅设计(50%)希望有⾃动调节座位功能;座椅最好可以放平睡觉;乘座是⽐较舒适密封性能要好,不会受外界的影响;车内希望隔⾳良好,隔⾳好就够了静⾳效果(20%)内部空间要⼤和宽敞;两排座椅要有⾜够的腿部空间;不要妨碍坐的姿势,头顶位置要够⾼驾驶室的空间较宽阔,脚部的伸展空间⾃如,头部要较⾼后备箱的容量⼤;后备箱要放⼊两个⼤旅⾏箱空调效果好;空调制冷效果好制冷速度要快,风扇运转不要太吵.空调效果(18%)乘坐舒适避振效果(9%)乘坐体验(9%)避震效果好;避震要好,路⾯不太好都保持车的平稳内部空间设计乘坐位空间(70%)驾驶位空间(24%)后备箱容量(4%)视野(2%)视野要宽阔;驾驶视野,透明度⽐较强产品特性消费者的具体要求对产品特性的具体要求<⽆忧⽆虑>(2/3)驾驶感受加速,刹车,转弯操控体验(53%)加速,刹车时不会前倒或后倒;操控好(加速,刹车等效果要好)座椅设计⼈性化;座椅位置要适合⾃⼰的尺⼨,坐下去不会感觉不舒服;座椅设计(43%)刹车要灵敏,机头要静,刹车系统要好;操作⽅便,刹车系统要,波棍性能要好,顺⼿,⼊档易转弯性能(⽅向盘的只得灵活程度);转弯性能好,转90度弯时灵敏度要⾼加速性能要爽朗,反应快;容易换档,脚油门的离合要宽驾驶性能刹车性能(23%)转弯性能(34%)路⾯感受(5%)加速性能(23%)路⾯感受要好;在路⾯上平稳产品特性消费者的具体要求对产品特性的具体要求<⽆忧⽆虑>(3/3)操控便利性操控便利性(59%)中控台的设计;⽅向盘的⽅便,轻便。
二、罗兰·贝格公司咨询服务的细则1. 咨询要有可行性。
2. 咨询的结果必须面向实施。
3. 在咨询实施中,可增加某些补充咨询或专门咨询,以完善和提高咨询成果。
4. 对小企业咨询时有一种例外,即当企业面临倒闭时,企业的所有者可以请咨询人员去当企业的代经理;对大企业需要为其物色新经理而提供咨询服务。
一、公司概况1.公司简介罗兰·贝格咨询公司(Roland Berger)自1967年在德国成立以来,取得了迅速的进展, 此刻以开创人名字命名的这家公司已经进展成为全世界最顶级的五大战略治理咨询公司之一。
行业 CC
功能 CC 公司战略
公司金融 IT/ 电子商务 营销/ 销售 营运战略
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
2. 我们是一家市场领先的战略管理咨 询公司
在22个国家有31个分公司 超过1500名员工 4亿美元的销售额
3. 许多全球领先的企业是我们的客户
1. 我们一直以领先市场的速度增长
咨询费收入 [EUR m]
+21% p.a.
433 340 +12% p.a. 273 235
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
6. 我们是一家快速发展中的公司
1. 我们一直以领先市场的速度增长 2. 我们的员工是这一快速增长的缔造者
3. 工作方法
4. 客户导向 5. 成功的秘诀: 行业和功能的交叉团队 6. 我们的咨询服务: 可操作的战略 7. 我们的行业知识是我们成功的基础 8. 我们的咨询服务定位于CEO的层次 9. 我们高质量的服务赢得了忠诚的客户
罗兰•贝格国际管理咨询公司 Roland Berger – Strategy Consultants 工作方法简介
随着收入水平的进一步提高, 随着收入水平的进一步提高,中国的空调市场将保持二位数的增长幅度
空调市场发展趋势分析图 分省市空调拥有率与城镇居民消费水平97‘ 分省市空调拥有率与城镇居民消费水平97‘ 97
样本数 179
2% 12%
1% 4%
现在拥有 三台空调 现在拥有 两台空调
Gaggenau Bulthaup 合资品牌
海尔 Miele
西门子 AEG 博世 Bauknecht
新飞 其它中档品牌 Constructa
惠而浦 Balay
伯乐 其它低档品牌
Source: 消费者调查,罗兰•贝格公司分析
• 科龙电器可以从外部吸纳合格营销人员 担心科龙电器现有人材能力不足 • 科龙电器也可以借助有多品牌营销经验的知名广告公司的力量和人材 • 提高营销人员素质与多品牌战略无关,且科龙别无选择
• 两品牌特别是容声拥有非常大的市场价值/潜力而且很难转移到科龙品 担心由于容声和华宝两个品牌会受到其它 牌上 品牌使用企业/品牌所有者的负面影响 • 科龙电器拥有协调品牌的管理的机会和方法
• 竞争性品牌 • 针对大型电器城
多品牌成功的例子: 多品牌成功的例子:伊莱克斯
伊莱克斯在欧洲的新品牌结构“3+X 伊莱克斯在欧洲的新品牌结构“3+X”
核心品牌/主导品牌 核心品牌 主导品牌 区域性品牌
高科技/创新先锋 高科技 创新先锋
实用/嵌入式 实用 嵌入式
Mercer Managem. Cons. 2%
市场 份额
McKinsey & Co.
A.T. Kearney
Roland Berger
Boston Consulting Group 8%
Arthur D. Little
Bain & Co.
Booz-Allen & Hamilton
汽车 化工和石油 消费品和零 售 工程产品和 高科技 金融服务 信息 医药和医疗 器械 公共服务 交通 公用事业
行业 CC
功能 CC 公司战略
公司金融 IT/ 电子商务 营销/ 销售 营运战略
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
Consultant teams
罗兰•贝格国际管理咨询公司 Roland Berger – Strategy Consultants 工作方法简介
1. 罗兰•贝格国际管理咨询公司 – 使命描述
> 市场领先的、受尊敬的、提供专业咨询服务的全球战略咨询公司 > 我们致力于帮助客户获得可持续的竞争优势,进而获得持续的增
docin/sanshengshiyuan doc88/sanshenglu
2. 我们是一家市场领先的战略管理咨 询公司
Henkel 3%
75% Others
Resource: AC Nielson retailing audit 1999-2000 -6-
Market structure of low end (Price:<7RMB/Kg)
0.2% 1995
0.3% 1996
Resource: AC Nielson retailing audit 1999-2000
- 10 -
• Marekt entry of detergent industry is pretty low and there lies a lot of unregistered factories, If taking their capacity into account, the utilizaition rate will be furthur reduced to about 50%-60%
• At present, there are about 150 manufactures in detergent industry with capacity of 3.8 million tons, but total market volume is about 2.7 million tons, so the utilization rate of capacity is about 70%
罗兰·贝格 - 战略性品牌管理工具
VSVPE +R –Q !更少消费表示集中和有限的需求更少消费更多消费表示需求最大化更多消费产品和服务必须有感受的诉求,如乐趣和道德感性需求理想需求产品和服务必须满足衡量标准,如质量、价格PeopleValues寻求永恒和谐的事物,淡泊的消费欲望寻求生活乐趣,更多的生活体验节省花费,经济上的节省导向寻求绩效和效率,理性的物质选择–+ER'R n e v er 'n e v e b e u r a b l e 'b e r a b l e ' m o r e o d q u a l i t y 'm o r e d q u a l i t y ''A p r i f i t f u l f i l 'A p i f i t f u l 'W h e n b u t o t h e d i 'W h e n b t o t h e d 'I t i s r e p a i ri n g'I t i r e p a i r i n g 16个国家中70000个消费群德国–英国–巴西–墨西哥–中国–日本定性和定量分析因子分析典型消费陈述85 标准陈述多纬分析•团对精神•彼此关爱在电信行业的体现行业领先、业务全面实力雄厚、历史悠久有口皆碑、有信誉的在电信行业的体现技术突破与整合应用创新在电信行业的体现•定制化服务(我的互联星空•一对一、大客户专区在电信行业的体现•网络游戏(动作类)在电信行业的体现•生活品质的提升宽带、无线产品所带来的现代在电信行业的体现•无线空间•移动办公在电信行业的体现•网上社区•移动QQ在电信行业的体现最便宜的话机,二手机The basic orientations简约型价值区传统感性价值区现代感性价值区高尚Fair Fair激情Passion Passion Nature Nature刺激/乐趣Thrill&Fun Thrill&Fun自然• 团对精神 • 彼此关爱 • 志趣相投古典Classic Classic进取AspirationTranquil Tranquil安逸自由自在Carefree Carefree简约Purism Purism归属感Clanning Clanning活力Vitality Vitality新潮/酷New&Cool New&Cool• 活力 • 动感多变 • 积极乐观 • 身心健康 • 亲切热情 • 中肯周到 • 诚挚的 • 想客户所想 • 精准严谨 • 井井有条 • 质量稳定 • 一丝不苟CN服务• 精明 • 货比三家 • 热衷于讨 价还价Service Service创新/科技24/7 Protech 24/7 Protech明智购物Smart Shopping Smart Shopping质量Quality QualityPersonal Efficiency Personal Efficiency个人效率可靠 全面成本Total Cost Total Cost Proven Proven定制化Customized Customized价格敏感区Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group传统理性价值区现代理性价值区21Paul是一个现代理性价值取向较为明显的人,他追求新事物、希望获得尊重 和认可,消费意识较强,但并不太追求时尚和享乐E-E激情 自然 古典 自由自在 归属感 活力 服务E+刺激/乐趣 蓝色代表消费者在这些元 蓝色代表消费者在这些元 素上需求较高 素上需求较高Legend保罗 Paul(高尚)ICP – Individual Consumer Profile (ID 0335)Level 1Level 2 不同意 安逸进取红色表示消费者在这些元 红色表示消费者在这些元 素上需求较低 素上需求较低简约新潮/酷创新/科技Level 1 同意Fair ERE0 R0 E+ R+Consumer value 简约型价值区 价格敏感区 传统感性价值区 传统理性价值区 现代感性价值区 现代理性价值区 Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Value Anti-Value, Demarcation• 25 岁 • 男性 • 单身 • 中等收入 • 中等教育 • 在职 • 4口之家明智购物质量 个人效率 可靠全面成本定制化R-RR+CN!Warning, too weak, should be more intense Warning, too much, should be less intense Conflict with other valueSource: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, TNS Data (Germany, March 2002, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs., CATI)22如何利用工具来帮助我们进行市场细分 Advanced consumer segmentation24从消费者的价值取向出发我们采用多维聚类的方法将中国消费者划分为 8类消费群都市青年 都市青年Self-centered Self-centered奢华的成功人士 奢华的成功人士ETraditional Maximalists Traditional Maximalists E工薪阶层 工薪阶层节俭主义者 节俭主义者EConformists ConformistsMinimalists MinimalistsE–+–+–+–+29%R14%R13%R12%R及时行乐型 及时行乐型Emotionalists EmotionalistsE专业人士 专业人士Modern Performers Modern Performers E小资型 小资型Progressive Maximalists Progressive Maximalists E知识分子 知识分子Traditionalists TraditionalistsE–+–+–+–+9%R8%R7%R6%R 25Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group (China, Dec.2003, n=3.500, Population Tier 1-2 Citys 14-70 yrs., CATI)Chinese Archetypes - preliminarySEL Chinese Archetype 2003 Study Tier 1-2 Cities TMA CONF MIN MPE PMA TRA EMO1)Share in Population of Tier 1-2 Cities-1--2--3--4--6--7--8--5-29%Self-centered14%13%12%8%7%6%9%Share in Population of Tier 1-5 Cities-6--5--4--7--3--8--1--2-9%10%11%8%13%8%21%Traditionalists14%Chinese Archetype 2001 Study Tier 1-5 Cities SEL TMA CONF MIN MPE PMA TRA DIS2)26Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, Gallup/ Data (China, Nov2001/Dec2003, n=5.600/3.800, Population yrs., CATI)对于特定市场,我们可以分析该市场的不同类型消费群的结构比例就具体人群的消费群结构Tsd. Persons1.889467女性 14-19E100%276–..+1,889Mio. Persons176Share in sample13824.7%R76 14.6% 9.3% 7.3% 4.0%453634 1.8%28 1.5%Advent2.4%1.9%6.5%OtherWomen 14-19自我型 SELRationalNon- Maximal Emotional Minimal Traditional Altruist conformSource: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, Ipsos Data (UK, Aug.2001, n=1.500, Population 12-65 yrs., CATI)27并针对不同细分市场的市场规模和消费能力来判别适合的目标市场Decreasing Economic Relevance市场细分名称 规模 消费能力 对于家电的消 费倾向 排序Rationalists RATMaximalists Self-centered Non-conform MAX SEL NONEmotional EMOAltruists ALTTraditionalists Minimalists TRA MIN1.18,5% 18,5%3.13,9% 13,9%5.9,3% 9,3%8.7,9% 7,9%4.12,5% 12,5%2.16,5% 16,5%7.8,4% 8,4%6.8,8% 8,8%2. 2.1. 3.6. 1.4. 4.3. 5.7. 7.5. 8.8. in Consumer ElectronicsSource: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, TNS Data (Germany, March 2002, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs., CATI)28The 'Perception' of brands from the consumer's perspective29The difference between the aggregated value systems of brand users and non-users reveals the perceived value system of a brandE-EPassion Vitality Classic ClanningE+Thrill&Fun Consumer values that the users of Consumer values that the users of the brand most often agree with – the brand most often agree with – i.e. the most recognized value i.e. the most recognized value proposition of the brand proposition of the brandLegendProgressive hedonism patternNikeAVP - Actual Value Perception (415 vs. 1.085; zmax=12.7) maxUser Non-UserFair NatureCarefree New&CoolEPurismTranquilValue pole Value pole E = Emotional R = Rational + = More - = Less Value clusterService Smart ShoppingIntensity Precision Level 1Level 3Level 224/7 ProtechFair Consumer value, value proposition Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Value Anti-Value, demarcation Warning, too much, should be less intense Warning, too weak, should be more intensePersonal Efficiency ProvenTotal Cost CustomizedR-RR+!Conflict with other valueSource: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, Emnid Data (Germany, March 2002, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs., CATI)30E+E-R+ R-E R SmartShopping Total Cost Nature Fair Purism Tranquil Thrill&Fun New&Cool Carefree Vitality Clanning Passion Classic Customized PersonalEfficiency 24/7Protech Service Precision Proven Anti-minimalism pattern Anti-traditional pattern Consumer values that the users of disagree with i.e. 'aversions' that the brand might Consumer values that the users of disagree withi.e. 'aversions' that the brand might Consumer values that the users ofthe brand most often Consumer values that the users of the brand most often Progressivehedonism patternE +–R E +–R E+–RE +–R E +–R E+–RE +–R E +–RE+–RE+–RE+–RE+–R52467Carline 'S'Carline 'C'Carline 'E' 'Minimalist''Traditionalist''Luxury/ Status''Hedonist'E+–RE +–R E +–R E +–R E +–RE+ E-R+ R-E R Purism Purism Smart Shopping Smart Shopping Total Cost Total Cost Nature Nature Fair Fair Tranquil Tranquil Thrill&Fun Thrill&Fun New&Cool New&Cool Carefree Carefree Vitality Vitality Clanning Clanning Passion Passion Classic Classic Customized Customized Personal Efficiency Personal Efficiency 24/7Protech 24/7Protech Service Service Quality Quality Proven Proven E+ E-R+ R-E R Purism Purism Smart Shopping Smart Shopping Total Cost Total Cost Nature Nature Fair Fair Tranquil Tranquil Thrill&FunThrill&FunNew&Cool New&Cool Carefree Carefree Vitality Vitality ClanningClanning PassionPassion Classic Classic Customized Customized Personal Efficiency Personal Efficiency 24/7Protech 24/7Protech Service Service Quality Quality Proven Proven E+E-R+ R-E R Purism Purism SmartShopping Smart Shopping Total Cost Total Cost Nature Nature Fair Fair Tranquil Tranquil Thrill&FunThrill&Fun New&CoolNew&Cool Carefree Carefree VitalityVitality Clanning Clanning Passion PassionClassic Classic Customized Customized PersonalEfficiency Personal Efficiency 24/7Protech 24/7Protech ServiceService Quality Quality ProvenProvenNature SmartShopping Proven Customized Thrill&FunTotal Cost Fair Purism New&Cool Carefree Vitality Tranquil Quality Service Clanning Passion Classic Personal Efficiency 24/7Protech E +–RNature SmartShopping Proven Customized Thrill&Fun Total Cost Fair Purism New&Cool Carefree Vitality Tranquil Quality Service Clanning Passion Classic Personal Efficiency 24/7Protech E +–R借助Profiler 品牌战略分析工具可以明显地揭示各品牌的强势与弱势所在, 以及品牌所面对的竞争环境品牌 'A' – PVP ProjectionE品牌 'B' – PVP ProjectionE 2000<Carefree> <Carefree> <Clanning> <Clanning> <Protech> <Protech>Brand 'C' 品牌 'C' – PVP ProjectionE<New&Cool> <New&Cool> <Classic> <Classic>PVP 广告分析<Classic> <Classic> <Tranquil> <Tranquil>品牌投射–+<Protech> <Protech>–+<Quality> <Quality> <SmartShop> <SmartShop>–+<Protech> <Protech>1996-98 R<SmartShop> <SmartShop>R<Proven> <Proven>R品牌 'A' – AVP PerceptionEPassion Fair Thrill&Fun Vitality Classic Carefree New&Cool品牌 'B' – AVP PerceptionEPassion Fair Nature Purism Vitality Thrill&Fun品牌 'C' – AVP PerceptionEPassion Fair Nature Purism Classic Vitality Carefree New&Cool Thrill&Fun实际认知效果分析品牌认知Nature PurismClassic social hierarchy Carefree Clanning New&CoolLower 'ranks' in消费倡导者 的性格特征TranquilClanningTranquilTranquilClanning–Service Smart Shopping Quality 24/7 Protech+Personal Efficiency Proven Total Cost–Service Smart Shopping Quality 24/7 Protech+Personal Efficiency Proven–Service Smart Shopping Quality 24/7 Protech+Personal Efficiency Proven创新者的 性格特征RCustomizedTotal CostRCustomizedTotal Cost 最低要求者 的特征'RCustomizedSource: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, Data from Metris (Portugal, Oct.2000, n=1.500, Population 15-65 yrs., CATI)41“节俭主义者”是品牌B 吸引的主导消费者类型,用户群结构对未来发展不利消费者基础与消费者类型分析主导的消费者类型品牌 B – AVP (年轻人)EPassion Fair Nature Purism Classic Vitality Carefree New&Cool Thrill&FunTranquilClanning–Service Smart Shopping Quality 24/7 Protech+Personal Efficiency Proven Total Cost100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% -80% -100% Dev74,3% 46,0% 40,7% 37,3% 61,1%超过平均值 超过平均值社会阶级层次 较低!!!-31,7%-58,3%低于平均值 低于平均值- 60,8% 创新者 -60,8%-52,6% 胜利者 -52,6% 传统主义者 无关主义者 人道主义者 利他主义者 节俭主义者 自我抑制型 46,0% 40,7% 61,1% 37,3% 74,3% -31,7%RCustomized消费倡导者 -53,3%经济相关性不断下降!与主导的消费者类型冲突 与主导的消费者类型冲突42Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, Data from Metris (Portugal, Oct.2000, n=1.500, Population 15-65 yrs., CATI)品牌C 吸引的消费者类型中,消费人群较为复杂消费者基础与消费者类型分析主导的消费者类型品牌 C – AVP (年轻人)EPassion Fair Nature Purism Classic Vitality Carefree New&Cool Thrill&FunTranquilClanning–Service Smart Shopping Quality 24/7 Protech+Personal Efficiency Proven Total Cost100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% -80% -100% Dev68,4% 42,8%78,6%超过平均值 超过平均值48,7% 14,3%!8,3% -33,8%低于平均值 低于平均值!-64,7% 创新者 42,8% 胜利者 24,6%-58,0%RCustomized消费倡导者 68,4%传统主义者 无关主义者 人道主义者 利他主义者 节俭主义者 自我抑制型 -64,7% -58,0% -33,8% 48,7% 8,3% 14,3%经济相关性不断下降1.) 节俭主义者和消费倡导者/胜利者无法很好地匹配 C品牌的消费群中的节俭主义者的份额增长将有可能导致消费倡导者消费类型放弃此品牌!与主导的消费者类型冲突 与主导的消费者类型冲突43Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group, Data from Metris (Portugal, Oct.2000, n=1.500, Population 15-65 yrs., CATI)战略品牌分析解释了市场背景情况,及品牌B 在年轻消费者市场逐渐丧失 份额的背后原因品牌 'A' 品牌投射目前的品牌组成 (PVP)品牌 'B'品牌 'C'协调性品牌投射的长期效果 (PVP over time)品牌认知市场地位概况,驱动力 (AVP)消费者基础消费群类型的组成 (CBA)排名 目前增长趋势2.3.1.优好,适中差44Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group品牌B 无法在年轻消费者市场取得成功 – 必须引入一个全新的品牌D,以避 免过渡地对品牌B 进行无效品牌延伸市场特征语言, 图像,文字,音效 • 可预见 • 严肃认真 • 传统 • 精准 • 可信赖 • 前/ 后 • 追求完美 • 大方端庄 • 注重产品内部细节 • 新奇有趣 • 随时自发 • 主动积极 • 缤纷多变 • 注重产品外观 • 令人惊喜 • 与众不同 • 生动活泼 • 休闲市场划分 VIP’s品牌架构 • 更注重理性价值品牌执行要求的技能'B'强势大多数为30岁以上 的成功人士, 阅历 丰富,成熟稳重• 可靠 • 不注重感性价值 • 值得信赖 • 更注重感性价值 • 协调一致 • 不注重理性价值年轻人'B'弱势大多数为25岁以下的 青年人,反叛, 自我,蔑视权威品牌 ‘B’ 无法同时满足两种对立的目标消费群的不同要求因此必须引入全新的品牌D – 并且确保品牌B坚守其原有的品牌定位Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group45对于品牌D 的市场进入策略,有三种可选方案备选方案价格导向E Brand C主流价值导向E Brand C Brand A Brand A时尚型E Brand C目标品牌定位Brand A–+–+–+RRR主导品牌 定位元素<全面成本t> <明智购物> <科技/创新><归属感> <科技> <可靠/经典> <明智购物> <质量> <服务> <简约><科技/创新> <新潮/酷> <归属感> <激情> 反对-<经典> 反对-<可靠> 反对-<简约>辅助品牌 定位元素<归属感> <质量> <服务> <简约>Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group46采取“时尚型”的市场进入方案将为品牌D 带来更大的竞争优势,同时给品 牌C 和品牌A 带来威胁品牌 ‘D’ – 时尚型定位E <新潮/酷> 要素<Classic> <Classic>品牌 'C'E 品牌C无法很好地集中 在<新潮/酷>上…品牌 'A'E<Classic> <Classic>!–… 将会迫使品牌C直接对 品牌A进行竞争– 规避传统主义者 规避节俭主义者 R+关键驱动 要素+–+… 从而迫使品牌C往回退到<经典>, 并有可能最终退到<明智购物>上 R R• “时尚型”品牌定位凸显 <新潮/酷 >元素,相比较与<经典>结合, 这更易令人 信服 • 凸显<新潮/酷> 并弱化<经典> 能很好地吸引创新者消费群, 并影响消费倡导者• 品牌C很难成功地集中在 <新潮/ 酷>上,从而降低了其可信度, 无法很好地吸引“胜利者” • 品牌 ‘C’ 将被迫只集中在<经典 >上,并且最终在 <明智购物> 上• 品牌C 若集中在<经典>上,将 无可避免地产生与品牌A的直接 竞争 • 这将对品牌B产生好处Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group47通过以上策略性分析过程,导出了品牌D 的目标品牌价值定位,这将作为 其整个品牌营销组合的指导原则品牌 B – AVP (年轻人)EPassion Fair Nature Purism Classic Vitality Carefree New&Cool Thrill&FunFair Nature Purism Classic品牌 D – TVP (年轻人)EPassion Vitality Carefree New&Cool Thrill&FunTranquilClanningTranquilClanningPro-Innovator Attractor–Service Smart Shopping Quality 24/7 Protech+Personal Efficiency Proven Total Cost–Smart ShoppingService Quality+24/7 ProtechAnti-Minimalist SeparatorPersonal Efficiency ProvenMobile phone EnablerTotal CostR 分析100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% -80% -100% DevCustomizedPro-Innovator Customized R Attractor策略性分析过程74,3% 46,0% 61,1%above average above average目标increase increase++ +-31,7%40,7%37,3%!!!-58,3% Maximalist -53,3%below average below average- 60,8%-52,6%-Sharedecrease decreaseInnovator Succeeder Traditional Indifferent Humanist -60,8% -52,6% 40,7% 37,3% 46,0%Altruist 61,1%G.Minimal Minimalist 74,3% -31,7%Maximalist14,7%Innovator Succeeder Traditional Indifferent Humanist11,7% 8,7% 19,7% 5,7% 7,7%Altruist8,7%G.Minimal Minimalist12,5% 8,7%Distance from Market Protagonists Decreasing Economic RelevanceDecreasing Economic Relevance Distance from Market ProtagonistsSource: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group48品牌D 的营销组合必须同时满足支持其品牌拥护者并打击其品牌竞争对手的 目的品牌 'D'Target Value Proposition Target Value PropositionEPassion Fair Nature Purism Classic Vitality Carefree New&Cool Thrill&FunTranquilClanning–Smart ShoppingService Quality+24/7 ProtechPersonal Efficiency Proven‘创新者'Target ProtagonistTotal Cost Customized‘节俭主义者'Target AntagonistsROKNOScale for approval产品• 开发显示 <科技> 特征的产品 ,如手机“个人游戏” 或“个人网 络” 等价格• 制定中高档定价策略 • 5-10% 略高于竞争对手渠道• 提出反对<科技>感觉的包装和 宣传品的创意 • 对代理商进行培训,吸引更多 的“创新者”并将“节俭主义者”驱 赶给品牌C推广• 基于TVP设计品牌标识,并进 行相关的品牌宣传推广Source: Roland Berger - Strategic Brand Development Group49。
RolandBerger_StrategicBrandManagementStrategic Brand Management Advanced Understanding of Consumer and Brand Value – Short introduction – Roland Berger Strategic Brand Development GroupMunich, London, New York January 2002-1-The "right" or "wrong" brand strategy has immediate impact on business success, profitability and corporate value The importance of brands is ever increasing: Consumers are increasingly "bombarded" withadvertising messages and information. Due to this information overkill, a brand has become the abbreviation of all its positive and negative rational and emotional associations –brands increasingly give people orientation and identity in a "crazy" worldBrand companies are ever battling against numerous "imperfections" with regard to the strategic development of their brands– The success or failure of a particular brand strategy is often difficult to explain. Discussions about the strategic development of brands tend to be abstract and are generally subject to the emotional, subjective impressions of the people involved: the "language" is prone to misunderstandings Sales managers, marketing managers, and product developers often work in isolation from each other. As a result, the marketing mix is usually "overloaded" and not entirely mutually conclusive The results of the various players along the strategic brand developmentprocess are not compatible with each other, i.e. a huge "loss of information" between market researchers, strategists, and advertising creatives is the consequence––Thus, the strategic development of brands happens "by coincidence" in many cases The brand strategy has a direct impact on the brand's success on the market, i.e. growth, market share, price, margins, and earnings –and thus on market capitalization and corporate value-2-Source: Roland Berger Strategy ConsultantsA brand strategy must result in the implementation of a conclusive, focused and efficient marketing mix – and must be economically viableThe five key questions for the strategic development of a brand1What is the "actual" position of a brand from the consumer's perspective ?(i.e. Actual Value Perception (AVP), Actual Value Projection, Actual Consumer Base) 2What "ideal" target position should the brand take in the competitive environment ?(i.e. a Target Value Proposition (TVP) that is strategically differentiated from the competition) 3What is an optimal migration path from the "actual" to the "ideal" brand position ?(i.e. mile stones from actual to target position of a brand) 4What are corresponding measurements for the entire marketing mix ?(i.e. Projected Value Propositions (PVP) that are consistent across the entire marketing mix) 5What are the costs involved and what is the impact on the business plan ?(i.e. Cost of re-positioning, consequences for turnover, margin and profitability)-3-Strategic Brand Management by Roland Berger is a five-step processPhase 3 Detailed conception of action plan for adjustment of marketing mix "Creative Check"PVPProductrecruitsMarketing mixPhase 2 Brand strategy master plan Migration path from AVP to TVP Action plan Economic verificationPhase 4 Implementation of action plan Transformation of organizationdefinesMoment of truthTVPConsumerdefinesBrandPhase 5 Tracking Strategy reviewAVPPhase 1 Initial SituationAVP: TVP: PVP: MoT:Actual Value Perception: The perception of a brand as seen by the consumers Target Value Proposition: Future "ideal" brand position as result of the strategic process - and "direction" for entire marketing mix Projected Value Proposition: All the promises of the brand‘s marketing mix including advertising Moment-of-truth: The consumer "tests" the promises of a brand and creates/adjusts the brand‘s AVP in his or hers mind Source: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants-4-Roland Berger has developed a unique tool – the rb Profiler – to measure the Actual Value Perception of a brand as seen by the consumersSolidarityEPassionStimulationThrill&Fun Consumer needs that the users of the brand most often agree with – i.e. the most recognized value proposition of the brandNikeAVP - Actual Value Perception (828 vs. 721, zmax = 30) Consumer needs that the users of the brand most often disagree with – i.e. "aversions" that the brand might satisfyFair Nature Tranquil Purism 24/7 Service Smart Shopping Quality Proven T otal Cost P.Efficency Customized Vitality Carefree Classic Clanning New&Cool–+Legend Fair Item, Consumer need, value propositionENeeds pole E = Emotional R = Rational + = More - = Less Need cluster Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Item Anti-ItemPriceRSolutionSource: Roland Berger Business Analytics, Data from Emnid (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs.)The rb Profiler, consisting of 19 general consumer values, desires and dreams is based on extensive quantitative market research and factor analysis (1)Rational valuesSolution Cluster [R+] Price & Cost Cluster [R-]QualityNeed for durability, reliability heavy duty performance, effectiveness, orderPersonal EfficiencyDesire to make the best out of time, best possible efficiency, expecting standby solutions, just-for-me availability, willing to pay moreSmart ShoppingSystematically seeking "value for money", active bargain hunting, clever attitudeServiceNeed for competent and practical advice, uncomplicated information, need for sensitivity, respect and honestyCustomisedNeed for maximum individuality, involvement, controllable exclusivity, uniqueness, demanding flexibility and variety Total CostSystematic purchase decision governed solely by cost24/7 - ProtechNeed for fast information and access, anytime, anywhere, independent, application of new/latest technology, pro-technological orientationsProvenNeed for successful experience, maximum reliability, security, tradition, routine, discipline, perfectionismConsumers who tend toConsumers who tend toMore consumptionSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Focus groups, Expert hearing, TNS Emnid market researchLess consumption-6-The rb Profiler, consisting of 19 general consumer values, desires and dreams is based on extensive quantitative market research and factor analysis (2)Emotional valuesStimulation Cluster [E+] Solidarity Cluster [E-]CarefreeNeed for spontaneity, playful diversity lightheartedness, "Hakuna Matata", "easygoing", optimismVitalityNeed for physical and mental fitness, liveliness and mobility,freedom of movement, activity, initiativeFairDesire not to exploit people, having solidarity and responsibility, high ethical standards, readiness for sacrifice and rebellionClanningNeed to belong, warmth, team spirit, desire for acceptance in a group, spending time with friends or familyThrill&FunNatureDesire for harmony with nature, high ecological standards, holistic view, trust in the "power" of natureThrill, adventure and risk seeking, need for self definition, personal challenge, rebellious escapismNew&CoolNeed to set trends, joy of innovation, avantgardistic thinking, elitist attitude, self-differentiation from the "masses", role playing PassionNeed to live out enthusiasm, profound emotion ability for admiration, desire for admiration, "Consumerism", the cult of brands Also: showing off, narcissismTranquilNeed for calmness, peace, relaxation, slowing down, de-stressing, avoiding stress, finding inner peace, regeneration ClassicNeed for timeless elegance and style, beauty, aesthetics and design, latent sense of traditionalism Consumers who tend to PurismReduction to the essentials, simplicity, minimalism, understatementConsumers who tend toMore consumptionSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Focus groups, Expert hearing, TNS Emnid market researchLess consumption-7-The perception of the adidas brand is more "easy going", more conservative and politically more correct than the Nike brandNikeSolidarity Solidarity Fair E E Passion Stimulation Stimulation Thrill&FunadidasSolidarity Solidarity Fair E E Passion Stimulation Stimulation Thrill&FunNature Tranquil PurismClassicVitality Carefree New&CoolNature Tranquil PurismClassicVitality Carefree New&CoolClannigClannig––Price Awareness Smart Shopping Service Quality ProvenTotal Cost24/7+ +––Price Awareness Smart Shopping Service Quality24/7+ +Convenience CustomizedTotal Cost! ProvenConvenience CustomizedPrice PriceR RSolution SolutionPrice PriceR RSolution SolutionSource: Roland Berger Business Analytics, Data from Emnid (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs.)The BMW umbrella brand is perceived as an excellent composition of [E+/R+] valuesSolidarityEPassionStimulationThrill&FunBMWAVP - Actual Value Perception all modelsFair Nature Tranquil Purism Vitality Carefree Classic Clanning New&CoolLegend Fair Item, Consumer need, value proposition–Price Awareness Smart Shopping24/7 Service Quality Proven Total Cost Convenience Customized+ENeeds pole E = Emotional R = Rational + = More - = Less Need cluster Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Item Anti-ItemPriceR!ConflictSolutionSource: Roland Berger Business Analytics, Data from Emnid (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs.)The rb Profiler offers four major applications in developing effective strategies and in managing brands successfully Analysis1.The rb Profiler reveals the strengths and weaknesses of a brand vis-à-vis the competition ? the "perception" of a brand's value propositions by consumers ? the "projection" of a brand's value propositions, i.e. in advertising ? the "composition" of a brand's value propositions ? the "strongholds" and characteristics of a brand's consumer base The rb Profiler helps develop an advanced consumer understanding and segmentation based on specific consumer values in a given marketStrategy2.3.The rb Profiler helps "engineer" an ideal value proposition that is strategically differentiated from the competition Management4.The rb Profiler helps to develop and to control a corresponding marketing mix- 10 -The strategic process in phase 2 results in a clear Target Value Proposition for the brand and an action plan for the adjustment of the entire marketing mix1Initial situation2Strategic process3Promotion Place Price Product4Implementation5Progress review "No plan survives the contact with the enemy"Set-up AVP/PVP* Measurements SWOT-Analysis Identification of potentialsTVP Strategy master plan, migration Action plan Economic validationDetailed Implemenconception f. tation in marketing adjustment mix (4P's) Marketing Mix (new PVP) Transformation process "Creativeorganization Check"Implementation in the entire marketing mix Adjustment oforganization Transformation processTrackingControlling ReviewMeasurement of Development of Development of Actual rule-breaking strategies Detailed Value Perception Conceptions and "Engineering" of for the entire Projected Target marketing mix Value Propositons Value Proposition, in the past Migration path, Checking SWOT Analysis Action plan, compliance with incl. competition Business plan strategic targetDefinition of Key Performance Indicators Tracking of dynamics Review of strategy if necessarySource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants- 11 -The rb Scenario Generator assesses the potential "net-effect" of the Target Val ue Proposition on the brand‘s consumer base (V)EProtagonists User share 80% Brand Brand Non-User Non-User Consumer Consumer Count Count Antagonists Cons Count 400 OU 300 OU Actual consumer baseCompliance AnalysisActual SituationPhase 160%–+40% Brand Brand User User 200 FU 20% 100 IU IU Frequent User Occasional User Actual Cnsumer Base FURStrategic process0%Min 19Distance from AVP Compliance RateMax 0Intensive UserTVPiECons Share 80%"Top down" potential consumer baserb Scenario Generator2) 2) TVP net effect OUTarget ScenarioPhase 2 Topdown60%–+40% FU 20% 1) 1) IURSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants0%Min Max Distance from TVP 1) Consumer moving "further away " 2) Non-Consumer moving "closer"Actual Consumer BasePotential Consumer LossPotential Consumer GainPotential Consumer Base- 12 -A "bottom-up" quantification of the measures in the action plan verifies the scenario from the "top-down" process TVPiECons Share 80% "Top down" potential consumer baserb Scenario Generator2) 2) TVP net effect60%Target ScenarioPhase 2 TopDown–+40%OUFU 20% 1) 1) IUR Directions0% Min Distance from TVP Max 1) Consumer moving "further away" 2) Non-Consumer moving "closer" Actual Consumer Base Potential Consumer Loss Potential Consumer Gain Potential Consumer Bottom-up Base Bottom-up Top-down Top-down verification verification TVP turnover effect Action plan long listQuantification of measurementsTitle of Measurement 1 Description, To Do‘s T1Target ScenarioPhase 2 Bottomup1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ......"Bottom-up" turnover effect Measurement 1 .. nTurnover net effect T1 Required net cost C1Actual TurnoverPotential TurnoverC1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C# = ? "Bottom up" cost effect of TVPSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants- 13 -The economic verification assesses the potential impact of the brand strategy on the "bottom line" of the brand‘s business plan prior implementation"Top down" potential consumer baseBusiness PlanTVP Target ScenarioPhase 2 TopDownTVP net effectConsumer Base Number of occasion, frequent, intensive user Average consumption per consumer type/segment Turnover per consumer type/segment (averages) per product Cost of goods ...OUFUIU Actual Consumer Base Potential Consumer Loss Potential Consumer Gain Potential Consumer BaseCost of action plan – part 1Economic VerificationGross margin I Cost of operations & administration ... Cost of action plan – part 2 Gross margin II... T1TVP turnover effectAction planPhase 2 Bottomup"Bottom-up" turnover effect Measurement 1 .. nOther costs ...Actual Turnover Potential Turnover C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C# = ? "Bottom up" cost effect of TVPEBIT, ProfitabilitySource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants- 14 -Strategic Brand Management by Roland Berger has been applied in some of the most dynamic and successful corporations worldwideAdidas available Aktren Aldi Allianz American Express AOL Reference Aprillia project Aral ARD Audi Bayer/ Aspirin Bang & Olufson Bayern München Bacardi Rum Bitburger BMW BP Brigitte Callya (D2) Calvin Klein CDU Citibank Chrysler CNN Coca-ColaAVP/CaseCommerzbank Compaq Consors Cross CSU D2_Privat Dallmayr Prodomo Davidoff Debitel Dell Deutsche Bank 24 Burda/ Die Bunte Die Welt Die Zeit Dresdner Bank Edding Eduscho Elle Erdinger Ericsson Escada Faber-Castell Fachinger Mineralwasser FAZ Fiat- 15 -Financial Times Focus Ford Freenet FT Deutschland Fujitsu-Siemens Computer Gabor Geha GAP Gaulloise Geha Giorgio Armani Grundig G-Star Gucci H&M (Hennes & Mauritz) Henkel/ One-a-day Handelsblatt Herta-BSC Honda Hugo Boss HypoVereinsbank IBM Jever Legend ComputersLevis L?wenbr?u Marlboro Men's Health Mercedes-Benz Mont Blanc MTV Mustang Jeans Neckermann Nike Opel Pampers Pepsi Photo Porst Pilot Porsche Skoda Sony Sparkasse Spiegel Sprite Stabilo Swatch Vodafone/ Telecel WoolworthSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants。
Roland Berger-Strategy Consultants-中国企业八大管理咨询领域一现状与解决方案-一演报告(讨论稿)一-Roland Berger Partners-International Management Cnsultants-Barcelona-Beijing-Berlin-Brussels-Bucharest-Budaest-Buenos Aires-Detroit-Dusseldorf-Frankfurt-Hamburg-KievLisbon-London-Madrid-Milan-Moscow-Munich-New York-Paris-Prgue-Riga-Rome-Sao Paulo-Shanghai-Stuttgart-Tokyo-Vienna-Wasaw-Zurich-titRoland Berger-Strategy Consultants-内容-页码-A.中国企业八大管理咨询领域-3-.关键问题的解决方案建议-5--2--TITRoland Berger-Strategy Consultants-A.中国企业八大管理咨询领域--3--TITRoland Berger-Strategy Consultants-目前中国企业所需要的管理咨询主要集中在八个领域-1-发展战略-2-组织机构和管理体系-3-人力资源管理-4-电子商务-5-市场营销-6-企业重组-7-收购兼并-8运营管理-TTRoland Berger-Strategy Consultants-B.关键问题的解决方案建议--5--TITRoland Berger-Strategy Consultants-发展战略要解决的四个问题-企业发展战略的制定--公司业务发展目-产品竞争策-标的制订-略制定-4-市场进入战略(市场国际化、新业务进入等)-3--6--TITRoland Berger-Strategy Consultants-中国企业战略的关键问题和解决方案-中国企业的典战略问题-罗兰贝格的解决方案-可预测的项目结果-·对市场环境和竞争格局缺乏充分的-·对市场和竞争状况作全面分析-明确业竞争的核心竞争能力所在-认识和分析-。
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Strategic Brand Management Advanced Understanding of Consumer and Brand Value – Short introduction – Roland Berger Strategic Brand Development GroupMunich, London, New York January 2002-1-The "right" or "wrong" brand strategy has immediate impact on business success, profitability and corporate value• The importance of brands is ever increasing: Consumers are increasingly "bombarded" withadvertising messages and information. Due to this information overkill, a brand has become the abbreviation of all its positive and negative rational and emotional associations – brands increasingly give people orientation and identity in a "crazy" world•Brand companies are ever battling against numerous "imperfections" with regard to the strategic development of their brands– The success or failure of a particular brand strategy is often difficult to explain. Discussions about the strategic development of brands tend to be abstract and are generally subject to the emotional, subjective impressions of the people involved: the "language" is prone to misunderstandings Sales managers, marketing managers, and product developers often work in isolation from each other. As a result, the marketing mix is usually "overloaded" and not entirely mutually conclusive The results of the various players along the strategic brand development process are not compatible with each other, i.e. a huge "loss of information" between market researchers, strategists, and advertising creatives is the consequence– –• •Thus, the strategic development of brands happens "by coincidence" in many cases The brand strategy has a direct impact on the brand's success on the market, i.e. growth, market share, price, margins, and earnings – and thus on market capitalization and corporate value-2-Source: Roland Berger Strategy ConsultantsA brand strategy must result in the implementation of a conclusive, focused and efficient marketing mix – and must be economically viableThe five key questions for the strategic development of a brand1What is the "actual" position of a brand from the consumer's perspective ?(i.e. Actual Value Perception (AVP), Actual Value Projection, Actual Consumer Base) 2What "ideal" target position should the brand take in the competitive environment ?(i.e. a Target Value Proposition (TVP) that is strategically differentiated from the competition) 3What is an optimal migration path from the "actual" to the "ideal" brand position ?(i.e. mile stones from actual to target position of a brand) 4What are corresponding measurements for the entire marketing mix ?(i.e. Projected Value Propositions (PVP) that are consistent across the entire marketing mix) 5What are the costs involved and what is the impact on the business plan ?(i.e. Cost of re-positioning, consequences for turnover, margin and profitability)-3-Strategic Brand Management by Roland Berger is a five-step processPhase 3 Detailed conception of action plan for adjustment of marketing mix "Creative Check"? PVPProductrecruitsMarketing mixPhase 2 Brand strategy master plan Migration path from AVP to TVP Action plan Economic verificationPhase 4 Implementation of action plan Transformation of organizationdefinesMoment of truthTVPConsumerdefinesBrandPhase 5 Tracking Strategy reviewAVPPhase 1 Initial SituationAVP: TVP: PVP: MoT:Actual Value Perception: The perception of a brand as seen by the consumers Target Value Proposition: Future "ideal" brand position as result of the strategic process - and "direction" for entire marketing mix Projected Value Proposition: All the promises of the brand‘s marketing mix including advertising Moment-of-truth: The consumer "tests" the promises of a brand and creates/adjusts the brand‘s AVP in his or hers mindSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants-4-Roland Berger has developed a unique tool – the rb Profiler – to measure the Actual Value Perception of a brand as seen by the consumersSolidarityEPassionStimulationThrill&Fun Consumer needs that the users of the brand most often agree with – i.e. the most recognized value proposition of the brandNikeAVP - Actual Value Perception (828 vs. 721, zmax = 30) Consumer needs that the users of the brand most often disagree with – i.e. "aversions" that the brand might satisfyFair Nature Tranquil Purism 24/7 Service Smart Shopping Quality Proven Total Cost P.Efficency Customized Vitality Carefree Classic Clanning New&Cool–+Legend Fair Item, Consumer need, value propositionENeeds pole E = Emotional R = Rational + = More - = Less Need cluster Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Item Anti-ItemPriceRSolutionSource: Roland Berger Business Analytics, Data from Emnid (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs.)The rb Profiler, consisting of 19 general consumer values, desires and dreams is based on extensive quantitative market research and factor analysis (1)Rational valuesSolution Cluster [R+] Price & Cost Cluster [R-]QualityNeed for durability, reliability heavy duty performance, effectiveness, orderPersonal EfficiencyDesire to make the best out of time, best possible efficiency, expecting standby solutions, just-for-me availability, willing to pay moreSmart ShoppingSystematically seeking "value for money", active bargain hunting, clever attitudeServiceNeed for competent and practical advice, uncomplicated information, need for sensitivity, respect and honestyCustomisedNeed for maximum individuality, involvement, controllable exclusivity, uniqueness, demanding flexibility and varietyTotal CostSystematic purchase decision governed solely by cost24/7 - ProtechNeed for fast information and access, anytime, anywhere, independent, application of new/latest technology, pro-technological orientationsProvenNeed for successful experience, maximum reliability, security, tradition, routine, discipline, perfectionismConsumers who tend toConsumers who tend toMore consumptionSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Focus groups, Expert hearing, TNS Emnid market researchLess consumption-6-The rb Profiler, consisting of 19 general consumer values, desires and dreams is based on extensive quantitative market research and factor analysis (2)Emotional valuesStimulation Cluster [E+] Solidarity Cluster [E-]CarefreeNeed for spontaneity, playful diversity lightheartedness, "Hakuna Matata", "easygoing", optimismVitalityNeed for physical and mental fitness, liveliness and mobility, freedom of movement, activity, initiativeFairDesire not to exploit people, having solidarity and responsibility, high ethical standards, readiness for sacrifice and rebellionClanningNeed to belong, warmth, team spirit, desire for acceptance in a group, spending time with friends or familyThrill&FunNatureDesire for harmony with nature, high ecological standards, holistic view, trust in the "power" of natureThrill, adventure and risk seeking, need for self definition, personal challenge, rebellious escapismNew&CoolNeed to set trends, joy of innovation, avantgardistic thinking, elitist attitude, self-differentiation from the "masses", role playingPassionNeed to live out enthusiasm, profound emotion ability for admiration, desire for admiration, "Consumerism", the cult of brands Also: showing off, narcissismTranquilNeed for calmness, peace, relaxation, slowing down, de-stressing, avoiding stress, finding inner peace, regenerationClassicNeed for timeless elegance and style, beauty, aesthetics and design, latent sense of traditionalism Consumers who tend toPurismReduction to the essentials, simplicity, minimalism, understatementConsumers who tend toMore consumptionSource: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Focus groups, Expert hearing, TNS Emnid market researchLess consumption-7-The perception of the adidas brand is more "easy going", more conservative and politically more correct than the Nike brandNikeSolidarity Solidarity Fair E E Passion Stimulation Stimulation Thrill&FunadidasSolidarity Solidarity Fair E E Passion Stimulation Stimulation Thrill&FunNature Tranquil PurismClassicVitality Carefree New&CoolNature Tranquil PurismClassicVitality Carefree New&CoolClannigClannig– –Price Awareness Smart Shopping Service Quality ProvenTotal Cost24/7+ +– –Price Awareness Smart Shopping Service Quality24/7+ +Convenience CustomizedTotal Cost! ProvenConvenience CustomizedPrice PriceR RSolution SolutionPrice PriceR RSolution SolutionSource: Roland Berger Business Analytics, Data from Emnid (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs.)The BMW umbrella brand is perceived as an excellent composition of [E+/R+] valuesSolidarityEPassionStimulationThrill&FunBMWAVP - Actual Value Perception all modelsFair Nature Tranquil Purism Vitality Carefree Classic Clanning New&CoolLegend Fair Item, Consumer need, value proposition–Price Awareness Smart Shopping24/7 Service Quality Proven Total Cost Convenience Customized+ENeeds pole E = Emotional R = Rational + = More - = Less Need cluster Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Item Anti-ItemPriceR!ConflictSolutionSource: Roland Berger Business Analytics, Data from Emnid (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs.)The rb Profiler offers four major applications in developing effective strategies and in managing brands successfullyAnalysis1.The rb Profiler reveals the strengths and weaknesses of a brand vis-à-vis the competition • the "perception" of a brand's value propositions by consumers • the "projection" of a brand's value propositions, i.e. in advertising • the "composition" of a brand's value propositions • the "strongholds" and characteristics of a brand's consumer base The rb Profiler helps develop an advanced consumer understanding and segmentation based on specific consumer values in a given marketStrategy2.3.The rb Profiler helps "engineer" an ideal value proposition that is strategically differentiated from the competitionManagement4.The rb Profiler helps to develop and to control a corresponding marketing mix- 10 -Min Max User share 0%20%40%60%80%ProtagonistsAntagonistsCompliance Brand UserBrand User AnalysisDistance from TVPMin Max Share 0%20%40%60%80%rb Scenario Generator...E+–RAVP1)1) 2)2) ConsumerCountConsumer Count Brand Non-UserBrand Non-UserDistance from TVP Min MaxShare 0%20%40%60%80%1)1) 2)2) rb Scenario Generator。