


1. 家庭套餐(主菜+配菜+甜品)
价格:320元/套 介绍:家庭套餐包括一道主菜(如黑松露烤鸡或香煎法式牛排),一道配菜(如凯撒沙拉或 番茄意面沙拉)以及一份甜品(如布丁烤香草奶油蛋糕或水果挞)。适合家庭或朋友聚餐
2. 工作套餐(主菜+配菜+饮品)
价格:198元/套 介绍:工作套餐包括一道主菜(如海鲜意大利面或黑松露烤鸡),一道配菜(如芝士火 腿拼盘或番茄意面沙拉)以及一杯饮品(如美式咖啡或英式奶茶)。适合忙碌的上班族
1. 热带水果拼 盘
介绍:热带水果拼盘 包括各种热带水果, 如芒果、菠萝、香蕉 等。水果新鲜可口, 清甜多汁,适合解渴 或作为餐后甜点
1. 咖啡套餐(美式咖啡+拿铁+卡布奇诺)
价格:98元/套 介绍:咖啡套餐包含三种不同的咖啡,分别是美式咖啡、拿铁和卡布奇诺。每种咖啡都有 其独特的口感和特点,适合喜欢尝试不同口味的人
法式焗蘑菇是一道素食主食佳肴,以其浓郁 奶油和芝士香气而闻名于世。制作时将新鲜 野生蘑菇切片,并与奶油、大蒜、洋葱等配 料混合在一起进行快速拌炒。然后将拌炒好 的蘑菇放入烤盘中,撒上芝士屑并放入预热 的烤箱中进行高温焗制。最终得到了外酥内 嫩、香气四溢的美味佳肴
2. 巧克力芝士蛋糕
价格:78元/份 介绍:巧克力芝士蛋糕在原味芝士蛋糕的基 础上加入了浓郁的巧克力,使得甜点更加丰 富和满足。每一口都能感受到巧克力的丝滑 和芝士的醇厚
3. 经典提拉米苏

商标分类 第14类 贵重金属及其合金以及不属……

商标分类 第14类 贵重金属及其合金以及不属……

国际分类类似群商品/服务项目五方商品编码商品类型是141401未加工或半加工黄141401未加工的银合金是141401贵重金属锭是140003尼斯项目141401铱否140045尼斯项目否140055尼斯项目141401未加工或半加工贵否140063尼斯项目141401未加工的金或金箔141401锇否140066尼斯项目141401钯是140067尼斯项目141401铂(金属)否140075尼斯项目141401铑否140083尼斯项目141401钌否140085尼斯项目141401贵重金属合金是140104尼斯项目否140163尼斯项目141401未加工、未打造的141402宝石用礼品盒是是141402保护戒指环和宝石141402存储用首饰包是是141402旅行用首饰收纳卷141402首饰收纳盒是141402首饰专用袋是141402贵重金属盒是140113尼斯项目141402首饰盒是140166尼斯项目141402首饰包是140170尼斯项目141402首饰用礼品盒是140173尼斯项目141403瓷制袖扣是141403贵重金属制领带别是141403经雕琢的宝石是141403指环(小饰物)是141403穿耳式耳环是是141403带有企业标志的首是141403镀贵重金属的奖章141403镀金耳环是141403镀金戒指是141403耳坠是141403浮雕首饰是是141403贵重金属及其合金是141403贵重金属及其合金是141403贵重金属制盾形纪是141403贵重金属制领带夹是141403贵重金属制领带饰是141403贵重金属制领口徽是141403贵重金属制珠宝首141403环状耳环是141403纪念币是141403脚链是141403景泰蓝饰针是141403蓝宝石是141403木制手串是141403手串是141403丝巾扣(首饰)是141403贴颈短项链是141403头戴王冠状首饰是141403围领式项链是141403未加工缠丝玛瑙是141403未加工玛瑙是141403项链吊坠是141403硬币(收藏品)是141403玉髓(宝石)是是141403制首饰用弧面宝石141403玛瑙否140001尼斯项目141403黄琥珀首饰否140004尼斯项目否140005尼斯项目141403人造琥珀制珍珠(141403护身符(首饰)是140006尼斯项目141403细银丝(银线)否140008尼斯项目141403银线(首饰)否140009尼斯项目141403手镯(首饰)是140015尼斯项目141403首饰用小饰物否140018尼斯项目141403胸针(首饰)是140019尼斯项目141403链(首饰)是140024尼斯项目141403项链(首饰)是140031尼斯项目141403领带夹是140033尼斯项目141403硬币否140034尼斯项目141403金刚石是140035尼斯项目否140040尼斯项目141403贵重金属丝线(首141403象牙(首饰)是140046尼斯项目141403黑色大理石饰品否140047尼斯项目是140048尼斯项目141403未加工或半加工墨141403铜纪念币否140049尼斯项目141403珠宝首饰是140050尼斯项目141403盒式项链坠是140051尼斯项目141403奖章是140052尼斯项目141403橄榄石(宝石)否140062尼斯项目141403贵橄榄石否140062尼斯项目141403金线(首饰)否140064尼斯项目141403贵重金属饰针是140069尼斯项目141403珍珠(珠宝)是140070尼斯项目141403次宝石是140073尼斯项目141403宝石是140074尼斯项目141403尖晶石(宝石)否140095尼斯项目141403贵重金属塑像是140096尼斯项目141403人造珠宝否140097尼斯项目141403戒指(首饰)是140107尼斯项目141403贵重金属艺术品是140109尼斯项目141403帽子用首饰否140117尼斯项目141403耳环是140118尼斯项目141403鞋用首饰否140119尼斯项目141403衬衫袖扣是140122尼斯项目是140123尼斯项目141403贵重金属半身雕像141403贵重金属小雕像是140146尼斯项目141403贵重金属小塑像是140146尼斯项目141403别针(首饰)是140150尼斯项目141403领带饰针是140151尼斯项目141403贵重金属徽章是140152尼斯项目否140162尼斯项目141403钥匙圈(带小饰物否140162尼斯项目141403钥匙链(带小饰物141403景泰蓝首饰否140165尼斯项目141403制首饰用珠子是140167尼斯项目141403首饰用扣钩是140168尼斯项目141403首饰配件否140169尼斯项目141403弧面宝石是140171尼斯项目是140172尼斯项目141403贵重金属制钥匙圈141403赞珠否140175尼斯项目否140176尼斯项目141403绣花纺织品制手镯141403钥匙圈用小饰物否140177尼斯项目141403钥匙链用小饰物否140177尼斯项目141403念珠否140178尼斯项目141403金红石(宝石)否C140001国内标C 141403人造金刚石否C140002国内标C 141403翡翠是C140003国内标C 141403玉雕艺术品否C140004国内标C 141403激光宝石否C140005国内标C 141403银制工艺品否C140006国内标C 141403玉雕首饰否C140007国内标C否C140008国内标C 141403角、骨、牙、介首141403磁疗首饰否C140009国内标C 141403景泰蓝工艺品否C140010国内标C 141404表带扣是是141404带有收音机的时钟141404运动手表是141404钟表是141404座钟壳是141404机械手表是141404计时仪器用盒是141404全自动手表是141404手表机芯是141404手表专用盒是141404钟摆是141404钟表的摆是141404钟表用盒是是141404钟外壳(钟的部件141404钟针是140002尼斯项目141404钟是140011尼斯项目141404摆(钟表制造)否140013尼斯项目141404发条匣(钟表制造否140014尼斯项目141404手表是140016尼斯项目141404表带是140017尼斯项目141404手表带是140017尼斯项目否140021尼斯项目141404钟表盘(钟表制造141404日晷是140022尼斯项目141404钟表发条装置否140023尼斯项目141404表链是140025尼斯项目141404计时器(手表)否140027尼斯项目141404精密计时器是140028尼斯项目141404瞬时计是140029尼斯项目141404计时仪器是140030尼斯项目141404电子钟表否140032尼斯项目141404原子钟是140042尼斯项目141404主时钟否140043尼斯项目141404钟外壳否140044尼斯项目141404表是140057尼斯项目141404表发条否140058尼斯项目141404表玻璃是140059尼斯项目141404表蒙否140059尼斯项目141404钟表机芯否140060尼斯项目141404闹钟是140082尼斯项目141404簧片(钟表制造)否140106尼斯项目141404表壳是140144尼斯项目141404表用礼品盒是140145尼斯项目141404秒表是140164尼斯项目141404表针是140174尼斯项目141404语言报时钟否C140011国内标C 141404电子万年台历否C140012国内标C 141404表袋(套)否C140013国内标C。



7F 1. 2. 16 3 1 16 15 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 6 8. 艾维庭 蕉叶音乐飠厅 凯尔齿科 时代生活美语时空 汤尼英盖 喜多屋国际海鲜料理 英孚教育 紫颖美容 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 港丽飠厅 俊奥 史云逊护収中心 思泳杰 威尔士健身中心 学乐英语 御美会 正大百货欢乐童趣馆 新都市舞工场
17 11 10
8F 13 15 5 7 1. 2. 3. 8 3 16 4. 5. 6. 爱晚亭酒家 大众书局 DQ冰淇淋 DC-咖啡 好乐迪 肯德基精选飠厅 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. City Art Center 大禾寿司 健康煮休闲火锅 孙平収型工作室 萨利亚
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
猫头鹰 NOVO 千禧之星 斯沃琪 Skechers 天梭 星巴克 星美售票亭 兆亿咖啡 ZARA
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
马哥孛罗 波芒得 古典玫瑰园 塞纳烟草 丝芙兰 贝纳通/茜思黎 香啡缤 新元素 中银易兑行
2 8. 9.
味千拉面 洋葱飠厅
9F 小南国 10F 俏江南
B1 1. 8 10 5 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 春水堂 芙瑞诗 JQ 屈臣氏 特力屋 中国工商银行 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ENZO999 福奈特 美蝶天堂 瑞尔齿科 中国银行

king_brochure 美国金氏催化剂 Nacure

king_brochure 美国金氏催化剂 Nacure

King Industries, Inc. High Performance Products for Coatings, Inks, Adhesives andSealantsNACURE® & K-CURE®Acid & Blocked Acid CatalystsK-KAT®Non-tin Catalysts for UrethanesNACURE® SUPER CATALYSTSCationic Cure of EpoxiesK-FLEX®Resin Modifiers & Reactive DiluentsK-STAY®Rheology ModifiersK-SPERSE®Wetting & Dispersing AdditivesNACORR®Rust & Corrosion InhibitorsDISPARLON®Thixotropes & Surface Control AdditivesTechnology OverviewSince 1932, King Industries has been supplying specialty chemical products to a variety of industries that are performance driven with ever changing requirements. This is especially true for the coatings, inks, adhesivesand sealant markets, the audience for this product guide. While the brochure covers our standard products,this overview has been designed to give you a summary of our areas of technical expertise and to urge youto contact us if you feel we may be of assistance for your specific product needs.CATALYSISWith over four decades of experience in catalysis, King offers the industry’s broadest spectrum of catalysts including:• Acid and blocked acid (latent) catalysts for amino thermoset systems• Non-tin, mercury-free catalysts for urethanes, foams and cast elastomers• Latent and super acid catalysts for the cationic cure of epoxies• Hydrophobic catalysts for the moisture cure of siloxane functional polymers• Powder catalysts for uretdione crosslinked powder coatings and caprolactam blocked isocyanate powder systemsCORROSION INHIBITIONKing offers ferrous and non-ferrous protection for a wide variety of metals and systems based on threeunique platforms:• Modified trialzole compounds• Amino acid derivativesDISPERSANT TECHNOLOGYWhether organic or inorganic pigment/fillers, King offers a variety of dispersant technologies including:• Solvent free polymeric wetting and dispersing agents for solventless and epoxy systems• Sulfonate based dispersants for non-aqueous, solvent-free and powder systemsRESIN MODIFIERS/REACTIVE DILUENTS• Unique polyester polyols based upon low molecular weight, linear, saturated aliphatic structures with pendent hydroxyl groups• Novel, low molecular weight diols with an all urethane backbone• Acetoacetate functional reactive diluentsRHEOLOGY MODIFIERS• Unique sulfonate based modifiers for non-aqueous systems• Polyamide based thixotropes• Hydrophobically modified ethoxylated urethane thickeners for waterborne systemsSURFACE CONTROL ADDITIVESIn addition to King’s internally developed products, the Disparlon® product line represents over 25 years of a technology alliance with Kusumoto Chemical Ltd. of Japan. The Disparlon line offers a broad range of level-ing, defoaming, anti-popping and anti-cratering additives for aqueous, solvent, solventless, UV and powder systems.© All materials copyrighted 2006, King Industries, Inc., Norwalk, CT, USAPRODUCT LINESSYSTEMHigh SolidsWaterborneConventionalPowderUVSECTION I - CATALYSTSNACURE® & K-CURE®ACID & BLOCKED ACID CATALYSTS 3 K-KAT® NON-TIN CATALYSTS FOR URETHANES9NACURE® SUPER CATALYSTS LATENT CURE OF EPOXIES13SECTION II - RESIN MODIFIERS/REACTIVE DILUENTSK-FLEX®SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 15 K-FLEX®POLYESTER POLYOLS 17K-FLEX®URETHANE DIOLS21SECTION III - SPECIALTY ADDITIVESK-STAY®RHEOLOGY MODIFIERS23 NACORR®RUST & CORROSION INHIBITORS 25 K-SPERSE®WETTING & DISPERSING ADDITIVES 28 DISPARLON® THIXOTROPES30 DISPARLON® DEFOAMERS & ANTI-POPPING AGENTS35 DISPARLON® DISPERSANTS,ANTI-FLOOD & ANTI-FLOAT AGENTS 36DISPARLON® LEVELING & ANTI-CRATERING ADDITIVES37CONTACT INFORMATION: PAGEAPPLICATION CHART Centerfold Table of Contents and System Reference ChartWorld Headquarters King Industries, Inc.Science Road, CT 06852 USA(800) 431-7900 or (203) 866-5551 (203) 866-1268coatings@European Sales Office King International EuropeNoordkade 64, 2741 EZ Waddinxveen The Netherlands+31 182-631360 +31 182-621002 info@kingintl.nlNACURE ® & K-CURE ®Acid & Blocked Acid CatalystsCatalyst By Acid Type Acid Type Acid Catalysts Blocked Catalysts NACURE 155 NACURE X49-110 NACURE 3525NACURE 3327 NACURE 3483 NACURE 1051 NACURE 1323 NACURE 1419NACURE 1557 NACURE 1953NACURE 5076 NACURE 5225NACURE 5414NACURE 5528 NACURE 5925 K-CURE 1040 K-CURE 1040W NACURE 4054 NACURE XC-C207 NACURE 4167 NACURE XP-297 NACURE 4575 NACURE 2107 NACURE 2500 NACURE 2501NACURE 2522 NACURE 2530 NACURE 2547 NACURE 2558AAP & PAPAlkyl Acid Phosphate Phenyl Acid Phosphate Why Use Catalysts? Today’s need for high solids and waterborne coatings requires greater use of high reactivity, lowviscosity resins and crosslinkers. Conversion ofthese systems into tough, chemically resistant, high performance coatings at reduced cure temperatures can be accomplished with the use of a catalyst. Acrylics, alkyds, epoxies and polyesters with reactive functional groups, such as hydroxyl, carbamate or amide can be reacted with melamine, urea and benzoguanamine crosslinkers. Selection of the proper catalyst can facilitate the crosslinking reaction resulting in the following benefits:• Shorter cure schedules• Lower cure temperatures for thermoset highsolids and waterborne coatings• Improved hardness, gloss, humidityand corrosion resistance • Improved mechanical propertiesKing Industries continues to develop catalysts to meet the ever expanding needs of a rapidly changing market.Free Acid Or Latent Catalyst? While acid catalysts provide the fastest cure and lower curing temperatures, blocked catalysts aretypically chosen for systems requiring greater package stability. In addition, troublesome catalyst-pigment interaction can be reduced oreliminated.As can be seen in the table which follows, King’s catalyst line is based upon a variety of acids shownin their structural form. The middle column denotesthe free acid versions while the far right columnshows amine blocked or covalently bondedderivatives for applications requiring extended package stability.Catalyst SelectionThe first thing to consider when selecting a catalyst is what type of crosslinking agent is being used. High solids and waterborne coatings are typicallyformulated with monomeric crosslinkers such as hexa(methoxymethyl)melamine (HMMM) or mixed ether melamine; reaction of these crosslinkers with hydroxy or carbamate functional groups is best achieved with strong acid catalysts like DNNDSA or p-TSA.N A C U R E & K -C U R E A C I D & B L O C K E D A C I D C A T A L Y S T SSO 3H C 9H19HO 3S H 19C9DNNDSAC 9H 19SO 3H H 19C 9DNNSA SO 3HC 12H 25DDBSA CH3SO 3HpTSAMore reactive crosslinkers, which are more polymeric but contain high levels of -NH groups, respond better to a weaker acid such as acid phosphates or low dosages of amine blocked sulfonic acids. The chemical structure of the catalyst, as well as the quantity used, can have a profound impact on such film properties as adhesion, corrosion resistance, flexibility and impact resistance. These differences are apparent not only among different acid types but also among different products within the same chemical family. The table that follows matches the type of crosslink-ing agent and the acid catalyst most suitable for each class.Formulating ConsiderationspH Range - Both fully and partially alkylated amino resins are reactive under acidic pH conditions andrelatively stable in the neutral range. To acceleratethe reaction between binder resin and amino crosslinker, it is necessary to reduce the pH of thesystem through the addition of an acid catalyst. Forfully alkylated melamines, a pH of 3 or lower isrequired to induce cure. Partially alkylated melamines of the high imino type will react in the pH range of 3 to 5.Blocking the acid catalyst with an amine will effectively raise the pH, inhibiting the cure at low temperatures and allowing the formulation of stable one package systems. Amine blocked catalysts canCrosslinking Agent General Acid Category Acid Types Fully alkylated monomeric M/F resins: Fully methylated Fully butylated Mixed ethers Urea formaldehyde resins Benzoguanamine resinsGlycoluril resinsStrong Acids pKa<1 Highly alkylated, high imino M/F resins Partially alkylated poly-meric M/F resinsWeak Acids pKa 1-3Metal SaltsCarboxylic Acid PhosphatesRELATIVE ACID STRENGTH:p-TSA>DNNDSA>DDBSA>DNNSA>Phosphates>CarboxylatesP-TSA DNNDSADDBSADNNSA be prepared at virtually any pH, but usually the best combination of cure and package stability is obtained in the 6.5-7.5 range. Cure Schedule and Temperature Generally, the time and temperature conditions of cure can prescribe the correct catalyst for the application. Strong acids with typical pKa strengths of approximately 0.5-0.7 should give equivalent rates of cure at equal molar concentrations of the acid group. Amine neutralized or polymeric blocked catalysts will demand higher temperatures for full activation, and the pKa of the amine and type of polymer attached to the acid will also influence therate of reactivity. On the next page a table can be found that providesthe various cure profiles for acid catalysts basedupon a 30 minute cure schedule for a typicalResin/HMMM (75/25 ratio) coating. Likewise, priorto the blocked catalyst descriptions, a graph showscure profiles for blocked catalysts under the same conditions.In both cases, the data should be viewed as astarting point and a ladder study should be conducted to optimize the formulation.Quick Formulating Tips Do not over catalyze. Using too much catalyst canbe a costly mistake and one that can cause film properties to suffer significantly.As with any component in a coating, the level, method and order of addition may mean the difference between formulation success or failure. When incorporating catalysts, the following factors should be considered: method of mixing, solvents used, pigments used, pH sensitivity of the resins, temperature at time of addition, substrate and stability/pot life requirements. While some general recommendations can be found in the product description charts, feel free to contactKing’s Technical Service Department at (800) 431-7900 or by email coatings@ for assistance in selecting the proper catalyst for your particular application. N A C U R E & K -C U R E A C I D & B L O C K E D A C I D C A T A L Y S T S4NACURE ® & K-CURE ® Acid CatalystsPRODUCT Acid Type Volatile % Active Acid # lbs./gal. Gardner Color Minimum Cure*Attributes/UsesNACURE 155DNNDSA Isobutanol 55 112-116 8.16 12 max. RT General purpose catalyst. Excellent water, detergent and salt spray resistance.NACURE 1051 DNNSA2-Butoxyethanol50 60-64 8.16 N/A 125°C Best water and corrosion resistance. Recommended for high temperature applications on metal. NACURE 5076 DDBSA Isopropanol 70 130-140 8.27 4 RT Complies with FDA 21 CFR, Sec. 175.300 (b) (3) xiii (a&b)NACURE 4054 AAP Isobutanol50155-165 7.49 1 110°C Weak acid for high NH/polymeric melamines and phenolic crosslinkers.K-CURE 1040 p-TSA Isopropanol 40 130-140 8.25 1 RT Highest gloss. Fastest cure. Excellent weathering and exterior durability.K-CURE 1040W p-TSA Water 40 130-140 9.40 2 RT As above, non-flammable for waterborne applications.K-CURE 129B Mixed AcidsMethanol/n-Butanol50 200-210 8.90 1 RT Fastest cure.Wood and paper coatings.NACURE XC-C207Alkyl Acid Phosphate10065011.8180˚CBroad solubility and excellent ad-hesion, Good package stabilityRT= Room Temperature, cures are possible at catalyst levels of 4-10% *30 minute cure schedule – Resin/Urea (60/40 ratio)NACURE 4046 Phosphate Xylene/Butanol 17 100-112 7.60 2 80°C Complies with FDA 21 CFR, Sec. 175.300 (b) (3) xiii (a&b) Acid Catalysts - Suggested Starting LevelsProduct 70°C90°C110°C125°C150°C175°C200°CNACURE 155 4.7% 2.7% 1.6% 1.2% 0.6% 0.5% 0.3% NACURE 1051 NR NR NR 2.2% 1.4% 0.9% 0.6% NACURE 5076 4.5% 2.5% 1.5% 1.1% 0.7% 0.5% 0.3% NACURE 4054 NR NR 4.0% 2.0% 1.0% NR NR K-CURE 1040/W 4.2% 2.3% 1.4% 1.0% 0.7% 0.4% 0.3% K-CURE 129B 2.6%1.5%0.9%0.7%0.4%0.3%0.2%30 Minute Cure Schedule, catalyst as supplied on Total Resin Solids, Resin/HMMM (75/25 ratio), NR=Not recommendedNACURE 4046 NR 3.0% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.8% 0.5% NACURE XC-C2072.5% 2.0% 1.0% 0.75% 0.5% 0.3% 0.2%Acid Catalysts - Typical Use LevelsThe chart below can be used as a starting point guideline. The suggested cure schedules are based upon a 30 minute cure for typical Resin/HMMM (75/25 ratio) coatings. The suggested starting levelis the percentage of catalyst based on total resin solids.Once a schedule is established, a ladder study should be conducted to optimize the formulation.N A C U R E & K -C U R E A C I D & B L O C K E D A C I D C A T A L Y S T SNACURE® Blocked Acid CatalystsPRODUCT Acid TypeVolatile%ActivepH lbs./gal. GardnerColorMinimumCure*Attributes/UsesNACURE X49-110 DNNDSAIsobutanolIsopropanol25 6.5 - 7.5 7.55 10 max. 90°CBest overall properties. Excellentwater and corrosion resistance, andadhesion.NACURE 3525 DNNDSAIsobutanolIsopropanol25 7.0 - 8.5 7.65 10 max. 120°CBetter solubility than X49-110,slower curing. Good salt sprayresistance and adhesion.NACURE 3327 DNNDSAIsobutanolIsopropanol25 6.5 - 7.5 7.40 N/A 107°CBetter solubility than other amineblocked DSA catalysts.NACURE 3483 DNNDSAXylene25 N/A 8.20 10 max. 120°CLow conductivity for electrostaticspray. High gloss, reduced pigmentinteraction.NACURE 1323 DNNSAXylene 21 6.8 - 7.5 7.43 N/A 150°CHigh temperature applications.Excellent solubility in aromaticand aliphatic solvents.NACURE 1419DNNSAXylene/MIBK 30 N/A 7.74 N/A 150°CElectrostatic spray. High bakeapplications for water, detergentand salt spray resistance.NACURE 1557DNNSAButanol2-Butoxyethanol25 6.5 - 7.5 7.56 N/A 150°CResolves solvent popping in thickfilms. Excellent humidity anddetergent resistance.NACURE 1953DNNSAButanol2-Butoxyethanol25 6.5 - 6.9 7.48 N/A 150°CHigh bake amino crosslinkedsystems such as coil coatingsand metal decorating.NACURE 5225DDBSAIsopropanol 25 6.0 - 7.0 7.40 2 120°CBest solubility in high solidsenamels. Good solubility inaliphatic solvents.NACURE 5414 DDBSAXylene 25 N/A 8.30 4 130°CPolymeric blocked. Excellentelectrostatic spray (non-aqueous).Good intercoat adhesion.NACURE 5528DDBSAIsopropanol 25 7.0 - 8.0 7.50 2 120°CBroad solubility.Excellent color stability.NACURE 5925DDBSAIsopropanol 25 7.0 - 7.5 7.50 2 120°CComplies with FDA 21 CFR, Sec.175.300 (b) (3) xiii (a&b)NACURE 2107p-TSAIsopropanol 25 8.0 - 9.0 7.57 1 90°CGood metal mark resistance.NACURE 2500p-TSAIsopropanol 26 6.0 - 7.0 8.15 1 80°CLow temperature cure.Excellent stability.NACURE 2501TSAMethanolIsopropanol25 6.0 - 7.2 8.01 1 80°CSlightly higher resistivity than 2500.Better ketone solubility.NACURE 2522p-TSAIsopropanolMethanol25 3.5-3.9 7.85 1 80°CPartially neutralized to provide fastercure and reduce wrinkling at highercuring temperatures.NACURE 2530p-TSAMethanolIsopropanol25 5.7 - 6.5 7.90 1 80°CLow temperature cure.Low tendency to yellow or wrinkle.More Blocked Catalysts Continued On Next PageNACURE&K-CUREACID&BLOCKEDACIDCATALYSTSPRODUCTAcid Type Volatile % Active pHlbs./gal.Gardner ColorMinimum Cure* Attributes/UsesNACURE 2547 p-TSA Water 258.0 - 9.0 9.18 1 107°C Readily soluble in waterborne systems. Solvent-free.NACURE 2558 p-TSA Ethylene Glycol 25 3.5 - 4.5 9.64 1 80°C Excellent control of popping and blistering.NACURE XC-8224Mixed Acids Water258.0 - 9.09.08180°CFast cure response and solubility in waterborne coatings.NACURE 4167 Acid PhosphateIsopropanol Isobutanol25 6.8 - 7.5 7.16 2 80°C Blocked phosphate for high NH/polymeric melamines.NACURE XP-297 Acid PhosphateWater Isopropanol25 6.5 - 7.5 8.20 2 90°C Aqueous systems using high NH/polymeric melamines.NACURE 4575Acid PhosphateMethanol Butanol257.0 - 8.08.302100°CHigh gloss. Superb storage stability with polymeric amino resins.NACURE ® Blocked Acid Catalysts - ContinuedTypical Use Levels - Blocked CatalystsThe chart below can be used to as a starting point reference for blocked catalysts. Cure schedules and use levels are based upon a 30 minute cure for typical Resin/HMMM (75/25 ratio) coatings. The percent of catalyst shown is as supplied on TRS.Once a temperature and use level is established from the chart, a ladder study should be conducted to optimize the formulation.Typical Use Levels for Blocked Catalysts Based On Cure Temperature30 Minute Cure - 75/25 Ratio - Resin/HMMM, % Catalyst (as supplied) on Total Resin Solids100 150 200 250 300 350 400 °F(38) (65) (93) (121) (150) (177) (204) °CBlocked p-TSA - (25% Active) 5%1.6% 0.4%Blocked DDBSA - (25% Active)3%1.3% 0.8%Blocked DNNDSA - (25% Active)6% 2.4% 0.7%Blocked DNNSA - (21% Active)3% 2% 1.1%HydrophobicHydrophilicN A C U R E & K -C U R E A C I D & B L O C K E D A C I D C A T A L Y S T SCatalyst Selection by Applications & PerformanceApplication areas for acid and blocked acid catalysts cover a broad spectrum of end-uses, from medium to high solid solvent-based formulations to water reducible and latex systems. Typical applications are summarized below.The cross reference chart shows you specific performance properties to types of catalysts. As always, our technical service staff can assist you with meeting your particular requirements .ApplicationSolvent SystemsWaterborne SystemsAppliancesNACURE 1323, NACURE X49-110 NACURE 1419, NACURE 3483 NACURE 155, NACURE X49-110NACURE 3525 Automotive BasecoatNACURE 5525, NACURE 2500 NACURE 5528, NACURE 3525NACURE 2500, NACURE 5076 NACURE 2547, NACURE 5528Automotive Topcoat/Clearcoat NACURE 5225, NACURE 2500, 2522, 4054, 5414 & 5528 NACURE 2500, NACURE 5076NACURE 2547, 5528, 5225 and 4167 Can NACURE 5925, NACURE 155NACURE 3483, NACURE 3525 & 4046 NACURE 155, NACURE 5925NACURE 5076 Coil (PCM) NACURE 1051, NACURE 1323 NACURE 1419, NACURE 2107 & 4046NACURE 2500, NACURE 5225NACURE X49-110InksNACURE 155, NACURE 1051K-CURE 1040 NACURE 155 K-CURE 1040W Metal Decorating NACURE 155, K-CURE 1040K-CURE 129B NACURE 155 K-CURE 1040WPaper Coatings K-CURE 1040, K-CURE 129BNACURE 155 K-CURE 1040W, NACURE 155NACURE 2530 Primers NACURE X49-110, NACURE 3525NACURE 1323 NACURE 155, NACURE X49-110NACURE 3525 Wood FinishingNACURE 155, K-CURE 1040K-CURE 129BNACURE 155, K-CURE 1040WNACURE 2530Catalyst Selection by Performance PropertiesPerformance Property Adhesion ▲ ■ ■ Chip Resistance ▲ ■ Corrosion Resistance ▲ ▲ Detergent Resistance ■ ▲ Electrostatic Conductivity ■ ▲ ■ FDA 175.300 ▲ Film Flexibility ▲ ■ Film Hardness ■ ▲ Flow & Leveling ■ ▲ ■ High Gloss▲ ▲ Moisture Resistance ▲ ▲ ■ Package Stability ▲ ■ QUV Resistance▲■KEY: ▲ - Highly Recommended ■ - RecommendedDNNDSA DNNSA DDBSA p-TSA AAP/PAPN A C U R E & K -C U R E A C I D & B L O C K E D A C I D C A T A L Y S T SK-KAT ® Non-Tin Catalysts for PolyurethanesIntroductionAmines and organometallic catalysts are commonlyused as accelerators in the polyol/isocyanate reac-tion to produce polyurethanes. When formulating a polyurethane coating, it has been found that bothperformance and properties can be affected by the choice of catalyst.Amine catalysts are typically used in foam applica-tions. Their catalytic activity accelerates the reactionof aromatic isocyanates with water and alcohols, releasing carbon dioxide. Use of amines in coatingapplications, however, is generally not acceptablebecause of their negative effect on film properties,especially yellowing.King Industries has developed a range ofcatalysts for isocyanate-hydroxyl crosslinking that are based on bismuth, aluminum and zirconium metal chelates and complexes. These K-KAT cata-lysts are not only environmentally more acceptable than organotin compounds, but can offer perform-ance advantages as well.PRODUCT Composition%Non-volatilelbs./gal.Typical Use Levels(% on total resin solids) 2K Blocked NCO Attributes/UsesK-KAT 348 Bismuth Carboxylate7510.00.03-0.1 0.5-2Similar to DBDTL, particularly effective for blocked isocyanates and elastomers K-KAT XC-B221 Bismuth Carboxylate1009.40.03-0.1 0.5-2Improved hydrolytic stability. Especially effective in cationic electro-coatings.K-KAT XC-C227 Bismuth Carboxylate 88 9.3 0.05-0.5 0.5-2Resistant to hydrolysis. Im-proved potlife & high reactivity in forced dried applications K-KAT 4205 Zirconium Chelate 2,4 - PentanedioneN/A 8.11-2 NotRecommendedGood potlife, recommended for ambient cure (not bake/force dry)K-KAT 5218 Aluminum ChelateComplex Reactive Diluent 659.11-2 NotRecommendedExcellent potlife with 2,4, pentanedioneK-KAT 6212 Zirconium Complex Reactive Diluent 95 8.20.3-2 NotRecommended Fast cure, waterborne systems Plural componentK-KAT XK-602 Metal Complex100 Powder 1.0-5.0 Powder CoatingsUretdione crosslinked andcaprolactam blocked isocyanate powder coatings.K-KAT XK-604Organometallic Complex100 10.0 0.1-0.5%100% solids 2K urethanes for cast elastomers. Similar cure profile to mercury catalysts.K-KAT A209 Zirconium Complex Reactive Diluent 35 7.9O0.05-1 NotRecommendedFast cure, waterborne, slow reacting systems Resin synthesisSpecific K-KAT catalysts can be selected to enhance these advantages, including reduced water reaction, improved pot life, faster cure, improved catalysis in cationic electrocoating and reduced hydrolysis of ester groups. Unique Non-tin Catalysts K-KAT 348, XC-B221 and XC-C227 - Bismuth Carboxylate Catalysts Provide properties similar to DBTDL. They are particularly effective in blocked isocyanate and elastomer systems.K-KAT 4205, 6212, and A209 - Zirconium Catalysts can offer fast, selective catalysis of 2K urethane coatings. K-KAT 5218 - Aluminum Chelate Catalyst is used in 2K systems where extended potlife is desired.K-KAT XK-602 - Metal complex designed for powder coatings. K-KAT XK-604 - Mercury Replacement Catalyst based on a proprietary organometallic complexes.K -K A T C A T A L Y S T S F O R U R E T H A N E SK-KAT Products and PerformanceK-KAT 348K-KAT 348 is a bismuth carboxylate which can be used in blocked isocyanate and two component urethane systems offering: • Excellent exterior durability • Non-yellowing characteristics • Excellent gloss retention K-KAT 348 Vs. DBTDL - YellowingA good indicator of resistance to yellowingisb* Color Value where a higher number corresponds to increased yellowing. The graph below demonstrates that similar QUVdurability is obtainable with K-KAT 348 as compared to DBTDL. K-KAT 4205K-KAT 4205 is a liquid zirconium complex which isan effective catalyst for 2K urethane coatings offering: • Fast tack free time • Excellent viscosity stability/pot life • Excellent exterior durability • Use levels at low metal concentrations K-KAT 4205/DBTDL TACK-FREE TIME COMPARISON Polyester/Isocyanate , Ambient Cure, Equal Pot LifeK-KAT 4205 (0.0012% metal) DBTDL (0.0042% metal) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 HOURSK-KAT 5218K-KAT 5218 can be used in both baked and ambient cured 2K urethane systems offering:• Synergy with pot life extenders such as2,4 - Pentandione• Excellent exterior durabilittyK-KAT 5218/DBTDL POT LIFE COMPARISON 2K Polyester/HDI Trimer, Ambient Cure, Equal Dry TimeK-KAT XC-C227K-KAT XC-C227 offers excellent resistance to hydrolysis compared to conventional bismuth carboxylate catalysts as shown in the photos below.K-KAT XC-C227 Conventional Bismuth CatalystTwo Months Humidity Exposure Open ContainerBismuth carboxylate catalysts will also hydrolyze when diluted with solvents that contain trace amounts of water.K -K A T C A T A L Y S T S F O R U R E T H A N E SQUV STUDY - K-KAT 348/DBTDLAcrylic/Blocked NCO - 30 Minutes/138˚CK-KAT A209 K-KAT A209 is a concentrated version of 6212 that is best suited for slower curing formulations. Typical uses include:• Slow curing formulations such as IPDIcrosslinked coatings• Resin synthesis• NCO terminated prepolymersK -K A T C A T A L Y S T S F O R U R E T H A N E SK-KAT XK-602K-KAT KX-602 was specifically designed to for use in uretdione crosslinked powder coatings to lower cure temperatures while preventing yellowing which is a common problem associated with standard amine based catalysts used in these coatings. These performance characteristics are shown in the table which follows.Polyester/Uretdione Powder CostingTest results show the use of K-KAT XK-602 can lower cure temperatures and even under overbake curing conditions reduce yellowing.TEST RESULTS(Overbake)Control1.25% XK-602 On TRS 5.0% XK-602 On TRSSubstrate Initial Cure Schedule 20 minutes at 200˚ 20 minutes at 170˚C30 minutesat 150°C b*0.12 -0.2 0.43 White index 89.5 90.8 90.8 Yellow index -0.8 -1.7 -0.03 1st Overbake Schedule (∆) 20 minutes at 200˚C 20 minutes at 170˚C 30 minutes at 150°C b*2.5 (2.4) -0.05 (0.20) 0.5 (0.1) White index 79.2 (10.3) 90.1 (0.7) 90.3 (0.5) Yellow index3.7 (4.5) -1.1 (0.6) 0.16 (0.2) 2nd Overbake Schedule (∆) 20 minutes at 200˚C 20 minutes at 170˚C 20 minutes at 200°C b* 3.3 (3.2) 0.09 (0.3) 3.2 (2.8) White index 73.8 (15.7) 89.3 (1.5) 76.9 (13.9) BONDERITE 1000 With the use of an acid scavenger, K-KAT XK-602 has shown to be effective at temperatures as low as 140˚C. K-KAT XK-604 K-KAT XK-604 is based on a blend of proprietaryorganometallic complexes and is highly effectivewhen used to cure cast elastomers, such as 100% solids 2K urethanes. As shown in the profile belowK-KAT XK-604 offers a similar cure profile to mer-cury catalysts without the environmental and toxicity issues.In addition to offering good latency before snap curing, XK-604 can also provide improved post-gel cure compared to other mercury replacement cata-lysts. Gel Cure Profile K-KAT XK-604 to Mercury Catalyst K-KAT XK-604Mercury CatalystK-KAT 6212 K-KAT 6212 is recommended for use in two com-ponent plural gun or in-line mixing applications pro-viding advantages as follows. • Rapid cure response and fast tack free time • Excellent low temperature cure response • High selectivity for - NCO/OH reaction overthe NCO/water reaction K-KAT 6212 must be added to the isocyanate com-ponent.。

Seafood Importers List

Seafood Importers List

Seafood Importers List3L Group LLC41 First Trading Marine Co. Ltd.A I P Seafood CompanyA Raptis & Sons Pty Ltd.A&A Marine & Drydock Co.Ltd.A.F.& F. LdaA.I.S. Aqua Foods, Inc.A.M.V.H.Abaco Fish, SLAbad Exim Pvt LtdAbad FisheriesAbbas Import/Export AgencyAbdasht-e-sharghAbsolute SeafoodsAcme Smoked Fish Corporation of New York ACS Trading Co.Adamsens Fisk ApSAffish BVAfi Int'l. Trading Corp.Agritec Americas Corp.AGROITTICA LOMBARDAAGUA FRÍAAhumados Fish Line S.L.AJC International, Inc.Al Iqbal For Trade & ContractsAl Menhaj Trading & Investment CoAl Wazzan Refrigerated Cold Storage & Warehousing Albatros Seafood ApSAlbert MortensenALBION FISHERIESALCONEDAlfocanALFRISAAlimentos Friorizados S.A.Ali-Ockba Trading Est.AlKubaisi Import & Export Of Foodstuff & Fish Est. Al-Kulaib Fisheries Co.All Freez NvALL-FISH TRADINGALLIED EXPORTERSAllieds Enterprises LLCAlligator Bay Seafood or Performance FisheriesAl-Nuzha General TradingAlpha BayAlphine Fishing Enterprises Inc.Alreda For FishingAltay Foodstuff TradingAmanda Konserves 555 A/SAmbassador Seafoods Inc.American Fish & Seafood Company American Pride SeafoodsAmerican Seafood Imports AmeriPure Oyster CompaniesAmitie Seafoods Ltd.Ammeraal Beltech Inc.Ampro Intertrade Co Ltd.Ancora CommerceAnduronda Import GmbH ANEMOTRATA S.A.Angell AssociatesAnglopesca - A.B.C. Specialty foods Ltd Anhui Huaxiang Foodstuffs Co. Anova East AfricaAnova Food BVAnova Food Inc.ANVIFISH JOINT-STOCK COMPANY Anwar EnterprisesAOAMI PESCA, S.L.Aqua Chile USAAqua StarAqua Star (USA), Corp.Aquabon S.A.SAquatec Seafoods Ltd.Arabian EssamioonArabian SeafoodARADY DISTRIBUTIONARCOPAArista Industries, Inc.Arrowac Fisheries Inc.AS Handels GmbhAS RAITARAsia ConnectionAsia etc.,ASMAK-International Fish Farming Co (PJSC)Aspen Foods ( Division of AspenSoft Technologies Pte Ltd ) Asperö Handels ABÃstersjolax ABAtalanta CorporationAtka Seafood NV (A subsidiary of Klaas Puul B.V.) Atlantic Pacific Seafood UK Ltd.Atlantic Pelagic ASAtlantic Seacove Inc.ATLANTIC SEAFOODAtlantic Seafood A/SAtlantic Seafood ASAtlantis NorwayAurora A/SAustfish International Pty. Ltd. (Austfish Pty Ltd.) Australia Pride Pty Ltd.Australian Yellowtail Farms Pty. Ltd.Australis Trade & ConsultingAYE Mountain Aquatic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.Azuma Foods International, Inc. USA Badasoosan CorporationBahrain Live Lobster CentreBasaran BalikcilikBaseafoodBasic Food International Inc.Beaver Street Fisheries Inc.Bech & Kjeldahl A/S BK-Food A/SBEHSHIDAN FOOD PROCESSINGcanned fish.Bell Foods (Marine Division)Bellboy Seafood CorporationBENFUMATBengate Trading LimitedBentre Aquaproduct Import & Export Joint Stock Co. BEOTHIC FISH PROCESSORSBerdex Seafood International, Inc. BERMEPESCA, S.L.BEST FISHBest Force Import & Export Co. Ltd.Beyer Lightning Fish CompanyBFJ Food A/SBicurata Danmark Holding ApsBILBOMARBjarne Johnsen ASBJERRE FISKBjörk & Magnusson ABBLACK PEARL CAVIARBlack Tiger Company, Inc.BLUE FISHBlue Water TradeBLUECINA Corp.BLUEMARINE FISHBLUNDELL SEAFOODS Ltd.Bornholms A/S (Bornholms Konservesfabrik A/S) Borrak Seafood Trade InternationalBOSTON IMPORTINGBreakers Fish Company Ltd.Bremer Products Pty Ltd.Bridge LineBristol Seafood IncBrødrene Hveding ASBUESUMER - FEINKOSTBURGASSIBüsumer Fischerei GmbHBuzzards Bay Trading Co. Inc.C.A.DELAMARC.J. Newnes & PartnersCALASACalkins & Burke LimitedCamimexCanada Seafood SalesCanadian Seafood ABCanamaramax Distribution LtdCannon Fish CompanyCape Broyle Sea Products Ltd.Cape Fish Group ASCape Nova Lobster & Seafood Ltd. CARIBEX Seafoods Ltd.CARLOS SOTOCarthago Consulting LtdCasa Juan FernandezCasco Fishing IndustryCASINO LOBSTER COMPANY, INC. CATRO DAICAVIAL IMPORTCentragelCentrokomise s.r.o.Chang International Inc.Channel Fish Processing Co. Inc. Channel Seafoods Int´lChannel Seafoods InternationalChina Kingdom Import and Export Co. Ltd. China Overseas EnterprisesChina Starfish Co. Ltd.Choice Canning Co., IncChongqing Foreign Trade East Asia Corp. Chr. J. Juhl A/SCimbric Fiskekonserves A/SClassic SeafoodCme Les Pecheurs D'etaples COCEDERO DE MARISCOS, S.A.Coco Blanco Trading Inc.COCONCo-Load Maldives Pvt Ltd.Colombo Marine (Pvt) Ltd COMERCIALIZADORA MEXOCEAN COMIGRO GENECOCONGELADOS ABACCONGELADOS SEBASTIACongelados Sebastia S.L.Conservas Portugal Norte, Lda. CONXEMARCoop-stores Ltd.Corrigan Trading Inc.COSMAR GROUPCrocker & WinsorCrossway Shipping & Insurance Brokers Ltd. Crystal Cove SeafoodCTLE Seafood, Inc.CULIMERCVH Caviar House GmbH.D B S New Zealand LtdD.G.M. Seafood Co. Ltd.Daekwang Trading Co.Inc.DAEWA CORP.Dainichi CorporationDalian Beauty Seafood Co. LtdDalian Free Trade Zone Lianyang Foods Co. Ltd. DALIAN HENGTAI FOODS CO.,LTDDALIAN RUNTONG CO.Dan Lax A/SDanica Invest A/SDanica Seafood A/S (Danica Invest A/S) DanMar SeafoodDAVIMARDe Meulemeester BVDeep Blue SeafoodsDeep Sea Fisheries, Inc.DEKERCODELADOIREDelikatessen DahlhausenDelta Mossel BVDenholm Fishselling LtdDhahran International AirportDhofar Fisheries Industries Company S.A.O.G. DI CARLO SEAFOODDiavena Ltd.DiCarlo Seafood Co.DiMare Seafoods Inc.DIRECT OCEANDiscefa Brazil Ltda.DKPT Seafood Ltd.DKPT SEAFOOD.LTD DOCAPESDom International Ltd. Dongwon Fiheries Co. Ltd. DONIBANE FISHDOS Fish Processing Company Ltd. DPN Trading Pte LtdDraco FoodsDream Seafood Corp.Drevik International ASDUTCH FISH MARKETING BOARD Dynasty Chinese RestaurantE. FRANK HOPKINS INCEAST COAST SEAFOOD ESPAÑA East Sea Fisheries Corporation EASTERN FISH COMPANY Easyfish S.L.ECOMSAEd's Kasilof Seafoods EGERSUND SEAFOODEgytrade & SupplyEkko Fisk Af 2002 A/SEldorado Seafood. Inc.Emborg Foods A/SErich Geiger Fischhandel & Produktion Erich von Schach Lachsversand ESCALEU-Business CenterEurasia Maldives Pvt. Ltd.EURO FROZEN FOODEuro Frozen Food SrlEuro Trade GmbH & Co. KG Eurotraco NVEXPACK SEAFOOD, INC.EXPESA FISHExpesa Fish S.A.Extract Valp Ltda.F.W. BRYCE, INC.Faeringen ASFalmouth Fishselling Co. LtdFassler Gourmet Pte.Ltd.Fastnet Fish Ltd. Feinschmeckerei Fritz GareisFemeg GmbHFemeg Holland B.V.Ferguson's Lobster Pound Co. Fernando Reyero S.L.FidecoFields Wild SalmonFinny Sirevaag ASFirestar Trading Co LLCFirst Fimex Fisch Import-Export GmbH FISH SHOP - PR CARVALHO FISHBONEFisherman´s Market International Inc. Fiskkoer B.V,Five Seas General Trading (LLC)Five Star Shellfish Inc.Fjord ImportFlanders Global Trading NVFlatfish Ltd.Focus Seafood International Ltd. Focus Seafoods International Ltd FORNELAFortrust EnterpriseFORTUNA SEA PRODUCTS, INC. Fortune Seas LtdFrank Mason & Associates FRATELLO TRADE A.D.Freezee Frozen Mart Sdn Bhd French Creek Seafood Ltd.FRES VALDESFresh Choice SeafoodFresh Fish Trader Jan van As BV Fresh Maine Lobster and Seafood FRIALFriedrich Bruns GmbhFriedrich Wilhelm Lübbert GmbH & Co. FRIGO PORTFrigoparle Nederland b.v.Frigorífico Ibérico ltdaFRIGORÍFICOS FANDIÑO S.A.FRIO CONDALFRIOFISHFRIOKOFrioko SAFriomar Seafood S.A. - Uruguay FRIPURFullerton CompanyFuzhou Woos International Co. Ltd.G & J Jack Ltd.G.D.Worldwide Sdn BhdG.F. Higgins Inc.G.I.E."Mont Saint Clair" GADOPESCAGALANA NVGALICIA FROZEN FISHGALLANT OCEANGallant Ocean GroupGambafreshGambaro´s Seafoods Pty Ltd.Garden & Valley Isle Seafood, Inc.Garnalen Van Roey B.V.B.A.Gaspé Cured Enr.GEBR, KRAANGebr. Dil BV Import & Export B.V.GelazurGeorge Apostolou SAGerman Seafrozen Fish Handelsgesellschaft mbH GERMAPESCAGewürz Mühle Nesse GmbH.GIOMARGLOBAL FOOD TRADING CORP.Global ImpEx Inc.Global International Sp/fGLOBEFISHGo Dang Seafood Co. Ltd.Goh Joo Hin Pte LtdGolden Ocean Fish Ltd.GOLDEN SEAFOOD COMPANYGOURMET LINEGOURMET LINE SRLGourmet Line SRL RomeGovernor Cold StorageGreat Atlantic Trading Inc.Great Northern Products, Ltd.Grecophili Commodities TradersGREEN GLOBE CORP.Group SagunGrupo Manuel Hortas S.A.GUERCIGulf of Oman Fishing Intl LLCGulf Seafood (LLC)Gulf Seafood LLCGulf StreamGULFCO - GULF TRADING & REFRIGERATING (L.L.C.) Gulin Smolt í SvínoyH & N Foods International, Inc.H L Nolan (Dublin) Ltd.H. Köser GmbHHaavin HerkutHaemin Co. Ltd.Haewoo Trade Co. Ltd.Hai Leng Enterprise Sdn BhdHai Seng Hin EnterpriseHamburger Feinfrost GmbHHan Tat Seafood & Cold Storage Pte. Ltd.Hans Voggenthaler Tiefkühlkost-Vertriebs-GmbH Harald Mowinckel AS Ltd.Harmony Marine Products Sdn BhdHarmony Marketing Inc.Harold Bryant Ltd.Heartland Trading Co. L.L.C. Hesselholt Fisk Eksport A/SHIGH LINER FOODSHIGH LINER SCALLOPSHighland Dragon EnterpriseHi-Line AquaHillman Shrimp & Oyster Co.Hilo Fish Company Inc.Hindustan Lever Limited HISPAFISH 2000HL Group (76) Import & Export Co. Ltd. HLB FishHolland Oasis (Netherlands) B.V. HOLT SEAFOOD COMPANYHolt Seafood Company Ltd. HOOGENDIJKHoogendijk Import & Export BV Hottlet Frozen Foods N.V.Huy Phat Company Ltd.IASC UI Mhathuna TeoIBC Food Co. Ltd.Ibrahim Odeh & Partners CoIbro Mar BVIBROMARIceland Seafood Ltd., UKIcelandic® USA, IncIcy Strait SeafoodsIdeal Marine Products LLCIljin International Company Importacao E Exportacao Jabe Ltda Incofoods S.A.Independence Fish Company Independence FoodsIndependent Fisheries LtdIndo European SeafoodsIndo-Far TradeInfinity Seafood Inc.Integra Foods International CorpInter Marine Corporation INTERALIMENTINTERATLANTIC FISHInter-Canada FisheriesInteReefer Corp.Inter-Impex Co. Ltd.Interlachs AGInternational Fish Farming Co.(ASMAK) International Seafood Import Export Ltd International Sourcing Group Ltd. (ISG) Inter-Pacific Marine Products Co., Ltd. Intersea Fisheries West Inc.Intersea Fisheries, LTDInterseafish BVInterseafish Portugal LDAIntertrade Sigurdsson & Partner GmbH Intimex Import Export Corporation Invertec SeafoodiPura Food DistributionIrcoTrading Co. Ltd.Irish Seafood Producers GroupÍsborg P/fIselanska Umbodssalan ltd. ISHIKAWA KAISHAIshikawa Kaisha Ltd.J. Marr (Seafoods) LimitedJ.C. DavidJ.P. Klausen & Co. A/SJAIME LLORCA S.A.Janssen AccociatesJavico. ltdJHM International TradingJiangsu Hilong InternationalJiangxi Hengxing Food Co. Ltd.JJ Brenner Oyster Co.Joh. Kuijten B.V.John T. Handy Co. Inc.Join Win Co. Ltd.JOSÉ OJEA E HIJOSJSC NorvelitaJTL TunisiaJub Gen. Trdg FZEJumeira FisheriesJurong Cold Store Pte LtdJyoti CompanyKagerer & Co. GmbHKannikal Seafoods USA Inc.Karibuni LtdKenbourne International, Inc.KERRYFISHKEY SEAFOOD IMPORTS INC.Keystone International Seafood Inc.KGT (Al Khalsan General Trading LLC)Kien Giang Sea Product Import and Export Company Kiku Fisheries CorporationKIMBEX Ltd.Kin Cheong Lung Marine ProductsKing Asia Marine Products Co. Ltd.King Fish EnterpriseKings Seafood CompanyKJ Seafoods, Inc.KLAAS PUULKLEIVEN-COKohyo Co LtdKoyo Aquatics Centre Pte. Ltd. Krijn Verwijs Yerseke BV KrustanordK-Seas Trading Corporation Pty Ltd. Kuhong Enterprise Pte. Ltd. Kuwait Catering Co KSCKY Corp., Ltd.L B S General Trdg FZEL.F.F.import HollandLA CENA FINE FOODSLADO NORTELalandi, S.L.Landshandilin p/fLao Hah Seng Lee Co.Ltd. Laschinger GmbHLaunis Fiskekonserves A/SLAUT TIMUR GROUPLaxbutikenLe Anh SeafoodsLeisure Time Caviar Inc.LENK Frozen Foods (Asia) Co. Ltd LES PECHERIES NORREF QUE INC Limberis Seafood Processing Ltd. Lindex IncorporatedLinkway CorporationLIONS GATE FISHERIESLobster Fish NV/SALonimar Australia Pty LtdLucky Cannery Co. Ltd.LuckyStarLuckystar Enterprise Inc.Ludwig Shrimp Co.Lu-Mar Lobster and ShrimpLund´s Fisheries Inc.LUND'S FISHERIES, INC.LUSTY LOBSTER/ DOUTY BROS.M&I Seafood Manufacturing Inc.M. Lamosa RepresentationM.A. Im-ExportsMacLeans SeafoodMACMILLAN FOODS \'THE OLD SMOKEHOUSE\' MAH PROTEIN CO., LTD.MAJESTIC FOODMar Invest Seafood, S.L.Mar Network Trading Pvt. Ltd. MARAGATHI TRADING LTD.Mardi S.A.Mardon PlcMarine Drive Co.Marine Foods Ltd.Marine HarvestMarine View Trading Co. Ltd.Marky´s Caviar International Food Imporium Inc.Mar-Lees SeafoodMarlin Products BVMARPESCAMarr S.p.A.Marukwn Seafood (LEE Chieh Hsiung Enteerprise Co. Ltd.) Marwel Mereroog OÜMARZALMaseera Fish Trading EstMaxima WarenhandelsgmbH.Maxims Import CorporationMcFreshMcKenna Fish SalesMEDFISHMendipez S. L.MERKA - OAIRTZUNMERKOSMiami Crab CorporationMid-Link General TradingMIDPACK CANADAMidtco ASMinh Hai JostocoMinh Phu Seafood Corp.Minnan Aquatic Development Co.Miracle Fish Inc.MM & Company Inc.Moa International Corp.MOALIAMoalia S. L.Mohamed Abdullah Al Harbi Est.MondoMar Sea Products Sdn BhdMorales FishcoMountain Lake Fisheries, L.L.C.Mrs. Seafood, Inc.Mulataga AquacultureMusholm Lax A/SNational Office for Business Administration (NOBA) National Seafood EducatorsNAUTIC SEAFOOD A/SNavitalNazaki Services Private LimitedNegocios Exteriores 97 SLNeptune Trading Group Ltd.New England Seafood International LtdNew Orleans Fish HouseNewport InternationalNha Trang Fisheries Co. Ltd.Nisha International Pte Ltd.NISJA TRADINGNÖLTING GEBRÜDERNoordzee Urk/International BVNord Capital Sp. Z O.O.NORDCAPITALNordfilet A/SNORDIMPORTNorQuest Seafood Inc.Norsk Havfisk ASNorth Atlantic Inc.North East Eel Co.Northern Fisheries L.T.D.Northern Salmon Co. Ltd.NorthiceNorthseafood Holland B.V.Nortrade SeafoodNorway Prawns ASNorwegian Russian Trade ASNOVA Fisheries, Inc.Nowaco 10Nowaco 18 s.r.o.Nowaco A/SNRT - NORWEGIAN RUSSIAN TRADEO Ruiz and Associates International Trade Oakfair InternationalOcean Beauty SeafoodOcean Catch Marketing Pvt. Ltd.Ocean Crystal SeafoodOcean DistributionOcean Fisheries Ltd.Ocean Fresh FishOcean Fresh Seafood Pty Ltd.Ocean Fresh Seafoods Inc.Ocean Garden Products Inc.Oceania Seafoods Ltd.Oceanic FoodOceanic Seafood Ltd.Oceans Finest SeafoodOceans Unlimited Seafoods Inc.Oceanwide Seafood Ltd.Odin Import Export Fischgrosshandel Gbr.Odin Seafoods Vertriebsgesellschaft Gmbh OLASAGASTIOLMANI SEAFOODOman Fisheries Co. SAOGOmar Ali Balsharaf Trading Est.Omoshiroi Trading Co. Ltd (Mkt Office - Thailand) ORIENT SEAFOODOrientaliment Srl Imp. & Exp. RomeÖstersjölax ABOUEST MARÉEOverseas Marketing Inc.OVERSEAS SEAFOOD OPERATIONSOzer Gida Su UrunnleriP&G TRADING CO.P. Baarssen B.V .P.T Eksindo JayaP.T. Warsada PuratamaPacific Business Pty Ltd.Pacific RIM Shellfish Corp.Pacific Seafood Group (The Pacific Group) Pacific Smoked Salmon Ltd.Pan Asia (1981) Co. Ltd.Pan Harvest Co.Panamerican Fish S.L.UPanda Foods Co Sdn. BhdPandalus A/SParagon Seafood Co.Paramount Seafood Int´l Ltd. PASSALISPataya Food Industries Ltd PATRASFISHPelekanPenglai Jinshui WeiyePESCADOS FRAIDAPescados Juan Fernández S.L. Pescados y Mariscos 2002,S.L. PESQUERA POSEIDÓNPesquera Santa Cruz S.A.Peter Pan Seafoods, Inc. PhuongDong Seafood Co., Ltd.Pin Corporation Ptd. Ltd.Pinar HoldingPinkham's SeafoodPiranha BayPlanet Products CorpPLATVIS Holland BVPolaris Visdelicatessen BVPoseidon Enterprises Inc.Poulos Bros SeafoodPremium Seafoods LimitedPremthai International Ltd.Presteve FoodsPRESTIGE FOOD BROKERSPrimaNor ASPrime-Sea International Inc.PROA INTERNACIONALProductos del Mar Ancavico, S.L. Productos Frescamar SA de CVProductos Lombardi S.L.Productos Oceanicos Del GolfoPromarProveedora de Insumos Acuícolas S.A. de C.V. Providence Bay Fish CompanyProvidence Bay Fish Company (Associate)Qingdao Donggang Foodstuffs Group Co., Ltd. Qingdao Oasis Int\'l Trade Co.,Ltd.R Family Prodservcom SRLR. Naero & CoRadus Exports (P)Ltd.Rahbekfisk A/SRaiTar ASRamvee´s Fishtech CorporationRari Fleischimport-Export Großhandel GmbH Red Chamber CompanyREGISTRY STEAKS & SEAFOOD LTD. Reidrich International Ltd.Renvyle Fisheries Connemara LtdRiks & Co. ApS / SSI Seafood. ltd.Rio Import & Export Ltd.Ristic AGRiverside Lobster & Seafood Inc.RO.BE.FOODRobert Wholey & Co. Inc.ROSO FISHING HELLASROYAL FISHRoyal Greenland Seafood GmbHRoyal Trade InternationalRoyal Viking A/SRubicon Resources, LLCRUGGIERO SEAFOOD, INC.Ruhlmann SARui Costa e Sousa & Irmão, S.A.Rungis Express Frischimport GmbH S. Chaivaree Cold Storage Co., Ltd. S.M. Products (B.C.) Ltd.S.PIQUERAS E HIJOSSA FOURNIER VARLET GUILLAUME Sabah Fish Marketing Sdn Bhd Sahlanlar Gada San Tic Ltd Sti Sala Company For Import & Export SALDYTASally's Shrimp & Seafood, Inc. Samrat Middle East Exports (P) Ltd Santa Impex BrestSanta Monica Seafood Co. sarafarz enterprisesSaudi Fisheries Company Savigny Surgeles FraisScan Fish Danmark A/SScandic Fisheries Ltd SCANFISHScanfisk Seafood S.L.Schimko 19 ApS.Scholz International Broker SCHOONER RECURSOS PESQUEROS Scofish LtdSco-Fro Foods LtdScotprime Seafood Ltd.Scrabster SeafoodsSEA BELL TRADING SRLSEA FISHSea Frais sarlSEA LION INTERNATIONALSea Port Products Corp.Sea Products International LimitedSea Rich Refrigeration Enterprise Inc. Sea Specialties Inc.Seabest International Pty Ltd. SEABORNSeabreeze SASeabreeze Seafood ABSeachamp International Export Corp. Seacoast Seafood Sales, Inc.Seacore Seafood Inc.Seadco S.A.Seafare Products Ltd.Seafarmers Pty Ltd.Seafood Action Center A/SSeafood Action Center A/S (CamSac A/S) Seafood ConnectionSeafood Connection bvSeafood ImportsSEAFOOD IMPORTS, INC.Seafood Network LtdSeafood Resources Ltd., Inc.SeafoodworldSeafreshSeafresh MarketingSeahaven L.L.C.Sea-Lect Wholesale Seafood Inc.Seamark PLCSeamark USA Inc.Seatrade International Co. Inc.SeaWise Inc.Segundo Nieto AraujoSeik International Co. Ltd.Selected Foods Group LimitedSEOHAE INT'L CO. LTD.Sequerra & Sequerra LtdaSERCOSTASetiadi Network Inc.SetracoSEVEN OCEANS SEAFOODSeven Seas Seafood Co. LLCSey Import & ExportShandong Fenghua Food Co. Ltd.Shanghai Deep Sea Fisheries Company Shanghai Tao Nature International Trading Co.,Ltd. Shanghai Toyo Trading Co. LtdShantou King's Food Co. Ltd.Shellfish De La Mer LtdShengtai Seafood Co.Shin Ho Sing Ocean Enterprise Co., Ltd. Shining Dove Enterprise Co., Ltd.Shinwa Sea Products EnterprisesShore Mariner Ltd.Shrine Island Companies Inc.Siam Canadian Foods Co. Ltd.Siamchai International Food Co. Ltd. (Sifco) Siete Mares SRLSif France SasSIGMA FOOD PRODUCTSSigma International, Inc.Siljanslax ABSimer FZESin Young CorporationSININDO FISHERIESSinindo Fisheries Co. (Sinindo Holding Pte. Ltd.) Sirena Group A/SSix Brothers Foodstuff Co. Ltd.Sk Frozen Food Imp & Exp Sdn BhdSKAAR INTERNATIONALSKALO srlSky SeafoodsSky-MSlade Gorton & Co. Inc.Smith Sagar Ltd.Società del Mare AdriaticoSocotra Sea FoodSofrimar Ltd.SOGELCO INTERNATIONAL INCSOGEMASomac BVSomegel InternationalSong Hau Food Processing Joint Stock Corporation (SOHAFOOD CORP.) South Stream Seafoods LimitedSouthern Shores Marine ccSouthstream SeafoodsSovintexSpectrum International Corp.SPI Canning Co. Ltd.STAMOULIS FISHSTANICStapimex (SOC TRANG SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY)Star Food Products Inc.Starfish Inc.Stavis Seafoods Inc.STERLING SEAFOOD CORPORATIONStolt Cocoon KKStraits Sea Food Trading Co. Sdn. Bhd.Sung Do Global Co. LtdSung Jin Fishery Co. Ltd.Superfresh (LLC) Ltd.Surapon Foods Public Company Limited Sushi-ExpertSwathi ExportsT and F Company LtdT.J. Meier & Associates, Inc.TaabbelTaiwan SeafoodTAJ SOCOTRA FOR FISHERIES CO. LTD. Taksin Foods Co. Ltd.TALAFOODTamaco Food A/STasea Enterprises Ltd.Tasman Fish Trading LtdTED FULOP SEAFOODSThai Duong - SuncoThalasco UAEThalassa SeafoodsThaltriton Ltd.The Blue Sea Food CompanyThe Dutch WhaleThe Great Fish CompanyThe Seafood Auction Company LLC The Seafoods & I.K. Co. Ltd.Tho Quang Seafood Processing and Export Company Thomas Massey Ltd.Thorfisk A/STianjin Foodstuff Import & Export Co., Ltd.Toho America CorporationToho CorporationTomex Danmark A/STomex Foods IncTop Quality SeafoodTop Seafood Inc.Toppits Foods Ltd.TORABEL FRESCOTORRY HARRIS America, IncTraberg InternationalTradimarTrading Leo Van Echelpoel (Trading Interventions LVE) Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound, Inc.Trico Seafood (Associate)Trisome Foods Inc.Triton Fisheries LimitedTRUE WORLD FOODSTwin Tails Seafood Corp.UBAGO S.L.UD. Sinar Mas Mina BahariUK Glass Eels Ltd.Unic Marketing Group Ltd.Uni-Fisk Skagen A/SUnigoods TradingUnigreat Resources Pte. Ltd. Union Trading Co. Ltd.Unirap Import Export SrlUnited Fishing Agency Ltd. Universal Mediators FZE UrufishV&K Inter Group Co. Ltd.Valeik hf.VALGEL PESCADOS CONGELADOS Veki Commerce d.o.o. Vendsyssel 19 A/SVENSY ESPAÑA - SKANDIA Vento-Comercio Exterior S.L. Venus Seafood Inc.Veretres S.A.Verwijs Import & Export B.V. Vinh Hoan Co. Ltd.Viva Galicia S.L.Viviers (UK) Ltd.WALRAVEN HOLLANDWamo Foodstuff Establishment Wanly S.A.Wee Kiat Development Pte Ltd. West Bay Seafoods LtdWest India Trading Co. Inc.Western Australian Seafood TradersWestern Edge Inc.Westrade InternationalWexford Mussels Ltd.Whale Trading Co.Whan Trading CompanyWhitelink Seafood's Ltd.Whitney and Son Seafoods Inc.Widriss S.A.Wild Blue Waters CorporationWildlachs-Räucherei Bremer GmbHWilkinson Wholesale Seafood Pty Ltd.Winlinks International Co. LtdWolf Marine SystemsWORDWorld Wide Food Products Inc.Xiamen King Dragon Trade Co. Ltd.Xinghe FoodYancheng Hi-king Agriculture Developing Co., Ltd. Yannis FisheriesYanosan Inc.Yantai Taiyu Fishery Co., LtdYingkou Xingbo Sea Products Co. Ltd.YORK FISHYoung Chang Corp.Yuan Tai Freeze SeafoodYurrita & Sons S.A.Zakaria M Shaheen EstZEIN TRADING FOR FROZEN FOOD STUFFZellas Trading Co.Zhejiang Aquatic Products I/E Corp. ZHEJIANG XINGYANG IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LTD. Zhoushan Corp. for Int`l Economic & Tech Co-op Zhoushan Dongyi Deepsea Fishery Co., Ltd. Zhoushan Import & Export Corp. of Zhejiang ZIPA - Grosshandel für AquaristikbedarfZiveZPRS KORAL。

PreSonus AudioBox USB 2x2 音频接口说明书

PreSonus AudioBox USB 2x2 音频接口说明书

©2021 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AudioBox USB, Capture, CoActual, EarMix, Eris, FaderPort, FireStudio, MixVerb, Notion, PreSonus, PreSonus AudioBox, QMix, RedLightDist, SampleOne, Sceptre, StudioLive, Temblor, Tricomp, WorxAudio, and the Wave Logo are registered trademarks of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Studio One is a registered trademark of PreSonus Software Ltd.Mac, macOS, iOS, and iPadOS are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. USB Type-C and USB-C are registered trademarks of USB Implementers Forum.Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. All specifications subject to change without notice... except the recipe, which is a classic.Baton Rouge • USA Revelator io242-channel audio interface for streamers and podcasters Quick Start GuideRevelator io24Interfaz de audio de 2 canales para streamers y podcasters Guía de arranque rápidoRevelator io242-Kanal-Audio-Interface für Streamer und Podcaster KurzanleitungRevelator io24Interface audio à deux canaux pour les streameurs et les podcasteurs Guide de prise en mainRevelator io24为流媒体工作者和播客设计的双通道音频接口快速启动指南Part# 70-12000164-BBasic functions • Funciones básicas • Grundlegende Funktionen • Fonctions de base • 基础功能Press channel 1 or 2 button to select channel. Press encoder to cycle through settings. Turn encoder to change chosen setting.Pulse el botón canal 1 ó 2 para seleccionar el canal. Pulse el encoder para desplazarse por los ajustes. Gire el encoder para cambiar el ajuste elegido.Channel 1 oder 2 drücken, um den Kanal auszuwählen. Endlosregler drücken, um durch die Einstellungen zu blättern. Endlosregler drehen, um die ausgewählte Einstellung zu ändern.Pressez la touche de canal 1 ou 2 pour sélectionner le canal. Pressez l’encodeur pour parcourir les réglages. Tournez l’encodeur pour modifier le réglage choisi.按下 channel 1 或 2 按钮进行轨道选择。

Nichicon 电容器产品说明书

Nichicon 电容器产品说明书


并根据客户需要节奏提供参考报价对应:工厂技术部、各营业处除了技术响应以往,还会进行包括安全,物料等级登记等全面的技术支持对应:工厂技术部、质量保证部、各营业处根据客户需求对交货期进行灵活柔性管理,向客户提供高品质的产品对应:工厂生产部、各营业处Note: Please confirm product development details with your dealer.汽车应用总部邮编 604-0845 京都市中京区鸟丸通御池上电话 075-231-8461 传真 075-256-4158东京支店邮编 103-0026 东京都中央区日本桥托町14番9号 电话 03-3666-7811 传真 03-3666-7831名古屋支店邮编 460-0003 名古屋市中区锦2丁目4番3号 锦公园大楼18层电话 052-223-5581 传真 052-220-1839西日本支店邮编 604-0845 京都市中京区鸟丸通御池上电话 075-241-5370 传真 075-231-8467NICHICON (AMERICA ) CORP.927 East State Parkway, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173, U.S.A.TEL.1-847-843-7500 FAX.1-847-843-2798NICHICON (AUSTRIA ) GmbHBusinesspark Marximum, Modecenterstrasse 17, Unit 2-7-A, 1110 Vienna, AustriaTEL.43-1-706-7932 FAX.43-1-706-7933NICHICON (HONG KONG ) LTD.Unit 308, Harbour Centre Tower 1, 1 Hok Cheung Street,Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong KongTEL.852-2363-4331 FAX.852-2764-1867• THE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICEOF NICHICON (HONG KONG) LIMITED IN HANOI CITY Room 622, Floor 6, 59A Ly Thai To, Trang Tien Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi, VietnamTEL.84-24-3936-7955 FAX.84-24-3936-8069NICHICON (SINGAPORE ) PTE. LTD.60 Paya Lebar Road, #11-17/18, Paya Lebar Square, Singapore 409051TEL.65-6481-5641 FAX.65-6481-6485NICHICON (TAIWAN ) CO., LTD.23F, No.68, Sec.5, Zhongxiao East. Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan, R.O.C.TEL.886-2-2722-2100 FAX.886-2-2722-2016NICHICON (THAILAND ) CO., LTD.1 Empire Tower, 15th Floor, Unit 1506, River Wing West,South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Thailand TEL.66-2-670-0150 FAX.66-2-670-0153NICHICON ELECTRONICS TRADING (SHANGHAI ) CO., LTD.Room 1206, Aetna Tower, 107 Zunyi Road, Shanghai, China 200051TEL.86-21-6237-5538 FAX.86-21-6237-5537• DALIAN BRANCH12F Senmao Building, 147 Zhongshan Road, Xigang District, Dalian, China 116011TEL.86-411-3989-3322 FAX.86-411-3989-3168NICHICON ELECTRONICS TRADING (SHENZHEN ) CO., LTD.Room A, 16/F, KK100No. 5016, Shen Nan Road East, Luo Hu District, Shenzhen, China 518001TEL.86-755-2294-1800 FAX.86-755-8294-5716• CHONGQING BRANCHRoom 2812, 28/F, International Trade Center (Part A), No.38, Qing Nian Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China 400010 TEL.86-23-6310-8166 FAX.86-23-6310-8308• CHENGDU BRANCHRoom 1408, 14/F, Hailrun Complex (Part A), No.216, Xi Dong Da Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 610021 TEL.86-28-6212-9507 FAX.86-28-6212-9513NICHICON ELECTRONICS (INDIA ) PVT. LTD.Unit No.906, 9th Floor, Prestige Meridian-1, No.29 M.G. Road, Bengaluru 560001, Karnataka, IndiaTEL.91-80-4094-8661 FAX.91-80-4094-8651• DELHI OFFICEUnit No.407, 4th Floor, DLF Tower A, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi 110025, IndiaTEL.91-11-4254-8407 FAX.91-11-4254-8408• PUNE OFFICELevel 4, Prabhavee Tech Park, Baner, Pune 411045, India TEL.91-20-6723-5806 FAX.91-20-6723-6161NICHICON CORPORATION KOREA REPRESENTATIVE OFFICEB-1348, Heungdeok IT Valley, 13, Heungdeok1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16954, KoreaTEL.82-31-8065-6366 FAX.82-31-8065-6367NICHICON (MALAYSIA ) SDN. BHD.No.4 Jalan P/10, Kawasan Perusahaan Bangi,43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia TEL.60-3-8925-0678 FAX.60-3-8925-0858NICHICON ELECTRONICS (WUXI ) CO., LTD.WUXI NICHICON ELECTRONICS R&D CENTER CO., LTD.Block 51-B, Wuxi National High & New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China 214028TEL.86-510-8521-8222 FAX.86-510-8522-1170NICHICON ELECTRONICS (SUQIAN ) CO., LTD.No.18, Yangmingshan Avenue, Suzhou Suqian Industrial Park, Suqian, China 223800TEL.86-527-8097-8855 FAX.86-527-8286-8966尼吉康株式会社有关“C.A.S.E.”的市场需求 “C.A.S.E.“由梅赛德斯-奔驰于2016年提出,它展现了汽车行业未来的变革方向。

Seneca Assurance Series NVR服务器快速启动指南说明书

Seneca Assurance Series NVR服务器快速启动指南说明书

PLEASE STOP AND READ THIS DOCUMENTSENECA ASSURANCE QUICK START GUIDEThis product contains software that must be registered for continued use and to enjoy the benefits of eligibility for updates. Please take the time to register the operating system and any applications installed on this product.CONTENTS OF SENECA ASSURANCE PACKAGEQuantityItem1Seneca Assurance Series NVR Server 2Power Cords 1Bezel with Key 1Keyboard & MouseBASE CONFIGURATION NOTES• RAID Set(s) and associated spares configured per purchase order.• Operating system installed on drive C:• Video should be stored on Drives D: and higherDRIVE SLOT LOCATIONS BY CHASSIS MODELSLOT-2SLOT-5SLOT-8SLOT-11SLOT-1SLOT-4SLOT-7SLOT-10SLOT-0SLOT-3SLOT-6SLOT-9DEFAULT 1GBE FIXED IP ADDRESSESPort Default Label IP Address Mask Gateway NIC 1*Camera LAN192.168.1.253255.255.255.0192.168.1.1NIC 2*Viewing and Management LAN 3**Network Storage 4**Network Storage10.0.10.253255.255.255.0*Comes pre-configured with static non-routable addresses. This is the recommended operating mode if a DHCP server is not available. **This is optional; non-routable fixed IP addresses and isolated network is a practical requirement.MAIN BACK PANEL CONNECTIONSI/O Port Connection Port Usage NIC Port 1Camera LANNIC Port 2Viewing and Management LAN NIC Port 3Network Storage NIC Port 4Network Storage VGAVideo DisplayNOTE: NIC Port 3 and 4 are optional.I/O Port Connection Port Usage USB Port 1Mouse USB Port 2KeyboardUSB Port 3USB Port 3Micro USB PortDedicated IDRAC Direct USBVIDEO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE INSTALLATIONWARNING:Time between installation screens may take up to five (5) minutes for OS and VMS.Many VMS’s default to Drive C: during setup as the receptacle for video storage. It is strongly suggested to use drive letters D: and higher to contain video data.1. After initial startup and configuration, the system is ready to install the Video Management Software (VMS).• Select the VMS Installer Icon on the OS desktop2. Once the VMS Installer is open install the necessary prerequisites, which are listed on the Seneca VMS Installer window3. Select the VMS followed by the VMS Server or Client application. (This process will take several minutes to load).• If the VMS is unlisted, go to the manufacturer’s website for installation reference4. Test to verify the VMS application is working5. OPTIONAL: Select the Uninstall Seneca VMS Installer to reclaim the space on the OS drive (NOTE: This will not remove the VMS installed, ONLY the installer).The xConnect Monitor is a desktop application that can run anywhere on the local network. It shows the health status of the four key areas of the xConnect Management Software. Please go to to download the software from the module on the landing page.Additional HelpA full user guide is available within the xConnect Software under the “Help” tabSERVER INSTALLATION1. Before starting the Seneca Assurance server, the following must be done: Mount and cable hardware. This includes any storage used external to the NVR appliance.2. Map and record any changes to be made to factory default settings.• (i.e. username, password, IP adress, etc.)3. Connect a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the server.4. Referencing manual or Microsoft documentation, make desired additions and changes.Inability to access appliance or settings could require complete OS and data installation. ALWAYS document configuration changes.NOTE: Please reference manual for more detailed configuration information.。



Member List of Council of China’s Foreign TradeHe Jinsheng President of e-Phone Group (USA)Hu Anhua Chairman of Neonlite Electronic & Lighting (HK) Ltd. Huang Guoyu Founder and Chairman of 4th World Chinese EntrepreneursConvention and of Canada Founding & Development Society Hu Yunming Executive Director of King Wong Development Co., Ltd.Huang Yizong President of United Overseas Bank (China) Ltd.Ip Sio ManManaging Director of Vang Kei Hong Trading Co. Ltd.Jacky Chen Chairman of Thailand Council for the Promotion ofEconomy and Trade of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Jia BaojunGeneral Manager of Sinosteel Corporation Jorge Mora Asia-Pacific President of Veolia waterJohn Gong Chairman of ICP DAS USA, Inc.Judy Yu President of the Carsac Story Ltd.Jun PangNorthernchem Inc.Kampol Srethbhakdi President of The Thai Malleable Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.Kong Lingfa President and General Manager of Tianxiang Group (Anhui) Co., Ltd.Kevin XuChaiman of MEBO GroupLei Yayun Chairman of East West CroupLi Hexun President of Tetra Pak China Ltd.Li JinyouManaging Director of County Height Holdings, MalaysiaLi Songzhi Chairman of Myanmar International Business Promotion Centre.Li Jinyuan Chairman & President of Tianjin TIENS Group Co., Ltd.Li Jiaxiang Dirctor of Jebsen & Co., Ltd.Li LeiSenior Vice President of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation Lin Dexiang Chairman of GITI Tire (China) Investment Co., Ltd.Lin HailinPresident of China National Automotive Industr yInternational Corp. Lim Chee Oun Executive Chairman of Keppei Corporation Ltd.,SingaporeMa Renlin General Manager of Shanghai Meiheng Investment Co., Ltd.Ouyang Riping Chairman of the board of DaTong Group (West Africa)Qiu DachangV ice Chariman & Executive President of Far EastDevelopment Co., Ltd.Ren Zhijie President of Beijing Century Boai International Medicine Technology Development Ltd.Shen Yaozhang Chairman of Shanghai Baoyao Minmetals Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd.Sun ZiyuManaging Director of China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd.Teo Cheng Keng Chairman of Bride of the World Pte Ltd.Tian Li Chairman of Bestridgergroup Co., Ltd.Tian WentaoChairman of Xukuan Group Co., Ltd.Wang Yanping Chairman of Fujian Guohang Ocean Group Holdings Ltd.Standing Vice Chairman:Benjamin Fok Board Member of Fok Ying Tung Group Co., Ltd. Wu Yu Ming The Hong Kong Doyen’s ClubKing Wong Development Ltd. Huang Xuesheng President of Eurasia Group Guo Kongcheng Chairman of Kerry Group Co., Ltd.Lin ZhuoyanChairman of the Board of Director and Chief Executive Officer of Outlet (China) Ltd.William ChiuChairman of Beijing Badaling Cableway Ltd.Huang ZhidaCEO of Far East Organization Mimy Mock de Fung Chairman of General Committee of Sino-Venezuela Trade, Industry, Agriculture, and TourismChairman of Orinoco Energy Resources Corporation Yan QimingGeneral Manager of Sumitomo Chemical Investment (China) Co., Ltd.Nakashima takashi General Manager of OJI Paper China Business Div Wong Kam Hong Chairman of Traffic light Co., Ltd.Chu Jiwang Chairman of Ningbo Ruyi Joint Stock Co.,Ltd.Morris.ChenNorth America Investment and Trade Promotion Association (Naitpa)Vice Chairman: (Names in Alphabetical Order)Alexandru Ioan Executive Chairman of China Town Group, Romania Angela A. Chao Vice President of Foremost GroupAnnie Wu Suk-ching Chairman of Hong Kong Sub-Association, World Trade. Center Association / Vice Chairman of Beijing Air Catering Ltd.Anson YanFiring Cultural Technology (ShenZhen) Company LimitedBanthoon Lamsam Chief Executive Officer of The KASIKORNBANK Public Company LimitedBarbara Grieve AXCEN Group Pty Ltd (AXCEN)Chau Pui Yin Director of Accordion Troupe Hong KongChen Jinlong Senior Director of Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd.Chen RenaiChairman of Jinghua Trade Company, ItalyChen Xiaoping General Manager of Zhejiang Hongyang Group Chen ZhilingOperating Chairman of Wynn MacauCherie Nursa Lim Director of Giti Tire (China) Investment Co.Ltd.Chan Yuen Shan Chief Executive Officer of Lee Kee Group.Dato’ Lim Hock San Managing Director of LBS BINA Group Berhad, MalaysiaDuan JingGeneral Manager of Beijing Glory Glamor InternationalCommerce & Exhibition Co., Ltd.Gallant Y.T.Hong Kong PhilanthropistGao KechengChairman of Jibao Enterprise Development (Singapore) Co., Ltd. Gong XiaohuaChairman of Edward Enterprise International Group INCHe Chaoqiong Managing Director of Shun Tak Holdings LimitedWang Shousong Chairman of Wang’s Corporate Group, HollandWang Qinghai General Manager of Shougang Group Council of China’s Foreign Wang ShufangChairman of Chinese Committee of Golden Coast, Australia Wang Yingwei Executive Vice Chairman and Executive President of Hsin William Kuan Executive Director of Victory Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Wu Yingmei Chong Construction Group Co., Ltd.Xiao Dexiong Chairman of Tw Fok Holding Co., Ltd.Xie Bingzhen Chairman of Strategic Decision Committee of China Machi Group Xie Mingcheng Chairman of China Win-Win Group LimitedXu Li Chairman of the board of Nankai Transport International (HK) Co. Ltd.Xu Zhiming Chairman of Yuemei GroupXue Baojin President of Beijing Smart Garments Co., Ltd.Yang Jinhua Chairman of King Far B.V., HolandYang Luming Managing Director of Australian Chen Enxi Group Co., Ltd.You Kaicheng Chairman & General Manager of Binhtien Imex Co., PTE. Ltd.Zhao Hui Manager of Wuhu Cigarette Factory, Anhui Province Zhang Xiqing Chairman of Union of Overseas Chinese Greece Zhang Jianwei President of Sino-trans LimitedZhang Xiquan President of US Mart Chain Supermarket Co., Ltd. Zhang Jingjing Director of Beijing Jindian International Forwarding Co., Ltd. Zhang Qian Executive President of MM Marketing Communications Consulting Co., Ltd.Zhang Weizhi Chairman of Macau-Portugal Chamber of Commerce Zhang Guixing Operating Chairman of Maybank in Greater China and Northeast Asia Zhang Jianwei President of Bombardier ChinaZhang Xiquan President of US Mart Chain Supermarket Co., Ltd. Zhang Jingjing Director of Beijing Jindian InternationalForwarding Co., Ltd.Zheng Weiguang Chairman of Ji Tong Thai Long-Bis Science Croup Co., Ltd. Zhou Jinhui Chairman of Legendale Constructive Co., Ltd, Macau Zhu Shanyi Chariman of Jiangsu Mingda Mining Investment Co. Ltd. Zhuang Yaozhi Honorar y Chairman of Global Petrolum Industr y Development Co. Ltd.Zheng Wanchun President of China Great Wa l l Asset Management CorporationZou Weimin Chairman and General Manager of Metallurgical Corporation of China Overseas Ltd.Zou Yong Chairman of New East Imp&Exp Co., Ltd, Greece Executive Directors:Chen Mingzong Chairman of Intan Group IndonesiaEdmond Lee Chief Executive Officer of Guangdong Lee&Man Paper Manufacturing LtdHong Guiren Wijayakusuma Group Coal Mining and Power StationIndonasia-China Cooperative InvestmentMisha Lu Marketing Director of TÜV SÜD in Mainland China, Hongkong and TaiwanThura Lwin Chairman of Tah More Hnye Chan Tnar Comneroe Co., Ltd. Yang Zongde (Lin)Managing Director of GLENCAIRN International Group Yu Mingquan Chairman of Juhai Group, RussiaZhao Shukai Chairman of the Health Maintenance Medical Practice Co., Ltd.Directors:Cai Zhipeng Chairman of Shantou Diming Trade Co., Ltd.Dato’ Yan Mengjie Executive Chairman of V IBRANTWAVES S.D.H.BHD, MalaysiaGuo Guoxiong President of Morgan Star GroupVice President of China-Central and Eastern EuropeanChamber of CommerceHuang Jianlong Vice President of SANY Group Co., Ltd.Huang Yi Chairman of Dunfeng Holdings Inc.Huang Liming General Manager and Executive Director of Cannon Far East Co., Ltd.Jina Chairman Hainan Najia Trading Co., LtdJiang Min Executive Director of the Aoyana Project Management and Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.John Soo CEO of Ally BIZ SDN. BHDLuo Meiling Executive President of Life Enlightenment Charity Foundation Co., LimitedLei Zhenyu General Manager of State Production Base of China Film Group Co., Ltd.Ouyang Chenxi Managing Director of the Wuhan Yangsen Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Qian Juncan Chairman of the Pinghu Shenping Material Trading Co., Ltd. Wu Con Qi Thai Uav Technology Development Co.,LtdXin Weihua Chairman of Shandong Wanbao Group Co., Ltd.Xu Ping Genral Manager of Henan Imported Materials Public Bonded Center Co., Ltd.Yang Chuanli Chairman of Jingu Jewellery Ltd.Yang Nan Chairman of Luistone Group。





地址:东京都中央区新川1-23-5SHINKAWA-EAST,1-23-5,SHINKAWA,CHUO-KU,TOKYO Tel:0081-3-5541-2053 Fax:0081-3-5541-2140E-mail:YOUSIHARA@aicinc.co.jp社长:本村博志资本金:23,000万日元从业人数:175人设立:1979年1月业务内容:食品特色:消费物资输入各国(株)爱峰商会AIHOO TRADINGCO,LTD。


NISSHINCHO,OMIRATel:0081-48-668-5055 Fax:0081-48-668-1243社长:荻谷弘康复资本金:1,500万日元老派从业人数:4人设立:1983年6月业务内容:冷冻蔬菜等农业产业加工品特色:中国贸易的多年的业务经验有专业商社(株)葵源六甲AOLGEN-ROKKOCORP地址:京都府京都市南区久世高田町126Tel:0081-75-931-5525 Fax:0081-75-931-5584社长:杉山正义资本金:1000万日元老派从业人数:3人设立:1993年3月业务内容:食品青山贸易(株)http/AOYAMA TRADECO,LTD地址:兵车县姬路市青山14641464,AOYAMA,HIMEJI,HYOGOTel:0081-792-66-6035 Fax:0081-792-67—4624 E-mail:aoyamaz@siluer.ocn.ne.jp社长:赵善云资本金:1000万日元从业人数:15人设立:1992年10月业务内容:化学品(株)本铺AKACHAN HONPOCO,LTD地址:大阪府大阪市中央区南本町3-3-213-3-21 MINAMI-HONMACHI,CHUO-KU,OSAKATel:0081-6-6251-0625 Fax:0081-6-6251-3340社长:小原正司资本金:19000万日元从业人数:2700人设立:1941年2月业务内容:进口生活用品及生产资料朝阳贸易(株)ASAHI TRADINGCO,LTD地址:东京都中央区八丁堀4-10-4 白铜第一HKUDODALLTLBLDG,4-10-4,HATTYOBORL,CHUO-KU,TOKYO Tel:0081-3-3351-0771 Fax:0081-3-3351-2344社长:华井满资本金:9600万日元从业人数:50人设立:1968年9月业务内容:原料羽毛,进出口食品原料及健康食品(株)亚细亚交易AJAKOEKICO,LTD地址:大分县别府市原町18-2418-24,HARA-MACHI,BEPPU,OITATel:0081-977-21-0888 Fax:0081-977-21-2048 E-mail:tukasaki@mocha.ocn.ne.jp社长:圜田展久资本金:2000万日元从业人数:3人设立:1972年5月业务内容:进口竹制品制药(株)ASGENPHARMACEUTICAL CO,LTDhttp/www.asgen.cojp地址:爱知县名古屋市东区泉2-28-22-28-2,IZUML,HLGASHI-KU,NAGOYATel:0081-52-9031-1212 Fax:0081-52-931-1331E-mail:asgen@asgen.co.jp社长:水墅昌树资本金:1000万日元从业人数:60人设立:1968年1月业务内容:中药材,中成药,化工医药品,食品原料(株)甘栗太郎AMAGURITARO CO,LTD地址:东京都千代田区神田松永町1111,MATSUNAGACHO,KANDA,CHIYODA-KU,TOKYO Tel:0081-3-3251-9021 Fax:0081-3-3251-9280社长:田中康则资本金:1280万日元从业人数:130人设立:1956年11月业务内容:天津甘栗(株)新井清太郎商店SEITARO ARAICO,LTD地址:神奈川县横浜市中区尾上町1-81-8,ONOE-CHO-NAKA-KU,YOKOHANATel:0081-45-681-6729 Fax:0081-45-662-2357社长:新井光世资本金:2000万日元从业人数:100人设立:1888年4月业务内容:香辛料,辣椒干,脱水蔬菜,植物生产品,柳腾制品,轻工品。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告常州奈斯精密机械有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:常州奈斯精密机械有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分常州奈斯精密机械有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:金属工具制造;机床功能部件及附件制造;五1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告金华奈丝新材料有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:金华奈丝新材料有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分金华奈丝新材料有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:合成纤维销售;针纺织品销售;服装辅料销售1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

J.R. Clancy 火灾安全帷幕系统说明书

J.R. Clancy 火灾安全帷幕系统说明书
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Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
7041 Interstate Island Road Q Syracuse, New York USA 13209-9713
Traction Drive Hoist 016-2TW
Traction Drive Hoist
• Used to motorize counterweighted straight lift fire curtains.
• V-grooves in the head block drive the lift line cables to open and close the curtain during normal operation.
Please provide section and elevation drawings of the proscenium wall area when requesting a quotation.
Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
• Brail or Straight Lift styles, to suit your stage architecture.
• Manual or Motorized – all curtains close automatically when activated, non-emergency operations can be motorized for convenience or code compliance.












可是他也母亲旁边的人女儿母亲女儿女 儿 怎么样,叫到车子了吗?佛莱第 没有车子,简直就叫不到。

母 亲 佛莱第,一定有的。





(在这位太太的右边 说什么也得十一点半才叫得到车子,太太,它们得把散场的一批客人送到家再转回来才行哩。





办法,他在戏院门口就女 儿 你真气人。

你要我们自己去叫车子吗?个旁边的人母亲佛莱第女儿佛莱第女儿母亲佛莱第女儿佛莱第 车子都给人坐去了。











ZEISS VISULENS 500 用户指南说明书

ZEISS VISULENS 500 用户指南说明书

How do I get my VISULENS 500 to measure on the side of the spectacles that I choose?ZEISS Quick Help: VISULENS® 500You can easily adjust the parameters on your VISULENS 500.This can be done by changing the settings in the Device Menu on the instrument Home Screen.• P ress the ON icon from the Home Screen (Figure 1).• E nsure the following settings are selected on the product interface Menu Screen.– PD mode is set to OFF (Figure 2).– Side allocation is set to Auto R/L or Auto L/R.The default setting for the instrument will always start with the right side for the first reading and will then switch to the left side when another lens is placed below the sensor. Note: This setting is recommended for customers who are not measuring single lenses.Measuring Single LensesIf you wish to measure single lenses, follow the steps below:• C lick the ON icon from the Home Screen.• E nsure the following settings are selected on the product interface Menu Screen.– PD mode is set to OFF.– Side allocation is set to Auto S/R/L (Figure 3).Figure 1SER.8452PrintedintheUSACZ-I/MMXVIIThecontentsofthisreferenceguidemaydifferfromthecurrentstatusoftheproductinyourcountry.Pleasecontactyourregionalrepresentativeformoreinformation.Subjecttochangeindesignandscopeofdeliveryandasaresultofongoingtechnicaldevelopment.VISULENSiseitheratrademarkorregisteredtrademarkofCarlZeissMeditec,Inc.intheUnitedStatesand/orothercountries.©217CarlZeissMeditec,Inc.Allcopyrightsreserved. Refer to the VISULENS 500 user manual Instructions for Use for safe and effective operation of the instrument.Figure 2Figure 3Carl Zeiss Meditec AGGoeschwitzer Strasse 51–5207745 JenaGermany/medCarl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.5160 Hacienda DriveDublin, CA 94568USA/med。

Philips Sonicare 保洁电动牙刷说明书

Philips Sonicare 保洁电动牙刷说明书

Sonic electric toothbrush ProtectiveClean 4500Built-in pressure sensor 2 cleaning modesHX6820/60Healthier gums. Gently does it. Improve gum health up to 100% more than a manual. Feel the difference of a gentle clean with our Pressure Sensor while improving your gum health up to 100% more vs. a manual toothbrush.Proven to improve oral healthSafe & gentle on sensitive areas, orthodontics & dental workImproves gum health by up to 100%*Optimize your brushingClean and gum care modeInnovative technologyConnects smart brush handle and smart brush headsLets you know if you’re pressing too hardPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technologyDesigned around youAlways know when to replace your brush headsEncouragement to brush thoroughlyMakes traveling easier for youHighlightsImproves gum healthDensely-packed, high-quality bristles give you an extra gentle brushing to remove plaquealong the gumline to improve gum health up to 100% more than a manual toothbrush. And, the specially curved power tip makes reaching the teeth at the back of your mouth a breeze.Clean and gum care modeWhether you want to focus on removing plaque or on getting your gums healthy and keeping them that way, this brush has a mode for you:Clean mode delivers superior cleaning, while Gum Care mode adds an extra minute of reduced-power brushing, so you can gently massage your gums.Safe and gentleYou can be sure of a safe brushing experience:our sonic technology is suitable for use with braces, fillings, crowns, and veneers, and helps prevent cavities and improve gum health.The only true sonic technologyPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technology pulses water between teeth, and its brushstrokes break up plaque and sweep it away for an exceptional daily clean.Monitor your brushing pressure Brushing too hard can damage your teeth and gums. To prevent this, your Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean emits a gentle pulsing sound to remind you to ease off on the pressure.BrushSync technologyA microchip-enabled technology that detects and synchronizes the smart brush head with the smart handle. The smart handle and smart brush head pair is a powerful combination that enables Smart replacement reminders.BrushSync replacement reminderAll brush heads wear out over time. But our BrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for, and how hard you've been brushing. When it's time toreplace it, a light on your handle and a short beep will let you know. That way, you can be sure your brush head is doing a good job.Helpful timersOur QuadPacer lets you know when you've spent just the right amount of time cleaning each part of your mouth, while our Smartimer tells you when you've brushed for therecommended two minutes.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.SpecificationsModesClean: For exceptional everyday clean Gum Care: Gently massages gumsItems includedHandle: 1 ProtectiveCleanBrush heads: 1 G2 Optimal Gum Care Travel case: 1Charger: 1Design and finishingColor: Black GrayCleaning performanceSpeed: Up to 62000 brush movement/min Health benefits: Helps improve gum health, Helps reduce cavities Pressure feedback: Vibrates handle to alertuserTimer: Quadpacer and SmarTimerSmart sensor technologyPressure sensor: Alerts when brushing toohardBrushSync Replacement Reminder: Alwaysknow when to, replace brush headsEase of useHandle compatibility: Easy click-on brushheadsReplacement reminder: To always ensure bestresults, reminder icon lights upBattery indicator: Light shows battery statusHandle: Slim ergonomic designBrushing time: Up to 2 weeksT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): Up to 2 weeksPowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* Removes up to 7x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑06‑10 Version: 8.1.1EAN: 00 07502 00761 20 。








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无敌并一击必杀: whosyourdaddy
无限能量: thereisnospoon
任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: strengthandhonor
地图全开: iseedeadpeople
立即胜利: allyourbasearebelongtous
立即失败: somebodysetusupthebomb
禁止任务默认的胜利条件: itvexesme
加黄金: keysersoze 5000 (如果未指定数量默认增加500)
加木材: leafittome [木材数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 加黄金和木材:greedisgood数量默认增加500)
快速建造: warpten
无人口上限: pointbreak
快速研究技能: whoisjohngalt
快速升级: sharpandshiny
解除科技树限制: synergy
将时间直接设定到白昼: riseandshine
将时间直接设定到夜晚: lightsout
设定具体时间: daylightsavings [小时数]
让时间永远停留在白昼: daylightsavings
等级选择: motherland [种族] [等级]
Fast death(?): iocainepowder
Cool down时间为0。


motherland (race) (level) 选关
RiseAndShine : 黎明
LightsOut : 黄昏
hoIsJohnGalt : 搜索。
