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欢迎来到:welcome to + 地点来自: be from \ come from

再试一次: try again ( try三单→ tries) 讲英文: speak English

互相讲英语: speak English to each other 互相帮助: help each other

看起来一样: look the same 看起来不一样: look different

有相同的相貌: have the same look有不用的相貌:have different looks 看起来像: look like... (What does your mother look like? --She is tall with long red hair.)

看起来很快乐\强壮\帅气\漂亮\ 可爱: look happy \ strong \ cool \ nice \ cute

看着....: Look at sth. \ sb. 把某物给某人:give sth. to sb. 给某人某物: give sb. sth. 把某物展示给某人: show sth. to sb. 给某人展示某物:show sb. sth.

买某物给某人: buy sth. for sb. 买给某人某物: buy sb. sth.

为某人煮饭: cook for sb. 为某人提水: get some water for sb. 对...非常了解: know a lot about sb. \ sth. 对.....不了解: know little about sb. \ sth. 住在... : live in +地点和......一起住: live with sb.

对.....非常喜欢: like ....very much对.....一点点喜欢: like ... a little 对....根本不喜欢: not...at all ( Jane doesn’t like vegetables at all. )

试穿它\它们: try it \ them on( try三单→tries)

朗读英语: read English看关于英语的书: read books about English

和...玩: play with sb. \ sth. 教英语: teach English( teach三单→ teaches)

吴老师教我们学英语。Miss teaches us English . = Miss Wu helps us with our English .

开公交车\ 小车: drive a bus \ car drive[draɪv] 驾驶v. driver [ˈdraɪvə(r)] 驾驶员n.请随便吃点...: help yourself \ yourselves to sth.吃早餐\午餐\晚餐: have breakfast \ lunch \ dinner 早餐\午餐\晚餐吃....: have .... for breakfast \ lunch \ dinner

下馆子: eat out外出: go out 随身携带: take sth. with sb. 考虑关于: think about...

认为: think of (What do you think of...? = How do you like...?

购物: do some shopping ( do三单→ does) 去购物: go shopping

钓鱼: do some fishing 去钓鱼: go fishing

野餐: have \ has a picnic 去野餐: go for a picnic

去上学: go to school 回家:go home 去动物园: go to the zoo 去睡觉: go to bed [bed] 起床: get up 上课: have classes 上英语课:have an English class

唱歌: sing a song \ sing some songs 放风筝: fly a kite \ fly kites (fly 三单→flies)

提水: get some water给某人打电话: call sb. ( call me \ him \ her )

给某人回电话: call sb. back (call me \ him \ her back) 请某人接电话: speak to sb.

没时间: have \ has no time做作业: do one’s homework (do the \ my \ her \ his homework) 观看动物: see the animals在家会见朋友:meet friends at home看望爷爷奶奶: visit grandparents


英文名字: English name全名: full name 姓: family name 名: given [ˈgɪvn] name 电话号码: telephone number ....岁: ....year(s) old

七年级四班: Class Four , Grade Seven八年六班: Class Six, Grade Eight

好朋友: good friend(s) 身份证号码: ID number

在相同的班级: in the same class 在不同的年级: different grades

中学: a junior high school 第一中学: No. 1 Junior High School

大眼睛: big eyes 一个大嘴巴: a wide mouth 一个圆圆的脸: a round face
