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⼀、True or F al se (10*1’=10’)
1. Trad e i s a zero-su m activi t y; i f one country gain s, the oth er must lose.
2. A nation maxi mi zes satisfaction b y reachin g th e highest possibl e indi fference curve, and in
the absence o f t rad e will p roduce where it s productio n possibili ties sch edule is tangent to an indifference curve.
3. Th e factor endo wment s mod el predict s th at int ernational trad e will t end to equali ze the
prices o f trade-abl e good s amon g nations, but to in crease the wage gap b et ween
capit al-abundant and labo r-abundant nations.
4. A tax o f 10 percent on i mport s o f sho es would be an exampl e o f a sp eci fi c tari ff.
5. An i mport quot a wi ll not rai se the do mesti c pri ce o f the produ ct as would a t ari ff, becau se
it is not a t ax on i mport s.
6. In bal anc e-o f-payment s account, a t ran saction resultin g in receipt o f a p ayment is recorded
as a credit, wh ereas a tran saction resul ting in a p ayment to other n ations is recorded as a
7. Becau se they do not in clude an exchan ge o f goods or servi ces, unil at er al transfers do not
appear on a n ation's b al ance o f payment s account.
8. David Hu me was one of th e fi rst econo mi sts to provide an al yti cal support fo r mercan tili st
trad e polici es.
9. A nat ion would be mo st li kel y to find it s trad e balan ce i mp rovin g aft er a curren cy
depreci ation i f th at nation’s d emand fo r i mport s and forei gn d emand fo r i ts expo rts was ver y inelasti c.
10. A nation with n eith er a bal ance o f p ayment s surplus nor a bal ance o f p ayments defici t i s said
to be in int ernal bal ance.
⼆、choi ces(15*3’=45’)
1. The law o f co mp arati ve advant age
a). was rati fied b y th e Wo rld Trad e Organization
b). explains ho w all countries can ben efit when each specializes in producin g it ems in wh ich i t has
the great est relati ve effi ci ency
c). explain s ho w onl y the mo st effi ci ent nations can benefi t fro m trade
d). is used to evalu at e a country’s mi lit ary stren gth
2. The theory o f absolut e advant age was developed b y
a. the Mercantili sts
b. David Hu me
c. Ad am S mith
d. David Ricardo
3. David Ricardo developed the pr inciple o f co mparative advantage sho win g th at
a. a nation must b e th e least-cost produ cer o f a good in order to export th at it em
b. no nation could have an absolut e ad vantage in all goods
c. in a t wo-country exampl e, onl y one nation can have a co mp arati v e ad vantage
d. even a nat ion that has lower producti vit y in all goo ds can ben efi t b y export ing the it em in which it is rel ati vel y l ess inefficient
4. An indi fferen ce curve
a. sho ws th at most p eople reall y are indifferent abou t intern ational trade
b. sho ws th e demand preferences o f con su mers
c. refl ects th e rel ati ve co sts o f product ion within a n ation
d. indicat es ho w mu ch l ab or a country h as
5. To maxi mize it s sati sfaction, a nation will ensure that it s t erms-o f-trad e lin e
a. is tan gent to its produ ct ion possibiliti es fronti er at one point (production po int) and also to th e highest att ainabl e indi fference cu rve at another poin t (consu mption point)
b. is t angent to it s product ion possibilit ies fronti er and intersects an indi fferen ce curve
c. int ersects its p roduction possibili ties frontier and is t angent to an indi fferen ce curve
d. intersect s it s productio n possibilit ies fronti er at one point and an indi fference curve at another point
6. Facto r-p rice equali zatio n predicts th at with int ern ational trad e
a. the price o f a n ation’s abundant factor will rise an d that o f it s scarce factor will fall
b. the pri ce o f a n ation’s abundant factor will fall an d that o f it s scarce factor will rise
c. the prices o f a nation’s abundant and scarce factors both will rise
d. the pri ces o f a nat ion’s abundant and scarce factors both will fall
7. The effecti ve rat e o f p rotect ion
a. distingui shes bet ween t ari ffs th at are effecti ve an d those th at are ineffecti ve
b. is the mini mu m level at which a t ari ff b eco mes effecti v e in li mitin g i mports
c. sho ws th e increase in value-added for do mestic production that a parti cular tari ff st ructure makes po ssibl e, in p ercent age t erms
d. sho ws ho w effecti ve a t ari ff is in rai sin g revenu e
8. The institut ional frame wo rk developed in 1947 to pro mote trade lib erali zati on is kno wn as
a. the GATT
b. the WTO
c. the IMF
d. The World Ban k
9. Developing n ations
a. have very li mited invol vement in int ern ational trade
b. trad e mo stl y with each other
c. rel y heavil y on export s of pri mary pr oducts to ind ustri al nations
d. rel y h eavil y on exports of manu factured product s
10. A custo ms union i s uni que in that it
a. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ations
b. has no t ari ffs on trade among memb er n ations and a co mmon set o f t ari ffs on i mpo rt s fro m
c. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ations, a co mmon set o f tari ffs on i mports fro m
non-members, and free mo bilit y o f factors o f product ion such as labor and capit al amon g members
d. allo ws unrest ricted l abo r i mmi gration fro m non-memb er n ations
11. A n ation's b al ance o f p ayments st at ement
a. is a record o f th at n atio n's assets abro ad and it s li abiliti es to those fro m oth er nations
b. is an accounting adjust ment pro cess en surin g that a nation's exports will be equal to its i mpor ts
c. does not includ e transactions o f forei gn citi zen s o r co mp ani es l iving o r operatin g wi thin that
nation d. i s a record of th e econo mic t ran sactio ns bet ween resid ents o f th at nation and the rest o f th e world, usual l y for a p eriod o f one year.
12. Since b alan ce-o f-p ayments accountin g is a doubl e-entry accounting syst em, an export o f U.S.
wh eat to M exico p aid for b y a d eposit to the U.S. exporters account in a M exican ban k would b e recorded on the U.S. b al ance o f payment s as
a. a credit fo r merch andi se exports and a credit to sh ort-term finan ci al flo ws
b. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to sh ort-term finan ci al flo ws.
c. a credit fo r merch andise exports and a d ebit to uni lat eral transfers
d. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to o ffi ci al set tlements
13. The fo rei gn-exchan ge market
a. is locat ed in New York
b. is a market in Chi cago for the int ern ational trading o f co mmoditi es such as wh eat or copper.
c. is a mechani sm fo r individual s and insti tutions to exch ange one nation al or regional cu rren cy o r
debt inst ru ment for those of oth er n ations or region s.
d. is open fro m 9:00 a.m. t o 3:00 p.m. New Yo rk ti me, Monday throu gh Frid ay.
14. Market fund ament als t hat mi ght be exp ected to i nflu ence exchan ge rat e mo vements in clude all o f
the follo wing factors except
a. di fferences in real in co me gro wth rat es b et ween countries
b. differences in real interest rates bet ween countries
c. sp ecul ati ve opinion abo ut futu re exch ange rat es
d. chan ges in p ercei ved profit abili t y o f econo mi c in ve st ment s b et ween t wo countries
15. If in fl ation is high er i n Mexico th an in the Unit ed States, th e law o f on e price would predict that
a. t rad e bet ween M exi co and th e Unit ed States would declin e
b. the dollar pri ce o f au tos purchased in Mexi co would be hi gher th an the dollar pri ce of
co mp arable autos purchased in the Unit ed States
c. the p eso would appreci ate relati ve to th e dollar b y an amount equal in p ercen tage t erms to the
difference bet ween th e t wo infl ation rat es
d. the peso would depreci ate rel at ive to the dollar b y an amount equal in percen tage t erms to the
difference bet ween th e t wo infl ation rat es
三、Questi ons(45’, answer these questi ons i n Chi nese)
1. Assu me that l abor i s th e onl y factor used in production, and that the cost s o f producing b utt er and cloth are gi ven b y the t abl e belo w.(8’)
Cost in labor-hours to produce Home Foreign
1 unit of butter 1/8 1
1 unit of cloth 1/4 1/2
(1) Express the pri ce o f bu tter rel ati ve to th e pri ce o f cloth in t erms o f l abor content for Ho me and Forei gn in the ab sen ce o f t rade.
(2) Wh at do these relati ve prices reveal about each country’s co mparati ve advantage?
(3) Wh at do these rel ati ve prices su ggest about the wo rld pri ce o f butt er rel at ive to cloth th at wi ll exist on ce these countri es trad e wi th each oth er?
(4) If the world price st abilizes at 1 wi th trad e, what are the gain s b y the Ho me country achieved through trade with th e Forei gn country?
2. Expl ain th e i mmi seri zi ng gro wth and li st the case for i mmiserizin g gro wth to be occur. (8’)
3. Expl ain the ex chan ge rate o vershootin g theory (8’)
4. Suppose that the no min al interest rate on 3-month Treasury bill s is 8 percent in the United Stat es
and 6 percent in th e Unit ed Kingdo m, and the rat e o f infl ation i s 10 percent in the Unit ed Stat es and 4 percent in th e Unit ed Kingdo m.(9’)
(1) Wh at i s the real interest rat e in each nation?
(2) In whi ch direction wou ld intern ational invest men t flo w in response to these real int erest rates?
(3) Wh at i mpact would these in vest ment flo ws h ave on the dollar’s exch ange value?
5. Wh at effects do es labor mi gration have on th e country o f i mmi gration? Th e country o f emi gration?
Th e world as a whole?(12’)
⼀、判断题(每题1分,共10分)╳√ ╳╳╳√ ╳╳╳╳
⼆、选择题(每题3分,共45分)bcdba acacb dbccd
1、(1) 封闭条件下,本国可以⽤⼀半的⽣产⼀单位布的劳动时间⽣产⼀单位黄油。