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A. It dorsn 11 matter.
B. Not 1 can't.
C. Surct why do you need it? 5. 一I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.
A. We should also find what the customers keep in their minds-
B. So be careful with our job.
C. WclL Mike isn f f a fool. he won 1: do thnt again.
二、阅汇与结构(共计30分,每小JB 2分)
6—20 B :ffi )读下面的句子,从A 、B.C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答 案序号写在答IE 纸上。

6. You won't choose this brand namj
A. wtll you
B< won't you
C ・ don'i you
7. There WHK
in the meeting room n 、 the gcncrnl munogcr predicted the compuny 1* niilcB iurgrh
A. silence
C. silently
8. rd like to know whnt time wc enn 帝 the contninrr it IH in the parh 国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语1》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:3897)
1一5 Jffi :选择正确的语句完成下面对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。

L — Could you give me an example of good tcamwarking there?
A- Sorry. 1 can see from yaur resume.
B- Surc> I was the treasurer of the Students 1 Union.
C ・ Not at all. 1 was in charge of saleji for Corporate Pan-Asia-
2. - Thr senior managers need the results from Iasi month straight way ,so I can't stop to talk. P ve got to
A. Stay longer.
C. Ck ・ see you laten
3. Hello* I'm Susan. Nice to meet you.
B. Nice to meet you. too<
C. How are you?
Sally • could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.
B. Go sluwly. A- Are you?
% 1 have finished _________ your project plnn.
A. read B- to read
C. rrAding
l()> Price* niuy chnngc quickly if supply or dcmnnd _________ 一•
A. changes B- change
C. will chnngc
11. The re exAtninntian rr»ult!» indiente that onr-third of the good^ arc not ___________________ sundiirci.
A・ up to within
C on
12. The ten doy dtspUy and JHI I C_________ finished tomorrow.
A. i»
B. would be
Q will be
I3a ril __ ____ the rcmittoncc (or you in our rccor<h>
A. check in Vk check out
C. check up
14. _______ i. very important thnT you don't make any mi?<tnkc^ when you calculntc
those figures
A. That
C. Wh/it
15a But fhr chnrKc will be and it aho Town down delivery^
At more vjilunble B. cheaper
(*. highrr
16. Aftvr thin, we have to pout ___________ iettern.
At A set of B. n lov
I7> At iinivcrMfy I __________ never _________ my osMRnmentN in late.
A. huvc^dinnd
B. hovc*w< handed
(?• handed
I土When a compnny necdai io HCM |jcoplr f ii rnny advcrtiMt the job in n
nrwhpoper <n on ■ wHElc
A. employ
B. retain
('• use
19. We'll let you know when we ____________ u decision.
At take B> give
C> EAke
20. - ____ your check in received within a week we shall have no altcrnnttvr.
A. Unless As
三■阅读理解(共40分.督小JE 4分)
Passage I
Accounting is More 1 han Numbers
Accounting could date back to nbuut 7.000 years ago. People of thnt time relied on old accounting mcthoch to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting Ms greiitly developed with the growth of joint-stock companies.
When you think of Accountings you may find of table* nnd numbers. Thai imuRr (loe»n*• usually K»vt you loo much cxciTrmcnt When you have your own business t thought ihg numbers come to inran the world to you bccnwsv they Rive you the record of how much money you1 vr earned or Igh
Actunlly• nccountinn IM not simply ubout strAngc dolbir timountA or boring numbers) they're your nalrn Sure, your co5t»t nnd your profits In other war(U t nccnuntinft is a hngungc of bu^incKH. Once you know how to wotk with ihone numbenif hew to rend fhonr THirnbtr5 nnd how to read the story ihry rcIL yon will be Able to your huMinrMft
toward grcutrr
2L Accouniing could date back to nbout ________ ___ years ago.
A.7.000 R 6,000
G 5.000:
22. I^ople in the old dnya rrlird on old accounting methods to record _______________ •
A. how much money they had
K the mnnnKcmrnt of their businesA
(二the growth of crops and herds
23. Accounting hx伟grrwtly changed with the development o( ___________ .
A. crop# nnd hrrda K joint stock compnnicA
C・ internrf cnmpAmeA
24. Accounting is very important in your business because it show,
A. how much money you1 ve earned or lost
K pwz full of rubles and nunthers
C. Mrnngr dollor Amounts or boring numbers
25> Accurding to thr writer, accounting is ___________ _ .
A. o language al business
K your sales figurcst your cost«r and your profits
C» Both A and B

PaMia对 2
It \ clrnr that jiuccvhs and (nilurr nrc important mnd corntnon lopict. Every business lun H5 up5 and down., ntid so docn every person. In other word%. we succeed and Nornrtimr^ we full. Another common wny of ihi» in M You win nomc nnd you lose norne. M Nuhcdy WHIM nil the timre not even in the Krtnt succrR» xtones th«i we rend or hear /ibouL
Think of a ^uccrAnful cntrrpruneun Now. do you think thnt person achieved «rrnt nuccess on hh fir5t nucnipt? In 99% of cases, the onAwer is no. Every auccensful buMncAfiprrnon Icurnrd through fmlure- Now have « look at your fnvorite businew newn iitCa You f ll NCC that aimonr every xtory enn be pul into cither the rntegory of Hucccna nr that of failure Bu»me»aei cither grow or shrink but they don't remain the same
36. Every person hn> his or her upa Rnd down«>
Z7 A common w w You win some nnd you lose sornc M mcann that Mometinw^ we succeed nnd nornetimm wr IniL
2R« Evrry *uccrs$fnl bu^inejiiinicn Hchicvrd Krent on Ihrir lirMt try.
29. SucrrMnlul bu?<inc5!imrn learn through failure.
JQ? BuAinttimea either ah rink or remain the aamc.
31. In order io br etnployrcU you need to make a very good tirni impression.
A・为了[ft,你需要做出•个良好的Jfi —印象.
32. Organixinx and operntinR the l)Ank hns tMUght the children a lot about the bankinu
c. ttrff]把所学的根行知也应用在管理
33. Lri * h K<*< Hown to buhinedfL
A. it我们坐下来谀买#吧!
B. 我们一起微生意吧I
34. I'd like ro know whether a rrmittnnre uf hlty thous/ind dollnrei from New Yatk h«3
C. 我fM从tft的”出的■氧S万美金的/款是否巳性到胀,
35. Modern lagiMtiCH in anr of th<} numt rxciting job% in the world.
A.此代物流是巾界I Ift激动人心的工作.
一,交际用m (共计io分,每小宣2分)
I. B 2.C 3.H 4. C 5.C
二,切正与馅构(共甘30分.每小H 2分)
6-20 «:««下面的句于.从A,B.C三个地项中选出一个能填入空白处的正琥逸H ,并持答案序号耳在答
6. A
7. A 8・ B 9. C 10. A
II. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. C
16.C 17. B 18. A 19.C 20. A
21 —25购:阐读下列Ml文,从A.B.CS个选项中逸出一个正确答案.并将答JK序号写在答JB
21. A 22. C23. 24. A 25. C
26. T 27. T 2&F 29. T 30. F
3hC 32. B 33. C 34.C 35. B。
