





以下是Flash功能的一些主要特点:1. 动画制作:Flash提供了丰富的绘图工具和时间轴功能,可以轻松制作各种生动有趣的动画效果。


2. 支持矢量图形:Flash以矢量图形作为基本单位,这意味着使用Flash制作的图像可以无损放大和缩小,并且不失真。


3. 多媒体支持:Flash不仅可以制作静态图形和动画,还可以集成音频、视频等多媒体内容。


4. 交互式设计:Flash支持脚本编程,用户可以使用ActionScript编写交互式设计和用户界面效果。


5. 跨平台支持:Flash可以在不同平台和操作系统上运行,包括Windows、Mac、Linux等。


6. 网络传输优化:Flash可以将图像、动画等内容以压缩格式进行传输,并可以进行流媒体播放。


7. 数据交互功能:Flash支持与服务器端进行数据交互,可以通过网络请求获取和发送数据。






✓ cached vector graphics.
▪ Improve text readability and scrolling
✓ optimized text rendering routines.
Enhanced security
▪ security sandboxes for applications, content, data, and URLs.
▪ Blur, DropShadow, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel, Displacement Map, Convolution, and Color Matrix.
▪ 8-bit video alpha channels. ▪ blend modes, radial gradient, and stroke
DHTML, and Ajax applБайду номын сангаасcations through the External API. ▪ Asynchronous communication model ▪ Flash Player is based on an asynchronous client-server communication model, enabling rapid client interactivity without web page refresh
Enhanced expressiveness
▪ advanced compression technology – for low-bandwidth, high-quality video.
▪ Create pixel-perfect text using the advanced text rendering engine.



flash的发展历程Flash是一种由Adobe Systems开发的跨平台多媒体和软件平台。


以下是Flash的发展历程:1995年,FutureWave Software发布了FutureSplash Animator,这是Flash的前身。


1996年,Macromedia公司收购了FutureWave Software,并改名为Macromedia Flash 1.0。


1998年,Macromedia Flash 3发布,引入了影片剪辑和动画脚本功能。


2000年,Macromedia Flash 5发布,推出了ActionScript语言的第一个版本。


2002年,Macromedia Flash MX发布,引入了更多的媒体集成功能,如视频编码和音频流。

2005年,Macromedia被Adobe Systems收购,Macromedia Flash变成Adobe Flash。

2008年,Adobe Flash CS4发布,引入了3D旋转和形状变形等新功能。


2010年,Adobe Flash Player 10.1发布,加强了移动设备的支持并提高了性能。

2011年,Adobe宣布将停止开发移动设备上的Flash Player,将重点放在HTML5技术上。

2015年,Adobe Flash Professional CC更名为Adobe Animate CC,并加强了HTML5的支持。

2017年,Adobe宣布将在2020年末停止支持Flash Player。

Adobe Flash Player网络播放器

Adobe Flash Player网络播放器

Adobe Flash Player编辑Adobe Flash Player是一种广泛使用的、专有的多媒体程序播放器。

它最初由Macromedia编写,在Macromedia 被Adobe收购后由Adobe继续开发并分发。

Adobe Flash Player 最初设计目的为播放2维向量动画,但至此之后成为适合开发创造丰富型互联网应用程序、流视频音频的工具。

Flash Player使用向量图形的技术来最小化文件的大小以及创造节省网络带宽和下载时间的文件。

因此Flash 成为嵌入网页中的小游戏、动画以及图形用户界面常用的格式。

目录1使用技巧2支持类型▪语言▪操作系统3新增功能4历史版本5常见问题6手机版本1使用技巧编辑Adobe Flash Player 是一款高级客户端运行时使用的播放器。


现在,超过13多亿台的连接Internet 的桌面计算机和移动设备上都安装了Adobe Flash Player ,它使公司和个人能够构建并带给最终用户美妙的数字体验。

使您能够在将交互式、丰富内容与视频、图形和动画组合到一起的Web 上享受最富表现力的、引人入胜的体验。

在2005 年9 月,Macromedia 引入了Flash Player 8,它提供革命性的新表现力和呈现性能,包括位图效果、滤镜、alpha 视频和一个用于Flash 视频的新的视频编解码器。

我们扩展了运行时的功能以改进与外部API 之间的Flash 至浏览器通信。


所有这些新功能都导致Flash 8 内容在Internet 上快速衍生,推动了Flash Player 在其历史中最快速的采用。

在2006 年由NPD Group Research (一个独立的研究公司) 所进行的一项研究*表明,Flash Player 8 在其发布后仅六个月就达到69% 的渗透率。

Adobe Flash CS5 动画设计与制作技能基础教程

Adobe Flash CS5 动画设计与制作技能基础教程

这是《Adobe Flash CS5 动画设计与制作技能基础教程》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的心得。
这是《Adobe Flash CS5 动画设计与制作技能基础教程》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的精彩内容摘录。
3 9.8综合案
例——制作台 历
4 9.9经典商业
10.1测试影片的两 种环境
10.3发布及预览影 片
10.4综合案例—— 手机广告
10.5经典商 业案例赏析
10.6课后练 习
这是《Adobe Flash CS5 动画设计与制作技能基础教程》的读书笔记模板,暂无该书作者的介绍。
3 6.3传统补间
6.7综合案例——制 作卡通小短片
6.8经典商业案例赏 析
7.1 ActionScript 基本常识
7.2 ActionScript 程序基础
7.4 ActionScript 语法基础
2.6综合案例——绘 制居室
2.7经典商业案例赏 析
3.1 Flash的 1

5 3.5综合案
例——烟花绽 放
3.6经典商业 案例赏析
4.1元件的定义和 类型

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 简介(十分钟做一个自己的动画)

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 简介(十分钟做一个自己的动画)

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 是一个创作工具,设计人员和开发人员可使用它创建出演示文稿、应用程序以及支持用户交互的其他内容。

Flash 项目可以包含简单的动画、视频内容、复杂的演示文稿、应用程序以及介于这些对象之间的任何事物。

总而言之,使用Flash Professional 制作出的个体内容就称为应用程序(或SWF 应用程序),尽管它们可能只是基本的动画。


SWF 格式十分适合通过Internet 交付,因为它的文件很小。




创建FLA 文件并添加图形要在Flash Professional CS5 中构建应用程序,您使用绘制工具创建矢量图形并设计元素,然后将音频、视频和图像等其他媒体元素导入文档中。


在Flash Professional 中创作内容时,您使用称为FLA 文件的文档。

FLA 文件的文件扩展名为.fla (FLA)。

查看FLA 文件时,您会发现Flash CS4 Professional 用户界面(请参阅图1)分为五个主要部分:您的图形、视频、按钮等在回放过程中显示在舞台中。







图1.Flash Professional CS5 用户界面分为五个主要部分(单击可放大)ActionScript 代码允许您为文档中的媒体元素添加交互性。



【软件Flash】经过多年的蓬勃发展,Flash相关的专业软件不仅有Adobe Flash这样的江湖高手,也出现了一批更加细分功能的奇侠隐士,其中不乏有中国本土的Flash软件设计者-硕思软件。

1. Flash是美国Macromedia公司所设计的一种二维动画软件。

通常包括Macromedia Flash,用于设计和编辑Flash文档,以及Macromedia Flash Player,用于播放Flash文档。

现在,Flash已经被Adobe公司购买,最新版本为:Adobe Flash CS4adobeadobe特性被大量应用于互联网网页的矢量动画文件格式。

使用向量运算﹙Vector Graphics﹚的方式,产生出来的影片占用存储空间较小。

使用Flash创作出的影片有自己的特殊档案格式﹙swf﹚该公司声称全世界97%的网络浏览器都内建Flash播放器﹙Flash Player﹚是Macromedia提出的“富因特网应用”(RIA)概念的实现平台2. 闪客精灵是由中国本土软件公司-硕思软件推出的,专门用来解析SWF文件,并将SWF还原为F LA的专业Flash全面解析工具。





转换后的FLA能够在adobe flash中打开。

完全兼容Flash cs3,包括Flash组件、9切片的转换和文字反锯齿参数等。


当用户在IE浏览器或Fir efox浏览器中浏览网页的同时,可以使用它来捕捉Flah动画并保存到本机。



adobe flash 运行时发展蓝图(Adobe Flash 运行时发展蓝图)Adobe Flash runtime development blueprintThis document gives a brief overview of the Adobe Flash runtime and its development blueprint. The main goal is to provide guidance for you to gain insight into Adobe's current perspectives and plans for the core Flash capabilities contained in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR for the next one to two years.Note: this document is based on the date of publication, and the information contained in it may change. The longer the duration of the discussion, the more difficult it is to determine the specific route of the blueprint. If there are major changes in the plan discussed in this white paper, we will also update the document accordingly. Users can always query the latest version of this document at the following URL: /go/flashplayer_roadmap.abstractNo matter in the past ten years and recently, Flash Player and Adobe AIR has played a very important role in the field of Web, has been providing a consistent platform in the deployment of rich content and expressive as cross browser, desktop and device. Flash runtime started as a platform to support animation, and then gradually evolved into a complete multimedia platform, providing other ways can not be achieved Web experience.Looking to the future, Adobe believes that Flash is extremelysuitable for entry into the game and pay video market, and will focus on developing these areas. At the same time, Adobe will also make corresponding adjustments to the language structure and operation, in order to ensure that the Flash is running in place, in order to achieve the most abundant experience of Web in the next ten years, success across mobile devices.Flash runtimeThe Flash runtime refers to the runtime Flash Player and Adobe AIR, are built on a core set of multimedia technology, to provide a uniform platform for content and applications to create and deploy highly expressive, can run the operating system and equipment across all browsers.Flash content is mainly developed using ActionScript 3 language, and can be packaged as SWF files or compiled cost machine formats, including multimedia assets and execution code, and displayed in Flash runtime.Flash runtime coreThe Flash runtime core contains the underlying API and functionality, and each runtime distribution is built on this basis. The main runtime distribution refers to the Flash Player browser plug-in and Adobe AIR, Adobe AIR provides other API and function specific to its own host environment.Unless otherwise specified, this document refers to the functions defined in the kernel Flash runtime, which is applicable to various specific runtime distributions thatcontain this function.The "Flash runtime core" referenced in this document refers to the core Flash functionality that is distributed at runtime.The "Flash runtime" referred to in this document refers to the runtime that is built on the core Flash functionality. These runtime include Flash Player (browser plug-in) and Adobe AIR (stand-alone application).Adobe Flash Player browser plug inAdobe Flash Player is a browser based plug-in built on top of the core Flash functionality that allows you to view applications, content, and videos in an unmatched way across browsers and operating systems.The "Flash Player" and "Flash Player browser plug-in" cited in this document refer to the runtime of the Flash Player browser plug-in.Adobe AIRAdobe AIR is a desktop or mobile devices running on, built on the core Flash functionality, developers can cross the personal computer, operating system and equipment based on the contents of the Flash as a separate desktop and mobile applications to create and deploy.Brief historyFlash Player was released in the late 1990s, which was originally a browser based plug-in for displaying simple graphics and animations based on vectors. Because it provides creative, rich media to display animation on the web,This operation is difficult (or even impossible) to execute directly in the browser) and is rapidly gaining popularity in the animation industry.With the passage of time, Flash Player has added a variety of new features and functions, greatly expanding the player and the operation can be carried out on the network. Some of the functions are as follows:animationVector based graphicsAudio (including MP3)videoMicrophone and camera accessLow-level bitmap operationsSocket based on binaryStrongly typed programming language based on classHardware speeds up 2D and 3D contentWith the gradual addition of new functions, designers and developers can create new types of Web content, which in turn ensures that users can continue to install and use Flash Player. This creates a virtuous circle. The Flash Player provides new features almost free access on Web, so developers can create a lot of new content and expressive, and because the Flash Player is able to access some of the most exciting Web content, so the user will continue to install Flash Player.In 2008, Adobe released a desktop runtime, which included this core Flash runtime function. Its name is Adobe AIR, the runtime for developers and designers will be based on the contents of the Flash as a stand-alone application to create and deploy, initially can only be done on a desktop operating system, and more recently, can be realized on a mobile device.The strategic focus of Flash runtimeWith the browser market competition intensified, browser vendors innovation, launched a new function, so that through the browser technology deployment dynamic graphics rich directly, and this burden is borne mainly by Flash Player. Gradually, people began to deploy a variety of dynamic graphics directly through browsers using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and other modern Web technologies. Although the main role of Flash Player is still Web innovation engine, this has not changed, but its use will be a major change.Adobe is convinced that the Flash runtime is particularly suited to the following two main use cases and plays anirreplaceable role: creating and deploying rich games that contain a large number of console quality graphics, and deploying paid video.This shift does not mean that the existing content is no longer running, nor does it mean that Flash can not be used outside games and paid videos. However, this does mean that when you think about future developments and bug fixes priorities, you'll give priority to games and paid video use cases.GameGames are immersive interactive content, and game users often require first-class richness, consistency, performance, and coverage. Can provide integrated vector and raster graphics and animation, in the entire network, video and audio synchronous dynamic response performance of Flash, which will create a standard platform, not only can play casual games on the Web, can also pull more complicated game.The game continues to break technical barriers, and Flash makes it possible for Adobe to provide new functionality faster than almost any other technology, while maintaining maximum coverage and maximum followers. Flash runtime provides a large number of game platform key advantages and differences in features, including the following aspects:Almost all PC is covered by the Flash Player browser plug-in, while almost all mobile devices are covered by Adobe AIRYou can quickly add new features and provide them to the mostwidely used usersTotal hardware acceleration provides support for 2D and 3D, providing console quality graphicsRich ecosystem of game developersAn object oriented powerful programming languageWorld class creation and development tools, including Adobe Flash Builder, Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe IllustratorAdobe is convinced that Flash is a console for Web, and it lays the foundation for game developers to provide more games and experiences more easily to more users than any other platform. Flash Player browser plug in itself can cover 99% of PCs without hindrance, and does not need to install any additional components (which is 11 times as much as the best-selling hardware console). Adobe AIR allows developers to own game based on Flash package application cost machine procedures, so that seamless coverage of intelligent mobile phone and tablet computer, including Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, Android intelligent mobile phone and tablet computer and Kindle Fire.Adobe shifts its focus to create a powerful gaming business. This includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects:Standard game development programGame serviceFull range of product support allows developers to make full use of their own Flash games C and C++ code and LibraryAuthorized access game development advanced functions and APIThe Flash runtime eliminates barriers that enable game developers to serve as many users as possible, provide dynamic games and realize their currency value. The world's biggest game publishers make billions of dollars a year by investing in Flash based games. Games are often the most experienced and demanding interactive experience. Adobe believes that only through Flash can this rapid innovation and consistency continue to adapt to the development of the game.Advanced functions and APIAdobe announced that since March 28, 2012, the top API in Flash Player has been developed for game developers. To use these advanced functions, developers will need to sign a license agreement with Adobe.Developers who want to use Stage3D and fast memory operating code through domainMemory API have to get Adobe permission to use them. In addition to the use of Stage3D API, there is no restriction on the use of domainMemory API.The advanced function licenses for Stage3D hardware acceleration and fast memory operation code are only applicable to the case where domainMemory and Stage3D API are used together, but not applicable to the following circumstances:Use the operating code /domainMemory API aloneUsing hardware to speed up Stage3D functions aloneAll the usage of Stage3D software render functionAll the uses of these functions, including the combination and use of AIR, are packaged as native applications in FlashIn a word, the combined use of domainMemory API and Stage 3D API will be considered as an advanced function and restricted by license terms.In order to ensure the overall success in the existing content and project development stage, Adobe will be the exemption rights extended to August 1, 2012, before this period published content will be completely free, the user must obtain the license to use advanced features, but does not apply to these terms of business. For more information on advanced functions and terms, please visit /go/fpl.Adobe plans to incorporate the bundle into other API that focuses on game development. The functions included in the plan include the following:In order to realize the function of relying on the content of large assets "instant play" game experience, these assets can use local storage API cache dataCan help content publishers find better brands and usersrequest acquisition technology, if the user wants to create a shortcut to the application on the desktop, taskbar, or start menuIn the original version, only the new runtime API was included in the advanced function column. Since new functions are introduced into Flash Player, these new functions are designated as advanced functions, or they are specified as part of the collection before the final release of the free standard function set,And maybe through a blueprint or pre release during the pre release period.This document will be updated with the upcoming advanced API program and information release.Advanced functional licensingAdvanced functions are encouraged to use and test through pricing, and have the minimum income threshold, the user must reach this threshold licensing fee in order to enter into force. You can get details at the following URL: /go/fpl.Toll videoBy providing high quality, secure and consistent solutions across browsers and operating systems, Adobe Flash achieves explosive growth of online video. Flash can be called "video engine" for online video, because it can provide consistent high-quality codec, streaming media protocol and contentprotection technology. In addition, Flash can providelow-level access to developers, so that they write custom behavior or protocol, otherwise it is impossible to enter only the stack of advanced API.Online video is still in the initial stage of development, Adobe believe that we will see more days after the broadcast and paid content on the network. Where there is a consumer, there is this kind of paid content consumption, which means that the video not only needs to cover the desktop, but also covers tablet computers, mobile phones, smart TV and other video streaming devices. The content must be safe, reliable, quality, attractive, and monetization and analysis.Adobe is convinced that Flash Player will continue to be at the forefront of online video through innovation in key areas. The following innovations are included:Using native format to push Adobe video stream and content protection technology to more platformsSupport the needs of fee content ownersStrengthen collaboration with hardware vendors to provide high cost performance experienceAdobe believes that Flash has some of the basic and unique advantages in the video field:Cross browser, platform and operating system support single and stable player and codecContent protection support (single DRM), and then authorize the payment of video content for network distributionA fully functional, proven, mature solution to provide "mission critical" video platforms for paid content owners, including ad insertion and analysis supportTo maintain client consistency and provide services such as advertising and analysis to drive revenue, Adobe is the only company that can meet the needs of paid content owners. The goal of Adobe is to help pay content owners to promote more content to the network, to maximize the monetary value of such content. Its advanced video solution uses Flash runtime to provide high quality content on a large number of devices that are used by users in a secure manner, and can eliminate a large number of obstacles to achieve this goal. Second, monetization technology of Adobe allows content owners to grab maximum value from their content by dynamically inserting advertisements, enabling analysis, reporting, and subdividing users.Technology development blueprintThis section describes the Flash runtime version and functional development blueprint for the next two years. The document will also be updated as we continue to define and expand this blueprint on the basis of the first two years of the plan reflected in the following article. This information will serve as a guide to guide developers and content providers to understand the overall development direction of the Flash runtime, as well as the specific functions of the currentplanning or thinking.Please note that the blueprint represents the Adobe's current plans and views on the Flash runtime, and the content may change. The details of the release are likely to change with the further development of the future planning version.This document will be updated with the changes of information and plan.Adobe AIRIn the past, Adobe AIR and Flash Player browser plug-ins have been going on, but not the same line of development. In general, Flash API and functionality will be first released through the Flash Player plug-in, and eventually incorporated into the Adobe AIR version.渐渐地, adobe air 和 flash player 浏览器插件版本将会越来越同步, 最终实现同时发布.Adobe air 3 能够通过将本机扩展捆绑至其应用程序来帮助开发人员扩展运行时的 API 平面和功能.这些扩展均以低级语言编写, 并且能够访问并非通过 adobe air 揭示的特性和功能.未来的 adobe air 开发将关注纳入核心 flash 运行时的各项功能.同时也将开发桌面和移动设备特定 API, 它们并非 adobe air 开发工作的主要焦点.无法通过 adobe air 直接获取功能的开发人员应当考虑通过本机可扩展性添加该功能 API API.Flash player 11.2目前的 flash player 版本为 11.2, 关注添加对游戏和视频市场至关重要的功能.本版本包含的其中一些功能如下所示:鼠标锁定支持右键和中间键鼠标单击支持上下文菜单禁用通过 adobe air 为 Apple IOS 和 Android 提供硬件加速图形 / stage 3D 支持支持更多硬件加速视频卡 (自 2008 年 1 月), 以便扩大硬件加速内容的可用性.全新的限制事件 API (当 flash player 限制、暂停或恢复内容时分派事件)PC 上的多线程视频解码管道, 用以提高所有桌面平台上视频的整体性能调试播放器高级功能使用通知; 内容可在该版本播放器中无限制运行Flash player 11.2 中的高级功能下面是 flash player 11.2 高级功能的技术实现摘要:Domainmemory API 使用将不受限制.当在 flash player 内搭配使用 domainmemory debug API 与stage3d 时, 将会显示水印, 通知开发人员他们的 API 使用将受到下一版播放器许可的约束.Flash player "Cyril"在发布 flash player 11.2 之后, Adobe 着手计划发布另一版本, 代号为 "Cyril", 计划将于 2012 年第二季度发布.此版本将关注启用对游戏市场至关重要的特性和功能, 以及满足开发人员提出的热门功能请求.此版本计划推出的其中一些功能如下所示:全屏模式键盘输入支持改进音频支持, 用以处理低延迟音频能够逐步梳理 stage 3D 内容纹理Bytearray LZMA 压缩支持帧标签事件支持将 bitmapData 压缩至 JPEG png 格式和支持 Mac OS X 应用程序商店应用程序沙盒要求Flash player "Dolores"Adobe Flash player 正在计划于 2012 年下半年推出另一版本, 代号为 "Dolores", 此版本侧重于启用针对游戏市场的各种功能, 以及改进 flash player 整体使用情况.此版本计划推出的其中一些功能如下所示:ActionScript 工作线程 (在独立线程上实现并发 ActionScript 执行)支持高级分析支持更多硬件加速视频卡 (相较于 2005 / 2006), 以便扩展硬件加速内容的可用性针对 Apple IOS 改进了 ActionScript 性能性能指数 API, 用以了解当前环境的性能发布外部鼠标事件 API用以访问快速内存操作码的 ActionScript 3 API (API 当与stage3d 一同使用时即为高级功能)Dolores 中的高级功能自 Dolores 发布起,Using advanced functions, Stage3D hardware acceleration, and fast memory operating code combinations will require licenses.The implementation of this technique is as follows:The use of domainMemory API and Stage3D API will be limited and subject to the licensing agreement signed with Adobe. If the content is not licensed, it will appear in software (rather than hardware) mode.By default, the debug player displays the watermark when using advanced functions (combining Stage3D and fast memory operating code) (see above), indicating the need for advanced functional licensing. To facilitate the development and testing of advanced functions, developers will be able to disable this watermark function in the debug player.Flash Player "Next""Adobe is committed to continuously release products in 2012 (including the 11.2 and subsequent 2012 version) at the same time, we also strive to achieve the Flash runtime library modernization, to meet the needs of developers over the next five to ten years to ensure that Flash is running. In this document, this work refers to Flash Player and ActionScript "Next"This work includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects:Refactoring the current Flash runtime core code library and realizing its modernizationWorking on the ActionScript virtual machineUpdate ActionScript languageThe main goal of this work is to achieve the core Flash runtime and ActionScript virtual machine modernization, in order to substantially improve the performance of script execution, and lay the foundation for the future development of Flash in the next ten years.At present, the first version of the Flash runtime version of this work will be released on 2013.Adobe plans to add hardware accelerated StageVideo support in the Adobe AIR version released in 2013.ActionScript "Next""In recent years, the application and scope of ActionScript have changed dramatically, but the ActionScript 3 language has remained almost unchanged since its launch in 2006. Adobe believes that it is time to change the language so that it can be carefully guided to further evolve toward higher expressiveness and improved work efficiency and improved performance.From the point of view of language design, Adobe uses the following assumptions to guide the next generation ActionScript development:The demand for long - term production advantages such as robustness, modularity and maintainability is gradually increasing to compensate for the short - term advantages ofscripting language, such as development speedHigh performance requirements continue to riseHardware utilization requirements continue to increaseFirst of all, Adobe plans significantly improve performance in the short term, while establishing long-term performance improvement goals. When we look at how to develop ActionScript, performance is the primary goal. Second, Adobe aims to improve the efficiency of developers by simplifying language, improving tool support, and promoting error prevention. Finally, due to the reduction of unnecessary complexity, we will be able to deploy innovations within the more rapid Flash runtime.Here are a few topics about the next generation of ActionScript languages and virtual machines:By default, static types are strictly used, but dynamic types can be selected: most of the extensions of most programs are expected to benefit from static types. However, ActionScript 3 tends to fall into dynamic types where the absolute static type is best used. This kind of behavior will be corrected. If necessary, you can still use dynamic type, but it is no longer the default operation of ActionScript, but needs to be explicitly enabled.Type inference: only certain strategic positions need to have type declarations. The compiler will automatically infer the appropriate type declarations in all other positions, and thewhole process will be regarded as a static type, even if the programmer does not need to explain so is any type. Therefore, users can easily obtain the convenience of non typing programming,The performance advantage of typed programming is also provided.Numerical types for hardware: for example, int, uint, float, float4, byte, short, long, etc. (exact types are still being discussed). Currently in ActionScript 3, integer values can be overflowed to floating point values. This value will change, so the numerical operation will never change the base representation of the value. We expect that this incremental operation will greatly reduce implementation complexity and improve runtime performance.These are just a small part of our focus. As we develop and consolidate the understanding of how languages and virtual machines will change, we will update this document step by step.CompatibilityThe next version of ActionScript will evolve from ActionScript 3, but in some cases it may not be fully compatible with ActionScript 3. We want to simplify all ActionScript 3 migration operations so that they are no longer as cumbersome as migrating from ActionScript 2 to ActionScript 3.In any case, we will continue to explore the tool operation program, simplify this transition or automate operation.The current ActionScript 3 content will continue to run in the Flash runtime, although it may not run in the same virtual machine as the latest ActionScript. This pattern is similar to the current model based on ActionScript 2 running in Flash Player.Essential informationThis section describes the basic information and guidelines for the Flash runtime.Platform supportAdobe releases a list of support platforms for each Flash runtime version. Users can log in to the Adobe website to understand the list of support platforms corresponding to each version, and can view the latest support platform list on the /cn/products/flashplayer/systemreqs/.PC and device supported Flash Player browser plug-ins and Adobe AIR may vary. For more information, see their respective release notes.personal computerAdobe is dedicated to providing Flash Player browser plug ins and Adobe AIR for personal computer operating systems. In some cases, Adobe may cooperate with third parties to assist in developing and / or distributing Flash runtime for various browsers and operating systems.Apple OS X:Adobe has been trying to provide support for Flash Player browser plug-ins and Adobe AIR for Mac OS X operating systems. On the Mac OS X operating system, the system can be distributed directly, or Adobe AIR applications can be distributed through the Mac application store.At present, we are trying to implement the Adobe AIR application distribution on the Mac application store in accordance with the new Mac OS X application sandbox. We want to provide the following support in the "Cyril" runtime version.Microsoft Windows:Adobe has been trying to provide support for Flash Player browser plug-ins and Adobe AIR for Windows based operating systems.Windows 8:Microsoft is now developing Windows 8, and it's also a new generation of Windows operating systems. The operating system contains a large number of different user interface configurations (desktop and Metro) and targeted processor chip sets (x86/64 and ARM), which establishes a large number of different development goals for the Flash runtime.Adobe is currently working closely with Microsoft to finalize the support configuration details of Flash Player and Adobe AIRon Windows 8. Once the document is finalized and the release schedule is established, the document will be updated accordingly.Linux:Adobe has been working closely with Google to develop a single modern API for hosting browser plug-ins. The PPAPI is called "Pepper", which aims at setting a layer between the plug-in and the browser to abstract the differences between browsers and operating system implementation.You can log in to /p/ppapi/ to learn more about Pepper API.As a result of this work, Adobe has been working with Google to implement Flash Player "Pepper" for all x86/64 platforms supported by Google Chrome browsers". Later this year, Google will begin to distribute this new Flash Player based on Pepper as part of Chrome, and distribute it on all platforms (including Linux).For the 11.2 and later versions of the Flash Player Flash Player Linux browser plug-in for a part only through the "Pepper" API as Google Chrome browser to distribute, and cannot proceed directly from the Adobe download. Within five years since its release, Adobe will continue to provide security updates for non Pepper distribution products of Flash Player 11.2.Flash Player will also use non Pepper plug-in API to support browsers on platforms other than Linux.Adobe will execute the Flash Player browser plug-in to debug the player on Linux, and update the document after understanding its distribution principle details.As of Adobe AIR 3, Adobe has stopped providing Adobe AIR support for Linux operating systems.Mobile deviceFlash Player 11.1 is the latest version of Flash Player plug in for mobile browsers. Adobe does not add new mobile device configuration support (chipset, browser, operating system version, etc.). Adobe will continue to provide critical bug fixes and security updates for existing device configurations, so that our source code licensees will be able to continue processing and publishing their respective implementation scenarios.Adobe will continue to actively invest and support developers to create and deploy Flash based content as mobile (and desktop) applications via Adobe AIR.televisionLike desktop and mobile devices, Adobe's future TV technology innovations and marketing activities will focus on the following two use cases: pay video and advanced games.Today, Adobe supports Flash based video and game applications built with two different models:Adobe AIR for TVUsing Flash Player to replay video content of HTML applications (in this model, Flash Player will be used as a "video engine" in HTML applications).We will be firmly committed to the development of television, and will continue to optimize their own television hardware technology, in order to achieve excellent video and gaming experience.Although we have been able to authorize Flash Player to browse general web pages on TV, we don't recommend this approach because TV hardware is difficult to ensure consistent and high quality "whole network" browsing.More informationFlash platform white paperAdobe AIRAIR Developer CenterFlash PlayerFlash Player Developer CenterDocument release record。

Adobe Flash Player 企业版安装说明说明书

Adobe Flash Player 企业版安装说明说明书

Adobe Flash Player企业版说明清单:Flash企业版安装包(3个)、license文件(1个)说明:install_flash_player_offline_ax_cn支持IE内核install_flash_player_offline_cn支持火狐内核install_flash_player_offline_ppapi_cn支持Chrome内核License配置文件部署流程:●安装方式一Flash企业版安装包双击根据提示安装。


放入配置文件将License文件放入flash安装目录,并进入服务中找到重启Flash Helper Service服务后即可使用Flash安装包目录:64位电脑:C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash32位电脑:C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash检测安装是否成功方法:1、查看安装目录是否存在flash组件。






Flash 简介与发展历程Flash 是由macromedia 公司推出的交互式矢量图和 Web 动画的标准,由Adobe 公司收购。

网页设计者使用Flash 创作出既漂亮又可改变尺寸的导航界面以及其他奇特的效果。

Flash的前身是Future Wave 公司的Future Splash,是世界上第一个商用的二维矢量动画软件,用于设计和编辑Flash 文档。

1996年11 月,美国Macromedia 公司收购了FutureWave,并将其改名为Flash。

后又被Adobe 公司收购。

Flash通常也指Macromedia FlashPlayer( 现Adobe Flash Player)。

2012年8 月15 日,Flash退出Android 平台,正式告别移动端。

软件简介Flash 是一种动画创作与应用程序开发于一身的创作软件,到2013 年1 月24 日为止最新的零售版本为AdobeFlash Professional CS6(2012 年发布)。

AdobeFlash Professional CS6 为创建数字动画、交互式Web 站点,桌面应用程序以及手机应用程序开发提供了功能全面的创作和编辑环境。

Flash 广泛用于创建吸引人的应用程序,它们包含丰富的视频、声音、图形和动画。

可以在Flash 中创建原始内容或者从其它Adobe 应用程序(如Photoshop 或Illustrator)导入它们,快速设计简单的动画,以及使用Adobe AcitonScript 3.0 开发高级的交互式项目。


Flash 可以包含简单的动画、视频内容、复杂演示文稿和应用程序以及介于它们之间的任何内容。

通常,使用Flash[3] 创作的各个内容单元称为应用程序,即使它们可能只是很简单的动画。

您也可以通过添加图片、声音、视频和特殊效果,构建包含丰富媒体的Flash 应用程序。



基于AdobeFlash的多媒体交互设计与开发Adobe Flash是一款由Adobe Systems开发的多媒体和软件平台,广泛用于网页动画、互动媒体内容和网页游戏的制作。














首先,随着HTML5等新技术的普及,越来越多的浏览器停止支持Flash插件,这导致了Flash 内容在网页上的展示受到限制。

其次,由于安全性和性能等方面的考虑,Adobe宣布将于2020年停止更新和分发Flash Player插件,这意味着未来Flash技术可能会逐渐退出舞台。

adobe flash 8.0

adobe flash 8.0

Adobe Flash 8.0简介Adobe Flash 8.0是一个由Adobe Systems开发的多媒体和软件平台。


Flash 8.0是第八个主要版本,于2005年发布。


主要特性1. 向量图形和动画Flash 8.0支持向量图形和动画的创建和编辑。


2. 视频和音频Flash 8.0允许开发者嵌入和播放高质量的视频和音频内容。


开发者可以使用Flash 8.0的媒体组件来控制视频和音频的播放、暂停和调整音量等操作。

3. 声音和音效Flash 8.0提供了全新的音效引擎,使得开发者可以通过编程方式控制声音的播放和特效。


4. 动作脚本Flash 8.0引入了ActionScript 2.0,它是一种强大的编程语言,用于为Flash应用程序添加交互性和动态性。

ActionScript 2.0具有面向对象的编程模型,支持事件处理、条件语句、循环和函数等常见编程概念。

开发者可以使用ActionScript 2.0来创建复杂的交互逻辑和自定义功能。

5. 移动设备开发Flash 8.0提供了用于移动设备开发的工具和功能。

开发者可以使用Flash 8.0创建适用于移动设备的应用程序和游戏,并利用Flash Lite技术在移动设备上运行。

Flash Lite是一种轻量级的Flash播放器,可以在各种移动设备上播放Flash内容。

6. 增强的性能和安全性Flash 8.0改进了性能和安全性方面的功能。


此外,Flash 8.0还加强了对安全性的控制,限制了对系统资源和敏感数据的访问。

Adobe Flash是一款动画软件

Adobe Flash是一款动画软件

Adobe Flash是一款动画软件。

flash cs5简体中文版软件可以实现多种动画特效,动画都是由一帧帧的静态图片在短时间内连续播放而造成的视觉效果,是表现动态过程、阐明抽象原理的一种重要媒体。


Flash CS5.5简体中文版新特性1、默认支持iOS 项目开发。

2、iOS 项目支持iPad 和iPhone 4 高清app输出。

3、舞台属性新增一个Scale content with stage 功能,Flash中的元件可跟随舞台尺寸修改自动调整来适应不同设备的分辨率。





8、TLF 文字方面加入更多面板控制项。



* 注意:如果需要使用此Flash进行AIR程序开发的话,需要补回AIR SDK。

下载地址:/products/air/sdk/adobe flash cs5特点:1、精简了AIR SDK,Bridge CS5,Extension Manager CS5,Device Central CS5,多国语言,激活/升级系统等组件。




* Adobe Utilities - CS5.5文件夹可以被删除,或者单独提取出来使用。

删除之后将自动跳过ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5,Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6安装。



Adobe网页设计师Flash认证标准考试题(49)及其标准答案(划线文字)1.Flash 影片频率最大可以设置到多少A. 99D. 1502.在修改组件的颜色时,为了提高Flash 的运行表现,应该:A. 尽可能多的修改默认的颜色设置B. 将未修改的属性也列出来D. 使用尽量统一的颜色3.目标电影和源电影的资源均已打开。

现要将源电影的资源复制到目标电影中,请问下列哪种操作是正确的:B. 将资源拖动到目标电影的时间轴上C. 将资源拖动到目标电影的属性面板中D. B和C均为正确操作B. 使用次选工具调整线段可能会增加路径的定位点C. 在调整曲线路径时,要调整定位点两边的形状,可拖动定位点或拖动正切调整柄拖动定位D. 点或拖动正切调整柄,只能调整一边的形状5.在MP3 压缩对话框中的音质选项中,如果要将电影发布到 Web 站点上,则应选哪项:A. 【中】B. 【最佳】D. 以上选项都可以6.以下关于按钮元件时间轴的叙述,正确的是:A. 按钮元件的时间轴与主电影的时间轴是一样的,而且它会通过跳转到不同的帧来响应鼠C. 按钮元件时间轴上的帧可以被赋予帧动作脚本D. 按钮元件的时间轴里只能包含4帧的内容7.在Flash电影中添加可滚动的单选和多选下拉菜单的是:A. 【ComboBox】C. 【ScrollBar】D. 【ScrollPane】8.同时具有水平和垂直滚动条的窗口的是:A. 两个ScrollBarB. ListBox9.下面对将舞台上的整个动画移动到其他位置的操作说法错误的是:C. 在移动整个动画到其他位置时,需要使绘图纸标记覆盖所有帧D. 在移动整个动画到其他位置时,对不需要移动的层可以隐藏的全局函数使用什么标识符?B. globalC. varD. 只要定义在时间轴上就可以D. 一般来说矢量图形比位图图像文件量大B. 单击【修改> 转换为元件】,打开转换为元件对话框;选定舞台上的元素;填写转换为元件对话框,并点击确定C. 选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上,单击【修改> 转换为元件】,打开转换为元件对话框,填写转换为元件对话框,并点击确定D. 单击【修改> 转换为元件】,打开转换为元件对话框,选定舞台上的元素并将选定元素拖到库面板上,填写转换为元件对话框,并点击确定13.如图所示:要将上图中多个字符的文本块转化为下图含单个字符的文本块,下列描述操作正确的是:B. 执行【修改>转换为元件】命令C. 通过快键方式“Ctrl+G”得到D. 以上说法都对14.下面对创建蒙板操作的说法错误的是:A. 通过蒙板的小孔来显示的内容的层在蒙板层的下面D. 在蒙板上没有必要创建有过渡颜色的对象B. 对象C. 按钮D. 图形元素B. 每个选中的对象都将被分布到单独的新层中,没有选中的对象也分布到各个独立的层中C. 没有选中的对象将被分布到单独的新层中,选中的对象则保持在原来的位置D. 以上说法都错17.如图所示:在上图中,文字已“分离”成图形,使用橡皮擦工具对文字进行擦除,得到下图所示结果,请问应使用橡皮擦选的哪个选项(见右图):A. AB. B18.本地变量的有效范围是:A. 只在脚本的主体中有效D. 只在本地fla文件中有效B. NaNC. Null20.如图所示:在上图中,使用刷子工具在舞台空白区域涂刷,得到下图所示结果,要使线条和填充区域不受影响,应使用哪个选项(见右图):A. A21.单选钮的的初始状态是未选中的话,则:A. initialState=TRUEB. initialState=FALSEC. initialState=YESD. initialState=CHOOSED45度为单位)分别按什么键:B. Ctrl和AltC. Alt和CtrlD. Shif和Ctrl23.关于导入PNG格式文件,下面说法错误的是:A. 导入为电影剪辑,并保留原有层表示将PNG 文件导入为电影剪辑,它所包含的所有帧和层都将出现在电影剪辑元件内C. 如果要将Fireworks 的PNG 文件导入为单个的图像,则可以选中作为单个扁平化的位图导入复选框D. 如果选中可单个扁平化的位图导入复选框,所有其他选项都不可用中有3种类型的变量范围,分别是:26.如图所示:在上图中,使用刷子工具任意绘制,得到下图所示结果,只替换了图形中的一种颜色,应使用哪个选项(见右图):A. AB. B27.在启用简单按钮功能关闭的情况下,要对某个按钮进行编辑,可以执行以下哪些操作?双击舞台上的按钮元件实例D. 将位图图像转换为矢量图形D. 无限30.将文本块“ADOBE”执行“修改>分离”命令后,并且使用了“分散到图层”命令将各D. 在源电影中定义共享资源,输入目标电影中使用的标识符和URL地址actionscript的关键字C. 一般来说帧并帧动画文件量比补间动画小D. 在制作电影时,背景层可以位于任何层B. 隐藏被选择对象的外框轮廓C. 隐藏被选择对象的填充区域D. 隐藏被选择对象的线条B. MP3 压缩选项C. Speech 压缩选项D. Raw 压缩选项37.对于在网络上播放动画来说,最合适的帧频率是:C. 每秒25帧D. 每秒16帧38.下面关于从浏览器打印电影和从Flash 播放器打印电影的说法错误的是:A. 从Flash播放器打印电影,可以指定Flash电影中的哪些帧可以被打印B. 从Flash播放器打印电影,可以确定帧的打印区域Print 动作39.下面关于打印Flash电影说法错误的是:A. 打印Flash 矢量图形时,可以在任意尺寸上获得清晰的打印效果40.对于那些具有复杂颜色效果和包含渐变色的图像,例如照片,最好使用那种方式进行压B. 无损压缩C. AB都不可以D. AB都可以41.下面哪个不是Flash MX2004中内置的组件A. CheckBox(复选框)B. RadioButton(单选钮)42.下面哪些操作不可以使电影优化:A. 如果电影中的元素有使用一次以上者,则可以考虑将其转换为元件B. 只要有可能,请尽量使用渐变动画43.以下关于帧标记和批注的说法正确的是:A. 帧标记和帧批注的长短都将影响输出电影的大小B. 帧标记和帧批注的长短都不影响输出电影的大小44.以下关于帧并帧动画和渐变动画的说法正确的是:C. 前者不必记录各帧的完整记录,而后者必须记录完整的各帧记录D. 以上说法均不对(列表显示对象)命令来显示:46.在Internet Explorer 浏览器中,是通过下列哪种技术来播放Flash 电影(swf 格式的文件)A. DLL47.在设置电影属性时,设置电影播放的速度为12fps,那么在电影测试时,时间轴上显示C. 大于12fpsD. 大于或小于12fps均有可能48.在下列哪些操作系统下,可以通过浏览器播放Flash电影(swf 格式的文件)49.以下关于使用元件的优点的叙述,正确的是:A. 使用元件可以使发布文件的大小显著地缩减B. 使用元件可以使电影的播放速度加快C. 使用元件可以使电影的编辑更加简单化D. 以上均是Adobe网页设计师(模拟考试)Flash认证标准考试题(42)及其标准答案(划线文字)1复选题:在创作Flash动画之前,我们需要收集和整理的常见素材可以是(____)。



ActionScript 3.0 is ECMAScript Edition 3 standard compliant
ECMAScript for XML (E4X) XML document processing
Regular Expressions. DOM Level 3 Events. Namespaces and Packages - improve code
DHTML, and Ajax applications through the External API. Asynchronous communication model Flash Player is based on an asynchronous client-server communication model, enabling rapid client interactivity without web page refresh
cached vector graphics.
Improve text readability and scrolling
optimized text rendering routines.
Enhanced security
security sandboxes for applications, content, data, and URLs.
enhancements. Dynamically import additional image
formats: GIF, Progressive JPEG, and PNG.
External API Flash Player supports integration with HTML,

Adobe Flash CS6 简体中文破解版

Adobe Flash CS6 简体中文破解版

Adobe Flash CS6 简体中文破解版Adobe Flash CS6软件是用于创建动画和多媒体内容的强大的创作平台。


新版flash professional cs6附带了可生成sprite 表单和访问专用设备的本地扩展。

可以锁定最新的adobe flash player 和air 运行时以及android 和ios 设备平台。

Flash CS6 新增功能:使用带本地扩展的Adobe Flash Professional CS6 软件可生成Sprite 表单和访问专用设备。

锁定最新的Adobe Flash Player 和AIR? 运行时以及Android? 和iOS 设备平台。

生成Sprite 表单导出元件和动画序列,以快速生成Sprite 表单,协助改善游戏体验、工作流程和性能。

HTML 的新支持以Flash Professional 的核心动画和绘图功能为基础,利用新的扩展功能(单独提供)创建交互式HTML 内容。

导出Javascript 来针对CreateJS 开源架构进行开发。

广泛的平台和设备支持锁定最新的Adobe Flash Player 和AIR 运行时,使您能针对Android? 和iOS 平台进行设计。

创建预先封装的Adobe AIR 应用程序使用预先封装的Adobe AIR captive 运行时创建和发布应用程序。


Adobe AIR 移动设备模拟模拟屏幕方向、触控手势和加速计等常用的移动设备应用互动来加速测试流程。

锁定3D 场景使用直接模式作用于针对硬件加速的2D 内容的开源Starling Framework,从而增强渲染效果。

Adobe Flash CS6 激活补丁:1、备份你想要激活的软件的“amtlib”文件,比如PS CS6 64bit其目录在“C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)”2、找到相应的32bit或64bit文件夹,将“amtlib”覆盖掉相应软件的源文件,OK!3、在应用补丁前请先运行软件一次!。


历史版本 版本名称 更新时间 增加功能
Future Splash Animator 1995年 由简单的工具和时间线组成
Macromedia Flash 1 1996年11月 Macromedia更名后为Flash的第一个版本
Macromedia Flash 2 1997年6月 引入库的概念
Adobe Flash CS3 2007年12月14日 导出QuickTime视频
Adobe Flash CS4 2008年9月 详见Flash CS4
Adobe Flash CS5 2010年 FlashBuilder、TLF文本支持
Adobe Flash CS5.5 Professional 2011年 支持 iOS 项目开发
逐帧动画是一种常见的动画形式,它的原理是在“连续的关键帧”中分解动画动作,也就是每一帧中的内容不同,连续播放形成动画。 基本概念:在时间帧上逐帧绘制帧内容称为逐帧动画,由于是一帧一帧地画,所以逐帧动画具有非常大的灵活性,几乎可以表现任何想表现的内容。 在Flash中将JPG、PNG等格式的静态图片连续导入到Flash中,就会建立一段逐帧动画。也可以用鼠标或压感笔在场景中一帧帧地画出帧内容,还可以用文字作为帧中的元件,实现文字跳跃、旋转等特效。
所谓的形状补间动画,实际上是由一种对象变换成另一个对象,而该过程只需要用户提供两个分别包含变形前和变形后对象的关键帧,中间过程将由Flash自动完成。 基本概念:在一个关键帧中绘制一个形状,然后在另一个关键帧中更改该形状或绘制另一个形状,Flash根据两者之间帧的值或形状来创建的动画称为“形状补间动画”。形状补间动画可以实现两个图形之间颜色、形状、大小、位置的相互变化,其变形的灵活性介于逐帧动画和动作补间动画之间,使用的元素多为鼠标或压感笔绘制出的形状。 小提示:在创作形状补间动画的过程中,如果使用的元素是图形元件、按扭、文字,则必须先将其“打散”,然后才能创建形状补间动画。



为了增加,增强flash的功能,个人和公司开发的可以安装在flash中的外挂插件(和许多软件的插件一样)。 可以实现如自动保存,画特殊符号,骨骼动画等功能。这种插件一般是以mxp结尾的文件,如 ik_motion.mxp,line.mxp等等。这种插件最显著的特点是可以播放AVI等多媒体数据,兼容能力相当大插件都是 起辅助作用的页一些视频播放啊都要用flash插件的。
01 插件信息
03 更新方法
02 增强功能 04 其他版本
Flash插件,外文名称Adobe Flash Player Plugin,是指安装于浏览器的Flash插件(Adobe Flash Player Plugin),使浏览器得以播放swf文件。
卸载通过下载相应的土坯为您的操作系统卸载程序和运行程序的当前版本的Flash播放器(请参阅“资源” 一节)。确保所有正在运行的程序都关闭之前启动卸载程序。 Internet Explorer的用户可能需要重新启动后, 卸载完成。点击“查看详情”中对所使用的操作系统的进一步指示卸载程序接口ash是美国Macromedia公司(已被Adobe公司收购)所设计的一种二维动画软件。通常包括 Macromedia Flash,用于设计和编辑Flash文档,以及Adobe Flash Player,用于播放Flash文档。
特性 被大量应用于因特页的矢量动画文件格式。 使用向量运算﹙Vector Graphics﹚的方式,产生出来的影片占用存储空间较小。 使用Flash创作出的影片有自己的特殊档案格式(.swf)。 该公司声称全世界97%的络浏览器都内建Flash播放器﹙Flash Player﹚ 是Macromedia提出的“富因特应用”(RIA)概念的实现平台 支持档案格式 swf这是一个完整的影片档,无法被编辑。有时会被念做“swiff”。Swf在发布时可以选择保护功能,如果 没有选择,很容易被别人输入到他的原始档中使用。然而保护功能依然阻挡不了为数众多的破解软件,有不少闪 客专门以此来学习别人的程序码和设计方式。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1、Flash MX不可以在Macintosh平台上运行(错)2、在256色环境中,可以使用Flash MX进行创作(对)3、如果要让Flash 同时对若干个对象产生渐变动画,则必须将这些对象放置在不同的层中(对)4、要分离位图图像,按以下步骤操作:1、选择当前场景中的位图图像;2、单击Modify> Trace Bitmap命令(错)5、作为发布过程的一部分,Flash将自动执行某些电影优化操作(对)6、在下列哪些操作系统下,可以通过浏览器播放Flash电影(swf 格式的文件)A、DOSB、Windows 95C、Windows 2000D、Redhat Linux7、下面哪些是Flash MX新增的功能A、可以导入mp3格式的声音文件B、可以导入视频格式C、增加了层文件夹D、可以把声音设置成流方式8、在设置电影属性时,设置电影播放的速度为12fps,那么在电影测试时,时间轴上显示的电影播放速度应该可能是A、等于12fpsB、小于12fpsC、大于12fpsD、大于、小于12fps均有可能9、在Flash MX中,要绘制基本的几何形状,可以使用的绘图工具是A、直线B、椭圆C、圆D、矩形10、如果导入的是图像序列中的一个picture001.bmp文件,并且序列中的其他文件位于相同的文件夹中,则将被识别为图像序列将是下面哪些:A、picture001.bmpB、picture002.bmpC、picture003.bmpD、picture-001.bmp11、以下哪些操作可以使Flash进入直接编辑元件的模式A、双击舞台上的元件实例B、选中舞台上的元件,然后使用鼠标右键单击,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择Edit in PlaceC、双击库面板内的元件图标D、将舞台上的元件拖动到库面板之上12、在Flash的测试模式中,下面哪些可以List Objects(列表显示对象)命令来显示A、帧B、对象类型(形状、电影剪辑或按钮)C、目标路径D、电影剪辑的实例名13、下列那几个属性是flash Mx 不建议使用的属性A、scrollB、maxscrollC、_drop targetD、_high quality14、要在组件面板中显示Smart Clips或自定义的组件,应该如何做A、将包含组件的电影剪辑放在库(Library)中B、将包含组件电影剪辑的FLA文件放置在Flash MX的组件文件夹中C、将包含组件电影剪辑的FLA文件放置在Flash6/Configuration/Components中D、导入包含组件电影剪辑的SWF导入15、要改变舞台上复选框组件的宽度,可以A、使用Free Transform(自由变形)工具B、使用set Size方法C、使用AS中的_width(宽度)属性D、使用属性面板中的w属性精确调整16、在Internet Explorer浏览器中,是通过下列哪种技术来播放Flash电影(swf格式的文件)A、DLLB、COMC、OLED、Active X17、下面的语句说法正确的是A、目前Flash最新的创作平台是Flash MX,播放插件是Flash MX PlayerB、目前Flash最新的创作平台是Flash MX,播放插件是Flash 6.0 PlayerC、目前Flash最新的创作平台是Flash 6.0,播放插件是Flash MX PlayerD、目前Flash最新的创作平台是Flash 6.0,播放插件是Flash 6.0 Player18、以下关于帧标记和批注的说法正确的是A、帧标记和帧批注的长短都将影响输出电影的大小B、帧标记和帧批注的长短都不影响输出电影的大小C、帧标记的长短不会影响输出电影的大小,而帧批注的长短对输出电影的大小有影响D、帧标记的长短会影响输出电影的大小,而帧批注的长短对输出电影的大小不影响19、Flash影片频率最大可以设置到多少A、99B、100C、120D、15020、以下关于帧并帧动画和渐变动画的说法正确的是A、两种动画模式FlashMX都必须记录完整的各帧信息B、前者必须记录各帧的完整记录,而后者不用C、前者不必记录各帧的完整记录,而后者必须记录完整的各帧记录D、以上说法均不对21、某电影中,只有一个layer1,其上放置一个有两个元件(test1和test2)组合成的组合体,选择这个组合体执行打散Ctrl+B,然后右键单击执行Distribute to layers,那么A、这个电影中将增加两个新层:layer2和layer3B、这个电影中将增加两个新层:test1和test2,而原有的layer1将消失C、这个电影中将增加两个新层:test1和test2,而原有的图层维持不变D、这个电影中将增加两个新层:test1和test2,而原有的layer1成为空层22、对于在网络上播放动画来说,最合适的帧频率是A、每秒24帧B、每秒12帧C、每秒25帧D、每秒16帧23、在只对天堂鱼中的天堂两字进行设置如下图所示的文字效果是通过A、是通过字符间距设置的B、是通过字符字号大小设置的C、是通过成对字距设置的D、是通过字符位置设置的24、矢量图形用来描述图像的是A、直线B、曲线C、色块D、A和B 都正确25、编辑位图图像时,修改的是A、像素B、曲线C、直线D、网格26、在Flash MX中,要绘制精确的直线或曲线路径,可以使用A、Pen Tool(钢笔工具)B、Pencil Tool(铅笔工具)C、Brush Tool(刷子工具)D、A和B都正确27、下面关于矢量图形和位图图像的说法错误的是A、Flash允许用户创建并产生动画效果的是矢量图形而位图图像不可以B、在Flash中,用户也可以导入并操纵在其他应用程序中创建的矢量图形和位图图像C、用FLASH MX的绘图工具画出来的图形为矢量图形D、一般来说矢量图形比位图图像文件量大28、当Flash导出较短小的事件声音(例如按钮单击的声音)时,最适合的压缩选项是A、ADPCM压缩选项B、MP3压缩选项C、Speech压缩选项D、Raw压缩选项29、在移动对象时,在按方向键的同时按住Shift 键可大幅度移动对象,每次移动距离为A、1像素B、4像素C、6像素D、8像素30、单击View>Hide Edges的作用是A、隐藏被选择对象的突出显示状态B、隐藏被选择对象的外框轮廓C、隐藏被选择对象的填充区域D、隐藏被选择对象的线条31、下面关于FLASH MX导入Fireworks的PNG文件的说法错误的是A、用户可以选择作为可编辑对象或不可编辑的图像进行导入B、当作为不可编辑的图像导入时,文件将转换成位图图像对象,但是导入矢量图形除外C、作为可编辑对象导入,用户可以选择保留位于PNG文件中的图像、文本和辅助线D、作为不可编辑的图像导入PNG文件,则用户可以在Flash MX 中启动Fireworks编辑该PNG图像32、以下关于使用元件的优点的叙述,正确的是A、使用元件可以使电影的编辑更加简单化B、使用元件可以使发布文件的大小显著地缩减C、使用元件可以使电影的播放速度加快D、以上均是33、以下各种关于图形元件的叙述,正确的是A、可用来创建可重复使用的,并依赖于主电影时间轴的动画片段B、可用来创建可重复使用的,但不依赖于主电影时间轴的动画片段C、可以在图形元件中使用声音D、可以在图形元件中使用交互式控件34、将舞台上的对象转换为元件的步骤是A、 1.选定舞台上的元素2.单击Insert> Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定B、 1.单击Insert> Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框2.选定舞台上的元素3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定C、 1.选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上2.单击Insert> Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定D、 1.单击Insert> Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框2.选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定35、Library中有一元件Symbol 1,舞台上有一个该元件的实例。


请问此时Library中的Symbol 1元件将会发生什么变化A、颜色也变为#FF0033B、透明度也变为80%C、颜色变为#FF0033,透明度变为80%D、不会发生任何改变36、下面关于打印Flash电影说法错误的是A、打印Flash矢量图形时,可以在任意尺寸上获得清晰的打印效果B、打印低分辨率的位图图像时,受到像素的影响C、不可以从浏览器打印Flsh电影D、Flash播放器的打印功能允许用户打印电影中的目录、联票、单篇、收据、发票或其他文档37、下面关于从浏览器打印电影和从Flash播放器打印电影的说法错误的是A、从Flash播放器打印电影,可以指定Flash电影中的哪些帧可以被打印B、从Flash播放器打印电影,可以确定帧的打印区域C、从Flash播放器打印电影,可以给电影剪辑中的打印帧附加Print动作D、从浏览器打印电影肯定比从Flash播放器打印电影效果好38、下面关于通过Flash 播放器的关联菜单打印说法错误的是A、可打印任意Flash电影中的帧B、无法打印透明度C、可以打印颜色效果D、无法打印其他电影剪辑中的帧39、下面哪些操作不可以使电影优化A、如果电影中的元素有使用一次以上者,则可以考虑将其转换为元件B、只要有可能,请尽量使用渐变动画C、限制每个关键帧中发生变化的区域D、要尽量使用位图图像元素的动画40、在Flash MX中,未定义的toString是A、" "B、undefinedC、NULLD、null41、下面那个方法不属于Date(日期)对象A、getDate()B、getDay()C、getMonth()D、getMinute()42、在动作列表中,批注以什么颜色来表示A、绿色B、紫色C、蓝色D、粉红色43、全等(===)运算符和相同运算符基本相似,但是它们有一个很重要的区别A、全等(===)运算符执行数据类型的转换B、全等(===)运算符不执行数据类型的转换C、全等(===)运算符永远返回真D、以上都不对44、下面哪个不是FlashMX中内置的组件A、CheckBox(复选框)B、RadioButton(单选钮)C、ScrollPane(滚动窗格)D、Jump Menu (跳转菜单)45、FListBox.addItem和FListBox.addItemAt有什么用A、添加列表框B、使用Value(值)对话框添加项目C、添加下拉菜单D、给组合框添加项目46、在制作FLASH渐变动画时,使选定项目发生旋转,其中Rotate(旋转)菜单中为默认的是:A、NoneB、AutoC、CWD、CCW47、下面关于使用FLASH的HTML发布模板说法错误的是A、允许用户控制电影在浏览器中的外观和播放B、FLASH模板不是包含任何HTML内容,比如Cold Fusion ASP 等的代码就不可以C、这种发布FLASH用的模板是一个文本文件,包括两部分:不会改变的HTML代码和会改变的模板代码或变量D、创建模板和创建一个标准的HTML页面基本相似,只是用户需要将属于FLASH电影的某些值替换为以美元元件($)开头的变量48、网络上播放的FLASH电影最合适的帧频率fps是A、每秒12帧B、每秒24帧C、每秒28帧D、每秒30帧49、如果要用刷子工具在填充区域和空白区域上涂刷,而线条不受影响,应该选择的涂刷模式是:A、paint normalB、paint FillsC、paint SelectionD、paint Behind50、Break Apart命令可应用于A、True type字体B、位图字体C、打印字体D、任何字体51、FLASH MX不可以导入的矢量图形和位图图像文件格式有哪些:(没有安装QuickTime 4的情况下)A、扩展名为eps,Ai的Adobe Illustrator文件B、扩展名为gif的文件C、扩展名为jpg的文件D、扩展名为qtif的文件52、当用户在制作FLASH电影时,使用了设备字体,则A、设备字体会嵌入FLASH中的SWF文件中,并在FLASH播放器中能正常显示B、设备字体会嵌入FLASH中的SWF文件中,但在FLASH播放器中不能正常显示,但会使用本地计算机上的设备字体最接近的字体进行显示C、设备字体不会嵌入FLASH中的SWF文件中,也不能正常显示,但会使用本地计算机上的设备字体最接近的字体进行显示D、设备字体不会嵌入FLASH中的SWF文件中,但能正常显示53、如果系统中已经安装了QuickTime 4,而没有安装DirectX 7,下面哪些视频格式不能被导入A、.aviB、.movC、dvD、asf54、选中箭头工具,然后单击要转换为形状的文本块,再单击Modify(修改)Break Apart(分离),则A、文本转化为单个字符的文本,文本在舞台上的位置变化B、文本转化为双字符的文本,文本在舞台上的位置变化C、文本转化为单字符的文本,文本在舞台上的位置不变D、文本转化为双字符的文本,文本在舞台上的位置不变55、下列对渐变动画和帧并帧动画说法错误的是A、一般来说帧并帧动画是用来制作复杂的动画B、一般来说渐变动画是用来制作简单的动画C、一般来说渐变动画文件量小D、一般来说帧并帧动画文件要比渐变动画小56、要修改复选框实例的其他选项和功能,应该使用A、属性检查器B、Action ScriptC、组件面板D、工具条57、在FLASH MX中,下面关于导入视频说法错误的是A、在导入视频片段时,用户可以将它嵌入到FLASH电影中B、用户可以将包含嵌入视频的电影发布为FLASH动画C、一些支持导入的视频文件不可以嵌入到FLASH动画中D、用户可以让嵌入的视频片段的帧频率同步匹配主电影的帧频率58、下面对于在时间轴中插入帧的操作错误的是A、要在动画中插入新帧,请单击Insert(插入)Frame(帧)B、要创建新的关键帧,请单击Insert(插入)Key Frame(关键帧)命令C、可以使用鼠标右键单击要设置为关键帧的帧,然后从关联菜单中选择Insert Key Frame(插入关键帧)D、要创建新的空白关键帧,可以按F5实现59、在动作面板中,大小写正确的关键字将使用什么颜色显示A、绿色B、红色C、蓝色D、紫色60、Text Field是下列哪个内置对象的函数A、CoreB、MovieC、Client/ServerD、Authoring61、下面关于发布FLASH电影的说法错误的是A、向受众发布FLASH内容的只要文件格式是FLASH Player 格式(SWF)B、FLASH的发布功能就是为在网上演示动画而设计的C、可惜FLASH Player文件格式是一个不开放标准,今后不会获得更多的应用程序支持D、用户可以将整个电影导出为FLASH Player电影,或作为位图图像系列,还可以将单个帧或图像导出为图像文件62、下面对使用设备字体显示文本块的说法正确的是A、可以减少文本量但是削弱了对小字号文体的可辨读性B、可以减少文本量切增加了对小字号文体的可辨读性C、增加了文本量切削弱了对小字号文体的可辨读性D、增加了文本量但增加了对小字号文体的可辨读性63、在FLASH舞台上放置文字,进行文本输入时,其默认状态为A、文本是横排的且可自动扩展的B、文本是竖排的且不可自动扩展的C、文本是横排的且不可自动扩展的D、文本是竖排的且可自动扩展的64、在组合框中为了尽快找到需要的项目,可以加一个输入匹配框,这是怎么做的A、在组合框上面加一个输入文本框,并设置相应参数B、设置组合框中的Compare参数为TrueC、将参数中的Editable设置为TrueD、所有参数默认即可65、下面对创建蒙板的说法错误的是A、要创建动态效果。
