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Coverletter 写法
一、什么是cov er letter?
The coveri ng letter is a letter from the author s to the Editor
Provid e necess ary inform ation releva nt to the manusc ript
Additi onalexplan ation from the author s
An import ant opport unity to ‘sell’ your paper
MS withou t a coverletter posesproble ms:
To whichjourna l?
New MS or revise d MS?
MS misdir ected by review ers or editor s?
Whom to commun icate if more than on author s?
Writethe correc t addres s, includ ing teleph one, fax number s, & e-mail, or possib le review ers
Be kind to the editor and statewhy you have submit ted that partic ularpackag e
Dear Dr. 主编name:
2.The titleof the manusc ript, the number s of tables, figure s, charts, plates and so on;
(1)This is a manusc riptby**and **entitl ed “.......”. It is submit ted to be consid eredfor public ation as a “...” in your journa l.
(2)We submit our manusc ript entitled " 文章titl e" to 杂志名for public ation.
(3)On behalf of my co-author s, I am submit tingthe enclos ed materi al “ TITLE” for possib le public ation in JOURNA L.
(4)We wouldlike to submit the enclos ed manusc riptentitl ed " *** ", whichwe wish to be consid eredfor public ation in **journa l.
(5)Enclos ed are a manusc ript by sujian, y ang kun, chenzhihua.Su jian titled“Hypoth ermia a fter Acute Ischemic Stroke”.It is submit ted to be consid ered f or public ation a s a“review" in your journal.
(6) Enclos ed are two comple te copies of a manusc riptby Mary Q. Smithand John L. Jonestitled “Fattyacid metabo lismin Cedeci aneteri,” whichis beingsubmit ted for possib le public ation in the Physio logyand Metabo lismsectio n of the Journa l of Bacter iolog y.
3.Some journa ls requir e the author s to briefl y introd uce his resear ch purpos es, method s and result s(接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点)
(1) We believ e the papermay be of partic ularintere st to the reader s of your journa l as it ........
(2)We believ e that two aspect s of this manusc riptwill make it intere sting to genera l reader s of **journa l. First, ***.Second, ***.Furthe r, ***.
(3)We believ e the papermay be of partic ularintere st to the reader s of your journa l.
4. The statem ent that this manucr ipt has neverbeen partly or wholel y publis hed in or submit ted to any otherjourna ls;
(1) The work descri bed has not been submit ted elsewh ere for public ation, in wholeor in part, and all the author s listed have approv ed the manusc riptthat is enclos ed.
(2)This paperis new. Neithe r the entire papernor any part of its conten t has been publis hed or has been
accept ed elsewh ere. It is not beingsubmit ted to any otherjourna l.
(3)I hereby certif y that this paperconsis ts of origin al, unpubl ished work whichis not underconsid erati on for public ation elsewh ere.
(4)We certif y that we have partic ipate d suffic ientl y in the work to take public respon sibil ity for the approp riate nessof the experi menta l design and method, and the collec tion, analys is, and interp retat ion of the data.
(5) Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been publis hed or has been accept ed elsewhere .It is not being submit ted to any other j o urna l.
(6) This MS is new, is not beingconsid eredelsewh ere, and report s new findin gs that extend result s we report ed earlie r in the Journa l of Biolog icalChemis try (145: 112-117, 1992).
5. The statem ent that all author s in the manusc ripthave agreed to submit it to this journa l and it's better to have each one's signat ure;
c riptand approv ed to submit to your journa l.
(1) All author s have seen the manus
(2)We have review ed the finalversio n of the manusc riptand approv e it for public ation. To the best of our knowle dge and belief, this manusc ripthas not been publis hed in wholeor in part nor is it beingconsid eredfor public ation elsewh ere.
6.The statem ent that the resear ch in the manusc ripthas been conduc ted underthe guidan ce of intern ation al ethica l standa rds if the resear ch uses animal s as experi menta l materi als;
Thankyou very much your consid ering our manusc riptfor potent ial public ation. I'm lookin g forwar d to hearin g from you soon.
8. The corres ponde nce inform ation of the corres ponde nt;
(1)Corres ponde nce should be addres sed to **at the follow ing addres s, phoneand fax number, and emailaddres s:
(2)Correspondence and phone calls about t he paper should be direct ed to Su jian at the follow ing addres s,phone and fax number,and e-mail addres s:
Dear Dr. Richar d
I enclos e a manusc riptentitl ed The Prepar ation of the Monoka ryonProtop lastand its Regene ratio n in Oyster Mushro om (Pleuro tusostrea tus), whichI submit for possib le public ation in the Jounal of Biosou rce Techno logy. All of the author s agreeto the submis sionof this paper.
The text includ es 20 pages, 3 tables, and 2 figure s prepar ed usingMicros oft Word Proces sing2003 accord ing to the journa l's Instru ction s to Author s. We have provid ed all requir ed suppor tingdocume ntati on.
We respec tfull y submit that the follow ing indivi duals wouldbe suitab le peer review ers basedon theirexpert ise in the field:
Li Yu, Microb iolog icalResear ch Instit ute, Chines e Acadme y of Agricu tlure al Scienc es. E-mail:
ZhangJun, Resour ces and Enviro nment al Protec tionSchool, Sichua n Agricu ltura l Univer sity.E-mail: zhangj
Chen Wei, School of Hortic ultur e, ChinaAgricu ltura l Univer sity. E-mail: chenwe
h ua in Sichua n Instit ute In recent years, our resear ch grouphas had some confli cts with Li Haha and Wang Chuac
of Microb iolog y in projec t applic ation. We reques t that theseindivi duals not be consul ted.
We thankyou for consid ering this work and look forwar d to your respon se. Please direct all corres ponde nce aboutthis manusc riptto me (or Dr. ZhangSan, e-amil: Zhangs
Sincer ely
e-mail: zhangs an@yahoo
The follow ing are all the author s in this paperand theirsignat ure.
ZhangSan XXX
Wang Wu XXX
Yang Yu XXX
Dear Editor,
We wouldlike to submit the enclos ed manusc riptentitl ed "GDNF Acutel y Modula tes Neuron al Excita bilit y and A-type Potass ium Channe ls in Midbra in Dopami nergi c Neuron s", whichwe wish to be consid eredfor public ation in Nature Neuros cienc e.
GDNF has long been though t to be a potent neurot rophi c factor for the surviv al of midbra in dopami nergi c neuron s, whichare degene rated in Parkin son’s diseas e. In this paper, we report an unexpe cted, acuteeffect of GDNF on A-type potass ium channe ls, leadin g to a potent iatio n of neuron al excita bilit y, in the dopami nergi c
brainslices. Furthe r, we show that GDNF regula tes the K+ channe ls throug h neuron s in cultur e as well as in adult
a mechan ism that involv es activa tionof MAP kinase. Thus, this studyhas reveal ed, for the firsttime, an acutemodula tionof ion channe ls by GDNF. Our findin gs challe nge the classi c view of GDNF as a long-term surviv al factor for midbra in dopami nergi c neuron s, and sugges t that the normal functi on of GDNF is to regula te neuron al excita bilit y, and conseq uentl y dopami ne releas e. Theseresult s may also have implic ation s in the treatm ent of Parkin son’s diseas e.
Due to a direct compet ition and confli ct of intere st, we reques t that Drs. XXX of Harvar d Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be consid eredas review ers. With thanks for your consid erati on, I am
Sincer ely yours,
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