产品名称: R22 22.7
冷媒名称 R-22
沸点(1atm),℃ -40.8
临界温度,℃ 96.24
临界压力,kPa 4980
饱和蒸气压(25℃),kPa 1044
汽化热/蒸发潜热(沸点下,1atm),kJ/kg 233 破坏臭氧潜能值(ODP)0.034
全球变暖潜能值(GWP,100 yr) 1700 ASHRAE安全级别A1(无毒不可燃)
纯度, % ≥99.8
水份, PPm ≤10
酸度, PPm ≤0.1
蒸发残留物, PPm ≤100
商品编码:29034910 危编号:1018 危险级别:2.2
相对密度(30℃),液体,g/cm3 1.177
临界压力MPA 4.75
液体比热30℃,[KJ/(Kg·℃)] 0.31
饱和液体密度30℃,(g/cm3 ) 1.174
等压蒸气比热(Cp) ,30℃及101.3kPa[KJ/(Kg·℃)] 0.16
临界密度,g/cm3 0.526
沸点下蒸发潜能,KJ/Kg 233.5
纯度,%≥ 99.8 99.5 99.0
水份,%≤ 0.001 0.002 0.005
酸度(以HCL计),%≤ 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001
蒸发残留物,%≤ 0.01 0.01 0.02
[主要用途] 用于往复式压缩机,作为工业、商业、家庭空调系统的制冷剂;还可用来作杀冲剂和喷漆的气雾喷射剂,也可用于生产灭火剂1211;是生产各种含氟高分子化合物的基本原料。
常用制冷剂R22 、1 3 4 a 、R4 0 4 A、R4 0 7 C、R4 1 0 A 的特性(技术分享)常用制冷剂R22、134a、R404A、R407C、R410A 的特性(技术分享)常用制冷剂R22、134a、R404A、R407C、R410A 的特性 1. R22 R22是一种中温制冷剂,它的标准沸点为-40.8 °C;水在R22中的溶解度很小,与矿物油互相溶解;R22 不燃烧,也不爆炸,毒性很小;R22参透能力很强,并且泄漏难以发现.R22的ODP和GWP比R12小的多,属于HCFC类物质,对臭氧层仍有破坏作用•由于R12已逐步禁用,R22正作为某些CFC制冷剂的过渡替代物在使用。
2. 134aR134a是一种新型制冷剂,它的标准沸点为-26.5°C; R134a安全性好、无色、无味、不燃烧、不爆炸、基本无毒性、化学性质稳定;R134a气化潜热大、比定压热容大、具有较好制冷能力;饱和气体积大,相同排气量压缩机的制冷剂的质量流量小;热导率较高、热传导性能好;粘度低、流动性好;对臭氧层没有破坏作用、温室效应比R22小。
R404A 是由R125、R134a和R143a 三种工质按44%、52% 和52%和4%的质量分数混合而成,可作为R22和R502的替代工质。
*欧阳光明*创编 2021.03.07
注:1KPa≈0.01kg/cm2=0.001MPa,1kg/cm2 ≈98.0665KPa≈0.1MPa
马一太 杨昭 田华
(天津大学热能研究所, 天津 30072)
摘要:简要回顾了国际上《蒙特利尔议定书》和《京都议定书》的进程和行动,分析对我国 应用R22工质的影响。比较了R22及其替代物的优缺点,提出了我国R22替代对策的建议。 关键词:R22 保护臭氧层 温室效应 替代物
如澳大利亚“海起欧”系列中的 HR22,英国 REFRIGERANT SOLUTIONS 公司开发的 RS-45。 国内 R22 制冷剂替代研究在清华大学、西安交大、天津大学、浙江大学、中国科学技术大 学、中科院广州能源所、浙江蓝天环保高科技股份有限公司等国内高校和企业努力下取得了 相当多的成果,自行开发了多种具有自主知识产权的新型环保节能 R22 替代工质,由于篇 幅以及某些工质未公布组分或者组分配比的缘故,本文仅介绍部分近几年研究的替代物性 能,R22 及部分替代工质的热物理性质和环境性能见表 2。
0 问题的提出
由于《蒙特利尔议定书》对HCFCs淘汰有一个缓冲期,而R22也是替代R12的重要工质, 从上世纪末以来在我国R22产量呈现高速发展,据不完全统计我国2004年R22的产量约为22 万吨,2005年达到26万吨,增长18%。2005年,我国R22产能已经达到30万吨。2006年仍有 几家企业忙扩产,预计2007年6月底,全部扩建后产能将达到37万吨。与近年来国内外钢铁、 铜、铝等金属材料价格猛升相反,R22的价格一直低迷。2006年6月末,梅兰R22优级品出厂 价在11000元/吨(不含运费),而2005年同期R22达到16000元/吨,同比下降了45%。R22的 价格低廉,对制冷剂生产厂和中间商不利,但对我国大部分空调生产企业和R22的用户有利。 近来由于国际上环保组织的推动,也有利益集团的推动,提前替代R22的呼声不绝于耳。本 文就这一问题提出分析和看法。
2.R22 的性质和应用
3.R22 的膨胀系数
4.R22 膨胀系数对系统和设备的影响
5.选择合适膨胀系数的R22 的重要性
R22 的物理性质包括低沸点、高比热、良好的热传导性和膨胀系数。
R22 的膨胀系数是指R22 在温度变化时,其长度或体积的变化与原始长度或体积的比值。
R22 的膨胀系数通常在-17.3 到51.9 1/℃之间。
R22 的膨胀系数对系统和设备有很大的影响。
如果R22 的膨胀系数过大或过小,都可能导致系统运行不稳定,甚至损坏设备。
例如,如果R22 的膨胀系数过大,当系统温度变化时,R22 的长度或体积变化过大,可能会导致系统压力不稳定,影响系统的制冷效果。
相反,如果R22 的膨胀系数过小,当
系统温度变化时,R22 的长度或体积变化过小,可能会导致系统中的压力过高,从而损坏设备。
因此,选择合适膨胀系数的R22 是非常重要的。
r22安全操作规程1.引言1.1 概述R22安全操作规程的概述部分旨在介绍该规程的背景和目的,并提供一些基本概念的解释。
文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行组织和阐述:引言部分(Chapter 1):在引言中,我们将简要介绍R22以及本文的目的和重要性。
正文部分(Chapter 2):正文部分是我们对R22安全操作规程的详细讲解。
第一要点(Section 2.1):在这一节中,我们将详细介绍R22的基本性质、特点以及使用注意事项。
R-22 二氟一氯甲烷制冷剂Freon 22 ( 二氟一氯甲烷Chlorodifuoromethane) ,分子式CHClF2,分子量86.47 。
R-22 在常温下为无色,近似无味的气体,不燃烧、无腐蚀、毒性极微,加压可液化为无色透明的液体,为HCFC 型制冷剂。
R-22 的化学稳定性和热稳定性均很高,特别是在没有水份存在的情况下,在200 ℃以下与一般金属不起反应。
R-22 是一种低温制冷剂,可得到-80 ℃的制冷温度。
也可用作聚四氟乙烯树脂的原料和灭火剂1121 的中间体。
适用的冷冻机油有: 烷基苯AB (Alkybenzene)合成油、POE (Polyol Ester)多元醇酯合成油、环烷基矿物油MO (Mineral oil)。
R22 的技术指标包装:22.7kg/瓶。
R-23 三氟甲烷制冷剂一、物理特性二、质量指标ISO14520-10 ISO12810 Q/DHG067三、用途三氟甲烷,又称HFC-23 ,是一种高压液化汽,可用作制冷剂,替代CFC-13 。
同时又是哈龙1301 理想替代品,具有清洁、低毒、灭火剂效果好等特点。
危险品货物类别2.2 ,包装类别Ⅱ。
进口杜邦DuPont Freon23 (R23) 冷媒包装为:9.08kg/瓶,要回收包装钢装。
另注:压缩机生产商通常建议使用POE (Polyol Ester )多元醇酯冷冻机润滑油。
r22 临界温度
![r22 临界温度](
r22 临界温度R22是一种常用的制冷剂,也是一种氟代氯烷,化学式为CHClF2。
在临床上SCC指的是鳞癌抗原,其正常值范围在2.5μg/l 以下。
r22的膨胀系数(原创实用版)目录1.膨胀系数的定义和意义2.R22 的性质和用途3.R22 的膨胀系数4.R22 膨胀系数对系统和设备的影响5.选择合适膨胀系数的 R22 的重要性正文膨胀系数是指物质在温度变化时,其长度的变化与原始长度之比,通常用单位长度的变化量表示。
除了制冷性能外,R22 的膨胀系数也是设计制冷系统和设备时需要考虑的重要因素。
根据已知数据,R22 的膨胀系数在 -40℃至 100℃的温度范围内约为11.1×10^-6/℃。
这意味着在温度变化时,R22 的长度变化相对较小,具有较好的尺寸稳定性。
但是,具体的膨胀系数值可能会因 R22 的纯度、压力、温度等条件而有所不同。
R22 的膨胀系数对制冷系统和设备的运行有很大的影响。
因此,在选择 R22 作为制冷剂时,需要根据系统的具体应用条件,选择具有合适膨胀系数的 R22。
同时,还需要考虑 R22 的其他性能指标,如热传导率、比热容等,以确保系统的整体性能达到最佳。
对于制冷剂 R22 而言,选择合适的膨胀系数对保证制冷系统和设备的正常运行非常关键。
溫度(temp.)壓力(press.)°C kPa 液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)-6233.40.00070.5979131.1377.60.72 1.88 1.070.560.660.45459.08.830.12360.0060949.2155.521.621.6-6037.50.00070.5368133.3378.60.73 1.88 1.070.560.660.46446.08.910.12260.0061939.9156.021.221.2-5842.00.00070.4831135.4379.60.74 1.87 1.070.570.650.46433.69.000.12160.0062930.6156.520.920.9-5646.90.00070.4357137.6380.50.75 1.86 1.070.570.650.46421.79.080.12060.0063921.3156.920.620.6-5452.30.00070.3939139.7381.50.76 1.86 1.080.580.650.47410.39.160.11970.0064912.0157.420.220.2-5258.20.00070.3568141.9382.50.77 1.85 1.080.580.650.47399.39.240.11870.0065902.7157.919.919.9-5064.50.00070.3238144.0383.40.78 1.85 1.080.580.650.47388.89.320.11770.0066893.4158.319.619.6-4871.40.00070.2945146.2384.40.78 1.84 1.080.590.650.48378.79.400.11680.0067884.1158.719.219.2-4678.90.00070.2684148.4385.30.79 1.84 1.080.590.650.48369.09.490.11580.0068874.8159.118.918.9-4487.00.00070.2450150.5386.30.80 1.83 1.090.600.650.48359.69.570.11490.0069865.5159.518.618.6-4295.80.00070.2240152.7387.20.81 1.83 1.090.600.650.49350.69.650.11390.0070856.2159.918.318.3-40105.20.00070.2052154.9388.10.82 1.82 1.090.610.650.49342.09.730.11300.0071846.9160.317.917.9-38115.40.00070.1883157.1389.10.83 1.82 1.090.610.660.50333.69.810.11200.0072837.6160.617.617.6-36126.30.00070.1730159.3390.00.84 1.81 1.100.620.660.50325.59.890.11110.0073828.2160.917.317.3-34138.00.00070.1593161.5390.90.85 1.81 1.100.620.660.50317.79.970.11020.0074818.9161.217.017.0-32150.50.00070.1468163.7391.80.86 1.81 1.100.630.660.51310.210.050.10930.0075809.6161.516.716.7-30163.90.00070.1355165.9392.70.87 1.80 1.100.630.660.51302.910.130.10840.0076800.3161.816.316.3-28178.20.00070.1253168.1393.60.88 1.80 1.110.640.660.51295.810.210.10740.0077791.0162.016.016.0-26193.40.00070.1160170.3394.50.89 1.79 1.110.650.660.52289.010.300.10650.0078781.6162.315.715.7-24209.70.00070.1075172.6395.30.90 1.79 1.120.650.660.52282.410.380.10560.0079772.3162.515.415.4-22227.00.00070.0997174.8396.20.90 1.79 1.120.660.660.53275.910.460.10470.0081763.0162.715.115.1-20245.30.00070.0927177.0397.10.91 1.78 1.120.670.660.53269.710.540.10380.0082753.6162.814.814.8-18264.80.00070.0862179.3397.90.92 1.78 1.130.670.660.53263.710.620.10290.0083744.3163.014.414.4-16285.40.00070.0803181.6398.70.93 1.78 1.130.680.660.54257.810.700.10200.0084734.9163.114.114.1-14307.30.00080.0749183.8399.60.94 1.77 1.130.690.660.54252.010.780.10110.0085725.6163.213.813.8-12330.40.00080.0699186.1400.40.95 1.77 1.140.690.660.55246.510.860.10020.0086716.2163.313.513.5-10354.80.00080.0653188.4401.20.96 1.77 1.140.700.670.55241.110.950.09920.0088706.8163.313.213.2-8380.50.00080.0610190.7402.00.97 1.76 1.150.710.670.55235.811.030.09830.0089697.5163.412.912.9-6407.70.00080.0571193.0402.80.97 1.76 1.150.710.670.56230.611.110.09740.0090688.1163.412.612.6-4436.30.00080.0535195.3403.50.98 1.76 1.160.720.670.56225.611.190.09650.0091678.7163.412.312.3-2466.40.00080.0502197.7404.30.99 1.75 1.160.730.670.57220.711.280.09560.0093669.3163.412.012.00498.00.00080.0471200.0405.0 1.00 1.75 1.170.740.670.57216.011.360.09470.0094659.9163.311.711.72531.20.00080.0442202.4405.8 1.01 1.75 1.170.750.670.58211.311.450.09380.0095650.5163.211.411.44566.10.00080.0416204.7406.5 1.02 1.74 1.180.760.670.58206.811.530.09290.0097641.0163.111.111.16602.60.00080.0391207.1407.2 1.03 1.74 1.190.770.680.59202.311.620.09200.0098631.6163.010.810.88640.90.00080.0368209.5407.9 1.03 1.74 1.190.780.680.59198.011.710.09110.0100622.1162.810.510.510680.90.00080.0347211.9408.6 1.04 1.74 1.200.790.680.60193.711.800.09020.0101612.7162.610.210.212722.90.00080.0327214.3409.2 1.05 1.73 1.210.800.680.60189.511.890.08930.0103603.2162.49.99.914766.70.00080.0309216.7409.9 1.06 1.73 1.210.810.680.60185.511.980.08840.0104593.7162.29.69.616812.40.00080.0291219.1410.51.07 1.731.220.820.680.61181.512.070.08750.0106584.2161.99.49.4臨界溫度(critical temperature): 369.3 K 臨界壓力(critical Pressure): 4990 kPa 莫爾質量(molar mass): 86.5 kg/kmol冷媒(r efrigerant):表面張力(surface tension)m-N/m R22相(phase)熱傳導率(thermal conductivity)聲速(speed of sound)定壓比熱(isobaric sp. heat)kJ/(kgK)比焓(specific enthalpy)比熵(spec. entropy)W/(mK)m/s 比容(specific volume)定容比熱(isochoric sp. heat)黏度(viscosity)m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/(kgK)kJ/(kgK)mPa-s溫度(temp.)壓力(press.)°C kPa 液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)液(liq.)汽(vap.)18860.20.00080.0275221.6411.1 1.08 1.73 1.230.830.680.61177.512.170.08660.0107574.6161.69.19.120910.00.00080.0260224.1411.7 1.08 1.72 1.240.840.690.62173.712.260.08570.0109565.1161.38.88.822961.90.00080.0246226.5412.2 1.09 1.72 1.240.850.690.62169.912.360.08480.0111555.5161.08.58.5241016.00.00080.0232229.0412.8 1.10 1.72 1.250.870.690.63166.212.460.08390.0112545.9160.68.28.2261072.40.00080.0220231.5413.3 1.11 1.72 1.260.880.690.63162.612.560.08300.0114536.2160.27.97.9281130.90.00080.0208234.1413.8 1.12 1.71 1.270.890.690.64159.012.670.08210.0116526.5159.77.77.7301191.90.00090.0197236.6414.3 1.13 1.71 1.280.910.700.65155.512.770.08120.0118516.8159.27.47.4321255.20.00090.0187239.2414.7 1.13 1.71 1.290.920.700.65152.012.850.08030.0120507.1158.77.17.1341321.00.00090.0177241.8415.1 1.14 1.71 1.300.940.700.66148.612.960.07940.0122497.3158.2 6.8 6.8361389.20.00090.0168244.4415.5 1.15 1.70 1.310.960.700.66145.213.070.07850.0124487.4157.6 6.6 6.6381460.10.00090.0159247.0415.9 1.16 1.70 1.330.980.700.67141.913.180.07750.0126477.6157.0 6.3 6.3401533.60.00090.0151249.6416.2 1.17 1.70 1.340.990.710.67138.713.300.07660.0128467.6156.4 6.0 6.0421609.80.00090.0143252.3416.6 1.17 1.70 1.35 1.020.710.68135.513.420.07570.0131457.6155.7 5.8 5.8441688.70.00090.0136255.0416.8 1.18 1.69 1.37 1.040.710.68132.313.540.07470.0133447.6155.0 5.5 5.5461770.40.00090.0129257.7417.1 1.19 1.69 1.38 1.060.710.69129.113.670.07380.0136437.4154.2 5.3 5.3481855.10.00090.0123260.5417.3 1.20 1.69 1.40 1.090.720.70126.013.800.07290.0139427.2153.4 5.0 5.0501942.70.00090.0116263.2417.4 1.21 1.69 1.42 1.110.720.70123.013.940.07190.0142417.0152.6 4.7 4.7522033.30.00090.0110266.0417.6 1.22 1.68 1.44 1.140.720.71119.914.090.07090.0145406.6151.7 4.5 4.5542127.00.00090.0105268.9417.6 1.22 1.68 1.46 1.170.720.71116.914.250.07000.0148396.2150.8 4.2 4.2562223.90.00100.0100271.8417.7 1.23 1.68 1.48 1.210.730.72113.914.410.06900.0152385.7149.8 4.0 4.0582324.00.00100.0094274.7417.6 1.24 1.67 1.51 1.250.730.73110.914.580.06800.0155375.0148.8 3.8 3.8602427.50.00100.0090277.6417.5 1.25 1.67 1.54 1.290.730.73108.014.760.06700.0159364.3147.7 3.5 3.5622534.30.00100.0085280.6417.4 1.26 1.67 1.57 1.330.730.74105.114.960.06600.0164353.5146.6 3.3 3.3642644.70.00100.0081283.6417.2 1.27 1.66 1.61 1.380.740.75102.115.160.06500.0168342.5145.5 3.0 3.0662758.60.00100.0076286.7416.9 1.28 1.66 1.65 1.440.740.7599.215.380.06400.0173331.4144.2 2.8 2.8682876.10.00100.0072289.9416.5 1.29 1.66 1.69 1.510.740.7696.315.620.06300.0179320.2143.0 2.6 2.6702997.40.00100.0068293.1416.1 1.29 1.65 1.74 1.580.750.7793.315.880.06190.0185308.8141.7 2.4 2.4723122.50.00100.0065296.4415.5 1.30 1.65 1.80 1.670.750.7890.416.160.06090.0192297.3140.3 2.1 2.1743251.60.00110.0061299.7414.9 1.31 1.64 1.87 1.770.750.7987.416.460.05980.0199285.6138.9 1.9 1.9763384.80.00110.0058303.2414.1 1.32 1.64 1.96 1.900.760.8084.416.800.05880.0208273.6137.4 1.7 1.7783522.20.00110.0054306.8413.1 1.33 1.64 2.06 2.050.760.8181.417.170.05770.0217261.3135.8 1.5 1.5803663.80.00110.0051310.4412.0 1.34 1.63 2.18 2.230.770.8278.317.590.05660.0228248.8134.2 1.3 1.3823809.90.00110.0048314.3410.7 1.35 1.62 2.34 2.470.770.8375.118.070.05550.0241235.8132.4 1.1 1.1843960.60.00120.0045318.3409.1 1.36 1.62 2.55 2.780.780.8471.818.610.05440.0256222.3130.60.90.9864116.10.00120.0042322.5407.2 1.37 1.61 2.84 3.220.790.8568.319.260.05340.0274208.2128.80.70.7884276.60.00120.0039327.1404.8 1.39 1.60 3.27 3.880.800.8764.720.030.05260.0297193.2126.80.60.6904442.30.00130.0036332.1401.9 1.40 1.59 3.98 4.970.810.8860.720.990.05200.0328177.0124.60.40.4924613.60.00130.0032337.8397.9 1.42 1.58 5.387.140.830.9156.222.290.05210.0374159.3122.30.20.2944791.10.00140.0029344.8392.0 1.43 1.569.4713.470.860.9450.624.280.05410.0460139.4119.70.10.1964976.10.00170.0022358.7376.61.47 1.52164.63225.880.950.9942.231.500.09530.1116114.6114.70.00.0冷媒(r efrigerant):R22 臨界溫度(critical temperature): 369.3 K 臨界壓力(critical Pressure): 4990 kPa 莫爾質量(molar mass): 86.5 kg/kmol比容(specific volume)比焓(specific enthalpy)比熵(spec. entropy)定壓比熱(isobaric sp. heat)定容比熱(isochoric sp. heat)黏度(viscosity)熱傳導率(thermal conductivity)聲速(speed of sound)表面張力(surface tension)m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/(kgK)kJ/(kgK)kJ/(kgK)mPa-s W/(mK)m/s m-N/m 相(phase)。
R22是一种氟氯化烃,又称为氯二氟甲烷,分子式为CHClF2,分子量为86.47 g/mol。
总之,R22分子量为86.47 g/mol,是一种常用的制冷剂和溶剂,但由于其对环境产生严重影响,已经被国际社会逐步淘汰。
R-22制冷剂(二氟一氯甲烷)R-22制冷剂,别名R22、氟利昂22、F-22、HCFC-22、二氟一氯甲烷,商品名称有Freon 22、Genetron 22等,中文名称二氟一氯甲烷,英文名称Chlorodifuoromethane,化学式CHClF2。
由于R-22属于HCFC 类物质(第二批受限的ODS物质Class II Ozone-depleting Substances)——对臭氧层有破坏、并且存在温室效应,因此在发达国家(欧盟、日本、美国),已经停止了在新空调、制冷设备上的初装;中国目前对于R22制冷剂的生产、初装、以及再添加基本没有限制。
R-22物化性质冷媒名称 R-22分子量86.5沸点(1atm),℃-40.8临界温度,℃96.24临界压力,kPa 4980饱和蒸气压(25℃),kPa 1044汽化热/蒸发潜热(沸点下,1atm),kJ/kg 233破坏臭氧潜能值(ODP)0.034全球变暖潜能值(GWP,100 yr) 1700ASHRAE安全级别A1(无毒不可燃)R-22冷媒包装一次性钢瓶包装:13.6kg/瓶,22.7kg/瓶;可重复使用钢瓶包装(需回收包装钢瓶):400kg/瓶,800kg/瓶。
R-22配套使用冷冻机油通常与R-22制冷剂配用的冷冻机油有:Suniso 3GS、4GS、5GS、KunLun 3GS、4GS、5GS、Reflube SE220 、CP-4214-320、BP LPT68、Capella WF68等;在不同设备、不同应用场所最终使用何种冷冻油,应遵照冷冻压缩机和制冷(空调)设备厂商的建议、或根据该制冷压缩机、制冷设备使用的具体情况来确定使用同等设计和技术员要求的冷冻机润滑油,即选用对等的冷冻机油(广州中冷贸易有限公司专业提供各种品牌各种类型压缩机的冷冻机油使用参考、对照)。
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ESCCR/22/16 PROV. 1ORIGINAL: ENGLISHDATE: JUNE 24, 2011Standing Committee on Copyright and Related RightsTwenty-Second SessionGeneva, June 15 to 24, 2011Proposal on an international instrument on limitations and exceptions for persons with print disabilitiesdocument prepared by the ChairPREAMBLERecalling the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunity and access, proclaimed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,Mindful of the challenges that are prejudicial to human development and the fulfillment of visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities with regard to education, research, access to information and communication,Emphasizing the importance of copyright protection as an incentive for literary and artistic creation and enhancing opportunities for everyone to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits,Recognizing the importance of both accessibility to the achievement of equal opportunities in all spheres of society and of the protection of the rights of authors in their literary and artistic works in a manner as effective and uniform as possible,Aware of the many barriers to access to information and communication experienced by visually impaired persons, persons with print or other disabilities regarding access to published works, Aware that the majority of visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities live in countries of low or moderate incomes,Desiring to provide full and equal access to information, culture and communication for the visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities and, towards that end, considering the need both to expand the number of works in accessible formats and to improve access to those works,Recognizing the opportunities and challenges for visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities presented by the development of new information and communication technologies, including technological publishing and communication platforms that are transnational in nature,Recognizing the need to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,Aware that national copyright legislation is territorial in nature, and where activity is undertaken across jurisdictions, uncertainty regarding the legality of activity undermines the development and use of new technologies and services that can potentially improve the lives of visually impaired and persons with print disabilities,Recognizing the large number of Members who, to that end, have established exceptions and limitations in their national copyright laws for visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities, yet the continuing shortage of works in special formats for such persons, Recognizing that the preference is for works to be made accessible by rightholders to people with disabilities at publication and that, to the extent that the market is unable to provide appropriate access to works for visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities, it is recognized that alternative measures are needed to improve such access,Recognizing the need to maintain a balance between the rights of authors and the larger public interest, particularly education, research and access to information, and that such a balance mustfacilitate effective and timely access to works for the benefit of visually impaired persons and persons print disabilities,Reaffirming the importance and flexibility of the three-step test for limitations and exceptions established in Article 9(2) of the Berne Convention and other international instruments,Prompted by the desire to contribute to the implementation of the relevant recommendations of the Development Agenda of the World Intellectual Property Organization,Taking into account the importance of an international legal instrument/jointrecommendation/treaty both to increase the number and range of accessible format works available to visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities in the world and to provide the necessary minimum flexibilities in copyright laws that are needed to ensure full and equal access to information and communication for persons who are visually impaired or have a print disability in order to support their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others and to ensure the opportunity to develop and utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, for their own benefit and for the enrichment of society,Have agreed as follows:ARTICLE ADEFINITIONSFor purposes of these provisions"work"means a protected work within the meaning of the Berne Convention, whether published or otherwise made publicly available in any media."accessible format copy"means a copy of a work in an alternative manner or form which gives a beneficiary person access to the work, including to permit the person to have access as feasibly and comfortably as a person without a print disability. The accessible format copy must respect the integrity of the original work and be used exclusively by beneficiary persons as set forth in Article B. [Possible enumeration of different formats.]"authorized entity"means a governmental agency, a non-profit entity or non-profit organization that has as one of its primary objectives to assist persons with print disabilities by providing them with services relating to education, training, adaptive reading, or information access.An authorized entity maintains procedures and policies or rules to determine the beneficiary persons, in accordance with Article B, that they serve.An authorized entity has the trust of both persons with print disabilities and copyright rights holders. It is understood that to obtain the trust of rightholders and beneficiary persons, it is not necessary to require the prior permission of said rightholders or beneficiary persons.11Member States/Contracting parties should encourage rightholders and beneficiary persons to cooperate and participate in authorized entities.If an authorized entity is a nation-wide network of organizations, then all organizations, institutions, and entities that participate in the network must adhere to the above characteristics. "reasonable price for developed countries"means that the accessible format copy of the work is available at a similar or lower price than the price of the work available to persons without print disabilities in that market."reasonable price for developing countries"means that the accessible format copy of the work is available at prices that are affordable in that market, taking into account the humanitarian needs of persons with print disabilities.“Member State”means a State member of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and/or a Contracting Party of the WCT.Without prejudice to the use of this term in other instruments, r eferences to …copyright‟ herein include copyright and any relevant rights related to copyright that are provided by a Contracting Party in compliance with the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention, the TRIPS Agreement, the WCT, WPPT or otherwise.[As to “authorized entity”, the beginning of the first paragraph should read “means a governmental agency, a non-profit entity or non-profit organization authorized by the Government…”[It is proposed to change the definition of “Member States” as follows:“Member State” means all WIPO Member States.”]ARTICLE BBENEFICIARY PERSONSA beneficiary person is a person who(a) is blind;(b) has a visual impairment or a perceptual or reading disability or any other print disability,which cannot be improved by the use of corrective lenses to give visual functionsubstantially equivalent to that of a person who has no such impairment or disability and so is unable to read printed works to substantially the same degree as a person without animpairment or disability; or(c) is unable, through physical disability, to hold or manipulate a book or to focus or move theeyes to the extent that would be normally acceptable for reading.ARTICLE XNATURE AND SCOPE OF OBLIGATIONS1. Member States/Contracting parties should/shall adopt appropriate measures to implementthe provisions of this international legal instrument/joint recommendation/treaty.2. Member States/Contracting Parties should/shall apply the international legalinstrument/joint recommendation/treaty transparently, taking into account the priorities and special needs of developing countries as well as the different levels of development of the Member States/Contracting Parties.3. Member States/Contracting parties should/shall ensure the implementation of thisinternational legal instrument/joint recommendation/treaty allows for timely and effectiveexercise of actions covered, including expeditious procedures that are fair and equitable. ARTICLE CNATIONAL LAW EXCEPTIONS ON ACCESSIBLE FORMAT COPIES1. Member State/Contracting Party should/shall provide in their national copyright law for anexception or limitation to the right of reproduction, the right of distribution and the right of making available to the public, as defined in article 8 of the WCT, for beneficiary persons as defined herein.2. A Member State/Contracting Party may fulfill Article C (1) by providing an exception orlimitation in its national copyright law such that(A) Authorized entities shall be permitted without the authorization of the rightholder tomake an accessible format copy of a work, supply that accessible format copy or anaccessible format copy obtained from another authorized entity to a beneficiaryperson by any means, including by non-commercial lending or by electroniccommunication by wire or wireless means, and undertake any intermediate steps toachieve these objectives, when all of the following conditions are met:1. the authorized entity wishing to undertake said activity has lawful access tothat work or a copy of that work;2. the work is converted to an accessible format copy, which may include anymeans needed to navigate information in the accessible format, but does notintroduce changes other than those needed to make the work accessible tothe beneficiary person;3. copies of the work in the accessible format are supplied exclusively to be usedby beneficiary persons; and4. the activity is undertaken on a non-profit basis.2(B) A beneficiary person or someone acting on his or her behalf may make anaccessible format copy of a work for the personal use of the beneficiary personwhere the beneficiary person has lawful access to that work or a copy of that work.The Member State/Contracting Party may limit said exceptions or limitations to published works which, in the applicable accessible format, cannot be otherwise obtained within areasonable time and at a reasonable price.3. A Member State/Contracting Party may fulfill Article C (1) by providing any other exceptionor limitation in its national copyright law that is limited to certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice thelegitimate interests of the right holder.2It is understood that cooperation or partnerships with other organizations, including for profit organizations, shall be permitted.4. It shall be a matter for national law to determine whether exceptions or limitations referredto in this Article are subject to remuneration.ARTICLE DCROSS-BORDER EXCHANGE OF ACCESSIBLE FORMAT COPIES1. Member States/Contracting Parties should/shall provide that if an accessible format copyof a work is made under an exception or limitation or export license in their national law or legislation, that accessible format copy may be distributed or made available to abeneficiary person in another Member State/Contracting Party by an authorized entitywhere that other Member State/Contracting Party would permit that beneficiary person to make or import that accessible copy.2. A Member State/Contracting Party may fulfill Article D(1) by providing an exception orlimitation in its national copyright law such that:(A) Authorized entities shall be permitted without the authorization of the rightholder todistribute or make available accessible format copies to authorized entities in otherMember States/Contracting Parties for the exclusive use of beneficiary persons,where such activity is undertaken on a non-profit basis.(B) Authorized entities shall be permitted without the authorization of the rightholder todistribute or make available accessible format copies to beneficiary persons in otherMember States/Contracting Parties where the authorized entity has verified theindividual is properly entitled to receive such accessible format copies under thatother Member State/Contracting Party 's national law.The Member State/Contracting Party may limit said distribution or making available topublished works which, in the applicable accessible format, cannot be otherwise obtained within a reasonable time and at a reasonable price, in the country of importation.3. A Member State/Contracting Party may fulfill Article D(1) by providing any other exceptionor limitation in its national copyright law that is limited to certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice thelegitimate interests of the right holder.ARTICLE EIMPORTATION OF ACCESSIBLE FORMAT COPIESTo the extent that national law would permit a beneficiary person or an authorized entity acting on the beneficiary person‟s behalf to make an accessible format copy of a work, the national law should/shall permit a beneficiary person or an authorized entity acting on that person's behalf to import an accessible format copy without the authorization of the copyright holder.ARTICLE FOBLIGATIONS CONCERNING TECHNOLOGICAL MEASURESMember States/Contracting Parties should/shall ensure that beneficiaries of the exception provided by Article C have the means to enjoy the exception where technological protection measures have been applied to a work.At least, in the absence of voluntary measures by rightholders and to the extent that copies of the work in the accessible format are not available commercially at a reasonable price or via authorized entities, Member States/Contracting Parties should/shall take appropriate measures to ensure that beneficiaries of the exception provided by Article C have the means of benefiting from that exception when technical protection measures have been applied to a work, to the extent necessary to benefit from that exception.ARTICLE GRELATIONSHIP WITH CONTRACTSNothing herein shall prevent Member States/Contracting Parties from addressing the relationship of contract law and statutory exceptions and limitations for beneficiary persons.ARTICLE HRESPECT FOR PRIVACYIn the implementation of these exceptions and limitations, Member States/Contracting Parties should/shall endeavour to protect the privacy of beneficiary persons on an equal basis with others.[End of document]。