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Unit 4 Inventions
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1A 2C 3B 4A 5C
6D 7B 8A 9D 10 A
11 B 12 C 13 B 14 A
15 dislike/hate 16 harder 17 communication 18 real 19 advantages
D. housework
Zhao was not _____3. Many schools asked students
to ______4 during the winter holiday.
B 3. A. shy
B. alone
C. interesting
D. exciting
A4. A. exercise
C. self-confidence
D. self-thinking
【点拨】细节理解题。根据最后一段中But knowing how
to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control. 可知,自控力是关键,故选B。
The winter holiday is usually a good time to sleep in.
But Zhao Yi, a 14-year-old student from Hangzhou, _____1
at 7:00 a.m. to run at least 2 kilometers every day during
forBi.nsfeoarrmchaftoiorninafnodrmmataiodne a PowerPoint slide(幻灯片). 以 及CSo. thakeetoeoxkamosut his smart phone,opened a special app and searched for the problem. 可知,他们上网搜索信息, 故D选. Bch。at with their classmates
Students had to post exercise photos in ____6 classes’ QQ
groups. Students even needed to have daily exercise plans.
For example, they had to skip rope for two _____7 and do
three sets of sit-ups each day.
D 6. A. his
B. your C. our
D. their
B 7. A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. days
This has been a big challenge for many students, ____8
toCu.siet’tshneoItnnteecrensestariys itmo lpeoarrntahnot.wTthoeukseythies tInotheranveet goDo.dsstueldfe-cnotsnctraonl.d可o e知ve,ryt知hi道ng如we何ll使wi用th网th络e I非nte常rn重et’要s h,elp 故选A。
MhidodmleewSochrko,oal lilnICghetenisgadushtohrint kmseosnsaligneeicnosmteamduonficraetailon isnco’tnecneronu,g”hs.h可e 知sai答d.可案知。答案。
However, online classes also have their __a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s_19 like saving money and time. Students can watch them over again as well. In fact, you can choose different ways of learning according to yourself.
it was hard to focus on studying while taking online 【c点la拨sse】s.根可据知原答文案第。二段中句子However, most students
don’t seem to like online classes.可知答案。
Besides, __c_o_m__m__u_n_ic_a_t_io_n___17 is not enough in online
1【4.点B拨y w】ri主tin旨g t大his意p题ass。ag根e,据the第w二rit段er中wamnatsntyostteullduesntthsadto their homework with the help of the Internet. 可知, 本_文__A讲__了. 学生用网络来辅助完成作业。根据第四段中 HAow. tehveerI,nttehrinsettrceanndb(e趋a势go)oadlshoeclpaeursiefswperoubsleeimt ps.ro可pe知rly, 这B也. t带he来In了ter问ne题t h。as根m据ade最a后ll s一tu段de中ntsBluaztyknowing how
the holiday.
A1. A. got up
B. went to bed
C. getting up
D. going to bed
In fact, this exercise was part of his ______2.
C 2. A. job
B. entertainment
C. homework
B. read
C. write
D. speak
Part of the reason is that physical education test scores are now worth more on the senior high school entrance examination(中考).
as Zhao, used to ____9 running.
D 9. A. realize B. sell
C. love D. hate
But he is now able to run for half an hour every day. “I
didn’t exercise a lot in the past. Now it’s time to ______10
Because of this, Zhao’s school asked students to run
on sunny days and exercise indoors ______5 the weather
was bad.
C 5. A. what B. where C. if
D. which
cBo.pSyomthee satnudswenetrsslefrtothmeitrhcelaIsnstmeranteest dwoithhoomuetwthoirnkkfionrgthoenm. tCh.eNiroobwodny. Sisoambeleetvoefninleisththeisirhcolmaseswmoarktews ditohotuhtetihre homInetewronrekt nfoowr .them.可知没有提到C项内容。
others!” he said.
A 10. A. catch up with
B. have a rest
C. go to school
D. play basketball
11. Both Wei Fang and Zhu Hui used the Internet to ___B__. 【点A拨. p】lay细g节am理es解题。根据第一段的She searched online
classes. They can’t experience the ______re_a_l_____18
learning environment compared with offline classes. 【【点点拨拨】】根根据据原原文文第第四四段段中中句句子子WWenhJeinayIid, 1o4n,’taht aYnudyiinng
像这样的公民科学项目允许各种年龄和背景的人参 加科学的研究。
21 He was an electrical engineer.
22 The Shanghai Natural History Museum.
23 To encourage more people to take part in citizen science.
【点拨】根据原文最后一段中句子However, online classes still have other advantages.可知答案。
20. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. ____像__这__样__的__公__民__科__学__项__目__允__许__各__种__年__龄__和__背__景__的__人_ 参 ____加__科__学__的__研__究__。_____________________________
【点拨】根据原文中句子As an electrical engineer (电气工程师), Chu treated this project as his second job.可知答案。
22. Who organized this activity in Shanghai? _T_h_e_S__h_a_n_g_h_a_i_N_a_t_u_r_a_l_H__is_t_o_r_y_M__u_s_e_u_m__. __________
12. Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned in the
fourth paragraph? C 【A点. S拨om】e根stu据de原nt文s o第nl四y c段op中y 句the子anSsowmeerslafrzoymsttuhdeeInnttserjnuestt.
【点拨】原句为:The citizen science project like this allowed people of all age and backgrounds to take part in scientific research.
21. What did Chu Qing do? _H_e__w_a_s__a_n_e_l_ec_t_r_ic_a_l_e_n_g_i_n_e_e_r_. __________________
D. Some students stop thinking on their own.
13. According to the passage, ___B___is the key to using the
Internet to study.
A. self-respect
B. self-control
Lots of students have taken online classes. However,
most students __d_i_sl_ik__e/_h_a_t_e__15 them. They think online c【las点se拨s m】ak根e 据the原m文m第uc三h _段__中h_a_句r_d_子e_r_M__a1n6ytsotustdaeynftoscsuasiedd.
it has also helped to make exercise become a bigger part of
their daily lives.
A 8. A. but
Zhichang, a 14-year-old student at the same school