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等我们真的找到一些空闲的时候,大多数人会把它们用来看 电视、聊天,要不就是盯着天花板憧憬美好的未来。其实, 我们完全可以挤出足够的时间来做一些很有效的健身运动, 同时也不会耽误我们做着上面说的这些好事情。
昆塔觉得,即使他家乡的野兽也比这群人自尊自重。(inversion of parenthesis)
But before she went to join her husband in the Belgic capital, Mrs. Crawley made an expedition into England, leaving behind her her little son upon the continent, under the care of her French maid. (W. M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair)
克劳莱太太到比利时首都去找丈夫以前,先到英国去走了一趟,叫那法国女 佣带着儿子留在欧洲大陆。(inversion of adverbial)
From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.
大约在1840年,一条运河被建在横穿马什农场的草地上。→ 大约在1840年,横穿马什农场的草地上开凿了一条运河。(inversion of sb.)
Even the wild animals of his homeland, it seemed to Kunta, had more dignity than these creatures. (Alex Haley, Roots) 即使他家乡的野兽,昆塔觉得,也比这些家伙有更多的尊严。 →
When we do happen to find spare minutes, the majority of us want to put them to good use by doing things like watching TV, chatting or simply staring at the ceiling relishing our good fortune. But the fact is that you can do all of the above and still have enough time to squeeze in an effective workout.
一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地受到关怀与照顾。 (impersonal → personal)
Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 他开始变得惊恐万状。
Chung Mong Jun, a descendant of the Hyundai dynasty, has the money to compensate for his lack of an established political party. And the public’s disgust with politics-as-usual might make the timing right for a candidate whose most notable achievement has been bringing the world’s most prestigious soccer event to South Korea. “Soccer Chief for Top Goal”, Los Angeles Times
Chung Mong Jun, a descendant of the Hyundai dynasty, has the money to compensate for his lack of an established political party. And the public’s disgust with politics-as-usual might make the timing right for a candidate whose most notable achievement has been bringing the world’s most prestigious soccer event to South Korea. “Soccer Chief for Top Goal”, Los Angeles Times 作为现代集团的继承人,郑梦准虽然没有一个强大的政党 势力,但他有巨大的财政支撑。韩国的选民已经厌倦了政 治,而郑梦准最大的政绩是争取到了世界上最富盛名的足 球赛事的举办权。这种情况无疑为他的竞选创造了良机。
五 词序调整法 Inversion
About 1840, a canal was constructed across the meadows of the Marsh Farm. (D. H. Lawrence, The Rain to find spare minutes, the majority of us want to put them to good use by doing things like watching TV, chatting or simply staring at the ceiling relishing our good fortune. But the fact is that you can do all of the above and still have enough time to squeeze in an effective workout.