


4m 4m 2m 2m 2m 2m 5m 5m 5m 5m 10m 10m 10m 10m 250μ 250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ

6.4 6.4 6.4 1N4612
6.4 6.4 6.4 1N4612A
Si 30 稳压
1N4583B Si 7 稳压
Si 7
稳压 稳压
1N4616DUR1 Si
1N4617(-1) Si 7
Si 7
稳压 稳压
1N4617CUR1 Si
Si 7
稳压 稳压
1N4617DUR1 Si
1N4618(-1) Si 7
Si 7
稳压 稳压
4m 4m 4m
3.6 3.6
3.6 3.6 3.9 MZ4622
3.9 3.9
3.9 3.9 4.3 MZ4623



1N5820, 1N5821, 1N58221N5820 and 1N5822 are Preferred DevicesAxial Lead RectifiersThis series employs the Schottky Barrier principle in a large area metal-to-silicon power diode. State-of-the-art geometry features chrome barrier metal, epitaxial construction with oxide passivation and metal overlap contact. Ideally suited for use as rectifiers in low-voltage, high-frequency inverters, free wheeling diodes, and polarity protection diodes.Features•ăExtremely Low V F•ăLow Power Loss/High Efficiency•ăLow Stored Charge, Majority Carrier Conduction•ăShipped in plastic bags, 500 per bag•ăAvailable in Tape and Reel, 1500 per reel, by adding a “RL'' suffix tothe part number•ăPb-Free Packages are Available*Mechanical Characteristics:•ăCase: Epoxy, Molded•ăWeight: 1.1 Gram (Approximately)•ăFinish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant and Terminal Leads are Readily Solderable•ăLead Temperature for Soldering Purposes:260°C Max. for 10 Seconds•ăPolarity: Cathode indicated by Polarity Band*For additional information on our Pb-Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.CASE 267-05(DO-201AD)STYLE 1SCHOTTKY BARRIERRECTIFIERS3.0 AMPERES20, 30, 40 VOLTSPreferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value.MARKING DIAGRAMSee detailed ordering and shipping information on page 3 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONA= Assembly Location1N582x= Device Codex= 0, 1, or 2YY= YearWW= Work WeekG= Pb-Free Package(Note: Microdot may be in either location)A1N582xYYWW GGMAXIMUM RATINGSStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.*THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 5)Characteristic Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient R q JA28°C/W*ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T L = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 1)Characteristic Symbol1N58201N58211N5822UnitMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (Note 2) (i F = 1.0 Amp)(i F = 3.0 Amp)(i F = 9.4 Amp)V F0.3700.4750.8500.3800.5000.9000.3900.5250.950VMaximum Instantaneous Reverse Current @ Rated dc Voltage (Note 2)T L = 25°CT L = 100°C i R2.0202.0202.020mA1.Lead Temperature reference is cathode lead 1/32″ from case.2.Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 m s, Duty Cycle =2.0%.*Indicates JEDEC Registered Data for 1N5820-22.ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package Shipping†1N5820Axial Lead500 Units/Bag500 Units/Bag1N5820G Axial Lead(Pb-Free)1N5820RL Axial Lead1500/T ape & Reel1500/T ape & Reel1N5820RLG Axial Lead(Pb-Free)1N5821Axial Lead500 Units/Bag500 Units/Bag1N5821G Axial Lead(Pb-Free)1N5821RL Axial Lead1500/T ape & Reel1500/T ape & Reel1N5821RLG Axial Lead(Pb-Free)1N5822Axial Lead500 Units/Bag500 Units/Bag1N5822G Axial Lead(Pb-Free)1N5822RL Axial Lead1500/T ape & Reel1500/T ape & Reel1N5822RLG Axial Lead(Pb-Free)†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.NOTE 3 — DETERMINING MAXIMUM RATINGSReverse power dissipation and the possibility of thermal runaway must be considered when operating this rectifier at reverse voltages above 0.1 V RWM. Proper derating may be accomplished by use of equation (1).T A(max) = T J(max)* R q JA P F(A V)* R q JA P R(A V)(1) where T A(max) = Maximum allowable ambient temperature T J(max) = Maximum allowable junction temperature(125°C or the temperature at which thermalrunaway occurs, whichever is lowest) P F(A V) = Average forward power dissipationP R(A V) = Average reverse power dissipationR q JA = Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance Figures 1, 2, and 3 permit easier use of equation (1) by taking reverse power dissipation and thermal runaway into consideration. The figures solve for a reference temperature as determined by equation (2).T R = T J(max)* R q JA P R(A V)(2) Substituting equation (2) into equation (1) yields:T A(max) = T R* R q JA P F(A V)(3) Inspection of equations (2) and (3) reveals that T R is the ambient temperature at which thermal runaway occurs or where T J = 125°C, when forward power is zero. The transition from one boundary condition to the other is evident on the curves of Figures 1, 2, and 3 as a difference in the rate of change of the slope in the vicinity of 115°C. The data of Figures 1, 2, and 3 is based upon dc conditions. For use in common rectifier circuits, Table 1 indicates suggested factors for an equivalent dc voltage to use for conservative design, that is:V R(equiv) = V(FM) F(4) The factor F is derived by considering the properties of the various rectifier circuits and the reverse characteristics of Schottky diodes.EXAMPLE: Find T A(max) for 1N5821 operated in a 12-volt dc supply using a bridge circuit with capacitive filter such that I DC = 2.0 A (I F(A V) = 1.0 A), I(FM)/I(A V) = 10, Input V oltage = 10 V(rms), R q JA =40°C/W.Step 1. Find V R(equiv).Read F = 0.65 from Table 1,N V R(equiv) = (1.41) (10) (0.65) = 9.2 V. Step 2. Find T R from Figure 2. Read T R = 108°C@ V R = 9.2 V and R q JA = 40°C/W.Step 3. Find P F(A V) from Figure 6. **Read P F(A V) = 0.85 W@I(FM)I(AV)+10andĂI F(AV)+1.0ĂA.Step 4. Find T A(max) from equation (3).T A(max) = 108 * (0.85) (40) = 74°C.**Values given are for the 1N5821. Power is slightly lower for the 1N5820 because of its lower forward voltage, and higher for the 1N5822. Variations will be similar for the MBR-prefix devices, using P F(A V) from Figure 6.Table 1. Values for Factor FCircuit Half Wave Full Wave, BridgeFull Wave, Center Tapped*†Load Resistive Capacitive*Resistive Capacitive Resistive Capacitive Sine Wave0.5 1.0 1.3 Square Wave0.75 1.50.750.75 1.5 1.5*Note that V R(PK)[ 2.0 V in(PK).†Use line to center tap voltage for V in.Figure 1. Maximum Reference Temperature1N5820Figure 2. Maximum Reference Temperature1N5821Figure 3. Maximum Reference Temperature1N5822Figure 4. Steady-State Thermal Resistance152.0V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)115125105304.0V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)125115105958575L, LEAD LENGTH (INCHES)1/8252015105.002/840T R , R E F E R E N C E T E M P E R A T U R E ( C )T R J L , T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C E9585755.03.0 4.07.01020° 5.07.01015203/84/85/86/87/81.0403530q J U N C T I O N -T O -L E A D ( C /W )°, R E F E R E N C E T E M P ER A T U R E ( C )R °15V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)115105T R , R E F E R E N C E T E M P E R A T U R E ( C )9585755.03.0 4.07.01020°12530r (t ), T R A N S I E N T T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C E (N O R M A L I Z E D ) k2.0 k5.0 k10 k0., TIME (ms) 5. Thermal Response20 k3.00.1I F(AV), AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP)5.0P 2.0, A V E R A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )F (A V )0.7 1.07.010Figure 6. Forward Power Dissipation 1N5820-22NOTE 4 - APPROXIMATE THERMAL CIRCUIT MODELUse of the above model permits junction to lead thermal resistance for any mounting configuration to be found. For a given total lead length, lowest values occur when one side of the rectifier is brought as close as possible to the heat sink.Terms in the model signify:T A = Ambient Temperature T C = Case Temperature T L = Lead Temperature T J = Junction Temperature R q S = Thermal Resistance, Heatsink to Ambient R q L = Thermal Resistance, Lead-to-Heatsink R q J = Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case P D = Total Power Dissipation = P F + P R P F = Forward Power Dissipation P R = Reverse Power Dissipation(Subscripts (A) and (K) refer to anode and cathode sides,respectively.) Values for thermal resistance components are:R q L = 42°C/W/in typically and 48°C/W/in maximum R q J = 10°C/W typically and 16°C/W maximumThe maximum lead temperature may be found as follows:T L = T J(max) * n T JL where n T JL [ R q JL · P DNOTE 6 — HIGH FREQUENCY OPERATIONSince current flow in a Schottky rectifier is the result ofmajority carrier conduction, it is not subject to junction di‐ode forward and reverse recovery transients due to minority carrier injection and stored charge. Satisfactory circuit ana‐lysis work may be performed by using a model consisting of an ideal diode in parallel with a variable capacitance.(See Figure 10.)Figure 7. Typical Forward VoltageFigure 8. Maximum Non-Repetitive SurgeCurrentFigure 9. Typical Reverse Current1.2v F , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (VOLTS)505.0NUMBER OF CYCLES5.01001.010V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)8.0500.20.0116i F , I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A M P )I 0.50.400. 3.01002432400.051.4100200.1, P E A K H A L F -W A V E C U R R E N T (A M P )F S M 705030201. R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)1.00.5200702.03.05.010500300100C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )0.77.0203020305070Figure 10. Typical CapacitanceI , R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (m A )R 0.020.05101. 4.0122028361. 1.30.9PACKAGE DIMENSIONSAXIAL LEAD CASE 267-05(DO-201AD)ISSUE GNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.STYLE 1:PIN 1.CATHODE (POLARITY BAND)2.ANODEDIMMIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 0.2870.3747.309.50B 0.1890.209 4.80 5.30D 0.0470.051 1.20 1.30K1.000---25.40---ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION分销商库存信息:ONSEMI1N5822RLG1N5820RLG1N5821RLG 1N5822G1N5821G1N5820G1N5820RL1N5821RL1N5822RL。


机械数据 Mechanical Data
封装: DO-35 玻璃封装 Case: DO-35 Glass Case
极性: 色环端为负极 Polarity: Color band denotes cathode end 安装位置: 任意 Mounting Position: Any
极限值和温度特性 TA = 25℃ 除非另有规定。 Maximum Ratings & Thermal Characteristics Ratings at 25℃ ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.
不重复峰值反向电压 Non-repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage
反向峰值电压 peak repetitive Reverse Voltage 最大正向平均电流 Forward Continuous Current 平均整流输出电流 Average Rectified Output Current
1N4148 / 1N4448
DO-35 Glass
max. 0.52
小信号肖特基二极管 Small Signal Schottky Diodes
特征 Features
1.8 0.2
min. 27.5 3.8 0.2 min. 27.5
·反向漏电流小。Low reverse leakage ·开关速度快。Fast switching speed ·最大功率耗散500mW。Maximum power dissipation 500mW ·高稳定性和可靠性。High stability and high reliability



型号材料外形用途极限工作电压Vrwm(V)极限工作电流Im(A)耗散功率Pw(W)最高工作频率fm(H稳压)V稳压1N1313Si51稳压200μ150m8.75 1N1314Si51稳压200μ150m10.5 1N1315Si51稳压200μ150m12.71N1316Si51稳压200μ150m15.7 1N1317Si51稳压200μ150m18.5 1N1318Si51稳压200μ150m23.5 1N1319Si51稳压200μ150m28.5 1N1320Si51稳压200μ150m34.5 1N1321Si51稳压200μ150m41 1N1322Si51稳压200μ150m49.5 1N1323Si51稳压200μ150m58 1N1324Si51稳压200μ150m71 1N1325Si51稳压200μ150m87.5 1N1326Si51稳压200μ150m105 1N1327Si51稳压200μ150m127 1N1347Si SP整流,50061N1347A Si4整流,50061N1347B Si4整流,50061N1347C Si4整流,50061N1348Si SP整流,60061N1348A Si4整流,60061N1348B Si4整流,60061N1348C Si4整流,60061N135Ge7普通用途,755m1N1351Si4稳压500m10101N1351A Si4稳压500m1010 1N1351B Si SP稳压500m1010 1N1352Si4稳压500m10111N1352A Si4稳压500m1011 1N1352B Si SP稳压500m1011 1N1353Si4稳压500m1012 1N1353A Si4稳压500m1012 1N1353B Si稳压500m10121N1354Si4稳压500m10131N1354A Si4稳压500m1013 1N1354B Si SP稳压500m1013 1N1355Si4稳压500m10151N1355A Si4稳压500m1015 1N1355B Si SP稳压500m1015 1N1356Si4稳压500m1016 1N1356A Si4稳压500m1016 1N1356B Si SP稳压500m1016 1N1357Si4稳压500m1018 1N1357A Si4稳压500m1018 1N1357B Si SP稳压500m1018 1N1358Si4稳压150m1020 1N1358A Si4稳压150m1020 1N1358B Si SP稳压150m1020 1N1359Si4稳压150m1022 1N1359A Si4稳压150m1022 1N1359B Si SP稳压150m1022 1N1360Si4稳压150m1024 1N1360A Si4稳压150m1024 1N1360B Si SP稳压150m1024 1N1361Si4稳压150m1027 1N1361A Si4稳压150m1027 1N1361B Si SP稳压150m1027 1N1362Si4稳压150m1030 1N1362A Si4稳压150m1030 1N1362B Si SP稳压150m1030 1N1363Si4稳压150m1033 1N1363A Si4稳压150m1033 1N1363B Si SP稳压150m1033 1N1364Si4稳压150m1036 1N1364A Si4稳压150m1036 1N1364B Si SP稳压150m1036 1N1365Si4稳压150m1039 1N1365A Si4稳压150m1039 1N1365B Si SP稳压150m1039 1N1366Si4稳压150m1043 1N1366A Si4稳压150m1043 1N1366B Si SP稳压150m1043 1N1367Si4稳压150m1047 1N1367A Si4稳压150m1047 1N1367B Si SP稳压150m1047 1N1368Si4稳压150m1051 1N1368A Si4稳压150m1051 1N1368B Si稳压150m10511N1369Si4稳压150m1056 1N1369A Si4稳压150m1056 1N1369B Si SP稳压150m1056 1N1370Si4稳压50m1062 1N1370A Si4稳压50m1062 1N1370B Si SP稳压50m1062 1N1371Si4稳压50m1068 1N1371A Si4稳压50m1068 1N1371B Si SP稳压50m1068 1N1372Si4稳压50m1075 1N1372A Si4稳压50m1075 1N1372B Si SP稳压50m1075 1N1373Si4稳压50m1082 1N1373A Si4稳压50m1082 1N1373B Si SP稳压50m1082 1N1374Si4稳压50m1091 1N1374A Si4稳压50m1091 1N1374B Si SP稳压50m1091 1N1375Si4稳压50m10100 1N1375A Si4稳压50m10100 1N1376Si SP整流,502401N1377Si SP整流,1002401N1378Si SP整流,1502401N1379Si SP整流,2002401N137A Si51整流,3630m1N137B Si51整流,3675m1N1380Si SP整流,3002401N1381Si SP整流,4002401N1382Si SP整流,5002401N138A Si51整流,1850m1N138B Si51整流,189.0m1N139Ge7普通用途,4670m1N1396Si SP整流,5070 1N1397Si SP整流,10070 1N1398Si SP整流,15070 1N1399Si SP整流,200701N140Ge7普通用途,6085m1N1400Si整流,300701N1401Si SP整流,40070 1N1402Si SP整流,50070 1N1403Si SP整流,60070 1N1406Si45整流,600125m型号材料外形用途极限工作电压Vrwm(V)极限工作电流Im(A)耗散功率Pw(W)最高工作频率fm(Hz)Vz1N1911Si47整流,400 1.59页</< html>9a页</< html>12页。



1N/FDLL 914/A/B / 916/A/B / 4148 / 4448 Small Signal Diode January 2007LL-341N/FDLL 914/A/B / 916/A/B / 4148 / 4448 Small Signal Diode1N/FDLL 914/A/B / 916/A/B / 4148 / 4448 Small Signal DiodeFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.1N/FDLL 914/A/B / 916/A/B / 4148 / 4448 Small Signal DiodeDISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY , FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN;NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THESE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT EXPAND THE TERMS OF FAIRCHILD’S WORLDWIDE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPE-CIFICALLY THE WARRANTY THEREIN, WHICH COVERS THESE PRODUCTS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of TermsDatasheet IdentificationProduct StatusDefinitionAdvance InformationFormative or In DesignThis datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.Preliminary First ProductionThis datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.No Identification Needed Full ProductionThis datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.Obsolete Not In ProductionThis datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.FACT Quiet Series™GlobalOptoisolator™GTO™HiSeC™I 2C™i-Lo ™ImpliedDisconnect™IntelliMAX™ISOPLANAR™LittleFET™MICROCOUPLER™MicroFET™MicroPak™MICROWIRE™MSX™MSXPro™OCX™OCXPro™OPTOLOGIC ®OPTOPLANAR™PACMAN™POP™Power247™PowerEdge™PowerSaver™PowerTrench ®QFET ®QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™RapidConfigure™RapidConnect™µSerDes™ScalarPump™SILENT SWITCHER ®SMART START™SPM™Stealth™SuperFET™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™TCM™TinyBoost™TinyBuck™TinyPWM™TinyPower™TinyLogic ®TINYOPTO™TruTranslation™UHC ®UniFET™VCX™Wire™ACEx™ActiveArray™Bottomless™Build it Now™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT ™DOME™EcoSPARK™E 2CMOS™EnSigna™FACT ®FAST ®FASTr™FPS™FRFET™Across the board. Around the world.™The Power Franchise ®Programmable Active Droop™Rev. I22。



PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)78027012A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC7802701EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC7802701FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/36001B2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/36001BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/36001BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54148J OBSOLETE CDIP J16TBD Call TI Call TISN54LS148J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN74147N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74148J OBSOLETE CDIP J16TBD Call TI Call TISN74148N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74148N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS147DR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS147N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS148D ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS148DE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS148DR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS148DRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LS148J OBSOLETE CDIP J16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS148N ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74LS148N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS148NE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS148NSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS148NSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SNJ54148J OBSOLETE CDIP J16TBD Call TI Call TISNJ54148W OBSOLETE CFP W16TBD Call TI Call TISNJ54LS148FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS148J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS148W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC (1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS)or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check/productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



额Байду номын сангаас值

反向峰值电压 正向电流 (平均值)
导通电压 (IF=10mA)
反向电流(VR=20V) 反向电流 (VR=75V)
反向电流 (VR=20V,TJ=100oC)
(注 1)
热阻性 (与外界结合点) 适用于存储温度
(注 3)
0.35 -55 +175
1: VR=0V, f=1 MHz 2: IF=10mA to IR=1mA, VR=6V, RL=100 3: Valid provided that leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 8mm from case.



Subsidiary of Sino-Tech International (BVI) Limited ®
Dated: 14/01/2013 Rev: 01
Admissible power dissipation versus ambient temperature
Max. 0.5 Max. 1.9
Min. 27.5
Max. 0.45 Max. 1.9
Min. 27.5
Black Cathode Band
Black Part No.
Black "ST" Brand
Max. 3.9
Black Cathode Band
Black Part No.
XXX Max. 2.9
Reverse Recovery Time at IF = 10 mA to IR = 1 mA, Irr = 0.1 x IR, VR = 6 V, RL = 100 Ω
Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air
Rectification Efficiency at f = 100 MHz, VRF = 2 V
1) Valid provided that leads at a distance of 8 mm from case are kept at ambient temperature.
4 0.35 1)
pF V
ns K/mW


1270 nm ~ 1610 nm DFB LASER DIODES
² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² 18-wavelength CWDM: from 1270 nm to 1610 nm, each Step 20 nm High reliability, long operation life 0 ºC ~+70 ºC operation Single frequency operation with high SMSR Build-in InGaAs monitor Flat Window Cap Package (DL-510X-CXX0) Aspherical Lens Cap Package (DL-512X-CXX0) 2 mm Ball Lens Cap Package (DL-314X-CXX0)



e 31N5400G - 1N5408G3.0A GLASS PASSIVATED RECTIFIERFeaturesMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@ T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified·Glass Passivated Die Construction·High Current Capability and Low Forward Voltage Drop ·Surge Overload Rating to 125A Peak ·Lead Free Finish,RoHS Compliant (Note 4)Mechanical Data·Case: DO-201AD·Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0·Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020C ·Terminals: Finish - Tin. Plated Leads Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208·Polarity: Cathode Band·Ordering Information: See Last Page ·Marking: Type Number·Weight: 1.12 grams (approximate)Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.Notes:1. Valid provided that leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 9.5mm from the case.2. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V DC.3. Measured with I F = 0.5A, I R = 1.0A,I rr = 0.25A.4.RoHS revision 13.2.2003. Glass and High Temperature Solder Exemptions Applied, see EU Directive Annex Notes 5 and 7.I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F V ,INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Forward CharacteristicsF ,P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A )F S M NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60Hz Fig.3Peak Forward SurgeCurrent10100200110100C ,T O T A L C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )T V ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig.4Typical Total CapacitanceR 0.11.01010020406080100120140PERCENT OF RATED PEAK VOLTAGE (%)Fig.5Typical Reverse Characteristics012340255075100125150175I ,A V E R A G E F O R W A R D R E C T I F I E D C U R R E N T (A )O T ,AMBIENTTEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.1Forward Current Derating CurveAOrdering Information(Note 5)Notes: 5. For packaging details, visit our website at /datasheets/ap02008.pdfIMPORTANT NOTICEDiodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications,enhancements,improvements,corrections or other changes without further notice to any product herein.Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein;neither does it convey any license under its patent rights,nor the rights of others.The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on our website,harmless against all damages.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expressed written approval of the President of Diodes Incorporated.。



型号材料用途极限工作电压Vrwm(V)极限工作电流Im(A)耗散功率Pw(W)最高工作频率fm(Hz)Vz国内外相似型号1N4573(A)Si稳压1m400m 6.4THZ4573,THZ4573A 1N4573-1(A1)Si稳压1m400m 6.41N4573AUR1Si稳压1m400m 6.41N4573B Si稳压1m400m 6.41N4574(A)Si稳压1m400m 6.4THZ4574,THZ4574A 1N4574-1(A1)Si稳压1m400m 6.41N4574AUR1Si稳压1m400m 6.41N4574B Si稳压1m400m 6.41N4575(A)Si稳压2m400m 6.4THZ4575,THZ4575A 1N4575-1(A1)Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4575B Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4576(A)Si稳压2m400m 6.4THZ4576,THZ4576A 1N4576-1(A1)Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4576B Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4577(A)Si稳压2m400m 6.4THZ45771N4577-1(A1)Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4577B Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4578(A)Si稳压2m400m 6.4THZ45781N4578-1(A1)Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4578B Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4579(A)Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4611C1N4579-1(A1)Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4579B Si稳压2m400m 6.41N4580(A)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4580-1(A1)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4580B Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4581(A)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N46121N4581-1(A1)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4581B Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4582(A)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4612A1N4582-1(A1)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4582B Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4583(A)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4583-1(A1)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4583B Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4584(A)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4612C 1N4584-1(A1)Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4584B Si稳压4m400m 6.41N4611Si稳压2m 6.6NTE5071A 1N4611A Si稳压2m 6.61N4577A 1N4611B Si稳压2m 6.61N4578A 1N4611C Si稳压2m 6.61N4579A 1N4612Si稳压5m 6.6NTE5071A 1N4612A Si稳压5m 6.61N4582A 1N4612B Si稳压5m 6.61N4583A 1N4612C Si稳压5m 6.61N4584A 1N4613Si稳压10m 6.6NTE5071A 1N4613A Si稳压10m 6.61N4582A 1N4613B Si稳压10m 6.61N4584A 1N4613C Si稳压10m 6.61N4614(-1)Si稳压250μ 1.8MZ4614 1N4614C Si稳压250μ 1.81N4614C1Si稳压250μ 1.81N4614CUR1Si稳压250μ 1.81N4614D(D1)Si稳压250μ 1.81N4614DUR1Si稳压250μ 1.81N4615(-1)Si稳压250μ2MZ4615 1N4615C(C1)Si稳压250μ21N4615CUR1Si稳压250μ21N4615D(D1)Si稳压250μ21N4615DUR1Si稳压250μ21N4616(-1)Si稳压250μ 2.2MZ4616 1N4616C(C1)Si稳压250μ 2.21N4616CUR1Si稳压250μ 2.21N4616D(D1)Si稳压250μ 2.21N4616DUR1Si稳压250μ 2.21N4617(-1)Si稳压250μ 2.4MZ4617 1N4617C(C1)Si稳压250μ 2.41N4617CUR1Si稳压250μ 2.41N4617D(D1)Si稳压250μ 2.41N4617DUR1Si稳压250μ 2.41N4618(-1)Si稳压250μ 2.7MZ4618 1N4618C(C1)Si稳压250μ 2.71N4618CUR1Si稳压250μ 2.71N4618D(D1)Si稳压250μ 2.71N4618DUR1Si稳压250μ 2.71N4619(-1)Si稳压250μ3MZ4619 1N4619C(C1)Si稳压250μ31N4619CUR1Si稳压250μ31N4619D(D1)Si稳压250μ31N4619DUR1Si稳压250μ31N4620(-1)Si稳压250μ 3.3MZ4620 1N4620C(C1)Si稳压250μ 3.31N4620CUR1Si稳压250μ 3.31N4620D(D1)Si稳压250μ 3.31N4620DUR1Si稳压250μ 3.31N4621(-1)Si稳压250μ 3.6MZ4621 1N4621C(C1)Si稳压250μ 3.61N4621CUR1Si稳压250μ 3.61N4621D(D1)Si稳压250μ 3.61N4621DUR1Si稳压250μ 3.61N4622(-1)Si稳压250μ 3.9MZ4622 1N4622C(C1)Si稳压250μ 3.91N4622CUR1Si稳压250μ 3.91N4622D(D1)Si稳压250μ 3.91N4622DUR1Si稳压250μ 3.91N4623(-1)Si稳压250μ 4.3MZ4623 1N4623C(C1)Si稳压250μ 4.31N4623CUR1Si稳压250μ 4.31N4623D(D1)Si稳压250μ 4.31N4623DUR1Si稳压250μ 4.31N4624(-1)Si稳压250μ 4.7MZ4624 1N4624C(C1)Si稳压250μ 4.71N4624CUR1Si稳压250μ 4.71N4624D(D1)Si稳压250μ 4.71N4624DUR1Si稳压250μ 4.71N4625(-1)Si稳压250μ 5.1MZ4625 1N4625C(C1)Si稳压250μ 5.11N4625CUR1Si稳压250μ 5.11N4625D(D1)Si稳压250μ 5.11N4625DUR1Si稳压250μ 5.11N4626(-1)Si稳压250μ 5.6MZ4626 1N4626C(C1)Si稳压250μ 5.61N4626CUR1Si稳压250μ 5.61N4626D(D1)Si稳压250μ 5.61N4626DUR1Si稳压250μ 5.61N4627(-1)Si稳压250μ 6.2MZ4627 1N4627C(C1)Si稳压250μ 6.21N4627CUR1Si稳压250μ 6.21N4627D(D1)Si稳压250μ 6.21N4627DUR1Si稳压250μ 6.21N4628Si稳压19m600m 6.8NTE5071A 1N4629Si稳压17m600m7.5NTE138A 1N462C Si稳压0.25m250m 4.71N4630Si稳压15m600m8.2NTE5072A 1N4631Si稳压14m600m9.1NTE139A1N4632Si稳压13m600m10NTE140A 1N4633Si稳压12m600m11NTE5074A 1N4634Si稳压11m600m12NTE142A 1N4635Si稳压9.5m600m13NTE143A 1N4636Si稳压8.5m600m15NTE145A 1N4637Si稳压7.8m600m16NTE5075A 1N4638Si稳压7m600m18CLL5248B 1N4639Si稳压 6.2m600m20CLL5250B 1N4640Si稳压 5.6m600m22CLL5251B 1N4641Si稳压 5.2m600m24CLL5252B 1N4642Si稳压 4.6m600m27CLL5254B 1N4643Si稳压 4.2m600m30CLL5256B 1N4644Si稳压 3.8m600m33CLL5257B 1N4645Si稳压 3.4m600m36CLL5258B 1N4646Si稳压 3.2m600m39CLL5259B 1N4647Si稳压3m600m43CLL5260B 1N4648Si稳压 2.7m600m47CLL5261B 1N4649Si稳压76m1 3.3NTE5066A 1N465Si稳压5m250m 2.61N5223A 1N4650Si稳压69m1 3.6NTE134A 1N4651Si稳压64m1 3.9NTE5067A 1N4652Si稳压58m1 4.3NTE5068A 1N4653Si稳压53m1 4.7LVA1047 1N4654Si稳压49m1 5.1LVA1051 1N4655Si稳压45m1 5.6LVA1056 1N4656Si稳压41m1 6.1LVA1062 1N4657Si稳压37m1 6.8LVA1068 1N4658Si稳压34m17.5LVA1075 1N4659Si稳压31m18.2LVA1082 1N466Si稳压5m250m 3.51N5226A 1N4660Si稳压28m19.1LVA1091 1N4661Si稳压25m110LVA1100 1N4662Si稳压23m111NTE5074A 1N4663Si稳压21m112NTE142A 1N4664Si稳压19m113NTE143A 1N4665Si稳压17m115NTE145A 1N4666Si稳压16m116NTE5075A 1N4667Si稳压14m118NTE5077A 1N4668Si稳压13m120NTE5079A 1N4669Si稳压12m122NTE5080A 1N467Si稳压5m250m 4.11N5230A 1N4670Si稳压11m124NTE5081A 1N4671Si稳压9.5m127NTE146A 1N4672Si稳压8.5m130NTE5084A 1N4673Si稳压7.5m133NTE147A 1N4674Si稳压7m136NTE5085A 1N4675Si稳压 6.5m139NTE5086A1N4676Si稳压6m143NTE5087A 1N4677Si稳压 5.5m147NTE5088A 1N4678Si稳压50μ250m 1.8CMDZ4678 1N4678-1Si稳压50μ250m 1.8MLL4678 1N4678C Si稳压50μ250m 1.81N4678D Si稳压50μ250m 1.81N4679Si稳压50μ250m2LL46791N4679-1Si稳压50μ250m2CMDZ4679 1N4679C Si稳压50μ250m21N4679D Si稳压50μ250m21N468Si稳压5m250m 4.91N5232B 1N4680Si稳压50μ250m 2.2CMZD4680 1N4680-1Si稳压50μ250m 2.2MLL4680 1N4680C Si稳压50μ250m 2.21N4680D Si稳压50μ250m 2.21N4681Si稳压50μ250m 2.4CMDZ4681 1N4681-1Si稳压50μ250m 2.4MLL4681 1N4681C Si稳压50μ250m 2.41N4681D Si稳压50μ250m 2.41N4682Si稳压50μ250m 2.7CMDZ4682 1N4682-1Si稳压50μ250m 2.7MLL4682 1N4682C Si稳压50μ250m 2.71N4682D Si稳压50μ250m 2.71N4683Si稳压50μ250m3CMDZ4683 1N4683-1Si稳压50μ250m3MLL4683 1N4683C Si稳压50μ250m31N4683D Si稳压50μ250m31N4684Si稳压50μ250m 3.3CMDZ4684 1N4684-1Si稳压50μ250m 3.3MLL4684 1N4684C Si稳压50μ250m 3.31N4684D Si稳压50μ250m 3.31N4685Si稳压50μ250m 3.6CMDZ4685 1N4685-1Si稳压50μ250m 3.6MLL4685 1N4685C Si稳压50μ250m 3.61N4685D Si稳压50μ250m 3.61N4686Si稳压50μ250m 3.9CMDZ4686 1N4686-1Si稳压50μ250m 3.9MLL4686 1N4686C Si稳压50μ250m 3.91N4686D Si稳压50μ250m 3.91N4687Si稳压50μ250m 4.3CMDZ4687 1N4687-1Si稳压50μ250m 4.3MLL4687 1N4687C Si稳压50μ250m 4.31N4687D Si稳压50μ250m 4.31N4688Si稳压50μ250m 4.7CMDZ4688 1N4688-1Si稳压50μ250m 4.7MLL4688 1N4688C Si稳压50μ250m 4.71N4688D Si稳压50μ250m 4.71N4689Si稳压50μ250m 5.1CMDZ4689 1N4689-1Si稳压50μ250m 5.1MLL4689 1N4689C Si稳压50μ250m 5.11N4689D Si稳压50μ250m 5.11N469Si稳压5m250m 5.81N5235B 1N4690Si稳压50μ250m 5.6CMDZ4690 1N4690-1Si稳压50μ250m 5.6MLL4690 1N4690C Si稳压50μ250m 5.61N4690D Si稳压50μ250m 5.61N4691Si稳压50μ250m 6.2LL4691 1N4691-1Si稳压50μ250m 6.2MLL4691 1N4691C Si稳压50μ250m 6.21N4691D Si稳压50μ250m 6.21N4692Si稳压50μ250m 6.8LL4692 1N4692-1Si稳压50μ250m 6.81N4692C Si稳压50μ250m 6.81N4692D Si稳压50μ250m 6.81N4693Si稳压50μ250m7.5LL4693 1N4693-1Si稳压50μ250m7.5MLL4693 1N4693C Si稳压50μ250m7.51N4693D Si稳压50μ250m7.51N4694Si稳压50μ250m8.2CMDZ4694 1N4694-1Si稳压50μ250m8.2MLL4694 1N4694C Si稳压50μ250m8.21N4694D Si稳压50μ250m8.21N4695Si稳压50μ250m8.7CMDZ4695 1N4695-1Si稳压50μ250m8.7MLL4695 1N4695C Si稳压50μ250m8.71N4695D Si稳压50μ250m8.71N4696Si稳压50μ250m9.1LL4696 1N4696-1Si稳压50μ250m9.11N4696C Si稳压50μ250m9.11N4696D Si稳压50μ250m9.11N4697Si稳压50μ250m10LL4697 1N4697-1Si稳压50μ250m10MLL4697 1N4697C Si稳压50μ250m101N4697D Si稳压50μ250m101N4698Si稳压50μ250m11CMDZ4698 1N4698-1Si稳压50μ250m11MLL4698 1N4698C Si稳压50μ250m111N4698D Si稳压50μ250m111N4699Si稳压50μ250m12CMDZ4699 1N4699-1Si稳压50μ250m12MLL4699 1N4699C Si稳压50μ250m121N4699D Si稳压50μ250m121N470Si稳压5m250m7.11N4700Si稳压50μ250m13CMDZ47001N4700-1Si稳压50μ250m13MLL4700 1N4700C Si稳压50μ250m131N4700D Si稳压50μ250m131N4701Si稳压50μ250m14CMDZ4701 1N4701-1Si稳压50μ250m14MLL4701 1N4701C Si稳压50μ250m141N4701D Si稳压50μ250m141N4702Si稳压50μ250m15CMDZ4702 1N4702-1Si稳压50μ250m15MLL4702 1N4702C Si稳压50μ250m151N4702D Si稳压50μ250m151N4703Si稳压50μ250m16CMDZ4703 1N4703-1Si稳压50μ250m16MLL4703 1N4703C Si稳压50μ250m161N4703D Si稳压50μ250m161N4704Si稳压50μ250m17CMDZ4704 1N4704-1Si稳压50μ250m17MLL4704 1N4704C Si稳压50μ250m171N4704D Si稳压50μ250m171N4705Si稳压50μ250m18CMDZ4705 1N4705-1Si稳压50μ250m18MLL4705 1N4705C Si稳压50μ250m181N4705D Si稳压50μ250m181N4706Si稳压50μ250m19CMDZ4706 1N4706-1Si稳压50μ250m19MLL4706 1N4706C Si稳压50μ250m191N4706D Si稳压50μ250m191N4707Si稳压50μ250m20CMDZ4707 1N4707-1Si稳压50μ250m20MLL4707 1N4707C Si稳压50μ250m201N4707D Si稳压50μ250m201N4708Si稳压50μ250m22CMDZ4708 1N4708-1Si稳压50μ250m22MLL4708 1N4708C Si稳压50μ250m221N4708D Si稳压50μ250m221N4709Si稳压50μ250m24CMDZ4709 1N4709-1Si稳压50μ250m24MLL4709 1N4709C Si稳压50μ250m241N4709D Si稳压50μ250m241N471Si稳压5m200m 3.51N4710Si稳压50μ250m25CMDZ4710 1N4710-1Si稳压50μ250m25MLL4710 1N4710C Si稳压50μ250m251N4710D Si稳压50μ250m251N4711Si稳压50μ250m27CMDZ4711 1N4711-1Si稳压50μ250m27MLL4711 1N4711C Si稳压50μ250m271N4711D Si稳压50μ250m271N4712Si稳压50μ250m28CMDZ4712 1N4712-1Si稳压50μ250m28MLL4712 1N4712C Si稳压50μ250m281N4712D Si稳压50μ250m281N4713Si稳压50μ250m30CMDZ4713 1N4713-1Si稳压50μ250m30MLL47131N4713C Si稳压50μ250m301N4713D Si稳压50μ250m301N4714Si稳压50μ250m33CMDZ4714 1N4714-1Si稳压50μ250m33MLL4714 1N4714C Si稳压50μ250m331N4714D Si稳压50μ250m331N4715Si稳压50μ250m36LL47151N4715-1Si稳压50μ250m36MLL4715 1N4715C Si稳压50μ250m361N4715D Si稳压50μ250m361N4716Si稳压50μ250m39LL47161N4716-1Si稳压50μ250m39MLL4716 1N4716C Si稳压50μ250m391N4716D Si稳压50μ250m391N4717Si稳压50μ250m43LL47171N4717-1Si稳压50μ250m43MLL4717 1N4717C Si稳压50μ250m431N4717D Si稳压50μ250m431N472Si稳压5m200m 3.51N4728Si稳压76m1 3.3APD3.3A 1N4728A Si稳压76m1 3.3BZX85C3V3 1N4728C Si稳压76m1 3.31N4728D Si稳压76m1 3.31N4729Si稳压69m1 3.6NTE134A 1N4729A Si稳压69m1 3.6BZX85C3V6 1N4729C Si稳压69m1 3.61N4729D Si稳压69m1 3.61N473Si稳压5m200m 3.51N4730Si稳压64m1 3.9NTE5067A 1N4730A Si稳压64m1 3.9BZX85C4V3 1N4730C Si稳压64m1 3.91N4730D Si稳压64m1 3.91N4731Si稳压58m1 4.3NTE5068A 1N4731A Si稳压58m1 4.3BZX8VC4V3 1N4731C Si稳压58m1 4.31N4731D Si稳压58m1 4.31N4732Si稳压53m1 4.7NTE5069A 1N4732A Si稳压53m1 4.7BZX85C4V7 1N4732C Si稳压53m1 4.71N4732D Si稳压53m1 4.71N4733Si稳压49m1 5.1NTE135A 1N4733A Si稳压49m1 5.1BZX85V5V1 1N4733C Si稳压49m1 5.11N4733D Si稳压49m1 5.11N4734Si稳压45m1 5.6NTE136A 1N4734A Si稳压45m1 5.6BZX85C5V6 1N4734C Si稳压45m1 5.61N4734D Si稳压45m1 5.61N4735Si稳压41m1 6.2NTE137A 1N4735A Si稳压41m1 6.2BZX85C6V2 1N4735C Si稳压41m1 6.21N4735D Si稳压41m1 6.21N4736Si稳压37m1 6.8NTE5071A 1N4736A Si稳压37m1 6.8BZX85C6V8 1N4736C Si稳压37m1 6.81N4736D Si稳压37m1 6.81N4737Si稳压34m17.5NTE138A 1N4737A Si稳压34m17.5BZX85V7V5 1N4737C Si稳压34m17.51N4737D Si稳压34m17.51N4738Si稳压31m18.2NTE5072A 1N4738A Si稳压31m18.2BZX85C8V2 1N4738C Si稳压31m18.21N4738D Si稳压31m18.21N4739Si稳压28m19.1NTE139A 1N4739A Si稳压28m19.11N44031N4739C Si稳压28m19.11N4739D Si稳压28m19.11N474Si稳压5m200m 3.51N4740Si稳压25m110NTE140A 1N4740A Si稳压25m110BZX85C10 1N4740C Si稳压25m1101N4740D Si稳压25m1101N4741Si稳压23m111CDLL3021A 1N4741A Si稳压23m111BZX85C11 1N4741C Si稳压23m1111N4405C 1N4741D Si稳压23m1111N4405D 1N4742Si稳压21m112CDLL3022A 1N4742A Si稳压21m112BZX85C12 1N4742C Si稳压21m1121N4164C 1N4742D Si稳压21m1121N4164D 1N4743Si稳压19m113CDLL3023A 1N4743A Si稳压19m113BZX85C13 1N4743C Si稳压19m1131N4407C 1N4743D Si稳压19m1131N4407D 1N4744Si稳压17m115CDLL3024A 1N4744A Si稳压17m115BZX85C151N4744C Si稳压17m1151N4408C 1N4744D Si稳压17m1151N4408D 1N4745Si稳压15m116CDLL3025A 1N4745A Si稳压15m116BZX85C16 1N4745C Si稳压15m1161N4409C 1N4745D Si稳压15m1161N4409D 1N4746Si稳压14m118CDLL3026A 1N4746A Si稳压14m118BZX85C18 1N4746C Si稳压14m1181N4410C 1N4746D Si稳压14m1181N4410D 1N4747Si稳压13m120LL47471N4747A Si稳压13m120BZX85C20 1N4747C Si稳压13m1201N4411C 1N4747D Si稳压13m1201N4411D 1N4748Si稳压12m122LL47481N4748A Si稳压12m122BZX85C22 1N4748C Si稳压12m1221N4413C 1N4748D Si稳压12m1221N4413D 1N4749Si稳压11m124APD24.0A 1N4749A Si稳压11m124BZX85C24 1N4749C Si稳压11m1241N4413C 1N4749D Si稳压11m1241N4413D 1N475Si稳压5m200m 3.51N4750Si稳压9.5m127APD27.0A 1N4750A 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1N4759D Si稳压4m1621N4423D 1N4760Si稳压 3.7m168NTE5092A 1N4760A Si稳压 3.7m168BZX85C68 1N4760C Si稳压 3.7m1681N4424C 1N4760D Si稳压 3.7m1681N4424D 1N4761Si稳压 3.3m175NTE5093A 1N4761A Si稳压 3.3m175BZX85C75 1N4761C Si稳压 3.3m1751N4425C 1N4761D Si稳压 3.3m1751N4183D 1N4762Si稳压3m182NTE150A 1N4762A Si稳压3m182BZX85C82 1N4762C Si稳压3m1821N4426C 1N4762D Si稳压3m1821N4426D 1N4763Si稳压 2.8m191NTE5095A 1N4763A Si稳压 2.8m191BZX85C91 1N4763C Si稳压 2.8m1911N4185C 1N4763D Si稳压 2.8m1911N4185D 1N4764Si稳压 2.5m1100NTE5096A 1N4764A Si稳压 2.5m1100BZX85C100 1N4764C Si稳压 2.5m11001N4486C 1N4764D Si稳压 2.5m11001N4486D 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1N4837A Si稳压16m 1.2161N4745 1N4837B Si稳压16m 1.2161N4745A 1N4838Si稳压14m 1.218LMZ18CA 1N4838A Si稳压14m 1.2181N4746 1N4838B Si稳压14m 1.2181N4746A 1N4839Si稳压13m 1.220LMZ20CA 1N4839A Si稳压13m 1.2201N4747 1N4839B Si稳压13m 1.2201N4747A 1N4840Si稳压11m 1.222LMZ22CA 1N4840A Si稳压11m 1.2221N4748 1N4840B Si稳压11m 1.2221N4748A 1N4841Si稳压11m 1.224LMZ24CA 1N4841A Si稳压11m 1.2241N4749 1N4841B Si稳压11m 1.2241N4749A 1N4842Si稳压9.3m 1.227LMZ27CA 1N4842A Si稳压9.3m 1.2271N4750 1N4842B Si稳压9.3m 1.2271N4750A 1N4843Si稳压8.3m 1.230LMZ30CA 1N4843A Si稳压8.3m 1.2301N47511N4843B Si稳压8.3m 1.2301N4751A 1N4844Si稳压7.5m 1.233LMZ33CA 1N4844A Si稳压7.5m 1.2331N47521N4844B Si稳压7.5m 1.2331N4752A 1N4845Si稳压7m 1.236LMZ36CA 1N4845A Si稳压7m 1.2361N47531N4845B Si稳压7m 1.2361N4753A1N4846Si稳压 6.5m 1.239LMZ39CA 1N4846A Si稳压 6.5m 1.2391N47541N4846B Si稳压 6.5m 1.2391N4754A 1N4847Si稳压 5.8m 1.243LMZ43CA 1N4847A Si稳压 5.8m 1.2431N47551N4847B Si稳压 5.8m 1.2431N4755A 1N4848Si稳压 5.3m 1.247LMZ47CA 1N4848A Si稳压 5.3m 1.2471N47561N4848B Si稳压 5.3m 1.2471N4756A 1N4849Si稳压5m 1.251LMZ51CA 1N4849A Si稳压5m 1.2511N47571N4849B Si稳压5m 1.2511N4757A 1N4850Si稳压 4.5m 1.256LMZ56CA 1N4850A Si稳压 4.5m 1.2561N47581N4850B Si稳压 4.5m 1.2561N4758A 1N4851Si稳压4m 1.262LMZ62CA 1N4851A Si稳压4m 1.2621N47591N4851B Si稳压4m 1.2621N4759A 1N4852Si稳压 3.7m 1.268LMZ68CA 1N4852A Si稳压 3.7m 1.2681N47601N4852B Si稳压 3.7m 1.2681N4760A 1N4853Si稳压 3.3m 1.275LMZ75CA 1N4853A Si稳压 3.3m 1.2751N47611N4853B Si稳压 3.3m 1.2751N4761A 1N4854Si稳压3m 1.282LMZ82CA 1N4854A Si稳压3m 1.2821N47621N4854B Si稳压3m 1.2821N4762A 1N4855Si稳压 2.8m 1.291LMZ91C1N4855A Si稳压 2.8m 1.2911N47631N4855B Si稳压 2.8m 1.2911N4763A 1N4856Si稳压 2.5m 1.2100LMZ100CA 1N4856A Si稳压 2.5m 1.21001N47641N4856B Si稳压 2.5m 1.21001N4764A 1N4857Si稳压 2.3m 1.2110LMZ110CA 1N4857A Si稳压 2.3m 1.21101M110ZS10 1N4857B Si稳压 2.3m 1.21101M110ZS5 1N4858Si稳压 2.1m 1.2120LMZ120CA 1N4858A Si稳压 2.1m 1.21201M120ZS10 1N4858B Si稳压 2.1m 1.21201M120ZS5 1N4859Si稳压 1.9m 1.2130LMZ130CA1N4859A Si稳压 1.9m 1.21301M130ZS10 1N4859B Si稳压 1.9m 1.21301M130ZS5 1N4860Si稳压 1.7m 1.2150LMZ150CA 1N4860A Si稳压 1.7m 1.21501M150ZS10 1N4860B Si稳压 1.7m 1.21501M150ZS5 1N4881Si稳压40m320NTE5135A 1N4882Si稳压20m336NTE5143A 1N4883Si稳压65m312NTE5127A 1N4884Si稳压40m320NTE5135A 1N4889Si稳压20m562C5Z62B1N4890(A)Si稳压7.5m0.4 6.35MZ6401N4891(A)Si稳压7.5m0.4 6.35MZ6401N4892(A)稳压7.5m0.4 6.35MZ6201N4893(A)稳压7.5m0.4 6.35MZ6201N4894(A)稳压7.5m0.4 6.35MZ6101N4895(A)稳压7.5m0.4 6.35MZ6101N4896(A)Si稳压500μ0.412.8NTE142A 1N4897(A)Si稳压500μ0.412.8NTE143A 1N4898(A)Si稳压500μ0.412.8NTE143A 1N4899(A)Si稳压500μ0.412.8NTE143A 1N4900(A)Si稳压1m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4901(A)Si稳压1m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4902(A)Si稳压1m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4903(A)Si稳压1m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4904(A)Si稳压2m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4905(A)Si稳压2m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4906(A)Si稳压2m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4907(A)Si稳压2m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4908(A)Si稳压4m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4909(A)Si稳压4m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4910(A)Si稳压4m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4911(A)Si稳压4m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4912(A)Si稳压7.5m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4913(A)Si稳压7.5m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4914(A)Si稳压7.5m0.412.8NTE143A 1N4915(A)Si稳压7.5m0.412.8NTE143A 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1N4971Si稳压30m536SX361N4972Si稳压30m539SX391N4973Si稳压30m543SX431N4974Si稳压25m547SX471N4975Si稳压25m551SX511N4976Si稳压20m556SX561N4977Si稳压20m562SX621N4978Si稳压20m568SX681N4979Si稳压20m575SX751N4980Si稳压15m582SX821N4981Si稳压15m591SX911N4982Si稳压12m5100SX1001N4983Si稳压12m5110SX1101N4984Si稳压10m5120SX1201N4985Si稳压10m5130UZ4113 1N4986Si稳压8m5150UZ4115 1N4987Si稳压8m5160UZ4116 1N4988Si稳压5m5180UZ4118 1N4989Si稳压5m52001N4990Si稳压5m52201N4991Si稳压5m52401N4992Si稳压5m52701N4993Si稳压4m53001N4994Si稳压4m53301N4995Si稳压3m53601N4996Si稳压3m53901N5008Si稳压189m 2.5 3.3NTE5111A 1N5008A Si稳压189m 2.5 3.31N4728A 1N5009Si稳压123m 2.5 3.6NTE5112A 1N5009A Si稳压123m 2.5 3.61N4729A 1N5010Si稳压160m 2.5 3.9NTE5113A 1N5010A Si稳压160m 2.5 3.91N4730A 1N5011Si稳压145m 2.5 4.3NTE5114A 1N5011A Si稳压145m 2.5 4.31N4731A 1N5012Si稳压133m 2.5 4.7NTE5115A 1N5012A Si稳压133m 2.5 4.71N4732A 1N5013Si稳压122m 2.5 5.1NTE5116A 1N5013A Si稳压122m 2.5 5.11N4733A 1N5014Si稳压111m 2.5 5.6NTE5117A 1N5014A Si稳压111m 2.5 5.61N4734A 1N5015Si稳压101m 2.5 6.2NTE5119A 1N5015A Si稳压101m 2.5 6.21N4735A 1N5016Si稳压92m 2.5 6.8NTE5120A 1N5016A Si稳压92m 2.5 6.81N4736A 1N5017Si稳压83m 2.57.5NTE5121A 1N5017A Si稳压83m 2.57.51N4737A 1N5018Si稳压76m 2.58.2NTE5122A 1N5018A Si稳压76m 2.58.21N4738A 1N5019Si稳压69m 2.59.1NTE5124A 1N5019A Si稳压69m 2.59.11N4739A 1N5020Si稳压62m 2.510NTE5125A 1N5020A Si稳压62m 2.5101N4740A 1N5021Si稳压57m 2.511NTE5126A 1N5021A Si稳压57m 2.5111N4741A 1N5022Si稳压52m 2.512NTE5127A 1N5022A Si稳压52m 2.5121N4742A 1N5023Si稳压48m 2.513NTE5128A 1N5023A Si稳压48m 2.5131N4743A 1N5024Si稳压45m 2.514NTE5129A 1N5024A Si稳压45m 2.5141M14ZS5 1N5025Si稳压42m 2.515NTE5130A 1N5025A Si稳压42m 2.5151N4744A 1N5026Si稳压39m 2.516NTE5131A 1N5026A Si稳压39m 2.5161N4745A 1N5027Si稳压37m 2.517NTE5132A 1N5027A Si稳压37m 2.5171M17ZS5 1N5028Si稳压35m 2.518NTE5133A 1N5028A Si稳压35m 2.5181N4746A 1N5029Si稳压33m 2.519NTE5134A 1N5029A Si稳压33m 2.5191M19ZS5 1N5030Si稳压31m 2.521NTE5135A1N5030A Si稳压31m 2.5211N4747A 1N5031Si稳压28m 2.522NTE5136A 1N5031A Si稳压28m 2.5221N4748A 1N5032Si稳压26m 2.524NTE5137A 1N5032A Si稳压26m 2.5241N4749A 1N5033Si稳压25m 2.525NTE5138A 1N5033A Si稳压25m 2.5251M25ZS51N5034Si稳压23m 2.527NTE5139A 1N5034A Si稳压23m 2.5271N4750A 1N5035Si稳压21m 2.530NTE5141A 1N5035A Si稳压21m 2.5301N4751A 1N5036Si稳压19m 2.533NTE5142A 1N5036A Si稳压19m 2.5331N4752A 1N5037Si稳压17m 2.536NTE5143A 1N5037A Si稳压17m 2.5361N4753A 1N5038Si稳压16m 2.539NTE5144A 1N5038A Si稳压16m 2.5391N4754A 1N5039Si稳压15m 2.543NTE5145A 1N5039A Si稳压15m 2.5431N4755A 1N5040Si稳压14m 2.545NTE5146A 1N5040A Si稳压14m 2.5451M45ZS5 1N5041Si稳压13m 2.547NTE5146A 1N5041A Si稳压13m 2.5471N4756A 1N5042Si稳压12m 2.550NTE5147A 1N5042A Si稳压12m 2.5501M50ZS5 1N5043Si稳压12m 2.551NTE5147A 1N5043A Si稳压12m 2.5511N4757A 1N5044Si稳压12m 2.552NTE5147A 1N5044A Si稳压12m 2.5521M52ZS5 1N5045Si稳压11m 2.556NTE5148A 1N5045A Si稳压11m 2.5561N4758A 1N5046Si稳压10m 2.562NTE5150A 1N5046A Si稳压10m 2.5621N4759A 1N5047Si稳压9.2m 2.568NTE5151A 1N5047A Si稳压9.2m 2.5681N4760A 1N5048Si稳压8.3m 2.575NTE5152A 1N5048A Si稳压8.3m 2.5751N4761A 1N5049Si稳压7.6m 2.582NTE5153A 1N5049A Si稳压7.6m 2.5821N4762A 1N5050Si稳压 6.9m 2.591NTE5155A 1N5050A Si稳压 6.9m 2.5911N4763A 1N5051Si稳压 6.2m 2.5100NTE5156A 1N5051A Si稳压 6.2m 2.51001N4764A 1N5052Si稳压70015DS1-2-08E 1N5053Si稳压80015DS1-2-08E 1N5054Si稳压100015A14P1N5055Si稳压1001A14A1N5056Si稳压2001NTE5802 1N5057Si稳压300800m A14A1N5058Si稳压400800m NTE5804 1N5059Si稳压2002G1A1N5059GP Si稳压2001BYT51D 1N5060Si稳压4002G1G1N5060GP Si稳压4001BYT51G 1N5061Si稳压6002G1J1N5061GP Si稳压6001BYT51J 1N5062Si稳压8002G1K1N5062GP Si稳压8001S5277L 1N5063Si稳压75m3 6.8C3Z6.8B 1N5064Si稳压75m37.5C3Z7.5B 1N5065Si稳压75m38.2C3Z8.2B 1N5066Si稳压75m39.1C3Z9.1B 1N5067Si稳压75m310C3Z10B 1N5068Si稳压70m311C3Z11B 1N5069Si稳压50m313C3Z13B 1N5070Si稳压50m314C3Z14B 1N5071Si稳压50m315C3Z15B 1N5072Si稳压50m316C3Z16B 1N5073Si稳压40m318C3Z18B 1N5074Si稳压30m322C3Z22B 1N5075Si稳压30m324C3Z24B 1N5076Si稳压25m327C3Z27B 1N5077Si稳压25m330C3Z30B 1N5078Si稳压20m333C3Z33B 1N5079Si稳压20m336C3Z36B 1N5080Si稳压20m339C3Z39B 1N5081Si稳压20m340C3Z39B 1N5082Si稳压15m343C3Z43B 1N5083Si稳压15m345C3Z45B 1N5084Si稳压15m347C3Z47B 1N5085Si稳压15m350C3Z50B 1N5086Si稳压15m351C3Z51B 1N5087Si稳压10m356C3Z56B 1N5088Si稳压10m360C3Z60B 1N5089Si稳压10m362C3Z62B 1N5090Si稳压10m368C3Z68B 1N5091Si稳压10m370C3Z68B 1N5092Si稳压10m375C3Z75B 1N5093Si稳压10m380C3Z80B 1N5094Si稳压10m382C3Z82B 1N5095Si稳压8m391C3Z91B 1N5096Si稳压5m3110C3Z110B 1N5097Si稳压5m3120C3Z120B 1N5098Si稳压5m3130C3Z130B1N5099Si稳压5m3140C3Z140B 1N5100Si稳压4m3160C3Z160B 1N5101Si稳压4m3170C3Z160B 1N5102Si稳压4m3180C3Z180B 1N5103Si稳压4m3190C3Z180B 1N5104Si稳压4m3200C3Z200B 1N5105Si稳压3m32201M110ZSB5 1N5106Si稳压3m32401M120ZSB5 1N5107Si稳压3m32601M130ZSB5 1N5108Si稳压3m32701M135ZSB5 1N5109Si稳压3m32801M140ZSB5 1N5110Si稳压3m33001M150ZSB5 1N5111Si稳压2m33201M160ZSB5 1N5112Si稳压2m33301M165ZSB5 1N5113Si稳压2m33401M170ZSB5 1N5114Si稳压2m33601M180ZSB5 1N5115Si稳压2m33801M190ZSB5 1N5116Si稳压2m33901M195ZSB5 1N5117Si稳压2m34001N5118Si稳压100m514NTE5129A 1N5119Si稳压30m540NTE5144A 1N5120Si稳压30m545NTE5146A 1N5121Si稳压25m550NTE5147A 1N5122Si稳压20m560NTE5149A 1N5123Si稳压20m570NTE5151A 1N5124Si稳压15m580NTE5375B 1N5125Si稳压15m590NTE5155A 1N5126Si稳压8m5140NTE5160A 1N5127Si稳压8m5170NTE5163A 1N5128Si稳压5m5190NTE5165A 1N5129Si稳压5m5260NTE5159A 1N5130Si稳压4m52801N5131Si稳压4m5320NTE5162A 1N5132Si稳压4m5340NTE5163A 1N5133Si稳压4m5380NTE5165A 1N5134Si稳压4m54001N5135Si稳压4m54001N5221Si稳压20m0.5 2.4MLL5221 1N5221A Si稳压20m0.5 2.4MLL5221A 1N5221B Si稳压20m0.5 2.4BZX791N5221C Si稳压20m0.5 2.4MLL5221C 1N5221D Si稳压20m0.5 2.4MLL5221D 1N5222Si稳压20m0.5 2.5NTE5001A 1N5222A Si稳压20m0.5 2.5MLL5222A 1N5222D Si稳压20m0.5 2.51N5223Si稳压20m0.5 2.7NTE5002A 1N5223A Si稳压20m0.5 2.71N5223B Si稳压20m0.5 2.7BZX791N5223C Si稳压20m0.5 2.71N5223D Si稳压20m0.5 2.71N5224Si稳压20m0.5 2.8NTE5003A 1N5224A Si稳压20m0.5 2.81N5224B Si稳压20m0.5 2.8BZX791N5224C Si稳压20m0.5 2.81N5224D Si稳压20m0.5 2.81N5225Si稳压20m0.53NTE5004A 1N5225A Si稳压20m0.531N5225B Si稳压20m0.53BZX791N5225C Si稳压20m0.531N5225D Si稳压20m0.531N5225S Si稳压20m0.331N5225SA Si稳压20m0.331N5225SB Si稳压20m0.331N5226Si稳压20m0.5 3.3NTE5005A 1N5226A Si稳压20m0.5 3.31N5226B Si稳压20m0.5 3.3BZX791N5226C Si稳压20m0.5 3.31N5226D Si稳压20m0.5 3.31N5226S Si稳压20m0.3 3.31N5226SA Si稳压20m0.3 3.31N5226SB Si稳压20m0.3 3.31N5227Si稳压20m0.5 3.6AP3.61N5227A Si稳压20m0.5 3.6CTE3.6 1N5227B Si稳压20m0.5 3.6BZX791N5227C Si稳压20m0.5 3.61N5227D Si稳压20m0.5 3.61N5227S Si稳压20m0.3 3.61N5227SA Si稳压20m0.3 3.61N5227SB Si稳压20m0.3 3.61N5228Si稳压20m0.5 3.9AP3.91N5228A Si稳压20m0.5 3.9CTZ3V9 1N5228B Si稳压20m0.5 3.9BZX791N5228C Si稳压20m0.5 3.91N5228D Si稳压20m0.5 3.91N5228S Si稳压20m0.3 3.91N5228SA Si稳压20m0.3 3.91N5228SB Si稳压20m0.3 3.91N5229Si稳压20m0.5 4.3NTE5008A 1N5229A Si稳压20m0.5 4.3CAZ4.3 1N5229B Si稳压20m0.5 4.3BZX791N5229C Si稳压20m0.5 4.31N5229D Si稳压20m0.5 4.31N5229S Si稳压20m0.3 4.31N5229SA Si稳压20m0.3 4.31N5230Si稳压20m0.5 4.7NTE5009A 1N5230A Si稳压20m0.5 4.7CTZ4V7 1N5230B Si稳压20m0.5 4.7BZX791N5230C Si稳压20m0.5 4.71N5230D Si稳压20m0.5 4.71N5230S Si稳压20m0.3 4.71N5230SA Si稳压20m0.3 4.71N5230SB Si稳压20m0.3 4.71N5231Si稳压20m0.5 5.1NTE5010A 1N5231A Si稳压20m0.5 5.1CTZ5V1 1N5231B Si稳压20m0.5 5.1BZX791N5231C Si稳压20m0.5 5.11N5231D Si稳压20m0.5 5.11N5231S Si稳压20m0.3 5.11N5231SA Si稳压20m0.3 5.11N5231SB Si稳压20m0.3 5.11N5232Si稳压20m0.5 5.6NTE5011A 1N5232A Si稳压20m0.5 5.6CTZ5V6 1N5232B Si稳压20m0.5 5.6BZX791N5232C Si稳压20m0.5 5.61N5232D Si稳压20m0.5 5.61N5232S Si稳压20m0.3 5.61N5232SA Si稳压20m0.3 5.61N5232SB Si稳压20m0.3 5.61N5233Si稳压20m0.56NTE5012A 1N5233A Si稳压20m0.561N5233B 1N5233B Si稳压20m0.56BZX791N5233C Si稳压20m0.561N5233D Si稳压20m0.561N5233S Si稳压20m0.361N5233SA Si稳压20m0.361N5233SB Si稳压20m0.361N5234Si稳压20m0.5 6.2AP6.21N5234A Si稳压20m0.5 6.2CTZ6V2 1N5234B Si稳压20m0.5 6.2BZX791N5234C Si稳压20m0.5 6.21N5234D Si稳压20m0.5 6.21N5234S Si稳压20m0.3 6.21N5234SA Si稳压20m0.3 6.21N5234SB Si稳压20m0.3 6.21N5235Si稳压20m0.5 6.8NTE5014A 1N5235A Si稳压20m0.5 6.81N5235B 1N5235B Si稳压20m0.5 6.8BZX791N5235C Si稳压20m0.5 6.81N5235D Si稳压20m0.5 6.81N5235S Si稳压20m0.3 6.81N5235SB Si稳压20m0.3 6.81N5236Si稳压20m0.57.5NTE5015A 1N5236A Si稳压20m0.57.51N5236B 1N5236B Si稳压20m0.57.5BZX791N5236C Si稳压20m0.57.51N5236D Si稳压20m0.57.51N5236S Si稳压20m0.37.51N5236SA Si稳压20m0.37.51N5236SB Si稳压20m0.37.51N5237Si稳压20m0.58.2NTE5016A 1N5237A Si稳压20m0.58.21N5237B 1N5237B Si稳压20m0.58.2BZX791N5237C Si稳压20m0.58.21N5237D Si稳压20m0.58.21N5237S Si稳压20m0.38.21N5237SA Si稳压20m0.38.21N5237SB Si稳压20m0.38.21N5238Si稳压20m0.58.7NTE5073A 1N5238A Si稳压20m0.58.71N5838B 1N5238B Si稳压20m0.58.7BZX791N5238C Si稳压20m0.58.71N5238D Si稳压20m0.58.71N5238S Si稳压20m0.38.71N5238SA Si稳压20m0.38.71N5238SB Si稳压20m0.38.71N5239Si稳压20m0.59.1NTE5018A 1N5239A Si稳压20m0.59.11N5239B 1N5239B Si稳压20m0.59.1BZX791N5239C Si稳压20m0.59.11N5239D Si稳压20m0.59.11N5239S Si稳压20m0.39.11N5239SA Si稳压20m0.39.11N5239SB Si稳压20m0.39.11N5240Si稳压20m0.510NTE5019A 1N5240A Si稳压20m0.5101N5240B 1N5240B Si稳压20m0.510BZX791N5240C Si稳压20m0.5101N5240D Si稳压20m0.5101N5240S Si稳压20m0.3101N5240SA Si稳压20m0.3101N5240SB Si稳压20m0.3101N5241Si稳压20m0.511NTE5020A 1N5241A Si稳压20m0.5111N5241 1N5241B Si稳压20m0.511BZX791N5241C Si稳压20m0.5111N5241D Si稳压20m0.5111N5241SA Si稳压20m0.3111N5241SB Si稳压20m0.3111N5242Si稳压20m0.512AP121N5242A Si稳压20m0.5121N5242B 1N5242B Si稳压20m0.512BZX791N5242C Si稳压20m0.5121N5242D Si稳压20m0.5121N5242S Si稳压20m0.3121N5242SA Si稳压20m0.3121N5242SB Si稳压20m0.3121N5243Si稳压20m0.513AP131N5243A Si稳压20m0.5131N5243B 1N5243B Si稳压20m0.513BZX791N5243C Si稳压20m0.5131N5243D Si稳压20m0.5131N5243S Si稳压20m0.3131N5243SA Si稳压20m0.3131N5243SB Si稳压20m0.3131N5244Si稳压20m0.514NTE5023A 1N5244A Si稳压20m0.5141N5244B 1N5244B Si稳压20m0.514BZX791N5244C Si稳压20m0.5141N5244D Si稳压20m0.5141N5244S Si稳压20m0.3141N5244SA Si稳压20m0.3141N5244SB Si稳压20m0.3141N5245Si稳压20m0.515AP151N5245A Si稳压20m0.515LL965A 1N5245B Si稳压20m0.515BZX791N5245C Si稳压20m0.5151N5245D Si稳压20m0.5151N5245S Si稳压20m0.3151N5245SA Si稳压20m0.3151N5245SB Si稳压20m0.3151N5246Si稳压20m0.516AP161N5246A Si稳压20m0.5161N5246B 1N5246B Si稳压20m0.516BZX791N5246C Si稳压20m0.5161N5246D Si稳压20m0.5161N5246S Si稳压20m0.3161N5246SA Si稳压20m0.3161N5246SB Si稳压20m0.3161N5247Si稳压20m0.517AP171N5247A Si稳压20m0.517AP17A1N5247B Si稳压20m0.517AP17B1N5247C Si稳压20m0.517。


Current Regulator Diodes
Field-effect current regulator diodes are circuit elements that provide a current essentially independent of voltage. These diodes are especially designed for maximum impedance over the operating range. These devices may be used in parallel to obtain higher currents. Manufacturing Locations: WAFER FAB: Phoenix, Arizona ASSEMBLY/TEST: Phoenix, Arizona
TJ, Tstg
–55 to +200
1.5 Watt DC Power Data Sheet 9-2
Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data
1N5283 through 1N5314
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
1N5283 1N5284 1N5285 1N5286 1N5287
1N5288 1N5289 1N5290 1N5291 1N5292 1N5293 1N5294 1N5295 1N5296 1N5297
1N5298 1N5299 1N5300 1N5301 1N5302



November 2006 LM4128SOT-23 Precision Micropower Series Voltage ReferenceGeneral DescriptionIdeal for space critical applications, the LM4128 precision voltage reference is available in the SOT-23 surface-mount package. The LM4128’s advanced design eliminates the need for an external stabilizing capacitor while ensuring sta-bility with capacitive loads up to 10 µF, thus making the LM4128 easy to use.Series references provide lower power consumption than shunt references, since they do not have to idle the maximum possible load current under no load conditions. This advan-tage, the low quiescent current (60 µA), and the low dropout voltage (400 mV) make the LM4128 ideal for battery-powered solutions.The LM4128 is available in four grades (A, B, C, and D) for greater flexibility. The best grade devices (A) have an initial accuracy of 0.1% with guaranteed temperature coefficient of 75 ppm/°C or less, while the lowest grade parts (D) have an initial accuracy of 1.0% and a tempco of 100 ppm/°C.Features■Output voltage initial accuracy 0.1%■Low temperature coefficient 75 ppm/°C■Low Supply Current, 60 µA■Enable pin allowing a 3 µA shutdown mode■Up to 20 mA output current■Voltage options 1.8V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 4.096V ■Custom voltage options available (1.8V to 4.096V)■V IN range of V REF + 400 mV to 5.5V @10 mA■Stable with low ESR ceramic capacitors■SOT23-5 Package■−40°C to 125°C junction temperature range Applications■Instrumentation & Process Control■Test Equipment■Data Acquisition Systems■Base Stations■Servo Systems■Portable, Battery Powered Equipment■Automotive & Industrial■Precision Regulators■Battery Chargers■Communications■Medical EquipmentTypical Application Circuit20211001*Note: The capacitor CIN is required and the capacitor COUTis optional.© 2006 National Semiconductor LM4128 SOT-23 Precision Micropower Series Voltage ReferenceConnection DiagramTop View20211002SOT23-5 PackageNS Package Number MF05AOrdering InformationInput Output Voltage Accuracy at 25°C And Temperature Coefficient LM4128 Supplied as 1000 units,Tape and Reel LM4128 Supplied as 3000 units,Tape and ReelPart Marking0.1%, 75 ppm/°C (A grade)LM4128AMF-1.8LM4128AMFX-1.8R5AA LM4128AMF-2.0LM4128AMFX-2.0R5BA LM4128AMF-2.5LM4128AMFX-2.5R5CA LM4128AMF-3.0LM4128AMFX-3.0R5DA LM4128AMF-3.3LM4128AMFX-3.3R5EA LM4128AMF-4.1LM4128AMFX-4.1R5FA 0.2%, 75 ppm/°C (B grade)LM4128BMF-1.8LM4128BMFX-1.8R5AB LM4128BMF-2.0LM4128BMFX-2.0R5BB LM4128BMF-2.5LM4128BMFX-2.5R5CB LM4128BMF-3.0LM4128BMFX-3.0R5DB LM4128BMF-3.3LM4128BMFX-3.3R5EB LM4128BMF-4.1LM4128BMFX-4.1R5FB 0.5%, 100 ppm/°C (C grade)LM4128CMF-1.8LM4128CMFX-1.8R5AC LM4128CMF-2.0LM4128CMFX-2.0R5BC LM4128CMF-2.5LM4128CMFX-2.5R5CC LM4128CMF-3.0LM4128CMFX-3.0R5DC LM4128CMF-3.3LM4128CMFX-3.3R5EC LM4128CMF-4.1LM4128CMFX-4.1R5FC 1.0%, 100 ppm/°C max (D grade)LM4128DMF-1.8LM4128DMFX-1.8R5AD LM4128DMF-2.0LM4128DMFX-2.0R5BD LM4128DMF-2.5LM4128DMFX-2.5R5CD LM4128DMF-3.0LM4128DMFX-3.0R5DD LM4128DMF-3.3LM4128DMFX-3.3R5ED LM4128DMF-4.1LM4128DMFX-4.1R5FDPin DescriptionsPin #Name Function1N/C No connect pin, leave floating2GND Ground 3EN Enable pin 4VIN Input supply 5VREFReference output 2L M 4128Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Maximum Voltage on any input -0.3 to 6V Output short circuit duration Indefinite Power Dissipation (T A = 25°C)(Note 2)350 mWStorage Temperature Range−65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec)260°C Vapor Phase (60 sec)215°CInfrared (15sec)220°C ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)Human Body Model2 kVOperating RatingsMaximum Input Supply Voltage 5.5V Maximum Enable Input Voltage V IN Maximum Load Current20mA Junction Temperature Range (T J )−40°C to +125°CElectrical Characteristics LM4128-1.8 (V OUT = 1.8V)Limits in standard type are for T J = 25°Conly, and limits in boldface type apply over the junction temperature (T J ) range of -40°C to +125°C unless otherwise specified.Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise specified V IN = 5V and I LOAD = 0A.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin (Note 4)Typ (Note 5)Max (Note 4)Unit V REFOutput Voltage Initial AccuracyLM4128A-1.8(A Grade - 0.1%)-0.1 +0.1%LM4128B-1.8(B Grade - 0.2%)-0.2 +0.2LM4128C-1.8(C Grade - 0.5%)-0.5 +0.5LM4128D-1.8(D Grade - 1.0%)-1.0 +1.0TCV REF / °C (Note 6)Temperature CoefficientLM4128A-1.8 75ppm / °C LM4128B-1.8 75LM4128C-1.8 100LM4128D-1.8100I Q Supply Current60100µA I Q_SD Supply Current in Shutdown EN = 0V37µA ΔV REF /ΔV IN Line Regulation V REF + 400 mV ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V 30 ppm / V ΔV REF /ΔI LOADLoad Regulation0 mA ≤ I LOAD ≤ 20 mA 25120ppm / mA ΔV REF Long Term Stability (Note 7)1000 Hrs50 ppm Thermal Hysteresis (Note 8)-40°C ≤ T J ≤ +125°C 75 V IN - V REFDropout Voltage (Note 9)I LOAD = 10 mA 200400mV V N Output Noise Voltage 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 170 µV PP I SC Short Circuit Current75mA V IL Enable Pin Maximum Low Input Level 35%V V IHEnable Pin Minimum High Input Level65%V LM4128Electrical Characteristics LM4128-2.0 (V OUT = 2.048V)Limits in standard type are for T J = 25°C only, and limits in boldface type apply over the junction temperature (T J ) range of -40°C to +125°C unless otherwise specified.Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise specified V IN = 5V and I LOAD = 0A.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin (Note 4)Typ (Note 5)Max (Note 4)Unit V REFOutput Voltage Initial AccuracyLM4128A-2.0(A Grade - 0.1%)-0.1 +0.1%LM4128B-2.0(B Grade - 0.2%)-0.2 +0.2LM4128C-2.0(C Grade - 0.5%)-0.5 +0.5LM4128D-2.0(D Grade - 1.0%)-1.0 +1.0TCV REF / °C (Note 6)Temperature CoefficientLM4128A-2.0 75ppm / °C LM4128B-2.0 75LM4128C-2.0 100LM4128D-2.0100I Q Supply Current60100µA I Q_SD Supply Current in Shutdown EN = 0V37µA ΔV REF /ΔV IN Line Regulation V REF + 400 mV ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V 30 ppm / V ΔV REF /ΔI LOADLoad Regulation0 mA ≤ I LOAD ≤ 20 mA 25120ppm / mA ΔV REF Long Term Stability (Note 7)1000 Hrs50 ppm Thermal Hysteresis (Note 8)-40°C ≤ T J ≤ +125°C 75 V IN - V REFDropout Voltage (Note 9)I LOAD = 10 mA 175400mV V N Output Noise Voltage 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 190 µV PP I SC Short Circuit Current75mA V IL Enable Pin Maximum Low Input Level 35%V V IHEnable Pin Minimum High Input Level65%V 4L M 4128Electrical Characteristics LM4128-2.5 (V OUT = 2.5V)Limits in standard type are for T J = 25°Conly, and limits in boldface type apply over the junction temperature (T J ) range of -40°C to +125°C unless otherwise specified.Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise specified V IN = 5V and I LOAD = 0A.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin (Note 4)Typ (Note 5)Max (Note 4)Unit V REFOutput Voltage Initial AccuracyLM4128A-2.5(A Grade - 0.1%)-0.1 +0.1%LM4128B-2.5(B Grade - 0.2%)-0.2 +0.2LM4128C-2.5(C Grade - 0.5%)-0.5 +0.5LM4128D-2.5(D Grade - 1.0%)-1.0 +1.0TCV REF / °C (Note 6)Temperature CoefficientLM4128A-2.5 75ppm / °C LM4128B-2.5 75LM4128C-2.5 100LM4128D-2.5100I Q Supply Current60100µA I Q_SD Supply Current in Shutdown EN = 0V37µA ΔV REF /ΔV IN Line Regulation V REF + 400 mV ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V 50 ppm / V ΔV REF /ΔI LOADLoad Regulation0 mA ≤ I LOAD ≤ 20 mA 25120ppm / mA ΔV REF Long Term Stability (Note 7)1000 Hrs50 ppm Thermal Hysteresis (Note 8)-40°C ≤ T J ≤ +125°C 75 V IN - V REFDropout Voltage (Note 9)I LOAD = 10 mA 175400mV V N Output Noise Voltage 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 275 µV PP I SC Short Circuit Current75mA V IL Enable Pin Maximum Low Input Level 35%V V IHEnable Pin Minimum High Input Level65%V LM4128Electrical Characteristics LM4128-3.0 (V OUT = 3.0V)Limits in standard type are for T J = 25°Conly, and limits in boldface type apply over the junction temperature (T J ) range of -40°C to +125°C unless otherwise specified.Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise specified V IN = 5V and I LOAD = 0A.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin (Note 4)Typ (Note 5)Max (Note 4)Unit V REFOutput Voltage Initial AccuracyLM4128A-3.0(A Grade - 0.1%)-0.1 +0.1%LM4128B-3.0(B Grade - 0.2%)-0.2 +0.2LM4128C-3.0(C Grade - 0.5%)-0.5 +0.5LM4128D-3.0(D Grade - 1.0%)-1.0 +1.0TCV REF / °C (Note 6)Temperature CoefficientLM4128A-3.0 75ppm / °C LM4128B-3.0 75LM4128C-3.0 100LM4128D-3.0100I Q Supply Current60100µA I Q_SD Supply Current in Shutdown EN = 0V37µA ΔV REF /ΔV IN Line Regulation V REF + 400 mV ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V 70 ppm / V ΔV REF /ΔI LOADLoad Regulation0 mA ≤ I LOAD ≤ 20 mA 25120ppm / mA ΔV REF Long Term Stability (Note 7)1000 Hrs50 ppm Thermal Hysteresis (Note 8)-40°C ≤ T J ≤ +125°C 75 V IN - V REFDropout Voltage (Note 9)I LOAD = 10 mA 175400mV V N Output Noise Voltage 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 285 µV PP I SC Short Circuit Current75mA V IL Enable Pin Maximum Low Input Level 35%V V IHEnable Pin Minimum High Input Level65%V 6L M 4128Electrical Characteristics LM4128-3.3 (V OUT = 3.3V)Limits in standard type are for T J = 25°Conly, and limits in boldface type apply over the junction temperature (T J ) range of -40°C to +125°C unless otherwise specified.Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise specified V IN = 5V and I LOAD = 0A.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin (Note 4)Typ (Note 5)Max (Note 4)Unit V REFOutput Voltage Initial AccuracyLM4128A-3.3(A Grade - 0.1%)-0.1 +0.1%LM4128B-3.3(B Grade - 0.2%)-0.2 +0.2LM4128C-3.3(C Grade - 0.5%)-0.5 +0.5LM4128D-3.3(D Grade - 1.0%)-1.0 +1.0TCV REF / °C (Note 6)Temperature CoefficientLM4128A-3.3 75ppm / °C LM4128B-3.3 75LM4128C-3.3 100LM4128D-3.3100I Q Supply Current60100µA I Q_SD Supply Current in Shutdown EN = 0V37µA ΔV REF /ΔV IN Line Regulation V REF + 400 mV ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V 85 ppm / V ΔV REF /ΔI LOADLoad Regulation0 mA ≤ I LOAD ≤ 20 mA 25120ppm / mA ΔV REF Long Term Stability (Note 7)1000 Hrs50 ppm Thermal Hysteresis (Note 8)-40°C ≤ T J ≤ +125°C 75 V IN - V REFDropout Voltage (Note 9)I LOAD = 10 mA 175400mV V N Output Noise Voltage 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 310 µV PP I SC Short Circuit Current75mA V IL Enable Pin Maximum Low Input Level 35%V V IHEnable Pin Minimum High Input Level65%V LM4128Electrical Characteristics LM4128-4.1 (V OUT = 4.096V)Limits in standard type are for T J = 25°C only, and limits in boldface type apply over the junction temperature (T J ) range of -40°C to +125°C unless otherwise specified.Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise specified V IN = 5V and I LOAD = 0A.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin (Note 4)Typ (Note 5)Max (Note 4)Unit V REFOutput Voltage Initial AccuracyLM4128A-4.1(A Grade - 0.1%)-0.1 +0.1%LM4128B-4.1(B Grade - 0.2%)-0.2 +0.2LM4128C-4.1(C Grade - 0.5%)-0.5 +0.5LM4128D-4.1(D Grade - 1.0%)-1.0 +1.0TCV REF / °C (Note 6)Temperature CoefficientLM4128A-4.1 75ppm / °C LM4128B-4.1 75LM4128C-4.1 100LM4128D-4.1100I Q Supply Current60100µA I Q_SD Supply Current in Shutdown EN = 0V37µA ΔV REF /ΔV IN Line Regulation V REF + 400 mV ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V 100 ppm / V ΔV REF /ΔI LOADLoad Regulation0 mA ≤ I LOAD ≤ 20 mA 25120ppm / mA ΔV REF Long Term Stability (Note 7)1000 Hrs50 ppm Thermal Hysteresis (Note 8)-40°C ≤ T J ≤ +125°C 75 V IN - V REFDropout Voltage (Note 9)I LOAD = 10 mA 175400mV V N Output Noise Voltage 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 350 µV PP I SC Short Circuit Current75mA V IL Enable Pin Maximum Low Input Level 35%V V IHEnable Pin Minimum High Input Level65%V Note 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage may occur to the device. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications, see Electrical Characteristics.Note 2:Without PCB copper enhancements. The maximum power dissipation must be de-rated at elevated temperatures and is limited by T JMAX (maximum junction temperature), θJ-A (junction to ambient thermal resistance) and T A (ambient temperature). The maximum power dissipation at any temperature is:P DissMAX = (T JMAX - T A ) /θJ-A up to the value listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. θJ-A for SOT23-5 package is 220°C/W, T JMAX = 125°C.Note 3:The human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 k Ω resistor into each pin.Note 4:Limits are 100% production tested at 25°C. Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed through correlation using Statistical Quality Control.Note 5:Typical numbers are at 25°C and represent the most likely parametric norm.Note 6:Temperature coefficient is measured by the "Box" method; i.e., the maximum ΔV REF is divided by the maximum ΔT.Note 7:Long term stability is V REF @25°C measured during 1000 hrs.Note 8:Thermal hysteresis is defined as the change in +25°C output voltage before and after cycling the device from (-40°C to 125°C).Note 9:Dropout voltage is defined as the minimum input to output differential at which the output voltage drops by 0.5% below the value measured with a 5V input. 8L M 4128Typical Performance Characteristics for 2.5VOutput Voltage vs Temperature20211054Load Regulation20211055Line Regulation 202110560.1 - 10 Hz Noise20211021Output Voltage Noise Spectrum 20211057Power Supply Rejection Ratio vs Frequency20211058LM4128Dropout vs Load to 0.5% Accuracy 20211008Typical Long Term Stability20211030Supply Current vs Input Voltage20211053Shutdown I Q vs Input Voltage20211010Ground Current vs Load Current20211018Line Transient ResponseV IN = 3V to 5V20211051 10L M 4128Load Transient ResponseILOAD= 0 to 10mA20211050Short-Circuit Protection and Recovery20211082Start-Up Response20211083 LM4128Application InformationTHEORY OF OPERATIONThe foundation of any voltage reference is the band-gap cir-cuit. While the reference in the LM4128 is developed from the gate-source voltage of transistors in the IC, principles of the band-gap circuit are easily understood using a bipolar exam-ple. For a detailed analysis of the bipolar band-gap circuit,please refer to Application Note AN-56.SUPPLY AND ENABLE VOLTAGESTo ensure proper operation, V EN and V IN must be within a specified range. An acceptable range of input voltages isV IN > V REF + 400 mV (I LOAD ≤ 10 mA)The enable pin uses an internal pull-up current source (I PULL_UP ≊ 2 µA) that may be left floating or triggered by an external source. If the part is not enabled by an external source, it may be connected to V IN . An acceptable range of enable voltages is given by the enable transfer characteris-tics. See the E lectrical Characteristics section and E nable Transfer Characteristics figure for more detail. Note, the part will not operate correctly for V EN > V IN .COMPONENT SELECTIONA small ceramic (X5R or X7R) capacitor on the input must be used to ensure stable operation. The value of C IN must be sized according to the output capacitor value. The value of C IN must satisfy the relationship C IN ≥ C OUT . When no output capacitor is used, C IN must have a minimum value of 0.1 µF.Noise on the power-supply input may affect the output rger input capacitor values (typically 4.7 µF to 22 µF) may help reduce noise on the output and significantly reduce over-shoot during startup. Use of an additional optional bypass capacitor between the input and ground may help further re-duce noise on the output. With an input capacitor, the LM4128will drive any combination of resistance and capacitance up to V REF /20 mA and 10 µF respectively.The LM4128 is designed to operate with or without an output capacitor and is stable with capacitive loads up to 10 µF.Connecting a capacitor between the output and ground will significantly improve the load transient response when switching from a light load to a heavy load. The output ca-pacitor should not be made arbitrarily large because it will effect the turn-on time as well as line and load transients.While a variety of capacitor chemistry types may be used, it is typically advisable to use low esr ceramic capacitors. Such capacitors provide a low impedance to high frequency sig-nals, effectively bypassing them to ground. Bypass capacitors should be mounted close to the part. Mounting bypass ca-pacitors close to the part will help reduce the parasitic trace components thereby improving performance.SHORT CIRCUITED OUTPUTThe LM4128 features indefinite short circuit protection. This protection limits the output current to 75 mA when the output is shorted to ground.TURN ON TIMETurn on time is defined as the time taken for the output voltage to rise to 90% of the preset value. The turn on time depends on the load. The turn on time is typically 33.2 µs when driving a 1µF load and 78.8 µs when driving a 10 µF load. Some users may experience an extended turn on time (up to 10 ms) under brown out conditions and low temperatures (-40°C).THERMAL HYSTERESISThermal hysteresis is defined as the change in output voltage at 25ºC after some deviation from 25ºC. This is to say that thermal hysteresis is the difference in output voltage between two points in a given temperature profile. An illustrative tem-perature profile is shown in Figure 1.20211038FIGURE 1. Illustrative Temperature ProfileThis may be expressed analytically as the following:WhereV HYS = Thermal hysteresis expressed in ppm V REF = Nominal preset output voltageV REF1 = V REF before temperature fluctuation V REF2 = V REF after temperature fluctuation.The LM4128 features a low thermal hysteresis of 190 µV from -40°C to 125°C.TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTTemperature drift is defined as the maximum deviation in out-put voltage over the operating temperature range. This devi-ation over temperature may be illustrated as shown in Figure 2.20211039FIGURE 2. Illustrative Temperature Coefficient Profile Temperature coefficient may be expressed analytically as the following: 12L M 4128TD= Temperature driftVREF= Nominal preset output voltageVREF_MIN= Minimum output voltage over operatingtemperature rangeVREF_MAX= Maximum output voltage over operatingtemperature rangeΔT = Operating temperature range.The LM4128 features a low temperature drift of 75 ppm (max)to 100 ppm (max), depending on the grade, from -40°C to125°C.LONG TERM STABILITYLong-term stability refers to the fluctuation in output voltageover a long period of time (1000 hours). The LM4128 featuresa typical long-term stability of 50 ppm over 1000 hours. Themeasurements are made using 5 units of each voltage option,at a nominal input voltage (5V), with no load, at room tem-perature.EXPRESSION OF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSElectrical characteristics are typically expressed in mV, ppm,or a percentage of the nominal value. Depending on the ap-plication, one expression may be more useful than the other.To convert one quantity to the other one may apply the fol-lowing:ppm to mV error in output voltage:Where:VREFis in volts (V) and VERRORis in milli-volts (mV).Bit error (1 bit) to voltage error (mV):VREFis in volts (V), VERRORis in milli-volts (mV), and n is thenumber of bits.mV to ppm error in output voltage:Where:VREFis in volts (V) and VERRORis in milli-volts (mV).Voltage error (mV) to percentage error (percent):Where:VREFis in volts (V) and VERRORis in milli-volts (mV).PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD and LAYOUTCONSIDERATIONSReferences in SOT packages are generally less prone to PCboard mounting than devices in Small Outline (SOIC) pack-ages. To minimize the mechanical stress due to PC boardmounting that can cause the output voltage to shift from itsinitial value, mount the reference on a low flex area of the PCboard, such as near the edge or a corner.The part may be isolated mechanically by cutting a U shapeslot on the PCB for mounting the device. This approach alsoprovides some thermal isolation from the rest of the circuit.Bypass capacitors must be mounted close to the part. Mount-ing bypass capacitors close to the part will reduce the para-sitic trace components thereby improving performance.LM4128Typical Application Circuits20211026FIGURE 3. Voltage Reference with Complimentary Output20211027FIGURE 4. Precision Voltage Reference with Force and Sense Output20211028FIGURE 5. Programmable Current Source 14L M 4128Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise notedSOT23-5 PackageNS Package Number MF05A LM4128NotesL M 4128 S O T -23 P r e c i s i o n M i c r o p o w e r S e r i e s V o l t a g e R e f e r e n c eTHE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. NATIONAL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLE TE NE SS OF THE CONTE NTS OF THIS PUBLICATION AND RE SE RVE S THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGE S TO SPE CIFICATIONS AND PRODUCT DE SCRIPTIONS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE . NO LICE NSE , WHE THE R E XPRE SS,IMPLIE D, ARISING BY E STOPPE L OR OTHE RWISE , TO ANY INTE LLE CTUAL PROPE RTY RIGHTS IS GRANTE D BY THIS DOCUMENT.TE STING AND OTHE R QUALITY CONTROLS ARE USE D TO THE E XTE NT NATIONAL DE E MS NE CE SSARY TO SUPPORT NATIONAL’S PRODUCT WARRANTY. E XCE PT WHE RE MANDATE D BY GOVE RNME NT RE QUIRE ME NTS, TE STING OF ALL PARAME TE RS OF E ACH PRODUCT IS NOT NE CE SSARILY PE RFORME D. NATIONAL ASSUME S NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR BUYE R PRODUCT DE SIGN. BUYE RS ARE RE SPONSIBLE FOR THE IR PRODUCTS AND APPLICATIONS USING NATIONAL COMPONE NTS. PRIOR TO USING OR DISTRIBUTING ANY PRODUCTS THAT INCLUDE NATIONAL COMPONENTS, BUYERS SHOULD PROVIDE ADEQUATE DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATING SAFEGUARDS.EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN NATIONAL’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, NATIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOE VE R, AND NATIONAL DISCLAIMS ANY E XPRE SS OR IMPLIE D WARRANTY RE LATING TO THE SALE AND/OR USE OF NATIONAL PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE , ME RCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGE ME NT OF ANY PATE NT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHE R INTE LLE CTUAL PROPE RTY RIGHT.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL ’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN L IFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein:Life support devices or systems are devices which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness.National Semiconductor and the National Semiconductor logo are registered trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation. All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.Copyright© 2006 National Semiconductor CorporationFor the most current product information visit us at National Semiconductor Americas Customer Support Center Email:new.feedback@ Tel: 1-800-272-9959National Semiconductor Europe Customer Support Center Fax: +49 (0) 180-530-85-86Email: europe.support@ Deutsch Tel: +49 (0) 69 9508 6208English Tel: +49 (0) 870 24 0 2171Français Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 91 8790National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support Center Email: ap.support@National Semiconductor Japan Customer Support Center Fax: 81-3-5639-7507Email: jpn.feedback@ Tel: 81-3-5639-7560。

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