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Criticality safety analysis of CNSC spent fuel assembly transport container
ZHANG Min1 WZHANG Liang1 PAN Yuting1
1(Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 102445, China)
摘要 临界安全作为乏燃料组件运输容器的一项重要安全指标,需经过计算和分析以判断其是否满足法规标 准。为分析中国核工业集团有限公司(China National Nuclear Corporation,CNSC)乏燃料组件运输容器临界安 全 设 计 是 否 满 足《放 射 性 物 品 安 全 运 输 规 程》的 要 求 ,使 用 蒙 特 卡 罗 程 序 MCNP(Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code)构建了保守临界计算模型,对正常和事故工况下 CNSC 乏燃料组件运输容器进行了临界计算分 析。分析表明:正常运输条件下单个货包和货包阵列的 keff最大值为 0.804 25,小于次临界限值,临界安全指数为 0;事故工况下单个货包和货包阵列的 keff最大值为 0.813 17,小于次临界限值,临界安全指数为 0。可见,正常和 事故工况下,CNSC 乏燃料组件运输容器的 keff最大值均小于 0.94 的次临界限值,临界安全指数为 0,满足法规标 准要求。 关键词 CNSC 运输容器,临界安全分析,临界安全指数 中图分类号 TL731 DOI: 10.11889/j.0253-3219.2020.hjs.43.030502
第 43 卷 第 3 期 2020 年 3 月
Vol.43,No.3 March 2020
CNSC 乏燃料组件运输容器临界安全分析
张 敏1
王 婧 2 洪 哲 1 李小龙 1 张 亮 1 潘玉婷 1
1(生态环境部核与辐射安全中心 北京 102445) 2(国防科工局核技术支持中心 北京 100080)
2(The Support Center of China Atomic Energy Agency, Beijing 100080, China)
Abstract [Background] Critical safety index, as an important safety indicator for the transport container of spent fuel assembly, needs to be calculated and analyzed to determine whether it meets regulatory standards. [Purpose] This study aims to analyze whether the critical safety design of the spent fuel assembly transport container of China national nuclear corporation (CNSC) meets the requirements of the "Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material". [Methods] The conservative critical calculation model was constructed by using Monte Carlo programs. The critical calculation of the spent fuel assembly transport container of the CNSC under normal and accident conditions was carried out, Both the overall effective multiplication coefficient, i. e., keff, and the critical safety index were analyzed. [Results] The analysis results show that the maximum keff of a single package and package array is 0.804 25 under normal conditions, which is less than the subcritical limit and the critical safety index is 0; the maximum keff of a single package and package array under the accident conditions is 0.813 17, which is also less than the subcritical limit and the critical safety index is 0. [Conclusion] Under normal and accident conditions, the maximum keff of the CNSC spent fuel assembly transport container is less than the subcritical limit of 0.94, and the critical safety index is 0, which meets the requirements of regulatory standards. Key words CNSC transport container, Critical safety analysis, Critical safety index