碳滑板 中英文术语对照
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碳滑板性能properties of carbon contact strip
体积密度volume density
冲击韧性impacting toughness
电阻率Electrical resistivity [,ri:zis'tivəti]
肖氏硬度Shore Hardness
洛氏硬度Rockwell Hardness ['rɒk,wel]
剪切强度[ʃɪə] Shear strength
粘接电阻adhesive current resistance
流动连续性flow continuity [,kɒntɪ'njuːɪtɪ]
密封完整性sealing integrity [ɪn'tegrɪtɪ]
电流承受能力Current capability
耐温性,耐热性temperature resistance
挠曲性能Flexural property
弯曲特性Inflection characteristic
机械疲劳试验Mechanical fatigue test [fə'ti:ɡ]
机械强度mechanical strength
机械强度指的是:a)抗压强度(compressive strength),
b)抗折强度flexural strength ['flekʃərəl] –SIGI的说法(合作框架里用
breaking strength)
c)抗拉强度(tensile ['tensaɪl] strength)
表观密度apparent density ['densəti]
高度磨耗比height wear rate
重量磨耗比weight wear rate
万机车公里1000 km of locomotive operation
万弓架次10000 times of pantograph operation
导电性electrical conductivity
导热性thermal ['θə:məl] conductivity
抗磨特性antifriction property
抗震特性good damping property [damp: reduce (noise etc.) ]
抗/耐化学品的Chemical resistant
抗腐蚀的corrosion resistant 或是corrosion proof 或是resilience to corrosion
抗折强度['flekʃərəl] flexural strength
A.D.D.-capability 自动降弓能力
自动降弓系统A.D.D. = automatic dropping device (for damage indication or indication of wear limit)
(carbon coated horn): low electrical resistant across joint
全碳碳条All-carbon strips:
很低的热膨胀very low thermal ['θə:məl] expansion
尺寸稳定性Excellent dimensional stability ;
浸金属碳滑板metal impregnated carbon contact strips
摩擦系数(物理学)coefficient [,kəʊɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nt] of friction
不易弯曲Arc resistant
弯曲易恢复arc extinguishing
隔热thermal insulation [ɪnsjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n]
保温hot insulation
保冷Cold insulation
【物理学】孔积率;孔隙度Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti]
加强Extra strong
特强double extra strong
防止无线电干扰Prevention of radio interference
可形成一层保护层:Formation of protective coating (patina: 金属或矿物等的氧化表层) No need for Lubrication [,lu:bri'keiʃən] 润滑
很低的无线电干扰low radio frequency
连接车顶受电弓的滑板Sliding strip for roof mounted pantograph
快速接头quick connector
堵头end cap
气道air tube
气嘴儿:Air connection
内置螺纹嵌件Thread insert
六角螺母(带非金属嵌件)hex. nut with non-metallic insert
碳端角carbon horn layer
铝托aluminum [ə'ljuːmɪnəm] carrier
(气嘴上的)端帽end cap (好像端头的堵头和气嘴上的堵头都用这个)
螺纹screw thread
双头螺柱/螺栓[stʌd] stud bolt (霍夫曼常用)或double-end bolt
Hex. socket button head screw (如下图)
Hex. socket countersunk head screw (bellow) 沉头螺钉,可缩写为CSK Head screw
倒角deburring [di'bə:riŋ]
金属端角metal horn layer 或是metal end-horn
自动脱弓检测传感器Autodrop detection sensor
六角螺母hexagon ['heksəɡən] nut
结构和加工名称Structure and Processing
气流系统air flow system
纵截面longitudinal section (longitudinal [,lɒn(d)ʒɪ'tjuːdɪn(ə)l;])横截面cross section
横截面积cross sectional area
尺寸DIM Dimension
弦高chord [kɔːd]height
半径R radius ['reidiəs]
直径DIA Diameter [daɪ'æmɪtə]
表面处理polishing/surface processing
无极研磨stepless grinded
铣削Milling ['miliŋ]貌似是用spot face cutter 铣削机做
磨床,锯床sawing machine (saw blade 圆锯片)
砂带磨削床Belt grinding machine
平头flat head
沉头countersunk head
埋头孔,扩孔Counterbore holes
埋入头reduced countersunk head
全检full inspection
抽检spot check 或是sample inspection 或是sampling inspection 良品qualified products, up-to-grade products
次品,不良品defective products, not up-to-grade products
断口,断裂fracture ['fræktʃə] (比裂纹大)
无多余的导电胶滴no spare conductive adhesive
缺胶hungry joint
(碳面的)拼接Split joint
缺料incomplete filing (碳面上的坑)
间隙过大excessive gap
过多的缺陷excessive defects
极严重缺陷critical defect
主要缺陷major defect
次要缺陷minor defect
不合规格not up to standard
交货期delivery deadline
弯曲Bending 或是warping , warp [wɔ:p]
脱壳shucking (The dictionary definition of shucking is to remove the outer skin of something.) 针孔pin hole
海绵sponge [spʌn(d)ʒ]
凸起embossment [im'bɔsmənt](浮雕,凸起) 或是adj. Raised
折痕crease mark
碰伤handling mark
刮伤scratch [skrætʃ]
表面光洁度surface finish
免检exemption from inspection 或是inspection exemption
免税Tax exemption
质量检测质量管理Quality control
具备完整的功能fully functional
链,悬链线Catenary [kə'ti:nəri](overheaded wire)
铜铝导线steel aluminum conducting wire
铜银合金导线Cu-Ag alloy ['ælɒɪ] conducting wire
角度公差angle tolerance
偏差,误差Deviation [,di:vi'eiʃən]
游标卡尺vernier caliper ['və:niə] ['kælipə]
现有库存on-hand inventory
外形contour ['kɔntuə]
烧结金属['sintə] sinter metal:
铸铁cast iron
拉力Tensile ['tensaɪl]
运输和付款Delivery and Payment
运费付至CPT abbr. (carriage paid to) 如:CPT Beijing
发货人consignor [kən'saɪnə]
收件人,收货人Consignee [,kɔnsai'ni:]
始发站机场,启运机场airport of departure
Linz [lints] 林茨(奥地利北部港口,位于多瑙河畔)
目的地机场airport of destination
责任范围Limitation of liability
单价price unit
电汇(telegraphic transfer)
未完税交货DDU= delivered duty unpaid
未完税交货(DDU, Delivered Duty Unpaid---named port of destination),指卖方负责租订运输工具,在规定的时间内将已清关货物运抵指定的目的地,在运输工具上交货并承担交货前的费用、风险的贸易术语。
如:DDU Beijing (according ICC INCOTERMS 2000)
完税后交货DDP=Delivered Duty Paid
完税后交货(DDP, Delivered Duty Paid---named place of destination):指卖方负责租订运输工具,按时将已清关货物运抵指定的目的地,缴纳进口税后在运输工具上交货,并承担交货前的费用、风险的贸易术语。